
popeythe back comes off these really easily00:00
ali1234yeah i know00:00
ali1234it doesn't go back on properly though00:00
ali1234mine creaks now00:00
popeyyeah, mine needed a bit of coaching00:00
popeyright, it's unplugged and screen off00:00
ali1234how will you know when battery is flat seriously?00:00
ubuntubhoywarning beep ?00:01
ali1234what if it lasts 2 days 4 hour00:01
ali1234reight then, switching to gnome shell00:02
ali1234well great00:05
ali1234font dpi is messed up00:05
ali1234everything is 1 pixel wide00:05
ali1234where is settings?00:05
ali1234how am i supposed to check for new messages in pidgin?00:06
ali1234i have to click activities every time, and then look at the bottom right?00:06
ubuntubhoyyou still get notifications00:06
ali1234but they disappear00:07
popeyali1234: ping it periodically and record the time00:08
ali1234how do you get windows back after you minimze them?00:08
ali1234popey: ah, clever00:08
ali1234popey: but that will use battery ...00:08
popeyit will00:08
popeywont do it often00:08
ali1234wifi is biggest drain after screen00:08
popeyand no more than android would do, checking in for updates00:08
ali1234and if it goes to sleep properly, wifi will stop working00:09
ali1234at least it does on android00:09
popeyyeah, it hasn't yet ☺00:09
ali1234because you are pinging it00:09
ali1234i used to do this with n90000:09
ali1234it would change IP00:09
ali1234when wifi slept00:09
popeyI'm not pinging it yet00:09
ali1234so i left it pinging00:09
ali1234you might have to run ping on the tablet and then record it on PC00:09
ali1234like once an hour or somethig00:10
ali1234gome shell is confusing00:10
ali1234i minimized firefox and now i can't find it00:10
ali1234i can't find the setting for font hinting00:11
ali1234every time a window goes behind another window i can't get it back00:11
ali1234this is like unity except a million times worse :(00:12
ali1234ah, gnome tweak tool to fix hinting00:13
ubuntubhoydo you have the sidebar enabled ?00:13
ali1234what sidebar?00:13
ubuntubhoyif so restore from there00:13
ali1234what is sidebar?00:13
ubuntubhoyyou can have a dock like sidebar00:13
ali1234how would i know if i had it enabled?00:14
ali1234there is a sidebar type thing in activities00:14
ubuntubhoypush your mouse t the middle right00:14
ali1234if i click on firefox on it, it just opens a new window00:14
ubuntubhoynot that one00:14
ali1234nothing happens00:14
ubuntubhoynot enabled then00:14
ubuntubhoyenable it in tweak tool00:14
ubuntubhoyalso minimising windows is not really the Shell way00:15
ali1234ok enabled it00:15
ali1234it doesn't work00:15
ubuntubhoydynamically expanding desktop00:15
ali1234it only shows one firefox window00:15
ubuntubhoyyou have both opened on the same workspace00:15
ali1234what do you mean both?00:16
ali1234i had about 4 firefox windows open, then i minimized them all00:16
ali1234now they are gone00:16
ali1234the sidebar only reveals the last one i minimized00:16
ubuntubhoyyou should see all your windows in the activity view00:16
ali1234no, the minimized ones are just gone00:16
* AlanBell wonders how to minimise a window00:17
ali1234right click on the title bar and then clik minimize00:17
AlanBellah, thats how00:17
ali1234how do i open more than one firefox window at the same time?00:17
ali1234this is awful00:17
ali1234i really can't emphasize enough how bad this is00:17
ali1234this is like unity when it was released00:18
AlanBellso, I minimised some chromium windows, they still appear in the alt-tab list00:18
ali1234so that's how you get them back00:18
ali1234i do not use alt-tab00:18
AlanBellalt+key above tab is actually useful, does the same as on unity00:18
AlanBellswitches between windows of one application00:19
ali1234it never even occured to me that i would have to push a keyboard shortcut to unminimize windows00:19
ali1234what is this, 1987?00:19
AlanBellthe alt-tab switcher is also grouped by application00:19
popeycan you not raise them by clicking on them?00:19
popeyat all?00:19
ali1234how can you click on a minimized window?00:19
AlanBellthere might be another way, I don't really minimise windows00:19
ali1234when you minimize a window on gnome shell it totally disappears from every sidebar, panel, and "spread" view00:19
ali1234except for alt tab00:19
AlanBellthey are in spread mode for me00:20
AlanBellminimise geany, go to top left corner, zooms out, there it is, click to restore00:20
ali1234ok, what extensions should i install?00:20
ali1234ideally i would like to kill the activity view entirely00:20
ubuntubhoywhy ?00:21
ali1234because it's totally crap?00:21
ubuntubhoy not really00:21
AlanBellfirst one you should install is of course https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/564/amazon-shopping/00:21
ali1234there is a remove activity extension but it 404s00:22
AlanBelltry topicons00:22
ali1234it works00:22
AlanBellalt+f2 and run lg00:24
AlanBellthat is the looking glass thing00:24
ali1234that's nice. how do i remove it?00:24
AlanBellesc to get rid of it00:24
AlanBellthat is a javascript console for shell extension poking00:25
AlanBellalt+f2 and r to reload shell00:25
AlanBellhttps://extensions.gnome.org/extension/6/applications-menu/ is kinda nice if you like that sort of thing00:25
ali1234is it supposed to look like that or is it buggy?00:26
AlanBellit is supposed to look like that, all in one column rather than cascading out to the right00:27
ali1234is this some kind of elaborate joke?00:27
ali1234gnome developers = master trolls00:27
AlanBellit is a bit odd, but it is better than the unity apps lens00:28
ali1234 it's terrible00:28
AlanBellI refer you to my previous comment00:28
ali1234is there an extension that lets me put shortcuts on the top panel, instead of hiding them in activities?00:29
ali1234how am i supposed to search for extensions?00:29
ali1234just type in "an extension that lets me put shortcuts on the top panel"00:29
