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madieanyone from Austria here?01:28
Obsidian1723Not I01:42
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KovicaI've just found out (a bit late :) ) that there are no alternate installtion CDs anymore. I was using them to create unattended installations on XUbuntu and my own software. What should I use now ?02:36
Obsidian1723Just use kickstart02:38
KovicaObsidian1723: hmm.. is it as powerfull as debian text installer. I mean the configuration of thingsthat need to be done..02:40
Obsidian1723should be.02:40
bernardoHi everybody. Gnea was helping me but I think he's not here anymore. I'm not being able to make nvidia-settings work on my laptop with geforce 650m (optimus). I have installed bumblebee but nvidia-settings will run only with optirun, not detect the other monitor, and get the wrong resolution for my laptop display. Any ideas?02:57
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vow_which is the folder for ebooks on ubuntu?04:40
vow_ebooks downloaded with ubuntu software center?04:40
DarthFrogThere isn't one by default.04:57
spacecaseshould powertop be running in the backgroud or did it just get left open when I was using it?04:59
=== Mamarok is now known as Guest72783
RaphaelBarrosHey guys, I'm having a problem with the Icon Only task manager: when I make a launcher "permanent" on the task manager, after I close the program, the launcher stays there, but without an icon, can someone help me with this :)? (I have a similar problem where the icon changes to its official icon when the program is running and changes back to a different icon when the program is closed)05:48
mocondohello raphael05:55
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tidux|x120ehow do I reset the font settings to stock in Kubuntu?09:40
tidux|x120eI messed with the DPI scaling once and now all of them look like shit09:40
tidux|x120ethey looked really nice from fresh install09:40
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tidux|x120eoh wait I found the "defaults" button09:42
tidux|x120enever mind lol09:42
jonahhi does anyone know what's going on with Kubuntu - All three of my machines have broken through recent updates... I don't know if it's a ppa that's done it etc, but now I get this error: http://pastebin.ca/231468909:47
jonahAny help would be really appreciated to get my desktops back...09:48
jonahI just get a black screen after ldm and then have to try run all my apps from alt+f2 as have no desktop, widgets or plasma stuff09:50
Mamarokjonah: looking at it now, which Kubuntu version, and whcih PPAs do you have activated?09:57
Mamarokjonah: also your backtrace is not useful without debugging symbols for plasma09:58
MamarokFWIW: I run Kubuntu 12.10 here with the kubuntu and kubuntu backports PPA, KDE 4.10.0, and haven't seen a plasma crash in ages09:59
jonahMamarok: Hi thanks very much. I have 12.10 installed and nothing too risky with the ppas etc, only what's published on the website.  The Wine repo, backports ppa, gimp repo, enlightenment desktop repo (don't need that anymore so I'll delete that, medibuntu and dropbox repo. that's it09:59
Mamarokand which KDE version?10:00
jonahand I've got proposed updates ticked etc in the options10:00
jonahMamarok: version
Mamarokhm, then please try the following:10:01
Mamaroklog out of KDE; in a shell type this:10:01
Mamarokrm $HOME/.kde/share/config/plasma*10:01
Mamarokthat should get rid of old configs and should help getting the plasma desktop back10:01
MamarokI do that on every major KDE release, as plasma sadly doesn't cleanup the old configs automatically10:02
jonahMamarok: ok thanks I'll give it a go and log back in IRC if still have issues10:02
=== FabianB is now known as Guest52136
sheytanapachelogger: hey. Is it normal that when i switch to another sound card in phonon's kcm and apply it, it turns back the previous one on the list? It doesn't affect the settings, the choosen card is still working.11:21
BluesKajHey all11:34
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BluesKajGuest63389, ??11:42
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mr0wlhey all12:17
mr0wldoes Kubuntu have Ubuntu's spyware?12:17
FlameReapermr0wl: by "spyware" what do you mean?12:20
mr0wlFlameReaper: sending user data to third parties12:21
mr0wland Canonical itself12:21
FlameReaperI don't know12:21
FlameReaperbut if you mean Unity12:21
FlameReaperKubuntu runs on a different UI framework than Ubuntu12:22
mr0wlso it's only related to Unity?12:22
FlameReaperNo idea12:22
FlameReaperbut I don't see any of that evident in Kubuntu12:22
FlameReaperso probably these "spyware" stories were caused by Unity12:23
BluesKajKubuntu is longer supported by Canonical , so i assume any data is sent to Blue Syatems now12:23
BluesKajif any12:23
