
kubotsuso the answer is i HAVE to redownload the .iso again in order to seed it .. the end00:00
jhutchins_wkwiggmpk: I think I've mostly used ktorrent.00:00
wiggmpkjhutchins_wk: your right..  sorry00:00
jhutchins_wkkubotsu: No, of course not, otherwise nobody could start a torrent.00:00
shwaiiljhutchins_wk: I runned the command but because I've got windows in the boot, this didnt run fsck ...not sure if because of that00:00
wiggmpkkubotsu: you have to create a .torrent file00:00
Ice_StrikeShould all the downloaded files go to /usr/src for compiling?00:00
jhutchins_wkkubotsu: Your google-fu is weak.00:00
kubotsuwe are getting somewhere i guess.. but transmission doesnt seem to have a 'create torrent file' option00:01
buenouanqyes it does00:01
jhutchins_wkkubotsu: According to this, File/Create Torrent.00:02
wiggmpkkubotsu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7582444&postcount=400:02
wiggmpkjhutchins_wk: think I linked the same post your probably reading00:02
buenouanqActually, on mine, it's File->New...00:02
kubotsualright, that seems about right..00:03
Hearthstonehello everybody. i have a problem with the menue bar on the top of the screen in unity (ubuntu 12.04). the menue only stay open, when i hold the left mouse button. Its possible to change that, that the menue will stay open after one left mouse click (and close after another)?00:03
Ben64kubotsu: are you trying to create a torrent or seed it?00:03
KentrelI have drives set to automount at startup, yet I need to click on the drives in a file manager before I can access them00:03
escottKentrel, set up to automount on what mountpoint and setup how (in fstab?)00:04
PadNet_201How do i delete a file in linux that's too large for the trash?00:04
Ben64PadNet_201: shift+delete or use rm in the terminal00:05
escottPadNet_201, shift-delete00:05
kubotsuBen64: create to seed00:05
Ben64kubotsu: that makes no sense00:06
buenouanqInstallation problems on a Macbook5,100:06
buenouanqCan get to GRUB just fine with the options:00:06
buenouanq-Try without install00:06
buenouanq-OEM install00:06
FloodBot1buenouanq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:06
buenouanq-Check disc for defects00:06
escottIce_Strike, no. compile as non-priv user in your $HOME then install to /usr/local00:06
kubotsuthat's cause YOU dont understand. the provided link explains , go read00:06
Ben64kubotsu: no, i understand fine00:06
SonikkuAmericaHere's a wild one: Is there any way to install a *buntu ISO into a blank partition *without* the aid of live media or Wubi?00:06
SonikkuAmerica(Well, Ubuntu from an ISO, not the actual ISO itself)00:07
Ben64SonikkuAmerica: dd00:07
elkySonikkuAmerica, PXEboot00:07
SonikkuAmericaBen64: Which works in Windows?00:07
SonikkuAmericaand elky ^^00:07
kubotsuBen64: obviously you dont.. my answer is all here whether you think you understand my issue or not : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7582444&postcount=400:07
Ben64SonikkuAmerica: nevermind, your 2nd line messed up my answer00:07
wiggmpkkubotsu: so your good to go then?00:08
TreceXalguien habla español o portugues?00:08
kubotsuwiggmpk: yes, that worked out00:08
Ben64kubotsu: they already have ubuntu torrents, why create a new one without any peers on it?00:08
elkySonikkuAmerica, PXEboot happens when you boot, but you need it set up on your network. you select usually f12 and you get a menu of images to install fro00:08
kubotsuBen64: let it go . its all good now00:08
buenouanqInstallation problems on a Macbook5,1.  Can get to GRUB just fine with the options: -Try without install -Install -OEM install -Check disc for defects00:08
SonikkuAmericaelky: OK...00:09
buenouanqSelecting any of these leads to a blank screen, then some lines of various colors appear at the top.  Please help.  Any ideas?00:09
Ben64kubotsu: well you're asking silly questions. seeding and creating are much different00:09
Ben64to seed the iso, all you need is the already created torrent file from ubuntu.com, and the iso00:09
wiggmpkBen64: technically you dont need the .torrent file once its already loaded in your torrent client00:10
kubotsuright, which means you only have half the information to properly understand my issue which was already resolved by wiggmpk 's link00:10
Ben64wiggmpk: then you still need it...00:10
kubotsumove on00:10
wiggmpkBen64: no... you dont.. i never have and never will download .torrent files.. they only need to be opened in the torrent client.. as long as the torrent stays active in your client.. you continue to seed the files00:11
Ben64wiggmpk: thats crazy. "you don't need the torrent file if you already have it"00:11
SonikkuAmericaelky: Actually, I found a tutorial using EasyBCD, but thanks for the net boot option.00:11
=== FreakingTea is now known as FreakingStuff
wiggmpkBen64: if you already have the active torrent in your client.. you dont need the .torrent client00:12
wiggmpkerr file00:12
Ben64that means you already have it00:12
wiggmpkBen64: no, it just means the tracker knows where I am cause im seeding00:12
Ben64you clicked it, therefore you downloaded it and opened it in the client. you do indeed have the torrent file00:12
wiggmpkBen64: i welcome you to search my laptop for a .torrent file00:13
jhutchins_wkwiggmpk: It's probably hidden.00:13
SonikkuAmericaelky: Apparently EasyBCD can add ISO booting to the Windows MBR so one can boot CDs directly at the Windows bootloader. Then I won't have to worry about it when GRUB overwrites the MBR on the other partition (hopefully).00:13
wiggmpkjhutchins_wk: no, its not00:13
Ben64its definitely there, it's not magical00:14
SonikkuAmericaprovided the other partition is primary.00:14
Ben64either in memory or on disk, it exists00:14
kubotsuBen64: the question was 'how to create a .torrent file from within transmission'. thats all00:14
jhutchins_wkwiggmpk: Likely in a hidden .directory for your torrent client.00:14
kubotsuyou're drowning yourself00:14
wiggmpkBen64: if it was in memory it would vanish on a restart00:14
Ben64then its on disk00:14
wiggmpkjhutchins_wk: i know what a hidden directory is.. its not there00:14
wiggmpkin fact, transmission gives you the option to move .torrent files to trash after they are added00:15
jhutchins_wkQuick! To the retistry!00:15
Ben64Feb 18 2013 15:49:48 <kubotsu>let me rephrase, do i have to re-download the .iso in order to seed?00:15
Ben64the question was how to seed00:15
BaconAttack_wiggmpk transmission stores your .torrents in a hidden folder00:15
jhutchins_wkwiggmpk: You really misunderstand the process.  If you open a torrent file, it has been downloaded.00:15
kubotsuBen64: read between the lines ?00:16
BaconAttack_wiggmpk    just check   ~/Library/Application Support/Transmission/torrents/.00:16
Ben64kubotsu: my irc client lacks the ability to read minds, sorry00:16
jhutchins_wkwiggmpk: Anything you open or display locally is downloaded one way or another.00:16
wiggmpkBaconAttack_: that directory doesnt exist on my system00:17
BaconAttack_then how does transmission function00:17
jhutchins_wkwiggmpk: Your torrent client could conceivably store it as something other than a torrent file, but it's there somewhere.00:17
ifoneyHello folks. I have a dell server which needs tg3.ko module to get the network card to work, i am running 10.04 and I am able to load the driver manually but it does not load up on boot .... any ideas?00:17
escottifoney, /etc/modules00:17
ifoneyI added the driver in /etc/modules ... no joy :(00:17
jhutchins_wkifoney: /etc/modules or /etc/modprobe.conf or /etc/modprobe.d00:18
kubotsuBen64: wiggmpk 's apparently can..00:18
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
BaconAttack_wiggmpk im just assuming you are using transmission as i saw it somewhere before in the chat after a quick scroll. go to "Go to Folder" and get to that transmission folder00:18
BaconAttack_you wont see it by default just by clicking into your hdd00:18
wiggmpkBaconAttack_: are you on a Mac?00:18
BaconAttack_oh damnit00:19
BaconAttack_why did i think you said mac00:19
wiggmpkBaconAttack_: which is not Ubunut... so again.. that directory doesnt exist on my system00:19
jhutchins_wkctcp BaconAttack_ version00:19
BaconAttack_comepletely my bad. i thought i saw mac00:19
ifoneyjhutchins_wk : I checked mobprobe blacklist, its not in the blacklist and i added it in /etc/modules00:20
judgenI have a precise cd, but how do i figure out if it is i386 or amd64 by just looking at the files?00:20
Ben64wiggmpk - the torrent does exist, you don't have to believe it, but its true00:20
ifoneyjhutchins_wk: still does not load00:20
wiggmpkjhutchins_wk: not that I want to encourage this discussion any further, but for lol's I just did a comprehensive search of my laptop for any .torrent files.. they are not here mate.. sorry00:21
wiggmpkBen64: tell me where it's at then Ben00:21
judgendarn it was i38600:21
Ben64i don't use your system, so idk00:21
BaconAttack_~/.transmission/torrents/     ?00:21
wooferi am trying to install a ati video driver.   i extracted the tar.gz,   then i when in, did ./configure   - it did it's thing, now i try make   - it says 'no targers specified and no makefile found. stop.00:21
wooferthere is a makefile called makefile.am and makefile.in00:22
* that4chanwolf pets buenouanq 00:22
Hilikusis there any way to get the inode of a "locate" result? i don't know what to pipe locate to00:22
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buenouanqShould I ask again?00:22
escottHilikus, stat00:23
wiggmpkBen64: ok then00:23
Hilikusescott: doesnt work00:23
judgeni am going through my unmarked cd's and now i have found every version of ubuntu from 5.* to 12.* without finding the x64 disk...00:23
Hilikusescott: it just says missing file00:23
Hilikusstat: missing operand00:23
buenouanqInstallation problems on a Macbook5,1.  Can get to GRUB just fine with the options: -Try without install -Install -OEM install -Check disc for defects00:24
buenouanqSelecting any of these leads to a blank screen, then some lines of various colors appear at the top.  Please help.  Any ideas?00:24
jribbuenouanq: you downloaded the special image for macs?00:24
escottHilikus, you probably have to play around with xargs or do it as stat `locate foo`00:24
escottHilikus, stat doesn't take from the pipe its for single file usage00:24
buenouanqthere's a special image?...00:25
jribbuenouanq: releases.ubuntu.com00:25
buenouanqWell now I just feel stupid.00:25
buenouanqthank you.00:25
jribbuenouanq: you're using 12.10?00:25
buenouanqwith Xfce00:26
jribbuenouanq: yeah, see here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/00:26
buenouanqassuming there'll be one on the Xubuntu site too?00:26
swordzHi. I'm currently running 12.10. I've got 2 monitors, one of which is 1900 pixels wide. If I turn on my second, Unity 3D claims that my monitors need to fit into a box 2048*2048, and my monitors don't. In 12.04 I fixed this by using Unity 2d, which I can't in 12.10. For the last 4 months I've had my second monitor turned off, expecting that this would be fixed at some point soon. As it hasn't been, any pointers to get it working? I'm having no success so fa00:27
MAL0 error 132 by upping wlan0, can someone help me ?00:27
jribbuenouanq: I don't see one :x  You might try to see if the special ubuntu one actually works.  And if it does, then you can just install xubuntu-desktop.  If you really don't want the default ubuntu stuff also on there, then I guess you have to figure out why the xubuntu image doesn't work :)00:28
buenouanqSounds good.00:28
jhutchins_wkifoney: Make sure you got the format right in modules - you may need to alias it to eth0.00:28
buenouanqThank you very much.00:28
wooferwhy do i have a Makefile.in and a Makefile.am   ?   i want to 'make' this install. i can't.00:28
jribwoofer: what are you installing?00:29
wooferjrib,  a ati vid driver.00:29
jrib!ati | woofer00:29
ubottuwoofer: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto00:29
wooferhuh? i downloaded it from some ubuntu page, now it's time to install it.00:29
jhutchins_wkwiggmpk: You are welcome to your ignorance, but you should realize that some of the people trying to explain things to you here are responsible for having helped develop the things they're trying to explain.00:29
jribwoofer: did you read the link ubottu gave?00:29
wiggmpkjhutchins_wk: k, thanks00:30
wooferjrib,  i am reading now...00:30
wooferjrib,  i feel i will have to kill the flrx thingy though...00:31
manouI need to put the mouse pointer for a given user transparent, know if this is possible?00:33
manouI'm trying to make a kiosk mode00:33
MAL0hello &00:33
ifoneyjhutchins_wk : Ahh .... Forgot about that !! .. will try it out ... thanks !00:35
manouand i need to hide de cursor00:36
KentrelWhy is it that my drives aren't "mounted" until I click on them in Dolphin or Nautilus? They're set to automount in Fstab00:37
jribKentrel: pastebin your fstab00:38
wooferjrib,  the amd website is being useless. i have a very old laptop. i need the driver for it. it can't find it on amd's website.00:39
wooferjrib,  it is a radeon IGP320M00:39
lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1: hello00:40
lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1magnus__: hello00:40
jribwoofer: I've never used ati; I only know what's on the wiki00:40
Kentreljrib, actually according to fstab they're not, but they are in "mount options" of Disks00:40
lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1takenori: hello00:40
lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1doomperdicion: hello00:40
lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1i20x539: hello00:40
jribKentrel: as far as I know, you need to add them to fstab if you want them mounted at boot00:41
jribwoofer: does it not currently work as is?00:41
Giddeonwhen I type the "mail" command, I get a list of messages with data in columns.  I can't find documentation on that the columns mean; most are obvious but there a couple that aren't clear.  Does anyone know where I can get some info on this?00:42
escottKentrel, what is the mountpoint00:43
wooferjrib,  no, it sucks balls.00:45
jribwoofer: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:45
wooferi can't. it's on a diff computer that isn't online.00:45
wooferall i can do is ssh into it.00:45
ivorybishopAnyone know ATI video driver troubleshooting? I installed the binary Catalyst driver, installed, at the end "No protocol specified." printed to the screen twice and that was it. Rebooted, get to login, enter password hit enter, then goes back to login screen. I am baffled.00:46
Ben64if you can ssh, you can internet00:46
Ben64woofer: anyway, it looks like theres 2 makefiles, one for intel, one for amd00:46
lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1: 100:47
Ben64woofer: wait ignore that, its wrong00:47
MAL0can i get some help ?00:47
bekksBen64: Thats not true. Having a box allowing incoming ssh, does not mean having a box thaht allows outgoing http.00:47
Ben64bekks: it means you can00:47
jribwoofer: scp the file to your system and then pastebin it?00:47
lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1: 100:48
Ben64bekks: yes.00:48
bekksBen64: It entirely means you can ssh into it. Having a firewall, whatever, it does not mean you can http.00:48
Ben64lasdkjfhoqi3yrq1: stop00:48
PadNet_201malo, ask a specific question, don't ask to ask00:49
wooferthis is just stupid. i search for my video card. - a IGP320M  on amd's website. and nothing comes up.00:49
jribGiddeon: I don't know, but which aren't you sure about? :)00:49
MAL0ok, im trying to : ifconfig wlan0 up00:50
jribwoofer: have you considered that amd may on longer support it?00:50
MAL0but it says error 13200:50
wooferjrib,  so they delete the old driver for the thing?00:50
Giddeonjrib: the main one is a column that has output that looks like 21/88500:50
MAL0it was working westerday ...00:51
Giddeonjrib: err, 21/85500:51
jribGiddeon: my guess is lines/size of some sort00:51
ivorybishopAlso, when I log into the machine via command line I see "No protocol specified." twice and then "xdpyinfo unable to open display ":0.0".00:51
Giddeonjrib: thank you00:52
jribGiddeon: it's a good question, I'm not sure where it's documented00:52
mobodocan I reinstall ubuntu while keeping my local configuration files?00:53
mobodoright now it won't reboot, but I have tons of small changes in /etc for instance00:53
PadNet_201I doubt you'll be able to keep your config00:54
mobodoif I install from the livecd on partition that already has an install, will it prompt me when it wants to overwrite a file that I have modified like it does for upgrades?00:54
MAL0Error 132 when im upping my wlan0... help00:55
Ben64mobodo: you'll probably end up with a more broken system if you try something like that00:55
=== Mining|away is now known as MiningMarsh
blahHow do I partition my disk when I use a ubuntu server disk. When I choose "manual" partitioning -> "Create a partition table" on my disk. How do I choose my boot,/,/var ...etc partition sizes?. When i choose "create a partition" it lets me choose the size but I dont have an option to pick if the size is for "/" or "/boot"00:56
mobodoBen64: and I guess there is no "repair" option where ubuntu would just look for essential files and make sure they are there and working, huh?00:56
=== LaserShark is now known as TenthDoctor
MAL0Error 132 when im upping my wlan0... help00:57
Ben64!patience | MAL000:57
ubottuMAL0: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:57
kubotsumobodo: installing from livecd will give you about 3 options: fresh install, install along the existing system and another option i dont recall.. it wont do 'system restore' functions00:58
Ben64mobodo: you could reinstall things with apt-get, but its probably all those changes you did in /etc that made it unable to reboot. you should backup and install fresh00:58
* PadNet_201 strokes his beard01:00
mobodoBen64: I'm in the process of applying a backup, that's what's so annoying, it's my backup that doesn't work :(01:00
jribGiddeon: enjoy: http://mailutils.org/manual/html_section/mail.html (scroll to "headline") :)01:01
mobodoohhh… does ubuntu mount using unique ids for HD? If I changed my hard drive, I'd have to update it in the boot partition?01:01
escott!uuid | mobodo01:01
ubottumobodo: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:01
kubotsuthat's why installing the system with a separate /home is good practice for folk with large amounts of personal data01:02
astroidusMay I also write in german here ? Think no !?01:02
Ben64!de | astroidus01:02
ubottuastroidus: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!01:02
astroidusThank you very much !01:03
pooltablehelp installed libreoffice 4.0?01:03
dr_willistheres ppa's for it i belive pooltable01:04
mobodokubotsu: my /home and most of my data is on a RAID1 partition, so it's fine :)01:04
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:05
crypticmofohi all01:05
crypticmofoi heard about unbuntu for android01:05
crypticmofocan i download it ?01:06
pooltableLibreOffice PPA that one ?01:06
jribGiddeon: actually, this is probably a better place to point (but they say the same thing): http://heirloom.sourceforge.net/mailx/mailx.1.html01:06
dr_williscrypticmofo:  not at this time i belive..01:06
crypticmofodr_willis, it looks awesome01:07
dr_willisIll belive in it when i see it.01:07
kubotsuyour nick isn't01:07
pooltableLibreOffice PPA that one ?01:08
kubotsupooltable: you have to find the address to the ppa in question then add it to your Sources. thought i'd mention that...01:09
Guest67521Want to make some extra money by doing things you all do any how. I need ten individuals to sign up.  Give it a try you can get things as well as money for free.  Just by clicking on the adds they have available.  The have numerous ways to get paid and you can order things from amazon.  http://www.points2shop.com/?ref=jvarga2901:09
mobodoergh… great, the livecd does not fit on a 700MB cd anymore… :P01:09
dr_willispooltable:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/132837/how-do-i-install-the-latest-stable-version-of-libreoffice01:09
dr_willis12.10 is a live dvd01:09
kubotsuyup, over 700mb.. but there are 800mb cd's too01:10
revupdev34I am trying to do something super simple. Using 12.4 Natty and the cd command seems to not work anymore01:12
kubotsusuch a 'waste' to have to use a dvd but , you can only have one 'livecd' system per disc anyway  :-P  unless am missiong something..01:12
dr_willismost people use USB flash drives these days01:13
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120401:13
revupdev34in command line I simple type sudo cd/var/www01:13
revupdev34sudo: cd/var/www: command not found01:13
dr_willisrevupdev34:  perhaps if you put a space in there where it belongs?01:13
Pagoshey guys, I'm having some troubles getting sound to work on a thinkpad T40 with lubuntu 12.0401:13
PadNet_201revupdev34, check alias?01:13
dr_willisand using cd with sudo is meaningless.01:13
m1dn1ghtHi guys - I'm having some trouble getting sound to play through my hdmi cable (ATI card to TV). I read I should ensure I am using the up-to-date proprietary driver, but when I open "additional drivers" it just tells me there are none in use on the system but doesn't list any I can choose to enable. Am I missing something? (Using 12.04)01:14
escottrevupdev34, sp aces a re impo rtant01:14
revupdev34dr_willis: space after cd?01:14
PsyCl0neHi everyone, I enabled nvidia drivers on a new 12.10 install and now when the computer boots I only have a flashing cursor01:14
revupdev34usually I put a space01:14
revupdev34like sudo cd /home01:14
dr_willisrevupdev34:  err... yes.. your paste did not show a space..01:14
dr_willisand again.. sudo cd   -> rather meaningless command01:14
revupdev34or... sudo cd /Desktop01:14
escottrevupdev34, and as dr_willis mentioned sudo cd is meaningless. as cd is a builtin01:14
escottso even with the space it will still fail01:15
PagosI'm having some troubles getting sound to work on a thinkpad T40 with lubuntu 12.04. Anyone know what to do?01:15
MoPac[Sorry for re-asking, bad connection] I have a question about whether an unmounted encfs folder is at risk of exposure if it has the same password as a mounted one. Would this be a good place to ask, or is there a better room?01:15
revupdev34cd /Desktop01:15
revupdev34bash: cd: /Desktop: No such file or directory01:15
escottrevupdev34, ~/Desktop is not the same as /Desktop01:16
dr_willissounds correct.. theres shouldent be a /Desktop directory01:16
PagosMoPac, why are you using the same password for both?01:16
dr_willisyou might want to read up on some bash tutorials.01:16
dr_willis ~/Desktop  is very differnt from /Desktop01:16
revupdev34I did not put a ~ in there?01:16
MoPacPagos: It's a Boxcryptor folder with subfolders. It's simple to just mount a subfolder rather than the whole thing, but I'm wondering if it's more secure. All subfolders will have the same password01:16
escottMoPac, having the same password anywhere makes possible some attacks that would not otherwise be possible. so yes01:16
revupdev34do you see a ~?01:17
dr_willisrevupdev34:  and as we said.. there should NOT be a /Desktop01:17
revupdev34dr_willis: is your name John btw?01:17
revupdev34John Willis?01:17
=== Wolfpack is now known as MrWolfpack
dr_willisrevupdev34:  /home/user/Desktop     = ~/Desktop01:17
escottrevupdev34, no i dont see a ~. thats why I brought it up01:17
MoPacescott: I guess I understand that it's possible in principle (i.e., sidechannel attack on the RAM, etc).  But I'm wondering if it's plausible -- i.e., could a piece of malware do it, or a person sitting at the computer, etc01:17
PagosMoPac, yeah I figured. It might compromise it, but you might want to check with people who know more about it01:17
PagosI'm sorry I can't help you, MoPac01:18
MoPacI assume the plaintext password, or the private key itself, is cached in RAM, but I don't know if that means it's easy for a user or su to call out01:18
PagosI'm sorry I can't help you, MoPac01:18
escottMoPac, the passphrase is used to symmetrically decrypted a longer key which is then used to do all the other encryption. so the password usage is really minimal in ecrytpfs01:18
PagosI'm having some troubles getting sound to work on a thinkpad T40 with lubuntu 12.04. Anyone know what to do?01:18
escottMoPac, its just for unwrapping the true passphrase01:18
MoPacescott: Right, see above -- I guess the question si really thtat the folders have the same private key, and that private key is cached for one that is mounted01:18
MoPacBut I don't know if that means that it's trivial, or still very hard, for a user to actually moun the second folder01:19
revupdev34escott: cd /Desktop   always worked fine for me01:19
escottMoPac, if two directories have different keys then the fact that passphrase 1 and 2 are both used to decrypt the same key would seem to be minimal risk, but im no cryptographer and i'm confident there is AN attack01:19
dr_willisrevupdev34:  there should not be a /Desktop directory on a Normal ubuntu install.01:19
dr_willisusers data files are in their Home directory01:20
revupdev34I have cd'ed directories hundreds of times and cannot understand why it is not working as it always has01:20
revupdev34dr_willis: that is not correct01:20
escottrevupdev34, then you have misconfigured your computer. I suggest you move the /Desktop folder to the correct location and rm -rf /Desktop afterwards.01:20
revupdev34if you are referring to Ubuntu Desktop version01:20
escott!fhs | revupdev3401:20
ubotturevupdev34: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier01:20
revupdev34or do you mean Ubuntu Server OS?01:20
m1dn1ghtNo desktop folder should ever be stored in the root directory, which is what you're saying if you could cd to /Desktop01:21
MoPacescott: They have the same key as well as the same password.  It's just one boxcryptor folder -- normally the subvolders aren't even recognized by cryptkeeper. But if you copy the encfs file from the main folder into subfolders, you can mount them individually.  That seems like a clever solution to give extra security to folders that have more sensitive data and rarely need to be mounted01:21
PagosI'm having some troubles getting sound to work on a thinkpad T40 with lubuntu 12.04. Anyone know what to do?01:21
MoPacbut I'm not sure if that's stupid01:21
jribrevupdev34: you probably used "cd ~/Desktop" or "cd Desktop" while you were in your HOME01:21
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:21
revupdev34jrib: that is correct01:22
PadNet_201Pagos, which audio server are u using?01:22
jribrevupdev34: ok so do that01:22
revupdev34Desktop dir is in Home of course01:22
escottMoPac, it sounds like a bad idea01:22
dr_willisrevupdev34:  /Desktop is NOT in your home directory. its a full path01:22
PagosPadNet_201, how do I know?01:22
revupdev34I do not need the /01:22
dr_willisbash basics...01:22
MoPacescott: Do you know who would be a good person to ask? The encfs people? A crypto room?  I appreciate your help01:22
revupdev34not sure why I was putting that in there01:22
giikeranyone can help on how to patch a drive?01:23
giikeranyone can help on how to patch a driver?01:23
PadNet_201giiker, use zypper01:23
m1dn1ghtHi guys - I'm having some trouble getting sound to play through my hdmi cable (ATI card to TV). I read I should ensure I am using the up-to-date proprietary driver, but when I open "additional drivers" it just tells me there are none in use on the system but doesn't list any I can choose to enable. Am I missing something? (Using 12.04)01:23
PagosPadNet_201, I assume the default one in lubuntu 12.0401:23
PhysicistGreetings.. I just install the new driver amd. However, there was a security update for a new linux image, should I upgrade after installing the driver?01:24
PadNet_201Pagos, hit alt + F2, type phonon, it should bring up a dialog to edit your sound prefs01:24
revupdev34dr_willis:   John?01:24
escottMoPac, only person i know of who works on this is dustin kirkland. it obvious there is an attack if you use the same key. i dont understand why you would want such a configuration. ecryptfs was designed to handle multiple keys01:24
dr_willism1dn1ght:  whats your exact chipset?01:24
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:24
m1dn1ghtdr_willis - ATI Radeon HD 485001:24
PagosPadNet_201, it said "no such process."01:24
MoPacescott: It's so that I can keep compatibility with all the other platforms that use Boxcryptor01:24
PagosPadNet_201, er, no such program. sorry01:24
giikerPadNet_201: something easier? itś just a file thatś part of a source I gotta patch, I read I can do it manually, but want to make sure I'm ddoing it right01:25
dr_willism1dn1ght:  you could check the hardware lists to see what drivers support that card. or just install the fglrx drivers and hope they work. I dont keep track of what ati cards are supported these days01:25
escottMoPac, what is this "Boxcryptor"01:25
m1dn1ghtdr_willis - you're saying just install them from the command prompt?01:25
pooltablewell dr wills thanks i have 3.6 not 4.0 yet and did it through cli but better then what i had so thnas01:26
PadNet_201Pagos, try running zypper -pch01:26
revupdev34dr_willis: I thought you were a hardware expert???01:26
MoPacescott: https://www.boxcryptor.com/01:26
PhysicistGreetings.. I just install the new driver amd. However, there was a security update for a new linux image, should I upgrade after installing the driver?01:26
revupdev34you must not be the same Dr. Willis I know01:26
dr_willism1dn1ght:  thats all the gui tools do.01:26
phunyguySo I am guessing proxy support in Ubuntu is incomplete... I have to proxy everything at work, and we have all the proxies set up, and when adding them to Ubuntu, some services still don't connect (facebook and twitter over gwibber, and AIM over empathy...)01:26
* dr_willis is a Dr of Love.01:26
PagosPadNet_201, zypper not found either01:27
escottMoPac, you should take this up with boxcryptor themselves01:27
revupdev34to all:  How can I use dual NVIDIA cards on Ubuntu 12.4 LTS Desktop?01:27
m1dn1ghtso is it just as simple as installing the 'fglrx' package with apt-get?  Or do I need to configure it according to my hardware01:27
revupdev34I have two Nvidia Quadro 2000 cards but they are not being detected01:27
dr_willisrevupdev34:  if they use the same nvidia driver. you should be able to just plug them, all in, run nvidia-settings and configure them01:27
revupdev34I tried to plug in a second monitor to be sure but it seems that only one of them is working01:28
MoPacescott: There's no native Linux boxcryptor program: but since what they do is encfs or encfs-compatible, on Linux I can just use cryptkeeper to open the folders01:28
k1ngwhat is the best video and audio player for ubuntu?01:28
Pagosk1ng, that's incredibly subjective01:28
m1dn1ghtk1ng - I use vlc for video01:28
revupdev34thanks dr_willis  I will try that now01:28
k1ngand what should i get 12.04 LTS or latest version?01:28
escottMoPac, all they are going to do is sync the .Private folder and share the keyfile in a sidechannel right01:28
Pagos!polls | k1ng01:28
ubottuk1ng: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:28
MoPacSo for these purposes, the fact that the folders are created by Boxcryptor is the reason why I want to have multiple mounts with the same key, but not really relevant to the security outcome - it's just encfs01:28
dr_willisk1ng:  depenbds on your needs01:29
Physicistdr_willis, I do not know if do you have doctorate, but, can you help me? Greetings.. I just install the new driver amd. However, there was a security update for a new linux image, should I upgrade after installing the driver?01:29
PadNet_201Pagos, Not really sure then, find your software installation utility and download PulseAudio, that's my only recommendation01:29
m1dn1ghtdr_willis - so is it just as simple as installing the 'fglrx' package with apt-get?  Or do I need to configure it according to my hardware01:29
dr_willism1dn1ght:  all ive ever really done was install the proper drivers and rebooted01:30
m1dn1ghtdr_willis - so, 'apt-get install fglrx' and then a reboot?01:30
revupdev34is there a good app I can run to be sure OpenGL is functional on both cards?01:30
revupdev34what is the command again? GLXspheres?01:31
PagosPadNet_201, I have installed pulseaudio via apt, what do I do now?01:31
escottrevupdev34, is this some kind of crossfire configuration?01:31
PadNet_201Pagos, configure Phonon with your preferred sound device, check your volume levels and output devices, and it should work01:31
PhysicistPagos, You should include in the autostart and remove the old software, like alsa, And is good install the plugins.01:32
PadNet_201I've had good luck w/ pulseaudio once i figured it out01:33
revupdev34escott: no it is not SLI as they are Quadro cards01:34
PagosI'm still not getting sound01:34
revupdev34professional grade Quadros do not have SLI01:34
Giddeonjrib: thank you for the mailutils link!  that solved it01:35
PadNet_201Pagos, no sound at all or no sound from an audio file?01:36
ImEunify_im back. i try booting ubuntu that i have on a usb with my mac. but everytime it gives me 'Non-System File' 'Press Any Key To Reboot'01:36
PadNet_201and did you logout and back in01:36
JofironsesDoes someone know what a desktop shell is?01:36
PagosPadNet_201, no sound at all01:36
deeprogramhi ? I have program with network01:36
PhysicistBye.. Exiting without support again.01:37
PadNet_201Pagos, have you logged out and back in, or restarted after installing pulse audio?01:37
deeprogramI get "no network devices available"01:37
PadNet_201Pagos, and did you remove alsa as well?01:37
deeprogramdid you have same program before ?01:37
PagosPadNet_201, I have not as I have a critical process running right now... I will log out and back in when that is done01:38
Physicistdr_willis, You are one of the most able to help.01:38
PadNet_201Pagos, yea that is necessary i believe01:38
JofironsesI was checking this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shell_%28computing%29 out but could not understand why Unity is a shell while KDE for example is not01:38
PhysicistThank you anyway.01:38
PagosPadNet_201, okay. I will come back once this process is done01:39
escottJofironses, yeah some of those seem a bit ill defined01:40
escottJofironses, traditionally a pure WM just handles the windows and does not dictate any auxilarly programs that make a "desktop environment"01:40
Physicistescott, Exist problem install updates after ATI driver?01:41
escottJofironses, they seem to be using the term "shell" to indicate the a window manager that is integrated into a desktop environment, but is not the official/primary wm for that desktop01:41
Physicistkernel updates..01:41
escottJofironses, but if that is the case I would think that E17 is in the wrong section. it should be either a WM or a desktop but its certainly not a shell in that sense01:42
shwaiilQ: One user account is corrupted, probably something todo with $HOME. Sound device is not available etc. I've run fsdk but it couldn't fix. I don't know what else to do. Ive created a new account and maybe I can just move files around, or should I use the liveCd to reinstall ubuntu 12.10 ? Thanks for looking!01:42
JofironsesI see01:42
ImEunify_can someone tell me why i keep getting "Non-System File Press any key to reboot" when i try to boot liveusb on a mac01:42
escottJofironses, in the end its  a meaningless distinction01:42
JofironsesWell, thanks for clearing that up :)01:42
jbroomeImEunify_: i'm guessing it's because your liveusb isn't set up correctly01:42
deeprogramI download ubuntu server version from "http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/thank-you?distro=server&bits=64&release=latest" but I get it "ubuntu-12.10-server-amd64.iso" Why amd64 ?01:42
DaemonicApathyBecause it is the 64-bit version, deeprogram.01:43
jbroomedeeprogram: well, the "bits=64" part of the url seems to indicate taht's what you wanted01:43
ImEunify_jbroome: whats the correct way to set up the liveusb01:43
cfhowlettdeeprogram, amd64 is the nomenclature for the 64 bit version ... nothing to do with AMD01:43
Jofironsesescott: Still, unity is a desktop environment isn't it?01:43
jbroomeImEunify_: Not sure, i just diagnose the errors01:44
escottJofironses, i would say unity is a desktop environment built off of the gnome3 foundation.01:44
ImEunify_jbroome: hmm alright thanks.01:44
DaemonicApathyI would say Unity is mainly a panel.01:44
deeprogramcfhowlett: thank you, I got it :)01:44
Jofironsesall right, got it01:45
CheBuzzOk.  I have a questoin.  I need to windows remote desktop to a box on a separate network.  I have a server on that network VPN into a different server.  I also can SSH into the non-windows box.  Anybody know the port-forwarding SSH magic to let me remote desktop into that machine?01:45
escottJofironses, ie Unity is not "just a window manager" (in fact compiz is still the window manager) nor is it "just a launcher" and you would not use it without all the associated gnome programs. that makes it a desktop environment as opposed to a pure window manager like blackbox01:45
DaemonicApathyCheBuzz: Forwar port 22.01:45
DaemonicApathyScratch that, thinking ssh.01:46
DaemonicApathyCheBuzz: You might want to ask in a windows channel.01:46
CheBuzzOh wow, there are windows IRC channels?01:46
DaemonicApathyOf course.01:46
ImTheDudehow do i get face book to post pics ?01:46
DaemonicApathyImTheDude: How would we know? We only know Ubuntu.01:47
CheBuzzDidn't know that.  But it's not windows that I need.  I need to somehow port forward with SSH so to my Linux server on that network so that my local machine can remote desktop into the Windows server on that network.01:47
DaemonicApathyCheBuzz: Using what program?01:47
ImTheDudei can't get the face book in my linux to upload picture to face book im running ubuntu01:47
CheBuzzSSH, preferably.01:47
shwaiilwhen running fsck I got something like UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY: RUN fsck MANUALLY (i.e., without -a or -p options)01:48
CheBuzzEvery other port is closed off.  My only way into that network is through SSH to the Linux box.01:48
escottshwaiil, have you checked your SMART status01:48
cfhowlettImTheDude, this is not facebook support...01:48
Jofironsesescott: Something I still didn't understand correctly, is it not metacity the display manager of unity? Or maybe it is only for unity 2d?01:48
shwaiilescott: tks for looking. I didnt found that option, I had run ubuntu or install ubuntu, I went to install and I had the option to check the partitions and stuff so I wasnt sure what to do01:49
escottJofironses, for 2d they might use metacity (in fact gnome2 uses metacity for 2d)01:49
shwaiilwas there to check the SMART status ?01:49
PatrickDickeyHi everyone. I've got a couple of questions about Grub, that the HowTo pages don't answer. I have a LVM set up on my other partition (running Fedora). So, when I do update grub, will it automatically load the LVM modules, or do I need to preload them? I'm basing the question on an error I was receiving about using the device mapper flag, and this link:http://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/GRUB2#Booting_from_LVM_Logical_Volumes (which I01:49
PatrickDickeyrealize is for Gentoo, but it's the only thing I'm finding).01:49
DaemonicApathyCheBuzz: Are you planning on using a GUI, or a command line?01:49
escottshwaiil, "disk utility" will have a SMART status button01:49
deeprogramhi ? Can I re-install ubuntu and keep user data ?01:49
PatrickDickeydeeprogram: Did you create a separate /home partition?01:49
cfhowlettdeeprogram, if your users data is in a separate /home partition, yes01:50
Jofironsesescott: Ok, thanks again :)01:50
CheBuzz<DaemonicApathy>: Commandline to launch rdesktop.01:50
shwaiilescott: disk utility. ok i'll reboot and try to find that tks01:50
escottshwaiil, reboot?01:50
escottshwaiil, how are you logged into the system right now01:51
DaemonicApathyCheBuzz: Ok then, the only port forwarding that I know would be needed is port 22 for SSH. Beyond that, no clue.01:51
jimi_I installed the RTS5229 driver, modprobed' it, saw  it loaded in dmesg, but when insert a sd card, nothing is mounted and i dont see any new entries in /dev/sd*01:51
shwaiilescott: created a new acc, im admin01:51
escottshwaiil, ok. (a) NEVER fsck a running disk01:51
escottshwaiil, (b) you can just run "disk utility" right now01:52
shwaiilyeah try to remember the name of the disk utility Ive installed before, i'll do that01:52
PatrickDickeyshwaiil: In the menu, it's called Disk or Disks (not Disk Utility).01:52
shwaiilPatrickDickey: thank you01:53
PatrickDickeyshwaiil: no problem.01:53
deeprogramcfhowlett: thank you ! the /home mounted on /dev/sda101:54
shwaiilescott: SMART self test ?! its running01:54
cfhowlettdeeprogram, congrats!01:54
escottshwaiil, you should not need to run the self test. you just need the smart attributes01:55
shwaiilescott: my SSD is fine but the optical drive has errors in the read error rate01:55
shwaiiloveral "Disk is OK, one failing attribute is failing"01:56
escottshwaiil, what is the "Overall Assessment" for the disk01:56
escottshwaiil, what attribute is failing01:56
shwaiilread error rate value 12076059101:56
escottshwaiil, could be a loose connector or bad cable01:56
shwaiilescott: this all started when I boot the computer and ubuntu seemed to be failling to mount the disk01:57
shwaiilI rebooted the computer and thats when I corrupted that user01:57
shwaiilthe disk is not mounted though..but the user acc is corrupted01:57
belundgeri would like to write a bash script to add multiverse to the end of each repo entry to sources.list, what would be the most elegant way to do this?01:57
memandwhen using rtorrent, is there a way to download a torrent to a different dir than the one that is set in the .rtorrent.rc ?01:58
mobodoI'm a bit confused - I think my system is not booting the right root (/) - is that set in grub or somewhere else on the boot partition?01:58
holsteinshwaiil: maybe just remove or move the user config files out of the way01:58
shwaiilholstein: how to do that ?01:58
ImEunify_if anyone wants to try out 13.04 and cant find it here it is. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:58
escottshwaiil, not sure what to make of a high read error rate without remapped sectors but that could be a physical failure01:58
mobodo(it boots grub fine, but hangs right after doing just a few initializations steps when I choose to boot)01:59
digitalfizhey guys I cant get the ubuntu cps to boot on my new gateway :( its a gateway dx4380g. I've tried 12.10, 12.04 and 12.04 alt with no go01:59
jribImEunify_: please don't paste that here.  You can discuss 13.04 while it's still being developed in #ubuntu+101:59
holsteinshwaiil: you will see them in the /home of the user account that is "corrupt".. some of them are in ~/.config ...others are in their own, like ~/.mozilla01:59
cfhowlettfishtech, greetings02:00
shwaiilholstein: rename it for example and then try to login to that user acc ?02:01
shwaiilescott: looks like the disk is failling the self test02:01
fishtechNever used a IRC really. Thought I would load it up and see what happens.02:01
holsteinshwaiil: im assuming you have confirmed the issue is the user account.. when you say its corrupted, i assume you can login normally as another user02:02
holsteinshwaiil: if the drive is failing, that is likely the issue...02:02
cfhowlettfishtech, general chitchat is in #ubuntu-offtopic  actual ubuntu support is here.  If you have  a specific question or contribute an answer, please submit.  otherwise, you are invited to read and learn.02:02
shwaiilholstein: I can login normally as another user, I can login to that "corrupt" account, for example the icon on the top right corner for the sound is displaying as if there was no sound, but there is actually. skype doesnt work though, or the list of devices doesnt exist really.02:03
fishtechAh, ok. I'll go that channel, Thank you.02:03
shwaiilin the other acc everythings fine02:03
holsteinshwaiil: so, blow out the user config, and test..02:03
shwaiilholstein: ok, after that if everything ok what can I do ?02:03
deeprogramhello ? can I install ubuntu from disk ISO ?02:04
holsteinshwaiil: i usually keep the .config files, and put the ones i need back, carefully and one at a time, to find out which is bad02:04
cfhowlettdeeprogram, explain ...02:04
dr_willisdeeprogram:  you can set up grub2 to boot an ISO file.. if thats what you mean02:04
bean__deeprogram, you'll need to put it on some sort of external media.02:04
shwaiiloh ok cool Ill try to do that thanks holstein and thanks escott02:05
shwaiilI'll do that now, test it.02:05
bean__or maybe i'm wrong, if what dr_willis says is true02:05
deeprogramdr_willis: hmm, good idea02:05
cfhowlettdeeprogram, check out pxe boot methods02:05
dr_willisyou dont use tools like  deamontools or other mounters to install ubuntu..02:05
isaiascan i install flash on this?02:07
cfhowlettisaias, this what?02:08
dr_williswatching HULU in flash right now... on  my 12.10 box.02:10
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash02:11
holsteinisaias: ^02:11
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
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Fjodor3000hey guys, i've got quite an odd (at least it seems odd to me) problem: thinkpad x230, 80GB windows7 NTFS partition, the rest of the 256GB ssd is unallocated. i prepared a usb stick with ubtunu 12.10. the install routine doesn't show me the 'install ubuntu alongside windows' option. the partitioning overview just gives me the full 256GB as one partition that's free, so only /dev/sda with 256GB free space shown. which is obviously n02:13
Fjodor3000but nautilus shows me my windows partition and can access it02:13
Fjodor3000what can i do?02:13
k-stzAnyone got 12.04 with radeon hd 6670 running?02:13
cfhowlettFjodor3000, had the same issue.  my previous hackintosh required a gpt partition scheme and ubuntu didn't see it.  converting the gpt to mbr got me going.02:14
cfhowlettFjodor3000, but I was on an HDD not ssd...02:15
escottFjodor3000, its an efi issue02:15
escottFjodor3000, your efi bios is probably booting the usb stick in efi mode but the ssd in bios emulation mode02:15
Fjodor3000hmm well, that would be very odd, because i deactivated efi completely02:16
texlaUbuntu-12.04..full install on a flash drive...no more install button...anyway to install from flash drive to hard drive ??02:16
escottFjodor3000, accordingly the disk is partitioned in msdos format, but the installer sees that as non-bootable and expects a gpt partition02:16
cfhowlettFjodor3000, deactivate not remove ...02:16
cfhowletttexla, check system > settings for Install Ubuntu02:17
Fjodor3000cfhowlett: deactivate, not remove - what?02:17
cfhowlettFjodor3000, I think escott has the better explanation02:17
id10tgonna temporarily switch back to ubuntu to try steam w/ no fuss/muss.  anyone have issues w/ 12.04 AMD64 and Steam?  or should I just go 32bit all the way?02:18
Fjodor3000escott: how can i convert the partioning?02:18
escottFjodor3000, windows wont boot if you do. just change the boot preferences to boot the usb in the correct mode02:18
dr_willis64bit 12.10 - steam - works here02:19
Fjodor3000escott: as i said, i deactivated efi completely, so i'm pretty sure i'm booting in legacy mode02:20
escottFjodor3000, and what you are describing is completely consistent with your usb stick booting in efi mode02:20
escottFjodor3000, check does /sys/firmware/efi exist?02:20
texlacfhowlett, No button in dash or system settings02:20
escottFjodor3000, it might be /sys/firmware/uefi or something so just check that firmware directory02:21
Fjodor3000escott: i'm on the windows right now02:21
Fjodor3000but i'll check02:21
Fjodor3000there's one difference in my bios settings between now and half a year ago, when it easliy worked with 12.04: i had booth uefi and legacy activated half a year ago, with priority on legacy mode02:22
cfhowletttexla, I can't tell you exactly where to look as I'm on Xubuntu not ubuntu.  Your install option is there somewhere.  ask in this channel.02:23
Fjodor3000be right back ;)02:24
eosshi, iptables is not saving restoring. i downloaded iptables-persistent and am saving rules in /etc/iptables/rules02:24
eosscan anyone offer any help? im on 12.0402:25
eosssorry, 10.0402:26
bean__eoss, considered using UFW?02:27
eossbean__: is there a non-gui of it02:27
corneliusbennediout of curiosity is there a way to search for a certain user?02:27
dr_willissearch where?02:28
bean__eoss, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW02:28
corneliusbennediim looking for a friend using a certain nickname but not sure what channel to look in02:29
bean__corneliusbennedi, call him?02:29
