
SonikkuAmericaikonia: I see.00:00
redheatSonikkuAmerica, can we use virtualization within wine, to mount the ISO to a virtual CD and from there install it to the internal harddrive, I remember trying that once on a windows 7 before, when they were releasing the Candidate release for windows8, and I alreaded downloaded the windows 8 ISO and I used a virtual CD I think CLoneZilla or something like it, and I mounted a CD and then installed to a harddrive00:00
samuelceciliowhat is the most stable version of ubuntu server? someone help me?00:00
icerootsamuelcecilio: 12.0400:01
roothorickredheat: Wine doesn't do what you think it does. It's more of a Windows simulator, it operates at a much higher level than virtualization software (e.g. VirtualBox)00:01
SonikkuAmericaikonia, redheat: Would something like YUMI work in Wine? (Just asking)00:01
icerootsamuelcecilio: maybe 10.04 is more stable then 12.04 but i would recommend 12.04 for a new installation00:01
anewhow are you guys seeing your gui remotely? i know i can do command line with putty, but gui ?00:01
redheatI swear, I was asking myself the same question SonikkuAmerica, when I came across someone talking about using Yumi, I mean does it?00:02
ssorgk1l: I'm on a 3.2 kernel, is it possible to update the drivers without the kernel upgrade? This system is very old an needs a lot of updates, I'm just seeing if I can get the video drivers updated (if it is possible)00:02
roothorickanew: assuredly some form of VNC00:02
icerootanew: rdesktop, vnc, teamviewer, xforwarding with ssh00:02
SonikkuAmerica!10.04 | iceroot, samuelcecilio, be forewarned00:02
ubottuiceroot, samuelcecilio, be forewarned: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)00:02
samuelceciliothank you... iceroot00:02
k1lssorg: which ubuntu? which videocard?00:02
redheatok I00:03
redheatok I'll give it a try00:03
anewsome form = ... can yo uguys recomend one ?00:03
ssorgk1l: Ubuntu 12.04 and the card is an integrated Intel 945GM00:04
roothorickanew: honestly, remote CLI is much more reliable, I *ONLY* use VNC with Windows hosts00:04
redheatSonikkuAmerica, can I install Yumi to a partition on my External drive, cause it seems it's kind of space-hungry and it wipes out all the drive?00:05
SonikkuAmericaredheat: NO (unless you mean on the virtual C: drive Wine creates on your Ubuntu drive)00:05
anewroothorick yes but problem is i have to use an app with gui... vnc = realvnc? or is there another one ?00:05
roothorickanew: the quick and dirty answer is to use SSH's X forwarding feature. Keep in mind this requires your local machine to be running a real X server00:06
roothorickanew: but if it's something you'll be doing regularly, I strongly recommend finding a CLI way to do it00:06
k1lssorg: ok, im not an intel expert. but i would not recommend to update the drivers if there is no need for it like a bug.00:06
Synx|hmNeed some networking help, i need a way to create seperate external routes, i have two nic's on two different subnets, both have access to the internet but one via a VPN, problem is i can only have one gate way route, i need some traffic to traverse the VPN and others my local internet gateway00:07
anewhmm cli not possiblewith firefox i dont think?00:07
samuelceciliocan i use SNA/GLAMOR at the same time?00:07
roothorickanew: Firefox!? Why Firefox?00:07
anewroothorick i have to use it with the script i created00:07
k1lanew: you can forward programs with ssh -X00:07
Korejora@histo: OK, it refused to work with any archive programs, because the archive within the archive within the archive was secretly not an archive or something, but for some reason using tar on the main archive worked.00:08
roothorickanew: better idea. Use SSH's proxying stuff and point Firefox on your local machine to it00:08
anewfirefox on my local machine... cant do that, i'm testing on my local machine00:08
roothorickanew: man ssh, specifically the -L switch00:08
Korejora@histo: do you have time to help me with the rest?00:08
redheatSonikkuAmerica, Yumi is running flawlessly under wine on my system,00:09
zykotick9anew: for ssh's xforwarding, you need an xserver running on your local computer.  i assume your on windows, i hear it's possible - but wouldn't have the foggiest idea how.00:09
ssorgk1l: I wanted to see if I could get steam working on this box, but I get an error about not-up-to-date drivers (or incompatable video card). I wanted to update the drivers to rule out the possibility. I don't plan to continue using it on this box, but I figured I would try. Most of my other linux boxes are headless servers; except one, but I wouldn't want steam on it.00:09
SonikkuAmericaanew, zykotick9: Xming00:09
anewzykotick9: ok so i have to have an xserver running locally and xforward00:10
anewxming will look at that00:10
SonikkuAmericaanew, zykotick9: Or, if you wish for a broader set of Linux tools on Windows, check out Cygwin.00:10
jdukietI am running a wubi install of ubuntu 12.0.4 LTS and would like to import my music from my windows user account to rythmbox. Somehow I was able to access it with a prior search, but have not been able to reproduce it. If this is not a proper question for this channel, can someone direct me to where I may find some help?00:10
roothorickanew: so something like ssh -L and then point firefox to
anewah yes i think cygwin is the answer00:10
bunjee_what program has css encrypted software?00:10
anewwhat's better cygwin or xming?00:10
SonikkuAmericaanew: If you use Xming, is the last free version. 7+ are donate-only00:10
roothorickanew: Firefox will be VERY VERY SLOW over X forwarding, FYI00:11
redheatnow it is giving me the option to create Windows 7/8 installer00:11
redheatand it gave me the option to use the C, like you said the virtual drive, now What?00:11
roothorickanew: I really think -L is the way to go, unless there's multiple servers involved00:11
anewroothorick i mean i have to run firefox on my away machine, but control it locally, is this correct?00:11
SonikkuAmericaanew: I've used both, and both work quite well. Only one small hitch with Cygwin: If you want X11 forwarding, you'll need Xwin as well.00:11
roothorickanew: why does it have to be REMOTE firefox? Why can't you connect local firefox to the remote side?00:11
SonikkuAmericaanew: It typically comes with Cygwin though.00:11
Mo0OI'm following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch but at this step https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch#Cleanup_the_ChRoot_Environment I've got no /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.**-**-generic in the chroot environement, anyone know why ?00:12
anewroothorick connect local firefox to the remote = use my firefox on the remote machine correct ?00:12
SnowieHi all. I have Plex, and I want to create a link between a folder I have created /PlexShare from /home/$USER/Videos including all subfolders and files. Could someone tell me if this should be hard/soft link and the best way to go about it. Will this get around permission problems from $USER to root?00:12
roothorickanew: sort of. Firefox would be running locally but connecting to a tunnel set up by SSH that forwards out to the remote machine00:12
anewi see00:13
roothorickanew: I think I'd need to know more about what you're connecting to. What kind of script is this and where is it hosted?00:14
ssorgk1l: Would you still reccommend I leave the drivers as is, or should I do a full sytem update?00:14
anewroothorick maybe i'm very confused.  can i login with putty, boot lubuntu, then relogin with putty again and start my script ?00:14
ssorgk1l: There isn't any valuable infomation on this box; I mostly use it as a testbed for different distros00:14
roothorickanew: what kind of script is it and how do you run it?00:15
k1lssorg: hmm, i dont know if it is worth a try for a game that maybe wont run well anways00:15
redheatSonikkuAmerica, when I tried to use the C: drive it said it contains, system 32, and then there's another partition called Z with a backward slash \, could that be pointing to Filesystem , and then there's my ubuntu directory, home\redhea00:15
anewroothorick perl script, i run it from cli, but it uses gui (firefox)00:15
roothorickanew: so you run it in a terminal window, and then point firefox to it?00:15
anewi will give it a shot00:16
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roothorickanew: let me double check something real quick00:17
Mo0OI've no initrd too ...00:17
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Assuming you downloaded the YUMI .exe...00:17
anewhonestly i am probably just overthinking the hell out of this and can just log in with putty and run ff that way00:17
redheatyeah I did, and I"m using it right now, just thinking which drive partition to use, obviously it is Z00:18
roothorickanew: on the local machine: ssh -L scriptmachine00:18
anewok let me copy that00:18
roothorickanew: replace 80 with whatever port the script listens on if necessary. Then run the script inside that SSH session. Point Firefox on the local machine to
SonikkuAmericaredheat: No, install it to the C: drive.00:18
SonikkuAmericaredheat: The Z: drive is the root dir for Ubuntu.00:19
redheatI tried and it said a filesystem exists and it refused..00:19
roothorickanew: SSH will forward to the script running on the remote machine through its own built-in tunnel00:19
SonikkuAmericaredheat: One sec...00:19
redheatI thought so, but it turned out it's an empty directory, cause I added a new drive partiton called D: it gave me the same sign D\..00:19
redheattake your time00:19
anewok roothorick thanks a lot for all the help00:20
anewgreat channel00:20
cordycepsanybody been able to dual boot ubuntu and freebsd?00:21
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Check this: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=24935 <<< it's from Fedora 14 and Wine 1.3 but I assume limitation were never fixed.00:21
roothorickanew: keep in mind the tunnel is only kept up as long as that shell session is still open00:21
SonikkuAmerica*the limitations00:21
redheatone more think check this image out: [url=http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=11696][img]http://imgbin.org/images/thumbs/ext11696.png[/img][/url]00:23
redheatSonikkuAmerica check this one out: [url=http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=11696][img]http://imgbin.org/images/thumbs/ext11696.png[/img][/url]00:23
SonikkuAmericaredheat: I can't click that.00:23
SonikkuAmericaredheat: STOP! Check your hard drives!!00:24
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Click "No"00:24
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Then open a terminal and type [ winecfg ]00:25
redheatyeah, I no..00:25
redheatI know, sorry, that's why I didn't press anything00:25
pblarry49I'm using Mythtv 0.26 mythbuntu 12.04 with multiple hdhomerun tuners. Starting with a Ubuntu update last week, I cannot record multiple HD channels simultaneously without getting serious artifacts and audio dropouts. I've made sure all updates are current and have run multiple diagnostics. I've been searching, reading and testing for 2 days now and have only improved it marginally. Before the update last week I could record 500:26
redheatI just waited to see, and the moment it said it'll screw up my MBR I took notice and stopped before doing anything00:26
redheatI already have wine cfg open00:26
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Click the "Drives" tab.00:26
redheatsorry...I'll show the image again..so sorry about that00:26
Korejora1So, I tried installing wireless drivers, and it's causing a freeze when I connect to a network again. How can I figure out what's making the problem?00:27
redheatSonikkuAmerica do you see it now http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1169600:27
SonikkuAmericaredheat: I copied and pasted the link itself.00:28
SonikkuAmericaredheat: That's why I said open winecfg, click the "Drives" tab, and see which drive letter is /media/$HASH/00:28
roothorickquick question. When 13.04 is released, Can I upgrade my 12.10 Ubuntu-GNOME without clobbering, well, GNOME?00:29
SonikkuAmericaroothorick: If you DON'T have the GNOME 3 PPA, I don't see why it shouldn't.00:31
SonikkuAmericaIf you DO, however, it'll comment it out in your sources.list and you'll have to re-enable it again.00:31
roothorickSonikkuAmerica: does the 12.10 Ubuntu-GNOME installer add that PPA automatically?00:31
Akshayrwat is legacy software00:32
SonikkuAmericaroothorick: Not that I know of, you might be able to ask in #ubuntu-gnome, but don't count on an answer anytime soon.00:32
darkhelmet46Anybody in here mess with the Exchange MAPI plug-in for Evolution Mail?00:32
cordycepsanybody been able to dual boot ubuntu and freebsd?00:33
SonikkuAmericadarkhelmet46: MAPI?00:33
darkhelmet46SonikkuAmerica, yep.00:34
redheatSonikkuAmerica, I went to the drive, I added a new drive and I called it D and then I assigned it to the Media where the new drive is located this is the image..http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1169700:34
darkhelmet46SonikkuAmerica, I'm trying to get Evolution to work with Exchange 2007.00:34
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Good. Now select that drive letter in YUMI. (You may need to restart YUMI.)00:35
galoreHello, anyone running 12.10 ? With ufw enabled (default) i can't get traceroute to work properly, ping works just fine though.00:35
roothorickdarkhelmet46: if it helps any, my school uses Exchange but I just connect with IMAP/SMTP.00:35
redheatok..I'll do that now check this out SonikkuAmerica...http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1169800:36
redheatlook at the D00:36
darkhelmet46roothorick, thanks I thought of that, but I don't want to use IMAP00:36
SonikkuAmericaredheat: That looks right to me, if that giant number is your $HASH (it apparently is)00:37
NotIronicHey, can anyone point me in the direction of where I could find where a particular app is installed?  I'm looking for a specific file00:37
redheatyes it is ..I"ll check it again..00:37
roothorickNotIronic: dpkg -L packagename00:38
galoreI need help with traceroute on a 12.10 with ufw enabled.00:38
SonikkuAmericaroothorick, NotIronic: Or "whereis"00:38
brian_ Good morning from China. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 on a MacBook Pro. Very nice indeed. I have the Apple blue-tooth mouse and it works, but the problem is that even with the settings set to slowest, the cursor still moves too fast. Is there anyway to slow it down?00:38
NotIronicrootorrick: thanks!!00:38
redheattake  a look at it..00:38
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Good to go. DO NOT CHECK THE "FORMAT" BOX, but otherwise, navigate to the ISO and hit Start or whatever the button is.00:39
galoreIs there a network specific ubuntu channel ?00:40
redheatmy thought exactly, you could never be too careful, SonikkuAmerica00:40
galorei mean, where people discuss netowkring, firewalls etc.00:40
SonikkuAmericaredheat: That's actually because Wine can't handle that operation.00:41
LartzaAny way to run stuff if Unity won't start?00:41
roothorickLartza: Ctrl+Alt+F1...F600:42
SonikkuAmericaLartza: How is Unity not starting?00:42
redheatit can't handle format? ok..I don't know that much about wine and from the way you talk it about it sounds very experimental more than real tested science this whole emulator stuff00:42
SonikkuAmericaredheat: It... kind of ... is.00:42
Tex_Nickgalore : #ubuntu-network00:42
LartzaSonikkuAmerica, I only get desktop, managed by nautilus. Probably because I removed around a 100 packages before this reboot00:42
SonikkuAmericaLartza: [ sudo apt-get install unity ]. If it exists, [ sudo apt-get install --reinstall unity ]00:43
redheatI told you by the time we finish this question you'll get more Coherent..lol00:43
galoreTex_Nick: thanks00:43
LartzaSonikkuAmerica, Doing a reinstall... :/00:43
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Haha00:43
roothorickLartza: I would try "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" and see if it installs anything you're missing00:43
LartzaAny way to install Ubuntu with less crap?00:43
LartzaNot minimal that is too small00:44
Ice_StrikeWhat is  /usr/src used for?00:44
SonikkuAmericaLartza: What's less crap? LXDE? Xfce?00:44
LartzaSonikkuAmerica, Thunderbird, Libreoffice...00:44
k1lLartza: everyone wants other stuff. so go for the minimal install and install what you need00:44
galoreTex_Nick: that channel seems to be dead, hm00:44
SonikkuAmericaLartza: The mini ISO? (universal)00:44
redheatoops roadblock...SonikkuAmerica..http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1170000:45
LartzaSonikkuAmerica, That just installs terminal system, like I said too small...00:45
redheatit has to be a flash drive00:45
Tex_Nickgalore ; sorry, meant #ubuntu-server00:45
redheattoo good to be true00:45
galoreTex_Nick: hehe Thank You00:45
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Tex_Nickgalore : np :)00:46
k1lLartza: like i said: remove the parts you dont like in the standard install or go for the minimal install and add the stuff you want afterwards00:46
brian_ Good morning from China. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 on a MacBook Pro. Very nice indeed. I have the Apple blue-tooth mouse and it works, but the problem is that even with the settings set to slowest, the cursor still moves too fast. Is there anyway to slow it down?00:46
Lartzak1l, And I asked if there is something between those, and the answer to that seems to be no...00:46
k1lLartza: yep, its no00:46
LartzaIf I want to do a minimal install I install Arch :P00:46
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Then we won't be using YUMI then. Just kill it, open a terminal and [ sudo grub-install /dev/sdXX ] where XX is the last 2 #'s of the hard drive as per GParted.00:47
redheatwait wait..it's working, dont' know what the hell that first message wat00:47
LartzaI'll just reinstall desktop00:47
SonikkuAmericaredheat: It is?00:47
CavalierPrimebrian_  try this   http://askubuntu.com/questions/8506/decrease-mouse-sensitivity-below-the-standard-limit00:48
redheatSonikkuAmerica http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1170100:48
SonikkuAmericaredheat: OK...00:49
SonikkuAmericaredheat: I gotta vacate the dining hall and head for the bathroom, brb00:49
redheattake your time00:49
SnowieAre there any Plex users here? Anyone solved the new bug bear of permissions when installed from repos?00:50
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SnowiePerhaps this is my problem. The TV Shows folder here was transfered in full from an external drive. Could that be an issue? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1674683/00:56
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SonikkuAmericaredheat: I'm back!00:57
SnowieThere as symlinks from one in my home to one in /Plexshare00:57
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SonikkuAmericaredheat: How's YUMI going now?00:57
SonikkuAmericaAck, he signed off.00:58
brian_CavalierPrime, the fix works wonders. But I cannot find my xorg.conf (/etc/x11) It's not there01:00
SonikkuAmericaHello Guest44455, welcome to the Ubuntu support channel.01:00
brian_CavalierPrime, is there another file I can use to save the new settings?01:00
CavalierPrimebrian_  not sure, try a search for xorg file01:01
brian_Ok, thnks01:01
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BlackDalekPC won't boot up... after "Starting Up..." it says "udevd [81] worker [143] terminated by signal 6 )Aborted)" and "udevd [81] worker [143] failed while handling '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNPA03:00/device:0c'" then "Gave up waiting for root device" then some more stuff then a busybox prompt. What now?01:04
brian_CavalierPrime, think I found it. There is a folder called xorg.conf.d and it have a 50-vmmouse.conf file. Do you think it's safe to modify that one?01:04
CavalierPrimebrian_  when in doubt, make a copy of the original first01:05
brian_Ok, cool. Let's see what happens01:05
BlackDalekwhere do I go for help with udevd errors?01:06
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:07
jakey1Hi, is there a light weight browser for ubuntu, which has the most capabilities01:11
jakey1i.e. to ssh with01:11
penthAnyone else having spikes and pops lately with 12.04 and intel-hda sound architecture? I think it's pulseaudio but can't isolate it.01:14
penthjakey: define "browser," please. I just use the terminal for ssh01:14
jakey1internet browser01:14
lehzenipenth, spikes and pops often mention ir sharing problems01:14
sgerbinodoes anyone know if thursday preview of ubuntu phone can be installed on an htc one?01:14
lehzeniirq sharing01:15
jakey1i.e like firefox, chrome but very light wieght01:15
FoolsRunHi, quick question: trying to make a slideshow on my TV that automatically shows new photos added to a directory. I can't find anything that can do this. Anyone have suggestions? Command-line tools like fbi would be best as the machine I'm trying to use doesn't have X01:15
penthI'll look at that, lehzeni, thanks01:15
* penth uses Chromium01:15
redheatSonikkuAmerica, you still there ?01:15
SonikkuAmericaredheat: There you are!01:16
BlackDalekPC won't boot... puts me into a busybox initramfs prompt.... "udevd [81] worker [143] terminated by signal 6 (Aborted)" etc... any clues?01:16
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Lemme guess... it didn't boot, right?01:16
redheatlike you said, it didn't, it all it did it extracted the files, and I tried to run the setup from within the drive01:17
redheatand it told me not enough space..01:17
Tex_Nickpenth : is that occurinw with vlc & or skype ?01:17
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redheatopen to suggestion dear sir01:17
penthtex, it's background even if I have no apps or strems open using the sound port.01:17
redheatopen to suggestion dear friend, (sorry)01:17
SonikkuAmericaOh! So that's what you were trying to do: run the install WITHIN that drive.01:17
SonikkuAmericaredheat: ^01:18
redheatwhich makes no sense at all01:18
redheatI know..01:18
jakey1arora anyone?01:18
penthIt also happened when I booted off a Fedora 17 disk, but my headphone ports are fine01:18
lehzenipenth, so it's ok from headphones, but not from speakers?01:18
redheatits like you're trying to install windows on a flash drive, makes no sense, I was thinking of copying all the files to another external harddrive, and then trying to install them to the internal drie, but like you said they won't boot..01:18
redheata kind of empty loop01:19
penthCorrect. Speakers are connnected to the motherboard on the rear port, and I swapped speakers.01:19
penthI'm hoping my mobo isn't flaking on me01:19
SonikkuAmericaredheat: On a 320 GB space, it shouldn't matter.01:19
lehzenipenth, where are the headphones vonnected to?01:19
penthFront of case bezel via a cable to the motherboard01:20
FoolsRunAnyone know a command-line tool that will show a slideshow and add new photos as they're added to a directory?01:20
redheatanyhow, what you think? we have extracted files and no boot, can I give a you picture of how they look now..01:20
lehzenipenth, one thing the check is plug the headphones into the back where the speakers have been01:20
Tex_Nickpenth : ok, thought i might have a solution, but that's a different problem ... sorry01:20
penthAnd I get to drag it out from under the desk again :)01:21
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Well, there are a few things we might try...01:21
lehzenipenth, it could either be the rear jack or the speakers that are the problem. either way is fixable01:22
* SigmaGirl slaps her pussy for FREEDOM01:22
SigmaGirlCHOLBY RULES!01:22
redheathttp://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=11703 SonikkuAmerica01:22
SonikkuAmerica((Ouch. K-lines are not good things.)01:22
redheatI"m open to all suggestions...01:23
redheatFixing this thing, and watching Independence Day01:24
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Virtual machine maybe? (Unless you require a frugal install)01:24
redheatI was thinking of that...01:25
penthThe pops aren't coming through with the headphones, but I'm still getting the spikes in alsamixer.01:25
redheatlet's do it, I already got Virtualization turned on in BIOS..so let's make use of that..01:25
SonikkuAmericaredheat: [ sudo apt-get install virtualbox ]01:25
lehzenipenth, do you have a noisy microphone connected?01:26
barraponoponopowhat package should I install to have a lightweight LXDE option?01:26
penthno microphone at all.01:26
cfhowlettbarraponoponopo, sudo apt-get install lxde01:26
barraponoponopo(im already using ubuntu)01:26
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Only thing is, though, this would put a virtual image on your internal HDD.01:26
barraponoponopocfhowlett: thanks. i was looking for something like lubuntu-desktop...01:26
penthbut headphone, pcm, and front keep getting jacked up to 100% if I try to change them01:27
cfhowlettbarraponoponopo, note: this will give you the lxde destkop environment, not the lubuntu metapackages01:27
cfhowlettbarraponoponopo, then apt-get install lubuntu-desktop01:27
barraponoponopocfhowlett: yeah, but i won't uninstall libreoffice01:27
redheatyou mean a virtual image of the installation file, but a not a virtual image of windows, cause I don't want that..?01:27
redheatis that what you meant?01:27
cfhowlettbarraponoponopo, you don't have to uninstall anything ...01:27
barraponoponopocfhowlett: is there anything i should install from lubuntu desktop?01:27
lehzenipenth, well that's all wrong. 100% could maybe make you hear clicks and pops01:28
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Oh that's not what you want.01:28
barraponoponopocfhowlett: i mean, whats the point of installing gnumeric or abiword if im not gonna use them?01:28
penthThat's the point. I can't see what's forcing that to happen01:28
barraponoponopo(i mostly do everything with markdown)01:28
cfhowlettbarraponoponopo, nothing I'd recommend but go ahead and install the lubuntu-desktop to see the goodness.  anything you don't need/like you can remove/purge01:28
lehzenipenth, what do you have pulseaudio volume set to?01:28
brian_CavalierPrime , unfortunately it looks as though no fix has been found yet. I couldn't find any solutions in "Ask Ubuntu", which BTW, is a pretty cool help option I didn't know about. Thanks anyway.01:28
redheatI mean a clean old-fashioned install, cause getting rid of a virtual image might be problematic01:29
barraponoponopobandwidth is still an issue in brazil :/01:29
penthIn the indicator applet, about 40%01:29
cfhowlettbarraponoponopo, here's a suggestion: torrent the lubuntu iso.01:29
FoolsRunDoes anyone know a Linux (preferably command line) tool that will display a slideshow and watch for new photos added to a directory and add them to the slideshow?01:29
barraponoponopocfhowlett: then reinstall?01:29
CavalierPrimebrian_ np, gl01:29
cfhowlettbarraponoponopo, exactly01:30
redheatlet's give it a try though, and see how it goes, it has nothing to do with whether I like it or not, I"m still thinking about that whole idea of install windows from within windows using virtualization01:30
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Wait a sec.... there is a way to get VBox to boot from an external HDD though.01:30
barraponoponopomaybe, if i convince the pc user it's a good switch. i hope lxde does the trick meanwhile.01:30
cfhowlettFoolsRun, montage01:30
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Or to boot an external HDD, excuse me.01:30
=== IcePee is now known as Guest82382
lehzenipenth, hate to sy it, but alsmixer clearly doesn't like your intel-hda, and it's probably alsa's fault and not the mohterboard's01:30
cfhowlettbarraponoponopo, best of luck, my friend01:30
barraponoponopobtw, anyone knows of  tutorial to dealing with ipods?01:31
penthalsa, not pulse?01:31
cfhowlettFoolsRun, looks like montage is gone.  see feh01:31
redheatwait hold on, you thinking what "you" thinking, cause I didn't know that virtual box can do that :),01:31
penthI jsut pastebinned pulseaudio--dump-conf to http://pastebin.com/u4ChbxHX01:31
ubottubarraponoponopo,: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod01:31
lehzenipenth, well you said alsamixer keeps switching all volumes to 100 percent01:31
FoolsRuncfhowlett: fen requires x, yeah? I'll give it a shot.01:31
SonikkuAmericaredheat: How it works is via symbolic linking.01:31
cfhowlettFoolsRun, haven't used it, so I don't know ...01:32
barraponoponopothanks bot!01:32
penthOnly with a device plugged into the rear though. I just plugged the speakers into the front and I'm ok :/01:32
barraponoponopothanks cfhowlett01:32
redheatThat vista invention...remember...01:32
penthGuess I'll try the daily builds.01:32
cfhowlettFoolsRun, display can also do montages01:33
FoolsRuncfhowlett: the big question is whether these tools can watch for new photos and automatically add them to the slideshow01:33
lehzenipenth, over the front jack, is the sound quality to your liking?01:33
SonikkuAmericaredheat: So go ahead and install VBox, and then...01:33
redheatsymbolic linking, was it Vista or Windows 7, I think Vista were the first to introduce Symbolic LInking, of files and folders01:33
redheatits installed01:34
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Here in Unix, we use the [ ln -s ] command.01:34
penthIt's a little flat and I want to keep the front open for my headset because I use it for voip01:34
cfhowlettFoolsRun, as they're command based, I'd suggest you pipe a directory search then launch the results in the display01:34
penthbut I can limp with it a while01:34
FoolsRuncfhowlett: everything I've found indicates I'd have to stop and restart the slideshow to pull that off01:34
redheatok, I was talking about a whole different issue, remember those files on the destkop, with big arrows, called Symbolic linking..anyhow I got it...01:35
lehzenipenth, I was just looking at the rear jacks on mine, and there is more than one audio output to plug into ...01:35
redheatok so what do I do?01:35
cfhowlettFoolsRun, would this be a looping montage or something?01:35
SonikkuAmericaredheat: OK, now make sure your HDD is connected...01:35
redheatit's already setting comfortably in the laptops compartment,..01:35
FoolsRuncfhowlett: it's actually for a photo booth. I want it to loop all photos saved to a dir and add newly saved photos to the end of the loop01:35
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Check with GParted to see what the XX in /dev/sdXX is...01:35
cfhowlettFoolsRun, ok then.  command-line fu: after X number of runs, research the directory and pipe to a new montage01:36
redheatit's dev/sda01:36
penthLine out as opposed to speaker? That gets really flat but I can go back into the mixer and play with it.01:36
SonikkuAmericaredheat: In a terminal, [ cd ~/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/ ]01:37
FoolsRuncfhowlett: cool, thanks01:38
penthInterestingly, though, no pops on the line out. Guess this is where I'll live a while.01:38
cfhowlettFoolsRun, best of luck01:38
redheatSonikkuAmerica, this is what it said back "cd ~/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/"01:38
=== KindOne- is now known as KindOne
redheatno such file or directory01:38
skylerokay guys I have a really unique problem, I was wondering if anyone could help out01:38
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Maybe we need to create it first...01:38
ubottuskyler,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:38
redheatoh ok..mkdir right?01:39
SonikkuAmericaredheat: That works...01:39
penthso long as it switches when I plug in the headset I'm good enough. Thanks for the conscience check :)01:39
skyleryeah sorry I hit enter by accident01:39
SonikkuAmerica[ mkdir ~/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/ ]01:39
lehzenipenth, if your mixer controls include an equalizer, you can take care of any flatness01:39
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Then [ cd ] into it...01:40
penthinstalling libasound2-plugin-equal as we speak :)01:40
skylerI have 2 external hard drives, one 70 gb, one 250 gb. I want to know if there is any way I can copy all of the 70gb one to the 250 gb one. My system hdd is only 40 gb, thus the problem01:40
skyleris there any way to dd half the drive, then the other half?01:40
ironhalikIs there a way to update synaptics touchpad firmware from ubuntu?01:40
redheatsame BS again, no Such file or directory..01:41
penthskyler, you can dd from one device to the other without needing to use your internal as a staging space01:41
chalcedonyskyler, look at rsynch01:41
skylerpenth, I can only use one at a time01:41
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Open Nautilus and do it that way01:41
lehzeniskyler, you can copy it directly from the 70 to the 250 without going through the 4001:41
skylerchalcedony, what would that do?01:41
skylerlehzeni, i cannot.01:42
chalcedonyskyler, different program, lots of options01:42
lehzeniskyler, why not?01:42
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Create "Library" in your home folder, "VirtualBox" inside that, and "HardDisks" inside "VirtualBox"01:42
penthonly one usb port?01:42
skylerlehzeni, i only have one sata => usb adapter haha01:42
skylerand my internal drive is pata01:43
penthdo you have any other usb drive that has a 70+gig capacity?01:43
skylernope :/01:43
penthwhat's the largest you have?01:43
lehzeniskyler, no internal sata ports to use?01:43
skylerlehzeni, nope it's a laptop01:43
redheatSonikkuAmerica, all done01:44
lehzeniskyler, home much free space on your 40 internal drive?01:44
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Now, for the tricky part:01:44
penthplug in the 70 and do a du -s on it; you might be able to get everything off with rsync  and compression01:44
skylerlehzeni, almost all of it, other than what the ubuntu install takes01:45
skylerlehzeni, after the drivemaker's lies and the ubuntu install I am left with 30ish gb01:45
redheatok I'm ready, but first should I clean the clutter on my internal drive or should I leave 'em there?01:45
skylerthe source drive only has ~60gb taken01:45
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Paste this in a terminal (Ctrl+Shift+V) and see what happens: [ ln -s /dev/disk4 ExternalDiskDeviceLink ]01:46
penthWhat type of data is on the 70?01:46
SonikkuAmericaredheat: NOT disk401:46
wiiwchmod 777 /dev/ttyS0 , how to set this as system default ?01:46
SonikkuAmericaredheat: use /dev/sda instead01:46
skylerpenth, a windows install and some programs. Also some music, but I can't figure out how to delete it as it says the drive is read only.01:46
lehzeniskyler, so I guess you need to mount drive 70, copy half the files to a director on the 40 with "cp -R -p", copy those to the 250, then erase the holding directory on the 40 and repat a second time01:47
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skylerlehzeni, will it boot, you think?01:47
julian-delphikiWiiw, what are you attempting to accomplish.01:47
penthwell, so long as it's read only and you can select the contents you can skip the directories you don't want01:47
redheatSonikkuAmerica, this is what it said back : ln -s /dev/sda ExternalDiskDeviceLinkln: failed to create symbolic link `ExternalDiskDeviceLink': File exists01:47
lehzeniskyler, this was windows on the 70?01:47
skylerlehzeni, yeah01:48
lehzeniskyler, you will need to do a clean install of windows on the 250 before you begin01:48
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Then try [ whereis ExternalDiskDeviceLink ]01:48
skylercrap. Okay!01:48
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Just to locate it01:48
skylerwait, if I was able to just dd the disks, would it boot like that?01:49
lehzeniskyler, because by copying the files you would be assured of it either not booting or else triggering windows anti-piracy detection01:49
penthdd won't usually do it for Windows01:49
aartistI am trying to work my musical keyboard to laptop.  How I can make that possible?01:49
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Actually, that won't give us any useful info. Scratch that. Sorry--01:49
penthIt's going to detect the different uuid on the drive and make you jump through hoops regardless01:49
KxTwohey guys what is the conensus on best snes emulator for 12.0401:50
skyleraartist, does the keyboard have midi out?01:50
SonikkuAmerica!poll | KxTwo01:50
ubottuKxTwo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:50
ubottuaartist,: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo01:50
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
wiiwjulian-delphiki: in virtualbox , it say no permission on ttyS001:50
skylerKxTwo, depends on what you want. bsnes for pure good emulation, zsnes for something cool01:50
KxTwoman I fucking hate that bot and how people abuse it01:50
skyler!language | kxtwo01:50
ubottukxtwo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:50
KxTwoI understand that, I am asking for a general consensus or at the very least opinions01:50
julian-delphikiwiiw, when you do what?01:51
KxTwoskyler, I was using zsnes but its causing issues with some games01:51
* penth has no opinions and hasn't even touched the DS in months01:51
KxTwoskyler, so I was told to try snes9x but I so far cant get it to run right01:51
skylerKxTwo, so use bsnes for 100% accurate emulation, if you system can handle it01:51
redheatSonikkuAmerica, I got them both, two S links inside the directory01:51
KxTwoskyler, is it resource heavy?01:51
skylerKxTwo, for the accurate emulation, yes very01:52
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Actually, [ find ExternalDiskDeviceLink ] is more useful.01:52
KxTwoits just snes01:52
skylerKxTwo, it probably won't run at realtime speed unless you have a 3GHz processor01:52
wiiwjulian-delphiki: I run virtualbox without sudo , and virtualbox need use ttyS0 for setting my DTU01:52
redheatlocate is as good as any other..01:52
penththanks, lehzeni and Tex_Nick. Now I can watch my lectures again without cans or wanting to tear hair out :)01:52
redheatthere they are http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1170401:52
KxTwoim on my laptop, 4G ram turion dual core01:53
SonikkuAmericaredheat: OK, we'll use ExternalDiskDeviceLink201:53
skylerKxTwo, clock speed?01:53
lehzeniyou are welcome penth01:53
=== gskellig is now known as OGskellig
KxTwoskyler, for some reason ubuntu doesnt state it and I do not recall01:53
redheatroger that01:53
KxTwoI doubt its 3 though.01:53
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Try this: [ ln -s /dev/sda ExternalDiskDeviceLink2 ]01:53
julian-delphikiwiiw, i think if you add your user to the "dialout" group you should be able to access it just fine01:53
skylerKxTwo, use lshw to find out01:53
wiiwjulian-delphiki: ok I'll try.01:54
redheatok it's there..01:54
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Now, I killed my Chrome window, one sec...01:54
redheattake your time01:54
KxTwough if zsnes hand't started screwing up I'd be fine01:54
lehzeniwhat was the problem znes was having?01:55
julian-delphikiKxTwo, what does "screwing up" mean01:55
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Try this megalith: [ VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ExternalDisk.vmdk -rawdisk $PWD/ExternalDiskDeviceLink2 ]01:55
KxTwoits a glitch with super mario rpg.  Im well into the game but it freezes anytime I try to equip anything.  I am hoping I can use zsnes save files on a different EMU01:55
BlackDalekIs there some kind of bug in Ubuntu 11.10 which prevent installing more than 1Gb ram?01:56
SonikkuAmericaredheat: You're still in the same directory right?01:56
KxTwoyah my turion is only a 240001:56
SonikkuAmericaredheat: You should be!01:56
=== OGskellig is now known as gskellig
KxTwojulian-delphiki, I searched for fixes but most answers said to switch emulators01:56
lehzeniBlackDalek, no. but you might have a bios limitation01:56
aartistubottu: thanks.. , but I like to play yamahakeyboard and show the notes in laptop.01:57
redheathttp://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=11705 SonikkuAmerica..01:57
ubottuaartist: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:57
redheatCheck that image01:57
redheatcheck the image and their reply01:57
KxTwoskyler, so I think that option is out if it really requires 3ghz.  Jeez my desktop doesn't even have that lol01:57
BobLfootI am running 12.04.01 LTS - i386 fully updated as an Oracle VirtualBox Guest on a Windows 7 host.  TF2 was installed from Steam and is also current.  Problem in instead of game video I get a black screen.  What would be a logical next step to troubleshoot?01:57
aartistHow I can do midi input ?01:57
julian-delphikiKxTwo, http://board.zsnes.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12400  says its not compatible01:57
BlackDaleklehzeni, How do I know if there is a BIOS limitation? In the Bios setup screens all 2 Gb counts up fine and no ram errors show during POST....01:58
SonikkuAmericaredheat: You'll need the packages it mentions, first off..01:58
julian-delphikiKxTwo, you could try and old version of znes, 1.42 or older.01:58
redheatok, I thought because we didn't write sda in that megalith, it turned back an error01:58
aartistskyler: NO. the keyboard doesn't have midi out.  It has a USB cable, that I am connecting to laptop. It is connecting to /dev/midi101:58
KxTwojulian-delphiki, I saw other people suggest it but no confirmations on whether or not it worked.  You think going backwards might do the trick?01:59
lehzeniBlackDalek, what does 11.10 say in response to your 2gb?01:59
julian-delphikiKxTwo, the thread i linked says yes01:59
redheatI'll get it from synaptic01:59
SonikkuAmericaredheat: The other thing is, you'll also need this: [ useradd -aG vboxusers redheat ]01:59
KxTwojulian-delphiki, that is the same forum I was reading but it was a different article, must be my search was typed poorly.  Now for the uber noob question.  How do I install the older version?01:59
KxTwojulian-delphiki, I had problems installing the version I had, and had to do it through aptitude as it kept breaking through software center02:00
ubottuaartist,: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo02:00
redheatis that a command line to add me as part of the virtual users group..02:01
lehzeniit's been a long time since any linux had a 1gb ram limit02:01
redheator are you adding a whole class of groups called Virtual users02:01
jgcampbell300can anyone here help me with fail2ban ... i am having a heck of a time with its config02:01
=== z_ is now known as machiavellious
skyleralright, so does anyone know how I can upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04 without a CD? I feel pretty screwed right now02:03
packetfrogOn ubuntustudio I was trying out various DE and now my ubuntustudio has no window manager apparently as all my windows have no frames or movement options    any ideas on how to fix?02:03
lehzeniskyler, what happened?02:03
skylerI've followed the guilde on EOL upgrading to no avail02:03
BlackDaleklehzeni.. it boots up as far as "Starting Up..." then it crashes to busybox initramfs prompt with "udevd [81] worker [143] terminated by signal 6 (Aborted)" and "udevd [81] worker [143] failed while handling '/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNPA03:00/device:0c'" and " Gave up waiting for root device" etc...02:03
cfhowlettpacketfrog, but you can login???02:03
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Yeah?02:04
redheatsorry, the last one was that a command line that I should enter into the terminal02:05
skylerlehzeni, I bought a computer and it came with 6.06 on it. I am having trouble upgrading to 8.04 so I can upgrade to 10.04 and then to 12.04, because it doesn't have a cd drive and doesn't like to boot from usb02:05
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Yeah, the [ useradd ... ] command02:05
packetfrogcfhowlett yes  but this xchat window is unmovable  no frame  no way to move or close it02:06
VlanXIs there a way to reduce icons spacing on nautilus w/out changing the icons view?02:06
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Here it is again for convenience: [ useradd -aG vboxusers redheat ]02:06
cfhowlettpacketfrog, logout / login and try the xfce DE02:06
lehzeniBlackDalek, which device is that "pnp a03:00 :0c"?02:06
packetfrogcfhowlett brb :)02:06
SonikkuAmericaredheat: What that does is throw you in the workgroup "vboxusers" so that you have privileges to mess with VBoxManager.02:06
skylercfhowlett, there is no way I'm going to get that to work, I tried earlier today and it just hung after it connected to the ubuntu mirror02:06
navetzhi I need help, i ran ubuntu updates02:07
SonikkuAmericanavetz: And?02:07
cfhowlettskyler, thinking ...02:07
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BlackDaleklehzeni, not a clue, but I assume it is the RAM...02:07
redheatSonikkuAmerica, check this out...http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1170602:08
navetzi ran ubuntu updates and now all my screen resolution stuff is messed up, before it was working perfect. I think it might have something to do with compiz02:08
KxTwough hthis is confusing02:08
lehzeniBlackdalek, that device is not the ram02:08
navetzSonikkuAmerica: sorry hit enter to early lol02:08
navetzi have no window decorator either, there are no close minimize and max buttons02:08
packetfrogcfhowlett  same deal ;/  I can login with openbox and get frames and what not  just not xfce or the ubuntustudio option ( I know thats xfce as well )02:08
wiiwwhy has so many ttySNN in /dev/02:09
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Just try running the VBoxManage command again: (Press the up arrow a few times in terminal, it should pop up)02:09
cfhowlettpacketfrog, have you deleted desktop environments?  Perhaps reinstalling xfce ...02:09
redheatnot a few times just one time, there's something they keep barking about the "a" before the G is no "compute" for the terminal02:10
lehzeniBlackdlek, I found one other mention of a problem like your, and device pnpa03:00 was related to power mangement02:10
skylercfhowlett, any ideas?02:10
liahimcociuba@jgcampbell - some resources to read http://www.fail2ban.org/wiki/index.php/HOWTOs02:10
packetfrogif I reinstall regular xfce it wont be the ubuntustudio version right?02:10
packetfrogconfigured the same anyway02:10
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Don't worry about the useradd command. Just run the VBoxManage one.02:10
packetfrogreally id like to get rid of all this crud and just use fluxbox  but i cant get the cairo-dock to work right02:10
redheatok..it gave me a list when I just wrote VBoxManage02:10
cfhowlettpacketfrog, xfce is ONLY the desktop environment.  If we can get on DE working properly you can recreate the US linkages02:10
solisdo you is letter02:11
lehzeniskyler, do you have any sata cdrom drives?02:11
navetzdoes anyone have any idea why updates would mess up all my window decorations and screen resolutions?02:11
cfhowlettskyler, repeat your request at intervals in the channel.  gotta be  a way ...02:11
skylerlehzeni, it's a laptop. thinkpad t40. I don't have any CDs to burn at the moment, and all the shops in the area are closed.02:12
packetfrogcfhowlett are you familiar with a tutorial or something on how to get cairo-dock to not take over my screen with black boxes  and not blink all the time? :/02:12
BlackDaleklehzeni, I haven't been able to find anything on google except my own posts on ubuntu forum... so you've done better than me.02:12
SonikkuAmericaredheat: The command from earlier: [ VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ExternalDisk.vmdk -rawdisk $PWD/ExternalDiskDeviceLink2 ]02:12
cfhowlettsolis NO idea what you mean02:12
cfhowlettpacketfrog, cairo dock?  no.  sorry.02:12
solisi am speak spanish02:12
skylercfhowlett, I am attempting to upgrade from 6.06 on a computer that is being difficult at booting from usb and I don't have any blank cds02:12
ubottusolis: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:13
packetfrogcfhowlett Or another dock that works good and looks nice. Im not having much luck getting a nice looking usable desktop going.02:13
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cfhowlettpacketfrog, the default xfce dock wasn't to your liking?02:13
skylerwould it be possible to make a partition in my hard disk, dd the install iso for 12.04 to it, set up GRUB to boot to that partition then go from there? or am I just drunk02:13
SonikkuAmericanavetz: Maybe it didn't like your xorg.conf or whatever X config file you used.02:13
solisbut live englih02:13
redheatSonikkuAmerica, same old same old : http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1170702:14
lehzeniBlackvalek, the other mention of that device was decided to be a kernel bug. (?) so maybe if you removed the second gig and upgraded to something newer than 11.10, then you could put the second gig back again and everything woulf be happy02:14
cfhowlettskyler, that actually sounds good!02:14
packetfrogcfhowlett it wont go transparent and looks clunky.02:14
navetzSonikkuAmerica: I did not change anything, it was working for about 3 weeks on my new laptop, then I updated and everything broke. Any idea how I can fix it?02:14
cfhowlettpacketfrog, well, one thing at a time.  did xfce reinstall and fix things?02:14
skylercfhowlett, how in the hell would I go about doing any of that? I could use gparted to make the partition but after that I would just be lost02:14
BlackDaleklehzeni, I am hoping you are right because I am currently in the process of running up upgrade with just the 1Gb installed.02:15
=== skyler is now known as Pagos
SonikkuAmericaredheat: That was my mistake. Wrong command. THIS is the correct one, from the Web site: [ sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers redheat ]02:15
cfhowlettskyler, I've never done it, but I believe it could be done.  Direct this question to the channel, not just to me.  Pretty sure someone here has a solution.02:15
lehzeniskyler, yes, you could temporarily dd the iso to the 250gb drive and boot from that02:15
Pagoslehzeni, I can't boot from usb, and that drive is SATA. My hdd in my computer is PATA02:16
lehzeniskyler, just remember to erase it later before you start copying the windows files02:16
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Then try [ VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ExternalDisk.vmdk -rawdisk $PWD/ExternalDiskDeviceLink2 ] again.02:16
SonikkuAmericanavetz: Can you be a little more specific on what broke?02:16
lehzeniPagos, can't boot at all from usb? or just undependable booting?02:17
solishelp anyone in the section of Spanish02:17
ubottusolis,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:17
navetzSonikkuAmerica: My screen resolution is really low, I don't have any taskbars on the left or the top, just a background. I opened a terminal with ctrl+t and launched a broswer through there. I have no window decorations either.02:17
turtalhello. I've got a question about installation. can anyone help?02:18
Pagoslehzeni, it's a thinkpad so I'm pretty sure it will only boot from IBM drives. I have not been at all successful in getting it to boot from usb02:18
ubottuturtal,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:18
lehzeniPagos, nothing in your bios to select usb booting?02:18
SonikkuAmericanavetz: My guess is that it ditched your graphics drivers. Can you run [ jockey-gtk ] in a terminal for me?02:18
darkhelmet46I'm back.  Had to reboot to Windows for the wife.02:19
turtali'm about to install ubuntu from a flashdrive. i picked the drive to install but I'm not sure what to pick for "device for boot loader installation"02:19
Pagoslehzeni, there is, but I can't get it to work. I'd rather go with the partition and then dd then set up grub route. I just don't know how to do any of that02:19
solisok ok02:19
BlackDaleksometimes if a computer won't boot from USB there is an option hidden in the BIOS under "legacy" boot options...02:19
cfhowlettturtal, that would be your HDD ...02:19
cfhowlettturtal, probably displays as /dev/sda ...02:20
turtalI've got 3 and the list gives 6 or 702:20
cfhowlettturtal, 3 hdds?  whoa cowboy!02:20
darkhelmet46I have a question, I installed Ubuntu from WUBI, but is there a way to port the install to a dedicated partition on my hard drive?02:20
cfhowlettdarkhelmet46, yes.02:20
turtal1 ssd (120gb, windows), 1 500g (2 partitions, gonna install ubuntu to one of it) and 1tb (for backups)02:21
darkhelmet46cfhowlett, how?02:21
cfhowlettdarkhelmet46, looking ...02:21
darkhelmet46Thanks.  :D02:21
SonikkuAmericaredheat: How's that command work?02:21
turtalso do I pick the first one on the list (which is the 1tb one)02:21
packetfrogcfhowlett: thanks :) it was xfwm4 !02:21
darkhelmet46lol SonikkuAmerica and redheat still going at it I see.02:22
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cfhowlettpacketfrog, FTW!02:22
SonikkuAmericadarkhelmet46: You bet. I found a way to use Virtualbox to ln -s the HDD and trick it into installing Windows on the HDD.02:22
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redheatSonikkuAmerica, same BS, again, that whole install packages, I did install the first one, and I even installed the Generic headers, yet i still get this:02:23
darkhelmet46rock on, SonikkuAmerica02:23
cfhowlettskyler  you there?02:23
