
snovakihi, do you have a tutorial on how to setup a highly available maas? in our config it provides dns resolving to our nodes and we really don't want to miss that.08:15
racedoroaksoax: we are getting "mirror does not support the specified release (precise)" when enlisting the first host to a maas from 12.04.218:55
racedoany clue?18:55
melmothracedo, i had somehing similar last week.19:00
melmothit was something about deb-proxy19:00
melmothi must admit i was a bit lost on how we fixed it19:01
racedomelmoth: ok19:01
racedomelmoth: negronjl and I are trying to figure it out19:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 1087145 in squid-deb-proxy (Ubuntu Quantal) "maas proxy prevent nodes access cloud archive " [Undecided,Confirmed]19:02
melmothnow, i have no ida how we fix it, we try 10000 things19:03
melmothand reverted back19:03
melmothuntill it work, but i did not undertand why it work19:03
melmothwe try: adding .archive.canonical.com in  /etc/squid-deb-proxy/mirror-dstdomain.acl19:03
melmothas well as in /etc/squid-deb-proxy/mirror-dstdomain.acl19:04
melmothand in  /etc/squid3/squid.conf  , we added19:04
melmothacl localnet src
melmothhttp_access allow localnet19:04
racedoawesome melmoth your wisdom will get us to have some late lunch now, if it works...19:07
melmothnever work with an empty belly.19:07
melmothit makes your brain process data in a bad way19:07
racedomelmoth: true19:12
roaksoaxracedo: restart squid-deb-proxy20:00
roaksoaxmelmoth: that should have been fixed on the squid-debproxy side already20:01
roaksoaxracedo: and yeah you need to allow the local network too20:01
melmothit was not last monday (on 12.04)20:01
roaksoaxmelmoth: yeah is aw it later on the week20:01
roaksoaxanyways, I20:01
roaksoax'anways I'm off20:01
melmothtake care !20:02
* roaksoax is in US Holiday + sick :(20:02
lifelessroaksoax: :(20:09
lifelessroaksoax: thats no fun20:09
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina_away
=== cmagina_away is now known as cmagina
racedoroaksoax: thanks, take care21:03

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