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kunji | lonewulf85: What about it? | 00:00 |
lonewulf85 | kunji: Is there anyway to do the labsims from that site using ubuntu or is there no way to work around the silverlight BS | 00:01 |
jrib | zZeus, kunji: oh, I guess that's only available through steam's apt repository. I wonder where software-center gets its steam from... | 00:01 |
braiam | the canonical patner repo, no? | 00:01 |
kunji | lonewulf85: Oh, depends. Moonlight does some of the things Silverlight does, but it does not support the latest functionality, so it depends what features of Silverlight they're using. If Moonlight doesn't work than you'll probably have to use Windows. | 00:02 |
jrib | braiam: I think software-center does something funky with adding repositories for some of the proprietary apps there, not sure | 00:02 |
lonewulf85 | kunji: Damn I was afraid of that lol oh well that is what VMware is good for right. | 00:03 |
braiam | in lp there are all the debs althrough | 00:04 |
kunji | lonewulf85: yep | 00:04 |
jrib | braiam, kunji, zZeus: right I just installed it and software-center added a ppa (private-ppa.launchpad.net_commercial-ppa-uploaders_steam64_ubuntu.list) and then I have steam64 in apt... | 00:05 |
lonewulf85 | kunji; Thanks is there any issue I may be able to help you with? | 00:05 |
cf16 | yes | 00:05 |
Sazpaimon | okay, I have ubuntu installed and booting, but it won't boot unless I disable secure boot | 00:05 |
kunji | lonewulf85: Nah, I'm good to go, thanks though | 00:05 |
braiam | ha! is called steamy | 00:05 |
zZeus | jrib: great, so I guess I can just manually add that ppa myself? | 00:05 |
Sazpaimon | if I enable secure boot, my bios tells me that I have an invalid signature and then boots windows instead | 00:06 |
syntroPi | zZeus, maybe it gets it from http://media.steampowered.com/client/installer/steam.deb like described here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve | 00:06 |
lonewulf85 | kunji: No prob I just figure that if people would stop to help someone after they have helped them then the world would be a better place LOL | 00:06 |
jrib | zZeus: that won't work probably since these private ppas require authentication. Either click buy and log in with your ubuntu one account, just use the .deb from valve, or use valve's steam repository | 00:06 |
mirak | i don't understand why lirc now believe my remote is vista_mce instead of usbmce | 00:06 |
kunji | Sazpaimon: You would need to use the EFI install method stuffs I think to use it with secure boot on, but personally I don't think secure boot is worth the hassle just at the moment | 00:06 |
Sazpaimon | kunji, I booted with EFI | 00:07 |
Noorideen | where is queen? | 00:07 |
zZeus | I'll just go get the deb package from the Steam site then, thanks for the help guys. | 00:07 |
Sazpaimon | I copied the ISO contents to a FAT32 USB stick, and renamed grubx64.efi to bootx64.efi (the usb stick would not boot otherwise), disabled secure boot, and installed ubuntu | 00:08 |
Sazpaimon | then when I re-enable secure boot, ubuntu won't boot | 00:08 |
syntroPi | Sazpaimon, idk but i think there are keys in your bios for the bootloader. one is from M$ and afaik there is a bootloader for linux signed with M$ key. idk the name though | 00:09 |
syntroPi | s/bios/uefi firmware/g | 00:09 |
lonewulf85 | Sazpaimon: Are you referring to UEFI? | 00:09 |
Sazpaimon | lonewulf85, yes | 00:09 |
kunji | Sazpaimon: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting This might help | 00:09 |
Sazpaimon | kunji, I dont see anything about secure boot here | 00:10 |
Sazpaimon | like I said, ubuntu is booting fine from UEFI, but only if secure boot is enabled | 00:10 |
lonewulf85 | Sazpaimon: From my understanding of the UEFI (Unified Extesable Firmware Interface) is that when secureboot is enabled inorder for the os to boot it has to be signed by Micro$oft. | 00:10 |
Sazpaimon | lonewulf85, yeah, and ubuntu 12.10 has that taken care of, or so I've read | 00:11 |
Noorideen | how can i install ubuntu but i want to keep my windows? | 00:11 |
kunji | Sazpaimon: Ubuntu 12.10 will use Intel's efilinux as UEFI bootloader in order to comply with Microsoft's UEFI Secure Boot. | 00:11 |
Sazpaimon | kunji, yeah, that doesn't tell me why it isn't working when secure boot is enabled | 00:12 |
kunji | Sazpaimon: how about that? Or are you on 12.04, which I don't think does it yet | 00:12 |
lonewulf85 | Sazpaimon: I am not familiar enough with 12.10 I use 12.04 my laptop that has UEFI is running windows 7 it came with winblows 8 | 00:12 |
Sazpaimon | kunji, 1. 12.04.2 does indeed support secure boot, and 2. (1) is irrelevant because I'm using 12.10 | 00:12 |
syntroPi | Sazpaimon, http://falstaff.agner.ch/2012/12/12/secure-boot-implementation-of-ubuntu-12-10-quantal-quetzal/ and https://github.com/mjg59/shim | 00:12 |
lonewulf85 | Sazpaimon: If 12.04.2 supports secure boot why not use that 12.10 has kernel issues anyway and 12.04 is an LTS that will be supported until 2017. | 00:13 |
Sazpaimon | because I already installed 12.10 | 00:14 |
Sazpaimon | I'd like to keep it that way | 00:14 |
kunji | Sazpaimon: This has some of the technical details https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-June/035445.html | 00:14 |
Sazpaimon | do I really need to get into the technicals on ubuntu's secure boot method in order to get it to work? | 00:15 |
Sazpaimon | shouldn't it "just work"? | 00:15 |
lonewulf85 | Sazpaimon: Oh I see I would help if I could but I have not tried 12.10 as when I installed it on my little Acer netbook it crashed, that is why I installed 12.04 :) | 00:15 |
kunji | Sazpaimon: I'm not sure, I don't own a machine using it to play with. | 00:16 |
lonewulf85 | Well I am leaving to use VMWare so I can do school work talk to you guys later. | 00:16 |
kunji | Sazpaimon: But either way, the details might help you figure out what's up with it. | 00:17 |
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braiam | Sazpaimon, the intalation usb booted normal with secure boot enabled? | 00:18 |
Sazpaimon | braiam, no, the bootx64.efi included in the ISO just gave me a black screen when I copied it to the USB | 00:19 |
Sazpaimon | I had to rename grubx64.efi to bootx64.efi and disable secure boot to get it to install | 00:19 |
braiam | maybe you shouldn't disable secure boot while installing | 00:19 |
Sazpaimon | grubx64.efi wouldn't load with secure boot enabled | 00:20 |
braiam | what version/flavor you used? | 00:22 |
Sazpaimon | braiam, 12.10 x64 | 00:22 |
Sazpaimon | if I install with secure boot disabled, does it install an unsigned version of grubx64.efi? | 00:22 |
braiam | try using boot-repair | 00:22 |
Sazpaimon | will do, brb | 00:23 |
Dave77 | why no more flash after 11.2? | 00:23 |
unheeding | because adobe is jerks | 00:24 |
unheeding | also flash is dying | 00:24 |
dr_willis | 11.2? and flash works on 12.10 here | 00:24 |
unheeding | youtube is switching to html5 | 00:24 |
dr_willis | theres guides out of fixing broken flash | 00:25 |
dr_willis | google-chrome has its builtin flash | 00:25 |
mike304 | sup everyone | 00:25 |
braiam | chromium too | 00:26 |
mike304 | Can anyone help me out with something? | 00:26 |
braiam | !ask mike304 | 00:26 |
dr_willis | last i looked chromium dident use goigle-chromes built in flash | 00:26 |
Da_money125 | I need help running steam :/ | 00:27 |
dr_willis | !steam | 00:27 |
ubottu | Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. | 00:27 |
Da_money125 | ok | 00:27 |
mike304 | I am having graphical issue | 00:27 |
mike304 | http://postimage.org/image/4tyqgggdh/ | 00:27 |
mike304 | How can i solve this issue/ | 00:27 |
mike304 | ? | 00:27 |
braiam | that looks like a broke monitor | 00:28 |
dr_willis | what chipset. what driver. is it a dual gpu system? | 00:28 |
mike304 | PROCESSOR: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7250 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz | 00:28 |
mike304 | RAM: 4GB RAM | 00:28 |
mike304 | x64 | 00:28 |
mike304 | GRAPHICS: NVIDIA Quadro NVS 130M | 00:28 |
zykotick9 | braiam: to send factoids to users you need to use | for in channel, like "!ask | braiam". or use > to send via PM, like "!ask > braiam" | 00:28 |
mike304 | No screen is not broken | 00:28 |
braiam | I'm used to kubot -.- | 00:29 |
Noorideen | good night | 00:29 |
sencha | Does the ubuntu 12.04 install disk come with a memory test on boot? | 00:29 |
sencha | I forget. | 00:29 |
syntroPi | n8 | 00:29 |
iknofailfu | mike304, looks like hardware problem anyways | 00:29 |
mike304 | but windows work just fine | 00:29 |
mike304 | i am chatting from window 7 | 00:29 |
syntroPi | sencha, yes press f2 at bootup and select memtest 86+ | 00:30 |
iknofailfu | than it is driver-related i suspect | 00:30 |
eN_Joy | what is the equivalent ufw syntax to "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE"? thanks | 00:30 |
mike304 | how can i fix the problem | 00:30 |
mike304 | in a minute or so it hangs up | 00:30 |
iknofailfu | mike304, does ctrl+alt+f1 show framebuffer console fine? | 00:30 |
sencha | syntroPi, okay, thanks man :) | 00:30 |
thunkee | mike304: have you installed nvidia binary drivers? | 00:30 |
mike304 | i cannot access anything | 00:31 |
mike304 | since after statup the system hangs up in 1-2 minutes | 00:31 |
iknofailfu | is it still available over the network? | 00:31 |
mike304 | i am using usb boot | 00:31 |
mike304 | for now | 00:31 |
Kazii | Hi, can you block a public IP address from accessing an internet facing Ubuntu CLI Server ? | 00:31 |
NYC | i know hostapd can be used to create a hotspot but can this be done manually? | 00:32 |
NYC | with jus the iwconfig commands? | 00:32 |
iknofailfu | well it is hard to guess, in order to fix some problem u need to provide more information related to the case | 00:32 |
mike304 | the situation is hard to describe | 00:32 |
dr_willis | Kazii: a cli server? yiu mean a ssh server? | 00:32 |
dr_willis | !ics | 00:33 |
ubottu | If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing | 00:33 |
mike304 | if i can access the console, what should i do? | 00:33 |
dr_willis | mike304: so a live usb works fine? no crashing? | 00:34 |
mike304 | nope | 00:34 |
iknofailfu | mike304, if i were u in that case and i had access to console i would take /var/log/kern.log /var/log/dmesg.log | 00:34 |
Kazii | dr_willis I mean the server has no iterface its just a command interface, the server is a web server for example | 00:34 |
NYC | good looks ubottu | 00:34 |
iknofailfu | and would try to figure out if it really crashes setting up network setting in order to try to reach it over network after it locks | 00:35 |
dr_willis | Kazii: ssh in. use the firewall tools to block what you want. | 00:35 |
mike304 | its mainly when i press the ubuntu start orb | 00:35 |
iknofailfu | mike304, i suggest to start from ctrl+alt+backspace or ctrl+alt+f# | 00:35 |
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mike304 | ok i go try it out | 00:37 |
mike304 | thanks | 00:37 |
mike304 | brb | 00:37 |
Kazii | Anyone every used Zentyal ? | 00:37 |
braiam | Kazii, please state your question, if anyone knows the answer you will get it | 00:38 |
Jayneil | Is there a site where I can get the stock Ubuntu shipped kernel(pre-compiled).. ? Currently only the ubuntu mainline kernels are available which don't contain all the patches from ubuntu.. | 00:40 |
Jayneil | Or the only possible way is to download the entire ubuntu kernel source and build it..? | 00:40 |
Pici | Jayneil: packages.ubuntu.com or via https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux | 00:40 |
Pici | Jayneil: Assuming you want the .debs | 00:41 |
Kazii | Ok im running a Zentyal gateway 3.x, behind it i have a reverse proxy, the gateway forwards all port 80 to my reverse proxy, in packet filters however i have blocked all access from external networks to the gateway and external to the internal network for a specific public ip address, the ip address is still reaching the reverse proxy however. Everything is running Ubuntu Server edition | 00:41 |
julian-delphiki | Kazii, what's the problem? | 00:42 |
julian-delphiki | Kazii, and what are you using for a reverse proxy | 00:43 |
Kazii | julian-delphiki Pound | 00:43 |
Kazii | julian-delphiki Wich means nothing if the gateway stops the traffic there. | 00:43 |
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rosco_y | I'm thinking of tearing down my openSUSE and rebuilding in Ubuntu--does anyone know if MonoDevelop works in v12.10? | 00:44 |
Kazii | julian-delphiki The point is Zentyal is not blocking the public IP … despite the packet filter being configured to do so. | 00:44 |
rosco_y | or would I be better of going back to an earlier version? | 00:44 |
Jayneil | Pici: Thanks. packages.ubuntu.com contains all the deb files. I want the kernel that ships with 12.04.. In the kernel section, there are a lot of files related to the kernel.. Do, I have to download and install all of them or just the generic kernel image? | 00:44 |
julian-delphiki | Kazii, and what are you using for a packet filter? | 00:44 |
Kazii | julian-delphiki Zentyal champ | 00:45 |
Pici | Jayneil: you'd just want the generic kernel image. The sources themselves build a bunch of deb packages, for different architecutres and whatnot, pick the one that fits you | 00:45 |
julian-delphiki | oh. I can | 00:45 |
julian-delphiki | Kazii, oh, i can't say that I've ever used that :S | 00:45 |
Kazii | julian-delphiki Thanks anyway :) | 00:46 |
julian-delphiki | !server | 00:46 |
ubottu | Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server | 00:46 |
julian-delphiki | Kazii, ^^ | 00:46 |
mike304 | is this the same chat for ubuntu? | 00:46 |
julian-delphiki | Kazii, there is also a #zentyal | 00:47 |
Jayneil | I am using the Beaglebone with Ubuntu 12.10 and it is crashing the whole system due to a usb hub bug.. http://pastebin.com/bNmwNXXF | 00:47 |
Jayneil | Any suggestions on how to solve it? | 00:47 |
Kazii | julian-delphiki Seen you jump in and out even :) heh | 00:48 |
Kazii | julian-delphiki Its a little quiet over there though | 00:48 |
julian-delphiki | Kazii, just seeing if it existed :) Most people would probably suggest other software than what you're doing to achieve the same result. | 00:48 |
julian-delphiki | Kazii, what you're attempting to accomplish is allow / forward port 80 traffic from a certain IP, yeah? | 00:50 |
Jayneil | Pici: While installing a mainline ubuntu kernel(3.7.8 for example on 64 bit machine), I download 4 deb files and installed them.. But while using the packages.ubuntu.com, I just download the generic kernel.. Is that ok? Or I still have to download some other files..? | 00:52 |
mike304 | back | 00:54 |
Pici | Jayneil: Which files did you download before? | 00:54 |
antarus | Anyone familiar with how bluetooth works, in terms of the 'bluetooth' group? | 00:55 |
antarus | I thought stuff used polkit these days | 00:55 |
mike304 | kk so it works, but when i click ubuntu orb it starts to get buggy | 00:55 |
julian-delphiki | Kazii, what you're attempting to accomplish is allow / forward port 80 traffic from a certain IP, yeah? | 00:55 |
antarus | but I have folks complaining about how gnome-bluetooth is not working for them until tey add themselves to this group | 00:55 |
antarus | (I can add them to the bluetooth group easily enough, just unsure what is 'right') | 00:55 |
rosco_y | Is the 12.10 Desktop Ubuntu pretty solid, or would someone recommend I install the 12.4 version? | 00:56 |
julian-delphiki | rosco_y, 12.10 is fine for a desktop release. | 00:56 |
MattLinux | can anyone help me :( | 00:56 |
rosco_y | julian-delphiki: ty. I'm looking forward to a good experience (wish me luck, pls) | 00:56 |
Jayneil | Pici: From this link http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.7.8-raring/, I downloaded the three files with amd64 extension and with _all extension.. | 00:56 |
MattLinux | trying to install a theme i tried .themes by drap n dropping it but nothing works | 00:56 |
syntroPi | rosco_y, on my gt240 the Xorg on 12.10 works better with vdpau/adobe flash idk why | 00:57 |
Sazpaimon | so I ran boot-repair, and now it seems to freeze whilst trying to load shimx64.efi | 00:57 |
Jayneil | Pici: linux-headers-3.7.8-030708-generic_3.7.8-030708.201302141605_amd64.deb, linux-headers-3.7.8-030708_3.7.8-030708.201302141605_all.deb, linux-image-3.7.8-030708-generic_3.7.8-030708.201302141605_amd64.deb, linux-image-extra-3.7.8-030708-generic_3.7.8-030708.201302141605_amd64.deb | 00:57 |
calum_87 | can anyone help me out: trying to access the django irc , say i need to identify but im not getting an email sent to me to confirm | 00:58 |
Pici | calum_87: You'd need to ask in #freenode if you're having issues registering, they run this IRC network | 00:58 |
Kazii | julian-delphiki actually its allow / forward port 80 traffic from ALL EXTERAL with EXCEPTION of a certain IP | 00:58 |
Pici | Jayneil: One sec. | 00:58 |
calum_87 | thanks pici | 00:58 |
craigbass1976 | So I made a tar file today before I wiped a drive. I checked the tar file, and it seemed about the right size for what I was grabbing. Turns out everything was relative, so after I'd wiped the drive and went to look at the tar file, it was virtually nonexistent. I'm currently running foremost and it seems that I am getting many jpg files. Is this the way to go? Are these the filenames they had before the wipe? | 00:59 |
mike304 | can someone help me? My graphics get buggy when i hover or click on ubuntu start orb | 01:00 |
braiam | Kazii, I'm not sure about zental, but the order in which you add the rules affect the outcome | 01:01 |
Pici | Jayneil: I find it much easier to navigat launchpad's builds than packages.u.c, The latest 12.04 (2.x series) kernel builds for amd64 are here: https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ppa/+build/4282529 | 01:01 |
iknofailfu | mike304, did u take those logs and checked if system really crashes over setting network settings before it happens? | 01:01 |
craigbass1976 | I'm also wondering because the combined sum of the filesizes I'm getting now is already a gig more than the total of the tar was. | 01:01 |
kunji | mike304: In that case I would probably recommend that you use Lubuntu or Xubuntu instead. You could also try installing proprietary graphics drivers though. | 01:01 |
mike304 | i cannot change the brightness so it might mean i should install a driver first | 01:02 |
Pici | Jayneil: Just click on the version, then the link for the architecture you want from this page to get there: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux | 01:02 |
braiam | or uninstall them if you have instaled | 01:02 |
mike304 | i just booted into ubuntu for first time | 01:02 |
kunji | mike304: I'm not sure how related the brightness is | 01:02 |
mike304 | didn't get time to look at settings | 01:03 |
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Kyril | Hey guys, where can I find the checksum of Ubuntu ISOs? | 01:05 |
dr_willis | theres sme foo.md5 file on the ftp servers i recall | 01:06 |
kiyoura | Kyril, if you already have it downloaded you could md5_sum your self, too | 01:06 |
Pici | Kyril: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes | 01:06 |
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Sazpaimon | ok so it's gotten to the point where it will lock up unless I disable secure boot | 01:19 |
ricky310711 | sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuppppppppppppppppppppp | 01:20 |
ricky310711 | anyone got channels? | 01:20 |
Sazpaimon | anyone have any idea why? boot-repair installed shimx64.efi in the EFI system partition | 01:20 |
Sazpaimon | I guess that's what's freezing? | 01:20 |
zykotick9 | !md5sums > Pici save some typing/pasting for next time perhaps? | 01:22 |
ubottu | Pici, please see my private message | 01:22 |
lb27 | what's the ubuntu steam channel? | 01:22 |
braiam | Sazpaimon, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI#SecureBoot | 01:23 |
zykotick9 | !steam | lb27 | 01:23 |
ubottu | lb27: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion. | 01:23 |
lb27 | thanks zykotick9 | 01:23 |
Sazpaimon | braiam, I guess you're referring to the "not fully reliable" bit | 01:24 |
braiam | exactly | 01:24 |
Sazpaimon | yeah, well that sucks | 01:24 |
Sazpaimon | I hope it gets fixed soon | 01:24 |
braiam | looks that linux will get their own key, I read in an article last week | 01:25 |
Sazpaimon | has 13.04 reached freeze state yet? | 01:25 |
Sazpaimon | if not, hopefully it'll be included there | 01:25 |
braiam | Sazpaimon, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaringRingtail/ReleaseSchedule | 01:27 |
=== ericab is now known as ericab_away | ||
Sazpaimon | yeah just checked it | 01:27 |
Sazpaimon | so it has about a month before it's frozen | 01:27 |
Pinkamena_D | i have a terminal session (ctrl+alt+f1) up with irssi and its frozen, is their a hotkey to kill the process in a terminal? | 01:28 |
Sazpaimon | on the bright side, boot-repair at least fixed grub2 to have windows on it | 01:28 |
zykotick9 | Pinkamena_D: ctrl+c usually | 01:28 |
Pinkamena_D | no luck | 01:28 |
zykotick9 | Pinkamena_D: use kill/killall from another terminal then, would be my recommendation | 01:28 |
Pinkamena_D | what is the command to list pid again> | 01:29 |
braiam | ps ax | 01:29 |
dr_willis | Pinkamena_D: thats the 'console' switch to another console and use the kill or killall command us one way | 01:29 |
Pinkamena_D | ps | 01:29 |
Pinkamena_D | ok | 01:29 |
aPpYe | I have been perusing google for this... I have enjoyed building my own desktop for years, starting from a cli-only system using arch, debian, many others. Can I do the same with ubuntu? I have installed the server version in a VM and it seems like it would work pretty well. The installation experience was definitely familiar. | 01:29 |
aPpYe | Is a server installation with nothing selected during the tasksel part of the install the same as a desktop install, just without X and whatever desktop and apps come with *buntu? Does a barebones server install have a bunch of daemons running by default that would not be there on a desktop install? | 01:29 |
dr_willis | pa ax | grep pattern | 01:29 |
zykotick9 | !mini | aPpYe | 01:29 |
ubottu | aPpYe: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 01:29 |
aPpYe | zykotick9, so this is the better way to go then? | 01:30 |
zykotick9 | aPpYe: i wouldn't say "better" but certainly has a lot more options then server | 01:30 |
rosco_y | I've just burned my ubuntu images, does anyone recommend gnome over kde, or vice-versa? | 01:31 |
HelloWorld321 | how do I find out how much ram I have? | 01:31 |
dr_willis | theres not a lot of differances between a desktop and server install.. orher then the desktop gui these days | 01:31 |
zykotick9 | HelloWorld321: from terminal "free" | 01:31 |
Pinkamena_D | i killed it but still no luck. irssi has the blinking cursor but no keys respond...oh well i can restart i was just curious. | 01:31 |
rosco_y | (if that's not too much of an opening for trivial arguments) | 01:31 |
HelloWorld321 | tx zykotick9 | 01:31 |
zykotick9 | HelloWorld321: "free -m" to see in MB | 01:31 |
dr_willis | rosco_y: install both desktops and swithh at the login screen to test them both | 01:31 |
Jayneil | Pici: Got it! Thanks a lot! :) | 01:32 |
aPpYe | zykotick9, okay, I will check it out then. generally, my way of doing things is go populate a text file with the packages I want, then, after the minimal installation is done, run 'apt-get install $(cat /path/to/file) | 01:32 |
lb27 | rosco_y: why not xfce? | 01:32 |
ClientAlive | Is there anything that will allow a remote session team work session - where there will be two cursors (one for each person) that they can control independently and you can have more than one active window at the same time? | 01:32 |
john321 | misouri meeting tonight | 01:32 |
ClientAlive | team viewer does not seem to do this (unfortunately) | 01:32 |
zykotick9 | aPpYe: i do a similar thing, just in sh script form ;) | 01:32 |
rosco_y | ty dr_willis, does that somehow contaminate the system to have unused desktop managers, or are the unused ones completely out of the picture? | 01:32 |
dr_willis | aPpYe: why are you bothering? you that short of hd space! | 01:32 |
dr_willis | rosco_y: no | 01:33 |
dr_willis | i got all the main desktops installed | 01:33 |
zykotick9 | dr_willis: are you serious? cruft. why install what canonical wants? aPpYe | 01:33 |
aPpYe | dr_willis, no, just like to have a simpler desktop system. I have not really used ubuntu for quite some time and wanted to try my hand at building a minimal system. | 01:33 |
rosco_y | lb27: excellent point...I used to like x windows when I was in school. Can you still customize the desktop with X-Window type programs? | 01:33 |
Pici | zykotick9: re: hashes, I actually copy and pasted it out of the factoid myself. I'm weird like that. | 01:34 |
zykotick9 | Pici: interesting ;) | 01:34 |
dr_willis | aPpYe: id just do a normal install. then install whatever window manager you want to use. | 01:34 |
zykotick9 | Pici: that's probably a friendlier way actually. | 01:34 |
aPpYe | dr_willis, bah! no way! | 01:35 |
dr_willis | i dont see much point in spending literally hours and hours trying to get a minimal system. | 01:35 |
rosco_y | well, that's it. I've backed up and I'm ready to reformat/reinstall. (I thought I was done with this when I threw windows away---but this feels happier somehow....) | 01:35 |
dr_willis | if i want minimal, id use tiny core linux. ;) | 01:35 |
rosco_y | bye peoples, hope to see you soon :) | 01:35 |
aPpYe | dr_willis, not hours and hours... I have already done that. I would think it would go pretty well. And actually, I am going to build my own KDE system. so not really minimal, just with my own selection of packages. | 01:36 |
john321 | how do you get to #ubuntu-us-mo | 01:37 |
aPpYe | meaning, I already have my package selections, and wanted to try plugging it into ubuntu instead of debian/sid/gentoo/arch/etc | 01:37 |
dr_willis | if you want a light kde. check out that qt-razer or was it qt-razor project | 01:37 |
aPpYe | razorqt | 01:38 |
aPpYe | nah. | 01:38 |
aPpYe | not really about being super light, just about playing with linux in general. | 01:38 |
dr_willis | I got my raspberry pi to play with. ;) | 01:39 |
greg__ | How do I connect to a windows network share from 12.04? | 01:39 |
dr_willis | the file manager should be able to browse/see/connect to shares. | 01:39 |
greg__ | I don't see them. | 01:39 |
dr_willis | or use the file manager hit ctrl-l to show address bar. and type in the address/server/sharenae | 01:39 |
dr_willis | ie: smb://servername/sharename | 01:40 |
dr_willis | or smb:// (for example) | 01:40 |
dr_willis | or try the connect to server.... menu item | 01:40 |
greg__ | I can't find the connect to server thing. | 01:41 |
greg__ | Where do I find that? | 01:41 |
dr_willis | you can also mount shares by hand. | 01:41 |
dr_willis | its in the menus.. somewhere i recall | 01:41 |
dr_willis | im on my phone. :) so cant look for you | 01:41 |
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dr_willis | bbl. | 01:42 |
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Mmmonkeys | Hey guys. | 01:44 |
Mmmonkeys | I'm installing Ubuntu on my netbook for fun. Do I want to Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security and/or use LVM with the new Ubuntu installation? | 01:44 |
Mmmonkeys | I have no idea what either mean. The netbook I'm installing Ubuntu on is very low spec. | 01:45 |
num7 | hi, when i ping "domain.com" i can transmit any packages. But i the webbrowser i can access this page. Why? | 01:45 |
Pici | Mmmonkeys: Probably not then. | 01:45 |
Mmmonkeys | Okay, thanks. | 01:45 |
lb27 | Mmmonkeys: are you concerned about privacy? | 01:45 |
Mmmonkeys | Not really. | 01:45 |
Mmmonkeys | Not on that laptop I'm not. | 01:45 |
Mmmonkeys | I'm no one important either. | 01:46 |
lb27 | Mmmonkeys: That's what they want you to think. | 01:46 |
num7 | hi, when i ping "domain.com" i can't transmit any packages. But i the webbrowser i can access this page. Why? | 01:46 |
Mmmonkeys | Umm, alright lb27 . | 01:47 |
Pici | num7: Its possible that icmp packets are being filtered for you | 01:47 |
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num7 | Pici: hm, it's only on this page... | 01:48 |
Pici | num7: Okay, then that whoever controls that domain is blocking icmp packets. | 01:49 |
ulkesh | num7: that domain may not allow ICMP requests | 01:49 |
num7 | Pici: ulkesh : so is there any software on the server of this domain installed who blocks this ICMP packtes? | 01:50 |
Pici | num7: essentially. | 01:51 |
deadmund | what is a .bat file? | 01:51 |
ulkesh | num7: It could be any number of things blocking it along the network path...i cannot ping it either, btw | 01:51 |
LundyByte | windows batch file ? | 01:51 |
Pici | deadmund: typicall the extension referrs to a batch file for windows. | 01:51 |
deadmund | Pici: indeed... thanks | 01:52 |
num7 | Pici: ulkesh Pici: is this any kind of protection? but pinging a page is harmless i thought. | 01:53 |
Pici | num7: I've heard of blocking it in some cases, but theres really no harm in leaving it open either. | 01:55 |
ulkesh | num7: it's a method of security-through-obfuscation...pinging is an easy way to know a computer exists on an IP...turning it off means potential hackers would have to portscan/etc...i agree with Pici that it's usually not a big deal | 01:57 |
adam_ | Hello, I'm new to Ubuntu, and I really need some help managing files. Am I in the right place? | 01:57 |
jrib | adam_: yes, just ask your question | 01:58 |
Pici | adam_: you are, whats up? | 01:58 |
Dread_ | ji | 01:58 |
num7 | Pici:ulkesh: maybe Dinal of Service? with bots. | 01:58 |
Dread_ | hi i need simple help | 01:58 |
Dread_ | i installed the link via Steam and it restarted my computer and all that good stuff, but i dont know how to open it or whatever | 01:59 |
Dread_ | i need to do this | 02:00 |
Dread_ | Install the Linux version of Steam and access all of the same features you use on your PC or Mac. | 02:00 |
needhelp_ | hello | 02:01 |
Dread_ | hi | 02:01 |
adam_ | Thanks. I was working on a file in LibreOffice yesterday. Now looking in its folder, I see that myfile.docx hasn't adopted any of the changes. However there are several zip files called "[myfile].docx (Case Conflict 1)" up to "...Case Conflict 4". Are my changes saved in these? How do I get at the final version? | 02:01 |
needhelp_ | do you think you can help me with something... | 02:01 |
Dread_ | i need help with this | 02:01 |
Dread_ | Install the Linux version of Steam and access all of the same features you use on your PC or Mac. | 02:01 |
needhelp_ | thats what i was doing today | 02:02 |
needhelp_ | were you trying to get tf2 on linux? | 02:02 |
Dread_ | trying to get the Tux? | 02:02 |
needhelp_ | lol ya | 02:02 |
Dread_ | yes | 02:02 |
Dread_ | :D | 02:02 |
Tux | hi | 02:02 |
Dread_ | aoth 9jyuqw9p45y | 02:02 |
Dread_ | Tux | 02:02 |
Dread_ | why are you not in my backpack | 02:02 |
Tux | yes I got the hat | 02:02 |
Dread_ | can you add me on Steam? | 02:02 |
Dread_ | DoC|Dreadnaught | 02:03 |
needhelp_ | i did that but it said i needed more memory to download tf2 on ubantu | 02:03 |
aPpYe | okay, running the minimal install ... kernel selection ... linun-generic, linux-image-generic, linux-signed-generic linux-signed-image-generic? | 02:03 |
Dread_ | Tux add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/dreadnaughtdanger/ | 02:03 |
Dread_ | or someone taht can help | 02:03 |
adam_ | Anyone have help for me? | 02:03 |
needhelp_ | does anyone here know how to uninstall ubuntu | 02:04 |
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Tux | Dread_, what graphics card are you using? | 02:04 |
needhelp_ | does anyone here know how to uninstall ubuntu | 02:05 |
Dread_ | but can you add me on steam it would be wasier to talk | 02:05 |
Tux | i prefer IRC | 02:05 |
fwilson | !repeat needhelp_ | 02:05 |
fwilson | !repeat | needhelp_ | 02:05 |
ubottu | needhelp_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 02:05 |
Dread_ | i forgot how to check my car | 02:06 |
Dread_ | card* | 02:06 |
needhelp_ | ugh this is useless | 02:06 |
Dread_ | Tux, how i chrck my card? | 02:06 |
Dread_ | checK* | 02:06 |
Tux | Well, did you install an external graphics card? | 02:07 |
adam_ | Anybody know how to deal with "Case Conflict" zip files? | 02:07 |
ulkesh | Dread_: in terminal, maybe try this: lspci |grep -i vga | 02:07 |
Dread_ | man, Tux can you please add me on steam i cant concentrate with all this spam from people joining and leaving | 02:07 |
Tux | fine | 02:07 |
Tux | sent | 02:08 |
Tux | I'm debianite | 02:08 |
Tux | I'm not in ubuntu atm | 02:08 |
Tux | and I do need to go | 02:08 |
Dread_ | says your offline? | 02:08 |
Tux | yes, I'm offline. | 02:08 |
Tux | Tomorrow | 02:08 |
Tux | night. | 02:08 |
Dread_ | but you just sent a request | 02:08 |
Dread_ | night | 02:08 |
Dread_ | thanks for helping | 02:08 |
Dread_ | wait Tux! | 02:09 |
Dread_ | nvm ill tell you later | 02:09 |
tomreyn | aPpYe: linux-generic should be fine | 02:10 |
mike304 | guys which option should i pick? | 02:11 |
mike304 | http://postimage.org/image/n1t9sh6ud/ | 02:11 |
mike304 | my video card is NVIDIA QUADRO NVS 130M | 02:11 |
LundyByte | hi folks, iv installed cinnamon for ubuntu... but im just wondering is there anyway of putting like Widgets onto my desktop? im wanting a nice clock on it ... and few other things | 02:11 |
acer_ | what is the best solution for downloading mp3s from iPod ? | 02:12 |
tomreyn | mike304: be aware that addressing people in the channel with "guys" rules out any women. | 02:13 |
tomreyn | mike304: do you want to try a version which is not neccessarily stable? | 02:13 |
tomreyn | mike304: also, do you prefer free software over proprietary software, and are, in turn, happy to live with much decreased performance (but easier upgrades)? | 02:14 |
adam_ | Hi. Dropbox changed my docx into a zip of xml files. How do I get the docx back? | 02:14 |
tomreyn | adam_: ask the company running dropbox if they did something unexpected to your files. this channel is about ubuntu support but dropbox is not part of ubuntu. | 02:16 |
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adam_ | tomreyn: thanks | 02:17 |
acer_ | what is the best solution for downloading mp3s from iPod? Banshee, Amarok or gtkpod. | 02:18 |
tomreyn | welcome | 02:18 |
minuseven | Hello, can somebody help me with some issues I have been having? | 02:19 |
tomreyn | !ask | minuseven | 02:19 |
ubottu | minuseven: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 02:19 |
minuseven | !patience | 02:20 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 02:20 |
tomreyn | minuseven: the bottom line is: i'm happy to help, if i can, but this depends on the question you actually have, so shoot | 02:21 |
aaa801 | Ive just moved my minecraft server from windows onto linux, its not liking the unicode chars that it uses for colour codes, any way around this �' (0xFFFD) special characters are not allowed | 02:22 |
aaa801 | in "<string>", position 808 | 02:22 |
adam_ | @tomreyn I figured it out. Looks like Ubuntu thought that "filename.docx (Case Conflict 4)" was a zip file, but when I put the docx extension at the end, it opened fine. Thanks for your response! | 02:22 |
tomreyn | adam_: glad you figured it out | 02:23 |
tomreyn | aaa801: minecraft is not an ubuntu package, and this error seems to be coming from minecraft. so that's out of scope here. | 02:23 |
aaa801 | its because it uses a unicode char, and the error doesnt happen on win =/ | 02:24 |
minuseven | Tomreyn, I installed ubuntu to install Steam and get a new item in Team Fortress 2, but only learned what Dual Booting is after installing Ubuntu. Is there a safe way to uninstall Ubuntu or switch to Vista even after installing? | 02:24 |
tomreyn | aaa801: try to get in touch with a minecraft community, i get there will be some people who are into it on the irc.quakenet.org IRC network | 02:25 |
neil | why does fdisk default to not using the first sector for the first partition? | 02:25 |
tomreyn | minuseven: you don't uninstall your main operating system, you simply replace it by another when you need to. | 02:25 |
LundyByte | anyone? | 02:26 |
zykotick9 | neil: stop using fdisk... it's not a good option. to answer you question - i have no idea. ;) | 02:26 |
minuseven | I don't understand | 02:26 |
tomreyn | minuseven: if you'Re fine with using ubuntu as your main operating system, then you can still run windows applications using wine, playonlinux, and, most conveniently, by running windows in a virtual machine using virtualbox. | 02:26 |
tomreyn | !details | LundyByte | 02:27 |
ubottu | LundyByte: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 02:27 |
minuseven | Alright, but if I want to stop using Ubuntu, what do I do? I just wanted to try it out and also get that item in TF2, but I don't know what to do now that I'm done with it. | 02:28 |
tomreyn | minuseven: basically, are you happy to keep ubuntu if you will still be able to run applications on windows? | 02:28 |
zykotick9 | neil: i'm not sure if ubuntu's man page for fdisk is the same, but debian includes the tidbit "fdisk is a buggy program that does fuzzy things" and to "Try them in the order cfdisk, fdisk, sfdisk." but parted/gparted is probably your best modern option. | 02:29 |
tomreyn | minuseven: okay, you want to go back to windows, i hadn't spotted your reply, yet | 02:29 |
tomreyn | minuseven: then just reinstall windows | 02:29 |
minuseven | Ubuntu seems to lag quite a bit for me, and it seems to have a bit of a learning curve. I would prefer to go back to Vista, but if this problem isn't fixable, I'll just stick with it for now. | 02:29 |
neil | zykotick9, ok I will. | 02:29 |
minuseven | I don't have a spare copy of windows. It came preinstalled on here. | 02:29 |
minuseven | Are my documents from Windows still on here? | 02:30 |
tomreyn | minuseven: that's not a support issue the ubuntu support channel can help with | 02:30 |
topper4125 | Having a problem with my Wifi, if the computer sits idle for a short time (Less than 5 mins) the wifi will become completely unresponsive, I can see that the laptop is still connected to the router via my PC, but *Nothing* works, IRC, Web Browser, ubuntu Update etc. I end up having to close all programs, shut down the Wifi on the laptop for a few and reconnecting. this started happening about a week ago... using 12.04.1 LTS any ideas? | 02:31 |
minuseven | So I'm stuck on Ubuntu? | 02:31 |
tomreyn | minuseven: let's make sure what you did there, before jumping to possibly wrong conclusions. how did you install ubuntu? | 02:31 |
su-joc | having some issue adding the ppa for ngnix. Used add-apt-repository ppa: with success. added the source.lsit entries as well per doc. Is there something I'm missing? | 02:31 |
minuseven | I downloaded the installer off of the ubuntu site. I installed it (it took about 15 minutes, in case that helps) and then it told me to reboot. I rebooted it and it hopped right into ubuntu. | 02:32 |
tomreyn | topper4125: please install all available updates, you should be on 12.04.2 when you're done. | 02:33 |
topper4125 | tomreyn, k, I'll try it... thanks | 02:33 |
tomreyn | topper4125: if the problems remain after that, look into upgrading your firmware as well as intopower saving issues. | 02:33 |
tomreyn | su-joc: how do you know it did not work? | 02:34 |
su-joc | tomreyn: after update/upgrade --show-upgraded ngnix not found :-( | 02:34 |
minuseven | Oh, and the installer was 'wubi'. Forgot to say that. | 02:34 |
tomreyn | minuseven: okay, wubi, that makes quite the difference. | 02:35 |
tomreyn | !wubi | minuseven | 02:35 |
ubottu | minuseven: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe | 02:35 |
tomreyn | hmm well that first url is broken | 02:36 |
minuseven | It says missing page, but that news is a relief. | 02:36 |
su-joc | tomreyn: I was going to install source, but seems annonying... | 02:36 |
tomreyn | minuseven: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Uninstallation | 02:36 |
tomreyn | su-joc: are you saying you are trying to install the source code package of nginx? | 02:37 |
minuseven | That link works, one problem though. It says to uninstall it though Windows, but I cannot access it. | 02:37 |
tomreyn | su-joc: what is your overall goal, what are you trying to do generally? | 02:37 |
* zykotick9 thinks wubi=fail. virtualbox is a better option... | 02:37 | |
tomreyn | minuseven: power down ubuntu, this should bring you back into windows | 02:38 |
su-joc | tomreyn: trying to use apt-get, but seeing this werid problem. Thinking I could install from source instad. | 02:38 |
minuseven | How do I do that. | 02:39 |
minuseven | *? | 02:39 |
minuseven | Sorry, I am very unfamiliar with this OS. | 02:39 |
tomreyn | minuseven: i'm not used to the standard ubuntu interface, so i'm not sure. but you should have this ubuntu button somewhere which you can click, and there should be an option to power off, logout or similar | 02:41 |
topper4125 | how do I double check via terminal if I'm using 12.04.1 or 12.04.2? | 02:41 |
tomreyn | su-joc: please provide error messages if any, it's also still unclear what the problem is | 02:41 |
zykotick9 | topper4125: "lsb_release -a" | 02:41 |
tomreyn | !gq | su-joc | 02:41 |
ubottu | su-joc: Are you sure your question allows us to help you? Please read http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html to understand how to ask a 'better' question. | 02:41 |
Cell | Hey guys what the fuck happened to the Ubuntu software center? Now I need an account to install free software? | 02:41 |
minuseven | I see a gear in the top right corner with the "Suspend", "Restart" and "Shut Down" options. | 02:41 |
su-joc | tomreyn: nevermind guys, got it going. thx | 02:42 |
zykotick9 | Cell: steam isn't free :P (don't reply to me) | 02:42 |
Cell | :O | 02:42 |
minuseven | It is Zyko. | 02:42 |
Cell | how did you know I was installing steam | 02:42 |
minuseven | Cell, most TF2 players know of the new promo | 02:42 |
minuseven | That's exactly why I | 02:42 |
Cell | well it IS free though | 02:42 |
minuseven | 'm here | 02:42 |
Cell | in fact on anything free I click on, "install" isnt listed anymore, all I see is "buy" and it asks me to create an account | 02:43 |
minuseven | Once I created an account, it was free but it doesn't install for me for some reason | 02:43 |
Cell | Canonical seems to think we enjoy Window style bullshit | 02:43 |
IdleOne | Cell: please mind your language | 02:44 |
wiggmpk | !language | Cell | 02:44 |
ubottu | Cell: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 02:44 |
Cell | next they'll be providing an email service and try to force us to link the login account to it | 02:44 |
minuseven | Would the "Suspend" option shut down ubuntu and bring me back to Windows? | 02:44 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: no | 02:45 |
unheeding | is there a PPA for the latest stable Chromium release? I got version 24 from the software centre, version 26 is the most recent | 02:45 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: it would "suspend" whatever your doing to RAM | 02:45 |
minuseven | Wiggmpk, how would I get back to windows after installing wubi? | 02:46 |
Cell | hey minuseven do you happen to have an md5sum for steam_latest.deb? | 02:46 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: i think you need to hold CTRL or Shift and it should change the "Suspend" option to "Shutdown" | 02:46 |
Cell | UNHEEDING | 02:47 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: when you hit Shutdown it SHOULD prompt you to cancel/restart/shutdown | 02:47 |
topper4125 | unheeding, https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable | 02:47 |
minuseven | Would any of those bring me back to Windows? | 02:47 |
wiggmpk | Cell: if you installed steam from the software center it should of automatically added a repository.. which in turn will automatically update to the latest steam client when its available | 02:48 |
Cell | well the software center wont let me install it even though its free so I'm just going to manually install the .deb installer from steam's site, but they dont list an md5 hash and I'd like to verify it | 02:48 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: once you select restart, depending on what bootloader your using, should give you the option to select operating systems | 02:48 |
dr_willis | a wubi install still boots to the windows boot loader menu ibelive | 02:49 |
Cell | I wonder if I can circumvent that by using that other package manager | 02:49 |
minuseven | Alright, I'll check it out | 02:49 |
dr_willis | Cell: what error does itgive? | 02:49 |
minuseven | it is asking me if I want to close all programms and restart the computer, nothing about OSes. | 02:49 |
Cell | not an error, it asks me to create an account. No install button is listed in the software center, it only has a Buy button | 02:49 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: restarting your computer is what you need to do to access the boot loader.. which SHOULD list all installed OS's | 02:50 |
minuseven | I should maybe say that i installed Wubi without knowledge about Dual booting. | 02:51 |
dr_willis | cell try gdebi steamwhatever.deb perhaps | 02:51 |
Netscape128 | Was anyone bummed when Ubuntu switched to Unity? | 02:51 |
Cell | do you have a hash of the .deb file? I just want to confirm it | 02:51 |
dr_willis | Netscape128: not really. | 02:51 |
Cell | Netscape128: everyone? | 02:51 |
zykotick9 | Netscape128: a little late to the party aren't we? it's OT here. | 02:52 |
Netscape128 | I mean, I remember when it wasn't. | 02:52 |
dr_willis | got an actual support question? | 02:52 |
Netscape128 | Well how would I configure Wine to run Minecraft? | 02:52 |
Cell | isn't minecraft java based | 02:53 |
dr_willis | minecraft works in java. no need for wine | 02:53 |
wiggmpk | Netscape128: you dont need too.. Minecraft is Java based and Java is available natively on linux | 02:53 |
Netscape128 | My friend ran the .jar and it didn't work for him | 02:53 |
dr_willis | he did it wrong then | 02:53 |
Netscape128 | Is there a configuration I need for the terminal? | 02:53 |
minuseven | How do I get back to Windows withough Dual Booting? | 02:53 |
Netscape128 | Because one of my friends who is a linux brain said he did | 02:53 |
minuseven | Using Wubi | 02:53 |
dr_willis | i thenk the minecraft docs tell the needed options | 02:54 |
Netscape128 | oh | 02:54 |
Netscape128 | I'll tell him then | 02:54 |
Netscape128 | Thanks! | 02:54 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: Wubi is an installer.. a windows application to install ubuntu.. dual booting means you'll have to restart between operating systems.. otherwise look into Virtual Machines | 02:54 |
minuseven | Alright, thanks | 02:55 |
dr_willis | youtube may have videos on how wubi works. | 02:55 |
dr_willis | i advise avoiding wubi when possible | 02:56 |
topper4125 | update: When I was on 12.04.1 my wifi would become completely unresponsive if I left the computer idle for 5ish minutes... upgraded to 12.04.02, looks like its not becoming completely unresponsive anymore, but it is dropping and reconnecting every 11 minutes (Exactly 11 minutes... right down to the second)... Any ideas on what I should be looking for? | 02:56 |
OzBorne | hello | 02:57 |
OzBorne | | 02:57 |
dr_willis | OzBorne: no spam please | 02:57 |
OzBorne | okay | 02:57 |
brightknight | Hi Ubuntu how are systems running? | 03:02 |
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topper4125 | brightknight, mines running down the sidewalk stomping on every crack in the pavement it can find, while carrying scissors... I've told it several times to stop, but it never listens. :( | 03:03 |
Cell | can someone give me an md5sum of this please? http://repo.steampowered.com/steam/archive/precise/steam_latest.deb | 03:04 |
brightknight | like skype was the culmination of kazaa what did Ubuntu culminate from? | 03:05 |
Cell | Debian | 03:05 |
brightknight | Cell: but what is the difference between ubuntu and debian? | 03:05 |
Cell | ubuntu has a faster release cycle and is more windows 8-ish | 03:05 |
Cell | Linux mint is like Ubuntu but more windows 7 ish, which means it's awesome | 03:06 |
brightknight | what are the super cow powers in apt? | 03:06 |
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wiggmpk | brightknight: an easter egg I think | 03:08 |
dr_willis | mint is more annoying than awsome.. but thats ot.. ;-) | 03:08 |
minuseven | Hello again. Thanks for the help wigg. | 03:08 |
dr_willis | !moo | 03:08 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: np, everything work out? | 03:09 |
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minuseven | Now I'm trying to install Steam , and it doesn't seem to be working. | 03:09 |
minuseven | Yes, it did! | 03:09 |
wiggmpk | cool | 03:09 |
Cell | what is the md5 sum for the package, minuseven? | 03:09 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: i just removed steam (because it was i386) and also see the software center showing a "Buy" button | 03:09 |
minuseven | Says install for me | 03:10 |
Cell | wiggmpk: download it directly from steam http://repo.steampowered.com/steam/archive/precise/steam_latest.deb | 03:10 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: but its for $0.00 so it doesnt matter | 03:10 |
topper4125 | !debain | brightknight | 03:10 |
Cell | it does matter if you dont have an ubuntu account | 03:10 |
dr_willis | buy for free! ;-) | 03:10 |
wiggmpk | Cell: then install steam the hard way | 03:10 |
topper4125 | did ubotu fall asleep? | 03:11 |
Cell | I would if someone could give me an md5sum for the .deb file | 03:11 |
lovelyn81 | Gosshh | 03:11 |
dr_willis | sudo gdebi steam.deb | 03:11 |
brightknight | is there good support for hebrew in Ubuntu? | 03:11 |
zykotick9 | topper4125: debain? | 03:11 |
minuseven | that didn't work cell. | 03:11 |
brightknight | Ubuntu: How do I install hebrew language support? | 03:11 |
topper4125 | Ubotu was supposed to describe the similariaties and differences of ubuntu and debian... didn't show up though... think he's sleeping, or it just didn't get to me lol | 03:11 |
zykotick9 | !debian | 03:12 |
ubottu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 03:12 |
zykotick9 | topper4125: spelling counts with ubottu | 03:12 |
topper4125 | There he goes | 03:12 |
topper4125 | lol.. ah.. that's wha-happened... | 03:12 |
zykotick9 | topper4125: s/he/she/ | 03:12 |
Cell | why cant you install .deb files on ubuntu? | 03:12 |
zykotick9 | !gender | 03:12 |
ubottu | yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :) | 03:12 |
SteevB | has anyone else had any issues with audio playback after a resume from sleep | 03:13 |
topper4125 | ah... learn something new everyday (huk'd un fonix werkd fer mii!) | 03:13 |
minuseven | So if we can't install Steam via Software Center or the Steam site, how do we install it? | 03:14 |
dr_willis | cell you can.... | 03:14 |
Cell | minuseven: download it directly from steam | 03:14 |
Cell | and install the .deb file | 03:14 |
brightknight | Ubuntu: what package installs hebrew support? | 03:14 |
zarrsh | you can install steam via software center now | 03:14 |
Cell | you cant | 03:14 |
Cell | it has a buy button | 03:14 |
minuseven | I don't know how to install the .deb file. | 03:14 |
dr_willis | sudo gdebi steam.deb installs steam for me,.......... | 03:14 |
zarrsh | ? I just downloaded it no problem... | 03:15 |
Cell | minuseven: right click on it and select open with -> ubuntu software center | 03:15 |
Cell | but for the love of all that is good please do an md5 hash on it first so Ican compare | 03:15 |
minuseven | How do i do that? | 03:15 |
topper4125 | minuseven, http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg21t2.htm | 03:15 |
dr_willis | cell why does it matter? | 03:15 |
topper4125 | how to install .deb files in ubuntu | 03:15 |
dr_willis | 5a24fe32d92601a2a644101599859561 | 03:16 |
=== jack is now known as Guest98952 | ||
zykotick9 | topper4125: "sudo dpkg -i foo.deb" | 03:16 |
minuseven | Ok, opened it in Software Center. Getting an error. "Wrong Architecture i386" | 03:16 |
dr_willis | dpkg -i foo.deb or gdebi foo.deb | 03:16 |
Cell | dr_willis: finally, thanks! | 03:17 |
zykotick9 | topper4125: BUT, you shouldn't have to... | 03:17 |
Cell | why does it matter? Because the government could force my ISP to redirect the download so that I install government malware | 03:17 |
dr_willis | cell all i did was download it and did a md5sum...... | 03:17 |
topper4125 | I was just telling minuseven what that link was... it explains how dpkg works... | 03:17 |
Cell | yes that's all I needed, another md5sum to compare | 03:17 |
dr_willis | cell how paranoid.. and doubtfull | 03:18 |
Cell | not at all, the government does it a lot | 03:18 |
wiggmpk | yes im sure they are busy drone striking other people and NOT redirecting your steam download | 03:18 |
dr_willis | i have my doubts.. | 03:18 |
Cell | They cant infect linux systems through drive by malware, so they probably use download redirects and ISP based exploits | 03:18 |
dr_willis | "citation needed" | 03:19 |
FergusL | hey, anybody installed on an eeePc 701 4G ? got issues with Fn keys | 03:19 |
Cell | In this day and age you can never be too careful in guarding your privacy. | 03:19 |
minuseven | Hmm, I am double clicking the package, it doesn't have an option that reads "Install Package". | 03:19 |
dr_willis | but i guess its ot.. | 03:19 |
Cell | mine is installing perfect | 03:19 |
Cell | ownage | 03:19 |
dr_willis | use the cli to install.. less hassles | 03:19 |
zykotick9 | FergusL: MANY time ;) you're in for issues with only 4G though. i don't actually remember Fn keys being an issue? what are you having problems with? | 03:20 |
Cell | I hope steam verifies its update code | 03:21 |
dr_willis | then verify the verification | 03:22 |
FergusL | zykotick9: W (on frFR keyboard, should be Z in enUS), this key has the < and > | 03:22 |
FergusL | it doesn't work, Fn + W writes nothing | 03:22 |
Cell | lol | 03:22 |
FergusL | othe Fn combinations work | 03:22 |
Cell | hmm it wants me to login as root, I dont know if i trust this | 03:22 |
=== FreakingTea is now known as FiatTea | ||
wiggmpk | so apparently Software Center adds a PPA for steam, and then the Steam installer adds a repository as well.. hmmm | 03:23 |
zykotick9 | FergusL: sorry, i only have experience with the US keyboard. good luck. | 03:23 |
dr_willis | cell it adds a steam ppa to keep steam updaed.. | 03:23 |
minuseven | Ok, so. i have terminal open, and I have entered: | 03:23 |
minuseven | sudo dpkg -i steam_latest.deb | 03:23 |
minuseven | is this correct | 03:23 |
Cell | no it says it wants to install additional packages | 03:23 |
Cell | jockey-common | 03:23 |