AlanBellhttps://extensions.gnome.org/ in the search box, top right00:29
ali1234that's what i found00:30
ali1234does not do what i want at all00:30
ali1234the search results appear to be totally irrelevant for every possible search00:30
ali1234what is the thing on the left of activities actually called anyway?00:30
ali1234why are the icons in the top right really far apart?00:31
AlanBellsearch results are not great00:32
AlanBellI think the thing on the left of activities is the dock00:32
ali1234no apparently its called the dash00:33
AlanBellsome of the extensions have a settings page that lets you tweak their parameters, there is a dash to dock extension that does some stuff with the dock thing00:33
AlanBellthats the one00:33
ali1234install that and gnome shell becomes only as bad as unity :)00:33
ali1234much better00:35
AlanBellthere is an extension for most things00:35
ali1234i still cant find one that puts launchers on top panel00:35
ali1234or one that kills activities00:35
AlanBellhttps://extensions.gnome.org/extension/358/activities-configurator/ perhaps00:36
AlanBellhttps://extensions.gnome.org/local/ are all your extensions00:37
ali1234i have about 30 extensions installed and this thing still sucks00:37
ali12349 of them are turned on00:37
ali1234top icons doesn't kill the bottom hot edge00:38
ali1234now the icons have turned into white rectangles for no reason00:38
AlanBellhttps://extensions.gnome.org/extension/16/auto-move-windows/ is quite sweet00:39
AlanBellI have https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/5/alternative-status-menu/ installed too00:40
ali1234that ne comes by default on ubuntu00:40
AlanBellgosh my sisters birthday00:41
AlanBellhow do I write on someones wall on facebook?00:41
AlanBellI have no idea how people figure out how to use facebook and find desktop software applications confusing00:44
ali1234i found an extension that changes the top panel colour00:46
ali1234unfortunately it only changes the background colour, not the text colour00:46
ali1234and it doesn't do anything for the bottom panel00:46
AlanBellmaybe she has blocked people from writing on her wall thing00:48
ali1234i have00:49
ali1234well this sucks00:49
ali1234i loaded an extension that "removes activities button"00:49
ali1234then i loaded an extension that "replaces activities with an application menu"00:49
ali1234then gnome shell completely froze00:49
ali1234then i killed it00:49
ali1234now all my extensions have been reset to defaults00:49
AlanBelloh :(00:50
ali1234yeah i don't think i'll be using this any time soon00:50
AlanBellfair enough00:50
ali1234every single application enu has that same "single column" thing going on00:50
ali1234is it even possible to make proper menus with this?00:50
AlanBellyeah, menus are a bit odd00:50
AlanBelldunno, I got used to them00:50
ali1234this one actually isn't that bad00:51
ali1234i've noticed a pattern: all the good extensions are made by this frippery dude00:51
AlanBellI have several of them, yes00:52
ali1234well when i turn off the "remove activities" thing and run the "replace activities thing" then the activities menu comes back after some time00:53
ali1234seems like potential for conflicts between extensions is extremely high00:53
AlanBellif they are removing things, yes00:54
ali1234thing is, another extension can come along and put it back00:54
AlanBellbecause extensions that add a something next to a something else won't have their reference point00:54
AlanBellI don't know what the loading order is either00:55
ali1234so can i just hack on any of these extensions?00:55
AlanBellsure, hack away00:55
ali1234where are they again?00:55
AlanBellthey go in ~.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions00:55
ali1234how do i "reload"00:56
AlanBellalt+f2 r00:56
AlanBelland https://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Development has some stuff worth looking at00:59
AlanBellnight o/01:00
ali1234crashed again01:01
ali1234found a theme that looks semi decent01:13
ali1234it has versions for 3.2 and 3.401:13
ali1234i have 3.601:13
ali1234theme doesn't work01:13
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ali1234now back on panel02:27
ali1234it's still the best02:27
lubotu3Gnome bug 694235 in general "Extensions do not obey the shell theme." [Normal,Unconfirmed]02:27
brobostigonmorn9ng AlanBell08:46
popey\o/ ~9 hours and the tablet is still running08:47
ali1234not bad08:48
ali1234is the image release going to follow usual release schedule of getting released at a random time that nobody knows in advance whenever the release manager wakes up?08:50
JamesTaitGood morning all! :)09:02
AlanBellali1234: I am looking forward to the big 24 hour countdown starting and all the media speculation about what the code will look like09:06
jpdsAlanBell: C++?09:07
AlanBelldoubt it09:07
AlanBelljavascript and QML for the new bits09:08
JamesTaitButterfly wings and the sun's rays.09:13
* JamesTait picks up on the five-minute-old specualtion.09:13
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=== Guest40647 is now known as michelle_
popeyali1234: yes and no09:26
ali1234popey: yes and no?09:29
popeywell, you imply we don't usually know when it's going to be released because it's some random time09:30
ali1234no, i imply that only one person knows when it is going to be released09:30
popeyno, only one person has responsibility for making the release finally happen, the go/no-go09:31
popeysometimes there is a defined time09:31
ali1234yes. so everyone else in the world is waiting for that person to press yes/no09:31
popeyand its not just the release manager who knows09:31
ali1234which they could do at any time09:31
ali1234only they know when they will do it09:32
popeybased on a set of tasks they need to do09:32
ali1234so, if those tasks take longer or shorter, then even they don't know09:32
