
genii-aroundI would just like to ask for my own curiosity... I just found out what the "+dfsg" part of a packagename is about. I was wondering, is there some opposite naming convention for a package, to show that the proprietary parts were left in?00:04
yofelgenii-around: well, if it has proprietary parts it'll be in restricted/multiverse00:05
yofelgenii-around: but no, there isn't, as +dfsg1 means that the tarball was repackaged00:06
genii-aroundyofel: OK, thanks!00:07
robtygartDoes anyone know anything about a current adobe-flash bug. It just happened after my last updates. I can't watch videos. 02:07
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Riddellhappy weekend09:57
shadeslayernot so happy actually :(09:58
Riddellaww, what's up?09:58
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BluesKajHowdy all11:23
smartboyhwHey yo shadeslayer Riddell 13:28
shadeslayerhi smartboyhw13:28
smartboyhwshadeslayer, seeming Kubuntu 13.04 breaks my computer graphics:*(13:28
shadeslayerwhat hardware?13:29
smartboyhwThe login screen13:29
smartboyhwshadeslayer, Notebook ATI Mobility 435013:29
shadeslayerwhats the issue?13:29
smartboyhwAfter the Kubuntu boot screen my screen went snowy at the bottom, black on the top13:29
smartboyhwAnyway I will using Ubuntu Studio (my another contributing OS):P13:30
shadeslayersmartboyhw: proprietary drivers?13:31
shadeslayeror the opensource ones13:31
smartboyhwshadeslayer, I think the opensource ones13:32
* smartboyhw doesn't know much about graphics13:32
shadeslayertry the proprietary ones? and report a bug against the radeon driver?13:32
smartboyhwshadeslayer, OK13:33
BluesKajsmartboyhw, which graphics card , lspci | grep VGA , should tell us13:33
shadeslayerBluesKaj: <smartboyhw> shadeslayer, Notebook ATI Mobility 435013:33
smartboyhw01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI RV710 [Mobility Radeon HD 4300/4500 Series]13:33
smartboyhwBluesKaj, ^13:34
BluesKajshadeslayer, that's nor a graphics card13:34
shadeslayerit isn't?13:34
smartboyhwAs I said: I know nothing about graphics13:34
BluesKajRadeon HD 4300/4500 Series, ok 13:34
shadeslayerBluesKaj: if you something about the 6700/7000 series, let me know as well :P13:35
smartboyhwshadeslayer, don't tell me you have issues13:35
shadeslayersmartboyhw: not exactly, I don't think the drivers support my card yet13:36
shadeslayerbut I could be wrong13:36
smartboyhwshadeslayer, too new?:P13:36
BluesKajwell ,usually the additional drivers are sufficient 13:36
shadeslayerapparently bought in 2011 is too new13:36
smartboyhwshadeslayer, not good then13:36
smartboyhwI thought using a 2012 4th quarter one is new13:36
shadeslayeryeah well, I get some weird error about how the V_BIOS signature doesn't match13:37
smartboyhwshadeslayer, that's a BIOS problem then13:37
smartboyhwOr is it not?13:37
BluesKaj2011 is not too new 13:37
shadeslayersmartboyhw: BIOS? lol13:38
shadeslayerMacbook Pro, all I have is EFI13:38
smartboyhwshadeslayer, grrr Macintosh computers are a problem to Ubuntu. Not the Macbooks, powerpc13:38
* BluesKaj stays away from macs and linux ...too many issues'13:38
shadeslayersmartboyhw: actually the 2011 model now boots fine13:38
shadeslayeras long as you have some outb commands in grub13:38
smartboyhwpowerpc builds are getting headaches for Lubuntu13:39
shadeslayerbut yeah, not going to get any more computers from Apple13:39
smartboyhwshadeslayer, I predict Apple's doom in 3 years:P13:40
smartboyhwSAMSUNG WILL RULE13:40
shadeslayerI bet rbelem is pretty happy to hear that13:40
smartboyhwshadeslayer, who's rbelem? Samsung kernel developer?:P13:41
shadeslayerhe works at Samsung, does Android stuff I think :)13:41
smartboyhwshadeslayer, ah13:41
=== Topic unset by smartboyhw on #kubuntu-devel
smartboyhwshadeslayer, are you going to merge my copyright fix for Plasmate in!?14:20
shadeslayersmartboyhw: did you fix it?14:22
smartboyhwshadeslayer, I did..... Look at https://code.launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/kubuntu-packaging/plasmate-copyright/+merge/14836114:23
smartboyhwI updated the branch14:23
shadeslayerah okay14:24
shadeslayerwill have a look14:24
smartboyhwshadeslayer, :)\14:25
smartboyhwshadeslayer, BTW any upcoming KDE software releases?15:06
shadeslayerheh no15:07