FergusL | should be the same I think zykotick9 ! but... yeah... might just be the keyboard itself | 03:23 |
=== solid is now known as Guest37773 | ||
dr_willis | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/steam-added-to-ubuntu-software-center-celebrates-with-big-sale | 03:23 |
minuseven | So, to install steam, what do I type in the Terminal? | 03:24 |
seednode | 'sudo apt-get install steam', I'd guess? | 03:25 |
Cell | It worked | 03:25 |
Cell | excellent | 03:25 |
Cell | it looks good too | 03:25 |
Cell | oh lawd | 03:26 |
minuseven | "Package steam is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source" | 03:26 |
Cell | I am going to be sooo happy if i can play counter strike well on Linux | 03:26 |
Cell | I will probably never use windows again | 03:27 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: are you using 32bit or 64bit? | 03:27 |
jxcl | hey guys, I've been getting rather frequent one-second freezes. top shows my CPU is almost not being used at all. Can somebody help me diagnose the problem? | 03:27 |
minuseven | 32 bit I believe | 03:27 |
Cell | jxcl: probably your hard drive | 03:27 |
jxcl | Cell: are there tests I can do? | 03:28 |
Cell | uh | 03:28 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: did you try to install it via the software center? | 03:28 |
Cell | look on your manufactuerers website | 03:28 |
Cell | they usually have disk utilities that can check for bad sectors and such | 03:28 |
minuseven | I did, several times, as well as though their website. | 03:28 |
minuseven | They all come up with errors. | 03:28 |
Cell | minuseven: download the deb file. Right click on it, click open with software center | 03:28 |
minuseven | i have | 03:29 |
minuseven | been getting some error | 03:29 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: what error? | 03:29 |
minuseven | i386 architechture or something | 03:29 |
jxcl | Cell, will doing a SMART test reveal these problems? | 03:30 |
protectip | Does tor browser work on ubuntu? | 03:30 |
Cell | SMART is not enough. It might, but you should run the deeper tests (they take a long time) | 03:30 |
Cell | protectip: yes | 03:30 |
=== atrius is now known as atrius_away | ||
minuseven | Any other suggestions? | 03:31 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: check the System tab on System Monitor to confirm if your using 32bit or 64bit, im sure there is a command for this but I dont know it | 03:32 |
Cell | what is the name of that program for Ubuntu | 03:32 |
Cell | that limits file accesses | 03:32 |
Cell | for processes? | 03:32 |
minuseven | 4 bit. I have 32-bit windows, that was my confusion | 03:33 |
minuseven | 864 bit | 03:33 |
minuseven | *64 | 03:33 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: try "sudo apt-get install steam64" | 03:33 |
minuseven | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 03:34 |
minuseven | steam64 : Depends: steam (= but it is not installable | 03:34 |
minuseven | E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. | 03:34 |
jpmh | I have dual boot lubuntu/ubuntu - under ubuntu the mic in my laptop works, in lubuntu it does not, what am I doing wrong? | 03:34 |
karlpinc` | I'm using duplicity for backup and my local system is gone. There's no signature files on the remote side. How do i recover my data? | 03:34 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: try and search in the Software Center for "Steam64" or just Steam and see what comes up | 03:35 |
minuseven | Already have | 03:35 |
minuseven | Tried installling it several times | 03:35 |
zykotick9 | jpmh: under ubuntu you'll be using pulse, i doubt the same for lubuntu. check "alsamixer" in lubuntu - f4 to get to capture. | 03:36 |
minuseven | It keeps saying there are missing package dependancies. | 03:36 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: try "sudo apt-get autoclean" and then try to install steam again | 03:37 |
zykotick9 | jpmh: sidenote - dual booting ubuntu/lubuntu is silly, you can have multiple DE/WM on one install of ubuntu... | 03:37 |
minuseven | Done, got the same error. | 03:37 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: might wanna call the dr_willis on this one =P I would say "sudo apt-get install -f" but the might break something lol | 03:38 |
jpmh | zykotick9: I am really testing lubuntu inm prepartion/consideration for dumping ubuntu - I run hundreds of machines that are all way under ppowered and unity is a problem | 03:38 |
jpmh | zykotick9: and I see alsamixer, it tells me that I have a mic and it is configured but it does not work | 03:39 |
minuseven | Alright, IMed him. | 03:39 |
zykotick9 | jpmh: sorry, no further suggestions. best of luck. | 03:40 |
isaias | anyone have experience with installing Ubuntu on a Nexus 7? How long does it take? its been like 10-15min, lol | 03:40 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: you could try "sudo apt-get autoclean" then "sudo apt-get update" then try and install it again | 03:40 |
zykotick9 | jpmh: "unity is a problem" for more then just "under ppowered" boxes ;) | 03:41 |
Cell | apparmor was the program I was thinking of | 03:41 |
Cell | does anyone use it? | 03:41 |
queenbeer | I've a backup made with duplicity I can't restore. The source data is destroyed,and there seems to be no signature files on the backup. How do I get my data back? | 03:41 |
minuseven | Same error again | 03:42 |
minuseven | Should i be removing the ~$ thing? | 03:44 |
Cell | lul | 03:44 |
minuseven | >;3 | 03:44 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: you cant | 03:44 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: thats your current directly ~ = home | 03:44 |
minuseven | Ok (I'm new to ubuntu if you couldn't tell) | 03:45 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: try removing everything "sudo apt-get remove --purge steam" | 03:45 |
minuseven | Package 'steam' is not installed, so not removed | 03:46 |
minuseven | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 274 not upgraded. | 03:46 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: then "sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update" | 03:46 |
wiggmpk | hmm 274 not upgraded | 03:46 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: after that, run "sudo apt-get upgrade" | 03:47 |
minuseven | Do I want to continue? | 03:47 |
jpmh | zykotick9: other than under powet what do you not like about unity - I have grown to like it | 03:48 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: is it asking you to install 274 packages lol? | 03:48 |
minuseven | 272 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded. | 03:48 |
zykotick9 | jpmh: that's OT here. use what you want. | 03:48 |
jpmh | zykotick9: u wre the one that brought it up - but ok | 03:49 |
minuseven | Needs to get 240 mb of archives | 03:49 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: i would say upgrade | 03:49 |
minuseven | So yes? | 03:49 |
syntroPi | is there even 64bit steam avail? | 03:49 |
minuseven | yes | 03:49 |
syntroPi | doesnt it just depend on steam 32 bit? | 03:49 |
AR_ | fuck you death to blacks | 03:49 |
minuseven | wha> | 03:50 |
minuseven | Anyway, do I do Yes or No? | 03:50 |
wiggmpk | yes | 03:50 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: i dont think it's a true 64bit client.. I believe it just automatically takes care of the dependencies for 64bit host machines.. | 03:51 |
syntroPi | wiggmpk, well kinda my point. if it depends on multiarch support he would need to enable 32bit architecture on 64 bit machine to have it installable | 03:52 |
syntroPi | wiggmpk, but idk anything about steam so just a guess | 03:52 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: but installing steam64 package from the software center SHOULD automatically take care of that | 03:52 |
causasui | in arch linux. using ALSA. I am not getting any sound output from speaker or headphone jack. alsamixer detects all devices apparently correctly, audio apps act like they have sound output and no errors, but nothing actually comes out. #archlinux has been unable to help thus far. help? :( | 03:53 |
minuseven | It's doing its thing | 03:53 |
=== syntroPi is now known as Guest97392 | ||
kingbeast | causasui, pm | 03:55 |
_syntroPi_ | wiggmpk maybe it does. does steam64 depend on multiarch-support? if so he would need to add 32 bit arch to apt | 03:56 |
=== _syntroPi_ is now known as syntroPi | ||
wiggmpk | syntroPi: honestly I have no idea how to check | 03:58 |
minuseven | This is taking a long time | 04:00 |
DGMurdockIII | anyone now the irc channel for the boot-repair tool | 04:00 |
DGMurdockIII | or now where to get source code for it i want to add it to my arch baced dsdro | 04:00 |
DGMurdockIII | distro | 04:01 |
C_Clear | Hi. Since updating to 12.04 my video players have been going blank. been doing some research and it seems to be a xorg related issue. How would I go about updating or reinstalling Xorg ? | 04:01 |
zykotick9 | C_Clear: before trying to reinstall anything (which under gnu/linux is a waste 90+% of the time), try changing the VO of you media player. | 04:02 |
syntroPi | wiggmpk, im not on quantal right now but synaptic can display dependencies. also maybe gdebi can do this for local deb files | 04:02 |
syntroPi | sure there is a native apt cmd for this too | 04:03 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1655242/ is what I get | 04:03 |
syntroPi | steam:i386 | 04:04 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: this is taking very long | 04:04 |
C_Clear | have tried that before. changed the output to x11 video output the videos all ran painfully slow | 04:04 |
DGMurdockIII | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/DriverBuilding | 04:04 |
syntroPi | there is no multiarch support? hmmm | 04:04 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: lot of pacakges to update | 04:04 |
DGMurdockIII | C_Clear: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/DriverBuilding | 04:04 |
minuseven | Alright thanks | 04:04 |
C_Clear | zykotick9. know this issue seems to be due to doing a update instead of a clean install | 04:05 |
DGMurdockIII | C_Clear: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tiphow-to-removeinstall-and-reconfigure-xorg-without-reinstalling-ubuntu.html | 04:05 |
zykotick9 | C_Clear: that would be due to the fact that x11 is usually the worst choice for vo. xv is PROBABLY your issue, can you try gl instead? | 04:05 |
syntroPi | wiggmpk, what does it say to "sudo apt-cache depends steam" | 04:05 |
C_Clear | thank you DGMurdock | 04:05 |
Sorinan | I removed X, since I don't need it anymore, but now my system starts to tty7. How do I change that to tty1? | 04:05 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1655250/ | 04:06 |
DGMurdockIII | C_Clear: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tiphow-to-removeinstall-and-reconfigure-xorg-without-reinstalling-ubuntu.html | 04:06 |
DGMurdockIII | anyone now the irc channel for the boot-repair tool | 04:06 |
syntroPi | wiggmpk, hmm idk if apt would pull those i368 pkgs automatically in since on a x64 sys it would be x64 arch only. i had that issue with skype which did deoend on multiarch-support. cant see this here though | 04:08 |
=== Toten|Sleeping is now known as Totentag | ||
dr_willis | Sorinan: its set in /etc/default/grub i think. or use the text mode option | 04:08 |
syntroPi | wiggmpk, a "dpkg --add-architecture i386" did solve that issue for skype | 04:08 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: i originally installed steam directly from steam via .deb.. but since removed it once I seen the steam64 package in software center.. it just installed it fine | 04:09 |
DGMurdockIII | I think usually it's the X server. | 04:09 |
DGMurdockIII | Press Ctrl+Alt+F7 and see if it takes you to your graphical login session (or keeps you there). | 04:09 |
DGMurdockIII | You can also open a shell and run tty. It will tell you the name of your current terminal. | 04:10 |
DGMurdockIII | Sorinan: http://askubuntu.com/questions/39025/how-can-i-start-a-different-x-session-on-tty8?rq=1 | 04:10 |
DGMurdockIII | Sorinan: http://askubuntu.com/questions/27967/how-can-i-reduce-the-number-of-ttys?rq=1 | 04:11 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: Just going to take care of the dog, will let these packages update in the meantime. | 04:11 |
C_Clear | DGMurdockIII, know I'm showing my noob stripes here. but how exactly do i retrieve/create a tarball (in reference to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/DriverBuilding) | 04:11 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: kk | 04:11 |
C_Clear | DGMurdockIII: know I'm showing my noob stripes here. but how exactly do i retrieve/create a tarball (in reference to: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/DriverBuilding) | 04:12 |
Sorinan | DGMurdockIII, none of those answers my question, since the idea is exatcly not having to switch terminals after boot :\ | 04:13 |
dr_willis | call. | 04:14 |
Liam__ | hello | 04:14 |
dr_willis | Sorinan: theres a option in /etc/default/grub thats telling it to switch to 7 i recall | 04:14 |
Liam__ | hello | 04:14 |
dr_willis | Sorinan: the text option may disable the switch also | 04:15 |
Liam__ | Ok so I cant get ubuntu to install on my harddrive it just keeps isntalling on my usb and overwriting the installer | 04:15 |
Liam__ | Idk where to select the disk drive | 04:16 |
Liam__ | [23:16] <Liam__> Ok so I cant get ubuntu to install on my harddrive it just keeps isntalling on my usb and overwriting the installer [23:16] <Liam__> Idk where to select the disk drive | 04:17 |
dr_willis | sounds like the hd is not seen by the installer. it on a raid or other special hadware? | 04:17 |
phunyguy | ok help.... I have autofs working on one laptop, with cifs-utils installed, but on a second laptop with the same exact config, I get nothing. | 04:18 |
Liam__ | its sata right on the mother board my windows crashed and im at school im only half computer knowlegable | 04:18 |
dr_willis | see if gparted on the live cd detects the hd also. | 04:18 |
phunyguy | and nothing in the logs, as well as running autofs foregrounded | 04:18 |
Liam__ | the bios recognizes the hard drive | 04:18 |
cannon1 | Liam - you have to go into your bios and change the boot order | 04:18 |
Sorinan | dr_willis, I couldn't find anything related on /etc/default/grub, nothing that mentions the default tty :\ | 04:19 |
dr_willis | see if gparted. parted. or sudo blkid sees the hd | 04:19 |
dr_willis | Sorinan: pastebin it.. im on my phone so cant see mine. i will look.. or just replace quiet splash with text | 04:20 |
syntroPi | wiggmpk, ah ok i read this is only an issue with livecd tryouts (which is what i did) on installed distro it shouldnt be a problem. so forget about this | 04:20 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: hehe I wasnt the one with the issue anyway mate, but thanks for the help =) | 04:21 |
dr_willis | Sorinan: option is after the quiet splash i recall. same line | 04:21 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: It is done, now what? | 04:21 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: run it again =P | 04:21 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: Run what? | 04:22 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" | 04:22 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: Should this take as long as last time? | 04:22 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: no | 04:23 |
Sorinan | dr_willis, my GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX is blank, there's absolutely no params, and I'm running low of search keywords to put on google to find this option :P | 04:23 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: I'm guessing you want me to tell you what it says? | 04:23 |
requiem1 | exit | 04:23 |
minuseven | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded. | 04:23 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded. | 04:24 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: it doesnt tell you what 2 pacakges arent being upgraded? | 04:24 |
minuseven | No | 04:24 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: try and install steam from the software center again | 04:24 |
phunyguy | nevermind, figured it out. I forgot to create the directory where the mounts are mounted >< | 04:25 |
dr_willis | Sorinan: find a default /etc/grub/default file online perhaps.. or.. try the text option. i recall changeing it in that file befor | 04:25 |
dr_willis | !text | 04:25 |
ubottu | To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode | 04:25 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: Pack dependencies cannot be resolved | 04:25 |
wiggmpk | grr | 04:25 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: fortune favors the bold... try "sudo apt-get install -f" unless we tried this already | 04:26 |
minuseven | We did not | 04:26 |
minuseven | Alright, what now? | 04:26 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: what happened? | 04:26 |
AcidRain2012 | where can i find new up to date information on using postfix as a gmail relay server? | 04:26 |
AcidRain2012 | i am still getting authentication error and i have followed many guides, it appears gmail often changes its authentication mechanism | 04:27 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded. | 04:27 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: I'm running out of ideas man.. sorry =( | 04:28 |
syntroPi | minuseven, what is the output of "dpkg --print-architecture" and "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" | 04:28 |
minuseven | First one: amd64 | 04:28 |
minuseven | Nothing for the second | 04:29 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: just notifying you | 04:29 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: i have i386 enabled.. so i think your right bud | 04:29 |
syntroPi | hmm wiggmpk you said you have the i368 installed right? what does "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" print on your sys? | 04:30 |
syntroPi | wiggmpk, minuseven : soo im just not sure if it would be "dpkg --add-architecture i386" or "dpkg --add-foreign-architecture i386" | 04:31 |
syntroPi | maybe google helps? | 04:31 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: im pretty sure i386 was enabled when I installed wine or perhaps skype | 04:31 |
minuseven | syntroPi: Ireally don't know anything about Ubuntu, just got it for a TF2 promo. | 04:31 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: what now? | 04:33 |
dbristow | Anybody know why just wubi.exe from mirrors.kernel.org:/ubuntu-releases/12.04.2 would fail the sha256sum check? | 04:33 |
dbristow | The rest of the *.iso pass the check. | 04:33 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: im just guessing at this point, but try and install ia32-libs "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs" | 04:33 |
holyguyver | Already asked in the Trinity & Kubuntu rooms with no answer, so thought I would try in here. I am using Trinity, when I click on a file in Konqueror, Konqueror doesn't know of any apps to open them with & the list of options is blank too, & this is for any file, jpg, mpg, html, ect. http://i46.tinypic.com/vrsboi.png | 04:34 |
minuseven | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 04:34 |
minuseven | ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-multiarch but it is not installable | 04:34 |
minuseven | E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. | 04:34 |
syntroPi | wiggmpk, you never used that cmd then? hmm where is it enabled from then? installer maybe? but not on his sys them? | 04:34 |
syntroPi | then? | 04:34 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: ^ | 04:34 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: what about "sudo apt-get install multiarch-support" | 04:34 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: no, I never used it... like I said it must of be installed as a dependency from something else.. | 04:35 |
minuseven | multiarch-support is already the newest version. | 04:35 |
minuseven | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded. | 04:35 |
minuseven | willmpk: ^ | 04:35 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: do you think "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" could fix this..? | 04:36 |
holyguyver | Anyone? | 04:36 |
syntroPi | wiggmpk, well first which are the broken packages? on liveCD x64 quantal i did for installing skype : "dpkg --add-architecture i386" then "apt-get update" and finally "apt-get -y -f install" | 04:37 |
syntroPi | brb | 04:37 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: try what syntroPi wrote | 04:37 |
user9003 | No audio in youtube.com, but VLC and .mp3 plays fine. Using C-Media USB audio device. | 04:38 |
madchicken13 | hello, how do you get the package manager to work in Ubuntu 4.10 again | 04:38 |
user9003 | Volumes in pavucontrol appears to be enabled/UP. | 04:38 |
minuseven | willmpk: first one; dpkg: error: unable to create new file '/var/lib/dpkg/arch-new': Permission denied | 04:38 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: you need super user permission via "sudo" like "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386" | 04:39 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: no results from that | 04:39 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: now "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get -f install" | 04:40 |
holyguyver | Does no one here use KDE? | 04:40 |
madchicken13 | hello? can anyone help me? | 04:40 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: uh oh. "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded." | 04:42 |
holyguyver | !ubottu you are my only friend. | 04:42 |
ubottu | holyguyver: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:42 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: *sigh* | 04:42 |
minuseven | !ubottu what is the meaning of life? | 04:42 |
holyguyver | !42 | 04:43 |
ubottu | The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. | 04:43 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: should i try installing steam again? | 04:43 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: doubt it will work but knock yourself out | 04:43 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: need to find out what those 2 packages are that are being held back | 04:44 |
minuseven | It seems to be installing now | 04:44 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: IT IS | 04:44 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: YES | 04:44 |
holyguyver | minuseven: It answered you ;) | 04:44 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: woot | 04:44 |
syntroPi | minuseven, what does "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" list now | 04:44 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: you can thank syntroPi when he gets back | 04:44 |
minuseven | holyguyver: :P | 04:44 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: syntroPi: Thanks so much guys. I'll get right on that syntroPi | 04:45 |
holyguyver | !love | 04:45 |
minuseven | !1 | 04:45 |
minuseven | !42 | 04:46 |
ubottu | The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. | 04:46 |
holyguyver | !trinity | 04:46 |
isaias | i need help installing ubuntu on nexus 7. i keep getting a black screen after boot | 04:46 |
holyguyver | !KDE | 04:46 |
ubottu | KDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. | 04:46 |
minuseven | syntroPi: i386 | 04:46 |
kaushal | Hi | 04:46 |
kaushal | is there a way to convert protected PDF document to Excel Sheet? | 04:47 |
holyguyver | !i386 | 04:47 |
wiggmpk | syntroPi: thanks man, I was getting frustrated there =P | 04:47 |
syntroPi | minuseven, nice, you had to tell dpkg/apt to enable i368 architecture since you are on amd64 system. steam seems to be only i368 atm | 04:47 |
Ray | Can anyone tell me how to set Ubuntu as the default boot instead of Windows 7? | 04:48 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: syntroPi: Seems to be working fine. I really appreciate your help. | 04:48 |
zykotick9 | Ray: see "GRUB_DEFULT=" line in /etc/default/grub (don't reply to me though) | 04:49 |
wiggmpk | yeah im gonna go kill some Nazi's... gnite guys | 04:49 |
zykotick9 | s/DEFULT/DEFAULT/ | 04:49 |
minuseven | syntroPi: wiggmpk: Mind if I add you guys just in case I have problems with this in the future? | 04:49 |
wiggmpk | minuseven: sure, I'm not in here all the time though | 04:50 |
holyguyver | wiggmpk: Wolfenstein? | 04:50 |
wiggmpk | holyguyver: you know it | 04:50 |
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syntroPi | minuseven, neither is me, but im always glad if i can help. not only that is very nice in ubuntu | 04:51 |
holyguyver | Already asked in the Trinity & Kubuntu rooms with no answer, so thought I would try in here. I am using Trinity, when I click on a file in Konqueror, Konqueror doesn't know of any apps to open them with & the list of options is blank too, & this is for any file, jpg, mpg, html, ect. http://i46.tinypic.com/vrsboi.png | 04:52 |
=== Tazen is now known as Bloodninja | ||
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=== Bloodninja is now known as Tazen | ||
isaias | i need help installing ubuntu on nexus 7. i keep getting a black screen after boot | 04:56 |
dr_willis | holyguyver: see if a newly made user has the same issue | 04:57 |
minuseven | wiggmpk: syntroPi: Well, I'm off, gnight to you two, and thanks again for the help. | 04:57 |
dr_willis | !arm | 04:57 |
ubottu | ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel. | 04:57 |
syntroPi | minuseven, n8 have phun gamin | 04:57 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: A newely made user? | 04:58 |
dr_willis | yes.. make a new user.... | 04:58 |
dr_willis | sudo adduser billgates | 04:58 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: What differance would that make? | 04:58 |
dr_willis | its a test.. see if they have the same issue | 04:59 |
holyguyver | Would I have to log out & back in to run this test? | 04:59 |
dr_willis | if they work.. then the problem user has a setting issue's | 04:59 |
dr_willis | yes.... | 04:59 |
holyguyver | Then lets just pretend that the new user does have the same problem, what next? | 05:00 |
dr_willis | then its some system config issue. | 05:00 |
holyguyver | Indeed, it would seem that it doesn't have the list of installed software | 05:00 |
holyguyver | As you saw in the screenshot, there was no list. | 05:01 |
dr_willis | so you are testing with a new user? | 05:02 |
GeorgeTirebiter | Is this the right place to ask new user questions? | 05:03 |
holyguyver | I have changed no setting, that is for sure. | 05:03 |
dr_willis | GeorgeTirebiter: go for it. | 05:03 |
dr_willis | holyguyver: confirm that a newly made user has the identical problem. | 05:04 |
abimael | Looking for a good e-book to read about LINUX, I am looking to get into Android Development but really would like an ALL OUT LINUX REFERENCE BOOK that will teach me everything from basic to like completely advanced information...any suggestions? | 05:04 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I'm doing a clean install for the first time and I get an error message telling me, "No Root File is Defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu" and I don't know what to do. | 05:04 |
dr_willis | abimael: there is no all in one book. the topics are too varied | 05:04 |
zykotick9 | GeorgeTirebiter: your missing a / | 05:05 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: I installed Trinity, changed nothing, & had the problem, thus a new user does have the problem if I have changed nothing. | 05:05 |
abimael | dr_willis: Any first hand suggestions as a first possible good read? | 05:05 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I put one in there. That didn't work. So then I tried a /boot thinking that made sense. Still not happy. | 05:05 |
GeorgeTirebiter | (same error) | 05:06 |
zykotick9 | GeorgeTirebiter: your missing a / (i know i had a issue with this as well, it's perhaps not obvious) | 05:06 |
dr_willis | holyguyver: confirm that a newly made user has the identical problem. ... if so its a trinty issue.. if not. clean out the problem users settings and see if the defaults work | 05:06 |
Amelia28 | hey guys, im having some bootloader issues, what would be a good usb stick i can use to start up from to fix those kind of issues? | 05:06 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: I said I changed nothing, thus evferything is at the defaults. | 05:06 |
GeorgeTirebiter | No zykotick, it's not. | 05:07 |
dr_willis | prove it... | 05:07 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: You calling me a liar? | 05:07 |
dr_willis | if true.. then see trinty support | 05:07 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I guess I should retry? | 05:07 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: I already went to the Trinity support room, no one responded to my question. | 05:07 |
dr_willis | trinity is not supported here. so weve suggested about all we can. | 05:08 |
brightknight | What is trinity? | 05:09 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: Thank you for your time, & attention, it is appreciated (Though suggesting I am a liar is not) Thank you. | 05:09 |
dr_willis | you never tried our suggestion so you have no proof. | 05:09 |
brightknight | ubottu: trinity | 05:09 |
holyguyver | Ubottu doesn't know Trinity | 05:10 |
ubottu | holyguyver: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:10 |
zykotick9 | Amelia28: an ubuntu live-image | 05:10 |
cixelsyd | i need an on $creen keyboard for linux.. the keyboard i$ effed up | 05:10 |
superman | goodmorning :) | 05:10 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: I said I have changed none of the settings, you asking me for proof that I have not, is saying that I am lying about that, thus you called me a liar. | 05:11 |
dr_willis | holyguyver: you ararently don t want to listen to basic trouble shooting 101 advice.. and just want to argue. | 05:11 |
tomreyn | cixelsyd: onboard | 05:11 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: I am not trying to argue, I have not changed any settings, everything is default, that is just me being honest. | 05:12 |
dr_willis | ive seen hundreds of times where some quirk in user ssettings break things.. and resetting back to defaults fixs them | 05:12 |
tomreyn | cixelsyd: should be in the accessory menu | 05:12 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: I understand that | 05:12 |
dr_willis | the basic test to show if its a system issue or a user config issue is to spend the 30 sec to make a new user. | 05:12 |
superman | can you guys see my txt? | 05:12 |
dr_willis | superman: yes | 05:12 |
flowercrowns | yes | 05:12 |
superman | thank you | 05:12 |
eN_Joy | superman: yes | 05:12 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: But I have changed no configs. | 05:12 |
tomreyn | superman: the girls, too ;-) | 05:13 |
=== cyclicflux is now known as Guest70333 | ||
holyguyver | dr_willis: No Trinity configs anyways. | 05:13 |
superman | can you change color here | 05:13 |
superman | ahha | 05:13 |
GeorgeTirebiter | Ok, I guess I wasn't holding my mouth right before. I got past teh previous error and am now asked to create a swap file on the partition. | 05:13 |
dr_willis | holyguyver: or so you think. you could have allready tried the test by now. but im done. | 05:13 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: Would lxde configs affect Trinity? | 05:13 |
superman | damm ubuntu is better then win8 | 05:13 |
dr_willis | holyguyver: no idea. i wouldent think so, | 05:13 |
cixelsyd | tomreyn: i don't $ee it there...i'm u$ing lubuntu | 05:14 |
dr_willis | files accidently getting owned by ROOT are also a common config issue ive seen | 05:14 |
GeorgeTirebiter | How do I create a swap file? | 05:14 |
dr_willis | !swap | 05:14 |
ubottu | swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 05:14 |
GeorgeTirebiter | !swap | 05:14 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: I ask because I am using Trinity's Konqueror with an lxde desktop on top of Ubuntu. | 05:15 |
tomreyn | superman: colors are a matter of your irc client. there are some non-standard ways to send text which some clients may interpret as colors, but that's usualyly disappreciated. | 05:15 |
dr_willis | read the faq url - i think it tells how.. its not to hard | 05:15 |
=== Guest70333 is now known as CyclicFlux | ||
GeorgeTirebiter | thax | 05:15 |
dr_willis | GeorgeTirebiter: you can use a swap file, or several. on differnt partions. or even have swap files and swap partions both if you want to get fancy | 05:16 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: Does that mean I am running TriLubuntu? | 05:16 |
GeorgeTirebiter | Do I need one with 1.5 GB of ram? it's a 35 gig HDD | 05:16 |
dr_willis | holyguyver: i would use the term 'Frankenlinuxx' | 05:16 |
tomreyn | GeorgeTirebiter: 1.5 GB is not that much, so you may want some awap, yes. | 05:17 |
dr_willis | GeorgeTirebiter: depends on your needs. for 1.5 gb ram.. i would use a 1gb swap. unless you are goping to ibernate/suspend | 05:17 |
dr_willis | then use like 1.75gb | 05:17 |
syntroPi | dr_willis, just out of curiosity: are there any real advantages in using swap partitions today? | 05:17 |
dr_willis | you cant hibernate to swap files.. | 05:17 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: That is what happens when one uses Linux for 10 years I guess :p | 05:18 |
dr_willis | and theres no need to backup swap files. | 05:18 |
tomreyn | syntroPi: also the kernel wont kill processes when your memory runs full | 05:18 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I'm just playing. I run OSX, Win7x64 and xp x86, I thought I'd try it out. If it's as cool as I hear, I'll make a bigger pc. | 05:18 |
tomreyn | well not immediately | 05:18 |
dr_willis | so a swap partion is slightly better to use then a swap file | 05:18 |
dr_willis | GeorgeTirebiter: i dont se emuch point in using xp these days.. | 05:19 |
isaias | I'm getting "df: warning cannot read table of mounted file systems" when installing Ubuntu on Nexus 7 while its flashing | 05:19 |
superman | nah xp is kinda dead:( | 05:19 |
syntroPi | dr_willis, i see that hilbernate issue i didnt know | 05:19 |
dr_willis | isaias: you may want to ask in #ubuntu-arm | 05:19 |
holyguyver | GeorgeTirebiter: Considering using Linux? Linux Mint, Ubuntu, & Fedora are nice distros :) . | 05:19 |
GeorgeTirebiter | dr_willis, I also don't see much point in running OSX, but I do. | 05:19 |
dr_willis | i will pass on OS-X also... | 05:20 |
superman | its cold here | 05:20 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I tried Puppy. | 05:20 |
holyguyver | GeorgeTirebiter: Try Linux Mint :D | 05:20 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I still use it to fix broken xp's | 05:20 |
superman | any 1 using irssi? | 05:20 |
dr_willis | Puppylinux - is about the weirdest linux in existance | 05:20 |
holyguyver | *gets beaten up by the whole room* | 05:20 |
tomreyn | !anyone | superman | 05:21 |
ubottu | superman: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 05:21 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I'll look at it, holy. Why u like it? | 05:21 |
dr_willis | lots of people use irssi. many perfer weechat these days | 05:21 |
cixelsyd | i can't run '$udo apt-cache $earch keyboard' becau$e the pa$$word ha$ mi$$ing character$.. i can copy and pa$te the character$ to make the pa$$word but when i try to run pa$$wd from the terminal and copy / pa$te the pa$$word it $ay$ authentication token manipulation error | 05:21 |
superman | ok thanks | 05:21 |
dr_willis | cixelsyd: is your systm / mounted read only for some reason? | 05:21 |
cixelsyd | $o i $uppo$e it doe$n't even do me any good to know the package name since i can't even type in the pa$$word | 05:21 |
superman | ubottu | 05:21 |
holyguyver | GeorgeTirebiter: It comes with all of the codecs needed to run any media file, & it is made with a very user friendly UI which anyone who is familiar with Windows should be used to with ease. | 05:22 |
tomreyn | cixelsyd: how are you pasting the password? | 05:22 |
cixelsyd | dr_willis: well thi$ i$ my cou$in$ mom$ laptop and $omeone $pilled beer on the u$b keyboard while i wa$ fixing it | 05:22 |
isaias | dr_willis: thank you | 05:22 |
GeorgeTirebiter | Oh. OK, I'll give it a try. I have another pc sitting here unused. | 05:22 |
cixelsyd | tomreyn: i pull the character$ from web brower | 05:22 |
dr_willis | i dont see much point in mint these days either.. ive not seen any video files/codecs i couldent get in a normal ubuntu install | 05:22 |
dr_willis | i bet $he is going to Love this$ | 05:23 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I turned off the "away" thing like the faq warned (I think) but I'm going away to eat. Thanx for your help. | 05:23 |
tomreyn | cixelsyd: use context menu or middle mouse button to paste your password | 05:23 |
cixelsyd | dr_willis: nah it'$ not mounted a$ read only.. everything wa$ fine till dude $pilled beer on the keyboard | 05:23 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: The point in Mint? Cinnomen & Mate are far better GUIs than Unity. | 05:23 |
cixelsyd | tomreyn: okay i'll try that | 05:23 |
dr_willis | holyguyver: i dont think so.. | 05:23 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: Of course this coming from me, a lxde user :p | 05:24 |
dr_willis | unity in 13.04 is even getting niftier features | 05:24 |
cixelsyd | tomreyn: you're Awe$ome with a capital A it worked | 05:24 |
tomreyn | cixelsyd: glad i could be of help | 05:25 |
holyguyver | dr_willis: LXDE>Unity :p | 05:25 |
dr_willis | i saw a logitech keyboard the other day you could wash in the shink. ;) | 05:25 |
cixelsyd | okay now i have to reboot and $ee if thi$ wirele$$ driver work$ | 05:25 |
tomreyn | cixelsyd: did you try onboard? | 05:25 |
dr_willis | sink.. but not the dishwasher. | 05:25 |
syntroPi | Unity HUD is a killer feature as long as app developers wouldnt adopt M$ stupid ribbons | 05:25 |
cixelsyd | tomreyn: what i$ onboard? | 05:26 |
dr_willis | HUD is an amazing feature and so overlooked | 05:26 |
dr_willis | as are quicklists | 05:26 |
tomreyn | cixelsyd: it's what i responded to your earlier question when you were looking for an on-screen keyboard | 05:26 |
cixelsyd | tomreyn: ahhhhh i mu$t have overlooked it i didn't $ee it | 05:26 |
tomreyn | cixelsyd: i could tell ;) | 05:27 |
cixelsyd | tomreyn: it $ay$ it'$ not in$talled. i'm in$talling it now | 05:27 |
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tomreyn | should help you | 05:28 |
tomreyn | cixelsyd: you should also wash your keyboard if it got beerified | 05:29 |
ub8765 | Trying to run Ubuntu 12.10 on my Surface Pro everything runs except for WiFi. Has any one else got this working? It's the Marvell AVASTAR 350N chipset. | 05:29 |
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eN_Joy | obviously my ufw log message goes to both ufw.log and kern.log, how do i keep them only in ufw.log | 05:32 |
eN_Joy | ? | 05:32 |
=== julian is now known as Guest96471 | ||
DaemonicApathy | ub8765: Looks like the incompatibility hasn't been fixed yet, with the Surface just out, but a USB adapter should work fine. | 05:32 |
Valtam | does anyone know if there is a 12.04.2 mini cd? | 05:34 |
dr_willis | !mini | 05:35 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 05:35 |
Guest96471 | Hi there, I'm trying to access a flash website with Firefox. I already have flash installed but the website stated flash was out of date. The website took me to Adobe's offical site where I installed the latest flash via apt. However for some unknown reason to me the problem hasn't been resolved. Anyone have any ideas as to why this is and how I might resolve this issue? | 05:35 |
dr_willis | ive seen badly written sites say newer versins of flash are out of date Guest96471 which is sort of weird. :) | 05:36 |
IdleOne | Valtam: I don't think so. The mini iso pulls everything from the repos anyway so that would give you the latest packages when you install. | 05:36 |
dr_willis | what version of flash are you using. Guest96471 | 05:36 |
Valtam | yeh IdleOne I tried that link dr_willis posted a few hours ago, still uses 3.2 kernel so I'm guessing thats for 12.04.1 | 05:37 |
Guest96471 | dr_willis: Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202 ( | 05:37 |
IdleOne | Valtam: I guess so. I'm really not sure. | 05:37 |
dr_willis | i got no idea what the latest flash version even is any more | 05:38 |
CC | Hey guys I'm fairly new to linux and I'm having a problem downloading Steam | 05:38 |
Guest96471 | dr_willis: However the site requires version 11.3 or higher. | 05:38 |
DaemonicApathy | Latest Flash for Linux:, and probably not getting any newer. | 05:38 |
Valtam | "Installation/MinimalCD (last edited 2012-10-21 15:20:16 by shimi-chen)" | 05:38 |
dr_willis | CC: i belive earelier today the method was to get the steam_latest.deb and do a 'sudo dpkg -i steam.deb' or 'sudo gdebi steam.deb' | 05:38 |
work_alkisg | With the new "LTS Hardware Enablement Stack", are both -pae and non-pae kernels supported? Or it's just always pae from now on? | 05:39 |
=== work_alkisg is now known as alkisg | ||
DaemonicApathy | dr_willis: as of today, Steam should be in the Software Center. | 05:39 |
dr_willis | alkisg: as of 12.10 i think theres only PAE kernels | 05:39 |
dr_willis | DaemonicApathy: and people have been having issues with it from what ive seen the last few hours | 05:39 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: the latest flash version there is for linux, and ever will be , is 11.2 | 05:39 |
DaemonicApathy | dr_willis: Gotcha. Don't mind me. | 05:40 |
CC | dr_willis: My problem isn't getting the .deb. when I try to run steam_latest.deb I get an error "Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6" | 05:40 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: with the exception of the closed source / proprietary google chrome web browser (this is not a recommendation). | 05:40 |
alkisg | dr_willis: so if one installs 12.04.2, and then wishes to install the (non-quantal) non-pae kernel of the stock 12.04, will he have xorg incompatibilities? | 05:40 |
dr_willis | DaemonicApathy: and aparently all it does.. is enable its own steam repo, then installs it from the custome repo. from what ive read on the ubuntublog sites | 05:40 |
Guest96471 | So in other words... If I want to use this website I'm going to have to use Windows or Mac? :/ | 05:40 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: or ask them to take linux users serious, yes | 05:41 |
dr_willis | alkisg: getting a non-pae kernel on 12.10 is doable from what ive seen some blogs say.. but going to be problematic. | 05:41 |
Guest96471 | Tomreyn: I installed Chrome but came across the same problem. | 05:41 |
dr_willis | alkisg: ive nevver done it. so no idea what problems. | 05:41 |
Delux | running Ubuntu server 12.04 - fdisk still the command to use to partition a 3TB drive? | 05:41 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: maybe you're mixing up open source chromium and closed-source chrome? | 05:41 |
alkisg | dr_willis: no I'm still talking about 12.04, not 12.10 - so the non pae kernel there is available | 05:41 |
alkisg | dr_willis: thanks - I'll try asking in #ubuntu-devel too | 05:41 |
Guest96471 | Tomreyn: Highly probable... | 05:41 |
dr_willis | alkisg: for 12.04 you got non-pae so it should be good. ;) | 05:42 |
CC | dr_willis: My problem isn't getting the .deb. when I try to run steam_latest.deb I get an error "Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6" | 05:42 |
dr_willis | google-chrome has its own flash.. and I think we discussed yesterday(?) that chromium-browser does NOT have its own flash. | 05:42 |
DaemonicApathy | It should be noted, if you click on the Steam banner ad in the Software Center, it will bring you to sTeam, not the Steam game client. | 05:43 |
dr_willis | CC: try installing it with 'sudo gdebi -i foo.deb' ? | 05:43 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: flash has always been crap anyways, any website depending on it is very badly made. which is why most sites offer alternatives. | 05:43 |
dr_willis | Flash sites.. Hmm. havent been to Homestarrunner in years.. :) | 05:43 |
Guest96471 | Tomreyn: So it's HTML5 all the way from now I guess. | 05:43 |
CC | dr_willis: That doesn't work either | 05:44 |
dr_willis | CC: what error? | 05:44 |
DaemonicApathy | CC: looks like you'll have to install libc6 first. | 05:44 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: i would hope so. and it seems ot e going to be. media companies are strongly pushing for having DRM in html5 so it seems to be where things are shifting to | 05:45 |
CC | DaemonicApathy: I've tried installing it only to get an error that I can't think of off the top of my head | 05:45 |
dr_willis | DRM that never really works.. ;) | 05:45 |
roger_ | Does anyone know how to run a command in gtkdialog in a new terminal session? | 05:45 |
tomreyn | fine with me ;) | 05:45 |
dr_willis | roger_: somthing similer to 'xterm -e newcommand' with whatever terminal app you want to use. | 05:46 |
Delux | running Ubuntu server 12.04 - fdisk still the command to use to partition a 3TB drive? | 05:46 |
zykotick9 | roger_: i'm not sure what you mean, but does "gnome-terminal -e foo" help? | 05:46 |
tomreyn | zykotick9: no, use parted | 05:46 |
dr_willis | Delux: i think parted is the prefered tool these days | 05:47 |
roger_ | dr_willis: thanks I'll give that a try.. 1 sec | 05:47 |
tomreyn | zykotick9: sorry this was supposed to go to Delux | 05:47 |
CC | DaemonicApathy: The error I get ----- dr_willis: My problem isn't getting the .deb. when I try to run steam_latest.deb I get an error "Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6" | 05:47 |
CC | Oops haha | 05:47 |
roger_ | zykotick9: one moment | 05:47 |
tomreyn | Delux: no, use parted | 05:47 |
dr_willis | i think gnome-termianl uses a differnt option then the -e command.. but im not on a pc to test. ;) | 05:47 |
CC | DaemonicApathy: This package is uninstallable Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6 | 05:47 |
dr_willis | CC: what ubuntu version are you using? | 05:48 |
CC | dr_willis:12.10 | 05:48 |
dr_willis | CC: done a sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade recently? | 05:48 |
dr_willis | libc is like a very imporntant part of the os. ;) | 05:49 |
CC | dr_willis: About an hour or so ago, yes | 05:49 |
CC | dr_willis: One moment I'll run the command again | 05:49 |
Guest96471 | Is there a way to trick the site I'm using into thinking I'm using flash 11.3? | 05:49 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: with a hex editor, yes but i am not going to guide you through this unless you already know what a hex editor is, it's quite advanced | 05:50 |
dr_willis | Guest96471: search for some browser extensions perhaps? | 05:50 |
CC | dr_willis: I'm getting failed to fetch errors with steam files. | 05:50 |
dr_willis | CC: hmm that sounds like some of the repos may be down | 05:51 |
Guest96471 | tomreyn: I've used a hex editor before on Windows. Do I quality? :P | 05:51 |
CC | dr_willis: Any suggestions? | 05:51 |
dr_willis | CC: not really. you could pastebin the whole output of apt-get update, and apt-get dist-upgrade for the channel to look at. | 05:52 |
cixelsyd | okay i have to reboot brb thank$ for all the help guy$ | 05:52 |
shinobi_ | hey guys :) | 05:53 |
CC | http://pastebin.com/9Gc2LAVn | 05:53 |
Ben64 | CC: have you tried the steam ppa? | 05:53 |
Ben64 | CC: uh... you got a problem with your sources | 05:54 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: http://askubuntu.com/questions/36575/this-flash-plugin-was-blocked-because-it-is-out-of-date | 05:54 |
roger_ | dr_willis: that got me a little closer.. any ideas on how I would do the same thing using the Terminal emulator? | 05:55 |
dr_willis | roger_: doing what exactly? | 05:55 |
dr_willis | run a new command in a new terminal ? | 05:55 |
CC | Ben64: Explain? | 05:55 |
roger_ | yeah | 05:55 |
Ben64 | CC: you see all those warning messages? those. | 05:55 |
roger_ | sorry. this is about the gtkdialog thing | 05:55 |
dr_willis | roger_: exact same way, :) | 05:55 |
dr_willis | roger_: xterm -e mc & | 05:56 |
CC | Ben64: And I could solve those by doing what exactly | 05:56 |
shinobi_ | Hey I am trying to locate and terminate a webserver daemon which is apparently running on my machine. Does anyone have a method I might be able to use to identify ( at least a PID ) what program is running a webserver daemon? I already tried checking the localhost on port 80 and nothing seems to be serving. It may be helpful to point out that BURP toolkit is installed as well as VMware.... I just dont know what could be running to | 05:56 |
shinobi_ | block my development server.... | 05:56 |
Ben64 | CC: disabling all the extra sources you added that don't work | 05:57 |
bazhang | shinobi_, what version of ubuntu | 05:57 |
Ben64 | CC: like how you have 12.10 but have 12.04 sources in there | 05:57 |
shinobi_ | tor and i2p are installed but none are startin as daemons | 05:57 |
dr_willis | i wonder if the steam ppa is getting overloaded. | 05:57 |
Guest96471 | tomreyn: Thanks for that, looks very promising! :) | 05:57 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: the process is as descibed in the 2nd answer (but they are editing a different file). the file you want to edit (make a backup copy or reinstall flash-player if it fails) is actually: /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so | 05:58 |
Guest96471 | tomreyn: Though I'm actually not too sure now. I just ran google-chrome --allow-outdated-plugins and the site worked but not exactly. | 05:58 |
roger_ | dr_willis: you seem a little busy.. I'll wait until it cools down in here a little | 05:58 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: you're not supposed to do this. | 05:59 |
roger_ | dr_willis: not very much complete documentation on gtkdialog online.. at least for dummies like me | 05:59 |
CC | Ben64: Got rid of the steam sources. The others? | 05:59 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: i just gave you this url to get you started with a hex editor and to know which strnig to look for. but you need to edit a different file, the NPAI flash one, not google chromes'. and you want to increase the version, not decrease it. | 06:00 |
shinobi_ | bazhang, its a 10.04 lucid install | 06:00 |
shinobi_ | with modified backtrack packages. Basically I installed backtrack 5 r3, added a non root account and started insntalling crap | 06:00 |
Guest96471 | tomreyn: I fully understand. :) Thank you for that. | 06:00 |
Ben64 | CC: the private-ppa ones? | 06:01 |
bazhang | shinobi_, and top shows nothing out of the ordinary? | 06:01 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: be aware that you are probably also violating the adobe license if you do so. | 06:01 |
Guest96471 | tomreyn: I figured as much but what do they expect if they're unwilling to take us seriously? Switch to Windows? Ahaha xD | 06:01 |
CC | Ben64: No the quantal-(xxxx)/release ones | 06:01 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: that's a question you should ask them indeed | 06:02 |
Ben64 | CC: well you should get rid of them all | 06:02 |
shinobi_ | bazhang, http://pastebin.com/CYL7wGzM | 06:03 |
CC | Ben64: How exactly? D: | 06:03 |
Ben64 | CC: uncheck them? | 06:04 |
Guest96471 | tomreyn: Thanks for the information. This is exactly what I needed. :) | 06:04 |
tomreyn | Guest96471: glad it helped. | 06:04 |
CC | Ben64: They aren't in my software sources or such | 06:05 |
CC | Ben64: Lol just kidding | 06:05 |
CC | Ben64: Still one error with quantal/Release | 06:06 |
CC | Ben64: Which I cannot find | 06:06 |
tasslehoff | (how) can I adjust laptop display brightness from a shell? | 06:06 |
shinobi_ | I could just change the port my little dev server listens on but to be honest its kinda bothering me not having the knowledge to locate something which could be potentially serving up data from my system to the internet | 06:06 |
shinobi_ | seems like there used to be an lsof command | 06:07 |
dr_willis | !find lsof | 06:07 |
ubottu | Found: lsof, alsoft-conf, liblsofui4 | 06:07 |
dr_willis | !info lsof | 06:08 |
ubottu | lsof (source: lsof): Utility to list open files. In component main, is standard. Version 4.86+dfsg-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 243 kB, installed size 455 kB | 06:08 |
dr_willis | standard = installed by default i thought.. | 06:08 |
dr_willis | i could be wrong. ;) | 06:08 |
tomreyn | shinobi_: what makes you think something is running? | 06:09 |
tomreyn | is something listening on poirt 80? | 06:09 |
tomreyn | if so, sudo lsof -i :80 | 06:09 |
shinobi_ | tomreyn, I am pretty sure whatever webserver daemon is running on my machine, its not serving to port 80. I did localhost:80 from a browser and got nothing. The only other thing I would begin to suspect would be BURP toolkit, but I remember telling it NOT to run as a daemon | 06:11 |
shinobi_ | theres TOR and i2p .....but | 06:11 |
tomreyn | shinobi_: what makes you think a webserver daemon is running in the first place? | 06:11 |
shinobi_ | tomreyn, thats a good question and the answer to that is this: when I try to start up a small dev server ( apache based ) called lampp I am informed that there is already a webserver daemon running therefore my dev server cannot start | 06:12 |
Diazo | Howdy all, was curious about 12.04.2 LTS since it got released today. I was wondering those on 12.04.1 haven't seen to got the update yet. | 06:13 |
tomreyn | shinobi_: which port is this lampp stack trying to bind to? | 06:13 |
no-one | mktorrent any clues on where to ask about it? | 06:13 |
shinobi_ | tomreyn, the usual suspects are things like apache2, or any other webserver I've already gone through the basic steps of ensuring those services are currently OFF | 06:13 |
dr_willis | Diazo: if youve done a sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade recently. you should be up to date | 06:13 |
dr_willis | Diazo: perhaps a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade may be neeeed | 06:13 |
shinobi_ | tomreyn, the lampp config files are all default; therefore I assume it would be the standard port 80 | 06:13 |
=== cameronc is now known as CC | ||
Diazo | I'll check and try that. | 06:14 |
CC | Sorry about that OS just crashed on e | 06:14 |
Diazo | Still shows I'm on 12.04.1 | 06:14 |
CC | Ben64: Still here? | 06:14 |
tomreyn | shinobi_: check its documentation. other common http ports: 443, 8000, 8080, 8443, 8081, 8001 | 06:14 |
Diazo | dr_willis, None of those commands changed anything figures perhaps I have to wait a day. | 06:15 |
dr_willis | Diazo: could be your mirror is not updated yet | 06:15 |
Diazo | Probably. | 06:15 |
Diazo | Alright no problem I'll wait a day thanks dr_willis. | 06:16 |
