
herentI'm not sure if this is quite the right place, but I have some questions that I think fall under accessibility21:31
herentI injured my left arm and typing with it has been somewhat hard for the last few weeks21:31
herentI would like to remap some of the shortcut buttons on my keyboard and mouse to work for shortcuts21:32
herentlike copy / paste, etc21:32
herentI'm also trying to figure out how to edit the buttons on my wacom bamboo tablet21:32
herentor program gesture shortcuts with it21:33
herentthere doesn't seem to be much information on doing this online21:33
herentespecially for 12.0421:33
herentsome things like btnx don't work and don't have a live website any more21:33
herentI looked into voice control software, too, but didn't find much at all on that21:34
herentshould I switch to a different OS until I heal?21:34

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