
TheLordOfTimephillw, perhaps #launchpad00:04
TheLordOfTimesince they understand the interconnectivity00:04
phillwTheLordOfTime: they suggested it in the mix, but is somewhat more involved, hence my asking Brian to 'have a think'00:05
TheLordOfTimeBrian as in... bdmurray?00:06
TheLordOfTime(the BUGS GOD of Ubuntu)00:06
phillw#ubuntu-bugs ?00:07
* TheLordOfTime shrugs00:07
TheLordOfTimephillw, you should see the responses, and to be honest, "Brian" could mean one of numerous LP/IRC nicks, so i'm calling you out on your lack of specificity :P00:07
xnoxplars: gema: i just sent an email to ubuntu-installer & utah-devel about automatic preseeding of nexus7 ubuntu core images.01:42
xnoxat this point it works to the point on unattended boot into configured desktop.01:42
xnoxbut WiFi settings did not managed to establish network connectivity, once that is available it will be good to go.01:43
xnoxI am also will be looking tomorrow to use adbd code to reboot back into bootloader.01:43
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
plarsxnox: hmm, I'm on utah-devel but I don't think I got it03:43
=== balloons is now known as Guest84123
pittiGood morning06:26
dholbachgood morning07:34
jibelgood morning08:03
xnoxplars: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-installer/2013-February/001218.html09:15
xnoxand here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-utah-devel/2013-February/000080.html09:16
xnoxplars: maybe it was held in moderation queue, i dunno =)09:16
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* smartboyhw wonders where on Earth is balloons15:25
=== Guest84123 is now known as balloons
balloonsSergioMenesesAFK, I think I know what the deal was with your weird big diffs16:19
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
balloonsxnox, are you about now?18:06
xnoxballoons: hello.18:13
xnox(sorry was away from the keyboard a little bit)18:14
balloonsxnox, hey :-) Excellent, so thomi and I spent some time yesterday trying to introspect ubiquity18:14
xnoxI'm listening =)18:14
balloonsI wanted to have a crack at writing an autopilot test for ubiquity18:14
balloonswe ran into some issues tho.. it seems ubiquity won't load the autopilot gtk module18:14
xnoxgood. Doing it on the nexus would be like the easiest thing on earth, I'm almost done with autoprovisioning it.18:15
xnoxballoons: is it a GTK_MODULE? edit /usr/bin/ubiquity-dm to make sure it does load it.18:15
balloonsyes, GTK_MODULES18:15
balloonsweird ok18:15
xnoxballoons: or I can strike a deal if you can get it to work from the point of launching it using the desktop icon in the "try ubuntu session" i'll fix it up to the point where it works from automatic booting.18:16
balloonslol.. gotcha, so we do need to edit it in18:16
balloonsyes, I'm going at it via try ubuntu session, load live session, then run the test18:17
balloonswe'll start there18:17
xnoxcause I can't learn autopilot to write them and integrate, but I can make sure the written scripts are automatically run & like watch the jobs and fix things.18:17
balloonskk, booting bm again18:17
balloonsxnox, yes, I think that would be fair and helpful :-)18:17
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
balloonsok, so I see the overlay scrollbars being forced to load18:28
balloonsxnox, ok so if  i have it into the python script for ubiquity, I get this: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "autopilot". If I hack it into ubiquty-dm, it wants args to run.. how can I run it?18:38
xnoxhow does it normally run?18:38
balloonsso the normal means for messing about is to use the autopilot launch tool to launch the app18:39
xnoxballoons: can you send me actual debug messages via pastebin?18:39
balloonsit needs a straight binary however (not a script)18:39
balloonsbut all it's doing is force loading the 'autopilot' gtk module18:39
balloonsso I'm trying to do that manually..18:40
xnoxballoons: so do that. What do you mean by "straight binary" ? Cause ubiquity is not compiled gtk, but rather written in python. So it will be a script.18:40
balloonsxnox, well.. sorry a bit confusing.. Forget that part :-) The point is I can't seem to manually load the gtk module to the point that the vis tool will see it18:40
