
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
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samburghey guys where is the caoacal channel im suppose to talk to oreneeshy00:59
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MalsasaHello, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12518579#post12518579 <<< How to Write Correct copyright File?02:17
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alkisgHi, we're trying to create and test a debdiff to SRU lp bug #101689505:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016895 in samba (Ubuntu Precise) "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in dump_core()/setgroups being passed a -1 group is causing crashes." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101689505:06
alkisgBut the build fails, even if we don't modify the source tree at all (!), with "tar: samba-3.6.3/.bzrignore: Cannot stat: No such file or directory ==> /usr/bin/pristine-tar: command failed ==> bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.BzrCommandError: Generating tar from delta failed": https://launchpadlibrarian.net/131626440/buildlog.txt.gz05:07
alkisgAny help there?05:07
infinityalkisg: Are you doing this with bzr branches, or just against the source package from the archive?05:08
alkisginfinity: we started with bzr branch lp:ubuntu/precise/samba, then pushed in our own copy of the branch05:08
infinityYeah, I figured.05:09
alkisgThe build succeeds locally...05:09
alkisgAre we using a wrong method?05:09
infinityWell, I'm not sure why you'd be using a recipe build for an SRU.05:09
alkisgJust as an easy way to test the resulting package05:09
infinityAnyhow, is this the only patch required: http://gitweb.samba.org/?p=samba.git;a=commitdiff;h=c4fd9ff890e2640ef90b4d7129621e3fe800a61e05:10
infinityRight, so there's already a pending SRU in the queue.  I'll replace it with one that also includes that patch.05:11
alkisgThank you so much :)05:11
* alkisg moves on to the vbox SRU, lp bug #1081307 ...05:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1081307 in virtualbox (Ubuntu Quantal) "I'm upgrading the 12.04.1 to quantal 3.5 kernel - virtualbox-dkms 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.2: virtualbox kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108130705:12
alkisginfinity: where are you checking for pending SRUs? They're not listed in http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html ...05:13
infinityalkisg: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+queue?queue_state=105:25
alkisgThanks :)05:26
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pittiGood morning06:24
ikepanhc@pilot in06:40
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ikepanhc
pittitjaalton: wrt. libxi, if you don't have time would you mind if I change the .pc file?06:46
tjaaltonpitti: oh i thought you did already? i can fix it later today07:27
pittitjaalton: ah, I thought you said you wanted to; sorry for the misunderstanding07:27
pittitjaalton: I was just asking to avoid breaking a packaging git, etc.07:28
tjaaltonright, that's generally not a big issue, we've applied diffs there after uploads :)07:29
pittitjaalton: ok, I'll do that then; thanks!07:29
tjaaltonand appreciate the heads up07:29
dholbachgood morning07:31
pittitjaalton: sorry for delay, was still busy with g-i/pygi; how does http://paste.ubuntu.com/1688884/ look?09:03
pittitjaalton: I folded it into the existing patch so that we don't forget to remove it when we remove the reversion09:03
pittitjaalton: I'll upload that; it does what we need, and is minimally intrusive IMHO09:11
tjaaltonpitti: yes, looks fine, thanks09:16
seb128who rejected the samba SRU from precise-proposed?09:17
tjaaltonpitti: i actually have the 'clean' version staged in a ppa, so merging just the changelog part to git :)09:21
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seb128slangasek, infinity: any idea who rejected samba from precise's SRU queue?09:25
* seb128 grrrrs at SRU team rejecting items without giving any info to the uploader or on the bugs listed in the changelog09:28
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ikepanhc@pilot out10:11
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
cjwatsonseb128: 05:11 <infinity> Right, so there's already a pending SRU in the queue.  I'll replace it with one that also includes that patch.10:15