dr_willis | but really - if you updated like yesterday,. i doubt if theres any large # of changes to a point release. | 06:16 |
Diazo | :P | 06:16 |
dr_willis | they just do the .2 or whatever iso so people can have up to date packages for clean installs | 06:16 |
shinobi_ | i will do so..... I also just had the idea of nmapping my localhost..... mayhap that would shed some light on whats running based on an obvious port like you said | 06:16 |
Diazo | Was just waiting to see what was in the newer kernel. | 06:16 |
Diazo | :P | 06:16 |
tomreyn | shinobi_: you could also run a full nmap scan on your LAN or loopback interfaces' ip addresses. sudo nmap -p 1- -sS -T5 IP_ADDRESS | 06:17 |
CC | dr_willis: How to remove /quantal/Release ? | 06:17 |
tomreyn | shinobi_: okay you were a tid bit faster there ;) | 06:17 |
dr_willis | CC: what do you mean? | 06:17 |
CC | dr_willis: It's my only remaining error when I try update | 06:17 |
Diazo | Have a good one. :) | 06:17 |
shinobi_ | tomreyn, thanks for that | 06:17 |
shinobi_ | am doing now | 06:17 |
dr_willis | CC: its in your sources.list or your /etc/apt/sources.list.d | 06:17 |
dr_willis | CC: you are running 12.10 ? | 06:18 |
CC | dr_willis: Yes | 06:18 |
dr_willis | so you may want to just comment it out.. since that should be a proper entry for your reelase. | 06:18 |
dr_willis | unlike the entries for 12.04 | 06:18 |
CC | dr_willis: Comment for it? | 06:20 |
dr_willis | #this is a comment | 06:20 |
dr_willis | this is not | 06:20 |
dr_willis | :-D | 06:20 |
CC | dr_willis: I'm not sure exactly what you mean then X3 | 06:20 |
flintser | CC: just add # in front of a line you want to comment | 06:21 |
flintser | you can add # in front of any line you want ignored | 06:21 |
dr_willis | most every config file works that way | 06:21 |
linuxuz3r | whats new in 12.10? | 06:22 |
bazhang | !notes > linuxuz3r | 06:22 |
ubottu | linuxuz3r, please see my private message | 06:22 |
CC | flintser: I'm not following sorry | 06:23 |
bazhang | CC your apt sources list is what you are trying to modify | 06:23 |
dr_willis | look at the lines in your sources.list file | 06:24 |
roger_ | dr_willis: so in gtkdialog I've got this "<action>xterm -e command</action>". Which works, however xterm closes when I hit ctrl+c. I need it to stay open so that I can copy/paste from it. | 06:24 |
flintser | CC: http://bash.cyberciti.biz/guide/Shell_Comments | 06:24 |
bazhang | CC and by opening that file in an editor, then placing a # in front of the line YOU DONT want it to check the alteration is made | 06:24 |
dr_willis | roger_: command && read | 06:25 |
dr_willis | no & at the end | 06:25 |
tomreyn | roger_: xterm -e 'command ; read' | 06:25 |
CC | flintser: #deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal main restricted universe multiverse | 06:26 |
CC | flintser: Yes? | 06:26 |
bazhang | CC yes | 06:26 |
CC | bazhang: Well I can't change the file because apparently I don't have permissions even though I'm the only user | 06:27 |
dr_willis | that looked like a legitimate entry to me.. | 06:27 |
bazhang | CC sudo nano or gksudo gedit | 06:27 |
dr_willis | you MUST use sudo rights to alter system files | 06:27 |
roger_ | dr_willis, tomreyn: hmm both of those still close down if I hit ctrl+c | 06:27 |
mognite | anyone at home | 06:28 |
bazhang | mognite, whats the support issue | 06:28 |
dr_willis | roger_: because ctrl-c sends a break to the shell. | 06:28 |
dr_willis | not a copy/paste | 06:28 |
mognite | do you have a general discussion channel? | 06:28 |
dr_willis | ms stole ctrl-c ;-) | 06:28 |
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roger_ | oh yeah totally I get that.. | 06:29 |
Ben64 | mognite: #ubuntu-offtopic ? | 06:29 |
dr_willis | right click. copy.. or select then middleclick | 06:29 |
mognite | thanks | 06:29 |
roger_ | the reason why I need ctrl+c is to stop the command from processing so it will quit moving around so I can select the data I need then copy/paste | 06:29 |
Ben64 | ctrl+z is "stop" | 06:30 |
dr_willis | use ctrl-s to pause it | 06:30 |
roger_ | may I PM you dr_willis? | 06:30 |
dr_willis | then ctrl-q to resume | 06:30 |
roger_ | oh.. ctrl+z or s.. ! lemme give those a try | 06:30 |
CC | dr_willis: Update and upgrade done. | 06:30 |
dr_willis | im at work so may have to leave at any time.. | 06:30 |
Ben64 | dr_willis's way is probably better | 06:31 |
dr_willis | i rhink you may need to read up on bash moar. ;-) | 06:31 |
dr_willis | ctrl-z backgrounds.. not what you want | 06:31 |
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roger_ | yeah you are right.. there is so much to learn | 06:32 |
dr_willis | ctrl s and q = flow controlling | 06:32 |
Ben64 | ctrl+z stops it, then you can background it | 06:32 |
Ben64 | but i get what you're saying | 06:32 |
roger_ | Coming from a programming background, I've really found gtkdialog the most fun | 06:32 |
CC | dr_willis: I still have a libc6 dependency error when trying to use steam.deb | 06:32 |
fastrack | Hello people of #ubuntu, I have a issue and it is that when I type "chown ubc /mirror" (mirror the folder, ubc the user, chown the command), I get "Changing ownership of '/mirror': operation not permitted", I am logged in as root over SSH. | 06:32 |
Ben64 | CC: have you done "sudo apt-get update" | 06:33 |
CC | Ben64: Yes | 06:33 |
dr_willis | CC: that lib should allready be installed. | 06:33 |
Ben64 | CC: are you on 64 bit | 06:33 |
CC | Ben64: Yes | 06:33 |
roger_ | one more for you guys.. (for now) why does "xterm -e command" work and "xterm -x mc command" doesn't? | 06:33 |
dr_willis | done a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade cc? | 06:33 |
Ben64 | sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 | 06:34 |
Ben64 | or just use steam's repository | 06:34 |
fastrack | nobody here knows about chown command? | 06:34 |
fastrack | :P | 06:34 |
dr_willis | whats -x supposed to do | 06:34 |
dr_willis | !permissions | fastrack | 06:34 |
ubottu | fastrack: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 06:34 |
bazhang | fastrack, patience. it sometimes takes more than a minute to answer | 06:34 |
fastrack | lol | 06:34 |
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thea | 'man chmod' | 06:35 |
Delux | need some help with fdisk/parted on Ubuntu server 12.04 | 06:36 |
flintser | !ask | Delux | 06:37 |
ubottu | Delux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 06:37 |
Delux | ok | 06:37 |
CC | dr_willis: http://pastebin.com/GN5DL3yM | 06:37 |
dr_willis | !info libc6 | 06:38 |
ubottu | libc6 (source: eglibc): Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.15-0ubuntu20 (quantal), package size 3847 kB, installed size 9130 kB | 06:38 |
Delux | have a 3TB drive installed on a Server 12.04. when I try to run fdisk and do partitions I get warnings about GPT detected. So I partition using parted and it seems to go ok but when I try to list with fdisk -l command | 06:39 |
Delux | I get the same warning plus now I get Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary. | 06:39 |
GeorgeTirebiter | Is a swap file a logical or primary partition? | 06:39 |
Delux | primary | 06:39 |
dr_willis | hmm id say hit up askubuntu.com and search for that last line error mesage. E: yadda..... | 06:39 |
GeorgeTirebiter | thanx | 06:39 |
dr_willis | GeorgeTirebiter: can be either | 06:40 |
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GeorgeTirebiter | That doesnt help. ;-) | 06:40 |
dr_willis | a FILE IS neither | 06:40 |
fastrack | my question wasn't how to chmod, it was why I was getting operation not permitted when logged on as root | 06:40 |
dr_willis | a PARTION can be either one | 06:40 |
GeorgeTirebiter | well I'm just doing the swap file thing on the install | 06:40 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I guess a better q is what should I make it? | 06:40 |
syntroPi | CC, "dpkg --print-foreign-architectures" is empty? | 06:41 |
GeorgeTirebiter | swap partition | 06:41 |
CC | syntroPi: 1386, i1386, i386 | 06:42 |
flintser | fastrack: if something is messed up root might not have acces to it but someone els may have | 06:42 |
flintser | access* else* | 06:42 |
CC | syntroPi: I believe 2 of those are my failed attempts at typing i386 | 06:42 |
Ben64 | why do you have 1386 and i1386? | 06:42 |
Ben64 | oh | 06:42 |
fastrack | I did mount a nfs server's folder as /mirror | 06:42 |
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BryanRuiz | so i hosed my ubuntu install and i need to get back into kde-plasma, but I dont know what "LOGIN agent" or window manager? im using.. what is that called and how would i figure that out? | 06:42 |
isaias | is there anywhere else i can get help with installing ubuntu on Nexus 7? | 06:42 |
GeorgeTirebiter | So, um. How should I make the swap partition? logical or primary? | 06:43 |
Ben64 | GeorgeTirebiter: doesn't matter | 06:43 |
BryanRuiz | I need to tell that login to log me into KDE instead of "default" | 06:43 |
GeorgeTirebiter | Not to me either, Ben. :) | 06:43 |
Ben64 | GeorgeTirebiter: you can only have 4 primaries though, so keep that in mind | 06:43 |
GeorgeTirebiter | and the thing is in megabytes, so 1000 is a GB right? | 06:43 |
syntroPi | CC hmm at least i368 is in there. ok | 06:43 |
dr_willis | GeorgeTirebiter: a swap file can be any file on your filesystem.. its not a swap Partition. which is a special partion on the hard dislk | 06:43 |
dr_willis | a swap partition can be a primary, or logical partition. | 06:44 |
GeorgeTirebiter | yeah Doc that's what I'm making now, a swap partition | 06:44 |
GeorgeTirebiter | ok | 06:44 |
syntroPi | isaias, have you tried #ubuntu-phone | 06:44 |
dr_willis | you can put all of linux on logicals if you wanted | 06:44 |
Delux | I have a 3TB drive installed on a Server 12.04. When I try to run fdisk and do partitions I get warnings about GPT detected. If I partition using parted and I try to list with fdisk -l command I get Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary. | 06:44 |
CC | syntroPi: What's my next step? | 06:45 |
isaias | syntroPi: i havent. thank you | 06:45 |
mrsudoer | i'm about to flash Lifeless...Do I just download the zip on the XDA site and flash it like normal after doing the regular backup/wipe? | 06:45 |
Ben64 | Delux: fdisk is silly, don't worry | 06:45 |
mrsudoer | wrong channel... | 06:45 |
syntroPi | CC not sure | 06:45 |
GeorgeTirebiter | should it be at behinning or end and what should be its mount point? | 06:45 |
dr_willis | Delux: id use parted ro make/manage the disk. not fdisk. and its not uncommon for there to be a few mb of unused space at the front of the hd/partions for alignment purposes | 06:45 |
syntroPi | CC have you tried installing it from ubuntu software center= | 06:46 |
Ben64 | CC: could you pastebin this... "grep . /etc/apt/sources.list* /etc/apt/sources.list*/*" | 06:46 |
dr_willis | for gparted - ignore fdisk. | 06:46 |
dr_willis | oops for gpt - ignore fdisk.. dont use it | 06:46 |
GeorgeTirebiter | and for that matter, should the main partition be at the beginning or end? | 06:46 |
dr_willis | GeorgeTirebiter: dosent really matter much | 06:46 |
Ben64 | GeorgeTirebiter: normally OS goes up front, and swap last, but it doesn't really affect things, unless you wanted to rearrange partitions later | 06:47 |
GeorgeTirebiter | ok then. | 06:47 |
fastrack | yes!! I got it to work | 06:47 |
dr_willis | my typical partioning scheme. (/ ) (/home) (swap) | 06:47 |
GeorgeTirebiter | funny os. | 06:47 |
fastrack | NFS server is working too | 06:47 |
Delux | when creating two partitions, I make the first start a 1MB and end at 2000000MB (2TB) and I start the second at 2000001 how do I know exactly where to end it? | 06:47 |
GeorgeTirebiter | thanx doc | 06:47 |
dr_willis | whats funny that fact that its flexiable? | 06:47 |
fastrack | can't wait to make my cluster | 06:47 |
GeorgeTirebiter | yeah | 06:47 |
GeorgeTirebiter | not used to flexibility | 06:48 |
dr_willis | if you just hit enter.. i think it will default to the eend of the hd. | 06:48 |
Delux | nope, tried | 06:48 |
Delux | it askes me again | 06:48 |
Delux | asks | 06:48 |
GeorgeTirebiter | k | 06:48 |
timfrost | fastrack: if /mirror is on NFS, then the NFS server may be configured so that root at a client is NOT root on the server, and chown needs enough privilege at the server (root or owner). | 06:48 |
dr_willis | this is in parted? or cfdisk? | 06:49 |
Delux | parted | 06:49 |
fastrack | timfrost: I just changed(on the server) /mirror to 777 and ubc and now the nodes can all edit stuff in it and such so its fine :) | 06:49 |
CC | Ben64: http://pastebin.com/b2LSZKQi | 06:49 |
Ben64 | CC: uh, you didn't type that correctly | 06:50 |
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CC | Ben64: Right sorry | 06:50 |
Ben64 | exactly like this, without quotes "grep . /etc/apt/sources.list* /etc/apt/sources.list*/*" | 06:51 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I'm using the swap patition as a swap partition, but there are a bunch of choices as to what to use the main partition as. Does it matter? | 06:51 |
Ben64 | GeorgeTirebiter: the filesystem of the main one? ext4 | 06:51 |
CC | Ben64: http://pastebin.com/KJhwk6J8 | 06:52 |
GeorgeTirebiter | since there are so many choices is there a place I can read about 'em all? | 06:52 |
flintser | fastrack: 777 is never good as far as i can think of :) | 06:52 |
Ben64 | CC: yeah you've definately got a problem with your sources, you should wipe em all and re-do them | 06:53 |
dr_willis | !manual | 06:53 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 06:53 |
fastrack | these aren't accesible over the internet and my wifi has a password. | 06:53 |
flintser | maybe to add nfs group and do maybe 775 or 755? | 06:53 |
fastrack | nobody has access to these servers but me and they are in my home.. I have a router and disabled incoming connections | 06:53 |
dr_willis | when in doubt use the defaults... | 06:53 |
Ben64 | CC: can you install synaptic? | 06:54 |
flintser | fastrack: if you're sure its fine, but you never know ;) foilhat is best hat | 06:54 |
CC | Ben64: Sure can | 06:54 |
fastrack | haha | 06:54 |
xanndmpx | alguem brasil | 06:56 |
Ben64 | !br | xanndmpx | 06:57 |
ubottu | xanndmpx: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 06:57 |
xanndmpx | #ubuntu-br | 06:58 |
CC | Ben64: Nevermind I cannot | 06:59 |
CC | Ben64: Failed to download repository information | 07:00 |
Ben64 | CC: ok... | 07:01 |
flintser | cc: you have 12.10 or 12.04? | 07:02 |
Ben64 | CC: delete /etc/apt/sources.list and everything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | 07:02 |
CC | flintser: 12.10 | 07:03 |
flintser | cc: ok then, i have 12.04, i could have copied them to my webserver and do a short rm && wget command for you | 07:03 |
flintser | i mean my sources list | 07:03 |
Ben64 | CC: this shall be your new /etc/apt/sources.list http://pastebin.com/W8GJ74wp | 07:04 |
Ben64 | CC: and this shall be /etc/apt/sources.list.d/steam.list http://pastebin.com/L2Hj7GNH | 07:04 |
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st | ||
flintser | what is the difference in sources.list and sources.lis.d/* | 07:05 |
flintser | list* | 07:05 |
Ben64 | CC: then run... "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys F24AEA9FB05498B7; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade" | 07:05 |
Ben64 | flintser: sources.list.d/ is where added repositories go, like PPAs and whatnot | 07:06 |
flintser | is it a Bad Thing(tm) to add everything to sources.list :/ | 07:06 |
dr_willis | its an old bad habbit | 07:07 |
dr_willis | and why we have a sources.list.d | 07:07 |
kilopopo | hi | 07:08 |
flintser | dr_willis: maybe i'll have to do some re-organizing then and do all "extra" repositories in sources.list.d/* | 07:08 |
kilopopo | when i suspend my computer it wont comeback up again | 07:08 |
dr_willis | extra repositories.. ;-) | 07:08 |
CC | Ben64: done | 07:09 |
kilopopo | how do i make it so that it comes back up again | 07:09 |
dr_willis | best is to not use extra repositories.. ;-) | 07:09 |
GeorgeTirebiter | While it's installing, I wanted to let someone know that I think there's a problem with your FTP server. I wanted to install ver 12.10 but the .iso came thru messed up twice, so I used the ver 12.04.2 instead. I assume I'll be able to upgrade once it's all installed and happy? | 07:09 |
dr_willis | GeorgeTirebiter: use the torrents | 07:09 |
dr_willis | and check the md5sum | 07:10 |
GeorgeTirebiter | well who knew. I used the internets | 07:10 |
Ben64 | CC: no errors? | 07:10 |
dr_willis | and theres not just 1 ftp server | 07:10 |
GeorgeTirebiter | where do I get the .torrent file? do a search? | 07:10 |
dr_willis | !torrent | 07:10 |
ubottu | Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P | 07:10 |
flintser | dr_willis: i use things like vsftpd with better/easier chroot support and they aren't available from ubuntu repos | 07:10 |
dr_willis | !download | 07:11 |
ubottu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Quantal, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 07:11 |
kilopopo | when i suspend my computer it wont comeback up again how do i make it wake up again???? | 07:11 |
CC | Ben64: http://pastebin.com/xzs4eDPE | 07:11 |
=== po_ is now known as po | ||
Delux | how do I change a partition from ext4 to whatever I need to cange it to to ready for RAID? | 07:11 |
Delux | mdadm: /dev/sda2 appears to contain an ext2fs file system | 07:11 |
GeorgeTirebiter | IDK what any of that means. I use uTorrent. (on winders) | 07:11 |
dr_willis | GeorgeTirebiter: find the. .torrent and download.... | 07:12 |
dr_willis | which should be at tge reseases... url above | 07:13 |
Ben64 | CC: hmm, they must have changed it on 12.10 | 07:13 |
GeorgeTirebiter | Right. I was asking where to find the .torrent, like if there was a particular search *place*. I usually just Google it. Zat ok? Will I find it? | 07:13 |
Ben64 | CC: delete that steam.list file you made and do "sudo apt-get update" again, then try installing the steam.deb file | 07:13 |
dr_willis | the url to the torrents is above... | 07:13 |
GeorgeTirebiter | and whats it called? | 07:13 |
=== Motoservo_ is now known as Motoservo | ||
kilopopo | ~hibernate | 07:14 |
kilopopo | ~hibernate | 07:14 |
kilopopo | !hibernate | 07:14 |
GeorgeTirebiter | ok | 07:14 |
dr_willis | http://releases.ubuntu.com/quantal/ | 07:14 |
GeorgeTirebiter | can I assume ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent is for a 32 bit machine? | 07:15 |
Delux | yes GeorgeTirebiter | 07:15 |
dr_willis | yep | 07:15 |
Delux | how do I change a partition from ext4 to whatever I need to cange it to to ready for RAID? | 07:15 |
Delux | mdadm: /dev/sda2 appears to contain an ext2fs file system | 07:15 |
GeorgeTirebiter | and so will I have to use this new disc to upgrade? | 07:16 |
dr_willis | or do a clean install | 07:16 |
dr_willis | i rarely upgrade | 07:17 |
GeorgeTirebiter | heavens! | 07:17 |
CC | Ben64: Same libc6 errors | 07:17 |
GeorgeTirebiter | it'll be easier the second time | 07:17 |
dr_willis | i dont know what you have installed either | 07:17 |
GeorgeTirebiter | 12.04 | 07:17 |
dr_willis | many people stay with 12.04 | 07:18 |
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang | ||
GeorgeTirebiter | ok well I will for awhile and if I upgrade I'll hate it like I hated windows 7 until I love it | 07:19 |
Delux | how do I change a partition from ext4 to whatever I need to cange it to to ready for RAID? | 07:21 |
Delux | mdadm: /dev/sda2 appears to contain an ext2fs file system | 07:21 |
dr_willis | !raid | 07:22 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 07:22 |
CC | Ben64: ? | 07:23 |
dr_willis | GeorgeTirebiter: 13.04 due out in like 2 months | 07:23 |
=== pol_ is now known as SpinningPyramid | ||
neo1691 | Hi. I have setup apache on ubuntu and am working on localhost. How can i access the same web pages stored on /var/www on a windows machine which is connected to ubuntu using a lan wire? | 07:24 |
GeorgeTirebiter | So like Windows 8? | 07:25 |
hilarie | Herro, could anyone point me in the right direction of running a 2nd instance on sftpd on a seperate port? | 07:25 |
flintser | neo1691: write your ip address to the windows machine | 07:25 |
decci | Hi | 07:25 |
hilarie | decci hello | 07:25 |
SpinningPyramid | hello | 07:25 |
Delux | is it possible to run a full version of Ubuntu Server from a USB thumb drive? | 07:25 |
hilarie | Delux YES!~! | 07:26 |
aeon-ltd | Delux: yeah, why not | 07:26 |
Delux | is there a good tutorial to do this? | 07:26 |
hilarie | Delux It works quite weill, but swapoff is your friend | 07:26 |
dr_willis | !tab | 07:26 |
hilarie | Delux it's just like installing it on a HDD, but you install it on a thumb drive, nothing special | 07:26 |
ubottu | You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 07:26 |
kunji | Delux: You just install it to the USB as you would to an HD | 07:27 |
dr_willis | bbl | 07:27 |
Delux | it shows as a HDD during install? | 07:27 |
kunji | yep | 07:27 |
hilarie | It always shows up as a HDD | 07:27 |
hilarie | But really, the sftpd conf file does not have a port option | 07:28 |
kunji | hilarie: Actually I think it did not back in the day, but it has for a few years now at least | 07:28 |
kunji | hilarie: I might be thinking of something else though | 07:28 |
flintser | hilarie: Delux: note that you need two usb drives or live-cd and usb, you can't install to the same usb you are trying to install from | 07:28 |
kilopopo | when i suspend my computer it wont comeback up again how do i make it wake up again???? | 07:28 |
hilarie | kunji are you talking about ftp, or the usb question? | 07:28 |
kunji | usb | 07:28 |
hilarie | At least they all show up as /dev/sdb or w/e | 07:29 |
aeon-ltd | kilopopo: press power button once? | 07:29 |
kunji | hilarie: For sure, I just meant in the installer, they always appeared as HDDs to the OS | 07:30 |
=== cameronc is now known as CC | ||
CC | Ben64: Crashed again | 07:32 |
Fenix | hello | 07:32 |
SpinningPyramid | exit | 07:32 |
CC | Ben64: Made any breakthroughs? | 07:33 |
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn | ||
=== ident is now known as Guest51735 | ||
Fenix | i've been setting up ubuntu 12.10 as a vm guest running on win 7. it's been working pretty well, but i'm having some mouse issues. in any 3d game (quake 3, counter strike, steel storm) the mouse sensitivity is super high and any slight mouse movement makes the character look up and spin in circles. none of the in-game mouse sensitivity settings made any difference, also my mouse accelleration and sensitivity are at their lowest values in the | 07:35 |
Fenix | settings menu in ubuntu. any suggestions on how to remedy this mouse issue? | 07:35 |
tomreyn | Fenix: that's a #virtualbox question really, i'd say. | 07:37 |
Fenix | hrm... well aside from those games, the mouse is working just fine | 07:38 |
=== Guest3376 is now known as Senjai | ||
arunkumar413 | how to record sound in gnome shell screen recording option using ctrl+Alt+Shirft+R | 07:39 |
tomreyn | Fenix: yes so it's an issue with the 3D acceleration passthrough | 07:39 |
=== grep is now known as Guest44940 | ||
vedic | I have added postgresql Apt as mentioned here: http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Apt . I can see the latest postgresql versions for Ubuntu 10.04 (eg: default is 8.4 but after adding apt, I get 9.x version). But not sure why I don't see pgbouncer 1.5.4 version available ? | 07:50 |
GeorgeTirebiter | Thunderbird?? LOL | 07:50 |
Delux | I have the USB CD-ROM with Server 12.04 disk and a USB Flash Drive on a Ubuntu Server machine. How do I make the USB bootable so I can install from the USD drive? | 07:51 |
GeorgeTirebiter | I just installed Umbutu and discovered it uses thunderbird. | 07:51 |
GeorgeTirebiter | funny | 07:51 |
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish | ||
Inspiral | Delux: on windows ? | 07:53 |
elemay2 | hi guys, i have 2 intel pro 1000 nics (e1000 driver) in my ubuntu 12.04 x64 server, both are configured as a bond0, but one only gets 100mbps link. i tried to change the specific nick also switched ports on the switch, still the same. any hints in the right direction? | 07:54 |
=== someone is now known as Guest6255 | ||
Guest6255 | Hello, is this the channel for help with Ubuntu or just general chat? | 07:57 |
vzion | support | 07:57 |
Guest6255 | Ok | 07:57 |
kilopopo | night guys im out | 07:57 |
=== kilopopo is now known as linuxuz3r | ||
Guest6255 | I'm having a problem with the resolution of my screen. | 07:58 |
Guest6255 | It has been set at 1024x768 since I installed Ubuntu. | 07:58 |
vzion | what chip | 07:58 |
Guest6255 | Now it is stuck at 640x480. | 07:59 |
Guest6255 | What do you mean? | 07:59 |
vzion | make/model | 07:59 |
Guest6255 | Of the graphics? | 07:59 |
vzion | yes | 07:59 |
Guest6255 | or computer | 07:59 |
Guest6255 | ok I believe they are Intel extreme 845 integrated graphics | 08:00 |
Guest6255 | It was set at a higher res before and was working fine. I don't know what happend. | 08:01 |
wagle | what was installed before that worked? | 08:02 |
Guest6255 | You mean version of Ubuntu. | 08:03 |
arunkumar413 | does screen recording process is handled by gpu or cpu? | 08:03 |
wagle | you just upgraded ubuntu then? | 08:03 |
wagle | crt screen? | 08:03 |
Guest6255 | No | 08:03 |
Guest6255 | no lcd | 08:03 |
wagle | wow | 08:04 |
Guest6255 | I have Ubuntu 11.04 | 08:04 |
* wagle scratches head and thinks | 08:04 | |
Guest6255 | and I meant I have an lcd | 08:04 |
vzion | that chip has known compatibility issues. its flawed & buggy | 08:05 |
wagle | i'm impressed that its confused about an lcd screen | 08:05 |
Guest6255 | Oh, really. So I'm stuck with the problem or is there a fix? | 08:05 |
Guest6255 | I've been search about it for awhile. | 08:05 |
Guest6255 | *searching | 08:06 |
helmut_ | hi | 08:06 |
* wagle bows out, he doesnt know | 08:06 | |
cjfs | Guest6255, checked this already? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1713844 | 08:07 |
vzion | try changing to xfce or lxde instead of using Unity | 08:07 |
elemay2 | Guest6255: maybe you could try an ppa with updated drivers. like this one https://launchpad.net/~glasen/+archive/intel-driver | 08:07 |
=== TheRainbowDawn is now known as Dawn_ | ||
wagle | if you are rich, you could get another video card.. i did that once for a while | 08:08 |
Guest6255 | I'm not using Unity, because I had problems with it. And I'll check that cjfs | 08:08 |
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish` | ||
=== Dawn_ is now known as TheRainbowDawn | ||
Guest6255 | and I'll check your link elemay2 | 08:08 |
wagle | but it sounds like you can get it fixed | 08:08 |
=== TheRainbowDawn is now known as Dawn_ | ||
TheGrey | o/ could the cause of my wifi slowness be because my wifi is registered as wlan2 as opposed to wlan0? If so, how can I make it wlan0? | 08:09 |
Kartagis | TheGrey: I suspect /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules | 08:09 |
wagle | wifi slowness might be an overloaded channel (like all your neighbors are using the same channel) | 08:10 |
elemay2 | TheGrey: the naming shouldn't affect the speed | 08:10 |
vzion | is there a way to check the RSSI value on ubuntu? | 08:11 |
TheGrey | right because from my iwconfig, I get a mega ton of excessive retries and invalid misc. FYI I use ath9k. i've changed hwcyrpt, I'd installed linux compat-drivers. I've tried manually bumping the rate to 54M. All that seems left is to instal wicd and "disable n channel"... | 08:11 |
vzion | i've been having issues with the ath9k recently | 08:12 |
wagle | i'm seen wifi watcher guis that display the usage of each of the channels.. dunno how to find one though | 08:15 |
brightknight | wagle: the developers basically closed opensource down | 08:16 |
vzion | ? | 08:16 |
vedic | How to perform apt-get upgrade without updating linux kernel and headers only | 08:16 |
vedic | I want to update all other but linux kernel and its headers | 08:16 |
brightknight | good code is hard to come by | 08:16 |
vzion | i only know how to do that using the updated gui | 08:17 |
wagle | http://www.airgrab.com/AirGrab_WiFi_Radar/ seems to be free | 08:17 |
brightknight | like dd-wrt they code it in such a way that it is "open source" but the source is cyphered | 08:18 |
TheGrey | wagle: nice, and whats up with the disabling n channel stuff I hear on the forums? do you know what is mean by this and why it may have any effect? many thanks! :D | 08:18 |
wagle | blreagh | 08:18 |
brightknight | or it will come broke until it logs into freenode and downloads the closed source "updates" and backdoors | 08:18 |
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle | ||
vzion | thats for apple | 08:18 |
arunkumar413 | how to set to zoom only the area near the mouse pointer in the universal access zoom tool | 08:19 |
wagle | TheGrey: over my head: i just know that wifi has several channels to use, but seldom gives the user a choice, nor makes a sensible choice on its own | 08:19 |
cnf | morning | 08:20 |
cnf | anyone around that knows their way around preseed? I want to have it ask confirmation of prefilled values | 08:20 |
vzion | channel = frquency. like old cordless phones used 900MHz, newer ones operated in 2.4 GHz & 5.2 GHz | 08:20 |
vzion | you can walk up and down the frequency range to find one not being used as much so your packets dont collide mid-air | 08:21 |
wagle | if you can find the knob | 08:22 |
Onkeltem | HI all. I have problem with console font on a Ubuntu 12.04 set: I see "???" instead of Russian file names. Any ideas? | 08:22 |
vzion | its on the wroter, not the device | 08:22 |
kepler | wagle: you should be able to pick a channel on your router | 08:22 |
vzion | router* | 08:22 |
* wagle goes at looks | 08:23 | |
vzion | you configure that stuff in the wroter's admin page (typically | 08:23 |
dmonjo | jo> hi i have 2 monitors extended mode, i have a panel on the second screen with a shortcute for chrome, when i click it the chrome window opened on the main terminal (the first screen) i want it to open directly on the second screen from where it was called how can i do that? | 08:23 |
* wagle goes and looks | 08:23 | |
vzion | i must be tired.. | 08:23 |
wagle | i use gigabit cable at home, soooo | 08:23 |
vzion | if its not your router, dont touch its admin page | 08:24 |
wagle | ok, my router is set to "automatic", so i guess it finds a good channel every so often | 08:25 |
vzion | or not | 08:26 |
paws | so i edited my userdir.conf to be as /home/*/www and my error.log is showing me: (13)Permission denied: access to /~nghh/index.html denied | 08:26 |
makertronic | Ok I'm the with the intel graphics problems. I just rebooted my computer, because it froze, and the res is back to normal. So, I'm confused. | 08:26 |
wagle | its my router, but i leave it alone | 08:26 |
wagle | makertronic: dont worry, be happy... (uhhh) | 08:27 |
kepler | wagle: it won't hurt to change it to a particular frequency -- provided it isn't saturated by others. you may disconnect for a moment though | 08:27 |
vzion | you shouldnt allow access to the admin page through wifi | 08:27 |
syntroPi | paws, idk maybe a "chmod o+r ~/www" could help? | 08:27 |
superdo | hi, why I cant set ip4 settings to manual in 12.10? the save button grayed out | 08:27 |
wagle | i last hacked on wireless in 1998 or so | 08:28 |
paws | syntroPi: but i do not want any other users on the server accessing my home dir or www dir | 08:28 |
kepler | wagle: were you using WEP or open? that'd be why | 08:28 |
illuminati_ | hi, I tried installing ubuntu 12.10 but installation hangs and displays "(initramfs) unable to find a medium containing live file system" . any help? | 08:28 |
illuminati_ | I am using macbook 5,2.. early 2009 model | 08:28 |
vzion | did you create a persistence file? sounds like the persistence is messed up | 08:29 |
syntroPi | paws, maybe you can add the group of the server program to the perms? | 08:29 |
vzion | illuminati_, if this is a USB, try making it again but make sure the persistence is set to 0 bytes | 08:30 |
vedic | How to disable single user mode login? (i.e. when OS boots, by modifying the kernel parameters, one can enter as single user) | 08:30 |
illuminati_ | persistence? vzion i am a newbie. yes i am installing through USB… checked md5.. its matching.. | 08:31 |
vzion | the program you used to make the USB asked how much space to reserve for saving files (try changing the value to 0) | 08:31 |
illuminati_ | i used unetbootin... | 08:32 |
jnhghy | Hi, I have some dbf files that I need to edit, anybody knows any software that I can try? | 08:32 |
jnhghy | I checked GTK but I can't make it modify the dbf it only shows it... | 08:33 |
=== ident is now known as Guest60788 | ||
illuminati_ | vzion: yes.. it was set to zero by default… | 08:33 |
vzion | i had a problem installing today. changed thumbdrives and it worked | 08:33 |
vzion | maybe set it to 2048 MB | 08:34 |
iceroot | how to tell the kernel to reread my partitions? i did sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1 (dont run that command!!). what ways are there without restart so that the kernel will read the new partition layout on sdb | 08:34 |
illuminati_ | okay … will try | 08:34 |
=== sweettea is now known as Guest30093 | ||
wagle | iceroot: eject? | 08:35 |
iceroot | partprobe is the way to go i figured out | 08:35 |
illuminati_ | one more question vzion , the image i downloaded was 64 bit… also my computer is 64 based.. but in the name of the image there was AMD64… it that image only for AMD chips? | 08:35 |
iceroot | illuminati_: no | 08:36 |
illuminati_ | for all macs? mine is intel based. | 08:36 |
iceroot | illuminati_: its also for intel, the amd64 technic itself is called amd64 and is not releated to amd cpus | 08:36 |
vzion | amd beat intel to the standard so they got to name it | 08:36 |
iceroot | illuminati_: for intel macs there is a special iso (imo) | 08:36 |
iceroot | !mac | illuminati_ | 08:36 |
ubottu | illuminati_: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 08:36 |
illuminati_ | iceroot: can u give me address for iso for intel based macs? | 08:37 |
iceroot | !download | 08:37 |
ubottu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Quantal, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 08:37 |
_DeLa_ | hi there | 08:37 |
James_WB | hello i have a question | 08:37 |
thea | !torrents | 08:38 |
ubottu | Quantal can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/quantal/desktop/ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/quantal/server/ubuntu-12.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 | 08:38 |
illuminati_ | thanks vzion iceroot ubottu | 08:38 |
vedic | How to disable single user mode login? (i.e. when OS boots, by modifying the kernel parameters, one can enter as single user) | 08:38 |
iceroot | illuminati_: seems like there is no mac image anymore, i thought there was a amd64 iso with mac in it name but luckily i dont own an apple jail so i never tried it | 08:38 |
illuminati_ | lol | 08:39 |
_DeLa_ | I wonder which console commad / tool can show me the ip addresses of all my LAN devices? simply typing "ifconfig" in the terminal doesn't do it | 08:39 |
Fuzzles | will steam work out the box with my ati radeion hd 3 series? | 08:39 |
wagle | James_WB: there are 1700 people here.. ask your question. if one of them is looking and knows the answer, then ... | 08:39 |
illuminati_ | Gonna buy a pc if couldn't succeed initialling linux.. | 08:39 |
iceroot | _DeLa_: ifconfig will show you all configured network devices | 08:39 |
iceroot | _DeLa_: if it does not show all, then the others are not configured correctly | 08:40 |
vzion | Fuzzles, not sure how well it will work. AMD considers hd 2xxx, 3xxx and 4xxx series legacy and doesnt supply working drivers any more | 08:40 |
wagle | ifconfig -a | 08:40 |
wagle | ? | 08:40 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: ip addr show | 08:40 |
thea | ip addr show | 08:40 |
Fuzzles | vzion, so im screwed :( | 08:40 |
* wagle is stuck in the 1990s | 08:40 | |
tomreyn | wagle :) | 08:41 |
vzion | Fuzzles, not nessesarily. the xorg drivers work pretty well but not for everything. some games run for me others tell me i dont have working OpenGL | 08:41 |
Valtam | Fuzzles, you meet the min. requirements | 08:41 |
Fuzzles | vzion, xorg? are they the drivers in addition drivers? | 08:41 |
vzion | no they are the default drivers ur running wight now | 08:42 |
cousteau | something weird has happened with the update manager. It has frozen when it had apparently finished. I just joined here to ask for help, but then it suddenly continued and finished. | 08:42 |
James_WB | My question is about installing a USB adsl modem I have (H9601), I would like to know how to setup the connection with ubuntu 11.04 . It is possible that my modem is not compatible with ubuntu but I would like to know. And I have checked the product website and the drivers they offer are for outdated linux distrubutions. On google there is one solution but it for ubuntu 9.0 and does not work for newer versions of ubuntu. Any help | 08:42 |
_DeLa_ | thea: nope... | 08:42 |
_DeLa_ | well.... | 08:42 |
Fuzzles | Valtam, so i should install the 1 driver listed in additional drivers and download TF2 and try i know in beta it didnt work | 08:42 |
vzion | what version ubuntu you running? | 08:43 |
Fuzzles | who me? | 08:43 |
vzion | yea | 08:43 |
Fuzzles | 12.04 | 08:43 |
vzion | that driver wont work, youll have to downgrade if you want to use it | 08:43 |
Fuzzles | vzion, what you mean downgrade? | 08:44 |
vzion | 11.04 or 11.10 | 08:44 |
Valtam | Fuzzles, http://i.imgur.com/7Bnsd.png | 08:44 |
HackerZedi | /exit | 08:44 |
_DeLa_ | my problem is the following: I have a dlink ip cam attached via ethernet to my lan switch / dlink dsl modem.... in the web interface, the modem recognizes the cam and shows the ip address, but I cannot access the config web interface of my ip cam through this ip address .... any suggestions? | 08:45 |
Fuzzles | so theres no way of getting the driver in 12.04 | 08:45 |
=== magentar_ is now known as magentar | ||
tomreyn | cousteau: download ubuntu 12.10 and make a bootable dvd/usb key out of it, boot it, and see hwther your modem works out of the box there | 08:45 |
vzion | try runing the xorg driver, it may work just fine, otherwise no, AMD wants you to pay for new hardware | 08:46 |
tomreyn | cousteau: also update your ubuntu version since yours is end of life | 08:46 |
Fuzzles | vzion, how do i get xorg driver | 08:46 |
cousteau | tomreyn, I don't want to do that nor I'm interested on it. Are you sure the nick you wanted to highlight was mine? | 08:46 |
vzion | you are runing it right *now* | 08:46 |
tomreyn | !11.04 | cousteau | 08:46 |
ubottu | cousteau: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details. | 08:46 |
wagle | Valtam: where's you get that, its scary | 08:47 |
cousteau | tomreyn, the user you're looking for is James_WB | 08:47 |
Fuzzles | what the driver in additional drivers | 08:47 |
cousteau | (I think) | 08:47 |
tomreyn | cousteau: i'm sorry, i mixed you up indeed | 08:47 |
cousteau | heh, don't worry :) | 08:47 |
tomreyn | James_WB: download ubuntu 12.10 and make a bootable dvd/usb key out of it, boot it, and see hwther your modem works out of the box there | 08:47 |
vzion | Fuzzles, you are already useing the xorg driver. you dont need to install it | 08:47 |
tomreyn | James_WB: also update your ubuntu version since yours is end of life | 08:47 |
tomreyn | !11.04 | James_WB | 08:48 |
ubottu | James_WB: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) was the fourteenth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on October 28, 2012. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details. | 08:48 |
Fuzzles | vzion, so he one that runs without installing a driver when u first install | 08:48 |
wagle | is there a kit/whatever for us old fogeys who are happy with 10.04? | 08:49 |
wagle | to modernize | 08:49 |
James_WB | ok I will try with the latest version of ubuntu , although I have suspicion that my modem will not work :( | 08:49 |
wagle | James_WB: boot from cdrom (live cd?) and see if you can make it work | 08:51 |
James_WB | Product site (http://www.prolink2u.com/new/support/download.php?q=h9601) , although it has linux driver section, it makes no mention of the newer versions of linux, also mentions something about compiling :( | 08:51 |
ikonia | wagle: what do you mean by modernise ? | 08:51 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: is your computer, the one you are rying to access the ip cam from, in the same network (in terms of ip addresses, do the first three octets match?) as the ip cam? | 08:52 |
wagle | ikonia: they are going to kick me off 10.04 in another 1.5 months.. i cant stand 12.04 or 12.10 | 08:52 |
wagle | but they are "modern" | 08:52 |
ikonia | wagle: who is going to kick you off ? | 08:53 |
=== FreedomTea is now known as FTS | ||
wagle | ikonia: support ends in april for 10.04 | 08:53 |
ikonia | wagle: no-one is stopping you using it after suppport | 08:53 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: also make sure your d-link router (the device you refer to as "lan switch / dlink dsl modem") is configured to allow devices within the network to communicate with each other. | 08:53 |
wagle | meh, dont wanna get hacked, etc | 08:54 |
ikonia | wagle: why do you think you're going to get hacked ? | 08:54 |
wagle | besides, sounds like the time has come to learn how to customize 13, or someething | 08:55 |
mmack | Hey all! I have a question about open files... i have bigcouch running and hit the open files limit, so i went to limits.conf and raised it for root and * to a better value. My problem is that the applications hits the old limit (1024). Its ubuntu server 12.04... what have i missed? | 08:55 |
wagle | ikonia: because I have been hacked in the past | 08:55 |
ikonia | wagle: what ? customize 13 ? | 08:55 |
ikonia | wagle: so, that's probably your fault rather than software | 08:55 |
amrit | hi | 08:55 |
wagle | ikonia: ah, found your troll line did ya? | 08:56 |
_DeLa_ | tomreyn: I think only the 2 first octets match...192.168. - then the differ...is that the problem? concerning my "router": sorry, I really meant to say that I have a dsl modem which is attached to an ethernet switch where the rest of my network is connected to | 08:56 |
ikonia | errr no | 08:56 |
amrit | i have approblem.. | 08:56 |
wagle | /nick houston | 08:57 |
amrit | my applications are crashing once in a while | 08:57 |
amrit | and when im trying to send error report it says mine is not a genuine ubuntu pack | 08:58 |
amrit | i do not understand plz hep | 08:58 |
_DeLa_ | tomreyn: need to reboot...brb | 08:58 |
rypervenche | mmack: What does ulimit -a show? | 08:59 |
amrit | hey fellows plz help me out | 08:59 |
mmack | rypervenche: It shows the correct value (50k) | 09:00 |
jpds | amrit: There is no such thing as a "genuine ubuntu pack". | 09:00 |
wagle | amrit: how did you install ubuntu (I was waiting to see if someone knew the answer)? | 09:00 |
rypervenche | mmack: For both soft and hard limits? | 09:00 |
mmack | yep | 09:00 |
geryon66 | rypervenche: type: help ulimit | 09:00 |
tomreyn | !enter | amrit | 09:00 |
ubottu | amrit: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 09:00 |
mmack | rypervenche: i think i got the golden hint: Y"ou also need to edit /etc/pam.d/common-session* and add the following line to the end:" | 09:01 |
rypervenche | geryon66: Why'd you send that to me? | 09:01 |
amrit | thanks for answering.. i upgraded my system from 10.10 to 12.04 | 09:01 |
wagle | amrit: i have no idea what a "genuine ubuntu pack" is.. i can guess that it has something to do with where you got the 12.04 install image? | 09:04 |
_DeLa_ | re | 09:04 |
jpds | amrit: You're going to have to give us a screenshot of the error message. | 09:04 |
wagle | jpds: good idea | 09:05 |
amrit | okay | 09:05 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: so it could be that the different networks you are in is why you cannot access the ip cam, if the ip cam is configured to not allow remote access | 09:05 |
amrit | is there any way to access my previous error logs? | 09:05 |
wagle | tail -50 /var/log/messages | 09:06 |
wagle | ? | 09:06 |
_DeLa_ | args ...brb ... | 09:06 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: another approach could be to reset the IP cam to vendor defaults. most devices have a way to do this in case you misconfigure them and can't get network access to them anymore. | 09:07 |
mmack | rypervenche: hmm, nope that did not help.. still hitting the limit | 09:08 |
rypervenche | mmack: Have you logged out/rebooted? | 09:08 |
mmack | yep | 09:08 |
mmack | if i login with the user that's running the service i get the correct ulimit | 09:09 |
donnie | Does anyone know OpenOffice like a pro? I'm having troubles | 09:12 |
paws | donnie you should be more specific than that | 09:13 |
iceroot | when using mdadm to create a RAID 10, is there a way to say mdadm that sda is already holding the final data and the array should be created with sda as the sync-base? or will it be random what mdadm is picking? | 09:13 |
amrit | i remeber it says try removing 3rd party softwares? what are 3rd party softwares? how to remove them and can i remove them at a go? | 09:14 |
iceroot | amrit: ppas | 09:14 |
syntroPi | mmack, have you read http://askubuntu.com/questions/162229/how-do-i-increase-the-open-files-limit-for-a-non-root-user | 09:14 |
donnie | paws: You know how you can make 'sections' to hyperlink too... Well mine messed up, and I wanna start over. How do I remove all "sections" without redoing the document? | 09:14 |
mmack | syntroPi: yep... | 09:14 |
cocomo | hi, whats the real name of 'monospace' font which is used in the terminal. Where is it located on disk? | 09:14 |
Baptist666 | hey | 09:14 |
wagle | oh wow, the battle continues | 09:14 |
Baptist666 | How can i install cinammon? | 09:15 |
mmack | syntroPi: my guess now that the value is too high | 09:15 |
* D3AX0N on a mission | 09:15 | |
wagle | amrit: video drivers (like nvidia), which are closed source, so no-one can debug them | 09:15 |
amrit | i am new to ubuntu and its community, i did not understand ppas? | 09:15 |
D3AX0N | hello | 09:15 |
cocomo | hi, where is the 'monospace' font located on ubuntu 12.04. Its the font used by terminal. | 09:16 |
Baptist666 | HEY | 09:16 |
Baptist666 | how can i check my ubuntu version? | 09:16 |
iceroot | Baptist666: cat /etc/issue | 09:16 |
wagle | amrit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_Package_Archive | 09:17 |
_DeLa_ | jesus....re | 09:17 |
dr_willis | !ppa | amrit | 09:17 |
ubottu | amrit: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 09:17 |
dr_willis | hmm.. bot is sleeping again. ;) | 09:17 |
wagle | dr_willis: thanks for the tip | 09:18 |
dr_willis | thers no charge for awsome. ;P | 09:18 |
Kartagis | what can I do if sound stutters in a video in firefox? | 09:18 |
amrit | can i remove all these 3rd part softwares in one go? | 09:19 |
spinning | nope | 09:19 |
wagle | amrit: try deleting your PPA's and see if it still crashes.. if so, you can now report it.. but until its fixed, you might have to tolerate being with (or without) your ppas | 09:20 |
wagle | !ppa-purge | 09:20 |
ubottu | To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 09:20 |
Baptist666 | I installed cinnamon. how can i make it default gui? | 09:20 |
wagle | amrit: ^^^ | 09:20 |
kepler | Baptist666: when you log in, select it, then the next time you log in, make sure it says "use previous" | 09:21 |
dr_willis | Baptist666: select it at the lightdm login screen and it should rember for your user | 09:21 |
Baptist666 | k | 09:21 |
Baptist666 | ty | 09:21 |
amrit | @wagle : thanks , can u help me out how to remove ppa's | 09:21 |
dr_willis | !ppa-purge | 09:21 |
ubottu | To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html | 09:21 |
wagle | amrit: read the above | 09:21 |
amrit | thanks wagle | 09:22 |
wagle | thanks dr_willis | 09:22 |
hilarie | could someone point me in the right direction of either starting 2nd SSHD or Vsftp server on a different port my google fu is failing me | 09:22 |
spinning | is vim that difficult to use? | 09:22 |
llutz | hilarie: why 2nd sshd? just define multiple "Port" in sshd_config | 09:22 |
hilarie | when you compare it to nano it is | 09:22 |
hilarie | llutz orly! | 09:23 |
dr_willis | spinning: i dont think so. You juat have to rember its all about the 'mode' its in | 09:23 |
dr_willis | most text editors are non-modal normally | 09:23 |
kepler | spinning: if you want to learn it, it keeps your fingers on the keyboard, instead of using arrow keys/mouse | 09:23 |
dr_willis | !info vimtutor | 09:23 |
ubottu | Package vimtutor does not exist in quantal | 09:23 |
amrit | what wiil be there in place or repository name and subdirectore | 09:23 |
llutz | hilarie: man sshd_config "Port Specifies the port number that sshd(8) listens on. The default is 22. Multiple options of this type are permitted." | 09:23 |
dr_willis | !find vimtutor | 09:23 |
ubottu | File vimtutor found in manpages-zh, vim-gui-common, vim-runtime | 09:23 |
* wagle hugs his mouse, protectively | 09:23 | |
=== charles is now known as Guest20783 | ||
spinning | and what about the learning curve, when using it practically daily for C/C++ | 09:24 |
Ben64 | eh, mouse is good for gaming and web browsing only | 09:24 |
kepler | i use my keyboard for everything i can | 09:24 |
hilarie | llutz so would I do port 22 <linebreak> port 42 or port 22 42? | 09:24 |
llutz | hilarie: Port 22 \n Port 42 | 09:25 |
hilarie | \n is ninjaspeak for hitting enter right? | 09:25 |
wagle | yes | 09:25 |
hilarie | Thank you :) Wish me luck bypassing my ISPs QoS! | 09:26 |
Guest20783 | see you | 09:26 |
wagle | now we have to killall you | 09:26 |
llutz | hilarie: \n = linefeed | 09:26 |
_DeLa_ | tomreyn: I just checked both have 192.168.1. . ... so same network...hm | 09:26 |
kortsi | ubuntu 12.10 64-bit, nvidia quadro 4000, glxgears gives me 8-10 fps after machine has been up for a day or two. after reboot it gives me thousands of fps. it seems to slow down as a function of time - what should i check? | 09:26 |
lcabreza1 | how do i disable wlan and enable only bluetooth ? | 09:26 |
vzion | right click on the wifi bars (network arrows) | 09:27 |
_DeLa_ | lcabreza1: "rfkill" in the terminal | 09:27 |
kepler | _DeLa_: what's the problem? | 09:27 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: in case you missed this: another approach could be to reset the IP cam to vendor defaults. most devices have a way to do this in case you misconfigure them and can't get network access to them anymore. | 09:28 |
kubanc | hellow! is there any GUI for vsftp? | 09:29 |
_DeLa_ | tomreyn: sorry, probably missed it | 09:29 |
_DeLa_ | thanks | 09:29 |
llutz | kubanc: ftp-gui like filezilla? or admin-gui, then no | 09:29 |
Ben64 | kubanc: uh.. vsftpd is a server... so.. no? | 09:29 |
=== vincent is now known as Guest63008 | ||
=== Guest63008 is now known as Vin100|Work | ||
_DeLa_ | kepler: see above dialog.... | 09:30 |
_DeLa_ | tomreyn: will try resetting... | 09:30 |
wagle | kubanc: webmin? | 09:30 |
llutz | !webmin | 09:30 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. | 09:30 |
kubanc | Ben64, i need amin-gui, because i would like to pt user user1 only accessible to folder /var/www/mb | 09:30 |
wagle | ooooooo | 09:30 |
Ben64 | kubanc: could you repeat that in english | 09:30 |
lcabreza1 | _DeLa_: what s the complete command rfkill wifi ? | 09:31 |
=== grep is now known as Guest98042 | ||
kubanc | Ben64, :D. I would lie to create FTP account that can only have permission for specific folder | 09:33 |
Ben64 | kubanc: that's not related to having a gui at all. try this - http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/vsftp-chroot-users-limit-to-only-their-home-directory.html | 09:34 |
wagle | kubanc: use a text editor to edit the config file appropriately? (i dont know vsftpd well) | 09:34 |
kepler | _DeLa_: in general, routers provide addresses in a /24 block, so if you have an IP in 192.168.1.x and 192.168.2.x, they will not be able to communicate (in general). | 09:36 |
_DeLa_ | lcabreza1: first "rfkill list" | 09:37 |
wagle | kepler: they might decide to bounce off the stupid router that dhcp'd that | 09:37 |
wagle | since it would be the default route | 09:38 |
_DeLa_ | then check the number of the item you want to dis-/enable and type "rfkill block number" or "rfkill unblock number" ...as root / sudo | 09:38 |
kepler | it shouldn't be handing stuff out in a different subnet though | 09:38 |
wagle | yeah | 09:38 |
kepler | unless it was told to, which i think most routers would decline | 09:38 |
_DeLa_ | kepler: thanks...but they seem to have both 192.168.1.x | 09:39 |
=== jan_ is now known as Guest43811 | ||
kepler | _DeLa_: is the camera statically assigned, or through DHCP? | 09:39 |
kepler | and are you able to ping it? | 09:39 |
lcabreza1 | _DeLa_: Thanks | 09:40 |
wagle | kepler: rogue dhcp server.. 8/ | 09:40 |
kepler | on a home network?! | 09:41 |
wagle | kepler: virtualbox runs one for its guests, etc etc | 09:41 |
wagle | you cant setup odd networks with kvm/qemu, etc | 09:42 |
kepler | but you'd have to do some pretty shifty stuff to it to get it to go out to the rest of your network | 09:42 |
wagle | i think i saw it.. once | 09:42 |
=== spinning is now known as MojoRisin | ||
vzion | most routers support static routing | 09:43 |
flintser | help, my keyboard layout changed to us by accident. i want my fi layout back. i am on ssh connection through putty and it changed during a game of sol (xforwading was used) | 09:43 |
kepler | but if they are both getting 192.168.1.x addrs, it shouldn't be needed | 09:43 |
flintser | i dont know what to do | 09:43 |
ChesterX | hello everybody, for some reason my display settings witched from 16:9 to 4:3. where can i change those settings? | 09:44 |
kepler | id guess that the camera is statically assigned and has the wrong subnet mask or gateway | 09:44 |
foo357 | Hello, what modes and stuff can a directory have other than the ugo rwx permissions? What would 2xxx signify? | 09:44 |
wagle | flintser: find the keyboard configure option | 09:45 |
_DeLa_ | kepler: it's dhcp ...brb | 09:45 |
kepler | _DeLa_: can you ping it? and what addr is it getting? | 09:46 |
tortik | is any easy tool to make a multiboot cd from several images? | 09:46 |
flintser | wagle: i dont know what you mean, that is what im trying to do. to change the kb layout back. is there a shortcut or what | 09:46 |
wagle | flintser: my 12.10 system isnt up, but its under system->preferences->keyboard on my (*ahem*) 10.04 system | 09:46 |
=== ident is now known as Guest62524 | ||
Layke | Whenever I try and install anything now through apt-get, I get this, and I don't know how to resolve it. | 09:47 |
Layke | http://pastie.org/6172878 | 09:47 |
wagle | flintser: in the gui | 09:47 |
