
=== matttbe_ is now known as matttbe
IDWMasterIs this the appropriate channel for discussing software development on Ubuntu?01:52
IDWMasterNot app development, but library development01:52
xnoxIDWMaster: any most development goes on at #ubuntu-app-devel. Unless it's something major / widespread framework you'd expect the core desktop/os to use a lot.01:56
xnoxthen it's appropriate for this channel.01:56
xnoxIDWMaster: better just ask ahead =) and we redirect you if this is not the right channel ;-)01:56
xnoxinfinity: at least with wubi, it's signed with microsoft ssl cert and it should be valid.01:57
IDWMasterI'm receiving realtime signal 34 for some odd reason:01:58
IDWMasterAnd it's crashing my program01:58
IDWMasterIt's crashing on pthread_cond_wait01:58
IDWMasterI'm not sure how to debug such an error01:59
IDWMasterSometimes it crashes on read() as well within getch01:59
IDWMasterAny idea what could be causing this?02:01
IDWMasterCrashes with the message: Program received signal SIG34, Real-time event 34.02:01
IDWMasterBacktrace from GDB indicates it's crashing in read() from getch02:01
ChipzzIDWMaster: NO, this is NOT the approrpiate channel for that02:03
infinityIDWMaster: You probably want #ubuntu-app-devel (see /topic)02:03
infinityChipzz: You could be a bit more polite about your redirects.02:03
Chipzz(was that too harsh?)02:03
Chipzzsorry, my bad02:03
xnoxChipzz: NO, it was NOT the approrpiate voice for that redirect.02:04
infinityOh, hi /topic, I've been patch piloting for how many days now?  Oops.02:04
infinity@pilot out02:04
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
Chipzzxnox: LOL :)02:04
xnoxHow did that read to you?! =))))))02:04
Chipzzxnox: but why did you not redirect him right away instead of saying this could be the right channel?02:04
Chipzzxnox: IME, if people are asking that question, the answer is almost always "no"02:05
* xnox thought to teach not to ask a question to ask a question.02:05
infinityEvery once in a while, an "app devel" question actually ends up being a "why is the compiler buggy?" question, or similar.02:05
xnoxand hopefully let somebody else redirect. =)))))02:05
Chipzzthe very fact that they ask (in most cases) means they're uninformed and hence by definition shouldn't be here02:05
infinityIn his case, definitely not.  He was just writing a poorly-threaded application.02:06
lifelessthus having two problems02:06
xnoxlifeless: =)02:06
Chipzzinfinity: I would argue that if it involves such a problem, the people encountering those problems tend to more informed, and thus come here for a reason02:06
* xnox always jumps a little when lifeless just appears and makes a comment once in a blue moon02:07
infinityChipzz: Eh.  Not always.  Tripping over new and exciting bugs isn't limited to the experienced.02:07
Chipzzinfinity: no it isn't, but in 99% of the cases the fact that people are asking "is this the right channel?" is a very good indicator that it's not ;)02:07
Chipzzbecause like I said, informed people *know* wether or not this is the right channel. and informed people read the topic :)02:08
scientesif only02:09
Chipzzand I'ld argue that tripping over a compiler error isn't very common. and even if it is, one could argue that the correct avenue is to ask in #gcc or something of the kind first02:10
Chipzzinfinity: but like I said, the moment I hit enter I realized my sentence could have done with less caps. meh02:11
xnoxcannot find Python.h would be #ubuntu-app-devel, right until we uploaded multiarched python and /broke the world/ and suddently it's a very #ubuntu-devel on topic.02:26
MalsasaHello, lintian says copyright-file-contains-full-gpl-license, i have read lintian page about it and debian policy manual, but i don't understand. What should I fill in copyright file? I have filled it with copy of GPL text...02:39
scientesMalsasa, the gpl header text02:40
Malsasascientes: i don;t know what is that... any example what should I write in the copyright file?02:41
scientesthis is the short versino: http://paste.debian.net/235443/02:42
scientesbut you really should include the no warranty clause as well02:42
scientes(per the GPL)02:42
Malsasascientes: TKP02:43
scientesMalsasa, like this http://paste.debian.net/235444/02:43
Malsasascientes: TKP again02:43
Malsasascientes: thank you... i will try to copypaste them i copyright02:44
* Malsasa am learning debian packaging02:44
