
=== Lexmazter is now known as Lexmazter|zZzZz
Akiva-Thinkpadbobweaver: Heh, that was the game that shipped on the htc dream00:01
Akiva-ThinkpadNot bad, but laggy00:01
Akiva-Thinkpadand the sound would vibrate its motion detection00:01
dmdthey shipped a lagy default app?00:02
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: Meh, android always felt laggy to me00:02
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: Never was too hot on it using java, bloated piece of rubbish00:03
Akiva-ThinkpadWhat do you think for an isometric type on a phone?01:10
Akiva-ThinkpadStaggered, or diamond?01:10
dmdisn't that more the coordantes system?01:12
dmdi'd use staggered since it looks more grid like01:12
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: I am thinking particularly for making the most out of phone realstate01:14
Akiva-ThinkpadI assumed staggered01:14
dmdthen it shouldn't make a difference, you can just have the eccess off screen01:14
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: Well of course01:14
Akiva-Thinkpadspeaking of which, I heard unity is being ported to linux01:14
dmdyeah but not the dev tools01:15
dmdmaybe someday01:15
Akiva-Thinkpadoh, so you can not develope with it?01:15
dmdyou need a mac or windows01:16
Akiva-ThinkpadBah, I have xp installed on this machine. I love how today, I don't have to convince myself that linux is better to use. I simply can't stand windows anymore01:17
dmdI'm doing a internship at microsoft in 2 months. I'll be using win8 and supporting vista-8, that will be interesting01:18
dmdits clear from my resume I am open source, yet they still took me01:19
dmdpoor microsoft01:19
j-bdmd: what are you working on? Are you working at Opentech?01:20
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: I watched a google tech talk with the opensource guy at microsoft01:20
dmdI'm in sustained engineering, the team maintains exisitng versions of windows01:21
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: It was weird, and he felt weird about it, but to his credit, he has tried to move the company in the right direction.01:21
dmdAkiva-Thinkpad: do you know the link? That would be interesting01:21
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: let me try google. Its pretty old by now01:21
Akiva-Thinkpadprobably 200801:22
Akiva-Thinkpador maybe it was an open source conference...01:22
comjfAkiva-Thinkpad: I was just catching up on the messages for today, and if you're starting a project to learn I'm looking for one to help on01:23
comjfAkiva-Thinkpad: I know very little QML though01:23
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: Well this is a project that I am doing to help me learn it as well.01:24
comjfAkiva-Thinkpad: nice, do you use github?01:24
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: If you like my concept though, maybe you'll have as much fun as I am having. No, just launchpad. I'll throw myself on that tonight though01:24
comjfAkiva-Thinkpad: Ah, well I'm working on something right now to learn how to wrap c++ into QML objects, but once you have things set up and an idea let me know. I'd love to work on a project to learn this stuff more. Best way to learn01:26
comjfI don't know how launchpad works haha, new to ubuntu, but I have one I think and will figure it out01:27
comjfcan you add someone?01:27
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: No doubt. In short, I could describe my idea as a cross between world of tanks, and front mission 1. With historical models to rely on, the content is already written, and with isometric, it should be a cinche to develope.01:27
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: Arch guy?01:28
comjfAkiva-Thinkpad: arch yeah, how did you know haha01:29
dmdman archies are taking over01:29
Akiva-ThinkpadThat is all linux is now. Pragmatic folks use ubuntu, Enthuthiast geeks use arch, JPEG lovers use Fedora, and the rest tend to be mmmm01:30
Akiva-Thinkpadwell specialized.01:30
comjfdmd: I was ubuntu but left last release with this bug that no one cared about haha: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/100264101:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 1002641 in compiz (Ubuntu) "after upgrade to 12.04 amd64 Gnome Classic not properly draw second screen" [Low,Confirmed]01:30
Akiva-Thinkpadlike that bitcoin distro01:30
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: Ah, yah01:31
Akiva-ThinkpadThat would make one leave ~01:31
comjfI spend about a month trying to get dual screens to work, and couldn't01:31
dmdyeah but even gnome fallback was not the same01:31
comjfI feel that's more then a low priority, but it must be something specific to mysetup or hardware01:31
dmdI had to move on, unity has gotten nice01:31
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: Yes, unity GROWS on you.01:32
chriadamcomjf: to expose C++ functionality to QML objects, simply expose the functionality via QObject Q_PROPERTYs and Q_INVOKABLE functions.  See http://doc-snapshot.qt-project.org/qt5-stable/qtqml/qtqml-cppintegration-topic.html for more information.01:32
chriadamcomjf: dual screens?  Use disper.01:32
Akiva-ThinkpadI no longer resent my useless super button01:32
Akiva-Thinkpadand for that matter, my capslock neither. Colemak has liberated me!01:33
comjfchriadam: thanks, I need to figure it out, just started playing with QML yesterday haha. Trying to get my c++ up to snuff first01:33
dmdmultiple windows of the same app open is still painful though01:33
comjfchriadam: I actually haven't tried dual monitors on 12.10 yet, as this is my laptop not primary machine01:33
Akiva-Thinkpadthat is one thing I have to say that linux does better than anyone else, is, it lets me set my keyboard layout without a headache.01:33
dmdmy desktop is multimon 12.1001:34
dmdno complaints01:34
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: That is good to here01:34
comjfanyone have an opinion of system76 products?01:35
Akiva-ThinkpadMy laptop is a convertible touch tablet, you know, those thinkpads. It really put into perspective allot of the design choices for ubuntu01:35
Akiva-Thinkpadfor example, the reason why when you scroll windows, a small little side bar pops up wherever your mouse goes.01:36
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: I owned one01:36
bobweavercomjf,  I have a little sys76 I like it01:36
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: My lappy, as I found out, was basically a refurbished chinese mobo01:37
Akiva-Thinkpadwhich is fine, I don't expect them to make their own hardware01:37
comjfhaha yeah... thinking about getting one. Anyone have a recommended system?01:37
Akiva-Thinkpadand it is practical for them to just slap a shell on one of their machines01:37
dmdmy friend just got a thinkpad carbon and he loves it01:38
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: Frankly, I would suggest the thinkpad01:38
dmdhe is using 12.10 with it01:38
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: Really, the carbon??01:38
Akiva-ThinkpadI was looking at that, seemed interesting. didnt look as durable though01:38
dmdrazer thin thing01:38
Akiva-Thinkpadperhaps I am wrong though01:38