smartboyhwshadeslayer, heh:P I heard that KDE 4.10.1 is coming soon though15:07
BluesKajheh , 4.10 isn't stable yet on some systems15:08
smartboyhwBluesKaj, heh15:08
BluesKajsome ppl seem to a some audio problems after upgrading to 4.1015:09
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yofel_* smartboyhw has changed topic for #kubuntu-devel to: ""15:53
smartboyhwyofel_, whoa? How come!?!?!?!?15:54
=== yofel_ changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: "Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Raring Alpha 1 Released | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas
* smartboyhw shouldn't have privileges...15:54
yofel_smartboyhw: we don't have a locked topic15:54
yofel_anyone can change it15:54
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smartboyhwyofel_, ah dang you should lock it15:54
yofelplease no15:54
yofelwe put notes in there15:54
smartboyhwyofel, uh sorry for that15:55
yofelsmartboyhw: well, anyone wipes it at least once, so don't worry ;P15:55
smartboyhwyofel, LOL15:55
* smartboyhw makes mental note of it15:55
yofelBluesKaj: it should mostly work, the worst bug I know of is kde bug 31175115:56
ubottuKDE bug 311751 in widget-systemtray "QML system tray crashes plasma-desktop on startup" [Crash,Resolved: upstream] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31175115:56
* yofel doesn't have sounds issues on raring and quantal btw.15:57
BluesKajme meither yofel , audio seems fine here 15:58
yofelapachelogger: did you backport the phonon backend releases btw.? or do they need raring?16:00
* smartboyhw wents EOD (End of day)16:01
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "s/goes/goes"16:01
shadeslayer<yofel> smartboyhw: well, anyone wipes it at least once, so don't worry ;P16:27
shadeslayerhow true :D16:27
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
murthyInstalled kubuntu 13.04 , installation went well except, after clicking the proceed button in the first screen that shows the requirements took more than 5 mins to switch to the next partitioning screen16:36
shadeslayermurthy: yeah, that takes time16:37
murthyshadeslayer: any reason?16:37
shadeslayerit searches your partition and all, so that's going to take time16:38
murthyshadeslayer:one min16:38
yofel "took more than 5 mins" - no, it shouldn't do that, even if you have several HDD's in sleep with lots of partitions16:39
yofellike anyone would expect this to take several minutes16:40
yofeland I believe we don't say it might take several minutes either16:40
* shadeslayer thinks that 1 minute can seem like 5 minutes16:41
shadeslayerwhen using software16:41
yofelwell, yeah, but that's UI fail then if the user feels like that16:42
murthyshadeslayer: As yofel said it wont take that much long, it was more than 5 mins actually. I thought that some new changes was made, something like checking for a updated installer at the install time17:08
shadeslayernot really17:09
shadeslayeron VM17:09
shadeslayeron VM's it's fine17:09
shadeslayertakes about a minute17:09
murthyshadeslayer: could a bad mirror make this? 17:09
shadeslayeruh, no17:10
murthyshadeslayer: i nistalled in my system with a ext4 partition17:10
shadeslayershouldn't matter then17:10
* shadeslayer needs something to check the SMART status of his drivr17:10
murthyshadeslayer: from a dvd  as source medium and i am sure the medium is not a problem17:11
shadeslayerusually reading from DVD's is slower17:11
murthyshadeslayer: who is your drive manufacturer ?17:11
shadeslayerso *maybe* that?17:11
shadeslayermurthy: does it matter??17:12
murthyshadeslayer: but that will show a busy indicator17:12
yofelshadeslayer: smartctl -a ?17:12
murthyshadeslayer: if its a segate one, use the segate bootable image, instead of the app17:12
murthyyofel: no17:12
murthyyofel: the bootable image is very good17:13
shadeslayeryofel: smartmontools ?17:13
yofelshadeslayer: yeah17:13
yofelmurthy: I wasn't talking about your image17:13
shadeslayerlets see17:13
murthyyofel: ??17:13
murthyyofel: the smartctl stuff didn't work well17:14
yofelalways worked for me17:14
yofelit don't trust the drive's "status" anyway17:14
yofelthe actual data values have more value17:15
murthyyofel: anyway if there is an error, Seagate recommends to use the bootable one17:15
