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PadNet_201Help: Need a way to log everything done thru the terminal.00:10
sarnoldPadNet_201: are you looking for a simple and friendly tool like 'script'?00:14
PadNet_201yes something like that, that runs everytime a term session starts00:14
PadNet_201or at boot to log all term activity00:14
PadNet_201or even a way to run 'script -q' automatically00:15
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sarnoldPadNet_201: I don't think ubuntu provides this pam module by default but it may be better suited to your task: http://linux.die.net/man/8/pam_tty_audit00:19
sarnold(I also don't think it will be nearly as nice to _read_ as the output of script)00:20
PadNet_201Thx that helps alo00:21
uvirtbotPadNet_201: Error: "alot" is not a valid command.00:21
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lifelesshallyn: is lxc-create making a btrfs subvolume expected ?03:07
lifelesshallyn: cause, its highly surprising and not in the man page.03:07
lifelesshallyn: I'm seeking to characterise the bug I will be filing :)03:07
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hallynlifeless: yes, it is expected.04:00
hallynlifeless: i would have made lxc-clone do that, and not lxc-create, but someone convinced me there was no downside to it04:00
hallynhasn't in practice been much of a problem since noone can keep btrfs running long enough to run into problems with a container on it04:01
hallyn"but i kid"04:02
hallyni'll be looking for that bug report :)04:04
* hallyn out04:04
lifelesshallyn: ok, thanks04:53
lifelesshallyn: the downside is you can't delete a container04:54
agu10^/msg nickserv identify 3920832307:09
nibalizeragu10^: hi07:30
nibalizeryou may want to change that if you havent already07:30
lost_RDHey guys, anyone able to give me a quick guide to uMurmur?09:22
jamespageyolanda, if you have time - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/cinder/grizzly-oslo-config-tidy/+merge/14952010:35
yolandajamespage, yes, just a moment10:36
yolandadealing with a ceilometer bug10:36
jamespageyolanda, OK - no hurry10:39
yolandajamespage, why that change of ordering in debian/cinder-common.install?10:43
jamespageyolanda, wrap-and-sort -s10:43
yolandalooks nicer now :)10:44
RoyKwhat§s oslo-config?10:50
* RoyK would love to reconfigure this city10:54
VSpikebbcmicrocomputer: top nick10:58
VSpikeWhat should I normally expect to see in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/original and /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail ? At the moment, I see in there the junk that gets added to the end of my /etc/resolv.conf each time I restart the interface :)10:59
VSpikeCan I safely truncate those two files?10:59
bbcmicrocomputerVSpike: thanks!11:12
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chmacI have one machine where `sudo top` takes maybe 10 seconds to load, puppet is taking >140s when it's typically <10s, and in generally it seeems to be extremely slow.12:14
chmacBut top shows negligible cpu load >95% idle, over 10G ram free, it's an SSD machine so IO should be golden. I'm lost.12:14
chmacAny suggestions on how to investigate the root cause of the slowness?12:15
Jeeveschmac: Fix your dns12:16
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chmacAny idea what might be wrong with dns?12:27
chmacHostnames, etc, should all be fine, nothing has changed recently that I'm aware of.12:27
chmacJeeves: Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check out all the dns related issues I can think of...12:27
chmacLooks like dns resolution is extremely slow for external hosts, `time getent hosts google.co.uk` takes >4s12:34
chmacOh well, reboot seems to have resolved whatever the issue was. Restarting bind did not.12:47
jstephanhi there, i have a12.04 nfs server, it seems as the frontend system will set raw uid/gid and the ubuntu server does not support this, any idea how to switch this on?12:54
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jamespageRoyK, oslo-config is the first 'released' version of some of the openstack shared infrastructure code14:20