Fjodor3000ok, here i am on 12.10 live02:29
dr_willis  /whois nickname02:29
corneliusbennedilol ok what i was thinking02:29
=== MoPac is now known as Guest46967
eossbean__: its gonna terminate my ssh connection just to activate it..would rather stick with iptables02:30
Fjodor3000escott: this is my /sys/firmware directory: http://www.abload.de/img/screenshotfrom2013-029grto.png02:30
bean__eoss, valid. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo seems to be a decent explanation02:30
eossbean__: been through all of that..not working at all im going to try one more time before throwing my machine out the window02:31
code-ph0yhey guys can someone give me a tutorial on getting java jdk?02:31
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.02:32
Fjodor3000escott: and here is my partition: http://www.abload.de/img/screenshotfrom2013-02xqsal.png02:32
bean__eoss, okay, and your rules are in /etc/iptables/rules?02:32
Fjodor3000i checked my bios, it was on legacy only, i changed it to "both" with priorities set to "legacy first", so i should be fine i suppose!?02:32
eossbean__: yep, and it overwrote my iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules with this http://pastebin.com/BYrxn4A802:36
bean__Comeonbady, the command is /quit02:37
bean__eoss, yeah, that looks right02:37
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eossbean__: but i then do iptables -L and my rules don't show up.02:37
bean__eoss, all i see in your rules file is some accepts02:37
bean__nothing specific to ports or anything02:38
eossbean__: had -A INPUT -s <an ip> -j DROP before i saved it.02:38
eossin the rules file02:38
bean__eoss, well, re-add that and re-iptables -save02:38
bean__eoss, is this on a server? or a desktop w/ network manager?02:39
eossbean__: VPS02:39
bean__eoss, you should be able to iptables-restore </etc/iptables/rules02:40
bean__once you have it02:40
bean__to restore02:40
dumb_dumbi`m using Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-34-generic-pae i686)02:40
dumb_dumbbut I can`t update the kernel to the latest02:40
Fjodor3000thanks for your help, bye folks!02:41
bean__dumb_dumb, why not?02:41
dumb_dumbi got an error saying  No space left on device02:41
dumb_dumbNo apport report written because MaxReports is reached already02:41
bean__dumb_dumb, is your /boot full?02:42
dumb_dumbhow to chek it?02:42
dumb_dumbi`m new in linux02:42
bean__on a terminal df -h02:42
dumb_dumbyes it seems full02:42
Voltatest, test..02:42
dumb_dumbany solution to clear it?02:42
dr_willis1+1. 2+202:42
dr_willisclean out unneeded files02:43
dr_willisapt-get clean, apt-get autoremove ,02:43
dumb_dumbalready used that command but it`s not working02:43
dr_willisfigure out whats taking up so much space.02:44
dumb_dumbi have to delete all the log there?02:44
tangomikedumb_dumb: open terminal, type df -h, tell us what it says02:45
dumb_dumbit say /dev/sda1             228M  221M     0 100% /boot02:45
tangomikeyou need to remove some old kernels02:46
dr_willisone of the reasons i dont use a seperate /boot/ these days02:46
dumb_dumbtangomike how could i do it?02:47
bean__^ _102:47
dr_willisapt-get remove old-kernel-packages02:47
bean__the most user friendly way is probably for him to install ubuntu tweak02:47
k1nghow do i get the old gnome?02:49
k1ngi hate the stupid sidebar and top02:49
k1ngsidebar is ok02:50
k1ngi hate the top bar02:50
dr_willisk1ng:  gnome2 is dead. thers fallback modes.. and unity works fine once you get used to it.02:50
dr_williswhat top bar do you mean02:50
dr_willisif you mean the 'global menu' feature. thats disabablel02:50
dr_willisdis-able-able.. ;)02:50
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k1ngi think that is it. global application menu02:51
fuleorunning tail -f *.log from a remote location.  is a good idea ?02:52
bean__fuleo, no reason that its a bad idea.02:52
fuleo400 log files, each about 1-3 mb in size... and incremeting by 6kb every 1hr.02:52
fuleojust wondering if it would affect the network I'm on...02:53
k1ngdr_willis, http://puu.sh/24Sxn02:53
escottfuleo, depends on the network02:53
=== Comeonbady is now known as baby_
dumb_dumbi`l try using sudo apt-get purge linux-image-x.x.x.x-generic02:55
dumb_dumbYou might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:02:55
dumb_dumbThe following packages have unmet dependencies: linux-image-generic-pae : Depends: linux-image-3.2.0-35-generic-pae but it is not going to be installed - E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).02:55
dumb_dumbwhen trying to used apt-get -f install i got the same error again No apport report written because MaxReports is reached already02:56
dr_willisclean out old reports02:57
dumb_dumbthe directory is already empty on /var/crash02:58
atriusanyone who knows anything about ldap+kerberos around?02:58
p5mithwhat happened to the "off topic" chan?02:59
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:59
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic still there p5mith03:00
dr_willisNothing that ive heard of p5mith03:00
phunyguydoes anyone know where the rhythmbox config files are stored? I googled for the location, and they aren't where they should be anymore  (Yes I am showing hidden files and folders)03:01
dr_willis.config would be my guess phunyguy03:01
escottphunyguy, where should they be03:01
phunyguylooked there.03:01
phunyguyescott, /.local/share/rhythmbox/ ~/.cache/rhythmbox/ ~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox/03:02
phunyguythat was what google told me03:02
tangomikephunyguy:  find ~ -name rhythmbox03:03
escottphunyguy, the gconf stuff would move to dconf potentially03:04
phunyguy/home/phunyguy/.local/share/rhythmbox  -  /home/phunyguy/.cache/rhythmbox03:04
phunyguyhmm... is there an easy way to mess with dconf?03:05
phunyguyand browse settings?03:05
baby_what  is uninstall  soft?03:05
dr_willisbaby_:  what?03:06
phunyguy=D  I found it.  opened dash and typed dconf - derp..03:07
dr_willissoftware center03:07
eossbean__: ok i got iptables save and restore working, but its not saving on reboot?03:07
bazhang!software | baby_ have a read03:07
ubottubaby_ have a read: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents03:07
dr_willis!manual | baby_03:07
ubottubaby_: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:07
eossbean__: and i thought that was the point of iptables-persistent03:07
bean__eoss, it should be03:07
bazhangbaby_, speak in complete sentences, please.03:07
bean__eoss, they're saved right?03:07
KxTwoanyone in here use snes9x, no one active in the #03:08
bean__KxTwo, you were here last night. Did you try an old version?03:08
eossbean__: yep03:09
KxTwobean__, getting zsnes to work was troublesome so I switched to snes9x and it works MUCH better BUT I cant figure out how to fast forward lol03:09
bean__eoss, so, /etc/init/iptables-* exists? or something in /etc/init related to iptables03:09
KxTwonvm I found it!  its called turbo rah!03:09
KxTwoin case anyone asks, snes9x seems to be the superior emulator for ubuntu03:10
eossbean__: no that does not exist...03:10
dr_willisIve rarely had issues with zsnes. ;)03:10
phunyguyok I found some settings but I am thinking I can't do what I want to do.  I have music stored on a share, and some stuff I want to keep local.  I want to store stuff added locally to rhythmbox in ~/Music/local, and have it still import stuff from ~/Music as a whole.03:10
phunyguyI have the server share symlinked there as "Main Collection"03:10
KxTwodr_willis, I didn't either at first but its buggy with many games, snes9x is actually superior in video quality and sound Im quite surprised03:12
eossbean__: so what do i have to do? i thought iptables-persistent took care of that03:12
bean__eoss, then it would seem that package didnt do anything03:13
dr_willistheres only about 6 snes games i ever play. ;)03:13
phunyguyactually I think I found that too... org.rhythmbox.library.add-dir03:13
phunyguyI will try and let you know03:13
savagecroci'm looking at switching to ubuntu for my desktop env but... is it true that dash (which i'm guessing is the equivilent of osx's spotlight) sends everything you search for to their servers?03:13
ExceptionlCatchhi, does anyone have any experience booting the latest ubuntu on a mac pro desktop using the usb installer? after selecting try ubuntu from grub it whirls for a bit and then stops with a black screen03:14
CavalierPrimesavagecroc it sends anonymous data unless you disable it in privacy settings03:14
VivekanandaHi everyone. I am trying to upgrade to 12.04 an it needs more disk space?? I have a partitioning / /home /cache. Which space should I free ?03:14
savagecrocoh right.. so you can just switch it off?03:14
savagecrocso whats the big whinge-fest about then03:14
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ03:14
CavalierPrimeit is on by default is the big uproar03:14
wookeysavagecroc: it being on by default?03:14
dr_willisPeople just like to rant about things03:15
savagecrocwookey: oh right.. but isint' equivilent to something like google instant search?03:15
ExceptionlCatchVivekananda: depending on the situation it is possible to use a symlink to store the rest of the data on another partition. or, if lvm is used there are commands to resize the partitions03:15
dr_willisif apple had came up with it.. then it would be the best thing since the toaster oven...03:15
bean__eoss, so there is no /etc/init/iptables-persistent.init ?03:16
VivekanandaExceptionlCatch: Which partition needs more space for the install? Should I free up / or /home ??03:16
wookeyif apple had come up with it, it'd be evil like most things they do.03:16
escottVivekananda, usually /home because you will keep your music files there, but not always03:16
ExceptionlCatchVivekananda: make sure to create a backup03:17
VivekanandaSo I should free up home so that the upgrade runs smoothly03:17
Vivekanandabackup of \home I already have03:17
econdudeawesomeHowdy all. I tried to install nvidia-experimental-304, and the install failed. I restarted, and now I can't log into a GUI. How to fix?03:17
dr_willislogin in at the console. remove the package perhaps.03:18
Vivekanandabut I am not sure how I create a back of programs I installed via a .deb package and which is  not in the repos. Also not sure if they will run after the upgrade03:18
econdudeawesomedr_willis: I removed and purged the offending packages via apt-get in a tty shell.03:18
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  check your xorg.conf also.. rename it. if it exists03:18
stan879nzcan someone give me a link to help understand the way the file system works eg. when i install a program were does it install to03:18
escottVivekananda, you backup the deb file, but you should look for an updated deb for your new release03:19
escott!fhs | stan879nz03:19
ubottustan879nz: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier03:19
econdudeawesomedr_willis: this would be in /etc/X11?03:19
econdudeawesomedr_willis: should I also move/rename the failsafe?03:20
escottecondudeawesome, no03:20
escottecondudeawesome, at least not at first03:21
econdudeawesomeescott, dr_willis: away I go. I might be back :D03:21
dumb_dumbThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:22
dumb_dumblinux-image-generic-pae : Depends: linux-image-3.2.0-35-generic-pae but it is not going to be installed03:22
dumb_dumbE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).03:22
dumb_dumbi`ll kept getting those error when trying to remove the kernel03:23
dr_willisyou are not trying tro remove kernels you are currently using are you?03:23
eossbean__: something is in /etc/init.d: iptables-persistent, but its still not restoring on reboot03:24
dr_willisand you did try a sudo apt-get -f install   like it suggests?03:24
dumb_dumbyes still gave the same error03:24
bean__eoss, hmm, and /etc/init.d/iptables-persistent start works?03:24
econdudeawesomedr_willis, escott: I am back. Now it will log into lightdm, but when I type in the password and try differing sessions (Gnome3, unity, xmonad) it logs in, goes black, then comes back around to lightdm03:25
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  see if a new user. or the guest user works03:25
econdudeawesomeby log into lightdm, I mean it comes up. When _I_ log into lightdm, this happens03:25
econdudeawesomedr_willis: I don't know how to do that. I only have one user on the computer03:25
MalsasaHello, now lintian says E prerm-calls-updatemenus, whats wrong if i filll my prerm file with  what written in http://lintian.debian.org/tags/postinst-does-not-call-updatemenus.html ?03:26
dr_willisadd a new user via the console.03:26
eossbean__: yep, my rule shows after that command03:26
webdessertsWhen I launch a web app like gmail, and then hit it in the launcher again, instead of focusing on the currently openned web app, it launches a new gmail03:26
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goonsquadGOONSQUAD RUNZ03:26
webdessertsis there a reason for this? Is this something they plan on fixing?03:27
bean__eoss, then "update-rc.d iptables-persistent defaults"03:27
eossbean__: " System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/iptables-persistent already exist." "update-rc.d: warning: iptables-persistent stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match LSB Default-Stop values (none)"  "update-rc.d: warning: iptables-persistent start runlevel arguments (2 3 4 5) do not match LSB Default-Start values (S)"03:28
econdudeawesomedr_willis: so I added a new user "temp", but i don't see where to add a password/groups.03:29
DaemonicApathywebdesserts: I believe that's intended, when the focus is already on the only open instance.03:29
bean__hmm, eoss, then it is running the start, at bootup03:29
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  i just use  sudo adduser billgates03:29
bean__im not sure what to tell you.03:29
eossbean__: what the heck >.<03:29
eossbean__: ok well i gotta go, thanks for the help anyway03:29
econdudeawesomedr_willis: how do you log in? Lightdm isn't accepting a blank password03:29
bean__eoss, what sort of VPS?03:29
eossbean__: thrustVPS03:29
dr_willisi set a password for my test users03:30
webdessertsDaemonicApathy: I think you read my question wrong03:30
eossbean__: openVZ i think03:30
webdessertsI expect it to focus on the openned app03:30
webdessertsinstead it opens a new one03:31
eossbean__: well, later03:31
econdudeawesomedr_willis: ok, that seems to be working (accidentally did "useradd" instead of "adduser" initially). How then do I fix my main account? or should xorg.conf be remade now?03:32
phunyguyI guess I will just use sound-juicer to extract CDs, and not rhythmbox03:32
escottwebdesserts, make sure the firefox integration plugin is installed and enabled in firefox03:32
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  if the new user works.. and the other user does not.. that points to a problem with the old users setting files in their home directory..03:32
phunyguyrhythmbox isn't very intuitive with it's options03:32
webdessertsescott, I'm using chrome03:32
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  start by moveing/checking the .Xauthority file, and perhaps move it and .config  to a Backup directory03:33
econdudeawesomedr_willis: Okay. Any idea where I'd look? which .config?03:33
escottwebdesserts, ok then the appropriate chrome plugin03:33
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  make sure nothing is owned by root also.03:33
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  id start by moving all of .config to a backup directory03:33
dr_willisand .Xauthority03:33
webdessertsescott, it is. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to pin my web apps to launcher in the first place I beleive03:34
econdudeawesomedr_willis: no .Xauthority it appears03:34
dr_willis~/.Xauthority   - normally exists.. weird its not there03:35
elisa87Hi dr_willis do you know why I receive this error? configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables03:35
econdudeawesomedr_willis: indeed. I moved ~/.config to a new file, but login at lightdm still now successful03:35
escottwebdesserts, i'm not that surprised it doesn't work. its a difficult problem to solve03:35
dr_williselisa87:  you installed the needed C compiler packages? such as build-essential?03:35
escottwebdesserts, the browser gets asked to show "www.gmail.com" but has to realize that "www.gmail.com" is the same as the existing open window "https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#inbox"03:36
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  huh? it works or not? ;)   if not  try moving other .* config files to a backup directory  like .local and .compiz03:36
elisa87 sudo yum install gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel returns this No package gcc-c++ available. dr_willis I don't know what are the necessary packages I am running this command ./configure CC="gcc -m32" CXX="g++ -m32" MPICXX="mpicxx -m32" --host=i686-linux --prefix=/home/jalal/Desktop/hpctoolkit/install --with-externals=/home/jalal/Desktop/hpctoolkit/hpctoolkit-externals-5.3.2-r3950/BUILD/i686-linux  --with-papi=/home/jalal/Desktop/parboil/pap03:36
dr_williselisa87:  yum?  where did that come from?03:36
dr_willis!info build-essential03:37
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 5 kB, installed size 37 kB03:37
Vivekanandaescott: What to do I save along with /home so that I can reinstall the other programs I have my lucid now?03:37
elisa87dr_willis build-essential is installed sudo apt-get install build-essential03:37
escottwebdesserts, i honestly doubt app-tabs will ever work that well with a RESTful framework03:37
dr_willis!info yum03:37
ubottuyum (source: yum): Advanced front-end for rpm. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.2.25-2ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 536 kB, installed size 2148 kB03:37
cfhowlettme ... ummm, yum?03:37
dr_williswhy are you using yum?03:37
elisa87dr_willis bash: !info: event not found --- because I was following a manual03:37
econdudeawesomedr_willis: we're back in business03:38
econdudeawesomemuch thanks03:38
dr_williselisa87:  !commands are BOT commands.. and sounds like you are following the wrong manual03:38
econdudeawesome.Xauthority wasn't a folder, but a file--mea culpa03:38
escott!clone | Vivekananda03:38
ubottuVivekananda: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate03:38
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  yes.. its a file. ;) that often gets owned by root. for some reason03:38
elisa87ok what should I do? dr_willis?03:39
escott!gksudo | econdudeawesome03:39
ubottuecondudeawesome: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:39
bean__elisa87, where did you get the yum command from03:39
econdudeawesomeescott: I appreciate that, but I reckon that was for elisa87?03:40
escottecondudeawesome, no you had a problem with Xauthority03:40
Vivekanandaescott: anything else I should know about before upgrading ?03:40
econdudeawesomeescott: Not quite, I think. I had an issue that lightdm would fail to log in. I moved .Xauthority03:40
elisa87bean__ Idk!03:40
econdudeawesomeescott: but anyway. Thanks yall!03:40
VivekanandaI also have wine installed too :(03:40
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escottecondudeawesome, and you moved Xauthority because it was root owned right?03:41
bean__elisa87, yum is not something we use on ubuntu.03:41
escottecondudeawesome, and it was root owned because you didnt use gksudo when you should have03:41
ImEunifyso its official i cannot get any type of linux distro to boot up on my mac via liveusb03:41
holsteinImEunify: i didnt think they booted USB.. i would try plop03:41
cfhowlettImEunify, virtualbox then03:42
holsteinImEunify: http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/index.html03:42
elisa87dr_willis bean__ do you think you can recognize the problem by looking at conf.log ?03:44
bean__what is conf.log o.o03:44
bean__or where is that located03:44
ImEunifyholstein: what does plop do?03:45
dr_williselisa87:  im not even sure what you are trying to do.. but any guide that uses YUM is not for Ubuntu03:45
phunyguyI FIGURED IT OUT!  Rhythmbox by default extracts to the first entry in dconf under org.gnome.rhythmbox.rhythmdb.locations - so I just created an entry for 1.) ~/Music/Locally Stored, 2.) ~/Music/Main Collection (symlink to share), and 3.) Ubuntu One store - and they all show up under Music > in Rhythmbox.03:45
holsteinImEunify: plop boots from CD, and lets you select a USB to boot.. from lagacy gear, or anything cd's boot on and not USB03:46
ImEunifyholstein: so it will let me boot from USB. cause my dvd drive is sorta broke and it wont read disk..03:47
phunyguythanks for the hand-holding guys03:47
phunyguyI appreciate it.03:47
miroesqI'm trying to copy files via ssh to my ubuntu server logging in as testacct and am getting  permission errors. I have added my user to the chown group with "sudo adduser testacct www-data" and did a sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/ but that did not help.03:47
holsteinImEunify: i use it for that, though this link should outline it pretty well http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/index.html ...AFAIK, apple machines dont usb boot03:47
escottmiroesq, did you set the setuid bit on the directory03:48
miroesqescott: no idea what that is03:48
holsteinImEunify: you can take the hard drive out and install on another machine, and put it back. you can use plop, and you should try even if the dvd is kind of questionable03:48
ImEunifyholstein: thanks ill give it a try and see if it works. does it work with backtrack 5?03:48
escottmiroesq, you probably want setuid/setgid on /var/www and subfolders. for the rest send us the output of "groups" and "ls -al /var/www"03:49
miroesqescott: thank you. i will google this setuid and figure out how to do it,03:50
holsteinImEunify: i would ask in a backtrack support channel.. but "it", assuming you mean plop, just loads a menu which, as the link i gave explains, boot a USB stick.. doesnt matter.. if the stick can boot, it whould boot03:50
ImEunifyholstein: thanks again ill give it a try and see if it works. :D ill come back if i have any problems03:51
ImEunifyholstein: last time i try to boot a usb it kept giving me a 'non system file please press any button to boot' and i hope plop fixes it.03:51
holsteinImEunify: the machine cant boot USB03:52
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sieboHi, I'm installing some packages on a server running ubuntu server 10.04LTS, when I try to install certain packages, I get a message about:03:53
sieboMedia change: please insert the disc labeled 'Ubuntu-Server 10.04.4 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release amd64 (20120214.2)'03:53
sieboin the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter03:53
ImEunifyholstein: thats what always kept troubling me so..now that you gave me plop i hope it will fix that error and boot via usb :D03:53
holsteinImEunify: http://studyblast.wordpress.com/2011/08/14/guide-mac-os-x-lion-how-to-boot-a-linux-live-system-from-a-usb-drive-how-to-update-any-ocz-ssds-firmware/ for example.. but i used plop03:53
siebowhen I googled, all of the info I found seemed to have to do with Ubuntu Software Center03:53
siebohow do I remedy this from the command line?03:53
holsteinsiebo: i would look at the sources, and see that you are not pointing to a disc03:54
dr_willissiebo:  comment out the cdrom entries in your /etc/apt/sources.list03:54
holstein^^ siebo03:54
dr_willisthe software-sources tool make this a simple click click.. task. ;)03:54
stan879nzhello i am try to run multi copies of steam like i do on my pc using sandboxie is there something like this for ubuntu.03:55
siebodr_willis: holstein thx03:55
dr_willis head /etc/apt/sources.list03:55
dr_willis# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 12.10 _Quantal Quetzal_ - Alpha amd64 (20120724.2)]/ dists/quantal/main/binary-i386/03:55
dr_willisnote the # comment character03:55
dr_willisstan879nz:  add a new user. run steam as that new user at the same time perhaps03:56
stan879nzthanks dr_willis ill look into that03:57
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ImEunifyholstein: do you have the link on how to install it to a usb.04:08
shinobi_greetings #ubuntu :)04:10
shinobi_I am having a difficult time trying to identify a webserver daemon which is apparently running on my machine. I have so far identified a webserver called apache and stopped it with <sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop>04:12
shinobi_then I did nmap localhost04:12
shinobi_there is nothing on port 80 but there is something listening on port 443 ( SSL )04:12
holsteinImEunify: you dont.. you install it to cd04:13
shinobi_is there anything I could do to help zero in on this daemon which is preventing me from running the server of my choice? I tried looking in TOP and in the system monitor process list but thats not yielding anything helpful to me at this time04:13
holsteinImEunify: you install plop to cd, and then select the usb you make that you are having issue booting04:14
elisa87Do you know why I have this error? trampoline/x86-family/x86-tramp.S:31: Error: operand type mismatch for `push'04:14
ImEunifyholstein: oh okay. can i use the cd on a windows computer to fix the usb then plug the usb into the mac to boot it..or do i have to do everything on the mac?04:15
stan879nzhow do i make a user private were the programs used/installed by others are not visible and if they want them they will have to install them to there own user and are not visible  to others?04:17
dr_willisif users install apps to their home directories you can use the normal permssions/modes to not let others get to the files04:18
holsteinImEunify: i can only refer you to the documentation and tell you how and why i used plop... i used unetbootin to create a bootable usb.. the usb didnt boot due to the machines limitations. i used plop to make a bootable CD that would boot the usb04:18
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions04:19
ImEunifyholstein: yea i know you can only refer me. but if you made a plop bootable cd to boot the usb. then how can i do that when my dvd drive doesnt work. thats why i thought plop was able to make a bootable usb04:20
holsteinhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/93411/simplest-easy-way-to-jail-users might be relevant04:20
holsteinImEunify: if the mac cant boot USB, and has a bad optical drive, then, as i suggested, you can take the hard drive out and install on another machine.. or also as was suggested, virtualbox04:21
DoYouKnowhow do I send an alert to the desktop with a bash script?04:21
ImEunifyholstein: thanks ill try the different suggestions04:22
holsteinDoYouKnow: notify-send ?04:22
dr_willisDoYouKnow:    notify-send "TEST MESSAGE."04:22
Tex_NickDoYouKnow:  I think Zenity will allow you to pop-up several types of gui dialogs ... if that's what you mean04:24
DoYouKnowyeah, that would be best04:25
dr_willistheres several ways to do it.04:25
dr_willisxterm -e 'echo This is a message ; read foo'   :)04:26
cmcintoshhey gang04:27
cmcintoshi got a odd question, where would i go to look/learn how to write a video driver for Xwindows, I realize this is probably more of a c++ question but been searching the webs with not a lot of resources on it04:28
cmcintoshi got a odd question, where would i go to look/learn how to write a video driver for Xwindows04:28
dr_willislook at the source code for existing video drivers.. and perhaps the x.org site04:28
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dumb_dumbdpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image-generic-pae:04:30
dumb_dumblinux-image-generic-pae depends on linux-image-3.2.0-35-generic-pae; however:04:30
dumb_dumbPackage linux-image-3.2.0-35-generic-pae is not installed.04:30
dumb_dumbhow to remove that error?04:30
dumb_dumbi already success to upgrade kernel04:30
dumb_dumbnow using 3.2.0-38-generic-pae04:30
dumb_dumbbut why i still have that error?04:31
dumb_dumbdr_wilis any idea?04:32
dr_willisdont an apt-get dist-upgrade ?04:32
dumb_dumbapt-dist upgrade?04:32
dr_willisapt-get dist-upgrade04:32
holsteini might just try and install linux-image-3.2.0-35-generic-pae as well04:32
dumb_dumbholstein how to do that?04:33
KamranMackeyHello everyone :)04:34
CoreReally basic question, but if I download Ubuntu on Windows 7 I still keep Windows 7, correct?04:35
holsteindumb_dumb: i would just search in the package manger of your choice.. maybe just sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-35-generic-pae04:35
KamranMackeyIf you want to keep Windows 7 you have to download the Windows installer.04:35
KamranMackeyfor Ubuntu04:35
CoreThat's what I did.04:35
holsteinCore: if you download the iso in win7, then the iso is just there... like any other data04:35
dr_willisthats not true  KamranMackey04:35
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Oneiric/11.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/wubi.exe04:35
holsteinOR, you can dual boot and keep windows04:35
dr_williswubi installs inside windows.. you can instgall alongside - to seperate partitions.. thats the normal way04:36
Guest46967Howdy, I'm wondering if there is a straightforward generic way to create a system tray icon for any old process.  Or is that something that has to be baked into an application?04:36
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dumb_dumbok thanks for the suggestion04:36
dr_willisGuest46967:  check out the various 'indicator-applets' that exist. askubuntu.com has a list of them and some examples written in python you can tewek04:36
KamranMackeyYou mean tweak?04:37
ryzzani have an hdd with a bad superblock and lvm fs... will it be possible to mount it on ubuntu?04:37
MoPacdr_willis: Thanks - I was probably screwing up by googleing for systerm tray rather than "indicator"04:37
CoreJust making sure, the Windows Installer will keep my Windows installation alongside Ubuntu? I just choose whichever one I want at startup?04:38
dr_willisCore:  either way can do that.04:38
dr_willisbut always make and have backups04:38
dr_willisi dont reccomend wubi.04:38
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CoreWhy not, Dr_Willis?04:39
nubwubhello, is there a way to access a ubuntu wubi windows disk image? I am having troubles booting, and would like to modify some files?04:39
dr_willisCore:  its fragile and a pain.04:39
nubwubCore: ^ see my comment04:39
=== Zarathustra is now known as Eyzzan
=== Eyzzan is now known as Ryzzan
Ryzzani have an hdd with a bad superblock and lvm fs... will it be possible to mount it on ubuntu?04:40
dr_willisnubwub:  you can mount the wubi disk image from a live cd via the loop back feature  of mount04:40
dr_willislik eyou would with an ISO file04:40
holsteinRyzzan: i would grab a live CD and try it04:40
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:40
CoreI just need Ubuntu for a day at the most.04:40
nubwubdr_willis: thanks!04:40
holsteinRyzzan: there will be nothing in ubuntu preventing you from mounting it in ubuntu04:40
dr_willisCore:  use a live-usb/cd with a persistant save file then04:41
Ryzzanholstein, i'm already using the hdd as slave under my ubuntu right now...04:41
holsteinRyzzan: cool.. so its mounted then..04:41
Ryzzani know how to mount the lvm on ubuntu... but the deal is: it has a bad superblock... and it's not mounting04:41
CoreI've never really done anything like this before, so I don't really know what that is.04:41
Ryzzanholstein, it's not mounted...04:42
holsteinCore: i would just use the live CD... load it up live and use it like that04:42
holsteinRyzzan: then, i would try mounting in04:42
nubwubCore, I came in half way through your dicussion, so I do not know exactly what you are discussing regarding wubi, however I will say that dispite my current issue with it, it has performed quite well for me and would recommend it, especially if you only need it for light use04:42
holsteinyeah, wubi is easily removed if you dont want it anymore04:43
Ryzzanholstein, already tried... but it says that the hdd has a bad superblock n it won't be mounted04:43
holsteinRyzzan: then, i would try repairing it.. i use the ultimate boot cd04:43
superstalinHey all!04:44
Ryzzanholstein, any risk to lose my data using it?04:44
superstalinI'm having trouble getting flash to work, I've tried the various fixes and installed multiple browsers but whenever I go to youtube or any other flash dependent site it won't let me watch any videos, any ideas what may be going on?04:44
dr_willisflash is such a pain.04:45
rkhshmwhen i'm doing a read(/dev/myssd, buff, 512) does it mean i'm reading the same 512 bytes always or is it differnt04:45
superstalinI've noticed.04:45
dr_willissuperstalin:  tried using the google-chrome browser?04:45
superstalinChromium and regular chrome04:45
MalsasaHello, isthere any app for monitor my network traffic, in/out internet, both from wifi/cable lines? Thats app should be installed in Ubuntu server for monitoring my clients...04:45
KamranMackeyHmm, it's odd how your having issues...04:45
rkhshmi need an urgent answer .. can anyone please help04:45
Malsasarkhshm: what is your question?04:46
rkhshmMalsasa: when i'm doing a read(/dev/myssd, buff, 512) does it mean i'm reading the same 512 bytes always or is it differnt04:46
dr_willisread? you mean  C++ code? or what ecxcatly?04:46
rkhshmdr_willis: C code04:46
rkhshmthe read() call is what i'm talking about04:46
holsteinRyzzan: sure... i might use something like photorec to try and recover the data. from testdisk.. i also use that from the ulitmate boot cd04:46
superstalinDoes everyone have these flash issues?04:47
dr_willisthere is the ##C channel and ##programing i think04:47
rkhshmdr_willis: i'm talking about read(2)04:47
tzarcread advances the point forward04:47
rkhshmyeah those guys are acting up so gave up on that04:47
tzarcif you read 512 bytes, the next read will be after that 51204:47
dr_willisprint out the reads and look and see what its doing? ;)04:47
rkhshmso if i run the read(2) in a while loop its basically going to do a sequential read04:48
rkhshmis that correct04:48
tzarcmake sure your loop exit conditions are correct though04:48
rkhshmtzarc: thank you very much.. i cannot believe how ppl act to answer questions..04:48
rkhshmyeah that's correct04:49
tzarcgenerally read will return how many bytes were indeed read, check against 512 and exit early if less than that04:49
DozamAnyone have and suggestions for creating a mobile instal of Ubuntu? I'm trying to install several OSs to a USB 3.0 SSD drive to run from any computer and I want to ensure I do it correctly and set up for maximum usability and power...04:49
Ryzzanholstein, do u know any patition tool that deals with lvm?04:49
dr_willisDozam:  You mean Live installs? or full normal installs?04:49
CoreThanks for the help guys.04:50
DozamProbibly full...but to be honest I'm not entirely sure of the differences...04:50
holsteinRyzzan: depends on how broken it is i suppose.. AFAIK, there are tools in the disc i mentioned for LVM04:50
dr_willisDozam:  theres tools at the pendrivelinux site to do several live installs to the same usb drive.04:50
dr_willisa FUll install is the same asyou would install to a internal HD.04:51
Dozamok, then yeah a full install04:51
Ryzzanholstein, ty04:51
dr_willisfor swapping amount differnt pcs - you can get into driver issues with full installs.04:51
eric2 04:51
Dozamwhen I said multiple OSs, I meant Ubuntu/Win/Mac04:51
dr_willisInstall to the SSD same as you would any other hd. pick one disrto to handle grub for all  of them04:51
dr_willisIm not even sure that windows can run from an external USB04:52
dr_willissame for Mac.04:52
Dozamwell less worried about windows04:52
holsteinRyzzan: good luck.. photorec is quite nice, assumin gyou can get at the LVM04:52
dr_willisUbuntu definatly can04:52
Dozammac can...it's just tricky04:52
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eric2My dns server can not reslove several address, what is this problem?04:53
DozamI at least want Ubuntu...what I'm trying to do is basically create a mobile work system that I can take and plug into any computer and boot into my workspace.04:53
stan879nzthanks dr_willis for your help today cya04:56
dr_willisa FULL install moved amoung pcs can have issues with video card drivers and wifi drivers..04:56
dr_willisyou would be best served by sticking to the open sourced drivers on a full-usb-mobile install04:57
dr_willisid also set up grub2 on the usb to boot the ISO file - just in case the normal boot fails04:57
Dozamso have the image on the drive as well?04:57
dr_willisyes. its likely you will find some pc that wont want to boot your full install.04:58
MalsasaHello, isthere any app for monitor my network traffic, in/out internet, both from wifi/cable lines? Thats app should be installed in Ubuntu server for monitoring my clients...04:58
dr_willisthe iso file/boot will at least let you boot to ubuntu  live04:58
Dozamok, so I'll admit (if it isn't obvious already) I'm new-ish to linux/Ubuntu. What exactly is grub2?04:59
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)04:59
DozamNice! thanks05:00
Vivekanandahey everyone How do I create a diskimage for my system partition. I want to upgrade from lucid to pangolin( is it ? 12.04 ?) and then to get back all my software inside it. Does this seem like a good plan of how to upgrade??05:01
dr_willisbackup imporntant data in your home. and reinstall   is what i do normally05:02
Tex_NickVivekananda:  you might also consider segregating your home dir onto another partition or drive ... if you have that option05:05
DozamSo I used to be a command line master back in the days of DOS, but I'm totally lost now and I know that Linux has different keywords and such. is there a good primer for linux command line/console?05:06
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:06
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:06
holsteinVivekananda: you dont do an image for that.. you just backup your data.. you literally drag you data over to another hard drive, and drag it back05:07
dr_willisexternal usb hd. :) makes it handy05:07
holsteinDozam: i just started doing things in the command line.. when i want to make text files.. or move files.. or delete for example05:08
Vivekanandaholstein: If I do that for the root partition will it work as an installed op system if suppose I format the root and then just copy the data back ?05:08
holsteinVivekananda: if you have a seperate /home partition, i would still backup the data05:09
Dozamok, that makes sense. That's essentally how I learned DOS05:09
dr_willispeople get so windows-trained thinking  its hard to reinstall apps...05:09
VivekanandaI have a separate /home and I have that backed up. I aam pretty sure that folder backup of the root and not the folder partition and its restore will not be the same as installing the OS.05:10
VivekanandaIe it wont work as the os if I just copy and paste folders back05:10
holsteinVivekananda: it can, assuming you get the proper folders, and put them back properly, and the permissions are as expected05:11
dr_willisI rarely  backup the stuff on / ;) i may keep some custome configs backed up somewhere. if  ive done any special tweaks.. rarely..05:11
holsteinVivekananda: linux/ubuntu is open.. its all there.. so anything, expecically full recover, is usuallly possible05:11
dubznick lawlz05:11
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chaz68I thought I fixed the xsession-errors huge log file issue but now I am getting huge log files in /var/log/upstart/lightdm.log.05:11
lawlzhow do i get a files permission off of root05:12
dr_willislawlz:  what?05:12
Mishkehi anybody :) which image-viewer use ubuntu on default?05:12
chaz68Anybody having this problem?  Feels like Ubuntu's version of Whack-A-Mole...05:12
Vivekanandaholstein: Are you sure that the bootloader with grub installation that happens during an OS install will not be required if I simply copy folder from /  to suppose a new computer05:12
holsteinVivekananda: what would i do? back up my data.. *all* of it.. from the /home partition. then, if i had a seperate /home partition, i would try leaving it in place, knowing that i have a good backup of my data (not necessarily my settings)05:12
dr_willischaz68:  cant say ive heard anyone in here with huge log file issues05:12
chaz68Thought logrotate should handle this...05:12
lawlzi have to use sudo to ftp so when i download stuff root has only permission05:12
holsteinVivekananda: no, im not sure of anything about your system.. but you can link whatever you like to help us help you decide05:13
holstein!grub | Vivekananda05:13
ubottuVivekananda: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)05:13
dr_willisftping as root>? seems like a ftp server config issue/security hile.05:13
holstein^^ i use that to restore grub if needed05:13
chaz68dr_willis:  actually the xsession-errors file is a fairly well-known bug it looks like...05:13
lawlzi cant download anything if i dont open it in root05:13
lawlzand when its downloaded its protected and pretty much useless to me05:14
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chaz68I sprayed that down with a fix from the Community / Forum and now this lightdm.log is giving me problems.05:14
dr_willislawlz:  seems.. weird to me.. whos ftp server is this?05:14
dr_willissounds like you have it missconfigured if you have to ftp into it as root.05:15
lawlz1 sec05:15
Vivekanandaholstein: I am simply asking you this. Are you sure that installing a new os on a blank primary disk is the Same is copying all root files from another working system into the new blank disk. I dont think this is the case. If it were then we would need to create bootstrapping and bootloader partition and all that during an install process. What I mean to ask/say is that installing and copying are NOt the same in the case o05:15
Vivekanandaf installing a new OS unless of course it is a diskimage you are copying. Also I already have /home back but that is irrelevant to the question isnt it ?05:15
lawlzthe servers are fine... my laptop wont let me save anything from ftp unless i run the client in sudo...05:16
dr_willisand where are you saveing them to?05:16
holsteinlawlz: maybe in places where you dont have permission05:16
lawlzmy desktop05:16
holsteinlawlz: i would say, ftp as root should be done with care, and maybe not at all05:16
dr_willissounds like you got permissions all messed up somehow05:16
lawlzim only touching my own servers.05:16
chaz68lawlz:  Is this a big time FTP site or you just making a quick one for a few users?05:16
lawlzit is a mac in the other room...05:17
holsteinlawlz: correct.. and you could cause an issue.. but, as long as you are aware and comfortable with the risk05:17
dr_willisssh/sshfs may be a better solution05:17
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dr_williswow.. we are useless because his ftp system is all messed up...05:17
holsteindr_willis: i dont think you are useless :)05:18
Mishkewhich image-viewer use ubuntu on default?05:18
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chaz68lawlz = tool05:18
chaz68dr_willis:  you read my mind on SSH / SSHFS... Was going to say the exact same...05:19
black101hola argentina05:19
Tex_Nick!es | black10105:20
ubottublack101: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:20
* Smok3 in about 10 seconds I will dos this server & shut it down.05:21
* Smok3 just kidding lo05:21
Smok3IRC is awesome05:21
black101mo hay nadie en ubuntu.es05:22
Smok3how can u tell how many ppl are in the chat05:22
AcidRainSmok3 sup dude05:22
Smok3like an exact #?05:22
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dr_willisshows 1590 here..05:22
AcidRainSmok3 depends on the client. i show 159005:22
dr_willislook at your irc clients info. ;)05:22
AcidRaini am using icechat. i dont like this client05:22
Smok3AcidRain..not much jc, new to the whole IRC thing and lovin it05:22
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines05:22
Smok3i use ubuntu through VMware..I'm really on a windows comp05:23
Smok3Although I wanna buy a comp w/ linux. It's awesome.05:23
AcidRaini too am currently on windows05:23
Smok3It's like a giant jailbroken iPhone05:23
AcidRainSmok3 not cool dude. dont compare linux to iphone05:23
dr_willisHmm - i dont see anything like the iphone on ubuntu...05:23
black101no one in ubuntu.'s'm Argentine and is the first time you use this05:23
dr_willisit has icons! just like the iphone! ;P05:24
Smok3hahaha exactly! it is05:24
chaz68iPhone bad ... Android good... Ubuntu Phone better...05:24
mysteriousdarrenSmok3: well don't feel too bad, Im on a windows computer to a ubuntu server to a lubuntu host lol05:24
Smok3mysteriousdarren jesus thatsounds complicated lol05:24
AcidRainiphone -> asshole closed source horrible support. looks to create a slaved nation. android -> open source. loves people. no need for support since its google powered. ubuntu -> god05:24
Smok3AcidRain I agree  100&05:25
Smok3that's why I compared it to a JAILBROKEN iPhone :)05:25
chaz68Ubuntu Phone = Nirvana.... http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone/design05:25
dr_willisexcept for all the phone/tablet makers  locking android stuff down.05:25
Smok3totally different. It's free & no constraints05:25
AcidRainbut a jailbroken iphone is a normal android... actually its 80% of a stock android05:25
dr_willisI will belive in the ubuntu phone.. when i can see one.. and theres no gurantees it will be totally open.05:25
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Smok3is that so?05:25
Smok3How do you know that?05:26
mysteriousdarrenSmok3: not really just on a server that I connect to so I never have to get off irc, and it says safe05:26
Smok3I've never heard that05:26
chaz68Ubuntu Phone - would like to see a real one in the wild... Anyone try loading it on their device?05:26
AcidRainive had iphone. and ive had android. id pick the first android phone ever over the best jailbroken iphone05:26
icerootchaz68: #ubuntu-phone05:26
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dr_willistheres no real info/stuff out about the phone yet.. so we all will have to wait and see05:26
Smok3that would be awesome though05:26
chaz68iceroot:  thanks... didn't know they had a channel already...05:27
AcidRaindr_willis im pretty sure ive seen youtube videos of people loading ubuntu onto an android. also onto ps3 and xbox36005:27
Smok3call it UbuntuX05:27
akiva-mobileI'm trying to install ubuntu on my thinkpad x60 by installing the image on the ssd on my desktop, and then throwing it into the laptop. After doing this however, I can't get past my grub. Suggestions?05:27
Smok3"yo man that new phone UbuntuX is awesome, I just used aircrack-ng to hack my neighbor05:27
Smok3's wifi"05:27
Smok3thats the main reason i installed ubuntu. To learn about linux and to use Aircrack-ng05:28
AcidRainthere is currently no android device that allows for arp injection05:28
dr_willisAcidRain:  those are in a vm type thing. not the same as what  is supposed to be comming out05:28
AcidRainaircrack-ng is also a security testing tool. not a hacking tool ;)05:28
Smok3AcidRain do you know how to use it?05:29
Smok3for some reason it will not install correctly on my comp.05:29
AcidRaini actually wrote a tutorial on "testing your security" with aircrack in ubuntu05:29
AcidRainlet me see if i can find it05:29
Smok3Do you  need the AirPcap card?05:29
Smok3that would be awesome05:29
Smok3well one big problem of mine is that my Ubuntu does not recognize my WiFi card. only ethernet05:30
holsteinSmok3: you can run "lspci" in the terminal, and see that ubuntu likely does recognize it.. maybe the vendor has not provided linux drivers05:31
Deluxany idea why sda2, which shows as part of a RAID in both mdadm --detail and /proc/mdstat but when listing with fdisk -l it does not show up and only shows sda1 ?05:33
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AcidRainxchat is much better than icechat05:39
AcidRainand mirc blue screened me on windows xp05:40
AcidRainis channel dead or did mirc rly just hax me?05:42
akiva-mobileI'm trying to install ubuntu on my thinkpad x60 by installing the image on the ssd on my desktop, and then throwing it into the laptop. After doing this however, I can't get past my grub. Suggestions?05:42
akiva-mobileSorry for the double post05:42
AcidRainakiva-mobile, what do you see at grub screen?05:42
holsteinAcidRain: you should ask in a windows channel about windows chat clients.. maybe try the offtopic channels for chat05:42
akiva-mobileThe menu05:42
akiva-mobileAs it should be05:42
AcidRainakiva-mobile, and did you select the first option?05:43
akiva-mobileBut loading an image just gets me the blinking _05:43