shadeslayerthis does not look good17:15
shadeslayerdrive looks to be in pre failiure17:15
yofelmurthy: if it puts it in the error log like it should, then smartctl will show that17:15
murthyshadeslayer: how is your drive?17:15
BluesKajseagate ...haven't had much luck with them17:16
shadeslayermuch luck getting it replaced?17:16
shadeslayerbecause this is already been replaced once17:16
shadeslayerplus, this is a WDC drive17:17
murthyBluesKaj: true17:17
murthyshadeslayer: the drive seems to be new17:17
murthyshadeslayer: only ~260 hrs17:17
murthyshadeslayer: how is your power supply?17:17
yofelshadeslayer: what's the issue anyway?17:17
shadeslayerI don't use it *alot* :P17:17
shadeslayermurthy: don't have one17:18
murthyshadeslayer: which one?17:18
BluesKajthey last out the warrnty and then die ...had 2 of them do so17:18
shadeslayeryofel: just making sure it doesn't fail before I get my data off it17:18
shadeslayerI have a 5 year warranty on this thing :P17:18
murthyBluesKaj: after their 160 gb mark, every drive is a crap17:18
BluesKajboth were 320G .. a few yrs bck 17:19
murthyBluesKaj: i mean all the seagate17:19
murthyBluesKaj: wd is good17:19
yofelshadeslayer: it should, but what's the problem with the drive in the first place?17:19
shadeslayeryofel: there is none17:19
BluesKajyup WD seem to be more rugged17:19
shadeslayer<shadeslayer> yofel: just making sure it doesn't fail before I get my data off it17:19
yofelshadeslayer: well, that smart table looks good, so it shouldn't be failing17:20
murthyshadeslayer: laptop?17:20
shadeslayermurthy: no, that's the external drive17:20
shadeslayeryofel: maybe I'm reading it wrong17:21
murthyshadeslayer: in that case i highly recommend you check the usb cable17:21
murthyshadeslayer: long usb cables can cause an issue17:21
shadeslayererrr... how? :P17:21
murthyshadeslayer: also when the usb power17:21
murthym4v: use a recommended good quality usb drive cablew17:22
murthyshadeslayer: ^17:22
murthyshadeslayer: also *check the usb power17:22
shadeslayerthat's like saying I should use one of those high end HDMI cables17:22
shadeslayerthat retail for a 1000 USD17:22
murthyshadeslayer: no17:22
murthyshadeslayer: probably around 300rs17:23
shadeslayermurthy: The usb cable does not matter17:23
shadeslayeryou missed my point17:23
shadeslayerit's just a cable, it does not matter17:23
yofelshadeslayer: you probably are. No errors looked and the values are ok. Worst case use seagate's check after all if you're not sure what to look for17:23
murthyshadeslayer: no , it does17:23
BluesKajheh, we use a 50ft hdmi at our little studio , runs from the laptop to the tv17:23
BluesKajworks fine17:24
murthyshadeslayer: my system will not detect a ext drive is the cable is long17:24
murthyBluesKaj: the hdmi will work fine, but the ext usb drive one wont17:24
murthyBluesKaj: the system checks for the cable length17:25
shadeslayerlol it does not17:25
shadeslayerthere are USB specifications17:25
murthylet me search for this on the internet17:25
shadeslayerif your USB cable is longer, the voltage will drop too much17:25
shadeslayerand hence your drive gets no power and cannot transfer data reliably17:25
shadeslayera costlier cable will not help in such a case :P17:26
BluesKajwell I use a 20 ft /6.5m usb cable for this wireless KB and mouse ...works ok17:26
BluesKajthe usb transceiver is connected to this end 17:27
murthyshadeslayer: no the voltage is not a issue here17:27
murthyshadeslayer: the ping time17:27
* shadeslayer falls off his chair17:27
shadeslayerheh, I wonder if you can call it ping time when using USB devices17:27
shadeslayeridk if that would be the right term17:28
murthyshadeslayer: from what i know, longer cable induces more noise in a serial comm and 17:28
yofel^ that, is right17:28
murthyyofel: ya17:28
shadeslayerfor insanely long connections, you buy a shielded cable17:28
murthythe latency too17:28
shadeslayer"The USB 1.1 Standard specifies that a standard cable can have a maximum length of 3 meters with devices operating at Low Speed (1.5 Mbit/s), and a maximum length of 5 meters with devices operating at Full Speed (12 Mbit/s).[citation needed]"17:28
