
roaksoaxsmoser: whne you have a chance, could you please review/approve:15:12
smoserroaksoax, 2 comments, that i'll add to review.15:17
roaksoaxsmoser: cool thanks15:17
smoserreview updated.15:19
smosersorry that took so long15:19
roaksoaxsmoser: thanks!! no worries :)15:19
roaksoaxsmoser: updated!15:22
smoserroaksoax, my only comment is on the drop of 'maas-commission' user15:55
smoserwhy did that go? or am i just reading it wrong15:55
roaksoaxsmoser:  because it adds more complication on replacing users with iLO315:56
roaksoaxsmoser: and I'm not sure whether it would work15:56
smoserwell, it added more complication in *all* cases.15:57
smoserbut it was deemed necessary/important15:57
roaksoaxsmoser: right, so I don't know whether you can replace a user in iLO3, and don't have HW to test it15:57
roaksoaxsmoser: either way, a different password is created15:58
roaksoaxsmoser: so I think it no longer makes sense to have 2 different users15:58
roaksoaxsmoser: that's one of the things that created issues at the drill15:59
smoserwell you dont have to *replace* a user, do you?16:00
smoseryou delete then add, or add then delete.16:00
smoseri understand that we dont hav a way to easily test this, but that should'nt be justificaiton for removing code that was deemed necessary previously.16:00
roaksoaxsmoser: it was deemed necessary to differentiate in what stage the user was added right?16:02
roaksoaxthere was no other reason why we did that16:03
roaksoaxjust only to differentiate what stage added the usre16:04
roaksoaxis that still necessary?16:04
roaksoaxrvba: around?16:15
rvbaroaksoax: hi16:17
rvbaWhat's up?16:17
smoserroaksoax, i believe it was deemed necessary to avoid deleting a 'maas' user (and corrupting maas usage) if a node booted into enlistment.16:17
smoseri think.16:17
roaksoaxrvba: so, since bigjools is in leave... I was wondering whether you could help us get the GenericIpAddressField thing in MAAS rather than in django16:19
roaksoaxrvba: the technical board adviced to implement that on the maas side rather than on the django side16:19
roaksoaxrvba: and we need that for sru16:19
roaksoaxsmoser: we don't delete IPMI users actually. And we don't correct cause if the node boots into enlistment/commissioning, if it has been previsouly added to MAAS, then it will use the credentials it has there regardless of whether they are maas-commission or maas username's16:22
rvbaroaksoax: too bad we can't SRU Django.  Technically, this should adding GenericIpAddressField in MAAS should not really be complicated (but I'll look into it).  What about the other feature from 1.4 that we use?16:23
roaksoaxrvba: the other 2 patches are good to go16:23
roaksoaxrvba: but will require external testing. The only thing is to move the genericIPAddressField to maas instead of django16:23
rvba"the other 2 patches are good to go" thank goodness for that!16:24
rvbaroaksoax: I'll have a look at this tomorrow.  Can you file a bug for this please? (maybe there is already oneā€¦?)16:25
roaksoaxrvba: sure I'll do that if there's not one :)16:26
rvbaroaksoax: please add a reference to the tech board decision in the bug's description.  So that everyone will know why we're doing this.16:31
roaksoaxrvba: ack!16:31
smoserroaksoax, i thought that the general flow/idea was:16:49
smoser * if a system boots into enlistment, create a new ipmi user 'maas-commission'16:50
smoser that was only to be used for the commsisioning turn on (and would only be ever used for that)16:50
smoser * in commissioning (after admin acceptance of node), the 'maas' user is adde,d and from there out, the 'maas' user is used for power control16:51
smoserby removing the 'maas-commission' user, you potentially report to MAAS-SERVER-X credentials from MAAS-SERVER-Y. thats at leas tone fallout from removing the maas-commission user.16:51
smoserbut thats probably not that big of a deal.16:52
smoserthe point is, though, that we very explicitly decided to use this temporary "first-commission only" user.16:52
smoserand you're dropping that.16:52
smoserDaviey, was involved in that discussion, perhaps he has other thoughts.16:52
