
zeroth_I'm about to test out xubuntu on a Dell m140 laptop. Anyone already tried that?02:10
holsteinzeroth_: ive tried it on a lot of dell laptops02:11
zeroth_how is the performance from your experience?02:12
holsteinzeroth_: depends on the machine, and sometimes the hardware support02:12
zeroth_yeah, I'll just try her out and see. I'm officially all linux in the house now. Scary feeling02:13
holsteinim always terrified the other way around ;)02:13
zeroth_ha ha02:14
zeroth_I still have xp running in virtualbox...Just in case I need something02:14
holsteini have it to.. in case someone else needs something02:14
zeroth_I did use  turbotax in it.02:15
zeroth_I don't see any real reason to stay on windows. I put windows 8 on my girls laptop and it sucked balls. I stuck vector linux on it and it runs like a dream.02:16
sSswindows is good for games hat dont run in win02:16
timmmhello im trying to connect my netbook to my tv via HDMI and im not getting any external display options02:17
sSshave you installed the propreitary driver?02:17
holsteinwell, to be fair, windows is the only choice for software that is made to run in windows only02:17
bazhangtimmm, with xrandr ?02:17
zeroth_yeah, photoshop...02:18
timmmbazhang:  xrandr?02:18
sSsmy HDMI doesnt work any more cuz AMD calls the HD 4xxx series leagcy02:18
bazhang!xrandr | timmm02:18
ubottutimmm: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1202:18
holsteinsSs: you can usually add that back in easily, if support use to be there02:18
holsteinsSs: depends02:19
holsteinsSs: i would look for a kernel module, or a backport02:19
sSsit worked prior to v. 1202:19
holsteinor just run the earlier ubuntu that supports the device02:20
timmmbazhang: thats way over my head. Hell it took me over 4 hours to install Xububuntu02:20
holsteintimmm: do you have VGA?02:20
holsteintimmm: sometimes, hdmi just doensnt work.. and its not trivial02:20
holsteini would just take your time02:21
bazhangtimmm, install arandr if you need a gui02:21
holsteinthink about how long you used windows before you every configured and HDMI out02:21
bazhang!info arandr | timmm02:21
timmmill try the gui02:21
ubottutimmm: arandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.6-1 (quantal), package size 62 kB, installed size 456 kB02:21
holsteinalso, arandr is quite simple. and clean02:21
timmmapt-get arandr?02:21
bazhangif its an nvidia card, then nvidia-settings should have something for that02:22
timmmits intel built in grpahics02:22
holsteini have an hdmi port on the side of this machine.. i have never even tried it02:22
toraxtimmm: " sudo apt-get install arandr "02:23
toraxor you can use software center if you like GUI more02:23
timmmwait I already have it.02:23
timmmbut not getting anyother options then default02:23
timmmhang on a sec ill try vga02:24
toraxselect outputs02:24
timmmNothing for vga02:27
toraxthere's no other outputs?02:29
toraxrun " xrandr |pastebinit " and paste the link02:30
toraxrun lspci |pastebinit02:32
timmmtorax: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1668424/02:33
KovicaI've just found out (a bit late :) ) that there are no alternate installtion CDs anymore. I was using them to create unattended installations on XUbuntu and my own software. What should I use now ?02:34
timmmi think you can download the iso02:34
timmmKovica:  then just burn it to a disk02:35
toraxtimmm: what is the model of your laptop?02:35
timmmacer apire one. torax02:36
toraxtimmm: hard to say why it is not working. Only thing that comes to my mind is that hdmi would be disabled from BIOS02:42
timmmTorax: im on vga right now.02:43
timmmand HDMI ran from windows02:44
toraxfor some odd reason HDMI connection is just not recognized by xubuntu02:46
timmmTorax im on vga right now and getting the same thing02:47
toraxI'm afraid I cant help you with this, sorry02:48
holsteini dont see hdmi on my outputs either02:49
holsteini have never even tried it02:49
holsteini use the VGA output02:49
timmmis there at least some where I can go to get more help?02:50
timmmIm on the forums searching but nothing so far02:50
toraxyou could try post your problem to ubuntuforums.org02:51
holsteinwell, ideally, the vendor would provide you support, but that is not likely to happen02:53
timmmit seams the "xrandr: failed to get size of gamma for output default" is a coomon issue02:53
holsteinwhat do i do? i usuallly try live CDs.. i try different kernels and drivers02:54
holsteinif you are not trying he  proprietary drivers (assuming there are some ) try them02:54
