
cnfi don't know if this is the right place, but i have some questions about using preseed.08:43
cnfis there a way to get the installer to ask confirmation for prefilled values?08:44
cjwatsond-i name/of/question string value09:31
cjwatsond-i name/of/question seen false09:31
cjwatsonlike that09:31
cjwatsonbelieve this is documented in the installation guide09:32
antarusheh, that partitioning guide is super outdated09:34
antarusahh a pointer to the expert recipe syntax!09:37
* antarus goes to read09:38
cnfcjwatson: oeh, shiny, let me try that!09:40
cnfcjwatson: perfect! you are hero of the day!09:44
cjwatsonyou're welcome09:53
patraulecjwatson: I just read your explanation for OBJ_TYPE_PREFIX, thanks10:44
patrauleI had just hexdump'ed grubx64.efi and all I could find was /EFI/ubuntu in the binary (not /boot/grub), that's why I assumed the former was embedded at build time10:45
cjwatsonyou'd be better off looking at the source :)10:48
cjwatsonno point trying to reverse-engineer when you don't have to10:48
cjwatsonthe embedded prefix there is just for the purpose of loading a bootstrap configuration file10:48
patrauletrue since it's not related to the ubuntu patchset anyway. thanks agian10:52
cjwatson... but it is related to the Ubuntu patch set10:55
cjwatsonsigh :)10:55
psivaacjwatson: Reported bug 1126107 for raring installation failures on KVM11:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1126107 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity does not start during raring desktop installations using libvirt and KVM " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112610711:42
* cjwatson defers to somebody who isn't exhausted from 12.04.211:44
cjwatsonsorry, have very little brain today11:44
* xnox syncs images....11:48
ogra_hmm, i wonder if thats the same i see on the nexus7 where oem-config exposes a similar behavior11:50
* ogra_ didnt get very far yesterday, but i definitely saw issues with ubiquity-dm not starting ... 11:51
ogra_psivaa, can you take a look at hidden files in /tmp and as well at /var/log/installer/dm ? my ac100 images seem to have /tmp/.X0-lock inside the images which seems to confuse the dm (i wonder if that exists on x86 too)11:53
psivaaogra_: this failure is only on KVM based installations on libvirt for me, on those I cant access the logs because there is no responses to any key presses.11:58
ogra_ouch, ok11:58
psivaaogra_: but the installation goes ok on vbox and there is no /tmp/.X0-lock file as such11:58
ogra_there goes my theory of a misbehaving package then11:59
ogra_thanks !11:59
psivaaogra_: sorry i just noticed the 'hidden' file that you mentioned and contrary to what i said there is .X0-lock file, my apologies12:01
psivaaunder /tmp/ that is12:01
ogra_before you get to any X stuff ?12:01
ogra_(what dles the installer dm log say ... here i have lots of errors from X trying to start)12:02
psivaano this is after the installation starts fine on vbox, but the dm does not say any errors, let me pastebin it12:04
cjwatsonyou'd expect /tmp/.X0-lock after X is running12:06
cjwatsonogra_ is talking about a problem he's observed where the filesystem image itself already contains /tmp/.X0-lock and thereby prevents X from starting properly12:06
psivaaohh ok, thanks. In that case, i can not see those logs on the failing system but the images don't appear to have /tmp/.X0-lock12:21
ogra_k, thanks12:29
* ogra_ will just dig more into the nexus image12:29
ogra_xnox, did your wallpaper fix already land in the archive ?13:23
* ogra_ doesnt see an upload 13:24
xnoxogra_: no. and i'm failing to make it work. no mater what i do the x root window doesn't get wallpaper painted on it.13:24
xnoxand even distilling g-s-d plugin doesn't seem to make it work either.13:25
ogra_i see a bunch of bugs that seem to point to ubiquity-dm dieing ... others fall back to the live session then, nexus indeed doesnt13:25
ogra_xnox, lets just use the compiz plugin then .... flavours should just add their specific wallpaper handler13:26
xnoxjust running ubiquity/oem config on the host/installed system works.13:26
xnoxnot sure what else has changed on the cd though.13:26
ogra_bug 112379813:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 1123798 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity-dm crashed with dbus.exceptions.DBusException in call_blocking(): org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Activation of org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit timed out" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112379813:27
ogra_there are others that dont directly point to dbus but expose similar behavior13:27
ogra_ debian/patches/nexus_orientation.patch: Wait until a DBus connection to13:35
ogra_    the xrandr module is in place before trying to change orientation13:35
ogra_thats from the 12th13:35
ogra_which is when the nexus7 breakage started13:36
xnoxogra_: ubuntu boots and starts fine in the VM.13:52
ogra_xnox, well, comment #5 on the above bug says ubuntu has it too ... k13:54
cjwatsonWow, bug 664526 is a real bug.  I genuinely wasn't expecting that.13:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 664526 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Raring) "setting nomodeset in grub, if live session was started with nomodeset" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66452613:56
ogra_hmm, k14:52
ogra_so booting with break=bottom, then remounting /root as rw and removing /tmp/.X0-lock gets me into X14:53
ogra_hmm, but only once14:56
ogra_how weird14:56
xnoxogra_: either mountall didn't clean /tmp14:56
ogra_well, there is something else too14:57
xnoxogra_: or we can add that before spawning X in ubiquity14:57
ogra_yeah, i would have added it to ac100-tarball-installer if its device specific though14:57
ogra_but there is also something going on with g-s-d, my second attempt hung againg14:58
* ogra_ makes g-s-d non executable14:58
xnoxogra_: oem-config starts on starting lightdm which starts on filesystem which means that /tmp has been cleared by mountall15:00