balloonsand without that, I can't see the dbus session to start writing something ;-)18:41
balloonsso, maybe running in debug mode or with verbose output might help? trying to straight load it fails with only that message18:41
balloonsfor instance, yesterday I was trying this: GTK_MODULES="autopilot:$GTK_MODULES" /usr/lib/ubiquity/bin/ubiquity18:41
balloonshmm, yea, I mean adding -d doesn't tell me anything more.. the module isn't loading18:42
xnoxballoons: we start dbus session only half way between ubiquity-dm starting and ubiquity actually appearing.18:42
balloonsxnox, ohh interesting18:43
xnoxseriously login into - try ubuntu. that will be a better environment to develop the tests.18:43
xnoxplus we will need to test in that mode as well.18:43
balloonsI'm in try ubuntu18:43
balloonsI'm in a vm, loaded up into a live session18:43
balloonsI've got the installer link on the desktop18:44
xnoxin that case, one sec.18:44
xnoxdoes: autopilot-auto-launch-script /usr/bin/ubiquity work?18:45
balloonsno, that gives the "Only dynamically linked binaries are supported" error18:45
balloonsso I was trying to get closer to the source to get it to launch.. hence my digging around in /usr/lib/ubiquity/bin/ubiquity18:46
balloonsbut I soon abandoned that and just tried to manually load the module..18:46
xnoxballoons: heh. So is there a way to launch autopilot against gtk python apps?18:47
xnoxif there isn't it will not work at all.18:47
balloonsxnox, yes, the launch feature just loads the module, so.. no worries if it doesn't automagically work18:48
balloonswe need to get ubiquity running with the module loaded so it will export it's dbus session18:48
balloonsthat's all18:48
xnoxit starts a complete dbus session? or just is available on the dbus?18:49
balloonsI think just available works..18:50
* balloons notes your in the UK (never knew your tz)18:50
balloonsI'll have to start pinging you earlier :-)18:51
xnoxballoons: i'd just do "return GtkIntrospectionTestMixin" in the "def get_application_introspection_base(app_path):"18:51
xnoxinstead of exit(1)18:51
xnoxand try again using the automatic script, as the script does more =)18:52
balloonsalrighty.. lets give that a whrl18:52
xnoxautopilot should have a command arg to specify the type of interspection. All that check does is check Qt vs Gtk vs Other.18:52
balloonsit's rudimentary18:53
balloonsyou know I never even glance at this18:53
balloonsxnox, ok now when is the session started?18:56
balloonsthe other potential issue is permissions...18:57
xnoxwhat session?18:59
xnoxdid ubiquity & autopilot start ?18:59
balloonsyes, so it launched no errors about not being able to load the module19:00
balloonsthen running the vis tool however, it doesn't show ubiquity19:00
balloonswe could check using dbus-monitor19:00
balloonsxnox, so when I launch ubiquity, I'm not see any dbus activity.. no interface, no properties, etc, for ubiquity19:08
xnoxis there any for python?19:11
xnoxballoons: shutdown VM, boot the VM, at the boot screen quickly click esc. choose english19:12
balloonsyep.. now?19:13
xnoxthen in F6 i think there is accessibility options choose the biggest one (blind user)19:13
xnoxthat will load all a11y frameworks on boot.19:13
xnoxF5 -> screen reader19:14
chilicuilhi, I'm looking at the install image testcases and whenever Ubuntu should be named it's 'FAMILY' instead, i.e., <dt>Click on the Install FAMILY icon</dt>19:14
chilicuilis that the expected behaviour?19:15
balloons chilicuil yes, we should note that somewhere.. FAMILY wll automagically convert to the proper family as needed19:15
balloonskubuntu, ubuntu, etc19:15
balloonssince we share testcases19:15
chilicuilballoons: ok, thanks19:15
balloonsxnox, kk19:15
balloonsI used braille terminal19:15
balloonswell hmm19:16
xnoxballoons: no braille is too much, you want screen reader19:16
balloonshigh contrast, magnifier, screen reader, braille terminal, keyboard modifiers, on-screen keyboard19:16
xnox"screen reader"19:16
balloonsdone deal19:16
balloonsk, installing d-feet and autopilot again19:19
balloonsit's fun being read to19:19
xnoxyeah, I tend to turn off speakers after a while19:20
balloonsok, what next?19:20
balloonsI see the lovely a11y bus now19:21
xnoxlaunch autopilot and it all should work (tm)19:23