cjwatsonalkisg wanted a fix for bug 1016895 added10:15
ubottubug 1016895 in samba (Ubuntu Precise) "smbd crashed with SIGABRT in dump_core()/setgroups being passed a -1 group is causing crashes." [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101689510:15
* alkisg has a branch with it and can test any SRU packages available, but his recipe won't build10:16
seb128cjwatson, thanks, I joined IRC after that I guess10:17
alkisgAlso debfx says there's a pending SRU for vbox not working at all with the lts-quantal kernel (LP bug #1081307), but I couldn't find it...10:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1081307 in virtualbox (Ubuntu Quantal) "I'm upgrading the 12.04.1 to quantal 3.5 kernel - virtualbox-dkms 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.2: virtualbox kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108130710:18
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cjwatsonyay new devscripts10:56
* cjwatson will be able to use dch -r faster now :)10:56
cjwatsonoh, fix for subsecond granularity because I often went  dch -r / immediately save+exit editor / oh damn dch -r didn't actually update the changelog10:59
tumbleweedyou don't use dch -r "" ?10:59
cjwatsonI think I like to let my hindbrain have a brief look at the changelog or something10:59
* cjwatson is a creature of habit when it comes to uploading stuff10:59
tumbleweednot a bad idea :)10:59
pittiheh, same here; I trained my fingers to do i <space> <esc> u :x10:59
* tumbleweed tries to remember to read the .changes file before uploading11:00
cjwatsonI do that too11:00
cjwatsonpitti: What do you think of http://paste.ubuntu.com/1689896/  ?11:08
cjwatsonIt's working well in my local tests11:10
xnoxtumbleweed: /me did dch -r -m '' didn't know i can drop the -m part ;-)11:12
tumbleweedxnox: yeah, you want -m for some when sponsoring11:16
pitticjwatson: sorry, was busy; looking11:16
pitticjwatson: the patch looks good to me; I'm just curious how that affects the installation process11:21
* pitti reads the bug11:21
pittioh, of course *slaps head*11:22
pitticjwatson: thanks for the fix!11:23
cjwatsonIt's a slightly baroque bug and perhaps the installer could do things in some other order to avoid it, but since it seems like a bug to me I thought I'd rather just fix it11:24
cjwatsonThanks, I'll get that uploaded now11:24
Riddellogra_: ping :)11:27
ogra_Riddell, same thing as in -release ?11:28
dokoScottK, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qscintilla2/2.7-2 still symbol issues, did sync too early11:30
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dokopitti, seb128: vala expertise needed: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/130057165/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-amd64.rygel_0.16.3-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:07
dokoRiddell, could kubuntu have a look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hupnp/1.0.0-1 ?12:09
Riddelldoko:  ack12:10
dokoxnox, libavg ftbfs in -proposed, could you have a look?12:13
seb128doko, pitti: fixing it12:14
xnoxdoko: yeah. I've tried fixing it generally, but that failed in debian due to python2.6. I'll just upload the fix directly into ubuntu.12:15
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xnoxdoko: can you upscore https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/ubuntu-nexus7-installer/+build/4314721 and https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/ubuntu-nexus7-installer/+build/431472312:18
xnoxas one needs those to flash nexus7 if it got upgraded to 4.2.2 and is blocking many people.12:18
xnoxanybody else with magical upscore powers? =)12:19
ogra_NCommander, ^^^12:19
cjwatsonxnox: they seem to be built/building now12:24
seb128re rygel build issue, in fact robert_ancell synced the gupnp from debian experimental12:24
seb128it would probably be easier to sync gupnp-av and rygel from there as well, the new version uses vala 0.18 and gst112:25
seb128Laney, ^ do you think you could have a look to that? just see if we those versions would fix the rygel build (would be another stuff ported to the new gstreamer as well)12:25
Laneyare they in sync aleady?12:25
xnoxAlso for precise please: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/ubuntu-nexus7-installer/+build/4314749 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nexus7/+archive/ubuntu-nexus7-installer/+build/431475112:32
