
PendulumFYI, there's something that just showed up on the list about the wiki that I'm taking care of17:46
TheMusoPendulum: Oh thanks, I was going to take care of it, but got side-tracked.17:47
PendulumI thought I was subscribed to that page, but I guess not17:48
TheMusoheh seems that I am not either.17:48
PendulumTheMuso: sorry for disappearing, I ended up with my health nose-diving enough that I was in the hospital for a while and I've been trying to keep stress levels down as a result.17:48
TheMusoI got sick of wiki subscriptions early on however.17:48
TheMusoPendulum: thats fine.17:48
Pendulumannoyingly, the guy made so many revisions that it's not letting me revert to the one I want to go back to. I'm checking to make sure his other revisions are not problematic as well17:50
TheMusoThat is certainly annoying.17:51
Pendulumoh well, doing the major one now. Will check the rest later.17:51
TheMusoIt also doesn't help that hi instructions for unity are very loose, and are mostly based around raring, in terms of the text strings a user needs to listen for etc.17:51
PendulumI did also respond to the e-mail on the list with the actions and making it clear that that is not a page for opinions17:52
TheMusoThey probably need to be revised somewhat for precise.17:52
TheMusoyeah saw that.17:52
TheMusoI have been threatening to stop reading the orca list for a while now, but still haven't. Its times like this that I'm glad I haven't yet.17:53
PendulumI just don't understand why the guy put it in originally17:53
TheMusoMe neither.17:53
Pendulumit's not like we mentioned Vinux17:53
PendulumIt does make it sound like he has a vendetta against Vinux17:53
Pendulummy e-mail didn't make it on the vinux lists since I'm not a member. If you're on them, can you forward it since I do want them to know that this wasn't something we support as a team?17:54
TheMusoSure, but I know one of the mods is pretty responsive about letting stuff like that through.17:55
Pendulumokay. I got responses saying they'd bounced because I wasn't a member, but maybe they'll get modded through anyway17:56
Pendulumhmm.. the wiki is not letting me subscribe to that page.17:57
PendulumI guess it has something to do with it being help.ubuntu.com rather than wiki.ubuntu.com18:00
FudgePendulum  I am afraid I never saw your mail, where did you send it to? for it to bounce from Vinux23:19
Fudgeglad that little twirp has been silenced, some what anyway. annoying little child he is23:19
PendulumFudge: I did reply all on the original e-mail that was sent to the Ubuntu list and I think 2 different Vinux lists23:43
PendulumWhat really annoys me is that isn't even an accessibility team page. that's a help page.23:44
Fudgehe is just a dump kid Pendulum, there was a fwd email so someone must have allowed through befoer I thankingYou23:46
TheMusoFudge: I don't know about a dumb kid, he certainly may at times come accross childish, but I wouldn't be so blatently insulting as that...23:53
Fudgewell yeah has the knowledge on the tech quite well but missed the boat on how to get along with people23:54
Fudgethat's what I always like about you TheMuso so fair and reasonable :D23:56

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