
=== XenGi_ is now known as XenGi
xnoxinfinity: ogra_ thanks. I came home and plugged it into the duracell battery pack and it managed to boot and install while i was making tea =)00:55
xnoxI wonder if we actually want an adb bridge running on ubuntu and allow to execute those commands (some of)00:58
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SailorMoonYou guys aware of the Horrible english on the Nexus 7 install instruction page?05:46
SailorMoon"You will be connect the device to your WiFi network "05:47
sfeoleoye, theres a lot of new information in there since I was last maintaining it.05:58
SailorMoonWhich really there isnt any point in installing, Correct?06:00
SailorMoonDoesnt Ubuntu for Tablets launch Thursday?06:00
SailorMoonmaking These desktop-style builds obsolete?06:00
sfeoleMeh, Completely up to you if you want to install or not.06:08
sfeoleI do believe that the Ubuntu for Tablets launch is soon! Not sure about the exact ETA.06:09
SailorMoonIt's Thursday06:09
sfeoleregardless, I fixed that first paragraph.06:09
SailorMoonAccording to 4 different news sources, Ubuntu Phone and ubuntu tablet launch Thursday06:09
SailorMoonCan you share a bit of information about it with me? assuming you know about it? lol06:10
RDash-BNCis there any bugs for Nexus 7 wifi saying device not ready?06:10
SailorMooni just installed Ubuntu for Nexus 7, No wifi problems here06:11
sfeoleRDash-BNC: during install?06:11
RDash-BNCafter installed06:11
SailorMoononly problem so far is screen rotation and OTG Device support seems to have disappeared06:11
RDash-BNCdmesg says CFG8011-ERROR) wl_cfg80211_hang : In : chip crash eventing06:12
RDash-BNCand dhd_preinit_ioctls: can't get MAC address , error=-506:12
sfeoleRDash-BNC: dahh, i'm not really sure. I've been out of rotation for at least 3 months with the N7 doing other things. Your best bet is to check the existing bugs @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7 .. If you don't see anything, file one06:12
SailorMoonAlso, not really a bug, more of a missing feature, the Ubuntu Software Center seems to have no search bar06:13
RDash-BNCdoes build-essential override anything important for wifi?06:13
sfeolei just happened to be "strolling by" #ubuntu-arm and saw Sailormoons initial blurb about the wiki06:13
SailorMoonI have to say, you guys are very quick with development06:14
SailorMoonwasnt just two months ago the Nexus 7 builds were garbage06:14
SailorMoonNow i could actually see myself using this06:14
RDash-BNCother than the random framebuffer problems when rebooting06:15
SailorMoonUbuntu for Tablets launching Thursday06:15
RDash-BNCit is?06:15
SailorMoonSupposidly, yes06:15
RDash-BNCI wonder if they hammered out the very major bugs06:16
SailorMoonI wonder as well06:16
SailorMoonscreen rotation has me in fear of todays build06:16
RDash-BNChttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1068994 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-nexus7/+bug/1070283 are very annoying06:17
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1068994 in ubuntu-nexus7 "button1 gets stuck after a while" [Critical,Confirmed]06:17
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1070283 in ubuntu-nexus7 "after reboot, framebuffer of previous boot appears on screen" [High,Confirmed]06:17
RDash-BNCI know they are still patching it but still annoying06:17
SailorMoonwell, it wont be a stable build lol06:17
sfeoleis the button1 problem still around?06:17
* sfeole looks at the bug06:17
RDash-BNCleft mouse button06:18
RDash-BNCor a single finger tap06:18
sfeoleSailorMoon: the first bug listed above06:18
SailorMoondarn lol06:18
SailorMoonthat will make it unusable06:18
RDash-BNCand is there a way to install a compiler w/o bricking the wifi drivers?06:18
sfeoleRDash-BNC: i thought there was a convo about that RDash-BNC a few months / weeks ago here06:19
sfeolelet me check scrollback06:19
RDash-BNCgoing to reflash since it's all bricked06:19
RDash-BNCmaybe dropbear or build-essential did it06:20
SailorMoonWill Ubuntu Mobile make use of /system? or is my old android install just going to sleep there lol06:20
SailorMoonNo way to mount ubuntu over USB? =/06:22
RDash-BNCand I just screwed up my initrd06:23
RDash-BNCI think that explains why my wifi broke06:23
