
bkc_if you want a hint on pre-installed software, I'd go here http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android/features-and-specs and look under "Default applications"00:19
bkc_but as anything #tablet or #phone, it's not set in stone until release :)00:19
bkc_or even OEM-release ;)00:19
doomlordwhats the status of ubuntu for tablets , i've seen somethign about ubuntu running on an n7..00:54
doomlordare there many tweaks for touch input.. i think i saw 3-finger drag for window movement ... i wondered if it would get 4 finger gestures for accessing desktops (triggering expo zoom-out)00:54
bkc_release is on thursday :)00:57
colonelqubitbkc_:  I'm sure gecko can run on ARM -- consider FirefoxOS (or whatever it's been branded as these days :-)01:00
bkc_yes, I remembered that juuust as I hit enter :P01:01
colonelqubitgotta run01:01
colonelqubitfun chatting w/y'all...01:01
doomlordoh. wow. press release01:07
doomlordavailable for N10. i need one!01:07
doomlordso lets get this straight - an N10 with ubuntu tablet and external keyboard becomes a true gnu-linux desktop machine? running gcc toolchain etc?01:16
bkc_nobody (except for canonical and the dev-team) knows what the phone/tablet version will include/have :)01:17
doomlordi'm debating an n10 purchase - the hardware is nice- but if you can turn the thing into a'true' computer then i'll  stop dithering and get one01:19
bkc_there's always ubuntu-arm if all else fails :)01:19
M4rtinKwell, you can install and use GCC & co on a N900 or N901:19
doomlordthe video is encouraging. thats definitely how things shuld work01:20
M4rtinKso why not on an Ubuntu running N1001:20
M4rtinKthat reminds me how I used an Ubunctu chroot running under WebOS on HP Touchpad01:20
M4rtinKto compile Qt Components01:21
doomlordubuntu-arm runs on n7.. anything else?01:21
M4rtinK...while sitting in a restaurant eating toasts :)01:21
M4rtinKdoomlord: nobody knows :)01:21
doomlordi have seen viids on n701:21
bkc_n7 and n10 is basically the same device but with a larger screen... just like iPhone vs iPad :)01:21
doomlordn10 is diffferent chipset i think01:21
doomlordtegra3 vs otherr01:22
doomlordn7 is tegra301:22
doomlordn10 is definitely not01:22
doomlordwow i want to throw my ipad out of the window now01:23
bkc_huuh, N10 and N7 are different vendors too o.O01:24
doomlordright asus/samsung01:24
bkc_TIL :D01:25
doomlordi wondered how far people could get adapting desktop apps to work on a touchscreen... i know it isn't ideal but you can see various things moving toward taller buttons01:25
doomlordand i always thought the 'expo/scale' concept would work really well on a touchscreen for task switching01:26
doomlordimagine pinch gestures for that01:26
nOStahlI'm excited for docking the phone into a tablet shell01:27
nOStahlhope to see laptop shells to01:27
doomlordi have an urge to join #iphone and ask if you can install ubuntu there01:27
bkc_DOET! :D01:27
bkc_I'll join in ^.^01:27
doomlordok im there01:28
nOStahlI have an iPhone 5, you cannot install it doom lord sorry to rain on your parade01:28
bkc_but you can on an iPhone 2G :)01:28
bkc_and 3G iirc01:28
doomlorddamn i'm blocked already there lol01:28
doomlordforgot about that01:28
bkc_blocked? :P01:29
bkc_how'd'ya do that? :P01:29
doomlordyeah i aasked some other questions they didnt like i think01:29
bkc_apple fags ^.^01:29
doomlordwell not so much the questions just my persistent nature01:29
doomlordsome people can't handle the truth i guess01:29
bkc_lol, well, there's #idroid-dev too :)01:31
doomlordanyone here familiar with ubuntu arm then? :)02:08
bkc_doomlord: yes and no :)02:20
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doomlordbeen porting code to android... looking forward to installing ubuntu phone and ditching the stupid java stubs02:35
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om26erif swipe from the right brings in the sidestage how do you quickly move between two running apps like on the phone ?13:11
Ben__I saw you are making an OS for Tablets13:26
Ben__I have a Nexus 7 and was curious to what all you can do with Ubuntu on it13:27
Ben__such as, does the GPS work? NFC? Front Camera? etc..13:27
GuidoPallemastry #ubuntu-phone, the tablet source will take some time14:01
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thebishopcan't wait to install ubuntu tablet on my Nexus7, but the UI video makes me think it'll be a bit nicer on a 10"14:52
nOStahlI'm sure its responsive :)14:53
