
dakerAlanBell: did you saw this http://www.ubuntu.com/static/u/img/devices/tablet-hero.jpg ?00:20
dakerczajkowski: ^00:21
dakerand this http://www.ubuntu.com/static/u/img/devices/tablet-home-portrait.jpg00:22
AlanBellyeah, saw those00:23
AlanBellI did point those out in the G+ posts, I dunno if that is the phone UI running on the tablet though00:23
dakeri don't know, anyway i don't have a nexus 10/7/4 so i don't care about them :)00:27
dholbachgood morning07:30
philipballewmorning dholbach07:38
dholbachhey philipballew07:42
philipballewhello dholbach hope your day goes well07:43
dholbachI hope the same for you :)07:44
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
AlanBellhttp://news.slashdot.org/story/13/02/20/0359257/ubuntu-tablets-less-jarring-than-windows-8 slashdotted again13:21
AlanBelland I have mod points today, thats nice13:24
dholbachsorry, got kicked out15:53
dholbachplugin crashed :)15:53
smartboyhwdholbach, LOL15:54
=== Guest84123 is now known as balloons
jcastrohey mhall11918:30
jcastroyour blog post about Qt development from yesterday18:30
jcastrowould make a good standalone blog post18:30
JoseeAntonioRjono: are we having rrnwexec on the first or last 15 mins?18:30
mhall119what blog post?18:31
popeys/blog/g+/ I suspect18:33
mhall119ah, the one where I expanded on Sam's post?18:34
jonoJoseeAntonioR, yes please18:37
jonolast 10min18:37
jonoJoseeAntonioR, grabbing a coffee and then will be back18:37
JoseeAntonioRsure, let me quickly have lunch and I'll be here18:38
JoseeAntonioRback now18:43
JoseeAntonioRjono: error, will start it again18:54
jcastromhall119: yeah, there's too much good stuff there to keep locked away in G+19:20
jcastro"So what is Jose doing there?"19:24
JoseeAntonioRjono: hey, sorry for dropping, I did an update of the plugin today and looks like that made it drop20:04
jonoJoseeAntonioR, no worries!20:26
jcastropopey: I have a dumb question about uupc20:49
jcastroif you're from the UK, shouldn't it be Series 6?20:50
jcastrothese are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night20:50
AlanBellbuildings should be considered zero based arrays20:51
popeythere are two animated gifs which caused me to have a near heart attack just now20:51
popeyits funny how an image with a caption makes me just lol myself crying20:52
philipballewjono, can I shoot you a pm22:10
jonophilipballew, sure22:11
jcastrook EOD22:15
jcastrophilipballew: jono: see you guys soon!22:15
jonojcastro, fly safe!22:15
philipballewjono, jcastro enjoy your flights!22:21

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