
zequencelen-1304: I was able to upload a lowlatency kernel to my ppa ppa:zequence/kernel-testing01:59
zequenceIt has some stuff disabled01:59
zequencedebug stuff mostly02:00
zequence3.8 for raring02:00
zequenceThere's no meta, just the image. linux-image-3.8.0-6.4-shaved1-lowlatency02:03
=== Lump|AFK is now known as Lumpy
zequenceno headers, so no proprietary drivers02:05
zequencehmm, I think this kernel must really suck for lowlatency02:13
zequenceLumpy: 02:22
zequencelen-1304: The raring kernel is not performing well for me at all02:22
zequenceMy "shaved off" version did not have any effect on performance of what I can see. Did cyclictest and some audio testing02:23
zequenceThis is AMD, so disabling Intel stuff would of course not affect anything02:23
zequencecyclictest shows something like 10x more than one would expect from a well configure realtime kernel02:24
zequenceresults were far better on Quantal02:24
zequenceI need to retest. In fact, I should do this properly and just post the results on ubuntustudio-testing02:25
len-1304zequence, I am using Linux studio1304 3.8.0-6-lowlatency #4-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Tue Feb 12 12:57:58 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux05:06
len-1304I have not had any problems05:06
len-1304zequence, I guess I should ask what you mean by performance...05:11
len-1304To me it means better audio performance. Lower latency without xruns. Greater stability at higher cpu loads.05:13
Lumpyheya len-1304 06:16
Lumpyfor what it is worth, linux means better performance06:17
Lumpyi get xruns but listeners never seem to notice it06:17
Lumpynini all07:17
=== Lumpy is now known as Lump|AFK
zequencelen-1304: I'm getting really poor results from cyclictest as well as just running jackd with a software08:25
zequenceJust running jack is not enough08:26
zequenceThe goal is to have jack run more or less stable at 32 frames/period with software and cpu load08:27
zequenceAnd more or less perfect at 64 frames/preiod08:27
zequencethis is what we had on Natty08:27
zequenceWith cpu load, I include jerking around with graphics and doing something like decompressing files using all cores08:29
zequenceor compiling something08:29
zequenceif it's realtime, nothing will budge the process08:34
zequenceor should08:34
zequencenow, since i've done all too little testing my results are not enough to talk about really. Other than that these were extremely poor08:35
zequenceI had better results on Quantal08:35
zequencemore than twice as good on cyclictest08:35
zequencehmm, I do have headers. of course I do09:29
zequenceI'm gonna try something else next. Use an older release with both it's kernel and newer one11:22
zequenceI'm highly suspecting it's not the kernel that causes all of the grief11:23
smartboyhwzequence, promise me one thing: If you are going to use the ~ubuntustudio-core powers to change testcases of Ubuntu Studio in the ISO QA Tracker, INFORM ME13:35
* smartboyhw goes to change links at download page of ubuntustudio.org15:09
smartboyhwIt isn't updated....15:09
* smartboyhw is thinking that we should probably have a release checklist.....15:09
smartboyhwzequence, ^15:09
zequencesmartboyhw: That sounds like a good idea. Actually, I'm starting to think that it might be a good idea also to create a release team15:19
smartboyhwzequence, oh......15:19
smartboyhwzequence, BTW you got something wrong on the team structure page15:19
smartboyhwFor the leaders role (you and scott-work) it is not Quality ISSURANCE it is Quality ASSURANCE :P15:20
smartboyhwThere is no such thing as QI:P15:20
zequencesmartboyhw: If you find spelling/grammar mistakes, please feel free to correct them15:21
smartboyhwzequence, ok15:21
smartboyhwzequence, I also updated the download links for 12.04.2 in the community wiki and ubuntustudio.org15:21
* smartboyhw likes doing typo edits15:21
zequenceSwedish is quite close to English in many ways, and we would use the same word for both15:21
zequenceIt's easy to make this kind of mistakes15:22
smartboyhwzequence, oh really?15:22
* smartboyhw doesn't know that15:22
zequenceThe correct grammar there would be "didn't", but I guess that is because Chinese doesn't make a distinction between did or do15:24
smartboyhwzequence, LOL15:24
smartboyhwI have better English than Chinese (srsly)15:24
zequenceI speak three languages fluently myself, plus a little German. But, I wouldn't say I'm very good at any of them. For two reasons. I'm not good at remembering words, and I've never put much time into improving my language skills15:27
