
dholbachgood morning08:00
pittihallo dholbach, wie gehts?08:01
dholbachsehr gut - wie geht's dir? :)08:01
dholbachwir kriegen ja immer mehr autopkgtests rein! :)08:01
pittiprima, danke!08:01
pittidholbach: yeah, vibhav added quite a few!08:01
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shadeslayerhi, I'm trying to use auto-upgrade-tester and when running do-release-upgrade it expects a ~/.cache folder14:51
shadeslayerbut that's not present14:51
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MawahebHello room, Does any one know if the bug with Test drive have been fixed ?15:19
smartboyhwMawaheb, which bug!?15:20
Mawahebwhen you press run after Sync, it won't work, actually i thought that only me is facing the problem, untill i saw Balloons cast , and he mentioned this in his video15:21
Mawahebso he started the VM manually15:21
Mawahebso my question is , do i have to do the same? using VM manually to run the ISO image ?15:22
smartboyhwMawaheb, hmm the strange thing is: I don't have this problem while I'm doing the loads of 12.04.2 tests15:22
smartboyhwHowever when I finished testing and clicked run again it doesn't launch15:22
Mawahebit never lounched for me !15:22
Mawahebi will try it agian now after the Sync finishes, if it did not work, am gonnga need your advice to show me a link to the manual Download :D15:23
smartboyhwMawaheb, manual link: cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current15:24
smartboyhwFor Ubuntu Desktop15:24
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, Mawaheb testdrive works as usual15:24
Mawahebthat's it ! thank you so much , am really somehow confused a bit from all the new information to me, am not only new to Testing, am new to Linux as well.15:24
smartboyhwSergioMeneses, :)15:24
SergioMenesesMawaheb, dont worry ;)15:25
Mawahebok SergioMeneses , that's good news15:25
Mawahebbut baloons scared me a bit :D15:25
Mawahebin the vid casat15:25
MawahebLunching now, Fingerd crossed !15:28
Mawahebnot working :(15:29
MawahebSergioMeneses , any suggestions?15:31
SergioMenesesMawaheb, It shows you any message, alert or something15:37
Mawahebit just opens a new window with QEMU as a title15:37
Mawaheband it shows as it's starting the live sesion15:37
Mawahebit shows the simboles at the bottome of the window15:37
Mawaheband then ...nothing ...a black screen with a blinking cursesr15:38
Mawahebnow it started to write many lines (checking ........[ok]) but it's extreeeeeemly slow15:42
SergioMenesesMawaheb, but you download the iso correctly, right?15:46
Mawahebi did not, i used the Test Drive to Sync15:47
MawahebSergioMeneses i don 't have to download it manually if i will use Test Drive right?15:47
SergioMenesesMawaheb, you're right! I was thinking you dont have the iso before15:48
Mawaheb:D am not that stupid :D15:48
Mawahebin the TestDrive preferences and in the Virtualiziation tab. what hypervisor should i set ? KVM ? or VirtualBox?15:50
Mawahebany way i started to download the latest ISO manually, and i will use the VM manually15:52
SergioMenesesMawaheb, I have KVM, I use VB but without testdrive help15:52
Mawahebi understand15:53
Mawahebi will try to do it manually without the testdrive , it shoudln't be harder than in Windows :D15:53
SergioMeneseskk :)16:00
MawahebSergioMeneses are you still here ?17:04
SergioMenesesMawaheb, tell me17:04
Mawahebfacing troubles with the VM as well17:04
Mawahebi've created a new machine , but it's not able to start !17:05
Mawahebit shows "Error in sublibOslnit"17:05
Mawahebkernel drive not installed RC=-190817:06
shadeslayerhi, does anyone have an idea how to use EC2's with auto-upgrade-tester?17:06
SergioMenesesMawaheb, :O17:07
SergioMenesesMawaheb, I have no idea, I think we have to check the possible solution17:07
Mawahebit says that i sould Install the DKMS pakcages firlst17:08
Mawaheband click on vboxdrv setup17:08
SergioMenesesMawaheb, do it17:09
Mawahebi don't know how to install the DKMS or what is it even ! am new to linux17:09
SergioMenesesMawaheb, here is the solution: http://askubuntu.com/questions/218320/virtual-box-upgrade/218443#21844317:11
MawahebThank you SergioMeneses17:11
SergioMenesesin the second line, you must be root... so the command would be17:12
SergioMenesessudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup17:12
SergioMenesesok, guys lunch time! see you soon17:12
SergioMenesesMawaheb, let me a message if you have more issues17:12
Mawahebok thanks17:13
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SergioMeneseshi guys!21:42
SergioMenesesballoons, around?21:42
phillwhi SergioMeneses he may be afk by now :)21:45
SergioMeneseshi phillw, yes I saw that21:46
phillwI'm curerently chasing something else, but is there anything I can help you with?21:47
SergioMenesesI was thinking that maybe balloons could check a new command line21:48
SergioMenesesbut dont worry, btw I reported a bug when I was using lubuntu yesterday21:49
ubot5Error: launchpad bug 1128597 not found21:49
SergioMenesesit is not a error, the bug is private....21:50
SergioMenesesok now is public, can you see it phillw ?21:51
phillwSergioMeneses it was covered.... 'by bug went private' :)21:51
SergioMenesesbug 112859721:52
ubot5bug 1128597 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity-dm crashed with TypeError in run(): Can't convert 'bool' object to str implicitly" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112859721:52
SergioMenesesphillw, ↑↑↑21:52
phillwit is now public. There was a good explanation given on why bugs are private / made private.21:53
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phillwSergioMeneses about 35 mins to go.22:34
SergioMenesessounds good!22:35
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phillwSergioMeneses as the ask for how to alert 'bugs' in test cases, the chat at http://pastebin.com/RPPHZgwv may give some foresight as to what is asked.22:56
phillwSergioMeneses the bug #1125897  is due a fix very shortly.23:38
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1125897 could not be found23:38
phillw(23:35:44) XXXXX: phillw: i have a fix locally. one needs to boot with visual a11y kernel argument option.23:38
phillw(23:35:53) xnox: don't worry about it, I will commit a fix in a minute.23:38
phillw(23:36:21) phillw: xnox: thanks, boss. We will be both be happy to test :)23:38
phillwbugger, sorry for the ping xnox23:39
xnoxnp. =)))))))23:39
phillwI was editing your name out & hit return instead of down arrow.23:40
SergioMenesesphillw, thanks! sorry about my late response but Im studying ;)23:43
SergioMenesesand thanks to xnox too23:43
phillwSergioMeneses don't ping him! :P23:48
SergioMenesessorry, my mistake23:48

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