
contrapunctusHey folks, can someone please help me out? The taskbar/systray has disappeared and is not coming back after a reboot either! o.o'06:43
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, with ubuntustudio????06:44
SzArAkzequence: opensource amd drivers works perfectly with lowlatency kernel, but in my current setupp it fails to switch to the other (stronger) graphics card. I found some bugs opened for similar cases.06:46
contrapunctusYup, cfhowlett, ubuntuStudio o.o06:48
SzArAkzequence: so i thought i could have both after switching to fglrx - good graphics performance for gaming and nice jackd environment, but it occured that in my current situation fglrx is a mess.06:48
SzArAkzequence: thankfully i'm not much of a gamer :) jackd is more important :D06:48
contrapunctuscfhowlett Thankfully I know quite a lot of things from the CLI, but not _everything_ :\06:54
contrapunctusOne does need the taskbar/systray for some stuff =\06:55
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, pretty sure that's a xfce service need a kick in the pants ....06:55
packetfrogxfwm4 ?06:57
cfhowlettI think so.  so   service-restart06:58
packetfrogxfwm was what hid from me yesterday. ;/06:58
packetfrogI use a panel for my systray though.06:58
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, task bar is a quick and convenient shortcut.  ALL functionality is also in the CLI and the menu system06:59
contrapunctusI tried xfwm4 and xfce4-panel07:00
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, try this.  logout.  select a different session and login.  then go back to US ...07:01
contrapunctusHm...do you know how I can switch the power manager from normal to presentation and back from the CLI?07:01
contrapunctusIma try that too.07:01
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, one issue at a time plz07:02
contrapunctusI assure you, this is related - it's perhaps the only thing I need the taskbar for07:03
contrapunctusbrb trying the logout solution07:03
contrapunctusNopes, no luck with logout-switch-session-login-logout-switch-session-login method.07:05
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, try this: settings > settings manager >panel    maybe delete and recreate the panel?  or ensure that you didn't set it to invisible or only 1 pixel tall or something?  I've done it ...07:07
contrapunctuscfhowlett, packetfrog, I should probably mention that when I run xfce4-panel, I get the bottom app launcher alright, but no taskbar...07:08
contrapunctusxfwm4 --replace, xfce4-panel -r, xfce4-panel -q and then -r, didn't work.07:09
packetfrogContrapunctus  i had a similar issue  but i went to panel settings and made another panel and added everything i needed into it.07:09
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, bottom launcher ???? what ?  paste a screenshot07:09
packetfrogcfhowlett he has a dock  no taskbar07:09
cfhowlettpacketfrog, so bottom launcher is .... ?07:10
packetfroga dock  like macos07:10
packetfrogHe wants the taskbar that had the time and where his minimized windows are..07:10
cfhowlettpacketfrog, ah, he has to add that I think. Since the bottom dock is there, no taskbar by default ...07:11
cfhowlettstill want a screenshot though ...07:11
packetfrogthe ubuntustudio install comes with the docker at bottom and the taskbar on top07:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:12
contrapunctuscfhowlett, I didn't touch the thing. I accidentally long-pressed Alt+F4 and away it went. :S07:14
cfhowlettalt-F4, huh?  Gotta test that ...07:14
cfhowlettThis is the default set then;  http://imagebin.org/24725207:15
contrapunctusYeah, it's as packetfrog describes (except I've never used a Mac so I dunno about that)07:18
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, alt-f4 only tried to log me out.  No effect on display...07:19
packetfrogcontrapunctus  My fix for the same problem was to make an extra dock panel and add everything I needed into that..07:20
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, right click on the top panel, go into preferences, hit the plus sight and add what you what07:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:20
contrapunctusO.o wonder what crashed it, then.07:20
contrapunctusOne sec, Ima try the settings > settings man > panel fix...07:21
cfhowlettwindows buttons/workplace switcher/window menu are what you want I think07:21
packetfrogthats what I ended up with. :)07:21
