
MakertronicHello, is there somewhere I can see a list of the programs included with Xubuntu 12.1000:18
MakertronicIs there anyone here?00:22
NXTGeek1944if I wanted to help the dev team out, what should I do, or is there a better channel for this?01:10
Unit193There's http://xubuntu.org/contribute/ and #xubuntu-devel is the development channel.01:11
ianharperHi!, i can't figure out how to set vlc player as default. (12.10)01:11
Cheri703ianharper: application menu > settings manager > preferred applications01:12
Cheri703ah, just kidding >_<01:12
Cheri703no video in there...01:12
Cheri703disregard >_>01:12
ianharperderp :) was in the midlle of typen ha01:12
Unit193update-alternatives it is.01:12
NXTGeek1944Unit193: Thanks!01:12
Unit193Sure thing.01:13
ianharperis it possible?01:13
Cheri703one way (might not be THE way) would be to go to a video file, right click "open with other application" then click "use as default for this type of file" or whatever it says there01:14
Unit193I generally purge parole which does it, but you can also just set it with the update-alternatives command.01:14
Cheri703Unit193: that looks complicated01:15
Unit193Kind of, but not too bad.01:15
ianharperNothin, just open's.01:16
ianharperah my bad found it!01:16
ianharperty cheri01:17
Cheri703sure :) it's a start01:17
GridCubeianharper, on preferences, go to the MIME Type editor, change application/octet-stream to what ever you want01:21
GridCubealso you could filter by video and change them all, but that should suffice01:22
=== Lump|AFK is now known as Lumpy
Matthias_I would like to install Xubuntu onto a 2004 laptop, and boot/install from the CD. How do I make an install CD?02:13
genii-aroundMatthias_: Generally, to download the Xubuntu iso file and then to use a cd burning application in your current operating system to make the cd02:15
Matthias_I downloaded the package (about 630 MB) from the website here, but I'm not sure where the ISO file is.02:15
genii-aroundMatthias_:  It all depends on where most things you download end up... I think on Windows usually goes to Downloads folder or maybe My Documents02:17
Matthias_Sorry, I should be more specific. I know where the whole bunch of stuff went, and I unpacked it using some unzipper. I'm now looking at it in PowerISO. But I don't see an ISO file. I do see two BIN files.02:18
Doctor_Vexits one file. either xubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386.iso or xubuntu-12.10-desktop-amd64.iso02:21
g16Then you have downloaded the wrong thing.02:21
Matthias_Okay, I will look for the ISO file. Thank you for your time!02:22
Doctor_Vexwhere did you download it?02:23
Matthias_I got it from the link on this page that says "get Xubuntu"02:26
Matthias_under "get started"02:26
ShiftedViewGreetings. I don't suppose anyone here is familiar with the nvidia drivers, and the install steps thereof. I'm having a horribly difficult time getting them set up correctly under xubuntu 12.10.02:27
Doctor_Vexthen you should definately have a iso file02:27
Matthias_Using power ISO, I sorted the files by file type, and there were no .iso files.02:28
Matthias_I am trying another file download currently of 10.04.2 with the .iso in the name of the file.02:28
Doctor_Vexhave you by any chance enabled the "hide known filetypes" "feature" in windows?02:28
Matthias_I don't think so.02:30
Matthias_But I do know that I do NOT show hidden files right now.02:30
Doctor_Vexits not a hidden one02:31
Matthias_How would I check that?02:31
Doctor_Vexdo files on your system show extensions?02:32
Doctor_Vexlike .jpg .exe .bmp02:32
Doctor_Vexthen its not enabled02:32
Matthias_(windows 7, btw)02:32
Doctor_Vexall you need is the place where the .iso  saved and a program to burn it02:33
Matthias_I also just finished a download of the file xubunu-10.04.2-alternate-i386.iso, and I can't find the iso file02:33
Doctor_Vexwindows should be able too with a right click on it and select burn to disc02:34
Matthias_So the entire package of info is the iso, and then i just burn that to a CD?02:35
Doctor_Vexthe iso i a image of the disk you will burn02:35
Doctor_Vexits already a finished CD, except not on CD02:36
Doctor_Vexa bruning program will recognise it and burn it 1:1 on disk02:36
Matthias_with what program should I burn the .iso file? Will the basic windows burner do it>?02:38
Doc_Vexnow do a Windows + F and search for xubunu-10.04.2-alternate-i386.iso02:39
