
magespawngood morning all07:51
Kilosmorning all07:57
magespawnhey Kilos 07:57
Kiloswhat a storm we had last night after midnight07:58
Kilosmethinks hours of lit up skies and 48mm rain07:58
Kilosinetpro, ^^07:58
magespawnsounds like a good old fashioned highveld thunderstrom08:00
magespawnstorm even08:00
Kilosyeah was wonderful08:00
Kilosnormally it storms and 3mm rain08:01
Kilosyou gonna laugh magespawn 08:01
magespawnanother install?08:02
Kilosthat trying to go to wikipedia links smile gave last night crashed my 160g drive08:02
Kilossays boot sector is messed up after 3 12.10 tries the deleted parts with xp. then 12.10 said drive faulty08:03
Kilosthen tried kde and its just said install finished reboot08:03
magespawnso you running kde now?08:04
Kilosno on maverick here. had to swop pcs around because i had win 98 on old one going for the floppy boot stiffy thing08:05
magespawnany luck/progress with the flashing of the bios?08:06
Kilosi havent tried it yet. downloaded the flash/upgrade zip files from different places and only found the one from taiwan has the .rom file in 08:08
Kiloshi timkeller 08:08
Kilosbut they give a strange command in the link i got on how to do it08:08
Kilosthe command doesnt match with the .rom or .exe files08:09
Kilosthey use the start of a .exe and add .rom on instead of .exe08:09
Kilosso that i need to clarify before i try the flash08:10
Kiloshi Symmetria 08:11
Symmetriaso, since my webdesign skills suck ass, and I have need of certain things, time to see if I can figure out how to use a proper webdesign tool like adobe muse ;p08:11
Kiloshehe never too old to learn08:12
Kilosoh also magespawn i swopped my /swap and /boot partitions around with kde so maybe it will take unity as well08:14
magespawnnever really liked those all in one software suites, they almost always seem to add extra code08:14
magespawnwas responding to Symmetria 08:16
Symmetriamagespawn heh, agreed, but for a non-coder08:20
Symmetriathey make life simple08:20
magespawnSymmetria: is that liquid cooling you have on the machine?08:31
Symmetriathe pc-cooler.jpg image?08:31
Symmetria;p its awesomeness08:31
magespawndoes the radiator have its own fan?08:32
Symmetrialol, not quite as awesome as the other project a friend of mine and I are attempting though, but lol, thats more long term, we're busy building an entirely new type of pc case for another machine Im putting together as an experiment08:32
Symmetriamagespawn 2 x 120mm fans 08:32
Symmetriaon the outside of the radiator08:32
magespawnthats the first one i have seen for inside the case08:33
Symmetriawhich are software controllable (the one cable to that cooler actually runs to a USB interface off the motherboard)08:33
magespawnall othe radiator have gone outside08:33
Symmetriaprophelyn gycol I think its called08:33
Symmetriabut its an entirely sealed unit08:33
magespawnsimilar to stuff in cars08:34
Symmetriaheh magespawn *grin* wait till you see our new fun project if we get it right, we're effectively building a pc into a giant salt water fishtank ;p08:34
magespawnsaw something similar08:35
Symmetriathe pc itself, the plan is in clear plastic etc to have the thing completely waterproofed and suspended in the fish tank with pretty lights etc, and tube the outlets to the outside of the tank, but whats special about this, we're looking at using the fish tank water itself as a coolant as well08:35
magespawnthey filled the tank with non-conductive oil covering all the components08:35
Symmetriagot disconnected08:37
Symmetriaso if you said anything since 10:36 I missed it08:37
Symmetriaheh magespawn in theory, we can actually circulate the water in the tank through the cooler pump08:38
Symmetriaand since you have such a large quantity of water in a fish tank 08:38
magespawndo you have and condensation problems?08:39
magespawnon your machine08:39
Symmetrianot at all08:39
magespawnmight be a problem down here, how cold does it run at?08:40
Symmetriasorry got disconnected again ;p something up with my net connection08:41
Symmetriaheh, thats OC'ed slightly less than what I have it now, I pushed that to 4ghz with no problem since then08:41
Symmetriabut that machine.png was a heat test I ran, it had been running completely maxed like that for an hour when I took that screenshot08:42