ali1234so in that case nobody knows09:32
ali1234for example "get out of bed"09:32
popeythey tend not to sleep a lot on release week09:33
ali1234i was not implying that you pick a random time weeks in advance and then KEEP IT TOTALLY SECRET09:33
ali1234in fact quite the opposite09:33
mungbeanguys, i'm thinking of getting a cheap dvd player from samsung as my existing one is broken. this one lets you also play .avi files in mp4 format via usb - does get_iplayer allow you to grab in this format without faffing around?09:37
popeymungbean: does it mention codecs?09:37
mungbeanpopey: The MPEG4 audio and video data compatible with this player are contained in AVI files. This unit09:39
mungbeancan only play AVI format files with an “.avi” extension.09:39
mungbeanuThe DVD-E360 can support the following resolutions: Up to 720 x 480 @ 30 frames per second and 720 x09:40
mungbean576 @ 25 frames per second.09:40
mungbeanthats all they say09:40
popeyit can do mpeg2/4 and DivX09:41
popeyyou can convert using ffmpeg, but that falls into "faffing around"09:42
popeyby default get_iplayer grabs the stuff from BBC as h.264 I believe09:42
mungbeanstill might be worth a punt09:42
mungbean29.99 in tesco09:43
mungbeanffmpeg seems to be increasingly crap on ubuntu09:43
mungbeanneed to compile yourself to get mp3 support etc09:43
popeythere's a simple apt-get to make that work09:43
popey    Stream #0.0(und): Video: h264 (Main), yuv420p, 832x468 [PAR 117:117 DAR 16:9], 1401 kb/s, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 1k tbn, 50 tbc09:44
popeythats something I grabbed from get_iplayer09:44
popey-rwxrwxrwx 1 alan alan 631650896 Dec 31  2010 Doctor_Who_Confidential_-_Christmas_Special_2010_b00wyhsz_default.mp409:44
popeya while back09:44
mungbeanso that looks like re-encode required09:44
popeyyes, for existing media09:45
popeyfor stuff you download, get_iplayer has an option to spawn ffmpeg I believe09:45
popeyso it can do it on the fly immediately after downloading has finished09:45
popeyhandy if you run get_iplayer as a cron job09:45
mungbeani have a mac mini under the telly, but i can't connect it to the telly09:45
mungbeancos i'm still old skool09:45
mungbeanscart only09:46
mungbeanits replacing a philips dvd/rw that has been awful09:46
mungbeanhoped to use it for archiving but its so tedious to use. and now the drawer has broken09:47
popeyarchiving? stuff off get_iplayer?09:47
popeyI have a friend who archives everything he records (pretty much) onto optical media09:48
popeybut he records off FTA09:48
mungbeanarchiving off the tv box09:48
mungbeani have a topfield PVR09:48
mungbeanhowever it has a usb port too (feels like usb1.1), for copying stuff off it.09:49
mungbeanused to have a digifusion pvr with no usb port, hence the dvd/rw for backup purposes09:49
popeyah yeah, I had a Humax PVR which has a USB port, was painful so I never used it09:51
neuroi've still not figured out how to ftp SD stuff off my humax hdr-t209:53
neurolike in an automated way, i mean09:53
mungbeanhumax runs linux i believe09:56
mungbeanonce i upgaded my toipfield software and was rather unstable, leading to deleted library, so i downgraded, but have become nervous since09:57
mungbeanwhat version of python is recommended for learning now? (esp rasp pi owners) 2.x or 3.x?09:59
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:59
mungbeani remember there was a bit of backlash over 3.x due to non backward compatibility. i assume 3.x is the way to go though09:59
neuromungbean: yeah, the hdr t2 does run linux iirc10:00
neurobut i'm not sure how ftp is implemented10:00
neurolovely little errors when you connect, for example ...10:01
neurohornet-wifi:~ neuro$ ftp pvr2.gla0.uk.geekha.us10:01
neuroConnected to pvr2.gla0.uk.geekha.us.10:01
neuro220 Welcome to connection.10:01
neuro500 Syntax error, command unrecognized.10:01
neuroName (pvr2.gla0.uk.geekha.us:neuro):10:01
neuroi mean come on, syntax errors?10:01
mungbeanthat means unsupported feature requested e.g. REST10:01
neurohmm, good point10:02
neuroif only the HD stuff wasn't encrypted ... :P10:02
neuroit completely falls over when you use ncftp10:03
jpdsneuro: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/525018_481040071944876_1233300931_n.jpg10:03
neuroba da dum tsh10:04
neuroyou've just reminded me of a german guy i play battlefield 3 with on the xbox10:04
neurohe would occasionally sing "if you're happy and you know it, say hooray"10:05
mungbeanmy one works in a weird usb attach mode that you need a special client to connect with10:05
popeygolly, climbing fast10:05
neurothen he'd say "hooray!" in a daft wee kiddy voice10:05
popeythat was 50K yesterday, now it's ~500K10:05
neuromungbean: yeah, sounds like the old humaxes10:05
popeyfriend of mine made a linux client for the humax10:06
popeywhich is more reliable than the one humax shipped10:06
mungbeanpopey: is it real?10:06
mungbeanseems to be ..10:06
mungbeani want one of these pens10:09
ali1234all humax stuff runs linux10:11
ali1234the HD recordings aren't actually encrypted, they just have the "do not copy" bit set10:11
popeythe old Humax ones aren't Linux10:12
popey9200T etc10:12
ali1234all the freesat and freesat+ ones are10:12
mungbean"all humax stuff runs linux, except for the ones that don't"10:12
mungbeanlife is simpler without hdmi or HD10:13
ali1234all the currently available ones10:13
mungbeanwithout HD telly, your recording all look nice10:13
mungbeanmy CRT telly has a nice picture when there's nothing to compare against.10:14
mungbeanand DVDs look good on it10:14
neuroDVDs look good on my TV too10:14
neurothen again, i have what amounts to a 600 quid upscaler10:14
neuro(mac mini)10:14
mungbeanneuro: how is the mac mini connected to the telly?10:15
neurohdmi, audio goes via optical to my surround amp10:15
mungbeannot sure if i can connect mine to my crt telly via composite10:15
neurothere are plenty of vga<->composite converters out there10:16