ogra_the point with /tmp/.X0-lock is that X should actually just fal back to the next display15:01
xnoxogra_: but you only have one.15:01
ogra_and just create a .X1-lock15:01
xnoxyeah, I'm confused.15:01
ogra_i have as many as i like until it ate up all RAM15:01
xnox(me didn't manage to start a second x display on a different tty but that's different)15:02
ogra_anyway, i seem to be able to reliably get into X when removing the lock *and* making g-s-d non executable15:02
ogra_(and having the rootfs rw)15:07
ogra_and it only seems to work with all three15:09
ogra_i'm booting without splash and quiet ... and i can see that fsck doesnt complain, everything eles upstart starts boots up fine15:13
* ogra_ doesnt get whats going on15:13
ogra_permissions seem fine too15:16
gemaxnox: I have a question for you15:17
gemaxnox: we'd like to have some messages in the installer log that allows us to know when to stop waiting for a machine because the installation is broken15:18
gemaxnox: we'd like to set up a meeting to discuss the topic early next week, are you the right person to talk to?15:18
xnoxgema: i think cjwatson would be a much better choise.15:19
cjwatsonAs long as it doesn't involve a meeting15:19
gemadoanac: are you around?15:19
cjwatson(overkill for this!)15:19
gemacjwatson: we can do IRC no prob15:20
xnoxgema: what do you define as "installation is broken" =)15:20
gemaxnox: when something has gone so wrong that it is clear there won't be a system to test at the end15:20
gemaxnox: kind of a "no return" message15:20
gemathat allows us to kill the install and report a failure15:21
xnoxand preseeding ubiquity/failure_command does fire for you?15:21
cjwatsonWe could log something from a top-level exception handler, but what about cases where the installer aborts too abruptly to be able to log anything, or when it doesn't even start?15:21
xnoxs/does/does not/15:21
gemacjwatson: I guess those cases are hopeless15:22
cjwatsonCertainly there's no reason to suppose that anything we log explicitly would be any more reliable than ubiquity/failure_command, as xnox says15:22
cjwatsonIt's already called from a last-ditch exception handler15:22
gemaxnox: tell me more about that ubiquity/failure_command15:22
gemahow does it work?15:22
cjwatsonubiquity ubiquity/failure_command string syslog -t ubiquity OH MY GOD I FELL OVER15:22
cjwatsoner, s/syslog/logger/ - something that actually works anyway :)15:23
xnoxgema: it's like ubiquity/success_command (a string of shell script that will be executed) but runs when ubiquity falls over.15:23
gemaexcellent we'll try that15:23
xnoxgema: i'd suggest to listen for a positive stimuli from success_command and a negative one from failure_command with a timeout for gray state where things fell-over too quickly for ubiquity to report that to you15:24
gemaso the success command is like a heartbeat?15:24
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xnoxgema: neither of them are hearbeat like.15:25
xnoxgema: they are run once at the end and nothing will happen afterwards.15:25
gemaxnox: then how does the positivee negative stimuli works?15:25
xnoxgema: well if you didn't reach either of failure/success that means e.g. kernel/X crashed ubiquity didn't start and wait for a timeout.15:26
xnoxgema: if success/failure was reached you will get a message you can act upon -> e.g. run tests, abort.15:26
gemasounds like an improvement from where we are15:27
gemajcollado: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbiquityAutomation <- ubiquity/failure_command or success_command15:27
xnoxwith a timeout you go into 'unknown' state of maybe try again and if that jobs keeps on hitting unknown state something is going horribly wrong.15:27
gemaxnox: timeout is what we have at the moment15:28
gemabut people are complaining that it takes too long to figure out that something went wrong15:28
xnoxgema: a hearbeat would be like watching ubiquity: messages on the rsyslog with a small timeout (e.g. ~2 minutes)15:28
gemaxnox: ok15:28
xnoxand I belive nuclearbob was working on having rsyslog on all utah desktop installs.15:29
jcolladoxnox: What happens if something went wrong in the success_command? Is there any way to detect that?15:29
gemaxnox: so if not message in say 5 mins, something broke15:29
gemaxnox: yes, that is almost ready15:29
xnoxjcollado: wrap your success_command in a try/execpt hook. I guess we can check the return code of succeess_command and run failure_command if the success_command fails.15:30
xnoxcjwatson: should failure_command run if success_command exits with != 015:30
xnox(currently success_command return codes are ignored)15:30
cjwatsonPossibly, but bear in mind that that would be an interface change15:31
cjwatsoni.e. it wouldn't at all surprise me if people had success_command hooks that harmlessly exited non-zero (e.g. the thing where a shell script exits with the exit status of the last command even if you don't use set -e)15:32
xnoxtrue, and from ubiquity point of view - installation did succeed it's a 'presseeder' error in the success_command.15:32
cjwatsonjcollado can certainly solve his immediate requirement by having the success_command do its own checks15:32
jcolladoxnox, cjwatson: Sounds reasonable. Thanks.15:33
ogra_so the lock was a red herring15:38
ogra_its definitely not inside the tarball15:38
ogra_so lets try over ... but put rw on the kernel cmdline15:38
* ogra_ reboots and crosses fingers15:56
jcolladoxnox: One more question. Do you know if there's an equivalent of ubiquity/failure_command in debian installer?15:56
xnoxcjwatson: ^15:59
* xnox doesn't see anything obvious with a quick d-i grep15:59
cjwatsonjcollado: no, but main-menu should whine about component failures in syslog16:05
jcolladocjwatson: Ok, thanks.16:08
cjwatsongrepping for 'exited with status [^0]' should do it ...16:08
jcolladocjwatson: That's helpful.16:09
ogra_hmm so booting with rw doesnt seem to change a thing16:22
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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