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redheatThe character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist.02:23
Pagoscfhowlett, yes.02:23
redheat Please install the virtualbox-ose-dkms package and the appropriate02:23
redheat headers, most likely linux-headers-generic.02:23
packetfrogGuess ill have to goto a lug or something and get some help setting up a fancy desktop02:23
SonikkuAmericaredheat: I told you to install those. You NEED them.02:23
Pagoscfhowlett, about to partition off a 1gb area for that install disk trick think02:23
cfhowlettPagos, while I normally wouldn't recommend it, in your case, a wubi install might also be worth considering02:24
redheatI already did, and they're already installed, yet, the same old message, ...02:24
Pagosis there a way to partition an active disk? and no wai, not using wubi02:24
cfhowlettPagos, but if the boot off partition trick works, ignore this advice02:24
PagosI am not on windows02:24
redheatthe first command, about the usergroup worked perfectly, no glitches, the second one is still giving that error again..02:24
PagosI'm on ubuntu 6.0602:24
SonikkuAmerica!6.06 | Pagos02:24
ubottuPagos: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.02:24
SonikkuAmericaPagos: ^02:25
PagosSonikkuAmerica, I'm trying to upgrade. What you just did there helped out no one02:25
PagosThanks for being a snide unhelpful person though!02:25
cfhowlettPagos, busy channel and not everyone is following all the details of every thread ...02:26
SonikkuAmericaPagos: I will not take that language! I didn't know you were trying to upgrade!02:26
SonikkuAmericaThank you cfhowlett02:26
* cfhowlett ... thinks EVERYONE! Chillax!02:26
Pagoscfhowlett, yeah I know. :P so can I partition an active disk?02:26
cfhowlettPagos, I have never done what you're attempting ... my first instinct is to say "NO" but ... ask in channel with details to get an informed response02:27
turtali'm getting this "no root filesystem is defined" error from the custom install options02:27
redheatSonikkuAmerica, maybe it need to restart, hold on for a second..02:27
turtalhow do I fix this?02:27
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Probably a good idea.02:27
dcopeany reason something in /etc/crontab wouldn't be running?02:27
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cfhowlettturtal, you have to set one partition to be the root system, i.e. "/"02:28
PagosI know it's possible on windows using the disk manager02:28
dcopeI have something setup as * * * * * root foo and it never runs from my crontab02:28
turtaldo I have to format the drive?02:28
dcopeI can manually run `foo` and it works fine. what gives?02:29
lehzeniPagos, you have grub installed and running on your internal drive, right?02:29
cfhowlettturtal, you should format the ubuntu filesystem as ext402:29
turtalwhen I installed it from windows I didin't had to format the drive though. I still have some files on that drive and I can't back them up since I have no storage space on other drives02:30
Pagoslehzeni, yeah I think.02:30
darkhelmet46Anybody here have any success in getting Evolution to work with Exchange 2007?02:30
turtalis it possible to install it to a drive without formatting it (using  usb installation)02:30
redheatSonikkuAmerica, you still there02:30
cfhowlettturtal, you don't have to format the drive!  JUST the partition for ubuntu!02:30
PagosWindows can shrink an active drive, why can't ubuntu?02:31
lehzeniPagos, so put the iso image on the 250, and configure the grub on thee internal drive to boot that 250 gig drive02:31
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Yeah02:31
darkhelmet46Pagos, GParted can resize partions.02:31
Pagoslehzeni, how would I go about that?02:31
redheatok, so I did a restart02:31
Pagosdarkhelmet46, not active ones02:31
redheatlet's do those two last commands again..02:31
turtalis it possible to do it without patitioning? (because it was possible with the windows installer)02:31
lehzeniPagos, there is a whole howto for howto configure grub02:31
peanuterupon doing anything with apt-get the reading packages list"02:32
peanutertakes around 15-20 minutes02:32
peanuterany ideas?02:32
cfhowlettturtal, WHOA?  you're doing a windows install of ubuntu?02:32
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navetzSonikkuAmerica: sorry my window's all froze, when I try to run jockey-gtk it says it's not installed. When I go to install it, it says it's already installed02:32
lehzeniPagos, even if you can't directly boot the 260gb drive because it's usb, grub can still boot it for you02:33
Pagoslehzeni, beautiful. I will look into how to do that02:33
KorejoraIs anyone familiar with wireless internet problems? I've gotten my wireless adapter working, finally, only to find it freezes everything when it connects to the internet, and I haven't the first idea how to figure out the problem.02:33
turtaloh god :) okay let's back that up. today earlier I tried installin ubuntu from windows. when I got loads of errors I uninstalled it from windows again and decided that I should try it with a usb drive02:33
turtalwhen I installed it from windows I got this option of NOT TO FORMAT any drive and install it on my d drive02:33
PadNet_201Here's a question, which repo do i add to allow kaffeine to play .avi files?02:34
turtalnow I've booted from usb and when I install it alonside windows, I only see my 120gb ssd02:34
SonikkuAmericanavetz: Um... shoot.02:34
turtalwhen I pick custom install, I get this "no root file system bla bla" error02:34
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redheatSonikkuAmerica, check that out: http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1170802:35
cfhowlettturtal, the windows installer (wubi) is a testing platform for ubuntu.  It is NOT a long-term installation solution.  If you only want to test, you're better served by putting ubuntu in a virtualbox02:35
turtaloh I want to use it, I'm excited about it aswell02:35
turtalbut can't get it installed you know :)02:35
redheatthe message is now different...02:36
Pagosif I'm going to dd the ubuntu 12.04 install iso onto it, does the format of the partition matter?02:36
cfhowlettturtal, multiple hdd's?  Wubi is the last method you want to mess with ...02:36
SonikkuAmericaredheat: You're in the wrong directory. You need to [ cd ] back into ~/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/.02:36
turtaloh I thought it would be easier (btw wubi is the windows installer right)02:37
packetfrog_Anyone know how to get the system tray back on xfce   like the start menu where open windows are shown   if i minimize anything i cant get it back right now.02:37
packetfrog_ cfhowlett thanks for the pointer on not being retarded and reinstalling xfce   made it so i could get to window manager settings   couldnt before02:37
redheatok I"m there now..02:37
Pagosif I'm going to dd the ubuntu 12.04 install iso onto it, does the format of the partition matter?02:37
redheatso should I repeat the two commands now...02:37
cfhowlettpacketfrog, no worries02:38
SonikkuAmericaredheat: I cleared my window by accident, say again?02:38
redheatno problem, I went to the directory as you said, and I got the same error again..02:38
cfhowlettturtal, yes "wubi" is the windows installer02:38
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:38
Pagosif I'm going to dd the ubuntu 12.04 install iso onto it, does the format of the partition matter?02:38
SonikkuAmericaredheat: You may need to [ ln -s ] again.02:39
packetfrog_im not using gnome02:39
SonikkuAmericaredheat: [ ln -s /dev/sda ExternalDiskDeviceLink2 ]02:39
redheatso you want me to type that command again alon,e or is there something else you want me to add to ln -s02:40
SonikkuAmericaredheat: See above.02:40
peanuterupon doing anything with apt-get the 'reading packages list' is taking around 20 minutes. Does anyone know how to clear the packages list and rebuild it?02:40
turtalwhile installing do i need to do anything from "edit partition" (Change option)02:40
Pagosif I'm going to dd the ubuntu 12.04 install iso onto it, does the format of the partition matter?02:40
ctmjrpacketfrog: I know thought it would be more helpful than that02:40
turtalor let me ask like this, which option do I need to pick in order to install ubuntu without partitioning the drive02:41
Bsimspeanuter: it's hanging on apt-get update?02:41
redheatSonikkuAmerica, speaking of the packages they wanted me to install I installed every single linux-headers-generic package out there along with the Virtualbox dme package so nothing was left out02:41
cfhowlettturtal, you have to partition to install ubuntu to a hdd.  If you'd rather not, I'd suggest the virtualbox method02:42
peanuterreading packages list after using apt anything the last thing it does can take upto 20 minutes02:42
peanuteri think i have managed to corrupt it somehow and was looking to rebuild it02:42
cfhowlettturtal, you have to partition because linux needs its own partition to live!02:42
redheatthe last command, it says file exists...02:42
SonikkuAmericaredheat: OK, good. You'll be prompted to auto-remove the ones it doesn't need.02:42
turtalokay I got my answer. how come it's possible to do it from windows and not from usb though?02:42
peanuterit works just takes 20 mintues to 'read packages list'02:42
Bsimspeanuter: not sure02:42
turtalit doesn't make any sense :)02:42
redheatso what do you want me to do?02:42
peanutergoing to try rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf02:43
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Use this: [ ln -s /dev/sda blah ]02:43
Bsimspeanuter: try apt-get clean then apt-get update again02:43
cfhowlettturtal, the windows installer creates a "fake" windows application called ubuntu.02:43
darkhelmet46Seriously, though.  Why is it so GD hard to get Exchange to play with Ubuntu?  Can't someone write a mail program that uses ActiveSync?02:44
redheatSonikkuAmerica, so the new link was created02:44
cfhowlettdarkhelmet46, that would be a conversation for the good folk in Redmond ...02:44
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Good. Now: [ VBoxManage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ExternalDisk.vmdk -rawdisk $PWD/blah ]02:44
Bsimspeanuter: do this "sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update"02:44
lehzeniPagos, the iso contains it's own format02:44
Pagosso I should be fine with whatever?02:44
turtalthanks for your help cfhowlett. have a good day o/02:45
redheatbefore I move on with this, what should I write in place of "filename"..and External Disk..02:45
darkhelmet46cfhowlett, I might be ignorant, but it seems like the framework is there.  All mobile devices can sync with Exchange, why can't there be a desktop app that uses the same protocols?02:45
lehzenimaybe you should ask one of the others to be sure, I usually just burn discs, I've never done the iso copying to hdd before02:45
peanuterupon doing apt-get update, I am presently at 4% "Reading packages list... 4%"02:45
lehzeniPagos, maybe you should ask one of the others to be sure, I usually just burn discs, I've never done the iso copying to hdd before02:46
cfhowlettdarkhelmet46, there are several tuts online .. even a couple of vids.  I've never done myself as I don't manage an Exchange box ...02:46
SonikkuAmericaredheat: The " -filename " is a switch option.02:46
redheatSonikkuAmerica, what should I write in place of filename, and external disk, or should I just copy it as is?02:46
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Copy it as is.02:46
redheatoh ok.., as is then..02:46
cfhowlettdarkhelmet46, ubuntu + exchange + evolution were the search terms02:46
Zahidguys whats the best screen recording software for Ubuntu. something good for youtube videos, good quality, and audio recording too02:46
ZahidThanks :)02:46
peanuterwe are now upto %11 it might appear a hair faster but still going to take about 10 minutes02:46
darkhelmet46cfhowlett, Yeah I am trying to get Evolution to work, but I keep getting an error message on authentication.  The Googling I've done suggests that Evolution's integration with Exchange is mediocre at best.02:47
lehzeniPagos, I think, but am not sure, that you simply dd the iso file to a blank hdd and that's that02:47
cfhowlettdarkhelmet46, at best.  after the last update, you had to do backflips just to integrate hotmail with evolution ...02:48
SonikkuAmericaredheat: With any luck it should go through with no problems.02:48
riokocan any one help me with cloneing a system?02:48
redheatSonikkuAmerica, same error again...: VBoxManage: error: Cannot open the raw disk '/home/redheat/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/blah': VERR_ACCESS_DENIED02:48
redheatVBoxManage: error: The raw disk vmdk file was not created02:48
lehzeniPagos, then you config grub to boot that drive, and you can begin your install. But upgrading isn't supported from 6.06, so you will need to do a complete fresh install back to your 40gb internal drive02:48
peanuterBsims: at about 20% now02:49
DarkAceZh JoshDreamland02:49
DarkAceZoh, box2d02:49
lehzeniand Pagos was gone anyways02:49
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Go back to the terminal, press the up arrow once, move to the beginning of the command with the left arrow key, and type "sudo" followed by a space, then hit ENTER again.02:49
darkhelmet46Woa!  Anybody else in here watching Walking Dead right now?02:50
lehzeniDo th walking dead use ubuntu?02:50
JoshDreamlandhello, DarkAceZ02:50
cfhowlettlehzeni, no they use ubuntu satanic edition ... not supported here02:50
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DarkAceZJoshDreamland, in case you were wondering, no, I don't have any way of tracking the channels you're on. I just happened to be staring at the channel when you connected02:51
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Any luck?02:51
redheatSonikkuAmerica, Congrats baby, ...it is created...02:51
SonikkuAmericaredheat: When all else fails, sudo. :)02:51
darkhelmet46SonikkuAmerica, perhaps my favorite xkcd: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/sandwich.png02:52
redheattake a look at the Marvel...sudo, you know what would have been easier, if we did from a root account, ...02:52
AdirolfxI need some help with a webcam.  Ubuntu 12.10 on a Lenovo SL510.  Skype shows gray screen only when I try to do a video chat02:53
SonikkuAmericaredheat: :) Now, for the next step: Launch VirtualBox, hit the "new" button, and STOP AT THE FIRST SCREEN OF THE "CREATE NEW VIRTUAL DISK WIZARD"!02:53
AdirolfxI tried cheese, but had the same results02:53
redheatRoger That...02:53
SonikkuAmericadarkhelmet46: We have that in one of the computer labs in the engineering building of my college.02:53
redheatVM name and OS Type02:53
redheatSonikkuAmerica, VM nam and OS type02:54
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Just give 'em something to go by, you're only using the VM once.02:54
SonikkuAmericaredhat: OS is Windows 7 (I forgot, 32- or 64-bit?)02:54
SonikkuAmericaredheat: OS is Windows 7 (I forgot, 32- or 64-bit?)02:54
redheatI called it windows 7, figures 8 , 64 Bit02:55
redheatI gave it 4 gigs of RAM02:55
SonikkuAmericaThat's fine.02:55
redheat64 bit or 32 bit won't affect anything02:55
SonikkuAmericaYes it will.02:55
SonikkuAmericaredheat: It makes all the difference in many cases.02:56
peanuterreading packages list after using apt anything the last thing it does can take upto 20 minutes. any ideas?02:56
redheatok, start-up disk is checked, new one, or use existing one..02:56
SonikkuAmericaredheat: This is where I said STOP.02:56
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Click on the radio button "Use existing..."02:57
SonikkuAmerica!zh | ubuntu51802:57
ubottuubuntu518: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:57
redheatbut I don't think in the case of using this as a startup,...anyhow, to-may toes, to-ma-tos02:57
redheatroger that02:57
darkhelmet46SonikkuAmerica, this is a good one too, I have his pinned up at work: http://www.geekculture.com/joyoftech/joyimages/1547b.gif02:57
baobeiiiiwhy does marlon brando die in most movies02:57
redheatit says empty02:57
cfhowlettbaobeiiii, completely offtopic in this channel.02:57
redheatsorry wait..02:58
SonikkuAmericaredheat: If ExternalDisk.vmdk isn't there, you'll need to browse for it (you know where it is)02:58
SonikkuAmericadarkhelmet46: Zenternet... lol02:58
redheatSonikkuAmerica, now check this one out : http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1171103:00
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Where have I seen that before? We'll need to close VBox for now and run Nautilus one more time.03:01
redheatroger that..03:01
redheatnavigate to the .mvk file03:02
SonikkuAmericaredheat: When you open Nautilus, there should be a little 'eject' button next to the '320 GB Filesystem.' Click it.03:02
SonikkuAmericaredheat: No, we don't need to go to the .vmdk file.03:02
n0sqhmm, i'm wondering how ubuntu is doing time sync when ntp isn't installed03:02
SonikkuAmericaNow, kill Nautilus.03:02
SonikkuAmericaredheat: ^03:02
redheatok done03:03
redheatrepeat the virtualbox manager again?03:03
=== anonymous is now known as Guest36117
SonikkuAmericaredheat: No. Just start VBox itself back up.03:03
Guest36117Are there any anon's on this server03:03
bnscvhello everyone, so, I finally installed Ubuntu 12.10 here, but I'm having problems with the sound... It doesnt work, I just rear some little noise from time to time on the speakers... I already tried disabling automute on alsamixer, any help would be appreciated. thx in advance03:04
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Open up the VM we created...03:04
SonikkuAmericaredheat: What does it say?03:04
peanuterhttp://pastebin.com/qY8JKpsf my issue with apt-get update03:05
redheatnothing cause you told me to close it..03:05
EmLeXGuest20674: probally they can be anyone you know03:05
SonikkuAmericaredheat: I said start it back up now. :)03:05
SonikkuAmericaredheat: start VirtualBox that is.03:06
redheatOk I did that..03:06
redheatthe introductory page, that's it..03:06
SonikkuAmericaDouble-click the VM in the left task pane...03:06
SonikkuAmericaNOT the "new" button03:06
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redheatWelcome to the virtual box..03:06
SonikkuAmericaThen hit the "new" button.03:06
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SonikkuAmericaSame stuff as before for the 1st wizrd.03:07
SonikkuAmericaThe 2nd wizard, use existing.03:07
=== mpmc is now known as mpmc|Away
SonikkuAmericaIn the 2nd wizard, select ExternalDisk.vmdk03:08
redheatok..same error as before03:08
Tex_Nickabout 6 months ago i burned a bunch of mp4 videos onto DVD's while booted into win xp ... out of 14 DVD's i can only read 1 disk in quantal ... i verified each disk after i burned them ... any ideas what the problem might be ?03:08
SonikkuAmericaredheat: kill VBox again, go back to the terminal and type this: [ gksudo virtualbox & ]03:08
SonikkuAmericaThen STAY IN THE TERMINAL03:09
redheatroger that..03:09
SonikkuAmericaAre you back in the terminal?03:09
redheatyes I did, and the moment I wrote the above command VB popped up..03:10
SonikkuAmericaGood. Type [ disown -h virtualbox ] in the terminal.03:10
SonikkuAmerica(That will detach the process from being dependent on the terminal.)03:10
thiehQuestion:  What factors might make me want to use filesystem other than ext4 as / ?03:11
SonikkuAmericaredheat: After that's done, close your terminal.03:11
redheatSonikkuAmerica, it says, bash: disown: virtualbox: no such job03:12
SonikkuAmericathieh: If you want it compatible with older versions of distros, MAYBE. I don't see another good reason.03:12
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Fine. MINIMIZE the terminal and go back to VirtualBox and repeat the 1st wizard again.03:12
redheatrepeated the 1st wizard..03:13
SonikkuAmerica2nd wizard: Existing, select ExternalDisk.vmdk03:13
SonikkuAmerica(you'll need to browse to it)03:14
redheatok..looking good, it caught the vmdk, file not a blemish..03:14
SonikkuAmericaAwesome. Keep going with the wizard.03:15
thiehSonikkuAmerica, so no good reason to use stuff like XFS, Btrfs and the like with a new install for the time being?03:15
SonikkuAmericaWhen you're done, start the VM by double-clicking on it.03:15
juniorsaHi, I installed 12.10 on a system that had hd resolution, and now moved the hard disk into a system that has 1024x768 max resolution and I can't change the resolution of the login screen, I have edited /etc/default/grub and uncommented the GRUB_GFXMODE=1024x768 but it doesn't help03:15
SonikkuAmericathieh: Not that I know of, unelss you're doing cross-compat with stuff.03:15
juniorsaI also did a grub-update03:15
peanuterReading packages takes far too long. Please check out http://pastebin.com/qY8JKpsf to see my issue with apt-get update03:15
anonymous_who here is familiar with DDOS  attacks?03:16
peanuteranonymous_: yo.03:16
redheatTake a look at this beauty SonikkuAmerica, you beautiful genius...http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1171203:16
SonikkuAmericaredheat: The 1st Run Wiz pops up. Select your Windows 7 ISO in the boot media screen.03:16
SonikkuAmericaUmm, redheat.... I'm a guy. :)03:16
anonymous_who ever is familiar with them should pm me03:16
anonnnwith what?03:16
anonymous_DDOS attacks03:17
anonnnlol why? are you planning on starting one?03:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:17
anonymous_yupp just a small03:17
redheatso?!..I still get to hit on the Moderator... especially if we had a long intimate linux time all to ourselves03:17
cfhowlettddos is not supported here.03:17
SonikkuAmericaredheat: The wonders of sudo.03:17
Tex_Nickthieh : this might help a bit ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemsExplained ... that link has some good external links also03:17
anonymous_cfhowlettt fuck off03:17
juniorsaanyone - resolution of login screen? need to change it to 1024x768 please?03:17
anonymous_anonnn pm me03:18
ubottuanonymous_,: ops is Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!03:18
redheateven the look of the VB under the terminal looks like something that crept out of windows 3.103:18
cfhowlettddos + profanity >> anonymous_03:18
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Hit "Create" and double-click the VM.03:18
Roeniejuniorsa, there is a "payload" thing for grub, the gfxmode thing is only for the grub screen itself and stops being in effect once that goes away -i don't know the specifics but try googling grub payload03:18
fwilsonelky: thanks :)03:18
juniorsaroenie: thanks - I'll look grub payload ok03:19
SonikkuAmericaredheat: 1st run wizard: Select your Windows 7 ISO image in the boot media screen (the 2nd one I think)03:19
anonnnfor the guy wanting the login screen resolution thing check this out - http://askubuntu.com/questions/73804/wrong-login-screen-resolution03:20
redheatroger that take a look at this http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=1171403:20
thiehTex_Nick, Thanks.03:20
SonikkuAmericaredheat: Once you select that, finish the wizard, boot your VM, install Windows, and you have a working version of Windows 7 on your external HDD.03:20
Tex_Nickthieh : np ... hope it helps :)03:21
SonikkuAmericacfhowlett: I would prob ignore that IP in the future,03:21
cfhowlettSonikkuAmerica, ya think?03:21
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SonikkuAmericaI did. :)03:21
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jakey1what reason would you need to be logged in as root03:24
ubottuJakee`_,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:24
jakey1cfhowlett, everything done with sudo is done as root?03:25
SonikkuAmericajakey1: Yep!03:25
cfhowlettjakey1, indeed03:25
jakey1whats the difference03:25
jakey1being logged in as root or using sudo03:26
Brewmaster619just to be in the sudoers group03:26
histojakey1: nothing03:26
Brewmaster619need, that is03:26
histo!sudo | jakey103:26
ubottujakey1: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo03:26
peanuteri love that root quote03:26
SonikkuAmericaIf redheat shows up looking for me, tell him I'll prob be back tomorrow. XD03:26
Brewmaster619It's more secure; only what you type will get done as root, instead of all of your processes03:26
SonikkuAmericaSigning off!03:26
philipnI'm hopelessly struck - anyone know why app menus*aren't* showing up in the top menu in my newly-installed 11.04? Like, all the app menus are either hidden or inside the app itself. Hovering over the top menu bar doesn't show anything, pressing F10 doesn't make anything appear03:27
Brewmaster619philipn - broken graphics, maybe?03:27
cfhowlettphilipn, 11.04 is end of life.  sorry, no further support on that.  Perhaps you'd like to upgrade??03:27
philipn12.04 I mean03:27
philipnBrewmaster619: everything else seems to be working. looks all transparent and nice03:28
redheatsorry SonikkuAmerica, I had to restart..a hanging quirk just happened03:28
Brewmaster619so you can see the launcher on the left side?  You're using Unity, yes?03:28
Brewmaster619"<SonikkuAmerica> If redheat shows up looking for me, tell him I'll prob be back tomorrow. XD"03:29
redheatI think you'll be off for a week..Thank you So much my friend truly appreciate it buddy..03:29
dr_willisphilipn:  see if a newly made user has issues03:29
philipndr_willis: will check now, brb03:29
Brewmaster619good idea, dr_willis03:30
IdleOneavis-: Can you now send to channel?03:30
phschwartz_Hi all. I have a system that has a dense file structure for a big data system off of /var/lib/HPCC. I am seeing while the system is under load if I try to do a chown -R USER:GRP on the dir that it can take 3-4 moin or more to complete. I am doing it to verify that all files and dirs are owned by the correct user/group. I was under the impression that it should be a null op if no change is needed. Is this correct or is there a better03:31
phschwartz_way to do it?03:31
dr_williswhy would you think its a "null op"  use find to look and see if any files need changed. then change them03:33
jribphschwartz_: you could try using "find ! -user blah -exec chmod bleh", but either way (using find or chown) the entire filesystem is going to have to be traversed...03:33
darkhelmet46Every once in a while, Ubuntu will totally lock up on me for like 10-15 minutes.03:34
jakey1how do i run a command as a different user is it su -l foo?03:35
phschwartz_jrib: would that be cleaner then just doing the chown on all to start?03:35
jribphschwartz_: I suppose that depends on whether or not chown is a no-op if no change is needed.  I don't know offhand.  This should be something you only do once.  Are you planning on this being a regular thing?  (why?)03:36
AdirolfxNeed some help.  Webcam only displays gray screen.  Same in Cheese and Skype03:36
agu10^steam is out for linux!!! (:03:36
philipnStill happening with a new user account. http://mathburritos.org/menu.jpg03:37
phschwartz_jrib: I was planing on it in the start scripts for the software in case an outside source decided to change file permissions. (probably overkill)03:37
agu10^I'm trying to enable compiz cube under my ubuntu guest inside virtualbox. But it's not working. not doing anything. Wobbly windows doesn't work either. Any clues?03:39
jribjakey1: you can use su with the "-c" switch03:40
jribphschwartz_: I don't know the details, but you could use ACLs to ensure some default permissions for files created in a certain directory03:40
cfhowlettagu10^, virtual gpu may/may not be up to it ...03:40
ansiktIs there a way to make the appearance application search my wallpapers directory??03:40
phschwartz_jrib: Any chance you know of any examples I could follow?03:40
cfhowlettagu10^, but your settings for the VBox should be 2D and 3D enabled03:40
jakey1jrib, when I do su -l foo I get just $ not foo@bob?03:41
jribphschwartz_: man setfacl, man getfacl, man mount (you need to add the "acl" mount option).  I don't know of any short tutorials, but the man pages shouldn't be too painful03:41
jakey1after i have entered the password03:41
Tex_Nickdr_willis : yesterday you gave me some insight on your experience with the compiz cube and dual monitor setup ... i decided to give it a shot ... with 4 workspaces, the cube automatically turned into an octagonal prism ... 8 faces (sides) with top & bottom03:41
jribjakey1: yes, and?03:41
Ubiquity4321hello all03:41
jakey1should it not bee foo@bob not just a $03:42
jribjakey1: that depends entirely on how foo has setup his shell03:42
Tex_Nickdr_willis : kinda hard to explain what it looks like ... an octagonal prism whirly-ma-gig ? tis kinda cool actually ... just giving a little feedback ... thanks for your thoughts yesterday :)03:42
Ubiquity4321i've got my first headless server set up03:42
jakey1I see03:42
phschwartz_Would doing a find /var/lib/HPCC ! -user USER -exec chown USER:GRP {} \; work?03:42
Ubiquity4321but I've accidentally banned myself from sshing into it03:42
Ubiquity4321how can I reset this?03:42
histoUbiquity4321: How did you ban yourself?03:42
phschwartz_I want to try that before I start trying acl's03:43
Ubiquity4321too many invalid passwords03:43
agu10^I'm trying to enable compiz cube under my ubuntu guest inside virtualbox. But it's not working. not doing anything. Wobbly windows doesn't work either. Any clues? Both 2D and 3D acceleration on virtualbox are enabled. I have been able to do this in the past. The virtual GPU is fine for this.03:43
Ubiquity4321i forgot that I changed it to a $ instead of a %03:43
histoUbiquity4321: Ahh fail2ban?03:43
dr_willisyou got physical access to the box? Ubiquity432103:43
Ubiquity4321i'm talking from the box03:43
jribphschwartz_: sure but that only checks for ownership.  Maybe you care if a file does not have the right group too03:43
Ubiquity4321found an old crt monitor03:43
histoUbiquity4321: Are you using fail2ban?03:43
Ubiquity4321i am not03:43
Ubiquity4321that I know of03:43
dr_williswhat are yu using then03:44
Ubiquity4321just vanilla openssh03:44
Ubiquity4321i guess03:44
histoUbiquity4321: Well using the wrong password will not ban you by default03:44
phschwartz_jrib: I think ownership would be fine as it is setting it to the service user that the software runs as03:44
Ubiquity4321then i guess ive got to figure out why I suddenly can't ssh into the box...03:44
histoUbiquity4321: check with netstat if it's still listening.03:45
histoUbiquity4321: also try and ssh username@localhost since you are on the box now.03:45
Ubiquity4321histo: how do I do that?03:45
Ubiquity4321babby's first server, sorry03:46
histoUbiquity4321: netstat -tan03:46
=== test2 is now known as IcePee
Ubiquity4321histo: it's listening to all and established to one03:46
zteamHi guys!03:46
histoUbiquity4321: do you see a service listening on port :2203:46
Ubiquity4321histo: i've changed it to listen to port 222503:47
Ubiquity4321and it's listening on that03:47
zteamIs there any way to speed up a VM with Virtualbox?03:47
Ubiquity4321i'm using PuTTY on windows03:47
agu10^I'm trying to enable compiz cube under my ubuntu guest inside virtualbox. But it's not working. not doing anything. Wobbly windows doesn't work either. Any clues? Both 2D and 3D acceleration on virtualbox are enabled. I have been able to do this in the past. The virtual GPU is fine for this.03:47
Ubiquity4321zteam: more ram03:47
zteamI think it runs way too sloow03:47
ansiktSymlinking my ~/Pictures/Wallpapers to /usr/share/backgrounds didn't add them to the default directory.  Is there another method or plugin to do this?  I want it to function like the Nitrogen program, if anyone's familiar with that.03:47
histoUbiquity4321: So you can log into the box locally?03:47
zteamUbiquity4321, it has 1 GB RAM for the VM only of course03:48
Ubiquity4321I am able to access files via samba03:48
Ubiquity4321histo: but not able to ssh into it03:48
Ubiquity4321i dont know if that answered your question03:48
histoUbiquity4321: Can you logg into to it locally?  You said you plugged a monitor into it right?03:49
Ubiquity4321histo: I am talking from the box right now03:49
histoUbiquity4321: okay open a terminal and ssh username@localhost03:49
Brewmaster619ansikt, why not use Nitrogen?03:49
jakey1jrib, what am is saying with su -c ‘foo -l example.txt’?03:50
lazer /nick lasers03:50
=== lazer is now known as lasers
ansiktBrewmaster619:  Good question.  Perhaps I'll try that.  When I used Nitrogen with KDE, I found that it worked, but didn't work entirely the same as the native app...I'll try it and report back, but I'll like to get native working if possible03:50
jakey1what am is saying with "su -c ‘foo -l example.txt’"?03:51
agu10^I'm trying to enable compiz cube under my ubuntu guest inside virtualbox. But it's not working. not doing anything. Wobbly windows doesn't work either. Any clues? Both 2D and 3D acceleration on virtualbox are enabled. I have been able to do this in the past. The virtual GPU is fine for this.03:51
Ubiquity4321histo: what is "localhost" supposed to be substituted with?03:51
histoubuntulog: nothing type it as localhost03:51
Brewmaster619ansikt, Actually, I'd kind of like to do something similar myself, just haven't gotten around to messing with it03:52
Ubiquity4321histo: localhost  port 22 connection refused03:52
histoUbiquity4321: ssh username@localhost:222503:53
Brewmaster619he changed the port to 222503:53
Ubiquity4321histo: name or service not known03:53
histoUbiquity4321: ssh username@localhost -p 222503:53
zteamTrying out Ubuntu 13.04 daliy in Testdrive it doesn't even start the application I click on at all03:54
zteamany suggestions?03:54
Ubiquity4321histo: am able to log in03:54
histo!raring | zteam03:54
ubottuzteam: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+103:54
Ubiquity4321how do i close this ssh session?03:54
histoUbiquity4321: Okay try and login from putty now.03:54
histoUbiquity4321: ctrl+d or type exit03:54
zteamhisto, okey, thanks03:55
Ubiquity4321histo: server unexpectedly closed network connection03:55
histoUbiquity4321: if you try from putty?03:56
Ubiquity4321histo: yes03:56
Brewmaster619of course there's nobody on #ubuntu+103:56
histoUbiquity4321: Are you using the port 2225 in putty?03:56
Ubiquity4321histo: yes03:56
Ubiquity4321histo: correct local ip as well03:57
histoUbiquity4321: on the windows machine make sure you can ping the ip03:57
Ubiquity4321histo: sent 4 received 403:58
histoUbiquity4321: on the server sudo tail /var/log/auth.log03:58
Ubiquity4321histo: using cygwin (dont know if that makes a diff)03:58
marcanuywhen using diff, how to ignore files that differs in just one line of the form "2012" instead of "2013" ?03:58
BobLfootI am running 12.04.01 LTS - i386 fully updated as an Oracle VirtualBox Guest on a Windows 7 host.  TF2 was installed from Steam and is also current.  Problem in instead of game video I get a black screen.  What would be a logical next step to troubleshoot?03:59
Ubiquity4321histo: i'm on cli and not used to it 100% yet. how can i copy and paste the output?03:59
histoUbiquity4321: you could install pastebinit03:59
histoUbiquity4321: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo tail /var/log/auth.log | pastebinit04:00
ansiktUbiquity4321: Copy it like normal, then "middle click" in the terminal04:01
agu10^I'm trying to enable compiz cube under my ubuntu guest inside virtualbox. But it's not working. not doing anything. Wobbly windows doesn't work either. Any clues? Both 2D and 3D acceleration on virtualbox are enabled. I have been able to do this in the past. The virtual GPU is fine for this.04:01
baobeiiiiwhat i type to install a .repo04:01
baobeiiiion command line04:02
Ubiquity4321histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1675525/04:02
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories04:02
Ubiquity4321histo: it refused the connection from (windows laptop via PuTTY)04:03
histoUbiquity4321: does it say why?04:03
Ubiquity4321you are seeing what I see04:03
Ubiquity4321i have no clue04:03
Ubiquity4321is there a log I can view?04:03
histoUbiquity4321: yeah sudo tail -n 20 /var/log/auth.log | pastebinit04:04
histoThere maybe more info further up04:04
julian-delphikiagu10^, have you installed vbox guest additions?04:05
agu10^julian-delphiki, yes i have04:05
Ubiquity4321histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/167553604:05
Ubiquity4321histo: there on line 9 is the only thing i see04:06
Ubiquity4321histo: i can clear the log in my router and reconnect. maybe i'll get a different local ip?04:07
Ubiquity4321histo: that worked actually04:09
histoUbiquity4321: in your sshd_config what do you have listen address as?04:09
Ubiquity4321histo: so how can I unban
histoUbiquity4321: What worked?04:09
histoUbiquity4321: sudo fail2ban-client status04:09
Ubiquity4321histo: command not found04:10
Ubiquity4321histo: deleted my laptops entry in the routers dhcp client table04:10
Ubiquity4321and it was given a new local addy .1.10404:10
histoUbiquity4321: Not sure why it was denying connections. ssh by itself doesn't ban people for wrong password attempts. YOu must have installed some other package if that is the case04:11
Ubiquity4321histo: sshd_config command not found04:11
dr_willisls -l  /etc/ssh/sshd_config04:11
histoUbiquity4321: try sudo iptables --list04:12
dr_willissshd_config is Not a command.. its a config  file04:12
histoUbiquity4321: actually sudo iptables --list | pastebinit04:12
Ubiquity4321dr_willis: thank you dr04:13
Ubiquity4321histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/167555404:13
alcuadradowhere can I find out which version/versions of GTK come installed in (x)ubuntu 12.04?04:13
alcuadradoI don't have ubuntu ATM04:14
histoUbiquity4321: sudo pastebinit /etc/ssh/sshd_config04:15
dr_willistheres the ubuntu package sites04:15
alcuadradoyep, I'm browsing it04:15
alcuadradobut afaik it doesn't tell you which come installed04:15
Ubiquity4321histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/167555904:15
histoUbiquity4321: I don't see anythign that would have been blocking that other box04:17
Ubiquity4321alcuadrado: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=list+versions+of+gtk04:17
Ubiquity4321histo: is there any other way I can determine how it's blocking that ip?04:18
Ubiquity4321it's just that it's blocking i think...04:18
alcuadradoUbiquity4321, WTF man? lol04:18
alcuadradoI made a clear and reasonable question04:19
alcuadradoof course I googled about it first04:19
Ubiquity4321alcuadrado: dont listen to me, i'm a noob04:19
Ubiquity4321alcuadrado: sorry, dont know what came over me04:19
alcuadradohaha, ok, never mind04:19
ansiktUbiquity4321: Are there any firewalls installed?  Could you have accidentally forgotten to turn on sshd?04:20
histo!info gtk precise | alucard_04:20
ubottualucard_: Package gtk does not exist in precise04:20
Ubiquity4321ansikt: i dont believe there are any firewalls installed04:20
Ubiquity4321ansikt: it's just vanilla 12.04 server with samba and ssh_server04:20
ansiktUbiquity4321:  Yes, but did you start sshd?04:21
histoalucard_: I see gtk2 and gtk3 libs04:21
Ubiquity4321ansikt: well, see I dont know04:21
Ubiquity4321ansikt: i'm not sure how to even attempt that04:21
histoUbiquity4321: I think it may have been a typo04:21
Ubiquity4321histo: howso?04:22
ansiktUbiquity4321: "$ sudo service ssh status" or something of the like.04:22
ansiktOr more reliably "ps aux | grep ssh"04:22
histoUbiquity4321: Because I don't see anything that would be blocking it.04:23
waspinatorhi, I'04:23
ansiktThat last one should return something along the lines of sshd, if it's running.04:23
Ubiquity4321histo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/167557804:23
waspinatorI'm trying to install something using an install script, but it only runs if I run it without sudo. otherwise it says command not found. what could be the issue?04:23
Ubiquity4321ansikit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/167557804:23
ansiktUbiquity4321:  Or you could check if anything's listening on port 22 at all.  Try "ss -lp"04:24
ansiktwaspinator:  What is the exact command you are trying to run?04:24
Ubiquity4321ansikt: it's port 2225, but lemmie check04:24
waspinatoransikt ./install04:24
waspinatorthat works04:25
waspinatorsudo ./install doesn't04:25
Ubiquity4321ansikt: it's listening on 222504:25
Tex_NickUbiquity4321:  i haven't been following your wentire thread ... looks like is blocked, as you say ? ... have you tried a packet sniffer such as wireshark ?04:25
Ubiquity4321Tex_Nick: i have not04:25
ansikttry pwd ./install to get its full path, then run sudo using the full path04:25
silveroneHello !04:26
silveronecould anyone tell me where i can edit the grub.cfg04:26
Tex_NickUbiquity4321:  that's what packet sniffers are really good for04:26
waspinatoransikt: command not found04:27
Ubiquity4321histo, ansikt, Tex_Nick: is there an ip table or some sort of host denying file that I'm not aware of?04:27
vedicHey friends, I want to remove (purge) popularity contest from my Ubuntu Lucid 64bit. Is there any harm in removing it via apt? I don't want cron job running this and if it is disabled, why should I keep it. So how to purge it?04:28
Tex_Nickthe hosts file ?04:28
vedicI have simulated purging popularity contest and I see it also remove ubuntu-standard04:28
Ubiquity4321Tex_Nick: where is the default location of the hosts file?04:29
silveroneHello! Could anyone tell me how to edit grub files?04:30
vedicUbiquity4321: /etc/hosts04:30
Ubiquity4321vedic: thanks04:30
zykotick9vedic: first verify it's not a requirement of something else with "apt-cache rdepends popularity-contest"... you already found it ;)04:31
Ubiquity4321Tex_Nick: nothing in the hosts file about it...04:31
vediczykotick9: I depends on Ubuntu Standard and debian goodies04:32
Ubiquity4321aha! found it04:32
Ubiquity4321/etc/hosts.deny has listed for some odd reason04:32
Ubiquity4321curses i've forgotten how to use vim again...04:33
vediczykotick9: It depends on Ubuntu Standard and debian goodies04:33
zykotick9vedic: i'd leave it if i where you.  good luck.04:33
vediczykotick9: letting know the reasons would be much better04:33
Tex_NickUbiquity4321:  sorry had to run off ... /etc/hosts is used to block ip's, url's04:34
Ubiquity4321Tex_Nick: found it man04:34
Ubiquity4321Tex_Nick: /etc/hosts.deny had that specific local ip blocked04:34
Tex_Nickah ok just scrolled up04:34
Ubiquity4321though I have no clue how it did it04:34
zykotick9vedic: there must be some way to disable it without removing it.  i haven't found it yet...04:34
Ubiquity4321i dont have fail2ban04:34
kunji!grub2 | silverone04:35
ubottusilverone: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:35
Tex_Nickso you found it then ?04:35
Ubiquity4321histo: your help has been indispensible04:35
* zykotick9 thinks fail2ban is really cool for ssh servers04:35
kunjisilverone: It's all well documented at those 2 links04:35
Ubiquity4321i should probably install fail2ban then...04:35
Ubiquity4321it's probably easier than all this running around nonsense04:35
silveroneubottu: i'm screwing around grub2 at mac os x. i managed to install it without using the mac version, which would not give me EFI04:35
ubottusilverone: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:35
wrektjethow do you kill by process id again?04:36
Ubiquity4321ansikt: your help is appreciated. very much so04:36
Ubiquity4321Tex_Nick: thank you very very much04:36
silveronekunji: i'm screwing around grub2 at mac os x. i managed to install it without using the mac version, which would not give me EFI04:36
vediczykotick9: As I said earlier, if you are going to disable it, why not remove it?04:36
silveronekunji: sorry on an apple mbp 8,204:36
Ubiquity4321sudo aptitude install fail2ban04:37
Tex_NickUbiquity4321:  np hope that pointed ya in a good direction;)04:37
silveronekunji: thank you04:37
kunjisilverone: This channel is only for Ubuntu support, if you're not running Ubuntu you should probably look for future help elsewhere, I think Grub2 has it's own channel (most likely, I haven't actually checked).04:38
=== SirCmpwn_ is now known as SirCmpwn
zykotick9vedic: cause some low level stuff requires it.  it's possible, but a pain.  good luck.04:38
silveronekunji: i am running ubuntu on my macbook pro, it is not virtualized in parallels. sorry, i'm kind of a irc virgin.04:38
vediczykotick9: That is what I wanted to know what is that low level stuff? Doesn't seem any good reason why to keep it04:39
silveronekunji: currently it's very hard to get hybrid graphics on this thing, it requires you to compile the kernel so ... poor me :(04:39
zykotick9vedic: idk, it's all up to you.  but when you try and remove it doesn't it want to remove a bunch of your system?  if it's only a couple of nothing packages - go for it.  i don't see the point myself.04:40
kunjisilverone: Yeah, I know what you mean, just keep it in mind for the future, I just checked, you should be able to get further help with grub2 in #grub  Do you know how to switch channels?04:40
chaitanyawhen is the mobile update is coming out?04:41
silveronekunji: not really, i'm using smuxi and pretty much just landed here04:41
histo!phone | chaitanya04:41
ubottuchaitanya: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone04:41
chaitanyaahh ok ..04:41
Ubiquity4321i've set up fail2ban04:44
twoflowersis there a command line or possibly a wget command that can be used to see if the version of an lts has been updated?04:44
kunjisilverone: Ah, sorry, lost track of the conversation for a sec.  You can join another channel like this: "/join channelname"04:44
Ubiquity4321again, thank you so much04:44
Ubiquity4321this has been a thorn in my side for a week now04:44
silveronekunji: alright thank you :)04:45
kunjisilverone: Also here's some documentation smuxi referenced: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html04:45
kunjisilverone: no problem ^_^04:45
silveronekunhi: thank you i will switch shortly :)04:47
silveronekunji: thank you i will switch shortly :)04:47
histosilverone: /join #chanelname04:48
vedicHow to update security only patches via apt-get?04:49
histosilverone: cat /etc/issue04:49
vedicOr how to stop linux kernel/headers getting update when update via apt-get04:49
silveronehisto: hey are you asking me to run that? returned: Ubuntu 12.10 \n \l04:50
Abhijitvedic, http://askubuntu.com/search?q=only+security+update04:50
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest83940
=== Guest83940 is now known as Juest
histosilverone: Oh I thought you wanted the version of your currently installed sysstem04:51
silveronehisto: that was definitively not me my friend :)04:51
JuestHello, when i enabled the propiertary driver kms got disabled, help?04:52
Juestand i think the splash no longer works04:52
histosilverone: nvm Got confused there. /join #channelname   will join a different irc channel substitute for the name of the channel you want to join.04:52
JuestHelp me?04:52
histovedic: are you doing safe-upgrade  ?04:53
silveronehisto: thank you :)04:53
myersgok, how do I properly install a old kernel, I need to install the kernel that came with ubuntu 11.10, on ubuntu 12.1004:53
vedichisto: I believe safe upgrade will also do kernel header upgrade04:53
vedicso no04:53
Juestmyersg: Why?04:53
myersgmy sound isn't working..04:54
myersgand yes, it worked then, I found out its the kernel04:54
histovedic: Is there a reason you don't want to upgrade the kernel?04:54
vedichisto: many04:54
Juestcan someone help me?04:54
histo!downgrade > myersg04:54
ubottumyersg, please see my private message04:54
vedichisto: few package are compiled with current linux headers04:54
histo!patience | Juest04:54
ubottuJuest: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/04:54
vedicthat would break if I upgrade kenel headers04:54
histovedic: It will break if you upgrade the kernel.04:55
myersgso should, I just go back to use 11.10?04:55
myersgbut the problem being, its not supported in another 2 months04:55
Juestwhen i activated propieraty driver in 12.10 kms broke and i think splash doesn't work anymore, help me please?04:55
histovedic: You can either rebuild the packages each kernel upgrade or pin the current running kernel04:55
Juestbtw, old kernels are kept on upgrade04:55
histo!pin | vedic04:56
ubottuvedic: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto04:56
histomyersg: You should probably try and see if a bug has been filed for your soundcard and see if a fix is released04:56
histo!bug | myersg04:56
ubottumyersg: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.04:56
myersgold kernels are kept if I upgrade? so if i install 11.10, and upgrade to 12.10 will the kernel stay?04:56
vedichisto: then manually clean new kernel header? Else will keep occupying space04:57
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=== DejaVU is now known as DejaVu
JuestWhere's my answer?04:59
histovedic: It's not the kernel header that's the issue. IT's the kernel04:59
vedichisto: 1) Its both 2) pinning is not advised as I read the link you sent. I may break other things05:00
holsteinJuest: did you have a volunteer helping you? maybe just state your question again for one of the volunteers to pick up.. and try exercising as much patience as possible.. thanks05:01
Juestoh well05:01
Juestno one seem to care05:01
Ubiquity4321hello again05:01
Ubiquity4321have another question05:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:02
cfhowlettliupeng, nihao05:02
Ubiquity4321running 12.04 server as a headless file server05:02
Ubiquity4321it has a 320gb ntfs formatted drive on it05:02
Juesti have activated propetary graphics driver and kms broke and i think splsh stopped working, how i fix this without going to radeon? im on acer aspire one 722 with amd radeon hd 6250 gpu on 12.10, ah, and i think compiz is failing05:02
holsteinJuest: kms?05:03
holsteinyou think?05:03
JuestYea, that automatic resolution05:03
Ubiquity4321leftover from a broken external hdd i had at one point05:03
holsteinwhat is splsh? and is it working or not?05:03
JuestKernel ModeSet05:03
Juestthe ubuntu thing with the bar05:03
Ubiquity4321am I able to defragment this hdd at all05:03
rkhshmi have written a program with aio_read and aio_write is there any way i can test that using IOMETER?05:03
holsteinJuest: thing? feel free and use screenshots to help the volunteers understand you05:03
rkhshmi'm really new to this so any help would be deeply helpful05:03
Juest(oh god, this going to be hard)05:04
holsteinJuest: just remove the driver if its givving you issues05:04
Juestuhh, remember that when you boot ubuntu it automatically changes resolutions and appears ubuntu logo?05:04
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holsteinJuest: i dont understand what you are asking anyone to "remember"05:05
Juestholstein: Im trying to keep the propetary driver because it haves better perfomance, i only want to fix the problems with it05:05
Juestholstein: are you newbie or what?05:05
holsteinJuest: i would say, it is not, if it is breaking things.. "better" might be the other driver.. the open one05:05
Juestyou seem to never used ubuntu05:05
kunjiJuest: Shouldn't you check what's in your logs (if anything) before speculating?05:05
cfhowlettJuest, you mean the ubuntu "splash" display.  and ease up on the attitude please.  We're all volunteers here.05:05
holsteinJuest: enjoy!.. try and wait patiently for another volunteer :)05:05
Juestcfhowlett: yea05:06
MK`I have a .deb file that I wanted to install, but it has dependencies that conflict with other essential packages on my system. Is it possible to extract the .deb and just run the program as a binary?05:06
Ubiquity4321histo: sorry05:06
rkhshmany ideas guys?05:06
histoUbiquity4321: for?05:06
holsteinMK`: might be.. is there no ppa for it?05:06
cfhowlettMK`, possible: yes.  adviseable?  ....05:06
MK`No PPA no :P05:07
histoUbiquity4321: there are ntfs tools to try and defrag your drive might be possible with those.05:07
ArandurIs this the appropriate place to ask for support? Or is this simply a conversation channel?05:07
cfhowlettrkhshm, pretty esoteric request.  Sorry,05:07
histoUbiquity4321: I would switch it to a ext4 partition though and not worry about it.05:07
cfhowlettArandur, yes this is support - askk05:07
Juesthow i access software sources? "shell" is "broken"'05:07
kunjiMK`: If you don't have the dependencies I don't think it would work even if you extracted it though.. unless they've taken some liberty with what a dependency is05:07
rkhshmcfhowlett: can you let me know which would be an appropriate channel at least05:07
holsteinrkhshm: i might go to the language you are using.. the support channel for that language05:07
rkhshmok thanks05:08
holsteinJuest: i use the command line, or synaptic to see/edit sources05:08
ArandurJust installed Ubuntu 12.10 on a Dell laptop, dual-booting with Windows 7. Ubuntu cannot detect any wireless networks. How can I fix this issue?05:08
MK`kunji: I'm on 64-bit Ubuntu. It's a 32-bit program that depends on 32-bit xdg-utils, so when I installed it earlier it threw an error saying my software index was broken and asked if I wanted to uninstall half my programs, including ubuntu-desktop. I said no, and uninstalled the initial package. But I still want to find a way to use it05:09
holsteinArandur: i would try and wire it up, and see if you are offered any extra drivers...05:09
Ubiquity4321I am running 12.04 server. It has a NTFS formatted drive on it, but it isn't the main drive. Is there a way I can defragment the drive either remotely from windows or directly on linux?05:09