timmmim downloading some cedar trials drivers now holstein02:58
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto02:59
holstein^^ thats usually where i look...02:59
timmmi looked in the additon drivers under settings02:59
timmmand Im running intel02:59
holsteintimmm: intel doesnt need/have them03:00
holsteintimmm: i sometimes try other kernels.. live CD's are an easy way to do that03:00
holsteinto be more precise, i just use the VGA output03:00
timmaaHolstien I got a big problem03:17
timmaaI got a boot issue caused by the drivers03:18
timmaaFrig of all times to not have a backup...03:19
holsteintimmaa: you should be able to enter the recovery console03:23
holsteinthere should be no drivers03:23
holsteintimmaa: the intel drivers are just included by default03:23
holsteintimmaa: intel doesnt need/have them03:24
timmaai have a bad target number03:24
timmaaThats the issue i get03:24
spaesaniI believe I was hacked while at public wifi03:24
spaesanirunning default xubuntu/apache2 setup with the cgi-bin/dwww perl scripts03:25
spaesanii did not turn on ufw03:25
holsteinwhy run apache on a desktop box on public wifi?03:25
toraxspaesani: why do you think you have been hacked?03:26
spaesani@holstein: I use the server  as a local server for testing sites and server side php, python etc..03:26
spaesani@torax: my default localechanged to chinese while I was doing some other work.03:26
holsteinmight want to consider isolating that.. like a turnkey linux live CD in virtualbox03:27
spaesaniwith ufw I'll deny all ip except the local loop back03:27
holsteinreally, if someone is good, you wont know you have been compromised, unless you have something to compare that is pre-hacked03:27
holsteinso, if you think you have been, then you have to act as if you have been.. and if you dont know what, you have to assume everything03:28
holsteinand learn from it.. just use something like virtualbox to test in03:28
toraxor you can make apache accessible from localhost only03:28
holsteinone simple security trick is to just not have things running that you dont need running..03:29
holsteinyup.. localhost is all you need that on for testing03:29
spaesani4 chinese guys sitting at another table. the area is public building that was bought by  a university to use in part as a campus for mostly math and computer science03:29
spaesanimy own fault03:29
timmaaHolstein im still getting a bad target number issue03:30
spaesaniI'm just wondering if there are known weaknesses with the default cgi-dwww perl scripts or if I should be looking more at apache itself03:30
holsteinwell, fault doesnt matter. just being secure in the future and learning from it is important03:30
holsteintimmaa: i would try the recovery console03:30
holsteinspaesani: running services open like that without a firewall is a risk03:30
holsteinspaesani: they are their own known weaknesses03:31
spaesani#holstein, I know (now more so :))03:31
timmaaHow do I acsess that Holstein03:31
holsteintimmaa: at boot.. the recovery kernel03:31
holsteinshould be before you are seeing that error03:31
spaesani"they are their own known weaknesses". That's deep.03:32
toraxspaesani: well even if you find some backdoor or similiar you can never be sure that its the only one.03:32
timmaai have GRUB should i start xubuntu is recovery mode?03:32
spaesani@torax you're right. again I'm wondering if anyone has heard of anything regarding cgi-bi/dwww03:33
spaesanilike known exploits03:34
toraxspaesani: well you can search metasploit exploit database03:34
timmaaHolstiein im in root shell propmt recovery what do i need to do03:34
holsteintimmaa: if you just type "hol" and hit tab, it will auto complete my nick03:35
timmaaNot on my phone03:35
holsteintimmaa: i would just fix whatever you broke earlier03:35
holsteintimmaa: works for me on my phone03:36
toraxspaesani: and if you want to analyze the possibly compromised computer, take a disk image with dd then use sleuthkit to analyze it03:36
toraxof course you should not be using computer that has possible backdoors etc :)03:36
timmaaI dont know what i messes up holstein03:37
toraxor if you want to analyze it03:37
timmaaMessed up03:37
holsteintimmaa: i usually start simple.. sudo apt-get update03:37
holsteinlook for errors.. think about what you did and undo it03:37
holsteingoogle the exact error, or drop it here03:37
timmaaHeres what im going to do im going to go on windows and create a new live key then i will take a backup of the programs/files and reinstall03:40
