
=== Gillfish is now known as does
=== does is now known as Gillfish
Huddlestonhi guys02:52
Atlantic777hi Huddleston02:55
HuddlestonCan I ask a tech question? I asked #ubuntu but they didn't know offhand02:57
Huddlestonso how do you turn the backlight on with a monitor?03:03
Huddleston...are you serious? the contrast was down03:05
odivthat's a good one.03:08
=== dniMretsaM is now known as dniMretsaM_away
duanedesignamy Ubuntu question08:43
asterismohi people, does anybody knows what are the folder permissions needed for thunderbird and enigmail PGP/seahorse to run?15:38
asterismoa came across an error in a machine of one of my students when trying to send an encrypted mail15:38
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
holsteinasterismo: i would just share the error16:00
holsteinshould be normal user permissions...16:00
asterismothunderbird makes no trouble to sending signed mail16:00
asterismoOperación de envío abortada.USERID_HINT 1DF929837E07A4F8 Nadia Martinez (clave openPGP) <nadia.martinez.216@gmail.com>16:00
asterismoNEED_PASSPHRASE 1DF929837E07A4F8 1DF929837E07A4F8 1 016:00
asterismoINV_RECP 0 0x1CBB2500CDC84C1616:00
asterismothat is the error16:00
asterismoOperación de envío abortada means in spanish "Sending operation aborted"16:01
holsteinso, its just enigmail now?16:01
asterismothe PGP key was created in seahorse16:01
asterismowith my assistence16:01
asterismoby chat16:01
asterismoand it is uploaded in ubuntu keyserver16:02
holsteinim just asking, now thunderbird works?16:02
holsteinthe issue is only with enigmail now?16:02
asterismothunderbird works, and it works sending signed mail16:02
asterismobut not encripted16:02
asterismoshe imported other public keys (like mine and other co-workers)16:03
asterismobut when she tries ti encrypt the message, that error comes up16:03
holsteinso, the issue is with both thunderbird and enigmail?16:04
asterismoyes, but the error itself does not tell me anybody16:05
asterismoanything, sorry16:05
holsteinhttp://www.hoylen.com/articles/it/email/security/thunderbird.html looks something like what you have done?16:05
asterismodoes noy tell me anything about the error, maybe you do understand what it is about16:05
holsteinalso, http://lifehacker.com/180878/how-to-encrypt-your-email16:06
asterismois there anyway to reset gnupg, or seahorse, and all key management to default?16:06
asterismothis person may have screwed up the system permissions, several months ago16:07
asterismoso maybe this issue is related to that16:07
holsteinasterismo: i would say, this is related16:07
holsteinone easy way.. make a new user and test16:07
holsteinotherwise, make sure the permissons are correct and start removing .config files from ~/ til its reset to default16:08
asterismoi mean all system permissions16:09
asterismoall in /16:09
asterismomaybe something screwed up in /usr/lib/gpg16:09
asterismoor something16:09
asterismoi compared permissions but nothing appears to be wrong16:10
asterismobut maybe there is other folder, like the keyring, seahorse, or where passphrases are saved.... dunno16:10
holsteini usually test as a different user16:11
holsteini would just look at what you typed above, and anytime you say "maybe", just go and confirm16:11
asterismois it safe deleting the .config folder? i mean, no email will be lost or something?16:14
holsteinasterismo: i would look for, and backup all data you need/want16:15
holsteini usually dont deletd them anyway.. i just move them out of the way16:15
asterismothere is no thunderbird folder in ~/.config folder16:16
holsteinthis is also another reason why testing with a new user account can make it easier16:17
holsteinif the issue is still there with a new user, then you dont need to bother with what you are doing right now16:17
holsteinmaybe locate thunderbird in the terminal would help you find it16:18
holsteinholstein@aphrodite:~$ cd /home/holstein/.thunderbird/16:19
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=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
asterismoanyway to generate a 8192 bit PGP key with seahorse?21:01
asterismoor other soft in ubuntu?21:01
asterismoplease help21:01
ironbuttI installed Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit desktop yesterday, and the primary reason is so that I can try out the steam for linux. One problem, I can't figure out how to get my graphics card working correctly.22:45
ironbuttmy problem is: The driver from amd results in unity failing to load, and I do not want that to happen.22:46
ironbuttMore information: My graphics card is an AMD Radeon HD 7970. The solutions I have seen are either for the hd 4000 and older (legacy) or max out at the 6000 series.22:46
ironbuttany thoughts on how this problem could be solved?22:47
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine

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