cfhowlettpacketfrog, yeah, I think you altered the panel settings.  but it's still there for you to rebuild07:22
packetfrogIts not in panel settings07:22
packetfrogthe taskbar was something else..07:22
cfhowlettpreferences ...07:22
cfhowlettright click on the panel and see PREFERENCES07:23
packetfrogI cant recreate a taskbar like I had with that. I can only make the one I have on top that does the same thing.07:23
packetfrogI like this better though so I am happy.07:23
packetfrogI completely admit I do not understand most of this though. just trying to figure it all out. :)07:24
cfhowlettpacketfrog, it'll come.07:24
cfhowlettwe learn by breaking and fixing07:24
packetfrogits fun. :)07:25
contrapunctusI think it's getting there, I just need to make it exactly like the original one07:26
packetfrogcontrapuntus You can prbly make it size and stretch the systemtask bar part and recreate the old one.07:26
packetfrogthat seems to be a likely fix07:28
packetfrogremove xfce4 panel and remove its config files  then reinstall.07:28
contrapunctusHm...Ima try that.07:30
contrapunctusbecause I can't get it to look like the original just yet07:30
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, wait 1 I'll help07:31
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, you there?07:42
cfhowlettOK, I just recreated mine ... after I somehow lost it as you did.07:43
cfhowlettVery easy to lose and easy to get back ...07:43
cfhowlettcontrapunctus, see http://imagebin.org/24725407:49
cfhowlettpacketfrog, use that right mouse button.  all kinds of tweaks, preferences and behaviors hide there07:54
packetfrogSlowly I am getting there. ;)07:56
cfhowlettpacketfrog, :)07:56
cfhowlettin case y'all want some (IMHO) lovely wallpapers, I updated an old favorite ... http://spreadubuntu.org/en/material/unusual/beautiful-ubuntu-ray-traced-wallpapers07:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:06
smartboyhwcfhowlett, ?09:13
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:13
cfhowlettsmartboyhw, working a problem here.09:13
packetfrogcfhowlett: I seem to have messed up a font setting  but I have not gotten to touching those yet...  in firefox and on my panel term thing  I cant see what I type... :/   any idea where those settings are?09:34
cfhowlettpacketfrog, display or appearance would be my guess09:34
packetfrogthanks. It was just a theme changing the font I think.09:38
packetfrogNow It looks better ! :P09:38
cfhowlettpacketfrog, time for you to start helping others!  You know how to solve ubuntu problems!09:41
packetfroghardware android ubuntu and here    I google the crap out of stuff for people :p09:42
packetfrogand try to pay attention to what other people are getting helped with so I can learn from that too.09:43
cfhowlettpacketfrog, that's definitely one way to learn09:43
packetfrogHello contra09:49
contrapunctuspacketfrog...purging xfce4-panel and then installing it again didn't work, not even after rebooting.09:51
contrapunctusI've built the taskbar again, though09:51
contrapunctusMore or less resembles the earlier one, close enough.09:51
packetfrogcfhowlett: had a fix for u09:52
contrapunctusHe doesn't seem to be here o.o09:52
packetfrogrecreate it like that09:53
packetfrogin panel settings09:53
packetfrogis what he posted.09:53
contrapunctusAha, that'll be helpful, thanks ^^09:56
contrapunctusCould anyone please tell me how to do the following by using only the keyboard or CLI - 1. switch between 'normal' and 'presentation' power manager modes, and 2. lock the screen?09:56
packetfrogOnly because no one else is answering uoi10:02
packetfrogyou can install: gnome-screensaver10:02
packetfrogthen from command line: gnome-screensaver-command -l or --lock10:03
packetfrogand ctrl alt l    will do the same I think10:03
taxii'm having no sound since i updated the kernel in ubuntustudio 12.04 this morning11:07
taxiis there any knozn bug with 3.5.0-24.23 ?11:08
taxianyone here ?11:16
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
astroidusanyone here ?14:39
cfhowlettastroidus, peeking in from time to time14:39
astroidushave some problems with my sound installation (I hope, my bad english would me no problem...)14:41
cfhowlettastroidus, bring it over to #ubuntu ... more eyes14:41
astroidusI've been there yesterday. They all have other problems and no idea about sound in ubuntu14:43
holstein!sound | astroidus15:05
ubottuastroidus: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:05