FlameReaperinformation like bugs, that I do know though12:24
BluesKajerr Blue Sysytems12:24
FlameReaperbug reports etc.12:24
BluesKajphat phingers12:24
* BluesKaj turns the lights on and puts his glasses on12:25
FlameReaper... bug reports go to KDE's bugtracker though12:26
lethuhello, I need to cut a part of text from standard input12:37
lethuthe whole text is "Core 2:       +57.0°C  (high = +80.0°C, crit = +90.0°C)"12:37
lethuwhat I have done so far is "sensors | grep Core\ 2 | cut -d\( -f1"12:37
lethuwhich gives me "Core 2:       +59.0°C"12:38
lethubut I need only the "+59.0°C" part12:38
lethuanyone pls?12:41
Fily84Hello / Ciao12:46
apacheloggersheytan: no clue what you mean12:56
sheytanapachelogger: you go to systemsettings, multimedia, phonon, choose devices tab. Then from the Sound Card list choose my X-Fi, then i hit apply. Close systemsettings. When i come back here again, X-Fi is not set, but the laptop default device.13:34
apachelogger screen shot plz13:34
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drox_I have a problem, my kdenlive 0.9.4 when I start process "DVD-composer" at the finish when i push create ISO  DVDAuthor crash! Anybody why do it this?14:13
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bunjeeanybody on?14:33
BluesKajbunjee, got a question?14:34
BluesKajok , just ask14:34
bunjeetrying to install libdvdcss.so.2(library) manually - newbie please advise14:35
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:37
BluesKajbunjee, install kubuntu-restricted-extras14:37
bunjeeblueskaj, how to?14:40
BluesKajbunjee, open a terminal , sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras , or open muon package manager and find it there and installit14:41
bunjeeok.will try14:41
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shadeslayeror click : apt://kubuntu-restricted-extras14:46
BluesKajshadeslayer, ??14:49
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jussihr, anyone know any programs that I can manage my internet connection with? ie. give some programs X bandwidth, others priority over everything etc15:20
shadeslayerjussi: you could enable QOS on the router15:24
jussithat would imply I had access to the router15:27
jussiIm looking for something client side15:27
shadeslayersuggests tc15:28
jussishadeslayer: trickle looks interesting15:33
jussi!info trickle15:33
ubottutrickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-9build1 (quantal), package size 42 kB, installed size 180 kB15:33
jussiI wonder if there is a GUI something though15:34
zl-mikehi guys15:37
zl-mikedoes kubuntu have separate bug tracker or all reports should go straight to launchpad?15:38
jussishadeslayer: something like this, but Qt would be nice... http://netshaper.sourceforge.net/15:38
jussizl-mike: usually for bugs in the software, not in the packaging go to bugs.kde.org15:39
zl-mikebug in network manager, actuallt15:39
jussizl-mike: right, guessing Launchpad then.15:39
zl-mikeook thanks15:40
jussibut maybe someone like shadeslayer can clarify that for us15:40
zl-mikejussi: nevermind, I probably should look at gnome bugzilla first.15:43
bunjeetrying to do an upgrade - what's this? - TrueType core fonts for the Web EULA15:44
jussibunjee: I assume its the eula for MS core fonts...15:45
bunjeeat end of eula there's an ok option - I can't do anything with15:45
jussibunjee: tried tab?15:45
jussitab then enter iirc15:45
bunjeetheeula is covering the terminal15:45
jussiso tab through, then hit enter15:46
bunjeegot it - jeez thanx!!15:46
jussiannoying that one15:46
bunjeeyes...I restarted my pc several times lol...15:48
oraclehello, any help for a brand new user?15:54
BluesKajoracle, go ahead ask your qustion15:55
BluesKajerr question15:55
bunjeejussis - what is libdvdcss.so.2.....cannot install manually....15:56
oraclein thelog file i have something trying to send an email, how do i find the program?15:56
BluesKajbunjee, if you installed kubuntu-resticted-extras , then libdvdcss2 isa already installed ...why are you asking about it15:57
BluesKajoracle, which log file ?15:59
oraclesystem log, just keeps updating nullmailer 117716:00
BluesKajoracle, are you concerned about a keylogger or rootkit , and how old is you kubuntu install ?16:07
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BluesKajoracle, nullmailer is attached to kmail as a sender agent and it is updated automatically , which runs on the akondi server16:12
oraclekmail? lemme check it out...thanks16:13
=== philippe is now known as Guest52974
bunjee_anybody help with this command? ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list16:26
Okitainwhy are you running it, bunjee_?16:28
BluesKajbunjee_, why are you asking ,it's a ppa for medibuntu , and you open that file with this command in the krunner ,(alt+f2) kdesudo dolphin /etc/apt/sources.list.d16:32