jamespagespecifically related to configuration file handling14:20
flclhow do I find mysql configuration file in ubuntu?14:24
flclI tried locate my.ini - it returned nothing. locate *.ini |grep sql returned a couple, but I'm not sure which is used...14:24
jamespageflcl, my.cnf14:24
hallynlifeless: hm, lxc-destroy should use subvolume delete?14:25
flcljamespage: thank you!!!14:26
flclI want to trace all SQL statements that have been executed by mysql. Which log must I enable?14:28
flclis it general_log_file or just log?14:29
hatakehow to fix my trouble , hotot Can not get token from the server.14:29
hatakeNetwork error! Please try later.14:29
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flclhow do I restart mysql ?14:49
flclirssi ignore14:51
caribouAny reason why starting a maas enlisted node fails with "Boot sector signature not found" (Precise maas btw)14:52
caribouthe pxelinux.cfg/{MAC address} file contains "chain.c32" so it tells the node to boot off the local HD14:52
diegosnathi guys... I have got a problem. If I open a luks partition and I close it afterward and I try again to reopen it, I cannot do it. Is there any reason why?14:59
zuljamespage / yolanda: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/glance/glance-oslo-config/+merge/14958914:59
RoyKjamespage: ok15:00
yolandazul, is python-oslo-config duplicate?15:01
yolandathere are 2 entries in the control file15:01
yolandais that ok to have that in build-depends and depends?15:02
jamespageyolanda, zul: if its in pip-requires debhelper should add it automatically15:02
zulyolanda: yes unless if its something like argparse which is in python 2.6 but not python 2.715:03
diegosnatguys any help?15:04
diegosnathi guys... I have got a problem. If I open a luks partition and I close it afterward and I try again to reopen it, I cannot do it. Is there any reason why?15:09
diegosnathi guys... I have got a problem. If I open a luks partition and I close it afterward and I try again to reopen it, I cannot do it. Is there any reason why?15:21
jpdsdiegosnat: Did you luksClose it?15:22
jpdsdiegosnat: With cryptsetup?15:23
diegosnatjodh, i did close it15:23
diegosnatjpds, sorry yes, i did close it15:25
zuljamespage/yolanda: https://code.launchpad.net/~zulcss/nova/grizzly-refresh/+merge/14960715:52
diegosnathi guys... I have got a problem. If I open a luks partition and I close it afterward and I try again to reopen it, I cannot do it. Is there any reason why?16:01
bsod_may be you can put here or to pastebin console output?16:06
diegosnathi guys... I have got a problem. If I open a luks partition and I close it afterward and I try again to reopen it, I cannot do it. Is there any reason why?16:08
diegosnatbsod_, there is not output, it looks like it worked16:10
diegosnatbut the device is not in /dev/mapper16:10
patdk-wkdiegosnat,  Idon't have that issue16:13
diegosnatpatdk-wk, im always the unlucky one16:14
diegosnati need to restart the computer16:14
diegosnatto be able to reopen it16:14
diegosnatwhich is not the right thing to do16:14
diegosnat/sbin/cryptsetup --key-file /etc/luks.keyfile luksOpen /dev/usbarchive archive16:22
diegosnatroot@linback-xxx:~# /sbin/cryptsetup --key-file /etc/luks.keyfile luksClose archive16:22
diegosnatDevice archive is not active.16:22
diegosnatguys can you help me?16:28
pmatulisdiegosnat: use '-v' (verbose) when doing luksOpen maybe16:36
diegosnatpmatulis, Command failed with code 22: /dev/usbarchive is not a LUKS device.16:42
diegosnatbut it is :-/16:42
diegosnatthis happens only after I have closed it16:42
xnoxdiegosnat: is there lvm on top?16:45
xnoxdiegosnat: that device name doesn't sound right either. what is it?16:45
diegosnatxnox, i create it16:45
diegosnatwith udev16:45
diegosnatthe first time i open it is fine16:46
diegosnatbut if i open it, close and i try to reopen it fails16:46
xnoxyou created it with udev - fair enough. But what is it? loop-mount, hard-drive, what device is it in actual fact?16:46
diegosnatusb hard drive16:46
diegosnatbut first time works, while doesnt it the second? :-/16:47