antivaporhi, i see in my Ubuntu Software Center that Bluetooth is installed, but I can't figure out where to navigate to get to it?18:33
packetfrog. There were 2 bluetooth packages that didn't install. One was 4.98 2ubuntu7, and the other was gnome- bluetooth 3.2.2-0buntu5. I installed this same system on 2 different pc with the same result. Once those packages were installed, it worked just fine. Those two need to be included in the distro18:39
packetfrogSo goto synaptic and search :"bluetooth" and try installing those packages?18:40
packetfrogJust what i found on the forum.18:40
packetfrogYou likely have the software to USE bluetooth  just not the software to control it? :018:40
antivaporpacketfrog: that sounds about right, I'll try that, thanks.18:43
packetfrogantivapor: Any luck?19:06
antivaporWill know in a second, I'm installing Bluetooth Device Setup gnome-bluetooth 3.6.-0ubuntu119:09
antivaporwhat is blueman and why are all the names for all these versions #ubuntu#19:09
antivaporafter installing 'Bluetooth Support', 'Bluetooth Transfer', and 'Bluetooth Device Setup', I still don't see it anywhere to configure/setup.19:11
antivaporthe application finder doesnt come up with anything either19:12
packetfrogapplications>settings>bluetooth settings at top19:13
packetfroginstall blueman19:13
antivaporwill it conflict with bluez?19:14
packetfrogNo idea, i just did it and it worked though.19:14
packetfrogI dont use bluetooth though.19:14
packetfrognow i get to uninstall it :/19:14
antivaporha, okay, I'm installing myself. I was avoiding blueman, because I thought it was a seperate bluetooth stack or something, but I see now that it is just a management utility.19:15
packetfrogSorry for the runaround with other stuff19:16
packetfrogblueman popped right up and started scanning for devices19:16
packetfrogand im on a standard us install19:17
antivaporokay, thanks for all the help packetfrog. Now that I have a utility I can now try to get my fickle bluetooth keyboard going :]19:18
packetfrogDo you like bluetooth keyboards/mice?19:18
packetfrogI have never used one. i keep going with the usb dongle type.19:18
antivaporYes, I got a Motorolla bluetooth keyboard, and it has been excellent for using with my tablet and the windows partition on this computer.19:19
antivaporbut sometimes I have to reset it to factory settings if it saves the wrong info or something.19:20
packetfrogThat makes sence. I do not have tablets or anything like that so i can use the usb dongle. ;/19:21
InokiYo lads, anybody alive here?21:03
zequenceInoki: wasup?21:16
Inokizequence: Yo, by the time someone replied I forgot what I wanted :D21:26
zequenceInoki: If you have a question, it's usually best just to ask :). Sometimes things get a little idle, but eventually someone answers21:27
Inokizequence: Ah! Now I know! :D21:27
Inokizequence: Thing is, I'm using Kupfer, but cannot set it to open URLs by default when I have FF installed. My main is Chromium, but when I wanna open a URL via Kupfer, it fires up Firefox. >.>21:28
len-1304Inoki, are you using ubuntustudio or another ubuntu? That is are you using xfce as the desktop?21:31
Inokilen-1304: Ubuntu Studio :)21:33
Inokilen-1304: 12.10 x64 bit.21:33
len-1304Ok, so xfce. Xfce uses exo-open to open the browser.21:35
len-1304So if you use setting to choose the default browser, that is what will be set.21:36
len-1304I do not know which app starter kupfer uses though. I do know there is a gnome app starter, that we probably don't set up.21:37
len-1304Inoki, there is also a gnome-open, but I don't know how to set up the apps it uses for things as the man page doesn't tell me.21:40
Inokilen-1304: I've checked exo-open, that one I got correctly set up.21:41
len-1304Ya exo-open is the xfce default. We should probable make gnome-open a link to that.21:42
InokiWould be nice.21:45
len-1304There is also gvfs-open,  and xdg-open21:45
InokiKupfer is by far superior to Dash or any other launcher.21:45
InokiDidn't try gvfs.21:45
zequenceIt's not good to change gnome specific stuff21:45
zequenceAfter all, someone might install multiple desktops21:46
len-1304zequence, ya, if it follows the xdg standard it should work anyway.21:46
Inokizequence: My experience tells me mixing up libraries of any kind is not recommended. Thus, I wanted XFCE, so I have a pure build.21:46
zequenceI'm of course talking about default settings on the Ubuntu Studio install. You can of course do this manually after install, if you wish21:47