xnox=) please rescore (=12:32
cjwatsonxnox: done12:37
xnoxcjwatson: merci.12:37
hrwcjwatson: wiki lists you are archive admin on duty. can we discuss moving chromebook packages out of NEW?12:49
ogra_hrw, and then implement community images, with the tablet and phone images you can then fully go ubuntu on google HW :)12:51
hrwogra_: both of them require touchscreen ;D12:51
cjwatsonYeah, you know what, that on duty thing has been fictional for me for a long time; I distribute throughout the week12:52
ogra_hrw, i mean the phone image on the phone. tablet image on your nexus tablet and desktop on the chromebook indeed12:52
* cjwatson removes himself from that list12:52
hrwogra_: I do not have nexus tablet12:52
hrwcjwatson: ok12:52
cjwatsonhrw: I'll look at your packages shortly, though12:53
ogra_hrw, you still have time to get one before thu.12:53
hrwogra_: and after using omap4430 powered archos I prefer to not buy tablet - it just do not fit to my use12:53
hrwogra_: my daughter is much better tablet user then me :) 5y old12:53
hrwcjwatson: thanks12:54
hrwogra_: it was fun when on one event she used ipad for first time and after few minutes shown other kids how to get to games12:54
ogra_i guess thats because you take her to technics museums all the time ;)12:55
hrwogra_: so far we visited only the one in Szczecin. Next one will be Berlin in March12:58
herton@pilot in13:04
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: herton
mdeslaur@pilot in13:08
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: herton, mdeslaur
ScottKdoko: qscintilla2 is on my TODO list, hopefully I can take another shot at it today.13:11
ReezzHey guys, when I'm trying to run make on a package it doesn't automagically find my includes in /usr/include and /usr/local/include (they are there, but in subfolders..) Any ideas?13:22
cjwatsonNo single general answer.  Sometimes it is correct to refer to headers using the full relative path from /usr/include (e.g. <sys/types.h>).  Sometimes you are supposed to refer to them by a truncated version of that path (e.g. <glib.h>) and use an -I option to the compiler to add extra header search directories.  In the latter case you are often also supposed to use pkg-config to get the necessary compiler options.  ...13:30
cjwatson... Consult the documentation for the header files you're using for advice.13:30
Reezzcjwatson: Thanks :)13:32
mdeslaurkirkland, tyhicks: any reason why ecryptfs-utils (102-0ubuntu1) reverted all the changes from 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 and 1.0.1-0ubuntu3?13:32
mdeslaurkirkland, tyhicks: oh actually, it's just part of the changes that got reverted, and the changelog13:39
loolsmoser: Thanks for checking the updated euca2ools, I had missed the "please verify this package" update on the bug13:53
smoserlool, no worries. i was reminded of it when testing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+source/cloud-init/+bug/1077020 in precise.13:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 1077020 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Precise) "cloud-init ca-certs leaves a blank line in /etc/ca-certificates.conf" [High,Fix committed]13:54
smoserlool, i think you opened (and fixed) one other bug around that time related to the images... do you recall that ?13:54
smoseri just have a vague memory of it and wasn't able to find anything searching though13:55
DenommusI'm trying to use the Ubuntu SDK, but it gives me the error 'module "QmlProject" is not installed'13:57
Denommuswhat does this mean?13:57
geserDenommus: I guess you mean for the Ubuntu phone? if yes, then #ubuntu-phone is probably the right channel13:59
Denommusgeser: thanks14:00
herton@pilot out14:04
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: mdeslaur
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smoserlool, ^14:25
stgraberdoko: ldm should be fixed now (just uploaded). The problem was the introduction of a versioned dependency against ldm-themes which we don't have in main but have packages in main provide. I simply reverted that change which should put us back to where we were when we released quantal.14:26
dokostgraber, thanks14:26
loolsmoser: oh sorry, I missed the question; checking14:26