neuroor vga<->scart10:17
mungbeani think there's some issue with teh DVI signal it sends10:17
bigcalmVGA -> VHF -> TV tuner :D10:17
neurohere's one: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Hama-SCART-To-VGA-cable/dp/B0002W69MY10:18
neuro(ignore the low star reviews, they are from crazy people who thought they could use it to connect SCART devices to a VGA monitor)10:18
neurohow old is your mac mini?10:18
neuroppc or intel core/c2d?10:18
neurodoubt you'd be able to play back anything other than SD with that10:20
mungbeani inherited it. its the only way apple kit comes into my house :D10:20
mungbeanmy telly is SD though10:20
neurotch, good point :)10:20
* neuro slaps head10:20
neuroso hdmi > vga > scart10:20
mungbeanno hdmi i don't think10:20
neurodvi > vga > scart10:20
neuroalthough a problem i note from that cable i linked to on amazon is no audio10:21
* AlanBell wonders if popey's tablet is still pingable10:21
mungbeanthink i'll just not bother tbh10:21
mungbeanand just use it as a get_iplayer archive10:21
mungbeanand copy them to usb drive for watching10:21
popey64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=70.6 ms10:22
popeystill going10:22
neurowhatever works for you i guess10:22
neuropopey: tablet?10:22
mungbeani have a gadmei box already for watching my old pvr on a LCD monitor10:22
popeyneuro: nexus 7 running ubuntu tablet os10:22
popeybeen pinging it all night since midnight10:22
popeyto see when it dies10:23
neuro70ms is a bit odd though10:23
popeyit might be on the other access point10:23
Laneywhat are you trying to test?10:23
popeyjust seeing how long it lasts10:23
Laneybattery life?10:24
neurohow long so far?10:25
Laneyis this what gets released tomorrow or something else?10:25
popey10:22:57 < popey> been pinging it all night since midnight10:25
popey^ neuro10:25
mungbeanscreen off?10:25
neurodoh, soz10:25
popeywill test again with screen on later10:25
neuromaybe try and leave it running a video stream or something, like bbc news?10:25
mungbeannexus 7 is below recommended specs i notice10:25
mungbean1gb ram vs 2gb10:26
popeybut lots of people have them, so handy for testing10:26
mungbeani wonder if there's any chance one day it might work on my touchpad10:26
AlanBellthat is fine from the OEM perspective10:26
bigcalmLaney: never give popey a yes/no question10:26
AlanBellthey don't want something that is recommended to run on current hardware10:26
AlanBellthey want everyone to have a reason to buy new hardware10:26
neuroi could be tempted to blow the image onto mine, don't really use mine for much10:26
neuropopey: hmm, it seems i'm one to talk about access point speeds10:27
neuro4 bytes from icmp_seq=38 ttl=64 time=219.856 ms10:27
neuro64 bytes from icmp_seq=39 ttl=64 time=37.454 ms10:27
bigcalmWould be nice if it worked on the Xoom10:27
neuro64 bytes from icmp_seq=40 ttl=64 time=61.066 ms10:27
Laneyit wasn't but he answered it as such10:27
neurothat's my ipad from a wired mac10:27
neuro(and yes, i didn't copy/paste the '6' at the start of the first line, it's not an weird 4 byte ping)10:28
bigcalmLaney: rather like asking if somebody would like tea or coffee and them saying yes :)10:28
bigcalmI need tea or coffee10:28
bigcalmJust not sure which10:28
Laneythen they get a smack in the chops10:28
bigcalmI couldn't do that to popey. He might have 2nd thoughts about performing a service for me10:29
popeywe should install uptimed on peoples phones10:30
ali1234my uptime was 29 days until xfce went crazy last night10:30
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1689596/  minus ansi rubbish10:31
BigRedSoh wow. not only did someone write that, they got it into debian10:31
* BigRedS installs it everywhere10:31
bigcalmCompiz still has a habit of freezing but not crashing on me10:31
bigcalmActually locking up the whole system enough that I can't get to a tty but the mouse still moves and Spotify keeps playing10:32
AlanBellso how does one use uptimed?10:32
daubersone does not simply use uptimed10:34
daubersor walk into mordor10:34
bigcalmsudo make me a cup of tea10:34
BigRedSThe important part is getting the daemon running. getting data out of its db is an exercise that can be left for later10:35
AlanBell"uprecords" is the answer I was looking for10:35
bigcalmAlanBell: ta10:35
bigcalmJust installed it on 6 machines10:36
* AlanBell will install it on a raspberry pi shortly for a customer project10:36
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1689660/  <- uprecords on my VPS ☺10:38
popeymaths looks broken10:38
popey  down   -540 days, -16:-37 | since                     Wed Apr 25 00:31:12 200710:38
AlanBelldaubers: http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/329110:39
daubersAlanBell: Saw that :)10:39
daubersAlanBell: Nottingham Hackspace is _hug_ in terms of floorspace (and membership compared to Reading)10:40
daubersAlanBell: Wait till you see the floorplan for Reading Hackspace 2.0 :) It's _much_ better. We're just fundraising and waiting for the lawyers now10:42
popeyAlanBell: the broken link you found yesterday is now fixed10:44
* AlanBell still thinks a hackspace should turn a profit10:44
popeythank you10:44
AlanBellpopey: cool10:44
* AlanBell is teh awesome at finding broken links in Canonical press releases10:45
neuroi just sent a tweet to This Morning10:46
neuroi feel dirty10:46
Laneywe should have a press release testsuite10:46
AlanBella slightly better website change deployment process would probably be a good thing10:47
daubersAlanBell: Theoretically yes :) That is the aim. You kind of have to spend money to make money when you start though.10:47
daubersthough the profit goes back into tools and such like (as we're a non-profit)10:48
AlanBellyeah, most things need investment to start10:50
daubersWe nearly broke even in the current Hackspace until they changed the rent arrangements10:51