scientesmake sure to differentiate between GPL and LGPL02:44
scientesand the v3 text is differn't to v2 text, even the header02:45
Malsasascientes: oooh, okay02:45
Malsasascientes: okay02:45
Malsasascientes: if i confused, i wanna ask you again here... :)02:45
scientesand there is a LGPL-2.102:45
Malsasascientes: okay02:53
Malsasascientes: so, in the point, i should fill only 1 copyright in that file?02:53
infinityMalsasa: You might find http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/ informative02:54
Malsasainfinity: waaah, thanks!02:54
scientesMalsasa, http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/02:55
scientesthat superceeds dep502:55
Malsasascientes: wow, thank you again. TKP02:55
infinityOh, indeed.  I just always remember it as DEP5, and Google it as such.  Someone should edit DEP5 to put a link to the proper spec at the top.02:56
Malsasainfinity: thank you02:57
Malsasainfinity: my problem about copytight file solved03:12
Malsasascientes: i copied another deb's copyright , i've checked it befire by lintian03:13
ScottKinfinity: Any more luck with qscintilla2?03:49
infinityScottK: Oh, I stopped looking right around when I whined at you.03:49
ScottKOh.  Rats.03:50
* ScottK adds it back to TODO.03:50
infinityScottK: I could rewrite the symbols files by hand and probably do a better job than the helper script, which keeps failing.03:50
infinityScottK: Just had no motivation today.  Day off, and I was still working. :/03:50
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vibhavShould libnotify depend on glib?05:08
vibhav/usr/include/libnotify/notify.h:25:18: fatal error: glib.h: No such file or directory05:08
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pittiGood morning06:55
dholbachgood morning08:01
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brendanddoes anyone remember the name of the python module which converts ubuntu release numbers to series names and vice versa?08:35
pittibrendand: python-distro-info08:40
pitti(or python3-distro-info)08:40
brendandpitti, how robust is it?08:46
brendandpitti, if i install it on a lucid box will it still be able to tell me 13.04 is raring?08:46
pittibrendand: AFAIK it's supposed to be the definitive place for this now, and being used by several developer tools08:47
brendandpitti, and so on continuing into the future08:47
brendandpitti, cool08:47
pittibrendand: I don't know; it did get a few SRUs for newer releases08:47
pittibrendand: I don't think lucid's got SRUs to add raring etc.; if you need this always, it's probably better to query launchpad08:54
brendandpitti, how would you query launchpad?08:54
brendandpitti, i mean not in general (obviously using launchpadlib), but to get the series name from release number08:55
pittibrendand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1680511/08:57
geserbrendand: you can also use "ubuntu.getSeries(name_or_version='13.04')" to get the right series object instead of needing to iterate the list to find it09:01
brendandgeser, i was wondering that09:04
tumbleweedpitti: we SRU to add new releases09:11
tumbleweedotherwise ubuntu-dev-tools breaks (it needs to know development release names, in tools that don't use LP)09:11
pittitumbleweed: oh right, I was looking for a lucid SRU, but distro-info isn't in lucid yet; my bad09:11
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dokobarry, xnox: could you have a look at shiboken again? ftbfs09:43
xnoxdoko: ok. cjohnston was looking at it yesterday.09:44
dokoahh, cool09:44
xnox(and I do mean cjohnston this time around ;-) )09:44
dokostgraber, upstart ping09:57
brendandpitti, tumbleweed - it happens that the script i'm writing has to use launchpadlib anyway so i will just use that method09:59
cjwatsonvibhav: Er, it does.  apt-cache show libnotify-dev | grep glib10:10
cjwatsonvibhav: I suspect that whatever you're building isn't using the proper compiler flags, as emitted by 'pkg-config --cflags libnotify', so is missing the correct include directory for glib10:11
cjwatsoninfinity: By the way, I fixed the cdimage checksumming bug from last night.  https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline/revision/97410:26
cjwatsonhallyn: FYI, bug 1129571, if you haven't seen it already10:26
ubottubug 1129571 in qemu (Ubuntu) "libreoffice armhf FTBFS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112957110:26