xnoxwell /usr/bin/ubiquity via autopilot start script19:23
balloonsyes, so I modded the start script again and launched it19:26
balloonsi don't see any ubiquity session in d-feet, nor does the autopilot tool see it19:26
xnoxwhat do you mean by ubiquity session?19:26
xnoxhow does it normally work and what are you expecting to see in d-feet?19:26
balloonsafter you launch it with autopilot19:27
balloonsI should get a dbus connection in the autopilot vis tool19:27
balloonsI'm not getting that19:27
balloonsnow, it may be because ubiquity is running as root19:28
balloonsi assume it is anyway :-) I'm assuming you escalate and run as root, or you run only certain ops as root?19:28
xnoxpkexec d-feet19:28
xnoxyes, it's running as root.19:28
balloonsahh.. so thomi might have to help out there in order for me to see it19:29
balloonsone sec, let's see19:29
* thomi waves19:29
balloonshello thomi :-) xnox and I are getting closer on ubiquity and autopilot19:30
balloonshere's the summary.. if we ignore the warning for your lddconfig hack and just load the gtk module, it seems to load ubiquity fine19:30
balloonshowever, running autopilot vis shows me nothing19:31
balloonsnote however, ubiquity runs as root19:31
balloonsso if I try running both autopilot launch and autopilot vis as root, I see no connections19:31
xnoxand it also re-execs itself by the way.....19:31
xnoxand it's python....19:31
thomiballoons: ok... the fact that ubiquity runs doesn't mean that it's honored the GTK_MODULES env var and actually loaded the plugin though19:31
xnoxand it can use either gtk or qt toolkits.....19:31
balloonsthomi, your correct.. how can we verify?19:32
thomixnox: re-exec'ing itself shouldn't be an issue, since environment is inherited in most cases19:32
thomialesage: any ideas?19:32
thomialesage: does the gtk plugin log something when it loads?19:32
alesagethomi if you need to test, you can enable the logging, but no it's disabled as it ships19:33
thomialesage: ok, do you mind if I add a single log line that prints "Gtk introspection plugin loaded" to stdout every time?19:34
thomiwould that cause issue?19:34
thomialso, I wonder about enabling the debug logging if a particular env var is set?19:34
thomilike: AP_GTK_LOGGING=119:34
alesagethomi I wouldn't think it would cause problems--I'm just not sophisticated to know where to put the log :)19:35
alesagethere's a bit of code in main.cpp to handle logging thomi if you want to adjust19:35
thomialesage: I was going to log to stdout19:35
thomithat way autopilot tests will pick it up19:35
alesagethomi o I see, yes no objection19:35
xnoxballoons: get the pid of the ubiquity and cat /proc/NNNN/environ and see the environment19:35
xnoxthat way you'll see if it enherited the module or not.19:36
xnox(well it will be python3 process...)19:36
balloonssorry got dc'd for a sec19:36
balloonsreading scrollback19:36
balloonsk, 'll try your idea xnox19:37
balloonsyep, GTK_MODULES=:autopilot19:38
balloonsgood stuff19:38
thomixnox, balloons, alesage: for your delectation: https://bugs.launchpad.net/autopilot-gtk/+bug/113086119:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1130861 in autopilot-gtk "Need a log message to verify that the plugin loaded OK." [High,In progress]19:38
thomiballoons: think that leading ':' might be screwing it up?19:38
balloonsnot sure why it's there tbh19:38
thomiballoons: you probable did:19:39
balloonsI assume since the GTK_MODULES19:39
xnoxballoons: that's missing overlay-scrollbar modules19:39
thomiand GTK_MODULES was empty19:39
xnoxand libcanberra?!19:39
* xnox offline to find some dinner. be back later, maybe.19:39
balloonslet me check some of the other processes19:40
balloonsthomi, anyways, on your theory, yes I agree with the reasoning19:42
balloonshowever I used launch to launch it19:42
xnoxGTK_MODULES=overlay-scrollbar autopilot-script-thing /usr/bin/ubiquity =)19:43
balloonsas I said, in order to launch we hacked around your ldd_output and just told it to load gtk anyway19:43
xnoxtry that ;-)19:43
thomiballoons: I see - perhaps you could file a bug against autopilot for that?19:44
balloonsxnox also suggested we just hack in the GTK_MODULES os.environ line in the python ubiquity script19:44
balloonsthomi, sure.. I think being able to force one or the other would be good.. auto by default, allow me to force19:44