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SailorMoonMy ubuntu just did the button1 thing =/06:30
RDash-BNCjust tap slowly06:30
Anonymous905Hey, can someone help be get started on Installing Ubuntu for my Nexus 4?06:45
RDash-BNCAnonymous905: did you mean Nexus 7?06:46
Anonymous905Well actually I have a Nexus 10, but I'm curious how I can go about installing Ubuntu on platforms other than PC06:46
RDash-BNCRight now, I think Nexus 7 is the only tablet running a kinda working Ubuntu06:47
RDash-BNCwhat does my display manager log have other than my hostname?06:50
Anonymous905In that case, how do I get a Nexus 7 to run Ubuntu?06:53
RDash-BNCThe wiki has the instructions for it. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Installation06:55
RDash-BNCJust remeber it's just the desktop and it's quite buggy06:55
asheshave any of you got ubuntu for android working as a desktop?07:09
ashesit looks like i need an mhl adapter with the cradle, and a bluetooth keyboard. is that right?07:10
RDash-BNCashes: you can use your finger for all the input07:15
ashesdoesn't ubuntu run from a chroot?07:17
ashesi'm not talking about running ubuntu in the android display. i'm talking about having it displayed to an hdmi monitor. i would prefer a keyboard for that07:18
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dholbachgood morning07:30
ogra_xnox, what would adb gauin us over the serial console, usbnet and an optional sshd  that we already ship ?09:44
* ogra_ realy isnt fond of including any android stuff 09:45
xnoxi'll just rip apart adbd to gain reboot bootloader.09:45
ogra_especialy if it just duplicates standard linux tools we have already09:45
ogra_oh, ok09:46
ynezzwhy not, it's so trendy :)09:46
ogra_well, we can surely mimic the userspace bit of reboot bootloader ... but will also need the kernel support09:46
angsI have ubuntu 12.10 on my host machine. Is it possible to install arm-none-eabi- tool chain by apt-get install ... ?09:46
ogra_what would arm-none-eabi be ? that sounds ancient09:46
angsI have a arm926ej-s cpu, I guess arm-linux-gnueabi- does not support it09:48
ogra_that should support v509:48
angsdo I need to download arm-linux-gnueabi- then compile it for arch=armv5te ?09:49
angsor do I need to have arm-none-eabi-09:49
xnoxogra_: well the linux patches were supposedly upstreamed. https://lwn.net/Articles/504721/09:49
xnoxunless that's intel only and not android.09:50
ogra_well, then we would be able to just ship a hacked reboot binary09:50
ogra_angs, it should default to that, shouldne need arch=09:51
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xnoxhehe, i guess linus had hard time remembering children's birthdays hence using them as magic numbers for reboot syscall made sure he can look them up on any machine ;-)10:26
xnoxso the reboot syscall in ubuntu-nexus7 kernel does copy across the restart command... i'm stopping to dig further into arch specific implementations. but it's no different from the android kernel.10:43
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hrwprpplague: hi, early bird10:45
ogra_xnox, well, it is the android kernel, just a different config11:00
ogra_which reminds me ...11:01
* ogra_ upgrades his n7 to yesterdays kernel11:02
xnoxogra_: right but stock android doesn't have much of an init system hence their reboot utility remounts the rootfs ro before doing reboot into firmware.11:12
ogra_hmm, we could do that in a "startr on stopping filesystem" job or so11:13
xnoxogra_: and our reboot is naturally is handled by upstart which has it's own shutdown utility. I can see how I can force `reboot -f bootloader` but i'm not sure how to correctly hook into the whole sysvinit mechanics.11:13
xnoxotherwise the next boot will not be clean.11:14
ogra_we could ship our own reboot-bootloader binary11:14
xnoxogra_: no, one cannot use upstart job to accomplish that, since upstart is killed by sendsigs and then later the filesystem is unmounted and finally we reboot with sysvinit I believe.11:14
ogra_that gets called instead of upstarts reboot in the case where you call it with the bootloader arg11:14
xnoxogra_: i'll do / try a quick dirty force one and then will work with jodh on the proper one which does it correctly.11:15