histoMK`: What version of ubuntu are you on?05:09
kunjiMK`: Hmm, are you using apt-get?  You should be if you're doing multi-arch stuff.05:09
holsteinUbiquity4321: not that i would trust, or am aware of.. i would want to defrag natively05:10
MK`I am05:10
cfhowlettMK`, 11.04 is end of life , you know ...05:10
MK`I know05:10
ArandurI'm wired up now, and nothing's obviously popped up at me. Is there some way to manually initiate a driver search? I should note that, upon initial installation, it detected the wireless networks fine; it was only after the initial restart that it was no longer able to.05:10
cfhowlettArandur, settings > check additional drivers05:10
kunjiMK`: Hmm, well, that may be the way to go, though grabbing the source seems perhaps simpler05:10
MK`A friend told me it's because if you install 32-bit xdg-utils, it will force everything else that uses xdg-tils to use 32-bit05:11
Juesthow i can get native res on console?05:11
histoUbiquity4321: No I guess you cant defrag ntfs in linux05:11
Arandurcfhowlett, by 'settings' do you mean 'System Settings'?05:11
MK`which is of course not feasible for me05:11
cfhowlettArandur, correct05:11
Juesthow i can debug the problems with propetary driver?05:11
holstein!tty | Juest05:11
ubottuJuest: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution05:11
cfhowlettJuest, go to support from the package maintainer05:11
holsteinJuest: you mean, tty resolution?05:11
Juestyea, but it should be autodetected05:12
kunjiMK`: Ah, that's too bad, wish I could help more, but I don't remember much about deb packing05:12
Arandurcfhowlett, I do not see an option by that name. The closest I see is "Network".05:12
histoMK`: You need to upgrade05:12
MK`Pretty sure it's a fail dependency. And I am aware, I am just unable to right now05:12
histo!eol | MK`05:12
ubottuMK`: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:12
holsteinJuest: i usually just file bugs, and move on.. hte proprietary drivers and just that.. propietary.. not many folks can or will be able to do anything about the issues you have05:12
Ubiquity4321I guess I'll have to find a different way then05:12
Ubiquity4321thank you!05:12
cfhowlettArandur, nope.  look around.  you want to check for "additional drivers"05:13
Juestcan i get "fixed" driver from amd by installing catalyst?05:13
cfhowlettsettings/system somewhere05:13
histo!sound > myersg05:13
ubottumyersg, please see my private message05:13
histoMK`: Also what package are you trying to install by the way?05:14
Arandurcfhowlett, there are 24 icons in the System Settings window, divided into three sections: Personal, Hardware, and System. None of these icons say anything about drivers. Am I in the wrong place?05:14
histo!ati > Juest05:14
ubottuJuest, please see my private message05:14
holsteinJuest: you can try.. amd maintains that.. not sure if it supports your hardware or not.. but it wont hurt to try it05:14
MK`histo: it's an emulator called Gens/GS05:14
twoflowersis there a quick and dirty way to find what version is currently the latest LTS from a remote site?05:14
Juesti can't open links right now05:14
holsteintwoflowers: 12.0405:15
Jueston irssi dOH05:15
kunjiArandur: Go to Software Sources05:15
cfhowlettArandur, I have a different setup as I'm on xubuntu.  ask in the channel05:15
cfhowletttwoflowers, 12.04.205:15
twoflowersholstein, cfhowlett, thanks, that I know, but I am looking to script it05:15
Arandurkunji, got it, and found the "Additional Drivers" tab, thanks.05:15
Arandurcfhowlett, thanks for the help.05:15
kunjiArrandur: Yep, no problem ^_^05:15
holsteintwoflowers: 10.04, then 12.04.. 14.04, hopefully05:16
holsteintwoflowers: AFAIK, that could be changed.. anytime...05:16
cfhowlettArandur, best of luck.  FWIW, I suspect you have a broadcom wifi card which sometimes requires post-installation configuration to activate05:16
kunjiholstein: I suppose they could change it for 14.04, but there hasn't been any indication of that as far as I know.05:17
holsteintwoflowers: its typically every 2 years... 12.04.. april (04) of 2012 (12) .. and so on.. but it could change05:17
Arandurcfhowlett, that is correct. "Broadcom Corporation: BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller". How can I configure this?05:17
JuestHow i make root appear available to login on lightdm?05:17
ubottuArandur,: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:17
holsteinkunji: im just saying, in the interest of a script, its not "in stone"05:17
ubottuJuest,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:17
twoflowersholstein, that i know, i am looking for more of the 12.04.x release number05:17
kunjiholstein: Right05:17
Arandurubottu, Thank you.05:17
twoflowersthe .x is what I am worried about05:18
holsteintwoflowers: those come in order too.. unless they dont05:18
ArandurOh, hey, that's a bot. Derp.05:18
Arandurcfhowlett, thank you.05:18
Juestcfhowlett: lol, i got over it05:18
cfhowlettArandur, no worries05:18
holsteintwoflowers: on some level, they are version #'s that could change.. though they likely wont05:18
Tex_NickUbiquity4321 : i've done that with both remote desktop and VNC05:18
MK`Oh I'm sorry did I say 11.04? I'm on 11.10. It's not EOL until April right?05:19
kunjitwoflowers: Oh, those are minor releases... hmm, just updating would bring you to the newest.  I'm not exactly sure if it is even tracked which of those you're on.05:19
MK`I was on 11.04 for a while, I keep thinking I'm still on that05:19
JuestWhy gnome-shell doesn't load properly logging from lightdm?05:19
Juesthmmm, why screens keeps black til system is done?05:20
Juestand now gnome-shell crashed05:20
twoflowerskunji, holstein I am looking for a way to dynamically pull down the latest release, the problem I see is that the minor releases get bumped and then the script breaks05:20
holsteinJuest: just from lightdm? it loads eventually? how is it broken? have you tried as another user?05:20
twoflowersand this is for server edition too05:21
kunjitwoflowers: Ah, hmm, maybe just match with a regular expression?05:21
Juestit was screen black on loading05:21
twoflowerskunji, not a bad thought05:21
Juestand then send report appeared05:21
histo!enter | Juest05:21
ubottuJuest: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:21
Juestand then gksu hides the bar05:21
holsteinJuest: the bar?05:21
twoflowerskunji, actually i am going to run with that. thanks05:22
Juesti think my ubuntu is very bad ibstalled05:22
Juestoriginal packages in the os are cd ones05:23
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Juesthad upgraded05:23
Juestand added05:23
histo!enter > Juest05:23
ubottuJuest, please see my private message05:23
holsteinJuest: if you would, try and type more before hitting the enter key.. as the PM and the message above requests.. thanks05:23
histoJuest: remove the cdrom from your /etc/apt/sources.list05:23
Juestoh well, cdrom is not there, lol oh05:24
histoJuest: deb-cd  or something like that.05:24
histoJuest: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list05:24
Juestcdrom is not there05:25
Juestand when i do apt-update it says i should use apt-cdrom,05:25
Juestim on 12.1005:26
Juesthisto: ^05:26
histoJuest: can you sudo apt-get install pastebinit and run the command above so we can take a look at your sources.list05:26
Juestit's default05:26
Juestchecked myself05:26
cfhowlettJuest, you have your software sources set to look on the cdrom.   clear that out and it'll look elsewhere05:26
Juestthat's done already, nevermind, doh05:27
Juestit's not even listed on software sources05:27
histoJuest: then look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*05:27
ubuntuw1204should i use ubuntu 12.10 or 12.04?05:29
Juestoh well, this system is already configured to use internet not cd05:30
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Juestubuntuw1204: 12.04 as your nick says05:30
histoubuntuw1204: What are you doing with it?05:30
histoJuest: Can you pastebin the error/message you are getting05:30
JuestNO errors, and sources.list.d doesn't exist05:31
_Dude_has anyone managed to get steam to install on ubuntu 12.04.2 without it trying to remove a bunch of stuff? looks like it tries to downgrade the xorg server to the version that comes with 12.04.105:31
_Dude_seems like multiarch is broken05:31
histoJuest: sources.list.d  is a directory. Inside of it you will find other sources files05:32
Juestoh wait05:32
ubuntuw1204histo: i want to stay updated05:32
Juestit's an empty folder05:32
histoubuntuw1204: What are you going to be using the computer for?05:32
Juestubuntuw1204: get 12.10 :P05:32
ubuntuw1204histo: i use it for basic everyday work ,internet, gimp, inkscape, office, etc05:33
histoubuntuw1204: 12.04 is lts 12.10 is just a regular release05:33
histo!lts | ubuntuw120405:33
ubottuubuntuw1204: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)05:33
_Dude_that needs to be updated05:33
_Dude_it's now 5 years desktop and server05:33
histo_Dude_: it says that.05:33
histoif you read passed the exception line05:33
_Dude_oh duh05:33
_Dude_sorry i didn't read the whole thing lol05:33
ubuntuw1204histo: what is the genral practice to upgrade every 6 months05:34
ubuntuw1204histo: how can i quickstart libreoffice05:34
Juestim using gnome-shell and no menus appear05:35
Juestis that a bug?05:35
Juestor i have to uninstall unity?05:35
Tex_Nickubuntuw1204:  12.10 won't give you more for what you want to do ... 12.04 provides long term support05:35
cfhowlettubuntuw1204, why upgrade every 6 months?05:35
cfhowlettubuntuw1204, unless you actually NEED the bleeding edge, install LTS, maintain it and install the next LTS in 2 years ... or keep it for it's lifetime of 36 - 60 months05:36
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jakey1do people prefer to run ubuntu with a virtual machine of windows or the other way round?05:37
cfhowlettjakey1, no polls please.05:38
cfhowlettjakey1, but if you have an actual "how do I ...?"05:38
jakey1is it better to run ubuntu with a virtual machine of windows or the other way round?05:38
histoubuntuw1204: You get security fixes and updates along they way. When a new release comes out you will get asked if you want to upgrade to that release. Upgradign from LTS to LTS is supported. But ugpraded from 12.10 to the next LTS is not. You have to upgrade eache version along the way if you are running just a regular release05:38
jakey1is it better to run ubuntu with a virtual machine on windows or the other way round?05:39
histojakey1: I don't use windows that's my prefered method05:39
histojakey1: Why do you need windows?05:39
kunjicfhowlett: I wouldn't exactly call the 6 month releases bleeding edge (maybe from a server perspective, but not for everyday desktop).05:39
jakey1for a number of programs you cant get on linux05:39
jakey1or crash when you use wine05:40
Arandurcfhowlett, thank you for all your help. My issue is fully resolved.05:40
cfhowlettkunji, OK05:40
cfhowlettArandur, congrats.  go forward, be safe, have fun05:40
histojakey1: What sort of programs?05:40
histojakey1: there are many free open source alternatives i'm sure.05:40
ubottujakey1,: To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.05:41
Tex_Nickjakey1:  which os do you use the most ... if MS, then box ubuntu ... if ubuntu, then bow MS05:41
Juestjakey1: dual boot it05:41
Tex_Nickbow = box05:41
cfhowlettjakey1, ooops, ignore that factoid.  but there ARE dozens of free alternatives05:41
MK`cfhowlett: I dunno if you saw earlier, but I misspoke, i am on 11.1005:41
sloofusEvening folks.05:41
cfhowlettMK`, good.  you've got some left in that.05:41
jakey1gimp =! photshop05:41
_Dude_so how do you resolve 32bit dependences on 64bit ubuntu 12.04.2?  seems to be broken.. all attempts to install 32bit libs results in it trying to remove the new xorg packages from quantal included with 12.04.2 a long with a bunch of other stuff05:41
_Dude_i keep reading about multiarch but it seems to be broken05:42
_Dude_if i try installing package:i386, i get the same thing05:42
histojakey1: run ps in wine if not suffer with your windows crutch and dualboot05:42
antonio_this is pissing me off05:42
MK`I had the same issue just earlier _Dude_. It asked me to uninstall ubuntu. I said no and just left it hehind05:42
antonio_now my damn usb headset wont work05:42
sloofusi broke my partition table. i do not know how to fix this05:43
antonio_I have a VERY important audio interview to do right now and the headset wont take any input!!!05:43
JuestWhy ubuntu is so complex and problematic?05:43
histo_Dude_: There is no steam 64bit at the moment. You may want to ask if anyone has had success with installing steam on 64bit ubuntu or try askubuntu.com or search the forums if no one hasn't05:43
JuestFedora works better than this05:43
histoJuest: please explain. I have no issues05:43
kunjijakey1: Sure it's not equal, I prefer gimp for many things, but some things only photoshop does.  I'm not so sure photoshop plays nice in wine.  Even in a virtual machine, well you can't dedicate full resources to it, I think dualboot is the way to go for that.05:43
Tex_Nick!details | antonio_05:43
ubottuantonio_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:43
cfhowlettJuest, it's not, it just requires more hands from the user than "idiot proof" osx and windows05:43
JuestIm an experienced user05:43
antonio_tex_nick: here are the details...my usb mic isn't taking any input..running 12.1005:44
Juestbtw, fedora works better05:44
cfhowlettJuest, then perhaps you should use fedora05:44
_Dude_histo: i know there's no 64bit, but that was never a problem before with any 32bit program i wanted to install.. i just install the 32bit libs05:44
_Dude_in older distros05:44
cfhowlettJuest, afterall, freedom means free to use ubuntu or not.05:44
ubuntuw1204ok thanks a lot, i will stick to lts05:44
histo_Dude_: let me try and install steam and see what you are talking about05:44
kunjiJuest: That's a matter of opinion.. which I would strongly disagree with... Fedora...05:44
Juesti need help with the os,05:44
_Dude_histo: i've been reading up on this all day - forums, did google searches, looked through the steam forums on the linux group05:45
_Dude_a lot of people are having this problem05:45
sloofushey guys im running ubuntu off a live disk right now. I want to dual boot with windows. When I open gparted to partition my drive, gparted goes out of whack about this possibly being a damaged GPT table. Like no linux application will get near this drive. Any discussion on the topic is much appreciated.05:45
_Dude_it's a known problem05:45
Juestsystem was installed with original cdrom packages, and i updated then05:45
_Dude_wish i read about it earlier before i installed 12.04.2 - i would've stuck with 12.04.105:45
fhhey guys. is there a way that i can lock a window? i want it to be non resizable, non removable.. any ideas?05:45
Tex_Nickantonio_:  has it ever worked ?05:45
histo_Dude_: Then sounds like a problem with steam05:45
MK`tldr; steam was designed for 12.04.1 and then they released 12.04.2 shortly after and steam is half-broken; it's a steam issue05:45
antonio_it worked yesterday05:45
cfhowlettsloofus, i had to kill the gpt on my previous hackintosh'd dell.  after that, no problem05:45
antonio_I didn't install anything or change anything..this is such bullshit05:46
_Dude_histo: not really.  i tried installing other 32bit packages and i'm having the same problem05:46
lotuspsychjeany package to protect from java exploits?05:46
_Dude_any 32bit package i try to install using package:i386 or if i do apt-get install ia-lib32, results in it trying to remove a bunch of packages05:46
MK`lotuspsychje: I don't know any packages specifically designed to remove java for you, no05:46
_Dude_including the new quantal xorg packages that were backported05:46
pozhi guys, i am trying to install cinnamon on my computer05:46
sloofuswell the plot thickens. I had already had ubuntu set up for dual boot in the past. i thought i erased everything properly but now i worry it did not05:46
antonio_normally in the sound manager it would say logitech...now its showing "clear chat comfort usb headset"05:46
sloofuswindows still boots just fine05:46
Tex_Nickantonio_: does it have a level control on the cord or mute switch ?05:46
pozi think i installed it okay05:46
sloofusmy bios still sees "ubuntu" however05:46
antonio_tex_nick: its not that05:46
kunji fh: Yes, there are different type of windows that are supported.  The conky people do a good job explaining it in their documentation, I think it would depend on your desktop environment though.05:47
cfhowlettsloofus, as I found, even formatting the disk didn't kill the gpt table.05:47
histo_Dude_: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/0/864959809808921128/05:47
pozbut i do not know how to enable it. any advise?05:47
lotuspsychjeMK':you sugest i remove java from ubuntu?05:47
kunjifh: I would help more, but that's all I know offhand and I need to sleep now05:47
sloofuscfhowlett: dont depress me. this seems like an easy fix05:47
_Dude_histo: i read that post already05:47
_Dude_nothing in there works05:47
cfhowlettsloofus, oh it IS easy!  don't be depressed!05:47
MK`Well, I personally suggest removing java from any computer05:47
sloofusi cant seem to run gdisk though05:47
Juestevery few times crash message appears05:47
MK`but that's beyond the scope of this channel05:47
fhthanks kunji, i'm using unity right now. good night :)05:47
pozhow do i get cinnamon to work on ubuntn 12.04 lts?05:47
Tex_Nickantonio_:  in terminal try ... lsusb ... see if it's listed there05:48
_Dude_well nothing works unless you want to remove a bunch of packages05:48
histo_Dude_: Steam is in the software center?05:48
Juestsystem problem detected and/or sorry,ubuntu 12.10 had experienced an error05:48
Sashmoanyone know if there is a command in terminal that can tell me the maximum amps or current amps being usb on my usb bus??05:48
cfhowlettsloofus, no shortage of tutorials: search remove + gpt + install + ubuntu  choose one05:48
sloofuscfhowlett: please, help guide me in what I can do05:48
_Dude_i might as well let it do it.. that means i'm downgrading to the xorg packages in 12.04.1 and not the new ones in 12.04.205:48
lotuspsychje!java > lotuspsychje05:48
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message05:48
_Dude_that's what it's trying to do when it tries to install 32bit libs05:48
sloofuscfhowlett:  much appreciated, ill be back shortly if i have questions if you dont mind05:48
_Dude_with any 32bit package05:48
cfhowlettsloofus, oi05:48
antonio_tex_nick: Bus 006 Device 002: ID 046d:0a0c Logitech, Inc. Clear Chat Comfort USB Headset05:49
_Dude_histo: i tried it in software center - same thing05:49
_Dude_actually on there you get another error that i've seen reported05:49
MK`_Dude_: is xdg-utils involved?05:49
pozhow do i get cinnamon to work on ubuntn 12.04 lts?05:49
histo_Dude_: Then you'll have to wait for Valve to release a fix or someone on their forums to find a solution05:49
histo_Dude_: Again it's not an issue with ubuntu.05:49
_Dude_histo: the package manager wanting to remove a bunch of packages when installing any 32 bit lib or package, is an issue with ubuntu05:50
sloofuscfhowlett: tut one starts off by recommending the application "gdisk". it isnt installed by default. sudo apt-get install gdisk give me E: Package 'gdisk' has no installation candidate05:50
_Dude_i've tried it with other packages05:50
_Dude_it's a 12.04.2 problem05:50
_Dude_i think there's even a bug report i came across regarding this05:50
cfhowlettsloofus, try a different tutorial.  the gpt-remove is the one I used IIRC05:50
Sashmoanyone know if there is a command in terminal that can tell me the maximum amps or current amps being usb on my usb bus??05:50
sloofuscfhowlett: 10-4 ty05:50
histo_Dude_: please install the steam64 package in software center and be done05:50
_Dude_i tried it - doesn't work05:51
cfhowlettpoz for help with cinnamon I suggest you ask in #mint ... it's not supported here05:51
AcidRain2013_Dude_: what issue are you having?05:51
odraUgh I hate this desktop thing in ubuntu :c05:51
pozk thianks05:51
_Dude_The following packages have unmet dependencies: steam64: Depends: steam (= but it is a virtual package05:51
Juestodra: get over it, install gnome-shell or get fedora, ubuntu sucks05:51
cfhowlettodra, logout.  choose a different desktop session.  login.05:51
MK`there's no 64-bit steam package. It just points to the 32-bit one05:51
odraThe taskbar sucks so much it tries to make up for it by having workspaces!05:51
histo_Dude_: there's also a link for support right in the software center and it doesn't say #ubuntu.  IT's valve's deal they mantain the busted package if it's broken05:51
_Dude_that's the error i get with the 64bit package05:52
histoit's provided by them05:52
_Dude_others have the same problem05:52
cfhowlettJuest, you're trollng.  please take it elsewhere05:52
odraWhy clicking won't minimize? WHY!!!05:52
ubuntuw1204histo: should i install kde on ubutnu05:52
MK`_Dude_: I had that issue, I had to use their .deb, that worked05:52
JuestIm not a troll05:52
_Dude_lets forget about steam for a sec.. there's an issue with installing ANY 32bit package05:52
_Dude_on 12.04.205:52
lotuspsychje!offtopic | odra05:52
ubottuodra: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:52
_Dude_it wants to remove the new quantal xorg files/packages05:52
_Dude_that are included with 12.04.205:52
dr_willisworkspaces have been around for.. well.. decades.. ;)05:52
_Dude_whenever you try to install a 32bit package05:52
JuestOdra is a troll05:52
histoubuntuw1204: you can install whatever DE you want.05:52
Juestubuntu hater05:53
_Dude_that is an issue with ubuntu 12.04.2 and not steam05:53
MK`_Dude_: can you install ia32-libs?05:53
_Dude_because i tried with other packages05:53
Tex_Nickantonio_:  see if this helps ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/131812/logitech-usb-headset-not-working-on-12-0405:53
odraI'm not a troll05:53
ubuntuw1204histo: which de is more stable?05:53
_Dude_mk: nope05:53
MK`huh. Definitely an ubuntu issue05:53
_Dude_i mean i can.. but it will remove stuff05:53
JuestWhy software center asks auth so many times?05:53
odraWhat the heck is a troll.05:53
MK`what unmet dependencies does it have _Dude_ ?05:53
odraJuest: Get permanent sudo?05:53
JuestWikipedia it05:53
_Dude_i have two choices: wait until someone fixes it or let it remove the stuff and downgrade to the 12.04.1 xorg packages05:53
cfhowlettubuntuw1204, kde is not a distro.  It's a desktop environment.  You can try it out by installing kde05:53
Juestodra: lol, how?05:53
odrapersistent even.05:53
Juest!root | odra05:53
ubottuodra: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:53
_Dude_which is what the package manager is trying to do05:53
_Dude_basically downgrade to the 12.04.1 packages05:54
odraJuest: Sudo -l05:54
odraAlso I didn't say persistent root. I said persistent sudo :/05:54
_Dude_from what i've read, i'm guessing people got it working by just letting it remove those xorg packages and downgrading to the 12.04.1 xorg packages05:54
histo_Dude_: Why do you not think this is a valve problem?05:54
cfhowlettodra, root is disabled by default in ubuntu05:55
_Dude_but id on't want to downgrade lol so i was hoping there was another solution :p05:55
JuestWish i can use root :P05:55
histo_Dude_: their package requrements are the issue i'm done discussing it.05:55
ubuntuw1204which Desktop Environment is more stable or more compatible with ubuntu?05:55
odraAgain. I didn't say root O__O05:55
Juestubuntuw1204: Unity, but it sux05:55
histo!best | ubuntuw120405:55
ubottuubuntuw1204: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:55
histoubuntuw1204: recently unity really grew on me.05:55
MK`_Dude_: what does it say when you run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'?05:55
histoubuntuw1204: which is the default DE05:55
odraI suppose in ubuntu you can get  "root" access by sudoing with an admin user.05:55
_Dude_histo: i'm not talking about just steam though.. any 32bit package causes the same problems05:56
lotuspsychjeguys stick to ubuntu support05:56
odraSo just sudo -l in your admin account.05:56
cfhowlettubuntuw1204, all the recognized canonical distros have more than one DE.  try them and choose. they're all stable05:56
histo_Dude_: Why are you installing 32bit packages?05:56
_Dude_histo: if i try installing 32 bit libs, the package manager still wants to remove the quantal xorg packages05:56
_Dude_to get steam to work05:56
_Dude_or any 32bit app (might install skype later - i'm not sure that has a native 64bit version)05:56
Juest_Dude_: why install 32-bits on 64bits os? you should installed 32bits os05:56
MK`_Dude_: what does it say when you run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'? :o05:57
dr_willisthe 32bit should work on a 64bit ubuntu install05:57
antonio_ubuntu sucks!05:57
histo_Dude_: there IS A STEAM64 do you not see it?05:57
ubuntuw1204histo: so you suggest i should stick to unity?05:57
Juestantonio_: YOU SUCK TARDTROLL05:57
lotuspsychje!offtopic | antonio_05:57
ubottuantonio_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:57
MK`histo: steam64 is'a metapackage that installs the 32-bit one.05:57
pozhow do i change desktop enviroments?05:57
Juest!ops antonio_ Troll05:57
ubottuJuest: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:57
dr_williscant say i noticed a steam64 but i just grabbed the steam_latest.deb05:57
antonio_how come things just break in ubuntu?05:57
pozi dont seem to have that option05:57
histoubuntuw1204: I would if it's your first experience with linux. See what you think. It's easy to change very easy.05:57
_Dude_histo: that's not 64bit, it links to the 32bit packages - still has 32bit dependences and i told you it doesn't work.. there's another error you get when you try to install it05:57
dr_willispoz:  at the login manager screen. theres a gear icon05:57
cfhowlettpoz, logout.  choose a different session from the list.  login.05:58
antonio_my usb headset was working perfectly fine yesterday..then it just doesn't work today..bullshit05:58
poza gear icon eh05:58
AcidRain2013i have a 64bit processor with 32bit os, no issues05:58
dr_willisabout the only icon on the login screen near your name05:58
pozi will look harder, but i did not see an option05:58
MK`_Dude_... please respond, I am trying to help :P05:58
ubuntuw1204histo: how about gnome 3 ?05:58
odraWhat is this side bar thing called in ubuntu?05:58
histo!unity | ubuntuw120405:58
ubottuubuntuw1204: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity05:58
dr_willisodra:  the left side launcher you mean?05:58
Juestubuntuw1204: that's gnome-shell, it's available on fedora05:58
pozwell i tryed installing a few differernt enviroements, the ubuntu defalt is no longer there...05:58
histoubuntuw1204: unity is a shell runningn on tope of gnome305:58
pozbut i will be right back05:59
BHXSpecterman, I have fought all day to try and fix the error I got after installing Steam on ubuntu with no luck at all...stupid libdrm-nouveau2 error...has my system locked up so I can't do anything, but don't want to do a fresh install......to add to the problems, told desktop to upgrade to 12.10, but it froze and now I get a blank screen after selecting the kernel *fun day*05:59
histoJuest: it's availible in ubuntu also05:59
AcidRain2013odra: sudo aptitude install gnome-shell <--- save a life05:59
cfhowlettpoz, unless you deleted it, it's there05:59
okeeDid Ubuntu ever come up with a UEFI boot loader alternative for Windows 8?05:59
Juestyes i know05:59
Juestbut it sucks05:59
Tex_Nickantonio_:  have you by any chance changed the usb port it was plugged into yesterday ?05:59
Juestno menu05:59
FloodBot1Juest: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:59
histookee: yes05:59
antonio_tex_nick: don't think so05:59
histo!uefi | okee05:59
ubottuokee: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:59
cfhowlettokee, 12.04.2 has the uefi support ...05:59
dr_willisfor what things are called05:59
antonio_I can hear sound on it just fine...not inputing my voice05:59
histookee: keep in mind you need to use 64bit06:00
ubuntuw1204histo: should i install gnome shell and use gnome 3?06:00
JuestWhy no 32bits ubuntu with uefi support like win8?06:00
okeeHave you tried it?  How well does it work?  I am thinking of installing mint (Ubuntu edition), dual boot with win XP 32-bit on a 64-bit motherboard, and wondering if this is a good idea?06:00
cfhowlettantonio_, have you disabled speaking with the mic hardware switch?06:00
antonio_what hardware switch?06:00
histoubuntuw1204: That's up to you. You can do whatever you want.06:00
Juestokee: Yes, i06:00
dr_willisokee:  i recommend sticking with ubuntu , and not using mint.06:00
ubuntuw1204histo:  ok thanks a lot bye06:00
Juestokee: Sry06:00
cfhowlettantonio_, read your hardware manual.  the set has a voice mute button06:00
histoubuntuw1204: You can also do all of this from a livecd and see which one you like. All the install disks are live bootable06:01
antonio_nope..its not that cfhowlett:06:01
JuestMint is a spin of stable distros06:01
_Dude_mk`: doesn't return any output06:01
MK`Hm. Well that's good, means there's no package causing the issue I think06:01
odraFine I'll install gnome shell06:01
odraIsn't a gnome that thing in snow white story btw?06:02
histoJuest: Do you have a ubuntu related support question?06:02
Tex_Nickantonio_:  did you have a look at the link i provided a bit ago ?06:02
_Dude_mk`: right, because i hit 'n' when it asked me if it wanted to remove those packages06:02
antonio_tex:nick: didn't help06:02
Juesthisto: this channel is pissing me off really06:02
_Dude_mk`: and then i tried the steam deb package and then had to apt-get -f remove06:02
pozthank you everyone that helped me before. cinnamon seems to be working now06:02
pozso how many of you guys have experience with bitcoins?06:02
histoIdleOne: Thank you06:02
Tex_Nickantonio_:  try another usb connector06:03
_Dude_mk`: so it wouldn't keep me from installing anything else06:03
cfhowlettIdleOne, thanks06:03
BHXSpecterlooks like it is safe to say not to use steam on ubuntu any time soon as it seems to just cause a lot of headaches :(06:03
Tex_Nickantonio_:  usb port06:03
antonio_tex_nick: tried that06:03
dr_willissteam is a little weird in how it does things from what ive seen.06:03
histoBHXSpecter: atleast until valve gets there stuff together.06:03
histoBHXSpecter: should be soon.06:03
JuestWhat happened?06:03
AcidRain2013valve is good. but it should be for free06:04
histoJuest: You were kicked by an operator06:04
_Dude_histo: and someone fixes the way 12.04.2 so it doesn't try and uninstall the new xorg quantal packages included with 12.04.2 whenever you try installing 32bit anything06:04
cfhowlettAcidRain2013, steam IS free06:04
MK`_Dude_: when you ran apt-get -f install, what did it attempt to install? Aside from the things it requested to remove06:04
AcidRain2013cfhowlett: rly?06:04
cfhowlett_Dude_, 12.04.2 precise doesnt' HAVE quantal packagees06:04
histo_Dude_: please explain what 32bit package you are trying to install that want's to remove xorg?06:04
cfhowlettAcidRain2013, steam is free.  games are not.06:05
odraNot just free software.06:05
_Dude_mk`: yes, but i didn't want to proceed because it's the same thing i'm getting06:05
odraAcidRain2013: You didn't know that? o__O06:05
MK`I mean, when it lists the packages to remove, it also lists the packages it is attempting to install. What were they?06:05
AcidRain2013cfhowlett: :/ snap.06:05
odraAcidRain2013: There are some free games. Such as TF2.06:05
_Dude_mk`: hold on let me try this again06:06
AcidRain2013odra: cfhowlett: so what your telling me is i can go buy lfd2 and install steam from repos, and play for free... online?06:06
BHXSpecterI installed it, first time I ran steam it said to add x-swat/x-updates to ppa, everything was up to date until adding that, when I told it to update it acted like it was going to do fine, but stopped on a dependency for libdrm-nouveau2 and now can't install/remove/update/upgrade or anything due to dependency error and no way to fix it apparently06:06
dr_willisTF2 is very impressive for a free game. ;)06:06
cfhowlettAcidRain2013, as I understand it, yes.06:06
_Dude_cfhowlett: i'm talking about these packages:  xserver-xorg-video-sis-lts-quantal xserver-xorg-video-sisusb-lts-quantal xserver-xorg-video-tdfx-lts-quantal xserver-xorg-video-trident-lts-quantal xserver-xorg-video-vesa-lts-quantal xserver-xorg-video-vmware-lts-quantal06:06
_Dude_cfhowlett: they are included in 12.04.206:06
odraAcidRain2013: What?06:06
_Dude_cfhowlett: they backported some stuff in 12.04.2 and made it part of 12.04.206:06
MK`12.04.2 includes quantal backports yeah06:06
histoAcidRain2013: I don't think it's unreasonable that game developers want money for spending countless hours and money making a game. Wouldn't you contribute to an humble indie bundle?06:06
odraAcidRain2013: You install steam from the repo, buy lfd2, install it from steam, and play it.06:07
odraSince you bought lfd2 it's not free lol06:07
_Dude_cfhowlett: "To help support a broader range of hardware, the 12.04.2 release adds an updated kernel and X stack for new installations on x86 architectures, and matches the ability of 12.10 to install on systems using UEFI firmware with Secure Boot enabled."06:07
cfhowlett_Dude_, my bad.  just torrenting 12.4.2 now and hav not installed yet.06:07
AcidRain2013histo: just as linux does. i will donate.06:07
dr_willisleft4dead does not have a native linux port from what im seeing...06:07
cfhowlett_Dude_, learn something new every day ...06:07
dr_willisso its not going to be runable from the linux steam client06:07
histo_Dude_: Where are you seeing that?06:07
_Dude_histo: whenever i install 32bit anything06:08
_Dude_histo: libs, programs, steam, doesn't matter06:08
histo_Dude_: I have no quantal packages here on 12.04.206:08
AcidRain2013odra: well i didnt say i bought it ;) how i acquire games apparently will get you ban06:08
MK`_Dude_ please put the entire output of apt-get -f install on http://paste.ubuntu.com/06:08
MK`so we can peruse it06:08
Brewmaster619I just tried Steam about two hours ago..it won't run, an icon shows on the launcher for about 10 seconds, then disappears06:08
Tex_Nickantonio_:  in "system settings" / sound / input ... what do you see there ?06:08
_Dude_mk`: ok06:08
histo_Dude_: are you sure your didn't backport some things?06:08
_Dude_histo: yea i'm sure - i turned off the backports option under software sources06:09
_Dude_histo: i did that before i did an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade06:09
_Dude_histo: i also saw a lot of other people having the same problem06:09
histo_Dude_: I have no quantal packages here and i'm up to date06:09
GeekSquid Brewmaster619 you can try to run it in a terminal and see what kind of output it is spitting out and see if it is missing something somewhere06:09
histo_Dude_: cat /etc/issue     please06:10
BHXSpecterthis is basically the error I get when I do anything for trying to update/remove/install/upgrade..in this case I tried doing a force remove http://paste.ubuntu.com/1675787/06:10
aPpYeI am wondering why the kde-desktop metapackage requires anacron ... is it required for the update manager to work properly?06:10
_Dude_Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS :p06:10
_Dude_i know what i'm using lol06:10
_Dude_i just installed it like last night06:10
_Dude_i've been using ubuntu since 8.04 and before that linux on and off over the years (though never as a main os until ubuntu)06:11
_Dude_hold on let me try and installt his game and post stuff on pastebin for you guys to look at06:11
_Dude_*this again06:11
AcidRain2013_Dude_: it may take years for Steam to make a perfect client.06:12
AcidRain2013well id say if they havent done it in 2ish, then they will remove project06:12
_Dude_acidrain2013: oh i have no doubt of that.. but my issue doesn't just occur with trying to install steam06:12
GeekSquidaPpYe: Consider as a sys admin, wouldn't you want to be able to schedule tasks from your desktop06:13
_Dude_seems like 32bit anything is broken in 12.04.206:13
histo!info xserver-xorg-video-sis-lts-quantal precise06:13
ubottuxserver-xorg-video-sis-lts-quantal (source: xserver-xorg-video-sis-lts-quantal): X.Org X server -- SiS display driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.10.7-0ubuntu1~precise2 (precise), package size 262 kB, installed size 644 kB06:13
_Dude_when trying to install it using the package manager06:13
AcidRain2013_Dude_: did you do a upgrade to distro from another version?06:13
wiggmpkGeekSquid: system admin and desktop is more of a Windows mindset06:13
suka|jandawtf http://thehackernews.com/2012/12/ubuntu-linux-is-spyware.html06:13
_Dude_acidrain2013: no fresh install06:13
MK`suka|janda: amazon? old news06:14
Brewmaster619anyone know what PAC is?  I ran steam in a terminal, and among other things, it complained about lack of PAC support, don't know w hat that is.06:14
dr_willissuka|janda:  old news. and basically FUD. and not really On topic.06:14
BHXSpecter_Dude_: be glad you are having my problem. Spent the whole day at steam forums just to be told a fresh install was the only way to fix my error (which was brought about after installing steam and doing what it said to do)06:14
cfhowlettsuka|janda, easily bypassed by login with a different deskktop environment.  no unity, no amazon lens06:14
wiggmpksuka|janda: pure speculation of someone's opinion06:14
dr_willissuka|janda:  and  you can disable the amazon lens if you want to06:15
AcidRain2013_Dude_: how long ago did you do this fresh install?06:15
Brewmaster619amazon leans easy to disable06:15
suka|jandanice info dude06:15
dr_williswife likes the amazon lens.. makes her shopping easier..06:15
Brewmaster619I liked it better when somone got me an amazon gift card....06:16
_Dude_acidrain2013: actually i did it within the last 24 hours, like sunday afternoon06:16
histo_Dude_: In the release notes it says the stack is only indeded for use on x86 hardware06:16
Juesthey, it's normal if steam takes long to start up?06:16
histo_Dude_: do you have the linux-generic-lts-quantal  and xserver-xorg-lts-quantal packages installed?06:16
AcidRain2013_Dude_: then my advice to you, is to take the 20min that it takes for ubuntu to install, and install a better flavor06:16
BHXSpectermy day and a half 'tech support' for trying to fix my problem => http://steamcommunity.com/app/221410/discussions/0/864959809948651461/06:16
odraAcidRain2013: ...06:17
odraAcidRain2013: You have to buy the game in steam.06:17
histo_Dude_: Please look above.... let me know.06:17
odraAcidRain2013: That is one of the two main points of steam existing.06:17
AcidRain2013odra: i havent ever used steam:/06:17
odraI noticed.06:17
_Dude_histo: right, this is x86 hardware (64bit x86 hardware) and on the ubuntu site, all download links go to 12.04.2 (even 64bit).. there are 64bit isos06:17
_Dude_histos: maybe it's not important, but i did use the alternate disk to install06:17
AcidRain2013x86 = 32bit?06:17
wiggmpkAcidRain2013: correct06:18
histo_Dude_: Do you have those packages installed?06:18
_Dude_usually they say i386 for 32bit06:18
_Dude_hold on06:18
pozanyone know what file to add ppa's too?06:18
histo_Dude_: dpkg -l | grep quantal06:18
pozi forget06:18
dr_willisJuest:  steam takes about 30-40 sec to start here..  ive never really counted..06:18
AcidRain2013_Dude_: right. you cannot run 64bit software on 32bit hardware... to my knowledge06:18
wiggmpk386, 686, x86, all = 32bit06:18
cfhowlett_Dude_, idiotic question to ask , but have your run get dist-upgrade recently   ?06:18
_Dude_histo: yes i have those installed06:18
histo_Dude_: please remove them. I don't know how you got them installed06:18
_Dude_cfhowlett: there's no other updates to install so dist-upgrade wouldn't do anything06:19
_Dude_histo: hmm really06:19
dr_willisthere could be some held packages. that dist-uprade may pull in06:19
cfhowlett_Dude_, ...  indulge me ...06:19
histo_Dude_: I don't have them on my system running 12.04.2 64bit here06:19
histo_Dude_: Did you install from a 12.04.1 cd?06:20
_Dude_well if there not meant to be installed, and if the desktop disk doesn't install them, but the alternate disk does - then the alternate disk is borked06:20
_Dude_seems it would be a bug with the alternate disk06:20
_Dude_histo: no 12.04.2 iso that i put on a usb stick06:20
pozwhat file do i add ppa's to?06:20
ubottupoz,: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge06:20
wiggmpk_Dude_: what packages are you referring to because I install always from the alternate disk06:20
histo_Dude_: Ahh then it may have been installed by default06:20
AcidRain2013what is that one game for ubuntu called? terrorist hunt?06:20
AcidRain2013its an open source game06:20
histowiggmpk: these new hardware stack packages06:20
_Dude_the quantal packages that they include in 12.04.2 (at least that's what i assumed)06:21
dr_willispoz:   best to use the ppa manager commands.. they have files  n /etc/apt/sources.list.d06:21
cfhowlettAcidRain2013, urban something or other06:21
AcidRain2013cfhowlett: thats it. let me google06:21
dr_willisUrban Terror06:21
wiggmpkhisto: new as in just updated?06:21
histowiggmpk: yes with 12.04.2 release06:21
pozthank you06:21
histo_Dude_: are you sure your running 64bit please issue the uname -a command06:22
histowiggmpk: In an effort to support a wider variety of hardware on an existing LTS release, the 12.04.2 point release will ship with an updated kernel and X stack by default. This newer hardware enablement stack will be comprised of the kernel and X stack from the Quantal 12.10 release.06:22
_Dude_histo: yes i am sure.. i downloaded the 64bit iso - i've ran uname -a before, but i'll do it again for you06:22
_Dude_histo: Linux matt-desktop 3.5.0-23-generic #35~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 25 17:13:26 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:22
_Dude_3.5.0 is the new kernel from quantal06:23
_Dude_that was backported06:23
_Dude_12.04.1 comes with like 3.2 kernel by default unless you run apt-get install on those packages that happen to have quantal on the end06:23
_Dude_at least that's what i read06:23
histo_Dude_: Yeah my system isn't even installing 3.506:23
wiggmpkhisto: im running 3.2.0-37-generic on 12.04.206:23
_Dude_so that's why i assume this is normal to have those installed06:23
_Dude_histo: huh odd06:23
histowiggmpk: Right but if you install from disk today he's saying you'll be running 3.506:24
wiggmpkhisto: interesting06:24
histo_Dude_: you can obtain an 12.04.1 CD from old-releases.ubuntu.com06:24
wiggmpkhisto: guess i'll download it and throw it in VM06:24
histo_Dude_: I would also file a bug06:24
histowiggmpk: I am right now also06:24
histowait I just downloaded mini.iso06:24
_Dude_histo: i also have a 12.04.1 alternate and desktpo image (wishing i installed that instead lol)06:24
wiggmpkhisto: are we talking strictly alternate image or the desktop image too?06:24
EpicCyndaquildoes  libmozjs2d_1.9.1.16-10_amd64.deb or something similar exist within the standard ubuntu repo?06:24
_Dude_i had used the desktop image to install 12.04.1 on another, but on this one i put 12.04.2 on it06:25
_Dude_i was about to install 12.04.1 on this but then saw 12.04.2 was released06:25
_Dude_like 4-5 days after i downloaded the alternate image06:25
histowiggmpk: well i'm trying the 64bit mini.iso right now we'll see.06:25
wiggmpkhisto: for 12.04 right?06:26
dr_willisonce you do an apt-get update. apt-get upgrad eon a 12.04.1 instell.. it should be identical to 12.04.206:26
_Dude_actually you have to install the new kernel and xorg packages manually if you want them if you're going from 12.04.1 -> 12.04.2 (not sure if it only becomes 12.04.2 when you install those packages)06:26
histowiggmpk: _Dude_ Perform an update or upgrade to Precise from a previous Ubuntu release. Only those installing from the 12.04.2 media will automatically receive a newer hardware enablement stack by default.06:26
=== LKJ_ is now known as Guest71319
histodr_willis: that's not the case anymore06:27
dr_willisa dist-upgrade  should pull those in i would imagine.06:27
histodr_willis: wiggmpk _Dude_ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/UbuntuDesktop#LTS_Hardware_Enablement_Stack06:27
histodr_willis: I just did a dist-upgrade it doesnt06:27
dr_willishisto:  that would seem... weird...06:27
wiggmpkhisto: thanks06:27
dr_willisbut im on 12.10 :) so cant test06:28
StormTwohey is there any of you guys that could help me with terminal?06:29
dr_willisgive us some details StormTwo06:29
histodr_willis: Additionally, anyone upgrading to Precise will not be automatically upgraded to the new Quantal enablement stack. Again, they can electively choose to do so by manually installing the appropriate meta package.06:29
Tex_Nickabout 6 monts ago i burned 14 DVD's in win xp .with identical parameters .. i verified the disks after burning ... only one of the disks will read in quantal ... any ideas why ?06:29
_Dude_i'm pretty sure by x86 they mean 32bit and 64bit (the 64bit download option on ubuntu.com will also get you the 64bit iso of 12.04.2 which comes with the enablement stack from quantal)06:29
_Dude_which is what i installed06:30
_Dude_and despite the problem with the 32bit libs, everything works great06:30
StormTwofor example, how could terminal fix the computer booting problem06:30
dr_willishisto:  sounds like somthing thats going to cause a lot of confuseion.06:30
histo_Dude_: Yeah i think so06:30
=== librarystudent02 is now known as StormOne
histodr_willis: Oh yeah. plus _Dude_ is saying it breaks 32bit compatibility06:30
StormOneHi guys i have a big meatus06:31
=== StormOne is now known as GTFO
GTFOwhat the hell is that?06:31
=== GTFO is now known as Guest31726
_Dude_yea it does unless you want to remove part of the enablement stack (the xorg packages).. which i guess works too because some people on the steam forums who probably doesn't understand that they are uninstalling a lot of stuff are doing it anyway06:31
_Dude_to get steam working06:31
_Dude_and they say it works06:32
dr_willisTry a more original Nik. ;)06:32
_Dude_so maybe is hould just do that.. it's not like i have anything important on this linux install (yet anyway)06:32
wiggmpkThe hardware enablement stack is only intended for use on x86 hardware at this time.06:32
_Dude_so if i bork it i can just reinstall06:32
histodr_willis: wow you have to read this if you have a minute https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack  all kinds of issues are going to be coming here.06:32
StormTwoget a girlfriend GTFO , i know its you06:32
dr_willishisto:  :) time for a new factoid i guess..06:32
=== EmLeX is now known as emx
histo_Dude_: Yeah let me know If you can remove the quantal stack. You can't use the quantal kernel with precise X or quantal X with precise kernel. YOu need both precise kernel and X according to the site I just pasted06:33
* cfhowlett ... wishes the meteorite had turned left at Albuquerque and smacked 900 trolls and netchatidiots06:33
StormTwostop spamming Guest3172606:33
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histodr_willis: For instance if the stack is installed you can upgrade to quantal.  The packages versions are newer than those in quantal. It's only mean to stay LTS until 14.0406:33
odraYou know I have one thing to tell you guys.06:33
odraStop saying the word troll.06:34
dr_willisTrolls are fun to ignore.06:34
histoGuest31726: wow a library huh?06:34
=== StormOne is now known as Blaze
histoGuest31726: library-student-0206:34
Guest31726i love trolling06:34
dr_willisI perfer fly fishing myself...06:34
BlazeYes it is a library06:35
Tex_NickGuest31726:  join #Guest31726 to do that06:35
=== Blaze is now known as Guest16538
StormTwodr_willis could you help me?06:35
histodr_willis: Me too love steelhead and trout fishing with the ole fly rod06:35
dr_willisStormTwo:  give us a detailed problem statement and see who can help.06:35
=== emx is now known as EmLeX
histo!ops | Guest3172606:35
ubottuGuest31726: ops is Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!06:35
FloodBot1Guest31726: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:36
=== Guest16538 is now known as PeterGriffin
PeterGriffinhi again06:36
Guest31726i'm back06:36
histoOh great onother one06:36
histoPeterGriffin: and Guest31726 are both library students ops06:37
PeterGriffinNo one cares06:37
PeterGriffinYes i happen to be in a library06:37
AirCombathey there, could someone walk me through changing my default GUI from Unity to something lighter on resources?06:37
histoPeterGriffin: yeah sitting next to guest3172606:37
PeterGriffintwo computers away actually06:37
histo!notunity | AirCombat06:37
ubottuAirCombat: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:37
EpicCyndaquilAirCombat: have you looked into just installing xubuntu or something of that nature instead?06:37
odraPeterGriffin: Please tell that idiot he is an idiot.06:38
Tm_Todra: please stop06:38
PeterGriffinWhich idiot?06:38
cfhowlettAirCombat, logout.  click on the gear icon.  choose a different environment.  login06:38
odraPeterGriffin: Isn't he sitting two chairs away from you?06:38
Tm_Teveryone stop the offtopic, focus on support please06:38
PeterGriffinoh yeah, him.06:38
odraPeterGriffin: The flooding guest06:38
AirCombatEpicCyndaquil, no because I really like the standard ubuntu. This machine is just a bit laggy with unity06:38
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josvisany Ubuntu alternative for capturing video&audio from TV-decoder? Can use Pinnacle Studio in Windows (Dual boot) with TV-decoder connected to Pinnacle Dazzle DVC 130 to record video & audio, edit same and burn content to DVD. Want to switch to Ubuntu.06:39
AirCombatsee the ubottu told me to install gnome-shell but I dont get a session drop-down with 12.1006:39
odraI installed gnome-shell through apt-get. But nothing changed.06:39
=== dankest|away is now known as dankest
odraWhat am I supposed to do now?06:39
cfhowlettodra, you have to select that DE before you login06:39
odraDo I have to restart for it to change? Maybe roll the batteries I dunno06:39
histoPeterGriffin: library-student-0306:39
odracfhowlett: DE?06:39
cfhowlettjosvis, vlc has a capture mode06:39
cfhowlettodra, desktop environment06:40
Nz17How do I make sure environmental variables exist for all shells/non-shells and not just bash? i.e., Like .bashrc but for all.06:40
AirCombatim wondering the same thing: at my login screen I dont see any options to change the DE.06:40
odracfhowlett: I haven't actually selected any. Does it stay as default after you select it once?06:40
cfhowlettodra, yes it does06:40
AirCombatis it true that 12.10 has no more dropdown menu for DE?06:41
odraAirCombat: I think it's the circle button on the login screen in the top right of your account name06:41
cfhowlettAirCombat, on 12.10 logout.  find the "gear" icon.  select a different de from the dropdown menu.  login.06:41
odraThat is a gear?06:41
AirCombatokay, thanks a lot guys :) brb06:41
cfhowlettodra, round thingy ...06:41
odraI thought it was the unity icon06:41
krnxratI'm new, and I screwed up bad (I think). I was on GParted, and I unmounted a partition. Now I can't load up windows 7. Help?06:42
histokrnxrat: Unmounting a partition won't hurt anything did you do anything else?06:43
krnxratNot really, the thing is i unmounted the partition even after I received an error06:43
odraI'm on gnome shell now :D06:44
odraAnd clicking stuff in the taskbar still won't minimize them.06:45
odraBut, the taskbar looks cooler.06:45
histoodra: the menu bar?06:45
histokrnxrat: what error did you receive?06:45
odraWhy can't it be task bar?06:45
odraWhy is there a task bar in windows, a launch bar in unit and a menu bar in gnome shell?06:46
histokrnxrat: Also what happens when you try and start windows?06:46
krnxratThis one "Error informing the kernel about modifications to partition /dev/sda3 -- Device or resource busy.  This means Linux won't know about any changes you made to /dev/sda3 until you reboot -- so you shouldn't mount it or use it in any way before rebooting."06:46
krnxratand this one "Partition(s) 2 on /dev/sda have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in use.  As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use.  You should reboot now before making further changes."06:46
AirCombatodra, LOL06:46
histoodra: the menubar is at the top. the launch bar is on the left both in unity and I believe gnome has one.06:46
AirCombatim just logging in/out to see how it runs... brb06:46
odraOk. So...06:47
histoodra: Windows has a tasks bar because "tasks" or applications are listed there. This is not the case in unity or gnome shell.06:47
odraHow can I click to minimize in the "menu bar"06:47
krnxratand when I try to boot up windows, it gives me the option to either go into recovery (which doesn't work without the CD) or start normally. If I start normally it stays on the "Starting windows" screen06:47
histoodra: mouse up on the menubar and click the minimize button06:47
odrahisto: I can't find a minimize button.06:48
histoodra: or take the window out of full screen mode and window controls will be in the upper left corner of the window06:48
cfhowlettkrnxrat, 1. your windows install is still there (probably) 2. you need the windows disk to repair windows06:48