xnoxthat will only help with "install ubuntu" not in "try ubuntu"19:44
balloonsxnox, OHH.. makes sense now.. You confused me before with that19:45
balloonsas I had no idea had to run the result.. heh19:45
balloonsso, thomi alesage should I be running autopilot vis or autopilot launch as root? see above about ubiquity re-execing itself and running as root19:47
thomiballoons: hmmmmmm that's an interesting question19:47
thomiI wonder which session bus it connects to?19:48
thomiballoons: maybe test by running: sudo autopilot launch gedit19:48
thomiand then: autopilot vis19:48
balloonsohh right right19:48
thomiif you can see the gedit connection, then it connects to the regular user session bus19:48
thomiif not, try 'sudo autopilot vis'19:48
balloonsweird.. running as root directly doesn't work19:49
balloonscan't find the ap interface19:49
balloonson launch19:49
thomiballoons: ahhhh... you may need to launch it manually then.19:49
balloonssudo does the same thing19:49
balloonsGTK_MODULES="autopilot:$GTK_MODULES" ubiquity fails to load ap module19:51
thomiballoons: I can take a look after I finish this loggign thing...19:53
Letozaf_balloons, Hi20:13
balloonsI'm watching the ap tets run on the nexus7 tablet20:15
balloonsthey work :-)20:15
balloonsok.. so back on this ubiquity thing20:27
balloonsthomi you freed up now/20:27
thomiballoons: almost... 10 minutes?20:28
SergioMeneseshi guys!20:33
SergioMenesesballoons, \o I read your message, what is it?20:33
balloonsSergioMeneses, hello20:33
balloonsyour all merged20:33
balloonsthe issue was a control character at the top20:33
balloonschilicuil fixed it for us (and found it!)20:33
balloonsso I'll sync the new stuff back to the tracker soon20:34
SergioMenesesballoons, nice20:34
Letozaf_balloons, can I ask you or thomi about autopilot and shotwell, I'm stuck can't solve a thing20:41
balloonsLetozaf_, please do20:41
balloonsbtw.. oh oh oh20:41
balloonsI needed to share ths with you20:41
thomiLetozaf_: BTW, that vis bug is fixed now20:41
SergioMenesesballoons, ?20:41
balloonsLetozaf_, https://github.com/martinpitt/umockdev20:42
Letozaf_balloons, thomi hurray!!!20:42
balloonsLetozaf_, that is made by pitti and it can create fake hw.. like a camera :-)20:42
Letozaf_balloons, thats super !!! great!!!20:43
Letozaf_balloons, but how does it work ?20:43
balloonsI've not messed with it much yet, but  think we can incoporate t20:43
Letozaf_balloons, well let me know when you find out how to work with it20:43
Letozaf_balloons, I keep on swithing on and off my camera for testing with shotwell >D20:44
balloonsLetozaf_, hehe20:44
balloonswell, pitti is in your timezone, but he's around in the morning and daytime20:44
Letozaf_balloons, :D20:44
balloonshowever, there's a basic info on the github20:45
balloonsread the  Command line: Record and replay PtP/MTP USB devices20:45
* Letozaf_ is reading20:46
Letozaf_balloons, sounds good, but do you think I could try this out ?20:48
Letozaf_balloons, well if I'm able to :-P20:49
balloonsthomi, yay for bug fixes20:49
thomiballoons: ok, Gtk doesn't like me, so I can answer your questions now, if you like20:50
balloonsLetozaf_, yes you can try if you'd like. I have no experience, but as I said, the author is on this channel :-)20:50
balloonsthomi, ok, so let's summarize quickly I suppose20:50
balloonsit appears like ubiquity loads with the autopilot launch hack, but it doesn't work when autopilot vis is run (as root or not)20:51
balloonsif you run autopilot launch as root, it doesn't seem to work (can't find ap)20:51
balloonsif you try and manually load the gtk module into ubiquity it doesn't seem to work20:51
thomiballoons: have you confirmed that ubiquity actually loads the autopilot plugin?20:51
balloonsfinally, I'm concerned that I can't see a session being created by ubiquity when it is run20:52
balloonsmeaning, if I load dbus-monitor, or d-feet, I don't see an entry for ubiquity20:52
balloonsthomi, I can see the env variable is passed, and it doesn't error. that's all20:52
thomiballoons: my guess is that the AP plugin isn't being loaded. some apps don't seem to honor the GTK_MODULES env var... like gnome-terminal, for example20:52
balloonsaccording to xnox it does honor it20:53