shadeslayer"USB 2.0 provides for a maximum cable length of 5 meters for devices running at Hi Speed (480 Mbit/s). The primary reason for this limit is the maximum allowed round-trip delay of about 1.5 μs"17:29
shadeslayerso yes, latency does play an issue, but for regular use, you don't need a cable worth 300 INR :P17:29
shadeslayerthat's just an crazy amount of money to spend for a USB cable 17:29
murthyshadeslayer: thats a theoretical recommendation 317:30
murthyshadeslayer: in practical cases manufacturers don't give that much perfection17:31
murthyshadeslayer: the cost is just a rough estimate17:31
shadeslayerI think I can reasonably assume that the spec designers accounted for some errors17:31
shadeslayerand that the tolerances are good enough17:31
murthyshadeslayer: no17:31
murthyshadeslayer: the usb standards mention oly the the theoritical values 17:32
shadeslayerI disagree17:32
murthyshadeslayer: you can also compare the usb 1.1 device standards and the current max efficiency 1.1 device that was available17:33
shadeslayerI'm reasonably certain that they would have take into account tolerances17:33
shadeslayermurthy: I'm not saying that if you buy a super cheap cable then it'll work perfectly17:34
shadeslayerbut most of the cables I have are the ones you get with phones17:34
murthyshadeslayer: you mean the 6 inch one?17:35
shadeslayerI have never measured them :P17:35
shadeslayerI have 4-5 of them17:35
murthyshadeslayer: that should work perfectly17:35
shadeslayer2 of them from my kindle, 3-4 of them from my phone17:35
shadeslayerand I'm reasonably certain that they did not spend something as high as 300 INR making them :P17:36
murthyshadeslayer: my friend's transcend drive only works when using a two usb cable 17:36
murthyshadeslayer: I mean i was not sure about the cost, in my place it would cost you 100 rs17:37
shadeslayerwhen using 2 USB cables? maybe it needs a separate power source?17:38
murthyshadeslayer: http://www.hobby-circuits.com/files/726/usb-power-injector-for-external-hard-drives2_orig.jpg17:39
shadeslayerso for eg. my Raspberry Pi can't power my drive17:39
shadeslayerbecause it doesn't have enough power on the board17:39
murthyshadeslayer: ya17:40
shadeslayersame thing with that drive17:40
shadeslayerit needs more power17:40
murthyshadeslayer: we have to check the power specs for it17:40
shadeslayererrr .. no thanks17:40
murthyshadeslayer: do you have a rasberry pi?17:41
murthyhaving my dinner, will be back in 10 mins17:44
shadeslayer 23:14:51 up 11 days,  7:28,  1 user,  load average: 0.07, 0.04, 0.0517:45
shadeslayerfrom my Raspberry Pi :P17:45
murthyI am going to buy one, i need to clarify somethings before that, i will talk to you when you are free17:46
shadeslayermurthy: sure17:47
shadeslayerwon't run Ubuntu :P17:47
shadeslayerand I'm running Raspbian on it17:48
yofelprobably anyone that has one here does that. I failed at understanding pacman and haven't yet time to try RiscOS on it17:48
yofel*had time17:49
yofelwell, more like with raspbian I have everything up and running using ~8GiB on the SDHC card. With arch I was at ~12 with pieces missing17:51
yofelheck, portage was easier to understand17:51
yofelshadeslayer: btw. tried to build on armhf with the new qemu version in raring yet? I tried it yesterday and cmake just hangs at some random point everytime17:59
yofelstrace says it's polling from something, but it's weird that the failure point is rather random.17:59
yofel(that was a kdelibs build)17:59
shadeslayernot really18:00
apacheloggersheytan: so, what's the new on boot theming?18:17
murthywhere can i find the kubuntu install log?18:18
sheytanapachelogger: still working. Had a heavy day at work today. Was fightting with customer's outlook db ;/18:19
sheytanthis stuff is sick!18:19
apacheloggeroutlook dbg18:19
apacheloggersounds sick :P18:19
* apachelogger sooooooooo tired18:19
sheytanapachelogger: do i really need inkscape to do thie graphics?18:20
sheytanyou will use png anyway18:20
apacheloggerbut I need coordinates18:20
* sheytan is not feeling comfortable about inkscape18:21
apacheloggerof the composite gear18:21
sheytani think gimp can do the same18:21
apacheloggerfor all I care you can use MS Paint, i just need the cooridnates :P18:21
apacheloggersheytan: FWIW I'd like to get the colors settled asap so we can get started on refitting the CD and Grub18:22