Doc_Vexwhops i see a typo there02:39
Matthias_I know it's in the downloads folder02:39
Doc_Vexthen open your burning program and select "burn ISO image"02:41
Doc_Vexits really easy02:41
Matthias_I think I was confused in the fact that the .iso file is the whole thing packaged up. I was looking inside the .iso package for an .iso file, which I now realize is silly02:42
Matthias_Thank you for getting me straightened out!02:42
Doc_Vexyeah its weird when a program opens its contents02:43
Doc_Vexthen leave it in the drive and boot. if boot from disk is enabled it will give you a menu02:46
ShiftedViewAnyone for helping with my nvidia problem? Whenever I attempt to install it, it just leaves my system in a very low res, and it doesn't even load the nvidia driver.02:48
Matthias_Quick last question: Can I burn onto a DVD-R disc, or does it have to be one of the smaller ones?02:49
Doc_Vexany disc your drive can read02:49
Doc_Vexi burned it on a normal CD-R 700 MB CD02:51
ShiftedViewAttempted installation from the terminal (xserver still active), the Ubuntu software center, and the virtual console (xserver inactive) using the install script provided by nvidia's website. All attempts have been on fresh installs of ubuntu 12.10, 12.04, xubuntu 12.10, and 12.04. All have failed with the same result. Low res, and driver not being loaded.02:52
genii-aroundShiftedView: I'm not in Xubuntu right now, but basic commandline would be: sudo nano /etc/default/grub and put a line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="nomodeset", save that and exit, then: sudo update-grub && sudo update-initramfs -u && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dkms linux-source linux-headers-generic build-essential && sudo apt-get install nvidia-current  Then: sudo X -configure | sudo tee /etc/X11/xorg.conf      then sudo nano02:52
genii-around/etc/X11/xorg.conf and find the line under Section "Device"   where it says like Driver  "nouveau"  (might not say nouveau but fbdev or anything else)... change it from nouveau or fbdev or whatever to nvidia, save.02:52
ShiftedViewHm.. Thanks, I'll give that a stab right now.02:54
genii-aroundShiftedView: If you already have nvidia-current installed then make the sudo apt-get install nvidia-current   in the above to sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-current02:54
genii-aroundShiftedView: If you used the Nvidia websites .run file, before you do any of the above, you first need to do: sudo sh ./NVIDIA_FILENAME_HERE.sh --uninstall02:55
ShiftedViewThis is a fresh install. As running the .run file resulted in a more catastrophic failure than normal. xserver just plain refused to start after that.02:56
genii-aroundheh, .run rather, not .sh ... but you get the idea02:56
ShiftedViewI don't understand why the drivers seem so broken, now. I've never had this problem before.02:58
ShiftedViewI appreciate the help though. This driver has been a thorn in my side for quite a while. All I wanted to do was install steam, and try out TF2 on linux.03:01
pilподскажите канал хубунту русскоязычный03:04
genii-aroundShiftedView: I'm only going to be around for another 8-10 minutes. Please keep me posted to progress :)03:05
ShiftedViewUnfortunately, this fresh install decided that it wanted to update everything. Better to be safe than sorry, so I'll do the updates first.03:06
ShiftedViewBut if your steps don't work, I'll be sure to pop in some other time.03:06
genii-aroundShiftedView: I'm usually in 10-6 EST weekdays03:07
ShiftedViewAh, wonderful. Same time zone.03:07
ShiftedViewHm.. One last thing. Do I have to take any alternate steps if my laptop is running nvidia optimus technology? If I recall, said technology actually passes my gtx660m's video output through the intel hd 4000, to be delivered to my screen.03:09
genii-aroundShiftedView: For the X -configure command, you may need to exit to the login, do ctrl-alt-f1, and do first: sudo stop lightdm          then after the X -configure   do sudo start lightdm      then alt-f7 to return to login03:09
genii-aroundShiftedView: I'm not familiar with that card, but if it uses the twin GPU setup you might need Bumblebee03:10
ShiftedViewThe gtx660m is a discreet graphics chip intended to be used for programs that demand more power. Most of the time, my Intel core i7 is doing the work. Obviously, this was more intended for Windows OSes. It might be the source of my issues.03:11