Letozaf_balloons, well I also have no experience but this thing sounds so good it has to be tried :D20:53
thomido we have evidence to support that? can you see it using overlay scrollbars for example?20:53
balloonsLetozaf_, lol.. that's the spirit! Don't beat your head on it too much, but yes, I think it has good potential for us20:53
balloonsthomi, yes it does use overlay scrollbars20:54
Letozaf_balloons, lol20:54
thomiballoons: hmmmm, ok20:54
* Letozaf_ will beat her head :-P20:54
thomiballoons: hmmm, interesting20:56
thomiballoons: when I run:20:56
thomiGTK_MODULES=autopilot ubiquity20:56
thomiI get:20:56
thomiGtk-Message: Failed to load module "autopilot"20:56
balloonsdoes that straight out mean to you it's not honoring?20:58
thomino, the opposite20:58
thomiit means it's reading that environment variable, and not loading the plugin20:58
balloonslol.. true true20:59
thomilooking into it now20:59
thomiballoons: I can load the ap plugin with a test python/Gtk3 app, so there's no problem there...21:01
balloonsthat's good21:01
balloonsthomi, so if I run GTK_MODULES="autopilot:$GTK_MODULES" /usr/lib/ubiquity/bin/ubiquity it doesn't complain21:04
balloonshowever, it fails as ubiquity normally launches that as root..21:04
balloonsusing sudo incorporates the previous issues21:04
xnoxsudo potentially strips the environment21:04
balloonshey xnox :-021:05
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
thomiballoons: try hacking that file and changing LOCKFILE to be something that you have write access to21:05
xnoxballoons: can you try: GTK_MODULES="autopilot:$GTK_MODULES" sudo -E /usr/bin/ubiquity ?21:05
balloonsthomi, i went that route a bit, but it will ultimtaely just fail21:05
balloonsit really does need root21:06
balloonsxnox, running21:06
* xnox there is a way to run ubiquity as a normal user........ but it's oem config mode only21:06
balloonsohh.. right21:07
balloonsthe user setup mode21:07
balloonsxnox, thomi, so running GTK_MODULES="autopilot:$GTK_MODULES" sudo -E /usr/bin/ubiquity doesn't give any failure21:07
balloonsbut autopilot vis doesn't see anythng21:07
balloonsi'll check env21:07
thomiballoons: what about with sudo -E ?21:07
balloonsthomi, it doesn't say it can't load the module21:08
balloonsit just runs21:08
thomiso /usr/bin/ubiquity launched the inner script with: gksudo --preserve-env, so there's no need to call the inner script directly21:08
thomiso we also don't need to mess about with sudo ourselves21:08
balloonsinteresting: GTK_MODULES="autopilot:$GTK_MODULES" sudo -E /usr/bin/ubiquity21:09
balloonswithout sudo, it fails to load module "autopilot"21:11
thomiballoons: wtf? that makes no sense21:11
balloonsyou tell me mate.. everything we're seeing and you and xnox are saying points to the fact this should have just worke21:12
thomiballoons: ahaaaa21:12
balloonsxnox, can we force ubiquity to run in non-privileged mode?21:12
balloonswithout going through oem-install?21:13
thomiballoons: the "Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "autopilot"" message is from gksudo21:13
thomiballoons: not from ubiquity I think21:13
* xnox ponders if we should use pkexec and not gksudo21:13
thomiballoons: run this: UBIQUITY_WRAPPER_DEBUG=1 GTK_MODULES=autopilot ubiquity21:13
thomiballoons: and observe that that message is printed when gksudo is asking for your password21:14
xnoxthere is no password. so it goes straight through.21:14
balloons['gksudo', '--preserve-env', '--', '/usr/bin/ubiquity']21:15
balloonsGtk-Message: Failed to load module "autopilot"21:15
thomixnox: ok, well I hadn't entered my password into gksudo before, so it asked me :)21:15
balloonsthomi, definitely confirmed21:16
balloonslaunching gksudo alone prints it as well21:16
balloonslet's not use gksudo21:16
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
thomiballoons: I don't think that's the problem21:17
balloonsthomi, why not?21:17
thomiwe don't care if gksudo fails to load the ap plugin21:17
balloonsoh ohh21:17
thomiit's ubiquity we care about21:17
balloonslol.. I get it21:17
thomiand we already know that it's preserving the environment OK21:17
* thomi reads more source code21:18
balloonsI'm jumping on anything.. sorry21:18
xnoxballoons: s/gksudo/pkexec/21:19