Layke | I've tried t oapt-get -f install, but that doesn't help | 09:47 |
flintser | wagle: as i stated i am on ssh connection, the ubuntu is running miles away from me. what is the program i can run from terminal to open preferences | 09:47 |
pegpe | I was just about to verify a newly installed 12.04 server and noticed that /etc/ssh/sshd_confing is not registered to a packet and will therefor not be noticed by debsums, can anyone shine a light o this? | 09:47 |
wagle | ooooo | 09:47 |
flintser | i can use xforwarding so its not a problem | 09:47 |
Layke | http://pastie.org/6172885 errors from install -f | 09:48 |
kepler | Layke: did you apt-get autoremove ? | 09:49 |
wagle | !set keyboard command line ubuntu | flintser | 09:49 |
ubottu | wagle: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:49 |
wagle | hahaha | 09:49 |
wagle | flintser: google for set keyboard command line ubuntu | 09:49 |
melkor | What is the difference between using Nautilus to connect to a remote ssh file and using sshfs? | 09:49 |
dr_willis | sshfs lets you define where you want it to go.. | 09:50 |
dr_willis | nautilus puts it in .gvfs | 09:50 |
dr_willis | you can use sshfs on a non x setup also. | 09:50 |
dr_willis | and automate the mounting at boot via fstab if you wanted to | 09:50 |
melkor | Great, sounds much better. | 09:51 |
dr_willis | the FUSE tools are very very handy | 09:51 |
dr_willis | !info djmount | 09:51 |
ubottu | djmount (source: djmount): file system client for mounting network media servers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.71-5build1 (quantal), package size 64 kB, installed size 155 kB | 09:51 |
Layke | kepler, Yeah. I'll paste the out sec. | 09:51 |
dr_willis | dhmount shows your upnp/dlna servers as a local directory. :) you can play files from | 09:51 |
flintser | i tried setxkbmap -layout fi but it didnt work | 09:52 |
wagle | thats the x11 keyboard, i imagine | 09:52 |
Layke | kepler, http://pastie.org/6172904 | 09:53 |
wagle | flintser: try http://askubuntu.com/questions/155424/changing-keyboard-layout-in-ubuntu-12-04-server-command-line-interface | 09:53 |
fidel | hi - i am using docky on 12.04. docky tends to crash about at least twice a day. Is that a known issue to someone inhere? any debugging tips or similar? | 09:53 |
Layke | kepler, It's obviously something I have done when installing libgearman7 (which I need to run gearman-job-server) | 09:53 |
kepler | Layke: try sudo apt-get remove libgearman-dev | 09:54 |
kepler | then do your updates/whatever, and reinstall it | 09:54 |
fidel | thats docky 2.1.4-1 | 09:54 |
flintser | try http://askubuntu.com/questions/155424/changing-keyboard-layout-in-ubuntu-12-04-server-command-line-interface | 09:54 |
kepler | not sure where the dependency is broken | 09:54 |
Layke | Thanks. Looks good kepler. Incidentally, how would I remove the "Duplicate sources.list entry" errors. Do I just remove them from my /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:55 |
kepler | yes | 09:55 |
kepler | you can do it through the software center too, a few menus deep, i just do sources.list though | 09:56 |
tomreyn | or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | 09:56 |
Layke | Okay. Cheers for the help. That's been annoying me for a while. | 09:56 |
Layke | What's the difference between .d? | 09:56 |
Layke | Ah.. Yeah I see it's in .d dropbox.list and dropbox.list.save | 09:56 |
tomreyn | .d is a directory containing files which get appeneded / included to the single file | 09:56 |
flintser | wagle: omg i am the stupidest person ever :D i checked the windows language bar and guess what it said :) | 09:56 |
_DeLa_ | re | 09:57 |
tomreyn | Layke: i don't know dropbox, but it's not a backup | 09:57 |
Layke | So the sources.list.d/ and all of the apt repo add commands I add. | 09:57 |
kepler | _DeLa_: are you able to ping that camera? | 09:57 |
k1l | the PPAs get stored in the .d/ folder nowadays | 09:57 |
Layke | apt-add-repository * and they add to sources.list.d | 09:57 |
wagle | "ubuntu's not here, man..." | 09:58 |
Layke | Thanks for the explaination. :) I've struggled with package management for a long time. | 09:58 |
tomreyn | Layke: right | 09:58 |
_DeLa_ | kepler: I just found something out...while my router lists the camera at 192.168.1.x .... according to "the internet", the default ip of the camera is | 09:58 |
k1l | Layke: its changed some times ago. in the old days there only was the sources.list file. now its seperated | 09:58 |
Layke | And why have .save files? Are they just backups (I think that's what tomreyn said? ) | 09:58 |
Layke | my dropbox.list is identical to dropbox.list.save | 09:59 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: The Internet is lying, always. Ask your favourite politician, they can confirm it. | 09:59 |
kepler | _DeLa_: ok, so you can either change the IP range of your router to, and renew your lease, or set up a static route in the router | 09:59 |
_DeLa_ | so should I set my modem LAN ip to | 09:59 |
_DeLa_ | ah | 09:59 |
kepler | that is what i would do | 09:59 |
_DeLa_ | me too ;) | 10:00 |
kepler | you'd have to look up documentation on how to do the static route | 10:00 |
k1l | Layke: the .save files are from the upgrade (like from 12.04 to 12.10). the PPAs get disabled while upgrading and are saved for reactivation afterwards | 10:00 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: i was just kidding there. where do you read what "the internet" says? | 10:00 |
wagle | omg.. i'm downloading at 3.4 MB/sec... | 10:00 |
_DeLa_ | tomreyn: it's the big manual pdf, which wasn't included as a print out in the box | 10:01 |
kepler | wagle: http://speedtest.net/result/2432981385.png | 10:01 |
_DeLa_ | ;) | 10:01 |
tomreyn | Layke: the .save files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ are indeed backup files. only files ending in .list in this directory are interpreted. | 10:01 |
wagle | is that the png larger than the known universe? | 10:01 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: well then can you access it on this other IP address? | 10:02 |
tomreyn | kepler: i bet you have high jitter, though. *something* must be wrong | 10:03 |
_DeLa_ | tomreyn: i just tried but it seems like the modem web interface won't let me change the ip range...!? i can change it but it won't save.... | 10:04 |
n8w | hey | 10:04 |
n8w | for some reason, my konsole remote tab no longer shows the username and the remote dir eventhough i have defined it: (%u) %H%w | 10:04 |
n8w | it just shows ~: bash | 10:04 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: i can't really help there, you'd need to talk to d-link support | 10:04 |
kepler | tomreyn: we have a couple of 10 gig links, of course only a gig card in my workstation | 10:04 |
tomreyn | kepler: i pity you ;-P | 10:05 |
tomreyn | i'm surprised you found a server which could match up anyways. | 10:05 |
_DeLa_ | brb | 10:05 |
kepler | not sure if my boss would approve a 10 gig link to my workstation. i suppose i could | 10:06 |
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flintser | kepler: is that overkill or overkill? i mean for each individual workstation :) basic 7200rpm hdd cannot even write that fast | 10:07 |
kepler | total overkill. id assume speedtests would only use RAM anyway | 10:07 |
tomreyn | thats why they invented SSDs! ;) | 10:08 |
dat789 | Hi! I've just got a rather fresh copy of ubuntu LTS on a new SSD drive. It's only 128 GB in size. Whenever I perform apt-get then install, it will of course fill up the SSD. How do I tell Ubuntu to use my other partition (2 TB)? | 10:08 |
iceroot | dat789: you can not tell apt-get to install somewhere else | 10:08 |
kepler | most of our servers are virtualized on SANs, and have 4 or 8 gig connections to them | 10:08 |
iceroot | dat789: you have to mount the big hdd to a location where apt-get is installing files | 10:08 |
dr_willis | dat789: ive yet to fill up my 128gb ssd with / i got /home/ mounted to a 2nd hd.. | 10:09 |
dr_willis | dat789: you want to inssttall apps to the ssd - that way they load faster. ;) | 10:09 |
flintser | kepler: it even says that you are 99% faster than us, i'd really like to see the last 1% ;D | 10:10 |
dat789 | iceroot, dr_willis: ok, so the key point here is to mount to the bigger hdd | 10:10 |
wagle | ahh.. the olde days, when we had several partitions... | 10:10 |
dr_willis | dat789: if you want to use it.. you have to mount it somewhere. ;) yes | 10:10 |
dr_willis | id put the swap partion on it at the very least | 10:10 |
wagle | are there translucent file systems yet? | 10:11 |
dr_willis | putting /home/ on it - would also be a good idea | 10:11 |
ruslan_osmanov | Hi. How do I install libevent 2 on Ubuntu Server 12.10 debian-way? | 10:11 |
dat789 | swap partitions... all very new concepts to me | 10:11 |
llutz | dat789: fill up 128GB? i just installed 12.10 on a 90GB-SSD and it uses 4.2GB... | 10:11 |
kepler | flintser: i bet it is the people who are providing us the 10 gig links, running speed tests on their workstations! | 10:11 |
dr_willis | !swap | 10:11 |
ubottu | swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 10:11 |
dr_willis | wagle: translucent? | 10:12 |
dat789 | llutz: well, 128 GB, yes.... installation of Ubuntu was allocated 40GB. the remaining is running Windows | 10:12 |
dr_willis | 40gb for / and /home and swap on the 2gb - would be decentr | 10:12 |
wagle | dr_willis: http://www.cs.duke.edu/csl/docs/sysadmin_course/sysadm-67.html or the like | 10:13 |
dat789 | dr_willis: ok, I'd need to find out how to do the swap partition | 10:13 |
=== ericab_away is now known as ericab | ||
dr_willis | the installer most likely made one on the ssd allready | 10:13 |
dr_willis | which isent really optimal. but shouldent really matter much | 10:14 |
dr_willis | untill you run out of hd space. ;P | 10:14 |
wagle | oh here ya go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UnionFS | 10:14 |
flintser | kepler: if there was enough seeds you could download ubuntu dvd in less than 10 seconds | 10:15 |
dr_willis | theres several overlaying type fs's out for linux i recall.. not used them much. | 10:15 |
dr_willis | I even recall a similer thing on my amiga... years and years ago. ;) | 10:15 |
dr_willis | it was so ahead of its time. ;P | 10:15 |
wagle | flintser: i downloaded ubuntu oversized CDROM (13) in about 2-3 minutes | 10:16 |
dr_willis | 12.10+ is a dvd image now. ;) | 10:16 |
wagle | i decided to see what 13 was | 10:16 |
dr_willis | I think lubuntu 12.10 still fits on cd. | 10:16 |
tomreyn | i think mini.iso still fits on cd, too | 10:17 |
wagle | yeah, it does, my crash box installed 12.10 from a livecd | 10:17 |
dat789 | how about... downloading files from web browser that goes directly to the 40GB ssd ? i mean, I don't want it to do that... but rather save the file(s) to the bigger hdd? I guess an option is to let it do that, then do s sudo mv downloaded_file to newlocation_with_Bigger_HDD | 10:17 |
flintser | but on full speed (70-80 mb/sec) youd bet it in 10 seconds, wagle | 10:17 |
dr_willis | dat789: you can set your /home/ on the other hd. | 10:18 |
wagle | flintser: hahaha | 10:18 |
dr_willis | no need to use sudo to move user files noirmally | 10:18 |
dat789 | dr_willis: Thanks Dr.! And others... | 10:18 |
dr_willis | you could mount the other hd to /home/username/Download if you wanted to... | 10:18 |
dr_willis | or link it to there | 10:19 |
tomreyn | dat789: you should read up on "symbolic links", too | 10:19 |
tomreyn | ...unless you're alread yinto this concept | 10:19 |
wagle | i hear apple has a caching file system that uses the ssd as a cache (or somesuch) of the larger slow spinning thing) | 10:19 |
dat789 | tomreyn: yup, i know a little on symbolic links --- ln -s fi fo | 10:19 |
_DeLa_ | re... | 10:20 |
tomreyn | dat789: cool, just wanted to make sure | 10:20 |
_DeLa_ | kepler: trying to ping the ip cam where the router says it is, I get: | 10:20 |
kepler | use pastebin | 10:20 |
dat789 | tomreyn: not a problem. that's why i like #ubuntu. :) | 10:20 |
tomreyn | :) | 10:20 |
wagle | could put everything on the big disk, and cache current stuff on the ssd | 10:21 |
wagle | with some unionfs magic.. maybe | 10:22 |
flintser | dat789: you can set the folder where the downloads go from the browser if you want | 10:22 |
_DeLa_ | kepler: ... it's really short... : ping | 10:22 |
_DeLa_ | PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 10:22 |
dat789 | flinster: ok, you just reminded me of that. thanks! will poke around | 10:22 |
WHATWHATWHAT | how to install flv codec offfline | 10:23 |
WHATWHATWHAT | anyone know | 10:23 |
dr_willis | why do you think you need to | 10:23 |
WHATWHATWHAT | or any video player that can be installed offline ? | 10:23 |
dat789 | flv files still 'in' ?? thought that was so year 2000!! | 10:24 |
kepler | _DeLa_: do "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && ping -c 5 | pastebinit | 10:24 |
flintser | WHATWHATWHAT: most browsers play flv | 10:24 |
WHATWHATWHAT | flinster is in a fie | 10:24 |
dr_willis | vlc can play flv | 10:24 |
WHATWHATWHAT | yes i know vlc can play flv | 10:24 |
tomreyn | mplayer, too, i think | 10:24 |
dr_willis | flv vidoes can be converted to other formats also... its just a container. | 10:24 |
WHATWHATWHAT | even the default player can play flv | 10:25 |
dr_willis | theres no flv 'codec' itss a container that can be differnt codecs last i looked | 10:25 |
dat789 | html5 these days .. not flv. unless, of course, i was misinformed. | 10:25 |
WHATWHATWHAT | i want to install a player on a pc that has no internet access | 10:25 |
MonkeyDust | avconv -i flv > something else does the trick | 10:25 |
dr_willis | !info minitube | 10:25 |
ubottu | minitube (source: minitube): Native YouTube client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9-1 (quantal), package size 653 kB, installed size 1824 kB | 10:25 |
WHATWHATWHAT | html5 is dead | 10:25 |
WHATWHATWHAT | future looks bleak | 10:25 |
dr_willis | install vlc then. | 10:25 |
WHATWHATWHAT | ya but whre to get the vlc package | 10:26 |
WHATWHATWHAT | for ubuntu | 10:26 |
dat789 | WHATWHATWHAT: No it's not! If it is, it's been resurrected! | 10:26 |
dr_willis | its in the repos | 10:26 |
k1l | WHATWHATWHAT: packages.ubuntu.com | 10:26 |
dr_willis | theres an apt-on cd wiki page also for offline needs | 10:26 |
flintser | WHATWHATWHAT: ubuntu's default player can run flv i think | 10:26 |
_DeLa_ | kepler: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=212kbYEC | 10:27 |
_DeLa_ | kepler: so the cam seems not to be at this ip, right? | 10:27 |
Ben64 | WHATWHATWHAT: hook it up to the internet, sudo apt-get install mplayer2, done | 10:27 |
kepler | _DeLa_: yeah, seems so | 10:27 |
WHATWHATWHAT | i can't hook it up | 10:27 |
WHATWHATWHAT | that's the problem | 10:28 |
Ben64 | why can't you | 10:28 |
flintser | you can not as you dont know how to or as you dont have access | 10:28 |
kepler | _DeLa_: do you have a router and a DSL modem? or is it all one device? | 10:28 |
Ben64 | !offline | WHATWHATWHAT | 10:28 |
ubottu | WHATWHATWHAT: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD | 10:28 |
_DeLa_ | kepler: dsl-modem only... d-link dsl-321b .. | 10:29 |
DJones | WHATWHATWHAT: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ Search for VLC on that, at the bottom there is normally a Download vlc section so you can download the package and dependancies | 10:29 |
DJones | WHATWHATWHAT: The copy it to a usb stick, transfer to the machine you want to install it on and install from the package | 10:30 |
dr_willis | id just run a cable then install what i needed.. offline is so.... 1980's | 10:30 |
dr_willis | ;-) | 10:30 |
Ben64 | yeah i can't comprehend a computer that is unable to connect to the internet | 10:30 |
vzion | .... | 10:30 |
kepler | _DeLa_: and you couldn't change it to if it said you couldn't save it, you may have to change the DHCP range it gives as well. not sure how the config goes for it | 10:30 |
vzion | wow you people are so short sighted | 10:31 |
dr_willis | and vague..... or was that someone else. | 10:32 |
WHATWHATWHAT | how come the file is 1m ? | 10:33 |
WHATWHATWHAT | how can a player be that small | 10:33 |
_DeLa_ | kepler: i tried to ...no luck...well...i will keep trying and come back later to let you know how it went...thanks to kepler and tomreyn! cu guys | 10:33 |
Ben64 | it just plays stuff | 10:33 |
dr_willis | most likely it has depencicies | 10:33 |
kepler | _DeLa_: looking at the manual, looks like you need to set the IP of, subnet mask, then "enable dhcp server" and set starting addr to, ending | 10:34 |
kepler | it wouldn't let you set just the IP without fixing the dhcp lease addrs | 10:34 |
kepler | i assume! | 10:34 |
WHATWHATWHAT | who the one said he can't believe a machine that doesn't have internet connection ? | 10:35 |
WHATWHATWHAT | there are tons of those machines | 10:35 |
Slavehandler | My default pointer icon changed to a larger size! The other pointer icons (typing, wating and such) are normal size though. How do I reset the pointer icon? | 10:35 |
WHATWHATWHAT | like 50% of the world pc | 10:35 |
dr_willis | none in my house | 10:35 |
dr_willis | :) | 10:36 |
vzion | get over yourself | 10:36 |
Slavehandler | In firefox the pointer icon is normal, but everywhere else it's not | 10:36 |
dr_willis | you want to install stuff easially. get networked for a short time | 10:37 |
flintser | WHATWHATWHAT: i dont get why you need .flv -able player without internet | 10:37 |
MonkeyDust | vzion stop spawning random comments, please | 10:37 |
flintser | .flv is 95% of the time from internet | 10:37 |
vzion | sometimes thats a security violation | 10:37 |
flintser | as in some flash video | 10:37 |
dr_willis | Slavehandler: what desktop | 10:37 |
Xelenonz | any advice how should I fix this issue? => http://pastebin.com/6m6Dqnu6 (about libcap) | 10:38 |
Slavehandler | dr_willis: Unity i believe | 10:38 |
Slavehandler | dr_willis: 12.04 lts | 10:38 |
k1l | vzion: keep this channel clear for ubuntu support please. we have the #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss for chatting or discussions. | 10:39 |
WHATWHATWHAT | ok i'm using window vlc | 10:39 |
WHATWHATWHAT | hehehehehe | 10:39 |
flintser | WHATWHATWHAT: i'm interested why you need .flv abilities without internet connection, since .flv is flash video | 10:40 |
tomreyn | flintser: s/he's gone | 10:41 |
flintser | oh.. /ignore:d parting msg | 10:41 |
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sceptile666 | ... | 10:45 |
rkhshm1 | is there a difference in the way SCSI sub system works with sg volumes and LVMs ? | 10:47 |
ikonia | rkhshm1: shouldn't be | 10:48 |
ikonia | rkhshm1: lvm just uses "devices" and how those devics are presented...doesn't care | 10:48 |
rkhshm1 | ikonia: hmm.. do you have any docs | 10:48 |
dat789 | anyone here tried to groove to Gangnam style moves? | 10:48 |
ikonia | dat789: please keep the silly topics out of this channel | 10:48 |
ikonia | dat789: it's here for ubuntu support discussion | 10:48 |
ikonia | rkhshm1: docs on what? | 10:48 |
dat789 | lol | 10:48 |
rkhshm1 | i just wanted to read about it | 10:49 |
ikonia | rkhshm1: there are tons of docs on LVM on the net (I assume you're asking for LVM docs) | 10:49 |
rkhshm1 | yeah | 10:49 |
dat789 | ikonia: i know, just saying... :) | 10:52 |
ikonia | dat789: then please don't | 10:52 |
alan` | i know this is an odd place to be asking this question, does anybody have the ivtv cx18 firmware saved anywhere? trying to revive my htpc with a new hard drive after the last one crashed and can't seem to find the files anywhere | 10:54 |
ikonia | alan`: try ##hardware | 10:54 |
alan` | ikonia: thanks | 10:54 |
marcin | Hi, I have a problem. I'm starting installation of ubuntu on my notebook and it stops at 'stopping save kernel messages'. Nothing happen at all. Have you met this kind of error before? | 10:59 |
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Oneill | I repaired grub using a live boot but when i rebooted i get a Grub Rescue prompt | 11:00 |
Oneill | what should i do now? | 11:00 |
=== asdsafef is now known as demonoid_me | ||
Oneill | first time o rebooted i got what seems to be the GRUB of ubuntu desktop and im actually using ubuntu server, doesn't really matter but later i'll have to fix that too | 11:00 |
demonoid_me | hello | 11:00 |
demonoid_me | ubuntu users :) | 11:01 |
demonoid_me | i need little help pls | 11:02 |
demonoid_me | :) | 11:02 |
cfhowlett | !ask|demonoid_me, | 11:02 |
ubottu | demonoid_me,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:02 |
demonoid_me | :) | 11:03 |
brontosaurusrex | That !patience should really be replaced with !violence | 11:08 |
natty | !cd | 11:09 |
amrit | hi whenever iam truyin to insatll or remove a package . i get an erroer message failed to install or remove. when i click on the details i get following:- | 11:13 |
amrit | nstallArchives() failed: perl: warning: Setting locale failed. | 11:14 |
amrit | perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: | 11:14 |
amrit | LANGUAGE = (unset), | 11:14 |
amrit | LC_ALL = (unset), | 11:14 |
amrit | LANG = "en_IN.ISO8859-1" | 11:14 |
amrit | are supported and installed on your system. | 11:14 |
FloodBot1 | amrit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:14 |
syntroPi | How can i set the subpixel rendering of the integrated cairo2 lib in firefox? its fonts are rainbows since it renders RGB instead of BGR like the rest of my Gnome3...!! | 11:14 |
syntroPi | Its very annoying since reading text in rainbows is no fun at all | 11:15 |
Naphatul | can i switch from 12.04 to 12.10 by choosing which repositories it checks? also where can i change that? | 11:17 |
auronandace | !upgrade | Naphatul | 11:17 |
ubottu | Naphatul: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 11:17 |
jrib | Naphatul: no. See ubottu. | 11:17 |
flintser | can i run desktop through xforwarding? | 11:18 |
satellite-1d35 | testing sweets-desktop 0.94 in Ubuntu 12.10 cinnamon | 11:18 |
auronandace | satellite-1d35: cinnamon isn't supported here | 11:19 |
Naphatul | i don't have update manager i installed from the minimal ISO, also that page only has up to 11.04->11.10 | 11:20 |
cfhowlett | Naphatul, don't use update manager. download the iso. | 11:20 |
satellit | I know but this is ubuntu 12.10 with sweets-sugar running in a window | 11:20 |
jrib | cfhowlett: why? He can use update-manager | 11:20 |
Naphatul | cfhowlett, i don't want to reinstall it i just want it to get newer version packages | 11:21 |
jrib | Naphatul: so install update-manager. Here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/QuantalUpgrades | 11:21 |
Naphatul | can't it be done from apt? | 11:22 |
jrib | Naphatul: not supported. Update-manager is how upgrades between releases are done on ubuntu | 11:22 |
Fuzzles | with steam i try to run TF2 but get an error saying update open gl? | 11:22 |
cfhowlett | Naphatul, merely changing mirrors to the current release wont' do that. HIGHLY recommed that you install a current release via clean install. | 11:22 |
amrit | what is the general code for installing a software? | 11:23 |
jrib | !software | amrit | 11:23 |
ubottu | amrit: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 11:23 |
flintser | i want to run unity but..: compiz (core) - Error: Another window manager is already running on screen: 0 | 11:23 |
Naphatul | cfhowlett, if i get the normal iso's i get all the other stuff that i don't want to, if i install from the minimal iso again i'll have to configure it all over again, besides i don't run many packages so i doubt there's much to break | 11:24 |
cfhowlett | jrib, unless I crossed my threads, he's on 11.04? no direct upgrade to 12.10 from that release. | 11:24 |
amrit | i want the code through terminal | 11:24 |
jrib | Naphatul: what version are you on now? | 11:24 |
Naphatul | jrib, 12.04, but with the minimal iso install | 11:24 |
DJones | amrit: Normally, "sudo apt-get install software-name-to-install" | 11:25 |
auronandace | amrit: sudo apt-get install nameofsoftware | 11:25 |
cfhowlett | amrit, normally sudo apt-get install packagename | 11:25 |
Totentag | Would anyone be able to suggest a program similar to Windows' ManyCam, to allow streaming and/or webcam debauchery? | 11:25 |
Totentag | desktop streaming* | 11:25 |
rix1234 | Hi........ Anyone please help me with LikeWise AD authentication. | 11:27 |
amrit | i am trying to install a game wolf4sdl. after the file has finished installing it says:--errors were encountered while processing crossplatformui | 11:28 |
amrit | plz help | 11:28 |
cfhowlett | Naphatul, ok. first, copy your etc/sources.list. edit that list to point to the current release and save it. install the current mini.iso. replace the default sources.list with your updated list. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:29 |
cfhowlett | Naphatul, */etc/apt/sources.list | 11:29 |
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jrib | Naphatul: use update-manager. That's the supported way to upgrade. | 11:29 |
amrit | cfhowlett : was this answer to my ques? | 11:30 |
Totentag | amrit: It was to Naphatul, who asked earlier. | 11:30 |
amrit | ok | 11:30 |
amrit | plz some help me also | 11:31 |
cfhowlett | amrit, sudo apt-get install wolf4sdl --reinstall but I take this is on steam? in beta? expect unforeseen consequences | 11:31 |
jrib | Naphatul: update-manager handles some corner cases that you may encounter if you try to upgrade as cfhowlett suggests. So you may encounter issues with that method and need to deal with them. | 11:31 |
Naphatul | jrib, yeah i know i'm ok with that | 11:31 |
Totentag | I seem to have been flooded out by a lot of leaving members, so I'll toss this one out there again. Would anyone be able to suggest a program similar to Windows' ManyCam, to allow streaming and/or webcam debauchery? | 11:33 |
syntroPi | Is there a way to make FireFox use system libcairo2? Fonts look very ugly with the integrated libcairo2 | 11:33 |
amrit | it says Errors were encountered while processing: | 11:33 |
amrit | crossplatformui | 11:33 |
jrib | Naphatul: I don't understand why you refuse to use update-manager, but ok. | 11:33 |
jrib | Naphatul: if you are going to do what cfhowlett suggests, skip the "apt-get upgrade" part | 11:34 |
Naphatul | jrib, i installed with the minimal iso so i get only the stuff i need and want, the update manager is always annoying popping up in my face, especially after i run update after adding another repository | 11:34 |
jrib | Naphatul: so follow the server instructions and install only update-manager-core | 11:35 |
amrit | hi im trying to installa game wolf4sdl via sudo apt-get install wolf4sdl but after processing of file i get an error message:- error while processing crossplatformui | 11:37 |
amrit | what is this? kindly help | 11:37 |
amrit | any help would be appriciated | 11:39 |
Totentag | I get the impression there may be a better channel for your question, Amrit. I'll check around. | 11:40 |
Stars | mine 3tb drive does not regiconized from ubuntu system can someone plz help? | 11:40 |
demonoid_me | hello ubuntu ! | 11:41 |
Totentag | Huh, I stand corrected, amrit. | 11:41 |
Totentag | But, as a general rule, if no one gives you an answer, that tends to mean nobody knows it. | 11:41 |
amrit | i think u are right | 11:42 |
Totentag | Also keep in mind what time it is, in much of hte channel's userbase. | 11:42 |
amrit | does any one know what crossplatformui is? | 11:42 |
k1l | amrit: which game, which ubuntu, which exact error message?... | 11:43 |
amrit | game : wolf4sdl , ububtu: 12.04, error : erroer while processing crossplatformui | 11:43 |
=== demonoid_me is now known as coolman_bg | ||
amrit | any help? | 11:47 |
cfhowlett | amrit, run install again with -v at the end for verbose feedback | 11:47 |
k1l | amrit: package from the official ubuntu repos? | 11:47 |
cfhowlett | k1l, it's a multiverse package ... | 11:47 |
k1l | cfhowlett: i know. but i only see one bugreport for it on launchpad which isnt related | 11:48 |
cfhowlett | k1l, OK. fwiw, I'm on 12.04 xubntustudio and it's downloading smoohly ... | 11:49 |
jeffrin | hello all | 11:49 |
amrit | t | 11:49 |
cfhowlett | jeffrin, greetings | 11:49 |
jeffrin | is it possible to do small tests using dejagnu | 11:49 |
ikonia | xubuntu studio ? | 11:49 |
jeffrin | cfhowlett : :) | 11:50 |
amrit | it did not helo | 11:50 |
amrit | it did not help | 11:50 |
cfhowlett | ikonia, ubuntustudio is based on xubuntu. just wanted to get that out there. | 11:50 |
ikonia | cfhowlett: ah, so you just meant ubuntu studio | 11:50 |
cfhowlett | amrit, well I can't fully install since I don't have the Wolf. game, but the ubuntu part install just fine. | 11:51 |
cfhowlett | ikonia, exactomundo | 11:51 |
van7hu | hi all | 11:52 |
iceroot | how to find out which filesystem a partition is using? mdadm is telling me that /dev/sda1 may ext2 but i am sure it is ext4 | 11:52 |
cfhowlett | van7hu, greetings | 11:53 |
=== TheRainbowDusk is now known as Dawn_ | ||
van7hu | there is no libfann2 in ubuntu software center, I am using precisẹ. | 11:53 |
cfhowlett | van7hu, also on precise ... it's in the universe repository | 11:53 |
kicklighter | ext family is so easy to hack....in mine opinion better use something like reiserfs or jfs.... | 11:54 |
WHATWHATWHAT | why everything seems so hard in ubuntu ? | 11:54 |
van7hu | cfhowlett, let me check | 11:54 |
iceroot | sudo parted print /dev/sda1 if someone is interested in the answer to my question | 11:54 |
WHATWHATWHAT | why can't they get rid of the command prompt | 11:55 |
iceroot | WHATWHATWHAT: there is no need to use it | 11:55 |
k1l | WHATWHATWHAT: that is not a real upport issue | 11:55 |
WHATWHATWHAT | and move on to gui totally | 11:55 |
cfhowlett | WHATWHATWHAT, have you a specific question? details matter | 11:55 |
van7hu | WHATWHATWHAT, you will be ađdicted by cmd | 11:55 |
emarnau | quick question , did anyone else ubuntu 12.04 break today because of libqt software update? | 11:56 |
cfhowlett | !anyone|emarnau, | 11:56 |
ubottu | emarnau,: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 11:56 |
iceroot | emarnau: the update of qt4 went fine here | 11:56 |
iceroot | !details | emarnau | 11:56 |
ubottu | emarnau: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 11:56 |
emarnau | sorry guys | 11:57 |
cfhowlett | emarnau, no worries. care to share specifics? | 11:57 |
amrit | cfhowlett : i did not get | 11:58 |
cfhowlett | amrit, so it didn't work??? | 11:59 |
emarnau | i am running ubuntu 12.04 and just did an update for libqt packages. 19 libqt packages in total. They are now broken in symatic. i do not want to reinstall the packages since loads of applications rely on these qt packages | 11:59 |
ikonia | emarnau: what are you using QT for on ubuntu ? | 11:59 |
amrit | yes it didnt | 11:59 |
agu10^ | I can't get apache2 to start! | 11:59 |
agu10^ | root@domU-12-31-39-10-4A-43:/etc/apache2# service apache2 start | 11:59 |
agu10^ | * Starting web server apache2 Action 'start' failed. | 11:59 |
agu10^ | The Apache error log may have more information. | 11:59 |
FloodBot1 | agu10^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:59 |
flame | gcompris | 11:59 |
ikonia | agu10^: 1.) you shouldn't be root 2.) check the config | 11:59 |
ikonia | agu10^: I suspect this is not a proper ubuntu install | 11:59 |
ikonia | agu10^: so the configs will be out of the window | 12:00 |
agu10^ | it is a proper ubuntu install | 12:00 |
emarnau | ikonia: nothing just found out what qtlib is used for today http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qt_%28framework%29 | 12:00 |
ikonia | agu10^: can you show me the output of "uname -a" please. | 12:00 |
Noorideen | guys whats better to learn python on windows or on linux? ps i never used linux | 12:00 |
ikonia | Noorideen: what ever you want, | 12:00 |
emarnau | ikonia: applications rely on it | 12:00 |
agu10^ | root@domU-12-31-39-10-4A-43:/etc/apache2# uname -a | 12:00 |
agu10^ | Linux domU-12-31-39-10-4A-43 3.2.0-36-virtual #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 8 22:04:49 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 12:00 |
ikonia | emarnau: I know what | 12:00 |
cfhowlett | emarnau, granted I'm on xubuntu 12.04 but libqt is not in my repo stream anywhere. Is this a PPA or something? | 12:00 |
ikonia | agu10^: who is running your xen host | 12:01 |
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agu10^ | ikonia, amazon compute cloud | 12:01 |
ikonia | ahh it's amazong | 12:01 |
ikonia | ok | 12:01 |
ikonia | amazon even | 12:01 |
amrit | The installation or removal of a software package failed. | 12:01 |
amrit | error processing crossplatformui (--configure): | 12:01 |
amrit | plz help | 12:01 |
ikonia | agu10^: check your apache config - run an apache2ctl config test | 12:02 |
mprzytulski | hi, how can I compille / install ipt_LOG kernel module at ubuntu ? | 12:02 |
emarnau | cfhowlett : well it is part of the debian installation http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=libqt | 12:02 |
agu10^ | Action 'config test' failed. | 12:02 |
agu10^ | The Apache error log may have more information. | 12:02 |
ikonia | agu10^: configtest | 12:02 |
emarnau | they are broken because of unmet dependancies | 12:02 |
agu10^ | the apache error log does not really have more info | 12:02 |
agu10^ | ikonia, what? | 12:03 |
ikonia | agu10^: configtest, not config test | 12:03 |
agu10^ | Syntax OK | 12:03 |
ikonia | agu10^: ok, so your config is ok, so it should start | 12:03 |
ikonia | agu10^: try launching httpd manually | 12:03 |
agu10^ | except it doesn't D: | 12:03 |
agu10^ | service apache2 start | 12:03 |
ikonia | no | 12:03 |
ikonia | manually launch httpd | 12:04 |
agu10^ | how else? | 12:04 |
ikonia | run the httpd binary | 12:04 |
agu10^ | not sure where it's located | 12:04 |
mprzytulski | anyone ? | 12:04 |
amrit | hepl plz | 12:04 |
ikonia | mprzytulski: anyone is just a pointless word, how can people help with you just saying "anyone" | 12:04 |
ikonia | agu10^: probably /usr/bin | 12:04 |
amrit | The installation or removal of a software package failed. | 12:04 |
amrit | error processing crossplatformui (--configure): | 12:04 |
amrit | plz help | 12:04 |
mprzytulski | ikonia: I asked about kernel module installation in ubuntu way :) | 12:05 |
ikonia | mprzytulski: yes, so saying "anyone" adds no value to that | 12:05 |
agu10^ | there's nothing at usr/bin/apache2 | 12:05 |
amrit | The installation or removal of a software package failed. | 12:05 |
amrit | error processing crossplatformui (--configure): | 12:05 |
amrit | plz help | 12:05 |
agu10^ | it does not exist | 12:05 |
mprzytulski | yes, I agree with you ;) | 12:06 |
gregory58 | Hello, I am following a Railscast to deploy to DO, but I am getting a "bash: vim: command not found" error when I input "vim ~/.bashrc " | 12:06 |
cfhowlett | !patience|amrit, | 12:06 |
ubottu | amrit,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 12:06 |
ikonia | agu10^: I'm going to stop helping you as you are cross posting this problem in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-server | 12:06 |
ikonia | gregory58: check your path to bim | 12:06 |
ikonia | vim | 12:06 |
agu10^ | ikonia, how is that a problem? | 12:06 |
agu10^ | nobody is helping at #ubuntu-server, so | 12:06 |
ikonia | agu10^: 1.) it's not something we like 2.) it adds confusion with multiple people helping | 12:06 |
ikonia | agu10^: they are helping in #ubuntu-server, I can see them | 12:06 |
ikonia | agu10^: please don't lie | 12:07 |
gregory58 | ikonia: How can I check it? | 12:07 |
agu10^ | yes, now they answered | 12:07 |
ikonia | agu10^: they have been helping you for over 5 minutes, please don't lie | 12:07 |
ikonia | gregory58: "which vim" | 12:07 |
emarnau | anyone else get this problem today | 12:07 |
emarnau | http://pastebin.com/8t4SKjhS | 12:07 |
emarnau | unmet dependacnies because of qt | 12:07 |
gregory58 | ikonia: I tried that but it just goes to the next line without anything | 12:07 |
agu10^ | ikonia, you are free to help at #ubuntu-server | 12:08 |
ikonia | emarnau: looks like a version conflict, are you using a PPA or a backport | 12:08 |
ikonia | agu10^: I'm fine thank you | 12:08 |
=== LaserShark|dead is now known as LaserShark | ||
agu10^ | this is likely to be an ubuntu bug | 12:09 |
AminosAmigos | Hello where can i find a list of laptops that were tested ? (community not the ubuntu certified ) | 12:09 |
ikonia | agu10^: it's not an ubuntu bug | 12:09 |
gregory58 | ikonia: Any ideas? | 12:09 |
agu10^ | ikonia, how do you know | 12:10 |
cfhowlett | !hardware|AminosAmigos, | 12:10 |
ubottu | AminosAmigos,: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 12:10 |
ikonia | gregory58: ok, so "which vim" doesn't show anything ? | 12:10 |
gregory58 | ikonia: It shows nothing | 12:10 |
ikonia | gregory58: ok, please try "which vi" | 12:10 |
BluesKaj | Hi alj | 12:10 |
vnc786 | how do i put echo $? in script ---just missing something help on this !! | 12:10 |
gregory58 | ikonia: I get /usr/bin/vi | 12:10 |
ikonia | gregory58: ok, so you don't have vim installed, you have vim minimal | 12:11 |
agu10^ | root@domU-12-31-39-10-4A-43:/etc/apache2# /usr/sbin/apache2 | 12:11 |
agu10^ | apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER} | 12:11 |
ikonia | agu10^: repeating it won't help | 12:11 |
gregory58 | ikonia: How can I install sublime text 2 instead? | 12:11 |
ikonia | agu10^: look at the error | 12:11 |
ikonia | agu10^: it's pretty clear | 12:11 |
iceroot | agu10^: use the upstartscript to start apache instead of the binary | 12:11 |
iceroot | agu10^: and dont use a root-shell, use sudo instead | 12:12 |
flintser | agu10^: apache wont start since you propably made error in config file, i'm used to that. just check /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/* for errors | 12:12 |
ikonia | the problem is the username | 12:12 |
agu10^ | flintser, there is no error | 12:12 |
ikonia | look at the error | 12:12 |
ikonia | there IS an error | 12:12 |
gregory58 | ikonia: Or should I just stick to install vim instead of sublime text 2? | 12:12 |
agu10^ | flintser, "Syntax OK" | 12:12 |
agu10^ | ikonia, where would i look at an error? there is no error message | 12:12 |
ikonia | agu10^: there is, you just pasted it | 12:12 |
agu10^ | iceroot, what is an upstartscript though? | 12:13 |
iceroot | agu10^: sudo service apache2 start is the way to start apache | 12:13 |
agu10^ | ikonia, that's because i'm starting it the wrong way, as you asked me to | 12:13 |
ikonia | no, it's not | 12:13 |
ikonia | but that's fine | 12:13 |
agu10^ | root@domU-12-31-39-10-4A-43:/etc/apache2# sudo service apache2 start | 12:13 |
agu10^ | sudo: unable to resolve host domU-12-31-39-10-4A-43 | 12:13 |
agu10^ | * Starting web server apache2 Action 'start' failed. | 12:13 |
agu10^ | The Apache error log may have more information. | 12:13 |
agu10^ | [fail] | 12:13 |
FloodBot1 | agu10^: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:13 |
ikonia | agu10^: dns host | 12:13 |
iceroot | agu10^: less /var/log/apache2/error.log | 12:14 |
iceroot | agu10^: dont run sudo when you are already root | 12:14 |
iceroot | agu10^: dont run a root-shell at all, always use your user | 12:14 |
agu10^ | (2)No such file or directory: apache2: could not open error log file /var/www/potentialstudio.com/logs/error.log. | 12:14 |
agu10^ | Unable to open logs | 12:14 |
agu10^ | iceroot, really? i need to append sudo at almost ALL commands! | 12:14 |
ikonia | ....because the file doesn't exist | 12:14 |
vnc786 | how do i put echo $? in script ?? | 12:15 |
agu10^ | that's why i became root in the first place | 12:15 |
cfhowlett | BluesKaj, greetings | 12:15 |
agu10^ | ikonia, why should it exist? | 12:15 |
ikonia | agu10^: this is crazy, you have no idea how to run a web server or read clear error messages | 12:15 |
flintser | agu10^: paste /var/log/apache2/error.log | 12:15 |
BluesKaj | hey cfhowlett | 12:15 |
ikonia | agu10^: I strongly advise you to read the ubuntu server guide and the setup of apache | 12:15 |
flintser | and i'm confident you messed up with a) permissions b) apache conf-file | 12:15 |
ikonia | the dns host is not resolving to an IP....so it will never start | 12:16 |
agu10^ | wow, that's the issue | 12:16 |
agu10^ | i had to mkdir the log folder | 12:16 |
ikonia | (or it will fall back to localhost) | 12:16 |
iceroot | ikonia: he is facing an error with sudo, not with apache | 12:16 |
agu10^ | ikonia, you're wrong | 12:16 |
ikonia | iceroot: the cannot resolve host line was bad to me | 12:16 |
iceroot | ikonia: the error when you mess up /etc/hostname and /etc/host | 12:16 |
agu10^ | iceroot, that's false | 12:16 |
iceroot | ikonia: but i bet he is facing issues too with apache | 12:17 |
agu10^ | ikonia, you were on the wrong path | 12:17 |
ikonia | iceroot: ahhh it was sudo not resolving | 12:17 |
ikonia | iceroot: not apache, | 12:17 |
agu10^ | nope. | 12:17 |
ikonia | agu10^: no, I'm not, however the error was the sudo error, not the apache log | 12:17 |
agu10^ | it was the directory that was missing | 12:17 |
ikonia | agu10^: I know this...I told you this | 12:18 |
agu10^ | why do you say that? sudo has nothing to do | 12:18 |
cristian_c | lol | 12:18 |
flintser | i get this when i start apache, but everything works though... | 12:18 |
flintser | apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 12:18 |
ikonia | agu10^: re-read the errors you posted | 12:18 |
gregory58 | ikonia: I can't seem to find anything about installing vim on ubuntu vps for digital ocean. No apt-get-repository anywhere. | 12:18 |
agu10^ | the last error said that, yes | 12:18 |
ikonia | flintser: that's fine, it just binds to localhost | 12:18 |
ikonia | gregory58: contact the vps provider then | 12:18 |
agu10^ | but i thought apache was going to create such directory and file itself | 12:18 |
agu10^ | as it should | 12:18 |
agu10^ | didn't know i had to create the log file myself | 12:18 |
emarnau | back in a minute. going to try a reboot. got it down to 5 broken qtlib package | 12:19 |
src | join #ubuntu-th | 12:19 |
gregory58 | ikonia: They have nothing, and aren't responding to my messages | 12:21 |
ikonia | gregory58: then wait for them to respond | 12:21 |
gregory58 | ikonia: Been waiting for hours now | 12:21 |
ikonia | gregory58: then chose a comercial provider with a better response time / sla | 12:21 |
gregory58 | ikonia: I've heard good things about Digital Ocean....but they are indeed driving me up the wall | 12:22 |
gregory58 | ikonia: It shouldn't even be based on DO though, I have Ubuntu 12.04 on there. I just need to install Vim now.. | 12:23 |
ikonia | gregory58: what do you want me to say ? you are using a VPS that has removed the repos and not given you any that you should use | 12:24 |
ikonia | gregory58: I can point you at repos but they may cause damage on VPS's so I don't do it | 12:24 |
ikonia | gregory58: contact your provider and ask for their official / supported repos | 12:24 |
ikonia | gregory58: if you are not happy with their service, change providers | 12:24 |
gregory58 | ikonia: It's just vim though....surely vim is supported...Everything was working fine until I tried using vim...I installed postgres, nodejs, rbenv, everything.. | 12:25 |
craigbass1976 | is there a way to, instead of show image size in megabytes, show size of images in pixels? | 12:25 |
ikonia | gregory58: vim is supported on a standard ubuntu install | 12:26 |
flintser | why not just build own server from some old crappy laptop or desktop... i ran lamp+ftp+ssh from an old IBM t40 with debian for a long time and never had a problem ;D | 12:26 |
ikonia | gregory58: you are using a vps - that changes things | 12:26 |
ikonia | gregory58: I don't know what it's changed, and they have clearly removed the repos for a reason, which is why I suggest talking to them | 12:26 |
dr_willis | craigbass1976: the imagemagick tools perhaps an give out the info. or the file command might | 12:27 |
=== LaserShark is now known as LaserShark|dead | ||
gregory58 | ikonia: Alright got it. Just had to apt-get install vim | 12:30 |
gregory58 | It's not installed as default | 12:30 |
ikonia | you said they had removed the repos ? | 12:30 |
ikonia | you said there was no apt-get-repository | 12:31 |
ikonia | how did you get it if there is no repo ? | 12:31 |
steelnwool | hi. | 12:31 |
gregory58 | ikonia: I never said that. | 12:31 |
ikonia | gregory58: you did..... | 12:31 |
gregory58 | ikonia: Where did I say that? | 12:32 |
steelnwool | i know this will be biased, but do LTS releases tend to contain more up to date versions of things like SVN and Git and other dev tools than Centos/RHEL? cause I run a 100% rhel shop and I'm getting pretty sick of it. | 12:32 |
ikonia | 12:18 < gregory58> ikonia: I can't seem to find anything about installing vim on ubuntu vps for digital ocean. No apt-get-repository anywhere. | 12:32 |
emarnau | reboot did not work | 12:32 |
gregory58 | ikonia: Thanks for the help though | 12:32 |
ikonia | steelnwool: not really no | 12:32 |
=== LaserShark|dead is now known as LaserShark | ||
ikonia | steelnwool: both RHEL / LTS releases are built on stable proven package versions | 12:32 |
steelnwool | oh. | 12:32 |
ikonia | steelnwool: they do not get updated during the life of their support (normally) | 12:33 |
gregory58 | ikonia: I was refering to search results | 12:33 |
ikonia | gregory58: sorry, that read like "there is no repository" | 12:33 |
steelnwool | which.. i guess makes sense. perhaps i'll put LTS on the java and oracle servers and non-lts everywhere else. | 12:33 |
steelnwool | actually keep rhel for oracle. cause i want support. :) but yeah. | 12:33 |
steelnwool | ok | 12:33 |
ikonia | steelnwool: be aware of Oracle's lack of official support for ubuntu | 12:34 |
SAngeli | Hi, I have a ubuntu server and web server is running. I recall when installing it that I selected LAMP but do not know if it is all installed. I run a simple info.php file and I do not get anything on the browser. How to know what is installed and what needs to be installed? | 12:34 |
gregory58 | ikonia: Again, thanks for the help though.... | 12:34 |
steelnwool | ikonia: yeah, see above note. i'll leave oracle on rhel. | 12:34 |
emarnau | does anyone know if how to stop synaptic uninstalling other package when i have to uninstall a borken package that other application have a dependacy on/ | 12:34 |
ikonia | emarnau: it has to remove things that depend on it | 12:34 |
steelnwool | SAngeli: start by looking at the source of the info.php file thru the browser see if it is being parsed or not. | 12:34 |
steelnwool | then use dpkg to see if php is installed or not. | 12:35 |
emarnau | ikonia: thanks | 12:35 |
emarnau | this is the exact problem a have but the solution seems a bit much | 12:35 |
emarnau | http://askubuntu.com/questions/131791/qt-4-packages-create-dependency-problems | 12:35 |
SAngeli | steelnwool, the file is noto parsed meaning I do not see the output I should though php is installed | 12:36 |
emarnau | like uninstalling 20 applications | 12:36 |
steelnwool | SAngeli: how are you sure php is installed? | 12:36 |
steelnwool | and perhaps you need to restart apache | 12:36 |
flintser | SAngeli: maybe try to install apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql and see the output? if they install you have lamp at the end, if they dont, you still have lamp | 12:36 |
SAngeli | steelnwool, dpkg --get-selections | grep php | 12:36 |
steelnwool | cool. restart apache and try. | 12:36 |
steelnwool | and if not, perhaps your php config lines aren't being pulled into apache conf. | 12:36 |
SAngeli | steelnwool, I thought I would just run sudo apt-get install lamp-serve and this would have taken care of the entire install. | 12:37 |
flintser | SAngeli: run "sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server php5 php5-mysql | 12:38 |
bipul | SAngeli, I think you need to install part by part | 12:38 |
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish | ||
amrit | what is crossplatformui? | 12:39 |
emarnau | around the twist dependancy problems | 12:40 |
emarnau | will leave it for a few days maybe a new update might solve the problem | 12:40 |
ikonia | emarnau: doubt it | 12:41 |
ikonia | emarnau: the packages will still be broken | 12:41 |
ikonia | emarnau: so won't update | 12:41 |
SAngeli | flintser, all is already installed except php5 | 12:41 |
SAngeli | (which I just installed). | 12:41 |
flintser | SAngeli: then you have LAMP | 12:42 |
flintser | Linux Apache MySQL PHP, you have 'em all :) | 12:42 |
amrit | i am unable to uninstall crossplatformui from synaptic package manager | 12:42 |
flintser | amrit: try apt-get -f autoremove | 12:43 |
flintser | amrit: forgot sudo, so "sudo apt-get -f autoremove" | 12:43 |
SAngeli | flintser, do I need to make any chmod chown changes to /var/www? also, I placed the info.php with the simple <?php | 12:43 |
SAngeli | phpinfo(); | 12:43 |
SAngeli | ?> inside /var/www and from web browser I try to run it. Is this correct? | 12:43 |
Totentag | Anyone know offhand what a good program would be to take the place of Windows' ManyCam? Specifically, so I can record/stream from my desktop, or multitask my webcam. | 12:44 |
SAngeli | flintser, but I get the "It works!" message when I browse the server | 12:45 |
amrit | it dint help | 12:45 |
flintser | SAngeli: create info.php with that inside it and place it in /var/www, then check permissions to 755, then go | 12:45 |
flintser | or localhost/info.php | 12:45 |
flintser | "It works" is the default index.html that apache generates in /var/www | 12:46 |
flintser | if you just go localhost it opens index.html | 12:46 |
SAngeli | flintser, it was a permission issue. | 12:46 |
=== J22 is now known as guest5372 | ||
flintser | SAngeli: so now the info.php worked? | 12:47 |
SAngeli | flintser, it works. Could you please tell me if I have to change permission and ownership for /var/www so that for development I do not have problems? Also, myphpadmin do I have to install it manually? If so how to? | 12:47 |
amrit | whenever im trying too install or remove anything i a getting an error message: error while processing crossplaformui | 12:47 |
amrit | i tired removing crossplatofrmui itself but still i got the same message | 12:48 |
SAngeli | flintser, sorry I am at beginning of learning this LAMP. Any coherent docs for ubuntu server and LAMP to consult on the Internet? | 12:48 |
SAngeli | is MySQL-Front a valid software I can install on my Windows 7 os for managing MySQL database in ubuntu server? | 12:49 |
flintser | SAngeli: i created a user called web and chowned /var/www, i dont know if that is the correct way to do it but it works for me. for phpmyadmin i did mysql database called phpmyadmin and user called phpmyadmin, then all permissions on database to phpmyadmin. then i downloaded phpmyadmin and extracted it into /var/www/phpmyadmin so i can just go localhost/phpmyadmin to open the admin page | 12:50 |
flintser | but this is not lamp support, this is ubuntu. try googling for guides, they helped me :) | 12:51 |
amrit | how to edit a file in terminal | 12:51 |
amrit | ? | 12:51 |
SAngeli | flintser, ok. As for the front end for MySQL database on windows can I consider using sql-front? | 12:52 |
flintser | i dont do windows ;) | 12:52 |
SAngeli | cool | 12:52 |
SAngeli | thanks | 12:52 |
amrit | what commands to type for editing a file? | 12:52 |
Brittany | Hi guys. I have a problem with ubuntu on my laptop+ | 12:53 |
flintser | amrit: sudo nano /path/to/file | 12:53 |
Brittany | ... and apparently my current keyboard. | 12:53 |
zlatan | hi, when I try to start gnome-tweak-tool I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1657280/...how to solve this? | 12:53 |
flintser | !ask | Brittany | 12:53 |
ubottu | Brittany: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 12:53 |
bipul | What's the problem is Brittany | 12:53 |
Brittany | flintser: Which is why I said I had a problem with my keyboard. that was meant to be a comma, not a + and enter. | 12:53 |
=== geryon66 is now known as geryon6 | ||
Brittany | when trying to load ubuntu, I'm getting a group of errors, with no desktop login displaying. The errors are just a repeated "No Caching mode page present" and "Assuming drive cache: write through".. | 12:54 |
bipul | Brittany, but we are more intrested in knowing, what is you problem | 12:54 |
Brittany | Essentially, the login display won't load and I'm stuck with nothing but a mouse and command line. | 12:54 |
cfhowlett | amrit, to edit a system file sudo gedit fillname | 12:54 |
flintser | *gksudo | 12:55 |
Brittany | I do have access to login. | 12:55 |
Brittany | startx doesn't do anything though, it'll just blink. | 12:55 |
Brittany | (access to login by ctrl+alt+f1) | 12:55 |
emarnau | Now i know what the problem is | 12:55 |
emarnau | trying to install this new package libqt4-dbus 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 | 12:56 |
emarnau | but it tries to install it gives this error | 12:56 |
emarnau | libqt4-dbus : Depends: libqt4-xml (= 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.3) but 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 is installed | 12:56 |
emarnau | Depends: libqtcore4 (= 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.3) but 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 is installed | 12:56 |
cronix | Hello everyone \o/ | 12:56 |
emarnau | Recommends: qdbus (= 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.3) | 12:56 |
emarnau | from looking at this website http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/libqt4-dbus | 12:56 |
emarnau | libqt4-dbus 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 relies on 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 software and not on 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.3 software. Why is it saying the above which is wrong? | 12:56 |
emarnau | it seems odd that it would get the versions it depends on wrong | 12:56 |
cronix | im going to reinstall my main computer at home in a few hours and searching for some guide on how to dual-boot windows7 x64 and ubuntu | 12:57 |
cronix | sadly its not that simple | 12:57 |
cronix | ive done many dual boots so far | 12:57 |
dr_willis | cronix: its been very simple for me.. is there a specific issue you are haveing? | 12:57 |
cronix | but this one is the first wich is needed to run of an fakeraid - 0 | 12:57 |
dr_willis | ahh raid.. I dont do raid. :) good luck | 12:57 |
cronix | im booting windows off of an raid 0 array consisting of 2 SSD's | 12:58 |
SAngeli | how to wget myphpadmin inside /var/www fro terminal? | 12:58 |
SAngeli | I try to run wget http..... but get an error saying: -bash: !md5!aa6c996d264f4c04c00cbb2e97f3972a: event not found | 12:58 |
cronix | and i want to partition that one to also boot ubuntu from ssaid BIOS-Raid | 12:58 |
cronix | SAngeli: enclose the url in "" | 12:58 |
cronix | like | 12:58 |
cronix | wget "http....." | 12:58 |
SAngeli | ok, solved. I had a wrong url | 13:01 |