daubershence the move10:51
neurobloomin' landlords10:51
neuroyikes, ebuyer are doing 7200rpm 4TB deathstars for 160 quid!10:55
* popey imagines replacing all 12 2TB disks in his btrfs array with 4TB disks10:56
neuropromo code TOPDEAL at checkout brings the price down to 159.9910:56
neuropopey: what you do have your array in, a n40l perchance?10:57
neurodo you have the "NO HOT SWAP" stickers on the caddies? I do on my n4010:58
popeyand I have hot swapped10:58
popeyrecently one disk dropped out of the array10:59
neuroi wonder if they've either downgraded the backplane or it's just a "we're not sure you should do this so we'll tell you not to" thing10:59
popeyso I unmounted it, yanked 4 disks out, swapped them around and re-inserted, remounted, all fine10:59
popeymaybe it doesn't work on windows ☺10:59
neurogood point10:59
neuroi haven't tested it because i only have two drives (250GB root, 2TB data)11:00
neuroi'm saying "good point" a lot this morning11:00
neuroit's a lovely little machine, just a shame they skimped on the brcm nic11:00
neuroit doesn't do jumbo :((11:00
neuroit's a lovely little machine though11:02
popeypsu went in one ☹11:02
neuroo rly11:02
popeyso now I have a dead one11:02
popeyhad to swap around to make a living one11:02
popeyglad I had a second because the PSu isn't cheap11:02
popeyor easy to get11:03
neurofrankenserver \o/11:03
neuroprobably cheaper just to buy one for spares :)11:03
neuroi had a facepalm moment with mine though11:03
neuroand it wasn't anything to do with the machine11:03
neuroi forgot to send off my cash back form :(11:03
bigcalmIt took a _long_ time to get my cash back back11:05
neurospeaking of doh11:05
neuromovie mix are showing D.A.R.Y.L.!!!11:06
neuroprobably one of the best additions to freeview in ages11:06
popeyanyone got any cool "command line loves" for @uupc?11:07
neuroi found vmxtool this morning11:08
neurohandy for converting ova VMs to vmx11:08
popey(other than uprecords which I already added)11:08
neuroso makes life easier migrating virtualbox VMs to esxi11:08
popeyprefer stuff that's in the repo and not behind some manky sign up page ☹11:11
popeyhttp://handbag.popey.com/ I know11:11
neurotch, ovftool it's called, not vmxtool11:13
shaunovmrun is my pet crush for vmware at the moment.  give me some command-line love for the desktop versions (sans Player)11:15
SuperMattpopey: I'm shocked that doesn't pull random handbag images from google11:15
shaunorandom handbags would be inappropriate.  they have to match his shoes11:15
SuperMattoh of course11:16
SuperMatthow silly of me11:16
popeyheh, I can hear neuro doing a "tch" in a scotch accent11:18
neuroif this were any other channel, you'd be getting some stern language from me for inappropriate use of "scotch"11:19
* bigcalm relents and orders a new ps2->usb converter. Really wish I knew where my existing one went11:19
Myrttiscotch egg11:19
Myrttiscotch broth11:19
popeyisnt it "scotched egg"11:20
Myrttiweird word the more it is repeated11:20
neuroMyrtti: it's not "scotchman" though, is it?11:20
Dave2maybe in popey land11:20
Myrttieven sounds wrong11:20
bigcalmpopey: an egg covered in tape?11:20
popeyhe's scotts... ish11:20
neurothe word has lost all meaning11:20
Dave2scotch tartlet?11:20
davmor2neuro: a tartlet is a scented wax cake that is put in an oil burner and heated with a tart burner or tealight as we call them :D11:22
davmor2morning all11:22
neurojust saw this on ze tv ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5OkA-b8pkE ... i love barr's ads11:25
popeycan you translate it11:26
neuroi do hope you're not serious :)11:26
popeythere were bits I didnt get11:27
popeyten heeds?11:28
neurotin heads11:28
popeyhe's got bite?11:28
neurothink you nailed that one11:28
popey"he looks like me.. " the next line I had to see 3 times.. "that is you"11:28
neuroi am disappointed in you :)11:29
mgdmas am I11:32
neuromgdm: what's your favourite barr's flavour (except irn bru)11:32
neurothe raspberry is particularly awesome11:32
mungbeanwhat is there? tizer and irn bru?11:33
neurobut i found the apple very sour11:33
neuromungbean: did you watch the youtube vid?11:33
mgdmneuro: does red kola count?11:33
mungbeanno, i am in open plan orifice11:33
neuromgdm: of course :)11:33
mgdmneuro: then that :-) Though I've not tried a couple of the other ones11:34
mgdmI might need to do some research next time I'm in a shop...11:34
neuroall of them are available in can form11:34
bigcalmIs Barr required drinking north of the border?11:34
neurobigcalm: i think there's possibly a bylaw or ordinance or something requiring each citizen to make one A.G. Barr's drinks purchase per year11:35
mungbeanjust watched it11:35
mungbeani love ginger beer. not enough pubs sell it11:36
neurobut they make good drinks (appleade and that manky ginger beer-alike irn bru thing from a year or two ago)11:36
neuroso being forced to buy wouldn't be necessarily a bad thing11:36
neurowould defo recommend the lemonade, cherryade, rasperryade and the red kola11:36
neuropineappleade is pretty good too11:36
BigRedSmungbean: I thought it was everywhere these days?11:37
BigRedSAll my friends seem to always be drinking Crabbies11:37
neuro(actually, that's a lie in the interests of comedy, as I usually end up driving to pubs)11:38
mungbeanalcohol does not seem to agree with me anymore11:38
ali1234what is red kola?11:38
mungbeangives me instant hangover11:38
cliftontshey, does anyone know when all these extra scopes are supposed to be added to 13.04?11:38
cliftontsI've just installed it and was a little surprised it's not showing any extra results in the dash11:39
BigRedSneuro: Crabbies is alcoholic ginger beer11:39
BigRedSbut I do it all the time; in those pubs I used to despise for selling coffe11:39
neuroBigRedS: d'oh!11:39
BigRedSnow I go there and drink coffee11:39
BigRedSI feel terribly old11:39
neuroit's a "i still want to be social" thing11:39