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thebishopthe nexus7 is a pretty powerful little tablet, i'm more concerned with the UI design decisions.  they look good, but maybe better suited for 10"  i guess i'll find out tomorrow15:07
WaltherWhen will the iamges/source be available btw?15:14
WaltherI can't wait to isntall the thing on my nexus 715:14
thebishopi read thursday on arstechnica15:38
thebishoptoday PS4, tomorrow Ubuntu Tablet.  nice week for tech15:44
thebishopnow if only Samsung would announce release details on the new Series 7 Chronos, my tech life for the next year would be complete15:45
mrtharepisthey, any idea if the ability of Ubuntu to use C in development will make it easier to develop for iOS and Ubuntu mobile?16:39
doomlordi thinkso16:48
doomlordoh wait let me reithink the question..16:48
doomlordeasier to develop FOR iOS,  i initially speed read it as "easier to develop for than iOS"16:49
doomlordi think it will be easier to do crossplatform between iOS & ubuntu-mobile since c,c++,objC are all availalbe on both,compared to the strange Java setup in android16:49
doomlordand i think ubuntu-mobile will be easier to develop for as you have the full desktop on the device for debugging, compile-edit run cycle16:50
doomlordwhich is likely to be more stable & optimized: ubuntu-tablet on N7 or ubuntu-tablet on N1016:56
thebishopdoomlord, don't you think the toolkits are more of a portability issue for android/iOS than the language?17:13
thebishopyou could just as easily write Java on ubuntu+android and have portability problems with iOS17:14
thebishopi'd guess that is more likely than people doing objective C on Ubuntu17:14
doomlordyes you're right, but at least with the same language its easier to take a wine approach17:14
doomlordperhaps community will get behind cocotron ..17:15
doomlordi would personally like to see more increasingle touchfriendly desktop apps (think of machines like lenovo yoga, or transformer prime)17:17
doomlordphone/tablet/desktop ideally is just the size of the window17:17
bkc_mrtharepist: yes, UbuntuTablet/Phone will have Native Apps in C/C++ or with Ubuntu SDK (which is basically Qt with a custom theme)17:19
bkc_mrtharepist: Android/iOS/Ubuntu are have three totally different sets of SDKs, APIs and Languages (Java, Obj-C, C/C++/JS) so the portability-issue will still be there unless you do WebApps :)17:21
bkc_I hate it when I don't read the entire question ^.^17:21
doomlordneed a nice crossplatform c++ gui built on pure opengl, then you could write once an run on ios,ndk ... but is thtat baasically what qt is?17:22
bkc_actually there is one :)17:23
bkc_It's called WebKit :D17:23
mrtharepistbkc_: but sharing libraries is not really possible between android/ios.17:24
doomlordall we really need is the ability to install ubuntu on more devices17:25
mrtharepistif you write c++ functions, you can use them for both.17:25
bkc_actually C-libs, C++ is a completely different mess in itself :)17:26
doomlordyeah i like to say c/c++17:26
bkc_doomlord: no, we need apache on every phone ^.^17:26
bkc_doomlord: huge difference when it comes to libs :)17:26
doomlordi'm not a c++ coder who hates c, i'm a c/c++ coder17:27
doomlordc++ is c with some extentions, some of which are useful17:27
bkc_yes, sort of...17:28
mrtharepistyeah. c++ is just a ++ version of c. with a bunch of object oriented fun.17:28
doomlordsome of which is useful, some of which is irritating17:28
bkc_I use C++ "exclusively" in that I almost always compile with g++/clang++ instead of gcc/clang :)17:28
bkc_and I abuse classes/inheritance/templeting etc17:29
doomlordyeah i use a C++ compiler, and can't go back due to use of many features ,but a lot of code i write would be slated by advocates of some sort of pure pure C++17:30
mrtharepistIDK I was hoping that there would be a way to streamline the development process so that it makes it easier to go cross platform.17:30
doomlordi get the impression it might help17:30
doomlorde.g., with ubuntu phone you might find more community interest in contributing to cocotron (wine like port of apple apis)17:31
mrtharepistI have been learning obj-C because there is some serious money there.17:31
mrtharepistgoing to android's SDK has been so horrible. I am hoping ubuntu's SDK is better.17:32
bkc_well, you have a more flexible system under linux17:33
doomlordi've only used NDK .. written a tiny amount of java to hand values across to me wrapper17:33
doomlordnot really serious use of android on my part17:34
thebishopmrtharepist, you don't like android's SDK?  i think it's great personally17:43
