
bkerensamhall119: oh dear I better get on and do some pwning01:30
bkerensajcastro: Ubuntu Oregon is going to sponsor 3 servers too :) they are provisioning now01:51
jcastrobkerensa: with juju?02:57
=== fenris is now known as Guest68519
popeyjcastro: marcoceppi "The server you are trying to connect to is running an older version of the game" when trying to connect to the TF2 server...13:17
dakerpopey: jcastro https://plus.google.com/u/0/101694416703170881163/posts/Sf8mPM3AgUy14:31
dakerah i see i need to download 12G of data14:35
smartboyhwjcastro, ?15:37
jcastropopey: huh, are you all up to date?15:37
jcastropopey: oh, they pushed out a patch last night, lol..15:41
jcastroit should be working now15:41
smartboyhwjcastro, who are the names that are on the 12:00 membership board?16:00
jcastronot sure?16:00
mhall119nice to see marcoceppi is at #3 on the scoreboard16:13
marcoceppimhall119: research ;)16:36
mhall119uh huh16:36
marcoceppiNeed to make sure everything is working, and such16:37
mhall119of course, which means being constantly connected16:38
marcoceppiI tried to write a nagios plugin, but this was far more fun16:39
pleia2but nagios plugins are one of the funner things to write16:40
pleia2(lots of examples, can write it in whatever you want)16:40
daker!lc http://i.imgur.com/HD3TsbN.png17:57
ubot2daker: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:57
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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