magespawnso temp is stable but not actually cold perse?08:42
Symmetriayou don't wanna run 2 cold because if you do you get condensation08:43
Symmetriathe idea is to keep the temp between 25 and 50 dependant on load and heavy overclocking etc 08:43
magespawnyes here in hluhluwe anything cooler than 20-22 degrees gets condensation08:44
Symmetriaheh, I went with that cooling unit to solve a specific problem, namely, machine was overheating badly when doing certain extremely cpu intensive things08:44
Symmetria(video editing in AE for example)08:44
magespawnSymmetria: how do write a ipv6 address with a port number?09:09
inetproMaaz_: tell Kilos we had 28mm10:03
Maaz_inetpro: Okay, I'll tell Kilos on freenode10:03
Symmetriaafrinic is gonna hate me again10:43
Symmetriahttp://www.alstonnetworks.net/proposals ;p10:43
Kilosdont laugh magespawn12:29
Kiloshi superflyand others12:30
Kilosstupid quassel12:30
magespawnlaugh at what Kilos?13:00
Kilosthought if kde can work so must unity13:01
Kilos2 installs no modem13:01
Kilos3rd install says drive faulty13:02
Kilosso back on kde 12.0413:02
Kiloslo Vince-013:02
Kilosand quassels pling instead of xchats bloep13:03
Kilosand gotta leave it on an unfocussed window13:04
magespawnahh well 13:05
* nlsthzn installed Kubuntu 12.04 then added the backports and installed KDE 4.10 and now I have no window borders >.<13:20
Kiloswhew tim got connection probs14:12
Squirmslight issues14:20
Symmetriafor those of you who are interested in what is going on on the internet14:43
Kilosmagespawn: coffee on16:02
KilosMaaz_: coffee on16:02
* Maaz_ washes some mugs16:02
Maaz_Coffee's ready for Kilos!16:06
KilosMaaz_: ty16:08
Maaz_You are welcome Kilos16:08
Kilostimkeller: ping17:02
timkellerKilos: pong17:02
Kilosyou got probs17:02
timkellerAm I bouncing a lot?17:02
Kilosbad connection there hey17:02
Kilosyeah in and out17:03
timkellerShouldn't... that's weird. I'm behind a bouncer.17:03
timkellerI'll find out17:03
Kilosmaybe its ok now17:03
timkellerWant me to drop so the channel doesn't get spammed?17:03
Kiloslets check17:03
Kilosno man17:03
timkellerCool :)17:03
Kilosmaybe its because you didnt say hi guys17:03
Kilosill tell you if it starts again17:05
Kilosyo Cantide17:06
Cantidehello :)17:06
CantideKilos, CanStudy is going to make a brief reappearance >.<17:06
* nlsthzn just got windows to have the same behaviour as linux in that a windows doesn't need to have focus to be able to scroll in it etc... just the mouse to hover over it... needed an extra app however :/17:07
Kilossell it to them nlsthzn17:09
nlsthznlol, well I didn't make it :p I just installed it17:10
* nlsthzn couldn't program himself out of work so bad I am 17:10
Kilosa little knowlege is dangerous17:10
nlsthznhow are you uncle Kilos ? All well in ZA?17:11
Kilosso is a lot17:11
Kilosyeah good ty nlsthzn,and you?17:11
Kilosmeeting monday night hey?17:11
* nlsthzn got the night off, so as I worked last nioght and working the next I will be doing an all nighter.17:11
nlsthznwill be working uncle Kilos so no meeting for me17:11
Kilossetup a skelm pc there17:12
nlsthzn:) they have blocked almost all sites so no luck on the net from there now17:14
zerefweo weo17:16
zerefpewp pew17:16
nlsthznand now I have multiple desktops too17:17
Cantidezeref, Kung Pow?17:17
zerefCantide: :D17:18
nlsthzn"Swinging my chain"17:18
CantideI watched it recently17:18
zeref+ got my GTX 66017:18
CantideI'm falling, you're falling~ we're faallllllinng17:19
Cantidezeref, very cool :)17:19
nlsthznthat movie is full of win17:19
Cantideand i see steam was finally released - so it's a good time to test it out :)17:19
* nlsthzn goes looking for it to watch later17:19
zerefgoing to test it with black ops tomight17:20
nlsthznwill murder the game17:20
zerefit look like some sort of car engine17:20
nlsthzn:) takes up two slots right?17:20
zereflemme take pic17:21
nlsthznfan not that big then?17:21
zeref2 fans17:21
nlsthznmany times a second slot is useless as the fans and the heat sink is to big17:22
nlsthznso anybody watched the harlem shake vids on youtube :p17:29
nlsthznzeref, nice card17:30
nlsthznlots of heat to be removed right there17:30
smile4everhi :D17:30
Cantidenice card!!17:32
Cantidehi smile4ever :)17:33
smile4everhi :)17:33