apb1963_Is this something that I should be concerned about?  The following packages have been kept back:    linux-generic-pae linux-image-generic-pae 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.06:48
odraOh this is great. Before I had a launcher that didn't minimize windows if I clicked their icons. Now I lost even the minimize button in the windows.06:48
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
krnxrat1. will i lose my files06:48
cfhowlettapb1963_, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade should install those06:48
krnxrat2. if so is there any way to recover some docs?06:48
histoodra: can you post a screen shot?06:49
histo!paste | odra06:49
ubottuodra: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:49
cfhowlettkrnxrat, no they're still there.  you just can't get to them yet06:49
cfhowlettkrnxrat, download a windows iso from the digitalriver store, make a windows usb, boot, repair.06:49
sv_inI just upgraded from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS. Now when I try to login with my account (with correct password), ubuntu is bringing me back to login page with no error message. Guest session is working fine. Any ideas?06:49
krnxratalright, thank you. I know this is a stretch, but any speculation into how this might have happened?06:49
AirCombatsweet, GNOME seems better.06:50
felix___Hi, I've been having difficulty installing ubuntu 12.10 with full disk encryption.  When I reboot after installation, cryptsetup fails thinking I have a bad password.  Has anybody encountered this ?06:50
Guest18379Hi All06:50
AirCombatodra, do you like it better than unity?06:50
cfhowlettkrnxrat, not famiialr with that particular error message.  sorry.06:50
Guest18379I am facing problem in my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS system06:50
cfhowlettGuest18379, details please06:50
sv_inI just upgraded from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS. Now when I try to login with my account (with correct password), ubuntu is bringing me back to login page with no error message. Guest session is working fine. Any ideas?06:51
Guest18379I am not able to surf internet by using MTS Mblaze06:51
Guest18379Please help me06:51
odrahisto: http://imagebin.org/24713206:51
cfhowlettGuest18379, that's an isp?06:51
Guest18379It MTS internet service provider06:52
krnxratOk, thank you. Also, previously I was trying to migrate my wubi install onto a 50gb partition, but terminal gave me an error telling me that it was open or accessed by something else. Is there a way to kill whatever process or whatever that was accessing it?06:52
cfhowlettGuest18379, so no internet at all?  you might want to check wiith MTS06:52
cfhowlettkrnxrat, ps -ax to see open processes.06:52
histoodra: How'd you manage to do that?  That's wierd. I'd imagine some thing got messed up in gconf06:53
mikilihi all06:53
cfhowlettmikili, greetings06:53
Guest18379Actually the problem is that Mobile Internet option is disable by defalut06:53
Guest18379and I have to enable it06:53
cfhowlettGuest18379, OK.  and???06:53
AirCombathisto, no I dont have minimize buttons either. just noticed that too06:53
krnxratthank you06:53
Guest18379then it showing me error modem is disabled06:53
odra2I accidentally disconnected while pressing buttons in the "menu bar"06:54
histoAirCombat: odra2 what version of ubuntu are you guys running?06:54
cfhowlettGuest18379, what version of ubutnu06:54
odra212.10 :/06:54
Guest1837912.04 LTS06:54
AirCombathowever, odra2 try putting your mouse in the very top left corner. kind of a cool feature06:55
odra2AirCombat: Well yeah06:55
odra2But that is not a minimize button06:55
histoAirCombat: what does that do?06:55
histoAirCombat: i'm on 12.04 so I can't see06:55
odra2Actually like I said.06:55
odra2There is no minimize button.06:55
AirCombatit shows a preview of all open windows06:55
cfhowlettGuest18379, I'm in china and can't see results but MTS + mblaze + ubuntu + 1204 search returned several hits to set up ubuntu06:56
AirCombatwhy is minimize such a big deal?06:56
dr_willisgnome-shell has settings to have the min/max/close buttons06:56
Guest18379So any guess why this is happening?06:56
AirCombatodra2, just right-click at the top of a window06:56
dr_willisI got a theme that shows just the close button. but the min/max buttons are still there.. just sort of hidden by default06:56
cfhowlettGuest18379, you didn't set things up yet.  see the links ...06:56
AirCombator hit ctrl-alt-006:56
odra2Oh there it is!06:57
odra2But why is it like that O__O06:57
histoAirCombat: odra2 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/109878806:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 1098788 in compiz (Ubuntu) "There is no minimize and maximize button on the border of windows" [Undecided,Incomplete]06:57
Guest18379I cant see the links?06:57
AirCombatthere you go. that's just the way it is in GNOME ubuntu I guess06:57
AirCombatI kinda like it.06:57
cfhowlettGuest18379, do the search, see the links06:57
AirCombatleaves the windows mentality behind06:58
histoAirCombat: what does ctrl+alt+o do on your system?06:58
AirCombatsame thing as right-clicking and choosing minimize06:58
arrenlexHi, everyone. After I installed a second graphics card into my computer, Ubuntu enters an infinite reboot loop. Annoyingly, Windows 7 boots fine. Any ideas for troubleshooting this?06:58
histoAirCombat: try gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferrences button-layout06:59
histoodra2: what does gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout   return?06:59
histoAirCombat: type in preferences06:59
histoAirCombat: sorry typo in preferences07:00
AirCombatoh lol07:00
histoAirCombat: I gave you two R's  please type in a terminal gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout07:00
histoodra2: Hrm.. those buttons should be there.07:00
AirCombatsame as odra207:00
odra2I just realized a thing. :/07:00
histoodra2: AirCombat Are you both using gnome-shell and not unity?07:01
odra2GIMP has two windows. The main window and a toolbox.07:01
AirCombatas far as I know. I'm definitely not using unity anymore07:01
odra2And yet only one shows in this weird "activities" thing or whatever. But if I click it both windows show.07:01
odra2I wonder what kind of sorcery is this.07:01
dr_willisodra2:  theres some sort of gimp-single window mode also.07:01
histoodra2: because one window is the main window the others are closable and the main will stay open with gimp.07:02
odra2dr_willis: Yes I know. But I'm more interested in how did it turn out like that.07:02
odra2histo: Hmm.............07:02
odra2I need to learn how to make windows like that.07:02
histoodra2: AirCombat yeah if you aren't using unity that's what happened to the minimize button07:02
dr_willisive not followed what the actual issue is. ;) but its lunch time for me.07:02
histonom nom07:02
dr_willisgnome-shell has only the close button. ;) its tweakable.07:03
odra2You know07:03
odra2I showed the screenshot.07:03
dr_willisI wonder if im the only one that tends to just fullscreen every thing these days07:03
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.07:03
AirCombatoops lol.07:03
odra2Hmm :/07:04
odra2Is the "menu bar" supposed to show only one window at a time.07:04
AirCombatodra2, yes, as far as I can tell07:04
=== odra2 is now known as odra
Tex_Nickodra : for those that use multi monitor setup ... the gimp workspace can fill an entire monitor, while the toolbars can be moved onto another monitor ... photoshop, illustrator, autocad & other graphics heavy apps also do that :)07:06
sv_inI just upgraded from 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS. Now when I try to login with my account (with correct password), ubuntu is bringing me back to login page with no error message. Guest session is working fine. Any ideas?07:07
odraTex_Nick: I'm wondering because I'm making an app and I would like the windows to be grouped like that07:07
Tex_Nickodra : ok ... cool design practice ... if your app workspace demands a lot of screenspace :)07:10
rohit_I am facing problem in connecting my Mblaze data card07:11
=== rohit_ is now known as Guest15660
Guest15660Please help me07:11
cfhowlettGuest15660, did you not find a tutorial that works07:11
Guest15660It seems that its a bug in 12.0407:12
cfhowlettGuest15660.  If it's an unfixed bug, not much we can do ...07:12
cfhowlettGuest15660, have you checked with the ubuntu india resources?07:13
=== Synix is now known as Cylent
AirCombatis odra still here?\07:13
AirCombatI solved the problem07:13
AirCombatif you want a minimize button, that is07:13
AirCombatopen a terminal, type in sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool and then run it. it has options to add minimize, etc07:14
usr13rohit_ http://www.mtsindia.in/MUltra/download/AC2791%20User%20Guide.pdf07:15
AirCombatdarn, I thought someone would be excited, lol.07:15
KI4ROYaY for AirCombat!07:16
usr13!info gnome-tweak-tool07:17
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.0-0ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 99 kB, installed size 738 kB07:17
cfhowlett!cookie|usr13,   nice one07:17
ubottuusr13,   nice one: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:17
silv3r_m00nI have libgtk-3 installed, but it still says "error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-3.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"07:17
silv3r_m00nhow to fix07:17
AirCombathey, I want a cookie too! I helped... lol07:17
arrenlexsilv3r_m00n: What are you trying to run?07:18
cfhowlett!cookie|AirCombat,   ask and ye shall recieve07:18
ubottuAirCombat,   ask and ye shall recieve: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:18
usr13silv3r_m00n: What version of Ubuntu?07:18
AirCombatodra, you could even set right-clicking the menu bar to minimize it. this tool has a whole lot of cool stuff07:18
silv3r_m00narrenlex: ubuntu 12.10 trying to run neonview image viewer07:18
arrenlexsilv3r_m00n: Is your Ubuntu 64-bit or 32-bit? Is your image viewer 64-bit or 32-bit?07:19
silv3r_m00narrenlex: ubuntu is 64bit, don't know about the program07:20
usr13silv3r_m00n: apt-get install ia32-libs-gtk07:20
silv3r_m00nI think that might be the reason07:20
usr13silv3r_m00n: What is the program?07:20
silv3r_m00nia32-libs is already the newest version.07:20
silv3r_m00nusr13: neonview07:20
arrenlexsilv3r_m00n: sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-0:i38607:21
Guest15660Ubuntu  12.0407:21
AirCombatsee ya, thanks for the help everyone07:21
FelixTheCati am trying to install ubuntu on my old laptop however when i boot the installer it just gives me a busybox prompt07:22
silv3r_m00narrenlex: oh I see, thanks it works now07:22
arrenlexsilv3r_m00n: good to hear; enjoy :)07:22
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, what version?07:22
histo!md5sum | FelixTheCat07:22
ubottuFelixTheCat: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:22
FelixTheCatcfhowlett, 10.407:22
cfhowlettfelix___, 1. 10.04 will be end of life soon.  2.  Beta????  3.  Old hardware?  lubunut and xubuntu are optimized for legacy hardware07:23
felix___I'm using 12.1007:24
felix___its a new install of ubuntu07:24
silv3r_m00nthese so many bloggers who blog on ubuntu and other linuxes, where do they get the latest info from ?07:24
FelixTheCatcfhowlett, mabe if it downloads this time07:24
cfhowlettfelix___, xubuntu and lubuntu then07:24
FelixTheCatfelix___, now, this is confusing07:25
Guest15660Any one from India who have used MTS in ubuntu 12.0407:25
felix___yeah, confusing lol.07:25
usr13silv3r_m00n: sudo find /usr/lib/ -name libgtk* -type f07:25
FelixTheCatcfhowlett, thats not me im FelixTheCat  not felix___07:25
cfhowlettFelixTheCat, right.  sorry07:25
felix___heh, I guess he's answering your questions07:25
felix___sorry ;)07:25
FelixTheCatfelix___, yes, he is07:26
silv3r_m00nGuest15660: I have used tata photon07:26
usr13silv3r_m00n: sudo find /usr/lib/ -name libgtk-3* -type f07:26
silv3r_m00nusr13: its done already07:26
usr13silv3r_m00n: What did it find?07:26
RealKillaz_hi there how can I forcce a removal of a package07:26
silv3r_m00nusr13: sudo apt-get install libgtk-3-0:i386   fixed it, finished07:26
cfhowlettGuest15660, usr13 sent a pdf to set that device up on ubuntu ...07:26
RealKillaz_right now I keep receiving an error while removing the package freeradius07:26
usr13silv3r_m00n: Oh, ok07:26
RealKillaz_dpkg -P freeradius07:27
RealKillaz_gives me an error07:27
knothello there. I've been working at a new PC/LAN gaming center and I have a few questions. I used a drbl server to deploy a 1tb HD image to all 40 stations, but I'm concerned with the upkeep of game updates and game adding in general. is there a way to use some sort of rsync over a network? to push smaller updates instead of a whole re-image. just looking for some alternatives07:27
vnc786can pdf be converted to any other format like doc,xls etc if the pdf it self is made from excel or doc i tried online as well libre pdfimport it gets converted but the text is not in order..07:27
knotsorry for wall of text :P07:27
RealKillaz_I just want to force the removal and purge everything of freeradius07:28
RealKillaz_jjust make the system forget freeradius is installed07:28
usr13vnc786: pdf is an image07:28
Guest15660@user13 How to get that07:28
cfhowlettRealKillaz, sudo apt-get purge freeradius && sudo apt-get autoremove07:29
usr13Guest15660: Get what?07:29
Guest15660I am having problem in using MTS07:30
cfhowlettGuest15660, the mblaster setup for ubuntu pdf07:30
usr13Guest15660: OpenOffice or Libreoffice will export to pdf07:30
usr13This?:   http://www.mtsindia.in/MUltra/download/AC2791%20User%20Guide.pdf07:30
RealKillaz_cfhowlett, I keep getting an error while I try to purge freeradius: start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 18692: No such process07:31
RealKillaz_invoke-rc.d: initscript freeradius, action "stop" failed.07:31
cfhowlettRealKillaz, reboot into text mode and run the commands07:31
RealKillaz_cfhowlett, not possible it's a running server. I'm already on the cli..07:32
cfhowlettRealKillaz, oooh, a challenge!07:32
vnc786usr13: thanks for info what i beleive is pdf cannot be converted in any other format (can be converted condition is that pdf should contain some simple text) am i right...?07:32
cfhowlettRealKillaz, ps -ax didn't reveal what service is running it?07:32
RealKillaz_cfhowlett, the server can not go down07:32
usr13vnc786: Well, it can be converted to another image type.07:33
cfhowlettRealKillaz, understood, but ps -ax should reveal your working processes.07:33
RealKillaz_there is no service running freeradius07:33
RealKillaz_so I dont't undertstand where the init script gets the pid07:33
usr13RealKillaz_: service --status-all07:34
RealKillaz_ps aux | grep radius does not reveal anthing07:34
RealKillaz_usr13, that shows: [ ? ]  freeradius07:35
usr13RealKillaz_: Maybe a lock file?07:35
vnc786usr13: but not to any proper text format like doc,xls...and there is no utility available which can convert ...just want to confirm i searched a lot and didnt got too...so asking here finally here  to settle down07:35
RealKillaz_usr13, hmm ok07:36
usr13RealKillaz_: service freeradius stop07:36
vnc786so that i stop doing my R&D on that ...:)07:36
RealKillaz_usr13, start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 18692: No such process07:36
usr13vnc786: Not that I know of. (Which is the reason for pdf files in the first place.)07:37
RealKillaz_usr13, don't understand this07:37
RealKillaz_the same PID07:37
vnc786usr13: ok thanks07:37
cfhowlettRealKillaz, kill -9 that pid07:38
usr13RealKillaz_: ps aux |grep 1869207:38
usr13RealKillaz_: or kill -15 1869207:38
RealKillaz_kill: (18692) - No such process07:39
RealKillaz_that process does not exist07:39
usr13RealKillaz_: What version of Ubuntu is it?07:39
ak5_hi, when I do `sudo visudo` I end up in.... nano07:40
usr13RealKillaz_: lsb_release -r07:40
RealKillaz_usr13, ok a quick look in the daemon script revealed the problem07:41
Tm_Tak5_: yes, it uses $EDITOR07:41
RealKillaz_rm -r /var/run/freeradius/freeradius.pid07:41
ak5_Tm_T: echo $EDITOR gives me a new line07:41
usr13RealKillaz_: Ok, well, there you go.07:41
flintserRealKillaz_: what are you trying to do exactly, i came here just :)07:41
usr13RealKillaz_: he's trying to uninstall freeradius07:41
RealKillaz_thank you guys07:42
RealKillaz_flintser, removing bad installation of freeradius07:42
flintserRealKillaz_: ok, it seems you got it sorted out though?07:42
RealKillaz_flintser, for now....07:42
RealKillaz_now I can continue removing the other dependencies07:42
usr13flintser: Just had to remove the lock file.07:42
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icerootis this big performance difference normal on LUKS? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1675979/07:44
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ak5_Tm_T: even after doing export editor=vim;sudo visudo I get nano07:47
ak5_export EDITOR=vim07:47
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Jordan_Uak5_: sudo EDITOR=vim visudo07:48
ak5_Jordan_U: thanks. How to keep this persistant for sudo?07:48
ak5_I already `echo 'export EDITOR=vim >> ~/.bashrc'`07:49
Jordan_Uak5_: Changing the default editor via update-alternatives will probably do it.07:49
Jordan_Uak5_: After that you can also remove that addition to ~/.bashrc (though it doesn't hurt anything to have it).07:50
flintsericeroot: lol mine is much slower... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1675988/07:50
histo+1 for vim07:50
flintsericeroot: not answering your question, just wondering should i raid or smthng because over 250mb is much faster than 8407:51
icerootflintser: for my setup you need 4 hdds, i would not suggest to use raid just to get more speed, use a ssd instead07:51
flintsericeroot: actually i have few 80gb disks, which i could raid0 just for fun :) ssd cost so much...07:53
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icerootflintser: yeah with raid0 you should get ~200% of the speed07:54
flintserif i had 4 disks i'd do 0+1 but i only have three.. but well enough offtopic ^^07:55
joeatlasubuntu 12.04 on Vmware with entire disk option installation after installing lamp and ubuntu-restricted-extras i get this error "Disconnected from plymouth" and screen freezzzz!07:56
joeatlassleeping time or wat !07:58
mvt007geekwhat is whoise07:58
joeatlasubottu  any help07:58
joeatlasubuntu 12.04 on Vmware with entire disk option installation after installing lamp and ubuntu-restricted-extras i get this error "Disconnected from plymouth" and screen freezzzz!07:59
joeatlascan u help07:59
iceroot!repeat | joeatlas07:59
ubottujoeatlas: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:59
flintser!patience | joeatlas07:59
ejv!enter | joeatlas07:59
ubottujoeatlas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:59
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flintserjoeatlas: plymouth is the daemon for splash screen according to ubuntu wiki08:00
mvt007geekwhat is whoise? can someone help me?i heard people in irc use it to know the location of people08:00
joeatlasubottu i search the entiren NET and nothing for this dummmmm module plymouth08:00
ubottujoeatlas: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:00
mvt007geekwith whoise08:00
histomvt007geek: /whois mvt007geek08:00
icerootmvt007geek: #freenode   also see /help whois08:00
flintserjoeatlas: debugging and other info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Plymouth08:00
joeatlasflinster: can i disabled this plymouth and use normal boot08:01
joeatlasflinster: if yes plz tell08:01
flintserjoeatlas: flintser* and the info is there.. if you can boot and login from terminal, you can edit grub in order to do text mode boot08:02
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode08:03
dr_willisits very likely that plymouth is not the issue.. its whats supposed to start up after plymouth thats the issue08:05
Tex_Nickmvt007geek:  might also have a look at this ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_commands08:06
flintserdr_willis: anyway, text mode helps for debugging :) i forgot that you could add switches straight from grub...08:11
AlakullihalLinuxhay all..08:11
AlakullihalLinuxanyone from Indonesia ?08:11
knothello there. I've been working at a new PC/LAN gaming center and I have a few questions. I used a drbl server to deploy a 1tb HD image to all 40 stations, but I'm concerned with the upkeep of game updates and game adding in general. is there a way to use some sort of rsync over a network? to push smaller updates instead of a whole re-image. just looking for some alternatives08:12
flintser!id | AlakullihalLinux08:12
ubottuAlakullihalLinux: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia08:12
cfhowlettknot, local mirror maybe???08:12
knotI would like it to be automated via a scheduler08:13
AlakullihalLinuxI want ask only, are anyone from indonesia08:13
leotrhello! I need some advice. I want to modify ubuntu server installation CD to do the following: 1) add some packages to it (i want them to be automatically installed during installation) 2) put some files to CD and extract them after installation (run some custom script after everything has been installed). I want to do these steps fully automatically and without Internet Connection. ...08:14
flintserknot, i don't know but maybe you could do backup of the 1tb image to all of the 40 stations and keep it synchronized ;F08:15
knotthat's what I've done08:15
knotbut how would I keep it synchronized08:15
ak5_knot: depending on how you lock down the pcs, you may like the 'reset' of reimaging08:16
ak5_rsync is not the right tool for that imho08:16
knotreset of re imaging?08:16
AlakullihalLinuxno body here #ubuntu-id08:16
histoknot: yeah you could use rsync to transfer config files08:17
histoknot: instead of transfering the whole disk image if you don't want to.08:17
leotrI want CD to be run fully automatically. Yesterday i tried RemasterSys but produced ISO file didn't install anything (some error occured) cfhowlett: I'd like to do it in manual way without remastersys.08:17
flintserknot run somekind of backup software with the drbl and set it to sync images automatically maybe every hour?08:17
knotI dont need transfer of config files. I would need a transfer of game directories to deploy games easier08:18
leotrSo i have some questions...08:18
histoknot: yeah you can accomplish that with rsync08:18
cfhowlettleotr, ask08:18
histoknot: it only copies the changes from source to destination08:18
knotthat's fine08:18
knotI would have the game installed on the 'master image' then sync to the others08:19
histoknot: yeah mount the master image rsync from the game folder to all the other machines08:19
leotr1) Packages have dependencies. E.g. i want to install python-pyside package but it has dependencies. How do i figure out what packages do i need to include all of them to ISO file?08:19
histoknot: are you using diskless remote boot on the machines?08:19
knotbut how would I automate that for weekly?08:19
flintserleotr: use sudo apt-get -d install to just download packages, it sorts out dependencies too08:20
histoknot: with cron08:20
knotyes drbl has a pxe server too08:20
histoknot: Do the clients have drives or are they booting off the server?08:20
knotthey boot from drives08:20
histoknot: ahh yeah then an rsync cronjob is the way to go it sounds08:20
knotyes. well. Games man08:21
leotrflintser: thank you. May i do this command on some ubuntu desktop distro or it should be done on clean server installation?08:21
knotthe drbl server is ubuntu though08:21
knotso I could have a cronjob to wake on lan each machine and rsync from the master image and then shutdown when completed?08:22
histoknot: well you could share each client drive... mount them all on the server and just rsync to the mounts via a cron job. You will find that windows filesystem times differ from that of linux though.  But if you are rsyncing from a windows source drive to windows client mount shouldn't be an issue.08:22
histoknot: yeah08:22
histoknot: either way it's up to you on how you want to implement it but there are many options.08:22
knotwould I need static ips or just use computer names08:23
flintserleotr: any machine with internet and apt08:23
histoknot: I'd use static ips just to keep things sane.08:23
histoknot: or you can use winbind and use netbios names or whatever.08:23
knotI'm sort of a linux noob, I'm trying to wrap my head around this08:23
ga_sk8erno matter what i do, my video card wont run the steam games. i  guess my card isnt supported on ubuntu. is there a site to tell what version of linux is best for my system?08:23
histoknot: you sound like you understand the concept. Why are you using a drbl server?08:23
leotrIn other words i think that apt-get -d will download packages that are dependencies and missing (not all dependencies) and doing so on ubuntu desktop will not download all required packages. Or maybe i'm wrong and it's possible to specify directory with available packages and apt will analyse what else is requried?08:24
knotfor the initial deployment of the master image08:24
histoga_sk8er: what kind of video card do you have?08:24
ga_sk8erati x30008:24
histoknot: Ahh how'dyou setup the drbl server did you follow A howto? I'd like to take a peek.08:24
ubottuga_sk8er,: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:24
histo!ati | ga_sk8er08:24
ubottuga_sk8er: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto08:24
knotand for easier restoring if things go wrong? I dont know haha. seemed like a good thing to do08:24
flintserleotr: downloaded .debs go to http://forums.retrospect.com/index.php?/topic/147734-error-530-backup-client-not-found/08:24
histoga_sk8er: do you have propriatary drivers installed?08:24
knotyes. I will grab it08:24
histoknot: cool thanks08:25
flintserleotr: SORRY this is the right one: /var/cache/apt/archives08:25
ga_sk8erhisto thats my issue. i dont have them installed & cant figure out how to get them installed08:25
Tex_Nickga_sk8er:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:25
histoga_sk8er: jockey-gtk08:25
histoga_sk8er: run that in terminal08:25
ga_sk8eri just tried steps i had seen online & the terminal told me Error: Distro Version entered incorrectly or not supported, use --listpkg to identify valid distro versions08:26
knothisto, http://geekyprojects.com/cloning/setup-a-clonezilla-server-on-ubuntu/ old article but it works. there is also an option to deploy clonezilla live as the OS, which was the only option that worked with these machines.08:26
dr_willisga_sk8er:  what ubuntu release are you using?08:26
ga_sk8erim running 12.0408:26
dr_willisits possible you may have better luck with 12.1008:26
histoknot: cool ty08:26
knotare there good resources for setting up a cronjobs script for accomplishing this?08:27
ga_sk8erhisto jockey searched for drivers but found nothing08:27
histoga_sk8er: then you may have to follow the directions from ubottu08:27
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histodr_willis: 12.10 X drivers are now in 12.04.2 remember08:27
ga_sk8erwhen i tried some directions i  saw on the ubuntu site, the terminal told me Error: Distro Version entered incorrectly or not supported, use --listpkg to identify valid distro versions08:28
dr_willisand  we have seen how much breakate thats been causeing. ;)08:28
flintserleotr: if you have installed the software before using the -d switch, the .deb files are in /var/cache/apt/archives, if you use -d and they aren't installed, it just downloads them to /var/cache/apt/archives08:28
ga_sk8erwhen i  tried to open my game earlier it said something about openGL08:28
dr_willisif you got a spare 16gb usb flash you could try installing 12.10 to it and see if they happen to work. ;)08:29
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: don't have 2.0?08:29
leotrflintser: i'm sorry for making so many clarifications... If i understand correctly /var/cache/apt/archives on ubuntu desktop contains packages which might be downloaded before and may contain packages that are actually not required by my distribution. Is it possible to override this directory, copy debs from server CD and download packages that need to be added to server CD?08:29
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd 2.0 of what?08:29
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: opengl08:29
ga_sk8eri dont think it has open gl....i just installed my linux earlier today08:30
knotthanks for the help histo. I have some research ahead of me then :]08:30
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd is open gl in the software center or do i  install it by terminal command?08:31
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: opengl support will come as part of the driver for your gpu08:32
ga_sk8ermy problem is trying to install my driver08:32
histoknot: yeah read about rsync and cron and it will all make sense08:32
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: mobility radeon?08:32
ga_sk8erive been trying to install it as ive seen online...step by step....but i  get an error message08:32
knotI hope so08:32
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd my pc doesnt call it mobility...i think that's a laptop version08:33
histoknot: the only thing else to overcome is the mounting etc... but that stuff is all easy with docs08:33
AtuMhello... I'm having issues with start-stop-daemon and my pacemaker running ocfs2 on drbd volume... running "start-stop-daemon --name ocfs2_controld.cman --stop" gives me "warning: this system is not able to track process names longer than 15 characters, please use --exec instead of --name"08:34
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1860842#5 it was solved for mobility, but it may work08:34
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd i'll try it08:34
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd on the 2nd step when i copy & paste what it says, the terminal tells me E: Unable to locate package ligl1-mesa-dri08:37
leotrhow much does 1 hour of consulting cost?08:37
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: it probably meant libgl-mesa-dri08:38
ga_sk8erthe part where it puts OpenGL back on the pc...thats where it messes up on me08:38
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd ok i'll try that command08:39
Fuzzleswhat uses more resources ubuntu or kubuntu?08:39
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd same issue....unable to locate package08:39
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: it exists here http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libgl1-mesa-dri08:40
Fuzzleswhat uses more resources ubuntu or kubuntu?08:40
aeon-ltdFuzzles: they're both pretty heavy, i'd say unity is heavier than kde. though the last time i used kde was 2 years ago08:41
aeon-ltdFuzzles: what's the spec of your pc?08:41
dr_willisid say close to the same08:41
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-swx1108:42
Fuzzlesaeon-ltd, my specs are fine 4gb of ram ati radeion hd 3 series graphics i was just curious08:42
dr_willisseems the web browsers use up  more resources then the desktops these days. ;)08:43
cousteauI got this weird error message while booting: "Disk unit UUID-(long uuid of a disk unit) isn't ready or wasn't found. Press S for (couldn't read this part)" and then it disappeared and the normal login appeared.  Should I worry?08:43
dr_williscousteau:  check your fstab for a invalid entry08:43
oalI have two keyboard layouts set up (switching between them in the top bar next to the clock). Is there a shortcut to cycle throughg them?08:44
cousteaucan't find that warning in dmesg08:44
dr_willisit wouldent be in dmesg i imagine.. check your fstab file for a invalid entry.08:44
flintserFuzzles: i think kubuntu uses more recources since kde has updatet so much and different kinds of widgets are default08:44
cousteaudr_willis, seems to be swap08:45
cousteauswap seems not to be mounted08:45
dr_willisif the fstab entry is wrong. that would make sence08:45
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: did it work?08:47
Tex_Nickoal:  here's a list of standard keyboard shortcuts ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts ... don't know if what you are after is there though08:47
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ga_sk8eraeon-ltd E: Unable to locate package libgli-mesa-dri08:47
ga_sk8eri guess that means it found the other 208:47
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: it's libgl1 not i08:47
icerootwhat is the reason why fdisk can only create 2GB primary ext4 partitions?08:47
ga_sk8eroh that explains it. my mistake08:48
histoiceroot: it doesn't understand GPT08:48
histoiceroot: it uses msdos partitioning08:48
iceroothisto: what is the correct way to create a 3,5TB partition? (cli)08:48
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd The following packages have unmet dependencies:08:48
ga_sk8er libgl1-mesa-glx : Conflicts: libgl108:48
ga_sk8er libgl1-mesa-swx11 : Conflicts: libgl108:48
ga_sk8erE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.08:48
Fuzzlesflintser, you using kubuntu or ubuntu?08:49
ga_sk8erso this means those files are already on the system...right?08:49
oalTex_Nick: thanks, but I couldn't find it there.08:49
histoiceroot: use parted  I think cfdisk can do GPT although i'm not sure I believe there is also sfdisk which I think can.08:49
iceroothisto: thank you alot for the useful information08:50
cousteaudr_willis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1676196/ here's my fdisk -l08:50
cousteauthere seems to be something weird at the end of the disk...08:50
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: wait remove those 3 packages, try again. check the spelling.08:50
Tex_Nickoal : sorry man :(08:50
ga_sk8ersudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-swx1108:51
ga_sk8ertheres the command i used to install them08:51
cousteauI think /dev/sda8 is supposed to be the swap, which I don't remember how big it was, but it wasn't ridiculously big08:51
oalTex_Nick: Looks like I might be able to add my custom shortcuts calling setxkbmap. I hope that works08:51
cousteauthe 3 linux partitions are /, /home and /opt08:51
Tex_Nickoal : great ! ... hope ya get it08:52
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: sudo apt-get remove libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-swx1108:52
cousteauI think I will touch /forcefsck and reboot...08:53
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: then run the install again08:53
dr_willisi dont think you fsck swap partitionbs08:53
ga_sk8erThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:54
ga_sk8er libgl1-mesa-glx : Conflicts: libgl108:54
ga_sk8er libgl1-mesa-swx11 : Conflicts: libgl108:54
ga_sk8erE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages08:54
ga_sk8erthe remove command removed the steam client08:54
cousteaudr_willis, doesn't fsck also fix problems in the main partition table?08:54
cousteauor how should I fix it?08:55
dr_willisguess you can try it and see.. you may have to mkswap on the swap partition08:55
cousteauthe problem is that the swap partition seems to have fubared08:55
dr_willisdelte it. remake it. mkswap on it..08:55
dr_willisor just mkswap on it08:56
cousteau(its entry in the main partition table, this is)08:56
cousteauthe size also doesn't make sense08:56
dr_willismay be a good idea to make backups befor trying stuff. ;)08:56
cousteauor I could just forget about swap; I've never used that...08:57
dr_willisit could be a sign the HD is having deeper issues also....08:57
PsyCl0neHi everyone, I just recently did a fresh install of 12.10 to a 256GB hard drive but now when I try to download anything Transmission reports that there is no storage space available and I really dont know how to see if my partitions are setup correctly08:57
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd did u  see whre i posted my issue still form terminal?08:58
cousteaudr_willis, how would I check that?  something about "SMART", right?08:58
nibbler__PsyCl0ne: 1) sudo fdisk -l 2) ssd hds tend to die plentiful and early08:58
giteshHi Ubuntu08:59
PsyCl0nenibbler_ Thank you its just a standard drive08:59
nibbler__PsyCl0ne: df -h gives nice output about diskspace, too08:59
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: yes08:59
Ronalds_MzPsyClone, somethings wrong with partition of home08:59
Ronalds_Mzyou will probably not fix it without reinstall08:59
giteshjust wanted to say that, Focuse doesn't change properly when I am switching between Apps using Workspace Switcher.  OK?08:59
iceroothisto: fyi: gdisk is the way to go to handle GPT partitions, cfdisk was not able to do it. everything fine now, so thank you again for the useful hint09:00
PsyCl0neRonalds_Mz thank you Ill just go do that now09:00
PsyCl0neseems like all my partitions are messed09:00
PsyCl0neI have no heme09:00
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd maybe ubuntu dont support this particular card. im running an old machine09:00
PsyCl0neThank you guys09:00
cousteaudo I need to unmount the drive before running smartctl on it?09:01
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: skip installing those pkgs, go on ahead to install xserver-xorg-video-radeon ; maybe it'll work anyway09:02
ga_sk8eri sure hope so09:02
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: it's still worth trying09:02
histoiceroot: np09:05
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itterationmozilla crashed, chatzilla closed.   wanted to say thankyou again to thesheep09:06
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ga_sk8eraeon-ltd it tells me xorg isnt installed. i went through software center to get it but it still gives the error09:07
sveinseIs there a way to control the logic and/or priority of the DNS resolver in precise/NM? I'm connected to company LAN by eth0 and a public network on wlan, and I'm often incapable of resolving lan dns entries as it seems to use the public dns resouces and not the lan.09:07
ga_sk8erPackage `xorg-xserver' is not installed and no info is available.09:07
ga_sk8erUse dpkg --info (= dpkg-deb --info) to examine archive files,09:07
ga_sk8erand dpkg --contents (= dpkg-deb --contents) to list their contents.09:07
ga_sk8er/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: xorg-xserver is not installed09:07
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: you mean xserver-xorg right? not xorg-xserver?09:09
ga_sk8eri copied & pasted...thats what the terminal calls it09:10
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aeon-ltdga_sk8er: from the forum or from irc?09:10
ga_sk8erthats what my terminal calls it. it says that is whats missing. i copied out of terminal & pasted in here09:11
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: i'm gonna give up, i'm sorry. maybe there are easier to find drivers that contain opengl2 support09:12
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xserver-xorg09:12
ga_sk8erim just wondering if maybe another version of linux will find the video card...maybe fedora or some other distro09:13
ga_sk8erwish i  could find out which one will work with my hardware before trying all of them09:13
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jarcoIf ubuntu doesn't see it few will ...09:13
Tex_Nick14 DVD's burned in win xp using identical parameters ... verified after burn ... only one will read in quantal ... any ideas as to why ?09:14
dr_willisunless ters some weird bugs going on09:14
jarcoI usually come to ubuntu if all the others fail me.... :)09:14
ga_sk8ermaybe an older version of ubuntu will run the video card09:15
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ga_sk8eri thikn i have a version 11 disk somewhere to install from09:15
dr_willisTex_Nick:  tried on differnt machines?09:15
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dr_willisga_sk8er:  feeling brave try a 13.x ;)09:16
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ry|anI believe you might be interested in gentoo or l4n09:16
ga_sk8erdr_willis if version 12 dont want to find my older hardware i  was thinknig of going the other way....take an older OS that would more than likely find it....the newer one probably wont find it either09:17
dr_willisga_sk8er:  hard to tell.. how old is that card?09:17
Tex_Nickdr_willis : not yet ... my new year resolution was to see if i could go a whole year without booting into windoze ... guess i'm gonn already have to break that resolution ;)09:17
Komzpahello. a question about ubuntu for phones: we're makeing offline maps application that could be ported to ubuntu for phones, who should we contact about it being preinstalled on mobile phones?09:18
ga_sk8eridk but it came with this pc & the pc has a floppy drive but runs a sata hd09:18
dr_willisTex_Nick:  ive had optical drives be weird and make disks that could opnlyu be read on that same drive..09:18
ubottuKomzpa,: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone09:18
ga_sk8erso im gonna say around 2003 or 2004....about the time sata was just getting started09:18
dr_willisga_sk8er:  so that thing has a 10 yr old ati card?09:18
ga_sk8erright around there09:19
ry|anga_sk8er try this http://www.gnaa.eu/wiki/pr/2012-07-21-gnaa-linux09:19
ry|anif it doesn't detect your GPU you are out of luck09:19
cousteauI ran a short SMART test, and now I have no idea what it means09:19
dr_willisThe fglrx drivers normally dont support any cards after some set age.09:19
dr_willisati likes to remove support for older cards as fast as they can09:19
Tex_Nickdr_willis : ah ok ... these DVD's were burned on the same drive, just booted into win xp09:19
ga_sk8eri looked it up & it said ubuntu supports the card. online, they might of meant the older versions of the OS09:20
cfhowlettsuperdo, greetings09:20
ga_sk8eryeah, thats why im thinking of changing distros or going to an older version of Ubuntu09:20
superdoif I have a win7/ubuntu system and I reinstall win (to Win8) should i count with any troubles?09:20
thufir_is javamail (oracle) available through apt?09:20
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Adam-85help for Vbox Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)09:21
dr_willisTex_Nick:  ive found dvd to be not the most reliable media for backups. I had a lot of backup disks that couldent read the last file on them.. I tend to use usb hds now a days09:21
ga_sk8ersuperdo whateveru  do in windows shouldnt affect the linux side of the drive09:21
cousteauthufir_, http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=javamail09:21
superdoga_sk8er, good news :)09:21
cousteauthere are some things called javamail there, not sure if they're what you're looking for09:21
dr_willisga_sk8er:  im  thinking you are going to have to go to a REALLY REALLY old version. ;)09:21
cousteauit seems they are implementations of that javamail thing09:22
dr_willisga_sk8er:  you are trying to run steam and games on a 10 yr old machine?09:22
ga_sk8erdr_willis do u know any other distro besides ubuntu that might possibly work with the video card?09:22
thufir_cousteau: I was looking at that earlier, it doesn't seem to have java mail JAR itself, though.09:22
superdoga_sk8er, they are on different partitions, that helps?09:22
aeon-ltdsuperdo: you want to install win8 to the win7 partition?09:22
superdoaeon-ltd, yes.09:22
aeon-ltdsuperdo: most likely you'll kill the bootloader09:22
dr_willisga_sk8er:  they will all use the same X drivers I imagine. because i bet the fglrx drivers dropped that card several years back.09:23
ga_sk8erdr_willis yes, they run fine on this same machine under windows & when i googled i saw that ubuntu supports my video card09:23
dr_willisga_sk8er:   ubuntu supports it with the open sourced drivers..  i imagine.09:23
ga_sk8ersuperdo whateveru  do under linux dont affect windows & whatever u  do under windows dont affect linux09:23
ga_sk8erive had problems trying to get the driver for the last few days now09:24
Tex_Nickdr_willis : yeah i understand ... hey thanks for the feedback sir :)09:24
superdoright. so two different answer, im confused oO09:24
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ga_sk8ersuperdo u can remove ur windows partition & add it right back ( a reinstall) & it wont hurt ur linux part of the drive09:25
aeon-ltdsuperdo: if you're using grub, windows will overwrite that09:25
superdoyes im using grub09:25
aeon-ltdsuperdo: which is why iti s reccommended to install linux second09:25
aeon-ltdthe win bootloader can't boot linux09:25
superdoyes but I dont want to touch linux at the moment..09:26
superdobut i feel i have to do it09:26
PeTazwin bootloader can boot linux partition09:26
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd superdo wants to reinstall his windows so he wont be going into linux until his windows gets reinstalled right back on the same drive09:26
superdoga_sk8er, thats true09:27
ga_sk8erwhen hes done, the linux boot loader should still see a windows partition exists09:27
ga_sk8erjust dont format the drive, only remove ur partition09:27
superdoga_sk8er, and what is with Win8? I heard its aggressive09:27
ga_sk8er& add a new one back on09:27
aeon-ltdthe boot loader won't be there after windows is installed09:27
ga_sk8ersuperdo idk.....ive never ran win 8  yet09:28
superdoI installed on a laptop, and more faster than Win7, the install and after the install, during usage09:28
superdoit doesnt mean i like win :)09:29
PeTazwin7 is losing suport09:29
ga_sk8ernobody does...its why im trying to get a stable version of linux for my pc09:29
superdothanks for the tips!!09:29
ga_sk8erin april of this year there wont be anymore win updates for xp09:29
dr_willisga_sk8er:  for a 10 yr old pc... well.. thats going to be problematic09:29
superdoga_sk8er, dont say.. i have unsolved problen on 12.10 my LAN vs. Wifi arghh..09:30
PeTazwin8 runs great on 10 years old machine09:30
ga_sk8erdr_willis im running fine except for my video driver. on windows i ran a think to see & my pc is able to run win7 but im not gonna buy an OS for that price when linux is free09:31
kahojust test09:31
* dr_willis would like to see benchmarks of that.09:31
thufir_I'm running xfce.  When I click on a .zip file, there's no option to "extract here".  How do I get that functionality?  I don't want open the archive manager.09:31
dr_willisTheres several legacy type disrtos out for older hardware09:31
PeTazlike xubuntu09:31
=== Halite_CryingIRL is now known as Halite
dr_willisno.. i mean actual Legacy designed disrtos..  Not just light mondern disrtos.09:32
ga_sk8erdr_willis i might even reinstall through my mom's laptop into my hd by my usb reader09:32
dr_willisPuppylinux  has a few. disrtowatch i recall lists others09:32
kaho /join #ubuntu-cn09:32
PeTazdamsn samal09:32
PeTazdamn small09:32
histoPeTaz: xubuntu or lubuntu will run on 10 year old hardware09:33
ga_sk8ermoms laptop has win7 so it should run pretty good...better than my little dinosaur lol09:33
histoga_sk8er: It doesn't matter what the the hardware is currently running09:33
histoga_sk8er: basically it's like this ubuntu could run on some really old hardware; however, now we have unity which requires a 3D video card. If you don't have that it will run horribly slow. If you switch DEs it would be fine.09:34
PeTaz4mlinux is the best distro09:34
l057c0d3rheh my brother has an older computer...09:34
histo!requirements | ga_sk8er09:34
ubottuga_sk8er: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu09:34
ga_sk8erhisto my issue is my i cant get my video card driver cause i  think its kinda old so the hardware does matter some09:34
histoga_sk8er: That's not the problem older hardware is usually better supported in linux09:35
l057c0d3ri still say it has something to do with his video card driver...  because youtube and vlc ext.. basicly all video lags if full screen09:35
histoga_sk8er: did you look at the directions from ubottu?09:35
histo!ati | ga_sk8er09:35
ubottuga_sk8er: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:35
dr_willisits possible a 10 yr old ATI card has never had decent linux support...09:36
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cfhowlettdr_willis, I'd say it's probable ...09:37
ga_sk8erthe ati website lists a driver there for linux but it dont tell what distro of linux it is for09:37
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dr_willisand how old does it say that driver is?09:37
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cfhowlettga_sk8er, then it's agnostic and might just work09:37
dr_willisid bet they droped support for it at least 5 yrs ago09:38
lestuswhy would you want to have something from 10 years ago?09:38
ga_sk8ercfhowlett i hope so09:39
dr_willisi bet i got newer hardware in my garrage ready for the trash. ;)09:39
lestusi mean a starter amd card is like 25 bucks09:39
cfhowlettlestus, not everyone has that luxury.  for many, if it works, why bother with new/shiny stuff.09:39
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PeTazyou could use shipit to get new ubuntu with unity + discret gfx card09:40
PeTazyou could use shipit to get new ubuntu cd with unity + discret gfx card09:41
cfhowlettPeTaz, shipit?  not anymore ...09:41
ubottuCanonical is no longer sending free Ubuntu CDs to individuals through its ShipIt program.  For more information please see http://blog.canonical.com/?p=551 !LoCo teams can request CDs through this link https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/09:41
* dr_willis thought that sounded strange09:41
lestuscfhowlett,  new sure, shiny at that price, doubt it, either way, 25 bucks is not really a luxury, im speaking as someone who comes from poor city, my dad works two jobs sometimes doing 16 hour shifts just to pay bills, yet we have better hardware than that 25 buck card09:42
cfhowlettlestus, perspective.  I'm in Beijing.  $25 is a weeks salary for a whole LOT of folk.09:42
lestusyea thats what im saying09:42
lestusand guess waht09:43
dr_willisgo dumpster diveing. ;)09:43
* Tex_Nick says, send me that old hardware ... NO CRT's though :-)09:43
lestus$800 card is a week salary for folk in some countries also09:43
lestusbut they get it09:43
lestusafter saving up09:43
ga_sk8erif i was rich enough i wouldnt be on a donosaur pc installing a free OS.....apparently, im broke09:44
lestusso if 25$ is difficult fair enough, but surely its not impossible if you are stuck with 10 year old hardware09:44
lestus i mean surely at SOME stage in those ten years $25 could have been afforded? no?09:44
l057c0d3rga_sk8er, nothing wrong with free os...09:45
lestusga_sk8er, valid point09:45
superdodo I need anything more than set info in network/interfaces file to get a static ip address? because I get diff. IP after every boot09:46
superdoIt was enough on 11.1009:46
histosuperdo: is this a GUI system?09:47
l057c0d3rim still trying to figure out what is sending key signals in the background on my setup..09:47
l057c0d3rtried to set keys in zsnes.. and when i press the button joy04 is sent within seconds...09:48
cousteauinteresting...  googling for "ladrones" (spanish for "thieves") leads to the homepage of the SGAE again09:48
l057c0d3rand if i push the set all button it just sets that to all of them...09:48
ga_sk8erthat link there tells me to use an older version...even lists my card as example...x30009:48
dr_willisl057c0d3r:  weird.09:48
l057c0d3rwhich didn't happen when i was running lubuntu..  and ubuntu for that mater09:48
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superdohisto: yes09:48
ga_sk8erguess i'll install an older version sometime tomorrow09:48
l057c0d3rbut since i started with a minimal.. and built up... it does...09:48
dr_willisl057c0d3r:  tested with a live cd to see if it happend os n other disrtos?09:49
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l057c0d3rdr_willis, it only happens on this customized mini install..09:49
l057c0d3rtried different live cd's already09:49
superdohisto: tried adding data for static address, but the Save button was greyd out09:49
dr_willisl057c0d3r:  check what modules are loaded.. there may be some odd joydev modume09:49
l057c0d3ri'm thinking about just droping the minimal install.. and going back to ubuntu/unity..  then just adding a different desktop environment...09:50
dr_willisi never bother with minimal. ;) dont see the point09:51
ga_sk8eri have an ubuntu 9 disc i'll use tomorrow...that should be old enough09:51
l057c0d3rsince i've been using gnome3  since my gnome-shell/cairo-dock setup acts up...09:51
l057c0d3rand has to be restarted every few hours...09:51
ga_sk8erif that dont work, then i  have fedora 1209:51
histosuperdo: you need to use sudo to edit that file.09:51
l057c0d3rwell dr_willis.. i was trying to save hdd space... and only install the things i wanted....  trying to keep track of dependencies and what came in with what ext..09:52
l057c0d3rwhich all kind of seems pointless now09:52
histosuperdo: also if you are using network manager you may just want to configure your static ip in there.09:52
superdohisto, yes i talked about netw. manager09:52
l057c0d3rga_sk8er, what are you trying to accomplish again..09:52
superdohisto, there was the save button grayed out09:53
l057c0d3rbecause i have an old old old computer.. that runs amazing with lubuntu09:53
ga_sk8eri want to get my video card working right so i can play my steam games under linux09:53
histoga_sk8er: NO don't use ubuntu 909:53
l057c0d3rwhat kind of video card was it09:53
dr_willisinstalling steam on ubuntu 9 -- will be a challange i bet.,09:53