roaksoaxsmoser: we never remove the maas-commission user, we replace it16:57
roaksoaxor at least that's how it works on iLo116:57
roaksoaxsmoser: the only difference was that there was a different user name, and obviously a different password16:58
smoserroaksoax, my concern (possibly un-founded) resulted from readingg lines 31-35 at https://code.launchpad.net/~andreserl/maas/ipmi_usercreation_ilo_versions_trunk/+merge/14857916:58
roaksoaxso if the node had user 'maas' and then for some reason commissioning run, it would have created a new user/[pass and updated maas, or if it failed to update, it would have a different user/pass in the bmc than what it is stored in maas16:58
smosernot commissioning, enlistment.16:59
roaksoaxsmoser: right, so it is exactly the same case16:59
smoserthe 'maas-commissioning' was explicitly there for enlistment16:59
Davieysmoser: I'm not emotional either way.. that just seemed a sane way16:59
smoseras enlistment potentially (i think very unlikely) results in accidentally breaking something for someone17:00
smoser(ie, if they accendentally pxe booted off a new network... something i thought then was un-likely)17:00
roaksoaxlook, if the node is set to 'Ready', and it enlists again, it will change the creds in the BMC either way17:00
Davieywell, that was slightly different17:00
smosernot if it enlists to a new maas.17:00
smoseror a maas it did not intend to enlist to17:01
roaksoaxsmoser: in iLO3 yes17:01
roaksoaxi mean17:01
roaksoaxiLO1/2 yes17:01
roaksoaxit would have *replaced* the user regardless of what user it would have been17:01
roaksoaxsmoser: so if the BMC had user 'maas', and it enlisted against any other MAAS, the 'maas' user would have been replaced with 'maas-commission17:01
smoserpreviously, that would not have happened.17:02
roaksoaxsmoser: it would17:02
smoserat least that was not what we intended.17:02
smoserthe goal before was that enlistment would create a maas-commission user17:02
smoserand only ever break or change a user named 'maas-commission'17:02
roaksoaxsmoser: yes, and we agreed that that user should be *replaced*17:02
smoseri dont think "replaced" matters.17:03
roaksoaxsmoser: exactly, which means that maas-comission or only maas doesn't matter either way17:03
smosersurely you're not suggesting that previously "maas-commision" would "replace" "maas" user17:03
smoseras that would be stupid, and the same as deleting.17:03
roaksoaxsmoser: that would have happened if you would enlist that machine to a different MAAS17:03
roaksoaxsmoser: if you enlist the machine to a different maas, it will replace the existing 'maas' user with 'maas-commission'17:04
roaksoaxthat's how it17:04
roaksoaxthat's how it always worked17:04
roaksoaxbecause we decided to have a temporary user/password combination that would later be replaced by the 'maas' user17:04
roaksoaxbut then it was *replace*17:05
smoserroaksoax, you're missing something. or i'm missing something17:06
smoseri dont care what happens on commission17:06
roaksoaxsmoser: so 1. enlistment would create maas-commission in User3. 2. commissioning would replace User3 (maas-commission) with user 'maas'. If that machine is enlisted in another MAAS, the User3 (whjich was previously 'maas') would be replaced by 'maas-commission' again17:07
smoserwell, that was a bug then.17:09
roaksoaxsmoser: so using only 'maas' makes more sense17:09
smoserwell, other than it is destructive17:10
smoserin enlistment17:10
smoserwhich is why we had this 'maas-commission' user17:10
smoserbut you're dropping that.17:10
smosereven if the implementation was broken, it was still there in concept, and now you're removing it.17:10
smoserif its known broken, i'd just make sure we remove all 'maas-commision' strings anywhere.17:11
roaksoaxsmoser: well then the whole IPMI stuff needs re-factoring to support those 2 things differently17:15
roaksoaxsmoser: but won't be able to say it works 100% until i can test that with iLO317:16
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
smoserroaksoax, well, for now then i think its probably best to pull it completely17:20
roaksoaxsmoser: ack!17:20

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