genii-aroundShiftedView: So later you may want to look at http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-bumblebee-in-ubuntu-12-1012-04-using-ppa.html03:13
ShiftedViewAll righty. I'll give that a look as well.03:13
ShiftedViewI managed to run into issues again. sudo X -configure | sudo tee /etc/X11/xorg.conf throws an error at me.03:29
ShiftedViewAttempting to move on to the next step, just shows me an empty xorg.conf03:30
well_laid_lawnit's always helpful to mention what the error is03:35
well_laid_lawnjust saying there's an error doesn't give ppl anything to work with03:35
ShiftedViewI understand that. I'm looking for something to write it down with, so I can go back and replicate it.03:36
well_laid_lawnafaik X-configure write to a file in the directory the terminal is in - let it do that then move the file to /etc/X1103:37
ShiftedViewThe error is as follows: "The number of created screens does not match the number of detected devices." "Configuration failed." "Server terminated with error (2), Closing log file." Where each quoted item is on it's own line.03:41
ShiftedViewIt is the command "sudo X -configure" That is throwing this error.03:42
well_laid_lawnsounds like you should be using bumblebee or something03:44
genii-aroundShiftedView: Here is a pastebin of my xorg.conf  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1661112/03:45
ShiftedViewAh, thanks. Though, I'll have to check if it's even necessary. If bumblebee is working as intended, it might not be.03:47
ShiftedViewHm.. nope, bumblebee isn't playing nice. shift@shift-Linux:~$ optirun glxspheres03:49
ShiftedView[ 5458.185194] [ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: [XORG] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:1:0:0.  Please [ 5458.185265] [ERROR]Aborting because fallback start is disabled.03:49
genii-aroundWeird. I wonder why pastebin plain-text download requires Launchpad login first03:54
ShiftedViewNot sure either. Seems harmless enough.03:54
genii-around( tried wget pastebin-address/plain and got html openid login page downloaded instead)03:55
ShiftedViewHeh. Well, I slapped in that xorg config. Now lets see what happens.03:56
* genii-around crosses fingers and checks the clock03:58
ShiftedViewHm.. Good news is, the resolution didn't decide to implode.03:59
ShiftedViewNow to check if the nvidia driver is actually loaded. I've completely forgotten how to do that.04:00
genii-aroundlsmod | grep nvidia04:00
ShiftedViewRight, thanks.04:01
ShiftedViewnvidia              11257759  004:01
ShiftedViewnvidia is red.04:02
ShiftedViewThat doesn't look good to me.04:02
ShiftedViewDoesn't look like it's being used by anything either.04:03
TIMAAIm on an aspire one acer netbook and I have a mouse flickering problem.04:04
ShiftedViewThis is very odd.. lspci can see my video card just fine.04:05
genii-aroundShiftedView: Likely on the Optimus the Intel is used as default, then you need some facility like Bumblebee to swap it before the underlying nvidia driver has something to work with04:12
genii-aroundBut this is just my pet theory04:13
ShiftedViewBumblebee isn't behaving with me though. It can't initialize the card.04:13
genii-aroundCan't seem to find a manpage for optirun :/   ... can you pastbin the output of: optirun --help   ?04:19
genii-aroundShiftedView: https://github.com/Bumblebee-Project/Bumblebee/wiki/Troubleshooting   seems to indicate you need bumblebee-nvidia installed if using proprietary driver.. does apt-cache policy bumblebee-nvidia     show that it's installed?04:21
ShiftedViewYes, it does.04:22
genii-aroundShiftedView: I'm at an immediate loss. Other than to suggest perhaps pastebin results of: optirun --debug    and then maybe show it to the folks in #bumblebee channel04:25
ShiftedViewI'm considering downgrading to a previous version of ubuntu. Pre-unity.04:26
genii-aroundI'm not sure it will do much about your video driver....04:26
holsteini have an ion04:27
ShiftedViewPerhaps not. But I've heard some success stories from it. So, I'm willing to give it a shot.04:27
genii-aroundholstein: Is that another of those hybrid cards ?04:27
ShiftedViewNot like I'm losing anything on this fresh system.04:28
holsteina relevant nvidia eon04:28
holsteini wouldnt go back.. the driver support is likely not to get any better04:28
holsteinyou are using the latest ppa for graphics drivers ShiftedView ?04:28
ShiftedViewAs far as I know.04:29