histoga_sk8er: Use a current version. if it doesn't ahve a 3d video card use xubuntu derivative. Or don't run unity09:53
ga_sk8erok where would i get the xubuntu?09:54
l057c0d3rhisto, i was thinking he should just run lubuntu..  its rather light09:54
histoga_sk8er: May I please suggest using xubuntu  That still won't solve your video card issue as it's just a desktop environment. All the other software kernel etc.. is still the same.09:54
l057c0d3rand would help him out when it comes to gaining every bit of power that he is going to need for his games if he gets them working09:54
histo!ati | ga_sk8er09:54
ubottuga_sk8er: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto09:54
histol057c0d3r: People ahve this really messed up sense on what hardware is required to run ubuntu. Minimum specs are rather low.09:55
dr_willisand it goes full circle again.. hes got a 9+ yr old ati card. so if he uses a newer disrto.. it wont have the fglrx drivers.. and the open sourced drivers dont work well enough to play the games i imagine.09:55
l057c0d3rhisto, i under stand that...09:55
l057c0d3rand people tell me that....09:55
l057c0d3ryet every old computer i put it on..  runs like crap.09:56
l057c0d3rslow slow slow..  xp was faster on them09:56
l057c0d3rso we go with xbuntu or lubuntu on them09:56
histoBecause of the video card09:56
histoit's not the rest of the system specs. It's due to unity requiring a 3d video card09:56
ga_sk8erubottu http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Precise_Installation_Guide#Installing_Proprietary_Drivers_a.k.a._Catalyst.2Ffglrx09:56
histoif ga_sk8er installs video drivers his system will be fine09:57
orangemaxhi guys09:57
histoga_sk8er: Have you read the page from ubottu about video drivers?09:57
l057c0d3ri think im starting to like gnome309:57
aeon-ltdhisto: i suppose that's the problem though, for ubuntu to remain relevant it has to a true alternative to win8 osx. which means utilizing the latest hardware09:57
solfernl057c0d3r, strong words xD09:57
aeon-ltd*be a09:57
[RussiaMale36]hi all09:58
jarcoI did like it... Untill I actually installed on my work desktop. Got rid of it in three weeks :)09:58
orangemaxoh yeah unity is a total fail09:58
histoaeon-ltd: right but they should still have a fallback mode for hardware that doesn't ahve 3d support in nix. or low end non gaming video cards.09:58
l057c0d3ri've found that shell extensions are a must though09:58
jarcoorangemax, Why?09:58
histoaeon-ltd: like unity-2d09:58
l057c0d3rbecause the default setup rather blows09:58
ga_sk8erhisto yeas ive read his page  but the link i sent him claims that the older cards wont work & even lists mine as 1 of the examples that dont work09:58
dr_willisl057c0d3r:  i find i get so many extensions.. it gets confuseing. :) then some dont want to get removed.. heh.09:59
aeon-ltdhisto: they probably assumed with so many forks of ubuntu they wouldn't need to09:59
histoga_sk8er: Which link?09:59
orangemaxcoz its unusable09:59
orangemaxpreffer kubuntu09:59
ga_sk8erhisto http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Precise_Installation_Guide#Installing_Proprietary_Drivers_a.k.a._Catalyst.2Ffglrx09:59
supaplexhello, I have a problem with dualbooting windows7+ubuntu and dont know how to fix this10:00
ga_sk8erwhen u click to go to section 3, theres a warning at top about cards no longer supported10:00
supaplexcan someone help me?10:00
orangemaxsupaplex, GRUB problems?10:00
shootI am trying to forward a connection to my vm from the host. For example, i have RDP/3389( on windows vm. My host machine is Ubuntu( So if i connect to my local machine using rdesktop then i want the connection to redirect to windows vm rdp10:00
jarcoorangemax, Why is it unusable? It works great at my home setup.10:00
histoga_sk8er: That sux that ati did that. If you use an older version like 8.04 you will not be able to install steam I can garantee that.10:00
l057c0d3ri will say..  removing the task bar....  not a fan....  still kind of wonder what gnome team was up to when they made all the changes.10:00
supaplexorangemax: think so10:00
shooti was following this guide http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-redirecting-network-traffic-to-a-new-ip-using-iptables/10:00
ga_sk8erhisto but on an older version i  should be able to run the windows version under wine, right?10:01
histoga_sk8er: if that was your whole goal... I've been in and out so I missed most of the conversation.10:01
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: you're intel integrated probably has a better chance :)10:01
histoga_sk8er: Can that card even run steam games natively in windows?10:01
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd integrated what? for some reason this mobo doesnt have a built-in video card10:01
orangemaxsupaplex - what exactly happens when you turn on pc? Does grub boot normally?10:01
ga_sk8erhisto yeah i  play them all the time in windows10:01
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: wow, dude. what oem?10:02
dr_willisga_sk8er:  what games exactly?10:02
Tex_Nickdr_willis : have you chatted with ActionParsnip lately ... haven't seen him here in a while10:02
ga_sk8eri do team fortress 2 but i did have half-life & team fortress classic on my hd before...removed them for disc space cause i  dont play them that often10:02
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd windows xp10:03
histoga_sk8er: On this hardware?10:03
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: oem not os10:03
ga_sk8erhisto yes10:03
dr_willisTex_Nick:  nope. not seen him lately. I was going to show him a URL  about a servivce/trick to put all the browsers caches in the tmpfs that he loves so much. ;)10:03
l057c0d3rlike dell.. hp..10:03
supaplexorangemax: yes I get a dualboot screen and I can pick ubuntu and everything runs nice, but when I pick windows and restart from windows it wont boot10:03
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histoga_sk8er: You could install steam in wine rigth now in 12.04 or whatever you are running.10:03
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd sorry ...dell10:03
aeon-ltdga_sk8er: dimension 5xxx?10:04
ga_sk8erhisto but wont i get same problem when trying to run the game if the video card wont install on here?10:04
histoga_sk8er: What happens when you try and install the linux version of steam?10:04
dr_willisso next time someone sees Actionparsnip point him towards --> http://www.webupd8.org/2013/02/keep-your-browser-profiles-in-tmpfs-ram.html10:04
Tm_Tdr_willis: memoserv is your friend10:05
ga_sk8eraeon-ltd xps 40010:05
l057c0d3rwell im off to watch some netflix.... still stoked over it working on linux now....10:05
l057c0d3rtake care peeps10:05
ga_sk8erhisto it installs steam fine. i even waited for the game to install. when i run it it gives me an error code10:05
dr_willisl057c0d3r:  sad that amazon prime is now broken on linux. ;(10:05
histoga_sk8er: Have you tried steam support?10:05
l057c0d3rhow they manage to break it..10:06
dr_willisthe flash updates broke/changed some DRM stuff. so it dont work any more.10:06
histoga_sk8er: What sort of error code?10:06
dr_willisI need to try it again - i think i saw a flash update this week10:06
Tex_Nickdr_willis : strange you say that ... he gave me a pointer on something similar ... hope he is well :)10:06
dr_willisTex_Nick:  that url took his trick and made it  more automated.10:06
l057c0d3rthere was an update..  and then a week later another if i remember correctly10:06
roundyzHow can I debug my networking routing table?10:07
ga_sk8erhisto Could find required OpenGL entry point 'glGetError' Either your video card is unsupported, or your OpenGL driver needs to be updated.10:07
ga_sk8erim betting its the outdated card option10:07
Tex_Nickdr_willis : ok man ... could share that ;-)10:07
histoga_sk8er: Yeah you may not experience that running through wine. It's worth a try10:08
supaplexoh orangemax left10:08
histoga_sk8er: YOu may want to update your card. May I suggest someone non ATI since they just hosed you like that.10:08
supaplexcan someone else help me with a dualboot problem10:09
histo!ask | supaplex10:09
ubottusupaplex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:09
histosupaplex: did you follow the boot repair procedure?10:09
supaplexI did boot-repair and that fixes the boot procedure10:10
Tex_Nickdr_willis : lol ... i found the post he gave me ... <ActionParsnip> Tex_nick: I also shove my web cache in tempfs for speed :-). Its good for SSDs too, fewer writes with worthless data10:10
supaplexHowever when I run windows again it seems to corrupt the boot10:10
histosupaplex: Howso?10:11
supaplexAs long as I dont use Windows I will get the dualboot screen, but when I run windows and restart I wont get the dualboot screen again10:12
ga_sk8ersupaplex....u might have to do 3 partitions...on ur windows partitme room & install another ubuntu then that should redo the loader when it installs that. then u can go in & remove the new ubuntu on the smaller partition10:12
dr_willissupaplex:  sounds like windows may have some av software or somthing thats overrideing the mbr with  a diffderfnt one..10:13
dr_willisif you are saying grub works untill you boot to windows.. and then grub goes away10:13
ga_sk8er*on ur windows partition make room10:13
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest52130
wormI had just removed my user from every groups except sudo. Will that cause some problem? How can I fix it?10:15
wormMy user is the only user in my computer. using 12.1010:15
Guest52130hi worm10:15
Guest52130where r u?10:15
Guest52130hi chanserv10:16
supaplexthanks dr_willis and ga_sk8er: I will first look in windows if I can find something to stop overriding grub10:16
dr_williswhy did you remove the groups?10:16
jarcoLol Guest5213010:16
Guest52130because of fack..\\10:16
ga_sk8eri thought that was a mac issue...not linux10:17
Guest52130why r u laughing me?10:17
DJonesGuest52130: This isn't a general chat channel, if you have an Ubuntu support question feel free to ask it10:17
XtremeWizGuest52130: ChanServ is a bot. :)10:17
jarcoBecause you just greeted a computer :)10:17
wormdr_willis: by mistake... I tried to add my user into group video, then I typed "usermod worm -G video"... Then I asked my friend and get back to group sudo. However none of us can remember a regular user should be in which groups...10:18
dr_willisgroups -> username adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare ftp10:19
ga_sk8eri just left room & reeentered so i bet i  lost interent for a min...hate my ISP10:19
Tex_Nickdr_willis : Profile Sync Daemon ... ohhh man that looks cool ... gotta give it a try ... thanks :)10:19
wormthat's all? thanks to dr_willis. I will carefully read the user manual this time...10:19
wormNow I have a problem on wireless Hotspot. my laptop is connected to internet via ethernet, and I want it to host a hotspot to share the internet connection to my iPod touch. However although my iPod found and connected to my laptop, it can't get an available ip address. I tried to set the ip address manually, but the computer still can't ping it (destination not reachable).  What can I do?10:25
* Tex_Nick wonders why he keeps tweaking Quantal ... it's running so smooth that he should just leave it alone10:26
maenielso true10:27
ga_sk8erhistro r u  the one i was talking to about going through wine earlier?10:28
=== randall is now known as Guest3188
ga_sk8eri got wine installed through software center then i  installed the windows version of steam but when i enter my login info & click to login, it kinda hangs10:30
k1l_ga_sk8er: for wine support with the windows programs and the different wine versions see the wine appdb and the wine support10:32
k1l_!wine | ga_sk8er10:32
ubottuga_sk8er: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu10:32
dr_willisthe linux steam client - only has  the linux native games..  wine/steam ive found cant play all games. and only some will work.10:32
sharkkjoin #gnuplot10:32
dr_willisbe GREAT if the linux steam client could use wine for some games10:33
Tex_Nickga_sk8er:  my personal experience with wijne is that it sometimes only provides marginal functionallity ... and steam is so new to linux that you might encounter multiple problems10:34
ga_sk8erim encountering problems now...dont hurt to try10:38
supaplexIs there anyway I can stop windows to stop overwritting my grub boot loader?10:39
dr_willisfigre out what in windows id doing it.. and disable it..10:39
dr_williscould be AV software. could actually be a MBR virus in windows for all wee know.10:39
dr_willisI recall some bios's have a MBR protection feature. but that dosent seem to be the case for you10:40
Tex_Nickga_sk8er:  yeah , i wasn't trying to be critical ... it's people like you that will make it better by using and sharing your experience ;-)10:40
ga_sk8eri cna help the linux world & the steam worl ...both at same time :)10:40
codyc1515Hi guys, I am having an issue with Ubuntu Server 12.10 (quantal). I am able to SSH into the server from the WAN but I am not able to connect to any external addresses from the Ubuntu server without them timing out.10:40
AppleJuicesupaplex, As a alternative to dr_jesus solution, you could disable writing to the boot loader if your bios supports it.10:41
codyc1515Never mind, I fixed it...10:42
=== sysadmin is now known as Guest67425
ga_sk8erim trying to find where wine puts my drive c ...i cant find the files10:43
Tex_Nickga_sk8er:  i think it's in your home dir ... you need to show hiddeen files though ?10:44
ga_sk8eroh ok10:44
DJonesga_sk8er: Its a while since I've used anything with wine, but I think its in ~/home/.windows (or something similarly hidden)10:44
ljbomirhi all10:45
ga_sk8eridk what i did but when i  was in the folder i  right clicked & it suddenly closed out & i cant access my ubuntu desktop in top corner10:45
ga_sk8ermy icons on desktop are suddenly gone too10:46
dr_willisYou broke the internet. ;)10:46
superdoi never chose "install alongside Windows" option, what it does?10:47
AtuMI guess this is still true: "kernel has a maximum lenght for process names that appears to be 15" this means that "start-stop-daemon" fails when tring to stop a deamon called "ocfs2_clusterd.cman" - but that's what appears to run when one calls "service o2cb stop" - what can I do to fix this?10:47
dr_willissuperdo:  thats a wubi install.. avoid wubi.10:47
ga_sk8erbrb i guess i log off & back onto ubunut10:47
superdoah yes, thx10:47
dat789hi Dr10:49
zeloi want to find some files with log extensions and echo empty value to overwrite them. AFAIK something like """ find ./ -name "*.log" -exec echo "" > {} \; """ should work but im sure im making some stupid error here. Can someone help me with that?10:50
StrassenJungeHey, I was wondering if you could help me, I am trying to installl Ubuntu via USB and im using Universal USB Installer.10:50
XtremeWizStrassenJunge: What error do you get?10:50
abhinavmehtais ubuntu is based on BSD-unix??10:50
StrassenJungeEverytime I use it I get these error messages ""10:51
dr_willisabhinavmehta:  bsd is not linux.10:51
DJonesabhinavmehta: No, its based on Debian10:51
StrassenJungeI cant copy and paste but10:51
StrassenJungeThere is these 10 files that it says are "broken"10:51
StrassenJungeHoly Schmolly!10:51
abhinavmehtadr_jesus, DJones ohh..k thnaks10:51
StrassenJungeNow there is 170 of them10:51
leotrhello! i need someone who has experience in creation of custom installation CDs (add packages that i want, install them during installation, add some additional directory to disk and perform postinstallation script from CD). I want CD to be self-contained (so i don't need internet connection for installation). I want to understand how installer works. I don't want to use some gui tookits for it.10:52
leotrHas anybody such experience and maybe we could talk about it in private conversation. How much would that cost?10:52
StrassenJungeAn example would be10:53
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility10:53
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:53
StrassenJunge175 Data error in 'preseed\cli.seed'. is broken10:53
Myrttileotr: we are all volunteers here10:54
StrassenJungeAnybody have any idea what these errors could mean? I cant help but think that this would interfere when i try to install if all these files are "broken"10:54
dr_williswhats saying they are broken exactly?10:55
StrassenJungeThere is about 178 of these such messages and they are about all the files that it is trying to put onto my usb10:56
dr_willisStrassenJunge:  could be the iso image file is bad. you did check its md5sum?10:56
dr_willisthe pendrivelinux site has tools that can put the iso on the flash and boot that via grub2 also. or you can image the iso to usb other ways.10:57
StrassenJungeErm. I am quite a newbie, but I am also eager to learn, how do I check the md5sum?10:57
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:57
dr_willisI Think some of the tools at the pendrivelinux site can download and check the sums also.. ive not used them in some time10:57
StrassenJungeAlright well I'll do this and report back. Thanks for the help10:58
leotrMyrtti: okay, but if one needs specific help, why not being paid for that? I need some detailed explanation for some parts of InstallCDCustomization, but it's more that 2-3 questions.10:58
ga_sk8erwhen the pc rebooted it gave me a low video warning & wont get back to the desktop....i'll just go to bed & try again tomorrow10:58
Tex_NickStrassenJunge:  this link has some info regardint that message ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202501410:59
sveinseIs there a way to control the logic and/or priority of the DNS resolver in precise and NM? I'm connected to company LAN by eth0 and a public network on wlan, and I'm often incapable of resolving lan dns entries as it seems to use the public dns resouces and not the lan.11:03
johnnydepp39So, I tried to install Ubuntu on my PC this morning, and this is what popped up: http://i.imgur.com/LNeEEkR.jpg -- any ideas?11:05
StrassenJungeWell it says the Checksums are different. Does this mean my iso isnt good?11:07
Tex_NickStrassenJunge:  yep ... if checksums don't match ... means there is file corruption11:08
StrassenJungeSo I just redownload it and try again?11:09
XtremeWizStrassenJunge: yep11:09
dr_willisor use the torrents11:09
=== J22 is now known as guest4298
Tex_NickStrassenJunge:  see what dr_willis posted ... torrents might be faster11:11
dr_willisa torrent should also verify the data11:11
dr_willisyou could even point the torrent to the .iso file and it might fix it. ;)11:12
Tex_Nickdr_willis : that's an interesting concept ;)11:12
mvt007geekis anyone familiar with iozone?it's a testing tool11:13
mvt007geeki want to test a systemfile that i have mounted to /mnt11:14
=== leotr|2 is now known as leotr
meghadoes ubuntu supports selinux ?11:16
dr_willisit uses apparmour i belive11:16
DJones!selinux | megha11:16
ubottumegha: SELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor11:16
mvt007geekis anyone familiar with iozone?it's a testing tool11:17
StrassenJungeWell the torrents are excruciatingly slow11:17
dr_willisif you point it to the iso you allready have downloaded.. it should be able to verify/check and only download thebad parts11:18
StrassenJungeReally? Will do then.11:19
StrassenJungeThats quite interesting11:19
dr_willisid still check the md5 after its done11:19
mvt007geekis anyone familiar with iozone?it's a testing tool.i want to do a est on a filesystem which i have been mounted but should i go to the mount address and do the test? or i should go somewhere els11:19
=== calmyournerves is now known as Guest
shadowshellhi all, this question isn't ubuntu specific but is related.11:21
Tex_NickStrassenJunge:  an after-thought here ... you did use the same checksum hash on your file that the server you downloaded from used ? ie: md5 or sha ... etc ?11:21
StrassenJungeWell it says it will still take 30 minutes11:21
meghais there anything like sandbox present on ubuntu ?11:21
StrassenJungeYes I did11:22
shadowshellI recently watched a screencast that was recorded directly to a service that ended in a .io domain. Anyone know the name of this service? Its like shelr.tv, but not it.11:22
shadowshellmegha: you mean like chroot?11:22
meghashadowshell: ya kind off..11:22
shadowshellmegha: there is something that is part of the deb package building toolchain11:23
shadowshellmegha: can't recall name11:23
shadowshellmegha: its used to build packages in a clean sandbox env without hurting the installed system11:24
shadowshellThe screencast service I mentioned, I meant that it recored a terminal session11:24
shadowshellso it was like a terminal session screencast like shelr.tv, but another service. anyone heard of this? ends in .io domain?11:25
meghashadowshell: ok :) let me know the name if it comes to your mind11:25
ChristopherWereHey guys, have a bit of a work crisis here. I've just turned on my computer and I can't boot into X because it says it doesn't regognise either of the two moniters I have11:27
shadowshellanswered my own question, ascii.io11:28
shadowshellneat stuff11:29
ChristopherWereAny help would be greatly appreciated11:31
XtremeWizChristopherWere: what's "X"?11:31
gnuyoga_ChristopherWere:  remove the second monitor cable and start with one monitor11:31
dr_willisX is the foundation of the Linux GUI desktop.11:33
XtremeWizdr_willis: ty, TIL11:33
dr_willisThe X.Org project provides an open source implementation of the X Window System. The development work is being done in conjunction with the freedesktop.org community11:33
ChristopherWereokay, still no success11:34
dr_willisChristopherWere:  so tell us what it does do exactly when tye system boots.11:34
ChristopherWereit boots into the command like,11:34
ChristopherWerewhen I log in and type starx it throws up the error that it can't do so because it can't detect a moniter11:35
dr_williswhats your video card?11:35
meghaits used to build packages in a clean sandbox env without hurting the installed system11:35
ChristopherWerenVidia GTX550 Ti11:35
gnuyoga_ChristopherWere: was it working well before ? is live USB/CD booting on to X and working fine ?11:35
gnuyoga_ChristopherWere: nvidia-settings or nvidia-xsetting program should help you reconfigure dr_willis: what say ?11:36
ChristopherWereIt was working fine before, but I just turned it on this morning and it threw a hissy fit.11:36
dr_willisyou have installed the nvidia drivers in the past?11:37
Tex_NickXtremeWiz:  visit youtube & search for XDC2012 ... you'll find some neat videos about what those people do11:37
ChristopherWerenvidia-settings only works while booted into x, nVidia has been perfectly fine up until now. I've made no changes or anything11:38
dr_willishow did you install the nvidia drivers befor?11:38
sakkemohi, lately, when installing software via apt-get install I can't run the binary directly before rebooting, but I have to use the full path (e.g. /usr/bin/elinks). After rebooting it works. Any ideas? Other programs with binaries in /usr/bin/ work and it is in $PATH.11:40
ChristopherWerethrough gtk-jockey11:40
jribsakkemo: run "hash -r"11:41
dr_willisChristopherWere:  try reinstalling them via the cli.. 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current'11:41
Miquelhola a todos, hi all.11:42
Miquelalguien se acuerda como se llama el programa de instalacion de los programas de server en ubuntu server 12.0411:42
Miqueles que no me acuerdo y es mas fácil lanzar una instalacion desde alli.11:42
gnuyoga_Miquel: in english if possible ;)11:42
sakkemojrib: works, thanks! Any reason why it's not run automatically?11:43
gnuyoga_Miquel: no problem ;)11:43
jribsakkemo: what shell do you use?11:43
sakkemojrib: zsh, but just switched so I'm running someone elses config11:43
DJones!es | Miquel There is a Spanish language channel if you need it,11:43
ubottuMiquel There is a Spanish language channel if you need it,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.11:43
Miqueli need de name of program thats run ubuntu server when you install this. I need tu run before the installation of ubuntu server. the version is 12.0411:43
jribsakkemo: yeah with bash, there's some configuration so that happens automatically.  With zsh, not by default.  It never bothered me enough to look into it11:44
Miquelyou know, how call this program. i not remember now.11:44
sakkemojrib: All right, I think knowing this is enough for me as well. Thanks again :)11:45
gnuyoga_Miquel:  did u mean configuration setting page for Ubuntu Server ?11:47
bibi23I'm trying to write an http request in telnet, but pressing ENTER once sends it, so I can't send more than 1 line, it says in the docs it should only be sent after pressing ENTER twice, what is hapening?11:47
gnuyoga_Miquel: not sure if i get the question right11:47
ChristopherWereokay, I've managed to boot into X via a live USB11:47
xatr0zbibi23: try via netcat, so type: nc www.site.com 8011:48
Miquelgnuyoga_: I explain, I installed Ubuntu Server 12.04, with a couple of options that gives servers, and now wanted to run the program using ubuntu in the installation to see what other options I get servers.11:49
bibi23xatr0z: same issue, then I type "GET /[ENTER]" and I see the response content and the connection is closed11:49
ChristopherWeregnuyoga: I've in an x live environment now. What do I do?11:50
ChristopherWereI can't get fire over this, I just can't, I'm major freaking out. I need this problem to go away11:51
dr_willisi would of tried renaming your /etc/X11/xorg.conf  while booted on the installed system. and tried reinstalling the nvidia-current package11:51
bibi23xatr0z: my fault, I was missing the http protocol version.11:51
ChristopherWereokay renaming xconf didn't work11:54
maxygashi can i get some help?11:55
_NiCI'm using 12.10 with xfce and an nvidia Quadro card, and whenever I resize windows, the redrawing lags horribly, does anyone know what's wrong? I'm using the recommended proprietary driver for nvidia. If I turn off "show content while resizing", the actual resizing is quick with just the outline, but when I release the mousebutton, the redraw of the content still lags..11:55
jribsakkemo: there's a good discussion here: http://www.zsh.org/mla/users/2011/msg00527.html .  In the end, one option is to change your zsh completion to always rehash when completing11:56
Tex_Nickmaxygas:  only if you specify your problem ;)11:56
maxygasok :)11:56
ChristopherWeregnuyoga: so even after renaming xorg.conf it doesn't do anything to the problem. Any ideas?11:56
maxygasi new installed bt5 r311:57
linociscowhat is the adobe illustrator like software as opensource?11:57
dr_willisChristopherWere:  tried reinstalling the nvidia-current package like was mentioned a while back?11:57
jriblinocisco: inkscape11:57
maxygasi have tp link tlwn722n extern wifi device11:57
Tex_Nicklinocisco:  inkscape11:57
dr_willismaxygas:  backtrack is not Ubuntu.. Backtrack has its own support channels.11:58
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)11:58
linociscowhat is the corel draw  like software as opensource?11:58
maxygasi downloaded compat wireless driver ,newest11:58
maxygasi installed it and if i type lsusb i see the device11:58
Tex_Nicklinocisco:  inkscape also ;-)11:58
linociscoTex_Nick, thanks anyway11:59
_NiCChristopherWere, if you can boot with a livecd and get a working X environment, it sounds like driver issues, so do the reinstall of drivers as suggested, on your actual installation11:59
maxygasbut in iwconfig i dont see it11:59
maxygasany idea?11:59
linociscowhat is the photoshop like software as opensource rather than GIMP?11:59
judgenWhat is the proper channel for ubuntu phone?12:00
ubottuUbuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone12:00
k1l_!phone | judgen12:00
ubottujudgen: please see above12:00
judgensaw it12:00
Tex_Nicklinocisco:  most supported app for raster based graphics is Gimp ... most supported app for vector based graphics is inkscape12:01
nokiahi, is there a simple way to install  xsane-0.998 in Ubuntu 10.04?12:01
dr_willisnokia:  backports repo. ppas. or source..12:02
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)12:02
dr_willis10.04 is almost EOL12:02
maxygasi need to set up my wireless can somebody help me please?12:02
dr_willis!backtrack | maxygas12:03
ubottumaxygas: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)12:03
k1l_maxygas: ask the backtrack support, like you were told12:03
nokiadr_willis Laptop has 4200AMD and newer distros do NOT support this with AMD official driver. The open drivers run hot 8c higher than the AMD driver12:03
nokiaso i am stuck with older distro12:03
dr_willismaxygas:  ask in the backtrack support channels.. Not here.. Backtrack is NOT ubuntu12:04
k1l_maxygas: reaad the message the bot gave you12:04
mvt007geeki want to do a benchmark yaffs filesystem.i use a simulator to mount it in my pc. but i don't know if iozone can do that because of simulator or not.12:04
ChristopherWeregnuyoga: I'm removing all gtk-jockey related drivers and seeing if that helps12:04
nokiathats why i am using Ubuntu 10.04 and am trying to install  xsane-0.998 (broken dependencies)12:05
Sven_vBis lde (linux disk editor) no longer in precise's apt repos? apt seems to not find it even with universe enabled12:05
dr_willisnokia:  may be best to compile it from source12:06
maxygasand how i will get massage from bot?12:06
maxygassry im dumber12:06
dr_willisThe bot has been telling you messages for the last 10 min maxygas12:06
=== Fork is now known as Guest12416
dr_willis!backtrack > maxygas12:07
ubottumaxygas, please see my private message12:07
maxygasthank you12:08
Sven_vB!mint > Sven_vB12:09
ubottuSven_vB, please see my private message12:09
nokiaok i will have  a  look at "Compiling things on Ubuntu the Easy Way"12:09
partitions_goneAnyone here? I need a bit of help...i had win8 and 2 ubuntu partitions happily running, then i decided to remove win8 and install win7.12:10
partitions_gonenow my ubuntu partitions arent detected12:10
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:10
partitions_goneand i cant boot into any of my OS12:10
partitions_gonei tried using testdisk12:10
partitions_goneand thankfully it shows my missing partitions12:10
mobodohello! I'm trying to recover a hard drive that has read problems - when something like clonezilla fails with errors, anyone has a suggestion on what to try next?  I can still boot with the hard drive but eventually it locks and freezes12:10
partitions_gonebut i cant figure out how to recover them12:11
oldude67!fixgrub > partitions_gone12:11
ubottupartitions_gone, please see my private message12:11
dr_willismobodo:  ddrescue12:11
dr_willismobodo:  ddrescue from a live cd.12:11
partitions_goneno see, the problem isnt just that i've lost grub. that's easily solvable. the problem is that even gparted fails to see my ubuntu partitions12:12
mobododr_willis: thank you I will try that12:12
partitions_goneit shows the two 40gb partitions as one 80 gb free space12:12
partitions_gonebut as i said, testdisk shows them12:12
partitions_gonebut i dont know how to recover them12:12
partitions_gonescreenshots here12:13
Tex_Nickpartitions_gone:  gparted provides functionallity to recover lost partitions ... someone elese would have to guide you though12:13
dr_willisi thought testdisk could also.. but ive never used that feature12:13
ubuntuw1204i ahhi12:13
partitions_goneyeah it wants me to mark my partitions as boot, primary, logical, extended etc12:14
partitions_gonebut i dont want to mess it up12:14
partitions_gonetahts why im looking for someone who can advise me12:14
dr_willisuse dd to image the messed up space to a spare hd/file first. :) just in case12:14
ubuntuw1204i had a pendrive which had some viruses was being used with windows . when i plug it in ubuntu i deleted the virus files12:14
partitions_gonethis is what it looks like12:15
partitions_goneleft is gparted, right is testdisk with the missing partitons shown12:15
ubuntuw1204although the virus ran once in wine so is there a threat12:15
partitions_gonewhat next?!12:15
ubuntuw1204the contents of the file do not show up in windows12:15
ubuntuw1204but are visible in ubuntu12:15
dr_willisdd the usb flash to totally erase it and repartion/reformat it.. perhaps.12:16
mvt007geekis it good to use for filesystems? all i want to know is this: can iozone do test on a file-system which "'is not mounted anywhere and if i want to mount it i should use simulator "" ?  if the answer is yes how can i show the file system to iozone via command?12:16
dr_willisand you may want to remove your .wine directory12:16
=== Guest is now known as calmyournerves
dr_willismvt007geek:  you have checked the iozone docs and homepage/faq and  searched for tutorials for its ussage?12:17
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: ?12:18
ubuntuw1204histo: ?12:18
dr_willisubuntuw1204: ?12:18
partitions_goneumm anyone?12:18
ubuntuw1204dr_willis:i had a pendrive which had some viruses was being used with windows . when i plug it in ubuntu i deleted the virus files12:19
ubuntuw1204although the virus ran once in wine so is there a threat 05:45:14 IST12:19
dr_willisif no one has done it befor.. then no one really can advise..12:19
ubuntuw1204? 05:45:15 IST12:19
ubuntuw1204the contents of the file do not show up in windows12:19
FloodBot1ubuntuw1204: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:19
dr_willisubuntuw1204:  the contents of what file?12:19
maxygasin backtrack chat say :cannot send to channel   what is wrong?12:19
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: the files on the pendrive do not showup in windows but are visible in ubuntu12:19
dr_willis!regiester | maxygas12:19
mvt007geekdr_willis:  nothing about my situation exists12:20
DJones!register | maxygas12:20
ubottumaxygas: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode12:20
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: does the virus work on wine and will it harm my pc12:20
dr_willisubuntuw1204:  the virus has it encrypted or somthing... repartition it/reformat it to be clean of any malware on it12:20
ChristopherWereokay I got things working again. It was the nVidia propotirtory drivers messing me around. nVidia need to sort themselves out. Anyways thanks for the helps guys12:20
DJonesmaxygas: You need to register your nickname for IRC before you can speak in that channel12:20
dr_willisubuntuw1204:  and as i said you may want to delete your .wine directory12:20
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: ok12:20
dr_willisubuntuw1204:  and why did you run a virus exe  in the first place?12:20
maxygasok thanks12:20
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: what about virus on wine , yes i ran the .exe file12:21
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: i double tapped the mouse pad by mistake12:21
dr_willisubuntuw1204:  and as i said you may want to delete your .wine directory    <----- 3 times now.. that delets all remains of anything wine stuff you have ran12:22
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ubuntuw1204dr_willis: there is nothing important in wine right noe12:22
dr_willisso delete the .wine directory12:22
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: so deleting the .wine in the home directory will fix any issues12:22
dr_willisit will remove all traces of anything you ran in wine12:23
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: thnx:)12:24
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: so if at all a virus executes it will be restricted to the .wine directory in the home directory?12:26
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: ??12:29
gh0stheadwhere the fuck is the user list?12:31
gh0stheadi cant see it12:31
lotuspsychjeubuntuw1204: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:31
oldude67ubuntuw1204, if im correct a windows virus wont affect a linux partition. doesnt use .exe12:31
DJonesgh0sthead: Please don't swear in the channel12:31
gh0stheadDJones, could you please explain me why I cant see the nick names on the right side maybe the need of swearing would disappear then12:32
DJonesgh0sthead: You need to give a bit more detail eg what IRC client etc12:33
ubuntuw1204oldude67: but if i am using wine will it affect?12:34
^{^gh0sthead, cos u'r a totally a nut12:34
^{^gh0sthead, cos u'r  totally a nut12:34
gh0stheadfinally you spelled it correctly12:34
DJones^{^: Stop, be helpful12:34
dr_willisworse case a windows virus ran in wine could mess up files in the users home directory  - but that would be about it.12:35
=== AppleJuice is now known as Posion
Vitorhello there mates12:36
captinehi there.  reinstalled 12.04.1 yesterday and updated to 12.04.2.  seems my machine is running really hot (acer laptop i7).  second monitor is also looking wavy, so not sure if graphics is overheating etc.  is there a way to control the fans from ubuntu to max it out for a bit and see if it helps?12:36
VitorNeed to asks something. Im having a bit of dificulties to understan how to install ubuntu on my new windows 8 laptop.12:37
captinei am moving many gigs of backups from home server to my laptop, which is probably adding to the heat given the encryption of the home directory... perhaps that is my issue12:37
Vitordoesn't anyone here has any idea how to do it?12:39
XtremeWizVitor: Im having a bit of "dificulties". Like?12:39
Vitori cant understand how to do it. Ive been reading some foruns12:40
dr_willisI dont use Win8. so no idea12:40
Vitorand they talk about things like secure boot and new laptops with windows 8 dont have a bios system...12:40
Vitorcant really get an overall process to make the installation so i dont want to risk... but i really would like to change this crappy system12:41
squigis there an easy way to download the source code for a package?12:41
Vitor*i mean windows :P12:41
jrib!source | squig12:43
ubottusquig: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html12:43
captineanyone able to suggest the best way to copy files from mac to ubuntu.  afp in nautilus seems to crash regularly.  smb also seems troublesome.  anyone here regularly transfer from mac to ubuntu?12:44
schnoodles-aHello I was wondering if anyone is very familiar with GParted. I have 100GB of freespace but it wont allow be to apply it to one of my drives.12:48
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dr_williswhen in doubt be sure you have backups to restore your system from Vitor12:49
Vitoryeah i made on from the toshiba restore app12:49
amoxiboshello where can i obtain virtual machines/appliances for Linux distros?12:50
dr_willisamoxibos:  theres some vm appliance web sites ive seen.12:50
amoxibosdr_willis, do they proivide out of the box machines?12:50
Vitorbut i wanted to understand how different are the installations of ubuntu from the old way to this new windows 8 pre installed system differ12:50
dr_willisamoxibos:  ive seen such things yes.12:51
mvt007geek when i want to benchmark my os file systems with iozone...and i have for example 3 kind of filesytem .and i just want to benchmark one of them.how should i tell this to iozone?will iozone do this? how iozone separate the results of each filesystem?12:53
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mvt007geeki've read it.but how to separate file systems? how to tell him which file system to benchmark? the question is this13:01
l057c0d3rcould someone nick alert me really fast...  im testing a shell extension for gnome and want to see if works for x-chat as well thanks :-)13:02
=== akSeya is now known as Guest22253
clefebvrel057c0d3r: hi13:03
dr_willisiozone -R -l 5 -u 5 -r 4k -s 100m -F /home/f1 /home/f2 /home/f313:03
dr_willislooks like you tell it the mountpoint13:03
l057c0d3rthanks :-)13:03
l057c0d3rits a bit ugly but works13:03
clefebvrel057c0d3r: you're welcome, good luck with the extension13:04
l23hey; I just installed ubuntu from the network image (with ubuntu-desktop task), but now the graphical interface doesn't start automatically :/ .. I first have to run "start lightdm".. How can I fix this?13:04
dr_willistried a 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'  yet?13:05
wicked-hi !13:07
mobodoI think ddrescue is not installed on the livecd…13:07
dr_willisits not installed by default i imagine13:07
dr_willis!info ddrescue13:07
ubottuPackage ddrescue does not exist in quantal13:07
dr_willisHmm. its there somewhere13:08
dr_willis!find ddrescue13:08
ubottuFound: gddrescue13:08
dr_willis!info gddrescue13:08
ubottugddrescue (source: gddrescue): GNU data recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.16-1 (quantal), package size 91 kB, installed size 206 kB13:08
dr_willisthose tricky gnu guys. ;)13:08
l23dr_willis, yop it tells me that its already installed ;)13:09
wicked-can someone help me ? i keep getting an error in Ubuntu 12.04  --> Executable Path -> usr/share/apport/apport-gpu-error-intel.py13:09
dr_willis ddrescue --help13:10
dr_willisGNU ddrescue - Data recovery tool13:10
elbrinkeHi Guys, I need some help with installing a "Command-Line Base System" of Ubuntu 12.0413:11
darkowlzzhi, I have a Dell Inspiron and I installed Ubuntu 11.04 in it. My datacard works sometimes and sometimes not. It is detected but sometimes it doesn't connect. There is no network problem as it works on other linux computers. what do I do?13:11
dr_williselbrinke:  and whats that exactly?13:12
elbrinkeWhat i am trying to do it: I need to boot an Ubuntu 12.04 Alternate install from a USB drive, But i do not see the option to install a Command line base system install.13:12
mobododr_willis: it exists, but it's not on the livecd… :-/ I guess I'll install another distribution13:12
tarelerulzI have two hard drive plugged on USB  ,but only one shows up.  I did fdisk and only one shows up.  They come up as really chose names . Could that be a problem13:12
dr_willismobodo:  you can instgall it on the live cd. if you got a network connection13:12
dr_willisit will instgall to ram. ;)13:13
bgy_Is there any recent package of vim for ubuntu? The built-in is a bit old13:13
dr_willisbgy_:  check backports. or look for a PPA of a newer version13:13
elbrinkeWhen i boot the Ubuntu Alternate usb drive, I only get to the grub installer..13:13
elbrinkenot the normal one, because i need to select F4 to select Command Line base install13:14
mobododr_willis: sorry I may sound stupid, but should "sudo apt-get install gddrescue" do the trick?13:14
dr_willismobodo:  yes13:14
darkowlzzhi, I have a Dell Inspiron and I installed Ubuntu 11.04 in it. My datacard works sometimes and sometimes not. It is detected but sometimes it doesn't connect. There is no network problem as it works on other linux computers. what do I do?13:14
mobododr_willis: it tells me it's unable to locate the package (and I did apt-get update just before)13:15
dr_willismobodo:  ive installed it from live cd befor.  but its been some time back13:15
haysI am running ubuntu in vbox and my resolution is "off" when I boot.  basically the mouse shows up misaligned veritcally in scale with the screen.  so as I move the mouse down the screen, there is more error between its actual position and where the system thinks its position is.  this is fixed by adjusting the resolution, but i have to do this every time I boot.  is there a fix? anyone heard of this?13:21
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dr_willishays:  theres a setting in vbox for the mouse polling i recall needing to use on some disrtos. but ive not messed with it in ages.13:27
dr_willisand the guest addations may fix it all up.13:27
thjcfgvrtfgi already registered but i cant see any verifycation email13:28
Picithjcfgvrtfg: please ask in #freenode, they control this IRC network13:29
silv3r_m00nis there some usb formatting tool that I can use to quickly clear a usb flash drive ?13:32
DJonessilv3r_m00n: gparted13:32
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silv3r_m00ngparted for usb drive ? I just need to empty it13:33
DJonessilv3r_m00n: If you just need to empty it, plug it in, open nautilus, delete the files & empty trash13:33
silv3r_m00nthat would take too long actually13:34
DJonesI'd just use gparted to format it then, probably only take a few seconds13:34
Serious_SenyaHi there! Is it possible to find drivers for Matrox g200e  videocard? I found one but it required X11R6. Please help.13:36
haysdr_willis: hmm ok guest additions did not fix it13:36
SmartTowelhow do i move the skype system tray icon from the bottom panel to the top panel?  i want the bottom panel only to show the virtual monitor previews and any windows i have have open.13:37
BluesKajHey all13:37
sharkpetsimply add it to the top panel13:39
fuadcan anybody help me regarding wine (in ubuntu) i have a tiny proble13:40
wonkifuad: don't ask to ask, just ask :)13:41
grizlo42Hello, I am really struggling to understand the syslog documentation. I came to understand that the default log level that was supposed to be saved to disk was 4, yet I am getting log level 7 written to disk. What do I need to do to disable this?13:41
fuadwhen i ricght click on a potable copy of COD4 it opens through wine, but when i try through terminal it gives a sysfilecheck error and asks to open COD from its main directory13:42
fuadsrry for the typos13:42
dr_willisare you in the same directory as cod4 when you try to run it via the command line?13:43
usr13fuad: Show us the exact command you use.13:43
fuadwine /media/fuad/Acer/Games/Steam/steam.exe13:43
fuadsrry not that one13:43
fuadwine /media/fuad/Acer/Games/COD4/iw3sp.exe13:44
jnhghycan I kill pcscd if I'm not using a smartcard on my computer?13:44
usr13fuad: You may need to cd to the directory first13:44
dr_willisfuad:  cd to where the .exe is at.. then wine whatever.exe13:44
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fuadwhat is cd?13:45
fuadi mean in linux terms13:45
usr13fuad: cd /media/fuad/Acer/Games/COD4/ ; wine iw3sp.exe13:45
dr_williserr.. this is bash fundamentals here. ;) you may want to spend 15 min reading a few bash beginner guides13:45
usr13fuad: cd - Change Directory13:46
fuadthank you dr willis  and usr 1313:46
dr_williscd is like one of the first commands  bash users learn. ;)13:46
dr_willisand ls ;)13:46
driotintoHey. Anyone using Ubuntu for Android there?13:46
XtremeWizfuad: it's used to change the directory. :)13:46
fuadi just started with linux yesterday13:46
k1l_!phone | driotinto13:46
ubottudriotinto: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone13:46
driotintoOr with any knowledge in it?13:46
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:47
=== _KralleOFF is now known as Kralle
tarelerulzI can't see external hard drive ?  How might I fix it?13:47
ubuntu_loverHello friends13:47
Krallesomeone can help me ?13:47
fuadGuys thank you so much its working13:47
wonkifuad: if you're ever looking for help on a specific command do "man <command>" in the terminal ("man cd" in this instance)13:47
dr_willistarelerulz:  does 'sudo blkid' show it?13:47
usr13fuad: There are man files for most any command you'll use in linux and they are easily accessable.   man cd13:47
dr_williscd may be a bash built in. ;) might not be a man page for it.. ive never really looked.13:48
Kralleim new on ubuntu13:48
thufir_how do i get the value for "last" int from this class:  http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/*checkout*/mail/source/gnu/mail/providers/nntp/NNTPFolder.java?root=classpathx&content-type=text/plain ?   There's no getter/setter for some reason.13:48
Kralleif you can help me pm me13:48
ubuntu_loverlaptop overheating prblem how to fix it13:48
usr13fuad: http://ss64.com/bash/13:48
driotintoI am getting a Nexus 4 and I am excited about having Ubuntu for Android (not Ubuntu for Phone). I found some information and so on, but I still didn´t found any information about how to acquire the dock and how to install it to the phone.13:48
dr_willisKralle:  you havent stated a problem yet.. so we dont know what to help with13:48
DJones!ask | Kralle13:48
ubottuKralle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:48
Picithufir_: Sounds like a question for ##java, not #ubuntu13:48
dr_willisdriotinto:  theres not a lot of info out about it yet.13:48
Pici!phone | driotinto13:48
ubottudriotinto: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone13:48
KralleI have downloaded ubuntu on the site.13:49
KralleWhat i have to do now?13:49
dr_willisKralle:  burn the iso to cd.. boot the cd.13:49
dr_williswell 12.10 needs a DVD.. 12.04 can use a cd13:49
wonkidr_willis: theres a POSIX programmers manual page for it, but you're right, it is a built in command13:49
dr_williswonki:  :) had issues with builtin vs a normal command the other day for a guy in here is why i rembered that.13:50
Krallei have downloaded 12.1013:50
usr13Kralle: CD or USB13:50
dr_willisyou can make a bootable usb flash with a persistant save file. if you want to test ubuntu out Kralle  - which is handy.13:50
driotintodr_willis: thank you. I see loads of information on Ubuntu for Phone but not much on Ubuntu for Android. I don't want to get rid of my Android OS on the mobile (yet) but would love to have the capability to transform it in a Ubuntu running computer.13:50
tarelerulzdr_willis:  Just one shows up.13:51
dr_willisdriotinto:  'for android' as in a vm/chroot thing? theres several on the android market.13:51
KralleCan i burn it on DVD ?13:51
Krallei dont have a CD13:51
fuadwhy is it running slower under bumblebee  >usr13 any ideas?13:51
dr_willisKralle:  we said 12.10 NEEDS a dvd13:51
dr_willisor like a 2+gb USB flash.13:51
usr13Kralle: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/install-desktop-latest13:52
driotintodr_willis: As in they show in the website: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android13:52
k1l_driotinto: why are you refusing to join the phone channel where the specialists sit?13:52
Kralleso i burn 12.10 to DVD?13:52
Krallea do what after?13:52
Krallei have burn it13:52
dr_willisdriotinto:  thats running natively on the phone.. Not in a vm/chroot - so its differnt then the ubuntu on android things you see in the market place.13:52
driotintoK1l_ Oh, I didn´t know! Sorry, I´lll move on there. Thanks!13:52
dr_willisKralle:  you boot it. ;)13:53
dr_willisthat was a fast burn.13:53
driotintodr_willis: Yes, not VM. Is running natively but alongside Android, not substituting ir.13:53
driotintodr_willis: Thanks for the help, I will join the Phone channel to see if I can get more info.13:53
dr_willisdriotinto:  i will belive in it - when i actaully see  it being done. ;)  ive seen to many dead promises about android devices lately.13:53
BurritohKralle: you can insert the DVD into your DVD drive, and then restart your computer. Many times the computer would boot from the DVD by default. But if it does not, you might have to change your computer's Setup (BIOS) settings so that it can boot from the DVD drive.13:54
KralleI find a DVD now13:54
Kralleand burn it13:54
BurritohKralle: and then select "try out Ubuntu" or similar... and you can come back here by finding the IRC chat client called X-chat :)13:54
Burritohinside that environment13:55
dr_willisKralle:  if you put it on a USB flash. you can test it out and keep saved/changes..  without installing..  and Befor you install it onto your hard drive.. make backups of your system   just in case13:55
KralleI dont have usb flash13:56
BurritohKralle: also note that the DVD or USB would be slower than the real install (because the read and transfer time between those devices is slower than your hard drive)13:56
KralleI found DVD now.13:56
Burritohbut after install to hard drive, it will be good13:56
KralleNow it burn.13:56
darkowlzzhi, I have a Dell Inspiron and I installed Ubuntu 12.04 in it. My datacard works sometimes and sometimes not. It is detected but sometimes it doesn't connect. There is no network problem as it works on other linux computers. what do I do?13:57
=== kyle_ is now known as Guest26351
Krallenow it done14:02
KralleSo now i boot from it?14:02
KeyboardNotFound!gpl > KeyboardNotFound14:03
ubottuKeyboardNotFound, please see my private message14:03
=== ident is now known as Guest18284
Guest26351is there a way to copy my ubuntu instalation with all my apps to install on another computer. i dont want to install netflix on all computurs, its a waste of time.14:04
ImEunifyright now im having a hard time trying to get ubuntu on my macbook.14:05
Guest26351that sounds like a pain14:05
Guest26351im using a toshiba satelite14:06
ImEunifyit is. to me by the way my macbook dvd drive wont read disk it keeps spitting them back out. and so i have to do everything with a usb14:06
KralleNow i have burn ubuntu 12.10 to a DVD14:06
KralleWhat i do now?14:06
leotrKralle: boot from it14:07
leotrand install14:07
Guest26351i a comp startup press the button that brings you to the boot menue usualy f12 or f10 or f214:07
Kralleand after?14:08
leotrenjoy using Ubuntu14:08
Guest26351is there a way to copy my ubuntu instalation with all my apps to install on another computer. i dont want to install netflix on all computurs, its a waste of time.14:08
Guest26351is there a way to copy my ubuntu instalation with all my apps to install on another computer? i dont want to install netflix on all computurs, its a waste of time.14:12
Guest26351im resarchin it but its not easy if someone knows pleas speack up14:13
Guest26351speling sucks sry14:13
yourimym1plz i need help14:22
XtremeWiz!ask | yourimym114:22
ubottuyourimym1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:22