holsteinakiva-mobile: can you get to grub? to a recovery console?05:43
AcidRainakiva-mobile, do you have any external drives connected?05:43
AcidRainakiva-mobile, i rly cant help then. sry man05:43
dr_willisyou can get xchat variants for windows . ;)05:44
akiva-mobileAcidrain I could perhaps void the ol external, and toss a working hdd in05:44
AcidRainakiva-mobile, ? is there any external devices attached to your computer whatsoever?05:45
akiva-mobileI have a desktop and a lappy05:45
akiva-mobileDesktop is what I'm using to install the image on the ssd05:46
AcidRainbased off your previous statement you still havent answered the question05:46
akiva-mobileBecause the lappy has no cdrom05:46
akiva-mobileNo external devices attached to lappy05:46
akiva-mobileDesktop is working.05:46
holsteinakiva-mobile: maybe just install from USB on the "lappy"05:46
AcidRainlol. yeah. go get a usb man05:47
akiva-mobileMeh... I need it now05:47
AcidRainu dont have that ol thumb drive that everyone was required to buy in 9th grade?05:47
ChaozHenchmanwhen was your laptop made?05:47
akiva-mobileThose things last a year05:48
holsteinakiva-mobile: i would try the recovery steps05:48
akiva-mobileThen the flash is totally corrupt.05:48
holsteinakiva-mobile: the drive you are installing to?05:48
akiva-mobileRecovery steps?05:48
AcidRainakiva-mobile, perhaps use a bash script to automatically backup flash drive to internal hdd when attached? ;)05:48
holsteinakiva-mobile: in the recovery console you said you can get to from grub... for recovering the graphics, etc05:48
robotnuthi all05:49
AcidRainive had a 1gig flash drive for 8yrs btw. just sayin05:49
ChaozHenchmanI have one that's about 5 and a half years old05:49
akiva-mobileI hate typing on this phone. Look, my installation works. What doesn't work is when I take the installation, on the ssd, and throw it into the lappy05:49
akiva-mobileThere, I make it to the grub. After that, nothing.05:50
AcidRainakiva-mobile, it doesnt work that way05:50
icerootakiva-mobile: you changed the UUID in /etc/fstab and grub?05:50
akiva-mobileNo, I was looking at the grub before.05:50
robotnutanyone set up samba4 using win7pro clients?05:50
akiva-mobileNo idea what that is.05:50
iceroot!fstab | akiva-mobile05:51
ubottuakiva-mobile: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:51
akiva-mobileUuid, that's all I need to change in both?05:51
AcidRainthats a start to identifying the issue05:51
icerootakiva-mobile: there are a few other changes needed but to boot the system UUID should be enough05:51
icerootakiva-mobile: what will not work is if you copied the installation to an UEFI-system05:52
akiva-mobileCan I just boot from bash, and sudo update-grub2?05:52
icerootakiva-mobile: a live-cd is needed for that05:52
akiva-mobileI doubt this 20006 lappy has efi05:52
icerootakiva-mobile: i guess in 20006 there are much more evil things then ust uefi ;)05:53
akiva-mobileSo I can't just chang the boot params at my grub?05:53
icerootakiva-mobile: of course, just press "e" on a line in grub to enter the edit mode05:53
AcidRaini hate terminal based editors05:54
akiva-mobileAnd then, change appropriately to boot, and then once loaded, sudo update-grub2?05:54
bulletrulzyeah hi im trying to do something on skype im trying to make the input of the call my speakers how do i do it?05:54
bulletrulzakiva-mobile, how do i do that?05:55
akiva-mobileIe, you want todo soundboard prank calls.05:55
bulletrulzakiva-mobile, how did u know lol05:56
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga05:56
akiva-mobileBulletrulz: are you serious?05:56
dr_willisI imaine it would be similer to the skype recording method05:56
bulletrulzakiva-mobile, yes but how to make it so the i can?05:56
AcidRainbulletrulz, buy a mic? :/05:57
akiva-mobileIts not easy, but its straightforward.05:57
bulletrulzok akiva-mobile how to do it?05:57
AcidRain!google | bulletrulz05:57
ubottubulletrulz: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.05:57
akiva-mobileNo, he wants t to stream his internal sound as his output on skype.05:57
bulletrulzyea i wanna call people with dr.phil and be like hows it going05:58
AcidRainbulletrulz, id try using JACK audio05:58
akiva-mobileBulletrulez, google is tough, cause you have to know the term05:58
akiva-mobileSearch for stereomix ubuntu05:58
bulletrulzakiva-mobile, but you know how to do it?05:58
dr_willisaskubuntu.com may also have guides05:58
akiva-mobileI've done it05:58
akiva-mobileOn windows and ubuntu05:58
AcidRainakiva-mobile, then again, you could google for the term, then make a proper google05:58
robotnutis there a UI for webmin to use samba4?05:59
akiva-mobileSound is so bloody complicated on both though.05:59
bulletrulzakiva-mobile, wait wont the people im calling hear them selfs?05:59
dr_willisrobotnut:  best to not use webmin05:59
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).05:59
AcidRaini think google is the greatest thing ever. i have... perhaps 2 times in my entire life had to look past the first 3 google results based off my search05:59
akiva-mobileBulletrulez that's why its complicated. What you do though05:59
robotnutwebmin module preferred05:59
dr_willis!webmin | robotnut05:59
ubotturobotnut: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.05:59
akiva-mobileIs you set your output on skype to something else.06:00
robotnutubottu - what is the replacement then?06:00
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:00
akiva-mobileI wish you well on your journey ahead.06:00
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
bulletrulzoh akiva-mobile06:00
AcidRainrobotnut, if you want remote manegement, you should perhaps code it yourself. ive done it with a few things. webmin even warns you that it could break your system. and i think it was deemed unsecure06:00
dr_willisrobotnut:  i said the altneartive just a few lines earlier,,06:00
dr_willis!ebox | robotnut06:00
ubotturobotnut: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).06:00
akiva-mobileYou can get away with calls with stereomix, just be careful.06:01
akiva-mobileChinaman is good.06:01
robotnutubottu - does it? support administering samba406:01
ubotturobotnut: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:01
robotnutooo interesting06:02
robotnutim gonna check this out06:02
AcidRaindr_willis, do you use ebox/06:02
dr_willisi rarely need those things06:02
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).06:02
akiva-mobileBulletrulez you uploading to youtube?06:06
AcidRainbulletrulz, just remember that tampering with phone lines is a federal offence of minimal 2yrs to max 20. and skype "anonymous" calls are easily tracable by your local law enforcement with cooperation with your isp06:07
napsterIs it possible to encrypt directories with gnupg?06:10
akiva-mobileAcidrain, meh, they can't really.06:11
akiva-mobileAcidrain some people have been doing it for years.06:12
akiva-mobileAnd there are even brave souls who called the police06:12
akiva-mobileOne even threatened to blow their heads off with an ar1506:13
akiva-mobileHe, though, I think was caught. They took that seriously.06:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:13
chaz68hmmm... seems my lightdm.log settled down now.  Only 4K.06:14
chaz68Any of you see anything that would concern you in lightdm.log here:   http://pastebin.com/6N6M418D06:14
thufir_without using JPA's, how do I install oracle JDK 7?06:14
dr_willisits waiting for you to look the other way befo it starts logging again06:14
dr_willisthufir_:  download the packages from their web site. and install them06:14
dr_willisthats what most of the ppa's do. - they just have scripts to automate it06:15
chaz68dr_willis:  probably right... But it was swelling like a mother by the minute all day today...  Now nothing...06:15
thufir_dr_willis: ok, thanks.  don't I have to set it as default, then, somehow?  I'm using netbeans.06:15
dr_willisthufir_:  the !java wiki guide urls detaill how to do that i recall06:16
flintseri want to enable user login for windows AD in ubuntu, what is the right way to do it?06:16
thufir_what's the wiki?06:16
AcidRain2013akiva-mobile: there is a big difference though in using no proxy and no encryption and using a direction connection to your comp which your isp monitors,,,, with skype...06:16
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.06:16
cfhowlettflintser, create an account in both OS's06:16
cfhowlettzqrtjeddah, greetings06:17
AcidRain2013akiva-mobile: and there is also a big difference between plugging into the gray box at the end of the street. <--- cant get caught06:17
zqrtjeddahcan i mack my laptop win8 start from my usb disk ?06:17
akiva-mobileYep, agreed, but ot.06:17
AcidRain2013zqrtjeddah: we dont like your kind round these parts06:17
cfhowlettzqrtjeddah, yep.  go into the bios settings and prioritize USB b oot06:17
zqrtjeddahthanks cfhowlett06:18
flintsercfhowlett: there is no way to recall accounts from the AD? i'd neeed to create dozens of accounts on several ubuntu machines06:18
thufir_dr_willis: thx again.06:18
zqrtjeddahmr cfhowlett06:19
qq30Question: is it likely that I'll be able to install Ubuntu's new phone OS on my WebOS pixi plus device?06:19
chaz68zqrtjeddah:  You may want to create a Win8 startup USB key.  There is a MS tool for that.  Not really a ubuntu question though.06:19
zqrtjeddahwhat i put in my usb disk ? just ubuntu 12.10   64bit?06:19
cfhowlettflintser, over my head ... sorry.  As far as creating multiple accounts I'm pretty sure there's a script to do just that...perhaps a good question for the #ubuntu-server   channel???06:19
zqrtjeddahjust lsat Q pls06:20
ubottuzqrtjeddah,: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent06:20
zqrtjeddahyah usb disk06:20
qq30is there an ubuntu phone channel yet?06:21
ubottuqq30,: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone06:21
flintsercfhowlett: yap, research continues... so far i've only found proper guides for 5.04 :)06:21
cfhowlettflintser, sounds like an interesting project ... I think the LTSP might have a wiki ...06:22
ubottuflinster: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project06:22
Zach_hey, can anyone here help me with an installation problem please?06:22
cfhowlettZach_, details please ....06:23
g00053if i want to dual boot do I need to have a seperate /boot partition ?06:26
cfhowlettg00053, no you don't have to06:26
flintsercfhowlett: finally found a great looking guide, i was just looking with wrong keywords.. it is fot 11.10 but i think most/all of it will apply in 12.04 too. we had edubuntu environment in our high school, they were using ltsp :)06:27
g00053okay , and how do I go about setting up my  partitions so that windows doesn't make me reformat my entire hd ?06:27
cfhowlettflintser, sounds like you're on the path.  best of luck.06:27
chaz68Hmmm... Maybe this is the answer to my .xsession-errrors and lightdm.log issue...06:27
aeon-ltdg00053: step one, install windows first06:27
dawkirsthi, say I generate logs in my terminal with `heroku logs --tail`, is there some way I can stream that somewhere so I can show it to someone? (new to Ubuntu, so I might be using all the wrong terms)06:27
cfhowlettg00053, you installed windows first06:27
g00053no no ...ubuntu is already installed06:27
aeon-ltdg00053: boy are in for some work then06:28
cfhowlettg00053, errrrrrrrr ... this might sting a bit06:28
aeon-ltd*are you06:28
dr_willisdawkirst:  use screen and let them ssh in and watch it06:28
chaz68g00053:  Methinks you should install Windows first then Ubuntu...06:28
dawkirstdr_willis, no easier way?06:28
dr_willisdawkirst:  or ssh to their box and pipe it to them06:28
dr_willisdawkirst:  it all depends on the details06:28
silveroneHello ! can you guys change your sensitivity in the mouse/touchpad menu?06:28
silveronefor the touchpad*06:29
cfhowlettg00053, for sake of sanity, I concur.  Install windows then ubuntu06:29
chaz68g00053:  Grub2 play much easier with the Windows after it is installed...06:29
dawkirstdr_willis, ok, thanks, let me explore all my avenues first06:29
cfhowlettsilverone, settings > mouse06:29
g00053i've been on this install for a while06:29
aeon-ltdg00053: ok, make space. install windows as if it were your first os. then reinstall grub so you can boot into ubuntu again. when installing windows make sure you choose the right partition and don't overwrite ubuntu06:29
flintserg00053: cfhowlett: is it possible to use gparted and create unallocated partition, then install win on it, then grub rescue?06:29
silveronecfhowlett: i've tried that but nothing happens06:29
g00053the grub thing isn't the issue06:29
g00053i can deal with that06:30
cfhowlettflintser, ah, if only t'were so easy, me lad.  possible.  REMOTELY possible.06:30
g00053windows want to wipe the entire hd if you don't have a "system partition"06:30
g00053which i though was referinng to a /boot partition06:30
Zach_cfhowlett, do i need to talk to you here and not private chat?06:31
cfhowlettg00053, windows will allow you to partition less than 100% oof the hard drive06:31
cfhowlettZach_, put it in this channel please06:31
flintseri remember once doing that and ended up with backing up the linux partition afterwards, then doing clean windows install, then creating partition and dropping the backup there...06:31
g00053but it wants to have a seperate 100 meg "system partition" as well and it doesn't create it unless the hd is wipes06:31
cfhowlettg00053, even so, assume your ubuntu partition will be toasted.  Just start over.  Save your data to a USB and installl windows..Workarounds rarely are worth the effort06:32
cfhowlettg00053, the system partition is a windows thing.  live with it06:32
g00053i was afriad of that06:32
chaz68g00053 - Unless you can bag the multi-boot idea and consider a VM...06:33
Zach_I have been trying to install ubuntu or kubuntu on my new samsung windows 8 ultrabook, been having some major problems,  the newest problem is, i get to the grub screen on my live usb and click "Go to Kubuntu" and 5 seconds later i get "Kernal Panic" I have a picture of the kernal panic screen if you need it,  I have been trying to install 12.10 and have tried both Ubuntu and Kubuntu and...06:33
Zach_...have followed nearly every tutorial out there06:33
cfhowlettg00053, hey cup of coffee in between episodes of your favorite tv show and .... done06:33
g00053yeah haha06:34
* g00053 fires up his gas powered external for back up 06:34
cfhowlettZach_, samsung?  yep.  You got bit.  Download ubuntu 12.4.2 for the fix06:34
Zach_lol its actually badass06:35
chaz68cfhowlett:  Zach_:  Is this the EFI / UEFI problem?06:35
cfhowlettchaz68, my suspicion is yes.  12.04.2 has the fix though06:35
Zach_that is possible, i currently have safe boot off06:36
Zach_and most advanced settings in BIOS06:36
icerootZach_: wait!06:36
chaz68cfhowlett:  haven't run across this yet but have heard about it.  Going to roll out a new mobo with UEFI tomorrow....06:36
cfhowlettZach_, seriously.  read up on this.  samsungs have been BRICKED due a some kind of internal glitch.  Has happened on ubuntu AND windows.  Stop mucking about, get 12.4.206:36
AcidRain2013Zach_: i actually heard that microsoft is trying to make it as hard as possible for you to live a happy and free life. dr_willis and i talked about it the other night06:37
Zach_I will cf06:37
AcidRain2013cfhowlett: "bricked" is a powerful term06:37
AcidRain2013and i dont believe that you can brick a computer...06:37
Zach_he is right06:38
cfhowlettAcidRain2013, http://www.geek.com/articles/chips/not-good-samsung-uefi-laptops-can-brick-when-booting-ubuntu-20130130/06:38
icerootZach_: read this before http://www.h-online.com/open/news/item/Booting-Linux-using-UEFI-can-brick-Samsung-laptops-1793958.html06:38
chaz68AcidRain2013:  Unless you send it to Gigabyte RMA... Then they will send you a bricked mobo back and tell you they fixed it.... :-)06:38
flintserot: steam for linux <3 i think i'll be soon able to drop windowdows for good06:38
Zach_i have read the same thing, i have a Series 5 UltraTouch and have not seen anything about it, the problems are usually with a Series 7 or 906:38
AcidRain2013cfhowlett: so your telling me that linux actually makes changes to the mobo?06:38
dr_willisonly about 10% of my steam games  have linux ports06:39
icerootAcidRain2013: to the firmware06:39
flintserdr_willis: thats why i said soon06:39
cfhowlettAcidRain2013, as stated the issue has arisen with linux AND WINDOWS ...06:39
dr_willisThe bricking can happen in windows in some cases ive seen...06:39
icerootAcidRain2013: and its not a linux-problem, you can kill the firmware with windows too06:39
flintsertf and trine works :) that is almost enough...06:39
AcidRain2013iceroot: why use linux or windows to update firmware to a mobo when you can go to the manufacurer and download from the website their new updates?06:40
AcidRain2013im just not sure im understanding this properly06:40
icerootAcidRain2013: read the article06:40
AcidRain2013im reading the one that cfhowlett posted?06:40
cfhowlettAcidRain2013, and most mobo manufacturers have NOT posted a kernel fix on this one yet.06:40
icerootAcidRain2013: its not "updating the firmware" its "using values from uefi which is stored in the system and the values are bigger then the allowed size for the variables"06:40
AcidRain2013iceroot: so it causes something like a bad ass buffer overflow?06:41
AAAiceroot: I missed the first of this conversation. are you guys talking about coreboot?06:41
cfhowlettAAA, samsung efi brick06:41
icerootAcidRain2013: something like that, yes06:41
icerootAcidRain2013: and the bug is the firmware itself not ubuntu and not windows06:41
AcidRain2013ok, brb, reading now06:42
AcidRain2013oh that was a short read >_>06:42
Zach_will Kubuntu 12.04  work too?06:42
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:43
cfhowlettZach_, 12.4.206:43
AcidRain2013uefi sounds pointless if u ask me06:43
cfhowlettZach_, as I understand all OFFICIAL ubuntu flavors have the fix as of 12.4.206:43
Zach_thank you06:44
icerootcfhowlett: the bug is in the firmware so ubuntu can not fix the real bug06:44
AcidRain2013thats like trying to create something better than the cell phone. NOT the software or its protocol technologies, but a completely different device in all06:44
cfhowletticeroot, exactly.  "fix" is incorrect.  workaround is better06:44
icerootcfhowlett: 12.04.2 is just not using the kernel-modul which is using the bug in the firmware06:44
Zach_and it would be the amd64 version right?06:46
cfhowlettZach_, for your lappy?  yes.06:46
AcidRain2013ewwww. luckily i never even attempted to use efi. cause i remember my computer asking me at one point. and i was like wtf this stupid ass new stuff. *clicks on bios option*06:46
rohitkavI am getting this error frequently "Items cannot be installed or removed until the package catalog is repaired. And it asks me to repair". but I am not able to do so06:47
rohitkavKindly help06:47
iceroot!language | AcidRain201306:47
ubottuAcidRain2013: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:47
AcidRain2013rohitkav: have you tried to clean them?06:48
AcidRain2013sudo apt-get clean06:48
rohitkavno AcidRain201306:48
AAArohitkav: can you open a terminal and type apt-get update ?06:48
icerootAcidRain2013: clean is not acting on the catalog, clean is just removing the cached *.deb-files06:48
cfhowlettapt-get update   ????06:49
AcidRain2013iceroot: possibly bad cache files?06:49
rohitkavI did it06:49
AcidRain2013rohitkav: now sudo apt-get update06:49
akiva-mobileAlright so I have an ubuntu on ssd, and an ubuntu on a external harddrive disk. The ssd can get to grub menu, but no farther.06:50
rohitkavI did that, but no solution06:50
AAArohitkav: any errors/warning? if no, do apt-get -f install06:50
cfhowlettrohitkav, is this a new installation?  and how did you install it?06:50
rohitkavok will try AAA06:50
icerootrohitkav: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11080009&postcount=606:50
Zach_I am looking at my partitions and meant to ask, I have 8 partitions that come with my ultrabook, is there any way to delete some without messing up my computer?06:51
rohitkavI get this error " dpkg: warning: there's no installed package matching pidgin-facebookchat:i386"06:51
icerootZach_: one of the partitions should be uefi related06:51
cfhowlett!paste|Zach_, 8 linux partitions??? what?  paste it up!06:52
ubottuZach_, 8 linux partitions??? what?  paste it up!: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:52
flintserZach_: if you dont know what they are, don't touch them :) i've learned that through the hard way06:52
Zach_no, windows partitions06:52
rohitkav" You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these.06:52
rohitkavThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:52
rohitkav pidgin-data : Breaks: pidgin-facebookchat (< 1.69-2) but 1.69 is installed06:52
rohitkavE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.06:52
AcidRain2013flintser: lol. same here06:52
FloodBot1rohitkav: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:52
AcidRain2013rohitkav: yes. run sudo apt-get -f install06:52
icerootrohitkav: http://askubuntu.com/questions/138734/software-center-items-cannot-be-installed-or-removed-until-package-catalog-is06:53
rohitkavI did that but not change AcidRain201306:53
cfhowlettrohitkav, now do sudo dpkg --configure -a06:54
icerootZach_: as i said, one is uefi related, the others are your data, system recovery and so on06:54
flintserZach_: all needed :) except that 16gb might not, but i think its the recovery partition so...06:55
rohitkavI get this error cfhowlett06:55
flintserbut wjhy is there 22gb of unallocated? Zach_06:55
AAArohitkav: do this dpkg -l|grep pidgin <-- put in pastebin06:56
mehdihey guys im having problem with my sound06:56
AAArohitkav: it sounds like you are using too many repos06:56
mehdiwhen i turn the volume up my sound stutter06:56
cfhowlettrohitkav, so it downloaded the package but can't configure yet ...06:56
Zach_for ubuntu when I install it, I am about to ad about 50gb more06:56
rohitkavyes cfhowlett06:56
flintsermehdi: you sure you dont put volume over 100?06:57
AAArohitkav: your conflicting packages are because you are using .deb's from different repos/versions06:57
rohitkavI am not able to even remove pidgin06:57
Zach_here, much better view of my partitions: http://imagebin.org/24725106:57
AAA02-19-00:56 < AAA> rohitkav: do this dpkg -l|grep pidgin <-- put in pastebin06:57
rohitkavAAA check http://paste.ubuntu.com/1680264/06:58
AcidRain2013rohitkav: ive had issues with the facebook pidgin plugin as well06:59
AAArohitkav: can you also do this? ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ && cat /etc/apt/sources.list and put in pastebin?06:59
=== muhammed is now known as basil_
flintseropened up allpackages from packages.ubuntu.com... ffuuu07:00
AAArohitkav: is this a fresh install or an upgrade of some kind?07:00
AcidRain2013AAA: i believe the output was what it was. his pidgin-data if configured will break pidgin-facebookchat07:00
flintserrohitkav: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/pidgin-facebookchat07:01
Zach_in LiLi Live USB do I choose the parameters for 12.4.1 LTS since there is no 12.4.2 option?07:01
flintserZach_: it really doesnt matter if you have the right iso-downloaded i think07:02
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flintseri've done mint with ubuntu "parameters" and it has always worked07:02
Zach_the iso i have now is "kubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64"07:03
cfhowlett!md5sum|Zach_, and you know you have the right ISO because checksumed.  right?  RIGHT?07:03
ubottuZach_, and you know you have the right ISO because checksumed.  right?  RIGHT?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:03
rohitkavwhat to do with that flintser07:03
rohitkavcould you help07:03
AcidRain2013rohitkav: pretty much, remove all packages that you have installed related to pidgin-facebook07:04
AcidRain2013and install the packages from the repo located on the link that flintser gave u07:04
flintserrohitkav: apt-get purge pidgin07:05
rohitkavok flintser07:05
rohitkavwill try . Thanks AcidRain201307:05
AAArohitkav: before you remove anything, can you show us apt-cache policy apt-cache policy07:05
AcidRain2013yeah, purge07:05
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rohitkavit says :N: Unable to locate package apt-cache07:05
rohitkavN: Unable to locate package policy07:05
AAArohitkav: er. mis paste there. apt-cache policy pidgin-facebookchat07:05
g00053hey so I have a seperate partition for my media ...whats the proper way to mount it ? right now it shows up as a drive and I just simlink the folders to ~/07:05
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=== AcidRain2012 is now known as AcidRain2013
flintserg00053: isn't the symlink sufficient?07:06
rohitkavAAA, flintser  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1680283/07:06
g00053well it works . i'm just not sure if i'07:07
g00053m doing it the correct way07:07
rohitkavAAA, flintser  http://paste.ubuntu.com/1680285/07:07
flintserg00053: if it does what you want i don't see a reason to do anything else07:08
g00053i'm going to have to re-do my partitions shortly so my point is if there is a cleaner way to do it . i might as well07:08
AcidRain2013g00053: gparted?07:08
g00053AcidRain2013, not what I was asking ut thanks07:09
mehdianybody encounter sound problem here with 12.0407:09
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AAArohitkav: FYI, ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu07:10
ubottumehdi,: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:10
vampirehow do i detect my linux version in terminal07:10
flintserrohitkav: aaa:apt-get remove pidgin-data && apt-get purge pidgin ?07:10
AAAvampire: uname -a07:10
flintservampire: uname -a07:10
Zach_alright guys, about to start the install, wish me luck and hope i dont brick my laptop haha07:10
AAAZach_: but breaking it is the only way to _really_ learn it ;)07:11
calmpitbullSamo da se zna da mrzim sve sisteme....to jest racunalne i politicke07:11
mehdihow can i fix my sound interrupting problem when i turn the volume up?07:11
AAArohitkav: do you actually use pidgin?07:11
vampirehow do i detect all installed versions07:11
Zach_exactly :) and even if i do brick it, it has a warranty ;)07:11
AAAvampire: ls -lt /boot/vmlinuz*07:11
chaz68Hmm... found this on my massive "lightdm.log" file problem...07:11
vampirebecause i need to make one default cause the newer one doesn't work07:11
AAAvampire: review /etc/grub/grub.cfg07:12
vbgunzinitramfs stops me at every boot because it can't find my encrypted / partition. I have to cryptsetup luksOpen it and exit initramfs. How can I skip initramfs and just get prompted for the password?07:12
AAAvampire: er /boot/grub/grub.cfg rather. sorry07:12
chaz68Trying:   sudo watch -d "du -ch * | grep -i lightdm"07:13
g00053welp here goes nothing. time to install windows ...07:13
* g00053 steps into the void07:13
flintserAAA: it specifically says that DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. ;D07:13
rohitkavno I don't use07:13
vampireis says er command not found07:13
rohitkavI got issue configuring it for facebook07:14
AAArohitkav: are you using pidgin? it looks like apt-get purge PIDGIN-* (caps on purpose) by be the only way07:14
r0naldUbuntu is hilarious. I am doing CPU-intensive work on my Thinkpad X220 laptop, which is quite slow in general, but becomes many times faster when I remove the AC power and the laptop runs on battery. Any ideas how to fix that?07:14
rohitkavno I am not using pidgin AAA07:14
chaz68Maybe the new kernel image I installed tonight helped.  lightdm.log staying tame...07:15
vbgunzr0nald: even though it speeds up, soon enough it's back to slower speeds right?07:15
dr_willisr0nald:  ive seen similer things happen in windows. The power saveings demon/stuff is confised.07:15
AAArohitkav: then apt-get purge pidgin-* and carefully check before you type y07:15
flintserrohitkav: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12323289 that might help07:16
r0naldvbgunz, I will check that now. But any ideas how to fix this?07:18
rohitkavI even have this error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1680305/07:18
r0naldvgunz: yes, that is the case.07:19
vbgunzI believe it's power management and that it might be ondemand. You'll usually see that behavior. If I'm right, you can try forcing power management to something less intensive07:19
AAArohitkav: after the purge did you apt-get update?07:19
rohitkavNot yet AAA07:20
Kartagisrohitkav: not checking carefully before -y cost me a OS re-install once07:20
rohitkavYes, but flash error was even before Kartagis07:21
rohitkavshall I do update AAA07:21
rohitkavshall I do update AAA07:21
AAArohitkav: yes, for sure07:21
AAArohitkav: then apt-get -f install && dpkg --configure -a07:21
rohitkavwill do AAA07:22
rohitkavIt says "dpkg: error: requested operation requires superuser privilege07:23
vampireafrter a ubuntu update i restart and i hear the login sound but the screen is just grey the only way to get around it is to launch the old linux image in advanced startup in grub07:23
oldude67rohitkav, try using sudo first07:23
AAArohitkav: use sudo (sorry I assumed that)07:23
vampireany ideas07:23
vbgunzI hope I fixed my issue, am going to try07:25
rohitkavit says authentication failure when I give my password,, brr AAA07:25
rohitkavdon't get what's happening AAA07:25
AAAvampire: did you run grub-update?07:25
AAArohitkav: heh, sounds like this you root problem07:26
AAArohitkav: sudo apt-get update <- can you run that command?07:26
rohitkavyes I did AAA07:27
rohitkavthat wasn't issue07:27
AAArohitkav: so do this sudo apt-get -f install && sudo dpkg --configure -a07:27
rohitkavsudo apt-get -f install && sudo dpkg --configure -a07:28
rohitkavI did that07:28
rohitkavReading package lists... Done07:28
rohitkavBuilding dependency tree07:28
rohitkavReading state information... Done07:28
rohitkav0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 114 not upgraded.07:28
FloodBot1rohitkav: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:28
rohitkavI always end up doing07:28
AAArohitkav: ok. apt-get update and you should be good to go07:30
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rohitkavthanks AAA07:31
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AAArohitkav: for good measusre, you most likely want to run apt-get upgrade at this point07:32
r0naldI tried to set maximum performance with the jupiter tool, but that did not help. The best way to boost performance is to switch the AC power on and off.07:33
robotnutanyone innstall ubuntu on a phone?07:33
dr_willisrobotnut:  not really doable at this time.. its not been released07:33
AAArobotnut: why note? they released the sdk07:34
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.07:34
AAArobotnut: am I missing something? http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone07:35
mutanicHi everyone, newbies here...can I learn from you all about Linux usage?07:35
AAAmutanic: do you have a specific question?07:36
robotnutaaa, well they havent released a phone with yet07:36
robotnutwebsite states you can install it - but it only works with android and when you plug in as a desktop07:36
robotnutso its more of a hack07:37
robotnutim curious about phone, tablet use of ubutu as it stands now - if anyone is actively using it etc etc07:37
AAArobotnut: all good things start as 'just a hack' ;-)07:37
robotnutaaa, agreed07:37
robotnuthowever - looking for something stable enough to make a switch07:37
mutanicI just execute apt-get upgrade, later on I'm getting something saying that I'm missing ruby1.9.1 gem, gem executable won't run07:37
robotnutim on ios right now and i cant take it anymore07:37
AAAstill 8:22:24 left to see what the tick,tock riddle _really_ means07:37
robotnutim about to throw my iphone, ipad and apple tv out the window07:37
dr_willissome ubuntu tablet anoucement in like... 8 hrs from now.07:38
mutanichow to fix ths? I already do the research but still unable to fix it07:38
robotnutdr_willis, yeah been watching that07:40
robotnuti hope they officially launch a tablet with ubuntu or something07:40
robotnutpreferably one from a large vendor07:40
RabblerouserUpgrading to 13.04 alpha since I'm about to wipe this partition anyways. How long of a wait am I in for?07:42
dr_willislike i need another tablet. ;) i got like 4 now.07:42
robotnutwell as soon as i see something worth while - im trading in all my ios devices for something better07:42
dr_willisRabblerouser:  it will be like 1.x+gb of data..07:43
robotnutandroid has my attention - i.e. nexus07:43
robotnuthowever - im paranoid with google07:43
robotnutso would rather have something independent07:43
dr_willisbut you trust apple? :P07:43
robotnutbeen wanting to move away from it07:43
dr_willisyou must have at one time.. to buy 3 of their devivces.07:43
robotnutbut i got all the ios devices i have as gifts so i figured id use them until they die07:43
robotnuthere i am 5 years later07:44
dr_willisI cant really imagine what i would do with a Ubuntu tablet. that i dont allready do on my android tablets.07:44
robotnutsame thing07:44
robotnutjust not a part of google07:44
robotnutthats all07:44
dr_willisi dont see why the vendor name matters that much07:45
dr_willisits still googles Os07:45
robotnutnot really07:45
robotnutandroid is google07:45
robotnutubuntu is not07:45
FloodBot1robotnut: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:45
robotnutunless im mistaken here07:45
dr_willison the phone - i thought both ran side by side. but ive not seen any real info on that.07:46
Michiellllaptopola, I have a problem updating... anyone who I may bother? --- I get this error: http://i.imgur.com/qrBDKsH.png  : I did both, yet it keeps telling me the same07:47
vnc786on my MB i m having vga and hdmi port and using ubuntu and xp so question is can i share my screen with other monitor with HDMI and my console will be thru vga07:47
vnc786hello everyone..07:47
dr_willisMichiellllaptop:  what does df show for your /boot/ partition?07:48
dr_willisthe command is df   yes.,.07:49
Michiellllaptop/dev/sda7         103129   74363     23442  77% /boot07:49
dr_willisnow try df -h   to see it in human terms. ;)07:49
Michiellllaptop/dev/sda7       101M   73M   23M  77% /boot07:50
dr_willisYour /boot/ is 101mb? thats way way tiny07:50
Michiellllaptopok, it's been like that for ages07:50
Michiellllaptopcan I make it bigger?07:50
dr_williscd /boot/07:51
dr_willisthen see how many kernels you got installed.07:51
dr_willisyou should uninstall all but the 2 newest normally. always keep at least one old working kernel07:52
dr_willisYou do know you can do TEXT pastes... and not needing to do screenshots all the time07:53
dr_willis!info pastebinit07:53
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3-2ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 15 kB, installed size 172 kB07:53
dr_willislooks like you got 3 kernels installed.. Unionstall the oldest one07:53
flintserdoes nvidia-current just install the same driver as i can get from http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-310.32-driver.html07:54
Michiellllaptopi need synaptic to do that? i can't just do it manually?07:54
dr_willisthat guide i posted mentions like 5+ ways to do it07:55
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dr_willisflintser:  should the same if the versions are the same. but i think the .deb does some other things.. and is suitable to be auto-updated and so forth. so its best to use the .deb/repos version07:56
oldude67i also look at it this way, if it has a .deb/ repo version then its usually quite stable.07:59
vnc786on my MB i m having vga and hdmi port and using ubuntu so question is can i share my screen with other monitor with HDMI and my console will be thru vga08:00
Michiellllaptopdr_willis, thanks! :)08:00
RabblerouserThe download for Raring Ringtail was quick enough, but the install. :o08:03
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darkmuttgot a question, any idea why I can't lock some apps to the unity toolbar?08:05
dr_williswhat apps?08:06
SushiDudeMy /boot partition is full, I can't seem to update to the latest version of the kernel. How should I free up space on /boot?08:08
robotnutthoughts on zentyal anyone?08:09
dr_willisUninstall old kernels SushiDude  that you dont need08:09
cfhowlettSushiDude, delete old kernels08:09
dr_willisrobotnut:  a lot of people use it08:09
dr_willis http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-to-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu08:09
sakkemoany spreadsheet program recommendations besides gnumeric and libre/openoffice? I'd like something light and without huge dependencies08:09
dr_willis!info sc08:09
ubottusc (source: sc): Text-based spreadsheet with VI-like keybindings. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.16-3 (quantal), package size 212 kB, installed size 452 kB08:10
robotnutdr_willis, do you?08:10
itryGood Morning from Germany!08:10
robotnutim installing it now to see if i switch from webmin08:10
itryIs an htc tablet with ubuntu is coming today? http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=524322308:10
dr_willisrobotnut:  i have no need for it on a home network08:10
robotnutjust hope it supports samba4 like it says it does08:10
dr_willisssh is the way to admin a server.08:10
cfhowlettitry, not announced yet and we don't know.  patience08:10
dr_willisi dont really need a gui to admin samba08:10
Myrttisakkemo: google drive :-P08:10
darkmuttdr willis i wanted to lock sublime text2 and google appengine launcher08:11
sakkemodr_willis: thanks, I'll look into it; Myrtti: nah, not convinced of the web interfaces of the moment :)08:11
dr_willisdarkmutt:  if they dont have a proper .desktop files for the apps - that may be an iussue08:12
SushiDudeBut why does apt-get autoremove not get rid of all of these unneeded kernels?08:12
dr_willisSushiDude:  what if you DO need them?08:12
cfhowlettSushiDude, to protect the unway and the tired ...08:12
RabblerouserWhere does Grub point to for Ubuntu?08:13
dr_williskeep at least 2-3 old kernels.. just in case08:13
dr_willisRabblerouser:  what?08:13
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)08:13
_Dude_so that problem i was having yesterday - i just let the package manager uninstall the xorg quantal packages included with 12.04.2 and downgrade to the ones that come with 12.04.1 when installing the ia32-libs and (knock on wood) everything seems stable08:15
_Dude_steam is installing08:15
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity08:15
RabblerouserI set up GRUB was installed to the Ubuntu partition, then made a grub.bin with a terminal command, and set my boot.ini to point to the grub.bin so I didn't remove my original bootloader (don't knock the method D:). Was wondering if Grub pointed to places like the boot.ini does08:16
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dr_willislook at  the /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see how it looks for things/files and so forth08:17
RabblerouserAh, thanks08:18
leotrhello! I found in ubuntu-server-12.04.2.iso image in directory preseed following files: cli.seed, ubuntu-server-minimal.seed, ubuntu-server-minimavm.seed and ubuntu-server.seed. In isolinux/txt.cfg menu there is Install Ubuntu Server option that refers to ubuntu-server.seed. Does anything refer to cli.seed or ubuntu-server-minimal.seed?08:18
dr_willisI tend to have windows on one HD and ubuntu on a 2nd..08:18
dr_willisno need to do fancy things.08:18
SushiDudeNow /boot has space but how do I make sure that the latest version of the kernel is install properly?08:19
cfhowlettleotr, perhaps a question for #ubuntu-server   ???08:19
leotrcfhowlett: wow, thanks08:20
dr_willisif you did a apt-get update. apt-get upgrade. it should pull in the latest. or a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade SushiDude08:20
dr_willisSushiDude:  this is why you keep 2-3 old kernels.. if the latest fails.. you boot to an earlier one08:20
cristian_cI turned on the suspension, but when I resume not everything is as before08:21
RabblerouserWhat's the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade08:21
cristian_cfor example, the chromium browser is no longer opened08:21
cristian_cIf I launch it from terminal, I get: pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:02.1/resource: File or directory not found08:22
cristian_cthat would be the output of the monitor, but I have no other information08:22
cristian_cAny ideas?08:22
dr_williscristian_c:  if you reboot it all works, untill try to suspend/restore again?08:22
cfhowlettRabblerouser, dist-upgrade pulls in packages that have been added to the current release.  upgrade merely upgrades the installed packages.08:23
darkmuttso how would I lock something to unity sidebar if it doesn't have a proper .desktop file?08:23
cristian_cdr_willis, after suspension and resume, I think pc is not rebooted, because the logout is not executed (a black screen with strigns appears)08:24
dr_willissuspend dosent work well with all hardware. I never use the feature.08:26
dr_willishibernate - may or may not work better.08:26
cristian_cdr_willis, I'll try to reboot after suspension/resume08:26
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SushiDudeWell, everything seems to be working. Thank you!08:29
dr_willisbeen like 4 people in here in the last 4 hrs with  /boot/ being full... ;)08:30
SushiDudedr_willis, Well there is an issue then, it should not be keeping that many old kernels.08:34
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen08:37
santoshhelp me08:41
khildinhttp://www.ubuntu.com Tick, tock, tablet time! 7 hours to go.... :)08:42
santoshmy irssi is malfunctioning, can you mention me?08:42
YOUConsultingHello, I had a second monitor connected yesterday and I have it disconected today. Today my max resolution changed to a lower setting. I tried to change it back but the max resolution is lowerd :(08:42
AAAsantosh: what is up?08:42
dr_willispeople who make theyr own /boot/ partition should know what they are doing...08:42
dr_willisYOUConsulting:  what video chipset?08:43
santoshWhen someone mentions me, '4' appears before their name.08:43
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auronandacesantosh: screenshot08:44
YOUConsultingdr_willis,  no clue but I have an Elitebook 8740w running ubuntu 10.10 installed via wubi08:44
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.08:44
=== Guest0 is now known as Running
auronandaceYOUConsulting: 10.10 is no longer supported08:44
dr_willisI suggest upgradeing to a newer release..  and run away from wubi.. ;)08:44
YOUConsultingdr_willis, auronandace   so I still use it and it worked fine yesterday until the seconday monitor disconnected08:45
YOUConsultinghate unity08:45
dr_willis so?08:45
auronandaceYOUConsulting: you don't have to use unity if you use 12.04+08:45
dr_willistheres other desktops...08:45
jwtiyari have 12.04.1 lTS , its too laggy some times cpu goes to %99 , i cant do anyhting08:46
_Dude_yes, like kubuntu or xubuntu, or just apt-get install your favorite desktop environment08:46
dr_willisyou could check your xorg.conf and rename it if it exists. and restart. that might straighten it out.  use lspci to see what chipset you got. since thats a core bit of info to know.08:46
jwtiyari have activsted 2gb swap area08:46
auronandacethe amount of people who avoid upgrading due to the _default_ desktop boggles my mind08:47
dr_willisjwtiyar:  run htop in a term. see whats sucking down the cpu.08:47
YOUConsultinglet's drop the version I use, can we get to the helping part08:47
dr_willisand here my wife can sit down at a Unity desktop and have it figured out in just a few min.08:47
auronandaceYOUConsulting: no, look up the word unsupported08:47
dr_willisi allready gave you some help....08:47
dr_willismove/rename/backup xorg.conf and see if it helps.. determine your chipset.08:48
AAAdr_willis: if it's a default unity then all her searches are also going to canoncical08:48
invariantDoes anyone run msmtp here?08:48
jwtiyardr_willis, its program?08:48
dr_willisAAA:  she loves the amazon search feature.08:48
dr_willisjwtiyar:  htop is a program.. yes.08:49
AAAdr_willis: awesome! as long as the user knows08:49
AAAdr_willis: most users probably don't know that08:49
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santoshauronandace: http://i.imgur.com/Qu8vBJ2.png08:51
dr_willismost users dont know much of anything.. this channel has shown that. ;)08:51
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jwtiyardr_willis, i dont know whick one killing my cpu08:52
auronandacesantosh: hmm, most odd08:52
jwtiyardr_willis, i dont know whick one killing my cpu08:52
cfhowlettAAA, look at %cup and %Mem08:53
dr_willisjwtiyar:  htop sorts the apps by order of what is using the most cpu.. watch it run. and when you see the load spike.. look at it and see whats using it08:53
dr_willisit can sort by other values also. ;)08:53
auronandacesantosh: is that the way its set to highlight you?08:53
vincent_dr_willis,  xorg.conf to xorg.conf.old and rebooting worked. I Thank you08:53
santoshauronandace: wait, I08:54
minimecsantosh: That's an irssi screenshot, right? Go to your .irssi directory and check the 'config' file. Search for the number '4'. I guess you only have to delete or change something in that config.08:54
santoshI'm restarting irssi08:54
invariant I have some code which connects to port 25 directly. Can I use msmtp to provide that?08:54
santoshnow mention me again..08:55
jwtiyardr_willis, its nit stable some time compiz or some time unity panel , they are about %37 or %4508:55
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AAAdr_willis: I was eluding to the 'ubuntu is spyware' accusations that have been made08:56
dr_willisjwtiyar:  whats your system specs?08:56
santoshcfhowlett: thanks08:56
dr_willisAAA:   just more FUD.08:56
jwtiyardr_willis,  2gb of ram  ,64bit , 320 HDD08:57
dr_willisim suprised there hasent been bigger deal over the samsung efi  breakage issues.08:57
santoshI edited config file manually, which is discouraged. Its working fine now. :)08:57
dr_willisjwtiyar:  just idling here. and i dont have compiz or X or unity go over 5% of cpu ussage08:57
vnc786i kept some files in /tmp dir after reboot it got deleted ? how deletes that08:57
cfhowlettdr_willis, everyone seems to have accepted the story "linux/ubuntu breaks computers!"08:57
dr_willisjwtiyar:  using a fairly low end nvidia card08:58
vnc786who deletes that ..?08:58
jwtiyardr_willis, i have intel core i308:58
jwtiyardr_willis, its new i have installed ubuntu in fresh install08:58
AAAvmeson: /tmp files are temporary and cleared on reboot08:59
dr_willisvnc786:  where does mount show your /tmp/ mounted to?08:59
cfhowlettvnc786, /tmp probably gets swept as part of boot process.  bad idea to store files in any /temp or /tmp directory08:59
vnc786tmp is mounted on my partition ? is that u want ?09:00
AAAvnc786: files in /tmp/ do not exist between reboots09:01
vnc786i was aware that tmp gets clean but i have manually moved my data to tmp then to..09:01
AAAvnc786: to /somefile.ext ?09:02
AAAvnc786: can you paste the mv command you used?09:03
ubuntuw1204what is tick tock tablet time on ubuntu page09:03
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dr_williswe dont know. ;)09:03
cfhowlettubuntuw1204, greetings09:03
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ubuntuw1204what is tick tock tablet time on ubuntu page?09:04
dr_williswe dont know. ;) .....09:04
geektech713_new HTC Tablet with Ubuntu i guess09:04
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vnc786the file was not much imp it was around 3 gb movie i thought i would keep for time being n will mv to some other place but my bad day ...09:06
ubuntuw1204how differnt is ubuntu from debian?09:06
{456c76616e6f}Hey everyone, I was wondering if it's possible to load the ubuntu desktop installation without the graphical environement.09:06
ubuntuw1204babilen: Hi!, Hola!09:06
darkmutti'm pretty sure there was an option for that09:07
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vnc786is there possibility 2 recover from /tmp09:07
wooferallo, how would i add lines to the end of a text file using the command line?  for example, i would like to add stuff to the end of the hosts file09:08
dr_williswoofer:  echo and  the > redirection feature of bash09:08
darkmuttwoofer you can do that or edit it with vi for example09:08
AAAvnc786: if you copied a file to /tmp/some.file then rebooted. there is no reasonable way to get it back (anything can be retrieved for a price...)09:08
dr_willis dont get > and >> backwards. :) one overwrites.. one appends.09:08
khildinwoofer: start VI or nano from commandline... :P09:09
dr_willisecho line1 > foo.txt09:09
