
ToyKeeperCheri703: If you're car-free, Denver might not be the greatest place to live...00:25
Cheri703I've heard mixed opinions. when I visited last month I used the bus to get around, and it was fine. I have a recumbent trike with an electric assist, so that'll get me around pretty well too.00:27
ToyKeeperIts public transit is pretty lacking compared to most big cities, and during the winter it can be extremely unpleasant going by foot or bike sometimes.00:28
ToyKeeperHowever, if you limit yourself to specific areas where the transit is available, it should be okay.00:28
Cheri703Coming from a small town in Ohio, and last winter I commuted to my (horrible) job on my trike through the ENTIRE winter, it'll be ok :) There's a bus system here, but it is VERY limited00:28
Cheri703I like to joke around about the fact that it is *actually* uphill both ways for me to walk downtown from my house, and I will tell my nephew stories when he's older about "walking up hill both ways in the snow, just to <random errand>"00:31
ToyKeeperI'm pretty fond of Fort Collins.  If I leave, it won't be for Denver, but to somewhere with more humid and consistent weather instead.00:32
Cheri703my trip in Jnauary was my first time ever in CO, I hope to explore the state more once I move out there :)00:32
Cheri703I moved to ohio from california when I was a kid (thanks parents), and I have been here almost 20 years, and I have *never* gotten acclimated to the humid summers. I have so much trouble breathing :/00:33
Cheri703so dry summers will be a welcome change :)00:34
joeyCheri703: one of the many reasons I moved to Colorado from NY00:38
joeyCheri703: it was always overcast, humid, and for several weeks a year we had no power or water due to storms00:39
Cheri703Yeah, my parents live in western NY, and I have been there in july and august, and they don't have a/c >_< SOGGY SOGGY SOGGY and HOT00:39
joeyCheri703: consequently I used to chop a lot of wood for the wood stove00:39
Cheri703joey: same for them!00:39
Cheri703they have a well though, so they're set on water :)00:40
joeyhmm efm...00:41
joeyI recognize those 3 letters00:41
ToyKeeperHeh, the dry winters here make my sinuses bleed...  and the hot summers make me melt every time I step out of air-conditioned areas.  Our temperature range is from about -20 F to 110 F, and I really prefer about 40 F to 70 F.00:41
joeyefm: sean still around?00:42
ToyKeeperjoey: You're familiar with our local premium Linux service company, Tummy, no?  If so, you probably know efm.00:42
joeyToyKeeper: actually that's what I love about Colorado00:42
joeyToyKeeper: yep that's who I thought it was...00:43
ToyKeeperColorado springs and falls are nice.  :)00:43
Cheri703ToyKeeper: yeah, but I've known ohio folks to go out west in the summer, say "hmm, it's probably like...80 with x% humidity, yeah?" and folks go O_O No, it's over 100F, so...it's likely comparable. difference is: evaporative cooling works in dry places, NOT in humid places00:43
joeyI tried to convince Oksana to move to Alaska but she wouldn't have it00:43
joeythen I tried Canada and should wouldn't have it00:43
Cheri703former roommate moved to alaska, we were talking and she's like "it's only -25f today, it's not bad" I said she was insane00:44
ToyKeeperHeh, Alaska summers are terrible if you want to go outside.  Hordes of huge mosquitos.00:44
joeyyeah the skeeters are ruthless00:44
joeythey are all the size of half-dollar coins00:45
joeyand they travel in packs like locusts00:45
joeyyay off Monday00:45
ToyKeeperOh, hey.  Federal holiday.  Woot!00:46
joeyok I'm heading out. I think for fun I'm going to work on my sdf.org gopher page00:46
Cheri703I'm heading out shortly too. have a good evening folks!00:46
efmjoey: yes, though he's out of town at the moment01:16
efmCheri703: what brand of electric trike do you have? I was thinking of swapping my car for one this year01:17
efmttyl Cheri70301:18
Cheri703well, I have a Trident Trikes Spike, and I added a kit from e-bike kit to it. so it's an aftermarket change01:18
Cheri703(I'm still here, ride hasn't come yet)01:18
Cheri703I'm hoping to upgrade trike and/or kit at some point soon01:18