yourimym1i cant format my mo3 player under 12.10 ubuntu i tried to use gparted , but the usb was protected so i cant perform action14:23
Folornanyone know that command to untar/unzip a file i know it goes tar xcf or something to that effect14:24
yourimym1so how can i format write protected usb stick ?14:24
Folornanyone help?14:26
XtremeWizFolorn: "unzip file.zip" works?14:26
Tex_NickFolorn:  http://how-to.wikia.com/wiki/How_to_untar_a_tar_file_or_gzip-bz2_tar_file14:26
k1l_Folorn: that depends on that file14:27
yourimym1fdisk: unable to open /dev/sdb: Permission denied14:27
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
Folornthanks alot for the link :) and help guys14:28
usr13yourimym1: sudo14:30
=== XenGi_ is now known as XenGi
yourimym1sudo what is the command14:30
usr13yourimym1: sudo fdisk -l   #Is that what you are looking for?14:31
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usr13yourimym1: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb  #Is that what you are looking for?14:31
yourimym1to disable write protrct or full format if possible14:31
usr13yourimym1: fdisk is not for write protection.14:31
usr13yourimym1: What is the issue that you are trying to fix?14:32
yourimym1ok iknow but knoe i need to format write protected usb stick14:32
usr13yourimym1: fdisk14:32
k1l_yourimym1: is it hardware switch write protected?14:32
yourimym1no it's normal mp3 player14:33
usr13yourimym1: fdisk is for creating or deleting partitions, (not for format).14:33
elbrinkeHow can I boot a usb to grub 2 to see the original ubuntu alternate boot menu14:33
elbrinkeanyone who can help?14:33
usr13yourimym1: mkfs is what you want.14:33
yourimym1usr13: i want to format it then14:33
usr13yourimym1: mkfs is what you want.14:33
yourimym1sudo mkfs dev/sdb ??14:34
elbrinkeHow do I install ubuntu "command line base Install" from usb?14:34
usr13yourimym1: You format partitions, (not drives).14:34
gnuyoga_elbrinke: what do u mean by USB ?14:34
usr13yourimym1: But what type of filesystem do you want?  fat32?14:34
* gnuyoga_ waves 14:34
elbrinkeI want to install the ubuntu Alternate "command-line system" from usb drive14:35
usr13yourimym1: If it is fat32 you want and the target partition is sdb1 it will be like this:  sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1  #But be careful to select correct drive and partition.14:36
usr13yourimym1: mkfs.ntfs14:36
elbrinkeI want to install the ubuntu Alternate "command-line system" from usb drive14:36
DJoneselbrinke: Since 12.10, the alternate install cd doesn't exist anymore, you could use the minimal install iso14:36
elbrinkeI want to install the ubuntu Alternate "command-line system" from usb drive. Need help!14:36
gshellyes it does14:37
yourimym1usr13: sudo mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdb1 like this ?14:37
usr13yourimym1: Yes14:37
gshellelbrinke, what do you need?14:37
yourimym1Failed to access '/dev/sdb1': No such file or directory but the device already appears here and accesable14:38
usr13yourimym1: The Tab Key is your friend.  For instance, once you get to mkfs  Hit Tab Key a few times and you'll see the options.14:38
elbrinkegshell, I want to install the ubuntu Alternate "command-line system" from usb drive. When I boot from usb i dont get the default grub loader to choose F4 to select the command line system install14:38
usr13yourimym1: It may be accessable, but what are the partitions?  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb   #And see for yourself.14:39
KI4ROI have an AMD Athlon 64 x 2 Dual Core Processor 4000+ x 2 running Ubuntu 12.04 that goes to the Ubuntu splash screen (the one with the dots under Ubuntu) for an unknown reason and then freezes until it is powered of and back on again.  Any ideas?  Please and Thank you14:39
gshellelbrinke, what version?14:39
yourimym1usr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1677180/14:39
elbrinkeAlternate ISO14:39
elbrinkegshell, ubuntu 12.04 LTS Alternate14:40
usr13yourimym1: sudo fdisk -l14:40
gshellelbrinke, are you in that now?14:40
elbrinkegshell, yes14:41
yourimym1usr and choose what letter14:41
usr13yourimym1: (sudo fdisk -l  #Will show you all connected drives and their respective partitions14:41
elbrinkegshell, I only see the basic grub loader that does not give me the F-keys options14:41
gshellelbrinke, you know that the older version of distro still have this?14:42
elbrinkegshell, what do you mean?14:42
gshelltryy "tab or arrow" up  when booting up14:42
silv3r_m00ncan a source be added directly from a command in the terminal, instead of editing /etc/apt/sources.list  ?14:42
yourimym1usr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1677193/ i want to format the dvb14:43
yourimym1this one Disk /dev/sdb: 519 MB, 519831552 bytes14:43
elbrinkegshell, why?14:44
usr13yourimym1: YOu want to format a DVD?14:44
gshelljust try. what you got to lose14:44
yourimym1no it's mp3 player14:44
baizonhi, if i put a script inside my cronjob (contab -e, running once a week) file. Will it run if my laptop is off and starts a day later?14:44
k1l_yourimym1: dont format that mp3player like that14:45
k1l_yourimym1: that will make it useless14:45
Tex_Nicksilv3r_m00n:  you can append to a file ... might be DANGEROUS though ;)14:45
jribbaizon: no, check out anacron14:45
trent__Hello is their a way to have different channels in different windows in irssi? Such as, have Ubuntu open in one tab, and Docky open in another?14:45
baizonjrib: ok, thank you, so i have to put it in /etc/anacron then14:45
k1l_yourimym1: just mount it in the file explorer and delete the file you dont need14:45
Or6itzI was wondering if anyone in here could help me with a hardware problem I am having. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=211711014:45
yourimym1k1l_: i can't delete or write that whay i want to format it14:45
usr13yourimym1: It's an mp3 player?14:46
jribbaizon: sure14:46
k1l_yourimym1: you are doing it wrong from the beginning14:46
yourimym1usr13: yes it's connected infront of me14:46
k1l_yourimym1: you will break it and it will be not working as mp3player14:46
usr13I have to go, sorry.  Someone else will help you.  ttyl14:46
yourimym1k1l_: what is the right way if u may ?14:46
gshellelbrinke, http://askubuntu.com/questions/203317/can-i-do-a-command-line-install-with-the-12-10-media14:47
k1l_yourimym1: mount it and delete the file partition with nautilus. (so delete the files inside the folder not the whole partition)14:47
gshellelbrinke,  you can try this14:47
yourimym1k1l_: when i right click to these file "move to trash" not avaliable14:48
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yourimym1k1l_:  neither paste to it14:49
k1l_yourimym1: review the mount options14:49
yourimym1[  632.997680] sd 7:0:0:0: [sdb] Write Protect is on14:50
yourimym1k1l_:  see http://paste.ubuntu.com/1677215/14:50
epicfailedso i cannot get anything to work on the ubuntu 10.04 LTS i installed duel boot on my other lap top14:51
k1l_yourimym1: see if its a hardware switch14:51
epicfailedcan someone walk me through? im having issues doing anything with ubuntu14:52
gshellepicfailed,  what you need?14:52
yourimym1k1l_: it's has no such thing dosn't has this option14:52
gshell name your hardware goal and problem14:52
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epicfailedok i installed 10.04 duel boot with windows 714:53
Tex_Nickepicfailed:  10.04 is kinda old ... any reason you don't want to use 12.0414:53
epicfailedbecause 12.04 wouldnt work14:53
gshell name your hardware goal and problem14:53
epicfailedfirst off i cannot get any drivers "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system.14:54
epicfailedso i have no wifi connectivity14:54
gshell if you do not, i would have you, because i dont feel the need to play 21 questions14:54
epicfailedive tried all the message boards14:54
yourimym1k1l_: it's not14:54
gshell i still dont know what you need, and what you have to work with14:55
epicfailedi need to get drivers running14:55
Tex_Nick!details | epicfailed14:55
ubottuepicfailed: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:55
gshellTHANK YOU Tex_Nick14:56
yourimym1how to format writed protected mp3 player ?14:56
epicfailedI have 10.04 LTS i have a problem with installing drivers, getting wifi up i get E: couldnt find package (whatever the package is)14:57
gshell!mumble | gshell14:58
theadminepicfailed: You need a network connection to install propretiary drivers...14:58
gshell!murmur | gshell14:58
theadmin!botabuse > gshell14:58
ubottugshell, please see my private message14:58
bazhanggshell, /msg ubottu14:58
gshellwtf >?14:58
yourimym1any one me ?14:58
epicfailedi know i do, i cannot get the network connection running14:59
gshellim doing what the bot is made for,14:59
epicfailedi did sudo lshw -C network to see whats going on14:59
Myrttigshell: you can trigger the bot in the pm too14:59
theadmingshell: The bot isn't made for random stuff, it's made for helping to give people info that's commonly necessary, but long to type.14:59
epicfailedi got UNCLAIMED15:00
gshelltheadmin,  you ask questions to thhe bot, im not spaming it am i? unlees you can help me with what i need done?15:00
yourimym1how to format or remove prtotection from this http://paste.ubuntu.com/1677215/15:00
theadmingshell: Well, if you don't know the exact factoid, the practice is to PM the bot.15:00
theadminyourimym1: There's normally a hardware switch for write protect.15:00
gshelltheadmin, http://askubuntu.com/questions/46849/how-to-install-the-latest-mumble-server15:01
yourimym1theadmin: my mp3player dosn't have that button , or that option15:01
theadmin!info mumble | gshell15:01
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ubottugshell: mumble (source: mumble): Low latency VoIP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.3-349-g315b5f5-2ubuntu2 (quantal), package size 2665 kB, installed size 4885 kB15:01
gshell you try it.15:01
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k1lgshell: what is your issue?15:02
gshelltheadmin,  so? what i have i learned? i spelt it wrong, but my mumble server is still not put together.15:03
theadmingshell: Well, to install it you just "sudo apt-get install mumble-server".15:04
theadminyourimym1: You can't run mkfs as an unpriveleged user.15:06
yourimym1theadmin: i did sudo before and gave my PW15:06
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* SonOfGod Boa Tarde 15:07
theadminyourimym1: You need sudo: sudo mkfs.vfat -I /dev/sdb, it would seem that's what you want.15:07
gshellkil, my issue,? well i have try to set up the server side of mumble called murmur . but i have been everyway to get help ,i had done so. also this has taking about 1 week so far.  so im not to happy about that since i have a deadline  far off15:07
Tex_Nick!pt | SonOfGod15:08
ubottuSonOfGod: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:08
SonOfGodTex_Nick  thanks mate :)15:09
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RZAFC1can someone help?15:10
RZAFC1I can't compile c program in gcc15:10
Tex_NickSonOfGod:  you learn new languages quick ;)15:10
RZAFC1it says internal error in set_offset, at ../../gold/output.cc:462215:10
yourimym1theadmin: thats work but how can i copy file to it thats not possible15:10
ikoniaRZAFC1: what are you trying to build ?15:11
RZAFC1collect2: ld returned 1 exit status15:11
RZAFC1basic hello world program in gcc15:11
theadminyourimym1: It isn't if it's write-protected, obviously... Write protection is always at hardware level, nothing to do with Ubuntu15:11
ikoniaRZAFC1: are you following a guide/tutorial ?15:11
SonOfGodi'ḿ learning ubuntu now  Tex_Nick  :)15:11
zxcducPlease help me. How can I install Fedora dual boot efi with ubuntu?15:11
yourimym1it was done by bitlocker from windows15:12
ikoniazxcduc: that's going to be hard work15:12
theadminSonOfGod: The following is the basic hello program: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1677286/ - does it match yours?15:12
yourimym1theadmin: now i got this while openning it http://pastebin.com/dhjpk3K415:14
yourimym1any help15:17
aPpYeI am building my own system based on ubuntu's mini.iso, using kde-desktop as a reference...  Why is anacron listed as a dependency?  I am not sure if I should include it...15:18
dr_willis!info anacron15:18
ubottuanacron (source: anacron): cron-like program that doesn't go by time. In component main, is optional. Version 2.3-19ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 27 kB, installed size 158 kB15:18
aPpYedr_willis, it is listed as a dependency for kubuntu-desktop ... sorry.15:19
dr_willissome apps proberly use it then15:19
ix_hello, how can I install Ubuntu on my ARM chromebook? :-)15:20
dr_willisix_:  see #ubuntu-arm15:20
ix_dr_willis: thanks15:20
RZAFC1should I try reinstalling gcc and trying to compiling the program again?15:21
yourimym1My USB flash drive is currently unusable because it somehow (quite suddenly!) became write protected. I have googled around and tried many solutions to this problem, but none of them have worked so far. Here are some of the solutions I've tried:The drive has no tangible switch or button.Formatting the drive won't work, even in command line, even "low level formatting", because the drive is (after all) write protected.Changing certain registry keys to 0 does15:22
dr_willisreinstalling to fix things - is a windows mindset15:22
aPpYedr_willis, I was thinking that, but ti does not get pulled in as a dependency for any of the individually installed apps.  At least none of the ones I have installed so far.  I was thinking it might have something to do with the muon updater, but I am not sure.15:22
dr_willisyourimym1:  see if you can dd to it and blank it.15:22
Gordanaslave hiii15:23
yourimym1dr_willis: how is that can be performed15:23
dr_willisdd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=4M       be sure you get sdX right15:23
Gordanahi guys..15:23
dr_willis(and run  the command as root of course)15:23
Gordanacan somebody tell me if you can actually see me??15:24
aPpYeyourimym1, that is a pretty standard behaviour for a worn out flash drive though.15:24
dr_willisGordana:  what if we say no? ;)15:24
bazhangGordana, whats the support issue please15:24
Tex_NickGordana:  i can read you15:24
Gordanathat would be very disappointed15:24
yourimym1dr_willis: dd: opening `/dev/sdb': Permission denied15:25
Gordanasupport issue? what r u talking about?15:25
dr_willis(and run  the command as root of course)  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   yourimym115:25
Tex_NickGordana:  this is an ubuntu support channel ... for chat /jopin #ubuntu-offtopic15:26
yourimym1run dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=4M   ?15:27
g105bChanging settings in amdcccle has no effect on the output ... should it create an xorg.conf file?15:27
Gordanaoh gosh, i not a programmer..15:27
Tex_Nickjopin = join ^15:27
* lvx anybody knowing about zpanel?15:28
yourimym1dr_willis: run dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=4M   ?15:28
dr_willisyourimym1:  you use sudo to run things as root.. think about it.. Yoiu dont want any user just eraseing hard disks15:28
Gordanakk tnx tex..15:28
linuxsageIt seems the sudo functionality no longer working, all commands I input with sudo  just hang, I ve tried rebooting the system, nothing works.15:28
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yourimym1dr_willis:  sudo  dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=4M takeing lots of time and not done yet !?15:30
dr_willisit will take time.. it depends on the size of your uSB15:30
SolarisBoyyou can send the dd process id a kill -USR1 to see how fast it's going =)15:31
raz0rsedgeCan I set my ath5k wlancard drivers somehow to "hold"? because after every kernel update it's broken (gain calibration timeout).15:34
yourimym1dr_willis: now my usb dosn't appear15:34
dr_willisnow you repartion it yourimym115:34
yourimym1sudo what ?15:34
dr_willisuse gparted15:34
yourimym1it's now uballocated there15:35
dr_willisyes.. that makes perfet sence15:35
dr_willisyou have to make new partions15:35
darkhelmet46Is there a trick to getting Hibernate enabled on Ubuntu 11.10 ?15:36
dr_willisyou got to have swap = ram+ a little bit more i belive...15:37
* Tex_Nick wonders about the etymology of ( correction* ) is that irc specific or something i just didn't learn in school15:39
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onelinerhello there, I am having incredibly slow connection rates between my pc and a kodak camera, additionally the transfer just quit on me without finishing15:39
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dr_willisregular expression/sed/awk syntax perhaps? ;)15:39
Tex_Nickdr_willis : ahhhh ok ... good one ;-)15:40
schnoodlesHey all. I currently have an auto mounted partition but the problem is I want to access it without having to sudo everytime. Anyone know how I can do that?15:43
kunjiTex_Nick: Oh, correction* or *correction?  It's more just instant messaging in general, people have used it for ages I guess, at least as long as I can remember.15:44
dr_williswhat filesystem is the partion?15:44
onelineradditionally i found this but its not really saying anything :) http://askubuntu.com/questions/218264/photo-transfer-problems-from-camera15:44
schnoodlesdr_willis, ext415:44
KI4ROI have an AMD Athlon 64 x 2 Dual Core Processor 4000+ x 2 running Ubuntu 12.04 that goes to the Ubuntu splash screen (the one with the dots under Ubuntu) for an unknown reason and then freezes until it is powered of and back on again.  Any ideas?  Please and Thank you15:45
schnoodlesmy fstab settings are (users,user,exec)15:45
kunjioneliner: What sort of speeds, and what USB standard for both pc and the camera?15:45
dr_willisschnoodles:  you need to set the permissions/ownership of the files/direcvtories on it  You dont just override them with fstab options15:45
contrapunctusSay, folks, is there any way I can restrict how someone uses my system - I'm looking at a situation where one can only use VLC, but doing anything more than next track, previous track, randomize, shuffle, and volume control (like opening files or even switching to another application) needs the admin password?15:45
schnoodlesI want to be able to do things like mv a folder to it without sudo'ing it.15:45
schnoodlesdr_willis, Sorry I am not quite following. What do you mean ?15:45
dr_willis!permissions | schnoodles15:46
ubottuschnoodles: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:46
dr_willisif you want user bob to access stuff.. then that stuff has to be owned by bob15:46
dr_willissame as if it was in their home directory15:46
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schnoodlesdr_willis, does that mean that the partition has to be mounted by bob and not by root ?15:47
onelinerkunji before the transfer fails between 7k and 1.5k kodak original cable with pc-usb-> camera -minijack heads15:47
dr_willisschnoodles:  No...15:47
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Tex_Nickkunji : good to see you ... first instance of that usage i've seen is on irc ... was just wondering about etymology ... dr_willis nailed it ;-)15:47
dr_willisit just has to be OWNED by bob when its mounted.. chown/chmod the mountpoint AFTER its mounted to be owned by bob15:47
flintseri am doing a dual-boot for my friends machine. is there a reason i should consider 64-bit install, i've done only 32-bit installs thus far15:47
dr_willisflintser:  i use 64bit on all my 64bit hardware.15:48
dr_willismost everything i have now a days is 64bit15:48
schnoodlesSo sudo chown josh:josh /media/partition ? Is there a way to do that through fstab so it is automatic ?15:48
Touhou11flintser: 64-bit should be the default, unless you have a valid reason for 32-bit15:48
dr_willisschnoodles:  once the file permissions/owner are set... they are set.. fstab does NOT override them15:48
flintserTouhou11: dr_willis ubuntu site recommends 32-bit and i have heard people having compatibility issues with 64-bit install for 32-bit libraries15:49
jakey1hi, is there a way of turning a web browser page in a jpg or png with doing a print screen?15:49
contrapunctusSay, folks, is there any way I can restrict how someone uses my system - I'm looking at a situation where one can only use VLC, but doing anything more than next track, previous track, randomize, shuffle, and volume control (like opening files or even switching to another application) needs the admin password?15:49
jakey1if I go to print it ruins the page15:49
dr_willisflintser:  it reccomends it because its 'idiot proofing'15:50
dr_willisflintser:  if you have No clue what 32 or 64bit mean.. they reccomend 32bit15:50
Touhou11flintser: The Ubuntu site only recommends 32-bit because some people wouldn't know which architecture their CPU has15:50
schnoodlesDo I chown the mount point at all? I just find it weird that I cannot interact with the mount at all unless its through sudo.15:50
cordycepsis the "superblock" of my root partition /dev/sda or /dev/sda1?15:50
dr_willisit just has to be OWNED by bob when its mounted.. chown/chmod the mountpoint AFTER its mounted to be owned by bob <<<<15:50
dr_willisit just has to be OWNED by bob when its mounted.. chown/chmod the mountpoint AFTER its mounted to be owned by bob <<<< schnoodles15:51
dr_willisschnoodles:  so mount it.. then chown/chmod it..15:51
DJonesjakey1: Was that with or without pressing printscreen? The only way I can think of would be to either press Alt+printscreen to save it as a jpg or to print as a pdf which may work15:51
Folornokay so anyone ...got any ideas how to make google voice work like i can send txt messages etc..but it wont let me dial any phone numbers/hear the dial tone etc... any suggestions?15:51
dr_willisits owned by root by default.. schnoodles15:51
schnoodlesOk I understand now. I always thought that restarting the machine would remount it as root again.15:52
flintserdr_willis: so 64-bit it is then :) but what if i want to install 32-bit software? does apt solve everything with <packagename>:i38615:52
dr_willisschnoodles:  the permissions/owner are part of the filesystem15:52
kunjioneliner: Hmm, that is awfully slow, I'm really not sure why though, do you get better speeds with that cable with a different device, or that camera with a different computer, etc... ?15:52
dr_willisflintser:  i have no issues installing 32bit softare on 64bit sytstems15:52
Folornor if someone know's something better than google voice for calls etc? could ya lemme know please15:52
dr_willisFolorn:  i belive it worked for me.. but ive not used google voice in ages.15:53
schnoodlesok cool thanks for that. I am going to restart my machine and see if that works :)15:53
flintserFolorn: skype?15:53
raz0rsedgeFolorn: Ekiga is nice for calls.15:53
Folornany ideas how to go about using it then i downloaded the button for firefox etc... dunno15:54
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga15:54
raz0rsedgeFolorn: use it for VOIP too15:54
dr_willisfor google  voice? theres some plugin/package you install.. then i can dial from my gmail page15:54
cordycepsis the "superblock" of my root partition /dev/sda or /dev/sda1?15:55
Folorni do try it from there15:55
Folornbut get no dialing or dialtone15:56
Folorndial tone rather15:56
dr_willisFolorn:  its working for me. 12.10 in chromium browser15:57
llutzcordyceps: the superblock is part of the fs, so somewhere in sda1 likely15:58
dr_willisunless he means the MBR. which would be on sda15:58
llutzcordyceps: dumpe2fs /dev/sda1 | grep -i superblock15:58
Folorni use aora15:58
Folorncan't use chrome im using BT 5r3 :(15:58
llutzdr_willis: people should learn to say what they mean :)15:58
dr_willisFolorn:  i dont follow the logic of that.15:59
bazhangFolorn, backtrack?15:59
ikoniaFolorn: then use the #backtrack-linux channel please15:59
ikoniaFolorn: we only support ubuntu here15:59
dr_willisnever heard of Aora either15:59
cordycepsllutz: dumpe2fs: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sda116:00
cordycepsCouldn't find valid filesystem superblock.16:00
neo1691Hey guys!! I upgraded from ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 now. Whenever i right click on desktop, many things are missing from the drop down menu. Here is the screenshot http://min.us/lOMzt6QOAKczi16:00
llutzcordyceps: corrupted filesystem? not an ext-fs?16:01
cordycepsit's jfs, is there a dumpjfs?16:01
* cordyceps nope16:02
g105bcan anyone help me use xrandr or alternative to set up dual display where one is rotated 90 degrees?16:03
dr_willisg105b:  what video card/chipset?16:03
Tex_Nickg105b:  i just set up my first dual head loast night16:04
g105bdr_willis: ati Radeon HD 5700 Series16:04
cordycepsllutz: FYI trying to install GAG "Graphical Boot Manager" which says: Run gag-install /dev/sda and then install grub in the "superblock of the root partition"16:04
g105bTex_Nick: nice, are you using ati?16:04
g105bamdcccle doesn't save any settings... no good.16:05
llutzcordyceps: that "superblock" is a pbr (partition boot record)16:05
dr_willisg105b:  some of the video drivers for linux ive seen have limitations where you cant rotate just one monitor.. but that was a Nvidia issue i belive..16:05
Tex_Nickg105b:  yep ... hey let dr_willis help ya ... he's 1000 times smarter than i16:05
llutzcordyceps: in that case it is /dev/sda1 if that is your root-fs16:06
g105bdr_willis: i have done it before by painsteakingly editing xorg.conf, but I had to reinstall and didn't think of saving xorg :(16:06
cordycepsllutz: k, thx ;)16:06
dr_willisg105b:  i dont use ati. you may want to check askubuntu.com they may have  some guide.. or ive cheated befor and found good info at the archlinux wikis befor. ;)16:06
Ackisis there a gui for editting the boot options? (I think I have grub2)16:08
PrincessLunaHi, how can I get automatic screen rotation to work on Ubuntu?16:08
SonikkuAmericaAckis: boot-repair16:08
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:08
SonikkuAmericaAckis: The first link dr_willis posted tells you how to use boot-repair.16:10
Tex_Nickdr_willis : i've used both ati & nvidia ... does your experience here show nvidia to be a better solution for linux ?16:11
dr_willisi run away from ati whenever possible.16:11
dr_willisI use Nvidia, then intel..  ati if all else fails.16:11
Tex_Nickrofl ;)16:11
dr_willisand by all means.. never never never.. buy SiS16:11
dr_willisdont run from SiS.. take a hammer and smash it..16:12
Tex_Nickroflmao :)16:13
Ackisthank you dr_willis and SonikkuAmerica16:13
dr_willisive also found its better to buy last years models :) whatever  is the best power/value/ratio..16:13
phschwartz_Is there an easy way to create an encrypted container on linux similar to how you can create an encrypted DMG on mac?16:14
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: Sis? What's that?16:14
Tex_Nickdr_willis : i tend to do the same ... let others discover the bugs16:15
dr_willisSonikkuAmerica:  a Video chipset maker that you rarely hear about.. they make the low low low end stuff16:15
dr_willisS3 Virge and so forth16:15
dr_willisIf theres a worse set of chipsets for linux support.. i dont know what it would be.16:16
dekroninghow can I install oracles sdk, without causing much issues with regular package manager on ubuntu 12.04 ?16:16
Trymehello , in ubuntu server i see a list of command with this simbol ^ , how can i run them ?16:16
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: GeForce216:16
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dr_willisTryme:  a list of commands where?16:17
jribTryme: can you be more specific?16:17
Trymein .amule config16:17
SonikkuAmericadr_willis: I spent months trying to use the nVidia drivers for GeForce2 on Oneiric+ and couldn't.16:17
lmatI'm having trouble adding a user for ssh access. I created the user, gave him a password, added him to the sudo group, and read a good deal of the SSH stuff on ubuntu forums.16:17
lmatThe problem manifests itself thusly:16:18
lmatThe user (running from putty in Windows) connects to the server, authenticates, then the session stops.16:18
dr_willis!info amule16:18
ubottuamule (source: amule): client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1-10 (quantal), package size 1549 kB, installed size 4176 kB16:18
jriblmat: can you "ssh user@localhost" locally on the server successfully?16:18
Tex_Nicki don't think SiS was a viable solution on any platform ... jeeze i didn't think they were still around16:18
dr_willisTryme:  i dont see how the amule configs would be a list of commands...16:18
lmatfrom /var/log/auth.log , it says that the session was created, then the session was terminated.16:18
lmatjrib: I don't have local access to the machine.16:19
dr_willisTex_Nick:  about once a month or so - someone comes in here with one.16:19
ClientAliveHey, check it out. Kaspersky rescue disc (for fixing windoze) is linux. They're using linux to fix windoze. Ahhh Haaa Haaa Haaaaaa...   !!!16:19
jriblmat: can you ssh as a different user?16:19
cordycepsllutz: FYI, the equivalent of dumpe2fs for jfs is jfs_tune16:19
ClientAlivethe irony, oh the irony  :)16:19
Deasis it possible to "debug" /dev/usb/lp0 (printer), such as seeing if theres anything going on or not, trying to share the printer over network16:19
lmatjrib: I'm running all these commands through ssh as User A (let's say)16:19
dr_willisClientAlive:  some of the AV companies also have linux cds for scanning windows systems16:19
KI4ROI have an AMD Athlon 64 x 2 Dual Core Processor 4000+ x 2 running Ubuntu 12.04 that goes to the Ubuntu splash screen (the one with the dots under Ubuntu) for an unknown reason and then freezes until it is powered of and back on again.  Any ideas?  Please and Thank you16:19
lmatTo add the user, I used "adduser" (not useradd).16:19
ClientAlivedr_willis: I LOVE IT16:19
jriblmat: so ssh as user A and then try "ssh user@localhost"16:19
lmatjrib: oh yeah, thanks, brb.16:20
Tex_Nickdr_willis : no wonder i don't see you once a month ;-)16:20
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dr_willisDeas:   the cups logs may give you some info about the printer. theres also the cups web interface.16:20
del_I have 10.04 and the gnome panel at top is gone.  How can I get it back.16:20
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darkhelmet46In XChat, how do I choose a different color for my own messsages?  I don't like the gray.16:20
lmatjrib: Hey, a useful error! let me transcribe...16:20
Deasdr_willis: good thinking! will try that.16:21
lmatFirst, authenticity of host...16:21
lmatthen Permission denied (publickey,password).16:21
lmatOh, so I need to have a public key, too?16:21
jriblmat: so you entered the wrong password?16:21
lmatjrib: No.16:21
jriblmat: if you type "su - user" can you log in successfully as user?16:22
lmat"This account is restricted by rssh. Allowed commands: scp sftp"16:22
Tex_Nickdarkhelmet45 : i think that's the one color in XChat you can't change ... might be wrong though16:22
lmatjrib: I think I'm not allowed to do that.16:22
lmatjrib: (over ssh anyway)16:22
bazhangdarkhelmet46, try asking in #xchat16:22
jriblmat: getent passwd user16:22
lmatjrib: UserB:x:...16:23
jriblmat: you have "..." in the output?16:23
lmatjrib: It does have a password entry. and shadow has the password hash.16:23
SolarisBoywhats the shell?16:23
jriblmat: this is not what I am looknig for16:23
lmatjrib: No. It doesn't say "userB" either, I censored that. I meant to tell you that the second entry is "x".16:23
jriblmat: just paste the line, you can censor the username if you feel it's necessary16:24
lmatjrib: And my name and phone number?16:24
dr_willisphone number?16:24
jriblmat: you can censor anything you feel like :)16:24
jriblmat: (the last column is not one of these things)16:24
SolarisBoyyea he has the same restrictions as you scp and the toher command16:25
ikoniarssh shell ?16:25
ikoniathats not going to work well16:25
lmatikonia: That is a bit odd...16:25
Tex_Nickdarkhelmet46 : looks like you can just remap grey to another color16:25
jriblmat: you should see if scp and sftp work ok.  Seems like that's all user is allowed to do16:25
lmatSolarisBoy: Pardon? UserB has the same restrictions as User A?16:25
SolarisBoylmat: ^^ what jrib said16:26
lmatjrib: Ahh, excellent. What service disallows the other activities (or allows these ones)?16:26
lmatjrib: (And how to I change that?)16:26
lmatchris is a busy man...16:26
jriblmat: using rssh as your shell is what limits you16:26
lmatjrib: Excellent, thanks much, I'll let you know when I need more help ^_^16:26
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darkowlzzhi, I have a Dell Inspiron and I installed Ubuntu 12.04 in it. My datacard works sometimes and sometimes not. It is detected but sometimes it doesn't connect. There is no network problem as it works on other linux computers on the same time. what do I do?16:27
dat789hi! I've reinstalled ubuntu ALONGSIDE with Windows 7. It says installation completed successfully. But when reboot, I don't see the grub menu... it went straingh to windows16:27
ubuntuaddictedmorning/afternoon/evening everyone16:28
ubuntuaddictedi am having a hell of a time with libre office writer. i have some .odt files which I am trying to update but everytime I try to save the file it creates a 0 byte file. i am using xubuntu 12.04.116:28
ubuntuaddictedlibreoffice is version 1:3.5.7-0ubuntu416:29
Tex_Nickdarkhelmet46 : yeah you can remap the entire XChat color pallet :)16:29
ubuntuaddictedanyone else have issues with libreoffice? i install open office as well but it doesn't show up in my apps pulldown16:30
dr_willisive rarelyheard of any liberoffice issues in here.16:31
dr_willisopenoffice is not in the repos any more i think16:31
ubuntuaddictedit shows in my repos, hmmm16:31
lmatjrib: Thanks again. I changed the shell to /bin/bash and everything is good!16:31
jriblmat: great16:31
darkhelmet46Tex_Nick, How?  I went to Settings > Preferences > Colors, but it's not obvious to me how to change the color for my own chat entries.16:31
ubuntuaddictedlibre office just keeps freezing on me when i go to save an odt file16:31
mike304any of you guys tried running portable photoshop on ubuntu?16:32
Tex_Nickdarkhelmet46 : double click on any of the 32 colors ... you should get a color chooser dialog16:32
ikoniamike304: it's something I'd advise you as strongly as possible to not even consider, let alone think about16:33
mike304i need to use photoshop tho :/ lol16:33
ikoniamike304: then I suggest using Microsoft windows, or apple Mac OS X16:34
dr_willisneed - because you dont know how to use anything else.. :)16:34
ikoniamike304: it's a supported platform, so if you NEED to use it, you should use a supported platform16:34
Tex_Nickdarkhelmket46 : settings/preferences/interface/colors16:34
mike304i will just run virtualbox and see if it works like that16:35
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darkhelmet46ah, got it i think16:41
darkhelmet46just wan't obvious what to do16:41
Tex_Nickdarkhelmet46 : kinda cool huh ? ;-)16:43
Tex_Nickdarkhelmet46 : do your testing in #test though :)16:43
darkhelmet46holy crap I half expected #test to be empty.  lol16:45
anmolsinghhow to hide launcher?16:46
milehighI'm logged into root via 'sudo -i' and I can't move files from root's home folder to a user's home folder, says permission denied when I try to cp or mv any files, any ideas?16:46
theadminanmolsingh: Set NoDisplay to true.16:46
anmolsinghwampserver for ubuntu16:46
theadminanmolsingh: There's no... "wamp" stands for Windows+Apache+MySQL+PHP. Ubuntu isn't Windows.16:47
theadmin!lamp | anmolsingh16:47
ubottuanmolsingh: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.16:47
Tex_Nickdarkhelmet46 :did you meet some new people ? lol16:47
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BluesKajmilehigh, why did you login to root , whynot just use sudo ?16:47
anmolsinghhow to manage iphone on ubuntu16:47
milehighBluesKaj: because I needed to run the script I ran inside root's home folder16:47
KralleAnyone can help16:48
milehighBluesKaj: either way, can't copy the files via sudo either, same error, cannot create regular file, permission denied16:48
Krallei wanna delete ubuntu and install again. How can i do?16:48
kaerohow did you install it Kralle?..16:48
anmolsinghis there any software for managing iphone on ubuntu?16:48
KralleFrom cd16:49
Krallebut i do something wrong16:49
KralleSo now i have to delete it16:49
mojtabaHi, I have a Western Digital external hard drive, and its security feature does not work under linux, Does anybody know if there is any alternative in linux or not?16:49
Kralleand install again16:49
Krallebut how can i do?16:49
kaerothen reuse the cd/dvd, if you cannot, then you can run the ubuntu installer from within ubuntu itself16:49
FloodBot1Kralle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:49
theadminKralle: Just go through the install process again and overwrite the previous install, there's a button for that.16:49
bipulKrabbe, Just write you  question in one line of sentance,it's hard to read and understand16:49
theadminmojtaba: What's this "security feature"?16:50
KralleHow overwrite?16:50
kaeroThe ubuntu installer will detect your existing installation, it should give you an option.16:50
theadminKralle: I can't quite remember how the installer phrases it, but there's a reinstall button16:50
mojtabatheadmin: In windows you can put a password on it, which comes with the drive. It has a read-only partition for this purpose16:50
theadminmojtaba: Ah, that'd be easy. Look up "TrueCrypt".16:51
bipulKralle, It's really simple, the way you have installed the ubuntu, in that manner just repeat the installation work.16:51
KralleWhere is reinstall16:51
Krallei cant find reinstaill16:51
bipulKrabbe, You will never find reinstall option16:51
bipul!tput bold16:52
kaeroKralle, what device are you on? Are you on your Ubuntu installation?.16:52
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jean_brathi there16:53
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mojtabatheadmin: Could you please tell me how?16:53
mojtabatheadmin: Because I am pretty new to linux. :-P16:54
theadminmojtaba: Go to http://truecrypt.org and download the "Standard" Linux installer for your architecture. Then extract the archive and double-click the install file within it.16:54
Synx|hm_Need some networking help, i need a way to create seperate external routes, i have two nic's on two different subnets, both have access to the internet but one via a VPN, problem is i can only have one gate way route, i need some traffic to traverse the VPN and others my local internet gateway16:54
mojtabatheadim: Is there anything should I know, I mean is there any tricky thing?16:55
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theadminmojtaba: Not really, the interface should be pretty intuitive. Also, you don't have to try and type the entire nickname :P Simply type the first few letters (e.g. "thea") and hit tab to complete it16:56
fenrrirHI guys, i have found a missing kernel parameter to grub.cfg on ubuntu 12.10 amd64 EFI,  "persistent" parameter is no automatically generated. where reports it?16:56
fenrrirlive usb16:56
mojtabatheadmin: thanks. :)16:56
theadminfenrrir: ...It shouldn't be. Unless you created the USB appropriately. That's not a bug.16:57
jean_brathi. i have installed a linux a flavor of ubuntu called Pinguy, i have created a logical Drive during installation and mounted it as /DATA/D in ext4, i am trying to copy some files from an external drive in console to this drive, it appears that i dont have permission to write to this drive, i cant use chmod coz it does not take my user password as root password16:57
jean_bratis there anything i am missing here?16:57
Burritohmojtaba: also noteworthy that tab completion also works in terminal.. so you can type apt-g*tab* and then get the full command16:57
theadminjean_brat: Pinguy is not supported here.16:57
bazhangjean_brat, get support in the pinguyos channel16:57
bonhoefferanyone know how i can mount a smb share as a "real" location16:57
mojtabaBurritoh: Thanks!16:57
bonhoefferthat i can use for file sync comparison -- is a sym link the best way to go?16:58
fenrrirtheadmin, i'm using usb-creator-gtk16:58
khedrubwhat is the modern way to backup an ubuntu root server? Backupninja?16:58
bonhoefferif i pwd i get: /home/bonhoeffer/.gvfs/volume_1 on aloadae.local/16:58
theadminbonhoeffer: You can use the "cifs" filesystem type: mount -t cifs -o username=your_username,password="your_password" //servername/sharename /location16:58
bonhoefferi want this as a more accessible location16:58
bonhoeffertheadmin, thanks!16:59
Burritohjean_brat: here you go, these are the distro's forums: http://forum.pinguyos.com/16:59
Burritohapparently trying to find the IRC channel gave 40417:00
theadminbonhoeffer: (the helper program for that fstype is provided by cifs-utils)17:00
LOLOiee galera17:00
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zefuroshisto: Hey man long time no see! :)17:00
theadminfenrrir: Sure persistency is checked? If so, that's a bug. You can file it by running "ubuntu-bug usb-creator-gtk"17:01
bonhoeffertheadmin, any thoughts: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1677777/17:01
Guest81289Todo mundo fala em ingles :p '-17:01
theadminbonhoeffer: You're missing the username and password17:01
bonhoefferi don't even see an error there -- hmm. . . agreed but i don't think i have one. . . i'll check17:01
theadminbonhoeffer: If you don't, then you don't need the "-o" bit either.17:01
elisa87Hi can you take a look at the following error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/1677778/  NVIDIA: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 304.54, but this NVIDIA driver component has version 310.14.  Please make sure that the kernel module and all NVIDIA driver components have the same version17:02
fenrrirtheadmin, yes, is checked. In no EFI machine works but on EFI machine don't17:02
zefuroscan somebody help me with dual booting windows 8 64bit and ubuntu 12.10? i cant seem to be able to install ubuntu17:02
Guest81289Quem fala em portugues fala eu ? '-'17:02
theadminGuest81289: English, please.17:02
theadmin!br | Guest8128917:03
ubottuGuest81289: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:03
zefuroscan somebody help me with dual booting windows 8 64bit and ubuntu 12.10? i cant seem to be able to install ubuntu17:03
bonhoeffermount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //, <-- theadmin17:03
Phidogzefuros what's wrong17:03
theadminbonhoeffer: Is cifs-utils installed? (sudo apt-get install cifs-utils)17:04
KI4ROzefuros, Patience asking once a minute will not help17:04
bonhoeffertheadmin, thanks, very sorry17:05
zefurosphidog: hey man thanks taking time one me, i installed ubuntu several days ago but i had issues with Grub and so i unistalled it, after that i was searching a way to dual boot i found several guides but whatever i tried i never got to show grub again , neither boot ubuntu from MBR17:05
theadminbonhoeffer: Meh, I'm surprised Ubuntu comes with samba but that package isn't included. Kinda odd17:05
Phidogzefuros when you turn it on, does it show Windows 8, or whatever else you have installed though?17:05
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zefurosphidog: right now i canceled everything and i only boot windows 817:06
zefurosphidog: got some time to give you some more extact information?17:07
Phidogzefuros, sure17:07
bonhoeffertheadmin, thanks! works perfectly17:07
bonhoeffertheadmin, sorry for not thinking more too . . . :(17:08
theadminbonhoeffer: Tada. Now if you'd like, open up /etc/fstab (sudo nano /etc/fstab) and add this line at the end: // /mount_point cifs username=your_username,password=your_password,netdev for it to be mounted on boot time17:09
zefurosphidog: i got a system (built by me) with one SSD and one HDD drives , had windows 7 on SSD and updated to windows 8. Itried installing ubuntu 12.10 x64 in the HDD drive but had issues with grub so i aborted that operation and now i want to try installing on SSD17:09
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Phidogzefuros installing it on the same drive as windows might help17:09
theadminbonhoeffer: Err, my bad, the "netdev" option should have a "_" in front, so, "_netdev"17:10
theadminWeird naming17:10
zefurosphidog: i tried a guide where he made several partitions on ubuntu instalation and at the end he added a ubuntu entry to windows mbr. After doing all these steps ubuntu showed up on MBR but couldnt boot17:10
Phidogzefuros i install my OS' on one drive, so i wouldn't know about multiple drives and grub, but i could tell you that it works flawlessly on one drive with Win8 and Ubuntu12.04 and 12.1017:10
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Phidogzefuros unfortunately i have to be away for about 20 minutes, if your issue isn't solved i'll be back soon sorry17:11
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zefurosphidog: ok man thanks a lot17:11
brian__Interesting. First time IRC. First time Ubuntu. I came here because of the front page at Ubuntu.com Tick, tock, tablet time!17:11
bonhoeffertheadmin, thanks!17:12
SoulShadowubuntu for tablets based on unity incoming?17:15
theadminSoulShadow: So far only phones have been announced.17:15
SoulShadowlook at the ubuntu homepage, theadmin17:16
SoulShadow'tick, tock, tablet time' and a countdown17:16
Tex_Nickbrian__:  welcome to irc & #ubuntu ... this channel is for specific support questions ... for chat /join #ubuntu-offtopic17:16
theadminSoulShadow: Hm, oh.17:16
zefurosindeed what that could be? Tablet time? i though they aiming for mobile os17:19
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theadminzefuros: Well, Android exists both for phones and tablets, so why not?17:19
SoulShadowit's either ubuntu phone OS scaled up to tablets17:20
SoulShadowor big ubuntu scaled down to a touch friendly interface17:20
zefurostheadmin: well im more loking forward to see it on phones, tablets are more powerfull, so it wouldnt be that strage but i would  love to see what the phone OS will be capable of17:21
ubottuThe Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.17:21
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zefurostheadmin: plus i wanna check out if it be possible to run it on older cheaper devices , im tired of IOS and this OS looks amazing but cant afford money for somewhat like galaxy s317:22
AcidRain2013Pici: i could have sworn that i saw a tablet at bestbuy running ubuntu17:22
ubottuThe Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.17:22
SoulShadowit would have had to be a nexus 7 someone modded, AcidRain201317:22
AcidRain2013i was rly thinking about getting it. but not for 700$+17:23
Myrttican we please keep the discussion for the tablet elsewhere, this is a support channel.17:23
AcidRain2013yeah >_>17:23
ubottuThe Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.17:23
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SoulShadowyou know, spamming !tablet is more annoying than having people talk about it17:23
FloodBot1SoulShadow: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:23
AcidRain2013Myrtti: i see it being ok that we talk about off topic things as long as no one is requesting support...17:23
flexdI'm having some trouble adding a custom xsession, I've added my .desktop file to /usr/share/xsessions/, but its not showing up in lightgdm :-/17:23
flexdThe two other files in that folder do appear though, any tips?17:24
flexdI am running xubuntu, but that should not really matter.17:24
AcidRain2013it doesnt. but i have no advice17:24
AcidRain2013that should be something that you can easily google for17:25
caughtinalandsliHey guys. I'm having a small  problem. I installed windows, alongside Ubuntu, fixed grub from a live CD, but now my Windows partition doesn't appear in Grub.17:25
BluesKajcaughtinalandsli, sudo update-grub17:25
caughtinalandslii've tried that17:25
caughtinalandsliit refuses to recognise the windows partition17:25
supNowanyone know the location of apache httpd.conf? I get no solid answer on google and still cannot locate it17:25
flexdAcidRain2013: Yeah I've googled and it just mostly says put your .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions/ and reboot17:27
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AcidRain2013flexd: there is a way to rebuild your home folder. i may look into that. it might help17:27
PicisupNow: We don't really use httpd.conf  You can look at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and in /etc/apache2/conf.d/ and for site-specific things /etc/apache2/sites-available/  (us a2ensite to enable a site)17:27
BluesKajcaughtinalandsli,  sudo os-prober , then run  sudo update-grub17:27
Tex_Nickcaughtinalandsli:  are you sure you didn't overwrite windoze ?17:27
caughtinalandsliyep 100%17:28
AcidRain2013caughtinalandsli: are you sure that linux didnt rape your windows?17:28
zefurostheadmin: plus i wanna check out if it be possible to run it on older cheaper devices , im tired of IOS and this OS looks amazing but cant afford money for somewhat like galaxy s317:28
zefurosoops wrong message sorry17:28
MyrttiAcidRain2013: keep the language clean, please.17:28
flexdAcidRain2013: Not entirely sure what you mean by rebuilding my home folder17:28
caughtinalandslinot really. i might have. i actually had a shit load of problems before this. including my linux partitions disappearing17:28
caughtinalandslibut i fixed that with testdisk17:29
Tex_Nickcaughtinalandsli:  ahh ok ... looks like BluesKaj has you pointed in the right direction :)17:29
caughtinalandsliokay ill try17:29
supNowPici,  Thanks for your response. I did find information about that however I'm trying to install vTiger CRM and it needs the location of that file in order to install. Do you know of a workaround or can I get an httpd somewhere?17:29
Myrttijust a reminder to all that we've got people of all ages and cultures, please keep the language clean, professional and suitable for all.17:29
PicisupNow: just create a blank file and put it in /etc/apache2/conf.d/ it will be sourced when apache runs.17:30
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PicisupNow: alternatively use apache2.conf17:30
zefuroscan somebody help me with dual booting windows 8 64bit and ubuntu 12.10? i cant seem to be able to install ubuntu17:30
=== cubix``211 is now known as cubix`
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:31
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BluesKaj!uefi | zefuros17:31
ubottuzefuros: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:31
Guest37044hello I am new to ubuntu and was wondering if games designed for windows like planet side 2 run on ubuntu? i can get the character logged into the game but i have no control over the character or any other portion of the game17:31
caughinalandslidthis is what i get17:31
caughinalandslid- /dev/sda4:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows:chain /dev/sda5:Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (12.04):Ubuntu:linux17:31
caughinalandslidnothing about dev/sda117:32
zefurosblueskaj im already aware with this article and still cant get ubuntu to get correctly installed17:32
caughinalandslidwhere the actual windpows is17:32
caughinalandslidwill reinstalling windows help? i wouldn't mind doing that actually. i just dont want it to mess my ubuntu installation up17:32
BluesKajcaughinalandslid, what did os-prober do ?17:33
caughinalandslidthis /dev/sda4:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows:chain /dev/sda5:Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (12.04):Ubuntu:linux17:33
caughinalandslidit detects my ubuntu and my recovery loader but not windows in dev/sda117:33
antonycaughinalandslid: i installed windows first  then  when i installed ubuntu i selected install along windows and had no problems.17:33
caughinalandslidi did too, it works well, but then i actually formatted and reinstalled windows17:34
zefurosantony: can i make a question based on that?17:34
caughinalandslidsorry windows is in dev/sda2 actually17:34
antonyzefuros: ask the question and someone may be able to help based on that :)17:34
flexdAcidRain2013: worked it out, typo as usual :-=17:35
arrrdeutsche hier?17:35
zefurosantony: i wanted to select the same option but had doubts. In order to select install alongside windows mu the disk be split or have free space unformatted or the installer does it by itself?17:35
jhutchins_wk!de | arrr17:36
ubottuarrr: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!17:36
antonyzefuros: when you select that it partitions your hard drive, so you can have windows on one partition and  ubuntu on the other.17:36
arrralso doch17:37
zefurosantony: so before selecting the option i leave my drive as one partitation with windows on it?17:37
OrpheonI'm having underrun problems with Alsa, and I saw that apparently that /proc/asound/card0/.../prealloc should have atleast a value of 128, while on mine it has only 64. This would also explain some clicking noise I get in certain applications. I can't find out how to set it though, as when alsa is running this file is write-protected, and even if I tell alsa to switch to another device, change it, and put alsa back, I still need to resta17:37
Orpheonrt it which involves rebooting, which of course resets the file to 6417:37
Orpheonso my question: Where does alsa get this 64 from, and where could I change that value?17:38