loolsmoser: LP #1098096 perhaps?14:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1098096 in euca2ools (Ubuntu) "euca-describe-group(s) broken/missing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109809614:27
loolsmoser: ended up not affecting quantal though14:27
loolsmoser: also filed LP #1117184, but that's wishlist14:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1117184 in Ubuntu "cloud-images.u.c still uses "uec-images" as rsync module name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/111718414:28
smoserlool, right. thanks.14:28
smoserlool, are you doing automated things with cloud-images ?14:28
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loolsmoser: I'm mirroring them14:34
loolsmoser: but I'm likely to stop doing that soon; a) this dates back from me using them to deploy local vms b) I actually have a real bandwidth here now and don't need to worry about caching things overnight anymore  ;-)14:35
smoserlool, ok. we're working on data and tools to allow you to more easily mirror (without rsync), which would also hopefully allow you to mirror just disk1.img files or amd64 files ... more easily.14:37
loolsmoser: Ack; the json data model thing would be nice14:41
loolsmoser: BTW you might want to wrap it as a jsonp rather than json; I guess thats usual practice though14:42
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cjwatsonhrw: chromium-mali-opengles: I can't see how the Google Terms of Service are necessarily relevant as a licence; but, if they are, they do not appear to grant redistribution permission to us or our mirrors (and in any case the copyright holder is ARM, not Google, so I'd expect to see a licence from ARM).  The only relevant section I can see is "About Software in our Services", which says "You may not copy, modify, ...15:11
cjwatson... distribute, sell, or lease any part of our Services or included software, [...] unless laws prohibit those restrictions or you have our written permission".  Am I missing something?15:11
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* doko watches Laney preparing for rygel from experimental ...15:27
Laneyhttps://gs1.wac.edgecastcdn.net/8019B6/data.tumblr.com/tumblr_mch9dvLnHL1qiv6pvo1_400.jpg secure beneath doko's watchful eyes15:30
slangasekseb128: samba reject> no, no idea15:48
seb128slangasek, cjwatson helped me thanks, seems like infinity rejected it to reupload with another fix included15:49
hallynslangasek: hey, on qemu-linaro you used to pass CFLAGS += -fno-var-tracking for arm, to save memory space.  Was that just memory when building it, or memory when running it?15:58
slangasekhallyn: that was when building it16:03
hallynslangasek: drat, thanks :)16:07
mdeslaur@pilot out16:24
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 12.10 released | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> quantal | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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hrwcjwatson: ok, will check it. please reject16:27
ioncjwatson: Re: <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/923876>, apt should probably run /etc/kernel/postinst.d/apt-auto-removal in its postinst.16:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 923876 in aptitude (Ubuntu Quantal) "FR: Limit and clean-up kernel images and headers automatically in LTS" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:27
hrwcjwatson: thanks for accepting kernel16:28
cjwatsonhrw: rejected, thanks for checking16:28
cjwatsonion: → infinity since he uploaded it16:28
cjwatsoner, IIRC.  but is a good victim for this anyway :)16:28
xnoxLaney: so I copy across wifi settings as seen in /etc/NetworkManager/system*/$ssid into the nexus7 image under /etc/Network/Manger/system*/last_active_connection (note static name)16:31
xnoxand the network manager does not auto-connect for me =(16:32
xnoxwell it tries but fails.16:32
Laneymeet cyphermox16:32
xnoxIs there any other magic I need to do to setup network-manager unattended?16:32
* xnox doesn't want to use nmcli, cause copying the full cfg seems like it will manage to setup things more correct.16:33
xnoxcyphermox: ^ =) please help me ;-)16:33
cyphermoxxnox: do you also have the $ssid file?16:34
cyphermoxif both have the same UUID it will fail16:34
cyphermoxlook at /var/log/syslog, NM complains there if it can't make sense of the connection files16:34