BluesKajwhat are hoping to achieve , bunjee_ , we can't help you if you won't tell us16:33
DarthFrogbunjee_:  That command will tell you if the file exists and some metadata about it.16:34
bunjee_trying to insatll medibuntu - do not understand what it is...16:34
DarthFrog!medibuntu | bunjee_16:34
ubottubunjee_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org16:34
BluesKaj!medibuntu | bunjee_16:35
bunjee_alright - so then forget about it?16:35
BluesKajbunjee_, follow the instructions there16:35
DarthFrogWell, if you want to gain access to the packages in the Medibuntu repo, that's not the way to go about it.16:35
DarthFrogIf that file exists, then "sudo apt-get update" will bring a catalog of those packages to your system.16:36
DarthFrogAnd you will have access to installing them using the system tools.16:36
BluesKajDarthFrog, i suspect he's trying to get around a DRM on a dvd  , already advised him about kubuntu-restricted-extras , but i don't think he understands what I told him about it16:37
DarthFrogthen you need the libdvdcss2 package.16:37
bunjee_gotta start from the beginning16:38
BluesKaj\which is already contained in the restricted extras16:38
DarthFrogbunjee_:  Do as BluesKaj told you.  You need to install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package.16:38
bunjee_try it again16:39
bunjee_what's the command again?16:40
bunjee_linux-headers-3.5.0-17 linux-headers-3.5.0-17-generic already installed16:41
DarthFrogsudo apt-get install  kubuntu-restricted-extras16:42
DarthFrogBut do "sudo apt-get update" & "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" first.16:43
bunjee_above is what I read now16:43
bunjee_linux headers16:43
DarthFrogbunjee_: Do you have trouble following instructions?16:47
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mandoguitfwiw    System:    Host: HP-dv7-KDE Kernel: 3.8.0-6-generic x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: KDE 4.10.00 Distro: Ubuntu Raring Ringtail (development branch)17:24
mandoguitpropman@HP-dv7-KDE:~$ sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras17:24
mandoguitE: Unable to locate package kubuntu-restricted-extras17:24
mandoguitpropman@HP-dv7-KDE:~$ aptitude show  kubuntu-restricted-extras17:24
mandoguitE: Unable to locate package kubuntu-restricted-extras17:24
FloodBotK1mandoguit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:24
mandoguitpropman@HP-dv7-KDE:~$ aptitude show  kubuntu-restricted-addons17:24
mandoguitPackage: kubuntu-restricted-addons  Description: Commonly used restricted packages for Kubuntu17:24
BluesKajmandoguit, the enable all your repos in package manager17:31
mandoguitdoest affect me thanks anyway.....just thought it was interesting.   according to the synaptic description kubuntu-restricted-addons will install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package17:36
mandoguitanother thing that is interesting, even though I opted for the restricted-extra package during my install of 12.10, the sources isn't shown as enabled in synaptic.    gonna toggle it on right now and see if any extra updates come through...17:39
ubotturavenna: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:40
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ubotturavenna: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:08
RaphaelBarrosHey guys, can somebody tell me how can I change the icons from the Icon Only Task Manager? There are some applications whose launcher doesn't have an icon, or has a different icon when it's closed and when it's running.18:08
SonikkuAmericaRaphaelBarros: First, make sure widgets are unlocked....18:11
SonikkuAmericaRaphaelBarros: Oh no, wait...18:11
SonikkuAmericaRaphaelBarros: You're talking about the icon-only one.18:13
BluesKajwhaich apps don't show an icon in the taskmanager , RaphaelBarros ?18:15
RaphaelBarrosMyPaint, but it was a compiled version18:17
RaphaelBarrosAnd Krita shows a different icon when it's not running18:18
RaphaelBarrosI tried to create menu entries for them and them add them to the task manager, but the problem still occurs (I have a similar problem with Blender, where the icon that appears it's just an "X")18:19
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Aurelio_Ia it just me or did the new update break Flash (AGAIN!!)18:44
MichaelPWhat is the sound server in linux.. alsa or pulseaudio ? I want it to do like my stereo volume and windows. When truning up and down. 1 db number at a time not 5 !!18:46
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:56
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions18:56
BluesKajoh well18:57
MichaelPWhat is the sound server in linux.. alsa or pulseaudio ? I want it to do like my stereo volume and windows. When truning up and down. 1 db number at a time not 5 !!18:58