dmdmy t510 is way too heavy01:39
Akiva-ThinkpadCarbon is lousy on the battery I think though01:39
dmdif i were to upgrade it would be a carbon or the carbon's successor01:39
Akiva-Thinkpadthe thinkpad x series still steals the show01:39
comjfaren't they pretty bulky01:39
Akiva-Thinkpadwhat is it, like 18 hour battery lifes01:39
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: They are boxy, but durable.01:40
Akiva-Thinkpadand the tablet pc is bulkier01:40
comjfhonestly I really would like something with a decent touchpad01:40
Akiva-Thinkpadwhere as the regular x is like 66 percent the size, and 66 percent the weight.01:41
comjfI have to give credit to apple, they have a great touchpad and OS support for it01:41
comjfI havent found anyhting even close01:41
dmdthinkpads have the trackpoint, 10x better than any trackpad01:41
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: Well the lenovos have the best keyboards in the market. :P01:41
comjfdmd: trackpoint?01:41
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: The little red nub?01:41
Akiva-ThinkpadI bought an x60 tablet for 120 a month ago for my main pc, it has no trackpad, just that nub01:42
Akiva-Thinkpadits alright, given the age though, mine sometimes gets stuck on wandering01:42
dmda while back my trackpad was deactivating on its own. It took ages for me to notice since I was using the trackpoint without thinking about it01:42
Akiva-Thinkpadthinkpads also are spill proof01:43
dmdAkiva-Thinkpad: ah I know what you mean01:43
Akiva-Thinkpadha ha01:43
dmdyou can fix that by tapping the trackpad01:43
Akiva-ThinkpadI don't have a trackpad01:43
Akiva-Thinkpadx60 is 200601:43
dmdthat might be an issue01:43
Akiva-Thinkpadcore 2 duo though, and battery is a good 4 hours.01:43
Akiva-Thinkpadlol, for 120 off craigslist, it was a pretty good deal01:44
Akiva-Thinkpadfyi, you will usually hook anything you want for 1/4th the asking price on craigslist; you just have to be patient enough01:44
Akiva-Thinkpadalthough, offer too little, and some people will send you fake addresses to go to01:45
dmdthat would be a pain01:45
comjfthinkpads look pretty good now that I look at them, though, I was interested in system76 simply because it supports linux so much and it's good for the ecology as a whole01:47
dmdall the thinkpads are sent to canonical to get certified01:48
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: well, they do support the linux action show01:48
Akiva-ThinkpadI was just mad that they sold out of their cute 13 inch laptops way back01:48
comjfyeah and the W530 does look tempting haha01:48
Akiva-ThinkpadI also complained yesterday to a lenovo consultant that I could not ship my damn new lenovo if I were to buy one, without windows01:48
Akiva-Thinkpadhe said they used to do that, but took it away because of the imbeciles calling in and wondering why their computer wasn't working.01:49
dmdmakes sense01:49
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: I'd say get the x series. The battery is bloody unbeatable01:49
Akiva-Thinkpadlike, were talking 15 hours +01:50
comjfAkiva-Thinkpad: W has More than 20 hours with a 9-cell slice battery01:50
dmdthe w series is a desktop replacement, I'd skip that01:50
dmdyou'll adjust to a regular laptop screen without issue01:50
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: any interest in touch capability?01:50
comjfI would like a good graphics card is the only thing01:50
dmdalso skip that01:50
Akiva-Thinkpadfor games?01:50
comjfno, dont like touch01:50
dmdintel's are the best on linux01:51
dmdI went for a nvidia dedicated on my t51001:51
Akiva-ThinkpadYah, I really have to hand it to intel01:51
comjfyes, games (dual boot) and GPU programming01:51
dmdregret that, all it does is consume for battery01:51
Akiva-Thinkpadthey are the first chips that don't lag compiz for me01:51
Akiva-Thinkpadand that really ticked me off with nvidia and its post throttling01:51
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: the battery life on the newer i7's have been getting progressively worse too01:52
Akiva-Thinkpadespecially considering they are not adding cores, and they are only improving performance by like 10 percent per year01:53
Akiva-Thinkpadwhy did amd have to drop the ball so hard?01:53
dmdamd is dead, they never stood a chance01:53
dmdintel has the fab tech and volume01:53
dmdinteresting to see what the console business does to amd01:54
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: They were better for awhile01:54
Akiva-Thinkpadbut ati did not pan out01:54
Akiva-ThinkpadAMD licensed ARM I heard01:54
dmdarm does not need amd01:54
dmdarm is only even more compettive01:54
Akiva-ThinkpadArm could replace x8601:54
dmdthen perfect01:54
dmdbut amd is only of use thanks to their access to x86 patents01:55
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: i am not tremendously familiar with the platform, but I understand it is much leaner01:55
Akiva-Thinkpadright, they got some 4000 patents I think01:55
dmdthe key to arm's success is the licensing model01:55
dmdany one can fab them01:56
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd:  how is that?01:56
Akiva-ThinkpadI am kicking myself now01:56
Akiva-ThinkpadI looked into them some time ago01:56
dmdarm is pulling the same tactic that won the PC for microsoft01:56
Akiva-Thinkpadand thought that it would never happen01:56
dmdand is winning mobile for google01:56
Akiva-ThinkpadGoogle has its own problems, specifically, pissing me off with its ads and search results01:57
Akiva-Thinkpadand for not porting sketchup01:57
comjfabout ads, how do I get them off the dash01:57
comjfI uninstalled amazon but they are still there01:57
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: I forgot about them to be honest01:58
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: in the next release, they are revamping it01:58
Akiva-Thinkpad12.10 is a "Come along for the ride" release, so I'd just say, wait till april01:58
Akiva-ThinkpadI don't know, am I being to harsh in saying that system76 laptop models are bland and boring?02:00
comjfhaha possibly02:01
dmdoh no you didn't!02:01
Akiva-ThinkpadI didnt mind my machine, but it didnt take to falling very well02:01
Akiva-Thinkpadscreen cracked, and yah02:01
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: I was able to get hackintosh running fairly well on it though02:01
comjfnot much innovation, but its more money to the linux ecosystem02:01
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: Thats how I felt02:02
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: just complain to lenovo about their linux offerings02:02
Akiva-Thinkpadcomjf: Or what about dell?02:02
comjfnot a fan of del02:02
Akiva-ThinkpadThey have cleaned up their reputation in manny ways02:02
comjfthey screwed my years ago02:03
Akiva-Thinkpadyah, years ago they were terrible02:03
Akiva-Thinkpadavoid samsung btw, their efi may brick your system if you install ubuntu02:04
comjfhaha ok02:06
Akiva-Thinkpaddell to me though is also bland and boring, although those super thin laptops were certainly interesting02:07
dmddell needs more time to prove themselves02:07
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: Or a makeover02:09