timmaaI know ive got a xubuntu iso around here some where...03:41
spaesani@torax found it03:42
spaesani  A security flaw that lets us execute arbitrary commands with the privileges of the http daemon. (Usually root or nobody).03:42
spaesanithat's how they did it. a known exploit03:42
spaesaninot so good after all for university students :)03:42
toraxwell, I would not hack anyone in school, gets you kicked out pretty fast03:43
spaesaniExploit Example: http://www.thesite.com/cgi-bin/info2www03:43
spaesaniYou ar right. I've been to the university classes and got some names off the seating list etc..03:44
holsteinwell, none of that matters though spaesani .. if you "think" you got hacked, and you cant prove anything or find anything, then you have to assume that *everything* was compromised03:44
spaesani@holstein: ur right. I'll have to clean it all out03:45
toraxrestore from backup you know that is not compromised03:45
spaesani@holstein not really "thinking" just reading a lot of chinese :)03:45
holsteinnot really.. whats "dirty"? you can compare with something that was not compromised, but if you dont have that, then you have to reinstall03:45
spaesanithe default locale is set by a root owned file. I had to set it  back to english.03:47
spaesaniI can't say what else if anything else was done.03:47
spaesaniI'll reinstall03:48
spaesaniIs there an Xubuntu forum or site where I can post the weakness and known exploit?03:49
spaesaniSince it's from a default installed perl script?03:49
spaesanifound it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs04:05
spaesanithere's a check box for security related bugs04:05
toraxthat hellboundhackers cgi exploits are almost 10 years old04:05
spaesaniThanks holstein, torax and co.04:06
toraxno problem04:06
spaesanican test it again...04:06
spaesaniI'll have a look at the script.04:06
timmaaFrigg cant find my usb key04:14
timmaaStuck on windows for the night :(04:15
spaesaninot so simple unless one is a perl expert, which I'm not.04:17
spaesaniI'm looking to contact someone at the hellbound hacker site..04:17
spaesanihmm, this site has a conflicting version of an info2www exploit, one where the victim is the visitor:http://www.secuobs.com/plugs/18086.shtml04:33
toraxthat only enabled cross-site scripting04:36
a5m0i'm on xubuntu 12.10 and uname -a says 3.7.0-7 generic, but i'm on xubuntu with xorg-edgers so my kernel should be 3.8 anything i can check to find out why my kernel is not updating?04:38
toraxa5m0: so the latest kernel in xorg-edgers ppa is 3.7.0-704:52
spaesaniI can't locate anything root access related asides from hellboundhackers claims. I've requested more info from Mr.Cheese (the site owner).  I'll take toarx's advice and dd an image beore reinstalling so I can have a look with sleuthkit, someday... :)04:58
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bullgard4I dist-upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04.4 to Xubuntu 12.04.2. Now there appears at the beginning a broken Gnome Do program window. It does not react when clicking on the input button . Is this a known bug?07:12
donnieTerminal command to update libreoffice please08:24
laitedonnie: 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' updates your programs, including Libre Office if it's installed; however, if you wish to have LibreOffice 4.0 it's not in xubuntu repositories yet and you have to do it some other way08:26
donnielaite: I just need something higher than 3.4.4 it keeps crashing08:27
donnieHowever I am running those commands08:27
lbj_90latest update for me was is yours not updating?08:28
laiteI too have (xubuntu 12.10)08:28
dONALDHi people!08:29
donnieI just haven't run those upgrade commands in a while :)08:29
dONALDIs there a way to make gthumb keep it's window size?08:29
donnieNope. still 3.4.408:39
dONALDdo you mean the kernel?08:40
dONALDI tried to install 12.10 and my pc overheated08:41
dONALDfrom a linux08:41
dONALDnever happened before08:41
dONALDeverything gets f*cked up these days08:41
laitedonnie: what version of xubuntu do you have08:41
donnie...umm. Forgot. command please08:42
dONALDuname -whatever08:43
dONALDI zthink08:43
dONALDuname -r08:44
laitedonnie: lsb_release -a08:44
laitedonnie: ok! It's somewhat old version, support for it ends in April 201308:46
laiteYou can either add PPA for recent LibreOffice or upgrade to newer Xubuntu08:46
laitedonnie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibreOffice08:46
donnieI like 11.10 :) How do I do the ppa upgrade for it?08:46