zequenceNot all applications seem to follow the same standards21:48
zequenceMy knowledge of this is pretty poor21:48
InokiFor what I know, installing another DE into an existing one never really worked, since a lot of stuff a pure build of let's say KDE is missing.21:48
zequenceGnome and Unity mixes ok, since they use the same base, and it depends a lot on exactly what you install concerning the others, in my experience.21:49
len-1304zequence, I don't know where the exo-open defaults are stored.21:50
Inokilen-1304: /usr/bin/exo-open I think21:51
Inokilen-1304: Try sudo mousepad /usr/bin/xdg-open e.g.21:51
zequencelen-1304: I suppose it would be good to document this basic desktop stuff. One would think Xubuntu has docs on this, or XFCE21:52
len-1304I can find the filemanager/terminal emulator settings but not mailer/browser.21:52
zequenceInoki: That's the binary. Settings for it are elsewhere21:52
len-1304It is supposed to end up in the user's directory21:52
zequenceIs there /usr/bin/exo-open?21:52
zequenceIs it not just a variable?21:53
len-1304What I found was in ~/.config/xfce421:53
len-1304Yes that is the binary name.21:53
zequenceOne could try adding this to ~/.bashrc: export xdg-open=chromium-browser21:54
zequenceAnd any other variable21:54
len-1304gvfs-open suggests the default file should be /etc/xdg/applications/mimeapps.list21:54
zequenceweird. "-" does strange things21:55
len-1304This would end up in each user's ~/.config/applications/*21:55
zequencelen-1304: When making the settings, I guess they are stored in home though?21:55
zequenceAh, yeah21:55
len-1304But xfce does not set this.21:56
zequenceForget I said anything about the variable. I'm getting tired :P21:56
len-1304I don't know if that is opendesktop compliant21:56
zequencethere are a bunch of xdg-* tools21:57
zequenceone of them is xdg-settings21:57
zequencexdg-settings get default-web-browser21:58
zequenceshows current browser21:58
zequenceThis would set chromium: xdg-settings set default-web-browser google-chrome.desktop21:58
len-1304does that work for exo-open as well?21:59
zequenceI'm not on XFCE, so I can't test it21:59
SonikkuAmericaWhat's needed to test as far as XFCE is concerned?22:00
len-1304Ah, I think I found it. ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list22:00
zequenceI don't have that file22:01
Inokilen-1304: That I checked as well.22:02
Inokilen-1304: I went through possibly every guide I found.22:02
len-1304The one in /usr/share/applications/defaults.list has many more applications22:03
len-1304It would be system default. I think the one in ~/.local only has things the user has changed away from default.22:04
zequenceI suppose so22:05
len-1304The one in ~/.config/xfce4/ would be added xfce stuff. I am not sure what order these files are searched though.22:05
InokiI suppose changing this: "text/html=firefox.desktop;google-chrome.desktop" to this "text/html=google-chrome.desktop;firefox.desktop" could do, lemme try.22:06
len-1304I think xfce4 would search it's own dir first then the user then sys default.22:06
InokiBut maybe via Galternatives it could work.22:07
len-1304application/xhtml+xml=firefox.desktop is the default.22:11
InokiYer, was thinking the same....22:11
len-1304plus text/html=firefox.desktop22:12
len-1304plus text/xml=firefox.desktop22:12
len-1304plus x-scheme-handler/http=firefox.desktop22:12
len-1304Those last two seem to be what xfce setup plays with.22:13
InokiWait, you're suggesting to remove firefox completely?22:13
InokiOr reverse order.22:13
len-1304I am saying to add all of these lines to the user file.22:14
len-1304but with your browser in them.22:14
InokiThose lines are there.22:14
InokiBut like this: x-scheme-handler/https=firefox.desktop;google-chrome.desktop22:14
InokiI suspect that since Firefox is positioned first, it has higher priority.22:15
len-1304the first one would be the default.22:15
InokiI could do a backup of this file and remove firefox from it completely.22:15
len-1304copy to *.tsil22:16
InokiWhat's .tsil?22:17
len-1304list backwards22:17
InokiOk, gimme a sec.22:17
InokiYer, works.22:21
InokiI simply used gedit to find all traces of google-chrome.desktop first and replace with blank space, then find firefox.desktop and replace with google-chrome.desktop22:22
InokiNow all links open correctly in Chromium :)22:22
InokiThanks both! :)22:23
len-1304NP. Gotta go get son now.22:25
InokiTake care :)22:27

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