
knomepleia2, when you get back from vegas, can we schedule a sprint for the docs and website stuff?00:12
* pleia2 killself00:13
pleia2I am coming back from vegas friday night, flying to LA on thursday night00:13
pleia2and giving talks on tuesday and friday of next week00:13
knomepleia2, things i think we should do in the near future are: see what we need to rewrite for the SRU documentation, update the info for contributing to documentation on our website and create a page for marketing products on www 00:14
knomemeh. do you think you'd have any space you are willing to spare?00:14
knomewith willing, i mean, really willing to00:14
pleia2I don't even know what day it is :)00:14
pleia2ok, let me think00:14
knomebecause if not, i'll just drown in my own sweat doing that ;))00:15
pleia2so global jam is March 1-300:15
pleia2my fiance will also be out of town that weekend00:15
pleia2I'll probably be going to my loco's event for that on the 2nd, if they can pull something together00:15
* knome looks at the release schedule00:15
pleia2and have a 3 hour class on the 3rd00:15
pleia2but otherwise I'm ok00:15
pleia2can probably do sprint later on the 3rd00:16
knomeoh we have until april for the strings00:16
knomethat might work00:16
knomelet me check our calendar quickly00:16
pleia2I should be home around 1PM my time on the 3rd, that's...00:16
pleia22100 utc00:17
knomeok, anything on 1-3 is ~bad, but i'll do it00:17
knomethat sounds pretty much perfect00:17
pleia2ok cool00:17
knomewife has probably just gone to bed00:17
knomeand it's not too late for me either00:17
pleia2so sunday night at 2100 on march 3rd00:17
knomethat's it!00:17
knomei'll send a mail to the ML later to tell others to join us as well00:18
pleia2and SRU is probably lowest priority00:18
knomeprobably yes00:18
knomei might even create a page on the wiki for organizing00:18
pleia2do we want to poke at 13.04 docs too?00:18
pleia2shouldn't take much to clean them up, and we'll have to add gimp and gnumeric back :)00:18
knomeumm, we probably will get some idea what we want to extend when we go through things we should rewrite for the SRU anyway, so yeah00:19
* pleia2 nods00:19
knomei wasn't thinking we'd actually *rewrite* anything for the SRU stuff in the sprint, just find out what needs changing and then tell others to get working00:19
knome(and a few weeks later, do it ourself)00:19
pleia2aside from general "omg wedding next month" stuff, I'm not speaking anywhere or traveling in march, so I'll be in much better shape then00:20
knomei would like to think that last point is highly optional though!00:20
* pleia2 nods00:20
knomewe have FF coming march 700:20
knomei should talk to dev people about making sure they make that00:20
pleia2good thing I'm not a developer :)00:20
knomebeta 1 is march 14 though00:21
knomewe need to get testing in shape before that00:21
pleia2yeah, I'll need to get my lab together by then00:21
knomebut no worries, i'm working on it with bluesabre_1 00:21
pleia2for testing all the things00:21
knomeand _2 too, if he shows up00:21
knomeeven _3, if cloning works perfectly00:21
pleia2cloning \o/00:21
Unit193Keeping the orig for more clones?00:21
knomewe should also try to cooperate with the ubuntu docs folks with actually being able to have translations this time around.00:22
knomeotherwise we have no hurry meeting the docstringfreeze.00:22
knomehooray, my host has fixed the server, my domain is up again00:23
knome(thank them for breaking it though, otherwise i wouldn't have been this foss-productive)00:23
knomewhere would a page about a sprint belong in the xubuntu wiki structure?00:23
knomeunder meetings?00:24
knomenot under archive though00:25
pleia2ah, looks like last time we put them under what we were sprinting on00:25
knomebut this is general sprint00:25
* pleia2 nods00:25
knomeMeetings/Sprints ?00:25
knomeor Sprints/00:25
pleia2actually Sprints/00:26
knomethe wiki is slooooooow00:27
knomecan't they really fix the performance issues? really?00:30
pleia2they could switch to mediawiki00:30
knomei wouldn't even care if they moved to mediawiki and broke all of our pages if that made the wiki speed feasible00:30
pleia2moinmoin is kind of crap at scale00:30
knome"but we want to fix moinmoin, we've always been able to do that before"00:31
pleia2knome has been in my head all week, we don't even need to chat anymore00:31