laiteyou should be able to follow instructions for 'Ubuntu 10.04 LTS' on ^ site08:47
donniefollowed... now to see08:50
laitedonnie: since you have it already installed, you need to once more 'sudo apt-get upgrade' after completing the three steps08:52
donnielaite: it still says 3.4.4 and it still crashes when I try and add a 'footer'08:54
laitedid you 'upgrade' from terminal08:54
laitesee my previous command08:55
laitedid you notice that it was downloaded/updated in terminal? did anything happen with 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'08:57
laiteIt's also possible that 3.4.4. is still running in the memory and you need to log out and back in08:57
donnieI saw that it was listed yeah. and that's why I'm confused too cause it's not 'updated'... it's still at 3.4.408:57
laite'listed' as in: 'something was downloaded and upgraded' ? :P08:58
laitealso, notice that 'apt-get update' is not same as 'apt-get upgrade' (just to make sure :)08:58
donnieI did them both as you listed it08:59
donnieI'd 'kill' the tasks in the task manager but it's annoying and it keeps bouncing around08:59
donnieso... I'll just restart and come back09:00
donnieI run sudo apt-get upgrade again. I get "the following packages have been kept back" and it lists the libreoffice09:07
laitedonnie: ah, you must 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'09:09
laitesorry, didn't realize09:09
donnieBut I wanna keep 11.1009:09
laitedon't worry, that won't change it :)09:09
donnie... you sure?09:09
* laite looks for a reference09:10
laitedonnie: see first answer here http://askubuntu.com/questions/81585/what-is-dist-upgrade-and-why-does-it-upgrade-more-than-upgrade09:12
laiteor look at the man pages yourself :P09:12
donnieI'm doing it. I saw that all it does is runs through my current distro, and updates tings to the latest :)09:12
laiteit also updates kernel, so you need to reboot after that09:13
donnieWill do :) Now I'm gona let it do it's thing.. then see if things work a bit more smoothly09:13
Taylr0xAnyone here a Battlefield 3 player on the PS3 in Europe? About to go smash a few rounds out if anyone wants to join me.09:16
Taylr0xMeant to put that in offtopic.09:16
bullgard4I dist-upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04.4 to Xubuntu 12.04.2. Now there appears at the beginning a broken Gnome Do program window. It does not react when clicking on the input button . Is this a known bug?09:57
xubuntu458anyone, youtube videos has yellow dots...10:03
xubuntu458any ideas? dell inspiron 1525,  intel core 2...10:04
xubuntu884hello all!10:45
laitebullgard4: I'm not sure if it helps, bu you could try removing and reinstalling it10:48
xubuntu884I have installed xubuntu 12.04 to the old notebook, but it works too slowly, making too many requests to HDD, probabbly swap. How to check if my xubuntu properly configured to work with HDD and RAM?10:49
laitexubuntu884: you can install program 'iotop' to monitor what processes use disk i/o10:52
bullgard4laite: I can see GNOME-Do errors in ~/.xsesssion-errors.  --  What do you mean by "removing it" precisely?11:50
laitebullgard4: basically what I had in mind is just 'sudo apt-get install gnome-do --reinstall'11:55
laitebut as I said, no idea if that really helps anything11:55
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bullgard4laite: Your recipe did not help. The bug persists.12:04
bullgard4laite: Do you use Xubuntu 12.04.2? Does your ~/.xsession-errors show a time stamp at the beginning?12:12
laitebullgard4: I'm using 12.10 and no, there seems to be no timestamp in .xsession-errors12:13
bullgard4laite: Thank you very much for your information.12:14
jeffrey1Question: How do I get rid of the icons on the desktop for Home and trash?12:52
knomejeffrey1, right-click desktop, go to desktop settings and tab icons12:53
jeffrey1Nice, thanks knome12:53
jeffrey1I thought it was odd I couldn't highlight and delete12:54
jeffrey1Ok next up, how do I make Super-D show the desktop?12:54
laitejeffrey1: in settings manager -> window manager -> keyboard13:00
laiteyou can set custom shortcut for 'show desktop'13:00
jeffrey1Nice, thank you laite13:04
jeffrey1Ok here's a harder one.13:05
jeffrey1Is there a way to increase the number of pixels on the edge of a window that bring up the arrow to increase the length/width of that window?13:05
TheSheepjeffrey1: use a different window manager theme13:05
jeffrey1Nice, thank you sheep13:06
TheSheepjeffrey1: you can also hold down alt+shift to resize the window by clicking anywhere in it13:06