dr_willisecho line2 > foo.txt09:09
dr_williscat foo.txt09:09
dr_willisthen try with >>09:09
dr_willis >> appends.  > overwrtes09:10
wooferdr_willis,  could you give me an example of adding say: moo   to /etc/hosts09:10
wooferi'm not very good with vim yet....09:10
dr_willisecho line3 >> file.txt09:10
wooferyour right, that would be a good idea.09:10
dr_williswhy are you even messing with hosts? BACK IT UP first.09:10
AAAyou'll need quotes09:10
wooferi can use vim, but very basically.09:10
parente ciao a tutti09:11
darkmutthow would i lock an application without .desktop files to the unity sidebar?09:11
vnc786AAA: ok thanks09:11
wooferdr_willis,  cause i want to be able to type ping moo instead of typing ping
dr_willisecho 'stuff with spaces' >> filename.txt09:11
dr_williswoofer:   alias pmoo=ping  ;)09:11
dr_willisdarkmutt:  you could make a .desktop file for them09:12
cfhowlettWhat IS this?  Downloaded 12.4.2.  ISO passed md5sum.  Made a USB.  Ran USB md5sum check and ... see for yourself:  http://imagebin.org/24725609:12
dr_williswhen you boot the USB theres a verify option i recall09:12
dr_willisdarkmutt:  find a .desktop file. copy it.. edit it as needed09:12
dr_willisdarkmutt:  locate gedit.desktop09:12
darkmuttok thanks09:12
woofercfhowlett,  what program did all that?09:12
cfhowlettwoofer, wait 1 ...09:13
AAAcfhowlett: "+0 records out" what was your command line? it looks like you may be missing quotes too09:13
cousteausome program keeps deleting a gtk bookmark09:13
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AAAcfhowlett: maybe you need to `reset`` your terminal09:14
cousteauit's an smb:// address, and the bookmark has spaces in the name.  There has to be a program or something that "sanitizes" my ~/.gtk-bookmarks by deleting that entry periodically09:14
cfhowlettwoofer AAA used the "Check the CD" option ... but I made a USB. Hmm.  Would that effect this?09:15
cousteaunautilus, pcmanfm and thunar all understand that bookmark, so I don't know what program can be09:15
dr_willisit checks the md5 sums of packages on the disk i belive not the whole disk09:15
woofercfhowlett,  i do'nt know what AAA is.... sorry dude.09:16
cfhowlettdr_willis, right, the check CD option specifies to get the size first and pipe that ... which I did09:16
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woofer<dr_willis>  >> appends.  > overwrtes   thanks. taht would be bad if you didn't tell me that. heh09:18
dr_willisbash basics,  ;)09:19
AAAcfhowlett: when you do mdfsum /path/to/your/ubuntu.iso do you get an md5sum as the output?09:19
AAAcfhowlett: and I really mead md5sum09:20
ubuntuw1204AAA yes md5sum your .iso09:20
cfhowlettAAA iso checked clean.  Was attempting to verify a newly created boot USB using the recommended process.  Disregard last line of output but this was the method http://paste.ubuntu.com/1680671/09:21
wooferdr_willis,  i get this:09:21
woofermika@e:~$ sudo echo woof >> /etc/hosts09:21
wooferbash: /etc/hosts: Permission denied09:21
llutzwoofer: echo woof |sudo tee -a  /etc/hosts09:21
woofer? why do i have to do this tee stuff? cause echo can't use sudo?09:22
llutzwoofer: redirections doesn't work with sudo09:22
wooferroger that.09:22
code-ph0yhey guys can someone tell me why I can't make a folder in htdocs?09:23
AAAllutz: what? file redirection work with sudo? what? please explain09:23
llutzwoofer: your sudo echo ends at > and doesnt afffect the file behind (so you get permission error)09:23
wooferwhat exactly does the tee command do / what's it used for?09:23
llutzwoofer: man tee09:23
llutzaaa "doesn't"09:23
wooferwho reads man file?09:23
wooferif we all did there wouldn't be a help channel.09:23
code-ph0yis it chmod?09:24
llutzyou  got somethin wrong woofer09:24
packetfrogIs there a simple way to install all the manpages/docs/what not for all my installed applications/kernel/modules/everything...09:24
dr_willisthey are in the repos/packae manager lists09:25
AAAllutz: if a user authenticates with sudo then the command and is executed as that user. why do you think that doesn't work with file permissions?09:25
dr_willismost get installed automatically09:25
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/09:25
code-ph0ygo it09:25
code-ph0ygot it*09:25
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment09:25
dr_willis i think theres some dev man pages that may not get installed by default09:25
llutzAAA yes and his command ends at >09:25
* g00053 returns triumphantly after setting up dual-boot09:25
wooferthanks adbot. if i wanted to develop for ubuntu, i would have never thought to look at ubuntu's website.09:26
packetfrogI just wanted to be sure they are there as I do not have a network connection sometimes.09:26
cfhowlettg00053, congrats.  Go forward, be safe, have fun09:26
wooferllutz,  what's this AAA you're talking about?09:26
AAAllutz: ok. I didn't see the full command. can you give the pastebin link?09:27
g00053cfhowlett, thanks for your help09:27
wooferooh, sorry, AAA is a dude in here. hahah. i'm dumb.09:27
cfhowlettg00053, no worries09:27
llutzAAA: any "sudo echo foo > bar" will fail, thats what he tried09:27
llutzAAA: will fail if bar needs root-permissions*09:27
code-ph0yhow do you login as root?09:28
ubottucode-ph0y,: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:28
code-ph0yloving it!09:29
AAAllutz: that is a quote issue. sudo `echo foo > bar` should create a bar file with the contents of foo09:29
llutzAAA no its not . The file after the > is not open by the process running under sudo, but by the shell, which isn't09:29
wooferhow come a long time ago i heard that su stood for suppose user  and not super user  ?09:29
wooferand sudo meant suppose user do09:30
llutzAAA: sudo -c sh "echo foo >bar" would do09:30
dr_willissu = switch user09:31
dr_willisyou dont su to root in ubuntu. you use sudo09:31
llutzAAA: and btw using backticks will give an error09:32
woofersuppose user   switch user    super user ....... hmmm dont know what to believe.09:32
wooferthanks llutz, that ... tee thingy is handy.09:32
AAAllutz: yeah, I was typing off the cuff. but you get waht I was saying09:32
cfhowlettwoofer, switch user.  test it yourself09:32
llutzAAA: i got it but you're still wrong :)09:32
wooferhow would i test what you're saying? cfhowlett09:32
AAAsu - change user ID or become superuser09:32
AAAllutz: yeah, I know. thanks for rubbing it in :)09:33
dr_willissince becoming root - is switching your user id to 009:33
dr_willisbut thats disabled by default on ubuntu09:33
llutzsu - substitute user09:33
wooferanother definition of su !!!!09:33
dr_willissu = studly user09:33
woofermy puppy is soft user09:34
cfhowlettwoofer, don't you have more than one user account?  One for admin and one for daily use?  su into the other account09:34
wooferright. i just have my one account.09:34
llutzsome user, whatever. substitute is what we learned .. in thoses days.09:34
dr_willissupperdupper user09:34
wooferhow would i then make a txt file and then whatever is in it append it to the end of another text file?09:34
llutzwoofer: cat file >> file209:34
wooferdr_willis,  that's only for backup accounts on a crapple computer.09:35
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wooferoh, cool. thanks llutz   knew it was something simple.09:35
wooferllutz,  your nick makes me keep thinking of lulzsec heh09:35
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llutzwoofer: (part of it) is my name much longer than anybody even thought about lulsec09:36
wooferllutz,  you mean, your name is much older than lulzsec?09:38
wooferaye. thanks fer the help guys. ye are wise. (i rhyme)09:40
Kartagisso, I'd installed !xen a long time ago, and now I need to switch kernels. when I do, I get "/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open object file: No such file or directory". why am I getting that? I've got /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.609:41
g00053guys how do i find out my video driver info in bash /09:50
Kartagisg00053: lspci09:51
g00053Kartagis, that lists the card not the driver i think09:52
wooferif i screw with my bashrc i assume i have to log off / on to have it take any effect right?09:53
Kartagisg00053: try lshw09:53
Kartagistry source .bashrc09:53
Kartagiswoofer: try source .bashrc09:53
nabblethi, i rsynced a file but the sha1sums are not the same. rsyncing again, rsync finishes successfully but checksums remain unchanged and different Oo any ideas?09:56
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MadsRCnabblet, the timestamps changed, causing the checksum to change?09:58
nabbletMadsRC, i don't think so - otherwise any sha1sum would fail, wouldn't it?09:59
histoMadsRC: timestamps don't change checksums to change10:00
histoMadsRC: nor does names10:00
Kartagisso, I'd installed !xen a long time ago, and now I need to switch kernels. when I do, I get "/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open object file: No such file or directory". why am I getting that? I've got /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.610:00
MadsRCMy bad :)10:00
histonabblet: are you rsync'ng to different filesystems?10:00
histoalthough it shouldn't matter10:00
nabblethisto, let me check - although it should not matte10:01
nabblethisto, let me check - although it should not matter10:01
nabblethisto, maybe it's rsync?10:01
nabbletrsync --partial --progress -e 'ssh -p 55557' Ghana/moooserver/9200.16384.WIN8_RTM.120725-1247_X64FRE_SERVERHYPERCORE_EN-US-HRM_SHV_X64FRE_EN-US_DV5.ISO mister@
nabblet^ that's the command10:02
histonabblet: Try doing it locally to a different directory and see if the hash matches10:02
nabblethisto, before i do that i'll transfer the file from scratch10:04
histonabblet: also maybe the transfer is stoping ransfer is stopping and partial is messing eiwth you. Check the file size on the other end.10:04
nabblethisto, file sizes are the same10:05
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histonabblet: how are you checking the hashes then?10:05
nabblethisto sha1sum10:06
nabbletboth systems are ubuntu10:06
histonabblet: try transfering locally and checking hash somethign like rsync -P /path/to/blah.iso /tmp/blah.iso10:07
nabblethisto, can't do - i'm on a "discless" server and the image is 3 GB and on a 4 GB stick :P- lucky, huh10:09
pawswhy am i getting E: Unable to locate package ubuntu-xen-server?10:09
nabblethisto, anyway, i will restransfer from scrath10:09
histo!info ubuntu-xen-server | paws10:09
ubottupaws: Package ubuntu-xen-server does not exist in quantal10:09
histonabblet: No need as rsync should transfer the differences in the file.10:09
pawshisto: so how can i install xen server?10:10
nabblethisto, but it does not - thant's my problem10:10
histonabblet: Have you re run the rsync command to see if it dropped a few bytes somehow.10:10
nabblethisto, i rsynced several times, rsync says everything is all right, but the sha1sums differ10:10
histo!software | paws10:10
ubottupaws: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents10:10
RajeevKI have installed ubuntu at another system, installed lamp server(working fine), copied drupal instance & dump database...but when I try to browse that by localhost/folder_name, it says "Forbidden, You don't have permission..."10:10
OndraI have Ubuntu 12.10. It has Qt Creator 2.5.2 in its repositories. How can I get Qt Creator 2.7.0 (beta)? I found it here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator but I don't know how to get it from raring... Thanks!10:11
histo!backports | Ondra10:11
ubottuOndra: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging10:11
OndraRajeevK: Does the document root folder have set permissions? (i.e. read for user running lamp)10:12
histoRajeevK: what are the permissions of the folder where the files are hosted?10:12
pawsi know i have to use to apt-get10:13
histonabblet: trying to transfer the files locally will be faster.10:13
histo!ppa > paws10:13
ubottupaws, please see my private message10:13
RajeevKvar/www/troop & permission is set to "root" as I see10:13
sveinseIs there a way to control dns priority in dnsmasq/NM in precise? I'm having problems resolving certain private DNS entries as my machine is connected to private lan and a public wlan10:13
histoRajeevK: ls -l /var/www/10:14
sveinseIts often selecting to use the wifi's DNS server which can't resolve entries which reside on the private lan10:14
RajeevKOndra: I am logged in from the admin I hope as this is the user which I was created10:14
invariantWhich program converts a CD wav file to a list of mp3 files?10:15
histosveinse: you can add your own dns servers in network manager gui. Or add them to the resolvconf head file.10:15
RajeevKhisto: All are root root10:15
histoinvariant: ffmpeg or many others10:15
histoRajeevK: yes but the attributes???10:15
RajeevKhisto: 409610:15
histoRajeevK: can you paste the line with the directory in here so we can see the dwrx-r-....10:16
invarianthisto, I mean like a complete command then.10:16
invarianthisto, saying ffmpeg is like saying that one needs to use a computer.10:16
RajeevKhisto: one sec10:16
histoinvariant: ffmpeg -i somefile.wav -o somefile.mp310:16
invarianthisto, oh, I figured it would be more difficult :) THanks10:16
histoinvariant: or use rythmbox to rip the CD to ogg files10:16
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invarianthisto, well, no.10:16
harborquick question: how do i /list on an irc server using empathy?10:17
invarianthisto, I want a list of  mp3 files.10:17
sveinsehisto: Well. resolv.conf is autogenerated by NM, so it will be overwritten. Secondly, I don't want to override the DHCP given dns server by either nic's. I just want some kind of metric mechanism for dns server. Is that possible?10:17
dr_willis!alis | harbor10:17
ubottuharbor: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*10:17
histoinvariant: Keep in mind the ubuntu variant of ffmpeg used to not have mp3 support built in. I'm not sure if this is still the case.10:17
invarianthisto, this just creates one and doesn't do silence detection, etc.10:17
Kartagisso, I'd installed !xen a long time ago, and now I need to switch kernels. when I do, I get "/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open object file: No such file or directory". why am I getting that? I've got /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.610:17
harbordope. thank you10:17
invarianthisto, actually, I would even prefer to get it in flac format.10:17
RajeevKhisto: drwx-w-w 13 root root 4096 Feb 19 15:29 troop99010:17
invarianthisto, so, wav -> list of flac format.10:18
histoinvariant: I'm sure ffmpeg may have an option to import multiple files. If not you could do something with find. like find . -iname '*.wav' -exec ffmpeg -i {} -o {*.mp3} /;  not sure if this would work but my syntax maybe right.10:18
invarianthisto, you didn't read what I said.10:19
histoinvariant: ffmpeg uses the -o *.ogg if you want flac or whatever.10:19
invarianthisto, I said "to" not "from".10:19
sqrt7744hi, I'm not really an awk expert, when I run this: ps x | awk '/chrome\ /{print $1}'  I get a column of PIDs. I'd like them to be in a comma separated list instead, any ideas?10:19
histoinvariant: huh?10:19
invarianthisto, one file to multiple outputs based on the silence in the file.10:19
RajeevKhisto: Did you get that ?10:19
invarianthisto, the wav file was created as a rip of a CD.10:19
histoinvariant: ahh so you have a wav file of the entire cd?10:20
invarianthisto, yes10:20
histoRajeevK: chmod o+r -R /var/www/troop990    ???10:20
histoRajeevK: maybe it's something with your paache setup10:20
histoRajeevK: hold up for someone else don't use my command.10:20
RajeevKhisto: Ok10:21
histoinvariant: Don't know of a way to do that. let me look for something10:21
histoinvariant: try in ffmpeg or someone here may know of another tool.10:21
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring10:21
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging10:22
histoRajeevK: ask your question again all in one line with details10:23
histo!details | RajeevK10:23
ubottuRajeevK: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:23
histoRajeevK: see if someone else knows10:23
KartagisRajeevK: what's your exact issue?10:25
RajeevKI have downloaded 12.10 today & installed it in another system. I have installed lamp-server in there & phpmyadmin as well & it seems working fine. I have copied drupal instance from first machine to new one & dump DB too10:25
RajeevKBut when I am trying to navigate localhost/site_name, it says - "403 Forbidden, You don't have permission to access / on this server"10:26
KartagisRajeevK: does .htaccess exist?10:26
RajeevKKartagis: Where to find ?10:26
nabblethisto, ok, it works - bruteforce rsync from scrath. anyway, if it would not have helped, i next step would be to use the --checksum option and/or buffer flush10:26
KartagisRajeevK: that error means you don't have an index.html to begin with10:27
fredrikskjust installed xscreensaver. Most of the screensavers in the list gives me "not installed" when I clicked on them. How can I install them?10:27
KartagisRajeevK: ls -a10:27
RajeevKKartagis: I am not even able to navigate inside the folder10:27
KartagisRajeevK: do you get permission denied?10:28
RajeevKKartagis: Yes10:28
MonkeyDustRajeevK  were you familiar with ubuntu, before this installation?10:28
KartagisRajeevK: is that /var/www/something?10:28
dr_willisfredriksk:  apt-cache search xscreensaver  and install the ones you want10:29
RajeevKKartagis: Its inside /var/www/troop99010:29
RajeevKKartagis: I can't go inside troop990 here10:29
histonabblet: that's weird what happened. You may want to fsck the filesystems.10:29
histonabblet: or check dmesg for errors10:29
RajeevKMonkeyDust: No sir...but I am using it for sometime like 3-4 months10:29
KartagisRajeevK: sudo chmod 775 /var/www/troop99010:30
MaxFramesis there a way to make so that a limited user (not-sudoer) can access an ntfs partition? this system dual boots windows xp and ubuntu, and the ubuntu user must be able to access the ntfs partition10:30
MaxFrameswhen he tries to access it, he's requested super user authentication10:30
MaxFramesi.e. the partition is mounted but permissions don't allow him to access itr10:30
dr_willisyou mount it from fstab with the right ntfs-3g options MaxFrames10:30
dr_willisor run ntfs-config and configure it that way10:30
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:31
RajeevKKartagis: Now I can access the folder, but still blank page at navigation10:31
RajeevKKartagis: Means at localhost/troop99010:31
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MaxFramesthanks, I'll try10:31
KartagisRajeevK: tailf /var/log/apache2/access.log10:32
histoKartagis: all his permissions are jacked. Do all sub files need to be o+r  for apache? I wasn't sure10:32
Kartagishisto: chmod and chown will do10:33
MaxFramesreading about ntfs-config... but it looks like what it does is already taken care of (i.e. the ntfs partition is already mounted at boot)10:34
RajeevKKartagis: You need those lines ?10:34
KartagisRajeevK: what lines?10:34
KartagisRajeevK: yea, pastebin it somewhere10:35
RajeevKKartagis: Ok10:35
RajeevKKartagis: http://pastebin.com/tHGqNzQV10:37
dr_willisMaxFrames:  if you have a fstab entry for it. then you just need to use the right options10:39
Ondrahisto: I have used the backports, upgraded using "apt-get upgrade" (it downloaded 32 MB of files) but qt creator is still 2.5.2 (I looked at apt-get changelog). Problem is, that 2.7.0 (which I want) is in raring, not quantal. Can I backport that? Thanks10:40
g00053is whitespace important in fstab ?10:40
KartagisRajeevK: tailf /var/log/apache2/error.log10:40
dr_willisa tab one space or a dozen dozent matter g0005310:41
g00053ah okay10:41
histoOndra: Maybe you can find a ppa for it10:42
skjoedtI know this is a trivial question but how come Ubuntu uses linux kernel 3.5 while in december 3.7 was released and yesterday 3.8 came out. I imagine it comes down to driver compatibility but isn't it backward compatible?10:42
histo!ppa | Ondra10:42
ubottuOndra: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge10:42
histoOndra: or you'd be stuck building it from source10:42
dr_willis!latest | skjoedt10:42
ubottuskjoedt: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.10:42
histoskjoedt: stability10:42
histoskjoedt: ubuntu is not a rolling release. If you ever had experience with one you would understand why.10:42
nabblethisto, yes10:43
histonabblet: yes??10:43
RajeevKKartagis: http://pastebin.com/8VFe5ST710:43
nabblethisto, the server i am using is a lenovo ideapad - not the best thing. also it started to fall apart (that why it became a server, sitting in the corner of a room) - so hdd error are plausible10:44
nabblethisto, you said i should check the file system10:44
nabblethisto, sorry, the delay of my replay ripped it out of context  :P10:44
KartagisRajeevK: show me the output of ls -ld /var/www/troop99010:44
Kartagisso, I'd installed !xen a long time ago, and now I need to switch kernels. when I do, I get "/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open object file: No such file or directory". why am I getting that? I've got /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.610:45
RajeevKKartagis: drwxrwxr-x 13 root root 4096 Feb 19 15:29 /var/www/troop99010:45
histonabblet: check dmesg see if there are IO errors10:45
nabblethisto, dmesg | grep error reutrn nothing10:46
KartagisRajeevK: chmod 775 /var/www/troop990;chown www-data:www-data /var/www/troop99010:46
oeeveHi, what would be a good program if I would like to automatically .zip and backup a bunch of folders to a different drive once a day? ..making a new .zip every day while keeping the last 10 copies or someting10:46
histonabblet: that's wierd I've never had that issue although I never really was checking.10:46
nabblethisto, grep for I/O -> also no error messages10:46
RajeevKKartagis: chmod: changing permissions of `/var/www/troop990': Operation not permitted10:47
histooeeve: cron job and you could use something like logrotate to delete e the old ones I guess10:47
nabblethisto, guys in #debian suggested that a bit flipped and the caches didn't register that (obviously) so that's why rsync thought everything was OK10:47
skjoedthisto, I was using arch linux for a while and mostly what I experienced was incompatibility between packages and libraries. I dont know where the kernel lies in all of this. I imagined that kernel developers were restricted to keep backward compatibility a must. Where is the rule that makes this not so simple?10:47
KartagisRajeevK: sudo chmod 775 /var/www/troop990;sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/troop99010:47
histoskjoedt: Your experience wiht arch is a start. Imaging all the issues with modules etc... There are issues with newer kernels and other things.10:48
RajeevKKartagis: Ok..done10:48
oeevehisto thanks;)10:48
RajeevKKartagis: But still cant't access the URL10:48
histoKartagis: I think the issue is the files in ..../toop990/*10:49
SerenE_SparKMozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.010:49
histooeeve: np10:49
SerenE_SparKwhat is this please can someone explain me10:49
RajeevKKartagis: drwxrwxr-x 13 www-data www-data 4096 Feb 19 15:29 /var/www/troop99010:49
KartagisRajeevK: do this: cd /var/www/troop990;find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \; && find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;10:50
skjoedthisto, Are there any official milestones for when kernel 3.6 will be deployed in native ubuntu?10:50
KartagisSerenE_SparK: that someone is browsing your site with firefox on windows10:50
KartagisSerenE_SparK: ff8, to be precise10:51
skjoedthisto, or could they theoretically jump directly to 3.8?10:51
RajeevKKartagis: chmod: changing permissions of `.': Operation not permitted10:51
RajeevKchmod: changing permissions of `./scripts': Operation not permitted10:51
RajeevKfind: `./scripts': Permission denied10:51
RajeevKKartagis: And this is for all folder inside troop99010:51
SerenE_SparKKartagis:i google it and found it to be detection of browser resolution10:51
KartagisRajeevK: do this: cd /var/www/troop990;sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 0755 {} \; && sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 0644 {} \;10:52
SerenE_SparKKartagis:how can i do the same in Linux10:52
KartagisSerenE_SparK: do you have apache installed10:52
Kartagisbrowse your site on linux and watch the logs10:53
SerenE_SparKKartagis:do you know java?10:53
Kartagisno, why?10:53
RajeevKKartagis: Yes it did10:53
RajeevKKartagis: So I have to use this for all project which I have copied there ?10:54
[LgO]AionicusGood morning all :) hows you all doing10:54
KartagisRajeevK: depends, but you might be better off10:54
SerenE_SparKi had a code in java which uses connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:8.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0");10:54
Kartagisdoing it10:54
SerenE_SparKhere it was required10:54
KartagisSerenE_SparK: and this is related to ubuntu how?10:55
SerenE_SparKfor doing this operation in Linux machine i need an exec() command to be operated so that i can get the browser version detected and can be further utilised10:56
[LgO]Aionicusanybody here have some expertise in getting ubuntu running next to a windows 8 uefi installation (i would delete the win 8 but not allowed by employer).10:56
RajeevKKartagis: Many many thanks10:57
Kartagisnp RajeevK10:57
dr_willis[LgO]Aionicus:  its not a Samsung Laptop is it?10:58
[LgO]Aionicuscan i state its worse ? its a HP laptop10:58
dr_willisSamsungs can be Bricked when installing Ubuntu  or reinstgalling windows onto them10:58
[LgO]Aionicusfirst time i tried with linux mint / opensuse it completely ruined windows 8 EFI and it took me half the week to get our licenses sorted/win8 sorted10:58
[LgO]Aionicusnow im trying with the secure-remix 12.10 (ubuntu)10:59
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[LgO]Aionicusbut i can only get it shown in legacy mode :(10:59
RajeevKKartagis: What I have to do here to use drush ?10:59
[LgO]Aionicusi got a rewriteable DVDR and a couple of usb sticks here , but its kinda stressing me out :( i long for the old bios11:00
KartagisRajeevK: I usually extract it to /usr/local/bin/drush11:01
Ondrahisto: I found a PPA, thank you.11:03
RajeevKKartagis: Why I am not able to use simple copy & paste in this install...only CMD cp is working for copy11:04
KartagisRajeevK: you could also do sudo apt-get install drush, but I'd recommend getting it from d.o11:04
KartagisRajeevK: huh?11:04
dr_willisyou are trying to drag/drop using the file manager? or did you run nautilus as root RajeevK ?11:04
RajeevKdr_willis: I am trying to copy paste from mouse right click or ctrl+c11:05
ThinkT510RajeevK: from where to where?11:05
dr_willisRajeevK:  so you are running a file manager window as a user. and you are tryng to copy to your users Home directory? or some system directory?11:05
RajeevKFrom Download folder to /usr/local/bin/11:06
dr_willisRajeevK:  and you do realize you need root/sudo rights to copy things to that directory?11:06
[LgO]Aionicuswas about to say that willis :)11:06
RajeevKdr_willis: DOn't know11:07
dr_willisThis is  Kinda a fundamental concept with linux.11:07
dr_willisRajeevK:  think about it..  You had a system with 100 users.. you think they all could just copy files to any system directories?11:07
dr_willisRajeevK:  use sudo/gksudo and gain root rights then you can copy files to the system directories11:08
[LgO]Aionicusin order to move stuff around on linux RajeevK (outside your "my documents" equivelent from windows , your $home) you need the root right , so generally :11:08
RajeevKBut I am logged in from admin user..right ?11:08
[LgO]Aionicuscd $home , cd Downloads , then sudo cp the files you wanna copy to /usr/local/bin11:08
dr_willisa admin user can GAIN root rights.. it does not always have root access11:09
dr_willisthats what sudo/gksudo does for you11:09
dr_williselevates your power!11:09
[LgO]Aionicussudo allows you to run stuff as admin without actually having to be root@box , you still need the pw for root thou11:09
RajeevKdr_willis: Ohk...that means I cant copy here from simply GUI but will have to use CMD11:09
dr_willisRajeevK:  or run nautulus as root.. as i mentioned 10 min ago.. but thats a Bad habbit11:10
[LgO]Aionicusyep , unless you open up your filemanager with (sudo) rights11:10
dr_willisnautilus as root = ive seen peopel trash their systems with it..11:10
[LgO]Aionicusoh willis , ive seen worse11:10
RajeevKdr_willis: Thanks11:11
dr_willisif i really want a file manager as root. i tend to open a shell and use 'sudo mc' ;)11:11
Touhou11There's nothing wrong with using root if you're careful. Often people type "sudo" so often it becomes pointless11:11
[LgO]Aionicusive seen people install windows 8 , and ruin my day with it ! :D11:11
ThinkT510RajeevK: what are to trying to copy to /usr/loical/bin/ and why?11:11
dr_willisthen i close the mc when im done11:11
RajeevKThinkT510: I was trying to copy 'drush' inside that11:11
ThinkT510!info drush11:12
ubottudrush (source: drush): command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.4-1 (quantal), package size 329 kB, installed size 1344 kB11:12
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ThinkT510RajeevK: that isn't how you install things11:12
bhaiguyhey, subway irc doesnt work on my 12.10! help!11:12
[LgO]Aionicuscant you just do sudo apt-get install drush?11:12
dr_willisIt would be best to use drush from the repos.. unless you have a good reason not to..11:12
Kartagis[LgO]Aionicus: drush in ubuntu repos is old11:12
dr_willisbhaiguy:  and whats subway irc?11:13
RajeevKI downloaded it from drupal.org11:13
dr_willisRajeevK:  and did you look for a newer ppa first?11:13
[LgO]Aionicuslemme check drupal.org quickly11:13
KartagisRajeevK: cd /usr/local/bin/;tar zxvf ~/drush-7.x-5.8.tar.gz11:13
bhaiguydr_willis: https://github.com/thedjpetersen/subway/11:13
RajeevKKartagis: Oh..thanks11:14
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bhaiguyhello?? any1?11:15
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bhaiguy**hey, subway irc doesnt work on my 12.10! help!**11:16
[LgO]Aionicuswhat error do you get bhaiguy?11:16
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bhaiguy[LgO]Aionicus: let me make a paste of it11:17
dr_willisand did you check the subway irc support channel/forums. ;)11:17
[LgO]Aionicuswell considering im going crazy with this efi issue, why not take a look at his issue (subway) while im waiting for this crap to sort itself out ;p11:18
waraqaI want to request Ubuntu cds, Who should I contact?11:18
dr_williswaraqa:  buy them from cheapbytes.com perhaps?11:18
Touhou11waraqa: They don't send out Ubuntu CDs anymore, you have to pay11:19
DJoneswaraqa: SHipit no longer sends out cd's, if you contact your Ubuntu loco, they may have some they could send you though11:19
dr_willis12.10 needs a dvd  these days ;)11:19
waraqaNo official site for selling ubuntu?11:19
dr_willisthe ubuntu.com store?11:20
DJoneswaraqa: Which country are you in? I'll point you towards a local Ubuntu channel11:20
RajeevKKartagis: Can't use "drush dl", it gives - "Directory /var/www exists, but is not writable. Please check directory permissions."11:20
bhaiguy[LgO]Aionicus: here it is... http://paste.ubuntu.com/1681416/11:20
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[LgO]Aionicusk gimme a sec11:21
waraqaI want to participate in student exhibiton and offer ubuntu cds and maybe other linux distros11:21
waraqaI live in UAE11:21
[LgO]Aionicuswhat i can see so far bhaiguy is that it crashes on a dependency11:22
[LgO]Aionicus4111 error Failed at the iconv@1.2.4 install script.11:22
bhaiguyi see tat too... wat should i do?11:22
[LgO]Aionicuswell lemme check what it crashes on11:23
waraqaAll exhibitors are students and I need some resources for promoting ubuntu11:23
DJoneswaraqa: There is an Ubuntu UAE loco team at http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-ae That gives an IRC channel of ##ubuntu-ae The website has a contact name on it as well11:24
RajeevK[LgO]Aionicus: How to make "Directory /var/www" writable so that I can download drupal by "drush dl" ?11:24
DJonesw 2311:24
waraqaDJones: I will check11:24
PhysicistHi fellas. I want to install backtrack programs in my ubuntu, but I need know the possibilities...11:24
PhysicistInvasion Programs.11:25
dr_willispossibilty of totally trashing your system Physicist11:25
PhysicistTest Invasion programs.11:25
[LgO]Aionicus@Physicist , you need to add the backtrack repo's and then you can update em , but keep in mind that bt is build / designed for it . so you gonna get a lot of bumps on the road11:25
savagecrochow do you do SSH key forwarding with rsync?11:26
PhysicistUndestood. I have a Live BT CD.. I will install in TRIPLE BOOT...11:26
DJonesPhysicist: If the packages are available in the Ubuntu repo's you can install them from synaptic etc, if they're 3rd party repo's or backtrack repo's you'll need to ask the maintainer or in the backtrack channel, they will probably have different dependencies and could well break your system11:27
PhysicistI have so much space :-|11:27
DJones!backtrack | Physicist11:27
ubottuPhysicist: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)11:27
bazhangPhysicist, get bt support in their channel11:27
[LgO]Aionicus@Rajeevk chmod it , think its sudo chmod 775 /var/www (might wanna google the numbers thou )11:27
RajeevK[LgO]Aionicus: Done11:28
RajeevK[LgO]Aionicus: Its working...Thanks11:28
PhysicistI know and already did it. Thank you all.11:28
[LgO]Aionicus@bhaiguy i checked for you but it seems the is a error in the iconv bit itself , you really gonna have to past that paste @ the support forum of subway for this matter , its to advanced for my knowledge11:28
PhysicistI think better install from zero .. I have space.11:29
bhaiguy[LgO]Aionicus: oh thankyou for your time! :)11:29
[LgO]Aionicus@bhaiguy what you could do thou as a last resort is get the latest version from his git repository , see if that works ,might even try an older version to see if problem appears on same spot11:30
[LgO]Aionicus@all -> anybody know why i can get my ubuntu live cd to boot as EFI but when i try to install it it does not state it can find my windows 8 install?11:31
ThinkT510!uefi | [LgO]Aionicus been through this11:31
ubottu[LgO]Aionicus been through this: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:31
waraqaDJones: There is nobody in their irc, what loco can usually offer ?11:32
bhaiguy[LgO]Aionicus: i tried infinite times with the latest version...11:32
[LgO]Aionicusye i have been trough that11:33
[LgO]Aionicusbeen trying to get this hell sorted for 5 work days in a row (5x8 hours)11:33
[LgO]Aionicusfirst time it actually borked up my entire windows 8 , boss was not to happy about it11:33
ThinkT510[LgO]Aionicus: you're doing this on a work machine?11:33
[LgO]AionicusYe , work bought a bloody hp lappie for development however they failed to pay attention and got forked with a windows 8 EFI junked lappie11:34
[LgO]Aionicusthing is , i get the black boot screen so it should boot as EFI , just wondering why it does not state : Install Ubuntu alongside others11:34
vnc786i want to do samba sharing for xp (3)users only how do i do that there is no domain ...any hint11:35
DJoneswaraqa: Loking at the UAE website, there is a link to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ae that mentions a mailing list, I'd suggest sending an email to the mailing list and asking on that11:35
ThinkT510[LgO]Aionicus: i don't know, i've happily stayed away from all things (u)efi11:35
squigdoes any one know if 12.04.2 fixes the does not install on systems with more than one disk issue? or where I find a change list of fixes in the installer?11:35
flintser!samba | vnc78611:35
ubottuvnc786: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:35
waraqaDJones: ok, thanks11:35
DJoneswaraqa: You're welcome, good luck getting hold of some installation media11:36
num7hi, i add a new user to a group in /etc/gshadow with "gpasswd -A newuser group" but i can't remove it from this gruop with "gpasswd -d newuser group" Why?11:37
[LgO]Aionicusill give the mailing list a go , thou im sure the big boss will not be that happy ;p11:37
stan879nzHello if i want a user not to be able to use my copy of a program would i have to change the permissions of the folder11:37
flintserstan879nz: you can use chmod11:38
flintser!permissions | stan879nz11:38
ubottustan879nz: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:38
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stan879nz700? but would the user be able to install his own copy of the program11:38
vnc786ubottu: do u know how do i share folder only for xp users with 777 perm since other user shuld not get view ...11:39
ubottuvnc786: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:39
flintserstan879nz: change the folder permissions so that only you can use it. 770 makes you, and your group to have all, and rest will have no permissions11:39
EaglemanAny idea why most MAC addresses dont get a respond from my ISP's dhcp server?11:40
stan879nz770 thanks if the other users install there copies of the software would they clash if they were both running?11:40
flintserstan879nz: i'd like to hear the whole thing, what are you trying to do in what kind of environment?11:41
MalsasaHello, is Size field necessary in debian/control file? Or just Installed-Size field?11:42
stan879nzeveryone in my family has there own steam account and we all dont want to share the same file structure, so i would like everyone to have there own so they dont have to logout to change users11:44
dr_willishmm.. do steam games install to the users home on linux? or a system wide location like they do on windows?11:44
stan879nzsys wide11:45
flintserstan879nz: logout from ubuntu or logout from steam? steam installs in home11:45
dr_willissteam is weird on linux. ;)  theres parts of it on the system ive seen. then first run of it.. some stuff goes to the users home11:45
flintsersteam installs globally, but games install in /home/user11:45
flintserand configs too go in /home/user/11:46
flintser.steam is the folder11:46
DJonesdr_willis: I would expect it'd be to /home, I was having a play on sunday and I needed a password to install steam itself, but I wasn't prompted for one when it got to installing a game11:46
flintserso stan879nz: you can just install steam, every user has their own folder in /home/user/.steam ehere the configurations and games go11:47
cr000hi! i have installed kubuntu installed native and it is not able to run my wireless card, i want now to start it in a virtual machine to route the wireless through the vm as wire ethernet11:47
flintserno extra work to do11:48
cr000is there a way to start the kubuntu native installation inside a vm without using vmware?11:48
dr_williscr000:  what os is running the vm?11:48
cr000fedora18 64b11:49
flintsercr000: install virtualization platform, and theb you can just use the .iso and mount it in the vm11:49
dr_willisyou can set up vbox to run  from a real hard drive.. but its not reccomdnedd.. or you could image the installed hd to a image file and point vbox to that11:49
dr_willisseems weird that fedora has drives for the wifi but not ubuntu.11:49
stan879nzthanks for the info about were all the files are going. so we wouldnt be able to be login all at the same time because steam it self is global11:50
flintserstan879nz: actually i don't know, it might even be possible11:50
flintsercr000: you can do disk2vhd to create .vhd of the ACTUAL hard drive or partition11:51
flintserthen mount it in vm11:51
flintsereasier to just do clean install in vm11:51
cr000it is important to use the kubuntu later natively, so using iso or make a vm-file of the real partition is no solution :( i will search vbox and try this possibility11:51
flintsercr000: ok, then do what dr_willis proposed. setup vbox to run from actual hard drive11:52
cr000yes alredy downloading it ;) thanks for the help guys!11:53
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awaadI am using export http_proxy="http://server:port" for http traffic, but I need to know how can I make the same thing with https and ftp traffic.11:59
EaglemanAny idea why most MAC addresses dont get a respond from my ISP's dhcp server?12:00
PhysicistI am really enjoying Kubuntu 12.10... KDE is so good.12:00
Ali_Bahjatihey guys12:00
Ali_Bahjatihey guys12:00
PhysicistSo much personable..12:01
awaadAny one can help ?12:01
PhysicistSo much fast..12:01
dr_willisid have to suggest checking on askubuntu.com - since i dont know off the top of my head. ;)12:02
bonoawaad: https_proxy= , ftp_proxy=12:02
dr_willisthats too logical! ;)12:02
Physicistawaad: Do not ask to ak a question. Just send your problem and the community will answer if possible.12:03
flintserPhysicist: !ask is easier :)12:03
Ali_BahjatiI have got a problem in ubutnu 12.10 , thats that when I keep a button pressing, it doesn't works , it just  add one character, what can I do ? anyone can help ?12:05
Physicistflintser... Realy? :-| (sarcasm)12:05
elenaAAAAc/join #zoodyaco12:05
ubottuelenaAAAA: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:05
Physicistflintser... :-)12:05
EaglemanAny idea why dhclient -r does not release the ip address on my eth1.10 interface?12:10
shomonhi, so ubuntu is now "precompromised" by default?12:10
shomonsending keylogger data via dash??12:10
shomonanyone have info on this?12:10
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt12:10
dr_willisif you want to disable the amazon addlens thats trivial to do .12:11
ubottuIf you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu 12.10, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ12:11
shomonso for most users it will be on by default12:12
Kartagisdr_willis: so, I'd installed !xen a long time ago, and now I need to switch kernels. when I do, I get "/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open object file: No such file or directory". why am I getting that? I've got /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.612:13
DJonesshomon: Yes its on by default but its takes a few seconds to disable it12:13
RamtinAyes you can disable it, but that was why i leave ubuntu. ubuntu was ( and is ) a great distro but this ...12:13
dr_willisKartagis:  ive never used xen. so no idea12:13
shomonis there a sub distro where that error is corrected?12:13
dr_willisdont use the unity lens feature if you dont want it.. or turn it off12:13
mobmanHi.. I'm using ubuntu-12.04. I've accidentally deleted a .cpp file in eclipse. 'locate' shows the file is still in the folder but I cannot open it. Can anybody help me to recover the file?12:13
shomonmaybe it can be patched up again not to have that default setting, regardless of canonical's choices12:14
dr_willis13.04 is adding some 100+ more shopping lens for people to use from what ive seen12:14
dr_willisits a gconf setting i imagine. so no need to patch anything12:14
DJonesshomon: Its not an error, its by design to enhance the facilities of the dash, discussion is best done in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss12:14
dr_willismobman:  locate uses a database of files.. its not always current12:14
neuro_sysHello could anyone check the version of the package glib-2.0?12:14
wdpdr_willis, actually (ot tho, sorry for that) i'd be interested in how many people actually use that feature and how many just throw it away :)12:14
dr_williswdp:  my wife loves it.12:15
DJones!info glib-2.012:15
ubottuPackage glib-2.0 does not exist in quantal12:15
DJones!find glib-2.012:15
ubottuFound: gir1.2-glib-2.0, gir1.2-spice-client-glib-2.0, libqtglib-2.0-0, libspice-client-glib-2.0-1, libspice-client-glib-2.0-dev12:15
dr_willisi tend to use the help/askubuntu.com lens more then anything else.12:15
neuro_sysErm, are there no glib 2 dev package?12:15
samara2samara2 says 'good morning'12:15
neuro_sys!info glib 2 dev12:15
ubottu'2' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable12:15
neuro_sys!info libglib2.0-dev12:16
ubottulibglib2.0-dev (source: glib2.0): Development files for the GLib library. In component main, is optional. Version 2.34.1-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 1686 kB, installed size 7226 kB12:16
EaglemanAny idea why dhclient -r does not release the ip address on my eth1.10 interface?12:16
mobmandr_willis: Thanx for reply. Can I recover the file?12:16
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel12:16
antonio_Whats the best way to install java on 12.10?12:16
dr_willisthere might be some backups hidden wher eit was at.12:16
DJones!java | antonio_12:17
ubottuantonio_: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.12:17
dr_willisantonio_:  the iced tea java is in the repos12:17
Ali_BahjatiI have got a problem in ubutnu 12.10 , thats that when I keep a button pressing, it doesn't works , it just  add one character, what can I do ? anyone can help ?12:22
avisif any of you have booted mountain lion with ubuntu using refit can you define /home and swap partitions while dual booting and install ubuntu on a mac12:23
avisfor ubuntu12:23
DJonesAli_Bahjati: Does this link offer a solution http://askubuntu.com/questions/67973/repeated-keystrokes-lost-in-unity12:24
flintserdr_willis: considering java, is there any reason to select oracle java over iced tea?12:24
dr_willisdepends on what you are running in java. Iced tea works for me12:25
DJonesAli_Bahjati: It mentions a bounce keys accessibility feature that can be accidentaly enabled via a keyboard shortcut12:25
flintserdr_willis: minecraft, web applications (playray.com)12:25
dr_willisfor minecraft see its site.reccomnendations. i dont do minecraft12:25
ubuntuaddictedanyone use a xbox 360 controller with linux gaming? i can't get Team Fortress 2 to work. i have tried both xpad and xboxdrv12:26
DJonesflintser: I used play minecraft with open jdk without any issues on 12.0412:26
Touhou11Oracle Java will generally have better performance, though the Open version has caught up a lot12:27
flintserTouhou11: that is what made me choose oracle java, but back then  it was just a feeling that it might have a better performance12:28
[LgO]AionicusQuick question : Manual installation of ubuntu (secure EFI) next to windows 8 | No option to install next to system so doing a manual partition. Do i need to have a /Boot partition for this ? or is it enough to add swap / home and / mount points ? (considering there is an EFI partition)12:34
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flintser[LgO]Aionicus: even swap and / should be enough.12:38
flintseri've never made separate /boot12:38
flintsersry for tripleposting, but one thing: i've also never installed on efi so i don't know do you need /boot for that. but i cant come to any conclusion why it should need one12:39
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ubuntuaddictedanyone use a xbox 360 controller with linux gaming? i can't get Team Fortress 2 to work. i have tried both xpad and xboxdrv12:40
geektechstream says what controllers works with Steam on ubuntu12:41
jnaourI am trying to wirte in a system fils (/etc/fstab)12:41
flintserubuntuaddicted: it should be p&p, but tf2 doesnt support for xbox360 controller i think12:41
jnaourI need sudoer right12:41
dr_willissudo  rights...12:41
jnaouri am trying to do something like12:41
dr_willissudo nano file12:41
DJonesjnaour: You need to use the sudo command to edit the files, eg "sudo nano /etc/fstab"12:41
jnaoursudo echo "blabla" > /etc/stab12:41
jnaouri just want to use CLI12:41
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dr_willissudo wont work with redirection like that.. Youneed a tee -a in there somewhere.12:42
ubuntuaddictedflintser, everything i read TF2 supports the controller. maybe that's only in windows?12:42
flintser!enter | jnaour12:42
ubottujnaour: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:42
dr_willisbest to just use a text editor jnaour12:42
ubuntuaddictedflintser, what is p&p?12:42
ubuntuaddictedflintser, oh, plug and play. :)12:42
dr_willisand > and >> are very differnt jnaour  -  ONE will overwrite/erase the file..12:42
dr_willisthe other appends TO a file12:42
Ali__I have got a problem in ubutnu 12.10 , thats that when I keep a button pressing, it doesn't works , it just  add one character, what can I do ? anyone can help ?12:43
flintserplug and play, ubuntuaddicted. i don't see why you would want controller to pc fps ^^ but xpad and xboxdrv should work... i researched and they suggested those, but some said that since 12.04 it should be plug and play12:43
DJonesAli__: Did the suggestion I gave you earlier not work?12:43
dr_willisAli__:  did it work then suddendly stopped? tried logging out/back in?12:43
Ali__when I restart lighdm it works12:44
