
sgerbinoCan you use C++ to develop Ubuntu Phone Apps?01:11
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xsachasgerbino: yes, C++, Qt, QML01:41
xsachawell you can display a web page in QML, so why not01:42
xsachanOStahl: QML is basically javascript though with its own types defined from C++01:43
sgerbinoI don't see anything about making apps in C++ for Ubuntu Phone01:44
sgerbinoonly 1 tutorial on QML01:44
sgerbinois it just the same as normal apps with gtkmm?01:44
xsachasgerbino: Qt allows you to do whatever C++ you want01:45
sgerbinoyea but Qt is just the IDE, can Ubuntu Phone run anything I throw at it? Like a gtk+ app in C or gtkmm in C++?01:46
xsachaQt isn't an IDE, it's a toolkit like gtk01:47
sgerbinooh yea sorry01:47
xsachait's a helper for things like interface, reading files, networking ,etc01:47
xsachayou can use as little or as much of it as you want01:47
xsachaand anything in Qt could be reproduced in C++01:47
sgerbinook so i can write a gtk+ app and run it on ubuntu phone then?01:48
xsachawell that would require a gtk library, that's not pure C++01:48
sgerbinodoes Qt library comes with ubuntu phone then?01:49
sgerbinogtk is usually in ubuntu already, like unity and gnome-shell01:49
xsachaprobably every app uses it01:49
xsachayeah they have decided to go with Qt for phone instead01:49
sgerbinobut when you plug the phone in, doesn't it look normal desktop unity with on top of gtk?01:50
xsachaonly for high-end phones that support that feature01:50
xsachai'm not sure how that's exposed01:50
sgerbinoso many questions :D01:51
sgerbinosad about Qt though, since I been learning gtk so much lately01:52
sgerbinothinking it's better working on ubuntu01:52
xsachaunity isn't written in gtk though01:53
sgerbinoi thought it is based on gtk01:53
sgerbinoor sits on top of it01:53
xsachathe 2d one is Qt, the 3d one is C+++Vala01:53
sgerbinodidn't know that, ty01:56
sgerbinoi find alot of confusing sources on that01:57
sgerbinohttp://askubuntu.com/questions/9877/will-the-new-unity-desktop-be-programmed-in-qt like this guys first response01:57
xsachasgerbino: it doesnt seem to use gtk in its source code anyway02:00
xsachasgerbino: same with gnome-shell actually. it has a file that 'embeds gtk' but doesn't actually use gtk in it anywhere that i can see02:00
xsachait hooks in to gtk settings in the main file02:01
bzoltan1sgerbino, xsacha, nOStahl:  Yes, you can crete apps for the Ubuntu Phone in C++. All the tools and toolkits are at your disposal. Anyhow, it is seriously recommended to use pure QML.  The general guideline is this: http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net/msg00140.html05:35
xsachabzoltan1: i think he mainly wanted to develop the apps in gtk.05:36
bzoltan1xsacha: When developing the SDK and the native UI Toolkit we focus 100% on QML. So I think the application developers are better off using the technologies what more likely going to be supported and developed.05:48
PipSo is mobile Ubuntu OS ready for Google Nexus 4?06:58
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aquariushm. Qt.quit() doesn't actually quit a QML app being run with qmlscene. Do I need to do something different?09:54
chriadamqmlscene doesn't connect the quit signal to the application quit slot.  qmlviewer used to do this, qmlscene does not.09:55
Ken-YoungI have attempted to install the Ubuntu Phone SDK in a VirtualBox VM.   When I try to run the demo "Currency Converter" app within Qt Creator, I get the error message "Unrecognized OpenGL version", and qmlscene exits after drawing an empty black box.   Any ideas about what is going wrong?09:55
chriadamshort answer: qmlscene is not a "real" runtime.09:55
popeyKen-Young: have you added the virtualbox guest extensions?09:58
Ken-Youngpopey, Oh, no I don't think I have.09:59
aquariuschriadam, thanks! so, am I right in thinking that if I'm running my app with qmlscene for testing, there is no way to quit it from inside QML?10:04
chriadampretty much10:05
chriadamforce a segfault, that usually works ;-)10:05
Ken-Youngpopey, Sadly, I still get the same error after adding guest extensions and rebooting.10:09
* aquarius laughs10:09
aquariuschriadam now goes on my "good but dangerous advice" list ;-)10:09
popeyKen-Young: you sure they're loaded?10:09
popeylsmod | grep vboxvideo10:09
* chriadam grins10:09
Ken-Youngpopey, It appears to be loaded, judging from the lsmod output.10:11
popeyKen-Young: if you resize the window, does it redraw the screen at the new resolution?10:12
Ken-Youngpoppy, do you mean if I resize the entire VirtualBox window?10:12
Ken-Youngpopey,  do you mean if I resize the entire VirtualBox window?10:14
Ken-Youngpopey, Yes, resizing the window results in the window being redrawn correctly for the new size.   Switching to and from fullscreen mode works properly too.10:16
popeyok, so it looks like it could be a bug in qmlscene not recognising that the virtualbox driver is a valid opengl renderer10:17
popeyKen-Young: i will test it a little later here and confirm10:17
Ken-Youngpopey, Thanks very much for your help!10:17
popeyKen-Young: what version of ubuntu are you using in virtualbox?10:20