DarkwingQuick Q. With the images be up for Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 tomorrow or, just the Nexus 7?17:44
thebishopthe callbacks for app state changes are a little weird, but i think you can largely build an app without them and then add them after the app is mostly solid17:44
thebishopDarkwing, Arstechnica reported images for both.  that's the most 'official' info i've seen17:45
DarkwingOkay cool.17:45
DarkwingNow if I can just find out for the Galaxy Nexus, if its only maguro or if toro will be subborted.17:46
mhall119Darkwing: only maguro from what I understand18:08
DarkwingThat's what I thought too.18:09
DarkwingThanks mhall11918:09
mhall119also, both Nexus 7 and 8 (also N4 and GNex) images should all be available tomorrow18:09
DarkwingOkay. any date on source?18:10
Darkwingsource code18:10
mhall119everything goes out tomorrow18:10
Darkwingthat means tomorrow I start hacking for toro18:10
Darkwinghaving a toro I want it... bad.18:10
SimpleBluesweet, a channel for tablets :)18:37
ptl<- Nexus 4 & Nexus 7 ready to receive new OSs!19:50
ptlplease release it soon, bought them just for that!19:50
Jonathan_Ri  have an exopc tablet and read about ubuntu for tablets. i currently am running opensuse but cant get multitouch to work. how would this be accomplished in ubuntu19:52
thebishopJonathan_R, not that I have any insider info here, but that's more of a general linux question than an Ubuntu question i think.19:59
thebishopif the kernel supports your hardware, and there's a compatible xorg-input module, you should be good20:00
Jonathan_Ryou would think20:00
thebishopwell i wouldn't expect every random tablet to 'just' work with tomorrow's preview release20:00
Jonathan_Ri worked on the plasma active team doing troubleshooting and documentatin20:00
thebishopseems like there are a handful of (mostly Nexus) devices which have been tested heavily.  haven't seen any confirmation of anything else20:01
thebishopalthough there is a table of tablets on Ubuntu's radar:20:01
Jonathan_Rbut thus far have never gotten multitouch to work20:01
Jonathan_Rthe exopc is on the ubuntu tablet list20:01
Jonathan_Rif i had a way to download the ubuntu tablet iso or something i could test it20:03
Jonathan_Ror maybe theres a ppa to add to ubuntu20:03
ericmcrayhello guys. can ask you few question about ubuntu for tablet?20:28
k1ljust ask20:29
GuidoPallemansfaq though: http://www.ubuntu.com/2013/02/press-pack-ubuntu-tablet/faq20:29
k1lif someone knows it you get the answer (maybe with some delay)20:30
k1lyes, the faq is quite handy20:30
ericmcrayis it going to be possible install ubuntu to any tablet which can run android?20:33
belakAny idea when the tablet release will be out?20:34
belakI noticed that there's supposed to be a tablet dev preview relatively soon...20:35
k1lsomeone mentioned the code comes tomorrow with the phone code release. but im not sure if that is officially confirmed20:36
netcurlijono just confirmed that at the ubuntuonair hangout20:37
ericmcrayfrom ubuntu web site: "The system code for phones and tablets will be published on Feb 21st under the normal Ubuntu process"20:37
belak"normal ubuntu process"?20:37
netcurlithe code should be published in launchpad20:38
k1lthx, netcurli20:39
ptlat what time of day?20:42
k1ljust before midnight form the next day20:42
ptlk1l :(20:44
belakWill just the code be released that day, or will a binary release be done as well?20:51
netcurlithere should be also images for the nexus phones/tablets tomorrow20:55
netcurliand jono said, we could expect the dev release tomorrow afternoon european time20:57
rob_wwill a "platform builder"  be available tomorrow ?20:57
rob_wor toolchain or such20:57
belakScore. I'm looking forward to playing with it on my N720:57
belakFirst phone platform I'm really interested in20:57
belakWell, mobile platform20:58
greenchris_why can't they release it now :(20:58
greenchris_want to install it on my n4 and n720:58
greenchris_the first mobile platform i like more than android20:59
belakgreenchris_: well, it still remains to be seen...21:00
Nexus7GuyCan somoene help me with a user issue I have on my Ubuntu installation?21:07
Nexus7GuyRunning on Nexus 721:07
belakNexus7Guy: well, it's almost impossible to help if you don't mention what the problem is21:09
Nexus7Guyk. Well I have downloaded the preinstall image and now I cant login to root21:09
Nexus7GuyThe only username thats avail at the login screen is Guest21:09