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flintser | SAngeli: i just downloaded it to another machine with gui and ftp uploaded it to my server :) i couldn't find a straight link to the archive.. wget downloaded a php file for me always | 13:01 |
Noorideen | whats the latest version of ubuntu? | 13:01 |
krofna | I have problem with rather high memory usage of Ubuntu. Currently I got only command line IRC and system monitor running and its using up 755 MiB of RAM. Isn't that too much? | 13:02 |
Noorideen | 12.10? | 13:02 |
DJones | Noorideen: Yes | 13:02 |
Noorideen | thank you | 13:02 |
dr_willis | krofna: how are you checking ram ussage? most could be cache | 13:02 |
dr_willis | !ram | 13:02 |
ubottu | If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html | 13:02 |
krofna | I'm checking ram usage in system monitor gui | 13:02 |
dr_willis | see how muchis cache | 13:03 |
Noorideen | Ubuntu 12.10 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS,whats the differences? | 13:03 |
Noorideen | are* | 13:03 |
dr_willis | !lts | 13:03 |
ubottu | LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) | 13:03 |
krofna | Ah, I see, thanks :D | 13:03 |
cfhowlett | emarnau, hey the china mirrors just added all those qt package updates you mentioned. dl'ing now. hopefully mine goes smoother than your experience | 13:04 |
Noorideen | ubottu: i never used linux before, whats better for me? LTS or..? | 13:04 |
ubottu | Noorideen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:04 |
Noorideen | god :D | 13:04 |
dr_willis | Noorideen: if you have newer hardware.. you may want to stick to 12.10 | 13:04 |
Noorideen | and if i dont? | 13:04 |
dr_willis | for most common use cases. it wont matter much | 13:04 |
emarnau | cfhowlett: thanks for letting me know. do not know why it says the wrong version. really annoying | 13:04 |
dr_willis | flip a coin. ;) | 13:04 |
Noorideen | lol | 13:04 |
dr_willis | 12.10 has newer packages and drivers. and so forth. | 13:05 |
flintser | dr_willis: hmm i think i've never had a compatibility issue since 9.04 | 13:05 |
dr_willis | 13.04 is due out in a few months | 13:05 |
dr_willis | flintser: i got old hardware.. so rarely have any issues. ;) | 13:05 |
Noorideen | i will go for 12.10 so | 13:05 |
dr_willis | if you got a laptop that just came out last month... well..thats a differnt story | 13:05 |
flintser | dr_willis: true dat | 13:05 |
diverdude | Hello, I am running ubuntu and i am trying to install wireless USB-NIC. Device is called Tenda W54U, and when i do lsusb it tells me that Bus 001 Device 003 is a Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. 88W838. It should be this driver: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Zonet_ZEW2502 (i think). But how do i get it to work on my ubuntu machine? | 13:06 |
Noorideen | my laptop is oldie :P | 13:06 |
Noorideen | no problem right? | 13:06 |
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flintser | hmm.. how come i have 3438mb of free ram with 32-bit system | 13:07 |
flintser | checked with free -m | 13:07 |
cfhowlett | Noorideen, probably not, but be aware that lubuntu and xubuntu are both optimized for older/low spec machines. Also, you might want to adopt LTS only (12.04) installs as those tend to work better on legacy devices. | 13:07 |
dr_willis | diverdude: you ran that addational-drivers tool? it may let you get the drivers from the repos. | 13:07 |
flintser | 4gigs is installed to the machine | 13:07 |
khedrub | I am running an webserver on ubuntu and it does not need to receive any emails, just send them to an external smtp server. Therefore I installed a nullmailer called msmtp. Now I do want to "upgrade" to postfix, but really only use postfix in the same way as a nullmailer but with a mailqueue and alias expension. This should be really easy I read everywhere, but all the guides I find are for far more complex scenarios. | 13:08 |
k1l | flintser: pae kernel | 13:08 |
_DeLa_ | kepler & tomreyn: i managed to set a static ip in the cam webinterface so that both modem and cam have the same 192.168.1.x :) | 13:08 |
flintser | k1l: ?? i have 3.2.0-36-generic | 13:09 |
Noorideen | cfhowlett: i am new to linux, what do you recommend for me? | 13:09 |
dr_willis | with exactly 4gb of ram. some will get grabbed by some of the hardware/bios/video - i forget the details. :) | 13:09 |
k1l | flintser: there are no no-pae kernels anymore | 13:09 |
dr_willis | Noorideen: flip a coin. it most likely wont matter. when in doubt. try 12.04 first. | 13:10 |
dr_willis | Noorideen: how old is old for your laptop? | 13:10 |
flintser | k1l oh!!! checked pae from wikipedia, cleared that up | 13:10 |
dr_willis | as of 12.10 - theres only pae enabled kernels. | 13:10 |
Noorideen | hmm maybe 5-6 years | 13:10 |
dr_willis | Noorideen: try 12.04 see if it works. If its sluggish. you may want to try Lubuntu, it will be lighter for older hardware | 13:11 |
dr_willis | Noorideen: what video chipset? | 13:11 |
Noorideen | ATI | 13:11 |
Noorideen | :( | 13:11 |
dr_willis | at least its not SiS | 13:11 |
Noorideen | (: | 13:12 |
flintser | Noorideen: dr_willis: i've found that 10.04 is a good choice for older laptops. | 13:12 |
SAngeli | cronix, ok | 13:12 |
SAngeli | thanks | 13:12 |
zlatan | hello - anything on this http://elementaryos.org/journal/luna-beta-1-released | 13:12 |
dr_willis | theres old.. then theres ancient.. ;) | 13:12 |
Noorideen | i once tried to use ubuntu maybe it was 7.10 something like that, i couldnt find a driver for my wireless adapter | 13:12 |
zlatan | oops not that but this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1657280/ | 13:12 |
k1l | flintser: support for 10.04 ends in april, so that is not a good recomendation | 13:12 |
diverdude | Hello, I am running ubuntu and i am trying to install wireless USB-NIC. Device is called Tenda W54U, and when i do lsusb it tells me that Bus 001 Device 003 is a Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. 88W838. It should be this driver: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/ndiswrapper/index.php?title=Zonet_ZEW2502 (i think). But how do i get it to work on my ubuntu machine? | 13:12 |
flintser | dr_willis: for seriously old acer, 10.04 made it breathe again :) | 13:13 |
dr_willis | flintser: for old old hardware. id do tiny core linux.. :) | 13:13 |
dr_willis | or puppy linux.. heh.. | 13:13 |
dr_willis | but ive gotten rid of all my old stuffs | 13:13 |
flintser | dr_willis: i've used puppy too, but 10.04 has made me the most happy | 13:14 |
dr_willis | ill pass on a 3yr old linux... | 13:14 |
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flintser | k1l: i know, but it wont make the existent version any worse does it? | 13:14 |
k1l | flintser: no, but its future is limited to april. so the user has to change the setting again then. so i prefer to recommend a solution that last longer | 13:15 |
dr_willis | Noorideen: you can get fully linux supported USB wifi dongles for like $5-15 these days | 13:15 |
flintser | 12.04 is the way to go here i think, but 10.04 is a choice if the hardware cannot handle the awesomeness of the 12.04 ;) | 13:15 |
Noorideen | dr_willis: i am new to programming, i am learning python so.. it might be hard for me to use ubuntu but i heard that its better that others. | 13:15 |
Noorideen | i will look up for that | 13:15 |
dr_willis | I dont follow that logic. :) | 13:15 |
* cfhowlett ... huh???? | 13:16 | |
dr_willis | !manual | Noorideen | 13:16 |
ubottu | Noorideen: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 13:16 |
k1l | flintser: if you need low hardware recommendations i would stick to Lubuntu. if thats not working i would look out for a specialized distribution | 13:16 |
Noorideen | ty dr_willis | 13:17 |
flintser | k1l: i've never liked lxde :/ dunno why. but yeah that is true. | 13:17 |
k1l | Noorideen: you dont need programming skills to use ubuntu :) | 13:17 |
dr_willis | But the ladies love a guy that can code hot regular expressions! ;P | 13:18 |
Noorideen | k1l: ubuntu it is then! | 13:18 |
Lynxx | anyone know any anti virus for linux? | 13:19 |
dr_willis | !av | 13:19 |
ubottu | Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus | 13:19 |
flintser | lol at finnish wikipedia.. they mention that lubuntu uses half the ram of xubuntu like 4 times and the article is only very short | 13:19 |
dr_willis | i think theres like 3-5 differnt av tools/companies that make stuff for linux. :) | 13:19 |
flintser | maybe that it is most important feature then :) | 13:20 |
dr_willis | <citation needed> ;) | 13:20 |
dr_willis | of course you then load up your web browser.. and it uses 100x the ram your desktop is using... | 13:20 |
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kimir | I need both libfreetype6-dev and libfreetype6-dev:i386, but apt won't let me install both (one removes another). How can I work around this? | 13:21 |
gatis | hello, i was wondering how can i compose something like <Multi_key> <underscroe> <U2206> ? specifically the <U2206> part ? how do i enter it ? | 13:24 |
agu10^ | Help! mod_rewrite is changing the URL at the client. I don't want that! I have: RewriteRule (.*) /sites/%{SERVER_NAME} [NC,L] | 13:25 |
tomreyn | _DeLa_: glad you fixed it | 13:30 |
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jnhghy | Hi, I have a wget command that I need to run daily, saving it in a .sh file and adding the .sh file in a cron job would do it? | 13:31 |
emarnau | wrote a forum request | 13:32 |
emarnau | http://askubuntu.com/questions/256436/libqt4-dbus-44-8-1-0ubuntu4-4-installation-complaining-about-wrong-version-it-r | 13:32 |
jrib | jnhghy: sure | 13:32 |
jnhghy | jrib: thx | 13:32 |
tomreyn | kimir: you can't have both. why would you need to? | 13:33 |
c0mputer | Trying to troubleshoot my VPS. It's booting as far as I can tell, but I can't ssh in. I'm in a recovery console through my VPS provider. There's no "Feb 15" entries in /var/log/syslog and boot.log looks ok (but theres no dates there) | 13:39 |
c0mputer | What gives? | 13:39 |
jrib | c0mputer: have you ever connected through ssh successfully before? | 13:39 |
c0mputer | jrib: yeah. it went down last night or something | 13:39 |
jrib | c0mputer: so what happens when you try to connect now? (use ssh -v) | 13:40 |
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c0mputer | jrib: it times out. | 13:41 |
c0mputer | jrib: well, im in recovery console so it works just fine. but when i reboot it will time out | 13:41 |
vfw | c0mputer: What does nmap say about it? | 13:41 |
jrib | c0mputer: so you can connect now? | 13:41 |
c0mputer | c0mputer: when the vps is in recovery mode, yes | 13:41 |
c0mputer | *jrib | 13:42 |
c0mputer | why does /var/log/syslog not show any Feb 15 entries when i reboot the system | 13:42 |
c0mputer | is it not making it past the boot proces? | 13:42 |
c0mputer | and if so, wouldn't boot.log have some stuff in it? (why are there no dates there) | 13:42 |
jrib | c0mputer: do other services come up? | 13:42 |
vfw | c0mputer: Yea, there's something wrong there. How about dmesg | 13:43 |
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vfw | ? | 13:43 |
c0mputer | jrib, i don't know. i can't ssh into the server to check it. | 13:43 |
tomreyn | c0mputer: because no syslog daemon was started or it is not configured to write to the file | 13:43 |
c0mputer | vfw, theres no dates in this file either | 13:43 |
jrib | c0mputer: well what are the last changes you made before this happpened? | 13:43 |
c0mputer | vfw, a tial -n 50 doesn't find anything particularly heinous | 13:43 |
c0mputer | jrib, i havent changed anything for weeks | 13:43 |
ubuntuw1204 | ubuntu 12.04 or ubunu 120110 | 13:44 |
jrib | ubuntuw1204: what? | 13:44 |
c0mputer | might have installed mongod or something... | 13:44 |
vfw | c0mputer: not supposed to be any dates in it | 13:44 |
lcabreza1 | anybody has an idea about t his error : ERROR: setattr(70) not allowed on the r | 13:44 |
lcabreza1 | oot inode, Linux/ocfsmain.c, 3404 | 13:44 |
ubuntuw1204 | jrib: should i update regularly every 6 months i.e. do i use 12.04 or .12.10? | 13:45 |
vfw | c0mputer: The date for dmesg will be in the output of ls -l /var/log/dmesg | 13:45 |
jrib | ubuntuw1204: if you stay on LTS releases (12.04 is one) you can stay on it for 2 years and then upgrade to the next LTS release. With non-LTS, you generally want to upgrade every 6 months (though you have support for 18 months) | 13:46 |
jValentin | g'day all | 13:46 |
vfw | c0mputer: How long since the last reboot? | 13:46 |
tomreyn | c0mputer: do you have /var/log/boot.log ? | 13:46 |
ubuntuw1204 | jrib: which is better? | 13:46 |
jrib | ubuntuw1204: it's up to you; both are good. If you don't want to upgrade for a while, go with 12.04 LTS. If you want newer software, go with 12.10 | 13:47 |
ubuntuw1204 | is any one here using gnome 2 on ubuntu 12.10? | 13:47 |
raub | ubuntuw1204: for a server you do want LTS | 13:47 |
c0mputer | vfw, dmesg shows Feb 1 ... | 13:47 |
c0mputer | vfw, idk how long since last reboot | 13:47 |
c0mputer | tomreyn yes | 13:47 |
raub | worst thing that happened to me was having a server on non-LTS and then realizing the release was no longer supported | 13:47 |
ubuntuw1204 | jrib: which is more secure? | 13:47 |
c0mputer | boot.log shows feb 1 too... | 13:47 |
vfw | c0mputer: Sound like Feb 1 was last reboot. | 13:47 |
ubuntuw1204 | raub: which is more secure | 13:47 |
jrib | ubuntuw1204: both are equally secure. Both get security updates during their support period | 13:48 |
c0mputer | sounds reasonable | 13:48 |
raub | ubuntuw1204: It depends on what you define as secure | 13:48 |
ubuntuw1204 | raub: i dont use server i use it on laptop | 13:48 |
c0mputer | so how do i troubleshoot remove boot issues if there are no logs, lol. | 13:48 |
c0mputer | remote* | 13:48 |
raub | The do the usual laptop crap: encrypt disk, no sshd, etc | 13:49 |
vfw | c0mputer: Are you sure this system is really booting? (Maybe it's booting to a CD or USB or...?) | 13:49 |
jrib | c0mputer: your VPS provider doesn't give you some way to connect to your machine when you don't boot it through recovery without using ssh? | 13:49 |
c0mputer | vfw, its a vps.net cloud server so i would hope so | 13:49 |
c0mputer | jrib, it does | 13:49 |
c0mputer | jrib, thats how i'm on it now. | 13:49 |
raub | c0mputer: anything insteresting in dmesg perhaps? | 13:49 |
c0mputer | jrib, recovery cosnole man. | 13:49 |
vfw | c0mputer: Oh, sorry forgot | 13:49 |
coz_ | hey guys, 12.04 and previous I was able to use this command ` python -c "import gtk; gtk.recent_manager_get_default().purge_items()"` to clear recent documen ts. it no longer works on 12.10, or 13.04..anyone have a differnt command for this? | 13:49 |
c0mputer | raub, nothing particular. some iptables deny and thats it | 13:49 |
jrib | c0mputer: you said you were booting recovery mode. Is that not true? | 13:50 |
tomreyn | c0mputer: what does df -h say? | 13:50 |
c0mputer | jrib, i am using the browser based recovery console to access the VPS in recovery mode. | 13:50 |
c0mputer | jrib, i don't think i can be more clear than that | 13:50 |
jrib | c0mputer: ok, maybe you misunderstood my question. Can't you boot the machine as normal (i.e. not recovery mode) and get a console on the machine? | 13:51 |
Totentag | Ctrl+Scroll to rescale Firefox on Windows. Is there a quick shortcut to do so on Ubuntu? I haven't found it. | 13:51 |
c0mputer | jrib, nope. | 13:52 |
jrib | c0mputer: ok | 13:52 |
c0mputer | its some java based vpn thing if that matters | 13:52 |
BluesKaj | ctrl - , ctrl+ . Totentag | 13:52 |
Totentag | Thanks, Blues. | 13:52 |
c0mputer | jrib, actually... now i can. | 13:53 |
vfw | Totentag: Ctrl-0 ? | 13:53 |
c0mputer | da fuqqq | 13:53 |
c0mputer | problem fixed itself? fuck the cloud. | 13:53 |
c0mputer | yep. i can totally ssh in now, no problems. -_- | 13:53 |
BluesKaj | c0mputer, watch the language please | 13:54 |
vfw | Totentag: Ctrl + bigger Ctrl - smaller Ctrl 0 reset | 13:54 |
Totentag | I've always been more bothered by a problem fixing itself then me not finding a solution at all... | 13:54 |
c0mputer | yeah i'm not thrilled about it | 13:54 |
ubuntuw1204 | raub: i have a dell vostro laptop will upgrading every 6 months be ok will the newer kernel version suport this laptop? | 13:55 |
Skyrid3r | Hia everyone | 13:55 |
codephobic | Hi, I'm having a strange problem with gedit, within Ubuntu 12 (I've not managed to replicate the problem in debian squeeze), where if I create a css file and try to create a rule for P {}, as soon as I place the cursor within the {} and press TAB, the application crashes and I have to start again. | 13:55 |
vfw | c0mputer: what was the report from nmap while it was broken? | 13:56 |
codephobic | I suspect it is a conflict with some auto-complete plugin, but I don't really know. | 13:56 |
jValentin | I have a computer that is now giving me the grub bootloader, where it wasn't doing this previously. Is there any reason this would start doing this suddenly? | 13:56 |
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jrib | codephobic: you should say "12.04" or "12.10". Even better, you should mention the version of gedit | 13:56 |
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codephobic | jrib, ubuntu 12.10, default gedit version with auto-complete and bracket matching plugins | 13:57 |
c0mputer | vfw, workstations here at work are windows | 13:57 |
vfw | jValentin: What was it doing previously (if it wasn't giving you the grub bootloader)? | 13:57 |
vfw | c0mputer: o | 13:57 |
jrib | c0mputer: did you try disabling the plug-ins? Try running gedit from a shell and see if there's interesting output? | 13:57 |
jrib | oops | 13:57 |
jrib | codephobic: did you try disabling the plug-ins? Try running gedit from a shell and see if there's interesting output? | 13:57 |
jValentin | vfw: it was just booting up to the login screen | 13:57 |
vfw | !grub | jValentin | 13:58 |
ubottu | jValentin: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 13:58 |
Eagleman | When i am making a snapshot of my guest OS with libvirt create snapshot, it takes about a few minutes ti complete when the system is offline. This used to take about 3 seconds max. Any idea why it is so slow? | 13:58 |
jValentin | I don't use this computer, so I'm not sure if anything was installed or messed with to change the default behavior. I do prefer to just hide the grub bootloader menu and just defaault to the first option. | 13:59 |
tomreyn | Eagleman: what are you using for storing the VMs? files? LVs? | 13:59 |
termospullo_ | hey guys any suggestions, should I go with ubuntu and install cinnamon, or mint | 13:59 |
vfw | termospullo_: What? | 14:00 |
Eagleman | tomreyn, qcow2 | 14:00 |
Skyrid3r | I've been trying to install ubuntu for the past 2 hours | 14:00 |
Skyrid3r | I failed doing so.. | 14:00 |
jrib | termospullo_: try both and use what you prefer | 14:00 |
vfw | termospullo_: I recommend xubuntu or lubuntu but the choice is yours. | 14:00 |
Skyrid3r | Wubi Startup Error, wubildr.mbr File Missing | 14:01 |
Skyrid3r | Wubi is not exactly, good.. is it.. :-\ | 14:01 |
tomreyn | Eagleman: is the file system the image files are stored on roughly 90% (or more) full? | 14:01 |
termospullo_ | well I tried mint and had some problems with nvidia drivers, any change that ubuntu might have better hw support | 14:01 |
Skyrid3r | I see multiple people having issues with it | 14:01 |
Eagleman | tomreyn 50% | 14:01 |
tomreyn | Skyrid3r: better use virtualbox and run ubuntu in a VM | 14:01 |
vfw | termospullo_: And the main reason I recommend xubuntu or lubuntu is that it takes less resources to run them. lubuntu being the least | 14:01 |
Eagleman | tomreyn, not sure when the snapshot is going | 14:01 |
Skyrid3r | I already have tomreyn .. Though I prefer speed atm.. | 14:01 |
Skyrid3r | VM is rather, slowish. | 14:01 |
Skyrid3r | I just like to install Ubuntu on my External HDD. | 14:02 |
Skyrid3r | Doesn't matter if I format the partition in EX3... It still won't detect it, besides the whole hdd.. rather than the partition. | 14:02 |
Skyrid3r | **EXT3 | 14:02 |
k1l | wubi :( | 14:02 |
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Skyrid3r | I just want to install Ubuntu as dual boot :p | 14:03 |
Skyrid3r | Is that so hard to ask ^^ | 14:03 |
k1l | Skyrid3r: no need for wubi then | 14:03 |
vfw | Skyrid3r: You need partitions, (at least two). ext4 is my recommendation for fs type | 14:03 |
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Skyrid3r | Yea, the partition manager I used only had ext3.. so I used that :p | 14:03 |
tomreyn | Eagleman: so ext* becomes slow then the file system is getting full. other possible reasons: high load, likely I/O or CPU by the time you are snapshotting. failing hardware (HDD). | 14:03 |
Skyrid3r | but for some reason the ubuntu installation only found the entire hdd. | 14:03 |
Skyrid3r | Of which, I didn't want. | 14:03 |
k1l | termospullo_: mint uses own handling with drivers and stuff. so better ask them for mint specific issues | 14:03 |
vfw | Skyrid3r: And I agree with k1l, on a regular install rather than wubi | 14:04 |
Skyrid3r | If wuby is having so many issues, why is it on the front page | 14:04 |
Skyrid3r | Just curious. | 14:04 |
k1l | Skyrid3r: its for making windows users an easy testing possibility | 14:04 |
Eagleman | tomreyn, cpu is idle most of the time, it looks the snapshot is written to a 80% full SSD, this should be going very fast | 14:04 |
diverdude | Whenever i need to do a sudo task i need to write password. I made a stupid mistake to use my personal password on a machine which others will be using, so I was hoping i could somehow change the sudo password. Is that possible, and how? | 14:05 |
vfw | Skyrid3r: We did not say that wubi was having some issues. | 14:05 |
Skyrid3r | You can't test something that doesn't work properly though. | 14:05 |
k1l | Skyrid3r: make a real install from live-usb or live-cd | 14:05 |
Skyrid3r | That's the thing k1l | 14:05 |
star_ | !hi there | 14:05 |
star_ | !list | 14:05 |
ubottu | star_: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 14:05 |
jrib | diverdude: the password is just your user's password. Change your user's password | 14:05 |
Skyrid3r | It only detects the entire HDD | 14:05 |
Skyrid3r | I want to install it on a specific partition | 14:05 |
Skyrid3r | not format my HDD. | 14:05 |
k1l | Skyrid3r: wubi ist for installing into the windows. it doesnt install anywhere than that | 14:05 |
Skyrid3r | Either way, I'll be back a bit later, thanks. have to go outside for a bit | 14:06 |
vfw | Skyrid3r: Don't use Enter for puncuation. | 14:06 |
jrib | diverdude: but why do you want to change it? Are you going to give others your password? Why don't you just create their own user accounts? | 14:06 |
k1l | Skyrid3r: so use a live-cd or -usb for installing on external hdd. | 14:06 |
tomreyn | Eagleman: so investigate the other possible issues. also if the 80% is before the image was written and when the image is done it's at 97% then this can be why. | 14:06 |
diverdude | jrib, aha, so just passwd myusername ? | 14:07 |
Noorideen | "dir -r | more" what does this command do? | 14:07 |
jrib | diverdude: if you want to change your password, yes. | 14:07 |
diverdude | jrib,great, thx :) | 14:07 |
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jrib | Noorideen: try it :) (and you can read « man dir ») | 14:07 |
Eagleman | tomreyn, any idea where the snapshot file is placed? | 14:08 |
Noorideen | oh i always forget to right man | 14:08 |
Noorideen | ty | 14:08 |
tomreyn | Eagleman: no, sorry. i never used this option. | 14:08 |
tomreyn | Eagleman: chances are this is configured somewhere in /etc/libvirt* | 14:09 |
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=== Toten|Testing is now known as Totentag | ||
codephobic | jrib, just tried out the shell suggestion - http://pastebin.com/zFddSWg6 | 14:09 |
jrib | codephobic: you disabled the plug-ins? | 14:10 |
codephobic | jrib, I'll try that now. | 14:11 |
codephobic | jrib, it's definitely a plugin issue. I disabled all the plugins and there was no crash when I repeated my steps. | 14:13 |
jrib | codephobic: now figure out which one, then go look for a new version of it. If it doesn't exist either find an alternative, give up on the plug-in, or fix it :) | 14:13 |
codephobic | jrib, I'll try enabling them, one-by-one, see if it's specific to a plugin or just to something that a few are built-upon | 14:13 |
jrib | codephobic: use binary search! | 14:14 |
ubuntuw1204 | linux mint or ubutnu | 14:14 |
jrib | ubuntuw1204: try both and use what you prefer | 14:15 |
Pici | ubuntuw1204: This is #ubuntu, what do you think we're going to say? | 14:15 |
codephobic | jrib, gonna go do some chores first. this will require time. back in 2 hours, if you're around :) | 14:15 |
jrib | codephobic: bye :) | 14:15 |
codephobic | bye :) | 14:15 |
ubuntuw1204 | 64bit or 32 bit? | 14:17 |
Pici | ubuntuw1204: Whichever your system supports is fine. | 14:20 |
ubuntuw1204 | Pici: both | 14:20 |
Pici | ubuntuw1204: 64 is fine then. | 14:20 |
mhsbec | Hiii. I am using linux mint 13 and cheese 3.2.1 install by default. Please tell me how to update cheese 3.6.2? | 14:21 |
ubuntuw1204 | Pici: will 64 bit drain more battery | 14:21 |
Pici | ubuntuw1204: you shouldn't see a difference either way. | 14:21 |
Pici | mhsbec: We do not support mint here. | 14:21 |
Pici | !mintsupport | mhsbec | 14:22 |
ubottu | mhsbec: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 14:22 |
ubuntuw1204 | mhsbec: upgrade to lm 14 | 14:22 |
ubuntuw1204 | mhsbec: bye | 14:22 |
ubuntuw1204 | Pici: yes i actually i never did see any diff, so why 64 bit is there? | 14:25 |
Pici | ubuntuw1204: Because not all computers support 64 bits. And you can't use more than 4 GB of RAM (properly) with 32 bits. | 14:25 |
emarnau2 | nice | 14:25 |
nibbler | Pici: 4GB limit is not true, due to PAE which is available for decades (feels like) | 14:26 |
Pici | nibbler: Thats why I said 'properly' PAE still restricts you to 4GB per process. | 14:26 |
zykotick9 | nibbler: PAE is a "hack"... | 14:26 |
nibbler | but it used to be a very helpfull hack.... no doubt on the hackiness itself. but "32bit OS can only do 4GB" is wrong. | 14:27 |
zykotick9 | nibbler: Pici used the work "properly", which is accurate. | 14:27 |
Cogboy | Anybody know a good dice program? I'm looking to get into Roleplaying and I can't seem to find the program I need in the USC. | 14:28 |
Cogboy | Is there a way I can get my terminal to do it? | 14:28 |
zykotick9 | !info rolldice | 14:29 |
ubottu | rolldice (source: rolldice): A virtual dice roller. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10-5 (quantal), package size 11 kB, installed size 72 kB | 14:29 |
Pici | !info |rolldice | 14:29 |
Pici | er | 14:29 |
Noorideen | how to create a bootable usb stick? | 14:30 |
kristijonas | hello, is it possible (is there a safe way) to hide system folders/files from non-sudoers? | 14:30 |
histo | !usb | Noorideen | 14:30 |
ubottu | Noorideen: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 14:30 |
nibbler | Noorideen: unetbootin, or just download grml iso and dd it to a usb stick | 14:30 |
histo | kristijonas: chmod o= /path/to/file | 14:30 |
nibbler | kristijonas: this does not hide the file, but the contents, and right to enter (if its a folder) | 14:31 |
Noorideen | nibbler: i am new to ubuntu i wanna install for the first time, but i ran out of dvds i am on windows atm | 14:31 |
ubuntuw1204 | nibbler: grml? | 14:31 |
NickCell | hi all, there is specific channel to Ubunt for fones ??? | 14:31 |
histo | nibbler: Why would you suggest grml in here? | 14:31 |
nibbler | Noorideen: then follow the link ubottu gave you | 14:31 |
histo | !phone > NickCell | 14:31 |
ubottu | NickCell, please see my private message | 14:31 |
NickCell | ok | 14:31 |
nibbler | histo: its the easiest and fastest way that popped into my mind. | 14:31 |
GeekSquid | Cogboy: after you have installed rolldice... type man rolldice and you will see how to communicate with it to "roll the dice" | 14:31 |
kristijonas | nibbler, I want regular user to be able to access only /home/user folders. | 14:32 |
nibbler | kristijonas: they will need some system folders.... for their programs/scripts/libraries | 14:32 |
histo | nibbler: I believe he's asking howto make a ubuntu usb since this is #ubuntu | 14:32 |
nibbler | kristijonas: a standard ubuntu install should be just save. use "bastille" to harden it | 14:32 |
nibbler | histo: he clarified this afterwards | 14:32 |
rasha666 | how can i access windows shared files?? | 14:33 |
rasha666 | how can i access windows shared files?? | 14:33 |
rasha666 | how can i access windows shared files?? | 14:34 |
histo | !samba | rasha666 | 14:34 |
ubottu | rasha666: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 14:34 |
tomreyn | !repeat | rasha666 | 14:34 |
ubottu | rasha666: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 14:34 |
histo | rasha666: You should just be able to browse network places in nautilus on a default install I believe though. | 14:34 |
Cogboy | Excellent, that works great. than you | 14:35 |
Cogboy | thank you | 14:35 |
Noorideen | will this work? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows | 14:36 |
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iciraus | Hello, am new to ubuntu and IRC. what is the purpose for this channel? support, social life? are there any rules for the chat i should know about? | 14:37 |
MonkeyDust | iciraus ubuntu support, type /topic | 14:37 |
BluesKaj | !support | 14:37 |
ubottu | The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com | 14:37 |
nibbler | i installed anroid-tools-adb and android-tools-fastboot, but only the first finds my device. ny hint? | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | iciraus,^ | 14:38 |
histo | iciraus: also check the topic | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | and coc | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | !coc | 14:38 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv | 14:38 |
histo | nibbler: Might want to ask in #android also fast boot only works with some devicess | 14:38 |
nibbler | histo: thanks | 14:39 |
ubuntunub | hi i'm with ubuntu 12.04 and my VGA is Sapphire HD 7850. I have installed drivers from "additional drivers" and now i have watermark to the down right side of the sreen. How can i remove it ? | 14:39 |
histo | ubuntunub: can you post a screen shot | 14:39 |
histo | !paste | ubuntunub | 14:39 |
ubottu | ubuntunub: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 14:39 |
iciraus | Thanks, i will start reading right away. | 14:39 |
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ubuntunub | don't know about a screen shot but it is like this http://imagebin.org/246811 | 14:41 |
virhilo | hi | 14:43 |
virhilo | this is recomented ppa for mplayer with vaapi support? https://launchpad.net/~sander-vangrieken/+archive/vaapi seems like not too frequently updated | 14:43 |
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ubuntunub | can you help me about the problem with the watermark? | 14:44 |
histo | ubuntunub: http://askubuntu.com/questions/25519/how-to-remove-amd-unsupported-hardware-without-reinstalling-the-driver | 14:44 |
histo | ubuntunub: Also keep in mind you're using a non supported driver. The issue is with the driver not ubuntu | 14:45 |
ubuntunub | histo i don't know how to save this file i got a massege i have no rights to save it | 14:45 |
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tcrouto | ubuntunub: what folder are u saving in | 14:46 |
ubuntunub | i tried etc | 14:47 |
tcrouto | save somewhere in your /home/NAME folder | 14:47 |
ubuntunub | ok thx | 14:47 |
tcrouto | etc requires root privileges | 14:47 |
ubuntunub | i tried in home and i get error again | 14:47 |
tcrouto | what is the error | 14:48 |
ubuntunub | You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again. | 14:48 |
ubuntuw1204 | why is debian considered more stable? | 14:48 |
histo | ubuntuw1204: It's not | 14:49 |
maslen | Hey, can someone help me with the CVE process? I found a (remotely triggered) DoS in a package distributed with Ubuntu ? | 14:49 |
histo | !opinion | ubuntuw1204 | 14:49 |
ubottu | ubuntuw1204: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 14:49 |
tcrouto | ubuntunub: if you are logged in as your normal user, saving in your home folder will work | 14:49 |
nibbler | ubuntuw1204: it usuall is a tradeoff between more recent software vs. more tested software..... | 14:49 |
histo | maslen: In which package? | 14:49 |
SolarisBoy | maslen: what are you looking to do report it, patch it, etc? | 14:50 |
maslen | histo: wireshark | 14:50 |
ubuntuw1204 | ok | 14:50 |
ubuntunub | tcrouto i am with normal user with password | 14:50 |
YokoBR | hey guys, is there any way to get xserver 1.12 running on quantal? | 14:50 |
nibbler | YokoBR: its about old ati drivers? | 14:50 |
maslen | SolarisBoy: I can definitely report it, I have a POC, and I would be able to guess on how to patch it, but that might be better for someone more experienced at dev | 14:50 |
YokoBR | nibbler, yep | 14:50 |
nibbler | YokoBR: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx | 14:50 |
ubuntunub | oh i save it in home/user/documents | 14:51 |
histo | maslen: How? | 14:51 |
YokoBR | nibbler, i've tryed that and it messed up with my system. | 14:51 |
nibbler | YokoBR: thats what i did today - besides my too-new kernel it worked like a charm. using PPAs needs trust in their creators.... are you on 12.10 with default kernel? | 14:51 |
maslen | histo: I created a custom packet with scapy, send it over, and then wireshark spins its wheels. | 14:51 |
tcrouto | ubuntunub: sounds like your home directory has screwed up permissions. the entire folder should be writable by you | 14:51 |
ubuntunub | tcrouto: how to fix the home folder ? | 14:52 |
YokoBR | nibbler, my kernel is 3.7.0-7, and i've xorg-edgers ppa | 14:52 |
histo | maslen: you may want to try #wireshark | 14:52 |
maslen | histo: That place has been useless :( | 14:52 |
YokoBR | nibbler, i've disabled it and followed that makson96 ppa | 14:52 |
nibbler | YokoBR: there was some change in the kernel sources, thats why your fglrx-legacy is not building, easy to fix | 14:52 |
MonkeyDust | YokoBR that kernel and PPAs are not supported | 14:52 |
histo | maslen: Well I don't have a way to pass you packet or the time. Have you filed a bug report? | 14:53 |
tcrouto | ubuntunub: go into a terminal and type: ls -l | 14:53 |
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YokoBR | nibbler, sure! it's stuck at the building of the module | 14:53 |
tcrouto | pastebin if you need to | 14:53 |
YokoBR | nibbler, is there anyway to downgrade my kernel so? | 14:53 |
maslen | histo: Not yet. I'm interested in getting a CVE, and since I don't know the procedure, I wasn't sure if that would be considered a 'public release' that would disqualify it. | 14:53 |
maslen | (I am really, really new to this. Can you tell?) | 14:53 |
SolarisBoy | you can't downgrade/upgrade kernels but you can install and remove them, and you can choose which kernel to use of installed ones at boot time | 14:54 |
nibbler | YokoBR: nah, its easier, just patch the sources, give me a second | 14:54 |
ubuntunub | tcrouto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1658050/ | 14:54 |
YokoBR | nibbler, thank you so much. I've been trying this for weeks or months, i guess | 14:55 |
histo | maslen: I don't understand by what you mean "interested in getting a CVE" | 14:55 |
nibbler | YokoBR: cd /var/lib/dkms/fglrx-legacy/ ; sed -i 's/VM_RESERVED/VM_DONTEXPAND | VM_DONTDUMP/g' firegl_public.c*; # this is a dirty hack, which would hve to be reexecuted if either your kernel or the fglrx-legacy packages change | 14:55 |
tcrouto | ubuntunub, what is it you are trying to save, and what steps are you performing to do so | 14:55 |
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histo | maslen: https://www.wireshark.org/lists/wireshark-bugs/ | 14:56 |
ubuntuw1204 | which is the best laptop to run ubutnu | 14:57 |
YokoBR | nibbler, are you kidding me?! i can't believe i've lost so many hours doing this! Thank you so much! | 14:57 |
maslen | ubuntuw1204: There are companies that manufacture hardware that are designed for linux. It might be worthwhile to look into those. | 14:57 |
Catbuntu | How do the daily builds work? | 14:58 |
Catbuntu | Do I have to reinstall it each time that the daily image is updated? | 14:58 |
Catbuntu | Or do the updates come to the update manager? | 14:58 |
BluesKaj | !daily | 14:58 |
ubottu | Daily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 14:58 |
nibbler | YokoBR: afterwards: dpkg-reconfigure fglrx-legacy; # to rebuild initrd. took me some time to figure out, believe me ;-) | 14:58 |
MonkeyDust | Catbuntu why do you want to use daily builds, if you don't know what it is? | 14:59 |
histo | Catbuntu: updates come to the update manager. | 14:59 |
BluesKaj | yes after installing the daily build tyhe updtaesand upgrades can be installed from the repositories with the package manager, Catbuntu | 14:59 |
Catbuntu | I know what they are, I just don't know if only the images are updated as they're a development rrelease. | 14:59 |
Catbuntu | Ok, thanks. | 14:59 |
nibbler | YokoBR: its this mess with these proprietary drivers :( i wish my hdmi would work in the radeon driver | 14:59 |
maslen | histo: So is my first step to just post it on the wireshark bug tracker? | 14:59 |
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histo | maslen: I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish. If you'd like to see it fixed. Yes I would file a bug. | 15:00 |
maslen | histo: I would also like for this bug to be assigned a CVE number. | 15:00 |
histo | maslen: I'm not sure how that happens. | 15:01 |
maslen | histo: ah. | 15:01 |
yourimym1 | hello there i've installed ununtu alongside windows in 15 GB , but now i want to resize it and make it bigger by tacking space from another logical driver to add it to ext4 ubuntu drive is that possible ? | 15:01 |
YokoBR | nibbler, my problem is that i have hybrid amd/amd apu/gpu, and i can't enable the discrete gpu since i have a muxless system and the open source driver can't handle it | 15:01 |
histo | maslen: This page has info. | 15:01 |
YokoBR | nibbler, but at least i'll play Diablo III. I hope i will. | 15:01 |
jusr | The cable that runs information from the pc to the monitor is missing a pin at the end of one of the connections. I notice the pc will take 5/5/5 the cable has 5/4/5 is that why the monitor does not work? | 15:02 |
histo | maslen: https://cve.mitre.org/about/faqs.html | 15:02 |
Svenny | hallo! | 15:03 |
mybrainlag | Ubuntu is a bitch | 15:03 |
histo | jusr: Is the pin broken or just missing originally? Not all of them are needed. | 15:03 |
histo | jusr: but certain ones are. | 15:03 |
mybrainlag | siema ! | 15:03 |
mybrainlag | jacys anglicy kurde | 15:03 |
mybrainlag | POLONIA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 15:03 |
mybrainlag | ! | 15:03 |
mybrainlag | ! | 15:03 |
FloodBot1 | mybrainlag: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:03 |
mybrainlag | ! | 15:03 |
histo | jusr: for instance pin 9 in the middle row is a key pin not needed. | 15:04 |
histo | jusr: the others are grounds | 15:04 |
Svenny | any idea when the ubuntu phone will be released? | 15:05 |
Pici | !phone | Svenny | 15:05 |
ubottu | Svenny: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone | 15:05 |
Svenny | thank you! | 15:05 |
YokoBR | nibbler, do i have to do that hack before or after installing fglrx-legacy? | 15:06 |
emarnau | i love this auto join channel feature in pidgin | 15:06 |
emarnau | makes it sooo easy | 15:07 |
jusr | can someone direct me to a pc repair channel? | 15:07 |
Pici | jusr: ##hardware perhaps? | 15:07 |
nibbler | YokoBR: after installing it. it drops the sources to said directory (version number might change in the future?). then you patch his sources as this symbol was removed from the kernel, and then you use the dpkg-reconfigure to trigger the rebuild of the modules, initrd etc | 15:07 |
yourimym1 | hello there i've installed ununtu alongside windows in 15 GB , but now i want to resize it and make it bigger by tacking space from another logical driver to add it to ext4 ubuntu drive is that possible ? | 15:08 |
YokoBR | nibbler, oh i see. Thank you :D | 15:08 |
BluesKaj | yourimym1, as long as you can expand the target drive into a space beside it | 15:09 |
histo | yourimym1: Yes boot to the install cd and use gparted to resize the unmounted drive | 15:10 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 type sudo fdisk -l|pastebinit and paste the url here in the channel, see we can see | 15:10 |
histo | yourimym1: ^^^^^^^ pastebinit | 15:10 |
histo | jusr: #hardware ? | 15:12 |
nibbler | YokoBR: if you had googled for the first error message of the cli output upon installation of fglrx-legacy you would have gotten some pointers by the way. | 15:12 |
yourimym1 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/1658147/ | 15:12 |
yourimym1 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/1658147/ | 15:12 |
YokoBR | nibbler, i have such a poor english :/ sometimes i can't understand what some things mean | 15:13 |
tcrouto | yourimym1: use -l, not -i :) | 15:13 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 sudo fdisk -l -l for list | 15:13 |
histo | yourimym1: or lsblk | 15:13 |
yourimym1 | empty http://paste.ubuntu.com/1658152/ | 15:13 |
tcrouto | yourimym1, sudo is needed | 15:14 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 sudo | 15:14 |
yourimym1 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/1658156/ | 15:14 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 ok, now sudo fdisk -l|pastebinit | 15:15 |
yourimym1 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/1658168/ | 15:16 |
histo | yourimym1: just type lsblk | 15:16 |
yourimym1 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/1658177/ | 15:17 |
histo | yourimym1: You could resize 7 and extend 8 into that space | 15:17 |
histo | yourimym1: your media F drive | 15:17 |
yourimym1 | i want from E: | 15:17 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 linux does not use C: D: or E: as disk indicators | 15:19 |
histo | yourimym1: Did you use LVM when you installed? | 15:19 |
yourimym1 | no didnt use LVM | 15:19 |
xiangjian | hello.. | 15:19 |
tcrouto | MonkeyDust, you can see what drive letters are assigned to the partitions in his lsblk output | 15:19 |
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MonkeyDust | tcrouto correct, i missed that pastebin | 15:20 |
tcrouto | :) | 15:20 |
yourimym1 | so what tool to use , is it fast also ? | 15:21 |
histo | yourimym1: I guess technically you could but not easily. You'd have to create an LVM container putting sda8 in there and then resizing and adding others it would just be a nightmare. Vs. just resizing the end of z and giving the space to 8 | 15:21 |
histo | s/z/7/ | 15:21 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 how did you partition that drive? | 15:21 |
MonkeyDust | drives* | 15:22 |
yourimym1 | using ubuntu while installing it | 15:22 |
yourimym1 | i think it was lvm | 15:23 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 you just need swap , /home and / | 15:23 |
dfgh | UserA owns directory DirA. Inside DirA, FileB is owned by UserB. UserA should be able to remove and write to this file. E.g. UserA is able to edit FileB with vim and write (:w!). But why can't UserA do echo "hello" > fileB (permission denied)? | 15:23 |
dekroning | I would like to install the same java version i'm running on my Mac OSX, I think it's the Oracle one, is there a way to install this on ubuntu while using apt ? | 15:23 |
dekroning | is there like a stable upstream? | 15:23 |
tcrouto | dfgh, create a group that A and B are both in, then chown FileB with that group | 15:24 |
yourimym1 | is there easy way to do the resize ? | 15:24 |
emarnau | how would you interpret his out put | 15:25 |
emarnau | libqt4-dbus : Depends: libqt4-xml (= 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.3) but 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.4 is installed | 15:25 |
emarnau | would you think it is looking for the older version of the software? | 15:25 |
histo | yourimym1: Not the way you want to. The easy way is to shirnk the end of 7 and add it to 8. | 15:25 |
MonkeyDust | dekroning it looks like the repos contain java 4.6 and 4.7 | 15:25 |
cogboy | I have a questiong regarding flash player | 15:25 |
emarnau | and saying that the newer software in only installed? | 15:25 |
yourimym1 | okay then instruction plz | 15:26 |
histo | yourimym1: Boot to the installation cd and run gparted to resize. | 15:26 |
=== LaserShark is now known as LaserShark|dead | ||
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 do you have important data on your pc? backup them first! | 15:26 |
yourimym1 | considered | 15:27 |
cogboy | I have noticed that when I try to use my webcam a website like tinychat or omegle, when the flash prompt comes up, it freezes and prevents me from allowing | 15:27 |
cogboy | use of my webcam | 15:27 |
dfgh | tcrouto: thank you, and I actually know that. But I'm wondering why I'm experiencing this inconsistency. The owner of the dir *should* be able to modify files, regardless of the file's owner, right? It works with vim, but not with something like echo or touch | 15:27 |
cogboy | but it works fine on Cheese | 15:27 |
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yourimym1 | monkeydust: next step plz | 15:28 |
cogboy | So, my webacm works and has the right driver, but the issue is with flash | 15:29 |
linuxuz3r | how do i change my nick name in xchat? | 15:30 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 after you backed up, my advice is to erase all and start over partitioning | 15:30 |
navetz | is there anyway to reconfigure eclipse? mine is so slow and I have a very fast machine one 12.10 | 15:30 |
YokoBR | nibbler, i've got an error | 15:30 |
navetz | on* | 15:30 |
llutz | linuxuz3r: click into the field showing the nick, change it | 15:30 |
histo | yourimym1: I guess you could resize the end of /dev/sda6; then move /dev/sda7 to the begining; then grow /dev/sda8 to the freespace. If you have a lot of data keep in mind it all has to move. | 15:30 |
histo | yourimym1: I would also make sure that your NTFS partitions are defragged first. | 15:31 |
craigbass1976 | I have thousands of files in the trash that I have to restore, and ubuntu chokes when I try it, even just a few at a time. Can I just mv ~/.local/share/Trash/files/* ~/some-other-dir/ ? | 15:31 |
yourimym1 | histo: i'd rather ur way , how is that | 15:31 |
YokoBR | nibbler, "File /user/share/apport/package-hooks/dkms_packages.py, line 22 in <module> import apport" Error, No module named apport | 15:31 |
histo | yourimym1: this would all take a long time. | 15:31 |
linuxuz3r | llutz, is this permanent change? | 15:31 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 starting over would be faster and more efficient | 15:31 |
histo | yourimym1: It would probably chug along for several hours dependant on how much data. | 15:31 |
tcrouto | dfgh: ah, i read that wrong. yes the owner of the folder should be able to modify files. but i think when you echo like you are doing, the echo "string" > file command is overwriting the contents of the file, not editing the file like in vim. | 15:31 |
llutz | linuxuz3r: no, just for the session. press ctrl-s and edit server/network-settings for permanent change | 15:32 |
histo | could take overnight | 15:32 |
yourimym1 | what if am tacking free-space ! | 15:32 |
yourimym1 | takeing* | 15:32 |
histo | yourimym1: What free space? | 15:32 |
linuxuz3r | llutz, i use xchat gnome | 15:32 |
histo | yourimym1: You have unpartitioned space still? | 15:32 |
yourimym1 | i mean free space from previous drive ! | 15:32 |
llutz | linuxuz3r: sudo apt-get install xchat then :) | 15:32 |
yourimym1 | or unpartioned space ? | 15:32 |
codephobic | jrib, back again... I've managed to somehow mess-up the intelligent autocomplete word/bracket, plugin... It no longer loads when I launch gedit in gksu mode from terminal - http://pastebin.com/bH5fB4WK | 15:32 |
YokoBR | nibble, nevermind, googled it :) | 15:33 |
dfgh | tcrouto: yes, my wording was a bit messy. thank you for confirming! | 15:33 |
tcrouto | dfgh: you are welcome. possibly try 'echo "string" >> file. to append instead | 15:33 |
yourimym1 | i will decrese the partion size from hiren boot cd , and add it under ubuntu os | 15:33 |
ChrisWere | Hi, whever I play a Youtube video in a playlist the video goes black when switching from another video in the playlist. This happens on multiple browsers and has just started happening since an upgrade. Any ideas on how to fix it? | 15:34 |
histo | yourimym1: Keep in mind if something goes wrong you will lose data. | 15:34 |
yourimym1 | ok | 15:35 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 hence: backup | 15:35 |
nibbler | YokoBR: i have no idea how you got this error, and i have less of an idea what wicked path this is, its called /usr (unix system resources) and not /user..... so unless you provide a lot more info i cant help. use nopaste | 15:35 |
dfgh | tcrouto: I tried but got permission denied, so I can't say I completely understand this behavior :) a side note: editing with vim causes a read-only warning, though it works, but the ownership changes to the user that edits (the user that owns the dir). | 15:36 |
YokoBR | nibbler, i've installed python-apport, and now i get "error (dkms apport): kernel package is not supported" | 15:36 |
yourimym1 | ok | 15:36 |
YokoBR | nibbler, i mean, error (dkms apport): kernel package linux-headers-3.7.0-7-generic is not supported | 15:36 |
tcrouto | dfgh, ok then. vim seems to allow permissions to be overwritten, echo doesnt :) | 15:37 |
nibbler | YokoBR: you are running a non-standard kernel (3.7) - and some packages don't support this. i run ati drivers on 3.7, so i was able to help - but for this one i wish you good luck but can't help no more. and i guess this channel won't be too helpfull - as its not ubuntu problems you are having | 15:37 |
YokoBR | nibbler, okay! Thanks anyway! | 15:38 |
tcrouto | dfgh: you could always use sudo for the times u need echo, then chown the file back to the owner you want it to be | 15:38 |
yourimym1 | so i take space from sd7 and but it on sd8 ?!? | 15:38 |
ChrisWere | When I play a Youtube video in a playlist the video goes black when automatically switching from another video in the playlist. This happens on multiple browsers and has just started happening since an upgrade. Any ideas on how to fix it? Or any heard of this problem because I can't find anything online? | 15:39 |
yao_ziyuan | want a text editor as easy as gedit but can process larger-than-memory text files. any idea? | 15:39 |
MonkeyDust | yao_ziyuan abiword | 15:40 |
zykotick9 | yao_ziyuan: learning either vi or emacs will do you well in the long run. just saying. | 15:40 |
yourimym1 | ? | 15:41 |
yourimym1 | what about using gpart app | 15:41 |
Malsasa | Kate | 15:42 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 backup first and explore gparted, see what you can do with it | 15:42 |
Chanshark | hey does anyone know the version of ubuntu its like ubuntudark or somthing | 15:42 |
yourimym1 | is that may affect my OS ? | 15:42 |
MonkeyDust | Chanshark darkbuntu, but it's nnot supported here | 15:43 |
Chanshark | oh ok | 15:43 |
yourimym1 | or kde partion manger is better ? | 15:43 |
Chanshark | i was just wonding what kinds of ubuntu was out their and which is for me | 15:43 |
MonkeyDust | yourimym1 you have some studying to :) | 15:43 |
MonkeyDust | to do* | 15:43 |
Chanshark | MonkeyDust: which ubuntu should i install (also do you rember me :)) | 15:44 |
yourimym1 | gparted allready installed but wanna to know the problems i will have to solve later | 15:44 |
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MonkeyDust | yourimym1 don't use the installed gparted, but from a live cd or usb and work from there | 15:45 |
MonkeyDust | but = boot* | 15:45 |
phunyguy-m | Chanshark, that is up to you to choose. | 15:45 |
MonkeyDust | Chanshark whichever version or fork you like most, not all are supported here | 15:46 |
BluesKaj | yourimym1, suggest you burn gparted to media like a cd , and us that to do your partitioning , if someone hasn't already suggested it | 15:46 |
yourimym1 | am thinking about resize sd7 about 10 gb and make it free space ,unallocated space, and add it to sd8 | 15:46 |
yourimym1 | ps my cdrom is not avaliable right now | 15:46 |
Chanshark | also if i just run ubuntu off a disk will it just burn up my disk (what im asking is should i duel boot or live cd or vm) | 15:46 |
MonkeyDust | BluesKaj ot: i'm going to a local blues pub today, try to make you and/or kevin breit play here, other side of the atlantic | 15:47 |
YokoBR | nibbler, this did the trick sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-3.7.0-7-generic/include/generated/uapi/linux/version.h /usr/src/linux-headers-3.7.0-7-generic/include/linux/version.h | 15:47 |
craigbass1976 | I have thousands of files in the trash that I have to restore, and ubuntu chokes when I try it, even just a few at a time. Can I just mv ~/.local/share/Trash/files/* ~/some-other-dir/ ? | 15:48 |
BluesKaj | if you want a permanent install the dual boot is the way , VM is ok , but I've never cared for it , too many glitches , yourimym1 | 15:48 |
nibbler | YokoBR: good. still strange about /user | 15:48 |
Chanshark | what about just running it off a live cd | 15:49 |
Chanshark | over time would that mess up the cd | 15:49 |
nibbler | Chanshark: usb stick is an alternative if you don't want to touch your harddrive. CD is horribly slow in loading stuff etc | 15:49 |
nibbler | not to mention persistance | 15:49 |
codephobic | Is there a performance/file-size issue with using notepad++ through wine in Ubuntu 12.10? | 15:49 |
drmagoo | Is it possible to encrypt the /-partition (root) on a allready installed system or do I need to reinstall ? | 15:50 |
codephobic | I'm having problems with gedit and bracket-completion for css files, so trying notepad++ instead. | 15:50 |
BluesKaj | MonkeyDust, Kevin's been all around the world , I may be seeing his nephews in afew days and I'll pass on the message ..get back to about it when I get an response from him | 15:50 |
tomreyn | Chanshark: the installer won't overwrite your existing partitions unless you ask it to do so. whether you want to run ubuntu for testing (live cd / virtual machine / wubi) or make a bare metal installation (dual-boot or removing the previous system) is also up to you. | 15:50 |
BluesKaj | err a response | 15:50 |
nibbler | drmagoo: there is no easy way.... but with a second harddisk (usb etc) it can be done quiet easily if you know your way round linux | 15:51 |
Chanshark | tomreyn: i had a bad experice with linux about a mounth ago and im trying it again so i dont know it i want to install it yet (i bricked up my hhd) | 15:51 |
