
xnoxslangasek: ubiquity-dm opens a ConsoleKit session for a while now due to bug 63153801:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 631538 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[10.10 beta] Impossible to shutdown/restart/.. from the Welcome screen" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63153801:56
xnoxso something must have caused it to fall-off lubuntu seed.01:56
xnoxmaybe ubiquity should depend on consolekit then?!01:57
slangasekxnox: ck is present in the lubuntu image01:57
xnoxoh =(01:57
slangasekbut it seems not quite functional01:57
slangasekthere's a process with a lower pid running; then something tries to spawn a new one over dbus; this second attempt fails01:57
xnoxthat statement is true regardless ;-001:57
xnoxslangasek: is there a ps tree anywhere to look at?01:59
slangasekxnox: not presently :)02:01
slangasekxnox: the problem was 100% reproducible for me with the lubuntu daily fwiw02:01
* xnox downloads02:02
xnoxto be honest I don't like how ubiquity-dm is not a proper Xsession but an upstart job which pre-empts the login manager02:03
xnoxinfinity: ^ should resolve bug 109732908:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 1097329 in ecere-sdk (Ubuntu Raring) "ecere-sdk: binary package conflict with eclib" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109732908:03
jamespage^^ high urgency fix to resolve regression with openvswitch dkms brcompat module13:39
jamespagebug 112561113:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1125611 in openvswitch (Ubuntu Quantal) "DKMS brcompat module circular dependency causes broken module" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112561113:40
jamespage^^ ditto for quantal (plus fix for bug 1088160)14:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1088160 in openvswitch (Ubuntu Quantal) "module-assistant install of openvswitch-datapath fails on quantal due to drop of _mod postfix" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108816014:07
jamespagecjwatson, Daviey: fix for regression introduced by the 3.5 kernel support changed for openvswitch in precise ^^14:08
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infinityxnox: Thanks for making that happen.17:42
xnoxinfinity: no problem ;-) just cleaning up after myself really.19:05
* xnox ponders zsync i386 90.4% complete, yet amd64 is no local matching data found23:01
* xnox always syncs together.23:02
xnoxhehe permissions problem.23:03
* xnox <--- ignore him23:03
phillwxnox: I get that with kvm, it does like to take ownership of the iso's. most annoying!23:07
xnoxphillw: yeah.23:07

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