Ali__but I cannot restart It every time12:44
ubuntuaddictedflintser, i am a console gamer and can't get used to the keyboard so I wanted to try TF2 with the controller12:44
dr_willisAli__:  so does it stop after you play some games in wine?12:45
jnaourI just want to add a line in a system file in a automatic way. I try to do it just using the terminal without a graphic thing something (I want to put that in a script).12:45
ubottuBOJJOFILO: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:45
dr_willisjnaour:  then you better learn some bash basics and learn about > vs >>12:45
flintserjnaour: nano is in terminal...12:45
dr_willisnano is a console text editor. ;)12:45
Ali__I don't have wine12:45
dr_willisso when does it stop Ali__ ?12:45
DJones!who | Ali__12:45
ubottuAli__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:45
flintserubuntuaddicted: http://askubuntu.com/questions/142393/help-in-setting-up-xbox-controller-wired-in-ubuntu-12-0412:46
lixGood day. - I am just looking for an alternative to dropbox, selfhosted. I want a local folder, - similar as in dropbox, - to be synched with my GNU/Linux Debian server and would like to be able to arrange differnt user privileges on files /folders for other parties to be able to download the files (e.g. https). I looked into OwnCloud and Sparkleshare... Does anyone run such a solution productively & successfully? Suggestions would be appriacia12:46
someone235Hey, when I try to access SFTP through the Thunar, It doesn't respond. Someone can help me with this?12:46
Ali__dr_willis: It haven't had any specific time  yet12:47
jnaourthx dr_willis to remember me that but my problem is the same, How to add a line in a system file (with sudoer right) in a script12:47
flintserlix: ftp-server and some rsync scripts? ;D just a quick suggest12:47
dr_willisjnaour:  hit up google for 'root shell the right way ubuntu' and it should show an example of doing that using sudo and the tee command. ;)12:48
dr_willisI never can ermber the syntax.12:48
jnaourthx dr_willis I'll check that12:48
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lixflintser: thanks for your reply. yes thats how I do it for myself. But I would like others, - that are unfamiliar with .htaccess config, - to be able to use such a solution as well. (e.g. ubuntu users and non-developers...) :-P12:49
jnaourThx everybody, good bye12:50
ubuntuaddictedflintser, i've read that. i just can't get the game to register and use the controller12:50
ubuntuaddictedflintser,  i created a thread here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12518164#post1251816412:50
[LgO]Aionicusugh sorry about that flint12:50
[LgO]Aionicusour wireless isnt that strong12:50
lixflintser: did you ever try sparkleshare or zend.to?12:51
[LgO]Aionicus1 last question : for windows 8 (EFI) and ubuntu dual boot , do i need to setup the loader on /dev/sda , or rather on the EFI partition (/dev/sda2) ?12:51
flintserlix: nope, ftp-server is more than enough for my uses. i have public folder only write, my own folder private to me and if someone wants ftp-room i can create a folder to them with rwx for me and them12:54
flintserpublic has only read* ;D12:54
lixflintser: sure, I see. - but ftp is unencrypted and therefore no fiable solution for me. thanks for your suggestion anyways.12:56
flintserftp supports ssl too12:56
Kartagisokay, so I upgraded the kernel, and when I try to boot to it, I get the same message12:57
Kartagisany ideas people?12:57
* dr_willis sticks to ssh/scp12:57
lixflintser: indeed :)12:58
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ozpyKernel 3.8 Stable. Where can I download that?13:00
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DTH0_what is the program used in Ubuntu 12.10 to manage wallpaper ?13:01
DTH0_it is no more "gnome-appearance-properties" it seems, and after a few updates today my "Appearance" menu is missing.13:02
=== J22 is now known as guest1885
judgenI am having troubles with network-manager. Every time i connect to the wireless the wired connection dies and i get no internet...13:04
flintserDTH0_: right click on desktop and change wallpaper13:05
DTH0_judgen, it's not that it dies. Rather, AFAIK your system can only use one route at the same time.13:05
cfhowlettjudgen, pretty sure ubuntu requires you select one or the other for use ...13:05
DTH0_flintser, this is bringing me back to overall system parameters13:05
Jeatonmy desktop crashed, I have xchat running in the background but I do not know how to recover it without killing the process and reopening it13:06
flintserDTH0_: gnome-control-center opens system settings but...13:06
DTH0_judgen, and it tends to use the more recent one. You can't use both interfaces to access Internet if that's what you mean.13:06
Jeatonis there anyway of opening that process?13:06
dr_willisJeaton:  not that ive really seen13:07
DTH0_Jeaton, depending on your DM, in a terminal 'unity' or 'gnome-shell' should relaunch the interface.13:07
Jeatonim running cinnamon13:07
ozpyKernel 3.8 Stable. Where can I download that?13:07
DTH0_DTH0_, if gnome-session is still active try "Ctrl-Alt-T"13:08
cfhowlettJeaton, ...13:08
dr_williscunnamon is not supported here. but if you mean you can see the xchat window.. and just the window manager crashed. you can restart that13:08
Jeatonyes, the window manager crashed, but I do have xchat running under the processes13:09
DTH0_Jeaton, if gnome-session is still active try "Ctrl-Alt-T". And then "your-WM-command-whatever-it-is" or "cinnamon"13:09
dr_willisyou can restart the window manager from a terminal if you can get one open13:09
dr_willisand knew its name13:09
Jeatonno, i got the window manager back running, but it didnt recover any active processes I had running13:09
dr_willisthen i imagine they are all zombies. ;)13:10
Jeatonheh, ok13:10
Jeatoni might switch back to either gnome or unity, cinnamon has been a pain in the ass13:10
dr_willisand its not supported here.13:11
flintserJeaton: should've installed mint :) i dont see a reason for ubuntu+cinnamon, mint does it properly and preconfigured13:11
dr_willisi dont see much point in mint and cinniman either. ;)13:11
DTH0_flintser, I found out that "gnome-control-center background" should do the job but it doesn't. Instead, it just opens overall control center...13:12
Jeatoni dont know what I was thinking, I should have just went with gnome classic13:12
BluesKajHiyas all13:12
Jeatoni couldnt get use to unity, and I didnt like the new version of gnome13:12
flintserDTH0_: maybe they removed the gnome-appearance-properties and integrated all into gnome-control-center13:12
dr_willisunity works fine for me - has some neat features13:13
rewarpJeaton. Tried KDE?13:13
DTH0_flintser, yes but even so, I don't get why it's working anymore.13:13
flintserand gnome-control-center background puts me straight into desktop background selection screen13:13
Jeatonrewarp:  yes, had KDE running right before cinnamon13:14
DTH0_flintser, well it fails on me for some reason.. as stated already sends me back to general settings without Appearance button13:15
rewarpJeaton. I went WM/DE hopping a few months back and settled on KDE. It does take a bit of customization before it feels right.13:16
flintserdr_willis: i use unity too. i hid the launcher by setting auto-hide and lowest possible sensitivity. if i want to use lens i just press super :) docky and gnome-do for launching apps13:17
dr_willisgnome-control-center backgroun         dosent open any background settings here13:17
dr_willisjust the system-settings main gui13:17
dr_willistheres no background icon in it. ;)13:17
flintserdr_willis: DTH0_ ^^13:20
DTH0_dr_willis, I sincerely hope it was just a mis-typing but it's not. It really won't work even with proper spelling.13:22
DTH0_** (gnome-control-center:7426): WARNING **: Could not find settings panel "unity-appearance"13:22
flintserDTH0_: hmm... is it even in the settings menu?13:22
Jeatonmuch better, got cinnamon uninstalled and gnome classic back on13:23
dr_willisi dont see any wallpaper icon in the settings tool13:23
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DTH0_No, it was named "Appearance"13:23
dr_willis gnome-control-center appearance13:24
dr_willis? dosent do anything here. ;) just the main window13:24
DTH0_this was an example13:25
StaRetjiFolks, is it safe to delete /usr/share/man/man3 ? I have vps server limited to number of inodes, so I wonder can I  do rm -r ? Thanks13:26
flintserhow can this be :D why it works for me...13:26
itai_michaelsonhi, my system suddenly takes 4 minutes to boot, can someone take a look at my dmesg output to confirm my suspicion that linux cant find my DVD drive on boot http://paste.ubuntu.com/1682098/13:27
patrycjuszhi all13:27
patrycjuszit is posible to install linux server on virtual box with WHM and cpanel ?13:27
DTH0_flintser, http://imagebin.org/24726913:28
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ikoniapatrycjusz: no reason why not13:29
DTH0_no appearance13:29
craigbass1976Is there an ubuntu version of a RedHat system's /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf ?  I'm trying to make a website that runs in Ubuntu run on Fedora and can't figure out what's so different between the two boxes versions of apache and php13:29
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ikoniacraigbass1976: the platform makes no differnce13:30
ikoniacraigbass1976: what's the actual problem13:30
flintseritai_michaelson: remove the dvd drive and boot13:30
StaRetjiFolks, is it safe to delete /usr/share/man/man3 ? I have vps server limited to number of inodes, so I wonder can I  do rm -r ? Really need to know urgent. THX!13:30
ikoniaStaRetji: why do you want to remove the man pages13:30
TakeItEZStaRetji: you should be fine removing those man3*, it just will give some warnings if you remove tha according packages sometime13:30
ikoniaStaRetji: just add more inodes13:30
DTH0_and "gnome-control-center background" will give me13:30
DTH0_** (gnome-control-center:12672): WARNING **: Could not find settings panel "unity-appearance"13:30
flintsercraigbass1976: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf13:31
StaRetjiikonia: I can't, it is sold like that13:31
flintsercraigbass1976: sorry that is what not you wanted...13:31
ikoniaStaRetji: sounds a bad sale then13:31
StaRetjiTakeItEZ: thx dude13:31
StaRetjiikonia: yep13:31
TakeItEZcraigbass1976: /etc/php5/*13:31
phschwartzHow can I install the 32bit and 64bit version of a library on a 64bit install instead of just the 64bit library?13:32
flintserDTH0_: have you changed icon theme?13:32
EaglemanIf i have 1 CPU with 4 cores, and 4 Guest OS's on my KVM Hypervisor, can i give those 4 Guest OS's all 4 CPU Cores ( 16 in Total ) and will they still work? How do thet share resources when they are all on 100% Load?13:33
phschwartzie, I want to cross compile for 32 and 64 bit on the same system, but only have 64bit expat and need the 32bit also13:33
TakeItEZcraigbass1976: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini13:33
ikoniapatrycjusz: you don't want that, you want to build a toolchain to cross-compile, not link against system libraries13:33
DTH0_flintser, yes but i've done so since ages, never caused any trouble.13:33
flintserso the appearance just disappeared? was it during an upgrade? while changin theme?13:33
DTH0_I have no clue, but I don't remember changing themes while performing my last update.13:34
sakkemoHi, I'd like to put my Downloads folder as well as latex output on tmpfs, and move the needed files to SSD/HDD only if needed. Any tips on good guides and/or warnings or experiences, or should I just trust Google?13:35
ikoniasakkemo: what are you unsure of ?13:35
flintserDTH0_: known bug is that while upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10 this might happen, and some icon themes make that too happen. have you tried other icon themes and rebooting?13:35
flintseri mean restarting x13:36
DTH0_flintser, It wasn't an upgrade, just an update. And icon theme worked before update. I restarted after the update.13:37
TakeItEZsakkemo: the unsecure factor of that is the user, missing to move some files before shutting down.13:38
flintserDTH0_: i'm confused... google doesnt help much either... if it is possible to re-install gnome-control-center it might help? someone more experienced might help you with that if it is doable13:38
sakkemoikonia, TakeItEZ: rather, I'm asking if there's any drawbacks I should be aware of, besides the fact if I lose power I'd lose those files13:38
DTH0_the only thing I see on google is on ubuntu chinese forums.13:39
DTH0_I might have some trouble reading it...13:39
craigbass1976ikonia, I get Call to undefined function session_is_registered() in Fedora but not Ubuntu.13:40
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craigbass1976ikonia, I thought it was something specific to my app, but I see now Googling that it's been deprecated...  Just not in Ubuntu yet probably.13:41
ikoniacraigbass1976: oh so your problem is on the Fedora machine, not the ubuntu machine13:42
craigbass1976ikonia, yes.  And I see now that Precise runs php5.3 while Fedora has the new 5.4, where session_is_registered is no more.  :( sniff sniff...13:42
flintserDTH0_: maybe sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-control-center or sudo apt-get purge gnome-control-center && sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center?13:43
flintserDTH0_: i must warn you that this might leave your system without it at all :/13:43
DTH0_flintser, already tried usual "reinstall, reconfigure" voodoo. Gods won't smile on me...13:44
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flintserDTH0_: purge? purge is different than remove13:44
DTH0_flintser, ok. Might try that.13:46
flintserprivmsg me if you want, i'll go now but my server runs 24/7 so i wont miss anything if you msg me later13:47
EaglemanIf i have 1 CPU with 4 cores, and 4 Guest OS's on my KVM Hypervisor, can i give those 4 Guest OS's all 4 CPU Cores ( 16 in Total ) and will they still work? How do thet share resources when they are all on 100% Load?13:49
ikoniaEagleman: it doesn't work like that13:49
ikoniaEagleman: think of it as %per core13:49
ejvthe linux kernel is quite smart, it does inter-core load balancing; the source code is of course available, to see how it's implemented.13:52
Eaglemanikonia, i still dont understand13:52
ikoniaEagleman: think of your cpu as %100 and each core a % of it when you assign 2 core you are assigning % x 2 after hypervisor overhead, not 1 core = 1 core virtua/physical mapping13:53
ikoniaEagleman: so think of each core as % rather than a core13:53
=== Nomad__ is now known as Guest2044
mjolk_Hi, can anyone help me out with the following problem: i changed my user id and now when logging in i get the message "could not update ICEauthority file" and cannot log in. I tried to restore access rights to that file for my new user id, but i cant access the file since its in an encrypted homedir.13:54
AtuMIs there any progress on "start-stop-daemon" bug which gives "this system is not able to track process names longer than 15 characters" on long process names?13:54
AtuMI'm using 12.04 server13:54
ejvAtuM: check launchpad? :)13:55
cfhowlettguest-Eemcou, greetings13:55
AtuMejv, can't seem to find anything like it.. debian has some bug open.. but its for another package..13:56
AtuMthe root cause is the same: start-stop-daemon13:56
ejvAtuM: open one yourself :)13:56
AtuMejv.. will do13:57
cfhowlettR3TR0, greetings13:58
R3TR0ty ^^13:58
* canihojr hi13:59
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Eaglemanikonia, so when assigning 2 cores to my Guest OS, i am assigning 50% of the total cpu power?13:59
Eaglemanin my case14:00
GeorgeJ_Hello folks14:00
GeorgeJ_What's the channel for 13.04? #ubuntu-latest?14:00
ikoniaEagleman: not %50, whatever the %per core works out at14:00
ubottuRaring Ringtail is the codename for Ubuntu 13.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+114:00
ikoniaEagleman: it's not a 1 - 1 mapping14:00
GeorgeJ_cfhowlett: Thank you14:00
cfhowlettGeorgeJ_, no worries14:01
usr13mjolk_: Ctrl-Alt-F6 and login to tty6.  Check the ownership of .ICEauthority  If it is not owned by you, chown it14:01
R3TR0i can ask my question about ubuntu 12.04 in this channel, right?14:02
usr13mjolk_: ls -l .ICEauthority   #See what it says.  chown mjolk .ICEauthority  #To fix it.14:02
ikoniaR3TR0: sure14:02
cfhowlettR3TR0, of course.14:02
R3TR0ok, this problem occurs kinda often14:02
R3TR0so lets start14:02
R3TR0ive installed ubuntu with the wubi installer, because i would like to use ubuntu to work and windows to play14:03
R3TR0so i did14:03
usr13mjolk_: Alt-Right-Arrow to go back to login screen, (tty7)14:03
R3TR0ive installed drivers and updates and all that kind of stuff14:03
R3TR0and after i went to bed, started my computer the other day and choose ubuntu14:03
R3TR0there is that "loading" screen with ubuntu in the middle and 5 orange dots below it14:03
R3TR0then i cant do anything except do a reboot with something like alt + strg + del14:04
cfhowlettR3TR0, ubuntu for work?  y u no install ubuntu as the main OS and virtualbox for windows?14:04
R3TR0im a student but if i would do something like search in the internet14:05
R3TR0its quite useful to have these multiple desktops14:05
geektechyou can download Wine or PlayonLinux14:05
cfhowlettR3TR0, windows 8?14:05
R3TR0no, windows 714:05
R3TR0the thing is, i dont want to have ubuntu as my main os because i dont got something like an installation cd for windows14:05
R3TR0if i would mess something up, windows was already installed on my pc14:06
cfhowlettR3TR0, ok, long story short: wubi (windows installer) is for TESTING ubuntu.  NOT  long term installation.  All the things that can break a windows installation are doubly likely to break your wubi ... fragmentation, all that stuff.14:06
R3TR0ahh didnt knew that14:07
cfhowlettR3TR0, rather than wubi, install virtualbox in windows and put ubuntu inside the virtualbox is my 2 cents advice.14:07
R3TR0i thought its just an installer to install it alongside windows14:07
R3TR0ok, i will try that14:07
R3TR0thanks for the advice14:07
cfhowlettR3TR0, common misconception, but not true.14:07
cfhowlettR3TR0, best of luck14:07
usr13R3TR0: ... an unfortunate shortcoming (of Win7).  But you are definately upside down.  The best situation is to have Win7 as guest.14:07
R3TR0yeah, if i fail i will come back i guess14:07
cfhowlettR3TR0, and get a ... legal win7 disk.  just for fun.14:08
R3TR0i didnt have windows 7 illegal14:08
R3TR0if you think that14:08
usr13R3TR0: But the good news is that most accomplish a dual boot install with no problem.14:08
cfhowlettR3TR0, dual boot with win 7 is actually pretty easy.14:09
R3TR0dual boot?14:09
R3TR0im not really much into that kind of stuff sadly14:09
cfhowlettR3TR0, install "along side" ubuntu ...14:09
usr13!dualboot | R3TR014:09
ubottuR3TR0: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:09
R3TR0ahh amd thx14:09
R3TR0how do you know that?14:09
mjolk_usr13: thanks, ill try14:10
cfhowlettR3TR0, know what?14:10
usr13mjolk_: Ok, let us know if you have any other problems/questions.14:10
R3TR0the dual boot instructions, there was a link only for x84/amd and macs, so im curious why there was no nvidia14:10
usr13R3TR0: We don't know, we just regurgitate ;014:11
mbeierl_usr13, if it's not win7 pro, you cannot run it as a guest.  it will complain about not being licensed.14:11
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cfhowlettR3TR0, nvidia is not a computer manufacturer14:11
usr13mbeierl_: Thanks for the info/correction.14:11
megamonkhi, anyone here good with installing R (Rscript)? need help T_T14:12
R3TR0lets get a windows recovery14:12
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rewarpmegamonk: As in R stats?14:12
mbeierlusr13, Very frustrating for me.  I am stuck with dual boot on my laptop as a result.  Just wanted to save some heartache for others down the road14:13
mjolk_usr13: hmm first problem: ctrl alt f6 not working :)14:13
megamonkR.. as in this R -> http://cran.r-project.org/14:13
usr13mjolk_: Hold Ctrl and Alt keys while hitting  F6 key14:13
rewarpmegamonk: Yes. That's the one. You can find it in the software centre.14:13
onelinerhello there i need to run an sql import that will potentially take several hours while unatended, i need to make sure the box aint gonna try and do something silly like energy saving suyspend of something like that, where should i check to make sure?14:14
aFeijohi folks, I used the browser to access my windows server share, I see the files, now I need to use scp command to send those files to my ESXi server. In my shell where can I access that mounted windows share?14:14
usr13mjolk_: Alt-RightArrow to come back to GUI14:14
mjolk_usr13: yeah i know, i have done ctrl+alt+backspace before14:14
usr13mjolk_: Are you at the standard login screen?14:14
megamonkyeah... i have a wierd situation with it... cant get it to work... can we have a private chat so i can tell you the details?14:15
jribaFeijo: try ~/.gvfs14:15
rewarpmegamonk. Sure. I have R running.14:15
megamonkbtw, how do you make a private chat here?14:15
aFeijojrib, that folder is emtpy14:15
Touhou11megamonk: Ask someone their a/s/l and take it from there14:15
cfhowlettmegamonk, with permission14:15
jribaFeijo: what do you mean by "I used the browser to access my windows server share"?14:15
aFeijojrib, yes, I click the Network, found the machine, the share and the folder :)14:16
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jribaFeijo: in nautilus?14:16
usr13mjolk_: If not; Can you describe what is on the screen? What kind of computer is it?14:16
aFeijojrib, yes14:16
R3TR0if i may mess the dual boot, could it have an effect on the hard drive14:16
jribaFeijo: it should be there as far as I know.  If you want you can mount it manually to a place of your choosing (see ubottu)14:17
jrib!samba | aFeijo14:17
ubottuaFeijo: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:17
aFeijook thanks14:17
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usr13R3TR0: Yes, you will have an effect on the HD, (there will be extra partitions).14:17
R3TR0for the other operating system i guess14:18
usr13R3TR0: correct14:18
R3TR0ahh, k then i now what i should do soon, delete some crap from my hd14:18
usr13R3TR0: See:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows14:19
mjolk_usr13: found it, i had to combine it with fn key on my stupid macbook14:19
R3TR0yeah im already on that side, at the moment im working on the windows recovery cd14:19
mjolk_usr13: but i couldnt get back to graphical mode so had to reboot14:19
mjolk_anyway, its the same problem i had before: this iceauthority file is in my encrypted homedir so i cant access it14:20
tdnUbuntu has /bin/sh as a symlink to /bin/dash. I have some legacy apps that require /bin/sh to behave like bash. Can I make Ubuntu have /bin/sh as /bin/bash? Do I break Ubuntu if I just do: rm -vf /bin/sh ; ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh ?14:20
mjolk_normally you should be able to mount this dir using ecryptfs-mount-private14:20
usr13R3TR0: Yes. In preparation, you should backup important data, do a cleanup, (delete stuff you don't need), defrag, scandisk, (normal MS Windows Maintenance stuff).14:20
Arty_y'a eu qqc de nouveau?14:20
mjolk_but this gives an error message that is not set up correctly14:20
jribtdn: you should fix the legacy apps since they are broken.  Make the shebang line actually specify bash.  If you can't for some reason, you can do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash"14:20
BluesKaj!fr | Arty_14:21
ubottuArty_: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:21
R3TR0sounds like a lot to do14:21
Deluxany idea why sda2, which shows as part of a RAID in both mdadm --detail and /proc/mdstat but when listing with fdisk -l it does not show up and only shows sda1 ?14:21
usr13R3TR0: The good news is that you won't have to do that MS maintenance stuff much any more, (because Win7 won't be used much anymore).14:21
tdnjrib, sure, I would like to fix the legacy apps, but they are proprietary and thus non trivial to fix.14:21
R3TR0wait, ubuntu is going to be my primary os?14:21
geektechdell sells ubuntu laptops14:22
escotttdn, you should fix the legacy apps to use /bin/bash instead. its a one line change14:22
BluesKajusr13, wanna bet :) ppl are dumping W8 in droves or avoiding it , whatever their stae of computing14:22
usr13R3TR0: Linux maintenance is automatic, (that stuff is not a part of what we have to do).  Linux does not fragment, filesystem checks are done periodically/automatically, no virus problems etc...14:23
BluesKajhad 2 ppl ask about installing w7 on their W8  laptops14:24
escottDelux, because you shouldn't be using fdisk14:24
usr13BluesKaj: What?  (sorry, not understanding exactly what you're saying)...14:24
usr13BluesKaj: See my PM14:24
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usr13BluesKaj: Could you elaborate just a bit?  (via PM)14:25
BluesKajusr13, already did in the pm14:26
tdnescott, sure, I would like to fix the legacy apps, but they are proprietary and thus non trivial to fix.14:26
escotttdn, except they are shell scripts so you can edit them.14:27
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tdnescott, nope, embedded in binaries. As I said: non-trivial.14:28
escotttdn, well you probably won't break init by changing the boot shell to bash. but it will be slower14:29
ubuntuaddictedanyone use a xbox 360 controller with linux gaming? i can't get Team Fortress 2 to work. i have tried both xpad and xboxdrv14:29
R3TR0_i would like to get linux working XD14:29
tdnescott, sure, slower is acceptable.14:29
usr13R323T: I don't know if it your system is UEFI or not but, just in case, you might want to be aware.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:30
MadEchidnahey is anyone else getting some weird lag when playing flash content?14:30
R3TR0_yeah im preparing to try a dual boot14:30
R3TR0_but im quite unexperienced14:30
R3TR0_or lets say absolutly unexperienced14:30
MadEchidnait's never been an issue for me before on this system but yesterday and today when I have flash going in the background, when I move the mouse around the sound skips14:30
MadEchidnait's not happening just this moment but it is happening on and off14:31
usr13R323T: We have all started from that ponit.14:32
R3TR0_its R3TR0 :P or just retro14:32
R3TR0_not r323t, that pronouncing is new14:32
R3TR0_lol, im just noticing now, why isnt your name green anymore usr1314:34
R3TR0_first time hexchat, dont know anything about it x)14:34
wolftunequick question: I compiled something myself that wasn't in the repos, but now it is. How can I remove my compiled version and use the repo version?14:35
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usr13R323T: This is a Large Channel, (over 1700 nicks), it is a good idea to identify the person you are talking to with their exact nick at the beginning (or somplace in) your comment.  (That way, we know to whom your comments are being directed.)14:35
R3TR0_ahh ok14:36
Touhou11wolftune: Did you use a "make install" command? If so, sometimes there's a "make uninstall" if the author is thoughtful14:36
R3TR0_well i think i will just continue deleting some useless stuff14:36
wolftuneTouhou11: oh hmm, I guess I can check14:36
usr13R323T:  ... just makes it easier to pick out who your talking to in the sea of comments flying by.14:37
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R3TR0_^^ i guess14:37
usr13R323T: Good luck.  Let us know if you have any further questions.14:37
usr13R3TR0_:  Sorry, wrong nick14:37
R3TR0_dont worry14:38
usr13R3TR0_: Using auto-complete and wasn't paying much attention.14:38
R3TR0_yeah dont worry14:38
R3TR0_i think ill take it easy with that dual boot stuff14:38
tdnHow do I system-wide change the default editor from nano to vim?14:38
wolftuneok, the dev did not include an uninstall, so that's not an option14:39
usr13R3TR0_: Ok. But my advise is to just jump in with both feet. (In the end, you'll be glad you did.)  "No guts, no glory"  ;014:39
wolftuneso I don't know how else to remove the thing to install the repo version now14:39
R3TR0_yeah ill14:39
R3TR0_when i have more time14:39
usr13R3TR0_: Yes, by all means, set asside some time.  Not only is there the install process, you'll want to do a lot of post-install work to get your system customized the way you want it. (And it's hard to stop once you get into it.)14:41
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usr13R3TR0_: The install process will take 1&1/2 to 2 hrs but double that.14:41
R3TR0_well i guess its worth it14:42
usr13R3TR0_: Oh it is.  It will not consume all your time during that period.  Once the install is underway, you can leave it for a while, (probably 45min to an hour, depending on how fast your PC and Media Device are, and internet, etc...).14:43
R3TR0_so what is the result?14:43
d70hi, i want to install xfce along with gnome, im using ubuntu 12.04, anyone has done that? can help me?14:43
R3TR0_having 2 operation systems14:43
DJones!xfce | d7014:44
ubottud70: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels14:44
usr13R3TR0_: Exactly.  It is like haveing two computers in one box.14:44
cfhowlettd70, sudo apt-get install xfce414:44
falematteHey all! I am having problem with google-chrome on my ubuntu 12.04 LTS. When i browse the web sometimes some advertisements' pages open automatically. It didn't appen before. I think is a kind of virus. Anyone knows what to do?14:44
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cfhowlettfalematte, not a virus...more likely a setting14:44
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R3TR0_and how will i switch between them? like in the wubi installer at the start of the pc?14:44
TakeItEZfalematte: you want to install ad-block add-on14:45
usr13R3TR0_: But what you'll find is that you will come to use one somewhat more than the other.  (I'll leave you to guess which.)14:45
falemattecfhowlett, openadvertising is the name of the advertisment program i got i think14:45
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[LgO]Aionicustbh falematte : www.google.co.uk -> type in : chrome ad block plus , and chrome popup blocker14:45
usr13R3TR0_: The boot screen will give options.14:45
cfhowlettfalematte, use incognito mode in chrome, delete history and cookies.14:45
blow"Tick, tock, tablet time!" ???14:45
R3TR0_ubuntu? :P14:45
falematte[LgO]Aionicus, I already have the pop up blocker turned on14:45
savagecrocrsync -az --progress -e ssh website:/storage/masters /storage/masters << this command is not syncing everything .. any idea why?14:45
[LgO]Aionicusinstall those 2 and you should be fine , thou best bet would be to go back to firefox , chrome never was safe in my eyes , (google is always watching ^^)14:45
falemattecfhowlett, gonna try14:45
DJones!tablet | blow14:45
ubottublow: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.14:45
usr13R3TR0_: After post, you'll see a boot screen with options to boot into Win7 or Ubuntu.  You'll be allowed ample time to chose.14:46
escottsavagecroc, what is it syncing14:46
R3TR0_well, im playing a lot so ubuntu not for now, maybe if there will be more titles that will come for steam14:46
savagecrocescott: i think it must be missing hidden files or something14:46
R3TR0_or better said titles that im playing14:46
savagecrocescott: basically i'm syncing a git repo14:46
savagecrocor a ton of git --bare repos to be precise14:47
savagecrocohhhh maybe it's not copying symlinks14:47
falemattecfhowlett, I just did it- Iìll let you know in 5 min :D14:47
DasJungeSo I have recently been trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 via USB and each time I do it I get a message saying its missing some file "vmlinuz" something like that. From what I can tell this is a result of a bad ISO. Well I have dowloaded ubuntu numerous times of the official site and each time I do it always does not match the MDSUM(i think thats the name)14:47
DasJungewhat am I doing wrong?14:47
cfhowlettDasJunge, you're downloading.  use the torrents instead.  better error correction14:48
[LgO]Aionicusdasjunge your bootloader seems off14:48
[LgO]Aionicuswhat did you use to put it on the disk ?14:48
DJonesDasJunge: How are you downloading? direct from the website or via torrent, I'd suggest trying the torrent download14:48
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DasJungeI have been using the website but ill try the torrent14:48
[LgO]Aionicusif your from windows -> www.google.co.uk -> type in yumi installer and get that one , select your iso and hit ok , then it should work14:48
d70cfhowlett, , DJones , thx!14:49
geryon6When I'm looking at a Launchpad bug marked “Fix Released” (e. g. LP #964897), how do I know which version actually fixes the bug?14:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 964897 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in std::basic_string<...>::basic_string() from unity::launcher::HudLauncherIcon::HudLauncherIcon()::{lambda} from unity::UBusManager::OnCallback" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96489714:49
savagecrocescott: crap -A includes the symlink option14:49
cfhowlettd70, no problem14:49
DasJungeI have been using unetbootin14:49
DasJungeIs that one bad?14:49
savagecrocrsycn --make-it-exactly-the-bloody-same /source /destination14:49
TakeItEZsavagecroc: it should, rsync -a includes -l (--links)14:49
[LgO]Aionicusunetbootin should work , but ive seen it act spliffy from time to time14:49
[LgO]Aionicusi know from personal experience the yumi works great (and can also download the iso for you)14:49
cfhowlettDasJunge, no.  it's fine, but a fragged ISO is a fragged ISO. Garbage in, garbage out14:49
DasJungeIll try the torrent but it's really slow!14:49
[LgO]Aionicuswhat file you want to download das ?14:50
cfhowlettDasJunge, slow but clean data ...14:50
[LgO]Aionicuswhat version ?14:50
savagecrocTakeItEz: i can't work out why when i run git rev-parse master on one it's different than the other.. the only explination i can think of is that the files are different and rsync is missing them14:50
TakeItEZsavagecroc: or do you have hardlinks? -H then14:50
[LgO]Aionicus64 bit or 32 bit?14:50
cfhowlettDasJunge, 12.4.2 is the current version ...14:50
DasJunge12.4.2 i meant14:50
[LgO]Aionicusand what country you from junge?14:50
[LgO]Aionicus.de ?14:50
savagecrocTakeItEZ: ahh no14:51
savagecrocmaybe i need that :)14:51
R3TR0_but in the grammar part his name is wrong, it should be DerJunge14:51
savagecrocwhat's a hard link?14:51
falemattecfhowlett, Fot the moment everything seems ok. Can u explain me what was happening? Thx alot14:51
* savagecroc googling14:51
DasJungeI know, im just a guest in this country ): I try14:51
[LgO]Aionicustry using this link14:51
R3TR0_dont worry14:51
cfhowlettfalematte, I suspect you're chrome settings allowed pop-ups, etc.  I don't know the defaults.  Personally, I use incognito all the time ...14:51
[LgO]Aionicusits from a gbit host in ireland14:51
DasJungethanks aionicus14:51
R3TR0_thats not a big failure, some people are worse14:51
[LgO]Aionicusshould have decent routing to .de14:51
R3TR0_and they are from germany, i am german and i know what im talking about ^^14:52
DasJungeare you familiar with cito the rapper?14:52
DasJungeor it could be sito14:52
usr13R3TR0_: I may be over-stating the time it will take, (but would rather over-estimate than under-estimate).14:52
R3TR0_its Sido14:53
R3TR0_and yeah, but im not fan of german music14:53
DasJungeWhy is it that in his songs he uses DIE strassen junge when he is referring to a male14:53
dmkucfhowlett: why use incognito?14:53
cfhowlettjust the slightest bit off-topic ... #ubuntu-offtopic14:53
R3TR0_DIE is used for plural14:53
DasJungeBut it is only one guy, himself14:54
DasJungeand sorry14:54
cfhowlettdmku, harder for tracking to find you by your internet footprint14:54
savagecrocI met the best german ever last week14:54
R3TR0_and its for Strassen, thats in english roads14:54
DasJungeit was just bugging me14:54
cfhowlettNOT impossible, but harder14:54
R3TR0_yeah, german is a complicated language14:54
DasJungeThe artikels really get me14:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:54
R3TR0_well, SIDO means Super Intelligentes Drogen Opfer, in English thats Super intellegent drug victim14:54
savagecroche passionately talked about v2 rockets for 20 mins :)14:54
R3TR0_oh ok sorry14:54
DasJungehaha thanks, sorry for offtopic14:54
R3TR0_usr13: yes, better overestimate than underestimate14:55
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:55
usr13DasJunge: R3TR0_ When we wander off-toppic, it is best to go to channel #ubuntu-offtopic, (or some other one), because this channel is very busy with Ubuntu support.14:55
R3TR0_yeah, ubottu was friendly and told us that14:56
R3TR0_wont happen again14:56
guest301hey im back14:56
DasJungeSo torrents are usually a more reliable download for the ISO than the ones from the site?14:56
guest301what r u doing guys14:56
cfhowlettDasJunge, generally, yes. error checking is more robust14:57
DJones!ubuntu | guest30114:57
ubottuguest301: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:57
DJonesguest301: This is the support channel for Ubuntu14:57
DasJungeubottu, what irc client do you use, or find best in ubuntu?14:58
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:58
cfhowlettDasJunge, xchat is very nice14:58
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mcmullinsubottu, make me a sandwhich14:59
ubottumcmullins: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:59
savagecroci can not work this out14:59
guest258hey im back again14:59
mcmullinsubottu, sudo make me a sandwhich14:59
ubottumcmullins: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:59
DasJungeAnyone had experience with irssi?14:59
DasJungeI heard it was good14:59
DJonesDasJunge: Yes, it is very good, but terminal based15:00
BluesKajirssi is fine if you like the commasnd line15:00
dmkuDasJunge: as console client - yes15:00
DasJungeCool thanks.15:00
flintserDasJunge: irssi is good, especially if ssh+screen15:00
dmkuDasJunge:  and weechat is second (or first)15:00
dmkuBut I really like to use Gajim with XMPP -> IRC transport15:01
mcmullinsahh! completely forgot about the tablet anouncement15:01
mcmullinssuper excited15:01
mcmullinshour left15:02
geryon6When I'm looking at a Launchpad bug marked “Fix Released” (e. g. LP #964897), how do I know which version actually fixes the bug?15:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 964897 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in std::basic_string<...>::basic_string() from unity::launcher::HudLauncherIcon::HudLauncherIcon()::{lambda} from unity::UBusManager::OnCallback" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96489715:02
shbornПРИВЕТ УПЫРИ15:02
geryon6Or should I rather ask in #ubuntu-devel?15:02
DJones!ru | shborn15:03
ubottushborn: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:03
bingowrthi guys15:03
wNbingowrt: hi15:03
bingowrtim waiting for ubuntu for phone15:03
DasJungeI think this will lift some if your guys' spirits. My school just bought 100s of new thinkpad T430s for our school, and it is said that they might have ubuntu installed for student use!15:03
PiLpHello, how well does Ubuntu work with AMD GPU's? I've heard some bad things.15:04
flintserDasJunge: our school implemented edubuntu with lstp, it was good for the use15:04
geryon6!phone | bingowrt15:04
ubottubingowrt: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone15:04
pgomeshi, why does Ubuntu changes my keyboard layout at every freaking sleep!!15:04
flintseri am first time building, how long it usually takes to build something? stepmania has been building for 5 mins now15:05
kbrosnanflintser: depends on the program and your computer's specs15:05
DasJungeYES! My ubuntu install was successful! The ISO i got from the torrent was good and everything works now!15:06
bingowrtwhat is that announce 53 mins later?15:06
DasJungeFeels great15:06
canaima__alguien habla español15:07
Pici!tablet | bingowrt15:07
ubottubingowrt: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.15:07
geryon6!details | pgomes15:07
ubottupgomes: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:07
Pici!es | canaima__15:07
ubottucanaima__: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:07
usr13flintser: Could take hours.  Just depends on what your building15:07
mcmullinslol they already have a tablet irc?15:07
SuperLagWhat is the preferred way to install fonts in Ubuntu? I'm on 12.1015:07
SuperLagThe font viewer is... let's just say... less than reliable.15:07
HarisHello all15:07
HarisI need to build a kickstart file for a very basic install of ubunt 12.04.2 LTS15:07
Harisplease point me in the right direction15:08
gdankoMan, I have a 12.10 base install. I manually intall xserver-xorg and xfce4. Today X crashed and dropped to a text screen. My password was in the middle of the screen in plain text. Grrrr.15:08
flintserkbrosnan: stepmania, and intel q9650 quad-core 3ghz15:08
mcmullinsSuperLag, Font Viewer15:08
DasJungeHaris: you want to install Ubuntu 12.04?15:08
Harisvia the pxe15:09
DasJungeDo you have a USB or a blank CD?15:09
SuperLagmcmullins: see my comment re: Font Viewer. It's unstable and crashes on every attempt.15:09
Harisnone of the both. the box is in a DC 10,000 miles away in another continent15:09
flintserand where does the builded source go? it said copying binaries, but where :)15:10
mcmullinsSuperLag, then something is wrong with your Font Viewer15:10
HarisI have a pxe active with LTS imported via cobbler15:10
FloodBot1shborn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:10
Myrttishborn: stop it.15:11
usr13flintser: You'll see.15:11
DasJungeHaris: See server and Network installation, this should get you started.15:11
usr13flintser: Basically in the same directory.15:11
guest989roses are red vilotes are blue i hope you dont smell like chicken poo15:11
jribtdn: you can use update-alternatives15:11
Fuzzlesif i install ubuntu 13.04 will i get the updates and when it comes out will it auto update to taht release15:11
SuperLagmcmullins: this is a stock install of 12.10, with all updates current15:11
flintserusr13: ok, thanks. i'll come back if i cant find them ;)15:11
jribFuzzles: yes, but please ask questions regarding 13.04 in #ubuntu+115:11
pgomesgeryon6: I have my laptop keyboard and a keyboard connected to my dock, so I don't want a fixed layout, I want to select one, and I want it to stay in that one until I change it again15:12
usr13flintser: What stage are you in now?15:12
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flintserfinished, usr1315:12
mcmullinsSuperLag, what font are you trying to install?15:12
usr13flintser: Ok good.15:12
guest989who is going to join my chat room15:12
SuperLagmcmullins: Adobe Source Code Pro15:12
Myrttiguest989: do you have a Ubuntu support question?15:12
guest989who ever wants to say i15:13
pgomesgeryon6: but every time I change it, if I do a sleep or lock my pc, the entry goes back to the first entry in the list15:13
Myrttiguest989: you'll be put in the dog house if you don't stop the non-support chat.15:13
mcmullinswhat does details say about the crash report?15:13
savagecrocIn ubuntu-ru they ask you the questions15:14
megamonkanyone here have experience in jedox or palo?15:15
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tdnjrib, thanks.15:18
tdnjrib, I noticed that this seems to be overwritten by the $EDITOR variable in my shell.15:18
wdnzomg, a countdown15:19
Harisfrom ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet#Advanced:_Hands-Off.2C_Preseeded_Network_Server_Install ) is this ( preseed/url= ) the kickstart file mentioned under point #5 ?15:19
DJones!tablet | wdnz15:20
ubottuwdnz: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.15:20
guest57894Hi. how does one make ls list the total file size output? Say, in a directory, you have 5 files where each is 200k. ? ls -lrt will only show each ofhte 5 files at 200k... but it will not report 1,000 k15:20
wdnzOh right.15:20
Harisor is this ( url=http://server/u710a/preseed/web-server.preseed ) it ?15:20
jribtdn: that's one way a user may change their preference, yes :)15:20
Harisdoes ubuntu or debian name kickstart as preseed ?15:20
tdnjrib, ok.15:21
CrystuferHello. New user here. Just updated my graphics driver and it lost my display settings. Any way to get them back?15:21
dmkuguest57894:  du -h15:21
DasJungeHaris: I'm not sure sorry haris, maybe you should ask #ubuntu-server15:22
DasJungeThey could probably help you more there15:23
guest57894dmku: i know, but it does not report the total. question was how to make it do so?15:24
guest57894dmku: that just shows the file size of each.15:24
CrystuferIck. Empathy is terrible for irc. brb.15:25
TakeItEZ ls -lh path/ | awk '{ SUM +=$5} END {print SUM }'15:25
TakeItEZguest57894: ^15:25
deuteriumre all. ubuntu stops booting after "Begin: Running /scripts/init-bottom ... Done.". any idea?15:25
geryon6guest57894:  du -hs15:25
MalsasaHello, how if I wanna give GPL license in my DEB package? What should I write in copyright file? Any example?15:26
dmkuguest57894: sorry, try: du -hc15:26
escottdmku, you would also have to specify --depth=115:26
flintserfor the building, another question: is it ok to copy the created binaries to /usr/share/stepmania, then create "stepmania" with "#!/bin/bash /usr/share/stepmania/stepmania" in /usr/bin, then chmod +x that file15:26
guest57894dmku: yep, that does it! thanks!15:27
Fuzzleson the ubuntu website whats the tick tock all about15:27
crystufer_K. That's better.15:27
escottflintser, did you ./configure=/usr/share/stepmania?15:27
escottflintser, did you ./configure --prefix=/usr/share/stepmania?15:27
DJones!tabley | Fuzzles15:27
DJones!tablet | Fuzzles15:28
ubottuFuzzles: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.15:28
flintserescott: it was automated script and it came with the source, "./utils/build.sh" and it created the binaries in the root folder of the soruce...15:28
dmkuescott it's not obligatory, for ex: du -hc *.png. But yes, when there is dirs in targets.15:28
flintserroot of the source was /home/flintser/stepmania15:29
flintseri want to make stepmania "global" so that usr can launch it with stepmania from terminal, or create stepmania.desktop15:30
crystufer_Okay. So the answer may have been given before. But I was drowning in join/part messages. How can I fix my displays after a driver update?15:30
sifu_workhello folks..i tried removing my old php5.3 installation to install the php5.4 but i am getting some unmet dependencies error...15:30
sifu_workthats the list of errors...tried everything i know but nothing is working15:30
escottdmku, sure but thats not what you are advising him to do :)15:31
ReezzHey guys, anyone that might help me solve a package problem? (autoconf errors at an AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE macro..) I do have all the packages needed it seems (m4, libtool, autoconf, automake) but it won't budge.15:31
escottflintser, usually those can't be moved15:31
ninjakHi. I'm trying to change overlay scrollbars with old one and I'm using this command: gsettings set com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode normal15:31
ninjakbut the system tell that com.canonical.desktop.interface doesn't exists15:32
ninjaksomeone have tried it before?15:32
flintserescott: well, i'll try and see what happens.15:32
dmkuescott  "du" has many other options) And the question was only about total size.15:34
StrangerI installed wubi a few days ago. Then I decided to reformat my hard drive that wubi was installed on. After reformatting wubi was not removed. And it still gives me the boot option, despite ubuntu not actually starting. Obviously I don't have the uninstall option in the control panel for it.15:37
jribStranger: what do you want to do now?  Install ubuntu to its own partition?  Or get rid of ubuntu completely?15:37
StrangerI want to remove and reinstall it15:37
jribStranger: you want to use wubi again?15:38
escottStranger, what did you do to the NTFS partition?15:38
StrangerYes, but 32bit15:38
jribStranger: you should be able to just install wubi again15:38
StrangerI attempted to, and nothing changed.15:38
Strangerescott You mean the old windows files?15:38
StrangerI still have them15:39
flintserescott: i copied the whole directory (with binaires and source in it) to /usr/share/stepmania/ and created stepmania and launch script with nano in /usr/bin and gave executable bit. it worked, at least so it seems. i can now launch stepmania from terminal with "stepmania"15:39
crystuferOkay. So I lost my dual monitor setup in a display driver update. Detect Displays on the display setup doesn't work. I think I have to do this manually. anyone got a link?15:39