antonyzefuros: yes, but you dont need to parition the hard drive yourself ubuntu can do it for you, it will ask u how much space you wish to give each operating system and just  split the hard drive between them.17:38
zefurosantony: nice thats usefull and when install is complete it will boot with brug or mbr?17:39
PoolShark_is it possible to have both a 64bit and 32bit kernel available on an ubuntu installation, selectable at boot time?17:39
=== Catbuntu is now known as armiel
jhutchins_wkzefuros: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation17:39
antonyzefuros: it will use a grub menu and launch ubuntu by default.17:39
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zefurosantony: can i cchange that to mbr? i heard grub is very sensitive17:40
jhutchins_wkzefuros: Most linux installers will allow you to "shrink" a well-defragged NTFS partition to create installation space, you can also do partition management before installing.17:40
RZAFC1so does anyone know if; me having a ppc with lubuntu will cause any issues for downloading gcc?17:40
Tex_Nickzefuros:  mbr & grub are totally different entities17:40
antonyzefuros: i dont know.17:40
jhutchins_wkzefuros: Installers have been designed to install multi-boot systems since the mid -90's.17:40
jhutchins_wkTex_Nick: grub writes it's own mbr.17:41
jhutchins_wkTex_Nick: zefuros is using EFI though, which is slightly different.17:41
jhutchins_wkzefuros: Read the efi article again.  Using mbr is what they mean by "legacy mode".17:42
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RZAFC1so does anyone know if; me having a ppc with lubuntu will cause any issues for downloading gcc?17:42
zefurosjhutchins_wk yeah but when i had grub before i had issues cause it went missing many times and i dont fully trust it in case of a power cutoff17:42
zefurosmbr is more stable and more easy to restore17:42
jhutchins_wkzefuros: You are on the leading edge here, so your installation is going to be a bit of an experiment.  It can be smooth and easy, especially if you're familiar with OS boot systems, but it can be difficult if you don't know much about computers and don't follow the directions carefully.17:42
rkingOK, first time seriously using Ubuntu. I have to make a spiffy dev env on 10.04, so I'll be using some form of bleeding edge software. If I want a rather new tmux and vim, is it likely I can use some backports for it?17:42
Krallenow i have installed ubuntu17:42
Kralleand it work.17:43
Tex_Nickjhutchins_wk:  i was refering to ... <zefuros> antony: nice thats usefull and when install is complete it will boot with brug or mbr? ... trying to make sure that grub would not be confused with mbr ;-)17:43
Krallebut how to install mumble server?17:43
Krallesomeone can help?17:43
jhutchins_wkzefuros: If grub was "going missing", it was due to things you were doing to the system.  It doesn't spontaneously disappear, and has been stable and reliable for decades.17:43
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KralleSomeone can help me with ubuntu.17:44
jhutchins_wkzefuros: In particular, windows "system restore" procedures can wipe it and your installation.  You should arrange a way to restore windows without using a factory restore program if you anticipate needing to do that.17:44
Krallei need install mumble server .17:44
Krallebut how?17:44
zefurosjhutchins_wk its harsh to judge someone's skills from a text chat, i didnt done anything wrong i lost grub two times. 1 due a normal shutdown and 2 due a power cutoff17:44
maikelWhat can the problem be when my comp cant boot Ubuntu Secure mix, (efi compatible) created by live usb?17:45
KralleTo do it?17:45
Kralleanyone can help?17:45
jhutchins_wkzefuros: grubb is just as reliable as the windows bootloader if not more so.  There are always things that you can do to mess it up, but it doesn't spontaneously disappear.17:46
compdocmaikel, what happens?17:46
antonyi need some assistance now, was just wondering if there was a way to make  windows 7 boot by default, after the 7  seconds or so?17:47
RZAFC1So does anyone know if; me having a ppc with lubuntu will cause any issues for downloading gcc?17:47
maikelcompdoc:  comp dosent notice theres a bootable usb insterted17:48
mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I change the name of the volume? (NTFS, flash drive)17:48
compdocmaikel, so a bios issue.17:48
jhutchins_wkRZAFC1: What kind of issues were you worried about?17:48
jhutchins_wkmaikel: Did you verify the image on the usb?17:48
maikelVerify ?17:49
zefurosantony: get grub configurator , you can configure the menu the appearance as well the default OS and wait seconds17:49
mojtabaDoes anybody know how can I change the name of the volume? (NTFS, flash drive)17:49
rulezzhi there17:49
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:49
Martin-Dutchie<mojtaba> Only by reformatting the drive you can select a name.17:49
zefurosantony: got that?17:50
antonyzefuros: were do i get it?17:50
jhutchins_wkMartin-Dutchie: Nah, there are ways to rename drives without reformatting.  It's just a string in the drive headers.17:50
jhutchins_wkmojtaba: I'd have to look it up on Google, been to long since I did ntfs.17:50
mojtabaMartin_1: How come? In windows you can change the volume name easily!!17:50
maikelcompdoc:  yea probably...17:50
rulezzsomebody here know a tool for ubuntu to create bootable USB17:51
mojtabajhutchins_wk: Thanks, because I am pretty new to linux era.17:51
zefurosantony not sure try program center or google for the command to get it i got a video tutorial i watched yesterday shall i send it to you by pm?17:51
bazhangrulezz, unetbootin for one17:51
maikel (point it at your .iso file or your Ubuntu CD-ROM, point it at your USB flash drive, make sure you have the right device selected, then "Make Startup Disk").  I cant notice a make start up disk button in LiLo17:51
chaz68Any good ideas to keep my log file "lightdm.log" in "/var/log/upstart" from swelling up and hogging my whole hard drive?17:52
antonyzefuros: yes pm it me.17:52
jhutchins_wkmojtaba: install ntfsprogrs, use the ntfslabel program to show/change the label.17:53
OrpheonI'm having underrun problems with Alsa, and I saw that apparently that /proc/asound/card0/.../prealloc should have atleast a value of 128, while on mine it has only 64. This would also explain some clicking noise I get in certain applications. I can't find out how to set it though, as when alsa is running this file is write-protected. Even if I tell alsa to switch to another device, change it, and put alsa back, I still need to restart i17:53
Orpheont which involves rebooting, which of course resets the file to 64.17:53
Orpheonso my question: Where does alsa get this 64 from, and where could I change that value?17:53
chaz68I fixed a problem with my .xsession-errors log files in my home directory and now this log file pops up and starts eating away at my hard drive...17:53
mojtabajhutchins_wk: Is not there any default system tool?17:53
mojtabajhutchins_wk: How can I install that?17:54
jhutchins_wkmojtaba: Yeah, ntfslabel in the ntfsprogs package.17:54
jhutchins_wkmojtaba: sudo aptitude install ntfsprogs17:54
rulezzbazhang  thx let my check17:54
Hariswhat's the latest 64 bit server version of ubuntu ?17:54
mojtabajhutchins_wk: Thanks17:54
HarisI'm confused. the download page says support for 12.10 will end in 18 months. And 12.04.2 LTS is .. current ?17:55
KralleI have now installed mumble on ubuntu17:55
KralleBut how it works?17:55
KralleWhere can i see the ip adress and all?17:55
mgolischKralle: read its documentation?17:56
RZAFC1jhutchins_wk: issues like whether it will compile17:57
Martin-DutchieHaris: LTS releases are supported for 5 years, whereas the normal releases (12.10) are only supported for 1,5 years.17:57
MonkeyDustKralle  why did you install it, if you don't know what it is?17:57
Martin-DutchieHaris: It's weird at first, but that is just how that cookie crumbles.17:58
HarisMartin-Dutchie: do the LTS release get updates during that period ?17:58
KralleWhere can i find that?17:58
Martin-DutchieHaris: Only security bugfixes and such I believe, no new functionality17:59
mgolischsure everything else would be crazy17:59
Martin-DutchieHaris: This to keep that release as predictable as possible, instead of having to relearn your server every 6 months17:59
Harismeaning no upgrades to php or httpd or such ?17:59
Martin-DutchieHaris: not sure, but you can always install them manually18:00
Harisdon't we have conflicts with libs or lib packages or some such on ubuntu with manual installs ?18:00
Martin-DutchieHaris: Which is the best course of action anyway, imagine your server auto-updating and bricking your website18:01
HarisI'v seen alot of that on centos18:01
jhutchins_wkRZAFC1: Shouldn't be any problems.  gcc should come pre-compiled anyway.18:01
Tex_NickKralle:  in terminal, have you tried info mumble or man mumble ?18:02
odcehave a sound output issue with an Intel onboard audio device, listed as 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02). The front output works great and use it with alsa audio output just fine, but my computer case has an extra headphone jack in the front that is plugged into the soundcard module (motherboard item as I mentioned) and I have no clue whether it shows up as a rear device or something different. Tried all the usual outputs fr18:02
jhutchins_wkHaris: You can avoid conflicts and problems by building and installing a .deb package.18:03
Martin-DutchieHaris: As long as you install the new packages through apt, you should not be experiencing conflicts, I found an example article about upgrading PHP on 8.04: http://www.simmonsconsulting.com/2009/03/08/howto-upgrade-ubuntu-lts-804-server-to-php-528/18:03
jhutchins_wkodce: Sometimes those are physically switched outputs - it's the same circuit as the speakers, but bypasses them if it's plugged in.18:04
odceanyone know if I should see a device 1 listed (instead of device 0) to somehow output to it. there was only one place to plug in that extra set of jacks (which includes things like headphone out, mic in, and usb firewire.) so I assume its connected to the intel sound unit ok. my other issue was whether I needed to find a front rear or surround audio file to test it.18:04
odceok great i will try to unplug one of them then.18:04
Martin-DutchieAnyone here excited for the new countdown timer on http://ubuntu.com ?18:07
XLUBHi i can't install ubuntu 12.04 from 10.04 The cd is ok because i use on computer of my son18:08
Tex_NickMartin-Dutchie:  they do that from time to time for different count-downs to something new :-)18:08
Martin-DutchieHaha indeed, I know how it works, was wondering what you guys thought it will be for...18:09
Tex_NickMartin-Dutchie:  try #ubuntu-offtopic18:09
kunjimojtaba: You can do that with gparted18:09
Pici!tablet | Martin-Dutchie18:10
ubottuMartin-Dutchie: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.18:10
mojtabakunji: Thanks18:10
Martin-DutchieAitte, sorry.18:10
kunjimojtaba: Be careful though, don't accidentally tell it to format anything :P18:10
Martin-DutchieNice bot18:10
XLUBI do but nothing appens just grub destroy when i reboot18:10
odceunplugging the 3.5mm front output didnt help18:10
mojtabakunji: I will, thanks!18:10
ybonHi, anyone on Raring here? I'm experiencing python problem (pyexpat module not found), and I wonder if this is working for other people on Raring18:11
odceim wondering if the answer is in researching some of the "options snd-hda-intel" module options18:11
desaqIs there a program that saves bookmarks to .pdf's withing the .pdf itself?18:11
ArandurProblem with Broadcom BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller on Ubuntu 12.10 - Ubuntu cannot access driver upon startup, but everything works upon manual reinitialization of driver. How can I get Ubuntu to play nicely with the driver upon startup?18:12
=== Phoenix is now known as Guest39945
ArandurMore precisely, when I boot into Ubuntu, there is no wireless option -- a symptom of inability to access the driver, I believe. When I go to Software Sources > Additional Drivers, and change to 'Do not use this device' and back, everything starts working fine. However, upon reboot, the same problem occurs.18:14
odceinteresting now I see the motherboard specs page says things like supports jack detection.18:15
bluebomberWhere can I find the config file that tells rhythmbox where my library(-ies) are located?18:16
jhutchins_wk!b43 | Arandur18:16
ubottuArandur: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:16
Soelenquick question, I would like to save an enviroment variable constantly so the value is still the same on the next session, how can I sdo that?18:16
jhutchins_wkSoelen: You want this variable in shell sessions?  Which shell do you use?18:17
Soelenjhutchins_wk: bin/sh18:17
Arandurjhutchins_wk, thank you for the redirect. I have been to this page, and followed the instructions therein -- that's how I got to where I am now, with the wireless *almost* working. Is ther any other help you can offer me?18:19
eutheriahow do you catch grub at start up these days? it is ctrl?18:19
OerHekseutheria, shift18:20
bazhangeutheria, shift18:20
Picijhutchins_wk: alias updated18:21
maikelwhy does my gparted boot then go blackscreen?18:22
ZypperHatI need PhotoShop for Ubuntu18:24
avis-is it possible to install ubuntu on a mac mini late model 2012 ?  is it a matter of redit boot loader then install on a single / ?18:24
Tex_Nick!details | maikel18:24
ubottumaikel: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:24
jhutchins_wkarmiel: Sorry, haven't worked with broadcoms in a while now.18:25
maikelrunning win 8, booting from usb.18:25
jhutchins_wkPici: Thx!18:25
armielTAB fail?18:25
jhutchins_wkarmiel: Yep.18:25
jhutchins_wkHe gone.18:25
Soelenhow can I save enviroment variables for the next session?18:26
Odd-rationaleSoelen: You can export environment varialbes in your ~/.bashrc18:26
Tex_Nickmaikel:  you're trying to boot ubuntu from a usb stick on a win 8 pc ?18:27
jhutchins_wkSolarisBoy: .bashrc18:27
Odd-rationaleSoelen: e.g., `export VAR=value`18:28
jhutchins_wkDang tab.18:28
jhutchins_wkSoelen: .bashrc18:28
maikelTex_Nick: trying to boot super grub disk to be able to do partition, but the main intention is to get ubuntu on my win 8 pc yea.18:28
jhutchins_wkOdd-rationale: That will be destroyed when the session terminates.18:28
SimpleUserHello there.18:28
SoelenOdd-rationale: right now I have "export var_ape=ape" in my .bashrc, as soon as I change var_ape in "grape", login out and login in it's ape again : (18:28
ruinenhey guys, quick question: Which would you say is lighter - Xubuntu or Lubuntu? having a hard time to decide for my laptop and I'm quite the noob, still learning Ubuntu.18:29
jhutchins_wkSoelen: Find where it's being set.18:29
Odd-rationaleSoelen: Yes. The bashrc file is read everytime you start a terminal session18:29
jhutchins_wkruinen: Generally lxde is "lighter".18:29
SimpleUserNo more space in / . I launched a big install in apt-get and it crushed during it. So i erased /tmp, made clean & autoclean (apt-get). But now apt-get tells me the system is broken and i have to make -f install... and install the big program (a game). But i still don't have 350 mo to install it.18:29
SimpleUserAny advice ?18:30
Odd-rationaleSoelen: So it will be reset back to "ape" everytime you start a new session.18:30
eutheriaruinen, how slow is your laptop?18:30
SoelenOdd-rationale: what am I going to do then?18:30
jhutchins_wkSimpleUser: Try purging the program.18:30
jhutchins_wkSoelen: Find where it's getting set to ape and change that.18:31
jhutchins_wkSoelen: It isn't preserved in memory somewhere, it's in a conf file.18:31
Tex_Nickmaikel:  ahh ok ... that provides a lot more info ... i don't use win 8 ... but now other people here have a better idea of what your issue is18:31
Soelenjhutchins_wk: I dont understand what you mean18:31
jhutchins_wkSoelen: /etc/bashrc and ~/.bashrc are a couple of possiblities.18:31
maikelyea, when i do a Live usb ubuntu disk there is no "efi" folder, and therefor i cant boot it18:31
KylieBrookshi, um18:31
Odd-rationaleSoelen: Can you just change it to "grape" in the ~/.bashrc?18:31
maikelanyone know what to do, or what to add?18:31
KylieBrooksi would like to reduce memory consumption of ubuntu.18:32
SoelenOdd-rationale: I would like to do that via command instead editing the file all the time18:32
jhutchins_wkI guess it's /etc/bash.bashrc these days...18:32
jhutchins_wkSoelen: Since each new sessions environment is created at login, editing a file is the only way to preserve it for the NEXT session.18:33
Odd-rationaleSoelen: So you have a situation where sometimes you need it "ape" and sometime you need it "grape" ?18:33
SoelenOdd-rationale: it's just an example18:33
=== armiel is now known as Camel`
KylieBrooksi would like to reduce memory consumption of ubuntu. tips please?18:33
Soelenjhutchins_wk: is there a possibility to save a variable into a file and restore it in every session?18:34
Odd-rationaleSoelen: If you always need it to be "grape", then just set that in the .bashrc18:34
SoelenOdd-rationale: I dont always need it18:34
Odd-rationaleSoelen: Then you can wrap the export line in an if statement.18:34
jhutchins_wkSoelen: .bashrc and .bash_profile18:34
Tex_Nickmaikel:  i see a few people here that might be able to help you ... they might be tied up now ... be patient ask your question every 5 minutes or so ... you'll probably get some help with that18:35
SoelenOdd-rationale: why if stement?18:35
Soelenjhutchins_wk: what are you trying to tell me? I need the variable to be stored and to be reseted each session18:36
Odd-rationaleSoelen: Then the var will only equal "grape" when the if statement is true.18:36
SimpleUserjhutchins_wk, can't purge it. Apt-get tells me i have to make apt-get -f install and install it18:37
SoelenOdd-rationale: again it's just an example18:37
tankdriverHi, I need the "official name" for a unity-feature. Open 3 Home Folder windows. Click again on the Home Folder Item. A overview witch thumbnails of the 3 open Home Folder windows appears. Is there a "official name" for that feature?18:37
Odd-rationaleSoelen: Sorry, I guess I don't quite understand your issue then...18:37
jhutchins_wkSoelen: I don't know how to be any plainer.  I suggest you read some bash documentation: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/chap_03.html18:37
Odd-rationaletankdriver: Window Spread feature?18:38
ovejanegraHi! I get a grey horisontal line all over my screen sometimes. other times when i boot ubuntu 12.10 it does not appear. what could be wrong?18:38
SoelenOdd-rationale: I would like to save a value in a variable independent for sessions, it can have every possible string variable, an if condition would not do the trick18:39
jhutchins_wkovejanegra: You could have bad graphics memory, or something is writing to the video buffer incorrectly.18:39
VonGuardi edited my fstab and made an error18:39
Scarberianhello, I borked my system quite well, indicator-session crashes over and over on restart, no internet,sound or power drop down menu dbus seems to be down see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=211714618:40
VonGuardnow i cannot boot from that drive. i have booted from usb, btu the ubutnu drive is NTFS, always has been (dual boot machine)18:40
SimpleUserStupid question : Can we remove /var/log/* without problem ? I mean are these files necessary to the system ? Or there are just here to read them in case of problem ?18:40
VonGuardand all i can see when i mount the ubuntu partition is the stuff you'd see in windows: the ubuntu installer and such18:40
VonGuardnothing else is there18:40
ovejanegrajhutchins_wk, what could I do to diagnose and fix it?18:40
=== p is now known as Guest87055
mojtabaI have recently installed TrueCrypt under linux. Does anybody know how can I keep my files encrypted outside of the encrypted partition?18:42
mojtabaIs there any option?18:42
jhutchins_wkovejanegra: Find your chipset and search for forum postings regarding probles with it.  (Also make sure all the connections involved are firmly seated._18:42
dreamboxI m desperate.. http://askubuntu.com/questions/257645/i-broke-my-nvidia-settings-rc-file-cant-see-x18:42
=== mpmc|Away is now known as mpmc
mojtabaSuppose you have created an encrypted partition, and just would like to put its content on Dropbox, but keep it encrypted.18:42
dreamboxI really want to see X... .!! I miss it ! plus I switched to xfce :)18:42
Scarberiani am also desperate http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=211714618:43
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jhutchins_wkmojtaba: You have to encrypt the individual files for that to work.18:43
mojtabaHow can I do that?18:43
mojtabajhutchins_wk: Does it have any option?18:43
dreamboxhow on earth do I kill X? with a shortcut..18:43
dreamboxI mean ... I wanna go to console only18:43
ovejanegrajhutchins_wk, how do i find the chipset? you mean the connections of the graphics card?18:43
jhutchins_wkdreambox: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto  Start from the beginning.18:43
=== francisco is now known as Guest44847
dreamboxjhutchins_wk: where am I supposed to type all that.. I aint got no terminak18:44
dco2I've gotten fairly far along compiling gcc but the latest thing I run into is that certain parts like libgcc and libgomp are failing unless I start copying a libc.so file there. Is there a cleaner way to resolve this multilib issue, as I understand it, something about 32bit vs. 64bit architecture split18:44
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest11088
Odd-rationaleSoelen: Maybe this is your question? http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/8342/export-an-env-variable-to-be-available-at-all-sub-shells-and-possible-to-be-mod18:45
jhutchins_wkScarberian: I would recommend a clean install and DON'T try using 3rd party drivers.18:45
VonGuardoh man i am fucked18:45
VonGuardlost my whole partition by adding one line to etc/fstab and now i cannot get back into the drive!18:45
Guest11088Hi, can you recommend good Voip client for ubuntu?18:46
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Nah, you didn't loose the partition, you just messed up the mount table.18:46
VonGuardhow can i fix it?18:46
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Drives are not NTFS, partitions are.18:46
VonGuardyeah i know18:46
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Does it boot at all?18:46
VonGuardnot into linux18:46
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Can you boot to rescue mode?18:46
VonGuardit boots into windows, and into ubuntu via usb stick18:46
dco2specifically the gcc build error I get is that libgomp cannot create executables. right after it said checking multilib configuration for libgomp18:46
VonGuarddont think so18:46
lubtoubhi all18:47
VonGuardi can't see anythign on the drive but the ubuntu installer18:47
dreamboxjhutchins_wk: where am I supposed to type all that.. I aint got no screen... system tries to start xfce directly...18:47
SimpleUserthere's no way to stop an installation and that apt-get is happy anyway ?18:47
VonGuardlike you'd see looking at the partition from windows18:47
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Get a rescue image and boot to that, fix fstab.18:47
VonGuardi have18:47
VonGuardi've booted18:47
VonGuardi mount the fs18:47
VonGuardand i cannot see /etc/18:47
FloodBot1VonGuard: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:47
VonGuardit only shows the unbuntu install stuff18:47
lubtoubcould it be possible to switch from lubuntu64 bit to ubuntu 32 pae kernel without having to erase my disk ?18:47
SimpleUserI mean : if an installation stopped, can i tell to apt-get : "remove all this, don't finish the install and come back as it was before" ?18:47
SimpleUserwithout installing ?18:47
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Sounds like you're booting the installer.  fdisk -l should show partitions, then you can mount the partition with /etc on it.18:48
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Rescue disks are a little easier.18:48
maikelAnother question, i managed booting into Gnu Grub 1.99 command promt, and i have Ubuntu iso Live on my USB, what now to install? :-)18:48
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TechathyI should be able to connect a VPN, then setup NAT routing to route all non-local network traffic through that VPN connection right?18:49
MonkeyDustmaikel  not sure what you mean... install what is available or what you have at hand18:49
jhutchins_wkdreambox: You should at least be able to boot to rescue mode and edit conf files from there.18:49
lubtoubhmmm ok ill recap , would it be possible to only overwrite/erase the normal installed directories during install ?18:49
jhutchins_wkdreambox: I don't have nvidia, so I can't really walk you through it.18:49
=== fox_wilson is now known as fwilson
maikelwell all i get to is Grubs command promt, guess i have to go to the install manually18:50
dreamboxjhutchins_wk: system was fine I just switched to auto mode and18:50
jhutchins_wkmaikel: What kind of hardware?  EFI?18:50
maikeltried those for ages.. ive got a intel atom z2760 Uefi locked Acer. its not a normal Efi comp :P18:51
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:51
dreamboxediting a display conf file manually.. thats why Linux never won the desktop market.18:52
dreambox20 frickin years they cant figure out how to NOT break displays.18:52
dreamboxI mean all that innovation...18:52
dreamboxfor what.18:52
mojtabajhutchins_wk: Does it have any option to encrypt individual files?18:52
jhutchins_wkdreambox: For most of us we never have to touch a video config file.  You are taking an option that Windows wouldn't even offer you.18:52
jhutchins_wkmojtaba: You're the one with the software and it's documentation!18:53
mojtabajhutchins_wk: Thanks for your help!18:53
VonGuardjhutchins_wk, i got nothing18:53
TechathyAt least you can get X11 to do EXACTLY what you want, I can't say the same about Mac OS X or windows18:53
VonGuardjhutchins_wk, i fdisk -l, i get the smae list i always see. three partitions, none of them have my linux install18:54
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Interesting.18:54
Burritohthere's always wayland~ *ducks*18:54
jhutchins_wkYou should see both the hard drive and the usb drive18:54
VonGuardjhutchins_wk, the only change i made to etc was enabling ntfs 3g18:54
VonGuardjhutchins_wk, i see only the 3 partitions18:55
VonGuardi guess the usb stick is /dev/sbd18:55
jhutchins_wkWhat's on /dev/sda?18:55
VonGuardsd1 sda2 and sda3 are there, 2 and 3 are ntfs. 2 is windows, 3 WAS linux till i edited etc18:55
dreamboxso can someone help me? thats like basic for you18:56
VonGuard1 is the recovery image from the factory18:56
dreamboxa shortcut or something18:56
dreamboxto kill x and go to console18:56
VonGuarddreambox: alt control backspace18:56
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: fdisk -l reports the partition as ntfs?  You can only change that by editing the partition table.18:56
dreamboxVonGuard:  doesnt work18:56
jhutchins_wkdreambox: Ctrl-Alt-F1 should get you a console.18:57
jhutchins_wkYeah, they disabled Ctrl-Backspace a while back.18:57
=== LaserShark is now known as LaserShark|dead
Tex_NickBurritoh:  or weston ... will weston replace wayland ? ;)18:58
VonGuardjhutchins_wk, yeah thats what i get, 3 partitions, 2 of them mtfs18:58
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Did you run the restore program?18:58
pankaj_sharmahey i want to install ubuntu without cdrom and pendrive ..how can i?18:58
VonGuardwhere's that?18:58
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: I mean the windows restore.18:58
VonGuardoh no18:58
VonGuardi didnt do anytthign on the windows side18:58
dreamboxjhutchins_wk: using ctrl+alt+f1 changes something in the screen.. but I dont ge ta console.. it just changes... black18:58
dreamboxit becomes more black18:58
VonGuarddreambox, try f218:59
VonGuarddreambox, try or f318:59
eutheriahost can i flush the dns cache?18:59
VonGuardeach one is a different terminal18:59
brightknightShot in the dark, anyone resized an encrypted volume before?18:59
dreamboxany shortcut to change resolution?18:59
VonGuarddreambox, f7 is windows, try up to that one18:59
jhutchins_wk! install | pankaj_sharma18:59
ubottupankaj_sharma: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:59
VonGuarddreambox, ctrl alt f518:59
jhutchins_wkdreambox: You should have a cursor or a login prompt.  Sounds like you may neeed to boot to rescue mode.18:59
dreamboxthats not good19:00
dreamboxits broken19:00
dreamboxbad broken19:00
FloodBot1dreambox: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:00
dreamboxok thats it he resolution i sbad.. how do I go to another one19:00
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: You can try setting partition 3 back to linux, but you are risking data if there's something you've missed.19:00
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Can you still boot windows?19:00
VonGuardjhutchins_wk, it was always ntfs on the linux partition. i installed ubtuntu second19:01
jhutchins_wkdreambox: There's only one xwindows screen.19:01
dreamboxjhutchins_wk: no I used ctrl+f5 and the resolution changed.. It was 320x240 or something19:01
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Does windows see the 3rd partition?  Can it see files on it?19:01
VonGuardyes jhutchins_wk19:01
VonGuardwindows sees the linux partition as having linux installers and such19:01
rathodvikaswanna know about bash and terminal19:02
VonGuardbut it cannot see the linux filesystem19:02
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: It doesn't sound like you have a linux install then.19:02
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: You're not making sense.19:02
MonkeyDustVonGuard  windows sees three systems only: windows windows and windows19:02
VonGuardi know19:02
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: What does windows see in sda2?19:03
VonGuardi'm saying in windows, windows sees the ubuntu partition as only having the ubtunu installer stuff. it always has,19:03
VonGuardit sees windows19:03
VonGuardsda2 has all the windows stuff19:03
rathodvikashi i am new to linux i wnna know something about terminal and shell bash19:03
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: Sorry, sda3?19:03
jhutchins_wkWas thinking 0,1,219:03
VonGuardjhutchins_wk, windows sees sda3 as having a small ubuntu iunstaller. it's a folder marked ubuntu, with installers inside19:04
jhutchins_wk!cli | rathodvikas19:04
ubotturathodvikas: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro19:04
=== atrius_away is now known as atrius
compdocrathodvikas, they are for typing commands19:04
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: What's on the USB drive?  Same thing?19:04
dreamboxdammit I'll have to edit my conf files manually19:05
dreamboxand I have no idea how to19:05
MrokiiHello. Is there a way to make a shell-script (*.sh) being executed automatically without getting a dialog asking me if I want to run, display or execute it?19:05
VonGuardjhutchins_wk, usb drive is just a fat32 with ubuntu live19:05
dreamboxI wish there was a gui auto tool to do that19:05
SoelenOdd-rationale: thanks a lot for your help!19:05
VonGuarddreambox, use vi19:05
dreamboxVonGuard: haha !19:05
dreamboxVonGuard:  I use nano, but the thing is I dont know wha tto write in the file :) not the editor19:05
Tex_Nickrathodvikas:  this might sound lame, but youTube has some really good videos relating to bash19:06
Akiva-Desktopwhat is this tick tock table ttime on ubuntu . com?"19:06
rathodvikasi wanna know how terminal recognizer application name and launch the application eg i install qtcreator or say xchat how it knows to open it19:06
KorejoraMy wireless freezes my computer when it connects to a network. Anyone know how to troubleshoot wireless drivers?19:06
jhutchins_wkVonGuard: From what I can tell you need to reinstall linux.  You need to change the partition to type 83, possibly add a swap partition, format the partition as ext3, ext3, and install.19:06
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VonGuardsigh..... ok19:06
VonGuardguess i lose all that stuff i had on there19:07
MrokiiAkiva-Desktop: A counter going backwards for some news from Canonical to be revealed tomorrow. tomorrow.19:07
jhutchins_wkdreambox: If the tool was GUI, how would you use it to fix the GUI if the GUI were broken?19:07
dreamboxjhutchins_wk: good one19:07
jhutchins_wkdreambox: You can always just reinstall, which is what you would do with windows.19:07
ThinkT510Akiva-Desktop: tick tock tablet time strongly suggests a tablet offering from ubuntu19:07
rathodvikasi wanna know how terminal recognizer application name and launch the application eg i install qtcreator or say xchat how it knows to open it19:08
rapitivohow is that possible to the Load be too high and the server (mysql+apache+bind) keep fast?19:08
dreamboxso are there any default xorg.conf files that will work for my sony laptop?19:08
jhutchins_wkdreambox: Seriously, that's why some of us constantly fight to keep the editable text-based configurations.  We can fix those, over ssh if necessary.19:08
jhutchins_wkdreambox: The default is no conf file.19:08
Tex_Nickrathodvikas:  there is also a bash specific channel on freenode ... #bash19:08
dreamboxjhutchins_wk: I deleted it19:08
Akiva-DesktopThinkT510: I have a thinkpad convertable tablet that I am bout to put a solid state drive in. Wondering if I should wait...19:08
rathodvikasok thnx :)19:09
jhutchins_wkdreambox: You can use X -configure to generate one.19:09
dreamboxdid that.19:09
ThinkT510Akiva-Desktop: thats your choice19:09
jhutchins_wkdreambox: Then why are you asking silly questions if you know what you're doing?19:09
dreamboxbear in mind I am using a needy VAIO laptop monitor...19:09
dreamboxjhutchins_wk: because it still doesnt work:/19:09
DX099hello, I'm having problem with Thunderbird 17.0.2 under Ubuntu 12.10 x64. It won't download all my hotmail messages19:10
julian-delphikiDX099, how are you connecting to it?19:10
DX099only the newer ones, when Evolution on a previous install managed to download all of them without trouble. Can someone help me ? I connect to Hotmail by POP19:10
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julian-delphikiDX099, does it seem to be a certain number, or just only after a certain date19:12
energybeat does anybody know can i show the main toolbar in gmusicbrowser?19:13
DJonesDX099: Are you connecting from more than computer/installation? If you've downloaded emails under pop3 on one installation, they wouldn't show up on another installation because they'd already been downloaded19:14
Tex_Nickmpmc next time try /away :)19:14
leotrhello. I need somebody who has good experience in remastering ubuntu/debian CD without gui tools (like remastersys, etc...) I have some questions and it might require about 60-90 minutes. If somebody is interested please send me PM.19:15
chris_nany chance on recovering an botched in-place upgrade from 10.04 to 12.10? The system hangs after running /scripts/init-bottom19:15
Atum_DJones, is there any way to download them at all stations?19:15
OerHeksDJones, i was thinking of a limit of mail-download/day19:15
Tex_Nickmpmc : and when you return /back19:15
DJonesAtum_: Not with pop3 (as far as I know) it'd need to be imap for multiple machines19:16
rapitivoHi there. Could anyone give me a help? how is that possible to the Load be too high and the server (mysql+apache+bind) keep fast?19:16
dreamboxDoes someone know how to declare a resolution for my monitor in xorg.conf ?19:16
=== LaserShark|dead is now known as LaserShark
ejvchris_n: you'll need to provide more information/details/error messages for this channel to more thoroughly help you19:23
Tex_NickLinda : hello, if you have an ubuntu specific question please ask :)19:23
chris_nejv: thanks; I'll post those once I get the fs mounted and can retrieve them19:24
Linda--thanks :) I'm having trouble with an NDISWrapper Wireless network card in Ubuntu19:25
Akiva-Desktophow is the stability on 13.04 thus far?19:25
ejvLinda--: also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper19:25
MonkeyDustAkiva-Desktop  #ubuntu+119:25
Linda--The usb wireless works ok, but as soon as I connect to the machine via my Lan, i get destination host unreachable and i have to unplug and replug the usb device to get access again.19:26
ejvi would look at the kernel ring buffer for more information, dmesg | less19:27
Akiva-DesktopMonkeyDust: Ah, I was wondering why ubuntu-dev was empty19:28
RZAFC1Hell yes, gcc is working beautifully19:29
computerexanyone have any links of using tor as a global proxy for 12.04? I have tor working for the browser, wondering if I can use it for everything19:30
Linda--no errors there19:30
TuxBlackEdoi dont get any desktop when i startx... apt-get returns a error code 245 on gnome-applets19:30
brightknightcomputerex: Using tor may be a bad idea.19:31
computerexbrightknight - I am not doing anything hardcore..19:31
MonkeyDustTuxBlackEdo  with what?19:32
TuxBlackEdoMonkeyDust, my apt-get has broken packages, apparently "post-removal script returned an error exit status 245" on gnome-applets19:33
MonkeyDustTuxBlackEdo  try sudo apt-get -f install19:33
TuxBlackEdothat's what gives me the error19:33
SonikkuAmericaTuxBlackEdo: And then if that doesn't work...19:33
TuxBlackEdoI already did apt-get clean autoremove dist-updgrade19:33
brightknightcomputerex: then why use it19:34
TuxBlackEdogoogled the problem for about 3 days now x_x19:34
SonikkuAmericaTuxBlackEdo: Do apt-get clean, then [ cd ] into /var/lib/apt19:34
MonkeyDustTuxBlackEdo  what's the output of lsb_release -sd ?19:34
computerexbrightknight - cause I need to do something anonymously.19:34
TuxBlackEdoSonikkuAmerica, done19:34
SonikkuAmericaTuxBlackEdo: After that, [ sudo mv lists lists.old && sudo mkdir -p lists/partial && apt-get clean && apt-get update ]19:35
TuxBlackEdoMonkeyDust, Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS19:35
SonikkuAmericaTuxBlackEdo: Those other apt-get commands are run as root as well (sudo).19:35
SonikkuAmericaTuxBlackEdo: Then give [ sudo apt-get install -f ] another shot when you finish that mess.19:36
brightknightcomputerex: is it worth compromising the whole system?19:36
computerexbrightknight - yes. Do you know how to do it or not man :P ?19:36
MonkeyDustTuxBlackEdo  instead of struggling with 10.04, which will be outdated in a few weeks from now, consider upgrading to 12.0419:36
TuxBlackEdoSonikkuAmerica, thank you so much for the help (its downloading stuff now), i've been at this for days19:37
computerexbrightknight - just checking in networking settings, setting up a proxy there doesn't seem to work for some reason19:37
brightknightcomputerex: the website explains it19:37
TuxBlackEdoMonkeyDust, well, technically this is backtrack-linux19:37
SonikkuAmericaTuxBlackEdo: You're welcome. Check out MonkeyDust's comment above, though.19:37
maikelWhen i boot i get a fast flash of Grub saying something like No dev/sda blabla found, cant really read it all19:38
maikelany ideas?19:38
MonkeyDustTuxBlackEdo  type /join #backtrack-linux19:38
TuxBlackEdoalready there19:38
brightknightcomputerex: well it may be that a global proxy is going to include tors outgoing connections19:38
TuxBlackEdothey mostly talk about backtrack tools, i was asking in gone yesterday19:38
TuxBlackEdo#gome, rather.19:38
chalcedonymy husband has a new drive and new ubuntu 10.04, he's trying to move his files from his old hd, and gets an error saying that they are partly unreadable: "Name 1, Type folder (inode/directory); 149 items, totalling 0 bytes (some contents unreadable)19:39
SonikkuAmericaFor me GNOME is gone.19:39
MonkeyDustTuxBlackEdo  backtrack is not supported here19:39
brightknightchalcedony: do an fsck19:39
TuxBlackEdoSonikkuAmerica, still same error x_x19:39
ejvbrightknight ++19:40
chalcedonybrightknight, can you be a little more specific, please?19:40
DX099DJones, yes, I've already downloaded them with evolution on another install19:40
SonikkuAmericaTuxBlackEdo: maybe #backtrack-linux might have some ideas.19:40
TuxBlackEdooh... ok... no one barely talks in there, and when i ask a question, i idle there for about 3 days with no response19:41
SonikkuAmericaTuxBlackEdo: Although you might tell me what kind of errors apt-get gave you.19:41
TuxBlackEdoapt-get returns a error code 245 on gnome-applets19:42
brightknightchalcedony: then check the smart status and see how many unreadable sectors there are and find a utility to locate them and see if they are in those files if the drive is failing you need an expert turn the computer off and see an expert19:42
chalcedonybrightknight, thank you very much19:42
MonkeyDustTuxBlackEdo  don't forget to mention it's backtrack19:42
DX099julian-delphiki, all of those who aren't new aren't downloaded19:42
TuxBlackEdoSonikkuAmerica, "subprocess new post-removal script returned error exit status 245"19:43
brightknightchalcedony: i say turn it off because the more the drive is used the more damage that may be done19:43
SonikkuAmericaTuxBlackEdo: Thought so, check your PMs.19:43
k1lTuxBlackEdo: that is backtrack specific since backtrack changes thinks like the root account and such. so ask them (maybe in forums or mailinglists if the channel is no active enough), they know what they changed and what should work19:43
killakillacamwhats goooood19:44
ejvIf nobody knows your answer, nobody will respond. In the meantime, there are *multiple* other options: 1) official ubuntu forums 2) askubuntu.com 3) mailling lists and 4) Launchpad.19:44
=== jacques_ is now known as Guest29833
PagosIs it possible to shrink an active drive/partition?19:47
beanDX099: that's how Pop3 is intended to work, I believe19:48
beanDX099: it will only download unread messages.19:48
DX099so theres'no way out of this ?19:48
ThinkT510Pagos: you can only modify partitions when they are unmounted19:48
ejvPagos: is you used LVM and ext which supports filesystem growth and shrinkage.19:48
beanDX099: you may want to consider getting with the times and switching to gmail :)19:48
beanDX099: you could use your web browser.19:48
PagosDX099 are you trying to set up mutt?19:49
dreamboxCan someone help me with a X problem? My xorg.conf got messed up I cant get a display when booting to XFCE...19:49
DX099I already have a gmail account, but my hotmail is the really one.19:49
DX099Pagos, no still to complicated for me. I'm trying to set up Thunderbird19:49
ThinkT510!xorgconf | dreambox19:49
Pagosoh haha19:49
ubottudreambox: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.19:49
beanPagos he's trying to use POP to download his mail from hotmail, in thunderbird.19:49
PagosOh, okay19:49
beanDX099: pop messages are only downloaded once, usually.19:50
PagosSo there's no way to shrink an ext3 partition unless i unmount it?19:50
wNPagos: right19:50
wNPagos: well, ext3 file-system.19:51
MonkeyDustPagos  or any other kind of partition19:51
PagosWeird, windows can shrink active partition, I wonder why I can't on Linux19:51
wNyou could always cut the end off of your partition :D19:51
DX099Pagos, yes. You have to unmount it. And then you can use gparted.19:51
ejvperhaps because NTFS != $GNU/LINUX_FS19:51
MonkeyDustPagos  or use windows, if that suits you more19:51
PagosNah, I don't like windows at all19:52
ejvalso not all filesystems were created equal, for example, xfs only supports filesystem growth operations, not shrinkage. good luck.19:52
dreamboxThinkT510: thanks, I already generated a general Xorg file ... doesn't work19:52
DX099Pagos, why can't you afford a few 15 mins to do your operations ?19:53
ejvDX099: perhaps the disk is hosting a critical service.19:53
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ejvwhich i find complete irony in :)19:54
* ejv ducks19:54
PagosDX099, it's my only disk, is there any way to partition it without booting into a live cd?19:54
DX099Pagos, If you're on ext3 no. You really can't boot to live ?19:55
PagosDX099, nope, I can't boot into usb and I don't have any blank CDs19:55
Korejorachecking in for help with wireless driver troubleshooting19:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:56
DX099Pagos, no USB drive huh ? Mmh an extreme solution would be booting off network.19:57
Jordan_UPagos: You can configure grub2 to loop boot an iso file, and pass that live system the "toram" kernel parameter, but it's a little complicated and in the (unlikely) event that there is a problem (for instance, losing power during the resize) you will be stuck without any bootable media.19:57
=== ericab_away is now known as ericab
PagosJordan_U, well what I am trying to do is make a partition and dd the contents of the 12.04 install iso to it and then boot into that to install 12.04 over my current 6.06 install. But this is a little too complicated19:58
beanDX099: most people would tell you to just use IMAP for your problem btw, but I don't think hotmail supports imap19:58
PagosAt this point I'm considering walking to the drug store and paying $10 for some CDs19:58
DX099bean, i wouldn't be here if it did so...19:59
ejv6.06, good grief...19:59
PagosYeah, fun times!19:59
Korejora@ejv: it doesn't make much sense to post my $ dmesg in here hoping someone can interpret it, does it? I haven't gotten an answer in the past few days, so I'm running under the assumption that most people don't know the answer to my question, and that I would need an expert in the drivers.19:59
jayaHow to install java 7 and oracle 11g  in ubuntu ?19:59
jayai'm new to ubuntu19:59
Jordan_UPagos: Walking to the drug store is certainly the easiest solution. Using dd like that only works if you dd to the entire disk, not to a partition, so you would have failed in that attempt anyway.19:59
=== canihojr is now known as CanihoJR
DX099Pagos, don't you have any USB media or your computer has no USB entry ?19:59
PagosJaya, could you be a bit more specific? What version of ubuntu? Are ou trying to install the JDK or the JRE20:00
ejvi certainly hope you do not post your dmesg in here, but rather via a pastebin service.20:00
BluesKajPagos, that sounds like a good idea ,buy some cdrws to prevent frisbee disease20:00
Guest34564hello , it is possible to connect to an ubuntu server via remote desktop , from win7 ?20:00
PagosDX099, I do have a usb drive and a few ports, but I can only boot from IBM drives as far as I know20:00
ejvi would just backup your home dir, and anything else that's critical to $STORAGE; then completely re-install20:01
Jordan_UPagos: You can relatively easily and reliably boot a netboot install image, but really I think you want to just walk to the drug store.20:01
MonkeyDustGuest34564  yes, with putty20:01
DJonesDX099: I guess another solution could be to set hotmail to forward all incoming emails to a gmail (or similar) account, and configure that account in thunderbird so that the reply to address was the hotmail one, you'd get imap via the gmail account then20:01
Guest34564thank you , monkeydust20:01
PagosJordan_U, but money. How do I into netboot?20:01
Guest34564i've tried with putty but i can connect only with terminal20:01
MonkeyDustGuest34564  yes, server doens not have a GUI20:02
DJonesGuest34564: Ubuntu server only has a terminal20:02
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Guest34564i've installed on the server ubuntu desktop but i cannot access to it wit Nomachine nor x2go , any clues?20:02
DX099Pagos, strange... try the following on your drive : Format it the usual way to FAT. Then "dd if=/my/ubuntu/iso of=/dev/sdx" x = usb drive letter, no number. This worked for my picky BIOS.20:02
beanDX099: there may be some setting on either your hotmail or gmail to download all, pop often deletes emails once they're downloaded though, and I don't know enough about your configuration20:03
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AcidRain2013DJones: but you can install a gui on ubuntu server right?20:03
DX099DJones, yes maybe I'll do that. But POP3 has an option for redownloading ALL messsages so I wondered why Thunderbird didn't have it.20:03
Jordan_UPagos: In short, download the netboot kernel and initrd and add an entry to Ubuntu 6.06's grub legacy to load that kernel and initrd. For detailed instructions you'll have to wait until after I eat lunch :)20:04
Akiva-Desktop3 floodbots?20:04
jaya<Pagos> i'm using ubuntu 11 , i'm install JDK and JRE 720:04
jayaneed to*20:04
beanAkiva-Desktop: yes, 320:04
DX099bean, I took extra caution so that messages are never deleted from web.20:04
DJonesAcidRain2013: You can, but in that case, why not just use a desktop install20:04
Akiva-Desktopbean, like, three 3?20:04
beanDX099: okay. Hmm. Could always add that account to your gmail and have it download them into your gmail.20:04
beanAkiva-Desktop: what is your question, yes there are three flood bots.20:05
MonkeyDustDX099  hotmail is autoconfigured -- Edit, Account settings, Account actions... enter name + hotmail address, thunderbird does the rest20:05
Akiva-Desktopbean why not 1?20:05
Jordan_UPagos: Also remember that without any other bootable media, if installation fails for any reason you're up the creek.20:05
beanAkiva-Desktop: because there are three.20:05
MonkeyDustGuest34564  keep it in the channel please20:05
Akiva-Desktopbean: why 3 and not 1?20:06
Jordan_UAkiva-Desktop: Because this way if one bot fails, or there is a netsplit, we still have a floodbot. Please move further offtopic discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.20:06
beanAkiva-Desktop: what Jordan_U said.20:07
Akiva-DesktopJordan_U: Thanks, my computer works now.20:07
Guest34564if i use nomachine do i have to configure something on ubuntu server ?20:07
beanGuest34564: what is "nomachine"20:07
Guest34564a client which allows to connect remotely20:08
Guest34564i guess20:08
beanGuest34564: a server client has no graphical user interface, you are better off using putty to connect.20:08
Guest34564i'm using putty right now but i'm not able to install amule20:09
beanI'm not going to help you pirate, especially not on an unsecure way of doing so.20:09
DX099MonkeyDust, yes but Evolution is also working on this account. So because it downloaded all messages , Thunderbird won't... There are no problem with login. It's just that Thunderbird won't get messages that are not marked new.20:10
PagosDX099, okay so should I set a block size for this DD?20:11
DX099Just dd the iso to the entire usb drive (/dev/sdx, NO PARTITION NUMBER)20:13
Pagosthen try to boot into it from GRUB or from my bios?20:13
temporary_hello, can anyone tell me if they get MD5SUM errors with wubi.exe when downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04.2/?20:13
temporary_i think wubi.exe may be corrupt20:13
strawmetalMy touchpad works on 12.04.1 but not on 12.04.220:13
strawmetalcat /proc/bus/input/devices20:14
Pagosbrb, wish me luck!20:14
Korejoramy computer freezes whenever my wireless connects to a network with internet. anyone know how I can figure out what the problem is?20:15
Krallehow to setup bnc server on ubuntu?20:15
beanKorejora: what model of computer20:15
Kralleanyone can help?20:15
beanKralle: are you talking about an IRC bouncer?20:16
Korejora@bean: it's a PC I built. what part do you need to know about?20:16
beanKorejora: what wireless card it has.20:16
strawmetalHas anyone dealt with synaptics touchpad issues?20:16
KralleIRC Bouncher yes20:16
Korejora@bean: the adapter model is "D-Link DWA-548 Wireless N 300 PCI Express Desktop Adapter"20:16
beanKralle: ZNC should work just fine20:16
Krallebean ok how to download it on ubuntu?20:17
strawmetalMy touchpad worked flawlessly on 12.04.1 but not on a fresh install of 12.04.220:17
Krallecan you help me?20:17
beanKralle: apt-get install znc20:18
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jayaAnyone knows how to install Java in ubuntu ????20:18
jrib!java | jaya20:18
ubottujaya: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.20:18
beanKorejora: i can't say that I can help :\  Thats a tough one20:19
yeehiI need to allow TCP for port 1234 on my router. My router settings are: External Port  Internal Port  Protocol  To IP Address  Enabled   What do I put in the different fields? Protocol is TCP, I think. Internal/External, I don't know. "To IP" is 192.168.1.?  I don't know how to work out which number to put in the "To IP" field... Please help...20:19
jaya<ubottu> Thank you20:19
jaya<jrib> :)20:19
KralleI have installed ZNC now. So what i have to do now?20:20
Korejora@bean: Yeah, I've been scouring the internet for an answer, but the only thing I've come across with similar errors is someone saying that they switched to 32-bit Ubuntu and their wireless suddenly worked fine.20:20
beanKorejora: and I take it thats not something you want to try?20:20
PagosOkay so I am back!20:21
Korejora@bean: I don't want to use 32-bit, unfortunately. If I thought getting it work in 32-bit would get it work in 64-bit, I would try it.20:21
PagosMy processor doesn't support PAE. What can I do?20:21
Korejoraget it to work*20:22
KorejoraTo be clear, they changed their entire OS to 32-bit, not just the wireless drivers.20:23
DX099Pagos, what happened exactly ?20:24
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leotrhi! I'm making preseed file. Is it described somewhere? I want docs for d-i console-setup/ask_detect setting20:24