xnoxwe will needed for UEFI fastboot anyway, since we will need an option to "reboot into firmware" and we have designs from mpt for the reboot dialog as well on the desktop.11:15
ogra_ugh, we want to expose that to the user ?11:16
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xnoxogra_: for UEFI fastboot we must. As UEFI fastboot means there is no physical way to interrupt the boot process.11:20
xnox(no usb, no keyboard, no networking, straight from poweron to boot the default configured OS as fast as it can)11:21
ogra_well, i would consider that an admin task, not an enduser task ... and keep it as cmdline option11:21
xnoxand to get back to e.g. grub or like recovery-mode one needs to be able to get there somehow.11:23
xnoxwell we will need a cmdline option to begin with =) to be able to actually do it ;-)11:23
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quin~gibber 612:13
quin~gibberish 612:13
quinoh sorry, please excuse me, wrong channel12:14
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xnoxogra_: I totally made upstart's: reboot -f bootloader15:31
xnoxboot back into fastboot mode ;-)15:31
ogra_how evil :)15:32
TheMusoNow all you need to do is extend the system indicator to offer that option on the nexus 7. :p15:33
SailorMoonHey, can i ask question about Ubuntu Mobile? Something is said in an official video15:37
SailorMoonThis image pretty much sums up my question http://i.imgur.com/AaRFzN7.png15:38
SailorMoonHe mentions running Windows apps, showing a tablet.15:38
SailorMoonIs this an x86 example?15:38
Tassadarit is not running on the tablet15:39
davmor2SailorMoon: if you listen to the video it is via thin client15:39
SailorMoonWell i didnt know what a thin client was15:39
SailorMoonI think we use those at work to process Orders15:39
SailorMoonThanks for the info15:39
davmor2SailorMoon: it runs on a windows machine elsewhere and you just access it via the thin client15:39
SailorMoonLol gotcha, useless feature15:40
Tassadarit may have been unfortunate to show that in the video, I've seen many people just assuming it runs windows apps :/15:40
SailorMooni didnt think it did15:40
SailorMoonwas wondering how that was done lol15:40
SailorMoonWe get flashable builds tomorrow, right?15:41
SailorMoonMay i ask the stupidest question ever?15:43
SailorMoonJava Runtime Environment?15:44
SailorMoonAlso, The builds of Ubuntu 13.04 for the Nexus 7 no longer support OTG Keyboards, will this mobile version?15:44
Tassadaropenjdk should be available as usual, and I don't think Ubunut doesn't support OTG on nexus 7 Oo15:46
SailorMoonThe old 12 builds supported Mouse and Keyboard over OTG15:47
SailorMoonBut the new Dailies don't15:47
TassadarI'm gonna try that15:48
SailorMoonid also like to recommend You guys create a channel for Ubuntu Mobile15:49
SailorMoonBecause this feels more like a Dev channel than a social/support channel15:49
SailorMoonUnless i'm wrong15:49
Tassadarit works okay15:49
SailorMoonLast nights build didnt15:49
SailorMooni installed it last night and used my OTG cable and it didnt work15:50
SailorMoonUnless my spare keyboard kicked the bucket (it IS cracked in half, but still worked as of a few days ago), ill test it on my desktop15:50
SailorMoonyeah it works fine15:50
SailorMoondidnt work on yesterdays 13.04 daily for the Nexus 715:51
Tassadarkernel was updated, maybe they changed something, gimme a while to update15:52
SailorMoonThanks again. my OTG cable and keyboard are working fine on Android15:52
SailorMoonSo it isnt my hardware15:52
SailorMoonI hope this doesnt delay the launch15:57
SailorMooni guess it wont :P15:57
SailorMoonI'm excited to replace android with something useful, is all15:58
ogra_SailorMoon, that demos the rdp client if you use the tablet in thin client mode15:59
ogra_ah, davmor2 already answered15:59
* ogra_ should read the full becklog before answering :)15:59
SailorMoonThanks anyway, ogra_16:00
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SailorMoonSo, are the ARM guys ready to get popular?16:00
davmor2ogra_: pleasure :)16:00
SailorMoonhow well does everything work on Ubuntu Mobile in comparison to the Dailies we're getting for the Nexus 7?16:01
SailorMoonScreen rotation issues, "sleep" issues, and button1 issues plague it16:01