smile4everCantide: have you seen my user styles for Firefox/Chrome? :)17:33
Cantidecan't say I have >_>17:33
smile4everthey are at http://userstyles.org/users/166121 :)17:34
smile4everI really hate some sites ><17:34
smile4everbut I like their content17:34
smile4everthat's why I wrote some user styles17:35
Cantidei hate flash / adverts17:36
Cantideso minimalistic sites attract me more :)17:36
Kiloshey nlsthznyou using quassel or xchat in kde17:49
smile4everCantide: glad you like it :D17:54
Kiloshi smile4ever17:54
smile4everhi Kilos :)17:54
magespawnevening all18:23
charl_hi smile4ever, magespawn 18:36
charl_how's it going this fine evening18:37
magespawnhey charl_ 18:37
charl_we have a meeting monday?18:37
magespawnhey smile4ever 18:38
smile4everhi charl_ & magespawn18:38
smile4evercharl_: very good! :)18:38
smile4everand you?18:38
magespawncharl_: i think so, Kilos was reminding everyone about it earlier18:38
charl_good, i just had a light cold or something the last few days, but it seems to have passed now18:38
charl_magespawn: cool, not that i ever contribute much to those though :(18:38
charl_not being in south africa might have something to do with it :)18:39
magespawnhere is a bit of news18:41
Symmetriafor anyone interested in Internet governance stuff18:41
magespawnaccording to popular mechanics pastebin is a hacker code sharing site18:42
charl_let's face it, it has been used a lot by anonymous lately, not that it was the originally intended purpose18:42
Cantidegood night 'o'18:42
charl_but i don't like pastebin much anymore, it is too full of ads18:43
magespawndo mide the discriptiin really, just the negative association of 'hacker'18:43
charl_the width of the text area is very limited18:43
charl_oh i see, but that is a standard confusion issue18:43
magespawnand in a mag dedicated to hacking of one sort or another18:44
charl_i always follow this iptv show called hak5 and a few shows ago darren kitchen (one of the hosts) spoke about some of what they had to deal with18:44
charl_they apparently had trouble securing a home loan at one point due to their association with "hacking"18:44
magespawni watch them too.18:45
charl_good show, i have been following them since the end of season 118:46
charl_i used to travel a lot so couldn't always follow them immediately but i would go back and watch the episodes later18:46
charl_that's the biggest advantage for me of iptv personally, the fact that i don't have to use a video recorder18:47
magespawnthats the best way to watch i find18:47
magespawnyup watch on demand18:47
magespawnwonder if timkeller has thrown up yet18:47
charl_yes and then people go and buy these expensive dvr machines for it18:47
charl_he's on a terrible connection18:47
charl_oh it's a mweb capetown netblock18:48
magespawnfunny how pppl like to stay with what they know18:48
charl_i guess it's an obvious thing really, people learn incrementally18:48
charl_rinse, lather, repeat, and most people simply don't know any better18:48
magespawni thought they sorted their problems earlier18:48
charl_could be the last-mile connection18:49
magespawnindeed like trying to get people to pay to read/watch content18:49
magespawnhave you heard of techdirt?18:50
charl_not really, what is that?18:50
magespawnblog/website about legal/internet/copyright etc18:51
charl_oh yeah i just searched it up on google18:51
magespawninteresting reading18:51
charl_the thing is that the people who are trying to extort us for money are not content authors18:51
charl_i want to support authors making great content, not large monopolies18:51
magespawnjust the gate keepes18:51
charl_in the meantime, the monopolies are using the authors as an excuse to extort people18:52
charl_have you heard about what happened in finland last year? lemme find the link18:52
* magespawn goes to read18:53
magespawncharl_: and these are in no way isolated cases18:58
charl_yup unfortunately19:00
charl_this is just one that got some media attention :)19:00
magespawntechdirt covers the same sort of stuff state side19:01
charl_we need to get the word out :)19:01
Squirmlol timkeller 21:15
nlsthznstill going at it I see21:36
nlsthzntimkeller, you are phasing in and out of existance22:35

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