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drmagoo | nibbler> move data to second disc with dd, encrypt partiotion and move data back ? | 15:52 |
ChrisWere | Hi, whever I play a Youtube video in a playlist the video goes black when switching from another video in the playlist. This happens on multiple browsers and has just started happening since an upgrade. Any ideas on how to fix it? | 15:52 |
tomreyn | Chanshark: which distribution was it, what did you try to do then, and what does "bricked up my hdd" mean, did the HDD break physically to the point you needed to dump it)? | 15:52 |
BluesKaj | , time to push some snow ...BBL | 15:53 |
nibbler | drmagoo: just with cp instead of dd. oh, and if you use loop-aes there is online-encrytion for this http://loop-aes.sourceforge.net/loop-AES.README | 15:53 |
nibbler | drmagoo: but this needs way more work, so a place to copy your files to is usually easier. anyway: normally its enough to backup /home, /root and /etc, reinstall, copy back /home and /root and on a per-file basis (if at all) /etc | 15:54 |
Chanshark | tomreyn: well i was was duel booting with ubuntu and i choose i was going to run it on a flash-drive instead but when i patisioned over my hhd in win 7 to get the room back grub did not install and it went into recovery mode with no commands and my screen was locked on it (i know its user error) | 15:54 |
YokoBR | nibbler, installed well, builded that module, but black screen. I guess i'll give up. :( | 15:54 |
Chanshark | *uninstall | 15:54 |
Chanshark | after the word grub | 15:55 |
Nezha | Hej | 15:56 |
Chanshark | hi | 15:56 |
allu2 | Hello, i have trouble getting unity work properly, on login the unity panel and the unity launcher wont show up, compiz is running and auto start programs start as should, i've tried resetting unity by using rm on config dirs and with unity-reset from ppa, no help. i have Radeon 7750 and fglrx-updates as drivers, Ubuntu 12.10 | 15:56 |
nibbler | YokoBR: the fglrx-legacy? so your ubuntu boots up fine, but then it turns black? at what point? | 15:56 |
allu2 | i can get unity to show up if i run unity from terminal after the desktop has loaded | 15:56 |
YokoBR | at login screen | 15:57 |
Delux | when I try to load Ubuntu Server on a new multiple drive system it keeps trying to load the GRUB loader on sda. It is better to just load the OS on sda to avoid problems or can I point it to another drive or even a USB flash drive? | 15:57 |
YokoBR | nibbler, at login screen. I did that dpkg-reconfigure fglrx-legacy | 15:57 |
Chanshark | also tomreyn also i think another problem i had with ubuntu was that my wireless adapter does not work on it | 15:57 |
nibbler | YokoBR: (no)paste full output | 15:57 |
drmagoo | nibbler > the problem is that /home and another folder is already setup as diffrent encrypted partitions. I'm also using mdadm for softraid.. so in order for mdadm to load on boot I had to leave root unencrypted... | 15:58 |
tomreyn | Chanshark: try whether it works on live cd / usb | 15:58 |
drmagoo | nibbler > I want to correct that now | 15:58 |
Chanshark | tomreyn: i know it does not work because i tried to get it to work when i was duel booting with ubuntu | 15:59 |
YokoBR | nibbler, one does not simply paste's his output since his screen is black. | 16:00 |
nibbler | drmagoo: if you have multiple partitions, given that / usually is just a few GB in size, it should be quiet easy to accomplish, i can give you a rough walk throu if you want... but it will require some knowledge on linux on your side | 16:00 |
nibbler | YokoBR: it turned black while/right after the dpkg-reconfigure? | 16:01 |
YokoBR | nibbler, nope, after reboot | 16:01 |
drmagoo | nibbler > I like to think that I have that ;) so please go ahead... you can privmsg if you like | 16:01 |
YokoBR | nibbler, dpkg-reconfigure went right, no error messages | 16:01 |
tomreyn | Chanshark: then try to get help here on making the wireless work, and then go for dual-boot again, i'd say. see you later, i need to leave. | 16:02 |
YokoBR | nibbler, i'll get into recovery mode and do an "aticonfig --f --initial | 16:02 |
benoit__ | /msg nickserv identify LtWnHnNt | 16:02 |
benoit__ | erf | 16:03 |
Chanshark | well what i have been told is to get a different wireless adapter | 16:03 |
nibbler | drmagoo: 1. MAKE BACKUPS!!11!... then... boot from usb stick/cd, so you can wreck your partition. decrypt/mount your partitions somewhere under /mnt. use df -h to find some space to dump the files of /. so go cp -ax /mnt/rootfs /mnt/spare-or-partially-empty-partition. by now you have a backup, so you reconfigure your / to be encrypted (umount, cryptsetup, mkfs, mount) make sure to have a small partition in cleartext for /boot. then | 16:04 |
nibbler | copy back the files, cp -ax /mnt/backupfoo/rootfs/ /mnt/cryptedroot. move the files from /boot to the new partition you use for that. make some entries to /etc/crypttab and run initramfs-update -u -k all to regenerate the initramfs to include decryption support. | 16:04 |
nibbler | YokoBR: also investigate on /var/log/Xorg.*.log | 16:05 |
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drmagoo | nibbler > I dont have to worry about the "other" encrypted partitions then ? With keys and such ? | 16:05 |
Eagleman | When will libvirt 1.0.1 be in the repository's and how can i use it now? | 16:06 |
nibbler | drmagoo: well.... i hope you have your keys for those? using LUKS? just add another key, generated from head -c32 /dev/random > /etc/keyfile - and have them mounted by key-file during boot automatically (depends on /etc/crypttab config) - oh, and /etc/fstab needs adjustment, for the root device, as its name might change in the restructuring | 16:07 |
System | Hey all | 16:07 |
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drmagoo | nibbler > Ok... sounds to easy... But I dont have to much important data yet... so I will give it a try... Thanks =) | 16:09 |
nibbler | drmagoo: good luck ;-) | 16:10 |
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drmagoo | nibbler > thank you =) | 16:10 |
|System| | :D | 16:10 |
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|System| | Hey whats up ? | 16:10 |
nibbler | drmagoo: once you are booted from usb, and want to run tools like update-initramfs, grub-install etc, its helpful to use chroot to make the mountpoint your virtual / | 16:10 |
Eagleman | When will libvirt 1.0.1 be in the repository's and how can i use it now? | 16:11 |
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tgm4883 | Eagleman, libvirt 1.0.2 is already in the repositories, you just have to use raring | 16:13 |
drmagoo | nibbler > =) Will keep that in mind | 16:14 |
Delux | when I try to load Ubuntu Server on a new multiple drive system it keeps trying to load the GRUB loader on sda. It is better to just load the OS on sda to avoid problems or can I point it to another drive or even a USB flash drive? | 16:14 |
tgm4883 | Delux, sda is probably where grub should go | 16:15 |
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Delux | so running Ubuntu from a flash drive not advisable? | 16:16 |
tgm4883 | Delux, I think you're confusing what the purpose of the grub boot loader is | 16:17 |
tgm4883 | Delux, when your computer boots, it looks for a boot loader on the first drive (SDA) | 16:17 |
tgm4883 | Delux, so if you want to boot Ubuntu on your flash drive, the bootloader on your computer will need to know about it somehow | 16:17 |
ImTheDude | hello | 16:18 |
tgm4883 | Delux, since AFAIK, the windows boot loader doesn't do Linux, you'll need to install Grub as your boot loader | 16:18 |
allu2 | Hello, i have trouble getting unity work properly, on login the unity panel and the unity launcher wont show up, compiz is running and auto start programs start as should, i've tried resetting unity by using rm on config dirs and with unity-reset from ppa, no help. i have Radeon 7750 and fglrx-updates as drivers, Ubuntu 12.10. Unity however works perfectly when i start it manually after the desktop is loaded and it should've start already. | 16:18 |
tgm4883 | Delux, now, you could install Grub to your flash drive, but then you'll need a way to tell your computer to use it | 16:18 |
ImTheDude | hello | 16:19 |
Eagleman | When will libvirt 1.0.1 be in the repository's and how can i use it now? | 16:19 |
llutz | Eagleman: [17:13:24] <tgm4883> Eagleman, libvirt 1.0.2 is already in the repositories, you just have to use raring | 16:22 |
llutz | !ringtail | Eagleman | 16:22 |
ubottu | Eagleman: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+1 | 16:22 |
Noorideen | hello | 16:23 |
Noorideen | i need some help how to boot mint from usb | 16:23 |
DJones | !mint | Noorideen | 16:23 |
ubottu | Noorideen: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 16:23 |
Eagleman | llutz, 13.04 isnt released yet? | 16:23 |
Noorideen | ty | 16:23 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, no | 16:24 |
llutz | Eagleman: well we have 13.02, so NO | 16:24 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, hence the whole 13 being 2013, and 04 being April (4th month) | 16:24 |
Eagleman | SO how can i get this libvirt package? | 16:24 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, on what? | 16:24 |
silentcoder | sup guys | 16:24 |
silentcoder | i fucked up my partition | 16:24 |
tgm4883 | !ohmy | silentcoder | 16:24 |
ubottu | silentcoder: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. | 16:24 |
silentcoder | how can i access my windows boot files? | 16:24 |
tgm4883 | !windows | silentcoder | 16:25 |
Eagleman | tgm4883 12.04 LTS | 16:25 |
ubottu | silentcoder: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents | 16:25 |
tonik | is there such a thing as Ubuntu Chinese Edition? | 16:25 |
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tgm4883 | Eagleman, looks like you'll have to backport it yourself, the ubuntu-virt team appears to only have packages for 0.9.2 for 12.04 | 16:26 |
R0ma1n | tgm4883, those shortcuts via ubottu are so helpful eh ? ;p | 16:26 |
tgm4883 | R0ma1n, yes they are :) | 16:26 |
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qw | help my please upgrade system know i am use kubuntu 10.04 LTS | 16:26 |
DJones | !upgrade | qw | 16:27 |
ubottu | qw: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 16:27 |
qw | upgrade about konsole | 16:27 |
tgm4883 | R0ma1n, now we just need ubottu to parse what is being said and respond accordingly | 16:27 |
Eagleman | llutz, i dont quite understand, you were saying the libvirt version i want is in 13.04, However i want to use it now | 16:27 |
Skyrid3r | Okidoki, I'm back. | 16:28 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, so you need to backport it then | 16:28 |
Eagleman | tgm4883, how do i backport something? | 16:28 |
Skyrid3r | If I'd like to Install Ubuntu, as a dual-boot, with the selection of W7 / Ubuntu. | 16:28 |
tgm4883 | !backport | Eagleman | 16:28 |
ubottu | Eagleman: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 16:28 |
Skyrid3r | Where does 1 start. | 16:28 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 16:28 |
Ben64 | Skyrid3r: install windows, then install ubuntu | 16:28 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, you'll need to grab the packaging, see if it builds on 12.04, and then use those packages | 16:29 |
wiggmpk | or just dont install windows | 16:29 |
teleyinex | Hi everyone | 16:30 |
Skyrid3r | Windows is already installed :p | 16:30 |
teleyinex | I'm going to install Ubuntu to my mac | 16:30 |
Skyrid3r | Now It's ubuntu. | 16:30 |
teleyinex | and I'm hesitating: 32 or 64 bits? | 16:30 |
teleyinex | what do you recommend? | 16:30 |
Ben64 | if it supports 64, 64 | 16:31 |
Skyrid3r | I however, have a few issues installing Ubuntu.. It only detects my entire HDD, rather than partition. | 16:31 |
teleyinex | Ben64, it supports 64 | 16:31 |
teleyinex | :-) | 16:31 |
Skyrid3r | My system supports 64 but I use 32B (Windows)... :p | 16:31 |
Skyrid3r | I dislike software/driver issues with 64b. | 16:31 |
teleyinex | but I was thinking about mplayer and flash | 16:31 |
teleyinex | Skyrid3r, that's my question | 16:31 |
teleyinex | nvidia drivers | 16:31 |
wiggmpk | teleyinex: how much ram do you have? | 16:31 |
Guest11358 | I have two books, one is called Practical UNIX & internet security (third edition ), and the other is the o'reilly Linux in a nutshell (4th edition), could anyone tell me if they're still of any relevance, or if such systems have moved on to make all the technologies in the book obsolete, as they're relatively old books | 16:31 |
tgm4883 | Skyrid3r, 64-bit driver issues? | 16:31 |
teleyinex | 4GB | 16:31 |
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Ben64 | everything works fine on 64 | 16:31 |
tgm4883 | Skyrid3r, those still exist? | 16:31 |
Skyrid3r | Beats me, but using 64B also gives me blue screens. | 16:32 |
teleyinex | well, I think I'm going to try 64 | 16:32 |
Skyrid3r | Haven't figured out what is causing it yet, but I'm good with 32b. | 16:32 |
Ben64 | we're talking about ubuntu 64 bit | 16:32 |
wiggmpk | teleyinex: i would use 64B, if you ever go over 4GB of RAM you'll need 64bit | 16:32 |
teleyinex | use it a while and if I feel something strange go back to 32 :-) | 16:32 |
teleyinex | I know | 16:32 |
teleyinex | but that'll not be a problem | 16:32 |
teleyinex | hehe | 16:32 |
Ben64 | Skyrid3r: pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" | 16:32 |
teleyinex | I'm going to use my laptop for developing basically | 16:32 |
teleyinex | so not a big deal | 16:33 |
teleyinex | :D | 16:33 |
Skyrid3r | You want me to use a sudo command on a windows system?.. | 16:33 |
Skyrid3r | heh. | 16:33 |
Ben64 | ubuntu live cd... | 16:33 |
Skyrid3r | Ah | 16:33 |
Skyrid3r | That makes more sense. | 16:33 |
Ben64 | same cd you would use to install :) | 16:33 |
wolftune | anybody can help? I got advice already about how to do reverse vnc with tunneling to do screen-share over the internet, but I have questions about a couple details | 16:33 |
teleyinex | and 13.04 or 12.10 | 16:34 |
teleyinex | how stable are they? | 16:34 |
teleyinex | I mean, how stable is right now 13.04 | 16:34 |
teleyinex | I know is not even in alpha | 16:34 |
Skyrid3r | Oddly enough though.. when I cancel the installation it goes to the live version of ubuntu. | 16:34 |
Ben64 | teleyinex: you just answered your own question | 16:34 |
Skyrid3r | All the partitions it sees there (left menu), won't open. | 16:34 |
wiggmpk | teleyinex: the word alpha should imply instability | 16:34 |
DJones | teleyinex: You're better asking that in #ubuntu+1 which is the support channel for unreleased versions | 16:34 |
teleyinex | well, I use Aurora everyday without problems :-) | 16:34 |
teleyinex | ok | 16:34 |
teleyinex | jumping to ubutuntu+1 | 16:35 |
teleyinex | thanks for the great support guys! | 16:35 |
teleyinex | amazing community | 16:35 |
Skyrid3r | I mean, it is possible to install Ubuntu on a partition, right? with other partitions being fat/ntfs. | 16:35 |
teleyinex | indeed | 16:35 |
Skyrid3r | Not much of a linux user. | 16:35 |
Skyrid3r | Now to set a partition to ext4. | 16:36 |
Espen___ | hey, i have a problem installing properitary drivers on ubuntu 12.10, it's stuck at "waiting for required medium, applying changes" | 16:37 |
Espen___ | at both fglrx-updates, and fglrx | 16:37 |
=== Espen___ is now known as EspenE | ||
mikehaas763_ | How would I install a package on 12.10 from the newer beta version of ubuntu? | 16:38 |
sergiudd | mikehaas763_ double-click, next,next, install | 16:39 |
sergiudd | :) | 16:40 |
Eagleman | tgm4883, i did set it up however: E: Release 'precise-backports' for 'libvirt-bin' was not found | 16:40 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, you missed what I said after that | 16:40 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, you'll need to grab the packaging, see if it builds on 12.04, and then use those packages | 16:40 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, there isn't a package for it yet | 16:40 |
sergiudd | how can i know, what index market i can get on ubuntu with my hardware.. | 16:41 |
sergiudd | for proccesor | 16:41 |
sergiudd | oh | 16:41 |
sergiudd | thanks | 16:41 |
Eagleman | So i am unable to install it now ? | 16:41 |
mikehaas763_ | Has anyone install packages from upstream using apt-get ? | 16:41 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, yes, you are unable to install something that doesn't exist | 16:41 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, you could try to force the package that is from 13.04, but I wouldn't recommend that | 16:42 |
Eagleman | SO what else could i do to install it and being sure it will work? | 16:42 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, you could | 16:42 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, you'll need to grab the packaging, see if it builds on 12.04, and then use those packages | 16:43 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, or you could install from source | 16:43 |
Eagleman | I dont understand: you'll need to grab the packaging, see if it builds on 12.04, and then use those packages | 16:43 |
smarat | hi... | 16:44 |
codephobic | Anyone else here using gedit 3.6.1 in ubuntu 12.10? | 16:45 |
smarat | i need help.. | 16:45 |
puxel | ^same. so overwhelmed. | 16:46 |
DJones | !ask | smarat | 16:46 |
ubottu | smarat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:46 |
codephobic | If you have the intelligent text completion plugin installed, could you check if you can repeat my "bug": open a css file, then save it and then add a rule P, then press { to get the bracket completion. Then within the {} braces, press the TAB button. If all goes ... 'well', it should crash. | 16:46 |
Scientist_ | Greetings. My ubuntu 12.04 does not start, When I enter my password, it looks like it will start, but back to the login screen, always as an endless loop. Can anybody give instructions to fix it from live cd? | 16:47 |
EspenE | How can i fix this? Ubuntu Software Center is stuck, when i wish to update my drivers. http://i.imgur.com/tGuVB5e.jpg | 16:48 |
eN_Joy | so i can't install eaccelerator via apt-get on ubuntu 12.10? | 16:49 |
iceroot | is there a way to tell nautilus on a samba-share i see in the left site to use specific credentials? at the moment its always using guest. would be great if i click on a cifs share that is is asking for a user and to store that choise | 16:49 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, Are you familiar with packaging or building from source at all? | 16:49 |
dfgh | tcrouto: I think I found the answer. Vim probably deletes and recreates the file (instead of writing to it), which is actually has permission to do as the directory's owner. That's why the ownership changes as well | 16:50 |
wiggmpk | iceroot: no, you have to use the connect to function | 16:50 |
nawaf | cannot login into 12.10 desktop, once if password is entered wrongly. how can i correct this | 16:50 |
Scientist_ | Greetings. My ubuntu 12.04 does not start, When I enter my password, it looks like it will start, but back to the login screen, always as an endless loop. Can anybody give instructions to fix it from live cd? | 16:50 |
tcrouto | dfgh: ah, that makes sense. glad you figured it out | 16:50 |
wiggmpk | iceroot: but once the share is mounted with the credentials you want to use, your golden | 16:51 |
iceroot | wiggmpk: ok, thank you | 16:52 |
puxel | no sound is playing. it is muted, but i can't change the settings to use my motherboard's sound instead of my radeon HD card. | 16:53 |
iceroot | when i use the default encryption for /home and the userpassword is "foobar" is that the passphrase for the encryption? or is there a special passphrase/key which is locked with the userpassword "foobar"? | 16:54 |
Eagleman | tgm4883, not at all | 16:54 |
smarat | via linux how i acess ntfs system drive in my pc..... | 16:55 |
iceroot | smarat: mount it with ntfs-3g | 16:55 |
iceroot | !ntfs | smarat | 16:55 |
ubottu | smarat: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 16:55 |
iceroot | !ntfs-3g | smarat | 16:56 |
ubottu | smarat: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 16:56 |
EspenE | What is the repository, for the latest and greatest open-source drivers? | 16:56 |
Eagleman | tgm4883, i guess its not smart to build something from the ground when you have no experience with it. WHat would you suggest to do? | 16:57 |
albivian | hi all | 16:57 |
Eagleman | I do want to get some experience in it | 16:57 |
albivian | my ibm t40 won't connect to internet via eth0 | 16:57 |
albivian | I get State: unmanaged | 16:57 |
albivian | what should I do? | 16:57 |
smarat | thanks. | 16:57 |
albivian | anyone? | 16:58 |
nibbler | albivian: have a look to /etc/network/interfaces or such | 16:58 |
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=== nobodyhere is now known as nobodyhome | ||
albivian | auto eth0 | 16:59 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, why do you need 1.0.1? | 16:59 |
nawaf | once wrong password entered in gnome-login, even if correct answer is enterd second time | 16:59 |
albivian | ifeth- inet dhcp | 16:59 |
albivian | iface eth0 inet dhcp | 16:59 |
albivian | auto lo | 16:59 |
Eagleman | tgm4883, for external snapshotting | 16:59 |
=== nobodyhome is now known as oenahs | ||
nibbler | albivian: so its set to get an ip via dhcp automatically | 16:59 |
jhutchins_wk | albivian: unmanaged means it's configured in interfaces and not manaaged by network-manager. | 17:00 |
nibbler | albivian: touse network manager, remove/comment all lines mentioning eth0 (and corresponding blocks) | 17:00 |
Scientist_ | Can anybody see my problem, please? | 17:01 |
Scientist_ | My ubuntu 12.04 does not start, When I enter my password, it looks like it will start, but back to the login screen, always as an endless loop. Can anybody give instructions to fix it from live cd? | 17:01 |
jhutchins_wk | albivian: Perhaps you need auto eth0 | 17:01 |
Nida | #pa2010 | 17:01 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, so you have a few options. 1) build it yourself. This is probably not trivial (otherwise it would probably be on the ubuntu-virt PPA already) 2) Ask for it to be backported. (While there may already be someone working on it, it never hurts to let people know that it's actually wanted) | 17:01 |
tgm4883 | Eagleman, you could ask in #ubuntu-server if there is work being done on that | 17:02 |
tgm4883 | !patience | Scientist_ | 17:02 |
ubottu | Scientist_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 17:02 |
jhutchins_wk | Scientist_: It sounds like you have a permissions problem with your home folder. | 17:02 |
tgm4883 | jhutchins_wk, or X is crashing | 17:03 |
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jhutchins_wk | Scientist_: There is a log at /var/log/Xorg.0.log. It has lots of noise, but it might have something useful at the end. | 17:04 |
Scientist_ | jhutchins_wk, That this preventing me from accessing my system? | 17:04 |
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jhutchins_wk | Scientist_: Just log in to the console - Ctrl-Alt-F1 | 17:05 |
smarat | i run linux via oracel virtual machine software...modem is supported but pendrive dosenot support..how this can fixed??? | 17:06 |
nibbler | Scientist_: errors are prefixed with EE, WW is for warning - look for those lines in the Xorg.0.log | 17:06 |
Scientist_ | jhutchins_wk, the command to access is startx like bactrack? | 17:06 |
nibbler | Scientist_: only thing that comes to my mind would be no write permission on your home folder. | 17:07 |
jhutchins_wk | Scientist_: That may work, but it's more likely to fail anyway. Might give you useful error messages. | 17:07 |
wiggmpk | smarat: by pendrive do you mean USB flash drive? and Oracle VM I assume your talking about Virtualbox? | 17:08 |
jhutchins_wk | Scientist_: If the GUI isn't working, unlike in Windows you still have full access to the system via console. | 17:08 |
tnelis | Hello, I'm trying to get my wireless adapter to function properly (the driver which comes with ubuntu 12.10 keeps dropping wireless connection), and have opted to build the source from Realtek's site. The device is the pcusbw1150, chipset RTL8188CUS. I have build-essential, linux-headers, and linux-source installed. I have pastebinned the output from the install script. Any help is appreciated. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1658803/ | 17:08 |
jhutchins_wk | !kernels | 17:11 |
blno | I'd like to install Steam now that it's in the software centre, but the button asks me to pay instead of showing "install". http://i.imgur.com/4ZUjL0m.png . Anyone know how to fix that? | 17:11 |
Steve_0 | Hi! So I hope I'm not common in asking this, but is the performance hit while using the wubi-installation normal? | 17:11 |
wiggmpk | blno: its priced at $0.00 so buy it | 17:12 |
tnelis | blno, you should be able to download a .deb from steampowered.com which should work | 17:12 |
blno | I don't have an account | 17:12 |
wiggmpk | blno: make one? | 17:12 |
smarat | wiggmpk: yes, i talk about virtualbox.. | 17:12 |
blno | I don't want to make one just to download a free software | 17:12 |
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blno | that sucks | 17:12 |
jrib | blno: it should say "buy" and it's free. It just associates it with your ubuntu one account (create one for free) | 17:12 |
tgm4883 | blno, download the deb then from the steam website | 17:12 |
Steve_0 | Read/write is slower than anything I've experienced before, and every program keeps getting greyed-out all the time. | 17:12 |
blno | is that normal? | 17:12 |
jrib | blno: is what normal? | 17:13 |
wiggmpk | blno: then install it the hard way.. god forbid you buy anything from the software center in the future and be faced with the same problem | 17:13 |
tgm4883 | blno, is what normal? | 17:13 |
wiggmpk | smarat: did you install the Extension Pack for VirtualBox? its required for USB support | 17:13 |
blno | is it normal that we need a Ubuntu One account to install Steam? | 17:13 |
blno | I thought it was a bug | 17:13 |
tgm4883 | blno, you don't need a ubuntu one account to install steam | 17:13 |
jhutchins_wk | tnelis: I don't see the error in your post. This might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile | 17:13 |
Skyrid3r | Meh.... | 17:14 |
blno | tgm4883: well, apparently I do | 17:14 |
Skyrid3r | Installing Ubuntu, it can only find a 750GB HDD... | 17:14 |
Skyrid3r | No partitions. | 17:14 |
smarat | wiggmpk: yes,but usb does not supported... | 17:14 |
jrib | blno: it's just how they've chosen to publish the software. It's a bit strange that they don't just put steam in canonical's partner repository, but maybe they have their reasons | 17:14 |
Skyrid3r | Well that sucks. | 17:14 |
tgm4883 | blno, actually, no you dont http://store.steampowered.com/about/ | 17:14 |
wiggmpk | smarat: are you sure it's mounted? | 17:14 |
tgm4883 | jrib, blno granted, it just says install on mine, but IDK if that is because I've installed the steam deb on here previously | 17:14 |
smarat | wiggmpk;yes | 17:14 |
blno | yes, but if I install it with the deb, I won't get automatic updates | 17:14 |
tnelis | jhutchins_wk, sorry for the confusion. I'm compiling wireless adapter drivers, not the kernel itself | 17:14 |
jrib | blno: valve also has a repository | 17:15 |
Steve_0 | blno: yes you will. steam updates itself. | 17:15 |
jhutchins_wk | tnelis: That's the best I've got at the moment. | 17:15 |
wiggmpk | smarat: i mean, you have to unmount it from the HOST to be able to mount it in the GUEST OS | 17:15 |
tgm4883 | blno, you won't get packaging updates, the steam client checks for updates itself | 17:15 |
blno | Steve_0: oh, ok. That's not really good way to do it, but well. It's really Windowsish. | 17:15 |
tgm4883 | blno, how so? | 17:15 |
Skyrid3r | I appreciate some help. | 17:15 |
silverone | Dear kind sirs: stupid question, i have a raspberry pi running openvpn & murmur (mumble server) , if these processes happen to crash do they restart automaticly or should i look into that | 17:15 |
jhutchins_wk | tnelis: That kernel looks rather old. | 17:15 |
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smarat | wiggmpk:ok,i will try it. | 17:16 |
tgm4883 | blno, I fail to see how something could be windowish, when windows didn't even have a software store until the latest release | 17:16 |
jhutchins_wk | silverone: They most likely need to be restarted manually, but they can be set to start at boot. | 17:16 |
silverone | jhutchins_wk: they are. thank you i'll look into it :) | 17:17 |
tgm4883 | It's getting a bit tiring when "windows" has just become a synonym for "I don't like how something works" | 17:17 |
blno | in Linux, you normally get updates made by the system, which finds them in repos. Having each software update himself (downloading the update and installing it itself) is really unelegant. That's one of the good things of Linux compared to Windows. | 17:17 |
Steve_0 | Is there anyway to increase performance with a Wubi-installation? Read/write is incredibly slow. | 17:17 |
wiggmpk | why is it such a big deal to use an account for the software center, it IS the way the industry is going.. you have an iPhone you need an account to download apps, same with Android, Microsoft Surface, etc | 17:17 |
Scientist_ | command STARTX fail to access ubuntu via terminal. | 17:17 |
blno | the advantage of course is that everything is always up to date, and you don't rely on the possibly shitty code of each software | 17:17 |
blno | wiggmpk: well, it sucks | 17:18 |
jrib | Steve_0: I imagine there is some performance penalty though I don't know if what you describe is normal. Is there a reason you don't just install ubuntu on its own partition? | 17:18 |
wiggmpk | blno: what sucks? | 17:18 |
tgm4883 | Scientist_, did you look at the logs? | 17:18 |
h00k | blno: please keep the language appropriate | 17:18 |
blno | wiggmpk: that you need an account to access the repo | 17:18 |
jrib | blno: valve publishes its own repository too... | 17:18 |
tnelis | jhutchins_wk, the kernel I'm running is 3.5.0-23. The source is unfortunately only compatible with 3.0.x or 2.6.x, however some people have been able to get it to compile on 3.5. I'm just not lucky, I suppose :) | 17:19 |
wiggmpk | blno: you dont need an account to access the repo.. you need an account to install Steam..IF you want to use the software center.. you still have the choice dude | 17:19 |
blno | jrib: it isn't in the repo of the software centre? | 17:19 |
tgm4883 | blno, some repositories require accounts | 17:19 |
Steve_0 | jrib: I've read about the 64-bit version being even slower than the 32-bit, might that have something to do with it? And yes, currently just checking out how steam looks on linux, Windows is already taking up the rest of my HDD's. | 17:19 |
Scientist_ | what is the exactely path. Exist many of xorg path in yhr file system. | 17:19 |
wiggmpk | blno: to go Steam's website.. download and install the .deb and it will automatically add the repository.. the Software Center is for ease-of-use, get over it | 17:19 |
jrib | blno: they are different things. Valve published its own repository with the beta. Now they've also published steam to software-center in a private repository (so you need an ubuntu one account for this one) | 17:19 |
jrib | Steve_0: I don't know much about wubi | 17:20 |
blno | oh well, got it. I don't like it but if it's a problem I can always suck it I imagine (or install Arch). Thanks all. | 17:20 |
* tgm4883 rolls eyes | 17:20 | |
Scientist_ | tgm4883, what is the exactely path. Exist many of xorg path in file system. | 17:20 |
wiggmpk | smarat: you see where I was referring to? when you have the VM loaded.. click Devices > USB > and it should be listed there | 17:20 |
tgm4883 | Scientist_, <jhutchins_wk> Scientist_: There is a log at /var/log/Xorg.0.log. It has lots of noise, but it might have something useful at the end. | 17:21 |
jrib | Steve_0: check your pm | 17:21 |
tgm4883 | "i'm going to install a completely different distro because I don't like having to either A) have an U1 account or B) add another repo" | 17:21 |
tgm4883 | lol | 17:21 |
wiggmpk | lol | 17:22 |
wiggmpk | instead of being thankful that its available on linux.... | 17:22 |
tgm4883 | too bad he left so early.... and that I've signed the CoC | 17:22 |
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Scientist_ | tgm4883, I did not fin anything. Can you see my log? Hoe can I send this? | 17:26 |
tgm4883 | !pastebin | Scientist_ | 17:26 |
ubottu | Scientist_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:26 |
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smarat | what is the terminal command to know my ip & lan connected ip address in linux? | 17:27 |
tgm4883 | smarat, 'ip' | 17:27 |
smarat | ip address | 17:27 |
tgm4883 | smarat, 'ip addr' | 17:27 |
Scientist_ | tgm4883, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1658943/ | 17:29 |
Jayneil | I have Windows installed on one partition and I want to install Ubuntu 12.04 and 12.10 on the other partition.. Kinda like a triple boot.. So how to proceed ahead..? Which would be the best way.? I read articles where people recommend chain loading.. etc.. So not sure.. | 17:29 |
|System| | Noob-ish question. I forgot, Do the Ubuntu team release a new version every 3 months or 6 ? | 17:29 |
jrib | |System|: 6 | 17:29 |
tgm4883 | Scientist_, [ 328.330] (EE) Failed to load module "ati" (module does not exist, 0) | 17:29 |
|System| | Thanks jrib | 17:29 |
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blno | ok, I found a solution for installing Steam from the repo without the software centre account thing. The repo is there http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/steam# | 17:30 |
Scientist_ | tgm4883, Can be resolved? | 17:31 |
* tgm4883 sighs | 17:32 | |
tgm4883 | so blno's fix was to install the repo from steam. Good find, I wonder why we didn't think of that | 17:32 |
* tgm4883 smacks head | 17:33 | |
Skyrid3r | I'm currently using Ubuntu live. | 17:33 |
Skyrid3r | Yet the installation shows only the entire HDD. | 17:33 |
Skyrid3r | First, how do I get to use fdisk. | 17:33 |
Skyrid3r | I don't see any terminal. | 17:33 |
Kroach | I want to convert my music collection to OGG, what app/solution do you recommend for that? | 17:35 |
wiggmpk | Kroach: audacity could do that | 17:35 |
devdyd | is it normal for iptables -L to take a while to return? I only have 2 allow and 1 drop hmmm | 17:36 |
ikonia | devdyd: are they doing a dns lookup ? | 17:36 |
Kroach | wiggmpk:will it be able to preserve the quality at about the same level as the source files? | 17:36 |
devdyd | ikonia: nope, just a couple of commands like so sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -j ACCEPT | 17:37 |
wiggmpk | Kroach: I dont see why not | 17:37 |
Scientist_ | tgm4883, how fix a problem in ATI module from live cd? Could you give me some instructions? | 17:37 |
Kroach | wiggmpk: I mean, I tried an app called OGG Convert but it only allows to set one "Quality level" for the whole process and low-quality mp3s end up being oversized OGGs | 17:38 |
tgm4883 | Scientist_, I'm assuming this has worked at some point? | 17:38 |
ikonia | devdyd: so no dns names in there ? | 17:38 |
wiggmpk | Kroach: well there in lies the problem.. the higher the quality the bigger the file | 17:38 |
GermainZ | Is there a recommended place to install 3rd party packages? I currently use /opt/ | 17:38 |
devdyd | ikonia: although the one I made for the local subnet says localnet/28 (I entered the IP, it was translated to that then I view thru iptables -L) | 17:38 |
devdyd | ikonia: to answer your question though, no dns names | 17:39 |
Skyrid3r | okidoki | 17:39 |
Skyrid3r | I'm lost... | 17:39 |
Skyrid3r | Ubuntu is very confusing for new users.. | 17:39 |
jrib | GermainZ: /opt and /usr/local are common. I use /usr/local if the package is "unixy" and /opt if it's just one monolithic thing | 17:39 |
GermainZ | Thank you jrib | 17:39 |
wiggmpk | Kroach: im assuming your converting from mp3? | 17:39 |
ikonia | devdyd: things like ip->hostname translation can slow iptables down, I see it often with my fail2ban hostlist | 17:40 |
Kroach | wiggmpk: yes | 17:40 |
wiggmpk | Kroach: any particular reason why? mp3 and ogg are both lossy formats | 17:40 |
ikonia | devdyd: slow listing not overall performance | 17:40 |
zykotick9 | Kroach: going from mp3->ogg is a BAD idea. you'll loose quality. | 17:40 |
devdyd | ikonia: I understand that and will typically minimize the use of hostnames on things that will require a lot of lookups. No hostnames here though :/ | 17:40 |
devdyd | ikonia: no sense in adding 15-45ms dns lookup time | 17:41 |
ikonia | devdyd: any subnect rules, eg: /24 | 17:41 |
devdyd | I wish that was the problem | 17:41 |
Kroach | wiggmpk: zykotick9: could you recommend a better option then? the only requirement is for it to be a free format | 17:41 |
devdyd | ikonia: yes, they are all submetted via cidr notation | 17:41 |
zykotick9 | Kroach: if "free" is your required. go ahead. | 17:41 |
ikonia | devdyd: I think we have a winer.... | 17:41 |
ikonia | winner even | 17:41 |
devdyd | just like the example I sent above.. could that be it? | 17:41 |
devdyd | ikonia: should I provide a full netmask instead of cidr? | 17:42 |
ikonia | devdyd: the translation of /24 to,, etc | 17:42 |
wiggmpk | Kroach: why is that? | 17:42 |
ikonia | devdyd: translatin is normally the thing that slows iptables -L down | 17:42 |
randomfun | great to be part of it | 17:42 |
devdyd | ikonia: ok I will flush and rewrite them using the full netmask | 17:42 |
zykotick9 | Kroach: i use ogg for everything myself, but i created them from CD sources as OGG files. | 17:42 |
devdyd | ikonia: thank you | 17:42 |
ikonia | devdyd: as a test, just comment out that rules | 17:42 |
ikonia | devdyd: reload, and then list | 17:42 |
Noorideen | hello | 17:43 |
ikonia | before you put work in | 17:43 |
randomfun | any new gui in ubu | 17:43 |
Noorideen | i need help with installing mint | 17:43 |
ikonia | randomfun: no | 17:43 |
ikonia | !mint | Noorideen | 17:43 |
ubottu | Noorideen: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org | 17:43 |
randomfun | apt-get install <souce> | 17:43 |
Noorideen | no one is answering me there :P | 17:43 |
Noorideen | lol | 17:43 |
ikonia | Noorideen: sorry, we don't support it here | 17:43 |
Gawerty100 | k, so, I need some help, anybody free? | 17:43 |
Noorideen | ok :( | 17:43 |
ikonia | Gawerty100: depends, you need to ask a question to see if anyone knows | 17:44 |
randomfun | ЗЖЖ | 17:44 |
Gawerty100 | It involves the package for WINE known as mfc42, I get tons of errors when trying to install it, I cant install it due to HTTP errors or something or the other, Im completely new to linux. | 17:44 |
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Kroach | wiggmpk: I want to use as little proprietary software and codecs as possible, if I'd be able to convert my music to OGG I wouln't require the patented MP3 codec anymore | 17:45 |
ikonia | Gawerty100: best to pastebin the error | 17:45 |
Gawerty100 | I will shortly then. | 17:45 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest44275 | ||
Gawerty100 | give me a couple of minutes, to finish booting into linux. | 17:45 |
tgm4883 | Skyrid3r, you could use a more user friendly distro such as gentoo or arch | 17:45 |
ikonia | tgm4883: please stop | 17:45 |
randomfun | linux booting in min, funny, it has be sec guys | 17:46 |
* tgm4883 stops | 17:46 | |
randomfun | gawerty1000 | 17:46 |
randomfun | do you read me | 17:46 |
ikonia | tgm4883: thank you, you know where you are, #ubuntu, please apply common sense and no jokes/trolls to people | 17:46 |
wiggmpk | Kroach: I see, well then zykotick9 said it best, if you have the source available to encode them as OGG, thats your best option.. but converting from lossy to lossy is pointless | 17:46 |
randomfun | ogg, omg | 17:46 |
Gawerty100 | Well, I uninstalled Ubuntu ages ago cause of this error, didnt realise there was a irc chat help for this sort of thing. | 17:46 |
Gawerty100 | so im reinstalling as we speak. | 17:47 |
Kroach | wiggmpk: ok,thanks | 17:47 |
randomfun | quit() | 17:47 |
ikonia | randomfun: can you please stop messing around. | 17:47 |
luigi_ | chi mi dice come attivare la video chiamata su facebook | 17:47 |
Gawerty100 | although I do experience the same error on other Linux Distros. | 17:48 |
DJones | !it | luigi_ | 17:48 |
ubottu | luigi_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 17:48 |
wiggmpk | Gawerty100: mfc42 is part of the microsoft foundation class libraries.. distributed with visual studio I believe | 17:49 |
devdyd | ikonia: can you tell me how to enter a netmask? I'm using sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -s -j ACCEPT but it is saying the netmask is a bad argument. | 17:49 |
Gawerty100 | wiggmpk: I get errors when trying to install anything in the winetricks area, its all http errors | 17:49 |
ikonia | devdyd: I normally actually use /24 etc | 17:49 |
ikonia | Gawerty100: the http errors will be from the repo you are getting it from | 17:49 |
wiggmpk | Gawerty100: copy and paste the erros in pastebin | 17:50 |
devdyd | ikonia: you just told me that is what is slowing me down | 17:50 |
ikonia | Gawerty100: most likley | 17:50 |
devdyd | ikonia: all my rules use cidr notation | 17:50 |
Gawerty100 | When I boot into linux I will. | 17:50 |
ikonia | devdyd: yes, test it, see if that's the problem | 17:50 |
devdyd | ... | 17:50 |
aandy | hey, i'm wondering what error is behind this. when i # ls /dir, most show up as usual, bot some show as d??????? ? ? (questionmarks for every property, perms, user/grp/size date etc.). and ls'ing those dirs result in "not found". what can cause this? | 17:52 |
aandy | the disk is *litterally* full, as in, 0 bytes left on the device. is it possible that the disk "header" has been destroyed? | 17:52 |
aandy | (it doesn't matter, i have backups, i'm just wondering) | 17:53 |
ikonia | aandy: orphaned files | 17:53 |
Gawerty100 | wubi takes so long :/ | 17:53 |
aandy | ikonia: what does that mean exactly - lost+found? | 17:54 |
aandy | (ext3) | 17:54 |
ikonia | Gawerty100: i fyou have a windows install...why are you using linux/wine | 17:54 |
ikonia | aandy: not really, basically a file that's lost it's place onthe disk | 17:54 |
Gawerty100 | Because Im looking for knowledge. | 17:54 |
ikonia | Gawerty100: but wine is not something people use in the "real world" | 17:55 |
wiggmpk | ikonia: some people report better frame rates using WINE on Windows | 17:55 |
Ntemis | hi | 17:55 |
Ntemis | i have set up my server | 17:55 |
Ntemis | i have 4 hdds raid0 | 17:55 |
Ntemis | how i can readd them to md0? | 17:55 |
ikonia | wiggmpk: most will report software not working or instability | 17:55 |
escott | Ntemis, madam --assemble --scan should do it for you | 17:55 |
wiggmpk | ikonia: just saying man.. | 17:55 |
ikonia | Ntemis: add them to ? if they are already raided they will have a metadevice id | 17:55 |
liquidmetal_ | What channel should I connect to for advice with designing web sites? | 17:55 |
ikonia | wiggmpk: so am I | 17:55 |
ikonia | escott: that's assuming he's not using fakeraid.... | 17:55 |
aandy | ikonia: ah, okay, so they should be "gone"? the reason I ask is, the total usage still resembles all the data. how do they lose their place - the outer ring of the disk has been overwritten (with data)? | 17:56 |
ikonia | liquidmetal_: #css ? | 17:56 |
* tgm4883 wonders what the "real world" is and why people don't use wine in it | 17:56 | |
ikonia | liquidmetal_: ##web | 17:56 |
ikonia | liquidmetal_: ask in #freenode how to search for channels | 17:56 |
escott | ikonia, well he said md0 not dm something | 17:56 |
ikonia | escott: touche' | 17:56 |
llutz | aandy: ls -ld on parentdir, did you set x.bit? usually d????? is shown if parent has executable-bit not set | 17:56 |
liquidmetal_ | ikonia: thanks! | 17:56 |
Ntemis | ikonia: i did this mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=raid0 --raid-devices= /dev/etc/dev/ etc2 | 17:56 |
Ntemis | it complain that i will loose them if i continue | 17:57 |
aandy | llutz: the parent dir is 777+x | 17:57 |
Ntemis | mdadm: partition table exists on /dev/sdc but will be lost or meaningless after creating array | 17:57 |
tyrog | Hello. Installing Steam on Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS is making apt delete a lot of packages that cause the system not being able to reboot. Is there a fix for this? | 17:57 |
Ntemis | this error | 17:57 |
tgm4883 | tyrog, what packages? | 17:58 |
Ntemis | so i need some expert help | 17:58 |
Ntemis | i need to readd all of them together | 17:58 |
escott | Ntemis, you should create arrays of raw disks | 17:58 |
ikonia | escott: touche' | 17:58 |
ikonia | oops | 17:58 |
ikonia | sorry | 17:58 |
Ntemis | escott: command to use? | 17:58 |
tyrog | tgm4883: ubuntu-desktop libxtracker1-lts-quantal libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-quantal libglapi-mesa-lts-quantal xserver-xorg-video-vmware-lts-quantal xorg xserver-xorg-video-all-lts-quantal libgl1-mesa-dri-lts-quantal xserver-xorg-lts-quantal | 17:59 |
escott | Ntemis, sounds like you were telling mdadm to use /dev/sda or /dev/sdb as part of the array. thats a bad practice. use /dev/sda1 or /sda2. | 17:59 |
tyrog | The backports from quantal. Steam package is uninstalling them because they conflict with libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 libglapi-mesa libglapi-mesa:i386 steam:i386 | 17:59 |
ikonia | make sure the partition type is set to raid auto-detect | 17:59 |
tgm4883 | tyrog, there is no way that should be removing ubuntu-desktop. Are you sure it wasn't something else prior to you installing steam? Perhaps apt is trying to resolve something it previously couldn't do? | 17:59 |
Ntemis | escott: my disks are named sda/sdb/sdc/sdd | 17:59 |
escott | Ntemis, yes. and you should not use a raw disk as part of an mdadm array. its a bad idea | 18:00 |
Ntemis | i need them to be all together as raid0 on dev/md0 | 18:00 |
Ntemis | am lost | 18:00 |
Ntemis | and i dont want to loose all my data :( | 18:01 |
Ntemis | thats 8tb | 18:01 |
escott | Ntemis, if you put the whole disk into the array without a table then if you take that disk out and put it into a windows box (or even a linux box if you arent careful) then the disk will look like it is empty | 18:01 |
escott | Ntemis, you cannot take existing data and make it raid0 | 18:01 |
tyrog | tgm4883: the steam package is not handling the new packages on 12.04.2 that are backports from 12.10 quantal | 18:01 |
tyrog | So it deletes many stuff it shouldn't | 18:02 |
playerone | jhutchins_wk, turns out I was trying to compile an older driver for an older device. Downloaded the correct driver and it compiled without issue. Thanks for your help. | 18:02 |
Ntemis | i had raid0 configured (linux raid) | 18:02 |
escott | Ntemis, you would have to delete the disks to create a raid0 array | 18:02 |
tyrog | If i reinstall ubuntu-desktop, then apt wants to Remove all the xorg drivers | 18:02 |
Ntemis | then i lost my server os | 18:02 |
tgm4883 | tyrog, did you file a bug? | 18:02 |
Ntemis | i re install | 18:02 |
rasha666 | after i updated ubuntu 12.04 wireless stopped working? any ideas? | 18:02 |
Ntemis | and i need them back and working | 18:02 |
escott | Ntemis, then you aren't creating an array. you are assembling | 18:03 |
Ntemis | yeap | 18:03 |
Ntemis | thats is what i want to do | 18:03 |
escott | Ntemis, so use the very first command i sent you | 18:03 |
ghostcart_ | rasha666: Try reinstalling your wireless drivers | 18:03 |
Ntemis | reassemble my raid 0 | 18:03 |
ghostcart_ | rasha666: Sometimes linux distros don't always come with the drivers needed | 18:04 |
ghostcart_ | Had to do the same thing when I made a Mint partition | 18:04 |
rasha666 | ghostcart_, it worked but after update it doesnt | 18:04 |
ghostcart_ | Dunno then. That's about the extent of my experience | 18:04 |
Ntemis | cant find anything escott | 18:04 |
Ntemis | what is the command | 18:04 |
escott | Ntemis, mdadm --assemble --scan | 18:05 |
Ntemis | oh | 18:05 |
Ntemis | thank you | 18:05 |
Ntemis | let me see | 18:05 |
Willdude123 | I am dual-booting (wubi) with Windows 8 (I know it's crap, that's why I'm using Ubuntu). I changed the default on the dual boot screen to Ubuntu, and I was expecting it to give me the option to go into windows within the 10 second period, but now it just goes straight to Ubuntu, how can I fix/revert this? | 18:06 |
Ntemis | mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 4 drives. | 18:06 |
Ntemis | i love you man! | 18:06 |
escott | Willdude123, did you update-grub | 18:06 |
Ntemis | it was so easy! | 18:06 |
Ntemis | thanks escott | 18:06 |
Gawerty100 | almost done with the install. | 18:06 |
Willdude123 | No, I just clicked on change default to Ubuntu. | 18:07 |
Willdude123 | I didn't know that the dual boot screen was actually part of Windows. | 18:07 |
escott | Ntemis, why are you running a 4 disk raid0. that seems like a very bad choice | 18:07 |
Ntemis | yes it is | 18:07 |
Ntemis | i needed that to take my data off | 18:07 |
Ntemis | then i will be using raid5 | 18:08 |
Ntemis | so i need to mount /dev/md0 now right? | 18:08 |
Willdude123 | escott: TBH, I am OK with going back to how it was before, if it is easier. | 18:08 |
escott | Ntemis, ok that would be better. do make sure you are aware of the write-hole | 18:08 |
Ntemis | write hole? | 18:09 |
Ntemis | no nothing about that | 18:09 |
bogor | In gnome-terminal when i press alt+1 it goes to the gnome terminal instead of going to the application running in the terminal. How do i tell gnome-terminal not to capture alt keys and pass everything to the app inside terminal ? | 18:10 |
escott | Ntemis, i would recommend raid10 over raid5 in most cases http://www.raid-recovery-guide.com/raid5-write-hole.aspx | 18:10 |
Ntemis | with 4 disks will be ok? | 18:10 |
Willdude123 | So basically, it boots straight into Ubuntu and I would want it to show a dual boot screen. | 18:11 |
jameso | I downloaded Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS to my Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard). I got the message: "the following disk image couldn't be opened: ubuntu-12.04.2-deskt no mountable file system." The filename was possibly truncated as there are a no. of files beginning with ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop. What does this mean? Can I install Ubuntu as is? I am planning to install it in VMWare Fusion under my Mac OS X. -jameso | 18:12 |
escott | Willdude123, sounds like you modified the wrong option in /etc/default/grub (through whatever gui tool this is) | 18:12 |
Gawerty100 | Crap! | 18:13 |
Gawerty100 | Ubuntu finished installing but didnt show up in the mbr | 18:13 |
Gawerty100 | or boot menu | 18:13 |
bogor | jameso, check the image files md5sum | 18:13 |
escott | !language | Gawerty100 | 18:13 |
ubottu | Gawerty100: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 18:13 |
bogor | if it passes the start the vm and start installing it in the vm | 18:13 |
Willdude123 | escott: But it was a Windows one. It was using the Windows boot-loader. | 18:14 |
Gawerty100 | so, what now? | 18:14 |
ioria | Willdude123: maybe that's the problem | 18:14 |
Gawerty100 | ubuntu didnt show up in the boot menu | 18:14 |
ioria | Willdude123: and maybe you have to reinstall grub | 18:15 |
mernilio | Hi all! :-) What is your oppinion about KUbuntu? I have been a slacker since '94 but recent i had enuff about uppdates 12-14 months period... | 18:15 |
escott | Willdude123, doubt many people will know anything about the windows bootloader | 18:15 |
SonikkuAmerica | !poll | mernilio | 18:15 |
ubottu | mernilio: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 18:15 |
escott | Gawerty100, boot the livecd for starters. then there are a couple options to reinstall grub | 18:15 |
Willdude123 | ioria: It is. It was a Windows boot-loader, and I didn't realize it was part of Windows. | 18:15 |
bazhang | mernilio, #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss for that | 18:15 |
escott | !grub | Gawerty100 | 18:15 |
ubottu | Gawerty100: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 18:15 |
Willdude123 | I guess I'll gav | 18:16 |
Willdude123 | *have to ask on the mailing list. | 18:16 |
Gawerty100 | I dont have a ubuntu CD, I used Wubi... | 18:16 |
* genii-around shivers at the mere mention | 18:16 | |
ioria | Willdude123: in the ubuntu manual, at the end of it, you can find simple instructions in order to reinstall grub | 18:17 |
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mernilio | well, i think unity does divide some ubuntu users. I know that Linus Thorwalds hates it, so do everyother major programmer in the open source community. | 18:18 |
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bazhang | mernilio, this is the wrong channel for that | 18:18 |
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mernilio | bazhang: i know.. im just... sorry :-P | 18:18 |
bazhang | mernilio, so stop, and take it elsewhere | 18:19 |
mernilio | your wish is my ... something :-) | 18:19 |
SolarisBoy | *Torvalds | 18:20 |
Gawerty100 | I have a boot menu with two differen linux distros and my windows, Ubuntu didnt show up though, I confused. | 18:20 |
Kroach | mernillo: you can freely talk about it on #ubuntu-offtopic | 18:20 |
bazhang | Gawerty100, better off using a real install, as opposed to wubi, which is more of a "test drive" | 18:21 |
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Gawerty100 | it takes so long to download the .iso though :/ | 18:21 |
jhutchins_wk | !fixgrub | 18:22 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 18:22 |
Gawerty100 | ill be back when its installed I guess. | 18:23 |
pragmaticenigma | In fstab, for an XFS partition, what are the consequences for small files if I set the default alloc setting to 3GB? | 18:23 |
Ntemis | escott: i need you again | 18:23 |
Ntemis | :) | 18:24 |
Ntemis | i want to issue a full array check on boot | 18:24 |
Ntemis | is there any command for this? | 18:24 |
jhutchins_wk | Ntemis: Filesystem or raid check? | 18:24 |
Ntemis | hmm | 18:24 |
Ntemis | just added a failed raid0 | 18:24 |
Ntemis | and mounted | 18:24 |
Ntemis | all seems ok | 18:24 |
Ntemis | but i need it to be checked for constistency | 18:25 |
Ntemis | and if hdd are all smart ok | 18:25 |
mernilio | If one would have an university study here about how many of them tips you get from "nobody".. i dont think they will have so many | 18:25 |
Ntemis | i have 5Tb of data for tranfer | 18:25 |
Gutter | Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me. My laptop wont go past the boot screen on startup. I've tried starting with a startup usb drive but it's still stuck on the boot screen. Any help? | 18:26 |
DJones | !ot | mernilio | 18:26 |