flintserstepmania launch script*15:40
escottStranger, ok. so in what sense did you reformat the hard drive15:41
escottStranger, b/c if windows still exists it sounds like you did NOT reformat the hard drive.15:42
StrangerI chose the custom installation which put all of my old files into a single folder.15:42
Reezzescott, if he had dual boot on separate drives, he could format 1 drive and still boot using the startup from windows which has the dual boot config in it15:43
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escottStranger, so you installed a real ubuntu alongside the windows that previously existed and which contained WUBI15:44
crystuferxorg.conf is empty. Help plx.15:44
StrangerI installed wubi right. Then I reinstalled windows without uninstalling wubi.15:45
StrangerI still get the duel boot option, just I can't actually use the ubunti install.15:45
captinereally excited fr this announcement15:45
escottStranger, and i'm back to not understanding what you did15:45
Dalton_Hey all15:46
StrangerI reinstalled windows 7 with wubi installed. But it still gives me ubuntu option, except when I choose it ubuntu throws errors.15:46
holsteinStranger: i would recover the bootloader for windows15:46
KralleAnyone can help with ubuntu desktop?15:46
ReezzStranger, so you had windows and wubi installed on the SAME drive?15:47
KralleWhen i boot from it15:47
KralleIt say failed to idle channel 2 and 3.15:47
StrangerReezz Correct15:47
KralleWhat can i do to fix that problem?15:47
holsteinStranger: sounds to me like, windows had an entry for ubuntu and windows, and the ubuntu one is still there, though you removed the target15:47
jhutchins_wkStranger: It would be useful to know what the errors are.15:47
StrangerI could load irc on my laptop and try to boot from my desktop15:47
holsteinStranger: if you are going to install linux, just go on, since grub will blow out the arguably fautly windows one15:47
thneewhy is pip so slow when searching and downloading packages compared to the pip on my debian install? is it configured to go to a different mirror or something?15:48
KralleAnyone cna help +15:48
Strangerholstein I want windows and ubuntu on the same drive. Which is why I chose wubi15:48
holsteinStranger: if the windows bootloader is booting windows and has an entry for ubuntu, which you removed manually, then it is doing what it is supposed to do.. you can either reinstall it, or edit it15:48
escottKralle, can you provide the exact error message15:48
Strangerholstein I never removed it manually15:48
ReezzStranger, install windows. Then install wubi. I'm running a similar setup15:48
StrangerI just reinstalled windows with wubi installed15:48
holsteinStranger: sure.. you wan want/have what you want.. im just expaining why you have an ubuntu entry15:48
holsteinStranger: you removed windows, correct?15:49
holsteinStranger: you reinstalled?15:49
StrangerI reinstalled windows with an iso while it was running15:49
StrangerSo yes?15:49
Kralleescott yes i can. one second15:49
holsteinStranger: correct.. so, the old windows with the wubi ubuntu is *gone*15:49
holsteinStranger: you removed it.. and the entry is still theer, because you didnt uninstall it.. you just removed it, manually.. the entry points to a location you removed15:50
holsteinStranger: everything is working as it should15:50
StrangerOk be right back15:50
holsteinStranger: if you want, you can manually "repair" the misconfigured windows bootloader.. or reinstall it..15:50
Kralle[time from startup] [drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Failed to idle channel 215:51
Kralleescott [time from startup] [drm] nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Failed to idle channel 215:51
KralleThe error message15:51
escottKralle, ok does the gui work?15:52
Kralleescott Nope.15:52
escott!nomodeset | Kralle15:53
ubottuKralle: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:53
escottKralle, you could also try the proprietary drivers15:53
KralleThere is a error with the graphic on my screen yes15:53
KralleSo what i have to do?15:53
onelinerhello there i need to run an sql import that will potentially take several hours while unatended, i need to make sure the box aint gonna try and do something silly like energy saving suyspend of something like that, where should i check to make sure?15:54
jhutchins_wkKralle: Do c:\ubuntu and c:\wubildir still exist?15:54
KralleI dont know15:54
KralleI cant see the interface.15:54
SaltyFishHas someone been complaining about salty fish recently?15:54
jhutchins_wkKralle: Sorry, wrong nick.15:54
blomkvistSaltyFish: they don't contain enough salt15:54
deuteriummy ubuntu stops booting after this http://pastebin.com/gG0y7K8C . this is the console output.. i don't have any logs as booting seems to stop before there's anything logged.15:55
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deuteriumi.e. after completing /scripts/init-bottom .. seems to be in the initrd15:55
escottdeuterium, yes it is15:56
deuteriumescott: any idea what might be the reason for this or how i can further narrow down the issue?15:56
sharperguyCan anyone think why dd seems to get logarithmically slower as it copies?15:56
escottdeuterium, not really15:56
deuteriumescott: oops.. it's my most important server :/15:57
jpdsdeuterium: Boot into recovery mode?15:58
deuteriumjpds: good point.. any idea how to do this from grub?15:58
crystuferOkay. This display problem is seriously frustrating. I cannot set up my monitors correctly.15:59
jpdsdeuterium: Choose the recovery mode menu option? :)15:59
deuteriumjpds: haven't noticed any.. but let me check, thanks so far15:59
FloodBot1waspinator: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:00
crystuferApparently when I updated my video driver, the computer lost all information concerning my video set up.16:00
blowand then it hangs16:00
crystuferAnd when I type xrandr -q it says that I only have one display and it's a laptop monitor.16:01
z2s8Ubuntu for tablets is out!16:01
charis503 Service Unavailable16:01
ubottuThe Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.16:01
pemibo503 Service Unavailable, seems like a lot of people reload the page ;)16:01
mosimothe day i leave my tablet at home too16:01
ikoniaz2s8: where ?16:01
ingo__anyhthing happening for you guys on ubuntu.com?16:01
ingo__don't see anything yet16:02
waspinatorHTCs site worked right away after the countdown. still can't access anything on ubuntu16:02
ingo__clock is still at 00:00 :)16:02
ingo__anything related to ubuntu for htc?16:02
deuteriumjpds: i have the option to edit the commands before booting by hitting 'e' in grub (could also hit 'a' or 'c'). but there's no rescue mode16:02
ikoniaz2s8: there is nothing on there16:02
crystuferSo noone can help?16:02
ingo__hmm as expected...16:02
holsteincrystufer: whats the issue?16:02
jpdsdeuterium: There should be a "Other options" menu item.16:02
holsteincrystufer: i usually try arandr16:02
dysoconow everything crashed16:03
crystuferarandr -q?16:03
holsteincrystufer: also, the graphics driver can be an issue16:03
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holsteincrystufer: arandr is a GUI16:03
deuteriumjpds: there isn't any.. but maybe i can manually try using an older initrd16:03
crystuferSo you think I might have success going back to my previous driver?16:03
ingo__lol i thought this channe would be vibrant with talk over the tablet announcement :D16:03
ingo__nobody cares :D16:04
maxygashi i need some help please16:04
dysocothere we go16:04
Pinkamena_Dhello, i have a multi boot system (ubuntu, backtrack, winxp) i needed to replace the motherboard because water was spilled on it, the linux installs obviously still work fine, the the windows one will not boot now, what would be the standard reinstall procedure so i don't ruin the grub or anything?16:04
holsteiningo__: try the offtopic channels16:04
ingo__can you recommend me a channel?16:04
crystuferK. I'll try stuff again. :/16:04
waspinatorsoo slow16:04
holsteiningo__: this is official support. try the offtipc channel16:04
ingo__i'm sorry, will do16:04
maxygasi just installed my linux with  vmware and i want to set up my usb wireless device can somebody help me please?16:04
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z2s8Ubuntu for tablets is out! Now really :)16:05
ingo__which channel is the OT channel?16:05
ikoniaz2s8: please show me the link16:05
ikoniaingo__: #ubuntu-offtopic16:05
ptlwhat is the tablet surprise?16:05
ptlcan't load ubuntu page16:05
eyedeaargh you beat me to it ikonia16:05
urishuh, server crashed?16:05
dmonjo i am getting this error when trying to update the systme! GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 2EBC26B60C5A2783 Medibuntu Packaging Team16:05
eyedeaptl: http://puu.sh/256WM16:05
Myrttiptl: that the discussion about it isn't on this channel.16:06
z2s8Ikonia just Ubuntu.Com got uodated16:06
Kroachis it only me ot the countdown on ubuntu.com is at 0:00:00 and nothing happened?16:06
ubottuThe Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.16:06
xentehow do you get schroot to unmount the filesystems in the chroot's?16:06
ptlwill this interface be available for the nexus 7?16:06
ikoniaz2s8: no, it's just a clock, there is nothing says it's out, or providing details. Please stop saying "it's out!!!" until there is something to actually see16:06
ptlgoing to ubuntu-tablet16:06
Myrttithank you16:07
z2s8Ikonia just refresh your page16:07
z2s8It is out16:07
ikoniaz2s8: have done multiple times16:07
ikoniaz2s8: please take a screen shot and show me what you see16:07
Myrttiz2s8: please take it to #ubuntu-tablet or -discuss.16:07
crystuferholstein, You were right, the driver may in fact have been the problem. A rollback to the one I was using before fixed the issue.16:08
NVMadmin_Mickeycould anyone like to explain why when I do an update for a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 desktop I lose both my eth0 and wlan drivers.16:08
crystuferholstein,  Thank you very much.16:08
angsI have a sd card that Gparted cannot create a partition table. how can I try to do it on the command line?16:09
blowcome one guys.. why u lot so picky on not discussing the tablet release here, eveybody is excited about it, sending everybody to talk about it on other channel seems a bit odd. It is part of Ubuntu! come on, this is not about iThings.16:09
z2s8Here you go https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B6Ag4n1QnSbVOEZXaWh3QTN6T2M/edit16:09
DJonesblow: Its not a support issue, this channel is only for support16:09
Myrttiblow: this is a support channel and has been for seven years.16:09
blowoh goodness... weird, very weird.... Then should channel shoudl be called #ubuntu-support16:10
bloweverybody here is in the wrong place then...16:10
k1l!tablet | blow16:10
ubottublow: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.16:10
Myrttiblow: feel free to discuss the semantics at #ubuntu-ops16:11
BluesKajblow, not "everybody" is excited , and take your excitement to proper chat16:11
xentehow do you get schroot to unmount its file systems16:12
somnambulantdefault action for a local-local rsync if file exists --> update if newer timestamp otherwise will not overwrite? Is this correct?16:12
brontosaurusrextrying to setup minidlna, looking at /etc/minidlna.conf, what exactly is notify_interval ?16:24
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linusoleanderI've problem with a cron job that can't find binary in /usr/local/bin, is this usual?16:25
jriblinusoleander: are you providing the full path?  PATH in your crontab is very limited by default16:26
awktiondoes it show up in 'which <binary>' no quotes no <>16:26
TakeItEZlinusoleander: call it with full path16:26
awktionowner@dw64:~$ which nano16:26
awktion^--- like that?16:26
sharperguyHi, I've used dd to write an iso image to a particular partition of an external drive, now how do i make sure the MBR points to that partition?16:26
linusoleanderThe thing is that the user can call the binary without the fullpath, but not through a cronjob16:26
TakeItEZlinusoleander: or define PATH var in crontab16:26
TakeItEZlinusoleander: users-crontab?16:27
jriblinusoleander: yes, that's normal since PATH is not the same in your crontab16:27
linusoleanderjrib: Aha16:27
escottlinusoleander, its a good idea to specify the fullpath in crontab16:27
linusoleanderIs it "fixable"?16:27
jriblinusoleander: provide the full path or define PATH to whatever you want at the top of your crontab16:28
linusoleanderAll my problems would be solved it the users PATH variable was used16:28
Noorideenhello, i want to know what are the differences between mint and ubuntu? if possible16:29
jackyboy633@brontosaurusrex I reckon it is how often miniDLNA notifies DLNA-compatible devices of its presence16:30
jackyboy633@noorideen Well, mint uses a different desktop environment (cinnamon instead of unity)16:31
brontosaurusrexjackyboy633: yes, but if i set that to a very high number its still working fine, if  is is a small number, then my client looses connection every time a notify (whatever that is) is issued16:31
chamunksim not really sure what's broken here http://puu.sh/257uQ16:31
brontosaurusrexso, not sure how to "disable" this16:31
angscould any one suggest me a hex editor that I can install by apt-get?16:31
brontosaurusrexany clues?16:31
chamunksit seems to be wanting to downgrade my linux kernel image from what I can gather but im notreally sure why this is happening.16:31
bd___Hello. Which one is the best of 2 ubuntu versions available on the website? 12.04 or 12.10? Thanks16:32
escottlinusoleander, and if your user changes his path then the cron job fails inexplicably16:32
Noorideenjackbrown, thank you, but what i see is that pro programmers uses ubuntu, and new programmers uses mint, why?16:33
escottlinusoleander, always use full paths. always specify explicitly any environment variables needed16:33
phunyguyhey folks, I am trying to use motion to capture a security camera, and the only way it will work is with  LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libv4l/v4l1compat.so before the command.  How can I add that to the init script in /etc/init.d ?16:33
linusoleanderescott: It isn't used by anyone but the system16:33
chamunksbd___, there isnt any best its preference really16:33
bd___chamunks: they are both more or less the same Ubuntu?16:33
chamunksbd___, stable long term service releases are less bleeding edge which is basically the only difference16:33
k1lNoorideen: mint uses another managment with the codecs and drivers and 3rd party programs. and got another update system management.16:34
chamunksbd___, 12.04 is an LTS release (long term service[2years])16:34
linusoleanderescott: That won't always work16:34
bazhangchamunks, its 5 years16:34
bd___chamunks: ah ok.  Do you think ubuntu's bleeding edge "definition" is stable enough for a production environment?16:34
Noorideenk1l, so you ubuntu > mint?16:34
chamunksbazhang, thanks for correcting me :) I just assumed wrong i suppose :P16:34
bd___bazhang: you'd go with 12.04 or 12.10?16:35
bazhangNoorideen, thats not on topic here. no more polling16:35
edheldilHi all, I have noticed that when resolving (build) dependencies with a stated max version, lucid picks the correct non-newest package, while precise aborts due to trying just the newest one. AFAICS the matching version should be available in both. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a tweak for it?16:35
chamunksbd___, if its an office I wouldn't suggest the latest unless you know why16:35
jackyboy633@brontosaurusrex I've Googled it and it says that if you set it to a very high value (i. E. 90000) then the problem will not occur.16:35
chamunksbd___, what is the roles these terminals would be being used for?16:35
bazhangbd___, depends. one is LTS 5 years support the other is 18 months. you choose16:35
Noorideenbazhang, ^_-16:35
k1lNoorideen: i dont want to decide for other users. but that topic would suit better into #ubuntu-discuss16:36
bazhangNoorideen, #ubuntu-offtopic16:36
bd___chamunks: web, steam and programming. Nothing out of the ordinary, it won't be a 24-hour connected server machine xD.16:36
Noorideenok ty will go there16:36
chamunksbd___, sounds like a home office yes?16:36
bd___bazhang: that's a big difference in support. Do you think that upgrading on a 6-month timeframe is safe?16:37
bd___chamunks: yes, kind of. Work and Entertainment, 50/50 :)16:37
chamunksbd___, I myself always find waiting on upgrading on the normal releases for a month or so is usuallly preferable to me as I dont like the launch bugs.16:38
chamunksbd___, ok well you'd likely get more enjoyment out of the latest if you like to have the newest features.16:38
bd___chamunks: and you never had problems with the upgrade procedure?16:39
chamunksbd___, im not sure how steam is going to be changing the linux game though its hard to forsee that.  But I myself have learned that I usually prefer the lts releases they drop a new one every 2 years but support them for 516:39
chamunksbd___, I wouldn't say that at all.16:39
bd___chamunks: in Windows I always did clean installs. But they also have new versions in 3 years at least, not 6 months :). Windows upgrades tended to put the system slow, laggy16:40
chamunksbd___, but if you dont change too much you could get away with an upgrade fairly well I've seen some upgrade ok.16:40
chamunksbd___, you likely wont notice that with ubuntu ubuntu is an entirely different beast from windows.16:40
bd___chamunks: I've seen that Valve supports Ubuntu 12.04 LTS for steam. Does that mean that steam doesn't work in 12.10, 13.04 or further?16:40
chamunksbd___, I would imagine if it supports 12.04 that you'd be fine to run future versions as well but 12.04 would be the supported release.16:41
ejvor... try it and find out.16:41
wootis_lapi run 12.10 xubuntu and steam works fine.16:41
chamunksbd___, meaning if you go and run future versions steam/valve likely wont support your problems.16:42
chamunksbd___, basically official support means if somethings broken they will help you fix probably.16:42
chamunksbd___, otherwise you're on your own.16:42
bd___chamunks: canonical may take efforts to keep steam compatibility with newer versions in order to have users who install the non-LTS versions instead16:43
chamunkshttp://puu.sh/257uQ im running 12.04 lts server x64 and im wondering why its trying to downgrade my kernel or what might be causing this conflict.16:43
chamunksbd___, linux usually doesnt backpedal.16:44
ejvthat's not true, LTS support essentially means they will continue to provide security and package updates for the environment, to the community. You need to actually purchase a "SLA" from Canonical if you actually want "official" support.16:45
WXZhow do I find out how many root windows are running on the system?16:45
Myrttichamunks: you realise that the problem isn't necessarily that it is trying to downgrade (as I can't actually see what version of kernel you already have) but the fact that you're running low on disc space?16:45
Myrttichamunks: atleast on /boot?16:46
chamunksMyrtti, I kind of inherited that problem  I dont know why the isolated the /boot partition but I dont really know how to remedy this issue.16:46
Myrttichamunks: you might have older linux kernels that you don't actually need anymore16:46
Myrttichamunks: they aren't autoremoved16:47
chamunksMyrtti, makes sense16:47
angswhat is the command to make a partition table on /dev/sdb ?16:47
chamunksMyrtti, the server provider we're using is pretty new and trying to use some of our youtuber's fame to help promote by donating us  this server.16:47
ejvangs: fdisk / parted16:47
chamunksMyrtti, so they have some strange ideas.16:47
chamunksMyrtti, how would I go about removing the old versions?16:48
ejvseperating /boot into it's own partition isn't that strange at all.16:48
angsejv: how is the usage, fdisk /dev/sdb parted?16:48
black_puppydoghey all,16:48
escottangs, ejv you should use parted not fdisk16:48
ejvangs: man fdisk | man parted16:48
black_puppydogthe ubuntu as think client thingy that mark mentions in the tablet video, does anybody have pointers to that?16:49
chamunksMyrtti, this is the first thing that comes up http://askubuntu.com/questions/153185/how-to-remove-kernels-from-previous-release16:49
ejvif you're a sysadmin, you should be familiar with how to use both16:49
holsteinchamunks: i just leave them. they are quite small in size16:49
chamunksholstein, then I can't remedy my problem16:49
chamunksholstein, http://puu.sh/257uQ16:49
holsteinchamunks: sure, you can do what you like.. everything is open.. what is the issue?16:50
Myrttichamunks: the first answer seems about right, although I doubt update-grub2 is needed16:50
ejvscroll up holstein lol16:50
holsteinim just not sure you have a problem,other than maybe one you are creating for yourself that might not be neccessary16:50
bd___chamunks: do you know of a ppa with libreoffice 4?16:50
holsteinejv: i am asking for a consice recap...16:50
chamunksbd___, no but im sure you can just ask the channel someone might pipe up16:50
bd___Anybody here has a PPA with libreoffice 4? Tks16:51
chamunksholstein, i've only got a 100mb /boot for some reason the server admins thought this was a good idea when they imaged the server.16:51
EyePulpmaybe a silly question - are there restrictions on the filename of an upstart file?  e.g. is foo.bar.baz.conf  acceptable, or do the dots make it barf?16:51
chamunksMyrtti, ok thanks I hope this doesn't break things :P16:51
ejv100mb for /boot is plenty, remove the older kernels you don't need16:52
geryon6EyePulp: Don't know, but you could use dashes instead of dots. That works definitely.16:53
xQuinnHello everyone - I have a netbook with an AMD C-70. The battery life is awful and there's no brightness settings on the open source driver and it's not supported by catalyst...what should I do?16:53
holsteinchamunks: i would just search "linux" in the package manager of your choice16:54
chamunksholstein, I only have ssh access to this machine its a server hosted by some people in newzealand16:54
EyePulpgeryon6: true enough - I had wondered a few times in the past and thought I'd to educate myself finally. =)  I was hoping this would elaborate more:  http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#job-configuration-file16:54
EyePulpgeryon6: I'll find out shortly. =)16:54
xQuinnHello everyone - I have a netbook with an AMD C-70. The battery life is awful and there's no brightness settings on the open source driver and it's not supported by catalyst...what should I do?16:55
ejvPray :)16:55
holsteinchamunks: cool, so the commandline pacakge management tool of your choice16:55
Abhijithi. where to talk about ubuntu tablet?16:55
Abhijitthe register page is not working.16:56
holstein!patience | xQuinn16:56
ubottuxQuinn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:56
Myrtti!tablet > Abhijit16:56
ubottuAbhijit, please see my private message16:56
chamunksholstein, I'd imagine anything containing "Linux" would spew a boatload of stuff.16:56
holsteinxQuinn: i found better supported hardware.. theres jupiter for power management.. but the hardware support will be what it is, pretty much16:56
holsteinchamunks: i would not imagine, and just search..16:57
StrangerAlright I was here a little bit ago. I was having problems with wubi showing up as a boot option and not working after reinstalling windows. So I re-reinstalled wubi and I get the same error.. Using google I am really lost.16:57
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holsteinchamunks: you should be able to see a list of the kernels you have installed and search for them one by one if you like16:57
oalUbuntu for tablets looks phenomenal. Can't wait to put it in my Nexus 10. :D16:57
holsteinStranger: you asked that the wubi install be removed.. you will need to manually work with the windows bootloader16:58
ubottucigos: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:58
holsteinStranger: try recovering the windows bootloader if you have not16:58
Strangerholstein Sorry I thought I made it clear. I wanted it to work16:58
chamunksholstein, fair enough I've found a howto via google that seems decent.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/153185/how-to-remove-kernels-from-previous-release16:58
StrangerIt was not working.16:58
StrangerCan you point me towards something...?16:58
holsteinStranger: sure.. you removed it, so it wont work16:58
ejvchamunks: using Synaptic makes removing older kernels very easy.16:59
StrangerWell the problem was it was still showing up as a boot option when I don't think it should have16:59
holsteinStranger: i would just recover the mbr in windows16:59
StrangerAnd actually running the wubi.exe did nothing.16:59
Myrttiejv: when you don't have graphical user interface, Synaptic is a bit difficult suggestion.16:59
chamunksejv, its a headless server It wouuld be a pain to setup x-forwarding but I do know synaptic and its a great tool :)16:59
holsteinStranger: the fact is, you blew out te wubi install and the entry was still there..16:59
holsteinStranger: what would i do? i would look at the windows MBR config17:00
Touhou11If you don't have a GUI, aptitude is a great alternative to Synaptic17:01
bazhang!aptitude | Touhou1117:02
ubottuTouhou11: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. You may encounter problems on multiarch installs (11.10 and higher) as aptitude cannot currently handle the same package with different architectures being installed at the same time. See http://pad.lv/831768 for more information.17:02
Strangerholstein I have no idea, what you are suggestion or how this would "fix" wubi.17:02
holsteinStranger: wubi is not broken. its just not booting due to the bootloader config17:02
holsteinStranger: you removed the wubi target when you reinstalled windows.. the bootloader left the entry inplace17:03
geryon6Actually I don't have problems with aptitude an multiarch any more in 12.04.17:04
ZiberI want to make a crontab run once a day at midnight. I'm not terribly familiar with crontab syntax...17:04
holsteinStranger: what you have now is an entry in the windows bootloader that is pointing to a target you removed.. i would manaully fix the bootloader17:04
Ziber0 0 * * * /path/to/script?17:04
ejvchamunks: in that case, that link will be sufficient ;)17:04
chamunksejv, :) i'm already running into a problem http://puu.sh/258dF17:05
Strangerholstein Just to be clear, when I boot. It gives me the option to choose ubuntu and when I do I get Missing modules (cat /proc/modules; ls /dev) + other shit.17:05
holsteinStranger: watch the languge, and yes, it is pointint to the old wuib install you removed17:06
holsteinStranger: the windows bootloader says "boot that wubi install" but you removed it17:06
chamunksMyrtti, http://puu.sh/258dF is my next issue.17:06
ejvchamunks: do what it says, apt-get -f install17:07
chamunksejv, my issue is I cant because of lack of space17:07
Strangerholstein Can you link something that tells me how to fix this?17:07
chamunksejv, in my /boot so I'm trying to apt-get purge some stuff so i have space so that I can run apt-get -f install17:07
Myrttichamunks: do what it tells you to do17:07
chamunksMyrtti, ejv http://puu.sh/258hO17:08
chamunksthis looks like it should work17:08
chamunksMyrtti, ejv then I get this http://puu.sh/258j717:09
holsteinStranger: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Cannot_boot_into_Ubuntu http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/20340/how-to-restore-the-wubi-ubuntu-bootloader/http://ubuntu-with-wubi.blogspot.com/2012/08/boot-repair-and-wubi.html17:09
Strangerholstein thank you17:09
holsteinStranger: i ran those last 2 together.. oppologies17:10
holsteinStranger: let me know if you need me to repost them seperated so you can click on them17:10
Myrttichamunks: boo :-( sadly I have to go cook dinner and can't help you more, but good luck and I hope you get it fixed17:11
chamunksmyrtti eat something delicious :)17:11
edddanyone know some imageviewer like display that can read from stdout ?17:12
DeltaHeavyHey, with all the new talk of tablets and phones, is there any improvement to the Unity DE? My previous experiences with it (half a year ago) is that it was still kinda laggy.17:13
holsteinDeltaHeavy: try it live17:13
Touhou11DeltaHeavy: The UI is ok, but the dashboard searching is slow imo. Especially compared to GNOME Shell/Windows/Spotlight17:14
DeltaHeavyholstein: I don't have time for that for the moment, just wondering if anybody knows. I like Unity's layout, just not it's performance.17:14
DeltaHeavyTouhou11: Ok, do you also find there's a bit of a delay in comparison to GNOME etc when you click on one of those side icons?17:14
k1lDeltaHeavy: no lag or delay here17:15
Touhou11DeltaHeavy: Delay in launching the programs? Or for the UI to animate/respond? It's ok for me, though I have proprietary drivers for my graphics card installed. Don't know how it is without hardware acceleration17:15
holsteinDeltaHeavy: i would say, any improvents are a matter of opinion.. unity/ubuntu are always in active development17:15
k1lDeltaHeavy: but that depends on the hardware and the drivers involved. better try yourselv17:15
brian__Hi all. Can anyone advise me about an error that I have with my update manager? "E: Encountered a section with no Package: header17:15
brian__E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.canonical.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_partner_i18n_Translation-en17:15
brian__E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.17:15
brian__E: _cache->open() failed, please report.17:15
DeltaHeavyTouhou11: Moreso the UI being responsive.17:15
holsteinbrian__: try "sudo apt-get update" then whatever you are doing.. also, pastebin17:16
DeltaHeavyAnd yeah, perhaps I should install the proprietary NVidea drivers instead of using nouvou or whatever it works with by default17:16
Touhou11DeltaHeavy: I always notice a lag with any X Windows environment personally, Windows and Mac are much better in that regard.17:16
DeltaHeavyI usually use my hardrive on more than one computer though so that's an issue =/17:16
brian__Ok I'll try that Just a minute.17:17
DeltaHeavyTouhou11: GNOME2/MATE/Cinnamon/XFCE have 0 lag for me, only Unity when I use it.17:17
holsteinDeltaHeavy: i find lag in UI's in general.. is unity faster? sure.. speed is a focus.. is it fast enough? thats up to you.. is is faster than others? probably like anything else, faster than some and slower than others17:18
holsteinalso, depends on what you need/want.. and the hardare you are running on17:19
Touhou11Wayland should help, X11 architecture affects the responsiveness at the moment17:20
parallel21Anyone setup jabber to auth against Windows AD?17:20
brian__holstein: Done - here is the error I got in the terminal window ...17:21
DeltaHeavyholstein: Yeah, I just find besides me, other people I've talked to previously have had issues with Unity's responsiveness across a wide range of hardware. Guess I'll have to try it for myself.17:21
brian__W: Failed to fetch copy:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/apt.insynchq.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_non-free_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch   E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.17:21
holsteinbrian__: i would look at my sources17:22
brian__holstein: you got a newby here. how must i go about that?17:24
escottbrian__, its possible that the mirror you are downloading from just needs an update. try a different mirror or wait 24hours17:25
holsteinbrian__: what did you do right befor this error? have you tried "fix broken packages" in the menu in synaptic?17:25
holsteinyeah.. thats likely as well brian__ ^^17:25
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atomxHi. I try to make a network boot using PXE. I installed dhcp3 and tftpd-hpa , and I do not know what to do next.17:26
atomxThere are too many tutorials , and I do not know which one to chose17:26
ikoniaatomx: what have you done so far17:27
sharperguyAnyone know why when I open usb-creator I can see one partition of my external drive twice, and not the other?17:27
ikoniaatomx: have you looked on the ubuntu wiki ?17:27
atomxikonia: yes, I am there now.17:27
atomxboth computers, server & client are and will be ubuntu17:27
atomx(netboot client I mean)17:28
escottsharperguy, can you run "sudo parted -l" and paste that to us via paste.ubuntu.com17:28
brian__holstein: First time seen this error. I get the same error when trying to start Synaptic (now I'm getting worried)17:29
atomxikonia: Now I think I should configure eth0 and the dhcp  and the tftp server in the right way .17:29
ikoniaatomx: you already knew that....17:29
Syntheadif I download a .desktop file, it won't launch from Nautilus unless I go (right-click), properties, permissions, and check "Allow executing file as program".  What does this actually do?  When running XFCE, this is not necessary, which seems strange.17:29
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holsteinbrian__: you could be accessing a bad miror as escott suggests..17:30
atomxikonia: yeah, but I tried once a few days ago, and after 1 hour I gave up. It did not work, and I suspected it took too much time to learn how to do it. Now I am trying to do it , in the same time asking the experts17:31
brian__holstein: escott: how will i determine which mirror i am currently accessing?17:32
JeffJasskyHey, guys. I just restarted my server (10.04) and MySQL won't start.. when I try service mysql start I get "start: Job failed to start".. Where might I find the logs to find out why it won't start?17:32
ikoniaatomx: you're not asking anything though17:32
holsteinbrian__: its listed in the error17:32
dniwhey i'm trying to make my macbook pro ubuntu only, when i boot from CD i can't find "partition editor" in the system settings17:32
holsteindniw: gparted17:33
dniwis that what i type in the search?17:33
ejvJeffJassky: what does it say when you perform: sudo service mysql restart ?17:33
holstein!info gparted17:33
ejvpastebin is your friend17:33
JeffJasskyejv: "restart: Unknown instance: "17:33
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.1-1 (quantal), package size 522 kB, installed size 1832 kB17:33
brian__holstein: Would it be maybe this "W: Failed to fetch copy:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/apt.insynchq.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_non-free_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch17:33
JeffJasskyejv: same with "stop"17:33
JeffJasskyI've been googling for like 30 minutes. No luck.17:34
atomxIs there a tool like netstat, to see whether a given port is open by a given application, and the status of the port ?17:34
escottbrian__, your mirror is insynchq.com (its in the filename)17:34
holsteinbrian__: http://askubuntu.com/questions/41605/trouble-downloading-updates-due-to-hash-sum-mismatch-error has a suggestion17:34
ejvperhaps your restart broke something, start looking in /var/log/17:35
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MalsasaHello, anybody can help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12518579#post12518579   <<<   How to Write Correct copyright File?17:36
brian__holstein: Thx - i'll check it out17:36
ejvif that doesn't turn up anything, i'd simply re-install the service, and restore your database from backup.17:36
atomxsudo service tftpd-hpa restart says  tftpd-hpa stop/waiting and tftpd-hpa start/running, but `ps -e|grep ftp` is void . Is it good so ?17:36
MalsasaPTAlisPT: yes...17:36
PTAlisPTCould you explain me something?17:37
ikoniaatomx: just telnet to the port17:37
PTAlisPTIt's like this, I've just read the ubuntu tablet thing17:37
MalsasaPTAlisPT: if your question is not difficult...17:37
atomxikonia: does not work17:37
ikoniaatomx: then it's not open17:37
sharperguyWhy does usb-creator not show me the other partition of my external drive?17:37
genii-aroundsharperguy: Because it's not a partitioning program17:38
dniwholstein ty, found it17:38
escottsharperguy, can you run "sudo parted -l" and paste that to us via paste.ubuntu.com17:38
atomxikonia: it will be long work to do, as it looks like.17:39
PTAlisPT_Why do they want to create a tablet?17:39
ikoniaPTAlisPT_: mail and ask17:39
sharperguyso I want to install to /dev/sdb217:40
PTAlisPT_Shouldn't it be easier to get an android tablet and run ubuntu on it?17:40
ikoniaPTAlisPT_: mail them and ask them17:40
PTAlisPT_Ok, sorry if I am ebing annoying...17:40
ikoniaPTAlisPT_: not at all, but you can't expect people to know Canonical's marketing/long term strategy17:40
root__Hello World17:41
ikoniaPTAlisPT_: only Canonical can respond to that question17:41
PTAlisPT_Yeah... Do you know if it is too hard to install ubuntu on a tablet?17:41
PTAlisPT_ARM one17:41
LaserSharkPTAlisPT_, depends on the tablet17:41
escottsharperguy, i would imagine its because you can't use the other partition in a liveusb17:42
PTAlisPT_An quad core arm 15 2gb of ram17:42
porkchop85im running it on my asus transformer17:42
PTAlisPT_This one for example17:42
porkchop85but a few things dont work17:42
sharperguyescott, I've managed this before though, this is what this partition has always done17:42
PTAlisPT_yes, but ASUS has a lot of support17:42
LaserSharki'm too lazy to get off my butt and install it on my nexus 717:42
sharperguyescott, I'm just trying to put a different image on it17:42
porkchop85im gonna put android back on it though17:43
porkchop85i miss multitouch lol17:43
PTAlisPT_Some tablets have great potencial, ubuntu is the key17:43
supNowanyone in here feeling generous enough to help a poor guy in need without directing me to another channel saying it's their fault? lol :)17:44
ikoniasupNow: depends on the problem, we deal with ubuntu issues here17:44
sharperguyescott, ok I reformatted it with fat32 and it shows up now17:45
evilrootssupnow, whats the problem?17:45
sharperguyescott, but do you know how i can do this and be sure im not telling it to erase the whole drive? because ive made this mistake before17:45
PTAlisPT__Disconnected again17:45
supNowI'm having some issues due to the way ubuntu installs apache and getting something else installed and working properly evilroots , ikonia17:45
PTAlisPT__The problem is to install ubuntu on tablets, I mean, taking a generic and put ubuntu or other dist on it17:45
Guido1hello, i have some problems with my ipod mini syncronisatie. does anyone knows something about this?17:45
ikoniasupNow: ok, so can you expand on the problem please.17:46
bazhang!tablet | PTAlisPT__17:46
ubottuPTAlisPT__: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.17:46
PTAlisPT__ok, thank you!17:46
bazhangPTAlisPT__, this is the wrong channel for it17:46
brian__holstein: Ok - the content of the dir was removed as suggested. Did the apt-get update and got no error this time. Should i now try synaptic or the update manager?17:46
escottsharperguy, not really its an unusual configuration for a liveusb17:46
sakkemodoes it matter what size /run is if it's "large enough"? Is there any harm that it is as large as 1.6 GB; is the memory still usable for other programs if /run is pretty escampty?17:47
ejvno ikonia , it's more fun to guess what it might be, rather than have details! cmon!17:47
SJrI upgraded Kubuntu from 11.10 to 12.04 on my Mac Mini (no Mac OS X partition left) and now the system doesn't boot. It just hangs on a blinking cursor. I'm pretty sure the installer did something funking to the bootloader but I'm not sure how to fix it.17:47
holsteinbrian__: if you have no errors, do what you were doing and enjoy!17:47
sakkemoman i3-msg17:47
sweb how can i enable dns caching for using wget ?17:47
SJrI can boot into a USB drive17:47
escottsakkemo, run is a tmpfs17:47
ejv"I'll take 20 questions for $800 Alex"17:47
supNowI've been trying to install vtigercrm. I tried the .bin file but ran into issues because of the httpd.conf vs apache2.conf so I canned that idea and downloaded the source of vtigercrm. I am able to get it loading the install page and get through the steps of putting in db info etc. but when I click to install it returns a blank page. So I'm thinking it is possibly a permission issue, but I did to chmod 775 for the folder.17:47
sakkemojjjjjjjjjji3-msrecommand load17:48
ikoniasakkemo: please stop that17:48
sakkemojjjjjjjjjji3-msrecomman -h17:48
ikoniasakkemo: stop now17:48
chaz_zhey guys, I have kde installed over xubuntu. I need to change my gtk settings but I don't have the gtk config application in my software sources. what to do?17:48
apb1963_This is making me a little nuts...  what am I doing wrong here?  find . -type f | xargs grep LS_COLORS {}\;17:48
sakkemoman i3luefire_ -ms17:48
ikoniasakkemo: last warning17:48
escottapb1963_, you have confused -exec with xargs17:49
supNowikonia, evilroots  I responded but forgot to include your names17:49
ikoniasupNow: I saw,17:49
erle-whats the best exif data viewer?17:49
ikoniasupNow: what language is the web page written in17:49
chaz_znvm I found it lol17:49
brian__holstein: escott: It works. all back to normal and the "no entry" sign in the task bar has disappeared. You guys rock. awesome. Thanks for your help, really appreciated.17:49
supNowikonia, english17:49
MalsasaHello, anybody can help me? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12518579#post12518579 <<< How to Write Correct copyright File?17:49
ejvsweb: wget is independent of dns caching; I would look into using something like dnsmasq17:49
sharperguyescott, ok well i think i did the right think and at least it booted17:49
supNowikonia, php :)17:49
escottapb1963_, on top of which i would ask... why not just use the -R option to grep17:49
ikoniasupNow: no, I mean programming language17:49
ikoniasupNow: ok, can you do a quick test page to confirm php is working properly17:50
supNowyes I realized that after slapping myself in the head... lol17:50
ikoniasupNow: just something like a php_info();17:50
ejvwhere did sakkemo go, i liked him17:50
supNowphpadmin is running fine as well as another local site I have running on the internal server17:50
apb1963_because back in my day we didn't have a -R option to grep.  We had to walk 5 miles just to get the regular grep and we were happy to do it.17:50
ikoniasupNow: ok, so that's a good sign17:50
escottapb1963_, uphill in the snow both ways :)17:50
supNowikonia, yes it is :) I do good and had 0 issues until this install17:51
ikoniasupNow: so now sadly you're going to have to run through each function in the install.php page and see which one it's failing on17:51
genadihello! I am trying to setup SMB server conf to be public, and allow my laptops, smartphones etc access all my shares without requiring username/password17:51
genadiI read the Samba documentation17:51
apb1963_nah, this was in California no snow and it was by the beach17:51
ikoniasupNow: may want to enable php debugging too, try to get some better output17:51
genadiand I cant figure out how to do this, using user level auth, or share level auth :/17:51
genadiit just doesnt specify17:51
ejv!enter | genadi17:51
ubottugenadi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:51
supNowikonia, ok let me get that open and for debugging is that enabled in the php.ini?17:51
ikoniasupNow: I think there are debugging options in the php.ini17:51
genadiok ejv17:51
psichaswhat i should write in boot if i want start debian without xdm?17:53
apb1963_ok now I'm getting a missing argument??17:53
apb1963_to -exec?17:53
supNowikonia, before I do this I'd like to add something in in case it may change. After clicking to install and it returning a blank page (no db tables created) if I try to ryun the install again, the install feature is gone but a migrate feature added, it's as if it sees a previous version there even though nothing was done.17:53
bazhangpsichas, #debian17:53
kriss3dIs there a known bug with the installer in ubuntu that will stall after selecting keyboard and pressing next ? (step 3) ??17:53
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ikoniasupNow: probably just a flat that's been set17:53
xkidirc.videolan.org #videolan17:53
ikoniasupNow: I'd check your DB config first17:54
supNowikonia, ok thank s I'll get on the debugging17:54
ejvkriss3d: check the Ubiquity Launchpad, and find out.17:54
apb1963_find . -type f -exec grep LS_COLORS {}\;17:54
sakkemosorry about that, my i3 bailed me and I tried to thought it dropped me to unworking virtual terminal with just the cursor rather than keeping the input here; thanks for mute :)17:54
escottapb1963_, again "grep -R LS_COLORS ." also keep in mind that shell is parsed on spaces17:54
bazhangsakkemo, stay on topic here17:54
kriss3dejv yeah i would but the actual distro is Backtrack 5 but since its using the ubuntu installer....17:55
escottapb1963_, so "{}\;" is incorrect17:55
DoWhileGeekso my ubuntu laptop is slowing down majorly and there arnt any spikes in system monitor, whats going on?17:55
apb1963_ah.  needs a space17:55
apb1963_thank you17:55
apb1963_sadly, my quest to find where colors are set systemwide has failed17:55
ikoniaapb1963_: /etc/dircolors ?17:55
ejvI think it goes without saying that Backtrack isn't supported here.17:56
bazhang!backtrack | kriss3d17:56
ubottukriss3d: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)17:56
ikoniaapb1963_: $LS_COLORS ?17:56
apb1963_no /etc/dircolors /etc/DIR_COLORS   or any other variation I can think of.  Not in /etc/profile or /etc/profile.d/*17:56
ejvi was trying to spare him that bazhang17:56
kriss3dejv and bazhang I know but since its the same installer and i assume you can guess where they point me when i ask in the BT channel...17:56
ejvok there's where you're wrong, it's *not* the same installer17:57
bazhangkriss3d, it is not supported here. please dont ask any further17:57
kriss3dwell i might be wrong indeed yes17:57
apb1963_yes but where does LS_COLORS get set on a system wide basis?17:57
kriss3dok ill respect that.17:57
ikoniakriss3d: why do you think it's system wide ? and not just in the users directory17:57
ikoniakriss3d: oops sorry, not you17:57
ikoniaapb1963_ why do you think it's system wide ? and not just in the users directory17:58
ejvkriss3d: the backtrack devs could have done innumerable tweaks and changes to ubuntu's version of ubiquity; because of that support isn't offered here for that derivative.17:58
apb1963_it's not in /etc/bash.bashrc17:58
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apb1963_err... so that it's well hidden from ordinary users?17:58
paul2_i just watched the ubuntu for tablets ad and i have one question: can a usual ubuntu for tablets installation run desktop applications for ubuntu such as gimp?17:58
kriss3dyeah i suppose so.. ok ill dig into the installer to see whats going on. i just assumed since ive seen a few reports on ubuntu installer doing the exact same thing..17:58
holstein!tablet | paul2_17:59
ubottupaul2_: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.17:59
evilbitHi All, I'm in the process of migrating from CentOS to Ubuntu 12.10 server... I was wondering if anyone has pointers to sysadmin'ing ubuntu in a cli mode only17:59
ejvkriss3d: your best bet is file a report on Launchpad, or find an open ticket matching your issue, and of course #backtrack-linux17:59
ikoniaevilbit: same as Centos17:59
apb1963_so what you're saying is.. you don't know where it is either17:59
ikoniaevilbit: if you can do centos, you'll have no problems with ubuntu17:59
evilbitikonia: different config files and the like17:59
ikoniaevilbit: not massivly different,18:00
kriss3dejv yeah thanks im in the #backtrack-linux already but ill try out the launchpads18:00
apb1963_I spent a half hour googling it before coming here.. plenty of places to set it on a per user basis... but nobody seems to know where it is system wide - on ubuntu18:00
evilbitikonia: yeah... I was wondering if there's a rosetta stone for the two... I've finally got preseeds down so I can replicate kickstarts18:00
apb1963_dircolors is about the closest I could come18:01
ikoniaevilbit: nothing offical, but I assure you it takes 5 minutes to work out the differences when you need to do something18:01
evilbitikonia: ok. thx18:01
exosystIs there something wrong with installing 12.04 to a thumbstick?18:01
ejvi sense a real question in there somewhere18:02
crystufer_Hey. How does one make a program run from terminal without giving the directory?18:02
lehzeniexosyst, unless you have enough ram to skip having a swap partition, that thumbstick will have a short lifespan18:02
exosystIt worked fine on 10.04.X but it comes up with an error about couldn't install grub to /dev/sda and I told it to use /dev/sdb (the stick) but it seems to have failed18:03