Akiva-ThinkpadLenovo thinkpads still steal the show for me. BLAND ON PURPOSE, and thus awesome.02:09
dmdthey are not bland they are timeless02:10
dmdtimeless tanks02:10
Akiva-ThinkpadSad that IBM does not head them anymore02:10
dmdlenovo has done a fine job02:10
Akiva-ThinkpadThey have02:10
Akiva-Thinkpadexcept, no linux. And if something goes wrong with my machine, they would reinstall windows.02:11
Akiva-ThinkpadAnd drivers for linux can sometimes be a pain02:11
Akiva-Thinkpadmmmm what do you think of this isometric style? http://www.dedoimedo.com/images/games/openttd_ss_3_large.jpg02:27
dmdsimcity 2000!02:27
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: its openttd02:28
Akiva-Thinkpadwhich btw, is so much fun playing online02:28
Akiva-Thinkpadits like starcraft, except business oriented02:28
dmdyeah I've played openttd, bit too complex for me02:28
dmdbut that isometric really reminded me of sim city 20002:29
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: learning curve is tough. After reading tutorials though02:29
Akiva-Thinkpadit becomes obsessive02:29
Akiva-Thinkpaddmd: One thing I am wondering with this style, is can drop off cliffs be implimented02:29
Akiva-Thinkpadyes yes they can,02:30
Akiva-Thinkpadrollercoaster tycoon tells me so02:30
Akiva-Thinkpadwow, gimp is impossible with a stylus03:33
Akiva-Thinkpadand frustrating with its window scheme03:34
Akiva-ThinkpadI have never liked that about gimp03:34
Akiva-Thinkpadfloating windows always get in my way, and then they get lost03:34
usererrorAkiva-Thinkpad: I think its under the windows menu, you can set it to single-window mode.. as of v 2.803:46
usererroralso, I agree.. the floating windows = pain in the butt03:47
comjfI'm getting my fingers wet with C++ in order to eventually bind it with QML, but strange issue: my program runs, then gives a seg fault. The funny thing is, if I put a print statement as the line right before return 0, it works, so what;s causing the seg fault?03:49
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isaiashelp, please. I just bought my Nexus 7 just so I could get Ubuntu on it. It goes black after showing the Ubuntu booting up06:46
isaiasI've tried the Installer, and even a manual install using an older version.06:47
bobweaverisaias,  what img was that that you tried to install ?07:01
bobweaverhuh kinda late you have tried talking in #ubuntu-arm ?07:03
isaiasthey gave me that one07:03
bobweaverI think that there is a nexus 7 room07:04
bobweaverI am not sure isaias  I am sure that someone will come along that has one of them07:06
isaiasi hope they come on soon, lol. i wanted to take it to work xD07:07
WaltherIs there going to be any merges between Ubuntu Phone and Ubuntu for Nexus 7?10:21
WaltherAt least in my opinion, even if Nexus 7 has a 1280x800 resolution, it could benefit from a more phone-y / tablet-y UI10:21
Walther(Oh, and I would be glad to help testing that)10:21
=== Lexmazter|zZzZz is now known as Lexmazter
isaiasAnyone familiar with installing Ubuntu on Nexus 7?10:50
isaiasI cant seem to get mine working10:51
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popeyisaias: probably best asking in #ubuntu-arm10:55
isaiasi did. just hoping someone here could answer since no one there is avaible, and its somewhat the same technology :P10:57
isaiasthank you though :)10:57
lecrsim confused10:58
lecrsis it tehre already?10:58
chefsunterwhy i get here?10:59
Akiva-Thinkpadlecrs: Do a barrel roll11:07
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isaiasanyone here know how to deal with problems when installing ubuntu on a Nexus 7? My screen goes black after the boot logo12:53
ubuntubhoy#ubuntu-arm would be your place12:57
ubuntubhoyhow long have you left it12:57
ubuntubhoyfirst boot takes a little time12:58
isaias08:55 <ogra_> there is a bug in the images atm .... being worked on13:08
isaias08:55 <ogra_> try again on the weekend13:08
isaiasthats from #ubuntu-arm13:09
darthmuffinswould anyone be interested in the email client supporting the exchange / activesync protocol?13:42
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wastreldarthmuffins: i think many people would be interested14:03
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darthmuffinsI definitely was hoping so. I love the ubuntu phone platform, and I really would like to see it widely adopted. I think given the slow decline of RIM, some market share is becoming available... maybe14:04
darthmuffinsand if we could get a good exchange client developed, it would help the platform's acceptance a lot14:04
Guest48764hi iam hema , i just love this ubuntu phone , and concept behind this14:06
WaltherI just had a nice chat at -arm with a dev about the fate of Nexus7. I was given the impression that the "nexus7 ubuntu" project is actually not intended for end users but as a unity developing tool, so I'm kinda starting to hope that the actual Ubuntu Phone...14:07
Walther...OS would support the Nexus 7 as well14:07
Waltheras in, to get the same UI and UX running on n7 as well14:07
Guest48764i like to work it on my galaxy ace plus , is there any way to run it , or idea for running it virtually14:08
darthmuffinsI concur about nexus 7 support14:14
darthmuffinsIt really has more value if it supports a few form factors, and the flagship google products are a great start14:14
Guest48764is there any way running running  ubuntu phone os virtually14:14
darthmuffinsThe apps i've started for uphone i've made sure they can handle responsive layout changes, like from a phone to a tablet14:14
darthmuffinsthere is not so far - its marked 'development' currently, but as I understand it, will be released when its ready14:15
wastrelis there a follow on tutorial once i've completed the currency converter tutorial14:16
Guest48764okay how to contribute in development team14:16
wastrelor is it just, here's the api docs have fun14:16
wastrelGuest48764: you can install the sdk14:17
darthmuffins@wastrel: thats how I understand it. Although the ubuntu SDK just provides some custom QML classes, I'd recommend the QML tutorials if you want more info:14:17
meetingologydarthmuffins: Error: "wastrel:" is not a valid command.14:17
darthmuffinsguest# - the official dev teams are closed, you can make patches and submit branches though14:18
darthmuffinswastrel: also, I'd highly recommend learning how to make your own QML classes inside of C++ (using Qt) if you're doing performance intensive applications14:18
Guest48764@darthmuffins : thanks , since iam new to  this , where i can see the bug list , and how to start??14:21
meetingologyGuest48764: Error: "darthmuffins" is not a valid command.14:21
wastreldarthmuffins: i would have to learn C++ first14:23
darthmuffinsthose are great places to get started but be warned: the main source for uPhone has not been released yet14:23
darthmuffinsmost of the bzr repos are just placeholders, and there are no bugs reported that mean anything yet14:23
darthmuffinswastrel: lol no worries, just a suggestion, since QML is powerful, but limited14:24
wastreli've got some C background but never used C++14:24
darthmuffinswell in 5 seconds:14:25