zequenceMy sisters are both speak at least four languages fluently, but they are living abroad15:28
zequence- are15:28
smartboyhwzequence, if you one day set up have a seperate team for releases tell me I might join (of course that depends on you really15:28
zequencesmartboyhw: Yeah, I was thinking of that. Since you are the person most active with that anyway15:28
zequencewould make sense15:29
smartboyhwzequence, thanks15:30
smartboyhwI seemingly have pleasure doing ISO tests..... (more weirdly, I ranked third in doing 12.04.2 ISO tests, doing 46)15:30
zequenceI'll just talk with Scott, so he's in on it. Then I'll create the team. Add you to it, and ask the guy in -release to change it again for us15:31
zequenceWow, that's plenty15:31
smartboyhwzequence, the guy = stgraber. OK15:31
smartboyhwzequence, there's a typo: I actually only did 44. However the first (pwlars) and the second (psivaa) has got 136 and 129 test results in 12.04.2. How on earth did they accomplish that!?15:48
len-1304zequence, on my P4 with 32 frames on jack I am pushing 70% DSP, but the cpu% is much higher.  I am getting 0 to maybe 3 xruns in a few hours.16:01
smartboyhwHey len-1304 thank you for testing 12.04.216:01
len-1304The xruns are from SW updates BTW.16:01
len-1304smartboyhw, NP16:01
len-1304zequence, I will try to spend some time today pushing things with guitarix and rakarrack.16:06
len-1304But so far the biggest difference has been turning hyperthreading off.16:06
len-1304On a multicore machine I don't know that hyperthread is that helpful.16:07
* len-1304 thinks hyperthreading was a stop gap before multi-core... or maybe a sales gimmick17:16
Lump|AFKheya len-1304 17:17
Lump|AFKfor what it is worth, I agree with you on the hyper threading but I sure love my atom on my Eee17:17
len-1304Lump|AFK, how are you.17:17
Lump|AFKi am tired and stresssed atm17:18
len-1304The atom based MBs seem to be some of the netter ones for audio17:18
Lump|AFKbeen pulled a bit thin recently and I need to hustle some bucks for bills17:18
Lump|AFKbut such is the life of one self employed.17:18
len-1304Been there. This has been a hard year for money for us.17:19
Lump|AFKi am going to try streaming with the Eee in the near future17:19
Lump|AFKsome of the local clubs are interested in live remotes17:19
Lump|AFKso i need to decide if i can use the eee or need to build a machine for it17:19
len-1304 I have been looking at linphone with the thought of hacking in jack support.17:19
len-1304Sounds like fun.17:19
Lump|AFKyou have to keep me posted on that one17:20
Lump|AFKnow that linux is coming to phones i may get a smart phone down the road17:20
Lump|AFKbut after trying windows mobile, i ended up going back to a palm m50017:20
len-1304Ya, the problem I see is that the streamer is separate from the rest. I need to see if it is only started when the call connects.17:21
Lump|AFKi just like the palm, jpilot interface much better than micro$oft's outlook and pocket pc17:21
Lump|AFKpluc, imho, the graffiti beats the pants off ms handwriting rec17:21
len-1304There is a broadcast quality box out that is built to act as a studio end to phone converstions.17:21
Lump|AFKyeah isn't that ironic.. land line providers now specialize in compression and cell phone carries move to fidelity17:22
len-1304It doesn't use jack, but goes straight to audio or AES3 i/o17:22
len-1304The problem is that "leased line" is no longer being offered in a lot of places.17:23
len-1304So AoIP is all that is left.17:23
len-1304I have been reading a lot of EBU papers on this stuff17:24
Lump|AFKland lines are now optional for carriers outside of business i guess17:24
Lump|AFKwhich, imho, is rather scary17:24
len-1304I want to make a SIP client that is standards compliant with the EBU standard for Linux.17:25
len-1304Landlines (of some form) are still very much in use. The form is changing though.17:26
Lump|AFKntl, i have to get jiggy with my nick soon17:27
len-1304Things are going digital right at the house instead of shipping audio all the way the the switch17:27
Lump|AFKyou going to be about today?17:27
len-1304Off and on yes.17:27
Lump|AFKhopefully i can catch ya later17:27
Lump|AFKbtw and fwi, it think i went over 5 hours continuous on the stream last night17:28
Lump|AFKsf was in --> meterbridge ppm --> jack rack with compressor and eq --> meterbridge ppm -- idjc17:28
len-1304Sounds great.17:29
Lump|AFKlargest xrun was just a few tenths over a millisecond17:29