holsteinTIMAA: i would suggest tryiing different graphics drivers as well.. what hardware to you have?04:29
holsteinShiftedView: ?04:29
holsteinShiftedView: its not in by default04:29
genii-aroundShiftedView: Does ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/      show the x-swat  or xorg-edgers ppa there?04:30
holsteinShiftedView: since valve is doing steam, support is typically better for proprietary cards04:30
ShiftedViewholstein: Yeah, I'm really excited about valve's support for 'nix.04:30
holsteini would expect it to be worse goint backwards04:30
holsteinunity has nothing to do with your graphics driver support, or xubuntu04:30
ShiftedViewgenii-around: I'm seeing x-swat in there.04:31
holsteinShiftedView: what is the issue?04:31
ShiftedViewCan't get the nvidia drivers to work no matter what I try.04:31
holsteinim not using bumblebee.. ill link what im using04:32
genii-aroundholstein: He gets: [ 5458.185194] [ERROR]Cannot access secondary GPU - error: [XORG] (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA GPU at PCI:1:0:0.  Please [ 5458.185265] [ERROR]Aborting because fallback start is disabled.04:32
holsteini have tested to see that i can reboot into the nvidia hardware, but i never do.. not even when im ruing steam04:32
genii-aroundI ❤ Asus04:33
holsteinyeah... i like these little eee's04:33
ShiftedViewPersonally, I'm running on a Lenovo y580.04:33
holsteinShiftedView: if the hardware is the same, you can use that information04:34
holsteinShiftedView: when you had a fresh install, what did you do first?04:35
holsteini would fresh install, and install the driver that is suggested, and try the nvidia hardware04:35
ShiftedViewI did a sudo apt-get update, and let the system do all it's updates. Then I restarted.04:36
ShiftedViewAlso, the latest iterations of ubuntu do not automatically suggest a driver to you, it seems. I've never had that pop up in these recent releases.04:36
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto04:37
holstein^^ you can read that as well04:37
holsteinwhat im getting at is, of you added that ppa and the bumblebee hack first, you might have broken it with some experimental magic that is not working with your device04:38
ShiftedViewI've only tried bumblebee recently. In my previous attempts, I've attempted to install the driver straight from nvidia's site, or through the ubuntu software center. All on fresh installs, mind you.04:39
holsteinShiftedView: just checking...04:40
holsteinShiftedView: can you return it?04:41
holsteinthe device... return it and get something with linux support04:41
ShiftedViewThat's not an option.04:42
holsteinfor me, i just wanted to make sure the nvidia was disabled, so it wouldnt be draining my battery04:42
holsteinis that an option? or are you literally in need of more graphic power than the intel chip is providing?04:43
genii-aroundShiftedView: Is there any setting in the bios to make it prefer the nvidia gpu over the intel gpu? Like if you turn off power saving on it or something04:43
holsteinhave you tried 12.04?04:43
ShiftedViewI got this laptop for gaming. Unfortunately, it came with windows 8.04:43
holsteinShiftedView: you can get gaming machines from linux resellers such as system7604:43
ShiftedViewgenii-around: I've looked around in the bios. The only option is hybrid, or intel only.04:43
TIMAAholstein: intel inagrated video card04:43
ShiftedViewholstein: This laptop was a gift from my father. I can't really afford anything on my own.04:44
holsteinTIMAA: i would still try "safe graphics mode" from a live cd.. i would also try as a different user. i would say if this is a new occurance, or something that has always been that way04:44
ShiftedViewholstein: And, yeah. I need more power than what intel hd 4000 can provide. The gtx660m was really attractive.04:44
holsteinShiftedView: sure, but do you literally need it?04:45
holsteinlike, you've played a game, and its just crapped out?04:45
holsteini think you will have to decide what you want to do.. what would i do? try with ubuntu 12.04, since thats going to be the most supported by steam04:45
holsteinthen, you'll need to decide if you just want to game in windows or what04:46
genii-aroundShiftedView: http://askubuntu.com/questions/178517/how-do-i-get-bumblebee-working-with-a-gtx-660m04:46