darthmuffins- Its easy to make syntactically valid C++ if you know C14:25
darthmuffins- Designing good C++ code will take you a while14:25
darthmuffins- The Qt tutorials are excellent if you just want to hack away underneath QML14:25
wastreltyvm you're my new favourite14:27
darthmuffinshaha np14:28
darthmuffinsi'm now going to be on here a lot, always as 'darthmuffins'14:28
isaiashey. any way I can look at the code for anything? xD I just want to see how things are put together. (teaching myself programming)14:29
darthmuffinsisaias: anything specific?14:30
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isaiasnot really. I just want to see how its all put together, even though I wont understand much of it, lol14:32
wastrelisaias: did you do the currency converter tutorial?14:32
darthmuffinsunderstandable. be aware the source code has not been released by the canonical 'skunkworks' team yet14:33
isaiaswastrel: never heard of it14:33
darthmuffinslearn QML as well for that14:33
darthmuffinsand javascript14:34
isaiasso Ubuntu phone uses QML and Javascript?14:35
darthmuffinsits mainly Qt based14:36
darthmuffins(obviously there is a native renderer, but they haven't released details about it yet)14:36
NickCellhi all, Ubuntu for phone will have the same security than Ubuntu for PCs ???14:37
isaiasdarthmuffins: hehehe, thanks.14:38
Ruslandarthmuffins: what exactly can you provide for extended email support? do you have library/app/ideas?14:39
darthmuffinsrusian: I can provide a github account where I will be doing development (its quite barren at the moment)14:40
darthmuffinsmy company intends to provide an exchange client for ubuntu phone. whether we provide it as a standalone application, integrate it with the existing email client, etc has not been decided yet.14:41
wastrelactivesync is what mobile devices typically support afaik14:42
wastrelversus mapi, correct?14:42
wastreli use davmail on my linux to get my exchange mail14:42
wastrelit is not bad14:42
wastreljava iirc14:43
darthmuffinscool, thanks for the reference14:43
darthmuffinsI'll take a look at it14:43
NickCellany reference about ubuntu_phone security ??14:43
wastrelNickCell: it's early days, i don't know that there's much info about anything yet14:44
darthmuffinsnick: more specifically... what?14:44
wastrelmuch less specifics about specific14:44
wastreli've read there's nothing like android intents currently but maybe in the future14:44
darthmuffinsit depends on what you mean by 'security'14:45
NickCellSo, the security will be the same than Ubuntu for PCs, for example, with root account ??14:45
darthmuffinsyep, based on a very similar kernel to the upstream android one14:46
mhall119Hi guys, more core apps mockups have posted, this time from Canonical's Design Team: http://design.canonical.com/2013/02/app-patterns-applied-core-utilities-for-ubuntu-on-phones/14:54
Svennyany official release date for the phone?15:06
darthmuffinsMark Shuttleworth has said a few times he's planning on Oct '1315:12
darthmuffins(for a finished product)15:12
Akiva-ThinkpadHeh, I am having a great time planning this game15:24
Akiva-ThinkpadI think it will be a great hit, and pretty straightforward to program assuming I can get a decent isometric engine15:25
Akiva-ThinkpadI am thinking I will call it "World of Tactics"15:27
darthmuffinsare there no iso engines for linux? (idk much about the game industry)15:30
darthmuffins(warning: might be off topic for this, sorry)15:31
wastrelis it called "grumpy avians"15:33
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: All I want is the capabilities of the Rollercoaster tycoon terrain, ie, slopes and drop off cliffs. The source code for one of these should not be too hard to find. Openttd after all is all scratch15:33
wastreloh nvm15:33
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: I was looking at that, I havn't decided what I want to go with yet15:34
darthmuffinsi got you. I think games will be very important for the success of the uphone, so I'm glad we've got some devs15:34
Akiva-ThinkpadI am just right now trying to define the rules of the game15:34
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: Uphone15:35
Akiva-ThinkpadUmake that up?15:35
darthmuffinsvery encouraging. I really think a successful app marketplace with premium games will help vault it into mainstream, hopefully more sales numbers than the USC15:35
darthmuffinsuPhone... lol15:35
darthmuffinsyeah, not like someone else probably hasn't called it that tho15:36
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: Well it might be good branding15:36
Akiva-Thinkpadbetter than calling it an iphone or android "Killer"15:36
darthmuffinsyeah, I'm going to keep calling it the uPhone15:36
Akiva-ThinkpadCalling something  "Killer" is usually indicative of wishful thinking15:37
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: What about, "The Shuttleworth"15:37
Akiva-ThinkpadHey, let me grab my shuttleworth, and dock on to your computer15:37
darthmuffinswhile pretty awesome sounding, i feel like that wouldn't help the platform15:38
Akiva-Thinkpadanyways, my game is going to be a cross between World of tanks and Front Mission. I think I will make it partly turn based in order to compensate for the phone.15:39
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: Ubuntu is really strange branding. Its memorable, but it doesnt roll off the tongue.15:39
darthmuffinscool. QML and js?15:39
darthmuffinsavkiva: I sort of agree. I like the name, but it does have drawbacks to the masses, imo15:40
Akiva-ThinkpadMmmm, I'll probably put it in python first, and then convert it appropriately.15:40
darthmuffinsuPhone is cool though15:40
darthmuffinsyou'll have to look into how, the ubuntu sdk only provides easy rendering using their QML classes, but we really just need to have a look at the full source before getting a good idea15:41
Akiva-Thinkpaduphone is though, unoriginal. The letter has been done to death. First the e's, then the i's, and now the u's?15:41
darthmuffinshaha i know, but its also:15:42
darthmuffinsidk, its just what i've been calling it to type less lol15:42
Akiva-ThinkpadLinux was a good choice for the os name15:42
Akiva-ThinkpadI forget what Linus wanted to call it, but I remember it being really dumb15:43
Akiva-ThinkpadSlackware I think remains the coolest distro name. Too bad ubuntu isnt using that as its platform15:43
Akiva-ThinkpadLet me grab my slacks15:43
darthmuffinsslackware is cool15:44
darthmuffinsif up to me, i'd keep it branded ubuntu something though, since the whole point is to provide a desktop OS in the mobile device, and ubuntu has a very strong desktop OS following already15:45
Akiva-ThinkpadThe animals were a cool idea15:45
Akiva-Thinkpadthey rejected my idea for J though, "Jumping J. Edgar Hoover"15:46
Akiva-ThinkpadJackalope though was pretty legendary15:46
darthmuffinsyeah, major awesome points for jackalope15:47
nOStahlwonder how this project will spur off ubuntu for tablets15:47
Akiva-ThinkpadI was thinking of making my app good for ubuntu desktop and phone, and when you enter a tourny, you could be like; Mobile users vs Desktop users :D15:47
Akiva-ThinkpadnOStahl: Ubuntu for tablets is... well, ubuntu.15:48