ogra_SailorMoon, i am already popular :P16:03
ogra_ask my GF16:03
SailorMoonwhat was Ubuntu ARM doing before this?16:04
davmor2ogra_: I asked her the air went blue, what have you done to that poor woman ;)16:04
ogra_SailorMoon, building the archive, making images for developer boards (and occasionally for an enduser devcie like the ac100 or now the nexus7)16:06
ogra_the arm port is around since 200916:06
TassadarSailorMoon: OTG works okay16:06
SailorMoonWhy didnt it work for me last night then Tassadar =/16:07
Tassadaryou have to connect keyboard to OTG reduction and then the OTG cable to tablet16:07
SailorMooni did that16:07
Tassadarwell, it works for me16:07
SailorMoonIll take your word for it, then :P16:07
Tassadarmaybe not in the installation dialog but even then, it should work as expected16:08
SailorMoonit didnt owrk then and it didnt work when i was trying to type Terminal into the app search thingy on Unity16:08
SailorMoonBut to be fair, durring my attempt to search for apps in unity, i couldnt get the virtual keyboard to pop up either16:08
SailorMoonand got several system errors16:09
SailorMoonWill the Ubuntu for Tablets be just a sexier titanic?16:09
Tassadarwill the aliens arrive tomorrow?16:11
Tassadarwe'll see16:11
davmor2Tassadar: we are here now but shhhh don't tell everyone ;)16:12
Tassadari _knew_ it!16:13
SailorMoonOkay now for the stupidest question16:17
SailorMoonNexus 7 wont run Minecraft right?16:17
SailorMoonFor 3D Acceleration reasons, not to mention the slow ARM processor?16:17
SailorMoonalso on Ubuntu Mobile, what happens if install LXDE, or KDE, Etc? (Hey, someone has to ask the dumb questions)16:18
ogra_SailorMoon, get an old toshiba ac100 netbook ... we provide lubuntu images for it :)16:19
ogra_everything works, KDE, lxde ... xfce ...16:19
SailorMoonThats totally diferent16:19
SailorMoonI know it would work on the Dailies for Nexus 716:19
SailorMooni mean the actual Mobile ubuntu, with the side swipe, etc16:19
ogra_well, no idea, i havent seen the code yet (and if i had i wouldnt talk about it before it is publically released)16:20
SailorMoonWhat kind of Memory usage am i going to see just from the system with nothing installed?16:20
SailorMoonit releases tomorrow though, i've been told by magical unicorn sources16:20
ogra_should be similar or lower than the current nexus7 image16:20
ogra_where we are right below 400M for an idling desktop16:21
SailorMoonSo more then Android16:21
SailorMoonTo be expected, i guess16:21
SailorMoonThe difference between a real OS ;P16:21
ogra_nope, to be cut down :)16:21
ogra_if we are done with the cut down work (which is still going on) i would put my bets on 256M for the idling desktop16:22
ogra_and note that i'm talking about the actual desktop here16:22
ogra_the tablet studff might then even eat less16:22
ogra_(once we have it fully integrated)16:23
ogra_the current work we do in ubuntu arm brings benefits for all desktops no matter what arch is below ... raring x86 desktop should already be a *lot* smaller and faster than 12.10 was16:24
SailorMoonAndroid wit honly a few things running is using 418MB of ram on my Nexus 716:24
SailorMoonDifference being Android kills off Processes when memory gets tight, ubuntu can't do that, right?16:25
SailorMoonubuntu should use /system as swap16:25
ogra_ubuntu can do that as well indeed16:25
ogra_it just doesnt16:26
SailorMoonif ubuntu used /system as swap, it wouldnt need to16:26
ogra_we use compressed swap in ram16:26
ogra_to not wear out the MMC16:26
SailorMoonbut what are you guys doing with /system ?16:26
ogra_nothing atm (in the nexus7 image, cant talk about the tablet one yet)16:26
SailorMoonMy recommendation: Put a recovery image in there16:27
ogra_(not because i'm not allowed, i was simply to busy to take a look yet)16:27
SailorMoonin case people break their ubuntu, they could recover it with no struggle16:27
SailorMoonthe /system partition is like 700MB or something on the Nexus 716:28
SailorMoonwould also be good for OTA updates to store the update to make writing to /userdata safer16:29
SailorMoonAnyway, ill shutup now lol16:29
ogra_we dont touch /system in the current ubuntu image16:29
SailorMooni know16:29
ogra_ubuntu lives in userdata16:29