ShiftedViewI'd like to be able to game in linux. I want the support to be there. But if people like me keep quitting linux at the first sign of difficulty, then the big companies will never support it better, because the customer base isn't there.04:46
holsteinShiftedView: and you can game in linux.. the issue you have is hardware support04:47
holsteinShiftedView: support is there.. just apparently not for that device04:47
holsteinits not linux that will or can give you that support04:47
holsteinShiftedView: the company is partnering with steam to do some nice things.. but if you really want to make a different, vote with your wallet04:48
holsteinbuy machine with linux.. thats what will get "big companies" to notice04:48
holsteinthat being said, what should you do?04:49
holsteintry 12.04.. that is what steam states it supports04:49
ShiftedViewMy financial situation doesn't allow it. I have this, and so I'm going to do my best to make it work.04:49
holsteini would try a steam forum, or steam mailing list04:49
holsteinShiftedView: xubuntu, nor ubuntu, nor canonical nor linux is allowed to provide you support really, though we try04:49
holsteinShiftedView: there is an opensource nvidia driver as well.. have you tried that?04:50
holsteini have never had much luck with it...04:50
ShiftedViewIsn't that the default? Nouveau?04:50
ShiftedView2d acceleration only, I'm afraid. If that's what you mean.04:51
genii-aroundAt any rate, I think if there's any hope currently to get your card working with bumblebee right now, that askbuntu page might help, perhaps with an enquiry or two in #bumblebee04:51
holsteinShiftedView: i thought there was a 3d one...04:51
ShiftedViewI can't say I've heard of such a thing.04:51
ShiftedViewgenii-around: I'll be sure to do so.04:52
holsteinassuming you need bumblebee04:52
holsteinand you dont necessarily04:52
ShiftedViewWhat I require is 3d acceleration from my nvidia card.04:52
holsteinShiftedView: sure. and if the open one doesnt provide that for your card, then dont worry with it, but if you havent tried it, you can04:52
holsteinShiftedView: this is something like what you tried? http://eternalvoid.net/tutorials/linux-optimus-gt650m/04:54
ShiftedViewNo, but I'll take a look at that next.04:55
holsteinthe suggestion was, from a fresh install..04:55
ShiftedViewReally. If that's the case, I should prepare my ubuntu 12.04 disk.04:56
holsteini would use 12.0404:57
genii-aroundWell, I've been here far too long. An 8 hour workday then staying at work after that on a Friday night 7 hours longer than i intended to....   Goodnight, and good luck04:57
holsteingenii-around: cheers!04:58
=== Lumpy is now known as Lump|AFK
bullgard4Where is the colour saturation control to be found?07:37
well_laid_lawnnormally ot's a button on the front of the monitor07:40
bullgard4well_laid_lawn: Normally a laptop computer does not have a button on the front of the monitor.07:43
bullgard4I am here in the #xubuntu channel, and I am asking for a Xubuntu setting.07:45
bazhangbullgard4, and answers are not always available07:46
well_laid_lawnheh. how was I to know you are on a laptop?07:48
bazhanghttp://askubuntu.com/questions/102440/setting-a-greyscale-or-monochrome-color-scheme   <----- bullgard4 have a read07:49
well_laid_lawnsome more reading - http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/75216.aspx07:53
bullgard4bazhang, well_laid_lawn: Thank you very much for proving me these two interesting articles.08:09
well_laid_lawnbullgard4:  you're welcome.08:10
Bsadowski1I have a question. How come Xubuntu isn't listed on Wubi's Desktop Environment selection?08:21
Bsadowski1Just googled it, nevermind. :)08:23
ortogonalI've install Xubuntu 12.10 and get the grub error message error: file '/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found08:24
well_laid_lawnortogonal:  this might help - file08:44
well_laid_lawnoops weechat is playing up - one min08:45
well_laid_lawnthere we go ortogonal ^^08:45
gunnicanHello everyone. Two days ago I have installed security updates and since then I cannot install any package from software center. When I click "install" simply nothing happens. I also tried "sudo apt-get upgrade" command but still no software is installed09:26
well_laid_lawntried   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   ?09:28
well_laid_lawnwhat happened?09:30
gunnicannothing. When I click install nothing happens.. no error..09:31
well_laid_lawnI suggested a terminal command. no clicking involved in that09:31