apachelogger(i.e. background color + appropriate text color)18:22
murthyapachelogger: bgcolor not finalised?18:23
murthyyofel: should i have to use sponsor-patch?18:24
ejatsorry to interrupt the discussion, can someone help me on this bug 1127404 18:27
ubottubug 1127404 in qtmultimedia-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "conflict between libqt5multimediaquick5 and libqt5multimediaquick-p5" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112740418:27
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sheytanwhic x and y you want again apachelogger?18:40
apacheloggerall of them18:41
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
apacheloggersheytan: https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1kpqodXYoWUFH9nbSOqqUD2LNuklFuStowOp54cDLDLY/edit?usp=sharing18:49
apacheloggerassuming the left border of the left part is x=0 and the bottom border of the bottom part is y=018:50
apacheloggerat the same time the top border of the top part is y=heightOfPixmap and either top or bottom right border is x=widthOfPixmap 18:51
apachelogger(I think the bottom one is the one that depicts width)18:52
apachelogger(not important anyway...)18:52
sheytanring.png x 155,00 y 115,00. ring-glow.png x 127,00 y 127,00 and i'm sending you the files now18:52
sheytani didn't change your files. Just made them white18:53
apacheloggerwhat do we do about the tile?18:54
sheytanswitch it to the background i send you?18:54
sheytanthis one will be better then the other one i showed you18:55
apacheloggerI need a tile of that18:56
sheytanyou want to repeat it to fit in the screen size?18:59
sheytanthis makes me cry now18:59
sheytanbut ok19:00
sheytanjust a sec ;)19:00
sheytanapachelogger: 200x200?19:00
sheytanapachelogger: http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/8111/tail200.png19:06
sheytanbut that way, we won't get gradient colors19:06
sheytancouse you cannot repeat it19:06
sheytanapachelogger: please make a better quality video this time if possible19:11
murthyapachelogger: webm please19:19
murthyshadeslayer: bgcolors finalised?19:21
murthyshadeslayer: sorry19:22
murthysheytan: bgcolors finalised?19:22
sheytanmurthy: not yet19:25
murthysheytan: the black textured bg that you showed is ok? I feek its very good19:26
sheytanmurthy: i'm not happy with it19:26
sheytanbut i still thing about how to improve it ;)19:27
murthysheytan: any thing else you have ?19:27
sheytannot yet19:27
yofelmurthy: you don't need to use it (and I don't know how to use it)19:35
murthyyofel: ok19:35
murthyyofel: you said that the debdiff is the diff file created with the diff of the two .changes files?19:36
yofelit's the output of "debdiff <old.dsc> <new.dsc>"19:36
murthyyofel: oh ok19:37
murthyyofel: where can i find the kubuntu install log?19:41
yofelthe installer logs? /var/log/installer/ I believe19:45
=== murthy is now known as murthy_
=== murthy_ is now known as murthy
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=== murthy is now known as murthy_
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Riddellit's... Quintasan!22:37
Quintasanshadeslayer: ping22:51
QuintasanRiddell: Can you remind me where is the l18n KDE magic?22:53
QuintasanI have to fix this damn ibus magic once and for all22:53
yofelwell, the master branch is correct at least22:55
Quintasanwhat is was that I had to do..22:57
* Quintasan looks at notes he made22:57
QuintasanBOILERPLATE="# ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !#\n# DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT CHANGING THIS FILE DIRECTLY! ! ! !\n# PLEASE USE THE BZR BRANCH AS SEEN IN debian\/control\n# MAKE YOUR CHANGES THERE AND THEN RUN debian\/build-l10n.sh\n# kthxbai 22:58
Quintasanyofel: who do I blame for this monstrosity?23:00
yofelapachelogger most likely23:00
yofelit's rather small these days though23:00
Quintasanapachelogger: how can I add per-langpack deps?23:00
yofelthe whole svn pulling code was removed23:00
Quintasanwithout breaking the whole damn thing?23:00
yofelyou do know bash, do you? ^^23:00
QuintasanI *THINK* I do23:01
yofelthat's what I thought too until I read that script :P23:01
Quintasanthis is going to be a pain23:02
Quintasanjp will need dep on ibus anthy23:02