knomethat's the answer i'm getting..00:31
knomeoh head00:31
pleia2we keep typing the same things!00:31
knomei though it was another word, 3 letters and ends with d as well00:31
knomeand rhymes...00:32
knomeheh, yeah00:32
pleia2ok, I had a list of other xubuntu things I wanted to get finished this week00:33
knomedid you?00:33
pleia2I need to run out to the store after work, but then I'll try very hard to get a mail out about the potential articles for print00:33
knomei'm probably sleeping by then, but if you think you need reviewing, you can post it to the pad and i'll check it when i'm around00:36
pleia2ok, thanks, I'll see where I end up with it :)00:36
knomefeel free to just send too, if you don't think you need reviews 00:36
knomepleia2, looks good? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Sprints/2013-03-03-globaljam00:45
knomenot that i had came up with more to do as well...00:45
pleia2knome: sounds good00:46
knomegood good00:47
knomesent email00:58
knomebah, writing takes painfully long00:58
knomei wanted to work on some blog articles today, but neck is already hurting a bit too much :(00:59
knome(and i need to get up in less than 7 hours :P)01:02
Unit193Good night, if that's where you're goin'.01:02
knomenot yet01:04
knomei'm pushing it01:04
knomefelt really good to crack the back.01:04
smartboyhwpleia2, PING02:17
knomesmartboyhw, what's the matter?02:32
smartboyhwknome, just wondering one thing: Don't you guys have release annoucements?02:33
knomesmartboyhw, we didn't do one for .2 since there wasn't much to announce 02:33
knomesmartboyhw, if you had read the #ubuntu-release backlog, you would have known that02:33
smartboyhwknome, OK02:33
Unit193Also, you were told that here too.02:35
knomesmartboyhw, i've told you this before, but i really don't like running like a headless chicken and pinging people without checking the facts first02:37
knomesmartboyhw, it looks like you don't trust that 1) the release team is doing their job  2) the judgement of the xubuntu team to make decisions about release announcements and such themself02:39
micahgxubuntu said it wasn't participating in the alphas at the beginning of the cycle, so no need to announce anything until we certify an image02:42
knomemicahg, the discussion was re: 12.04.2 announcement02:43
micahgoh, hrm02:43
micahgwell, all the stuff that changed was core stuff, so it's as knome said02:44
knomemicahg, oh btw, i found one work item that's [x-dev] (micahg), is that intentional or not?02:44
micahgknome: no, feel free to "fix" it02:44
knomei'll see if i find it again02:44
knomeeugh, i hate alt+scroll on titlebar changing the opacity02:45
micahgknome: did you decide on the language list?02:50
knomefor R?02:50
micahgyeah, I can update the seeds late02:50
knomehmm. would march 3 be fine for that?02:51
knomewe're planning a sprint for that day, and it might make sense to discuss it then02:51
knomeand it's a low-hanging fruit for somebody to see what the most spoken languages are or so02:51
micahgit's not just that, it's the languages that we want to feature02:52
knomesure :)02:52
knomei think that's a good starting point though02:53
micahgI can do this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_languages_by_number_of_native_speakers , but I don't think that's the answer02:53
knomeno, probably not as is02:53
micahgno connection between xfce and languages AFAIK02:54
micahgif we do the split, we'd gain that metric as well02:54
knomei don't think that's good as it is either, but might be something else to look at for sure02:54
knomei think the problem is the asian languages02:55
knomei don't think many of us know much about them or how much sense it would make to include those02:55
knomeanyway, i need to get up in less than 5 hours... so heading for bed02:57
knomethanks for taking care for the languages02:57
knomehave a nice day/evening and see you later02:57
micahgok, I'll just add back gimp/gnumeric and the current languages across the board02:58
micahgok, tomorrow morning we'll have gimp, gnumeric, and de fr bn hi ja on the images03:02
pleia2micahg: hooray!04:11
pleia2knome: I just realized the date on that last email from Sonny, did a quick nudge email to confirm we're all good before I mail the list04:16