SailorMoonyou should take advantage of everything your offered16:29
ogra_if i would the image would wipe the device and use one big partition16:29
SailorMoonthat would like, ruin Android16:30
ogra_who cares16:30
SailorMoonno going back lol16:30
TassadarI care)16:30
ogra_sure going back is always possible16:30
SailorMooni honestly wouldnt mind it if there was a no-fail way of undoing it16:30
SailorMoonThere's going to be people who install it and say "well, this isnt for me"16:31
ogra_and ?16:31
ogra_they can jusr reßflash android then16:31
SailorMooni know :P16:31
SailorMoonbut if you destroyed the partitions, that might be a bit harder16:31
ogra_its not like we trash the device16:31
ogra_nah, you can always flash from fastboot and restore it16:32
ogra_the tablet image will likely completely take over everything16:32
SailorMoonI just realized what should be done with /system16:32
Tassadarrepartitioning is not an option on nexus 7 anyway because of the bootloader, isn't it?16:32
Tassadar*is it?16:32
SailorMoonBootloader can be unlocked just by typing "unlock"16:32
ogra_Tassadar, depends, if nvflash works now, you can even replace the bootloader with it16:33
Tassadarno, it doesn't16:33
ogra_it didnt work back when we started with the n7, else i would have picked that route16:33
ogra_you can on every other tegra16:33
Tassadarn7's bootloader is encrypted16:33
Tassadarand device-specific encrypted16:33
ogra_right, you need the key16:33
SailorMoonyou guys need an android-style .zip package that installs like a rom, containing a Mini installer, with just wifi drivers, etc. To download the /userdata16:33
ogra_SailorMoon, i think thats what the tablet image does16:34
SailorMoonYou'll get more users that way instead of the complex way its done with the Dailies16:34
ogra_using zips and replacing all of android with the ubuntu image16:34
ogra_SailorMoon, huh ?16:34
SailorMoonits currently done with fastboot, wich 90% of android users have no idea how to use16:34
ogra_whats complex there ? its a one click UI installer16:34
SailorMoonFor ubuntu users*16:35
ogra_oh, well, i wouldnt ask my mom to use fastboot if there is a one click installer that runs fully automatic16:35
ogra_(which we offer since day one)16:35
SailorMoonUnless your mom was on Windows16:35
SailorMoonor  Mac16:35
SailorMoonor A non-ubuntu distro16:35
ogra_well, *my* mom wouldnt be on either :)16:36
ogra_but i see what you mean, yeah16:36
SailorMoonPoint is16:36
ogra_well, the tablet image works this way16:36
SailorMoonandroidusers are experienced with .zip packages that can be installed via Recovery16:36
ogra_the nexus7 image never was for users16:36
ogra_yeah, a horrid way16:36
SailorMoonHorrid but familiar.16:36
ogra_still nothing a normal unexperienced user would do16:37
SailorMoona normal unexperienced user doesnt even know what Linux is16:37
Tassadarwe need to define "normal" here)16:37
SailorMoonive been flashing Roms for a long time, but this was the first time i Really used Fastboot other than to unlock16:38
ogra_but he would use the ubuntu tablet installer for windows ... with a one click UI :)16:38
ogra_Tassadar, your mom16:38
SailorMoonits a scary experience16:38
ogra_or worse (since wimen are usually better at tech stuff) your dad16:38
SailorMoonscary experience for first-timers*16:38
Tassadardude, I'm afraid to let that man to use computer16:38
ogra_SailorMoon, and using a zip wasnt when you did it the first time ?16:38
SailorMoonI guess your right16:39
ogra_Tassadar, then he is the perfect target user :)16:39
SailorMoonBut like i said16:39
SailorMoonEvery tech android user has flashed zip roms16:39
* ogra_ usues his mom as tester if he writes apps16:39
SailorMoonvery few have done it with fastboot16:39
ogra_SailorMoon, it wont be "flashing" at all16:39
ogra_it will be "use the ubuntu installer for your OS"16:39
Tassadarbut if you take that as target user group, then they will wait for real ubuntu tablets - like preinstalled new models from OEMs, and they won't give a damn about hows it called16:39
ogra_yeah, indeed16:40
SailorMoonSo there will be a Windows installer, then?16:40
ogra_i'm talking more about the early adopters16:40
ogra_SailorMoon, i woudl hope so16:40
ogra_else it wouldnt be ubuntu ;)16:40