ogra_cjwatson, hmm, do the launchpad buildds actually use qemu ? i thought only PPAs do10:31
ogra_would have helped if it mentioned the builder in the bug ... the log seems gone too10:33
cjwatsonogra_: Uh, the bug was about a failure on virtualised PPAs10:33
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ogra_well, nothing in the bug indicates that10:33
cjwatsonogra_: My comment does10:33
cjwatsonogra_: I have context from a lengthy IRC conversation yesterday10:33
ogra_yeah, i thought so10:34
ogra_(that there was side conversation)10:34
cjwatsonGetting Alex to escalate this qemu bug was one of the conditions for working around the problem temporarily by making the PPA devirtualised10:34
cjwatsonAnd that state shouldn't go on too long10:34
Davieycjwatson: Happen to know what version of qemu is in use (& maybe what kernel)?10:35
cjwatsonDaviey: Whatever's on archive.admin.c.c10:35
cjwatson1.3.0+dfsg-1~exp3ubuntu8~3.IS.12.04 I think10:35
Davieycjwatson: Ok, thanks.10:35
cjwatsonAnd for the kernel, check any virtualised PPA armhf build log10:36
cariboupitti: looks like I'll have to do my apport MP against a raring branch as I have a change to debian/apport.upstart which is not in trunk10:36
pitticaribou: you can do two MPs10:37
cariboupitti: ah, didn't think of that10:37
pitticaribou: if you do just one, I'll pick it apart myself, i. e. apply the matching bits to trunk10:37
pitticaribou: trunk has a sysv init script10:37
cjwatsonDaviey: (commented to that effect)10:38
cariboupitti: fine, then I'll adapt the upstart change to the sysv script in trunk and do a separate one for upstart10:38
Davieycjwatson: thanks10:38
pitticaribou: great, thanks!10:38
cariboupitti: should I do the upstart one on lp:ubuntu/raring-proposed/apport ?10:39
pitticaribou: not -proposed, just raring; please, yes10:39
cariboupitti: ok, will do10:39
zequencediwic: Any chance you will be updating pulseaudio to a newer upstream version before feature freeze?10:51
diwiczequence, 3.1 might happen if it's released, but that would not be any huge change compared to 3.0.10:52
zequencediwic: I prepared a patch that adds the channel config thing to the jack module http://paste.ubuntu.com/1681367/10:52
zequenceWas a little unsure of what would be the best way to forward it10:53
zequenceI haven't actually tested the patch. I should probably do that :P10:53
diwiczequence, it seems to be missing an entry in debian/changelog10:54
diwiczequence, hmm, or maybe you just posted the patch file, not the debdiff10:57
zygabryce: hey11:03
zygabryce: it still crashes with xorg-edgers11:04
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mjthow does ubuntu use qemu for building stuff?11:33
mjtit looks like some arches are built in qemu (qemu user mode emulation), right?11:33
mjtaccording to LP:112957111:34
zygamjt: I don't think we use qemu for building packages11:35
cjwatsonVirtualised PPAs use qemu for some architectures11:35
cjwatsonSpecifically ARM11:35
mjtthat's arm :)11:35
cjwatsonI've answered this twice in this channel in the last hour or so :)11:35
cjwatsonmjt: Yes, and this bug is about ARM11:35
zygaah ;)11:35
mjtoh. i see it in the scrollback11:36
cjwatsonAnd yes, it's qemu-user-static + binfmt_misc in roughly the obvious way11:36
mjti was going to say, more or less, that it's better to replace this with qemu-system, if possible... :)11:37
cjwatsonUnlikely to happen11:37
cjwatsonI asked Alex to escalate this bug because that clearly ought to be done; I doubt there's any time to entirely rewrite the way virtualised PPAs are handled11:38
mjti see11:38
mjtwell. if the root cause of this is hat i think it is, it won't be fixed in a few seconds in qemu either.11:38
cjwatsonNot to mention that that would doubtless have its own set of problems, e.g. with finding a machine to emulate that can use all the memory of the build system11:38
cjwatsonmjt: Sure, didn't claim it would11:39
cjwatsonAny real bug tracking system has hard bugs in it11:39
mjtthis should ebe a good testing ground for qemu and building stuff this way, anyway11:41
MalsasaHello, is Size field necessary in debian/control file? Or just Installed-Size field?11:42
mjtboth fields are generated automatically11:42
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leighmanhow can I get a launchpad recipe to build with debug symbols/a -dbg package?12:18
