
snap-lThe one thing that I really hate about ordering from Elite Keyboards is they take FOREVER to ship00:19
rick_h_snap-l: heh yea00:19
rick_h_amazon spoils us00:19
rick_h_I had fits when I ordered the tools that had a 8wk+ wait time00:19
rick_h_I'm over 10wks on on thing still not shipped :(00:19
snap-lHaven't even seen anything even remotely like a "we got your order"00:19
snap-lrick_h_: Are they chisleing them out of moon rocks?00:20
snap-lJeez, 10wks is too much00:20
rick_h_heh, you'd think00:20
snap-lThere's only so many times you can stalk the UPS guy before he gets cranky.00:20
snap-lI think we're in the midst of another video game crash00:21
derekvwounderful friday =]01:12
derekvwhats a good way to say "I'm not sure we've met" in an email to someone I am trying to impress?01:19
derekvGoing to apply at Canonical and Mozilla.02:04
derekvAny tips?02:04
jrwrenbe awesome.02:04
jrwrenfor what kind of work are you looking? arbor networks is hiring :)   its the best play around.02:05
derekvI want to work on products I beleive in.  I want to be able to say that what I'm doing is somehow compelling.02:06
derekvI'm trying to swing it so that I make some income while doing it.02:07
derekvMaybe that's more broad then what you meant... =]02:08
jrwrenplaying a game of sc2, but I'd like to chat abou tit.02:08
jrwrendo you know what arbor networks does?02:08
derekvDDoS protection, security, professional services.02:09
derekvSecurity is an interest of mine.02:13
rick_h_ ls21:54
snap-lbad command or filename. ;)23:24
snap-lEvening. :)23:24

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