BigRedSnah, it's that I don't feel hip enough to work from Starbucks11:40
neuroali1234: it's a red drink - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Kola11:40
ali1234is it like tizer?11:40
neuroit's very tasty, has a wee nip to it11:40
neuroerm, sort of11:40
bigcalmCommunist cola?11:40
mungbeanfentimans also do alcoholic one11:41
neurobear in mind that the Barr's drinks we get up here are different from the ones you get in engerland11:41
mungbeani've only ever had the non alco one though11:41
cliftontsguess everyone's busy then11:41
neurothe stuff that's bottled in england uses harder water (obviouslY)11:41
cliftontsAlanBell: Anyone home today?11:41
neuroand you don't get barr's drinks in 750ml glass bottles11:41
mungbeanhard water is more tasty11:41
neurowhen i worked in chelmsford, i ended up buying 2 litre bottles of volvic for 4 months11:42
neuroeven for brushing teeth11:42
bigcalmIt'll put fur on your kidneys11:42
neuroscottish water is legendary11:42
neurotap water is very drinkable, none of this filter stuff you have to do down south11:42
mgdmI still prefer Stornoway's water to Glasgow's. But then, that's where I grew up11:43
bigcalmWe don't filter the hard water we get in Shropshire. Have to descale the kettle a lot though11:43
bigcalmAlmost wrote heavy water. I need to break that habbit11:43
Myrttiwe filter and still need to boil vinegary water every now and then11:44
BigRedS"Going to do a fire drill in a few minutes; you might want to put some shoes on"11:44
BigRedSpoint missed?11:44
bigcalmJust a little11:44
MartijnVdSBigRedS: They're going to make holes in a fire? cool :)11:44
bigcalmWe used to get warnings in my old job11:44
BigRedSI used to get warnings in m y old job 'cause I was the one who triggered the alarm11:45
mungbeani was a fire marshall when i worked in the gherkin so i'd get advance warning and get the lift down 5 mins before..11:45
MartijnVdSThere are <i>signs</i> when there's going to be a drill here, but you never know for sure.11:45
BigRedSI always wondered what I'd do if the building actually caught fire, surely I'd hang around for a bit and then turn the bells off?11:45
mungbeanotherwise 26 flights of stairs stuck behind fat blokes 2 abreast11:45
mungbeantalking about golf11:45
mungbeanyour calves would kil the next day, something to do with only using the muscle one way11:46
mungbeanjust like only ever lowering a weight rather than lifting it again in a gym11:47
bigcalmmungbean: abseil down the outside of the building11:47
mungbeanlifts were better11:47
mungbeani tried to resign as fire warden and they didn't let me11:47
mungbeanresign from a voluntary post11:47
mungbeanso i just abused the privilege11:47
BigRedShaha. We used to do that to fire marshalls :)11:47
BigRedS"You can stop, but only once someone else is trained up to replace you. Go find a volunteer"11:47
bigcalmNo other bugger wants the responsibility, so we won't let you give it up11:48
mungbeanin a real fire,. fire marshalls should just run out as quick as poss like the rest of us11:48
BigRedSwalk calmly!11:48
mungbeanin a previous role i sat next to the exit, and although was a fire marshall, i used to get out before the lower floors were even on the stair care11:48
mungbeanthats the trouble in a really taller building, you catch up slower moving lower floors and it takes > 30 mins to get out11:49
mungbeanyes java, i really want to install the Ask Toolbar and change my search engine11:50
BigRedSIt was only the other day that it occurred to me why I'd never seen that problem11:51
BigRedSI haven't installed Java on Windows for about six years11:52
bigcalmWee, just found a timepicker plugin to go with the jquery-ui datepicker. My job just got a little easier11:53
mungbeani have a laptop i need to use for vmware vsphere11:53
BigRedSAnyone know if there is a way I can make the ^ operator greedy? so ^something^somethingelse^  replaces *all* the somethings with somethingelse, rather than just the first? I keep overwriting mysql dumps assuming g works for that11:55
mungbeannow everyone is awake, should i learn python 3.x rather than 2.x?11:57
jpdsmungbean: Both?11:57
mgdmBigRedS: the ^ operator in what?11:57
BigRedSoh yeah, bash11:57
BigRedSI hate it when people do that :)11:57
BigRedSmungbean: Perl!11:57
mungbeanperl is too obscure11:58
mungbeani used to do C programming but have forgotten it all as sysadmin and managemenet took over11:58
mungbeanthought that python might be fun to learn11:58
mungbeanby obscure, i mean not-readable code and regularly obfuscated11:59
BigRedSso just don't write it badly12:00
BigRedSI find it way easier to read Perl than I do Python, but that's probably because I never write Python :)12:00
BigRedSanyway, this is one of those pointless arguments... Is Python 3 Python's Perl6 or something? Why not learn the new one?12:01
neurothere's some woman on my telly who is saying H as "haitch", and is saying prices of things without using the plural of pound, e.g. "twenty pound"12:01
mungbeani thought there was backlash againt python312:02
AlanBellcliftonts didn't stay long12:02
mungbeanhaitch and "sault" instead of salt are a terrible disease12:03
ali1234"this haitch cost twenty pound!"12:03
neurowhat's wrong with saying "sault"?12:03
ali1234how else would you pronounce it?!!?!?12:03
AlanBellmungbean: not really a backlash, just some libraries are not ported yet, like mysqldb which kinda holds back a load of other things12:03
BigRedSpft. dbs are overrated. Use flat files12:04
mungbeanneuro, like sorlt12:05
neurocsv ftw12:05
mungbeanAlanBell: its been out a while though12:05
AlanBellmungbean: yeah, it has12:05
mungbeanhence my question12:05
AlanBellyou probably don't need to care much12:05
AlanBelltry starting with python 3, then use python 2 when you get stuck because you need something that isn't there yet12:06
AlanBellmain difference is that print is now a function12:06