xnoxcool. i'll check that on next redeploy.16:35
xnoxI'll ping you when I have more info ;-)16:35
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xnoxdoko: libavg fixed and uploaded into debian, can be synced when possible.16:59
davmor2Hey guys I've just done a fresh 12.04.2 i386 install in virtualbox and it is constantly in low graphics mode and won't reconfigure is there anything I can do.  This is the version of virtualbox download direct from oracle as our version is so out of date and raring is the host17:13
superm1davmor2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libpciaccess/+bug/1122072 perhaps?17:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 1122072 in libpciaccess (Ubuntu Precise) "[Precise on VirtualBox] "Fatal server error: no screen found" in Xorg.0.log" [High,Fix released]17:18
xnoxdavmor2: this not really a question about developing ubuntu core operating system. It is known that guest additions do not correctly build with the backported quantal stack that is in the 12.04.2 images. The bug is on launchpad, assigned and is of high priority and will be fixed soon.17:18
davmor2xnox: oops sorry didn't realise it was a meeting17:19
xnoxdavmor2: support for stable release is available in #ubuntu channel. Or you can discuss bugs on #ubuntu-bugs as well.17:19
* cjwatson suspects davmor2 knows about #ubuntu-bugs ;-)17:20
davmor2cjwatson: I might17:20
xnoxdavmor2: =) as a work around you can install the stable x-stack and or install using 12.04.1 image and upgrade ;-)17:26
xnox(upgrading does not move one to the upgraded stack)17:27
davmor2xnox: I'll try the upgraded stack and see if that fixes the issue17:32
xnoxdavmor2: the quantal stack is default on 12.04.2 iso and it is broken with virtualbox. using original kernel/X stack works (e.g. via install using 12.04.1 images and upgrading)17:33
Sarvattdavmor2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libpciaccess/+bug/1124660 thanks for reminding me that needs to be SRUed :)17:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 1124660 in libpciaccess (Ubuntu Precise) "Precise 20120213 i386 live session fails in virtualbox" [High,Triaged]17:34
davmor2xnox, Sarvatt: thanks guys I'm just installing 64bit too which doesn't seem effected which is even more weird :)17:39
davmor2Sarvatt: when the fix lands if you give me  a ping I'm more than happy to update and see if it fixes it :)17:40
tyhicksmdeslaur: The python multiarch changes in 101-0ubuntu3 were dropped in 102-0ubuntu1 because I had already fixed the python multiarch issues in a slightly different way upstream before 101-0ubuntu3 was uploaded17:52
mdeslaurtyhicks: yeah, I figured that out...one of the other changes was missing in the debian/rules17:52
mdeslaurtyhicks: I asked him to submit a merge proposal upstream for the missing bit17:52
tyhicksmdeslaur: There may have just been a miscomunication between kirkland and I about what he could drop when he uploaded 102-0ubuntu117:53
mdeslaurtyhicks: https://code.launchpad.net/~nobuto/ecryptfs/fix-empty-window/+merge/14963417:53
tyhicksmdeslaur: Thanks, I'll take a look17:54
mdeslaurtyhicks: the fact that the debian/changelogs entries got removed made me though the changes got dropped, but it was just one part of one of the changes wasn't merged upstream17:54
tyhickskirkland: ^ I wonder if your release scripts dropped the changelog entries from ubuntu2 and ubuntu3?17:56
BenCIs it a known issue that whoopsie is stuck in a crash loop on raring right now?18:10
BenCAt least on my system18:10
BenC[ 1294.259124] init: whoopsie main process (12696) killed by SEGV signal18:11
BenC[ 1294.265696] init: whoopsie main process ended, respawning18:11
evno, it is not18:11
slangasekBenC: there've been a few issues with whoopsie this week, seemingly related to NM api calls; I haven't heard that issue reported18:12
slangasekbut now that I look, I see that whoopsie is not running on my system18:12
evBenC: I don't suppose you could get me a stacktrace18:12
BenCev: rebuilding with debug syms so I can get a better trace18:12
evBenC: thanks!18:12
BenC** (./test_identifier:20444): CRITICAL **: whoopsie_identifier_sha512: assertion `source' failed18:12
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BenCGetting that during build…maybe related18:13
