
lubuntuPPCUserhey all, odd bug.  When i play webm full screen in firefox i don't have any problems.  but if i play anything in gnonme player or vlc i can only see video on the top half of the monitor, everything below top half is frozen or black01:16
lubuntuPPCUseron a PPC  G5  running 12.04 lts...all upto date01:17
holsteinyeah, its tough... ppc is just not all that well supported01:18
lubuntuPPCUseryeah, its a miracle it even runs01:21
lubuntuPPCUservideo is also slow in FF.  So FF does it right, but jerky as hell.  no acceleration.  i got a 1.8 ghz DP.....there is no video this thing shouldn't be able to handle.01:22
lubuntuPPCUserBut 480p brings it to its knees01:22
holsteinwell, "it" can handle it just fine.. but the software is not made for it01:23
lubuntuPPCUseryup, but this is the only way to run a new FF on this sucker.....   last os x ppc FF is like 3.6....then there is the un official 6.0PPC  but now there are no browsers for os x ppc and flash stopped at version 1001:24
holsteinwell, no flash01:24
lubuntuPPCUserthey dropped linux flash too, but at 11.2 and supposedly they are still going to patch/security update it01:25
lubuntuPPCUserx86 that is01:25
lubuntuPPCUserso does all the ubuntu software have to be compiled for ppc that's up in the synaptic package manager, or do i have access to everything the x86 guys do?01:26
Ez0v3rR1d3i am tryin to set up a wireless router but cant do anything its hooked up properly but wont register any ideas what to do05:05
jarcoHello, I installed Lubuntu on a very low memory system. (its really old). Any tips to saving even more memory? Currently I have it idling at 130 mb used08:17
JohnDoe_71Rusjarco: beter choice add more memory08:29
jarcoNo option. Max supported is 512 :)08:30
jarcoThe system is ancient :)08:30
jarcobut its what I got here08:30
JohnDoe_71Rusi use with P3 and 1G rambus memory. Then i open flash game from socialnet it was terrible slow some time08:36
jarcoYeah flash is a big no no here :)08:42
jarcoI only use the system to code. But as I code for the web my browser is a real memory hog. I switched to xxxterm for browsing but its still heavy.08:42
=== SilverLion_ is now known as SilverLion
hpuser2323How do I mount an android phone (LG Optimus p970) so I can mod the phone's filesystem?11:15
hpuser2323I have the phone plugged in but it doesn't show in pcmanfm.11:15
hpuser2323lsusb says:   Bus 001 Device 006: ID 1004:618e LG Electronics, Inc. Ally/Optimus One/Vortex (debug mode)11:16
LxKermitdoes the repositories keep up a recent and good version of fire fox just by typing 'sudo apt-get install firefox'?13:23
bzbwhy is lubuntu running at level 2?14:10
bzbshouldn't it be level 5?14:10
Myrtti2-5 have no difference in Debian related systems14:21
bzbMyrtti: thanks14:42
Kuroda_Shuni want to grep a ftp log file from 4 different servers looking for one instance. I want to write a script to do this but the log file changes a once a day and it is ftp.022013 I dont know how to format my date to loog like grep log.(current date)16:07
inductiveloadKuroda_Shun: grep log.`date +%m%d%y`16:19
inductiveloadwell actually grep [options] pattern log.`date +%m%d%y`16:19
Kuroda_Shunthat works.. thanks.. cept i need just the 13 from the year. not 2013.. is this possible?16:21
Kuroda_Shuni got it.. thanks16:23
inductiveloaddate --help gives you all the formatting codes in case you want extra kewl16:24
inductiveloadthough that particular issue will be resolved tomorrow when it will say 022113 ;-)16:30
zleapwhere is startupapplications widget in Lubuntu18:35
zleapor what is the actual program that runs so I can try and start it from alt-f2 plese18:35
zleaphow do i control what starts at login18:41
zleapas in i hve skype starting,  it takes ages so would like to stop it loading18:41
d1mAs1qhi all, please help me! i have MSI FM2-A75MA-E35 motherboard and lubuntu installed, and i don't have sound, maybe who knows why?) Sorry for bad English i'm from Russia :)19:27
Lu__hi yall20:23
Lu__is lubuntu compatible with lenovo laptops20:23
wxlLu__: nothing about either would make them necessarily incompatible with one another20:24
wxlLu__: however there may be some component that is trickier than others20:24
Lu__oh ok20:24
wellnesstrcould you help me ??21:11
wellnesstr i need to install a lubuntu version on my old pc21:12
d1mAs1qhi all, please help me! i have MSI FM2-A75MA-E35 motherboard and lubuntu installed, and i don't have sound, maybe who knows why?) Sorry for bad English i'm from Russia :)21:14
sereim on 12.4.2 and tryng to use my ps3 controller as a mouse and im not sure if this version uses hal, or what for auto hot plugging22:59
serei have no xorg.conf either23:00

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