
imlxhHey. Complete linux noob here running into problems with JACK.05:28
imlxhI...I literally know NOTHING about linux. Just giving you fair warning.05:28
* sSs recommends #opensourcemusicians or #jack05:28
imlxhAh, okay05:29
imlxhThank you05:29
sSshere is good too but i know nothing either05:29
Akshayri am new to ubuntu studio12:48
Akshayrhw and wer shld i start12:48
cfhowlettAkshayr, create something cool!12:49
cfhowlettAkshayr, edit a photo with gimp, make a quick movie with openshot ...12:49
zequenceAkshayr: We have a community doc page with some information. http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio12:54
zequenceThe user guide is not even started. I should remove that link from the header..12:55
cfhowlettzequence, you know what I miss?  Back when I first 'buntu'd there was a tutorial to create the ubuntu logo in gimp.  sadly, gone now ...  easy, quick project though12:56
zequencecfhowlett: Where did you originally find it?12:59
zequenceI think that sort of docs can be linked to in smart ways13:00
zequenceSurely there are tons of resources on multiple other sites13:00
zequenceWould be good for us to have our wikis and homepage be a good center point for that kind of stuff13:00
cfhowlettzequence, 7.04 iirc ... seem to recall it was a url but it might have been included in the /documents ...13:01
cfhowlettzequence, perhaps an introductory project of sorts for the major media:  How to make a short movie with OpenShot, How to edit a picture with Gimp sort of thing might be a welcome addition.  Fedora Design has a nice url  http://linuxgrrl.com/learn/Introduction_To_Inkscape13:03
zequencecfhowlett: I would greatly appreciate if you could add some links to this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Resources13:04
zequenceIt's only started, really. And is not meant as the final product, so to speak. We could just as easily put a page on our main site with this sort of stuff13:05
cfhowlettzequence, bookmarked.  Will do.13:06
zequencecfhowlett: And if you feel like giving us feedback on anything, or even put some time on contributing either writing docs, doing testing, or developing (doesn't nessecarily mean coding, could mean just selecting pre-installed packages and making sure they have sane default settings), then don't feel a stranger. We hang out a lot at #ubuntustudio-devel13:24
cfhowlettThanks.  I'll definitely contribute in some manner.13:25
smartboyhwcfhowlett, many thanks to you:)13:26
famax8hi anyone16:14
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com16:37
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at http://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums16:38
holsteinfamax8_: o/19:20
contrapunctusHey, what's up, holstein? :)20:03
holsteinnot much... and you?20:03
contrapunctusworking on something in Pd again...always drives me nuts :))20:05
holsteinyeah.. its way over my head20:05
contrapunctusWell, I'm faring better than usual...for now xD20:12
contrapunctusSay, you a UbSt dev?20:12
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
holsteincontrapunctus: well, im a developing contributor20:20
holsteini dont do any "heavy lifting"20:20
contrapunctusSounds like you're needed in #ubuntu, holstein :)20:27

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