xnoxleighman: one should add a -dbg package in the control file and dh_strip should put the symbols there. and one should make sure package is compiled with debug symbols on.12:28
lantiziaLo... I just bought a Nexus 4 (mainly because I'm sick of using a dead OS called Maemo on my N900 and I'm finally admitting it's time to use android - but ALSO because of this Ubuntu Mobile beta coming out in 2 days time) but it'll take 2 weeks to get here12:29
xnox(they are by default but some crazy packages overwrite it)12:29
lantiziaI'm wondering... how likely is it I can dual boot Android and Ubuntu Mobile on it?12:29
lantiziaor maybe load one from the other?12:29
xnoxlantizia: see #ubuntu-phone channel.12:29
lantiziaxnox, ah I tried #ubuntu-mobile but it says to go to #ubuntu-devel!12:29
xnoxlantizia: sorry about the loop.12:30
xnoxlantizia: #ubuntu-mobile is obsolete channel, latest Phone OS is on #ubuntu-phone.12:30
ogra_yeah, #ubuntu-mobile kind of turned towards #ubuntu-arm a few years ago .... and the phone is separate and new12:33
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zequencediwic: Hi. Got cut off the internet before12:46
mterrydidrocks, what's the new sdk package name?12:49
diwiczequence, yeah, I wrote something about missing debian/changelog but I'll take it back because I realized you just pastebinned the patch, not the full debdiff12:49
didrocksmterry: it's not in raring yet12:49
mterrydidrocks, oh, I misread something12:49
zequencediwic: Yes, I was having a bit of trouble with it. I suspect I need to test this first, cause I only realized later I actually didn't know if it'll work. Bit busy now, but will give it another shot this evening. Ping you tomorrow, maybe12:53
diwiczequence, won't be around tomorrow, back on Thursday12:54
zequencediwic: ok12:56
diwiczequence, my workflow for adding a pulseaudio patch would, roughly, be: bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-audio-dev/pulseaudio/ubuntu ; cd ubuntu ; bzr bd-do ; quilt push -a ; quilt import <patch> ; quilt push ; exit ; dch -i ; bzr add debian/patches/* ; bzr commit ; bzr push12:58
diwiczequence, and bzr-buildpackage for testing12:59
leighmanxnox: so it should have debug symbols as is or dh_strip only adds them if there is a -dbg package?13:26
hrwleighman: if build is done on buildd then dh_strip will create dbgsym ddeb package13:28
leighmanhrw: should http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~leighman/evolution-force/evolution-force-packaging/files/head:/debian/ in a recipe produce something that gives a reasonable backtrace or do I explicitely need a -dbg package?13:30
leighmanhrw: sorry, total package noob13:30
hrwleighman: sorry, I lack knowledge of cdbs13:31
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diwicseb128, hi13:36
seb128diwic, hey13:50
xnoxleighman: if you are building in a ppa, unlike ubuntu archive, there are no automatic dbgsym packages. By default dh_strip either saves detached debug symbols in $pkg-dbg or discards them.13:52
xnoxleighman: if that's too hard just `export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS='nostrip'` and that should keep debug symbols attached to the objects.13:52
leighmanxnox: I'm don't understand half of those words :P13:53
diwicseb128, with PA 3.0 finally in Raring I'm experimenting with a patch to g-c-c that will give us better icons, i e a speaker icon instead of the card icon.13:53
diwicseb128, the problem seems to be that some of the icons, e g the speaker icon, is not present on the system.13:53
xnoxleighman: in that case seek further help in #ubuntu-packaging channel.13:53
leighmanxnox: ahha, ok, cool13:53
diwicseb128, but e g the HDMI icon and the mic icon works fine13:54
diwicseb128, the question is what to do about that?13:54
seb128diwic, do we need those icons added to our icon theme or...?13:54
diwicseb128, yeah I think they need to be added somewhere, and I'm not an icon expert :-)13:55
seb128diwic, the issue is not to have them added, it's to have them "made"13:55
diwicseb128, let me look up the icon names13:56
diwicseb128, the names are "audio-headphones" and "audio-speakers" I believe13:57
diwicseb128, so, in short, do you know how to "get icons made"?13:58
diwicseb128, if you think it's worth the effort?13:58
seb128diwic, talk to the design team, but I guess it's too low priority that will be work on it any time soon13:58
seb128be worked on*13:58
seb128diwic, I would stay with what we have13:58
