
ironhalikIt seems the smallest move the cursor can make with touchpad is around 8-10px00:00
penguin42some acceleration setting of some type - I'm using a mouse here00:05
=== dniMretsaM is now known as dniMretsaM_away
drocsidhi ubuntu people I would like to know where I can find the driver mentioned here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/111983705:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 1119837 in linux (Ubuntu) " Integrate the new Bitland Card Reader Driver " [Undecided,Incomplete]05:40
drocsidOf course I have already searched for it05:40
drocsidIs there an ubuntu developer channel?05:41
drocsidwish i could log into launchpad05:42
magn3tsAm I the only one with massive audio problems after the last update?06:34
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=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
BluesKajHowdy all11:23
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sdrhrgjkngHow do I enable the touchscreen features in 13.04?16:02
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Ronalds_Mcan I upgrade to raring17:49
Ronalds_Mwith repo?17:49
penguin42you can upgrade, remember it's not released yet17:49
Ronalds_MI mean unstable releases17:50
Ronalds_Mor just unity part17:50
Ronalds_MI wan't to get rid of show workspaces17:50
Ronalds_Mand maybe newest things17:50
Ronalds_Mbtw precise17:50
penguin42I'm not sure about just upgrading unity, there might be a ppa for that, but I don't really follow it to know17:50
SonikkuAmericaI didn't think there was... he's using Precise right now17:50
Ronalds_MI want just unity part17:51
Ronalds_Mis it that unstable17:55
genii-aroundThat's more than unstable17:56
genii-aroundRonalds_M: It's not a ppa for people other than devs to use normally. It's where the packages they are currently working on are kept for testing. So they could be in any stage of brokenness17:57
Ronalds_Mcan't wait for raring lts release18:00
bazhangRonalds_M, raring is not lts18:00
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
SonikkuAmericaHello! Currently have a problem that occurred out of the blue: I have Pidgin installed (don't ask why) and config'ed to run at startup. When my session starts, though, it appears to clone itself. Apart from that, a Konsole shows up. I checked my Startup and Shutdown and there's only 1 instance of Pidgin and no Konsole to be found. What's going on?20:37
SonikkuAmerica(This is 13.04, that's why I'm asking here)20:37
SonikkuAmericaAnd yes, it's Kubuntu20:38
tux__hey, sound stopped working a few mins ago in 13.0420:58
tux__any ideas?20:58
SBNexus7Quick question does anyone have the 1/30 or any of the builds from January for Nexus 7 13.04?21:12
tux__http://www.ubuntu.com/testing : fail, should be raring ringtail21:12
loveupdating ubuntu-sdk && libqtmultimedia5 failed recently dpkg error22:46
loveIt didn't fail on precise for me.  anyone else have this issue in raring?22:49
love Problem with recent update to libqtmultimedia5-dev in Raring.  I tried to update it and get a broken dependancy problem.  dpkg returns an error code.  so I have to use dpkg to remove ubuntu-sdk and the library package.  anyone else have this happen?23:15

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