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions18:59
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:59
MichaelPBluesKaj, what part controls the sound volume ?19:00
BluesKajboth , MichaelP , if you have the pulse gui / pavucontrol installed19:01
BluesKajalsa used to be relatively simple to setup before pulseaudio was introduced, now it's become a maze depending on what soundcard and drivers required foir it19:03
MichaelPBluesKaj, is what i want is away to make the volume go 1 number at a time insted of 5 when turning it up and down19:03
BluesKajMichaelP, not sure that kind of fine control is available19:04
BluesKaj!info volti19:07
ubottuvolti (source: volti): control audio volume from system tray/notification area. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.3-5 (quantal), package size 138 kB, installed size 514 kB19:07
BluesKajMichaelP, ^19:07
BluesKajapparently one assign percents to the volume ctrl19:08
MichaelPBluesKaj, http://tny.cz/f0dce7ed   ....   that volti19:20
BluesKajMichaelP, if you have all the repositories enabled in muon including canonical partners and extras , you can instll volti19:22
MichaelPI did install it.. it would not open.. so i typed in in konsol and that it what i got19:24
BluesKajMicki, try launching it from krunner Alt+F219:32
BluesKajoops wrong nick ...the guy left anyway19:32
wynn00anyone have any suggestions on how to make a error free boot dvd19:59
wynn00I have tried different brands of media and well as different media formats burning at the slowest speed and there are errors everytime20:00
BluesKajwhich boot app , wynn00 ?20:02
wynn00just using cyberlink on my windows pc20:02
wynn00i don't have a linux machine yet,  trying to make the switch but20:03
BluesKajtried supergrub ?20:03
BluesKajworks with all OSs20:03
wynn00ill try that then  thank you20:03
mandoguitwynn00:   for windows I have good results using imageburn to burn iso's.    rather that the supergrub, I would suggest you burn Rescatux (which is an updated supergrub recovery boot disc by the same author as supergrub)  http://www.supergrubdisk.org/20:10
mandoguitwynn00:  sorry actual name is Imgburn   http://www.imgburn.com/20:11
BluesKajmandoguit,  I just used supergrub on friend's W 7 pc a few weks ago ..we restored his mbr20:12
mandoguitBluesKaj:   yes supergrub is fine (wasn't knocking it)  rescatux is a bit more full featured with walk throughs for newbies.   nice release imho, but others views may differ.  :)20:15
mandoguitBluesKaj:   the supergrub author actually recommends rescatux over supergrub these days.  :)20:15
BluesKajmandoguit, think you're right > Ihave the cdrw mislabled , the rescatux app was reburned  by my son and just didn't bother upgrading the title written on it20:20
mandoguitBluesKaj:   ahhh.... :)20:21
* BluesKaj grabs the sharpie and the rubbing alcohol20:24
BluesKajwell, gotta go ...band prctice a 4pm ...later all20:25
wynn00starting to think lighter fluid and a match might get me the best burned dvd20:26
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mandoguitwynn00:   did you try imgburn for burning an iso?   btw, are you sure you are burning the iso's contents to the disk rather than just copying the iso to the disk (there is a difference).....and if you are doing the latter could explain why you are having problems making a viable boot disk20:46
mandoguit....that could explain why......20:46
wynn00downloading imgburn right now20:53
wynn00yes im buring the iso the corrrect way  just when i when kubuntu's check disk on boot it finds errors20:53
mandoguitwynn00:   you check the md5 sum for the iso?    you can use   winmd5sum   on your windows box for that.   the md5 sum itself should be available via the iso download page20:58
wynn00_yes the md5 of the download checks out good20:58
wynn00_installing imgburn now we will see if that helps20:59
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wynn00_this will be the first program that let me burn at 1x speed so hopefully the slow speed helps21:04
mandoguitwynn00_:   keeping fingers crossed.      usually I burn at 4X without a problem but sometimes, as I am sure you are aware of, it depends on the equipment at hand.21:08
wynn00_i was doing it at 3x before.  I think it was just the software not the speed21:09
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
wynn00_well i set it at 1x but it says its writing at 3.121:12
wynn00_so maybe that was the issue21:12
mandoguityes imgburn will burn at a higher speed if it determines it can do so.   as I mentioned before I have had really good results with it over the years21:14
wynn00_oh its says the drive only supposrt 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x   so that was ahy it was doing it at a faster speed21:18
mandoguitwynn00_:    any luck?21:35
