[00:01] A good number goes into ~/.gtkrc-2.0 [01:46] Hi, I have a problem with missing icons and start menu on my lubuntu 11.10 image build with rootstock. It doesn't show the graphics like icons, background image etc. Only after I manually install the full ubuntu desktop it does. This is also the case when using xfce. If anyone have some pointers I would be glad to here them. [01:47] I already googled for a few hours to find simular problems, but couldn't find them yet. [01:47] divx118: what are you trying to do? [01:47] I am building an arm image for my archos A101IT [01:48] hmmm... thats going to be tricky.. i would try an arm specific channel, or a mailing list [01:49] divx118: lubuntu does have an ARM image available. [01:49] yeah, i would try that live at least, and see if that helps [01:51] Hmm ok, I could try that and see the diffs. Mine is somewhat adjusted to support sgx xorg server. So that is why I want to build my own. I think I am just missing a package. [01:51] holstein: divx118 indeed, the arm team look after that iso. They asked to use lxde system to keep the size down. [01:53] Thanks for the help so far :) [01:53] divx118: head over to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/TEGRA/AC100 for more information. [01:55] phillw: thanks for the link I check it out. [01:55] it was a somewhat of a bolt of the blue when we were asked to provide lxde to it. We do not have resources in devs to look after it. But they assured us that they would look after it. [01:56] the ARM team are resourcelfull :) === cdoublejj_ is now known as cdoublejj [08:16] alibi established [12:13] holstein: phillw: sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 solved my issue :) [12:27] Does anybody know a nice onscreen keyboard for lubuntu? onboard from ubuntu desktop is too demanding on the resources for my device. [19:19] divx118: you want something ligher then? [19:39] !info iok [19:39] iok (source: iok): Indic Onscreen Keyboard. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.1.2-1 (quantal), package size 104 kB, installed size 828 kB [19:39] divx118: ^ [19:53] holstein: thanks [20:08] does anyone have any problems installing virtualbox addons in lubuntu? [20:18] NSP: Dunno if this helps ?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaC02ZPM2j0 [20:21] NSP: it'll be the same for all ubuntu's, when you are searching [21:51] i am reading / trying to do this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1868554 [21:51] but at this point i do not have this file: at the command prompt, type in: sudo nano /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf [21:52] that seems odd. [21:52] Lightdm is what's used now, not LXDM. [21:52] what Unit193 said [21:52] ...Is that needed? [21:53] is there a #channel for Ubuntu Arm ? [21:53] Unit193, no, but i had already typed that and then you said it. [21:53] :P [21:54] i want x11vnc server to start up before i have to login. then have x11vnc server show me the GUI/desktop environment if i login with x11vnc server -- if that makes sense. [21:54] i'm confused on how to do this. [21:55] right now i have Real VNC Server working. but i understand i am using a X session for that. plus the normal X session. so that isn't good.