diegosnatxnox, any idea?16:51
xnoxI am guessing it's a bug in your udev rules and etc. as by default plugged hardisks are recursively scanned for mdadm, lvm and luks devices and are automatically openend.16:52
xnoxcan you please explain what is your actual usecase / problem that you are using custom udev rules and hence breaking your system?16:52
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xnoxbecause maybe there are other solutions.... please start from the beginning of how or why you ended up where you did.16:53
diegosnateven if i do with the normal /dev16:54
diegosnatdoesnt work16:54
diegosnatusbarchive is a syslink to sdd16:55
diegosnatif i use sdd instead of usbarchive16:55
diegosnatsame error16:55
sunya7ahi guys16:59
sunya7ai'm planning on installing ubuntu server on a Xserve machine16:59
sunya7adoes any one have any experience or know of any resource that might be helpful?16:59
sunya7ai found an article from 2007..and it seems very complicated…have there been any changes that might ease the installation?17:00
digitalsanctumanyone around that would be willing to help with setting up a private apt repo? I'm mostly there but getting 404's17:10
diegosnatxnox, any idea?17:15
xnoxsunya7a: checkout help.ubuntu.com just look for apple there should be full documentation guides for many models.17:16
xnoxpick the closest model and follow tips and tricks and caveats.17:16
sunya7axnox: thank you sir17:16
xnoxsunya7a: use the mac_amd64 image not just _amd6417:17
xnoxsunya7a: grab from cdimage.ubuntu.com17:17
sarnolddigitalsanctum: have you seen the apt-ftparchive tool in apt-utils? it may help you17:32
digitalsanctumsarnold: thx, but I actually just figured it out17:33
sarnolddigitalsanctum: oh, good :D17:33
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brizzdoes anyone know how to troubleshoot issues with syslog log rotation?18:25
eduxlogrotates "rotates" logs and notifies syslog18:31
eduxcheck logrotate conf?18:31
brizzsyslog doesn't use logrotate, does it?18:33
brizzI thought it uses rsyslog18:33
brizzoh I guess rsyslog is part of logrotate18:34
lifelesshallyn: it will need to yes18:48
lifelesshallyn: you can't just rm -rf a subvolume18:48
lifelesshallyn: so it should be in the man page for lxc too, for folk doing manual stuff18:48
Joe1301anyone have a good script for backing up a website and mysql then ssh it over to my local server?18:53
RoyKJoe1301: just mysqldump the database and backup everything18:53
RoyKthe raw mysql database files usually aren't good for backups18:54
Joe1301yeah I was trying to do via cron18:54
macoyou can run a mysqldump with cron18:55
hallynlifeless: oh, but it's not as bad as i was thinking.  lxc-create does the right thing at least (creating new subvolume) and then lxc-clone snapshots it18:56
hallynlifeless: bug 113084018:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1130840 in lxc "fix btrfs-backed container deletion" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113084018:56
Joe1301I wrote something with rsync but it fails saying files have changed during tar18:56
Joe1301so then I tried to backup my shared hosts backup folder and it fails do to permissions....I am just struggling with this18:58
lifelesshallyn: oh thanks! I was going to file it ...18:59
lifelesshallyn: will you man page it up at the same time ?18:59
lifelesshallyn: or would you like a separate bug for docs?19:00
hallynlifeless: yup19:00
hallynnah, i added that to the bug description19:00
lifelessrocking, thanks!19:01
hallynnp :)19:04
diegosnathi people!! Im screwed!!! I just turn on my pc and I ve got a message saying that the system failed to mount it and Ive got a temporary root where I cannot edit anything because it is readonly... what can i do??19:33
SpamapSadam_g: much smoother on the quantal openstack SRU's.. 1 bug to rule them all :)19:40
RoyKdiegosnat: server?19:41
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot19:42
RoyKyou can fsck a filesystem if it's mounted read-only19:43
RoyK(well, you can fsck any filesystem, but fscking an fs while it's mounted read-write is generally a bad idea)19:43