PagosDX099, well it worked, but the version of ubuntu I was trying to install needs PAE. My processor doesn't support pae I think20:24
DX099Pagos ? why install ?20:24
PagosDX099, what?20:25
PagosDX099, I20:25
PagosDX099, I'm trying to update from 6.06 lolol20:25
DX099You were going for partition resize, am I right ?20:25
Jordan_Uyeehi: "ifconfig" will tell you your local ip address.20:25
PagosDX099, yeah to attempt to install 12.04 because I thought my computer couldn't boot from USB. You helped me to get booting from usb to work20:25
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ejvKralle: znc documentation would be a great start: http://wiki.znc.in/ZNC20:26
Jordan_Uyeehi: If you want connections to enter the router on port 1234 *and* enter your computer on port 1234 (rather than 5678) then enter 1234 for both fields.20:26
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PagosDX099, I think I'm going to download lubuntu 12.04, as it doesn't use a PAE kernel20:29
DX099Pagos, http://www.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/non-pae/20:29
Jordan_UPagos: Try installing Lubuntu 12.04,.20:29
Pagoswait, netboot might work20:29
ejvPagos: I think you're confused on what PAE offers. It's a feature that allows 32bit processors to address space outside of the 4GB range; therefore if you're using *any* x86 based chip you could (technically speaking) roll a PAE-enabled kernel.20:29
Pagosejv,  not a pentium m, which does not support pae20:30
DX099Lubuntu and Xubuntu 12.04 are NON-PAE if I remember correctly20:30
dysunHi all. I have another eth interface that i wanted to use, and I noticed that it had an ip address of, but I hadn't configured it in my /etc/network/interfaces file. When I went to go to gnome-connection manager it just crashed. Any reason why this might happen? I'm running Ubuntu 12.1020:30
Jordan_UPagos: On a machine that doens't support PAE, plain Ubuntu probably would have been painfull to use anyway.20:30
KralleAnyone can help me setup ZNC IRC Bouncer?20:30
ejvgood grief, pentium M? lol20:30
ejvKralle: read the documentation from the link I sent to you. It's all explained there.20:30
Pagosejv, it's a thinkpad t40! Very old.20:30
Kralleejv send again please.20:31
ejv< ejv> Kralle: znc documentation would be a great start: http://wiki.znc.in/ZNC20:31
DX099Pagos, then Unity isn't for you anyway. Try Lubuntu 12.04 or Xubuntu. Mini-iso might be a bit difficult for you to set up (no GUI).20:31
ejvPagos: yes, pentium M and intel celeron are the only chips (afaik) that don't support PAE. Lucky you.20:31
ursos-arctosi've installed xubuntu 12.04 on my pentium m pc. give it a try20:31
krnxratI was trying to migrate my WUBI onto a 50gb partition, but now I can't boot into windows and the migration itself failed. I tried to repair thru recovery disc, but it didnt work. Ubuntu works fine and i can access all my files on my main partition thru nautilus on ubuntu, but I just cant boot in to windows. Any tips?20:32
ejvin any case, welcome to the world of Intel product segmentation!20:32
PagosDX099, I don't like Unity anyways :P I am planning on using gnome-2 and Awesome!20:33
Krallehow to adduser?20:33
ejvKralle: useradd -m -G $GROUP_1,$GROUP_2 -s /bin/bash $USERNAME20:34
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ejvKralle: man useradd20:34
KralleWhat ?20:34
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo20:34
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ejvI think people are getting lazier. I see a trend developing here.20:34
Pagosejv, what ever do you mean? ;)20:35
KralleI mean adduser on ZNC IRC Bouncer.20:35
DX099Pagos, then http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/precise/release/20:35
DX099same dd operation20:35
ejvKralle: did you even read the website?20:36
joey8did you know that "how to" has got the same number of letters as "google"20:36
psichaskrnxrat, do you know grub?20:36
joey8(space = a letter)20:36
krnxratGrub is the booter for ubuntu. yes?20:36
ejvKralle: it says to run znc --makeconf; I imagine during that operation, it will ask you to generate user credentials. There's also: http://wiki.znc.in/FAQ20:37
psichasyup and configure it to load windows20:37
PagosDoes anyone know how to back up an ubuntu install into the ibm thinkpad predesktop area?20:38
bartzyWhy hostname completion with tab for ssh (i.e. ssh some-ma<TAB>, completes to some-machine) - is taking 1 sec to do ? :|20:38
krnxratthank oyu20:38
ejvbartzy: high load on the system? who knows without more information on your environment.20:39
MonkeyDust!details | bartzy20:39
ubottubartzy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:39
bartzyNo load, ubuntu 12.10 64-bit, modern machine (SSD blah blah) ...20:40
bartzyIt just takes like 1.5 sec to complete. It's of course not horrible, just annoying, cause it only needs to look at /etc/hosts, I think ?20:40
DX099pagos, what do you  mean "predesktop area" ? you mean backup fro20:41
DX099m CLI ?20:41
krnxratwait, but as a WUBI install, doesn;t my ubuntu use the windows booter?20:41
ejvbartzy: you could try another shell and benchmark20:42
ejvbartzy: zsh for example20:42
ejvyou'll thank me later20:42
bartzyejv: What the shell has to do with it ? :)20:42
hmsckcan you tell me a difference between Lubuntu and Lubuntu-desktop please?20:43
x-os_paldoes anyone use cisco's packet tracer?20:43
sanguisdexso I just came back to ubuntu for a work station, and when I go to start nginx I get the message that port 80 is already taken on a pretty vanilla install, what is gvfsd-http and how do I keep it away from port 80?20:43
ejvi was suggesting that zsh's completion implementation might be more efficient.20:43
psichaslubuntu-desktop it is just lxde lubuntu much more20:44
hmsckwhat is more friendly for hardware...lubuntu or lubuntu desktop?20:44
psichaslubuntu or lubuntu ? hmm lubuntu 1 choise :)20:45
Pagoshmsck, what kind of hardware?20:46
DX099hmsck, basically lubuntu-desktop should install every possible thing that makes lubuntu lubuntu.20:46
Pagoshmsck, uhm... what kind of laptop?20:46
DX099but you're still doubting, doing a clean install of lubuntu won't hurt.20:46
hmsckthinkpad sl510...my fan is very noisy and i try to find some more friendly OS...20:47
psichasDX099, i think everything wil be ok :)20:48
Pagoshmsck, actually there are some problems with thinkpad fans, if you are looking to reduce that noise try getting a FRU fan from lenovo. But if you are looking for something that will make it run cooler then lubuntu is a good choice20:48
llutzhmsck: have you tried using tlp, thinkfan or tpfanco to get the fan less noisy?20:49
MadsRCEvening boys20:49
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hmsckPegos I nstalled Lubuntu desktop in Xubuntu...is it enough?20:49
hmsckit doesn't work properly with SL51020:50
Pagoshmsck, what doesn't work right?20:50
xaphhi guys. I'm using ubuntu 13.04 now and installing awesome doesn't creata a slimdm entry.20:50
hmsckjupiter too20:50
xaphhow can i add a new entry to slimdm?20:50
DJones!raring | xaph20:51
ubottuxaph: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+120:51
xaphok :)20:51
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qubitis there any reason the default start order for the 'iptables-persistent' service is so late in the boot process (number 37 in rc2.d). this is a significant security issue as many services will start before the iptables ruleset loads and secures said services20:53
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Pagosqubit, what services load before it, and how much of a time is there between boot and it loading? I doubt an attack would happen in that little of a time frame20:54
jribqubit: file a bug.  See alternatives at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo20:55
computerexI wonder if ubuntu will ever have support for twinview dual monitor setups...20:55
qubitPagos: puppet, syslog-ng, nginx, stunnel to name a few20:55
Pagosqubit, it still stands that this is a support channel. file a bug report if you think it's that big of an issue20:56
ech0pl3xwhat's happenin everyone20:56
qubitPagos: that's why i was asking if there was a reason for it20:56
Ben64!upstart | qubit20:57
ubottuqubit: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/20:57
qubitBen64: it's not an upstart service20:57
_DomY-DomHello, I am trying to install Office 2010 through Wine but wine needs the dotnet20 and msxml6 which can't be installed because it seems that Wine requires "Mono" which I do not know how to install. Anyone ?20:57
Ben64sure it is20:57
Pagos!mono | _DomY-Dom20:58
qubitBen64: /etc/rc*.d is the old sys-v20:58
MonkeyDust_DomY-Dom  #winehq20:58
Pagoser... I figured that would have worked. But yeah, this isn't reall the place to ask about wine or mono, _DomY-Dom20:58
Ben64qubit: yep, which has been replaced by upstart20:58
Ben64!appdb | _DomY-Dom21:00
ubottu_DomY-Dom: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:00
elisa87Hi..how can I solve this problem? /Attributes.hpp: No such file or directory21:00
qubitBen64: which leads me back to my original point that the iptables-persistent package creates /etc/rc2.d/S37iptables-persistent which isn't upstart21:00
bartzyhow do I make future files in a directory, writeable by the group of the directory ?21:00
Ben64qubit: you're worrying about nothing21:01
jribbartzy: use ACLs or change the umask (will apply to every file the user creates) for relevant users21:01
PagosI agree with Ben64, it's not an issue really21:01
qubitBen64: unless I'm doing complex things like ensuring that servers sitting behind a load balancer aren't accessable until the boot process is fully complete and the firewall restrictions are removed21:01
jribqubit: I disagree.  Why not file a bug and see what the maintainer has to say?21:01
qubitjrib: I will :-)21:02
Ben64qubit: then change the rules yourself21:02
blackbeardHi there!!21:03
blackbeardAnybody here?21:04
Ben641,797 people are here21:04
Lofde_i have a ubuntu 12.04 box using gnome 3, and as soon as it logs into the desktop i need it to run a terminal command .. what is the best way to do this (this terminal command is just going to launch the chrome browser  '/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome --kiosk http://www.website.com'21:05
vespakoenHey guys, I am in desperate need of a wizard of Hybrid MBR =)21:05
alo21hi... How can I create an email account, which redirect all emails to another one?21:05
vespakoenMy oh so fine Ubuntu has been running perfectly smooth for years besides Mac OS X Leopard, but the day has come, I needed to run something in the new IOS simulator, and thus had to get myself mountain lion, installation went fine, but now... my refit has been blown to hell, I have been trying all kinds of Hybrid MBR combinations with gdisk, but with no success so far21:06
bartzywhere can I find all the mount options ?21:06
bartzyi.e. all the stuff I can put in mount -o21:06
vespakoenI am hoping someone can show me the light21:06
MadsRCAnybody in here ever set up a rtorrent client?21:07
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dwatkinsI mean 'yes, MadsRC, I have'21:08
MadsRCdwatkins, Say I'd like to run it in the background, but NOT with screen... You know how to do that?21:09
jribbartzy: « man mount »21:09
dwatkinsMadsRC: nope, I just use screen. If I don't want to see it, I switch to another 'window'.21:09
DocDoomI am really enjoying Kubuntu. KDE is awsome..21:10
MadsRCdwatkins, yeah guess I could do that... But I'd have to be comfortable with screen first :D21:10
dwatkinsMadsRC: ah I see, it's great once you get used to it. I find that having a statusline helps.21:11
DX099Lofde_, should try to check user defined sessions /usr/share/xsessions21:11
MadsRCdwatkins, screen has a statusline?21:11
dwatkinsMadsRC: http://rowla.dyndns.org/blog/2009/09/27/gnu-screen-status-line-and-other-settings/21:12
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DX099but that's a bit advanced for me, so maybe some expert will be able to talk about it on #gnome or #linux21:12
MadsRCdwatkins, Thanks, will look into that :D21:12
dwatkinsMadsRC: welcome :) see more recent article for more about the statusline and hardstatus21:13
elisa87Do you know how I can fix this error? Struct.cpp:87:43: fatal error: OpenAnalysis/CFG/ManagerCFG.hpp: No such file or directory ??? should I install a specific package?21:14
mijI'm trying to install wizardpen in my xubuntu 12.10 box. The instructions say I must edit the configuration file at /etc/hal/fdi/policy/99-x11-wizardpen.fdi but I have no /etc/hal any ideas?21:14
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mijis it some sort of older version of /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d ???21:16
Lofde_DX099, have a doc or something i could read to go with taht21:17
giikerhow do I found out if my kernel has been upgraded since I installed Ubuntu?21:19
DX099Lofde_, http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s02.html21:22
DX099sincerely, good luck.21:22
SonikkuAmerica*sigh* Oh well21:22
zesgashiHey guys, just installed 12.10 and am having a fee problems, I installed the latest nvidia drivers for my laptop, applied the latest updates and now once I start up, all I get is the console, and upon trying to start unity I get a cannot open display message, any ideas?21:22
roger_rHi, having trouble with dual displays in 12.04. I have two monitors plugged into a Geforce 6800 and my motherboard's integrated graphics card. Both are enabled in the bios - windows works with both. Using lspci I can see both adapters, but only the intel integrated one is displaying anything.21:24
DX099From what I'm seeing myself, the "Exec" Entry is responsible for executing everything needed for user to obtain proper sessions.21:26
DX099Lofde_, what you could perhaps do is having that line to execute a custom script in which you could put whatever you want, without forgetting of course the original value of that entry, whatever it was...21:26
kovuremember that issue i was having with my bj 10sx printer i found how to install it that i will now be posting in the forums21:27
giikerhow do I found out if my kernel has been upgraded since I installed Ubuntu?21:28
crankharderhow do I correct this: The following packages have unmet dependencies:  ia32-libs : Depends: ia32-libs-multiarch E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.21:28
saydwhats the best way to install pip on a fresh quantal?21:28
jribgiiker: why do you want to know that?  You can get the current version with: uname -r21:28
crankharderi've done sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ; sudo apt-get autoremove - all finishes cleanly21:28
jribsayd: python-pip and python3-pip are packages in the repositories21:29
SonikkuAmericacrankharder: [ sudo apt-get install -f ]21:29
saydjrib: ok thanks!21:29
crankharderSonikkuAmerica: won't that just futher break things?21:29
jribcrankharder: what ubuntu version?  Why do you want ia32-libs?21:29
crankharderjrib: precise, wkhtmltopdf21:29
SonikkuAmericacrankharder: No, it corrects dependencies.21:29
jribcrankharder: what?21:29
giikerjrib: I know , but what happens is, I'm having kernel panics with a driver I built myself for a wifi card. I didn't use to have them when I installed Ubuntu21:29
AurigaHowdy, I recently used a program in Linux to create a Windows 7 USB, but since a reinstall I have forgotten the name of it, does anyone know the name?21:30
jribgiiker: dpkg -l 'linux-image*' | grep '^ii' will tell you what kernels you have installed.   If you haven't removed any, then you could see that way21:30
crankharderSonikkuAmerica: https://gist.github.com/crankharder/c22a5555beade770528621:30
faLUCEhelp please! I can't see windows' borders anymore, and I see "x" instead the mouse pointer icon... something has messed up without a reason.. what can i do?21:30
jribcrankharder: you don't need ia32-libs now that there's proper multiarch support21:31
crankharderjrib: http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/wiki/static21:31
jribcrankharder: that's just outdated.  You can still install that package and it will pull in a bunch of :i386 packages though.  In any case, what's the output of « dpkg --print-foreign-architectures »?21:32
jribcrankharder: also, don't use aptitude with multiarch on precise21:32
crankharderjrib: trying to ultimately correct this: https://gist.github.com/crankharder/def42996069b262cb6b421:33
giikerjrib: I have 3 versions, but I think not really upgraded, but patches.21:33
jribLadyNikon: giiker21:33
neo1691Can anyone tell me what is the default calendar in ubuntu? I mean what calendar is used for showing events in the ubuntu calendar launcher on the top?21:33
jribgiiker: ok?21:33
crankharderdpkg --print-foreign-architectures => i38621:33
faLUCEI can't resize windows... I don't see buttons on them.... what has happened?21:34
giikerjrib:  it went like this : 3.2.0-36.57   3.2.0-37.58  3.2.0-29.4621:34
jribcrankharder: pastebin output of: « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ia32-libs-multiarch »21:34
auronandacefaLUCE: likely compiz crashed21:35
giikerjrib: say that again!!21:35
lehzenineo1891, I'd suppose it's the gregorian calendar :)21:35
jribgiiker: well see what the patches are; consider an earlier kernel and see if the kernel panics persist21:35
lehzenineo1691, I'd suppose it's the gregorian calendar :)21:35
neo1691lehzeni, :)21:35
faLUCEauronandace: but I don't have compiz as executable21:35
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giikerjrib: alright, will see, thanks jrib21:36
auronandacefaLUCE: if you are using unity you are using compiz21:36
neo1691I am using ubuntu 12.10. I had thunderbird configured with google but my events are not shown on the calendar next to the sound and wireless icons on the top21:36
faLUCEwhat can I do?21:36
auronandacefaLUCE: open a terminal and type compiz --replace &&21:37
faLUCEauronandace: it says that compiz is not installed21:38
auronandacefaLUCE: can you take a screenshot of your issue?21:39
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faLUCEauronandace: yes, hold a sec21:41
faLUCEauronandace: http://postimage.org/image/58f1lbai7/21:41
faLUCEauronandace: I use two monitors21:42
faLUCEauronandace: as you can see there are not borders21:42
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auronandacefaLUCE: hmm, that looks like kde21:43
rozicaHi there. I'have xubuntu 12.10 and  when using steam I get: You need to have a specific Flash Player installed to view video content in Steam. Please follow these directions to get the right version for Steam. I don't understand isn't steam for ubuntu officially supported? How do I fix this please?21:43
faLUCEauronandace: it's ubuntu studio21:43
lehzenirozica, if you want steam, get their flash player21:43
rozicalehzeni: how?21:44
lehzenifollow the directions21:44
rozicaby following those instructions?21:44
auronandacefaLUCE: i've never used ubuntu studio sorry21:44
faLUCEauronandace: nm21:44
temporary_any wubi users here? i am wondering if offline installation is still supported21:44
temporary_i put ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64 in the same directory as wubi.exe and it still gives an error and wants to download the file21:45
temporary_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide seems to be wrong21:45
MonkeyDustwubi :(21:46
chalcedonymy question please: http://pastebin.com/FrNi4bWN21:47
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DX099temporary_, I would advise you to drop wubi or run a real vm21:48
scribbleIs there any good guidance on how to USB boot and bypass the new EFI standards. I've spent the whole day since 2:30 AM getting no where. All tutorials I find require to live boot and do configuration which is something I can't do.21:48
* chalcedony offers scribble coffee and cupcakes21:49
scribblecoffee needed. many cupcakes needed though21:50
chalcedonysounds like you need a good meal and sleep, scribble21:50
temporary_DX099, what's wrong with wubi?21:50
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gene__Installed new 3.5.7 kernel on 10.04.4 LTS on 64 bit hp lappy. New kernel panics, can't mount sda1 as /boot.  Ideas anyone?21:51
scribblemeal. sleep. A world without billion dollar malware corporations. All would help21:52
chalcedonyscribble, amen21:52
tfhhi, I just installed a new copy of Ubuntu 12.10, and I seem to have lost all my previous' version's files... I had to do this rather than a proper update because something went wrong and my machine wouldn't start up - stopping at the grub level.21:53
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chalcedonymy question please: http://pastebin.com/FrNi4bWN21:54
DX099temporary_, it's limited, doesn't give you the full power of EXT File system, you still depend on Windows, Linux can't grasp full ressources, etc.21:54
DX099oups...forget the part about grasping full ressources21:56
braaaainshello everyone, I'm trying to install the ubuntu server from USB and it keeps asking for a CD or saying that it can't find the cd, when i'm not even using one21:58
crankharderis there any tool that can tell me where the largest files on a fs are?21:59
jribcrankharder: baobab21:59
crankharderjrib: how about a command line tool?22:00
jribcrankharder: ncdu, or judicious use of find and du I suppose22:00
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gene__Installed new 3.5.7 kernel on 10.04.4 LTS on 64 bit hp lappy. New kernel panics, can't mount sda1 as /boot.  /dev/sda1 is ext4 according to gparted.  Ideas anyone?22:02
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Guest41451anyone use 3g modems here?22:02
mumblesok guys - ubuntu version for an eeepc 4g22:03
mumbleskeep on running on a this kernel requres pae22:03
ajpI'm trying to get my upstart script (http://pastebin.com/xjACPjk4) to work, it launches this script (http://pastebin.com/zUjJ9G8c) but when I reboot the server (12.04 headless) the script does not work. I had it working a few weeks ago.22:03
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chalcedonyhttp://pastebin.com/BmBC8ESY this has an example of the file Properties22:04
braaaainsI guess i'll try to make another usb image22:05
tfhhi, I just installed a new copy of Ubuntu 12.10, and I seem to have lost all my previous' version's files... I had to do this rather than a proper update because something went wrong and my machine wouldn't start up - stopping at the grub level. Is there a way to recover my files?22:05
jj1234can grub boot a disk image file, for instance could I partition my disk with a small partition for grub, another for disk images, and tell grub to boot one of my read only images?22:06
Questwhere is the partition info present other than in fstab or mtab. ?  one of my ntfs partitions is not showing up and instead / is showing its capacity. i cant umount it as it says its busy, and its not showing as mounted either.22:07
ajpanyone here know upstart?22:09
chalcedonytfh, ('m not an expert and if anyone can offer more support, i'd recommend talking to them!) Updates are less recommended. you can probably recover the files, drive recovery can be a pain, depending on your skill and the amount you are willing to invest22:09
ajpI'm trying to get my upstart script (http://pastebin.com/xjACPjk4) to work, it launches this script (http://pastebin.com/zUjJ9G8c) but when I reboot the server (12.04 headless) the script does not work. I had it working a few weeks ago.22:09
tfhchalcedony , what is your advise?22:10
btorchhi is there a way to avoid something like  "memcached (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? dpkg: error processing memcached (--configure):"22:11
ares_Can someone help me!? I have problems with microphone and Sound22:11
ares_I can't get microphone settings22:11
btorchI just want it to skip that or take the default .. I can't use echo for it22:11
Questhow do i check ntfs by fsck?22:12
MrHacksI think I serious screwed up something. When I install phpmyadmin, should phpmyadmin install a whole bunch of phpmyadmin tables in a database called phpmyadmin?22:12
ares_I need alsa drivers22:13
ares_like always :[22:13
Questhow do i check ntfs by fsck?22:13
chalcedonyares_, have you tried #alsa  ?22:13
faLUCEhi, after a power failure and reboot, I can't see windows decorations anymore and I see a "x" instead of the mouse pointer... what can I do? The windows manager is quite unusable now22:13
ajpfaLUCE: what version of ubuntu22:14
faLUCEajp: 12.1022:14
faLUCEajp: it's ubuntustudio22:14
ajptry restarting x1122:14
ajpor a full reboot22:14
somsipmumbles: running stock 12.04 install here with no problems.22:15
ares_Who could help me with sound?22:15
faLUCEthis is the most annoying bug that happens in ubuntu....22:15
faLUCEajp: already restarted22:15
somsipmumbles: sorry - stock 12.04 minimal install22:15
faLUCEit's not the first time that this bug happens22:15
ajpares_ : try installing the alsa drivers22:15
ajpfaLUCE: graphix card?22:15
shwaiilQ: After turning my computer on today, ubuntu is not working properly! So, there was a warning saying that "couldn' mount" or something and there's no soundcard, etc. I dont know what to do, is there a way to revert updates or something ?! not sure what happened, didn't installed stuff etc.22:16
shwaiilI'm right now under win722:16
faLUCEajp a normal intel (in a notebook), but it's not a metter of that22:16
faLUCEI don't see windows decorations22:17
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faLUCEand I can't open the window manager, from the gnome menu22:17
ajpfaLUCE: try finding out the restart x11 procedure for ubuntustudio22:17
Guest90401anybody know anything about a android development channel?22:18
braaaainssince I can't seem to install from usb, would it be possible to install the desktop version of ubuntu then uninstall the GUI once it's up and running ? effectively turning it into a server?22:18
guideXthe ubuntu iso should autoplay right?22:18
supNowfaLUCE, install CCSM and uncheck then check window decorations22:18
faLUCEajp: this is too generic22:18
faLUCEsupNow: apt-get ?22:18
supNowapt-get install ccsm'22:18
supNowapt-get install ccsm22:18
faLUCEthanks let's try22:18
ajpfaLUCE: 'sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager'22:19
guideXI have the iso, I load it in virtual clone drive, but I don't have a way to install22:19
faLUCEsupNow: cant' find ccsm package22:19
faLUCEajp: but I don't want to use compiz22:19
supNowthat is it that you just pasted22:19
guideXwhen I run wubi.exe, it says it's not a valid win32 application22:19
supNowfaLUCE, you don't need to run it but you ccaN EASILY REENABLE YOUR WINDOW DECORATIONS22:20
ajpfaLUCE: what window manager are u using?22:20
faLUCEajp: xfce422:20
guideXoh wait, the iso is only 272 mb22:20
guideXit is not the full iso I think22:20
ajpfaLUCE: i have no experience with xfce22:20
faLUCEsupNow: I see, but I cant find ccsm in the packages list22:20
supNowthat is it22:20
ajpfaLUCE: instead of ccsm it's compizconfig-settings-manager22:21
supNowjust do sudo apt-get install compiz and hit tab22:21
supNowyou will see it22:21
faLUCEok let's try22:21
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ajpanyone know if there is a command for rescanning /etc/init for upstart?22:21
faLUCEthis horrible bug happens from time to time... it's the worst bug that I know in ubuntu stuf22:22
trismajp: initctl reload-configuration; but this should generally not be necessary22:22
ajptrism: I'm trying to get my upstart script (http://pastebin.com/xjACPjk4) to work, it launches this script (http://pastebin.com/zUjJ9G8c) but when I reboot the server (12.04 headless) the script does not work. I had it working a few weeks ago.22:22
tjbiddleajp: Ensure it's executable and owned by root. Also add /bin/bash in front of the command - Although you may have a shebang, I'd still do it for debugging purposes.22:25
ares_Maybe someone can help me with sound? :[22:25
tjbiddleGuys, setting up an NTP server. I have it running it on one machine, and another machine using that one as it's ntp server. Looks like it is receiving an offset + jitter, but has yet to update itself. iburst is set. Is there a way to force it to sync so I know it's working?22:26
tjbiddleNevermind - Looks like it just went through.22:26
ajptrism tjbiddle: well the initctl reload-configuration worked and now it's up after reboot22:26
tjbiddleGuess I just had to wait22:26
ajpthx :D22:26
nahatahi, i have been unable to get any dvd drivers to work on my ubuntu 10.04 LTS gnome 2.30.2 system, is there any one who could help?22:27
tjbiddleajp: Sounds like I didn't help, heh - but no problem :)22:27
beantjbiddle: yep, you have to wait *a bit* before it'll actually sync.22:27
ajptjbiddle: nope, but good suggestion none the less22:27
tjbiddleYou can run into some weird things with upstart scripts - When debugging the first thing I'd do is redirect anything to a log file.22:28
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nahatai tried so many drivers, installed them, they didn't work22:28
ajpnahata: have you tried VLC player?22:28
abcdeefhello,i have a question22:28
nahataajp: yes, maybe i did something wrong, they didn't work22:29
nahatai'm very clueless, it's like feeling around in the dark because my concentration is not generally the greatest :)22:30
ajpnahata: what version of ubuntu?22:30
nahata10.04 LTS22:30
RabblerouserSorry. Wasn't sure that the default entry in Xchat connected here since it seemed to have a different server address.22:30
ajpnahata: open VLC player and go to file>open disc/DVD and select the DVD22:31
RabblerouserAnyways, which is better for OpenGL 3D stuff? Proprietary drivers or open-source? I have an ATI Radeon HD 467022:31
nahataajp: ok, lemme reinstall it, brb22:31
OerHekseven with vlc you need to run the css script to decrypt dvd > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs22:32
ajpOerHeks: I never had to do that?22:32
escottajp, you may have done it and forgotten it22:33
Auriganahata, Were you one of the ones who was unable to give up Gnome2?22:33
ajptrue lol :P22:33
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opalepatrick12.10 unity ekiga "security check failed" - seems very common problem. I have added myself to voice group. Anyone have any other ideas?22:34
nahataAuriga: I have no preference but I generally have on here whatever works with my old system :)22:34
BluesKajOerHeks, if you restricted extras installed then the DRM dhould be ignored automatically in VLC and other players22:34
RabblerouserWhere would I go for open-source drivers for ATI Radeon HD 4670?22:34
nahataAuriga: I actually wanted KDE but I forget why I settled on Gnome22:34
shwaiilQ: My Ubuntu 12.10 stopped working properly. Failed soundcard etc. Boot today, everything nice last night, nothing new installed, probably ubuntu auto update. Is there a way to revert this ? Tks22:35
ares_I cant fix my sound problem22:35
faLUCEI tried to use compiz and check decorations, but it leaves the field unchecked. I can't see windows decorations... what has happened?22:35
abcdeefcould someone tell me the meaning of this picture and the message? http://www.funri.com/after-i-heard-that-my-crush-has-a-crush-on-me/22:35
OerHeksBluesKaj, not as i experienced, restricted extras provides the script, it does not perform22:35
abcdeefi have here come because people who uses linux are very intelligent22:36
escottBluesKaj, not unless the install-css.sh script is manually run22:36
abcdeefi dont understand, please help22:36
BluesKajOerHeks,  do you have the regional code set in the dvd22:36
escottBluesKaj, restricted extras just puts all the files in the right place for the user to then run the script indicating either acceptance of the legal risk or ownership of a legal license to the decryption code22:37
doortodoorgeekHey guys, have you heard of this? "<adamx> Joining #ubuntu makes my x-chat crash"22:37
Rabblerouserdoortodoorgeek: He can always use the freenode webchat22:37
bel3atarholako: layn3al tabon mok22:37
RabblerouserThere a way to block holako and abcdeef in xchat?22:38
BluesKajEs0teric,  odd , i havent seen that warning/notice22:38
doortodoorgeekRabblerouser: I am just trying to help and figure out if it is a software issue or his issue, anyone else using x-chat here?22:38
nahataajp: i can only go to Disc/Play [selects the disc in the tray], as the File/Disc option leads me to the folder with a bunch of files only22:38
Es0tericBluesKaj which warning notice?22:38
RabblerouserI'm using xchat and no problems here22:38
doortodoorgeekcool Rabblerouser, can I ask what distro/version?22:39
holakobel3atar: zaml howa ....22:39
shwaiilQ: Is there a way to revert ubuntu auto update ? something happened since last night, I didnt installed new software but ubuntu update must have runned, not sure! Any tip would be appreciated!22:39
RabblerouserUbuntu 12.1022:39
ajpnahata: yeah you want the disc option not the files22:39
doortodoorgeekthank you sir22:39
RabblerouserHow did he download it? Perhaps he didn't get the proper one for his version?22:39
BluesKajEs0teric,  ignore me , wrong nick22:39
ajpnahata: also check here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs as recommended by OerHeks22:39
Auriganahata, Then it was just me who didn't want to move away from Gnome2...22:40
Es0tericBluesKaj its coo22:40
nahataajp: it briefly goes dark and bigger screen, then it shrinks back down to the minimal menu buttons with no playing of the dvd22:40
nahataajp: ok22:40
ajpmaybe your DVD is bad?22:40
BluesKajescott, ,  odd , i havent seen that warning/notice22:40
nahataajp: this is the 2nd dvd i've tried22:41
nahataajp: not today, the last time months ago i'd tried a different dvd so i tried a new one today and no go22:41
nahatai already installed restricted extras a while back, i remember bc a friend thought that was my problem22:42
ajpnahata: did you try stretching out VLC when it shrinks back down to see if it's actually playing?22:43
nahataajp: yeah22:43
ajpwhen you go to media>disc there are a few options22:43
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BroUnicornHey, can anyone converse with me about a bitwise XOR hash function?22:43
ajpnahata: try messing with those options22:43
BroUnicornthe concept of it*22:43
nahataajp: ok22:44
ares_If I hear skype I don't hear other things22:44
bel3atarholako: fin ghadi?22:44
ares_If I hear other thing i dont hear skype22:44
jhutchins_wknahata: Different discs have different DRM sometimes.  Did you try mplayer?22:44
shwaiilIs there a way to revert ubuntu updates on 12.10 ? my system lost drivers etc22:44
escottBroUnicorn, thats a bit offtopic, but you can ask22:44
BroUnicornIs it? Where should I go for that?22:44
jhutchins_wkares_: skype is known not to share audio well.22:44
beanBroUnicorn: this is for ubuntu support, so yeah, a bit OT22:44
BroUnicornOh sorry! Thought I was in the c++ room22:45
chris_nejv: re: my failed in-place upgrade recovery question earlier: here is the later part of main.log: http://pastebin.com/qceEqCTf22:45
nahatajhutchins_wk: i probably did, i don't remember all the ones i tried :/ i just want the easiest one that i can make work but i may have to research for hours i guess22:45
RabblerouserAm I better off with proprietary or open-source with an ATI Radeon HD 4670?22:46
escottRabblerouser, depends on what you mean by "better"22:46
beanRabblerouser: if the open source ones fit your needs i'd go with them22:46
escottRabblerouser, its usually a tradeoff between stability and performance22:46
RabblerouserWas thinking more for OpenGL 3D stuff.22:47
jhutchins_wknahata: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs22:47
elazzam1bel3atar: zaml22:47
RabblerouserBeen using proprietary (makson ppa, which downgrades the xorg) but not seeing parity with Windows.22:47
bel3atarelazzam1: layn3al tabon mok22:48
nahatajhutchins_wk: ok i'll start with that from the beginning22:48
RabblerouserAt any rate, I'd like to at least try out the open-source. How would I do that?22:48
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:49
escottBluesKaj, given how public the CSS code is there might be more non-encrypted DVDs out there, but logic doesn't seem to affect the studios that much22:50
nahataok i'm installing the CSS thing, i guess i needed to finish this out here22:51
nahatajhutchins_wk: i got this message "status database area is locked by another process", i think i had a permissions problem before, is that what this is, i forgot how to unlock the files too22:52
connor__can someone help me connect to my wireless on xubuntu?22:52
nahatai think it was a chmod command, if that's the issue22:52
ares_:@@@ what's wrong with that linux. I always have sound problems since 10.10 :@22:52
k1lnahata: you can only run 1 instance from the package system22:53
k1lso dont run an update, softwarecenter and install with apt-get at the same time22:53
nahatak1l: i'm only running one instance of synaptic, terminal, pidgin, firefox22:54
nahataso i'll close synaptic?22:54
k1lyes colse synaptic22:54
k1l*close; if you want to install or update smth within the terminal22:54
nahatayay it's reading the db22:55
nahatawow thanks22:55
nahata"ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" after did a bunch of other stuff, so i can move to next step?22:56
connor__can anyone help me connect to wireless on xubuntu?22:56
nahatashould i reboot? then test a dvd and if necessary, set region codes?22:56
nahatamore importantly, do i close terminal if it said deferred processing taking place? it gives me a prompt but didn't say it was done processing22:57
nahataoh, i guess prompt means it's done processing lol... brb gonna reboot22:58
escottnahata, ldconfig deferred just means that it deferred ldconfig until after all packages are installed22:58
escottnahata, ie you "sudo apt-get install A B C22:59
nahataescott: oh22:59
escottand each A, B, C needs an ldconfig so best to run that after all three are installed22:59
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nahataok brb after reboot, thanks23:00
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nahataajp, escott, jhutchins_wk, all: it works, thank you :) i almost wonder if i neglected some other small step like pressing the play button lol but maybe i still needed the CSS installed... and i watch a lot of foreign movies so i may need that and the regionsetting stuff later...23:05
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nahataok i am sure i will see you all again sometime while i get my system working, and when i upgrade if possible.... tc23:07
braaaainsjeeze USB installation is proving to be a real pickle...23:09
Volta /quit23:10
yopaHallo I am installing Ubutu 12.10 on a partition of my windows system, but I'm stuck at the installation at the second part, after it had installed some files and rebooted to do the final installation it freezes, I've overdone it like 10 times. When I open the arrow next to the text it says that there is some kernel error. I'm installing from USB (which I created with Ubuntus software)23:10
Lukas_Hi. I'm trying to do full OS install, but I cant get the laptop booted in both Linux and Windows 823:10
Lukas_Trying to boot linux event in capability mode: it shows the cli with info about loading kernel etc, but just after like 2-3 seconds the laptop simply reboots23:11
yopaLukas_, as far as I know you have to make 2 partitions, one for your windows and one for your Linux (system management -> storage control) and then you could use the liveCD or liveUSB, and that's where I'm stuck23:11
ImEunifyis Ubuntu 12.10 the newest release? or is there a new release coming soon?23:12
escottyopa, "some kernel error" it would help to know what this error is23:12
mainerrorImEunify: A new release is on the way.23:12
mainerrorIt'll land in April.23:12
yopaescott, yes ofcrouse but I've forget...23:12
escottImEunify, 13.04 comes out in 4-201323:12
yopais there any error list online?23:12
Lukas_it reboots so fast i cant event see the latest message23:13
ImEunifynice nice. i cant wait for the new release and also backtrack 6 is suppose to be coming out in a few weeks.23:14
ImEunifywhat are they bringing to 13.04?23:14
Lukas_Just today the laptop (core 2 duo/4gb ram) was still runing Windows Vista - crapy and lagy as hell, so I decided to give it some love, but just trying to boot anything simply ends up in infinitive rebboting cycle23:15
escott!+1 | ImEunify23:15
escott!13.04 | ImEunify23:15
ubottuImEunify: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+123:15
Lukas_any ideas where i sould start looking?23:15
Lukas_It is already running memtest, what else I could try to check for failures?23:16
Lukas_or is there any boot option to disable automatic rebooting on failure?23:17
ImEunifyi would help but im not sure exactly whats wrong. im just getting into the whole llinux23:18
yopaLukas_, you did succeed installing yes?23:18
Lukas_it fails on loading live usb ;(23:19
giikerI'm getting kernel panics due to a module with non-GPL license. Why would such an error will send my system to a halt?!23:20
tfhI installed skype (ubuntu 12.10), now it's on the launch bar, I click on it, I get the impression something is starting, but nothing starts23:20
tfhI installed skype (ubuntu 12.10), now it's on the launch bar, I click on it, I get the impression something is starting, but nothing starts. Can someone advise?23:20
escottgiiker, its a buggy module23:21
shwaiilQ: For some reason, my main account doesn-t have sound but the guest acc is working fine. This happened after booting today, no ne winstalations. Looked like there was a mount error for /home. Anyone experience could give some tips to find whats going on ? Guest has sound and everything, only when using my main acc...23:21
yopaIs it possible to update from an earlier version of Ubuntu to 12.10?23:21
escottgiiker, the kernel panic is warning you that you are tainted and not to waste your time bugging the kernel developers with your bug23:21
yopa(When first installing an earlier and then downloading updates?)23:22
giikerescott: Ohh I see now. I even found the tainted code, but could not understand why the error (non-GPL module) woudl halt my box. Thanks.23:22
kubotsuquestion: where is link to .torrent ?23:23
kubotsufor ubuntu 12.10 download23:23
ubottuSome torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P23:23
mumblessomsip:  will try23:24
escottkubotsu, i know from the ubuntu website there is an alternate downloads link23:24
mumbleswas waiting for my other one to try23:24
kubotsuescott: it is well hidden though23:24
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kubotsuguess it's search engine time!23:25
escottkubotsu, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads23:25
DoctorDoomWhere I found the update manager on kubuntu?23:26
kubotsunice, sounds like it OerHeks .. that one too, escott .. cool beans23:26
DoctorDoomsoftware channel configurations?23:26
OerHeksDoctorDoom, muon update manager, applications > system23:27
kubotsubut, yours is more what i was looking for , escott , good find23:27
* kubotsu still bookmarks OerHeks link for future reference23:28
poolssenhi every one23:28
DoctorDoomHello.. Where is located the update software manager on kubuntu?23:29
DoctorDoomOerHeks: Thank you.23:30
mumblessomsip:  nope23:30
mumblesthis kernel requires the following features not present on the cpu pae23:31
escott!pae | mumbles23:31
ubottumumbles: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info23:31
Ben64should change that factoid23:31
escottmumbles, you will have to get a non-PAE kernel if you want to run 12.1023:31
escottyeah i think they are keeping it that way because 12.04 doesn't require PAE23:31
escottat least the link is correct23:31
escottshwaiil, your harddrive may be failing23:32
shwaiilescott: thanks for looking. but some how I switch to guest and it works fine23:33
escottshwaiil, you should boot the liveCD/liveUSB and run fsck as well as check the smart status23:33
escottshwaiil, guest is working because files in the users $HOME were corrupted. there may be other corruption on the system23:33
shwaiilescott: fsck can help fix it ?23:33
mumblesgoes to try again .23:33
escottshwaiil, fsck attempts to repair corruption, but if the cause of the corruption is a hardware failure you need to buy new hardware23:34
ImEunifytrying to put backtrack or ubuntu on a mac is hard since it wont boot my usb!!!!23:34
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shwaiilescott: this computer is 3 months old :Z23:35
wiggmpkImEunify: is it a newer mac?23:35
escottshwaiil, so you should be identifying the cause with the disk utility23:35
OerHeksescott ..Xauthority issue ? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2095895.html23:35
ImEunifyno its a mid june 09 i believe23:35
shwaiilwin7 worked fine, guest session under ubuntu :(23:35
Guest57306hey guys don't know if any know this but on both intel and amd machines steam client from steam broke my x stack on ubuntu 12.04.223:35
escottshwaiil, and nothing new ever breaks23:35
jhutchins_wkescott, shwaiil sudo shutdown -Fr now23:35
jhutchins_wkWill reboot & fsck.23:35
shwaiilescott: Ill run the fsck23:35
OerHeksseen that .Xauthority bug a lot lately23:35
wiggmpkshwaiil: 10% of hard drives fail from the factory.. date of purchases doesnt guarantee it will continually work.  hard drives are volatile.. moving parts and all.23:36
shwaiiljhutchins_wk: oh ok , no need for live cd ?23:36
Guest57306had to do a reinstall of x stack to get back to descktop23:36
ImEunifyi tried refit uefi and it wont boot.23:36
escottshwaiil, and check the smart status23:36
shwaiilok ok I-ll brb thanks guys23:36
shwaiili'll run sudo shutdown -Fr, do I need the live cd ?23:36
wiggmpkImEunify: not sure if Mac's from 09 were using refit yet.. have you tried installing via CD?23:37
ImEunifywiggmpk my dvd drive wont read disk its all messed up thats why i have to use a usb and boot it up and then install it to a mac partion that i made in diskutil23:38
jhutchins_wkshwaiil: No, that's the advantage.23:38
shwaiiljhutchins_wk: ok cool run it now23:38
wiggmpkImEunify: are you sure your creating the LiveUSB correctly?23:39
escottOerHeks, the Xauthority thing isnt a bug, its user error. but in this case he directly indicates filesystem corruption so he needs to start there. no point fixing login if the disk is toast23:39
ImEunifywiggmpk is there like a special way to make it so it can boot on a mac?23:39
wiggmpkImEunify: oh I have no idea.. I wouldn't think so (as long as your using an image fixed for installing on a MAC)23:40
ImEunifywiggmpk image fix?23:40
wiggmpkImEunify: but you just can copy/paste the iso onto a USB flash drive and expect it to work23:40
wiggmpkImEunify: gimme a sec, lemme find you a link23:40
ImEunifywiggmpk thank you :)23:41
holakoyou will see it again I am sure23:41
Ben64but you just *can't* copy/paste the iso onto a USB flash drive and expect it to work23:41
shwaiiljhutchins_wk: the command its not working, sudo shutdown -Fr23:42
wiggmpkBen64: thanks ben.. fat fingered that one23:42
shwaiilTry `shutdown --help' for more information.23:42
wiggmpkImEunify: what version of Ubuntu are you looking for?23:42
ImEunifywiggmpk i was going to use either ubuntu 12 the newest one23:43
PraxiI added a second disk to my computer, and I'm not sure its mounted.  I did a df -h but I don't see the right size in there, what other command line tool can I use to see if I have the disk attached?23:43
PraxiThis is on ubuntu server 12.04 x6423:43
Ben64sudo fdisk -l23:43
escottBen64, stop using fdisk23:43
escottPraxi, cat /proc/partitions23:43
wiggmpkImEunify: cant find a link for 12.10, but look at this http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs/ubuntu/precise/release/23:43
escottBen64, in that case don't ever purchase another computer again23:44
wiggmpkImEunify: notice the Desktop CD says 64-bit Mac... "This image is adjusted to work properly on Mac systems."23:44
braaaainsso... for anybody having trouble with install from usb try the latest ubuntu 12.10, 12.04 doesn't work for some reason23:44
Ben64i've never purchased a computer23:44
Praxiahh thanks Ben I see the drive there23:44
Praxiand in cat /proc/partitions23:45
Praxithanks escott23:45
ImEunifywiggmpk thanks for the link ill give it a try :) and get back to you to see if it worked or not. last time i made a linux liveusb and try to boot it up my mac kept giving me a non-system file press any button to reboot.23:45
yomiWhat's the default setting for ubuntu's kernel preemption model?23:45
Guest57306I did 2 installs from 12.04 usb install on intel and amd machines all went fine23:45
braaaainsweird, kept telling me the cd rom could not be initialized... perhaps because I was using the server install ?23:46
shwaiiljhutchins_wk: are u still around there the shutdown -Fr is not working23:46
Guest57306steam messed up my xstack but still running from those installs now23:46
kubotsuso, can't i just start seeding from an existing .iso or i have to start with a new torrent download ...?23:46
wiggmpkImEunify: good luck, I'm not familiar with how to make a bootable USB drive in Mac =/ wish I could help ya out23:46
Praxiis the cat /proc/partitions exlusive to ubuntu?23:46
escottyomi, voluntary i believe "grep -i preempt /boot/config*"23:46
escottPraxi, no23:46
Guest57306doesn't unetbootin have a mac version for making usb boot drive?23:47
ImEunifywiggmpk im pretty sure ill figure it out :) and yes unetbootin works but they dont make it to boot with a mac23:47
Praxik, is there a command to make the size from cat /proc/partitions more readable?23:47
escottshwaiil, you wont be able to issue that command from the guest account. and it doesn't matter as you can manually run it from the livecd anyways23:47
shwaiilescott: tks for looking! Im in the main acc23:48
ImEunifywiggmpk: im pretty sure ill figure it out and give it a try. :)23:48
escottPraxi, no. i believe its in blocks. alternately "sudo parted -l" will have various formatting options23:48
braaaainsyes it does Guest57306, it's what I used to create my USB sticks actually23:49
mattwj2002hi guys23:49
mattwj2002what is up with the count down on your main website?23:49
kubotsulet me rephrase, do i have to re-download the .iso in order to seed?23:49
escottkubotsu, you have to have the iso in order to seed23:50
wiggmpkmattwj2002: is says "tablet time!"23:50
kubotsui have . i just dont see an option within Transmission to start seeding from it23:50
Praxithanks escott23:50
mattwj2002so new ubuntu tablet coming out?23:50
mattwj2002what about the phone stuff?23:50
billkdI created a PPA, somehow broke it, and then deleted it with the intent to create a new one. But, it seems that after deletion I can't create a new PPA with the same name. How do I fix this?23:50
escottkubotsu, terminate transmission and drop the iso you do have into the folder where it is being downloaded23:51
wiggmpkbillkd: explain how you "deleted" it23:51
kubotsulet me add that this is a previously downloaded .iso23:51
billkdwiggmpk: I clicked the "delete ppa" link on launchpad's ppa page.23:52
wiggmpkbillkd: oh, I thought you meant on your system.. no idea with launchpad..23:52
kubotsuand, i dont have the .torrent file i used to download it with23:52
wiggmpkkubotsu: you dont need .torrent files to seed torrents23:53
jhutchins_wkshwaiil: How "not working"?23:53
k1l!tablet | mattwj200223:53
ubottumattwj2002: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.23:53
wiggmpkkubotsu: .torrent files are just a way for your computer to communicate with the tracker to "find" the file on the internet23:53
shwaiiljhutchins_wk: tks for looking! through the command line, I get, shutdown: time expected23:53
mattwj2002thanks k1l23:53
shwaiilsudo shutdown -Fr, this is the command, im in the main acc23:54
wiggmpkshwaiil: sudo shutdown -Fr now23:54
kubotsuwiggmpk: right, so.. how do i make transmission take my .iso and seed it23:54
shwaiiloh.. now23:54
Ice_StrikeShould all the downloaded files go to /usr/src for compiling?23:54
shwaiilok i-ll do it, brb tks guys23:54
billkdSo what channel should I go into for Launchpad?23:54
billkd#launchpad or somewhere else?23:54
wiggmpkkubotsu: im not sure I understand your question23:55
wiggmpkkubotsu: you open/download a .torrent file.. it gets added to Transmission or whatever torrent client you use.. you finish downloading the file.. leave it be and you will automatically be seeding the file.. if you remove it from the client.. you stop seeding.. if you pause the file.. you stop seeding23:56
zZeusGreetings Ubuntu redditors, quick question23:56
zZeusWindows is to ManyCam like Ubuntu is to ???23:56
MAL0ok, here is my problem, i want to up my wlan0 but it says, unknow error 13223:56
kubotsuwiggmpk: that's exactly right, except i dont want to re-download the .iso; i already have it23:57
jhutchins_wkzZeus: You assume knowledge of windows.  What is manycam?23:57
wiggmpkkubotsu: why?23:57
kubotsuwiggmpk: to save time23:57
zZeusjhutchins, an app that Flash recognizes, where I can set it to my desktop instead of my webcam23:57
wiggmpkkubotsu: how will re-downloading the same .iso file same time if you already have it?23:58
jhutchins_wkkubotsu: How you seed a new file is mostly up to your client, which has to notify the tracker.23:58
kubotsujhutchins_wk: so, you know how transmission gets this done?23:58
zZeusI'm trying webcamStudio, wish me luck r/Ubuntu23:59
wiggmpkkubotsu: transmission works as I explained by default23:59
jhutchins_wkkubotsu: Not really.23:59
jhutchins_wkwiggmpk: you did not explain how to seed an existing file.23:59

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