
ricotzjbicha, hi, i will push the gnome-keyring 3.7.5 stack20:02
ricotz(if ppa uploading works out, seems to be kind of broken sometimes today)20:05
jbicharicotz: cool, btw I think we need to remerge gnome-keyring with the version in the PPA20:09
ricotzjbicha, already did20:09
ricotzmade an ~raring2 earlier20:10
ricotzgcr is a pita20:10
jbichaI ppa-purged the staging PPA and when I tried readding it, I got20:10
jbichadpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/gnome-keyring_3.7.2-0ubuntu1~raring1_amd64.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/etc/pkcs11/modules/gnome-keyring.module', which is also in package libp11-kit-gnome-keyring:amd64 3.6.2-0ubuntu220:10
ricotzi know i was told twice today ;)20:10
jbichaoh I see, thanks :)20:11
ricotzdon't you dare to run away from staging ;P20:11
jbichaI was testing GTK 3.8/Nautilus 3.8 on raring20:11
ricotzoh, really20:12
ricotznautilus 3.8?20:12
ricotzdoesnt sound like something for raring20:12
jbichaeverything works except for the gnome-shell search provider which unfortunately looks a bit difficult, bug 113074620:13
ubot5bug 1130746 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Update to nautilus 3.7.90" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113074620:13
ricotzjbicha, i see, but should this be really considered?20:14
jbichapersonally I think it's worth it as the bugfixes are nice to have20:17
ricotzok, feature-wise too20:18
jbichabut that one known regression (gnome-shell search) is enough to block it too20:18
ricotzi guess not from the ubuntu pov ;) if you insist to get it in before freeze and fix it afterwards20:19
jbichaI don't know if I can fix it, the search provider api is not documented & there's been quite a bit of refactoring20:20
ricotzi see20:21
ricotzjbicha, btw is zeitgeist a core application/library in regards of the unity desktop?20:21
jbichaUnity's Privacy Settings panel is mostly a front-end to tweak zeitgeist20:23
ricotzalright, good to know20:24
jbichadarkxst: hey they released gnome-shell after all20:41
darkxstjbicha, right20:43
darkxstafter they said they wouldn't!20:44
darkxstanyway will update20:44

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