diwicseb128, is it possible to use Gnome's icons if they have them?13:59
diwicseb128, just copy them in to our theme or so13:59
diwicseb128, it looks like audio-speakers is shipped in gnome-icon-theme-full eg14:04
xnoxdiwic: we should auto-fallback correctly to some theme that has them already.14:04
cjohnstondoko, xnox: fwiw, I continued to get error after error with shiboken... I am at a loss as to why it builds in debian but there are so many issues in ubuntu14:04
xnoxcause we do have a number of fallbacks.14:04
xnoxcjohnston: it doesn't build in clean debian sbuild any more.14:05
* xnox did say that me and ScottK did poke it extensively (and both having DD and ubuntu hats....)14:05
stgraberdoko: upstart pong14:06
cjohnstonxnox: yup.. :-)14:06
dokostgraber, see email14:06
stgraberdoko: ok, will do in a minute14:06
diwicxnox, so I do have a working speaker icon if gnome-icon-theme-full is installed - maybe we can move that icon from gnome-icon-theme-full to gnome-icon-theme?14:06
xnoxhow big is the package?14:08
xnox(despite raising the limits on normal desktop, fully installed default experience still has every MB to account for on devices that do not have the luxury of TBs of space ;-) )14:09
cjwatsonWell, diwic was just talking about moving one icon14:09
diwicthere's still the missing headphones icon though, which is not shipped in our theme, nor in gnome's.14:11
hallyncjwatson: yup, i did notice it yesterday.  glad Peter took a look for a start.14:15
stgraberdoko: thanks for the analysis. I'd rather have jodh look at the changes and get upstart and libnih fixed though. I think he's out today so hopefully this can be done tomorrow.14:18
hallyncjwatson: all right i'll see what i can do with that today.  maybe i can at least bisect it.14:21
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cjwatsonhallyn: *nod* thanks14:40
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dokoseb128, not sure if you are the right one to track this ... qtcreator will stay in -proposed unless powerpc binaries are removed, or qtjsbackend-opensource-src is built on powerpc15:17
seb128didrocks, ^15:18
seb128doko, didrocks is rather15:18
didrocksdoko: either way, I think we can remove the binary for now and let it go to raring15:20
dokodidrocks, in this case, please identify all the depending binaries15:20
didrocksdoko: I will, just not right now though, trying to get most of what we are focusing the sprint on, and then, will list that15:21
didrocksor maybe Riddell, as he sponsored part of the stack as well15:22
geryon6When I'm looking at a Launchpad bug marked “Fix Released” (e. g. LP #964897), how do I know which version actually fixes the bug?15:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 964897 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in std::basic_string<...>::basic_string() from unity::launcher::HudLauncherIcon::HudLauncherIcon()::{lambda} from unity::UBusManager::OnCallback" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96489715:27
gesergeryon6: look at the changelog from the janitor (comment #7)15:28
stgraber@pilot in15:29
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: stgraber
geryon6geser: Unfortunately that's the wrong one, because the bug was reopened and fixed again later.15:30
gesergeryon6: in such cases it's probably best to ask the person who set the bug to "Fix released" again (perhaps it's tracked in a different bug now)15:32
geryon6It would be nice if that information would be shown next to the “fix released” at the top. Am I the only one who is missing this feature?15:34
gesergeryon6: I guess not, I'm pretty sure other people would like to see LP have versioning support for bugs15:37
cjwatsondoko,didrocks: qtcreator has only one reverse-dep on powerpc, namely qt-sdk, which is Architecture: all15:41
cjwatsonIf the new qtcreator is urgent then it might be best to leave that intentionally broken for now rather than trying to work around it; qt-sdk itself has no reverse-dependencies15:41
cjwatson(As in, remove the powerpc binaries knowing that it will create one extra uninstallable)15:42
geryon6geser: I've found LP #163694 which more or less covers this. Seems this issue is known for years already.15:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 163694 in Launchpad itself "Fix Committed/Released distinction is confusing and Fix Committed is not functionally different to Confirmed/Triaged/In Progress" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16369415:53