ochosiknome: yeah, we could consider to change alt-scroll for something you hit less by accident, i agree06:30
hrwcan someone told me how to edit next/prev tab in xfce-terminal? it is set to ctrl-pgup/down but my laptop lacks them ;D10:51
hrwI have General, Appearance, Colors, Compatibility, Advanced in terminal preferences10:51
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pjotrHello, I have a feature request for Xubuntu. 14:30
pjotrNow and then on the Dutch Ubuntu forum, we see people having problems because they inadvertently checked the "Save session for future logins" option in the Log Out window.14:30
pjotrCan this option be removed from that window? It seems to be more often problematic than useful.14:30
ochosiwell, first you need to ask how many people are _not_ complaining because they use this function as intended...14:31
ochosi(i guess removing a feature like this would cause some whining)14:31
maddernickisnt the config reset thing in the FAQ?14:31
ochosialso i'm not sure whether we should start removing checkboxes because people don't notice that they're clicking them :}14:32
astraljava"Are you sure you want to..." pop-ups FTW!14:33
GridCubei second ochosi 14:33
GridCubeand check box to "not show this popup again" 14:34
astraljavaAnd before anyone flips out, no, not really.14:34
GridCubeand a popup asking you if you are sure you want to not show popups anymore14:34
astraljavamaddernick: If it isn't, I suppose that'd be a handy way to inform users about it.14:34
pjotrA popup might be a useful compromise in this matter.... 14:35
pjotrmost people don't understand "session" in the first place14:35
astraljavaI really don't think not-understanding is a strong argument for clicking on unknown things. But yeah, I'm with Simon here; find out how big a portion of users suffer from this, and how many actually use it the correct way.14:36
pjotrastraljava: how to organize that? Shall I post a poll on the Dutch forum?14:37
pjotrApart from the feature request: can one hack some config file to make it disappear?14:38
astraljavaGNOME got a lot of excrement in a cooling device due to "dumbing down" their UIs. I'd have to say they deserved most of it.14:38
astraljavapjotr: Config option is a much better way. Is that only happening on the dutch forum? Is this perhaps due to the way the translation is worded? Or does it also occur with users having English UI?14:40
ochosipjotr: the problem with stuff like this that users for whom it works fine don't really get in touch before you break things for them14:40
ochosiso it's a lot harder to get those ppl who use a function to say they do, because probably they're not even on your forum14:41
ochosior even clicking a thread entitled "problems with saving session" because they don't have that problem14:41
pjotrThere's something in that, yes....14:41
ochosihaving an faq is more valuable14:42
ochosimaybe translating it to dutch would be more of a gain than dropping that option14:42
pjotrAnyway, I have to go now. If someone knows how to hack a config file to make it disappear, please share it. I'll read the logs tomorrow.... TIA.14:43
ochosii'm pretty sure this has to be changed in the xfsm-logout code, not a config file14:44
astraljavaYes, unless it's in any config options already. They don't just magically help by themselves. :)14:45
ochosi(at least not that i'm aware of it)14:46
maddernickRight click "Action Buttons" (that menu), click on "Log out", and you can choose not to show that dialog14:46
maddernickThere is also "Log out..." and "Log out" where I suspect dont give you any options even with that confirm thing14:47
bluesabre_1len-1304: Yup, bug 1093015 should be fixed and all is right in the world.  :-)14:47
ubottubug 1093015 in catfish (Ubuntu) "Error: The required module GError is missing." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109301514:47
len-1304bluesabre_1, Great!, I will add it to UbutuStudio seeds14:48
bluesabre_1oh, I haven't fixed in the what is currently in raring, but rather, what I hope to release sometime this weekend (0.6.0)14:53
len-1304  I'll wait14:53
len-1304What I have seen has worked really well though.14:53
=== bluesabre_1 is now known as bluesabre
bluesabreknome: I'll help as much as possible15:01
bluesabreand try to get everything released before FF15:02
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