Ken-Youngpopey, Ubuntu precise (12.04.2 LTS)10:21
popeyok, just booting up a vbox vm10:22
Ken-Youngpopey, I am running a non-PAE kernel, which I guess is nonstandard.10:23
popeyKen-Young: on the guest or the host?10:30
Ken-Youngpopey, Both.10:31
Ken-YoungNope, 32 but.10:31
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popeyKen-Young: you followed the guide at developer.ubuntu.com, right?11:05
popeyadding PPAs etc11:06
Ken-Youngpopey, I followed the installation guide at on that page, but I don't know what a PPA is.11:07
popeyok, so you basically pasted all the commands in, yes? starting at http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ ?11:08
popeydpm: step one on that page adds a ppa but doesn't install anything...11:08
Ken-Youngpopey, Yes, I cut-n-pasted those commands, and they seemed to execute properly.11:09
Ken-Youngpopey, One odd think is the guide implies the qt5 executables should have been installed in /opt/qt5, but in fact they ended up in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/qt511:10
popeydpm: i assume this is because in the next step, "Install the Ubuntu SDK preview" it pulls stuff in from both PPAs11:12
dpmpopey, yeah, it's intended to be like that, the steps still work. I just learnt on short notice about the packaging changes during the migration to qt5-proper glitch, so I had no time to change the structure of the page. Nowadays, I could just remove the "Install Qt 5" section and have 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk' (plus PPA instructions). If I make changes to the page, it needs a new theme deployment, but I made the command-lines configurable, so I11:14
dpm can change them on-the-fly11:14
dpmI'll update the step at some point, but right now the instructions work11:14
popeyyeah ☺11:16
Ken-YoungThings must have basically worked, because I did a fresh install of Ubuntu just prior to downloading the SDK components, and things like Qt Creator and qmlscene are present, and there's no other way they would have been installed, orhter than with the SDK.11:16
dpmKen-Young, yes, we made sure the instructions worked before updating them. Glad to hear it all worked for you too!11:21
dpmWhere we're having a bit of trouble is in the migration to the new PPA11:21
dpmfor those people who installed the sdk on release day and then want to migrate to the new packages after we switched from the Qt 5 beta to the Qt 5 release11:22
dpmbut it seems folks are managing to fix it, nevertheless11:22
Ken-Youngdpm, Everything seems to be installed correctly, but I can't run the demo app, because I get the error message "Unrecognized OpenGL version".11:23
dpmKen-Young, did you add the virtualbox guest extensions as suggested?11:24
Ken-Youngdpm, Yes, and I rebooted after that.   The problem did not go away.11:25
dpmKen-Young, hm, not sure what it could be, then. If no one here can help you figure it out, you might want to file a question on Ask Ubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/ask?tags=mobile,application-development11:26
Ken-Youngdpm,  Thanks, I'll do that.11:27
judgenWill ubuntu phone install on existing phones or will it be only on new phones?12:01
popeythe touch preview can be installed on existing phones.12:01
doomlordcan any existing phones output 1080p when plugged into hdmi even if their native display is 1280x800 ..12:33
doomlordi know some can do this for video - but is this available to the rendering hardware generally (and hence ubuntu phone)12:33
popeydpm: filed bug 1129061 which is what ken-young was talking about earlier..12:47
ubot5bug 1129061 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Applications fail to render under VirtualBox" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112906112:47
popeydunno if it's a vbox, vbox extensions, compiz or qt issue tbh12:47
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dpmpopey, cool, thanks, added a comment too12:52
Sinan___doomlord: Like Note 2 ?12:52
Sinan___doomlord: Note 2 has great capabilities, supporting HDMI and USB Host simultaneously12:53
Sinan___Tons of people have been waiting Ubuntu-Phone :D12:55
Sinan___I hope it's as good as expected12:56
doomlordi'm very excited by the prospect!13:17
doomlordi've just been porting some code to android and thinking what is all this java nonsense for13:17
doomlorda phone with a propper OS would be amazing!13:18
driotintoHello everyone, I am getting a Nexus 4 soon and I am excited by the capability of having it to work as a Ubuntu-Running-PC using the Ubuntu for Android scheme. Anyone have been using it?13:55
k1l_driotinto: there is actually no info on when and how ubuntu4android will be released.13:55
driotintoOh. Ok.13:55
smartboyhwk1l_, when is 21st Feb13:56
driotintok1l_: That is bad news. I hoped to see this early. It seems Canonical is concentrating on Ubuntu for Phone.13:56
smartboyhwdriotinto, k1l_ Ubuntu for phones actually includes Ubuntu for Android13:56
k1l_i know there were some demos (with the motorola atrix which used the motorola webtop stuff) but seems like its in a state of hold until a manufacturer comes into the game13:57
k1l_smartboyhw: yes that is kinda true. it includes a ubuntu for ubuntu to be correct :)13:57