cjwatsongeryon6: Explicit version tracking was in the initial design for Launchpad Bugs, but was later removed/long-term-deferred15:57
cjwatsonAt this point it's very unlikely to be added in (at least) the medium term15:58
geryon6cjwatson: That's sad to hear because it confuses me quite often. Sometimes I can see the fixed version number in the comments, but not always. And if it is there, it is not easy to find.16:00
cjwatsongeryon6: You're preaching to the choir :)16:01
cjwatsonIt was in the initial design for Launchpad Bugs because when we designed it I had recently added the corresponding feature to debbugs16:01
cjwatsonBut, as things worked out, I ended up working on Ubuntu rather than on the bug tracker16:01
mlankhorstat least you get to make a lts pointrelease ;)16:02
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geryon6cjwatson: I see. :)16:04
xnoxev: ubiquity-dm crashed but "it's no longer installed" since well it's removed at the end of the oem-config, can we still whitelist that?16:04
didrockscjwatson: I agree, there is no rush for qtcreator to go outside proposed, and we  need to wait for mirv to be back from vacations for pushing the ubuntu sdk as well16:05
infinitydidrocks: Well, as long as it depends unconditionally on a v8 JS engine, it ain't gonna build on PPC, so we need to either sort out how to turn some bits off for !x86/ARM, or we need to just drop the binaries that fall out of that chain.16:15
didrocksinfinity: I would go for dropping, but prefer to check with mirv first16:16
infinitydidrocks: This'll be a bigger deal as this all gets pushed to Debian, where the majority of their arches have no v8 port (while for us, it's only one arch), so someone, somewhere, is going to have to come up with a pleasant solution.16:16
evxnox: I'd much rather see if we can drop that check. Digging through the code, it looks like we only need the package installed to determine its origin.16:17
ev(we could compromise and set it to [origin: uninstalled])16:18
infinitydidrocks: But we can certainly remove the binaries in Ubuntu and push back on the Debian maintainers to find a more elegant solution for arches without V8 ports, and we'll pick up whatever they decide to do.16:19
didrocksinfinity: urgh, interesting, not sure why they didn't discuss that yet as he ensured me they sync together. Let's see how it goes16:19
didrocksinfinity: agreed16:19
infinity(I really wish V8 had a generic C implementation for non-native ports, but unless you know a V8 engineer at Google who wants to make that happen, it's certainly not a weekend project I intend to get sucked into)16:20
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hallynpitti: slangasek: bug 1092715 is causing headaches with automated testing.  so until both it and inotify kernel bugs are definately resolved, i'd like to remove the udev rule hack i had in place (which isn't reliable anyway) in favor of expliclty doing chown/chmod/setfacl in postinst.  just until the other bugs are fixed.16:59
ubottubug 1092715 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu Raring) "udevadm trigger --action=change not working in quantal and raring" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109271516:59
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MalsasaHello, anybody can help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12518579#post12518579 <<< How to Write Correct copyright File?17:49
slangasekhallyn: go for it.  Where are we wrt kernel inotify bugs, though?17:53
hallynslangasek: i'm not sure.  i *thought* it was supposed to be fixed,17:55
hallynbut comments by jamespage suggest they may not be17:55
hallyninfinity: ^ do you know if all inotify bugs are supposed to be fixed in raring's current kernel?17:56
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infinityhallyn: I'm not familiar with the bug you were working around, so I can't say.18:22
hallyninfinity: oh i'm sorry, i thought you were the one who had pointed it out to me.  nm.18:23
infinityhallyn: Well, we've had different inotify bugs.  The one where it was causing leaks and you'd eventually run out of inotify handles has been fixed.18:24
infinityhallyn: But if it's just a case of "inotify doesn't work right, and I don't know why", that could be a bug in the application, not the kernel.18:24