balloonsxnox, yea, I modded ubiquity already.. but I think thomi is right21:19
thomiheh... found a bug in ubiquity21:20
thominot one that helps us though :)21:20
xnoxthomi: which is what? =)21:26
thomixnox: some unused code in the main ubiquity script that does nothing21:27
xnoxthomi: please send a patch or pastebin unused code or give line numbers =)21:28
thomixnox: I've closed the file, but I will21:28
thomiwhen I get back there again :)21:28
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
thomixnox: so... you know the ubiquity internals?21:35
thomixnox: /usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/gtkwidgets.py line 470 there's an error the file has:21:36
thomishould be super(Builder, self).__init__()21:36
xnoxis it necessory?21:37
* thomi can't quite work out how it works without that21:37
thomixnox: in python2.x, yes21:37
xnoxthomi: ubiquity is python3 only =)21:37
xnoxsince the beginning of quantal.21:38
thomixnox: ahaaaaa!21:38
thomixnox: lol... that explains a lot21:38
* thomi stops trying to use python221:38
thomiso I  was trying to run the gtk frontend by itself, but it starts debconf, and that fails for some reason21:51
thomiballoons: my suggestion is to work with the ubiquity developers and figure out how the gtk main loop is being run. I see a couple of different entry points in the gtk frontend, and It's not immeadiately obvious to me which is being used21:53
balloonsthomi, it depends on how it was invoked21:53
thomiballoons: however, we now know a lot more than we did a few hours ago. to summarise:21:53
balloonsthrough the live session, or through the straight install.. or as xnox mentioned, through the oem setup and reboot21:53
thomi1) We know that calling /usr/bin/ubiquity as the command to launch doesn't strip the GTK_MODULES env var, so we can use that for autopilot21:54
thomi2) we know that there's no problem at all with a python app loading the autopilot plugin21:54
thomialso, running: sudo autopilot launch gedit && sudo autopilot vis" works for me - I can see the gedit window (but not Unity)21:55
balloonsthomi, nice summary21:57
balloonssudo works for you?21:57
balloonsweird.. it does work on my deskto21:58
balloonsbut not in the live session21:58
xnoxthomi: main loop eh ?! =) we have in general two main loops - debconf one and the UI one. The UI main loop can be either a gtk or Qt one.21:58
xnoxwe stop the mainloop between each page and process the debconf mainloop, when we figure out from debconf what to show next we draw the next page & enter the UI mainloop again.21:59
xnoxdue to the way pages behave they may enter additional nested mainloops.21:59
xnoxindeed it's not obvious.22:00
xnoxthomi: how do you know that starting debconf fails?22:00
xnoxif debconf fails ubiquity can't do anything at all.22:00
thomixnox: I get an uncaught exception :)22:05
thomisince I can't find any code that modifies the GTK_MODULES env. var, I'm assuming that the difference has to be in the way the main loop is entered22:06
thomiperhaps calling Gtk.Main() imports the modules, but whatever ubiquity does to enter/exit the main loop doesn't work?22:07
* thomi shrugs22:07
Letozaf_balloons, :( oh well.. I tried to compile umockdev but got an error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1693598/22:15
Letozaf_balloons, I will see if tomorrow I will able to carry on22:16
Letozaf_balloons, now it's a bit late :(22:16
balloonsLetozaf_, :-(22:16
xnoxthomi: can you paste the error.....22:16
Letozaf_balloons, I will try again tomorrow :D  'night22:16
phillwxnox: has your fix for bug 1128597 got into the system yet?22:55
ubot5bug 1128597 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity-dm crashed with TypeError in run(): Can't convert 'bool' object to str implicitly" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112859722:55
xnoxnot yet.22:57
phillwxnox: is there any workaround? as it is a killer bug for me to test lubuntu in either VBox or KVM...22:58
xnoxphillw: oh. I thought it's only affecting booting into blind accessibility.22:59
* xnox raising priority to upload that fix.22:59
phillwxnox: nope, it stalled a guy who uses VBox, and when I attempted to replicate in kvm, it killed me as well :(23:00
phillwthanks, much appreciated.23:00
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