Tassadarthe issue with windows are usually the drivers :/16:40
SailorMoonyeah you'll need fastboot drivers16:41
ogra_well, i would assume people attaching their adnroid device to win already have a driver for it16:41
SailorMoonWindows doesnt install those itself16:41
ogra_which they used to put i.e. music on the device16:41
SailorMoonlike i said earlier, not many have used fastboot, and thus not many will have the Fastboot driver16:41
Tassadaradb/fastboot drivers are often not the same thing as "normal" drivers16:41
SailorMoonthat driver is different, Ogra16:41
ogra_anyway, no need to speculate ... we'll see where we are by 14.0416:42
SailorMooninfact on windows 8, i couldnt even install my fastboot driver16:42
ogra_which is the actual target date16:42
ogra_before "normal" users wont really use it anyway16:42
SailorMoonWe totally will. it's too exciting to pass up ;P16:42
ogra_you arent a normal user16:43
SailorMoonThen why do i feel so Nooby.16:43
ogra_you are in an IRC developer channel dude !16:43
ogra_normal users dont do that16:43
SailorMoonlast night i did something stupid16:44
SailorMoondid a Clockwork backup of my Android and its data but instead of moving it to my PC i moved it to internal memory16:44
SailorMoonthen i installed Ubuntu16:44
SailorMoonand was like "Q~Q"16:45
TassadarI managed to do something like that in a day or two after I got n7, wasn't really used to not having sdcard)16:46
hrwthat's why titaniumbackup + backup on dropbox roxx16:46
SailorMoonIs there anything like Wine, but Android?16:46
ogra_do ayou know how our binfmt handler for qemu-user-statinc works ?16:46
ogra_it enables you to exec arm binaries on an x86 pc16:47
SailorMoonI play some Android Games id rather not give up16:47
SailorMoonI had QEmu on my Nexus 716:47
hrwI wonder will ubuntuone ever get popular in android apps16:47
SailorMoonwas running x86 linux on my Nexus 716:47
SailorMoonvery poorly <316:47
ogra_i once wrongly unpacked a tarball with arm root filesystem while being in a custome phoe conf16:47
SailorMoonUbuntu one is fail (NOT THE FACE D;)16:48
ogra_sadly i missed that i unpacked it to /16:48
ogra_and i didnt notice it at all, since my PC happily execudes arm binaries16:48
ogra_until the next reboot ...16:48
ogra_*customer phone conf16:49
SailorMooni dont use Ubuntu on my desktop/laptop because of driver issues, hardware bugs, etc. But Ubuntu mobile, since its device specific, wont have any of these issues, right? Thats why im excited, anyway16:49
SailorMoonI would totally use Ubuntu if the learning curve was smaller16:49
ogra_thats a brave assumption16:49
SailorMooni mean, i know it will be buggy but16:49
SailorMoonit will be focused16:50
ogra_does win8 have less bugs on phones than on the desktop ?16:50
SailorMoonlol i wouldnt know16:50
SailorMooni dont even cal lthat shameful peice of trash Windows 816:50
SailorMoonWindows RT16:51
SailorMoonRuns only binaries signed by Microsoft16:51
ogra_well, be sure ubuntu on phones and tablets will have bugs as well16:51
SailorMooni know16:51
ogra_as all software has them16:51
SailorMooni didnt mean it like that16:51
ogra_and there could even be owrse ones than on the desktop16:51
SailorMooni mean any bugs ive had on my desktop due to my hardware wont occure the same way on the tablet because the same hardware was developed on16:52
ogra_usually bugs on such devices are way more fatal16:52
ogra_simply because you only have one single way of input16:52
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ogra_i just spenbt a weekend trying to fix the installer ... having to do that from an initramfs prompt on y touch device is no fun16:53
SailorMoonUbuntu Mobile will be less Likely to throw a Terminal in your face, is what i mean16:54
Tassadarthat X bug with touch input must be real pain in the ass too :/16:54
ogra_sure, it will just get stuck instead16:54
SailorMoonit happened to me twice last night, Tassadar16:54
SailorMoonmade me switch back to Android16:54
ogra_Tassadar, it is, but not my area of expertise, so i'm wainitng for a fix to appear16:54
ogra_sadly not even upstream seems to have a clue16:55
SailorMoonThe ubuntu desktop appears whe nyou connect a mouse and keyboard, the video revealed that, right?16:55
SailorMoonWill that occure when you connect just a mouse? just a keyboard?16:55
