
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
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=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
czajkowskianyone around that knows much about sound17:37
czajkowskiplaying it via rhythmbox gives me sound, but playing any other application gives me no sound.17:38
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
mlankhorstok I arrived19:10
mlankhorstczajkowski: what does lsof /dev/snd/* say ?19:10
czajkowskimlankhorst: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1671637/19:11
czajkowskimlankhorst: have switched into guest user asthere I have sound :/19:12
mlankhorstwhat if you just killall pulseaudio and see if sound comes back online?19:13
czajkowskilet me boot back into my ac19:13
czajkowskitwo ticks19:13
* mlankhorst needs to establish a vpn to home :s19:14
czajkowskimlankhorst: that gives me back sound19:14
mlankhorstyeah was suspicious that pulseaudio had control open but not the pcm thing19:15
czajkowskicant change volume except from the application itself19:16
czajkowskibut it's better than where I was a few hours ago19:16
czajkowskithanks mlankhorst19:16
czajkowskimlankhorst: no idea why it happened just done a bunch of updates and then no sound. most anoying19:17
czajkowskibut thanks for the help19:17
mlankhorstyou're welcome :)19:22
czajkowskimlankhorst: you on 13.04 by any chance?19:39
mlankhorstczajkowski: depends on which laptop19:46
mlankhorsti think i upgraded my eee, not 100% sure19:46
czajkowskimlankhorst: trying to see if it;s my machine being special or a bug, but when I go to shut down from the main login screen it hangs and will not shut down and is stuck at the text box screen19:47
mlankhorstseems to work for me19:48
Laneymlankhorst: you here?20:30
mlankhorstLaney: yes20:32
Laneyhow about that mood pad20:33
Laneythat's what they call the tablet in the room20:34
mlankhorstoh I put it on its face since turning off just makes it turn itself back on and i hated the light20:34
mlankhorstdo you have a creepy doll in your room too with your name on it?20:34
ogra_are you guys sure you are in the right hote ?20:35
Laneydoesn't have my name but it is rather creepy20:35
ogra_dolls in rooms etc ...20:35
mlankhorstogra_: what is your room #? I'll show it20:37
ogra_mlankhorst, i'm not -desktop so i wasnt invited20:37
czajkowskimlankhorst: what made you think to know to killall pulseaudio btw ?20:38
mlankhorstczajkowski: normally it should show pcm* is open20:39
mlankhorstby pulseaudio, sometimes if it crashes some other app steals it and you don't get sound from normal applications, but I toy with pulseaudio too much and sometimes mess up the installation so that happens :S20:41
czajkowskimlankhorst: done it again now 2-3 times since20:42
czajkowskino idea why but now I know at least how to get sound back20:42
mlankhorstoh then something is more seriously wrong20:42
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
mlankhorstLaney: you're a debian developer right?20:43
mlankhorstwant to sign my canonical gpg key?20:48
Laneyyou have multiple?20:48
Laneyyeah sure, i'll do it tomorrow20:48
Laneyget seb to as well (and RAOF)20:48
mlankhorstyeah lost passphrase to my gmail key, never make 2 passphrases that have the same theme20:50
Laney+ keep a revcert20:50
mlankhorstyeah I have one now for the other one20:54
mlankhorststill from time to time I try to crack my initial one20:54
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=== jackyalcine is now known as zz_jackyalcine

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