len-1304zequence, pulse 3.* is now released into quantal seems to fix the starting of jack while streaming so far.17:30
len-1304Lump|AFK, that is pretty good, was there any noticable glitch?17:30
len-1304(sound wise?)17:30
Lump|AFKhad a good number of listeners in chat throughout the night17:31
Lump|AFKand every time i saw an xrun, i asked17:32
Lump|AFKnobody noticed17:32
Lump|AFKi notice because i monitor the line in and not the compresseedd, eqed stream17:32
Lump|AFKbut i think the real time kernel makes the line in skip but not the stream out17:32
Lump|AFKi never can hear it on the finished recording either17:33
Lump|AFKi would like to monitor the stream but the delay ends up making one slur their speach like a drunk17:33
Lump|AFKnonetheless i have to head out or we are going to be a hungry familyu17:34
Lump|AFKer family17:34
Lump|AFKi will be back later today and hopefully about more tomorrow17:34
Lump|AFKi still want to get around to installing the nightly and setting up error reporting and such17:35
Lump|AFKforgive me i have just been buried of the late17:35
holsteinon xrun here and there might not be a big deal17:35
holsteini usually go for zero xruns17:36
holsteini would just bump the latency up a little17:36
holsteinjust the next settings higher17:36
Lump|AFKhey holstein, i have to bolt but i will give that a try17:40
Lump|AFKalthough really very few xruns... maybe one an hour17:40
Lump|AFKusually it occurs when i switch workspaces17:40
holsteinsure, but you likely dont need the low latency17:41
holsteinyou also could be at like 18ms.. and going to 30 or 40 would really not make that much differece17:42
holsteinfor me, anything over about 12ms, and im not able to do live effects or software synths, so it might as well be stable at 80ms17:43
Lump|AFKlike i said, i will give it a try17:43
holsteinthat would literally mean that, on your stream, what you do will happen 80ms later... im sure no one would notice17:43
Lump|AFKntl, i will play with latency next stream, for now, i need to get to the store17:52
Lump|AFKyou have a good day len, holstein and room17:52
Lump|AFKand thanks for the help you always provide17:52
Lump|AFKyou being plural17:52
len-1304holstein, Ya, bumping latency up works for most things, but can add extra pauses in when you have contributors that are remote.17:56
len-1304Though I think at the moment, he is running the remote line in with the mics through a mixer.17:57
Lump|AFKcorrect len17:57
Lump|AFKso it would be mute17:57
Lump|AFKntl for real now, my coat is on17:57
len-1304holstein, have you tried the difference with hyperthreading turned off or on ?17:58
len-1304Lump|AFK, bye.17:58
holsteinlen-1304: i havent, but i can17:58
len-1304It has dropped me one latency step.17:58
holsteinyou diable that in the bios?17:59
len-1304Yes ,but it can be done after boot too.17:59
len-1304There is a syscontrol command to disable some of the cpus. Linux sees hyperthreads as two cpus18:00
len-1304so disabling every second cpu has the same effect.18:00
holsteini have avlinux on a nice-ish box with ht18:01
holsteini should try it there18:01
holsteinits easy to get an xrun18:01
len-1304holstein, this in on my old P4 box. (single core)18:01
holsteinyeah, my main rig is a dual core18:02
holsteiniirc the other box with AVlinux is just a nice-ish p4 with ht18:02
len-1304I don't seem to have any higher cpu% to do the same work either.18:03
len-1304Lots of things that gave xruns before (like switching workspaces) don't seem to.18:04
holsteinthat is odd18:04
holsteinmaybe its the overhead or running HT these days18:04
len-1304Could be.18:05
holsteini should try that on my daily driver too18:05
holsteinmy little netbook shows up like it has 4 cores18:05
len-1304With a RT thread the context switch might happen a lot more often.18:05
len-1304Ya, linux sees hyperthreading like extra cores... and uses them as such. So it is easy to end up with an RT thread and a non RT thread trying to use the core18:07
holsteini like that email to the list "Hi, I am new to this and expect a lot of support and help from all."18:08
len-1304Linux doesn't try to limit the time the Non RT thread has on it's "core" 18:08
holsteinits gotta be some language barrier, or a large misunderstanding of what a mailing list is18:08
len-1304Or used to comertial lists.18:08
holsteinthat too..18:09
len-1304I have been working on switching my mode app from tcl/tk to python18:12

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