driotintok1l_: But I don't yet feel like getting rid of my Android OS on phone. I would rather have Android OS running on the phone (for now) and have the option to use the dock to get Ubuntu OS on the big screen.13:57
k1l_but he wants to stay with android and run a ubuntu when docked13:57
smartboyhwk1l_, it can13:58
smartboyhwk1l_, oh so he wants android13:58
driotintoIt's on the website, http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android and also you can see it in several youtube videos13:58
k1l_driotinto: yes, that is still in dev-stage13:59
driotintok1l_: Oh, ok. So I guess waiting is all I can do now. Besides, I'd probably have to buy a suitable dock (and it doesn´t seem it is available commercially yet).13:59
driotintoI hope Ubuntu4Android development is not spoiled by Ubuntu4Phone development.14:00
driotintoAnother question, is the Ubuntu for Phone going to be able to run Android applications from Google Play? I am not expecting it, and this is actually the main reason why I am not willing to give up Android right away...14:01
popey13:56:58 < smartboyhw> driotinto, k1l_ Ubuntu for phones actually includes Ubuntu for Android14:02
popeythats not true14:02
driotintoAnyway, thanks for wveryone's help. I´ll be monitoring the website for more info on the Ubuntu4Android!14:09
k1l_i dont think android apps will work on ubuntu-phone14:10
driotintok1l_: That is what I thought...14:12
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nbfanyone know if the ubuntu phone alpha release is going to include ubuntu desktop mode support? specifically with the nexus 416:18
nbfif so I'm going to buy a nexus 4 to try it out16:19
nbfI see this in the FAQ: When the phone is docked to a screen you should be able to use the full desktop applications. When they are on the small screen they would need a QML display which might be part of the same application.16:20
nbfwhich sounds good but what does "should be able" mean? :)16:20
popeynbf: the nexus 4 doesn't have a dock, does it?16:23
nbfit has usb and a slimport (which is basically a displayport, hdmi, vga, etc)16:23
nbfI'm really hoping the slimport -> displayport adapter comes out soon16:24
nbfanalogix has pictures of it in their docs but I can only find hdmi and vga adapters online16:24
wastrelnbf: i don't know anything but someone said something about hardware support for the dual mode16:31
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mhall119tick tock, tablet time16:58
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uebera||#Lesenswert: #Microsoft #Office 2013 PC-Bindung in D? #PCWelt http://bit.ly/W61btG; #Golem http://bit.ly/W61ip3; #Heise http://bit.ly/W61kx718:01
uebera||Sorry, wrong window ^^;18:06
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Akiva-DesktopWhat is this "Tick Tock Tablet" time on ubuntu.com?19:05
nOStahlcheck on #ubuntu-tablet19:10
ciphoenixi'm new to ubuntu phone dev19:35
ciphoenixwanted to ask how large the required files to start are :)19:36
darthmuffinsrequired files?19:40
ciphoenixyes, Qt SDK. i'm on a limited internet plan, need to know how big the files are19:44
mainerrorYou could consult apt-cache for that. :)19:45
nOStahlciphoenix: local library and coffee shops alleviate limited data plans :)19:46
darthmuffinsQt sdk full download is ~ 400MB, but that's easily looked up online19:47
mhall119ciphoenix: apt-get install should tell you the download size19:48
ciphoenixmainerror: thanks19:53
ciphoenixnOStahl: i'm from Nigeria. such WIFI hotspots aren't commonplace yet :)19:54
ciphoenixdarthmuffins: thanks :)19:54
nOStahlciphoenix: check your private message19:58
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Akiva-Vagabondwow oh wow, have you guys seen this new filesystem for flash from samsung? It outperforms ext4 on nearly every test!20:46
Akiva-Vagabondbtrfs as well, considering that it for some reason, still is worse than ext420:47
Akiva-VagabondI am frankly amazed at how good it performs20:48
Akiva-Vagabondi mean look at dbench; it is 3 TIMES FASTER THAN EXT420:50
Akiva-VagabondI am wondering now if perhaps ubuntu-phone is thinking of shipping with it.20:50
Akiva-Vagabondwell actually, looking at it now, it fails enough in other benchmarks to equal it out20:51
ciphoenixheard about it20:58
ciphoenixshows some promise20:59
ajalkaneTizen might use it :)21:08
ajalkaneBut for a filesystem, I think it might be quite hazardous to use such new tech without very radical and obvious advantages21:09
nOStahlI hope they call the new flash file system FFS :P21:14
JanCAkiva-Vagabond forgets to say that F2FS doesn't really sync to disk when requested too  :p21:34
mainerrornOStahl: hah, that'd be an awesome acronym.22:43
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mattwj2002hi guys23:53
mattwj2002when is the phone stuff coming out?23:53
mattwj200216 hours?23:53
k1lphone stuff was mentioned for the 21st23:54
mattwj2002oh yeah23:54
k1lmattwj2002: one shall read the topic ;p23:54
mattwj2002I saw that sorry!23:54
mattwj2002*face palm*23:55
mattwj2002k1l: can you tell me any more about the tablet?23:55

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