AlanBellprint "hello world" -> print ("hello world")12:06
mungbeanas it should be12:07
AlanBellyes, and with brackets works in python 2 as well12:07
mungbeansome bloke in the office has a ridiculous cough that sounds like a dog barking12:07
ali1234it doesn't quite work in p212:08
MartijnVdSmungbean: start meowing when he does12:08
mungbeanh might chase me12:08
mungbeanits making me feel sick12:08
mungbeanthe office is so loud right now , its like working in a pub12:08
mungbeanhence the irc activity12:08
ali1234drunk people everywhere12:08
mungbean^drunk^stupid then yes :D12:09
MartijnVdSis't not even friday12:09
mgdmthis office is loud, hence I have headphones12:09
BigRedSHm. mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51 just produced a dump with a feature that mysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.51a "doesn't yet support"...12:09
mungbeani'm leaving my current job for another piosition in the company but they won't let me leave yet..its a rubbish feeling12:10
MartijnVdSBigRedS: what like proper timestamps? ;)12:10
mgdmhttps://twitter.com/Funny_Truth/status/303315399011880961 <-- the headphone code12:10
BigRedSMySQL has int fields!12:10
mungbeananyone going to the devops london meetup on thurdsay?12:10
BigRedSIs this a regular thing? I want to go to a devops meetup to find out what devops is12:11
mungbeanits semi regular12:12
mungbeanlast time saw loads of geeks who enjoy their job12:12
mungbeanand free beer and pizza12:13
mgdmHmm, I will be in London then, but I'll be otherwise occupied12:13
BigRedSI need to get into devops12:13
popeyooh, libreoffice 4 landed in raring12:13
popeyhm, beta2 maybe12:13
BigRedSI'm not in London until the weekend after next, but then I'll be there permanently :)12:13
mungbeandevops = sysadmins who work for smaller companies and like to automate where poss12:13
mungbeanand don't really get bogged down with hardware12:13
BigRedSdevops = ruby devs with root12:14
BigRedSas far as I understood12:14
mungbeanlast time the talks were on metrics/monitoring (how to get rid of nagios for something better), and logsnatch12:14
BigRedSAh, so it'll be a load of stuff I want to do at work but that they wont lket12:14
BigRedS*let me do12:14
mungbeanto inspire you to get a different job12:14
mungbeani also have this for you...12:14
* AlanBell wonders if that would be a good place to talk about exceptionalemails.com when it is done12:14
mgdmmungbean: were there any conclusions about what was better than nagios?12:14
mungbeanmgdm: yes12:15
mungbeanhold on , on both counts12:15
BigRedSyeah, I looked at devops jobs for a bit; I couldn't understand how they'd want me to join a team to do something involving "development" without mentioning which language they wanted12:15
mungbeaneverybody watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU8ihx3nT6I12:15
mungbeanmake time to watch it12:15
mungbeanit's hard to argue aginst the argument that say if your workplace is lame and you can't fix it, then get another job12:16
AlanBellthe juju stuff is all about devops apparently12:16
mungbeanmgdm: watch http://www.slideshare.net/sihil/winning-the-metrics-battle12:16
mungbeanits the smae talk, without the talking, just the slides12:17
mgdmmungbean: ta very much12:17
mgdmwe have New Relic just now, which is pretty nice12:18
BigRedSAh! Always feels weird watching a video at work about getting a new job12:18
mgdmbut I still want something that does the 'OMG server down' warnings better12:18
BigRedScustomers are brilliant for that12:19
BigRedSthey really make sure you know12:19
mgdmheh heh12:19
bigcalmAlanBell: who watches the watcher? I hope your service provides 100% reliability :)12:24
AlanBellit provides 100% independence of your infrastructure12:24
AlanBellwhich is better than 99.99% reliability on the same infrastructure :)12:24
bigcalmAlanBell: as long as your service continues to run without fault12:25
AlanBellnope, if my service goes down for an hour, nobody cares12:25
mungbeani want a new job but having a new baby hence meh12:25
bigcalmAlanBell: if exceptionalemails.com goes down for an hour nobody will care?12:26
AlanBellprobably not, it might do a few false alarms, it will come back on and emails will get delivered to it that were queued up etc12:27
AlanBellthe thing is that you don't want to be in the same datacentre as it12:28
popeyto the cloud!12:28
AlanBelland you don't want it alerting an address that is in your monitored infrastructure12:28
AlanBellpopey: to a different bit of the cloud \o/12:28
AlanBellso you are in Amazon euro zone west or whatever they call it, if that goes down, but exceptionalemails.com is in hetzner in germany and it is alerting your gmail address then all is good12:29
mgdmAlanBell: that's pretty cool12:29
AlanBellwhen monitoring things independence is more important than reliability12:30
popeyyou should move exceptionalemails.com to australia12:30
popeynobody hosts stuff there!12:30
AlanBellI was thinking about having it in two places, you could choose where you want your account to be12:30
AlanBellso you could make sure you were not sharing a country with it12:31
popeyI'd like mine on mars please12:31
popeyI don't want to share a planet with it12:31
* AlanBell uploads it to the ISS and takes out their comms12:31
mungbeanAlanBell: not bad idea, but i wouldn't send internal emails like that outside of the company12:32
AlanBellmungbean: totally valid concern for some emails, yes12:34
mungbeangenerally my regular ones12:34
mungbeanlogwatch, bacula, etc12:34
AlanBellthose would be perfect, and I am going to have an option to not store the email content, so it would receive the email, perhaps test it for a few regexes the user wants to scan for, then log the date,time,subject and drop the email12:35
AlanBellperhaps keeping the full body of emails that are considered "fails"12:36
popeyubuntu tablet still responding to pings12:38