laitejeffrey1: that is so frequently asked, that it has its own FAQ: http://xubuntu.org/news/window-resizing-in-xubuntu-and-xfce/13:06
laitehope this helps :)13:07
TheSheepah, it's not alt+shift but alt+right click13:07
AspireSomeone know how to get the internal mic to work with xubuntu and Acer aspire one 110 ? And both card readers ?13:41
Ajrockalguien me puede ayudar?13:45
Ajrocknecesito instalar mi tarjeta grafica que es una Ati radeon mobility x130013:45
Ajrockno encuntro el software13:45
Ajrockmuchas gracias13:45
laite!es | ajrock13:48
ubottuajrock: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.13:48
Doctor_Vexhow can i set the Xubuntu desktop color depth to 24 bit or 16 bit?13:57
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d4ph0dHi everyone14:44
d4ph0dWould there be anyone to help me ?14:45
toraxd4ph0d: ask the question and let see14:46
d4ph0di want to setup a ftp server, but i'm unsure how to. i've installed Openssh server , but i'm stuck at that point as it does not come up in my program list14:47
d4ph0dnot to mention i have a total linux experience of about 12h max.14:48
d4ph0di have googled quite a bit about the subject but they do not explain how to access it afterwards.14:49
toraxno worries14:49
toraxwhen you installed openssh server you installed a daemon, and it runs in background. In fact it is running as we speak. You can access your openssh server by " ssh username@ip.addres " in terminal14:51
toraxyou can also do " ssh username@localhost " that will connect to the machine you are currently on14:52
toraxMay I ask what for do you want to run FTP?14:53
d4ph0dok, prompt me to connect and yes14:53
d4ph0dso i can access my files on my server from my windows pc/phone or android. without the need of a VNC14:54
toraxOk, just a second I have a solution for you14:55
toraxok, now that you have openssh server installed you can acces your files via secure file transfer, sftp. you can use filezilla in windows and linux machines, and i bet theres a client for android also14:57
toraxyou can try it out by installing filezilla from software center and connecting to your ip address or localhost give username and password and set port to 2214:58
d4ph0dso it will only work if i put it the username and passwd from the machine where the ftp is running15:00
toraxyou can acces it anywhere, with your username and password you have set to that machine15:01
toraxthe sftp is bit like ftp but way more secure15:02
d4ph0dPhew. that makes a lot more sense now, Thank you very much.15:03
d4ph0dI have been way too used to play around with teamviewer and such where you setup users to access your machine, as opposite as to setup machine to accept users.15:04
toraxd4ph0d: you're welcome :) first steps in linux might be a bit confusing but after a while it makes sense, and after that you wonder how you could ever use windows =D15:05
d4ph0dahah yes i guess so.15:05
d4ph0dcan i access it from any browser or do i need a ftp client to access the server15:07
toraxyou will need sftp client. Filezilla has windows version also15:07
d4ph0dthank you again15:08
toraxtheres also numerous sftp clients for android15:08
toraxturboclient seems to be popular15:08
d4ph0dany recommendation for windows 8 phone ? :o15:08
JackBauerHi! I am searching for a feature like Unity and Cinnamon have: By pressing the super-key, you can enter the applications-name and it shows a list of results (not like Alt-F2). Since Unity isn't working in my machine and cinnamon is not my first choice, I want to add this feature in XFCE - do you know any hint?15:08
toraxd4ph0d: sorry, I dont have any windows devices =P15:09
d4ph0di would have thought as such . ;]15:09
g16JackBauer: there's a panel applet that finds and application given its name15:09
toraxJackBauer: There is such a thing, but I have no idea what it was called. A friend of mine used one15:10
JackBauerg16: torax: it's not exactly what I searched, but by pressing Super-R or Alt-F3 a window appears, which nearly does what I searched.15:18
toraxJackBauer: the one my friend used was like a single line box that tried suggesting what you want to run when you typed something15:19
toraxill try to google that15:20
g16JackBauer: yea, it's called xfce4-appfinder, also available in the Applications menu15:20
JackBauertorax: That would be nice, I found this xfce4-appfinder, too, which is what I just said.15:21
GridCubei need to have two separated xservers for each monitor, the shared desktop its just buggy15:30