Nexus7GuyI cant execute any sudo commands under Guest to do anything about it21:09
Nexus7GuyI have tried logging in on thelogin screen to root with the password ubuntu but it just says authentication failed21:10
Nexus7GuyAny ideas on what I should do? :(21:10
belakNexus7Guy: can you run sudo with the password ubuntu?21:11
Nexus7GuyBecause thers only the guest account which denys me access with root alltogether21:12
belakWell, that's my only idea... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/UsingTheDevice#sudo_password21:12
Nexus7GuyThat wont work :( darn21:12
belakiirc there should have been a user named ubuntu, but it's been a while since I've tried...21:13
Nexus7GuyI have tried logging into username Ubuntu21:14
Nexus7Guybut I havent trie dmultiple passwords21:14
belakI may download it and try... so I can let you know what I run into21:15
Nexus7GuyGot it from there :/21:16
Nexus7GuyNo idea why I cant just login21:16
Jonathan_Ri had to login as root21:17
Jonathan_Radd the usergroup and member that was supposed to be created on install21:17
Jonathan_Rthen login as user21:17
Nexus7GuySadly I cant login to root :(21:18
Nexus7GuyTried the password ubuntu but it just says no21:18
Jonathan_Rcan you get to termal?21:18
Jonathan_Rsudo su -21:18
Nexus7GuyYeah I can get to terminal but it denies me acess to sudo21:19
* Jonathan_R doesnt like sudo21:19
Nexus7GuyANd I have tried su and that just asks for password so I put in ubuntu ansd still no21:19
k1ldont use sudo su -. use sudo -i21:19
Jonathan_Ri prefer su to sudo21:20
Nexus7GuyIt says unable to change sudoers gid: Operation not permitted21:20
k1lJonathan_R: its not the ubuntu way21:20
Jonathan_Rwhat about getting to root via grub21:21
Nexus7GuyNot sure how I would go about editing a premade .img file21:21
Jonathan_Rk1l, no, i suppose its not, but i never liked sudo21:22
Jonathan_Ryou dont Nexus7Guy21:22
Jonathan_Rboot like normal21:22
Jonathan_Ron grub i think its option 121:22
Nexus7GuyAhh yeah, but Im using multirom, as far as I know theres no Grub acess21:22
Nexus7GuyMultirom boots directly into the image21:23
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Jonathan_Ryou should still see grub21:23
Jonathan_Rif yes, then in the grub menu i think its 121:24
Jonathan_Rfor single user21:24
Nexus7GuyYeah but sadly I dont see grub :( I didnt even know Grub was compiled for ARM21:24
Jonathan_Rit can be21:25
Nexus7Guyah ok. Sadly I dont see any grub at a;l21:25
Jonathan_Rwether thats the case here or not i dont know21:25
Jonathan_Rcheck the package list or manifest list21:26
Nexus7GuySorry to be noobish but how would I do that?21:26
k1lNexus7Guy: i dont think that works just with the image. there was a install application from ubuntu which deleted the whole nexus21:27
Jonathan_Rthe same sight you got the download from21:27
Nexus7Guyah I see21:27
k1lNexus7Guy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nexus7/Installation21:28
Jonathan_Ri have an exopc that had win7 on it but now has opensuse, getting ready for some version of ubuntu21:29
DemestorWhen can we expect a Ubuntu version for the x86 Motorola Razr i21:29
Jonathan_Rjust doin my homework first21:29
k1lDemestor: noone knows when21:30
k1lor even if21:30
DemestorThx .. hopefully as explained on the Ubuntu Homepage they think about ..21:31
Jonathan_RDemestor, i can tell you this21:31
k1lDemestor: the razr i got very different hardware. dont know if this will be a target21:31
Jonathan_Rubuntu is the only distro doing this other than open-sl21:32
Demestori know .. the x86 CPU was a reason for me to choose it21:32
Jonathan_Rand ubuntu is leading the way21:32
Jonathan_Ropen-slx is still on plasma active 221:33
Jonathan_Rwb thebishop21:34
DemestorOk another question.. like seen in the youtube videos it seems there is a running version of a mobile Ubuntu out yet. Anyone have an image of this?21:35
GuidoPallemanstomorrow afternoon european time it's downloadable21:36
k1lDemestor: yes the devs got a runnning image21:36
GuidoPallemansa dev image though21:36
GuidoPallemansdoes anybody know how to install it on a VM?21:36
k1lDemestor: it is to be released tomorrow. but be told that this is a dev image and not ready to use for the masses21:36
Demestorthx.. so i patiently wait21:37
Demestorsee ya all21:37
Jonathan_Rk1l, that would be what i would want then21:38
doomlordhmm do i get n7 or n10 or n422:52
k1lget all of them :)22:53
tgm4883Is there hardware acceleration on the nexus tablets with Ubuntu yet?23:15

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