Quintasanch will need dep on ibus pinyin23:03
QuintasanI will have to make a list23:03
Riddellneeds build-l10n.sh edited I think23:03
yofelQuintasan: see functions at the top of the file23:03
Riddellin lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kde-l10n-common/23:03
yofelthose do something similiar23:03
yofelso just add one like that and call it at the appropriate place23:03
Quintasancd kde-l10n-$kdecode/debian/23:04
QuintasanI'd have to append something the the first occurence of Depends23:05
Quintasanif kdecode == lang code23:05
Quintasandoes this make sense?23:05
* apachelogger sighs23:07
yofelsemantically yes, although you might want to use switch23:07
apacheloggerI actually told you the algorithmic outline of how to add per-package deps the last time you asked about it23:07
apacheloggerwould have been good to take notes23:07
Quintasanyou did?23:07
* Quintasan can't remember that23:07
yofelhe did ^^23:08
Quintasanremembering that would imply I have to dig through quassell log23:08
RiddellQuintasan: see how it adds a calligra dep at the end there23:11
Quintasanthat's sed magic23:12
Quintasannow I'm interested how do I get the lang code23:13
yofel$kdecode ?23:14
* yofel is starting to find apt increasingly annoying23:19
yofelbug 112747623:19
ubottubug 1127476 in Kubuntu PPA "Can't install xorg-backports along with kubuntu-backports" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112747623:19
yofelyou *can* do this without kubuntu-desktop, but only with aptitude23:20
yofel*without removing23:20
apacheloggeryofel: supposedly the packaging is just crap :P23:22
Quintasanwhy did shift + pgup stop working in mah konsole?23:23
Riddellbecause you're in a screen session?23:24
Riddellor were?23:24
Riddelluse `reset` to fix23:24
Quintasanthat doesnt seem to be the case Riddell23:26
Quintasanstill doesn't work23:26
Quintasanthis is getting more complex23:28
Quintasanthere is a Russian backend23:28
QuintasanI will just add the ones I know that DON'T work and we will see from there23:28
yofelapachelogger: it sure doesn't seem to be anything the casual user might want to attempt23:30
Quintasanyofel: I wrote the switch, only then I realised it's case in bash23:30
yofelheck, the release notes don't even have any instructions on how to use it23:30
Quintasanand now I have to translate it from C to bash xD23:30
yofeloh, sorry23:30
yofelI was thinking abstract23:30
QuintasanI was thinking the same thing23:30
Quintasanyofel, apachelogger: http://pastebin.com/aXaqL7nV23:31
Quintasandoes this look even remotely correct?23:31
apacheloggerthere is a reason I opted for placeholders :P23:32
apacheloggerrecommends IMO23:33
Quintasanyeah sure and then you don't get input working :P23:33
Quintasanit can be Recommends23:33
Quintasanapachelogger: What placeholders exactly? I don't even follow you now23:35
Quintasanyou do stuff like cd kde-l10n-$kdecode/debian/23:36
Quintasanso I would expect editing files like that to work too23:36
Quintasanthis does not telll me anything at all23:38
yofelyou did not read the control file23:38
apacheloggernor the readme23:38
apacheloggernor the wiki page23:39
apacheloggerThroughout the branch you find names like aaaUBUNTULANGCODEbbb the aaa and bbb are only there to uniquify them and ensure that we can sub them using regex without affecting other strings. They generally describe a represenation of the value that is going to be there, so in the above case the string would be replaced with the Ubuntu language code (e.g. ptbr, whereas the KDE version is pt@br). Never ever use a specific name but these place 23:39
apacheloggerholders instead!23:39
QuintasanI TOTALLY don't get it23:42
Quintasan$kdecode will have values from tarball names, right?23:42
Quintasanthen you substitute the damn thing everywhere so what's the problem?23:43
Quintasandamn thing being  aaaUBUNTULANGCODEbbb23:43
* Quintasan tries doing it his way23:50
* yofel doesn't want to be annoying, but still reminds Riddell and shadeslayer to please watch whether a package is maintained in bzr or not before uploading to the archive. amarok bzr was was 4 uploads behind the archive23:56
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
Quintasanit works23:58

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