SailorMoonor requires both?16:55
SailorMoonor will there be some magical switch somewhere?16:56
ogra_i doubt thats in the demo yet16:56
ogra_but the theory is that at some point when its implemented, the device will detect a monitor and switch modes16:57
ogra_or a tablet dock for the phone ... or whatever16:57
=== zz_jackyalcine is now known as jackyalcine
ogra_all this is stuff that will be implemented on the road to 14.04, dont expect to much from the demo16:59
SailorMoonOkay not to be "That guy"17:22
SailorMoonYou guys are calling it a Q1 2014 release date17:22
SailorMoonisnt 14.04 Q2?17:22
ogra_do we ?17:22
ogra_where ?17:23
SailorMoonidk, 50 different news sites17:23
SailorMoonIt's Q2 then, right?17:23
ogra_its april 201417:24
SailorMoon"Shuttleworth expects new Ubuntu-powered smartphones to start arriving in Q1 2014"17:24
ogra_whatever news sites say :)17:24
SailorMooncan i ask you something completely off topic?17:25
SailorMoon_Stupid xbox17:26
SailorMoon_Whenever i turn it on my wireless disconnects lol17:26
SailorMoon_Anyway, what is "PowerPC"?17:26
Tassadarprocessor architecture17:27
Tassadarlike x86 or ARM17:27
SailorMoon_I know, but i would like to know about its performance and such compared to the others17:27
SailorMoon_and why isnt it used very often17:27
SailorMoon_I believe the Xbox 360 uses it, and some Macs use it, but thats all ive ever seen of it17:27
=== chihchun is now known as zz_chihchun
calculusI need help getting my display resolution working properly... I have a pandaboard es, with ubuntu 12.04 and the ti-omap ppa installed... my monitor can do 1600x1200, but it defaults to 1024x768 and 1280x1024 is the only larger option in xrandr17:51
calculusmonitor is plugged in the hdmi port17:52
calculusthe strange thing is /var/log/Xorg.0.log mentions modelines for 1600x120017:52
calculusmaybe related, the screen flickers when I move the mouse17:53
TheMusocalculus: Do you have a specific reason to use the Ti OMAP PPA? There is a display driver in Ubuntu 12.04 proper, pvr-omap4 I think is the package, and it works with Stock Ubuntu OMAP 4 kernels.17:54
calculusTheMuso: I was hoping for opengl and video acceleration/libdce things17:55
ogra_TheMuso, calculus, while we ship the latest driver in the distro, TI always produced the codecs packages post release so they are only in the PPA ... what we have in the distro is only for GLES but not for accelerated video playback17:56
TheMusoOh right.17:56
ogra_calculus, if its a PPA probalem, try #pandaboard (though i'm not sure who is still working on it after TI killed OMAP)17:57
ogra_most of the devs that worked on panda stuff were laid off17:57
calculusogra_: I think it is dss related because /sys/devices/platform/omapdss/overlay0/output_size is 1280,1024 and I can't seem to write new values to it (even with sudo)17:58
ogra_well, upstream for that stuff is in #pandaboard17:58
ogra_we only package and integrate it17:59
TheMusoyay for being burnt by proprietary software once the vendor stops supporting the hardware.18:01
ogra_yeah, its not clear if we can go on building the desktop images once new Xorg hits the archive18:01
davmor2ogra_: quick question, does the current n7 image port over to the touch interface or are they completely separate projects?18:04
ogra_davmor2, currently they are completely separate ... over time they will merge18:05
calculuswhat about stopping the flickering, would that be related to hwcursor?18:06
davmor2good now I know not to be disappointed when the caterpillar desktop doesn't turn into a bufferfly version :)18:06
ogra_davmor2, if you want the butterfly, use the tablet image :)18:08
davmor2ogra_: I don't mind either way, although I have to say the tablet version does look gorgeous :)18:09
ogra_yeah, if it just had some apps now :)18:09
ogra_hurry devs, write some !18:09
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hrwdavmor2: and for "entry level" requires 2GB of ram and cortex-a15?21:18
Tassadarogra_: you had some problems regarding ext4 filesystem, right? It got corrupted because of ...fsck it was?21:39
Tassadaron n721:39
Tassadarmeh, he's probably gone for the day21:46
=== XorA is now known as XorA|gone

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