efmSean got an electric bike last year, and rode it everywhere01:18
Cheri703you can add e-bike kits to pretty much ANY bike or trike these days01:18
efmI'm more of a trike speed01:19
Cheri703recumbent trikes are THE BEST01:19
ToyKeeperI went on some good rides with Sean on his electric bike.01:19
ToyKeeperI'm anxious for warmer months to get here so I can ride again.01:19
ToyKeeperBesides, I have new bike lights to try out when it's warm enough at night to use them.01:19
efmwhere I live is so close to the trail system, I could get anywhere in town with an electric01:19
Cheri703depends on battery, SLA are...crap01:20
efmIt would be so nice to be able to go shopping without a car01:20
ToyKeeperIn the summer, I love to go out riding every night.01:20
Cheri703also bear in mind that reported mileage will likely be less with a trike: heavier, more rolling resistance with 3 wheels. I was always towing a trailer and live in a hilly town, so I don't get great mileage from mine at the moment.01:20
ToyKeeperIn the winter though...  I have to get by with DDR and other indoor activities.01:20
Cheri703hoping to either: get a LiFePo4 battery, get a whole new hub WITH LiFePo4 battery, or some other option.01:21
Cheri703efm: where do you live?01:21
efmFort Collins, in the Fossil Creek valley down south01:21
Cheri703ah, ok :)01:21
efmI'm only a mile from the second major shopping district, though, so it's eminantly bikeable01:22
efmoh, the spike folds..thats awesome01:22
Cheri703efm: most do01:23
Cheri703icetrikes.co has a nice fold01:23
Cheri703http://www.hpvelotechnik.com/index_e.html has some nice folders01:23
ToyKeeperHmm, I'm not very familiar with LiFePo4 batteries...  though they have come up a few times lately while I searched for Li-Ion cells for LED torches.01:23
Cheri703ICE trikes are VERY nice01:23
Cheri703there's actually a dealer outside denver01:23
Cheri703efm: this one will blow your mind: www.evolvetrikes.com though it's not out yet01:24
Cheri703ToyKeeper: they're considered the best currently available for e-bikes01:24
Cheri703great range01:24
Cheri703efm: if you're curious about recumbents, check out the forums at www.bentrideronline.com01:24
Cheri703AMAZING resource01:24
Cheri703what I want eventually is a velomobile :)01:24
ToyKeeperFor now, I'd be happy to find a good skirt guard for my bike.  They're hard to find in the US though.01:25
efmI just have to head over to http://www.rockymountainrecumbents.com/ some time and do a test ride01:25
Cheri703ToyKeeper: check out http://letsgorideabike.com/blog/ they have some skirt+bike tips :)01:26
Cheri703efm: if you were buying, and not in bargain basement price range (that's where the spike is, and where I was when I first got it), I'd HIGHLY recommend at least test riding ICE trikes, they're excellent01:27
Cheri703though most of the brands that rmr sells are pretty good too :)01:27
efmthanks Cheri703 I'm not that price constrained, if it's a car replacement (which I'm planning)01:27
Cheri703hehe, then check out velomobiles :D01:27
Cheri703they're awesome01:28
efmthe ice trikes look to have a good suspension01:28
Cheri703sorry, you guys got me on a topic I'm passionate about :)01:28
ToyKeeperAs for a car, I can't really bring myself to care enough to actually buy one instead of using the one my parents gifted me.01:28
Cheri703efm: yeah, my parents both have ICE Adventure models, I'm eyeing the Sprint01:28
Cheri703there's a velomobile shell available for the sprint that would be a followup purchase for me :)01:29
efmthe video for the ICE Adveture is lovely01:29
Cheri703the adventure is similar to the sprint, but higher seat01:29
Cheri703my parents love theirs01:29
Cheri703I've been lusting after ICE trikes for years01:29
Cheri703I had a recumbent *bike* years ago (bought it in high school) and realized that the only things I disliked would be solved by having a 3rd wheel, but it took until end of 2011 to finally get myself a trike :) (about 9-10 years later)01:30
Cheri703alright, well, sorry for rambling about trikes :) my ride is on his way, so I'm off for a while. have a good weekend folks!01:32
efmyou too Cheri703!01:37

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