apb1963_well... if somebody finds it, please /msg me.  My irc client doesn't do anything special when you say my name so please /msg me or I'll prolly never see it.  Thank you18:03
bulletrulzhey how to make skype output my input you know18:03
exosystlehzeni, It's fine, I change /var/log to a ramdisk as well as /tmp - they're not designed to last that long anyway18:03
Gneabulletrulz: no, we don't know. what output? and which input, specifically?18:03
exosystBut that's a step to follow actually getting it to install18:03
omkar_hey guys i have ubuntu 12.10 and i have installed php5 but i wanted to know how to install json18:04
The_Cogcrystufer_: You would have to add the directory it's in to your "path" which is the list of directories to search when given a command.18:04
exosystomkar_, You don't install json18:04
bulletrulzGnea, like what i hear they hear18:04
exosystjson is a notation, do you mean nodejs instead?18:04
Gneabulletrulz: I strongly suggest headphones for that.18:04
crystufer_The_Cog Okay. that sounds doable. Where is the list?18:05
Gneabulletrulz: and a microphone.18:05
omkar_when i try instslling json using this18:05
omkar_apt-get install php5-json it says something like this18:05
bulletrulzGnea, yea i have head phones but i know on windows skype has a what i hear mode18:05
omkar_Note, selecting 'php5-common' instead of 'php5-json'18:05
Gneabulletrulz: also, skype uses pulseaudio, so you'll need to bring up the pulseaudio controls to adjust the volumes and such18:05
lehzeniexosyst, did you zero out the whole thumbstick before trying to install 12.04?18:06
crystufer_The_Cog, http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/prepostpath.htm Like that?18:06
exosystlehzeni, I didn't do that. I don't see why that would make a difference given that it's repartitioned and formatted18:06
bulletrulzGnea, do u know how to do it?18:06
omkar_@exosyst i m trying to install ganglia on my laptop18:07
omkar_and the ebook said so to check json18:07
The_Cogcrystufer_: The command "echo $PATH" will show you the current search path. To add a directory temporarily (e.g. /foo/bar), use "PATH=$PATH:/foo/bar"18:07
The_Cogcrystufer_: Yes that's a better description than I could type here18:08
crystufer_The_Cog, Could I add a single program to that by tossing a symlink in any of the folders currently in the searchpath?18:08
lehzeniexosyst, thumbdrives do some weird things with block reordering to implement wear leveling18:08
The_Cogcrystufer_: Yes. there's a /home/yourname/bin folder that is probably in your path. You could toss the program or symlink in there.18:09
wiggmpkomkar_: php5-common will provide php5-json functions18:09
crystufer_The_Cog, Perfect. Thank you for your help sir/ma'am.18:09
Gneabulletrulz: have you read the ubuntu skype page yet?18:10
bulletrulzGnea, yes18:10
omkar_ok thanks18:10
wiggmpkomkar_: the pacakges conflict with each other so im assuming you already have php5-common installed.. thats why it wont let you install php5-json18:10
Gneabulletrulz: this one, right? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype18:10
atomxikonia: does not work the tftp port18:11
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bulletrulzGnea, yes18:11
JeffJasskyHey, guys.. where are apparmor entries located?18:13
exosystlehzeni, yeah that's not gonna be helped by writing all over it with zeros. I guess I gotta stick with 10.0418:15
jx8pi hate to do this but i'm threatening an eBay seller who sold me a faulty MacBook18:18
jx8pif they do not refund or offer partial refund they will be appearing in court in front of a magistrate18:18
OerHeksjx8p, wrong channel18:18
stevetheitguyis is possible to resize a mount in ubuntu 12 without booting to a live cd ?18:19
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jx8pOerHeks: there is no #ebay18:19
Gneajx8p: nothing to do with Ubuntu18:19
escottstevetheitguy, as long as the partition is not active sure18:19
holsteinjx8p: check the offtopic channels18:19
kostkonjx8p, there is ubuntu offtopic though18:19
Gneajx8p: try #ubuntu-offtopic18:19
kostkon!ot | jx8p18:19
ubottujx8p: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:19
stevetheitguyit is active i have it hosted on vmware and i wanted to increase the size18:20
dniwhow come ubuntu on my macbook pro seems like it's running the fans at max speed18:20
escottstevetheitguy, you cannot resize an active partition18:20
lehzenistevetheitguy, changing an in-use partition will cause an interesting system crash and file corruption18:21
escottdniw, because it is18:21
dniwis there a way to make it so it doesn't?18:22
dniwits pretty loud18:22
stevetheitguyits not the primary partition so best would be to boot to live cd and resize ?18:22
wiggmpkanyone running 12.04.2 64bit with the new LTS Enablement Stacks? Just curious as to if I should upgrade since I read it's only intended for x86 right now.18:23
JeffJasskyMy MySQL process recently crashed. After a system reboot the mysql process is failing to start.. could anyone possibly walk me through some steps to find out why? :(18:24
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lehzenistevetheitguy, that seems tobe the only way to resize18:24
rikimaru90Hey guys, is there anyway I can remove the keyring password? I dislike entering my password everytime I boot, twice18:25
escottrikimaru90, if it matches the login password you shouldn't be asked twice18:25
rikimaru90escott, well the passwords match, but I log in through CLI then startx18:26
escottrikimaru90, that would do it18:26
exosystrikimaru90, may I ask why?18:26
rikimaru90escott, I only just heard I could leave it empty, anyway to change it?18:27
escottrikimaru90, short of disabling the keyring i dont see how you could leave it empty18:27
rikimaru90Well I'm currently on archlinux with Cinnamon. Since ubuntu uses a lot of gnome programs I could ask for help here.18:28
OerHeksdniw, did you check the mactel pages ? maybe you need fancontrol from this ppa >>> https://launchpad.net/~mactel-support/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=quantal18:28
dniwi'll check it out thanks18:28
maheam playing around with sh files, I want to create a text file in a folder. This is how I do it: var='test' echo "$var" > folder/text.txt but I recieve no such file or directory. What is wrong? Or how do I do it?18:29
exosystrikimaru90, I think you can get away with tweaking it in pacman18:29
escottmahe, you have to mkdir folder first18:29
exosystrikimaru90, sorry, seahorse is what you want18:29
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maheescott I have done that.18:30
ApplesouceHello, I have a problem. I have Ubuntu 12.10 and my Wireless LAN is not working anymore. For some reason, it's connecting, but I have no network or internet access18:30
rikimaru90okay thanks18:30
mahethe directory is not being created either18:30
atomxikonia: dhcp does not work at all, and tftp did not open a port18:31
atomxhot to do it ?18:31
atomxI spent 2 hours so far18:31
escottmahe, what error do you see with mkdir folder18:31
exosystrikimaru90, I'd recommend not running an abomination of a desktop though. Install mint if you want cinammon, fedora 18 if you want Gnome 3/shell and Ubuntu for Unity. The other ways lay pain!18:31
Sputnik_Hello I have a question about  Network Manager18:31
escottmahe, if you have no error then i suspect you are confused about how working directories function18:31
MasterOfDisasterApplesouce: "connecting" how?18:32
Sputnik_I get a popup sometimes that says "Authenticaiton required by wireless network"18:32
Sputnik_even though it is connected. I am using the computer to run digital signage. Anyway to disable that popup?18:32
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: At the top bar on the right, it said connected to wireless network and it's shows the sign that I have WLAN18:32
rikimaru90exosyst, Yeah I am learning form within a VM for a safe environment.18:32
lehzeniexosyst, you think anything else but cinnmaon gnome or unity is an abomination?18:33
maheescott ill send u the code18:33
exosystlehzeni, No. I'm saying that hacking and slashing together a desktop environment is a bad idea.18:33
Sputnik_should I switch to wicd? Or is there a way just to disable that specific part of NM?18:33
MasterOfDisasterApplesouce: check whether you got an IP address.18:34
Sputnik_looks like this http://i.stack.imgur.com/dHdEk.png18:34
moesUbuntu-12.04..I did a full install to a flash drive...I now want to install content from flash drive to my hard drive..The install icon is no longer available...How can I install from flash drive to Hard drive ??18:34
Sputnik_Tried checking remember network but it just pops up with password already in box18:35
moooohow do i grep something to see what driver i have installed for my video card?18:35
ApplesouceIt shows me an internal IP Adress, but also I have no network access and I can't ping my router18:35
maheescott: http://pastebin.com/nrvwLE3j18:35
alienauthello, is there DVD to avi converter for ubuntu18:36
WaltherIt appears that on my new 12.10 install w/ all the updates, installind nvidia-current broke my desktop. Not a noob here, any suggestions / do you know if there's a common bug going around at the moment?18:36
maheescott I get errors like: ./inlupp1.sh: line 15: /laboration/filett.txt: No such file or directory18:36
exosystalienaut, Use Handbrake18:36
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: It shows me an internal IP Adress, but also I have no network access and I can't ping my router18:37
MasterOfDisasterApplesouce: APIPA or "real" internal address?18:38
odraAnybody has a shell to recomend?18:38
exosystodra, dash is fine. lots of scripts are written to support bash though. A shell is a shell.18:39
gdankowhere do I go to submit a security flaw?18:39
exosystodra, If you want to be weird, consider zsh, ksh or csh18:39
Sputnik_ZSH is so quick18:39
alienautexosyst, thank you!18:39
WaltherAny ideas on how to fix my desktop/X? dmesg doesn't report anything useful18:39
Waltherunity/compiz doesn't load after i installed nvidia-current from repos18:40
odraOh wait the thing is not called a shell18:40
odraSorry I meant a "desktop"18:40
exosystodra, If you're using Ubuntu, stick with unity18:40
Sputnik_anyone know anything about Network Manager?18:40
odraBut I don't like unity :(18:40
DJones!bug | gdanko18:40
ubottugdanko: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:40
Sputnik_getting desperate have a deadline18:40
exosystTry Mint with cinammon, Fedora with Gnome Shell, Kubuntu with KDE18:41
exosysttake your pick odra.18:41
exosystSputnik_, Whats the problem?18:41
odraI realized Gnome shell isn't much better than unity18:41
exosystyeesh - I came in asking for help with my own issue18:41
odraActually it totally screws up workspaces somehow18:41
Sputnik_exosyst:  get a popup sometimes that says "Authenticaiton required by wireless network"even though it is connected. I am using the computer to run digital signage. Anyway to disable that popup? looks like this http://i.stack.imgur.com/dHdEk.png18:41
exosystodra, I'm a gnome-shell user and i found it great for my use case18:41
escottmahe, i would hope that no such file exists18:42
Sputnik_exosyst: Using the computer to run digital signage looks bad when there is this huge pop up18:42
exosystSputnik_, it normally happens to me if a) password is wrong b) the wireless is patchy.18:42
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: How do I see the difference?18:42
odraexosyst: I don't like how you pick windows in activities with screenshots18:42
odraActually they are real time renders18:42
odraBut anyway I find myself distracted for moments trying to figure out what window is what18:43
Sputnik_exosyst: The password is right the wireless is a little patchy18:43
exosystSputnik_, If you need the wireless for it to work, check the strength and make sure there's no interference on the channel (normally most WiFi routers pick Channel 11 which gets congested)18:43
Sputnik_either way I don't want to see taht18:43
odraNot an improvement over alt tab :/18:43
escottmahe, you need to learn some bash basics like working directories and absolute vs relative paths18:43
exosystSputnik_, You don't want to see it? Then go wired and disable the wifi connection18:43
MasterOfDisasterApplesouce: APIPA is 169.254.*.* and private ip is 10.*.*.* or 192.168.*.* or 172.16.*.*.18:43
Sputnik_exosyst: I did18:44
Sputnik_it's not a notification it's a window18:44
exosystodra, I have a few windows open at a time and can't say I struggle to pick the right one. Your prerogative, use what works for you.18:44
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: Ok then I have a Network-IP http://pastebin.com/xYhUS5gQ18:44
odraexosyst: I have to try more of them to see what works for me D:18:44
exosystSputnik_, it won't show if you have disabled the wifi connection.18:45
odraBtw i don't like how everything looks black.18:45
maheescott got any advice on that?18:45
exosystodra, Then learn2theme?18:45
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: Oh for some reason, the IP is not on there, I had a 192.168 IP18:45
Sputnik_exosyst: I need the connection lol18:45
Walther[    13.873] (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)18:45
Waltheron a new 12.10 install, after installing nvidia-current18:45
Waltherdmesg doesn't show anything useful18:46
exosystSputnik_, then you've not got much choice if you're using nm. If your wifi is patchy and fails, it will try to connect and ask for you to check the wifi18:46
MasterOfDisasterApplesouce: check your router then if you got this IP via DHCP. Seems alright to me from the client side (i.e. your computer).18:46
escottmahe, i thought what i just gave you was advice18:46
exosystWalther, what do you expect to see in dmesg?18:46
lehzenishould you normally be able to burn a dvd in dao/sao mode? or is that non-standard or impossible?18:46
odraI was told if I installed gnome shell I would be able to minimize windows clicking on the task bar :/18:47
odraTurns out there is no taskbar :/18:47
Waltherexosyst: Well, usually any useful error messages show up in dmesg :P That error was in Xorg.0.log though18:47
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: Here I've got my ifconfig http://pastebin.com/qbC5AHnt18:47
Waltherbut yeah, I have no idea whatsoever how to fix this - nvidia-current is installed and everything should work18:47
exosystodra, No. That's not gnome-shell. Consider cinammon for that.18:47
Waltherhowever, I'm not getting a desktop / X running18:47
exosystWalther, so what's the problem? I only picked up the fact you're not seeing nvidia stuff in dmesg?18:48
odraHow do I install cinammon on ubuntu? Actually isn't that a digimon?18:48
MasterOfDisasterApplesouce: routing table? 'route -n'18:48
Waltherexosyst: did you read anything at all? :D I'm not getting a graphical desktop at all18:48
Waltherand no useful messages in dmesg saying why18:48
lehzeniI thought cinnamon was only for mint?18:48
exosystodra, I'd recommend installing Mint if you want cinammon18:48
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: At my Routers Site it shows my Notebook in there :>18:48
odraWhy do I have to change operating systems just to minimize windows with a click on the taskbar!18:49
exosystWalther, so what's your output in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:49
exosystodra, It's not changing the OS. It's still Linux.18:49
lehzeniodra, xfce gives you a taskbar, and it runs fine on ubuntu18:49
MasterOfDisasterApplesouce: sure. I suspect that your uplink (router <-> Internet) is down18:49
odraWhy do I have to change distros just to minimize windows with a click on the taskbar!18:49
exosystodra, Because that's how applications work?18:50
lehzeniodra, xfce gives you a taskbar, and it runs fine on ubuntu18:50
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: http://pastebin.com/mE2vy6WQ18:50
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: Wouldn't my other devices then also have no internet access?18:50
MasterOfDisasterApplesouce: yes18:50
exosystodra, If I install Windows with Metro - I expect to install another OS to get Gnome-shell. I don't expect the OS guys to cater for me wanting to do something 'different' and have them support it18:51
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: But I have internet access on all my other devices18:51
alienautexosyst, can i part video that i riped with handbrake or should i use another program?18:51
exosystalienaut, part video?18:51
rikimaru90Ubuntu for tablets looks really good18:51
lehzeniexosyst, ubuntu support a variety of dm's18:52
genadiwhere can I get help for ubutnu 13.04? for two days now I cant get any response in ubuntu+118:52
odraexosyst: You can change desktops in windows :/18:52
odraI know I have.18:52
exosystlehzeni, They don't really support them. They have them as installable packages which is different18:52
Waltherexosyst: the most relevant line is [    13.873] (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)18:52
MasterOfDisasterdoes 'ping -c4' and 'ping -c4' work? Did you mess with iptables, ufw, or any other firewall related stuff?18:53
Waltherwhich i pasted a bit earlier18:53
MasterOfDisasteroops, Applesouce: does 'ping -c4' and 'ping -c4' work? Did you mess with iptables, ufw, or any other firewall related stuff?18:53
lehzenisemantics, you can get support for xubuntu or kubuntu from ubuntu channels18:53
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: Also my Router says, my Notebook is not an active client!18:53
exosystodra, lehzeni, and YMMV with regards to installing different DEs to the one being pushed by the distribution.18:53
alienautexosyst,  uhmm, i want make new video between 10:00:00 and 18:00:00. sorry about my english18:53
DJonesgenadi: Its only #ubuntu+1 for support on 13.04 at the minute, all I can suggest is that you have be patient18:54
exosystalienaut, It's probably worth ripping it to something sane and then using pitivi or something to edit it. I've only ripped. Not edited.18:54
ApplesouceAnd this Site just froze up18:54
computerexI feel like ubuntu automatically scales mouse input even if acceleration/sensitivity is set to zero18:54
Waltherexosyst: but yeah, any further ideas? :/18:54
alienautexosyst, thank you! i will try.18:55
exosystWalther, lsmod | grep nvidia18:55
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KartagisI'd installed !xen a long time ago, and now I need to switch kernels. when I do, I get "/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open object file: No such file or directory". why am I getting that? I've got /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.618:56
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: I'm sorry, The IRC-Page froze up, last thing I read was "[19:53] <Applesouce> MasterOfDisaster: Also my Router says, my Notebook is not an active client!"18:56
Waltherexosyst: none. Weird, I saw it building the DKMS module when installing nvidia-current...18:56
exosystWalther, possibly failed. Maybe a kernel update happened at the same time?18:56
alienautis there another open source video editing program that i can run on windows too.18:56
Waltherexosyst: i ran a reinstall of nvidia-current like 5min ago just to be sure as well, so it shouldn't be that18:57
MasterOfDisasterApplesouce: does 'ping -c4' and 'ping -c4' work? Did you mess with iptables, ufw, or any other firewall related stuff?18:57
exosystWalther, sudo depmod -a; sudo modprobe nvidia_current18:57
exosystWow - this is like drinking from a firehose lol.18:58
alienautoh. i think Video Lan Movie Creator runs both ubuntu and windows!18:59
ApplesouceMasterOfDisaster: I don't have ufw installed and both pings fail. It says it's unreachable18:59
dniwhow come even after downloading and install the nvidia driver it says my graphics card is unknown? :(18:59
exosystWalther, you'll want to restart gdm as well19:00
Waltherexosyst: I did reboot the computer a couple times just to be sure with kernel etc19:00
exosystWalther, urgh - it's lightdm these days actually, so it's a sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart19:00
Waltherso it's not even about that :/19:01
fishtechHello! My usb is not pickin up at all. I have tried what I could find and those commands don't are saying that it's plug in. Any help, please, thank you.19:01
exosystWalther, and you did the depmod line I posted?19:01
MasterOfDisasterApplesouce: puh - beats me. It's possible that your DHCP client caches a lease. Have you got *any* information in 'dmesg' or /var/log/syslog about this?19:02
exosystfishtech, run 'disks' to see if it picks it up in there. It may need formatting or something19:02
Waltherexosyst: fatal: module nvidia_current not found19:02
exosystWalther, So... that means you haven't got it installed19:03
exosystWalther, problem solved19:03
Waltherexosyst: but I did install nvidia-current from the repos, and even ran --reinstall when I noticed it wasn't working.19:03
WaltherProblem not solved at all19:03
Walther"nvidia-current is already the newest version"19:04
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fishtechWell it all started with I had used the usbloader program from opensuse you can download. Put ubuntu on it. Try gparted and it's gone down hill from there.19:04
fishtechOnly options I know I can do it use windows format program, but I want to understand how to do this in linux.19:05
xiambaxWhy doesn't ubuntu get into the hardware game19:05
exosystWalther, find /lib/modules -name nvidia_current19:05
Waltherexosyst: none, but there are modules just named nvidia19:06
ApplesouceMasterOfDistaster: This is my DMESG -> http://pastebin.com/FkRBSmHg and my syslog -> http://pastebin.com/8Xi4ZQBB19:06
exosystWalther, under net/ethernet? Yeah, that's not it.19:06
Waltherexosyst: also under video19:06
exosystWalther, oh right - and does the 3.7.X whatever string match that of your uname -a19:07
Waltheryup, 3.5.0-2319:08
Angelhi, someone here know a lot about apache2?19:09
exosystWalther, so you can do an insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko or whatever it was19:09
lehzeniAngel, a little bit19:09
Angelyou know how I can change permissions so ppl can view my filestructure for a virtual host?19:10
Waltherexosyst: Uh... I just wonder what caused this problem; this should really just work as it has usually done, by installing nvidia-current19:10
escott!permissions | Angel19:10
ubottuAngel: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:10
exosystWalther, I have no idea. I avoid the proprietary drivers for exactly that reason. They're normally a clusterfuck.19:11
Waltherexosyst: i've had the exact opposite experience mostly, usually they just work19:11
exosystWalther, did you use gtk-jockey or whatever it is that normally handles it?19:12
atisuj #gameparty.hu19:12
Angelubottu: already made the files read/write for all, but in the browser I get no permission to vieu the files19:12
ubottuAngel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:12
Waltherexosyst: i thought they got rid of jockey already a while ago19:13
Waltherexosyst: i just "apt-get install nvidia-current" like i've done for loooong time :P19:13
exosystWalther, Oh I have no ideas. I've only got to use Ubuntu for work things. I thought the idea these days was to install Additional Drivers from Software Centre, and then run jockey from that dash thing19:14
Waltherexosyst: heh... I think we both are a bit more used to running multiple terminals :P19:14
exosystAngel, The permissions you want will be o+r and g+r.19:14
exosystWalther, I use terminals a *lot* but I jumped my own systems to Fedora on release of unity. Hence me popping in earlier to ask for help19:15
exosystWalther, though i seem to be answering a few more than I planned!19:16
supNowikonia, I deleted the folder and am starting from scratch. There's recommended values for the php.ini file and I'm making the changes (editing as root) however it doesn't show them as changed on the pre-install check. I have edited 2 different php.ini files on the system... is there another location ubuntu might have the one it actually uses?19:16
Angelexosyst, that changes apache permissions?19:16
exosystAngel, those are unix file permissions you can set using chmod19:16
Angelthe unix permissions are not the problem, it's the apache permissions that I need :D19:16
exosystAngel, You may also need to chown -R apache:apache the directory you want to open up19:16
Questone strange thing . sudo find /var/lib/tomcat7/work/Catalina/localhost/_/ -name '*.java' -ls19:17
Quest but find / -name '*.java' -ls  shows .java files only in /var/cache/tomcat7/Catalina/localhost/_/org/apache/jsp/19:17
Questwhy is that?19:17
FloodBot1Quest: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:17
Angelchownd and chmodded the dirs. If I type a file name, I get the file, but I can't view the folders in a browser19:17
supNowexosyst, I thought the default owner and group for apache is www-data:www-data19:17
exosystAngel, Apache doesn't really have permissions - it just adheres to the underlying unix file permissions19:17
exosystsupNow, I think you may well be right - check that Angel19:18
supNowexosyst, I'm having some permission issues relating to apache as well and it accepted those as default owner/group19:18
jribQuest: probably a permissions issue19:18
exosystAngel, supNow You can verify with grep "www-data" /etc/passwd19:19
Questjrib,  both are with sudo19:19
Waltherexosyst: yeah, i've had the same happen a dozen times... coming here to ask a question, end up answering a dozen19:19
jribQuest: pastebin19:19
Waltherguess that's not bad though19:20
jribQuest: pastebin full input and output19:20
supNowexosyst, did you happen to see the question I posted above as you seem to have some knowledge?19:20
supNowWalther, same here I end up helping and never get mine solved.. lol19:20
jribAngel: are you asking about directory indexes in apache?  You need to enable the Indexes option.  #httpd can help you with that19:21
exosystsupNow, Same. I've still had no reply to mine. Trying to tackle the easier ones that don't require me pulling apart Ubuntuisms :D19:21
klrrhi, why is there no /etc/profile by default?19:21
exosystsupNow, No I didn't see your issue19:21
jribklrr: there is I believe19:21
Questjrib,  http://pastebin.ca/231570919:21
klrrjrib: hmm, not in my install 12.04 :/19:22
jribexosyst: you can install 12.04 to a usb stick if you want19:22
klrrjrib: nvm typo19:22
Angeljrib, httpd.conf is an empty file19:22
exosystjrib, I'm trying again. It failed the first time as it didn't write the bootloader and just gave some error about it trying to right to /dev/sda19:23
jribAngel: I did not say anything about a "httpd.conf".  #httpd is a channel on this network19:23
Questjrib,   well see this one http://pastebin.ca/231571019:23
jrib!install | exosyst19:23
ubottuexosyst: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:23
Angeljrib, my bad ;)19:23
ApplesouceMasterOfDistaster: Found anything?19:24
jribexosyst: I think there's some documentation there (also /msg ubottu persistence maybe)19:24
supNowexosyst, my LAMP install is working fine as I have phpmyadmin as well as a joomla site running on a local server. I've been trying to install vtigercrm and have been running into nothing but issues. On the preinstallation check it's showing suggested changes on the php.ini. so I ran a search on the locations and have found 2. I have edited both php.ini files I have found and the results do not show on the preinstallation check19:24
supNow from the install.php file of vtiger. /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and etc/php5/cli/php.ini are the 2 locations I've found and neither had any impact. (yes I edited as root)19:24
KingPixelIs there a channel for help w/ vpn/routing?19:25
jribQuest: but I see mission_jsp.java in the output of both commands, no?19:26
exosystsupNow, sorry but no idea on that one. I am not familiar with vtigercrm. I do know that I ended up having to put a php.ini into my serving directory to get changes picked up by a wordpress install. Maybe you can do similar19:26
k1l!alis | KingPixel19:26
ubottuKingPixel: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:26
Questjrib,  the path is different19:26
KingPixelkewl thx19:26
supNowexosyst, I will try that, thanks19:26
Questjrib,  those are 2 different files19:27
skjoedtAre there any milestones/info on what kernel to expect in Ubuntu 14.04? Will it be 3.6 or will it jump to the most recent (say, 3.8)?19:27
TuxBlackEdohow do i burn on a single layer of a dual layer dvd? i am burning an livecd to install an os, and it keeps screwing up at about the 50% mark, however all my single layer dvds work. all i have is dual layer dvds, can i just burn a single layer dvd?19:27
k1lskjoedt: the most recent untill the freeze19:27
KingPixelTuxBlackEdo, you can not use single layer burner to burn to dual layer. anything over 3.7gb gets put on second layer19:27
k1lskjoedt: noone can gues what that is gonna be now19:27
jribQuest: there's probably a symlink somewhere along one of the paths19:27
exosystScrew it. I'll use 10.04 for this. Google is full of how broken 12.04 is in general.. I think i'll avoid inflicting it on my trainees :D19:28
Cyber_AkumaWould it be feasable to run most non-specialized Ubuntu apps (as in nothing for really heavy graphic work, 3d modeling, photoshop, etc) and games with no swap partition if you have 16 gigs of ram?19:28
LaserSharkbut...12.04 isn't broken...19:28
TuxBlackEdoKingPixel, my iso file is 3.11gb, enough for a single layer, however most burning programs split this 3.1 between the two tracks19:28
skjoedtk1l, Okay, thanks. Will such kernel be tested and gradually introduced in prior releases? (Say, 13.10)19:28
DJonesexosyst: Don't forget support for 10.04 ends in about 2 months as well19:29
Serenehow to install a folder of jar files19:29
KingPixelTuxBlackEdo, can't you use a USB key instead of a DVD? physical media is becoming obsolete19:29
skjoedtk1l, Or is it only long time support releases19:29
exosystDJones, hah - the course will be done with by then. I don't need support, just the ability to install to a USB key19:29
k1lskjoedt: long time support19:29
exosystnote, that's *to* a USB key, not *from* a USB key19:29
Cyber_AkumaAnd if not, would 32gb be feasable?19:31
synmuffinhey all, i'm running ubuntu server 12.04 and did a apt-get install pdftk however every time i run it i get this error: http://paste8.com/10447819:31
exosystsynmuffin, libgcj is provided by the GNU Compiler Suite. You may have better luck installing Oracles JVM to run your app with19:32
klrrhi, how do i make the log in session use my ~/.xsession instead of normal ubuntu?19:32
temporary__hi, i'm trying to install Steam on Ubuntu 12.04, but i keep getting this error: The following packages have unmet dependencies:19:33
temporary__ libgl1-mesa-glx : Depends: libglapi-mesa (= 8.0.4-0ubuntu0.3)19:33
temporary__E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.19:34
exosystklrr, Does it not work? I don't recall which one runs so might be an idea to link  your .xinitrc to it19:34
synmuffinexosyst, is that openjdk-7-jre package?19:34
Or6itzCould someone help me out. How can I zip the contents (files and folders excluding hidden files and folders) of the directory I am currently in via command line?19:34
k1lklrr: what is the whole issue you try to do?19:34
exosystsynmuffin, That part I don't know. Not on a ubuntu machine atm, I'd stick with the one from oracle.com19:35
klrrk1l: i try to use plan9port19:36
Zentaurcould anybody tell how to disable some services when i boot?19:36
gdoteofWill Ubuntu for tablets be able to use existing packages in the repos?19:36
exosystklrr, How do you know it's not working? Normally it will run either your .xinitrc or .xsession after it's done the defaults.19:36
klrrexosyst:i mean i have to find a way to make it possible to use my .xsession in the menu of the log in screen19:37
Zentauri use 12.04 and i don't want mysql to start (only if i need it)19:37
17WAA6T8Shello guys19:37
klrrexosyst: well it does not, ill try .xinitrc too then19:37
temporary__Or6itz, you could use tar i think19:37
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gdoteofSo apps could be developed using Python or Haskell and what not?19:37
exosystCyber_Akuma, If you've got the RAM, then why not?19:37
exosystklrr, easiest is to symlink it.19:37
exosystklrr, ln -s ~/.xsession ~/.xinitrc19:37
temporary__Or6itz, "tar -cvpzf backup.tar.gz /path/to/backupdir" would probably work19:38
samuelAnyone know if Ubuntu will work on retina MBP's now that tablets and phones are supported?19:38
samuelas in the resolution independence bit?19:38
exosystsamuel, The RI stuff will come from the toolkit. I know Qt and Gtk *can* do it but I'm not sure they're currently built to allow it on Ubuntu19:39
samuelexosyst: I imagine that it must be soon, I hope, I am fed up with OS X19:40
samuelbut linux does not look very nice on a high resolution display19:40
bkc_samuel: well, you could set the resolution to something smaller too :)19:41
gdoteofThe Ubuntu for tables and phones, is it the "same" Ubuntu? So I will have a terminal and be able to apt-get install normal packages?19:42
samuelbkc_: I have done so, but only *some* apps seem to work. Many apps seem to have 96 DPI setting hardcoded.19:43
bkc_DPI != resolution :)19:43
samuelgdoteof: I think thats the long term goal19:43
samuelbkc_: I know, but you get what I mean19:43
bkc_samuel: yes, regulating the DPI would be the optimal solution for high-res screens :)19:44
ApplesouceHey, can someone help me here, I have a problem with my WLAN. It's not working anymore :> I can connect and also I get an internal IP adress, but I can not access the network or the internet :/ (Ubuntu 12.10)19:44
gdoteofSamuel does that imply the first gen will not be?  Like what is set to be available for devs in a couple days?19:44
bkc_gdoteof: I don't think anyone can answer that before the release, unless Canonical actually said it themselfs :)19:45
samuelgdoteof: I really don't know. I am guessing from the video and the info available now. Its all going to be clearer in 2 days19:45
synmuffin:/ this sucks stupid pdftk :/19:45
gdoteofBkc_ well someone wrote some code :-).  Thought maybe there had been talk of it19:46
gdoteofI guess I can wait19:46
gdoteofI would love top be able top write html5 apps on top of Haskell that run natively19:47
bkc_samuel: also, most regular apps works against Qt or GTK+, so you have to set the DPI for each toolkit that's used :)19:47
=== XenGi_ is now known as XenGi
donttrustem_agaiguys, any ideas please http://pastebin.com/b6DyGSd319:48
bkc_gdoteof: the youtube-clip speaks of webapps and "native apps", so I'm guessing there will be some kind of package-manager, and my guess is that they won't change it just for the phone/tablet-version :)19:48
bkc_gdoteof: also, talk about unreleased versions are in a different channel :)19:48
blahHi, I am trying to load a driver for my network card on boot. I copied the compiled module to /lib/modules<kernel>/drivers/net, and also added it in /etc/modules as the line "alias eth0 tg3". But this doe not seems to work, it does not load on both .... pls help@19:49
bkc_!phone > gdoteof19:49
ubottugdoteof, please see my private message19:49
bkc_!tablet > gdoteof19:49
bkc_there :)19:49
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donttrustem_agaifixed the problem :)19:50
samuelbkc_: Actually, in my experience they don't work particularly well, but to be honest I have not tried 13.0419:51
bkc_samuel: the package-manager is apt for all ubuntu-versions... synaptic/SoftwareCenter are just frontends for apt :/19:52
bkc_so unless they the whole thing, it will still use apt as the backend, in otherwords, apt-get will exist :)19:52
bkc_and since they talk about connecting keyboards and mice, I'm guessing that the terminal won't go away either :)19:53
NullVoxPopuliWill ubuntu for tablets run Sublime Text? (or any text editor)19:58
bkc_NullVoxPopuli: if they release an ARM-version it might19:58
NullVoxPopulibkc_ do all tablets use ARM architecture?19:59
rasha666is there any way to interfear with canonical as outsider, not like team member, i want to found NGO20:00
Zentaurdoes aybody know how to disable a service? I don't want sql to start everytime i boot.20:00
bkc_NullVoxPopuli: no, it may also run on x86-arch20:01
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bkc_NullVoxPopuli: join #ubuntu-tablet, #ubuntu-phone or #ubuntu-duscuss for questions about ubuntu on tablets/phones :)20:01
NullVoxPopulibkc_: do you happen to know what the Nexus devices use off the top of your head?20:01
NullVoxPopulioh ok20:01
bkc_Nexus uses ARM20:02
rasha666is there any way to interfear with canonical as outsider, not like team member, i want to found NGO20:02
bkc_rasha666: could you elaborate on that one20:03
OerHeksrasha666, mail them.20:03
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rasha666bkc_, i am member of some approved team, but i want to work some things throw my NGO, and i need there support, like with cds .... if u understand.20:04
old_man_winterquick question the cup holder on my computer will not come out any more how can i fix this20:05
bkc_old_man_winter: lol :P20:05
OerHeksold_man_winter, terminal: eject && eject -t20:05
aaasold_man_winter thats funny. most computers don't come with them anymore because they were always too small for BigGulps20:06
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old_man_winternow about the credit card slot...,.20:07
old_man_winterbeen working tech suport for a couple of friends parents and i had to share20:08
rasha666bkc_, any idea?20:08
bkc_rasha666: email them20:09
bkc_contact-info is on the website20:09
rasha666bkc_, tnx for suggestion20:09
Picirasha666: try #ubuntu-locoteams20:09
old_man_winterthey still had a 3.5 floppy and like 4 credit cards in there20:10
dniwhow come even after downloading and installing the nvidia driver it says my graphics card is unknown? :(20:14
ozzloykwallet has taken over and now i'm having trouble with my svnsyncing.  i disabled kwallet by editing ~/.kde/config/kwalletrc, but i still get http://paste.ubuntu.com/1683924/ when running svnsync.  how do i tell kwallet to bugger off?20:14
old_man_winterok  for the real question i am trying to build a full website with media/mailserver intagratedwhat would be the best direction for me to go far from stupid bet even farther from brilant20:15
mmmbudi have a noob question about ubuntu 13.0420:16
old_man_wintermmmbud: hello whats up20:16
xangua!13.04 | mmmbud20:16
ubottummmbud: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+120:16
old_man_wintermmmbud: shoot20:16
mmmbudwell i just used the windows installer for it20:16
mmmbudand when i boot into it i cant login20:17
mmmbudonly to guest and then i cant use a root password20:17
mmmbudam i missing somthing silly20:17
old_man_winterwubi(never liked it always had issues) dual boot partition is the way i alwas went20:17
mmmbudah damn i gotta find a dvd i guess20:18
old_man_winterunetbootn no disk and will act like a dvd20:18
celsocan someone tell me the diference of i update my ubuntu 12.04.1 installation or download ubuntu 12.04.2 iso and install it? is it the same thing? Because i heard that update ubuntu 12.04.1 to .2  and download ubuntu 12.04.2 and install it is diferent.20:19
old_man_winterbut i would defintaly stick with 12.04 or 12.1020:19
xanguacelso: you just have to worry about installing the updates20:19
celsoxangua: thanks. just what i need to hear! :D20:21
k1lcelso: the .1 and .2 are like service packs. if you update your 12.04 you already have a 12.04.220:21
bcbc2celso: http://askubuntu.com/a/168230/1491620:21
bcbc2celso: there is a difference20:22
angsI am connecting a device by screen command. when I am connected to the device, it outputs too much data at time so that I cannot see the first lines. is it possible to save these output on a file or so?20:22
celsobcbc2: what diferences?20:22
cyanboyHi I am having some troubles logging into ubuntu. I get a black screen with a white mouse cursor20:22
celsok1l : thanks for the link!20:22
bcbc2celso: check out the link. the kernel stack will not be updated20:22
joelwhitehouseI have a question, but I don't know where to ask it.20:23
celsobcbc2: ahhh so it was that! Thanks!20:24
k1lbcbc2: you are sure the kernelstack wont be upgraded too?20:24
old_man_winterKil :I would like to know the diffrences as well mind either posting the link or pming it to me20:24
bcbc2celso: np. You can update it through backports if you want to20:24
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celsobcbc2: nah... i prefer an new install ;)20:25
mmmbudhey old_man_winter on unetboot it dosnt have an ubuntu 13.0420:25
Picimmmbud: 13.04 is only supported in #ubuntu+1, not #ubuntu20:25
bcbc2k1l: not according to what I have seen. The Edubuntu release notes for 12.04.2 mentioned this as well20:25
k1lbcbc2: edubuntu is not lts, iirc20:26
celsobcbc2: This is a new policy. The decision to have such a updated kernel and Xorg was decided at the 2012 Ubuntu Developer Summit (UDS) in Oakland.  (that is why i didn't know that)20:26
cyanboyCan anyone help? It's kind of bothering jerking around in a full screen terminal20:26
bcbc2k1l: it is now20:26
bcbc2k1l: wasn't for 10.0420:27
k1lbcbc2: i think you are mixing backports and upgrades20:27
nichlascyanboy: what's wrong with that. That's how i run my RPi :)20:27
celsocyanboy, what do you need?20:27
old_man_wintermmmbud: you do have the option of supplying your own iso and i think the nighly is 13.0420:27
cyanboyWhen I boot up, I get a black screen with a white cursor on it20:27
bcbc2k1l: This release is the first to ship with the backported kernel and X stack. This should be mostly relevant to users of very recent hardware. Current users of Edubuntu 12.04 won't be automatically updated to this backported stack, you can however manually install the packages if you want them.20:27
celsocyanboy, and your pc specs?20:28
bcbc2k1l: that's from www.edubuntu.org20:28
cyanboycelso, MacBookPro with i7, Intel HD 4000, 8GB RAM20:28
bcbc2k1l: this is a better link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:29
Picik1l: there is a new package in precise that is installed by default on 12.04.2 installs, but must be opted in for 12.01.1/0 installs, this would be the linux-generic-lts-quantal and xserver-xorg-lts-quantal packages.20:29
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k1lPici: bcbc2 ok, just found it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:30
celsocyanboy, and ubuntu version?20:30
joelwhitehouseDoes anyone know where to go with a software design question?20:30
cyanboylatest, not the LTS20:30
Picijoelwhitehouse: ##programming perhaps?20:30
celsocyanboy, you get white screen on live cd or after the ubuntu install?20:31
rasha666i installed ubuntu server 12.04, and now i have problem. i dont know how to open site on my computer. i have it installed on virtualbox20:32
cyanboyBLACK, I get grub, then I select ubuntu. The login prompt sound comes, and it is a BLACK screen with a white cursor.20:32
joelwhitehouseOkay, thanks Pici!20:32
evilbitrasha666: what do you mean, open a site?20:32
cyanboycelso, I have also tried reinstalling20:32
rasha666evilbit, to open in browser20:32
rasha666or  acces with openssh20:32
rasha666dont know how to use server20:33
evilbitrasha666: have you confirmed networking is setup properly?20:33
rasha666any beginer tut will be fine20:33
rasha666evilbit, yes my network is good20:33
evilbitrasha666: so, you can ping things? can you resolve DNS?20:33
rasha666yes i can ping20:34
rasha666resolve dns20:34
rasha666how can i check20:34
FloodBot1rasha666: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:34
evilbitrasha666: open a terminal and type:  host www.google.com20:35
roberto_hi all! i don't find steam in my ubuntu software center ?_?20:35
MartynKeigherquick one...how do i cahnge directory on a ubuntu terminal?20:35
dniwi'm so confused, i rebooted after installing updates and now it just hangs on the ubuntu screen with the dots below it :/20:35
rasha666evilbit, it shows me ip adresses20:35
MartynKeigheri want to go to a folder called test on the root of the file system20:35
phantomcircuiti've changed my ethernet card and the device is now eth120:36
evilbitMartynKeigher:  cd /20:36
phantomcircuithow can i clear the persistent names so it goes back to eth0?20:36
MartynKeigherthat takes me the root of the drive?20:36
celsocyanboy, on this link http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/12.04/release/  did you selected the mac iso?20:36
cyanboymac iso?20:37
celsocyanboy, because the  image is adjusted to work properly on Mac systems.20:37
llutzphantomcircuit: remove /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules20:37
cyanboyI'll be bach20:37
celsocyanboy, maybe its because of that?20:37
rasha666evilbit, so what can i do?20:37
awktioncelso: i don't suppose you worked at frys?20:37
zykotick9llutz: will that get automatically recreated?20:38
evilbitrasha666: what ip address is returned from www.google.com ?20:38
celsoawktion: frys?20:38
llutzzykotick9: yes, at next boottime20:38
zykotick9llutz: thanks.20:38
awktioncelso: guess not lol; frys electronics ;)20:38
awktionknew a dood20:38
angsdoes arm-linux-gnueabi- toolchain support cpu arm926ej-s?20:39
celsoawktion: looool20:39
rasha666and few more changed only after last dot20:39
phantomcircuitllutz, thanks i thought that was the actual rule but i guess not20:39
rasha666evilbit, and few more changed only after last dot20:39
evilbitrasha666: that's not a google address... something is wrong... can you post the output to pastebin20:39
llutzphantomcircuit: you also could edit that file, remove the 2nd entry and change MAC in 1st entry (eth9)20:39
llutzeth0 *20:39
Rcarthello there, can I exclude the "main" section from backports? I want updates of my software *out* of main section20:40
celsowell, i have to go. bb20:41
rasha666evilbit, http://pastebin.com/pRp8kmG620:42
evilbitrasha666: ok, so if you open a browser and goto www.google.com what happens?20:42
no_gravityGood Evening! Will ubuntu for tablets provide root access by default?20:43
Pici!tablet | nevada20:43
ubottunevada: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.20:43
Picino_gravity: that was for you ^20:43
PiciRcart: If you look at the backport line(s) in /etc/apt/sources.list you can take out or add any component, like 'main' or 'multiverse' or whatever.20:44
no_gravityPici: its a software for all computer types but not for all irc channel types?20:44
zykotick9Rcart: you do understand that "main" if the main repo right?20:44
rasha666evilbit, my server is command line, but in command line browser it opens normaly20:44
Picino_gravity: Its a non-released product, we just don't have the knowledge to provide support here.20:44
evilbitrasha666: I'm confused... what are you trying to do?20:45
RcartPici: thanks. I have all sections there, I just wanted to know if there were no problems =)20:45
no_gravityPici: ah, i didnt see its a support channel.20:45
RcartPici: then I'll remove main section. Thank you20:45
rasha666evident, my server is installed on virtual box, when i installed server i installed LAMP SERVER. now i want to set some kind of web site and start it on my normal system20:46
* riderplus Gooo away20:47
angsI did "add-apt-repository ppa:germia/archive3 " when I type apt-get update, it outputs " W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/germia/archive3/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found , how can I solve it?20:48
Piciangs: Are you sure that the ppa you listed provides packages for your Ubuntu release?20:49
nichlasrasha666: it depends on how you set up the network for the VM. Whether it is a bridge or a nat'ed network.20:49
angspici, yeah I noticed that the link is broken20:50
saydwhats with the output of iftop? i see a bunch of mmmmqqq.. doesnt appear to be a curses app.. at least installing libncurses5-dev didn't help20:50
Korejoraso, I have a dual boot of Windows 7 and Ubuntu 12.10 .. I just put a SSD into my computer, and I want to install them both on that, now. If I do that while the installations exist on my HDD, will grub get really confused?20:51
nichlasangs: possibly the archive you added don't have a quantal build. you should check that.20:51
ApplesouceHey I have a little problem with my Ubuntu. Wlan stopped working :> It works via cable, it works via bluetooth, but not via wlan. I get an internal ip and I'm listed at the DHCP Clients at my routers site :/20:53
nichlasKorejora: i would at least disconnect the old disk when installing. At least windows installer can be very confused if a system already exist on a disk.20:57
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confusedok i have a dvd that has audio files(.wav format) and they  have a lock icon over them wth?20:59