ubottu | mernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 18:26 |
Ntemis | and need it to be checked before | 18:26 |
=== yacc_ is now known as yacc | ||
Gutter | Anyone? | 18:27 |
=== yacc is now known as Guest53196 | ||
SonikkuAmerica | Gutter: What happens when you try to log in? | 18:27 |
Boohbah | Gutter: change the boot order in your BIOS to boot the usb drive first | 18:28 |
Gutter | I cant acces the bios | 18:28 |
Boohbah | Gutter: why not? | 18:28 |
Gutter | I press F2 but all that happens is a noise | 18:28 |
Gutter | and when the pc turns on, theres a sort of clicking sound | 18:29 |
douwe_ | he Gutter try to make a keyboard error then go to setup | 18:29 |
Boohbah | but you can get to the bootloader screen? | 18:29 |
znx | im attempting to install ubuntu and i get a "/init: line 7:" error .. which repeats and then finally it says "no live medium found" | 18:29 |
Gutter | Nothing happens, no keys are responsive excpet for ESC but that only gives me info on the pc and the option to acces the bios but I'm still unable to | 18:30 |
pragmaticenigma | znx: If you are booting from a DVD or CD-ROM, the disk may not have burned correctly and you need to burn a new disk. If you are using USB flash drive, you may need to re-image the drive as a file may have been corrupted. | 18:31 |
znx | pragmaticenigma: i ran the "check disk" thing at the options .. it thinks its good? | 18:31 |
douwe_ | is your harddrive ntfs or fat or fat32 or xfs etc | 18:31 |
Gutter | okay Ill redo the usb drive, but it shouldn't be a problem | 18:31 |
michi_s | Gutter: you are right I think | 18:32 |
=== Guest53196 is now known as yacc | ||
pragmaticenigma | znx: That really isn't a good check. The disk check doesn't check the integrity of the data, just that there is data and it is readable. | 18:32 |
jameso | bogor: thanks. Does that mean I should go ahead and install Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS under VMWare Fusion on my Mac OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) and see what happens, even though I don't have the ubuntu-12.04.2-deskt* file(s) downloaded? -jameso | 18:32 |
escott | Ntemis, raid0 does not support failed devices | 18:33 |
michi_s | Gutter: are you shure, F2 brings you to BIOS? on HP laptops it wont for example as far as I know | 18:33 |
znx | pragmaticenigma: ah ok .. so download the iso again then burn ? .. or can i trust the iso? | 18:33 |
Gutter | on acer its F2 | 18:33 |
michi_s | ok | 18:33 |
bazzo | ciao | 18:33 |
bazzo | !list | 18:33 |
ubottu | bazzo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». | 18:33 |
Gutter | I also tried using the recovery by pressing left shift, but nothing | 18:33 |
escott | Ntemis, there is no consistency to check. you either are or are not able to read the array and the data is either correct or not correct | 18:33 |
douwe_ | hmm i think it's F10 on the most hp laptops | 18:34 |
michi_s | and you are sure that you don't have a hardware problem (just asking because of the 'noise') | 18:34 |
douwe_ | or F6 | 18:34 |
michi_s | douwe: Acer :) | 18:34 |
pragmaticenigma | znx: Make sure you are downloading from Ubuntu's own servers. Also, on the site there are MD5 hashs for the disk image. This is how you verify that the ISO you downloaded is complete. To check the MD5 do a websearch for "MD5 file check" | 18:34 |
Willdude123 | ioria: So can I get my previous system back without uninstalling windows somehow? | 18:35 |
douwe_ | ow sorie :-) | 18:35 |
bazhang | !hashes | znx | 18:35 |
ubottu | znx: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases | 18:35 |
znx | pragmaticenigma: ok on both parts .. ill do so now see if its good | 18:35 |
znx | bazhang: ty too | 18:35 |
Willdude123 | ioria: I wasn't using GRUB, I don't think, I was using the Windows one. | 18:35 |
znx | oh final question .. 12.10 or 12.04 .. which is the better for me to use? | 18:35 |
ioria | Willdude123: sure... have you found the ubuntu user manual ? | 18:36 |
Gutter | the noise sounds like the pc cant access the hdd, at least that's what i've been told. | 18:36 |
pragmaticenigma | In fstab, for an XFS partition, what are the consequences for small file sizes if I set the default alloc setting to 3GB? | 18:36 |
douwe_ | by showing the logo try F1 F2 or CTRL-ALT-ESC | 18:36 |
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st | ||
tyrog | znx: it depends. Are you a new user? | 18:36 |
Willdude123 | This? http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 18:36 |
michi_s | Gutter: hmmm... | 18:37 |
znx | tyrog: ive used linux before | 18:37 |
ioria | Willdude123: yep, go in troubleshooting | 18:37 |
Gutter | CTRL ALT ESC brings me to the phoenix securecore page thing | 18:37 |
Gutter | and then leaves | 18:37 |
znx | not ubuntu though .. generally fedora | 18:37 |
znx | im switching as id like to give steam on linux a go | 18:37 |
Gutter | and im left with a black screen with a curser that will just blink | 18:37 |
douwe_ | do it when the logo is on the screen | 18:38 |
michi_s | Gutter: maybe waiting for response from harddisk, which never comes | 18:38 |
Willdude123 | ioria: I had Windows first, and then did a wubi install. | 18:38 |
Willdude123 | But it says GRUB only goes if Ubuntu comes first. | 18:39 |
Andy80 | hey guys :) | 18:39 |
tyrog | znx: Well both releases are stable. 12.04 is supported for 5 years, whereas 12.10 for 1.5 years. The first is more focused on stability, 12.10 and other normal releases are more focused on features. | 18:39 |
Andy80 | nobody told me that TeamFortress2 was FREE :D | 18:39 |
michi_s | Gutter: I don't know if this works, but I would try in your situation: Remove the harddisk and try to boot from your usb drive | 18:39 |
* Andy80 installing right now ;) | 18:39 | |
ioria | Willdude123: wubi ??? sorry i don't use it, i thought you were on a dual boot | 18:39 |
znx | Andy80: indeed .. thats why im wanting to play :-) | 18:39 |
Gutter | Remove the harddisk from the laptop? | 18:39 |
znx | ok .. 12.10 iso just confirmed as matching its md5 checksum | 18:39 |
Willdude123 | ioria: Oh. | 18:39 |
Gutter | You surem michi_s? | 18:40 |
Willdude123 | Damn it then. | 18:40 |
michi_s | Gutter: this is whart I would do | 18:40 |
pragmaticenigma | znx: are you attempting to boot this in any virtual machine? or on an actual computer? | 18:40 |
znx | pragmaticenigma: actual computer | 18:40 |
michi_s | Gutter: So you boot the install image and see if it works | 18:40 |
Willdude123 | Excuse my language. | 18:40 |
douwe_ | he Gutter you can try tot read the HD in a other system in a usb drive case | 18:40 |
znx | im using roxio to burn the iso to a DVD and then simply booting it | 18:41 |
michi_s | Gutter: and than you know your hdd makes the problem | 18:41 |
znx | which fails miserably | 18:41 |
Willdude123 | I'll email the mailing list, it'll probably be easier to explain there. | 18:41 |
Gutter | Okay I'll give that a try later on. Thanks for the support! | 18:41 |
tyrog | znx: whats the error message? | 18:41 |
tyrog | znx: and the computer. If the problem is with the DVD, try with a USB stick instead | 18:42 |
michi_s | Gutter: hope you will get your system working | 18:42 |
znx | tyrog: i can boot and install fedora from DVD .. so i dont think its that | 18:42 |
=== vjn_ is now known as vjn | ||
znx | the error message says "/init: line 7: ".. repeats with various sdc sdd sde sdf etc .. | 18:42 |
escott | Ntemis, you could fsck the filesystem but thas it | 18:43 |
tyrog | znx: yea, but what is the error message (if you get one)? What do you get on the screen? | 18:43 |
znx | finally it pops me to (initramfs) .. saying "no live medium found" | 18:43 |
tyrog | znx: it could be the ISO that was corrupted, the burning process that had an error. Try burning the DVD with slower speed. But first i would try with a USB drive like i told you | 18:44 |
znx | im not sure the system will boot USB .. | 18:45 |
znx | at least i never have | 18:45 |
znx | but ill give it a go after burning the DVD again | 18:45 |
tyrog | znx: what are the system specs? | 18:45 |
escott | znx, how old is the bios | 18:45 |
tyrog | graphics card, processor and ram | 18:45 |
matriks404 | hi, i installed xfce, and in unity notifications and volume things (appeared if volume button pressed) is xfce-like, if i delete xfce, will unity become like an old one? | 18:46 |
Ntemis | escott: data seems correct | 18:46 |
znx | escott: oh its an old box .. probably er .. 2009? | 18:46 |
znx | tyrog: relatively low spec .. i dont have an OS on it right now so cant get the detail to you | 18:46 |
escott | znx, 2009 should boot usb | 18:47 |
pragmaticenigma | znx: if your going to reburn the image, don't use roxio | 18:47 |
tyrog | znx: try booting from usb. Go to the bios to change the boot order of your devices. Or use the hotkey to choose to boot from USB if your system has one | 18:47 |
douwe_ | wat is in terminal the command for see the ubuntu version | 18:48 |
znx | pragmaticenigma: um .. what else can i use then? | 18:48 |
matriks404 | douwe_: few words to type in google and here we go! | 18:48 |
douwe_ | hmm :) | 18:49 |
bazhang | !version | douwe_ | 18:49 |
ubottu | douwe_: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 18:49 |
Andy80 | is there a dedicated #ubuntu-* channel to talk about gaming and Steam in particular? | 18:49 |
tyrog | znx: are you using windows 7 in the machine for the burn process? | 18:49 |
douwe_ | thanks bazz | 18:49 |
pragmaticenigma | Assuming Roxio means your on Windows. I use CDBurner XP. I've seen many postings on Roxio burning Linux ISOs incorrectly | 18:49 |
tyrog | Andy80: precisely #ubuntu-steam | 18:49 |
bazhang | #ubuntu-steam Andy80 | 18:49 |
Andy80 | thanks :) | 18:49 |
matriks404 | how i can return unity back to original because xfce broke some things (for example notifcations) | 18:50 |
jhutchins_wk | pragmaticenigma: It's not roxio's fault, burns sometimes go bad. It's usually cheap burner hardware at fault. | 18:50 |
znx | tyrog: yes | 18:50 |
tyrog | matriks404: remove xfce with purge, then remove the isolated dependencies. It could not fix your problem though. | 18:51 |
pragmaticenigma | jhutchins_wk: I agree, just more a observation that I see a lot of burning instructions recommend not using Roxio | 18:51 |
tyrog | znx: insert the usb stick into the USB port. Then just right-click on the ISO and select the option "Burn to disc". Its a Windows 7 feature. | 18:51 |
matriks404 | ok, thanks tyrog | 18:51 |
znx | hrmm .. ok | 18:52 |
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jhutchins_wk | znx: roxio should have an option to verify the disk - be sure to use that. You should also check the md5sum of the iso you downloaded. | 18:52 |
jhutchins_wk | pragmaticenigma: I think that's mostly because it's not free, and it's assumed that if you have to ask, you haven't bought roxio. | 18:52 |
tyrog | matriks404: open the file /var/log/apt/history.log | 18:52 |
znx | jhutchins_wk: md5 checksum has been confirmed .. and i did verify the disk with roxio | 18:52 |
znx | im going to try USB | 18:53 |
jhutchins_wk | znx: Curious. Is the iso the appropriate architecture? | 18:53 |
znx | i386 ..yes | 18:54 |
douwe_ | is it safe to upgrade 12.04 tot 12.10 xubuntu | 18:54 |
tyrog | znx: is that machine of 2009 a netbook? How much RAM into it? | 18:54 |
znx | its a desktop .. it has 4Gb of ram | 18:55 |
znx | i did memtest too | 18:55 |
CT1 | Hi. Is there a package in the repos that I can use on my lan to send a message to my room mates? I've just found a website that I know "x" will like. Can I make a box or something appear on his screen from mine? | 18:56 |
jhutchins_wk | douwe_: Check the relase notes. The answer is "mostly". | 18:56 |
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tyrog | znx: dual-core Intel/AMD processor? | 18:56 |
znx | um .. im pretty sure its amd .. but like i say cant remember the spec | 18:56 |
znx | but i know the h/w is ok .. i can install fedora | 18:56 |
CT1 | not irc/facebook/e-mail etc | 18:56 |
yourimym1 | hello community :) is there a way to backup my ubuntu , i mean take image of it's partion and restore it back again ? like norton ghost or something | 18:56 |
znx | i was using fedora until i just attempted to switch | 18:57 |
tyrog | znx: try the amd64 version of ubuntu. Your ram is enough to handle that one. And a Desktop processor from 2009 is probably 64-bit | 18:57 |
pragmaticenigma | znx: It looks like this guy has a pretty good how to on burning Ubuntu with Roxio... might want to try his technique and see it helps http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/burn | 18:57 |
elena-IK | is the Startup Disk Creator intended for ubuntu images only? | 18:57 |
tyrog | If amd64 doesn't work with your processor, then you will likely get an error message right after you boot. So you don't loose anything in trying | 18:57 |
znx | that isnt my version of roxio | 18:57 |
tyrog | elena-IK: yes :) | 18:57 |
elena-IK | k, thanks | 18:57 |
pragmaticenigma | znx: It might not be the same version, but many of the settings are there | 18:58 |
znx | tyrog: i want 32 install | 18:58 |
znx | pragmaticenigma: to use roxio is really simply .. click on burn image .. select iso .. burn | 18:58 |
pragmaticenigma | znx: and settings usually don't disappear, they may get moved around. And there are lots of options that sometimes work better for an ISO image that sometimes the auto-detect settings don't pick up on | 18:59 |
znx | im pretty confident there isnt anything wrong with my understand of roxio or its settings | 18:59 |
pragmaticenigma | znx: starting with one of the most basic that I use... I burn at least 1 speed slower than the maximum my burner can do | 19:00 |
awolf | what's the best basic tutorial for reverse vnc? | 19:00 |
awolf | It seems it should be simple enough, but I'm getting totally baffled | 19:00 |
znx | tyrog: windows 7 doesnt offer my usb stick as an option to burn to | 19:00 |
pragmaticenigma | znx: I'm not saying you don't know how to use the program. I'm offering a suggestion to maybe improve your chances of a burned disk that works | 19:00 |
znx | pragmaticenigma: it was burnt at 1x | 19:00 |
YokoBR | oh god... still can't get to enable my discrete gpu :/ | 19:01 |
pragmaticenigma | 1x is too slow... that can introduce a lot of errors | 19:01 |
znx | well the options are 1x 2x or 4x | 19:01 |
znx | i trying 4x and 1x .. | 19:01 |
pragmaticenigma | I'd opt for 4x in that case | 19:01 |
znx | im using windows disc image burner to put it on .. it has no option for 1x et al | 19:02 |
pragmaticenigma | znx: are you using roxio or something else? | 19:03 |
tyrog | znx: but use amd64! It won't fix your problem, but why would you use i386 afterall? | 19:03 |
znx | pragmaticenigma: tyrog suggested using windows 7 builtin burner .. so im doing it | 19:03 |
pragmaticenigma | tyrog: please stay on topic | 19:03 |
znx | tyrog: steam | 19:03 |
pragmaticenigma | okay | 19:03 |
tyrog | pragmaticenigma: where is offtopic? | 19:04 |
alex88 | hi guys, I'm trying to make spotify workin on 10.10, I've installed it, fixed a linklibs typo and installed a qtnetwork dep... but now I get "Istruzione non consentita" which in english should be "Instruction not allowed" or something similar... any idea? | 19:04 |
tyrog | Im telling him to use an appropriate version of Ubuntu where he can use all the resources of his computer, and you tell me its offtopic? really? | 19:05 |
theadmin | alex88: 10.10 is EOL and unsupported. | 19:05 |
alex88 | theadmin: yeah I know, but this is not mine pc.. can't upgrade, also with 800mb free space is nearly impossible | 19:05 |
alex88 | theadmin: you know what the error can mean? | 19:05 |
awolf | spotify is very non-free by the way, and they "watermark" all the files with audible junk | 19:06 |
kostkon | awolf, ?? | 19:06 |
alex88 | awolf: really? never noticed that | 19:06 |
theadmin | alex88: Still can't help, you're using a version that's not supported and that's essentially same as asking help with an unsupported distro. Sorry. | 19:06 |
anew | if i dont have a gui installed, can i run firefox ? | 19:07 |
theadmin | anew: Uh, nope. Firefox is a graphical application and needs an X server to connect to. | 19:07 |
awolf | http://www.stereophile.com/content/corrupted-source-audible-watermarking | 19:07 |
tyrog | znx: USB drivers are flash memory, not optical. They aren't burned like DVDs | 19:07 |
zykotick9 | anew: "links2 -g" is probably your best bet with framebuffer | 19:07 |
anew | thanks was probably a stupid question theadmin | 19:07 |
znx | tyrog: i thought you said i could use the windows burning tool to burn to USB? | 19:08 |
tyrog | znx: download Ubuntu 12.10 amd64 from Ubuntu website. Then read how to put the ISO on a usb stick from Windows. The instructions are there in the Ubuntu page | 19:08 |
tyrog | znx: no, it was an alternative to roxio. | 19:08 |
znx | again .. i dont want 64bit | 19:08 |
tyrog | znx: why? | 19:09 |
theadmin | znx: You can install the 32-bit version from a USB as well. | 19:09 |
znx | freshly burnt with windows7 tool .. same result | 19:10 |
znx | trying a usb now | 19:10 |
znx | tyrog: steam | 19:10 |
pragmaticenigma | tyrog: It's possible the machine he's installing this on is not a 64 bit machine, why are you recommending that? | 19:10 |
tyrog | pragmaticenigma: because he didn't state it wasn't a 64-bit machine. And that it was. He doesn't know, but he has 4gb of ram in a desktop of 2009. So it probably is | 19:11 |
tyrog | znx: steam works in 64-bit Ubuntu, just fine. | 19:11 |
theadmin | znx: Ubuntu is multiarch, meaning 32-bit apps run on 64-bit platforms. | 19:13 |
theadmin | znx: Besides, they've relesaed a 64-bit version already, it's even made it to the Software Center. | 19:13 |
znx | ok but this is of track .. why doesnt the 32 bit version install | 19:13 |
tyrog | theadmin: really? oh no. Now i have the solution for my problem | 19:13 |
znx | surely either or should work right? | 19:13 |
tyrog | BAH | 19:13 |
znx | theadmin: i didnt know that | 19:14 |
znx | im making the USB stick right now | 19:14 |
theadmin | znx: I'd just install from the software center, it's the easiest way... Also, Steam doesn't work on 12.10 | 19:14 |
xjkx | How do I add another distribution to my grub ? Just installed Arch Linux, but prefered to keep my Grub I had on Ubuntu. Ran grub-install, still not detected | 19:14 |
tyrog | znx: We don't know. We are giving you some possible solutions, its up to you to try them right? | 19:14 |
theadmin | znx: You need 12.04, it's a limitation imposed by the beta | 19:14 |
znx | it says it doesnt on the site? | 19:14 |
znx | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve | 19:14 |
znx | that says either? | 19:14 |
NastyNaz | I just sniffed a WPA handshake that is exactly the same as the bssid (mac). How did they get it so that they are the same? | 19:15 |
theadmin | znx: Oh, my bad, it is now. The beta is over. | 19:15 |
znx | :-) | 19:15 |
pragmaticenigma | !ot |NastyNaz | 19:16 |
ubottu | NastyNaz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 19:16 |
tyrog | theadmin: it isn't. Although valve says 12.04 is recommended, it worked just ok in 12.10 for me | 19:16 |
LaserShark | same here | 19:16 |
tyrog | theadmin: there are people running it in other distros too | 19:16 |
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theadmin | tyrog: Well, now that is just crazy :P | 19:17 |
tyrog | theadmin: can you verify for me if there is really a 64-bit steam client somewhere? I can't check that now | 19:17 |
theadmin | tyrog: Then again, Debian packages are just archives, and long as dependencies are satisfied it should be okay | 19:17 |
theadmin | tyrog: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/steam64/ | 19:18 |
jrib | tyrog: pretty sure steam64 just pulls in steam:i386 :) | 19:18 |
tyrog | jrib theadmin can't one of you confirm that? | 19:19 |
theadmin | tyrog: I'm installing it now, will see | 19:19 |
jrib | tyrog: "steam64" depends on "steam", "steam" is only available on i386. This is what I see on my system | 19:19 |
znx | tyrog pragmaticenigma theadmin - many thanks .. the USB stick came up with the exact same error but unlike the DVD continued regardless | 19:20 |
znx | it seems to be installing now | 19:21 |
kingler232 | hi someone into uefi? im trying to install ubuntu but always get a blank screen | 19:21 |
kingler232 | i tried nomodeset xforcevesa etc but nothing helps | 19:21 |
NastyNaz | . | 19:22 |
vipkilla | i just noticed this running: /usr/lib/accountsservice/accounts-daemon no idea what it is. could someone tell me why it's running? | 19:22 |
oal | Is it possible to run a separate x session with a custom resolution and vnc enabled? I want to connect to vnc with the correct resolution from my android template. | 19:25 |
theadmin | jrib, tyrog: After installing steam from the Software Centre and running "dpkg -l steam\*", I only get steam64, and there is a "bin64" file in my .steam directory, which points to a non-existing directory. All the binaries I find are 32-bit. Weird. | 19:25 |
oal | Android tablet. Auto correct :-( | 19:26 |
jrib | theadmin: dpkg -L steam64 ? | 19:26 |
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theadmin | jrib: Funny, the only directory contained in there is /usr/share/doc. I think it relies entirely on the installer that runs when you first start steam, but then where does the installer come from... Strange stuff. | 19:28 |
pragmaticenigma | congrats znx! | 19:29 |
theadmin | jrib: Hm, it *does* depend on steam:i386 which doesn't show up when I use dpkg -l for some reason. | 19:29 |
BluesKaj | ..BBL | 19:30 |
yourimym1 | hey what does backup app under system setting , used for backup full hd or just system only ? | 19:30 |
SolarisBoy | yourimym1: its a file based backup aimed at things under your home directory | 19:30 |
whoever | hi all, on 64bit, and i am getting (ad not supported by this site) and whatever add ebeded in the webpage. ie : if at google.com , i get spyware checker , clean up pc, and at amazon, i get "you like asian... try for free". I haven't found an AV that works on 64 bit, has anyone else? | 19:30 |
theadmin | Speaking of, is the 32-bit Ubuntu truly i386?... The kernel dropped support for that processor a while ago, so I figured it'd be bumped up to i486 at least or something like that. Or is it just a name? | 19:31 |
yourimym1 | can i backup my full OS and restore it ? | 19:31 |
theadmin | whoever: This is some browser plugin, there's no malware on Ubuntu. But if anything, the Comodo antivirus for Linux has an Ubuntu version and works perfectly for me. | 19:31 |
theadmin | whoever: Bit tricky to set up, though. | 19:31 |
tonsofpcs | theadmin: 686, I thought... | 19:31 |
theadmin | tonsofpcs: Well, then the name is just misleading | 19:32 |
whoever | theadmin: ok will check plugins | 19:32 |
tonsofpcs | theadmin: no, I mean I thought the discs were named i686... | 19:33 |
tonsofpcs | debian has named them i686 for quite some time (and still offers an i486 and i386 option for compatibility) | 19:33 |
YokoBR | hi guys, i can't enable my gpu on boot as this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics#Script_for_use_during_bootup | 19:33 |
theadmin | tonsofpcs: "ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-i386.iso" | 19:34 |
whoever | theadmin: thx it happen to be a plugin | 19:35 |
pragmaticenigma | i386 vs i686 refers to the chip architecture, however, most code is written to be backwards compatible with i386. It mostly just informs you how old of a system the code will be able to run on. i686 supports all of the features of i386 but not the other way around | 19:35 |
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whoever | "savlet " that i doan't thinK I installed | 19:35 |
pragmaticenigma | so if you see i386 it will work on i386 and up... if it says i686, it will only work on i686 | 19:35 |
theadmin | pragmaticenigma: Right, but I'm wondering if Ubuntu *actually works* on i386 itself, because the kernel has dropped support for that one. | 19:36 |
theadmin | ...I don't have any box that old to test | 19:36 |
theadmin | lol | 19:36 |
pragmaticenigma | theadmin: I think the kernel support has been ported up by the Ubuntu devs.... Just cause the currently developed kernel doesn't support it, doesn't mean a distro won't. You had have to dig through the source to find out | 19:37 |
theadmin | pragmaticenigma: Yeah, might be. | 19:37 |
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17WAA565D | hi | 19:37 |
17WAA565D | what???? | 19:38 |
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17WAA565D | اه | 19:39 |
17WAA565D | مرحبا | 19:39 |
tonsofpcs | theadmin: interesting. afaik, the numbering of isos has always been for what machine will run the installer, not necessarily what machine it will work on post-install... have you tried chainloading it on a 386? | 19:39 |
17WAA565D | شو الأخبار | 19:39 |
theadmin | tonsofpcs: Again, I don't have any box old enough to test, nor does anyone I know | 19:40 |
tonsofpcs | theadmin: unfortunately, I only have a 286 with cdrom drive operational currently, so that won't help ;) | 19:40 |
bazhang | !ot | 19:40 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 19:40 |
tonsofpcs | (I also have m68ks and a core2quad and an i5, but those won't help either) | 19:40 |
theadmin | tonsofpcs: Well, at least it's not an ENIAC :P | 19:40 |
tonsofpcs | theadmin: http://www.tonsofpcs.com/portable3/ - it's up at the makerspace right now, should be on IRC again later tonight, getting ready for a show-off party tomorrow. again, no 386 with cdrom there either :) you'll have to build one. | 19:41 |
bazhang | tonsofpcs, thats enough | 19:41 |
tonsofpcs | bazhang: what's enough? we're discussing the bootability of the ubuntu i386 install disc. | 19:42 |
bazhang | tonsofpcs, its offtopic here. way past any support issues. | 19:42 |
theadmin | bazhang: Suppose so. Sorry, I started it :/ | 19:42 |
tonsofpcs | the ability to install ubuntu is not a support issue? really? | 19:42 |
31NACULAH | اه | 19:42 |
31NACULAH | hi | 19:42 |
31NACULAH | hi | 19:42 |
31NACULAH | hi | 19:42 |
FloodBot1 | 31NACULAH: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:42 |
YokoBR | the lack of hybrid gpu support on linux is making my experience less confortable :/ | 19:43 |
17WAA565D | شو | 19:43 |
17WAA565D | مرحبا | 19:43 |
17WAA565D | شو | 19:43 |
17WAA565D | شو | 19:43 |
FloodBot1 | 17WAA565D: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:43 |
ClientAlive | I have a strange problem wiith eclipse on my 12.04 desktop system. I ultimately discovered that indigo is installed via the package manager and Juno is installed manually. I doin't know how it happened but I want to keep Juno and not Indigo. If I remove eclipse throught synaptic (which would be Indigo) will it break the eclipse (Juno) that I want to keep? | 19:43 |
rhin0 | will a plug in usb numeric keyboard work with ubuntu 10.04 ... just plug it ina nd work? (does anyone know) | 19:43 |
jhutchins_wk | YokoBR: Tell the people who build them that way. | 19:44 |
rhin0 | clientalive .. maybe it needs java? maybe your java is broken | 19:44 |
tonsofpcs | rhin0: it should, unless it uses some non-standard device configuration. Should just be a USB HID class device. | 19:44 |
rhin0 | ok thanks tonsofpcs | 19:44 |
tonsofpcs | I know there are some odd ones out there though, so it'd be best to try it to make sure of course | 19:44 |
rhin0 | you can test your java from the commandline ClientAlive | 19:44 |
YokoBR | jhutchins_wk, it would be a pleasure to fill another contact form on ati.com | 19:44 |
rhin0 | javac - for compiler | 19:44 |
tonsofpcs | some of the ones with built-in calculators for example will enumerate differently and not necessarily pass the expected keystrokes. I have one that simulates the 10 keys above the alphabetical portion of the keyboard when numlock is on and the arrow keys and home/end/etc when numlock is off, with the center space ('5') doing nothing. | 19:45 |
ClientAlive | rhy | 19:46 |
rhin0 | ok thanks tonsofpcs | 19:46 |
rhin0 | i'll just get a standard one | 19:47 |
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ClientAlive | rhin0: I have 1.6.0_27 installed and configured. I'm not sure what you mean. I have two versions of eclipse on the system and only want to keep one.. One was installed via tha package manager or command line (don't recall) and one was installed manually by downloading from the eclipse site. I want to keep that latter not the former. But I want to be sure I don't break the one I keep. | 19:47 |
rhin0 | check in synaptic whats installed - uninstall by right click then 'remove' within synaptic .. otherwise, remove from the command line with sudo apt-get remove <package name> client alive | 19:48 |
rhin0 | synaptic is the ubuntu package manager | 19:48 |
jhutchins_wk | rhin0: If it's a standard keyboard then yes. Sometimes you can get extended media keys working, sometimes you can't. | 19:49 |
rhin0 | ok thanks jhutch | 19:49 |
rhin0 | bye | 19:49 |
ClientAlive | rhin0: brother :) I know how to ninstall something. I have a bunch of plugins and configuration done to the eclipse I want to keep. I need to understand whether it is going to be affected by the uninstall. | 19:50 |
ClientAlive | anyone? | 19:50 |
talntid | whats the best graphics card for native support in ubuntu? | 19:50 |
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talntid | i'm building a new computer, and don't want to mess with drivers | 19:50 |
jhutchins_wk | talntid: They all have models that have issues. | 19:50 |
ThinkT510 | talntid: the one that works | 19:50 |
jhutchins_wk | talntid: If you stay away from this year's bleeding edge new models you should be ok. | 19:51 |
talntid | jhutchins_wk, yeah, I don't need bleeding edge :) Just need it to work normal. :) | 19:52 |
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fastrack | Hello I use a Nvidia GT 330m, Ubuntu, do you guys know how to get GLX working? The error I am getting is "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0" | 19:53 |
jhutchins_wk | !nvidia | 19:56 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto | 19:56 |
mrtharepist | Question, Has anyone compared Steam performance on Ubuntu to Mac? Are the drivers any better? | 19:57 |
lordnoid | #ubuntu-phone | 20:00 |
RSherry | Ello. | 20:00 |
RSherry | Right, so heres my issue. When I tried to boot into ubuntu, I get a hd0 out of disk error, which then throws me into something called "busy box" When I tryed to check the HD space it said it was unmounted. Now from within ubuntu booted from a CD, I get a: | 20:02 |
RSherry | Error mounting: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so | 20:02 |
RSherry | Any ideas to what I can do? | 20:03 |
awolf | Help! I installed TeamViewer via the .deb and now I want to get rid of it. It installed a bunch of things, how do I purge this stuff? | 20:03 |
ev0lve | man dkpg ;) | 20:04 |
awolf | I found a FLOSS solution for what I needed: GITSO | 20:04 |
awolf | Ok, man dpkg… what? | 20:04 |
altmeta | awolf: or apt-get remove | 20:04 |
awolf | hmm | 20:04 |
ev0lve | sudo apt-get clean | 20:05 |
awolf | oh that worked | 20:05 |
RSherry | I don't have anything in particular that I need to keep so if I need to reformat the drive - thats fine | 20:05 |
ev0lve | http://askubuntu.com/questions/32191/how-do-i-remove-cached-deb-files | 20:05 |
yourimym1 | hey am trying to install AndroVM on ubuntu http://paste.ubuntu.com/1659510/ what should i do to complete installation | 20:06 |
jhutchins_wk | !patience | 20:06 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 20:06 |
awolf | ok, so Synaptic doesn't handle all the stuff apt-get does, got it :P | 20:06 |
ev0lve | you got it! | 20:07 |
awolf | any reason *not* to do apt-get clean or apt-get autoclean? | 20:07 |
awolf | in general? | 20:08 |
altmeta | yourimym1: You need to find what package contains lib64OpenglRender.so, I believe ubuntu has a similiar feature to yum's whatprovides, I'll have a quick check | 20:09 |
ev0lve | always good to clear out cached files | 20:09 |
jhutchins_wk | awolf: The "clean" command just cleans up the cache. autoclean does other things that you may not want, but it should ask first. | 20:09 |
nova_ | hi | 20:10 |
awolf | jhutchins_wk: whoops autoclean did NOT ask | 20:11 |
awolf | jhutchins_wk: what did I lose by deleting all these packages? (mostly stuff I am glad that I installed) | 20:11 |
awolf | just history? | 20:11 |
awolf | or easy way to get back to old version? | 20:12 |
jhutchins_wk | awolf: Not sure how apt-get does it, I use aptitude, but it's supposed to remove packages marked as installed automatically to meet dependencies where the system no longer has the dependant program installed. | 20:13 |
jhutchins_wk | I believe aptitude does ask before it autocleans. | 20:13 |
awolf | jhutchins_wk: that's autoremove | 20:13 |
yourimym1 | apt-get clean dosent affect installed apps ? | 20:14 |
TakeItEZ | awolf: man apt-get, autoclean doesn't anything harmfull | 20:14 |
awolf | autoremove deletes unecessary packages, autoclean is, I think just deleting downloads that have since been installed | 20:14 |
TakeItEZ | yourimym1: no it doesn't | 20:14 |
yourimym1 | what about autoclean also ? | 20:14 |
jhutchins_wk | awolf: Yeah, sorry. | 20:15 |
jhutchins_wk | awolf: It just cleans up the cache. | 20:15 |
awolf | jhutchins_wk: cool | 20:16 |
Noorideen | whats the difference between shell and terminal? | 20:16 |
jhutchins_wk | Noorideen: Depends. On a linux box the terms are pretty interchangable, on OSX they're different programs. | 20:17 |
altmeta | yourimym1: I just checked using apt-file search lib64OpenglRender.so but got no results, is the shared object not included in the deb? | 20:17 |
Noorideen | hmm k thank you | 20:17 |
awolf | cheers and so long folks! | 20:17 |
jhutchins_wk | awolf: On aptitude clean isn't documented, on apt-get autoclean deletes only obsolete packages, while clean clears the whole cache. | 20:18 |
TakeItEZ | jhutchins_wk: man aptitude contains "clean" here, same function as apt-get | 20:21 |
jhutchins_wk | TakeItEZ: What v3e3rsion is your aptitude manpage? (Should be at the bottom) | 20:23 |
RSherry | Ok, so I managed to fix the mounting error, and it now boot proparly, but I'm still getting hd0 out of disk error when I start up. | 20:23 |
TakeItEZ | jhutchins_wk: (debian sid) | 20:24 |
yourimym1 | anyone here familier with androVM , or know good virtual machine to run android games on ubuntu ? | 20:24 |
RSherry | The hard drive in question has 60 / 80 GB left over. | 20:24 |
Seppoz | hello how do i check which process uses a certain tty device | 20:26 |
yeats | Seppoz: 'lsof | grep /dev/ttyX'? | 20:27 |
Seppoz | ty | 20:28 |
jayar | i get exit code 21 when trying to mount this ntfs drive... says its already mounted at /media/A67220BC7220935B | 20:28 |
ikonia | jayar: is it ? | 20:28 |
jayar | i cant see it | 20:29 |
ikonia | jayar: how are you looking ? | 20:29 |
jayar | file browser | 20:29 |
jayar | and it should popup on my desktop | 20:29 |
jayar | it actually used to a little bit ago, now all of a sudden it doesnt | 20:29 |
ikonia | jayar: open a terminal and type "cd /media/A67220BC7220935B" | 20:29 |
jayar | cd /media/A67220BC7220935B | 20:30 |
jayar | oh lol | 20:30 |
ikonia | yes, in a terminal | 20:30 |
jayar | yea but im in a terminal, on bitchx... im just a lil slow today | 20:30 |
jayar | no such file or directory | 20:30 |
ikonia | jayar: what version of ubuntu is this ? | 20:31 |
jayar | 10.04 | 20:32 |
jayar | lucid | 20:32 |
ikonia | jayar: you appear to have a 3.2 kernel | 20:33 |
ikonia | !info linux-image-#lucid | 20:33 |
ubottu | Package linux-image-lucid does not exist in quantal | 20:33 |
ikonia | info linux-image #lucid | 20:33 |
ikonia | info linux-image lucid | 20:33 |
llutz | !info tlp | 20:33 |
ubottu | Package tlp does not exist in quantal | 20:33 |
ikonia | oops | 20:33 |
ikonia | !info linux-image-#lucid | 20:33 |
ubottu | Package linux-image-lucid does not exist in quantal | 20:33 |
ikonia | !info linux-image #lucid | 20:33 |
ubottu | '#lucid' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable | 20:33 |
ikonia | !info linux-image lucid | 20:34 |
ikonia | sorry about that | 20:34 |
ubottu | linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB | 20:34 |
ikonia | jayar: you sure you're running 10.04 ? | 20:34 |
vahnx | i'm using deja-dup in ubuntu to do automatic backups, is there an easy way to browse the entirety of the backups or must you pick a .gz at random and unzip it? | 20:34 |
jayar | thats what it says when i cat /etc/*-release | 20:34 |
ikonia | jayar: can you show me the output of uname -a please. | 20:34 |
jayar | Linux bt 3.2.6 #1 SMP Fri Feb 17 10:40:05 EST 2012 i686 GNU/Linux | 20:35 |
ikonia | jayar: tha's backtrack isn't it ? | 20:35 |
ikonia | that's odd | 20:35 |
jayar | yea | 20:35 |
ikonia | jayar: right, so this channel is #ubuntu | 20:35 |
ikonia | not #backtrack-linux, you need #backtrack-linux | 20:35 |
jayar | but its ubuntu based | 20:35 |
ikonia | it's not ubuntu | 20:35 |
jayar | mm | 20:35 |
ikonia | as you can see it has a different kenrel | 20:35 |
altmeta | yourimym1: you can just download the ova files and open them in virtualbox | 20:35 |
ikonia | kernel even | 20:35 |
jayar | k | 20:35 |
jayar | srry | 20:36 |
ikonia | not a problem | 20:36 |
ikonia | jayar: I only checked to make sure I didn't give you bad info | 20:36 |
jayar | all good. thanx fer tryin :) | 20:36 |
ikonia | jayar: #backtrack-linux will help you though | 20:36 |
compdoc | Interesting: BackTrack is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking. | 20:36 |
jayar | it just struck me as odd cuz it worked like 10 mins ago. stopped after installed bitdefender | 20:37 |
ikonia | compdoc: we know what it is | 20:37 |
compdoc | good | 20:37 |
OerHeks | jayar, because you are root, things go and work different for a special purpose, not for regular desktop use. | 20:37 |
ikonia | jayar: I'm sure the #backtrack-linux guys will understand what's happened | 20:37 |
yeats | vahnx: it's pretty opaque and not very browseable | 20:38 |
excesseye | exit | 20:38 |
vahnx | do you have a suggestion for a better alternative? im planning on installing wine and using a windows backup solution | 20:38 |
ikonia | vahnx: want to use windows app, use windows | 20:38 |
ikonia | no better option than that | 20:38 |
yeats | vahnx: if you need to browse, I'd recommend a different backup method (I'll also mentioned that I was burned recently by a corrupted dejadup backup :-/) | 20:39 |
vahnx | windows costs $$$ | 20:39 |
yeats | s/mentioned/mention/ | 20:39 |
yeats | !backup | vahnx | 20:39 |
ubottu | vahnx: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 20:39 |
vahnx | oh yikes | 20:39 |
compdoc | vahnx, if you need fast graphics, virtualbox is great. Wine is good too, but theres sometimes anomolies in dialog boxes, etc | 20:39 |
ikonia | wine is poor | 20:40 |
ikonia | and not a solution | 20:40 |
jhutchins_wk | vahnx: wine is a last resort when you can't find a native linux way to do something. | 20:40 |
num7 | hi, i tried the command "find /home/$USER/ -perm 777" and i found 3 hidden files which has this permissions e.g. ".mozilla/firefox/trxlubd2.default/lock" Is this a security issue for my machine? | 20:40 |
ikonia | num7: not really | 20:40 |
jhutchins_wk | num7: Nope. | 20:40 |
ikonia | num7: you run your home dir - it's up to you if you think it's bad | 20:41 |
ikonia | you know your system | 20:41 |
num7 | ikonia: i don't know a lot about file-permission a what is dangerous. | 20:41 |
num7 | *and | 20:41 |
anew | it's weird i use |less and get to the bottom and just have END there | 20:42 |
anew | and cant exit out ? | 20:42 |
yeats | anew: 'q' | 20:42 |
anew | ah | 20:42 |
anew | ty | 20:42 |
compdoc | num7, most programs create locks and the like when they run. You dont want to change permssions on those files | 20:42 |
jrib | num7: that's probably just a symlink | 20:43 |
anew | i also tried ctl+pgup and alt+pgup to move the command terminal up, but doesnt work ? | 20:43 |
anew | is the only option less ? | 20:43 |
jhutchins_wk | num7: That's the file responsible for those pesky "iceweasel is already running" messages. | 20:44 |
yeats | anew: there's 'more' but it works similarly - what are you trying to do? | 20:44 |
anew | well when i do command -help for example | 20:44 |
num7 | ikonia: jrib: compdoc: as long as files with 777 in my home folder everything is right? Linux seems to be quite save. But how can i protect for attacks? | 20:44 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: In a normal console/terminal it's Shift-PgUp | 20:44 |
anew | i cant read everything | 20:44 |
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st | ||
anew | so i'd like to go back up to read what i missed | 20:44 |
=== KaiSforza is now known as kaisnumeral | ||
yeats | anew: I see - then less is a good solution | 20:45 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: Piping it through less is a good habit. You can also use more, which has fewer features. | 20:45 |
anew | actually u know what shift pgeup just worked | 20:45 |
anew | ok so less is better than pgup ? | 20:45 |
yeats | anew: imho, yes | 20:45 |
yeats | anew: do 'less --help' for commands | 20:45 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: Depends. Less will buffer more text than the standard terminal. | 20:45 |
anew | sweet just learning here | 20:46 |
anew | one last thing i am trying to wget firefox | 20:46 |
anew | but when i go to the firefox downloag page | 20:46 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: less will also let you search. | 20:46 |
anew | it doesnt work - is wget the right thing i'm supposed to be using? | 20:46 |
anew | or is there something else to download stuff ? | 20:46 |
num7 | is there any way how to figure out that my system has no rootkit or virus? | 20:46 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: You should be able to download in your browser, but why are you trying to download firefox? Which browser are you using? | 20:47 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: wget or curl are command line file retreval programs. | 20:47 |
anew | do you like wget or curl better ? | 20:47 |
jhutchins_wk | num7: There are a number of programs like chkrootkit | 20:47 |
jhutchins_wk | num7: rkhunter | 20:47 |
anew | in my browser? i'm just trying to download via command line | 20:48 |
yeats | anew: you have to be running X for firefox to work | 20:48 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: Those would be the most likely programs then. Again, why firefox? | 20:48 |
yeats | anew: you could try lynx if you want a CLI browser | 20:48 |
num7 | jhutchins_wk: okay, thanks i note them. | 20:48 |
riderplus | or elinks | 20:48 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: Nevermind, I thought I was in a different channel. | 20:49 |
anew | x is the gui right.... jhutchins_wk i need firefox because of it's modules | 20:49 |
anew | oh lol | 20:49 |
yeats | anew: yep | 20:49 |
compdoc | num7, you dont want to change permissions - leave it default, and do not enable the root acount. And you could try rkhunter. Should be in the repos | 20:49 |
anew | ok hmmm | 20:49 |
anew | so i should be downloading everything thru gui ? | 20:49 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: You should install it with apt instead of downloading it. | 20:49 |
yeats | anew: you'll need to elaborate about what you're doing if you want good answers ;-) | 20:49 |
jaake | heya guys, I can't find the urxvt-perls package in the newest ubuntu.. anyone have this set up? | 20:49 |
anew | i tried figuring out what apt is .. .but it's not for downloading? | 20:50 |
anew | ok yeats | 20:50 |
anew | i just installed linux | 20:50 |
anew | and i would like to download something from the command line - specifically firefox 18 | 20:50 |
anew | i'd like to do it from the command line so i learn the commands | 20:50 |
anew | (not the gui) | 20:50 |
jaake | anew: you need to use apt-get | 20:50 |
jaake | eg. sudo apt-get install firefox | 20:50 |
anew | i thought apt-get was only for what was already on your computer ? | 20:51 |
jaake | read: man apt-get | 20:51 |
jaake | negaive | 20:51 |
jaake | it is a full featured package management system | 20:51 |
yeats | anew: by "linux" you mean "ubuntu" right? (just checking) | 20:51 |
num7 | compdoc: Ok, thanks. I will try this. And stop writing yet. I don't want to increse the tetris-level here :-) | 20:51 |
anew | ubuntu yes | 20:51 |
anew | so apt-get can get things from the internet ? | 20:51 |
jaake | yes | 20:51 |
jaake | indeed | 20:51 |
anew | how does apt-get know what 'firefox' is in your example ? | 20:52 |
jaake | it is the tool you will be using for your package management needs in ubuntu | 20:52 |
yeats | anew: I would go into the GUI and use a terminal emulator rather than just working from the TTY (but that's just me) | 20:52 |
jaake | it queries the aptitude database that is on your computer | 20:52 |
yeats | s/aptitude/APT/ | 20:52 |
jaake | anew: you can update the database with: sudo apt-get update | 20:52 |
anew | jaake - so isnt the aptitude database local? how can i get things from the internet ? | 20:53 |
jaake | *note: sudo is just a command to temporarily give you admin perms | 20:53 |
yeats | !apt | anew | 20:53 |
ubottu | anew: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE) | 20:53 |
anew | for example i cant apt-get an image from imgur | 20:53 |
jaake | anew: the database provide you with the target | 20:53 |
jaake | the target is on the net | 20:53 |
yeats | anew: read the link ubottu just shared | 20:53 |
anew | yeah so confused, let me read that | 20:53 |
anew | i tried wikipedia but what i got from that is that apt-get only gets things on ur computer | 20:54 |
anew | i thought | 20:54 |
anew | then jaake said it's from the internet so now i'm confused :) | 20:54 |
jaake | anew apt-get uses mirrors to fetch the packages from | 20:54 |
Pici | Its like downloading the card catalog for a library, but not actually checking out any books. | 20:54 |
anew | so what if the card doesnt exist | 20:54 |
yeats | anew: that link is a good guide to what's going on | 20:54 |
jaake | i assure you that it "gets things from the internet" | 20:54 |
Pici | (I wonder if 'card catalog' is an obsolete analogy now) | 20:54 |
anew | then what do you use? wget ? | 20:54 |
corehook | hi all! how to add user to some group ? | 20:54 |
corehook | u 12.10 | 20:54 |
yeats | Pici: I'm a librarian, so I like the analogy ;-) | 20:55 |
jaake | wget simply downloads a file from an address | 20:55 |
Pici | anew: then you you need to find another way to get the package, if one even exists. | 20:55 |
llutz | corehook: sudo adduser username groupname | 20:55 |
anew | ok | 20:55 |
jaake | anew: read: man apt-get | 20:55 |
anew | and how can i browse this card catalogue | 20:55 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: apt is the general term for the .deb dpkg apt-get aptitude package management suite. | 20:55 |
anew | how do i knwo what's in it | 20:55 |
jaake | type: man apt-get | 20:55 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: It is much better than downloading and installing individual packages. | 20:55 |
jaake | I am sure there is a way to query it | 20:56 |
jaake | I can't recall how | 20:56 |
anew | ok pretty cool | 20:56 |
jaake | I am sure it is in the manpage though | 20:56 |
TheLordOfTime | jaake, what're you trying to do? | 20:56 |
Pici | anew: The Software Center and apt-cache search both search through the catalog | 20:56 |
jaake | I typically use gentoo so I am a little out of my elemnt here | 20:56 |
anew | so if i can browse apt-get i can see what packages i can install, then it fetches these packages from the mirror downloads | 20:56 |
anew | if i want something not on there i use wget | 20:56 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: There are thousands of packages already optimized for Ubuntu available in various repositories. the apt system manages downloading all of the necessary dependencies and installing them into standard locations on the system. | 20:56 |
anew | great so inforative | 20:56 |
Pici | anew: Exactly, except if its not there then you have a bunch of options. | 20:56 |
jaake | TheLordOfTime: I am here looking for anyone who has got urxvt-perls on 12.10 | 20:56 |
jaake | I can't find the package | 20:57 |
anew | pici bunch of options? like what ? | 20:57 |
Pici | anew: Like PPAs, which are like user contributed catalogs. | 20:57 |
TheLordOfTime | jaake, apt-cache search urxvt | 20:57 |
TheLordOfTime | ? | 20:57 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: It's better to try to find an apt compatible repository for what you want. | 20:57 |
jaake | or know if it is compatible | 20:57 |
Pici | !ppa | 20:57 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 20:57 |
anew | where is the list of ppa's ? | 20:57 |
jaake | anew: ppa's are all over the place | 20:57 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: That way the package management system knows all about what's installed where. It can cleanly uninstall and upgrade things, and it can share common libraries so you don't have to download them for each package. | 20:57 |
Pici | anew: see ubottu's links above. But note that those are contributed and built by users, so Ubuntu can't really assure that it will work properly. | 20:57 |
anew | ok so for now - only things in the apt catalogue | 20:58 |
Pici | Right. | 20:58 |
anew | if i want some rogue program i'd have to wget it tho | 20:58 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: Try to stick to the official ubuntu repositories starting out, at least until you're more familiar with the system. | 20:58 |
Pici | anew: Or stop by here and see if anyone knows how to get a package for it. | 20:58 |
anew | yeah that's great | 20:58 |
anew | now only to find an online list of packages | 20:58 |
anew | yeah awesome channel | 20:58 |
evilbit | hi guys... I'm new to ubuntu, switching from a long-time redhat sysadming job... I'm working on automated installs and have a preseed file working... I'm seeking help on a minimal set of packages to install and was looking for pointers | 20:58 |
anew | ok my wife is screaming at me to go watch a movie lol | 20:58 |
anew | thanks everyone | 20:58 |
jhutchins_wk | anew: aptitude search, or just run aptitude for a menu interface (on console). | 20:59 |
anew | cool | 20:59 |
jaake | so no one has the perl extensions for rxvt-unicode running on 12.10 | 21:00 |
jaake | ? | 21:00 |
seb_ | Bonjour | 21:02 |
seb_ | J'aurais besoin d'informations car je suis nouveau | 21:03 |
DJones | !fr | seb_ | 21:03 |
ubottu | seb_: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 21:03 |
znx | sigh ..im still trying to install ubuntu .. it hung at the "Preparing to install" .. turns out that it doesnt like swap paritions on the current disk .. wiped them .. now it is stuck at the disk preparation | 21:04 |
znx | i have to say in comparision to mint or fedora this installer needs work | 21:04 |
angs | I have ubuntu 12.10. I have a 2 GB SD card that has a linux distribution. how can I get image of the SD card? | 21:04 |
znx | angs: partimage .. clonezilla .. maybe? | 21:05 |
llutz | angs: cat /dev/sdX >image.img where sdX is the SD-device | 21:05 |
angs | thank you znx | 21:05 |
angs | thank you llutz | 21:05 |
gridwest_user | what does "restricted" mean in the ubuntu-restricted-extras module | 21:05 |
Jayneil | How to triple boot Ubuntu 12.10, 12.04 and windows? | 21:05 |
compdoc | znx, I install ubuntu a lot. Never have issues. Are you dual-booting or something? | 21:05 |
Jayneil | I already have windows on one partition and on the other partition, I want 12.10 and 12.04 | 21:06 |
znx | compdoc: im just trying to install it on a machine .. that is all no dual boot no fancy setup .. im just accepting the defaults | 21:06 |
Jayneil | So which would be the best approach..? | 21:06 |
znx | the trouble i have is that it is just hanging and not telling me what to do | 21:06 |
compdoc | znx, is it a uefi bios? | 21:06 |
znx | it has been sitting on the disk prep for almost an hour now | 21:06 |
znx | no | 21:06 |
BluesKaj | znx, I ran into a similar problem..it turns out to be a HW recognition problem , which has been reported as a bug many times | 21:06 |
compdoc | are you creating the partitions by hand? | 21:07 |
znx | compdoc: no .. accepting defaults | 21:07 |
znx | if i go to the shell .. i can see nothing on the disks .. fdisk is clear | 21:07 |
compdoc | something is wrong, then. Should install in less than 30 mins | 21:07 |
compdoc | more like 15 | 21:07 |
znx | compdoc: this i know .. but *what* is wrong .. | 21:07 |
znx | i have no idea what to do .. it doesnt tell me its problems | 21:08 |
znx | the installer log is empty as well | 21:08 |
znx | which seems wrong to me .. | 21:08 |
compdoc | znx, do you happen to known the drive's partition type? what size is the drive? | 21:08 |
znx | like i say i have had mint and fedora on this machine before and they "just installed" .. :\ | 21:08 |
znx | so i know the stuff is ok | 21:08 |
znx | compdoc: there is *no* partitions .. | 21:08 |
znx | and the disks are SATA | 21:08 |
compdoc | znx, is sata set to ahci in the bios? | 21:09 |
znx | there is no such setting in the bios | 21:09 |
gryg | Hello I've tried to run Ununtu 12.04 PL but I've got udevd[256]: timeout: killing /sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdc [529 | 21:09 |
OerHeks | znx how did you wipe your swap partition? | 21:09 |
gryg | any idea how to fix this? | 21:09 |
znx | OerHeks: with fdisk at the command prompt on the previous run | 21:09 |
compdoc | is the drive on port one or two? or is it on another sata port, like 5 or 6? | 21:09 |
znx | simply deleted the partitons | 21:09 |
znx | compdoc: channel 2 | 21:10 |
compdoc | znx, at this point, I think you should boot gparted and take a peek. set the parition type to msdos | 21:10 |
compdoc | channel 2 is good | 21:10 |
znx | compdoc: what partition ? | 21:10 |
znx | there isnt a partition | 21:10 |
compdoc | even if there is no partition, there is a type | 21:11 |
znx | O_o | 21:11 |
gridwest_user | what does restricted mean in the ubuntu-restricted-extras | 21:11 |
compdoc | it has to be set before creating a part. | 21:11 |
faust1002 | hello guys | 21:11 |
ejv | Ubiquity functions without error most of the time, i'd be suspicious of your hardware; if you think you found a bug, file it on Ubiquity's LaunchPad | 21:12 |
znx | compdoc: i have no idea what you mean .. a partition type is applied to a partition | 21:12 |
znx | when there is no partitions .. how do i set a type against nothing? | 21:12 |
Epx998 | Does the Pantech UML290 work on Ubuntu yet? | 21:12 |
compdoc | I just had a problem where a drive was once part of a raid, and ubuntu refused to see it. had to use gparted to clear it | 21:12 |
znx | well this disk was previous used for fedora .. which worked fine | 21:13 |