Akiva-ThinkpadGo complain to lenovo that they don't ship ubuntu15:48
nOStahlnot exactly15:48
darthmuffinsnope, i think for tablets it will mimic phones15:48
darthmuffinsits a touch interface, and that is the major divider between desktop and mobile15:48
darthmuffinsits a fundamentally different way of interacting15:48
nOStahlthe interface is not touch friendly with straight ubuntu15:48
Akiva-ThinkpadThey are the only decent hardware company  with class.15:48
Akiva-ThinkpadnOStahl: i am using a thinkpad tablet laptop15:48
Akiva-Thinkpadit works well15:48
Akiva-Thinkpadthe stylus and the inability to do input is a bit unfortunate, but time will come when this is available15:49
nOStahltoo bad they don't have express card slots in tablets15:50
nOStahlcould put that express card slot mouse in there15:50
nOStahland be off and running for the day heh15:50
isaiaswill the phone support flash? :D15:56
isaiasi mean, anything is possible with open source, but since its a phone, and no phone supports it...15:57
Ruslanisaias: why do you need it?15:57
darthmuffinsno reason to: see HTML515:57
isaiassome websites15:57
darthmuffinsthose websites (i promise) are all moving to HTML515:58
darthmuffinsimo, its a dying tech15:58
darthmuffinssorry :/16:02
isaiasthats alright, lol16:03
Akiva-ThinkpadAnyways, anyone interested in what I have in mind for my game? As said, it will be a cross between this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbWrscGyqIg and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGDwJ1nH7HQ16:03
darthmuffinsmy $0.02:16:05
darthmuffinsI don't like turn based games16:05
darthmuffinsI wouldn't mind helping you write the engine16:05
darthmuffinsI'm not into playing games as much any more16:05
Akiva-ThinkpadThe content is very natural, given that the models will be based on historical tanks16:05
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: I am thinking that it would be...mmmm, a quasi turn based. Rather16:06
Akiva-Thinkpadi was thinking that you issue orders to active units, they move to where you want, and you are notified when something comes up16:06
Akiva-ThinkpadI was hoping that the way I set up the isometrics, that it will act mostly as an easy means for creating waypoints,16:07
isaiasFF Tactics, with tanks?16:07
Akiva-ThinkpadYah, more or less16:07
Akiva-ThinkpadRight now, I am just building my roadmap on a google spreadsheet16:08
darthmuffinsits a lot to consider, game engines are complex. want to start a discussion else where than the phone channel for this? I've done a simple game engine before, i could probably help out some16:08
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: This should be pretty straightforward insolong as I outline the classes and functions that need to be built, and keep the roadmap updated16:09
Akiva-ThinkpadAlso the graphics should be easy given that it is historical models; allot can be copy, rendered, and pasta'd16:10
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: The unity engine caught my eye, but I am told that no dev tools exist for it yet on linux16:10
darthmuffinstrue, but we still don't know much about how the uPhone renders. QML is straightforward with respect to its openGL contexts, but still lots to think about16:10
darthmuffinsthat is correct16:10
darthmuffinsmore important than designing classes, a higher level information architecture should be considered, imo16:11
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: What do you mean?16:11
darthmuffinsie: where does data come from and go to in your engine. what provides what data. how does an event get passed on16:11
darthmuffinslike a flowchart. that's what i've always started with (after defining goals and design criteria)16:12
Akiva-ThinkpadYes yes, that all will get sorted out before I start, well the obvious things anyways.16:12
Akiva-ThinkpadI love flowcharts16:12
Akiva-ThinkpadWell, I like heirarchichal spreadsheets better16:12
darthmuffinsboth are good16:13
Akiva-ThinkpadFlowcharts are a pain to setup sometimes :P16:13
Akiva-ThinkpadDammit rhombus, fit!16:13
darthmuffinstrue... but give google draw a try16:13
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: Is it multi editable?16:13
Akiva-Thinkpadwell I guess it must be...16:14
darthmuffinsmulti editable?16:17
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Akiva-ThinkpadWhat is a good word for "Completed to satisfaction, but could still be worked on and improved"16:19
wastreli am thirsty16:25
darthmuffins... for ubuntu?16:25
wastreli suppose16:27
Akiva-Thinkpadwastrel: Do a barrel roll16:28
nOStahlso ubuntu for phones - when docked it boots full blown ubuntu desktop?16:28
mhall119nOStahl: that's the plan16:29
darthmuffinsidk if boots would be correct, but thats how I understand it16:30
mhall119for high-end phones anyway16:30
mhall119and yeah, it won't "boot" it'll just switch the shells16:30
nOStahlmhall119: is there a possibility of doing it without it docked as well16:30
mhall119nOStahl: using the desktop shell on a phone screen?16:30
nOStahli.e. with stylus or whatever is needed but ya16:31
darthmuffinsso many cool potentials here... we will find out a lot more when the source is released16:34
mhall119nOStahl: the phone shell will be much more usable on a phone screen16:36
mhall119even with a stylus16:36
nOStahlwhat if there is no app for a certain function yet16:36
nOStahland I want to check a server monitor etc16:36
darthmuffinsit will have a terminal...16:37
darthmuffinscmnd line FTW16:37
nOStahlyes but just examples of real world use cases :)16:37
mhall119nOStahl: all that would be different is the Unity shell16:37
mhall119if you don't have an app, putting it into desktop mode won't change anything16:38
mhall119it won't be different version of Ubuntu running the Phone UI and the docked desktop UI16:39
nOStahlI guess what I'm thinking is that it could be a scaled screen of a normal desktop i.e. for resolution purposes16:40
darthmuffinsI think he's asking if you have a desktop app, and you've installed in when your phone is in desktop mode, then you try to run it in phone mode. what happens if it doesn't have a specific phone ui?16:40
nOStahlaye I'm not still clear on the way it all operates :)16:41
mhall119that's not really defined yet, but I don't think there would be a difference running it on the phone screen with the phone UI compared to the desktop UI also on the phone's screen16:42
mhall119so basically if the app will run on the phone's screen, it'll do so just as well with the phone shell16:42
nOStahlwill there be screen scaling or scrolling with the phone ui16:43
nOStahlso if I load a desktop app that needs 768 by 1024 to see the whole program etc16:43
wastreli'm going to write a phone app for ubuntu16:44
mhall119nOStahl: I don't think that's been determined yet16:44
mhall119wastrel: what kind?16:45
Ruslanoh, btw, are there any plans for fb2/epub reader?16:45
Ruslanor I would be forced to port FBReader again?16:45
darthmuffinsi'm working on an exchange client for uPhone16:45
mhall119Ruslan: there aren't any plans for an e-book reader that I know of yet, an FBReader port would be nice though, I love FBReader16:46
nOStahldarthmuffins: I have been running a zimbra server for several years now.16:46