GridCubeprograms opening on the other desktop, windows buttons not showing open programs, html5 fullscreen thinking i have a 3000px wide monitor so showing really small video15:31
toraxi know15:32
GridCubei had it like that before15:32
d4ph0d@ torax . when i try to connect from my other devices it says ssh_init Host does not exist, but i enter the same credentials as when i tested on the machine that runs the server. is there anything im doing wrong15:48
toraxd4ph0d: go to your linux machine and run ifconfig |grep "inet addr"15:50
toraxand paste the output here :P15:53
d4ph0droot@d4Server:/home/d4ph0d# ifconfig |grep "inet addr"15:53
d4ph0d          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
d4ph0d          inet addr:  Mask:
toraxOk, so you can access your linux computer from the same local network with ip, if you want to acces it outside from your local network you have to do port forwarding from the NAT device, adsl modem or whatever you are using15:55
toraxbut from the local network it should work with that ip15:56
toraxremember to tell the client to use port 2215:56
d4ph0dso if i want to access from outside of my home network. i have to forward port 22 ? from my router setting ? what do i put as host when i want to login > my ip ?15:58
d4ph0di feel like a noob :(15:58
d4ph0dnot just a feeling!15:58
torax:P haha, ok so if you want to acces your machine from outside you have to set your router to forward all traffic that comes to port 22 to your linux machine port 2215:59
toraxand then you have to check your external IP, for example from http://www.whatismyip.com/16:00
toraxand if you dont have a lot of files to share you may want to use some cloud service, for example ubuntu one16:01
GridCubehow do i do a LD_PRELOAD permanent?16:16
toraxput it in .bashrc?16:16
toraxyea, i have no idea what ld_preload is :D16:17
GridCubeneither do i16:18
GridCubebut i found one that fixes flash in fullscreen16:18
GridCubeso i need it16:18
toraxit works?16:18
GridCubeim checking, i need to make an export for it not an env :P16:27
GridCubebrb restarting16:28
GridCubewell i made the modification to the launcher16:40
d4ph0dThank you Torax for your help , i really appreciate. i was able to sort this mess out , ahah. see ya !16:42
GridCube!hi | neonmagnets17:47
ubottuneonmagnets: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:47
neonmagnetsoh hi17:48
neonmagnetsI've been experiencing problems while dismounting my e-reader17:48
neonmagnetsEverything freezes and I have to do a forced reboot17:48
GridCubethats bad17:48
GridCubewhat kind of e-reader17:49
GridCubehow do you umount it?17:49
neonmagnetsthe filesystem button17:49
GridCubeis it connected now?17:49
neonmagnetsIt's a new problem17:50
GridCubeplease connect it and paste the relevant results of lsusb17:50
GridCubeyou could pastebin the whole lsusb output if you dont know wich ones are relevant17:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:50
neonmagnetsBus 001 Device 003: ID 2080:0003 Barnes & Noble17:51
neonmagnetsI had to go get it17:52
neonmagnetswhat are you looking to get from that?17:53
GridCubegoogle hints17:53
neonmagnetsI found some people experiencing similar things when unmounting external drives, but no fixes17:55
GridCubeneonmagnets, did it happened before?17:56
GridCubeyou said its a new problem17:57
GridCubesince when its new, what changed?17:57
GridCubedid you installed updates?17:57
neonmagnetsI mean, it didn't happen when17:57
neonmagnetsi did it earlier, way earlier17:57
neonmagnetsit's new as in not from the start17:57
GridCubewe are not understanding each other17:58
GridCubeit worked before now?17:58
neonmagnetsyes, with the fresh install of 12.04 it worked17:58
GridCubegood, now, did the problem started after an update?17:58
neonmagnetsI don't know17:59
neonmagnetsI can't remember when it happened the first time, I don't connect it that often17:59
neonmagnetsI know that's not helpful, sorry17:59
GridCubeoh ok, so what you can do is this, try to boot your computer using an older kernel17:59
GridCubein the grub stage you choose "previous linux versions" at the bottom and try older kernels18:00
GridCubeif one of those kernels work then there is a problem somewhere there18:00
GridCubethats the only relatable solution i see to your problem so far, but im not a genius in this matters18:01
neonmagnetsI'm ejecting the volumes now, so I might be gone for a few minutes if I have to reboot again18:01
neonmagnetsnothing happened18:02
neonmagnetsSo, I assume18:02
neonmagnetsit's because I haven't transferred any files18:02