OerHeks | gridwest_user, patent and copyright restrictions complicate distribution of software to support non-free formats. | 21:13 |
DJones | gridwest_user: Restricted generally means that some of the packages are restricted by copyright or legal issues in some countries | 21:13 |
OerHeks | see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 21:14 |
ejv | well fedora != ubuntu; likewise, anaconda != ubiquity :) | 21:15 |
gridwest_user | thank you this helps alot guys | 21:15 |
R0ma1n | Hello guys. Please What is the complete line command to install missing dependencies please ? It begins with apt-get install ... but I miss the option ^^' | 21:15 |
znx | sigh .. i guess i have to get gparted .. this seems so wrong just to install ubuntu .. no? | 21:15 |
ejv | the install disc should carry parted, i would drop to command line and manually repartition | 21:16 |
OerHeks | R0ma1n, apt-get install -f | 21:16 |
ejv | R0ma1n: man apt-get | 21:16 |
znx | ejv: i can just type parted on the command line? | 21:16 |
ClientAlive | something in update-alternatives for gcc doesn't look right. Can someone help me get it sorted? | 21:16 |
ejv | znx: of course | 21:16 |
R0ma1n | OerHeks, Thanks ! :D | 21:16 |
znx | ok let see | 21:16 |
R0ma1n | ejv, I will next time ;) | 21:16 |
birdman | hi miki | 21:17 |
ejv | channel mantra: don't be (unnecessarily) lazy | 21:17 |
ClientAlive | http://pastebin.com/MwcjD9Ds | 21:17 |
ClientAlive | shows what my update alternatives looks like now | 21:18 |
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st | ||
Chais | hi. I just installed 12.10 on a UEFI notebook and the installer failed to isntall grub2. luckily the device ran Arch before so there's a working grub2 in place. can someplease give me a set of kernel params to boot with upstart? I keep getting errors and kernel panics | 21:19 |
Chais | s/someplease/someone please/ | 21:19 |
BluesKaj | znx, my solution was actually a workaround , installed 12.04 then do-release-upgrade(d) to 12.10 | 21:19 |
znx | hrmm .. i guess i could try 12.04 .. | 21:20 |
BluesKaj | znx, http://askubuntu.com/questions/204771/ubuntu-12-10-installation-hangs-at-preparing-to-install-ubuntu | 21:20 |
znx | oh thats nice | 21:20 |
ClientAlive | better, after pressing <enter> I get this: http://pastebin.com/HBZcyhch | 21:20 |
compdoc | 12.10 - dont like it much | 21:20 |
znx | BluesKaj: ill give that a go .. seems like they are suffering the issues i am | 21:21 |
znx | many thanks | 21:21 |
znx | 1h 30mins for the iso .. le sigh .. time for food :-) | 21:22 |
BluesKaj | znx, hope it works for you | 21:22 |
znx | BluesKaj: me too .. i think i might just go back to fedora if it doesnt :| | 21:22 |
Chais | hi. I just installed 12.10 on a UEFI notebook and the installer failed to isntall grub2. luckily the device ran Arch before so there's a working grub2 in place. can someone please give me a set of kernel params to boot with upstart? I keep getting errors and kernel panics | 21:25 |
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cameronc | Hey guys is there any reason my linux install constantly freezes up? | 21:27 |
Burritoh | cameronc: more info would be handy... versions? does alt+ctrl+F1 do anything? | 21:28 |
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Burritoh | the last time I had that problem, it turned out to be a faulty USB device, believe it or not. | 21:28 |
Burritoh | cameronc: to get back to your normal interface, alt+ctrl+f8 | 21:29 |
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cameronc | Burritoh: Yeah opens up a console. Running Ubuntu 12.10 | 21:30 |
Burritoh | I mean, does it work if you are frozen? | 21:30 |
cameronc | Burritoh: Haven't tried | 21:30 |
Burritoh | if it works, it might be X that crashes... | 21:30 |
Burritoh | if it doesn't, it might be between X and the kernel, I'm not sure | 21:30 |
HfE2000 | \bye | 21:31 |
Chais | can someone please give me kernel options of a working upstart boot? | 21:32 |
Burritoh | cameronc: might also be handy to check /var/log/ - use a file browser, and sort it by date modified. If you pick a log modified close to the time of your crash, you might find a clue | 21:33 |
Chais | Burritoh: could you please give me your kernel params | 21:35 |
Burritoh | I don't use UEFI.. would it still be applicable? | 21:35 |
Burritoh | and I run Mint. I'm not sure where to get them. | 21:35 |
Chais | probably yes | 21:35 |
Chais | as long as it runs upstart it should be fine | 21:36 |
Burritoh | trying to find out how to get kernel params now :V | 21:37 |
Chais | Burritoh: depending on your bootloader there's a file in /boot/ or a subdir | 21:39 |
Burritoh | Chais: maybe this is helpful, scroll down to the highlighted part... it's my copy of /boot/grub/grub.cfg http://pastebin.com/dc45SttZ | 21:40 |
Chais | for grub2 it's /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 21:40 |
Burritoh | ah | 21:40 |
PeTaz | anyone using steamuntu? | 21:41 |
cameronc | Burritoh: I can still use alt ctrl f1 when my computer freezes momentarily | 21:42 |
Burritoh | PeTaz: Steamint counts? :P | 21:42 |
Burritoh | oh, so it's not a crash | 21:42 |
Burritoh | cameronc: it might be a graphics driver problem, is my first thought | 21:42 |
Burritoh | cameronc: is your system up to date, including gfx drivers? | 21:43 |
cameronc | Burritoh: It should be. I updated my system yesterday | 21:43 |
Burritoh | cameronc: my second thought is something that is using a lot of memory, and the swap speed being terrible | 21:43 |
Burritoh | gnome-system-monitor (if they still have that in Ubuntu) would show that | 21:44 |
Burritoh | why are there three FloodBots? | 21:44 |
mjuszczak | Anyone here familiar with mylvmbackup? | 21:47 |
Burritoh | cameronc: if it's a graphics driver problem, you might consider switching graphics drivers... I think all three (Intel, ATI, and nVidia) have two main versions. Open source, and closed source. | 21:47 |
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cameronc | Burritoh: Okay nevermind I can't use alt ctrl f1 during some of the freezes | 21:50 |
Burritoh | oh | 21:50 |
PeTaz | is pf-kernel better for gaming? | 21:50 |
Burritoh | when my RAM is full and swap space starts getting used, my mouse gets stuttery. Does that happen to you? | 21:50 |
Burritoh | PeTaz: don't know what that is | 21:51 |
Burritoh | *looks up* | 21:51 |
PeTaz | http://freecode.com/projects/pf-kernel | 21:52 |
cameronc | Burritoh: No not really | 21:52 |
Burritoh | hmm | 21:53 |
DeadWeaselX | how do I change wireless drivers? I want to try rtl8187L but everything i've tried leaves rtl8187 running for the wlan0 | 21:53 |
Burritoh | anyone else got any ideas for cameronc's problem. Now and then Ubuntu 12.10 freezes momentarily for him | 21:53 |
cameronc | Burritoh: My screen just freezes for about 40 seconds and then unfreezes | 21:53 |
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Burritoh | oh | 21:53 |
cameronc | Then freezes again | 21:53 |
cameronc | And unfreezes | 21:53 |
Burritoh | oh o_O | 21:53 |
Burritoh | cameronc: are you sure your case is well ventilated? if you type "sensors" (you need lm-sensors installed) it should say some things about MB/CPU temp | 21:54 |
cameronc | Burritoh: Yes very. I don't think it's a temp problem | 21:55 |
cameronc | Burritoh: Like X-chat has frozen twice in the past few minutes | 21:57 |
Burritoh | oh | 21:57 |
Burritoh | is it specific programs, or the whole system? | 21:57 |
Burritoh | I'm looking on the web for some solutions right now... | 21:58 |
cameronc | Burritoh: Occasionally the whole system, occasionally specific programs | 21:58 |
Burritoh | oh o_O | 21:58 |
Burritoh | cameronc: do you use any other OS or distro, besides Ubuntu, on that system? Does it happen there as well? | 21:59 |
Burritoh | And are they installed on other physical hard drives | 21:59 |
Burritoh | ? | 21:59 |
ubuntu22 | Can someone help me recover my ubuntu 10 LTS system. I force installed some 32 bit libraries onto the 64 bit system and onw it kernel panics. I think I just need to uninstall the libraries but could use assistance doing it from a live cd. | 22:01 |
Burritoh | if you want to find out if it's a memory issue, you can run Memtest86+. | 22:02 |
Burritoh | cameronc: *if you want to find out if it's a memory issue, you can run Memtest86+. | 22:02 |
eN_Joy | i kind of messed up the locale settings, after many round of localepurg, locale-gen, dpkg-reconfiure, etc., games, i am still getting warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale (zh_CN.GB18030): No such file or directory message, many posts suggest that i need a reboot, do i have to? are there other ways around? thanks | 22:03 |
PeTaz | ubuntu22 :-) | 22:03 |
PeTaz | anyone knows how to use the stalk option on CZ? | 22:04 |
cameronc | Burritoh: I'm running Windows 7 as well but do not have the freezing problem | 22:06 |
Burritoh | ah.. | 22:06 |
Burritoh | cameronc: if Windows 7 is on the same physical drive, the only thing I can still think of is a driver problem, possibly graphics drivers. | 22:07 |
Burritoh | PeTaz: pf-kernel looks interesting | 22:08 |
DeadWeaselX | how do I change wireless drivers? I want to try rtl8187L but everything i've tried leaves rtl8187 running for the wlan0 | 22:09 |
Burritoh | I might try it when I shrink/delete my Windows partition :) | 22:09 |
Marcellina | Hello. | 22:11 |
Marcellina | Hoe comes that Labelflash has no support? | 22:11 |
SBNexus7 | Hello I have a quick question about daily-preinstalled builds | 22:12 |
Myrtti | Marcellina: because it's patented? | 22:12 |
SBNexus7 | Was interested to see if there is any other previous builds as the current ones seem to be bad :/ | 22:12 |
ikonia | SBNexus7: daily as in 13.04 ? | 22:12 |
SBNexus7 | Correct | 22:13 |
Burritoh | Marcellina: it is up to the company to support it or not... Reverse-engineering would break the patent, I suspect. | 22:13 |
SBNexus7 | The builds for Nexus 7 | 22:13 |
ikonia | SBNexus7: try #ubuntu+1 that is for 13.04 discussion | 22:13 |
scottj | powertop estimates my eth0 device usage at 3 watts, but I'm not even using it, any ideas how to turn it off? | 22:13 |
SBNexus7 | Awesome thanks | 22:13 |
Marcellina | support-labelflash@avkk.yamaha.co.jp | 22:14 |
Marcellina | Will they charge a fee or what? | 22:14 |
xangua | Marcellina: say hello to good old spam :) | 22:14 |
Myrtti | Marcellina: probably yes, that's the point of patents | 22:14 |
wiggmpk | Marcellina: this is really not the place to ask | 22:14 |
CaleSmoke | sudo ifconfig eth0 down | 22:14 |
Marcellina | I think Ubuntu should support it. | 22:15 |
tekk | hi guys, i'm running 12.04 server on Mac Mini's in BIOS emu mode… using them as KVM hosts… however, experiencing strange behaviours | 22:15 |
wiggmpk | Marcellina: its not up to Ubuntu to support it.. its up to whomever makes the product to make it available on a Linux system | 22:15 |
CaleSmoke | You get that, scottj? | 22:15 |
ubuntu22 | I am getting this error when I try to chroot a folder where a file system is mounted: chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory. Anyone know why? | 22:15 |
tekk | sometimes I/O makes the whole system hang indefinitely | 22:15 |
tekk | or makes the kernel panic on a KVM VM for example | 22:16 |
tekk | i'm using an LLVM store | 22:16 |
tekk | other times its fine…. just wondered if it was the Mac Mini's support, or perhaps I should look into Ubuntu problems? | 22:16 |
Baghdatis | can someone tell me the command for moving a file named science.bak into a subdirectory named backups | 22:16 |
tekk | Baghdatis mv science.bak backups/ | 22:16 |
tekk | anyone can help me ? :) | 22:16 |
Baghdatis | sweet thanks | 22:17 |
Baghdatis | no . on the end | 22:17 |
Baghdatis | ? | 22:17 |
sp3ck | mv science.bak backups | 22:17 |
scottj | CaleSmoke: thanks! | 22:17 |
Burritoh | Baghdatis: not really needed, no | 22:17 |
CaleSmoke | You got it bud. | 22:17 |
CXIV | Is there a way to boot from Windows bootloader? | 22:17 |
ikonia | CXIV: no | 22:17 |
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ikonia | CXIV: the windows boot loader will not boot a linux kernel | 22:17 |
CaleSmoke | scottj, to turn it back on use the same command only "down" is "up" | 22:17 |
CXIV | Too bad :) | 22:18 |
Marcellina | Is it not like you ask them to give a license? | 22:19 |
Marcellina | Like a free one for Ubuntu. | 22:19 |
Myrtti | Marcellina: us? most people on this channel aren't developers of Linux or even Ubuntu | 22:19 |
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wiggmpk | Marcellina: is there any particular reason you HAVE to use Labelflash as opposed to Lightscribe (which happens to be supported on Ubuntu) | 22:20 |
tekk | btw, the offending kernel panic line i believe is : BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 0000000000000330 | 22:21 |
Marcellina | https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-burning | 22:21 |
tekk | at the end it says: [ 2187.550778] Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed! | 22:21 |
Marcellina | I've got a burner here with Labelflash, that's why I'm asking. | 22:22 |
CaleSmoke | I just stumbled across the Classic Menu Indicator Applet for 12.04+ | 22:22 |
CaleSmoke | Awesome! | 22:22 |
wiggmpk | Marcellina: maybe you should return it and get one with Lightscribe.. or next time see if whatever hardware your buying is supported | 22:23 |
lbj_90 | I'm getting a quick error screen everytime I wake my computer from standby. It also appears when I try to access a virtual terminal and I can't use them. | 22:23 |
Marcellina | I didn't buy it. | 22:23 |
GoiterPaste | Trying to find a decent softsynth for my midi controller, anyone have any tips. Having trouble getting jack to start too, in 12.10 | 22:23 |
CaleSmoke | What device? Version? lbj_90 ? | 22:23 |
stevieo | Hello. I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 from a hot disc onto a Latitude D510. The installation hangs on the starting installation screen. I am stumped (and new to Ubuntu, but not the cli). Anya and all assistance is appreciated! | 22:24 |
CaleSmoke | I ask because I have a similar problem. I think it has something to do with SSD, in my case. | 22:24 |
wiggmpk | Marcellina: you can try installing the Labelflash software under WINE, but there is no native linux software for Labelflash drives.. Good luck | 22:25 |
lbj_90 | CaleSmoke I'm running Xubuntu 12.10, hope it's appropriate enough to use this board. | 22:25 |
lbj_90 | The error pertains to a usb device I think. I can get a readout of it if you want -- I don't know where to source the problem from so i don't know where to get started. | 22:25 |
Burritoh | Marcellina: or even a virtual machine, if you can manage directly connecting the physical drive to the virtual machine. I don't know how to do that. | 22:25 |
CaleSmoke | I don't have a solution, lbj_90, I can just relate. | 22:26 |
Marcellina | I know all this, I've been wondering why there is no support. | 22:26 |
lbj_90 | CaleSmoke does your error say something like hid-generic? | 22:26 |
DJones | Marcellina: This may help, aparantly Labelflash Index Maker can be installed using wine (but it is an old report) http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=7932&iTestingId=11815 | 22:26 |
wiggmpk | Marcellina: the obvious answer is, it doesnt garner enough support to matter... | 22:26 |
Burritoh | Marcellina: to put it bluntly, the same reason things like Microsoft don't support Office on Linux yet. Linux is a tiny market for big companies like that, who look for money. | 22:27 |
Burritoh | the Linux Desktop is a tiny market* | 22:27 |
CaleSmoke | lbj_90, I can't even read it, it is so quick. But it doesn't stop anything from functioning properly. Although, the initial one line message grows to four or five as I continue to ignore it. | 22:27 |
wiggmpk | Marcellina: you should really direct that question to the publisher of the software, ask them why they dont support Linux.. | 22:27 |
lbj_90 | CaleSmoke are your virtual terminals disabled or do they just quickly display the message? Mine dont' work period. | 22:28 |
CaleSmoke | virtual terminals work fine. | 22:28 |
Marcellina | Which software? | 22:29 |
wiggmpk | Marcellina: Labelflash........ | 22:29 |
DuxB | I'm copying an entire hard drive to an image using dd, and need to later shrink one of the partitions in the image before I can write it back to disk. Is this possible? | 22:30 |
Marcellina | It's a technology just like Lightscribe. | 22:30 |
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wiggmpk | Marcellina: *sigh* and requires software to utilize it.. much like a driver | 22:30 |
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Marcellina | What's with the Ubuntu Burning Team? | 22:31 |
Burritoh | They cannot reverse-engineer patented software. | 22:31 |
wiggmpk | Marcellina: so I'm sure the physical disc drive works under Ubuntu.. however the feature of burning a pretty picture to the top of the disc isnt | 22:31 |
Burritoh | It's not legal. | 22:31 |
Burritoh | (Except if they ask the company, but there is little motivation for that currently) | 22:32 |
Marcellina | I know it's illegal in some countries. | 22:32 |
wiggmpk | this seems like a circular conversation | 22:32 |
Burritoh | We should end it | 22:32 |
Marcellina | I don't know if they tried to legally obtain the license. Do you? | 22:32 |
ubuntu22 | I am trying to delete files from a package that I installed that is causing my ubuntu system to fail. Is it possible to "uninstall" the package by deleting all the files in the "File list of package" on packages.ubuntu.com? | 22:33 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: hm, I usually uninstall through Synaptic, can't you do this for some reason? | 22:34 |
wiggmpk | Marcellina: like I said before.. this is NOT the place for the questions you are asking.. contact the manufacturer | 22:34 |
Marcellina | I mean it's old technology, Yamaha/Fujifilm could give it away for free to get it supported, right? | 22:34 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, I am trying to recover an ubuntu install that will not boot because of a certain package that's installed. I also cannot chroot while in live cd for some reason | 22:35 |
Myrtti | Marcellina: Wikipedia says 2005, so in patent rights terms no it's not old | 22:35 |
xangua | Marcellina: then tell yamaha/fujifilm that :) | 22:35 |
Burritoh | Marcellina: I suggest you take initiative and courteously ask YAMAHA here: support-labelflash@avkk.yamaha.co.jp - or the Ubuntu Burning Team here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-burning | 22:35 |
Myrtti | Marcellina: can we move on, this isn't actually an issue that can be changed on this channel | 22:35 |
Marcellina | Alright, enough fuzz. Thanks everyone. | 22:36 |
ColinHarrington | Hey, I just got a new bluetooth keyboard (the Logitech bluetooth easy switch) and am having trouble pairing it. Where can I find good information on how to debug this stuff and fix it? #12.04, http://www.logitech.com/en-us/product/bluetooth-easyswitch-keyboard-business?crid=656 | 22:36 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: no backups? :( | 22:36 |
stevieo | I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.10 from a hot disc onto a Latitude D510. The installation hangs on the starting installation screen. I am stumped (and new to Ubuntu, but not the cli). Any and all assistance is appreciated! | 22:38 |
compdoc | stevieo, might try 12.04 | 22:38 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, I just need to uninstall packages without being in the system. | 22:38 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: I think you could play around with the files mentioned here (or similar files relating to your package) http://www.piprime.fr/1480/manually-remove-broken-package-debian-ubuntu/ ... but I suggest making a backup of the broken system (if possible) before you do so. | 22:38 |
Burritoh | or the file list you mentioned | 22:39 |
stevieo | Good thought! Thanks, will attempt. | 22:39 |
CaleSmoke | stevieo, Try to reburn the disc? Slow down write speed? It could very well have been a write error. | 22:39 |
CaleSmoke | I recommend 12.04 over 12.10 as well. | 22:39 |
Burritoh | also, if you look at the Synaptic UI, right click on a package, Properties > Installed files, maybe that might be a list of files you can delete? I'm not sure | 22:39 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: *also, if you look at the Synaptic UI, right click on a package, Properties > Installed files, maybe that might be a list of files you can delete? I'm not sure | 22:40 |
yourimym1 | hey any idea how to install java after downloading it's file | 22:40 |
Burritoh | Packaging is not my strong point. Seems like something many people have troubles with. | 22:40 |
anew | ok back, so is there a site like cpan but for linux packages ? | 22:40 |
CaleSmoke | JAVA= Just another vulnerability announcement. | 22:40 |
_goxxsy_ | `hi :-) | 22:41 |
Burritoh | anew: packages.ubuntu.com ? (the web interface for the Ubuntu repositories) | 22:41 |
Burritoh | CaleSmoke: lol | 22:41 |
CaleSmoke | yourimym1, http://www.java.com/en/download/help/linux_x64_install.xml | 22:41 |
kraghot | hey guys. What's up? | 22:42 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, I think that is the same list I am looking at. But during an install of a package isn't it possible for the package the edit files that were already on the system? I am afraid to delete files that I may need. Do you know the best way to make an image of the file system? | 22:42 |
CaleSmoke | Heard that on SecurityNow with Steve Gibson, Burritoh. | 22:42 |
Burritoh | there should be a seperate channel for dpkg problems XD there are so many of them | 22:42 |
anew | ah sweet thanks burrito | 22:42 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: to answer the very last question, fsarchiver. There's a wikibook on it. I'll fetch it. | 22:42 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/How_To_Backup_Operating_Systems#Create_Partition_Backup_-_FSArchiver_Method | 22:43 |
Burritoh | that's the method I use | 22:43 |
Burritoh | I back up about once every three months | 22:43 |
PeTaz | how do i align 4k partitions? | 22:43 |
kraghot | I'm having some problems with ubuntu... It seems to freeze randomly... There is nothing I can do but ctrl alt f2 which does work but I don't know how to return to gui. Any ideas? | 22:43 |
SolarisBoy | CTRL+ALT+F7 | 22:44 |
ev0lve | kragshot: graphics driver? take a look at your system processes before it freezes. | 22:44 |
CaleSmoke | UPNP= Ur Probably Not Protected | 22:44 |
kraghot | thank you SolarisBoy | 22:44 |
SolarisBoy | but you most likely need to handle whatever is stucking up the gui first or the gui will be hung - check htop/top or other commands to figure out the issue while in the other TTY kraghot | 22:44 |
wiggmpk | CaleSmoke: made for the ignorant so yeah.. duh | 22:45 |
SolarisBoy | kraghot: a lot of times you'll be able to type in those spare TTY's unless the system is very badly hung so from there check top/ps etc to locate the problematic thingy | 22:45 |
kraghot | could it be flash player? | 22:45 |
PeTaz | http://www.zdnet.com/how-to-install-the-steam-gaming-client-on-ubuntu-gallery-7000011391/ | 22:45 |
SolarisBoy | kraghot: check your system stats - use top or htop - or use ps with sorting | 22:45 |
CaleSmoke | Convenience ALWAYS trumps security. | 22:45 |
yourimym1 | i can't install java from these instruction need simple commands am newbie | 22:46 |
CaleSmoke | Remember the WPS vulnerability? haha@ | 22:46 |
Burritoh | CaleSmoke: if we wanted to be completely secure, we'd all be using embedded systems which cannot be reprogrammed. :P | 22:46 |
wiggmpk | CaleSmoke: as fas as I know its still active | 22:46 |
CaleSmoke | It is. | 22:46 |
kraghot | well top is plugin-container which is flash player given I'm watching a yt video | 22:46 |
Burritoh | kraghot: 'freeze' is such a wide symptom... it could be flash player, it could be your memory, it could be the meteor that landed in Russia :P j/k | 22:46 |
kraghot | If it hangs again I'll try to find out what hanged it :D | 22:46 |
wiggmpk | CaleSmoke: in fact, I believe in Linksys routers, even if you turn off WPS it doesnt disable it.. but this if !offtopic | 22:46 |
PeTaz | the meteor didnt land | 22:47 |
kraghot | I don't think it's the memory I've got 12 gb of good ram | 22:47 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, I am trying to use this guide: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/ But I cannot chroot to the folder because I get this error: chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory. Do you know why? | 22:47 |
CaleSmoke | You're right, wiggmpk | 22:47 |
CaleSmoke | Comical. | 22:47 |
francis_ | how do i remove a libav codec? | 22:47 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: x_x if you chrooted correctly, that means even that system's version of bash isn't working correctly | 22:47 |
SolarisBoy | kraghot: you should look at different sorting options for top a lot of times when top opens your active process will be there - sometimes you will see top itself - you need to sort it to get proper outputs | 22:48 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: in that system, is /bin/bash a valid file, if you mount it and look for it/ | 22:48 |
francis_ | how do i remove a library? | 22:48 |
Burritoh | ?* | 22:48 |
SolarisBoy | kraghot: on the top of top .. there should be generic reading on cpu/memory/swap usage | 22:48 |
CaleSmoke | I can't believe the cost of laptops preloaded with ubuntu. i.e. zareason and system76. | 22:48 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: with apt-get remove or purge | 22:48 |
kraghot | SolarisBoy, yes I have cpu and mem % | 22:48 |
kraghot | steam seems to be using a lot but it's downloading tf2 so... | 22:48 |
ev0lve | kraghot: use "l" to toggle the view of system load in top. | 22:49 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, yes everything is there. I just installed 32 bit versions of libc stuff and now it panics at boot. | 22:49 |
Burritoh | o.O | 22:49 |
kraghot | ev0lve, yep steam and flash player | 22:49 |
francis_ | what is the command solaris boy? | 22:49 |
ev0lve | kraghot: what graphics card do you have installed? | 22:49 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, I mean installed 32 bit libc stuff to 64 bit ubuntu | 22:49 |
SolarisBoy | apt-get remove 'package' | 22:49 |
kraghot | I have ATI hd5850 | 22:49 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: what library are you looking to remove? | 22:50 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, now I am trying to uninstall it. | 22:50 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: yeah, I remember from what you said before, still weird to me | 22:50 |
kraghot | Also yt videos lagg when I scroll in firefox | 22:50 |
francis_ | is there a library manager program? | 22:50 |
ev0lve | kraghot: i would look in to system updates or the "Additional Drivers" for a potentially updated driver | 22:50 |
kraghot | my drivers are probably in error | 22:50 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: libraries are installed (by default) as normal packages | 22:50 |
Burritoh | kraghot: (if you don't find help here specific to Steam, #ubuntu-steam is worth a go) | 22:50 |
kraghot | ev0lve, I've just installed this system today | 22:50 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: hence you manage libraries with the normal package manager - apt or software center | 22:51 |
kraghot | but I've enabled experimental drivers | 22:51 |
francis_ | ok well i m trying to install the restricted extras but i cant figure out how to remove libavcodec53 | 22:51 |
kraghot | Burritoh, ok tnx :D | 22:51 |
thaurwylth | Hrm. I'm trying to get this Terratex Aureon 7.1 USB to work. (For so-so reference, see http://alsa.opensrc.org/TerratecAureonUSB5.1 ) | 22:52 |
francis_ | solaris boy you there? | 22:52 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: can you post to pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy libavcodec53' | 22:52 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: yes. i am here. | 22:52 |
thaurwylth | So, is that custom .asoundrc thing still valid? | 22:53 |
francis_ | Installed: 6:0.8.5-0ubuntu0.12.10.1 | 22:53 |
francis_ | Candidate: 6:0.8.5-0ubuntu0.12.10.1 | 22:53 |
francis_ | Version table: | 22:53 |
francis_ | *** 6:0.8.5-0ubuntu0.12.10.1 0 | 22:53 |
francis_ | 500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal-updates/main amd64 Packages | 22:53 |
FloodBot1 | francis_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:53 |
francis_ | 500 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal-security/main amd64 Packages | 22:53 |
Burritoh | oh dear | 22:54 |
SolarisBoy | heh | 22:54 |
unheeding | the floodbots are battling | 22:54 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: this might help, I'm not sure. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1771442 | 22:54 |
Burritoh | Robot wars \o/ | 22:54 |
Mrokii | Hello. Does anybody know how I can rotate a video (by 90 degrees) with any kind of app in Ubuntu? I tried ffmpeg and VLC according to tutorials on the net, but that didn't work. | 22:54 |
SolarisBoy | Burritoh: that was a good show ! =) | 22:55 |
francis_ | solaris boy sorry about that where do i paste it so you can see it | 22:55 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: on first sight, I can see a command that the site you pasted doesn't have: sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash | 22:55 |
francis_ | it appears to be an update for an amd64 | 22:55 |
SolarisBoy | Mrokii: ffmpeg | 22:55 |
SolarisBoy | Mrokii: ffmpeg -vfilters "rotate=90" -i input.mp4 output.mp4 -- something like that would do | 22:55 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, thanks for the help I'll check out the link. I also did try to use the argument /bin/bash and /mnt_pt/bin/bash but it didn't work | 22:57 |
francis_ | solarisboy how do i fix that? | 22:57 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: and why do you need to remove this library - is there a conflict when you try to install restricted-extras? | 22:57 |
Mrokii | Nope, doesn't work. Just gives me an error that "rotate=90" can't be set for option "vfilters". | 22:58 |
francis_ | yah there is, it says these items must be removed libavcodec53 and 51 | 22:58 |
Burritoh | anyone got any ideas for ubuntu22's problem? He needs to uninstall a 32-bit package that broke his 64-bit system, from a liveCD. | 22:58 |
SolarisBoy | Mrokii: ffmpeg is rather picky - let me check the man page (you should to, anyway thats the software you would use, and likely others gui based will wrap around a command like that) | 22:58 |
francis_ | anything? | 22:59 |
SolarisBoy | Mrokii: ffmpeg -vf "rotate=90" -i /mnt/media/video/home/20120809_194852.mp4 /tmp/test.mp4 || this command is working for me now - | 23:00 |
Burritoh | I bet people get more help in here when they use a girlish nickname. XD | 23:00 |
francis_ | hahaha | 23:00 |
SolarisBoy | Mrokii: replace it with your file names - | 23:00 |
yourimym1 | if youtube crushes too much what do i need ? | 23:01 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: so basically when you try to do this installation it fails saying it can't proceed because you need to remove those manually? | 23:01 |
francis_ | yes | 23:01 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: i believe this happend to me and i tried apt-get install -f first. | 23:01 |
Mrokii | SolarisBoy: Doesn't work for me. It says "No such filter: 'rotate'" | 23:01 |
Burritoh | yourimym1: you can try not using flash. Youtube supports HTML5, to some extent. https://www.youtube.com/html5 | 23:02 |
SolarisBoy | Mrokii: francis_ - a little cheat as well im using libavcodec and ffmpeg from the ffmpeg official repo =) | 23:02 |
francis_ | how exactly do you do that? | 23:02 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, I check out the link you posted and no luck, it's pretty much the same stuff on the link I posted. Everyone's solution is to chroot. | 23:02 |
SolarisBoy | thats probably why your ffmpeg is old out of date - Mrokii | 23:02 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: ah :/ | 23:02 |
Mrokii | SolarisBoy: Okay, thanks. | 23:03 |
SolarisBoy | Mrokii: because you probably have the ubuntu ffmpeg default version - but you can just check the man page for the proper option the rotate filter should exist | 23:03 |
SolarisBoy | Mrokii: ffmpeg version 0.10.6-6:0.10.6-0ubuntu0jon1~precise1 Copyright (c) 2000-2012 the FFmpeg developers || ffmpeg provides a stable ppa on their site up to date for LTS | 23:03 |
francis_ | dagnabit i m hankering for some euchre | 23:03 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: did you do the apt-get install -f? | 23:04 |
francis_ | can you write the total command | 23:04 |
yourimym1 | You are currently in the HTML5 trial. now any video will be html5 auto ? | 23:04 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: sudo apt-get install -f | 23:04 |
francis_ | i m using the software center | 23:04 |
Burritoh | yourimym1: I think most videos. I think those with adverts might not work yet, but that was a year ago. | 23:04 |
FoFiuS | !register | 23:05 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 23:05 |
SolarisBoy | francis_: open a terminal and type the commands in please | 23:05 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: looks like the new LiveCD has some sort of rescue feature. I'm not sure it will be useful for you, but still interesting. http://ubuntu.paslah.com/rescue-a-broken-system/ | 23:05 |
francis_ | ok thanks | 23:05 |
yourimym1 | thx | 23:06 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: do you get the '/bin/bash' error when you try to chroot first, or when you complete all the chroot commands? | 23:06 |
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francis_ | im scractiin my head like mister bacon | 23:06 |
Mrokii | SolarisBoy: I'll just install the later version, thanks. | 23:07 |
* SolarisBoy googling mr. bacon | 23:07 | |
francis_ | lol | 23:07 |
SolarisBoy | Mrokii: i know it's a harsh solution but i think you'll like it if you do a lot of play with video files | 23:07 |
francis_ | i need the java plugin | 23:07 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, do you mean mount commands? I am only executing chroot ounce. | 23:07 |
Burritoh | ah | 23:08 |
Burritoh | yeah, the mount commands | 23:08 |
autobus | Hi guys | 23:08 |
francis_ | i suppose i could use icet | 23:08 |
OzBorne | hmm linux works without me and doesnt need me | 23:08 |
autobus | can you help me make ubuntu see the nvidia gpu | 23:08 |
Mrokii | SolarisBoy: Why harsh? I have lots of repos included already, so I won't mind another one. :) | 23:08 |
trey_ | Does anyone know how I can install my wifi adapter on my computer? | 23:08 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, | 23:08 |
SolarisBoy | Mrokii: i always feel dirty when i add repos | 23:08 |
OzBorne | trey_> try to plug it in | 23:08 |
autobus | can anyone help me install the gpu | 23:09 |
ubuntu22 | Burritoh, now my cursor has disappeared in lice cd.. | 23:09 |
trey_ | Haha, I tried that already, and I tried a couple other things I found online but none of them seemed to work | 23:09 |
francis_ | ah well whatever i gota fly | 23:09 |
Mrokii | SolarisBoy: :D I don't. I want new versions of software when they're released. | 23:09 |
francis_ | thanks for your help anyways solarisboy | 23:09 |
Burritoh | ubuntu22: reboot D: | 23:09 |
autobus | do you hear me? | 23:09 |
Burritoh | autobus: no, I see you. :P | 23:10 |
Chais | Burritoh: thanks for your help earlier. gf needed the computer as I'm blocking hers | 23:10 |
autobus | cool | 23:10 |
SolarisBoy | no worries francis_ - i was going to say you can try removing them manually also - they probably have a lot of deps in stuff like your mplayer and what not but meh - if you put them back from another source they should be fine | 23:10 |
autobus | do you know how to install nvidia support to ubuntu | 23:10 |
trey_ | Is there anyway to talk to an Ubuntu employee through this Channel? | 23:10 |
Burritoh | Chais: ah, do you need the link again? | 23:10 |
SolarisBoy | as stated i use most of my av libs from the ffmpeg ppa | 23:10 |
Burritoh | autobus: is this for Steam? | 23:11 |
Cogboy | Okay, so, it will let me connect to the Ubuntu IRC, but not to reddit IRC? | 23:11 |
autobus | no | 23:11 |
autobus | I need it for minecraft | 23:11 |
autobus | I opened it once | 23:11 |
autobus | and it lagged | 23:11 |
autobus | but I couldn't open it again | 23:11 |
autobus | :D | 23:11 |
Burritoh | ah | 23:11 |
Burritoh | autobus: you can install it by going to "Additional drivers" (I think the Unity menu will have it) and selecting the latest version of the drivers (but not 'experimental' if you are not using Steam games) | 23:12 |
Chais | Burritoh: nope, still have it open. but didn't help, I'm afraid. turns out the 12.10 image installed 12.04 and didn't even ask me about the architecture but jstu installed i686 -_- | 23:12 |
autobus | I am on 12.04 | 23:12 |
autobus | will that work? | 23:12 |
Burritoh | autobus: should do | 23:12 |
autobus | ok I am on it thanks | 23:12 |
Burritoh | :) | 23:13 |
trey_ | Hey Burritoh, you seem pretty intelligent. Do you know how I can get my wifi adapter to work on Ubuntu? | 23:13 |
Burritoh | <trey_> Is there anyway to talk to an Ubuntu employee through this Channel? <-- Canonical employees can probably be emailed, or contacted on mailing lists | 23:13 |
Burritoh | trey_: what adaptor is it? it's likely that ndiswrapper is needed for certain adaptors | 23:14 |
Burritoh | trey_: most people don't contact Canonical directly regarding distro problems, but rather go to sites like AskUbuntu or the Ubuntu forums | 23:15 |
autobus | burritoh | 23:15 |
autobus | it opens for a few seconds | 23:15 |
autobus | and nothing happens after it | 23:15 |
Burritoh | the additional drivers window? | 23:16 |
autobus | I tried installing additional drivers (jockey-kde) | 23:16 |
Burritoh | oh | 23:16 |
autobus | and I started it from terminal | 23:16 |
autobus | but it doesn't work either | 23:16 |
moth | s | 23:16 |
demonio | hi all how can i install perl-modules on my ubuntu 12.10? | 23:16 |
anew | what's the easiest lamp to install ? | 23:16 |
anew | lamp-server^ | 23:17 |
anew | ? | 23:17 |
Burritoh | autobus: I think try this: "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings" (those are the closed source drivers) | 23:18 |
autobus | it won't break the computer right ? :D | 23:19 |
wiggmpk | fortune favors the bold | 23:19 |
Burritoh | well, I hope not :P I've had bad luck with drivers. It can usually be recovered. Having another internet connected computer is handy. | 23:19 |
autobus | hmm | 23:19 |
autobus | is there any safer way to do that :D | 23:19 |
autobus | I didn't try from installing www.geforce.com | 23:20 |
autobus | *installing from | 23:20 |
autobus | the original driver from the original website | 23:20 |
histo | !lamp | anew | 23:20 |
ubottu | anew: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process. | 23:20 |
autobus | the readme/manual was too much complicated for me | 23:20 |
lbj_90 | I'm trying to diagnose an issue I've been having with hangups after standby and not being able to access a virtual terminal screen -- I get two lines w/ some error about hid-generic. I can copy the full thing over for anyone interested. | 23:21 |
histo | autobus: readme for what? | 23:21 |
Burritoh | autobus: hm, I think it will yield the same result... I'm not sure but I think all that jockey does is fetch the drivers from the restricted repositories | 23:22 |
demonio | how can i install perl-modules on ubuntu 12.10 | 23:22 |
demonio | ? | 23:22 |
Burritoh | autobus: you could also try jockey-gtk, if possible | 23:22 |
anew | histo this says do taskel, but i did lamp-server^ first | 23:22 |
histo | anew: Then you are good to go. | 23:23 |
anew | o rly | 23:23 |
autobus | readme of official drivers from nvidia | 23:23 |
anew | i thought i had to do taskel first | 23:23 |
lbj_90 | demonio don't you just need sudo apt-get install? | 23:23 |
Burritoh | histo: autobus is trying to install nvidia drivers. Jockey-kde fails. | 23:23 |
histo | autobus: what card do you ahve? | 23:23 |
autobus | gt 420m | 23:23 |
histo | anew: Not if you selected the lamp stack during install. That's all tasksel does. | 23:23 |
Burritoh | histo: the purpose is Minecraft. | 23:23 |
histo | autobus: Yeah sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings | 23:24 |
demonio | no it don't work lbj_90 | 23:24 |
autobus | is that %100 working? | 23:24 |
lbj_90 | demonio do you get an error message then? | 23:24 |
Burritoh | autobus: I can't say for sure. I have nvidia-experimental-310, not nvidia-current. | 23:24 |
ubuntu22 | Posted my question on stackoverflow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1434781 please take a look! | 23:24 |
wiggmpk | autobus: i use nvidia-current-updates and minecraft works fine | 23:25 |
autobus | so I put sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings nvidia-current-updates ? | 23:25 |
Burritoh | Minecraft even worked for me when I used nouveau... | 23:25 |
histo | autobus: It installs the proprietary driver for your card. If you want more information follow the link from ubottu | 23:25 |
histo | !nvidia | autobus | 23:25 |
ubottu | autobus: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto | 23:25 |
wiggmpk | autobus: no, nvidia-current and nvidia-current-updates are 2 different driver versions.. you should be fine with nvidia-current | 23:26 |
deadmund | How can I get the following permissions on a file? -rwsr-sr-x ?? | 23:26 |
autobus | sudo apt-get install nvidia-current nvidia-settings | 23:26 |
autobus | so this one? | 23:26 |
wiggmpk | yes | 23:26 |
demonio | lbj_90: yes it return "E: the package perl-modules must be reinstalled, but isn't possible find one in archive | 23:27 |
demonio | " | 23:27 |
autobus | ok I am doing it | 23:27 |
Burritoh | I'm gonna go do work, bye. | 23:27 |
autobus | bye | 23:27 |
jrib | deadmund: why do you want to? Those "s"s correspond to setuid and setgid | 23:27 |
autobus | thanks for the help | 23:27 |
Burritoh | np :) | 23:28 |
lbj_90 | demonio I'm not very knowledgeable on this one, but I asked because it worked on my machine. Have you modified your repositories/sources? | 23:28 |
autobus | its downloading | 23:29 |
demonio | no no i just installed today ubuntu and it've some problem | 23:29 |
autobus | do I have to do anything after this? | 23:29 |
demonio | it has** | 23:29 |
lagbox | anyone know if any kernel images have been created like the kernel 2.6 poster for newer kernels ? | 23:29 |
wiggmpk | autobus: restart your computer | 23:30 |
autobus | only that? | 23:30 |
wiggmpk | autobus: yes.. in theory | 23:30 |
autobus | ok | 23:30 |
autobus | hope it works | 23:30 |
autobus | or I'll uninstall wine | 23:30 |
autobus | :P | 23:30 |
FloodBot1 | autobus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:30 |
wiggmpk | autobus: this is all for minecraft? are you trying to run minecraft via WINE? | 23:31 |
autobus | no | 23:31 |
josh146 | anyone know if it is possible to share a single desktop with multiple people using x11vnc? | 23:31 |
autobus | I only want the gpu to work either | 23:31 |
autobus | for some other games too | 23:31 |
autobus | and while watching videos, it helps | 23:31 |
autobus | will it say "the task is done" when it finishes? | 23:32 |
Eagles | Hello. Someone summarize this thread (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2084592&page=28) for me and lay it out and explain how I "purge" wine1.4 <3 | 23:33 |
wiggmpk | autobus: i dont know the exact verbage but it should indicate when its finished | 23:33 |
autobus | ok | 23:34 |
minas | when I open the dash after I turn on my pc, the first time it takes about a minute to load the icons, recent files etc. Is this normal? Can I do something to improve that time? | 23:34 |
autobus | it is most probably normal | 23:34 |
autobus | may be because of your hdd or ram speed | 23:34 |
josh146 | anyone have any suggestions for sharing a desktop with multiple users? | 23:35 |
minas | autobus, 4 GB ram with i5 2.5 GHz. I don't think that's the problem | 23:35 |
div33435 | i want to install java for my browsers. i installed openjdk java 7 runtime via muon and restarted chrome but it still doesnt have the plugin | 23:35 |
wiggmpk | minas: now when you say "about a minute" is this just you being impatient, assuming it should be quicker, or have you timed it? | 23:36 |
minas | wiggmpk, I haven't timed it, but it's not that I am impatient :) It takes a good amount of time, and it is about 1 minute (real time). The problem is, if after some time I type a key, the search works. But If I don't, it takes more time to display things on its own | 23:38 |
wolftune | hey, anyone tried LibreOffice 4? | 23:38 |
wolftune | Is it going to be backported to 12.04 LTS? | 23:38 |
wiggmpk | minas: let me understand this.. if you open the dash and type nothing.... it takes longer to populate "things"? | 23:39 |
minas | wiggmpk, yes. | 23:40 |
Eagles | Anyone who got Netflix to work on 12.10? | 23:40 |
wiggmpk | minas: but if you open it and start typing it works 'quickly' as expected? | 23:40 |
wolftune | ugh Netlix :P | 23:40 |
mike304 | anyone tried installing league of legends on ubuntu? | 23:40 |
wolftune | bleah | 23:40 |
minas | wiggmpk, no, it is still slow. If I type something AFTER some time has passed (~20 seconds) it will display the results. If I type something earlier than 20 seconds, it will still take time | 23:41 |
wiggmpk | Eagles: Netflix doesnt exist to me | 23:41 |
Eagles | wiggmpk, ok? | 23:41 |
wolftune | wiggmpk: good. Netflix oughtn't exist | 23:41 |
wiggmpk | minas: you can try using "sudo updatedb" but I dont use Unity, so I would just assume that its taking time to cache everything to your RAM | 23:42 |
Eagles | What do you mean with that then? | 23:42 |
wiggmpk | Eagles: sorry, i just really really really dislike Netflix | 23:42 |
ubuntu22 | Can anyone help me recover my Ubuntu system? I am trying to uninstall packages on the bad system from the live cd but I am getting errors from chroot.. read more here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14905018/cant-chroot-to-recover-ubuntu-64 | 23:42 |
demonio | nobody can help me? | 23:42 |
wiggmpk | Eagles: they support Android and MAC OSx but clearly disregard the user base of Linux Desktop's | 23:42 |
wolftune | netflix is about as bad as it gets for proprietary software that tracks you etc | 23:42 |
Eagles | Thanks for letting me know about your opinion on Netflix guys | 23:43 |
josh146 | Eagles, someone got NetFlix to work through wine | 23:43 |
josh146 | more of a duct tape fix though | 23:43 |
minas | wiggmpk, hmm. I hope will be faster in 13.04 (I heard it is) | 23:43 |
Eagles | But I was never interested in them, because thisi s #ubuntu, not #opinions | 23:43 |
wiggmpk | Eagles: this might help you out http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/how-to-get-netflix-streaming-on-ubuntu-1210/4019 | 23:43 |
josh146 | Eagles, i would suggest running it in a windows VM | 23:44 |
wiggmpk | Eagles: no need to have a hissy fit mate | 23:44 |
Eagles | I am really not looking for links to tutorials, I have already gone through them all. I am looking for advice from people who have gotten it to work themselves | 23:44 |
wolftune | so LibreOffice 4, anyone try? | 23:44 |
josh146 | Eagles, again best solution is to run it in a vm | 23:44 |
wiggmpk | Eagles: well then all I can say is it uses Silverlight which is Windows software and not really supported in this channel | 23:45 |
Eagles | josh146, vm as in wine, right? | 23:45 |
wolftune | Eagles: VM is as in Virtualbox | 23:45 |
josh146 | Eagles, VM is in VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/ | 23:46 |
Eagles | wiggmpk, you're not interested in helping, I got that a long time ago, no need to waste our time anymore | 23:46 |
Eagles | josh146, thanks- I'll check it out | 23:46 |
lagbox | in 12.10 with unity i have this issue that i can only see certain icons in the tray when i am switching desktops .. when the switch is over they disappear again .. it is only the icons i had to whitelist | 23:46 |
wolftune | Eagles: virtualbox means just running straight windows. It's just a way to do it without rebooting with a dual-boot | 23:46 |
wiggmpk | have you tried the PPA for Netflix? | 23:47 |
ubuntu22 | Can anyone help me recover my Ubuntu system? I am trying to uninstall packages on the bad system from the live cd but I am getting errors from chroot.. read more here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14905018/cant-chroot-to-recover-ubuntu-64 | 23:47 |
wolftune | ubuntu22: why not just keep all your home files and otherwise reinstall? | 23:48 |
markkkkkkkkkk | hi. can anyone tell me which driver I'm supposed to pick? ubuntu is so confusing. http://i.imgur.com/hiv2YyY.png | 23:48 |
Eagles | wiggmpk, yes- I get "wine: cannot find 'firefox.exe' when using command "netflix-desktop --showdebug" | 23:48 |
wiggmpk | Eagles: according to this article I'm reading it doesnt depend on WINE to work | 23:48 |
lb27 | oh, did someone fix that silverlight silliness? | 23:49 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: don't bother with additional drivers if everything is working without them | 23:49 |
markkkkkkkkkk | wolftune. I tried to run Team Fortress 2 but steam said that my drivers suck | 23:49 |
Eagles | wiggmpk, yes- but it didn't work at all like it was supposed to. alot of others have problems, some says wine is required, some not: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12361333 | 23:49 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: ah, well, you should look up specific things for your system | 23:50 |
silverone | Hai every1. I have a raspberry server running mumble & openVPN, i want to ensure that if any of the processes crash they are brought back. i'm thinking of making a shell script. however, i'm split between running cron jobs or simply having (wait) in the scripts. which would be the best option ? | 23:50 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: but you can try one thing and change later | 23:50 |
ubuntu22 | wolftune, what would i lose if I did that? | 23:50 |
markkkkkkkkkk | whats the difference between nvidia-current and nvidia-173 | 23:50 |
OerHeks | markkkkkkkkkk, with nvidia 7600 GT i think the 173 driver | 23:50 |
markkkkkkkkkk | and nividia-current-updates | 23:50 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: just how new they are | 23:50 |
markkkkkkkkkk | so nvidia drops support for older cards in the newer versions? | 23:51 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: the older is 173, the current is current, the updates are cutting edge | 23:51 |
markkkkkkkkkk | in windows I just download the latest one | 23:51 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: no, older cards probably not dropped | 23:51 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: just that newer might be buggy because it hasn't been tested as much | 23:51 |
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markkkkkkkkkk | oh ok. I thought nvidia was working with steam to make the newer ones better for source games though | 23:52 |
wiggmpk | Eagles: wolftune is right though, the easiest approach is to install Windows in a Virtual Machine and just use it like that | 23:52 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: so try the newest if you have reason to think it has updates that matter | 23:52 |
markkkkkkkkkk | nvidia-current vs nvidia-current-updates is the most confusing | 23:52 |
loculinux | hello | 23:52 |
shborn | привет | 23:52 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: updates would be the very newest | 23:52 |
markkkkkkkkkk | updates is newer right? | 23:52 |
markkkkkkkkkk | oh ok thansks | 23:52 |
loculinux | sasss | 23:52 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: well, experimental is newer, but don't do that | 23:52 |
markkkkkkkkkk | k I did updates | 23:53 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: updates means newer than the Ubuntu release you are using, but stable | 23:53 |
shborn | с России кто ? | 23:53 |
OerHeks | !ru | shborn | 23:53 |
ubottu | shborn: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 23:53 |
markkkkkkkkkk | I wish they had the version number. on nvidia 304.64 is the newest | 23:54 |
markkkkkkkkkk | nvidia.com that is | 23:54 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: you can skip this and install from nvidia | 23:54 |
demonio | pls can anyone help me? | 23:54 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: if you want, follow nvidia instructions | 23:54 |
wolftune | demonio: ask your question and see | 23:54 |
markkkkkkkkkk | I'll try this first. seems easier | 23:54 |
wolftune | markkkkkkkkkk: yup | 23:54 |
OerHeks | use the driver installer not from the web, you won't get updates. | 23:55 |
Ben64 | !info nvidia-current-updates | markkkkkkkkkk | 23:56 |
ubottu | markkkkkkkkkk: nvidia-current-updates (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.51-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 37212 kB, installed size 105703 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia) | 23:56 |
markkkkkkkkkk | so it's not current with nvidia.com (304.64) | 23:57 |
markkkkkkkkkk | kinda confusing terminology | 23:57 |
Ben64 | for some reason | 23:57 |
Ben64 | its .64 on 12.04 | 23:57 |
Ben64 | !info nvidia-current-updates precise | 23:57 |
ubottu | nvidia-current-updates (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 304.64-0ubuntu0.2 (precise), package size 37232 kB, installed size 105748 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia) | 23:57 |
Ben64 | or, if you plan to use steam (or do any gaming) you might want to get the experimental 310 ones | 23:58 |
znx | so .. now ive just finished trying to install 12.04 .. it got further than 12.10 but again seems to have crapped out and isn't telling me why :( | 23:58 |
=== puff` is now known as puff | ||
markkkkkkkkkk | experimental are only 304 it says | 23:58 |
Ben64 | !info nvidia-experimental-310 | 23:58 |
ubottu | nvidia-experimental-310 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-experimental-310): Experimental NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 310.14-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 36486 kB, installed size 103986 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; lpia) | 23:58 |
znx | currently it it sitting saying "reading package information" | 23:58 |
znx | but its been that way for maybe 30 minutes | 23:58 |
znx | what can i do to diagnose whats wrong? | 23:59 |
Physicist | What is the command to start the graphic mode from console? | 23:59 |
jrib | Physicist: start lightdm | 23:59 |
markkkkkkkkkk | k I'll try those thanks | 23:59 |
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