Ruslanmhall119: I'm able to port an c++ version, as I've already done for MeeGo Harmattan16:47
darthmuffinsyeah, fbreader wouldbe great16:47
Ruslanbut I wonder, is it possible to use Okular instead?16:47
darthmuffinsi like the exchange protocol, very convenient at the user lever16:47
wastrelmhall119: probably a very bad one16:47
mhall119Ruslan: I don't know16:47
Ruslanor it leak Qt5 support?16:47
mhall119Ruslan: there is full Qt5 and QML2 support in Ubuntu Phone16:48
nOStahldarthmuffins: make sure your code plays nice with z-push16:48
darthmuffins(and yay for that, Qt is awesome)16:48
mhall119that is our primary toolkit focus16:48
darthmuffinsif z-push is in fact compliant, it will be16:48
Ruslanmhall119: I mean Okular's support for Qt5 :)16:48
nOStahldarthmuffins: it is THE open source exchange connector deal , zarafa and zimbra can use it16:49
Ruslanit's KDE-dependent application, and kdelibs are not fully ported to Qt5 yet16:49
mhall119Ruslan: oh, that I wouldn't know16:49
Ruslanalso I don't know if it possible at all to use kdelibs at Ubuntu Phone16:49
darthmuffinsqt5 had relatively minor changes for a major version increment16:49
darthmuffinsit shouldn't be too hard to help out if they aren't supporting it yet16:50
darthmuffinsand yeah, I'll be testing my client against zpush, zimbra, and a trial of mses 201316:50
nOStahldarthmuffins: great to hear16:50
nOStahlahhh its going to be a perfect world soon for me with ubuntu phone16:51
Ruslanhm, also, does anybody know "alredy working" smtp/imap/pop3 implementations which are possible to reuse in default e-mail application?16:51
nOStahlwish that a hardware vendor would make something solid feeling like the iPhone 5 though16:51
darthmuffinsrusian: thats included in the plan for the 'core' email client16:53
darthmuffinsaccording to the website16:53
darthmuffinsyeah, hardware-wise, iphone 5 is sublime16:53
nOStahlI just bought an iPhone 5 month and half ago16:54
darthmuffinsive still got my old gnexus16:54
nOStahlgood thing my wife's contract on her blackberry is not up yet - so i'll be able to give her this iPhone 5 and find myself a device to put ubuntu phone on16:55
wastrelRuslan: what about something like fetchmail16:55
nOStahlthat galaxy note looks interesting with the big screen and stylus16:55
Ruslandarthmuffins: sorry, what do you mean?16:56
Ruslanwastrel: I suppose there can be license issues16:57
RuslanI can't just copy it's source to an application16:57
Ruslanso library is preferred, not an application16:57
darthmuffinsrusian: what was your question?16:58
darthmuffinsthere are libs that implement common mail protocols i think16:58
Ruslandarthmuffins: I've found only libmailcommon, which is part of kde, libevolution, which is part of gnome17:01
Ruslanother one are strange17:01
darthmuffinsi prefer imap to pop17:03
Ruslandarthmuffins: thanks for links :)17:04
Ruslandarthmuffins: I also, but there are still popular pop-only servers in real world17:05
darthmuffinstrue. and i wouldn't use them lol17:05
Ruslani.e. historically mail.ru is one of the most poopular e-mail provider in ex-USSR, but technically it's too stupid17:06
darthmuffinsyeah, lots of FOSS projects like that are still around17:07
Ruslanso we have to support this protocol :(17:07
KevinWrightRuslan: how about this http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-labs/messagingframework17:08
rsalvetinews about the public images ^17:08
RuslanKevinWright: oh, it's still alive?17:08
KevinWrightRuslan: well alive is a relative term :)17:09
KevinWrightRuslan: if you mean still on gitorius and getting an occasional commit yes it appears so17:10
darthmuffinsrsalveti: ty for link17:10
darthmuffinsbbl y'all17:11
Ruslandarthmuffins: it's still Qt4-only, as I see17:16
RuslanKevinWright: is porting qmessagingframework a part of e-mail client development? or there are other ideas17:16
RuslanKevinWright: message before is also for you %)17:16
KevinWrightRuslan: I was just noticing the same thing, that it had not been ported to Qt517:17
KevinWrightRuslan: Not sure how useful it might be. I noticed that the messaging module also isn't available either17:18
RuslanKevinWright: wonderfull %) also, what's about account issue? do you have an answer or not yet?17:18
KevinWrightRuslan: that came up in another unrelated discussion today and it seems the thing I wanted to get confirmed is unclear, so we'll need to come up with something ourselves17:19
KevinWrightRuslan: But I'll keep asking around just in case17:20
RuslanKevinWright: also, what's about telepathy support in UP?17:20
Ruslanor there will be no messaging system?17:20
ajalkaneQtTelepathy support would be great17:21
Ruslanthat's not related to e-mail client, but I'm interested)17:22
KevinWrightRuslan: I'm unsure myself about the specifics in that space17:23
Ruslanok %)17:23
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RuslanKevinWright: so it's possibly is needed to write own implementation? %)17:33
Ruslanhi, bugs!17:33
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-phone to: Discussion for all things regarding Ubuntu for Phones | This channel is logged to http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | If nobody is here use http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/mobile | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuPhone | http://www.canonical.com/content/touch-developer-preview-ubuntu-be-published-21-february-2013
Andy80I have installed these packages https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-beta-proper but when I call "qmake -v" from terminal I get: qmake: could not open config file '/usr/share/qtchooser//default.conf': No such file or directory17:41
Andy80any idea how to fix it?17:41
wastrelis qtchooser installed?17:42
wastrelapt-get install qtchooser17:42
mhall119bah, popey beat me to it already17:50
wastrelso i need a new phone between now and feb21 so i can use my gnex for this17:52
manojhello all17:53
mhall119more news in there, images for the Nexus 4 will be provided as well17:55
wastreloh i could just get a nexus 4 then :]17:56
wastrelmakes sense becasue nobody can get gnex anymore17:56
mhall119they're all over ebay17:57
wastreloh :[17:59
wastrelheh i never think of ebay18:00
* bobweaver wonders if it is uTouch 18:02
bobweaverAny one want to help me make weather app ?18:02
Andy80wastrel, let me check...18:04
Andy80wastrel, yes, it's installed18:04
mhall119bobweaver: uTouch was renames, it's OIF now18:11
* Andy80 is getting a Lumia 920 next week, just in time :D18:11
* jo-erlend has bought the Nexus 7 and is wondering if this is also the right time to get a Galaxy Nexus. 18:11
bobweaverahh cool sorry mhall119  for that late response I m in meeting (TV)18:17
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benkaisermhall119: How hard will it be to port the source of the Ubuntu Phone OS to other devices / what experience would I need?18:55
rsalvetiStskeeps: hey18:55
mhall119benkaiser: I don't know, but we're targetting Android-compatible devices, so it shouldn't be any harder than porting Android18:56
rsalvetiStskeeps: so, we're not forking hybris :-) we just had a custom version to help getting the stuff up to speed, the goal is to clean that up and start sending the patches back to you in a few days18:56