hallynapp being udev - possible to be sure18:27
hallynlunch (and not me) - biab18:27
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kieppiewell done with the new table, mobile & tv stuff guys. just watched the vid. very nice!20:01
kieppiecan hardly wait for stable code repo's20:01
* kieppie can't wait to see the fan/parody vids....20:02
stgraber@pilot out20:19
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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zyalCan anyone help me out here?22:20
sarnoldzyal: irc tends to work best if you ask a specific question upfront :)22:21
zyalOkay =D22:21
zyalI'm trying to install the Ubuntu SDK22:21
zyalbut am stuck at the qtchooser package22:21
zyalRunning sudo-apt-get -f install yields:22:22
zyalUnpacking qtchooser (from .../qtchooser_0.0.1~git20121229.g8f08405-0ubuntu1~precise1~test5_i386.deb) ...22:22
cjwatsonWhere's the web page with the instructions you're starting from?22:22
zyaldpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/qtchooser_0.0.1~git20121229.g8f08405-0ubuntu1~precise1~test5_i386.deb (--unpack):22:22
zyal trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/xmlpatterns', which is also in package qt4-dev-tools 4:4.8.1-0ubuntu4.422:22
zyalNo apport report written because MaxReports is reached already22:22
zyal                                                              Processing triggers for man-db ...22:22
zyalErrors were encountered while processing:22:22
zyal /var/cache/apt/archives/qtchooser_0.0.1~git20121229.g8f08405-0ubuntu1~precise1~test5_i386.deb22:22
zyalE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)22:22
cjwatsonYeah, whatever way you slice it that's a bug *somewhere*22:22
* cjwatson looks22:22
zyalI followded it to the tee22:22
cjwatsonzyal: What Ubuntu version are you running?22:23
cjwatsonI assume 12.04, from that log22:23
zyalDo I have to 12.10 >.<22:23
cjwatsonNo, just one minute while I set up a reproduction environment22:24
cjwatsonzyal: Did you already have qt4-dev-tools installed before starting this?22:29
cjwatsonOr was it one of the new packages installed?22:29
zyalI think I've installed qt4-dev-tools before22:29
zyalFor what reason I dont know why22:29
cjwatsonI ask because it's only a recommendation here, so if you didn't have it installed already then that'd be a workaround22:30
cjwatsonBut I want to check this out anyway - just waiting for it all to download22:31
cjwatsonHmm, doesn't look like qt4-x11 has had qtchooser support added to it in precise.  https://launchpad.net/~canonical-qt5-edgers/+archive/qt5-proper/+packages shows it for raring (though it's in the primary archive there anyway) and quantal, but not precise22:38
zyalaw shicks22:38
zyalDoes this mean no SDK for me in precise?22:38
cjwatsonSo my reading of this is that Timo needs to fix that22:38
cjwatsonI suspect you can make it work for now by 'sudo apt-get remove qt4-dev-tools; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk notepad-qml qt4-dev-tools-'22:39
cjwatsonBut I haven't got far enough through this download to be able to test that22:39
zyalthat's the thing22:39
cjwatsonIf you wait 10-15 minutes or so I should be able to verify22:39
zyalmy installer is locked up22:39
cjwatsonOh, that's just apt, that's recoverable22:40
zyalHow should I?22:40
cjwatsonsudo dpkg --configure -a22:40
cjwatsonsudo apt-get -f install22:40
cjwatsonThen if it's still busted, paste the error into paste.ubuntu.com and post the URL you get22:40
cjwatsonzyal: sudo dpkg --remove qt4-dev-tools; then repeat the two commands above22:43
zyalcjwatson: Same Errors22:46
cjwatsonzyal: Can't possibly be exactly the same; paste again22:46
zyalOops your right22:47
cjwatson(If nothing else, I would expect an error from the first command if it didn't resolve the second/third)22:47
cjwatsonzyal: Meh, you're going to have to remove a fairly large chunk of Qt4 to make this possible as it stands - is that something that will cause a problem?  (e.g. if you were running Kubuntu or Unity-2D it would not be a good plan)22:52
zyalcjwatson: No sir, I use DWM anyway22:52
zyalNo unity22:52
cjwatsonYou can, I believe, do this with "sudo dpkg --remove libqt4-dev libqt4-opengl-dev libqtwebkit-dev qdbus qt4-qmlviewer" and then those same two commands again22:53
zyalSomewhat related: I dont need unity to develop though, right?22:53
cjwatsonDon't ask me, I'm a foundations developer :)22:53
