
stgraberxnox: s/derivative/flavour/g ;)19:12
xnoxstgraber:  ECONTEXT - is that correction against the backgrounds bug comment?19:13
stgraberxnox: against your changelog entry in ubiquity ;)19:14
xnoxfair enough.19:14
* xnox still doesn't have a clear & consistent terminology for components, pockets, archives, suites. colin corrected me a few times, but i can't help it still19:16
stgrabera lot of peole get confused between derivatives and flavours but we've tried to get it consistent over the past year or so.19:19
stgraberflavours are products that are built from the Ubuntu archive, most of which have been explicitly approved by the TB.19:19
stgraberderivatives are products done outside of the Ubuntu community but based on Ubuntu.19:20
stgraberso Edubuntu is a flavour and Mint is a derivative.19:20
stgraberWhen working in Ubuntu, we should usually care about flavours as they're part of the project, but we don't really have to care about derivatives19:20
xnoxstgraber: official vs unofficial flavour?19:22
xnoxor simply it's a flavour if meta-package is in the ubuntu-archive and is self-contained in the ubuntu archive?19:22
stgraberself-contained in the ubuntu archive is what makes a flavour19:23
stgraberofficial vs non-official then depends on whether the Technical Board accepted it as such19:23
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC

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