slangasekyeah, I've got the same issue here, and a crash file for it18:14
BenCev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1691526/18:14
BenCev: I'm assuming active_connections == NULL18:15
BenCno check for that before the for loop18:16
evBenC: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1691559/ - that look reasonable to you?18:18
evxnox: ^ can you give me a branch for your whoopsie changes so I don't blow them away with the next upload18:18
BenCev: I added "network_available = FALSE;" before the return18:18
BenCSeemed to make sense18:18
evgood call18:18
slangasekev: do you want a bug report to link to it too?18:18
slangasekI can send this crash report up18:19
BenCev: Give me a sec and I'll test it...18:19
slangasekbug #113082318:19
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1130823 could not be found18:19
BenCev: I'd also like to fix this test case failure18:19
evhappy to take branches18:19
xnoxev: nexus7 & ubiquity-dm almost never have active connection on boot.18:20
slangasekxnox: does that mean your change can be dropped in favor of the segfault fix?18:20
xnoxev: i'd rather you blow my changes away and see if this is a fix for the world, the universe and everything.18:20
xnoxev: or i can test it on the nexus quickly.....18:20
slangasekbug #113082318:20
ubottubug 1130823 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "whoopsie crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113082318:20
LaneyI can do that fairly easily, but I don't think that it's the same thing18:21
BenCev: That does indeed fix the segv18:21
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BenCev: I have a fix for the test case but it only appears to affect when the tests are run as root, so not that important to the buildd's18:24
evstill happy to take it18:25
BenCtwo secs...18:25
Laneyxnox: no fix here18:25
xnoxev ^ giving you my branch in a sec.18:25
* Laney finds a file called ':wq'18:26
BenCev: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1691633/18:27
BenCev: feel free to fix up my tab/space mis-tabbing18:27
xnoxev: lp:~xnox/whoopsie/no-ubiquity18:27
evthanks guys18:30
BenCev: Thank you18:30
* ev home18:39
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hallynjjohansen: mdeslaur: is apparmor policy stacking off the table for r?20:06
mdeslaurhallyn: jjohansen is working on it. I've postponed a few things though, like getting it upstream.20:08
mdeslaurjjohansen: what's the status?20:08
hallynmdeslaur: ok - cool, don't mean to distract, just saw the blueprint update and wasn't sure.  thanks :)20:19
mdeslaurhallyn: had to pick some $RANDOM ones to postpone so the burndown chart looks good :P20:21
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jjohansenhallyn: I'm and making some revisions and fixing some bugs, there should be a new version to play with at the eow/start of next21:10
hallynjjohansen: awesome, thanks21:11
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smoseranyone know if there is a way to make schroot not say:21:26
smoser Sessions still open, not unmounting21:26
smoserschroot --quiet --run-session --chroot "$schroot" -- some-command21:27
smoserannoyingly prints that21:27
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barrysmoser: that one always bugs me too, but no i don't know how to shut it up ;)22:13
hallynmdeslaur: since i seem to be subject to stupid mistakes, does http://paste.ubuntu.com/1693657/ look good for actually fixing the bug with admin users placed into group libvirtd?22:21
hallynzul: bug 1129107, i'm tempted to just push a fix having debian/rules touch /usr/bin/collie22:22
ubottubug 1129107 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "Backend Sheepdog is not compiled" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112910722:22
hallyn(asked on #virt about downsides to that...  i suspect the check can just be removed from configure...  we'll see)22:23
sarnoldhooray, adduser complains if you try to add a user with : or , in the username :)22:26
infinityhallyn: If it's autoconf, you can preseed the location, so it doesn't look for it.22:39
infinityhallyn: ac_cv_path_COLLIE=/usr/bin/collie ./configure ...22:41
infinityhallyn: Or possibly --with-storage-sheepdog=/usr/bin/collie22:42
hallyni *guess* that's cleaner than touch /usr/bin/collie :)22:42
infinityhallyn: Well, touch won't work, you're not root.22:42