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=== Noskcaj is now known as Noskcaj_AFK
colonelqubitUbuntu tablet announcement mentions support for Skype. Will there be support for Jabber/Jingle and WebRTC video chat as well?21:11
marmulakhey buddies21:11
DJones!tablet | colonelqubit21:12
ubottucolonelqubit: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.21:12
colonelqubitDJones: danke21:12
marmulakI used the universal pen drive installer to create a usb drive with 12.04.2 image, and when I boot it on my Thinkpad I get the boot menu but when I select any of the boot options it simply beeps and reloads the menu21:12
marmulakthe only thing that actually loads is memtest21:12
=== linuxthefish` is now known as linuxthefish
DJonesmarmulak: Did you check the md5 of the iso before you created the liveusb21:13
DJones!md5 | marmulak21:14
ubottumarmulak: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:14
marmulakDJones: no but I will try that21:14
murder101he is sorry that he knows nothing about porn21:14
DJonesmurder101: Not in here21:14
DJonesmarmulak: Sounds like the iso might have been corrupted, check the md5 against what it should be, but you may need to redownload it, if it is, maybe try the torrent download so it gets checked while its downloading21:15
marmulakDJones: Ah yes, I love torrent21:16
=== vreim is now known as Vreim2K
Vreim2KWhy should i not stop using ubuntu?21:19
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
marmulakok so I just did a checksum of the iso and it looks fine21:21
=== tom__ is now known as tommyguitfiddle
marmulakmaybe the data on the usb is bad for some reason21:23
cicciociao  a  tutti21:25
DJonesmarmulak: I'd try remaking the usb stick21:25
marmulakyeah I just reformatted it21:25
jacklkHi, how do I change screen brightness in Ubuntu?21:25
marmulakI'll try fat instead of fat32, though probably won't make a difference21:25
DJonesmarmulak: using usb creator, i just format and then write the image21:26
DJonesjacklk: which version? 12.10?21:27
DJones!list > ciccio21:27
ubottuciccio, please see my private message21:27
nhimselfHey guys, I'm new to Linux and am thinking about installing Ubuntu on my new Media PC that's going to be arriving tomorrow. Before I do that, I have a question that I'm hoping you guys could help me with21:27
Jutasin which folder has the files of look and apperience over the themes and icons? i put the folder in those but it's not good enough21:27
jacklkDJones: yes21:28
DJonesjacklk: If its 12.10, go to system settings and then Brightness and Lock21:28
jacklkDJones: I don't have system settings21:28
jacklkI'm using MATE21:29
DJonesjacklk: No idea in that case, probably better asking in the mint channel21:29
jacklkMint? Why?21:29
jacklkMATE is for any distro21:29
DJonesjacklk: Appreciate that, but I thought it was one of the defaults for Mint21:30
jacklkDJones: okay ty, what DE do you use btw?21:30
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nhimselfHow easy should Ubuntu 12.1 be to set up on a new PC where I just want to use it for streaming from my NAS using XBMC, wireless kb+m, wifi usb card?21:32
GeekSquidnhimself: pie21:33
nhimselfThe last time I gave Linux a shot was like, 12 years ago and it was a pain in the ass to find drivers for most of my hardware. Is that still the case or has most of that been resolved?21:34
PadNet_201quite easy21:34
=== tommyguitfiddle_ is now known as tommyguitfiddle
DJonesnhimself: I've not long set a machine up running lubuntu with XBMC & didn't have any problems, probably the messiest thing will be wifi & graphics depending on which chipset they are21:34
Rienzillatheres been vast imporvments in 12 years21:34
Rienzillaa lot of stuff just works now21:34
nhimselfAwesome, that's really good to hear21:34
=== peterrus- is now known as peterrus
DJonesnhimself: Which wifi card & which graphics does the machine have21:35
nhimselfLast question: Is there a tool, like with windows to USB, to move the Ubuntu iso to a USB drive for installation through that media rather than needing a DVD drive?21:35
DJonesnhimself: unetbootin21:35
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:35
llutznhimself: cat foo.iso >/dev/sdX21:36
ShapeShifter499how may I change my ubuntu username via cli?21:36
nhimselfDJones: Radeon 6310, wireless: Edimax EW-7811Un21:36
nhimselfAlright so for the ubuntu install, I need to first format my usb to Fat32 right?21:38
kbrosnannot required21:38
llutzShapeShifter499: "man usermod "  (-l --login) but make sure you always have a 2nd sudo-account21:38
breaker313Hi *, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and when I'm starting Chrome (latest Version, 64bit) the system crashes...21:38
GeekSquidShapeShifter499: passwd21:38
nhimselfoh really? nice21:38
breaker313means I've been logged out and I need to login again ...21:38
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kbrosnannhimself: only thing fat 32 gives you is the ablility to read the drive on windows21:39
kbrosnannhimself: which you may or may not care about21:39
nhimselfah, alright. So unetbootin should work just fine to move this install to the USB21:39
=== tensorpuddin is now known as tensorpudding
breaker313Hi *, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 64bit and when I'm starting Chrome (latest Version, 64bit) the system crashes...21:40
ShapeShifter499llutz, you mean I need to create a new user with admin privileges?21:40
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llutzShapeShifter499: if the account you want to change is the only with admin-priv yes21:40
llutzShapeShifter499: if you change username, sudo might break and you lose admin-privs21:41
ShapeShifter499llutz, I only have one account and its conflicting when I ssh in to my network from outside (two computers with the same user name running the latest ubuntu 12.10)21:41
llutzShapeShifter499: how is that conflicting?21:42
llutzShapeShifter499: i have about 12 computers here with the same username21:42
ShapeShifter499I'm getting connection refused21:42
llutzShapeShifter499: that means nothing listening on that port21:42
llutzShapeShifter499: that has nothing to do with usernames21:43
PadNet_201nothing listening on that port21:43
llutzShapeShifter499: check port-forwarding, check on those machines "lsof -i :22" if ssh listens at all21:43
ShapeShifter499llutz, PadNet_201 right now if I ssh using my local lan ip, it works fine, but if I ssh using my public ip as a test it fails with "connection refused"21:43
ShapeShifter499port 22 is open21:44
PadNet_201is it in use by another process?21:44
llutzShapeShifter499: either your portforwarding is broken, or you haven't enabled "nat loopback"21:44
llutzShapeShifter499: if you try to connect to WAN-address from LAN, you router needs nat-loopback (or however they call it on your router) being enabled. else you always get errors21:45
=== JesseCW is now known as JesseC
ShapeShifter499PadNet_201, llutz, right now I'm using my netbook as a wifi router and server up till now it was working just fine.  My iptables config (placed inside of rc.local)  http://pastebin.com/zpunrXGt21:49
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llutzShapeShifter499: well, there will be iptables-howtos available explaining prerouting for nat-loopback21:50
zorgborghi, when i open NoScript FFox ext menu and now with simple things in librecalc, ffox or libreoffice take up 100% CPU along with compiz taking up a fair bit, the screen below the top panel darkens, and it takes forever to revert to normal, what on earth is going on?21:51
llutzShapeShifter499: with your ruleset, you cannot conntect from LAN to WAN-IP21:51
marmulakSo my laptop is booting successfully with the 12.04.1 image, not the 12.04.2 image. Either the .2 image itself has a problem or the universal pen drive install is mishandling it21:51
ShapeShifter499llutz, I did it yesterday before I added my voip router into the mix..... maybe thats the issue21:52
ShapeShifter499the thing is this voip router has no area for ports21:53
llutzShapeShifter499: no port-forwarding menu you mean?21:54
llutzShapeShifter499: buy something usable21:54
nichlasor hack it21:54
ShapeShifter499llutz, before I had it like this    Cable modem ---> netbook wifi ---> other devices     now its    cable modem ---> voip box ---> netbook ---> other devices21:54
llutzShapeShifter499: so your netbook doesn't even see the WAN-IP21:55
ShapeShifter499urgh  I'm thinking no now21:55
llutzShapeShifter499: what type/model is your voip-router? check if there is a 3rd party firmware (dd-wrt/openwrt) available for it21:56
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ShapeShifter499llutz, its a weird brand, its called "smart iad"  model 200s21:58
ShapeShifter499I picked it up somewhere for a buck21:58
llutzShapeShifter499: next time better pay 2 bucks...21:58
ShapeShifter499local thrift shop lol21:58
zorgborgwow, i completely forgot i asked a question here, must've zoned out, did anyone reply? (cant scroll up in irssi)22:01
DJoneszorgborg: Can't see any reply, have you tried page up to scroll up in irssi?22:02
shwaiilQ: formating a external hard drive through gpart. Ive got only Primary or External Partition, which one to choose ? Tks22:02
flintserneed help with grub: i cannot boot my windows anymore. i did "lilo -M \dev\sda mbr" and it booted the windows without grub like i wanted, then i went on live-usb and chrooted to my linux partition and did "grub-install". it said something i cant recall (not causing the problem), but the install went through with --force. after that i'm back at the starting point. ubuntu boots but windows does "disk error press ctrl+alt+delete to reboo22:03
PadNet_201shwaiil, depends on what you're doing22:03
zorgborgDJones, you are a lifesaver, i never knew you could do that :)22:03
shwaiilPadNet_201: tks for looking. I just want to backup files etc22:03
flintserzorgborg: pgup to scroll up in irssi22:03
shwaiilPadNet_201: its a brand new hard drive22:03
shwaiilexternal storage22:04
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DJoneszorgborg: You're welcome22:04
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=== pearhair613 is now known as tommyguitfiddle
PadNet_201shwaiil, i'd use primary then22:05
shwaiilPadNet_201: thank you22:05
AcidRain2012juancarlospaco: test complete22:05
shwaiilPadNet_201: Is there a way to do a full backup of the user $HOME  ?22:05
juancarlospacoAcidRain2012: Thank you for Playing  :P22:06
flintserneed help with grub: i cannot boot my windows anymore. i did "lilo -M \dev\sda mbr" and it booted the windows without grub like i wanted, then i went on live-usb and chrooted to my linux partition and did "grub-install". it said something i cant recall (not causing the problem), but the install went through with --force. after that i'm back at the starting point. ubuntu boots but windows does "disk error press ctrl+alt+delete to reboo22:06
flintseri'm in kind of hurry with that... :s22:06
PadNet_201shwaiil, yea read this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-274395.html22:07
bcbc2flintser: check the bootinfoscript, you might have installed grub over the windows bootsector22:07
bcbc2flintser: that's generally what --force is for22:08
holsteinflintser: i just let grub boot them both22:08
flintserbcbc2: no idea of how to do that. "grub-install /dev/sda --force" was the command, windows is in /dev/sda1 and ubuntu in /dev/sda522:08
AcidRain2012why is everyone having so many problems with grub? ^_-22:09
holsteinflintser: could be as simple as "sudo update-grub" and letting grub "find" the windows install again22:09
bcbc2flintser: ok /dev/sda should be okay, but usually --force is required only if you install grub to a partition22:09
AcidRain2012grub first off, sounds like something scary that you shouldnt tamper with.22:09
AcidRain2012grub sounds like it has something to do with the mbr :) so i sure as hell wouldnt touch it22:10
bcbc2flintser: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector22:10
Neo31Hello folks, I am looking for someone who have some experience with the 3G modem Huawei E173 12d1:1c08 it lights up when connected to the computer and modeswitch seems to work correctly but it does not connect to the network22:12
Neo31ubuntu version 12.1022:12
flintserAcidRain2012: bcbc2: holstein: i had working windows with 750gb hd, i fired up ubuntu install and did manual partitioning and did / and swap at the end of disk. after install grub shows windows and ubuntu, but windows does not boot ("disk error ctrl+alt...."). ubuntu was fine. then i did "lilo -M \dev\sda mbr" from my live-usb to get windows back. it worked. it booted staright in to windows. then i got back in live-usb and did grub-in22:14
AcidRain2012flintser: the issue comes in where....?22:15
rrvahow to create missing linux/include/version.h without full kernel build? linux-headers package installed but still complains22:15
flintserAcidRain2012: when the windows wont start?22:16
Matinho! lista22:16
ubottuMatinho: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:16
flintserwindows just does "disk error"22:16
escottflintser, why did you start messing around with lilo to begin with?22:16
ni291187hi I'm having trouble adding an xubuntu menu entry to grub 2, when I try to boot it, it says  hd1 cannot get C/H/S values.22:16
flintserescott: to get my mbr back so i can start clean.22:16
=== grep is now known as Guest55057
escottflintser, back from 1998?22:17
flintsernothing is broke yet, i'm just stuck in this loop where i can start either win or linux22:17
AcidRain2012flintser: tell me this first. i think your thinking way to hard about it. what use do you have for a windows computer?22:17
holsteinflintser: i would install grub, and troubleshoot it, til it boots what you need22:18
AcidRain2012flintser: this may have something to do with how your drives are connected to the computer? connected as slave or primary?22:18
holsteinflintser: otherwise, maybe a 3rd party bootloader...22:18
PadNet_201Be back later22:18
escottflintser, the only reason i have ever heard of having to force grub is if you are putting it on the pbr22:18
ni291187The boot entry I have is set root=(hd1,5)  linux /vmlinuz   initrd /initrd.img22:19
escottflintser, you might also verify that your disks are msdos partitioned with "sudo parted -l"22:19
AcidRain2012escott: good tip. imma do gthat now22:19
lewik_Hi, I search app for Kubuntu. To manage windows.22:20
AcidRain2012zomg!!!!! Partition Table: msdos 512kb Seagate FreeAgent Go how did that get in there?!?!?!22:20
* AcidRain2012 formats to ext422:20
AcidRain2012actually i wont mess with it. ;)22:21
holsteinlewik_: you want a windowmanager for KDE? what do you want other than what KDE/kubuntu is providing you?22:21
escottAcidRain2012, ?22:21
escottflintser, how old is the bios on this machine?22:21
flintserlatest you can get on asus p5n-d22:21
ni291187anyone have any suggestions for me?22:21
AcidRain2012that was an output to parted -l22:21
escottAcidRain2012, but why are you acting so surprised thats a normal looking table22:22
AcidRain2012flintser: and when was the last time you updated the bios22:22
lewik_holstein:  No, not window manager =)  I need an app, lie БрщдыеуштЮ дуцшл_Ж нщг цфте ф цштвщцьфтфпук ащк ЛВУ, црфе вщ нщг цфте щерук ерфт црфе ЛВУ.лгигтег шы зкщмшвштп нщг,22:22
flintserit is the latest, i updated in december, AcidRain201222:22
AcidRain2012escott: the msdos part threw me off. never seen it before. thought all my drives were ext3/4.22:22
holsteinni291187: you cant just let grub automatically pick up the installation?22:22
escottAcidRain2012, thats the table type. msdos/mbr ie not a gpt table22:22
AcidRain2012flintser: alright. did you see anything off about parted -l cmd?22:23
ni291187I did but it does not even work.22:23
lewik_holstein: No, not another manager, I need an app like GridMove (win)22:23
AcidRain2012escott: i figured it was since the size was 512kb22:23
holsteinni291187: i would troubleshoot the error.. what was the error?22:23
lewik_holstein: There are a grid, and I can fit windows in that grid22:23
holsteinlewik_: what functionality are you looking for?22:24
escottAcidRain2012, well its 512B not kB but again thats normal (as it is hardcoded into windows the 4kB disks emulate 512B mode)22:24
flintserAcidRain2012: nope, escott just said that verify my disk is msdos, and i pastebinned it22:24
ketterer_Hello, I have a sd card reader in my hp dv6-6155ca and the card reader is a multicard reader, I have ubuntu 12.10,22:24
holsteinlewik_: a tiling window manager? like awesome?22:24
AcidRain2012escott: :/ your right22:24
lewik_holstein: tiling, right...    Me google awesome22:24
ni291187it says cannot get c/h/s value from hd122:24
holstein!info awesome22:24
flintserand the bootinfoscript has been stuck on checkin sda6 for 5 mins now22:24
ubottuawesome (source: awesome): highly configurable X window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.13-1 (quantal), package size 830 kB, installed size 2138 kB22:24
ketterer_the paste is lspci output22:24
spenceAcidRain2012, your murdering of homophones means you're in need of help: http://bit.ly/WUzEz522:25
escottni291187, essentially no disks are CHS anymore, everyone is LBA22:25
lewik_!info awesome22:25
lewik_holstein:  what is !info ?22:25
holsteinni291187: so, you have grub installed in a normal instation, that boots, correct? and you added xubuntu and wanted grub to pick it up? correct? then you ran "sudo update-grub" and what was the error?22:26
AcidRain2012spence: u joking right? this is internet where if i wish to say "hax" over "hacks" or "your" over "you're" or "ur" or "youre" i can22:26
AcidRain2012!info CHS22:26
ubottuPackage CHS does not exist in quantal22:26
ni291187yes that's hat happens22:26
escottflintser, so to recap you have what appears to be a perfectly normal disk layout. you probably have EFI but it seems to be booting in bios emulation mode. you installed alongside windows and with lilo (?!?!) installed to the mbr windows boots, with grub installed to the (PBR? MBR?) linux will boot. but windows gives a disk error if booted from grub22:26
ni291187*what happend22:27
holsteinni291187: you didint manually add it then?22:27
lewik_holstein: no, i think awesome not at all i want.  GridMove: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQp9GbqNVWY22:27
escottflintser, my suggestions would be (a) use syslinux instead of lilo or just get windows booting and ask it to fixmbr to get you back to a normal traditional MBR. then make sure when you install grub in the chroot that you are installing to the MBR not the PBR22:27
ni291187well I tried to manually add it after the automatic one didn't work.22:28
flintserargh i've got nowhere on my issue yet :/ do i have any hope trying this? http://www.helyar.net/2010/fix-windows-7-mbr-after-grub/22:28
holsteinni291187: undo what you have done.. run the automatic one again , and lets go from there22:28
ni291187ok I'll do that one sec.22:29
escottholstein, that will put the windows loader onto the mbr (and remove lilo)22:29
holsteinlewik_: i would ask in #kubuntu, since i have only done that in gnome2 with compiz22:29
escottholstein, sorry. meant for flintser22:29
escottflinster, that will put the windows loader onto the mbr (and remove lilo)22:29
holsteinescott: no worries22:30
flintserescott: wont grub-install /dev/sda install it in to the mbr? when mounted sda5 into /mnt and chrooted into that.22:30
escottflintser, my main question is what was this error that your --force'd with grub-install22:30
flintsersda5 is my linux install22:30
holsteinlewik_: http://linuxology.wordpress.com/2009/12/08/yes-we-can-kde-aero-snap-like/22:30
flintserescott: i think not, but i must investigate22:30
lewik_holstein: no... Aerosnap contains grid with two cells, I need much more and I want tune them22:31
flintserescott: i dont have efi22:31
escottflintser, you said it was a new laptop though. so you probably have efi, but it seems to be booting in bios mode so i dont see any evidence that efi is a problem here22:32
flintserescott: never said that :) this is desktop pc from -0822:32
Neo31Hello folks, I am looking for someone who have some experience with the 3G modem Huawei E173 12d1:1c08 it lights up when connected to the computer and modeswitch seems to work correctly but it does not connect to the network on Ubuntu 12.1022:33
flintserwith asus p5n-d motherboard22:33
ni291187O the error it gives is " no such device" then the uuid for the partition. and The partition does exist, and that is the correct uuid22:33
MartynKeigherhey. at work we have a ubuntu server and its been added to out domain. how can i elevate my ssh session to it to sudo?22:34
MartynKeigherim using winscp.22:34
MartynKeigherhelp would be appreciated. thanks.22:34
escottflintser, ok. i misread "latest you can get on asus p5n-d"22:34
escottflintser, i do wonder if that bios would have problems booting late into the disk. you are able to boot linux in some form though right?22:34
escottMartynKeigher, elevate your session? you just ssh in and then "sudo command"22:35
MartynKeigherhow owuld i do that in winscp?22:36
flintseras i said, before any ubuntu touched this machine i had working win7. i installed ubuntu and win7 stopped working. i created lilo mbr to boot back in windows but it overrides grub. then i reinstalled grub and my situation is now the same as when i first installed ubuntu, escott22:36
flintseri am now in the working ubuntu22:36
ketterer_if a driver is installed for something but the something is not connected does it show up in ispci?22:37
holsteinlewik_: i would just check with a KDE or kubuntu specific channel then..22:37
bcbc2flintser: how's that bootinfoscript coming?22:37
flintserstuck on searchin information from sda6 for 10 mins at least22:37
ejvflintser: dual boot configurations are well documented in the Ubuntu community documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot22:37
bcbc2flintser: that's not right... some issue there22:38
escottflintser, and when you reinstalled grub what command did you use?22:38
ni291187holstein did you see my error now.22:39
ejvMartynKeigher: it's suggested you download an SSH/Telnet client like Putty (free); however you can open a terminal through WinSCP by navigating to Commmands > Open Terminal; or typing [Ctrl] + [T]22:39
flintsergrub-install /dev/sda --force, and yes i know the force could have been the issue. i used it to skip error will not continue with blocklists22:41
escottflintser, ok there must not be enough space after the mbr22:41
flintserescott: and that means what?22:42
kochmenMam problem pomoże ktoś?22:43
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DJones!pl | kochmen22:43
ubottukochmen: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.22:43
=== dirtypillows is now known as ShameSpiral
kochmenI have problem.22:43
kochmenhelp me22:43
escottflintser, grub2 has two stages more or less. the initial bootloader reads data out of the mbr and then finds additional data usually placed just after the mbr. It then uses that code to find and read the partition containing /boot at which point it can get all the modules and present the menu22:44
Duke_kochmen: what problem?22:44
kochmenMy Flash on Chromium i dead22:44
Duke_kochmen: only in chromium? other browsers?22:45
kochmenand on Mozilla22:45
escottflintser, the blocklists indicates that there is insufficient space between the MBR and windows causing grub to use blocklists whcih other programs (ie windows) might inadvertently destroy22:45
kochmenEgiphany and Midori22:45
kochmenI install Flash22:45
kochmenbut not work.22:45
SonikkuAmericakochmen: How did you install it?22:46
flintserescott: so ineed to do what?22:46
Duke_kochmen: hm... every flash or a flash from a specific page?22:46
escottflintser, i suspect you have something installed on windows like a Adobe Creative Suite or a Video Game DRM that is storing information in the space just after the mbr. grub sees this and tries not to step on it, but then has to do things that make grub not work correctly or inadvertently damage the windows partition22:46
juancarlospacokochmen: rebooted the pc?, deleted all the caches ?22:46
Strav`Hi. I'm looking for a cross-platform tagging software that would allow to: 1. quickly tag any type of files, 2. have a client/server architecture so that the tag database is shared amongst multiple clients (so that it won't need to be reconstructed everytime), 3. is able to extract existing meta-data (music id tags for instance) and provide this as a basis for further tagging. 4. let's you quickly search the tag database and optionally22:46
Strav`export the search result to a playlist or simply let you enqueue the result in a media player. Is there any software that does this?22:46
bcbc2flintser: use easyBCD22:46
Dead-PixelRunning ubuntu in a VM using workstation 9. Playing songs in rhythmbox sounds distorted like a metric is overloaded such as CPU but it isn't.22:47
Dead-Pixelstarted recently22:47
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ejvoffly ambitious of you22:47
kochmenI rebooted my PC22:47
flintserbcbc2: it is win software?22:47
kochmenNo! I install this software on Tweak22:48
bcbc2no I'll find you a link. Basically it adds an entry to the Windows boot manager to boot Ubuntu22:48
kochmenI need Wine.22:48
kochmenEmulator of Win software22:49
escottflintser, i would ask in #grub. i would also get that exact error message (if you are in linux right now just do: "sudo grub-install /dev/sda")22:49
bcbc2flintser: http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Ubuntu22:49
escottflintser, i want to know why it thinks you should force22:49
escottDead-Pixel, "a metric is overloaded"?22:49
Strav`... Btw, I'm asking here because the server would have to run on a ubuntu based NAS.22:49
juancarlospacoStrav`: Nepomuk can do that, maybe Zeitgeist22:50
kochmencommand not found22:50
Strav`juancarlospaco: Nepomuk has a client/server arch?22:50
bcbc2flintser: and by the way, lilo works fine the way you're using it. You can replace it with the windows bootloader, but I've never had a problem using it22:51
juancarlospacosort of Strav`22:51
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Traderg'day all22:51
juancarlospacoyou can use remote stuff as local Strav` including its tagz22:51
flintserbcbc2: well it IS windows software. can i do the lilo and then boot in windows and then easybcd? because atm windows isnt working22:51
Tradernever used irc before.. but im working on a very complex project in linux so i thought i could use some help22:51
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bcbc2flintser: yes22:52
SonikkuAmerica!ask | Trader22:52
ubottuTrader: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:52
Strav`juancarlospaco: at the very least, I need the client side to be cross-platform (for I'll have windows and linux clients connecting to the tag db)22:52
Traderr u able to make virtual box full screen or is it always going to be small22:53
kochmenI need Wine22:53
juancarlospacoKDE is crossplatform22:53
SonikkuAmericaTrader: Use the host key + F (default host key is right Ctrl)22:53
Traderthank you22:53
Strav`juancarlospaco: anyways, thanks I'll read a little on nepomuk and zeitgeist22:53
SonikkuAmericaTrader: If you're looking for help with VBox itself, though, head for #virtualbox22:54
Traderok will do thank u22:54
juancarlospacoI dunno if zietgeist can, Nepomuk is more capable Strav`22:54
juancarlospacoZeitgeist not crossplatform Strav`22:55
Traderis there a way to join multiple channels on here? never used this before. sorry for the dumb question22:55
Dead-Pixelescott, I gave an example of what I meant by saying CPU metric...22:55
Dead-PixelRunning ubuntu in a VM using workstation 9. Playing songs in rhythmbox sounds distorted like a metric is overloaded such as CPU but it isn't.22:55
kochmenI win! I find the Wine :D22:55
escottDead-Pixel, i dont know what you mean by "a metric is overloaded"22:55
Dead-Pixela PC metric like CPU, RAM22:56
Malsasa http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12518579#post12518579    <<<   How to Write Correct copyright File?22:56
Dead-Pixeloverloaded = 100% usage22:56
escottDead-Pixel, and why would that have a sound?22:56
Dead-Pixeldo you know how an overloaded CPU acts on a PC when trying to perform operations?22:56
_DomY-DomHello, GRUB on my Ubuntu dedicated server broke. I essentially accessed my   server in rescue mode (netboot) and mounted my partition, and then did these   commands in succession http://bpaste.net/show/goOmMSVMFAcpd8XzA0h1/ ; what do I   do now exactly ?22:56
Traderhow do i join that22:56
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escottDead-Pixel, i dont need to look at "free -m" i can hear that my ram is at 59% usage22:56
Dead-Pixelthe problem is my sound is being distorted LIKE a metric was being overloaded such as CPU, but no metric is overloaded. My sound is messed up22:56
DJonesTrader: Type "/join #virtualbox" without the quotes22:57
Traderthank you22:57
shwaiilQ: I need to send my Hard-Disk for replacement / warranty. My system is set the path to /home under this HDD. My main is a SSD. The Hard drive is going to take  1 week to get here, I wonder what I should do meanwhile ? Is there a way to move the $HOME to the primary hard drive the SSD ?!?! Tks22:57
escottDead-Pixel, you keep saying the same thing. describe it. is it cutting out, is it the wrong pitch or cadence? what?22:58
dan770hi guys, I'm a little new to ubuntu and I have some questions.22:58
bcbc2flintser: yes it runs in Windows - I was thinking Microsoft when you asked ;)22:58
Dead-Pixellike it is played in slow motion22:58
SonikkuAmericadan770: Ask up!22:58
Dead-Pixel1s = 2s or so it seems22:58
Dead-Pixelshwaiil,  sudo usermod -d /path/to/new/home -m22:59
Dead-Pixel          this moves home directory and files to new location, and updates system file that stores location of home dir22:59
escottDead-Pixel, is the pitch correct?22:59
dan770well you see right now, I'm running it from a flash drive. I'm running that newest version you had to download on the website. I've tried to permanently install it over and  over, but everytime it tells me to restart and when I do, it acts like there's nothing on the hard disk22:59
Dead-Pixelhow would pitch be correct if song is being played in slow mo at intervals?22:59
dan770that is it keeps just booting up like new from the flash drive22:59
SonikkuAmericadan770: Take out the flash drive.23:00
Dead-Pixellol dan when it reboots are you just booting again to the flash drive?23:00
shwaiilDead-Pixel: Thanks a lot for looking! If I want to read more about that, I should take a look into usermod -d ?23:00
Dead-Pixelshwaiil, yes, specifically the -d argument in usermod23:00
shwaiilDead-Pixel: thanks ; )23:00
dan770oh are you saying because i still have it set to run from a flash drive that's why that's happening?23:01
escottDead-Pixel, shwaiil that command needs a username at the end of ti23:01
Dead-Pixelyes because you are booting to the flash drive dan23:01
dan770lol yea that makes sense..23:01
Dead-Pixelescott, yeah idk his username tho, he has the command he can man it :)23:01
dan770well let me take out the flash drive reboot and see what happens23:01
dan770if not i'll be back..lol23:01
Dead-Pixelaiight dan23:01
dan770thanks anyway.23:01
IboSin a file server what component is more used ?23:02
Dead-Pixelthe files XD23:02
Dead-Pixeltrick question... nailed it23:02
IboSthe hard drive the ram or the processor ?23:02
Dead-Pixelhard drive23:02
escottIboS, it really depends on the usage patternss23:02
IboScool i suceed my exam23:02
Dead-Pixeljust say hard drive assuming it's a file SERVER23:02
escottIboS, if everyone keeps requesting the same files maybe it could all fit in ram and the disks are irrelevant23:03
IboSi answered the hard drive23:03
Dead-Pixelassume file server escott so it would be written to as well23:03
shwaiilDead-Pixel: Can I use GParted to do it through the Graphical interface ?23:03
escottDead-Pixel, like i said it depends on the usage patterns23:03
Dead-Pixelshwaiil, you are not re-partitioning any disk... you are changing user properties for the account23:03
Dead-Pixelescott, yeah but it was a hugely generic question... for his exam apparently haha23:04
shwaiilDead-Pixel: oh yeah truth : D23:04
Dead-Pixelp.s. cheater!23:04
FluxDHi, I am having a stupid networking issue, and I don't know why. One of my sites when I traceroute from home, it hits the site in 1 hop, no packet loss but the site doesn't load when I visit it. Any other location it loads fine, and has multiple hops in traceroute. Ideas?23:04
Dead-Pixelis the site on the interweb machine fluxd?23:04
Dead-Pixelare you accessing via IP or hostname23:04
FluxDDead-Pixel, on my hope I accessed using ip and hostname, dead on both23:05
Dead-Pixelis the site you are trying to access on the internet, or on a private network23:05
Dead-Pixeldoes the ip start with 10.x or 172.x or 192.x ?23:06
FluxDDead-Pixel, internet23:06
Dead-Pixelcheck your DNS server for resolution to that host, check your firewall/NAT for resolution to that IP23:06
SonikkuAmericaTypically 192.168.X.X is a Cisco/Linksys router, and 163.11.X.X is a Meru one.23:07
FluxDDead-Pixel, it starts with 88, and it is public for sure, not private23:07
Dead-Pixelcan you ping the IP? does the server accept ICMP requests?23:07
Dead-Pixelif you can ping then you are reaching it layer 3 of the OSI23:08
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Dead-PixelFluxD, if you can ping the IP of your site, then you are reaching it and you are troubleshooting layer 4-7 of OSI for why your page is not loading23:09
FluxDDead-Pixel, ping works fine too23:10
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Dead-Pixelok then no need to use trace route if pings go through23:10
Dead-Pixelyou can reach the site23:10
Dead-Pixelyou need to find out why it is not loading, what protocol is it using, if it is obscure protocol/port you might need to configure your client firewall23:10
dwatkinsWhat controls which services start and stop at boot-time, i.e. which symlinks exist in /etc/rc2.d (assuming default runlevel of 2), please?23:10
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FluxDDead-Pixel, I am not using any firewall, just a router23:11
Dead-PixelFluxD, what is the site, just an http page on port 80?23:13
FluxDDead-Pixel, unfortunately, I cant share url but yes23:13
alex_Mgive us the ip or the url plz23:13
lewik_ShalokShalom: nop ... Not that app =)23:14
n-iCewhat can I use to burn a movie to make it play on my home dvd?23:14
n-iCeI don't care about menus or anything I just want it to play it23:14
Dead-PixelFluxD, is this an IIS server? does it use authentication?23:14
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FluxDDead-Pixel, , nope simple lamp server23:14
FluxDIt works from all other locations except my home23:14
Dead-Pixelcan you access through other networks or proxies like tor?23:14
lewik_Any one know app that can more than QuickTile?  More places and freedom to set them for windows?23:15
FluxDDead-Pixel, yep with no problems on IP and hostname23:15
Dead-Pixelsounds like a security restriction through either software/hardware firewall blocking that traffic from the server23:15
Dead-Pixelor misconfigured DNS23:15
alex_Mmaybe you need to go to router setting and port forward   or perhaps make sure that the directory the file is in has proper permissions23:15
weoxhello , how can i found which is the latest version of unity package on ubuntu official repos ?? ( i am on another distro , and thats cause )23:16
Dead-Pixeleven if you go http://ipaddress, the return communication is through hostname based off your scripting, but you should load "something" by doing http://ip23:16
genii-around!info unity23:16
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 6.12.0-0ubuntu0.2 (quantal), package size 1455 kB, installed size 4452 kB23:16
genii-aroundweox: See the bot's answer above23:17
weoxgenii-around : thanks23:17
holsteinn-iCe: http://askubuntu.com/questions/3617/how-do-i-create-a-movie-dvd23:18
weox!info kdevelop23:20
ubottukdevelop (source: kdevelop): integrated development environment for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.4.1-0ubuntu0.1 (quantal), package size 1218 kB, installed size 4839 kB23:20
weoxgenii-around : it say's quantal , can i install that version on 12.04 ??23:20
genii-around!info unity precise23:21
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.18.0-0ubuntu2 (precise), package size 1262 kB, installed size 3548 kB23:21
genii-aroundweox: I doubt it23:21
flintserescott: paste.ubuntu.com/168501923:22
holsteinweox: the latest version of ubuntu will have the latest version of unity23:22
InFlamescan someone help me setup apache2 virtual hosts on 12.04?23:23
InFlamesi always get permission denied in the browser23:23
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SonikkuAmericaInFlames, did you remember to [ sudo ]?23:23
InFlamessudo where?23:23
SonikkuAmericaOh, over the Web?23:24
InFlamesi mean you can't reload the server without it, and i don't think you can get the site enabled without it23:24
InFlamesyea from browser23:24
InFlamesfrom simply localhost even, still get access denied23:24
holsteinInFlames: http://wiki.apache.org/httpd/13PermissionDenied23:24
weoxholstein : i consider switching to ubuntu from my arch linux (i am 2 years arch user) , but in arch i have latest package , i know ubuntu is not rolling release , but some package is important for me , i have 12.10 ubuntu iso . if i install it , can i install latest unity from official repos ? or should just waiting next major release of ubuntu ??23:24
ejvquestion, what's the command line name of Gnome's Disk Utility application? I want to start it from the terminal.23:25
holstein!ppa | weox23:25
ubottuweox: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:25
SonikkuAmericaweox: The latest version ( - devel ) of Unity is ALWAYS in the latest version of Ubuntu.23:25
juancarlospacobaobab ?23:25
weoxholstein : that is quastion , for installing unity 6.12 , should i install it from ppa , or official repos ?23:25
holsteinweox: you can either deal with the security updates, and stay where you are.. add a PPA, or maintain your own upgrades.. or move on to the next versions23:25
escottflintser, LDM is microsoft logical disk manager and is the source of your problems23:26
holsteinweox: there is no "should".. only what you want to do23:26
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holsteinweox: there are pros and cons with both.. as im sure you know23:26
SonikkuAmericaejv: GNOME's disk utility...23:26
juancarlospaco!info baobab23:27
ubottubaobab (source: baobab): GNOME disk usage analyzer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.0-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 145 kB, installed size 756 kB23:27
holsteinejv: you mean, gparted?23:27
ejvcorrect, there's a disk utility, called: Disk Utility, no not gparted.23:27
juancarlospaco!info gparted23:27
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.1-1 (quantal), package size 522 kB, installed size 1832 kB23:27
ejvnot gparted fellas23:27
flintserescott: what to do then?23:27
SonikkuAmericaejv: palimpsest?23:28
shwaiilQ: In need to move $HOME. Been  told about  "sudo usermod -dm /path/to/new/home username", what if I need to change partition ? Basically I had a partition just for $HOME in a hardrive thats damaged now. Tks23:28
escottflintser, i dont know but thats the problem23:28
weoxholstein . i think you dont understand my quasten , my question is today if i done like this : apt-get install unity . it install 6.12 (quantal) or older version ?23:28
weoxwithout any ppa !!23:29
holsteinweox: you get the latest version that comes with whatever release you are running23:29
holsteinweox: if you want newer, you have to get it yourself23:29
holsteinweox: what is the most current for 12.10?23:29
holstein!info unity23:29
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 6.12.0-0ubuntu0.2 (quantal), package size 1455 kB, installed size 4452 kB23:29
weoxholstein : ok . i get that point !!23:29
MalsasaHello, anybody can help me in packaging? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12518579#post12518579 <<< How to Write Correct copyright File?23:30
SonikkuAmericaweox: Not recommended, but if you want an older version, use [ sudo apt-get install unity:$VERSION ] where $VERSION is the older version.23:30
holsteinweox: so, in ubuntu 12.10, sudo apt-get install unity gets you that version ^^ 6.12.0 ..unless you do something to get a newer one... it will be that version, and security updates for the 18 month cycle..23:30
WhupsHi.  12.04(64 bit).  I did a bad thing. :)  I deleted all but memtest from /boot.  How can I get a kernel back in there?  I am on a live distro right now...thanks!23:31
SonikkuAmericaholstein/weox: Like upgrade to Raring. But don't do it if you don't wanna get your hands dirty.23:31
holsteini would /join #ubuntu+1 for raring 13.0423:31
InFlamesholstein, thanks a lot, that fixed it, was broken for so long23:31
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holsteinInFlames: cheers!23:32
SonikkuAmericaholstein: So would I. But I haven't used Raring for a while.23:32
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InFlamesnow to get php to work, for some reason it's failing23:32
InFlamesseems to be uncommented in the modules23:32
juancarlospacoim 13.04 is stable23:33
holstein#ubuntu+1 is where 13.04 discussion goes23:33
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WhupsHi.  12.04(64 bit).  I did a bad thing. :)  I deleted all but memtest from /boot.  How can I get a kernel back in there?  I am on a live distro right now...thanks!23:33
holstein!patience | Whups23:33
ubottuWhups: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:34
SonikkuAmericaWhups: Don't empty your trash... oh wait, you rebooted?23:34
Whupsyeah.. all done. :P23:34
juancarlospacoWhups: try chroot into / reinstall grub223:34
WhupsI backed up so it isnt dire. :)23:34
SonikkuAmericaWhups: ^^23:34
Whupsgrub loads.. just memtest.. there is no kernels in /boot23:34
Whupsi accidentally deleted them23:34
holsteincopy it over from you backup... copy from a running system.. reinstall23:34
Whupsi know i am close.. just dont know how to get kernel files into /boot via terminal23:35
mgolischchroot into the install and reinstall ?23:35
PadNet_201mv command23:35
holsteinWhups: ? sudo mv them23:35
Muadabihello how can i remove the left side bar ? :D23:36
Whupsholstein: yes but where on the web can i wget kernels for 12.04 64 bit?23:36
holsteinWhups: the repos.. your backups.. the live CD.. another install23:36
SonikkuAmericaWhups: If you have a live system booted right now, why bother?23:36
PadNet_201Muadabi, what left sidebar?23:36
SonikkuAmericaMuadabi: If you're talking Unity, it's staying put.23:36
WhupsSonikkuAmerica: the distro i booted live from isnt the same i have installed.. its 10.1023:37
SonikkuAmerica!10.10 | Whups, you know this right?23:37
ubottuWhups, you know this right?: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.23:37
Whupsof course i do.. its all i had laying around23:37
juan_Hi guys23:37
Whupsi just need to know where i can wget the 12.04 64 bit kernel from is all23:37
juan_any can help me with one question?23:38
holstein!ask | juan_23:38
ubottujuan_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:38
SonikkuAmericaWhups: You'll probably want to just grab what's important, install 10.10 and [ do-release-upgrade ] until you get to at least Oneiric.23:38
Whupsn.m i think i found it. :)    http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.4-precise/23:38
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WhupsSonikkuAmerica: no way. :)23:38
juan_I'm use Ubuntu 12.04.2 (recently installed.. with clean installation)23:39
SonikkuAmericaWhups: Well not now that you've found a kernel to [ wget ]23:39
SonikkuAmericajuan_: Yes?23:39
juan_is recomendable install the package called "laptop-mode-tools"?23:39
Whupsyeah i might be good.. just gota find the 64 bit ones.... thx tho23:39
SonikkuAmericajuan_: If you have a laptop...23:39
juan_SonikkuAmerica_: yes!23:40
juan_SonikkuAmerica_: Lenovo G460L23:40
holsteinWhups: thats a mainline kernel.. i would keep trying til you find *exactly* the kernel that was in there23:40
Whupsholstein: how would i got about finding it?23:41
Whupsalso, i know i was 1 revision behind yesteray's 12.04 64 bit release23:41
juan_SonikkuAmerica: what do this package?23:41
SonikkuAmericajuan_: I dunno though... I would've thought there were better tools... their Web site only mentions !6.10.23:41
holsteinWhups: this might help http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/kernel/23:42
juan_wait a moment... my native alnguage is spanish23:42
Whupsthx again folks23:42
SonikkuAmericajuan_: You're doing fine with English, but if you want to go to the Spanish channel, /join #ubuntu-es23:42
holsteinjuan_: i would install it, if you want to try it, and remove it if it doesnt help23:42
juan_SonikkuAmerica: sure23:42
SonikkuAmericajuan_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/172391/is-laptop-mode-tools-still-relevant-for-12-04-and-the-3-x-kernels <<< Check out that link on StackExchange23:42
juan_SonikkuAmerica: but is better the original channel(this channel)23:43
juan_SonikkuAmerica: thanks23:43
SonikkuAmericajuan_: I'd say the Spanish sector has good support (it's based out of Spain)23:43
juan_SonikkuAmerica: wait while read the post23:43
juan_SonikkuAmerica: OK23:43
juan_SonikkuAmerica: apart is better practice my english ;)23:44
SonikkuAmericajuan_: Good idea :)23:44
juan_SonikkuAmerica: yes!23:44
SonikkuAmericajuan_: Maybe I should practice my Spanish skills though.23:44
Whupsholstein: ok now that i have what i need in /boot.  when i run update-grub how can I know that the update will patch the / of the directory i need fixed?>23:44
juan_SonikkuAmerica: bueno seria una buena idea!23:45
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juan_SonikkuAmerica: understund?23:46
juan_SonikkuAmerica: great!23:47
juan_SonikkuAmerica: another question23:47
SonikkuAmericaGo ahead23:47
juan_SonikkuAmerica: what is de "pm-utils"?23:47
juan_SonikkuAmerica: someone idea?23:47
SonikkuAmericajuan_: Head for #ubuntu-es and I'll tell you about it in Spanish.23:48
juancarlospaco!info pm-utils23:48
ubottupm-utils (source: pm-utils): utilities and scripts for power management. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.1-9 (quantal), package size 57 kB, installed size 334 kB23:48
juan_SonikkuAmerica: ok23:48
holsteinWhups: i didnt think you had broken grub.. i was thinking if it were me, i would just put the files i removed back23:48
shwaiilI'm doing "cmp fileA fileA.bak" but nothing is returned. I wonder why ?23:49
juancarlospacocp --verbose source dest23:49
juan_SonikkuAmerica: first time... view Ubuntu change the other version of kernel (ubuntu 12.04 use the 3.5 now!)23:49
shwaiiljuancarlospaco: not sure if that was for me but Im trying to compare two files, with cmp23:50
juancarlospacoah nvm23:52
escottshwaiil, silence is success23:52
shwaiilescott: thanks again : )23:52
juan_SonikkuAmerica: i'm looking for the ArchWiki23:53
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SonikkuAmericaThe ArchLinux Wiki won't help...23:54
SonikkuAmericaI'll be back....23:55
Whupsholstein: ok thanks23:55
juan_SonikkuAmerica: sure... but investigate for what is the "laptop-mode-tools"23:56
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juan_SonikkuAmerica: is a power saving tools23:56
juancarlospaco!info laptop-mode-tools23:56
ubottulaptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.61-1ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 80 kB, installed size 375 kB23:56
SonikkuAmericajuan_: It's a power management module. / Es un modulo de control de poder.23:56
juan_SonikkuAmerica: then not usefull... buen Español!23:57
SonikkuAmericaGuest62557, hello23:57
PapayouHello !23:58
juan_SonikkuAmerica: good.... bye friend!... thanks for all!23:58
PapayouSometime when I launch my lubuntu, the screen stay unpowered (black, no backlights) what log files could help me find what's going on ?23:58
SonikkuAmericajuan_: You're welcome. / De nada.23:59
Guest62557im banned from backtrack-linux but i dont know why ,can somebody help me please?23:59
juan_SonikkuAmerica: translation?23:59
escott!backtrack | Guest6255723:59
ubottuGuest62557: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)23:59
juan_SonikkuAmerica: tu eres bienvenido... de nada23:59
bswartzDoes anyone know how to tell what version of mythtv is included with Ubuntu 12.04? Where can I do to find this out?23:59
genii-aroundescott: Not much help if it just tells them to go to a channel they're banned from ;)23:59

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