[00:07] Fuchs: you can just remove the ban and the bantracker/ubottu will update themself [00:08] lovely, thanks [00:08] sure thing [00:09] but yeah talk to AlanBell if you want/need BT access. [00:09] that would be more "need" than want, I try to avoid using the staff- or member based access to do things and have local ops handling things. [00:10] But for now it is fine, if I can just remove them (note that I did inform ops about the ban, probably just was forgotten ...) [00:10] it happens [00:10] I know, I am an op as well [00:11] even in ubuntu channels, poor me ;( [00:27] i thought we set up staff access to bantracker ages ago [00:28] possible, then I'd just wouldn't know how to use it [00:28] also unless you did it in a generic way: I wasn't around ages ago [00:28] i never got told the details [00:29] as said, I'd be happy to not having it, as I try to keep intervening to a minimum [00:30] it was just as much useful for staff to see if someone was being an ass in more than one namespace [00:33] we have our own means for that [04:42] In #ubuntu, minuseven said: !ubottu what is the meaning of life? === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang === head_victim is now known as jared_ [17:03] tread lightly [17:04] Pici: right channel ? [17:04] ikonia: just saying it out loud somewhere [17:04] ha ha ha