
a5m0hi i'm running the xorg-edgers ppa on my xubuntu laptop and it seems that the 3.7 kernel that it's installing is causing a crash/panic whenever i plug in the power brick, i've searched around but it seems like this was an issue that was already fixed in previous kernels, anyone know of a fix?03:57
tomreyna5m0: do you have acpi errors on boot?04:20
a5m0no errors on boot that i have seen, only when i plug the already running laptop into wall power04:21
a5m0the kernel panics/freezes04:21
tomreynthen i dont know, other than suggesting you try mainline04:27
tomreyna5m0: i'm not sure which ubuntu version you're on, though. quantal xorg-edgers has  linux 3.8.0-6.11 since feb 1104:31
a5m0uname -a says 3.7.0-7 generic, but i'm on xubuntu with xorg-edgers04:32
a5m012.10 04:39
tomreyna5m0: you're right, i actually have the same, and the 3.7 kernel, too04:46
tomreynhttps://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=quantal lists  linux_3.8.0-6.11 so I was mislead04:48
tomreyna5m0: i had some ACPI issues with the 3.7 kernel, that's why i checked with ricotz + sarvatt whether they could provide a newer one, but i think they ran into dependency hell.04:50
a5m0:/ wonder if i should downgrade or if it will ever get fixed04:53
a5m0it didn't always do this04:53
tomreyndowngrading has always been a pain for me. ppa-purge never worked properly.04:54
tomreynwhy not try mainline?04:54
a5m0wouldn't i have to purge to go to mainline?04:55
a5m0how do you suggest i switch to mainline?04:57
tomreynyou just need to add the repository04:59
tomreynread this before you do: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162616/should-i-upgrade-to-the-mainline-kernels04:59
a5m0"They will often break drivers" doesn't that defeat the purpose of using xorg edgers?05:16
a5m0i thought that xorg-edgers releases their own kernels because it had drivers in them05:16
tomreyni think this warning is primarily about proprietary drivers05:17
a5m0ok well i'll try it then05:17
a5m0i'm using intel hd400005:17
tomreynthe good thing bout mainline is that you can easily switch between that and the other kernel you have05:18
tomreynalso you can easily remove it05:19
a5m0i tried sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa but apt-get gives me a 404, is there a newer one?05:21
tomreynppa:kernel-ppa should work05:21
a5m0W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found05:22
tomreynsorry, i was wrong. this is how to do it: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65661/i-was-told-on-launchpad-to-test-a-mainline-kernel-how-do-i-do-that-with-nvidia05:24
a5m0so it has to be done manually every time?05:27
tomreyni guess. i haven't done it in a while05:27
tomreynthis should help automating it to a sufficient degree.05:48
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a5m0cool, thanks for the info tomreyn 07:41
tomreynyou're welcome07:58
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mlankhorstbryce: in london?19:10

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