[22:24] daker: ping [22:24] mhall119: pong [22:24] I'm looking over https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/summit/fix.611294/+merge/146535 [22:24] :) [22:24] we currently have claimed ids in the production database that use launchpad.net urls, will this update them to be ubuntu.com urls? [22:25] mhall119: let's do it step by step [22:26] mhall119: stay with me [22:26] * mhall119 will do his best [22:27] now if you run manage.py update-openids [22:27] https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/schedule/management/commands/update-openids.py [22:27] againt all the users [22:27] it will call the set_user_openid for each one [22:28] ok [22:29] https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~daker/summit/fix.611294/view/head:/summit/common/launchpad.py [22:29] this is the launchpad file from my fix [22:30] look at the set_user_openid func [22:30] this openids = UserOpenID.objects.filter(user=user) [22:30] will return 1 or 0 record [22:30] right ? [22:31] but for all the summit users they have 1 record each [22:32] and force is True [22:33] ok, so we'll need IS to run update_openids after deploying, but otherwise it looks god [22:33] thanks daker [22:33] :) [22:34] daker: cjohnston: approved [22:35] thanks