wynn00_still scanning the prevouis dvd i made21:36
wynn00_if it has errors then ill scan the one made by imgburn21:36
mandoguitheh   yes takes a while doesn't it?   will leave you to it then... :)21:37
wynn00_thanks for the help21:39
mandoguitwynn00_:   you're welcome21:39
wynn00_only 19 files had errors that time21:41
wynn00_hopefully imgburn one will be error free21:41
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mandoguitif it's not might be time to look at usb medium (such as unetbootin) then maybe....   might want to check available options at   http://www.pendrivelinux.com/21:47
=== sysadmin is now known as VLanX
wynn00_i might try install off that 19 error disk in case they are files fir options i dont need21:52
wynn00_i actually got kubuntu loaded earlier off a 30 error disk but the errors were desktop and i wasnt sure how to install it separate21:53
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mandoguitwynn00_:   most of my installs these days are by usb....in a lot of ways a lot easier than cd/dvd's routine.  especially with the current prices of usb sticks these days.  spend more for purchasing dvd/cd packs21:56
wynn00_my biggest usn drive is 2 g  and it ran out of space.  i might have to go buy one thats bigger21:59
wynn00_finally error free22:01
wynn00_i should of came on here a week ago22:01
mandoguitall right!!!   good to hear.  :)22:02
wynn00_im making a htpc  and am wanting to rip all my movies to the hard drive.  any advice on what to use22:02
mrafcho001_wynn00_: ThePirateBay22:03
mandoguitwynn00_:   hmmm.....nope not off hand.  not to big on the multimedia end of things.   I'm sure someone can make a suggestion (if not now then check back)22:03
wynn00_thanks for all your help22:03
mandoguitwynn00_:   no problem... my pleasure.  glad it worked out for you. :)22:04
guestwSqjofhello... just wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction. I restarted and I got a login screen, I had it on auto login before. I try to login to my user and it brings up the login screen again. It only allows me to sign in as guest. I am new to linux and have no idea how to work around this22:05
guestwSqjofi was thinking about just restarting from scratch, but under guest it doesnt allow me to make a bootable usb... im really not allowed to do much of anything...22:06
wynn00_even though you selected auto logon i'm guessing you still picked a user name and password and its probably needing that admin rights to finish install.  i could be wrong since im new also but22:06
guestwSqjofyea i had username and pw... i had been using for about 3 weeks.. just started giving me issues last night22:06
guestwSqjofnot sure if i corrupted my account somehow.22:07
wynn00_im guessing its kind of like having a limited user account on ms but needing admin when installing22:07
wynn00_maybe it is rtunning updates22:07
wynn00_i better let these guys help you since im just guessing at this point22:07
guestwSqjofcool.. thx for the info22:08
guestwSqjofim just gonna wait to see if anyone ahs any other ideas while i try to create a bootable usb somehow22:09
mandoguitguestwSqjof:    unless someone else comes up with an idea, you have have to implement a fix via the means similar to the following  http://smartproteam.com/change-passwordreset-ubuntu-live-cd/22:09
mandoguitguestwSqjof:    if you did a dual install of windows/kubuntu   you could make the usb on the windows side22:10
guestwSqjofthanks ill check it out22:10
guestwSqjofna i did fresh intall no dual boot..22:10
wynn00_heres to hoping kubuntu being a little more freindly to a ms user then ubuntu22:28
wynn00_i know its just an desktop difference but22:28
wynn00_i liked the kde desktop for pcbsd  but the video was awful blurry on my tv when it booted into the desktop.   ubuntu display seemed to be better22:31
wynn00_but i couldn't get drivers to install for graphics card22:31
=== Tabstar is now known as Tabmow
SonikkuAmericaHow can we help ya?23:01
Aurelio_Flash broke with the update, how do I fix that?23:18
Aurelio_There are some forum posts about this happening before, can I jsut follow those steps?23:18
rosco_ycan anyone recommend software that can save in the icon format?23:48
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: As in .ico?23:50
rosco_ySonikkuAmerica: ty, yes :)23:50
SonikkuAmericaDo you have KIconEditor?23:51
rosco_yNo, but it sounds like I should!23:51
SonikkuAmericaIf you don't, any image editor (such as GIMP) should work.23:51
rosco_yI just tried gimp, I didn't see an option to export to ico, I also thought it should be able to do that.23:52
rosco_ythat's what I get for thinking, I guess23:52
rosco_yI have KIconEdit now--isn't Linux wonderful?23:53
rosco_yty SonikkuAmerica--have a great day :)23:54

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