doomlorddo you know if any phones can display 1920x1080p when docked (even if they have lower res displays) - i gather some can output video like this -but is that a seperate path18:56
rsalvetiStskeeps: and also making the package available at ubuntu (raring)18:56
Stskeepsrsalveti: that'd be lovely, thanks18:56
doomlorde.g is the underlyiing hardware capable of 1920x1080, its just android isn't reworked for it18:56
Stskeepsrsalveti: looking forward to seeing what you've done with it18:57
rsalvetiyeah :-)18:57
benkaisermhall119: that's a worry, it takes carriers / manufacturers 6-12 months to port new android versions18:58
mhall119benkaiser: it takes Cyanogen/XDA hackers significantly less time18:59
benkaisermhall119: so true... which I can testify to with my android 4.2 running on my Galaxy Note atm... But tbh I have never contributed to the CM community19:00
Akiva-ThinkpadI was thinking of dividing my project into 5 basic classes, Governing Rules,Artificial Intelligence,Map Generator,Interface,Content19:32
Akiva-ThinkpadThink I can get away with this?19:32
ajalkaneNo I don't19:32
Akiva-Thinkpadajalkane: Yah?19:33
Akiva-Thinkpadbranches I mean19:33
ajalkaneJust my uneducated opinion. But who not start with those and increase them later if need be :)19:33
ajalkane* why not19:34
Akiva-Thinkpadajalkane: Ah, right, that works19:34
Akiva-Thinkpadajalkane: of course, I'll probably make a statistics branch19:35
Akiva-Thinkpada networking branch19:35
darthmuffinsstill working on that game?19:35
Akiva-ThinkpadHmmm come to think of it... Probably better to do that now than later19:35
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: Yah, I'll show you my road map thus far.19:35
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: Needless to say, I am very tired19:36
Akiva-ThinkpadI get addicted to projects like these :P19:36
darthmuffinsi heart projects :)19:37
darthmuffinsyour spreadsheet looks godo19:42
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: Thanks, its alright. Not perfect, but I am sleep deprived19:44
Akiva-Thinkpadso thats okay :)19:44
nOStahlSo, you know whats neat? these mobile smart phones we have these days are cooler than Tri-corder's on star trek lol19:44
nOStahland they are thinner and sleeker to boot19:44
Akiva-Thinkpadajalkane: okay, I got 9 now. Can you think of one more for a perfect 10?19:45
darthmuffinswell, planning is always a good start19:45
Akiva-ThinkpadGoverning RulesArtificial IntelligenceMap GeneratorInterfaceRealtimeStatisticsNetworkSoundArt19:45
Akiva-ThinkpadPlanning makes things easy19:46
darthmuffinsakiva -> you said python yes?19:46
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: thats what I know and love, but i'll prob just use c++19:46
Akiva-ThinkpadI need the practice19:47
darthmuffinsI was going to recommend that, since it can be easily ported to the QML rendering interface the ubuntuSDK uses19:47
darthmuffinsI have a pretty good amount of knowledge about that process, if you want any help19:48
darthmuffinsthat, and i've done at least one production quality game engine19:48
Akiva-Thinkpadwow, was that jono bacon?19:48
darthmuffinsi'd assume so, since michael hall is on here too19:49
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: Really?19:49
Akiva-ThinkpadThat is so neat :P19:49
mhall119darthmuffins: ?19:49
Akiva-Thinkpadmhall119: Were busy casting a gold idol in your likeness19:50
darthmuffinssorry, we were just oogling at your celebrity status as a member of canonical19:50
mhall119Akiva-Thinkpad: awesome, I'll buy two19:50
darthmuffinscan I have one?19:50
mhall119only if you worship it devoutly19:50
Akiva-ThinkpadThey come with 5 commandments each19:50
darthmuffinsi've already got a shrine and an apostle19:50
darthmuffinsbut we don't have any thing to sacrifice yet. still holding auditions19:51
mhall119commandment #1: Get Excited and Make things19:51
mhall119commandment #2, stop reading and go do #119:51
mhall119commandment #3: seriously, stop reading.  Now!19:51
Akiva-ThinkpadWoah, its so concise19:51
mhall119commandment #4: alright fine, keep reading to find the true meaning of life19:52
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: anyways, got any suggestions for a 10th branch? Governing RulesArtificial IntelligenceMap GeneratorInterfaceRealtimeStatisticsNetworkSoundArt19:52
mhall119commandment #5: TODO: document true meaning of live before release19:52
darthmuffinsnow im jealous, i need some street cred so i can have my own commandments19:53
mhall119I knew I forgot something19:53
Akiva-Thinkpadcommandment #6: smash the apple computers owned by canonical developers.19:53
darthmuffinsno no, those are ok.19:53
darthmuffinsthey run ubuntu19:53
mhall119there are only 5 commandment, heretic19:53
darthmuffinsburn him!19:53
Akiva-Thinkpadyou asked for two19:53
Akiva-Thinkpadand no, I watched the lightning developer summit19:53
Akiva-Thinkpadthen again, there are a few things here and there to learn from mac19:54
Akiva-ThinkpadI used it when I did video production,19:54
Akiva-Thinkpadand you really have to hand it to quicktime; it is stable.19:54
darthmuffinshaha - they are masters of UI design too19:55
Akiva-ThinkpadNever was a fan to be honest19:55
darthmuffinsI emulate them in gui design for non power users19:55
darthmuffinsyeah but 500million people disagree with you...19:55
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: Well, allot of programs come off as winampish19:55
darthmuffinsand ill think about anothe rcolumn... i'm working on some general libs and interface classes you can use to interface an engine with the QML classes19:56
Akiva-Thinkpadyou know, abandons any uniformity, and just does what it wants19:56
darthmuffinsor at least, thinking about how to do so19:56
Akiva-ThinkpadI smell bacon.19:56
darthmuffinsi had bacon for lunch19:57
Akiva-Thinkpaddarthmuffins: Wow. I have milk and hummus19:57
darthmuffinswell, turkey bacon sandwich19:57
darthmuffinsi had chickpeas as a side19:58
Akiva-Thinkpadthat does sound good19:58
benkaisermhall119: Is there a maps application shipping with the Ubuntu Phone OS? does it use Google Maps?19:59
mhall119benkaiser: I haven't heard anything about one20:00
Akiva-ThinkpadI can start taking pictures in my car while going to and fro20:00
darthmuffinsi think gmaps data is somewhat open20:01
darthmuffinsanyway, gtg. good weekend folks20:01
Akiva-Thinkpadis there quadcore arm yet?20:03
nOStahlthought there was?20:24
nOStahlwe should setup a maps app with Open Street Maps20:25
Akiva-ThinkpadnOStahl: Open Street Maps?20:25
Akiva-ThinkpadNever heard of it20:25
nOStahlyou've used it I bet20:25
nOStahleven foursquare uses it20:26
Akiva-ThinkpadDuck Duck Go is apparenty opensauce20:26
Akiva-Thinkpadand their search has improved leaps and bounds20:26
nOStahlI'm building an entire site around open street maps right now20:26
Akiva-ThinkpadCan I see?20:26
nOStahlits local only20:26
Akiva-Thinkpador is it not published?20:26
lordnoidwill there be dual booting?20:26
nOStahlbut once its live you will most likely be using it :)20:27
Akiva-ThinkpadI wish you much success20:27
Akiva-Thinkpadlordnoid: What else do you want to boot your phone into?20:27
