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odinsbaneI tried out the 3.8 kernel, and I cannot build the compat-drivers package anymore. 10:21
odinsbaneI'm not sure a good place to get help with that.10:21
=== edamato is now known as edamato-afk
apwsmb, did i ask you about 'CONFIG_ARM_CHARLCD-yy------11:45
apwno not that thank you unity11:45
apwsmb, CONFIG_MULTICORE_RAID456 11:46
smbapw, that neither11:46
* smb looks11:46
smbapw, OK, probably mostly performance and experimental... rather would tend to =n11:47
apwsmb, ack thanks11:48
zequence-sI'm still a bit unsure of how much the mobile/ARM version of Ubuntu will be different from the desktop release, but I'm assuming the repo will be the same deal? A lot of people will be interested in the possibility of using the Ubuntu phone for multimedia, and some specifically for low latency audio, so I would be interested in adding a special kernel for that. 12:07
zequence-sAnything stopping making -lowlatency available for the phones and tablets?12:08
amitkzequence-s: only the fact that most such devices might be ARM-powered, so you'll need -lowlatency versions of specific SoC kernels12:10
rtgzequence-s, the kernels for mobile devices will almost certainly be different versions and in different repos then the desktop/server kernel.12:11
rtgmuch like the Nexus712:11
zequence-samitk, -lowlatency is currently based on -generic (really the same kernel, just differently configured). I actually don't know how the ARM kernel performs for audio, so it could be it's ok, but if not, I'd just tweak the config and create a -lowlatency flavor of it12:11
zequence-srtg, There won't be any weird restrictions on those machines, so that anything is possible, like building your own kernel on the machine itself, or adding a PPA for it (maybe not exactly a kernel question)?12:13
rtgwell, building the kernel on the device itself could be quite painfully slow12:14
rtgI've been using an armhf qemu chroot to build test kernels.12:14
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zequence-sapw, both lowlatency's ready to be pulled12:26
apwzequence-s, ta12:30
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* ppisati loves strawberries13:25
directhexi have a user with a lenovo l420 laptop, running a -generic-pae kernel (the hardware wouldn't boot with a 64-bit kernel). i'm seeing a bizarre setup where the -36- kernel is fine, but the -38- kernel renders the laptop totally unresponsive - jerky mouse in X, keyboard keys being missed in VT1, and so on13:38
directhexare there any changes between -36- and -38- which could somehow be related? i'm stumped13:39
RZAFCanyone know how to get metaspoit on a ppc with lubuntu?14:14
apwdirecthex, not heard of it, the changes are tagged in git so you can look and see14:46
apwexactly what was changed14:48
* rtg notes we have a chromebook kernel in raring15:09
apwwe do ?15:09
rtgapw, just uploaded: linux-chromebook15:10
* ogasawara back in 2015:37
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* ppisati goes for some sweating17:07
rtgapw, ogasawara: ok, rather then create a new repo I've opened a branch (unstable-3.9) in the raring repo that builds for amd64/i386.17:20
apwrtg, ack17:20
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* rtg -> lunch18:50
infinityppisati: Are the ti-omap4 SRU rebases in progress?  This one's a bit more urgent than most.20:13
ppisatiinfinity: not really20:27
ppisatiinfinity: i'm a bit lost with SRU schedule these days20:27
* rtg -> EOD20:31
bjfppisati, this is a high priority CVE that is making it's way through20:32
bjfppisati, this is outside the normal kernel SRU cadence20:32
ppisatibjf: yep, infinity told me that20:32
ppisatidoing the rebases now20:32
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ppisatiherton: are you still there?21:21
ppisatiherton: recall me, what do i need to change the "Upload to ppa" to... "confirmed"?21:22
ppisatiinfinity: bjf: P and Q are done, doing O now21:40
bjfppisati, thanks21:40
hertonppisati, yes, but just the comment is enough too, I'll take a look21:48
ppisatiand O done too.22:16
ppisatiherton: ^22:16
hertonppisati, ack, I'm working on uploading them22:17
* ppisati is here around...22:17
=== joshhunt_ is now known as joshhunt
apwherton, i have uploaded lowlatency for P & Q23:47
hertonapw, ack23:47
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