diegosnatok guys19:44
diegosnatsudo touch /forcefsck19:44
diegosnattouch: cannot touch `/forcefsck': Read-only file system19:44
diegosnatfsck /dev/linback-temp/root19:45
diegosnatfsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.219:45
diegosnatWARNING: bad format on line 15 of /etc/fstab19:45
diegosnate2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010)19:45
diegosnat/dev/mapper/linback--temp-root: clean, 111811/296000 files, 622376/1199104 blocks19:45
diegosnatbut I cant change the fstab19:47
diegosnatRoyK, ubottu ?19:48
RoyKbad line from fsck?19:50
RoyKor fstab19:50
RoyKI mean19:50
RoyKmount -o remount,rw /whatever19:51
diegosnatRoyK, fstab19:52
diegosnati put a random letter in a new line19:52
diegosnatI cant believe it was so simple19:53
diegosnatRoyK, you are great!19:53
RoyKyou learn a few things having used linux for 18 years ;)19:54
diegosnatRoyK, can i ask you another question?19:57
diegosnative got a luks external hd19:58
diegosnatwhen i open it19:58
diegosnatit works fine19:58
diegosnati mount and it works19:58
diegosnatbut after i close it19:58
diegosnatit fails to open it again19:58
diegosnatCommand failed with code 22: /dev/usbarchive is not a LUKS device.19:58
RoyKno idea, sorry19:58
diegosnatand ive got this error19:59
diegosnatdo u have any suggestion?19:59
diegosnati dont know what to do19:59
RoyKwhat does /proc/partitions have to say?20:00
diegosnat   8       49 1465103871 sdd120:00
diegosnatits there20:00
RoyK1.5TB thing?20:01
RoyKwell, try to mount it20:01
diegosnatmount /dev/sdd1 /opt/vmbackup/20:01
diegosnatmount: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'20:01
RoyKsorry, don't know20:01
RoyKperhaps unplug it and re-plug it20:01
diegosnat/sbin/cryptsetup -v --key-file /etc/luks.keyfile luksOpen /dev/usbarchive archive20:02
diegosnatCommand failed with code 22: /dev/usbarchive is not a LUKS device.20:02
diegosnatso weird20:02
diegosnatRoyK, do you anyway to use udev in a way that mounts an external hd??20:06
diegosnatbecause when i plug it i dont know what /dev/sdxx will be20:06
RoyKI rarely use one20:06
RoyKsee dmesg20:06
RoyKit'll show20:06
diegosnati wanted it to be automatically20:07
RoyKwell, it's not20:07
RoyKyou don't have those services on a server20:07
diegosnatudev works20:09
diegosnatbut i need to know in a script what sdx is20:09
* genii-around ponders uuid mounting instead20:15
adam_gSpamapS: thanks bud'20:19
SpamapSadam_g: np. Happy testing!20:21
adam_gSpamapS: strictly using the meta bug didn't work so well last time. there'll be individual bug activity, too, at least on the bugs that have ubuntu tasks20:23
TeltariatFedora Core's initramfs framework, dracut, seems to support network bridging for the pre-boot environment.  Maybe I'm doing a terrible job searching, but I don't seem to see support like that in initramfs-tools for Ubuntu server20:25
TeltariatI'm sorry, I meant to say RedHat's initramfs framework, dracut...20:26
SpamapSadam_g: the key is to just manage the ones that show up here: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html20:27
Joe1301so I got this command to work(rsync -avz -e ssh user@domain.com:/home3/elliotte.daily/public_html /var/www/local.dell/backup/) but there is one folder that user doesn't have read permission for...so I assume that is why TAR command is giving me trouble.  I have tried to chmod and chown folder but it doesn't change.  When I ls folder - permission denied...but it says /bin/ls/ and if i which ssh or which rsync it says /usr/bin...any help???20:55
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TeltariatJoe1301: Use 'sudo chown' to make the folder ownable by the user you want21:06
Joe1301thanks lemme try that21:07
melmothcarefull with that axe Joe130121:07
melmothsome program may not like if the dir they are suppose to read or write to dont belong to them anymore21:08
melmothso, 1st thing 1st, who is user  (id) and what are the permission on this directory ?21:08
Joe1301so the user for folder IS the user I am trying to ssh rsync and the user I am logged in as currently but cannot ls or tar it and tar exit(s) or fails21:10