cjwatsonBut I'll mail Timo and remind him that qt4-x11 is busted22:53
zyalAh okay22:53
zyalSo how do i atleast get the term working again?22:54
cjwatsonHave you tried that command above yet?22:55
zyalOops slipped my eyes22:55
zyalno error this time22:57
zyalDoes this mean ubuntu-sdk is installed?22:57
cjwatsonIf the last command's output ended with "Setting up ubuntu-sdk (0.1~bzr20130204-0ubuntu1~precise1~test1) ...", you should be good22:57
cjwatsonYou can always repeat "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk notepad-qml" to make sure22:58
cjwatsonI've sent that mail, so hopefully this can get sorted out properly rather than by this kind of hack22:58
cjwatsonThanks for reporting22:58
zyalThanks alot cj..22:58
zyalshould I report this officially.. I have no experience22:59
cjwatsonIt's in a PPA so that's a bit awkward22:59
cjwatsonI've already mailed the person I believe to be the responsible developer, which should be enough here22:59
zyalAlright sweet23:00
zyalWhat do you do as a foundations dev?23:00
cjwatsonbottom layer of userspace; personally, boot loaders, installers, package archive infrastructure23:00
zyalooh sounds like hard work23:01
infinityzyal: As a general rule, if it's pretty, we don't touch it ("we" being "foundations developers")23:01
infinityThe installer being the only possible exception to that rule.23:02
zyalIve always wondered do you guys ever get to talk to Shuttleworth?23:02
cjwatsonIt wasn't desperately pretty for a fair while ...23:02
zyalother than the summits23:02
zyalor do you just work under a branch23:02
cjwatsonNow and again; he's a busy man23:03
infinityMost of us probably talk to Mark a lot less than we did 8 years ago.23:03
infinitySee above, re: busy man.  Plus, the company is much larger.23:03
zyalI can imagine23:03
infinityI haven't had strange 5am phone calls in a long time.23:03
zyalBut you guys have met him in the early years tho23:04
cjwatsonIt's not that we're not allowed to talk to him, it's just that if he tried to talk to several hundred employees and goodness knows how many community members directly he'd never sleep at all23:04
infinityYeah.  When we were all much younger and slightly more silly.23:04
zyalAs a FOSS dev.. do you guys have any alternative $$ making gigs on the side? Did your FOSS credit help you guys in your fields?23:05
* cjwatson digs23:05
cjwatson2026     Feb 18 Mark Shuttlewor (  19) New Debian-related project23:05
zyalJust curious on the whole scene actually23:06
sarnoldcjwatson: cool :)23:06
cjwatsonEh, Canonical employs me, I don't have time for two jobs23:06
infinitycjwatson: I like Scott's version better than the real thing.23:06
jcastrowe're coming up on 10 years of Ubuntu!23:06
cjwatsonBut certainly the fact that I'd been doing free software for several years beforehand got me this job23:07
infinityjcastro: Getting there, yeah.23:07
cjwatsonHey, yeah, that mail was 9 years yesterday23:07
infinitycjwatson: Hrm.  Tempted to wiggle the 12.04.4 release date to 2014-02-18, and make a 10th anniversary thing out of it.23:10
cjwatsonIt's only a tenth anniversary in a weird internal sense23:10
infinityThankfully, I hate editing wikis, and I'll forget in a year.23:11
cjwatsonBesides, pretty sure Scott was already on the payroll (such as it was) by then23:11
infinitycjwatson: True, the 10th anniversary of warty is probably more interesting.23:11
cjwatsonI seem to remember he said he had to go to considerable effort to keep his mouth shut in Málaga23:11
cjwatson(er, Open Source World Conference, held there around that time; at least he and I and Tollef were there)23:12
jcastroinfinity: we need to find something clever for no-name-yet.com too23:15
infinityjcastro: You'd have to ask Matt nicely, it's his, not the company's.23:16
infinityjcastro: Or, so says the all knowing registrar.23:16
jcastroI'm sure we can find some kind of scheme23:16
lifelesscjwatson: I don't think scott was on the payroll on the 18th23:21
lifelesscjwatson: would have to dig up evolution to check though :)23:21
lifelesswarty release as 10th anniversary makes lots of sense to me23:22
cjwatsonlifeless: Maybe not as such but he certainly knew about the project then23:26
lifelesscjwatson: certainly23:27
lifelesscjwatson: you can pick jan 16th or thereabouts if you want 'when folk knew' :)23:28

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