wastrelit's a good idea20:28
lordnoidfor at least the coming year there will be many Android apps with no Ubuntu alternative20:28
Akiva-Thinkpadlike what?20:28
lordnoidlike whatsapp20:28
lordnoidor good navigation20:29
Akiva-Thinkpadnever heard of it20:29
wastrelor small apps for various web services people use20:29
Akiva-Thinkpadmeh, I just hate the whole java experience20:29
Akiva-Thinkpadit leaves a bad taste in my mouth20:30
lordnoidthe user doesn't really experience Java in Android20:30
Akiva-ThinkpadOh yes they do20:30
nOStahli've had nothing but bad experiences with java20:30
Akiva-ThinkpadSlow; bloated; Freezing20:30
Akiva-ThinkpadOh, and that it can't uninstall software?20:30
lordnoidAndroid definitely doesn't feel slow, bloated or freezing20:31
lordnoidand it can20:31
Akiva-Thinkpadlordnoid: Its always been behind apple, and yes it does20:31
ajalkaneIf the phone has unlocked bootloader, dualbooting android is technically feasible (see N9 and Nitroid for example). I don't personally think it'd be that useful, though20:31
Akiva-ThinkpadMaybe you have one of those massive phones with like 2ghz20:31
wastreli have a galaxy nexus, performance is fine20:32
ajalkaneWho wants to reboot their phone just to use whatsapp once in a while? In inverse, if you're that stuck up to using what's app, why would  you get Ubuntu phone in first place instead of Android phone?20:32
lordnoidI think you'd miss out on some developers if there's no dualbooting..20:32
* Akiva-Thinkpad should start a campaign to get wind to carry the ubuntu phone20:32
wastrellordnoid: it's a good idea20:32
wastrelsomeone should start a project for it...20:32
wastrelthe indefinite someone who is not me20:32
Akiva-Thinkpadlordnoid: You are probably right. Ubuntu Phones selling point is going to be to the sysadmin who wants flexibility20:33
Akiva-ThinkpadWell one of the selling points anyways20:33
wastrelthe easier the better also.  my gnex is stock OS because messing with CM and rooting is not something i want to be doing with my only communication device20:33
wastreli want a reliable communication device, not a hobby project20:33
lordnoidmaybe but the marketing doesn't seem to be directed to business atm20:34
ajalkaneI'm trying to run qmlscene in Ubuntu 12.10 running inside VirtualBox with host being Ubuntu 10.04. But lo and behold, errors:21:15
ajalkaneUnrecognized OpenGL version21:16
ajalkaneUnrecognized OpenGL version21:16
ajalkaneOpenGL Warning: glXChooseFBConfig returning NULL, due to attrib=0xc, next=0x1821:16
ajalkaneOpenGL Warning: glXChooseFBConfig returning NULL, due to attrib=0xc, next=0x1821:16
ajalkaneUnrecognized OpenGL version21:16
ajalkaneUnrecognized OpenGL version21:16
ajalkaneCannot create accessible interface for object:  QQuickRootItem(0x88eb520)21:16
ajalkaneI get a totally black window as a result21:16
ajalkaneAny ideas? I have host additions installed in VirtualBox and apparently running using 3D21:17
dmdajalkane: dual boot? upgrade? vms + 3d = trouble21:28
nOStahlso what carriers will work with ubuntu phone on launch21:30
dmdyou mean the october launch?21:30
dmdthey have not given any info about the october launch21:30
dmdmy guess is china mobile, or an indian carrier21:31
nOStahlso no one knows if gsm or cdma networks?21:31
ajalkaneuh... dual-boot and/or upgrade is really not something I'd look forward to. I need my working environment and dual boot is a hassle and time waste. Anyone know if VMWare works better?21:31
dmdthey have not given any such info21:31
dmdnOStahl: a canonical staff just emailed the mailing list with some info about cdma, its not much but it is something21:48
nOStahlcause I'm on Sprint :)21:49
MostHated|2ooo nexus 4 and galasy nexus images coming on the 21st21:51
dmdwhere was that announced?21:51
dmdbecause I have a n4, so it would be great21:51
MostHated|2me too21:52
MostHated|2: D21:52
bobweaverajalkane,  you have hardware accell on vbox ?21:52
ajalkanebobweaver: yeah21:53
bobweaverqt5 does not have accesablity thing for item like in qt421:53
bobweaveryou have all mesa stuff install21:53
bobweaverajalkane,  what are you trying to run like qt3d qtshaders ?21:53
ajalkanebobweaver: I haven't installed anything extra beyond installing Ubuntu and the SDK related files... so if there's some mesa stuff to install to get it to work, I haven't done it21:54
bobweaverdepends should have installed :/21:54
bobweaverare you using qt3d or any of the labs stuff ajalkane   ?21:55
ajalkaneNo, just basic qmlscene which tries to run a skeleton Ubuntu application21:56
bobweaverajalkane,  got a branch of that code ?21:56
ajalkanebobweaver: sure, here's how to get it: bzr branch lp:ubuntu-filemanager-app21:59
bobweaverthanks looking now21:59
dmdajalkane: working on the file manager as well?22:00
ajalkanedmd: I am22:01
bobweaverajalkane,  ok I am going to push something see if it works for you22:05
ajalkanebobweaver: I have to go sleeping. But thanks for looking into it... although I suspect it's not something that can be solved changing filemanager's sources. Seems more like environment problem running in VirtualBox :(22:19
bobweaverdmd,  you are making a file manager also ?22:25
bobweavermaybe you would like to try out  bzr branch lp:~josephjamesmills/+junk/qmlvideffectqt522:26
dmdbobweaver: good chance I will look at it22:26
dmdbobweaver: past two days have been me playing catch up with school22:27
bobweaverI am tring to find out who is making file manager so I can tie in other apps and work with them22:32
dmdhow would you tie in apps?22:34
dmddoes qml have something like android's intents?22:34
bobweaverlike using a file manager like that22:36
dmdyeah to select files, it is a very common use case22:37
dmdbut i don not know if qml has a way to call into another app like that22:37
dmdandroid does22:37
bobweaverso if there is a standerd app then I can include it in my app22:37
bobweaverI would figure that core apps would be like that but IDK22:38
bobweaverLike all core apps would be just one big app22:38
bobweaverweather file manager clock ect kinda like how qt does it with multimedia and all that stuff22:39
bobweaverjust a thought22:39
* bobweaver goes bak to cutting up strings with javascript 22:40
Akiva-ThinkpadWhat database software works well with everything?22:44
Akiva-Thinkpaderr, I am tired22:44
Akiva-ThinkpadI mean, for ubuntu phone22:48
dmdno idea22:48
Akiva-ThinkpadHow about this22:48
Akiva-Thinkpadwhich dbsoftware uses c++?22:48
dmdall of them?22:49
dmdthe notepad example used some sql22:49
Akiva-ThinkpadBah, I am way to tired to be asking questions.22:49
dmdi'd check what they did22:49
dmdor I would go to bed22:52
dmdthat might be the better plan22:52
bobweaverI would also say sqllight22:52
bobweaveras that is what qt uses22:52
bobweaverwell by stock22:52
fhfhello all I wonder if my old Samsung Galaxy S1 will be able to run Ubuntu Phone cuz I want to test out beta.22:55
dmdmaybe, maybe not. It depends.22:56
dmdso maybe22:56
fhfoh ok I thought S1 will be to weak22:56
dmdit might be, it all depends on things we have no idea about22:57
fhfcopy back thanks22:58
Akiva-Thinkpadbobweaver: DMT Thanks23:00

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