bullgard4What is a suitable keyboard shortcut to invoke the Applications menu if I do not have a Super (="Windows") key on my keyboard?09:33
well_laid_lawnright click the desktop should show it09:33
well_laid_lawnyou can edit it in the keyboard shortcuts if you like09:34
gunnican@ <well_laid_lawn> Yes I see. I mean after giving the command to terminal there had been some security upgrades but the software packages are not dowloaded09:34
gunnican@<well_laid_lawn> nor is there any change in the software window09:35
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:35
well_laid_lawnI have no further suggetions gunnican sorry09:36
gunnicanOkay, thanks anyway09:36
knomegunnican, "software packages are not downloaded"?09:37
knomegunnican, can you pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update'09:37
knome!pastebin | gunnican09:37
ubottugunnican: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:37
Aristot_xubuntusalut à tous nouveau venu sur linux après quelques difficultés11:15
Aristot_xubuntubien. je fini l'installation et je repasse ++11:18
Zelouille!fr | Aristot_xubuntu11:20
ubottuAristot_xubuntu: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:20
Aristot_xubuntuoups sorry. Hi all i'm juste a new linux user. i finish this install and coming back see you11:26
DemonWitchQGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme13:18
DemonWitchhow do i fix this?13:18
Maangocabuenos dias13:36
Maangocaalguien me podria ayudar13:36
Maangocaporque gshardown nose inicia en xubuntu13:36
=== azeam is now known as azeam_afk
dormitoIm running ubuntu 12.10 (with the xubuntu desktop pack added an Im using that wm) I have an extra partition mounted at /data and because I ran out of space on the origional partiotion /home is a bind mount of /data/home. However when I try to delete file (using thuar) from /data I get "invalid cross-device link" however I can delete stuff from ~/ just fine (but /data/home/dullfire has the same issue, and due to the bind they are the same14:13
dormitopartition). Im guessing that the delete command is tring to make a hard link, but the bind is confusing the link op. however Im not really sure how to fix this14:13
ianharperHi there, how can i edit a file as root via file manager?15:50
TheSheepianharper: open terminal, type 'sudo thunar'15:53
ianharperty very much15:54
ZelouilleTheSheep: I think it would be safer to do a right click > open terminal here > "sudo leafpad my_file". Or even safer, right click on the file, open with > "gksudo leafpad". But yes, I always do "sudo thunar".16:02
holsteingksudo thunar16:02
TheSheepZelouille: how is that "safer"16:03
TheSheepZelouille: also, I didn't know if it's a text file16:03
holsteinyeah, i agree... root is root... i dont think "safer" is going to play into it on that level16:03
ZelouilleTheSheep: well, you can only break one file. Starting thunar with (gk)sudo is more risky (you can easily delete files, drag'n'drop folders etc.)16:05
holsteini see... i think it could be easier with the mouse to do some harm, but in the terminal you could sudo mv or rm something important as well16:07
Zelouilleholstein: sure. But everything you type is voluntary. And it's logged into the "history". You can do harmful thing with the mouse (or worst peripherals, like touchpad ^^), even without seeing it, just while browsing to the file you wanted to edit. As I said, I often start thunar as root. But I don't think it's the better thing to do.16:23
holsteinZelouille: sure, "i think it could be easier" is what i stated to kind of agree with you as much as im going to.. i still feel like root is root, and care should be taken either place16:25
TheSheepalso, thunar shows you a nice red warning when you run it as root :)16:28
TheSheepZelouille: but you are right that it is possible to do something silly16:29
piddinandohi everyone. Could you help me with a wifi connection issue i have?17:06
xubuntu363these good19:00
andreas__am i at the right place for help on xubuntu?19:23
andreas__(how rude of me) hello everyone! :)19:24
bazhangwhat is your support issue andreas__19:24
toraxhey andreas__19:24
andreas__just new to the voyager 12.10 and with an old machine too. is there a way i can make it a tiny bit liter?19:24
andreas__like ... what should i uninstall.... and staff19:25
andreas__voyager12.10 xubuntu19:25
bazhangis that MINT?19:25
andreas__its xubuntu i think. it has the mouse logo and all (not a pc expert myself)19:26
