
rss181919Can't get sound from guest to output on host hardware (ubuntu server 12.10 with guest 12.04).  Any thoughts?01:13
rss181919Can't get sound through host 12.10 server hardware when using 12.04 vm via KVM.  Sound works fine via host but not via guest.06:09
rss181919Sound test runs through guest like the guest thinks it has hardware access.  But no sound from the speakers.06:10
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
KralleAnyone can help me13:48
epicfailedgood day14:45
epicfailedso i cannot get anything to work on the ubuntu 10.04 LTS i installed duel boot on my other lap top14:46
epicfailedi installed 10.04 because it was the only ubuntu that would work14:46
epicfailedon my machine14:46
epicfailedits installed now, ive checked all the forums and nothing has worked14:47
epicfailedfirst off i cannot get any drivers "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system.14:48
epicfailedthen i get this in the terminal E: couldnt find package (whatever package)14:48
epicfailedsomeone please help, none of the walkthroughs work14:49
epicfailedfor starters i need to get my wireless working which ive been trying to do for days14:50
vastkahunaI need help finding and installing codecs for VLC media player and also something to make Flash work on chrome16:04
vastkahunaDoes anyone here know how I can do that?16:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yeehiI need to allow TCP for port 1234 on my router. My router settings are: External Port Internal Port Protocol To IP Address Enabled   What do I put in the different fields? Protocol is TCP, I think. Internal/External, I don't know. "To IP" is 192.168.1.?  I don't know how to work out which number to put in the "To IP" field... Please help...20:09
phillwyeehi: do you have a good reason to want to open this port number up? http://www.speedguide.net/port.php?port=123421:24

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