neonmagnetsis transferred spelled like that?18:03
GridCubeyes, no red line under it :P18:06
neonmagnetsI'll try with an old kernel the next time I get new books, it's not a high priority issue :p18:07
neonmagnetsI just brought over books to last me til summer probably18:08
=== phenom_ is now known as phantom
=== phantom is now known as thehelpseeker
thehelpseekerafter installing xubuntu, i restarted my pc to a command line18:20
thehelpseekerit wouldnt let me insert commands and just had a few lines on it18:20
thehelpseekerright now im using the livecd and reinstalling it18:21
thehelpseekerin the command line its saying restoring packages but it says warning root E: unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages18:22
thehelpseekerfor each and every file18:22
thehelpseekercan anyone help me?18:22
GridCubethe its your computer new?18:22
thehelpseekerits a compaq18:22
GridCubemmm, its your iso good?18:23
GridCubei mean you downloaded it correctly?18:23
GridCubetry a clean install again18:23
thehelpseekerthe same thing happened to me with lubuntu18:23
thehelpseekerso i had to go back to windows xp18:23
thehelpseekerim trying now18:24
thehelpseekerits showing lots of errors in the install window18:24
recon_lapthehelpseeker: are you sure your installing it correctly? could you describe how you created the boot usb/cd and how you are installing18:25
thehelpseekeri downloaded the livecd via torrent from the official site and burned & verified it with imgburn18:26
thehelpseekerthe first time, i used the livecd and installed xubuntu directly18:26
thehelpseekerafter the restart, it ejected the dvd but froze at the xubuntu loading screen18:27
thehelpseekeri had to hold power to turn off my pc18:27
thehelpseekerright now im in the livecd and installing xubuntu again in another window18:27
recon_lapthehelpseeker: froze or just a black screen? and what version of xubuntu18:28
thehelpseekerfroze at the loading screen and 12.1018:28
recon_lapthehelpseeker: "another window" is this a virtual install ?18:29
thehelpseekerwell the animation wasnt even moving and it was in the top left corner of the screen18:29
thehelpseekerim in the live environment18:29
thehelpseekeri selected "install xubuntu 12.10"18:29
thehelpseekerright now its "restoring previously installed packages"18:31
thehelpseekerbut its giving me a lot of errors in the command line18:32
recon_lapthehelpseeker: well , if it hangs again, boot from the CD and look at var/log/dmesg might be some clues in there. and do you get errors when installing18:32
Doctor_Vexhow can i set the Xubuntu desktop color depth to 24 bit or 16 bit?18:32
Doctor_Vexi cant find any xorg.conf18:33
recon_lapthehelpseeker: and maybe start again but format the partition before install18:33
thehelpseekerand yes i got many errors18:34
recon_lapthehelpseeker: also, there should be an option to get the CD to check itself for errors18:35
thehelpseekeri never saw an option for that anywhere18:35
recon_lapthehelpseeker: they keep fecken moving it, used to be in the boot menu18:36
thehelpseekerhow do i get into the boot menu?18:36
thehelpseekeri remember it was shift something18:37
thehelpseekeroh yeah hold down shift key18:41
thehelpseekerill try again now thank you18:44
=== asus is now known as Guest22301
zeroth_i'm impressed with xubuntu.....very user friendly. Snap to get my software up and running. Mounting a usb drive on my router is proving to be a pain in my ass...but that is normal. Any tips?21:53
causasuiis it possible to reload xfce without killing running apps?22:18
David-Acausasui: you can restart the window manager, and the panels too i think. what do you mean restart xfce? logout and login again?22:23
Unit193xfce4-panel -r  xfwm4 --replace, etc.  Best to use the alt+F2 box.22:23
causasuiDavid-A: no, it's locked up - black screen, just a timer icon22:23
causasuiI'm in a tty22:23
deltstill not able to host X apps on the xubuntu machine (laptop) from a remote host :( :(23:10
deltalso, why is the desktop in 16bpp ???23:10
delt(old nvidia chip on that laptop)23:10
xubuntu399Help! Installed ATI drivers from Software center, didn't work w/ compiz. ATI website suggested a driver they had but had to uninstall first the one I got from Software Center. I uninstalled and then the screen went black. Newbie here23:15
David-Axubuntu399: did you try install drivers using the system>hardware drivers or system>additional drivers ? (it usually knows what version of a driver works best)23:18

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