bazhangwhere did you download this voyager from19:26
Unit193bazhang: No, it's something else.19:26
bazhangUnit193, which is?19:27
andreas__i just googled voyager 12.10 free download and here i am19:27
Unit193#voyagerOS is a little dead from what I see, but may try it.19:27
Unit193bazhang: Xubuntu based, but different distro.19:27
bazhangUnit193, so unsupported19:27
andreas__it is xubuntu based yes.19:27
andreas__its a french project19:27
andreas__and here is one of problems19:28
MoL0ToV03:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 5289 (rev 01)19:28
MoL0ToV suggestions?19:28
andreas__i dont speak french lol19:28
bazhangreal xubuntu fully supports the french langue19:28
andreas__downloaded the language manager and everything it said  but still some lines are in french19:29
andreas__can i fix that?19:29
bazhangandreas__, ask the voyager support forums19:29
andreas__anyway cheers guys19:30
go87651I by rapoo h3050 headphones but in wirelese mode they not working. is anyway to fix this?19:33
oturaI'm listening to rhythmbox while programming in netbeans, why music garbles whenever I press keystroke?20:31
oturacan linux multitask yet?20:31
well_laid_lawnsure it can20:32
oturathen why the audio garbling happens?20:33
well_laid_lawndoes it only happen when using netbeans?20:33
oturadunno, I don't use that many programs20:34
oturabut all of those are from official reps20:34
holsteinotura: could be usb interrupts... could be anything hardware related with your audio device20:34
manueel96Can somebody explain to me how to install nvidia drivers for my xubuntu 12.10?20:35
oturaholstein: great, that was helpful.20:35
holsteinotura: i dont have time to troubleshoot with you right now, but i would look for and apply upgrades.. i would try other applications and see if the music is stable.. i would try as a different user.. also20:35
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.20:35
holstein^ this is more for getting audio to work though20:36
oturaaudio also garbles in gnome3 whenever compositing effect event happens20:36
holsteinotura: you can load up a live CD on other hardware and experiment and see if xubuntu can multitask to your expectaions20:36
oturaI don't have other hardware20:37
manueel96how to install nvidia drivers for xubuntu 12.10?20:37
holstein!ati | manueel9620:37
ubottumanueel96: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto20:37
holstein!patience | manueel9620:37
ubottumanueel96: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:37
holsteinotura: all im suggesting is, to try and make sure that your operating system's multitasking capabilities are not the issue..i think you will troubleshoot this issue, and find it to be irq interrupt related, or audio driver support20:39
manueel96 im sorry and i will not do that again20:42
oturaswitching to audacious fixed that problem so it wasn't irq or driver issue20:42
holsteinotura: enjoy!20:42
holsteinotura: if you find that the issue happens again, maybe explore the options i mentioned.. and enjoy multitasking!20:43
holsteini usuall install and use VLC20:43
oturaso it's a bug in downstream netbeans or how rhythmbox acts with alsa20:43
holsteinotura: i would think if it were netbeans related, it would happen with any application20:44
* otura wishes to go back in time to perfectly stable and error-free Windows 720:45
oturaFOSS doesn't really respect my freedom to get things done20:45
holsteinotura: you should ask in a windows channel.. afaik, windows7 is still on sale20:46
holsteinotura: if it works better for you, i would use it.. also, if you dont mind, lets take the windows and non-support related chat to the #xubuntu-offtopic channel.. also there might be more appropriate support channels for gnome related help20:48
oturathis is XFCE, not gnome20:49
holsteini was referring to your audio garbling with compositing in gnome320:50
TIMMhello im trying to find a NES emulator, to run on my netbook, any suggestions?22:48
Unit193zsnes or maybe the other one.22:54
TIMMI have ZNES and can't get it to run.22:55
TIMMmaybe its the rom22:55
Unit193Hrm, you did say NES not SNES...22:56
TIMMwait i have ZSNES22:57
xubuntu859Can someone help me with a few questions regarding input/output errors?23:06
sSshardware issue, check cabling and pins23:26
sSslots of things can cause that, check your syslog23:26
sSsi/o error of what?23:27

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