melmothwhat are the permission set on this dir ?21:12
melmothls -dl /path/to/the/dir21:12
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Joe1301melmoth, root root21:16
melmothwhat is the output of the _full_ command ?21:16
melmothall i know is, it belong to root, and the group is root. I know nothing about permission set21:16
Joe1301drwx--x--x 2 root root 6 Feb 16 22:51 /home3/elliotte.daily/public_html/downloader/.cache/21:16
melmothok. so, it s probably ok to just chown it to user.21:17
melmothuser cannot write nor read in it right now (last --x)21:17
melmothso either: chown -R user  /home3/elliotte.daily/public_html/downloader/.cache/21:17
melmothor chmod -R o+r  /home3/elliotte.daily/public_html/downloader/.cache/21:18
melmothand you definitively may want to get familiar with permission on file in your linux journey :-)21:18
Joe1301yes definitely can you splain the drwx--x--x21:19
melmothr= read w=write x=execute21:19
melmoththe first 3 is for the owner (root), the second 3 for the group members (root groups), and the last 3 for the others people21:20
Joe1301thanks you melmoth been messing with this for days21:21
melmothits like cycling, once you know it, you won forget about it.21:21
Joe1301yeah but I think I skinned a knee lol21:21
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Joe1301so I get permission denied when I try chown or chmod ... I get no sudoers if I sudo it... Its shared hosting21:25
Joe1301melmoth, and if I try to just use the real public_html...tar fails there to saying files have changed while tarring....I am pulling out my hair21:27
melmothfile have changed whil etarring ?21:28
melmothis something writing in that dir ?21:28
melmothi must admit i dont remember experiencing this sort of problem21:29
Joe1301yes magento21:29
melmothit s not a good idea to tar something that move... but i dont see why would tar complain about it21:29
melmothJoe1301, can you afford to stop this stuff while you do the tarball ?21:31
melmothif yes, well, just do it.21:31
melmothif not.. this may be  abit tricky21:31
Joe1301its a live website but millions of people backup their website....I just can't figure out why I can't21:32
TeltariatDid you check if Megento has its own backup mechanism?21:33
Joe1301yeah that it does which it crashes mysql while doing it and breaks the site so I disabled it21:34
TeltariatThen the next question is, is the directory you're trying to copy the one that has the MySQL data int it?21:35
Joe1301I mean bluehost is backing up my site fine with cpanel21:35
Joe1301I just want my own just in case you know21:36
melmoththere s no point backuping a live mysql with tar. You will probably not be able to retsore the data back anyway21:36
melmothmysqldump is your friend for a backuping a live mysql stuff21:37
Joe1301no I wrote a scripts remote script -mysql dump tars public html bzips everything and add timestamp then local server just rsyncs file through ssh21:38
Joe1301I had it work for about 2 days now its stopped21:39
Joe1301wanna see the scripts?21:39
Teltariatwhich directory does tar say is being written to when you're trying to tar it? If it's archive, then that means the live site is still doing something, and you should know what exactly it's writing to where21:45
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sunya7ahi .. i have a problem with a server installation on a mac xserve machine22:13
sunya7asomeone available that could help me out?22:13
GeorgeTorwellIs it ok for an app to try and access /run/udev/data/* ? I'm configuring something for apparmor22:15
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hallynzul: do you mind taking a look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1693946/ for libvirt raring debdiff, lemme know if i'm doing anything stupid there?22:57
zulhallyn: sure22:58
hallynuh, wait22:58
hallynzul: hold on there's a missing chunk :)22:58
hallynzul: i'll get back to you with this tomorrow.  i need to eod.23:04
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