
Unit193Cheri703: Oh, did you have any plans ideas for the upcoming jam?  We skipping out on it?  :P01:18
Cheri703we can do something, I have no idea what. I am in brain shut down mode for this weekend, then next week I can coherently plan :)01:19
Unit193Coolio, was just wondering with what our local body would be able to do. :P01:21
Cheri703*shrug* propose something01:21
Cheri703drkokandy may be around as well01:22
canthus13Cheri703: did I tell you? 32 bit installed with no problems on those machines... 64 bit apparently has a weird USB bug.02:36
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drkokandyI'll be around that weekend, so let me know if you all want to do something Cheri703 & Unit193 - but like I said on the mailing list, I don't think I'll be much help in bug squashing18:10
canthus13drkokandy: Cheri703 is out of town right now.20:01
drkokandyok, was just responding to her mention from last night20:11
Unit193drkokandy: (Read earlier, but never sent)  From the email it seems that it could just be loading up Raring, poking around and when you hit a bug, report it to Launchpad.23:52
Unit193On another note: http://bsdly.blogspot.ca/2013/02/theres-no-protection-in-high-ports.html  though I think alter ports helps a little, just not for security reasons, and 2222 is basically the alternate SSH port. :P23:52

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