hallynas builder?  oh...22:42
hallynok, thanks, i'll go with one of those22:43
slangasek"Backend Sheepdog" is the name of my folk metal band22:43
infinityhallyn: I'm testing quickly here.22:44
hallyninfinity: jinkeys - no need, i don't want to take up your time, i'll do it!22:46
infinityhallyn: Too late? :P22:51
hallyninfinity: thanks :)  so, if we enable that, should sheepdog go into suggests?22:51
infinityhallyn: Probably, yes.22:51
hallynkthx.  think i'll ask zul to look over this one before i push (since he maintains sheepdog pkg)22:53
zulhallyn: sure22:57
infinityhallyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1693989/ <-- This gives me plausible configure output.22:59
infinityhallyn: The packages don't currently suggest half the world, so I'm not sure adding sheepdog is necessary (but not wrong to have it suggest everything it can potentially make use of either)23:01
infinityHrm, maybe I should see how that's actually being AC_SUBSTed before I say it works. :P23:02
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hallyninfinity: yeah i'ts actually not looking like it's getting set to true like that23:03
hallynor wait23:05
hallynno yeah, capitalization is throwing me off, but i think it's working23:07
infinityNah, it's not being substed.23:08
hallyninfinity: (i forewent doing a WITH_SHEEPDOG variable...  not sure if we have a general packaging preference)23:08
hallyni see configure: Sheepdog: /usr/sbin/collie23:09
infinityYeah, which isn't doing the right thing in the makefiles.23:09
hallynall right i need to go afk.  will look tomorrow.  thanks for the help - ttyl23:10
kieppie1hi guys23:25
kieppie1the new releases look pretty good23:25
kieppie1thanks for the hard work23:26
kieppie1I'm just wondering if there will be some sort of unifying experience23:26
kieppie1i.e ubuntu on desktop, netbook, tablet, mobile & TV, and if/how I'd be able to maintain & manage a unified session across nodes23:27
infinityhallyn: Okay, got it all sorted.23:29
infinityhallyn: Maybe I'll just upload this, so it doesn't get lost later. :P23:30
hallyninfinity: if you do, do you mind adding http://paste.ubuntu.com/1693657 ?23:32
* hallyn sneaks afk again23:33
infinityhallyn: Surely, you want getent there, not grepping of group...23:33
infinityhallyn: Though I see there's precedent with the sudo one.23:33
hallyninfinity: well yeah i guess...  i like to follow precedent usually, but you're right23:33
hallyninfinity: so if you prefer to punt and i'll properly fix later, that makes sense.23:34
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infinityhallyn: Is the sudo thing from Debian, or is that our own ickiness?23:34
infinityhallyn: While I was in here, I noticed another package where I missed enabling libaudit linking, so I'll do that too.23:34
hallyninfinity: the sudo thing was originall admin (i did sed -i s/admin/sudo).  it comes from debian though23:35
infinityhallyn: Alright, if this construct is in the Debian packages too, I'm fine with including your bit on top.  But suggesting they could do it better wouldn't be awful either. :P23:35
hallynno i think i jut slied23:35
hallyninfinity: we're not merging libvirt from debian right now anyway23:36
hallynzul takes it straight from usptream23:36
infinityYay for collaboration. :/23:36
hallynwell they were slow for awhile.  not sure the rationale works anymore...23:37
hallynbut yeah it's taken an opposite trajectory from qemu23:37
infinityYeah, Debian doesn't have this code snippet for the sudo thing.  It's Ubuntu-specific.23:37
infinityI'll just add your bits, and then convert both to getent for my own peace of mind.23:38
hallyninfinity: thanks.  (really leaving now)23:40
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cjwatsonkieppie1: we don't really have all the specifics yet, but unifying the experience has been a consistently theme of the recently-released videos about phone and tablet23:51
cjwatson*consistent theme23:51
smoserbarry, http://serverfault.com/questions/415602/getting-sessions-still-open-not-unmounting-when-exiting-psql-what-does-this . do you use encrypted home?23:56
smoser(i do)23:56
barrysmoser: but of course :)23:56
smoserso, yeah, its probably coming from somewhere down that path.23:56
* barry nods23:57
mdeslaurhallyn: yeah, looks good to me23:59

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