* popey ponders waking it up to see what the battery gauge says12:39
jpdspopey: SSH in?12:39
mungbeantake a photo when u do12:39
mungbeanwanna see how it looks12:39
mungbeanor video :P12:39
mungbeani've seen the official vid, but thats not very real12:40
* popey suspends it again12:40
popeyjpds: I dont have ssh installed12:42
davmor2popey: trust you to want it on mars, I mean it could of been anything but you choose a choloate bar ;)12:45
mungbeananyone know how i would dismantle this? http://ubuntuone.com/6cpIPA0kt0WLis6ilh1UxC12:55
mungbeanone is tap on/off, one is hot/cold12:55
davmor2mungbean: Sledgehammer?12:55
mungbeanthe on/off one is broken, there's no screw hidden inside either that i can see12:55
mungbeani tried twisting the hot/cold too far in case it unscrewed , but no12:56
davmor2mungbean: try looking online on the whole the taps ship with the shower unity.  Failing that try turning the handles before you move the to cowls that cover the actual tap part12:57
mungbeanthe shower is no longer sold by wickes :(12:57
mungbeanthe tap part seem to be solid, no rims or caps to take off12:58
popeyjust gave your picture to google image search12:59
popeyyour bathroom looks like a lot of things12:59
popeybut a shower handle it does not12:59
mungbeanthere's also this one http://ubuntuone.com/5JKzxi09AG4j5zmwaKh7DO13:00
davmor2mungbean: wikes might not sell it anymore but they might still hold the instruction manual for it13:00
mungbeani'm gonna have the loft out at the weekend13:00
mungbeanprevious owner kept a lot of that stuff13:01
popeyyour shower looks like this pencil sketch of doctor who's sonic screwdriver apparently13:01
AlanBellmungbean: is there a screw right at the bottom13:03
mungbeangoogle reverse search gives colour matches mostly13:03
mungbeanAlanBell: nope13:03
mungbeanthe handles unscrew13:03
mungbeanthere may be something inside the smaller circular one but cannot see in there with a torch13:04
mungbeanfoudn a website called showerdoc i might send the pics to13:04
AlanBellcool bath toys btw13:04
davmor2mungbean: this might give you some clues http://www.ehow.com/video_2329566_replace-shower-valves.html13:04
mungbeanlol AlanBell13:05
mungbeanthankfully i was clothed13:05
mungbeanman, both firefox and chrome show that vid at 3x speed13:06
popeyworks here13:07
davmor2mungbean: that might be separate taps so you might want to try and find a mixer one any how13:08
AlanBellhttps://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH03/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=587 canonical are hiring13:08
AlanBellwell always hiring, but this is for someone who can build the stuff they just demoed13:08
mungbeannice to see ubuntu users at citrix ^^13:16
amayer_what is it called in 12.04 when i press [Alt] + [Shift] + [Up Arrow]?13:16
amayer_it makes it so i can see all windows on the current desktop.13:16
amayer_Im trying to get 12.10 to do that but i dont know what to search for because i dont know what its called13:16
popeyisnt it called "roll up"?13:17
popeyis it where the window rolls up so you only see the titlebar?13:17
amayer_no no.13:18
amayer_it shows all windows beside each other.13:18
OliThat's what KDE calls it.13:18
amayer_lets say i have 3 applications open. it will fit them all on the screen but smaller. and if you click one it brings it to the front13:18
amayer_it spreads them out like this:13:20
amayer_and if you click one it brings it to the front13:20
Dave2sounds like the Expo Compiz plugin13:20
Dave2this may or may not be current13:20
Dave2er, no13:21
Dave2Always get those the wrong way round13:21
amayer_i was going to say expo shows all desktops(like workspace switcher)13:21
BigRedSthat's what the windows key does in gnome3, if that's any help..13:22
directhex... huh13:27
directhexi have a user whose laptop has become unresponsive and unusable since updating to 3.2.0-3813:27
directhex3.2.0-36 is fine13:28
amayer_Dave2: YES!!! it is called scale.13:28
amayer_and they switch the shortcut key to [super] + [w]13:29
mungbean386 processor directhex :P13:29
mgdmwhen was it 386 got removed?13:30
mungbeananyone know how i'd fix this theme problem(?) with LO calc http://ubuntuone.com/7TpmmBErgD3ewzfLqZvrXF13:31
mungbeanlook at the sheet tabs13:31
popeyamayer_: it's always been super+w13:32
popeyat least since 12.04, maybe before13:32
amayer_popey: on 12.04 you could press [alt] + [shift] + [up arrow] and it would do the same thing13:33
amayer_i guess they removed it in 12.10 because <super>w did the same thing13:34
popeyprobably got lost in the migration from gconf to gsettings13:35
directhexmungbean, well, a core i5, but running an i386 kernel13:35
amayer_12.10 doesnt use gconf?13:35
jpdsamayer_: no.13:36
amayer_hm... does gconf-editor work with gsettings?13:38
amayer_i used that to check the key association for scale13:38
jpdsamayer_: dconf-editor.13:38
amayer_i got gconf-editor out of the repo and it showed me all the compiz settings i was looking for13:39
popeyyou need dconf-editor13:39
amayer_ill switch it out. is gconf editor not supposed to work at all/should it be in the repo?13:39
popeythere are some legacy things that still use gconf13:40
popeybut compiz switched to dconf/gsettings13:40
amayer_jpds: popey: everyone: thank you for your help.13:42
amayer_ive been using ubuntu as my daily driver(work & home) since 11.04 beta release. i see i still have much to learn.13:43
amayer_im the only one in my office who uses GNU/Linux13:43
jpdsNot many people who Linux where I work.13:44
jpdsOh wait...13:44
ali1234"A PKCS #11 module returned CKR_DEVICE_ERROR, indicating that a problem has occurred with the token or slot."13:45
ali1234never seen that one befoe13:45
amayer_Please Insert 1 Credit13:45
mungbeanhaving some problems having my home space in /data/home instead of /home/mungbean13:51
mungbeanany suggestions other than copying /data/home/mungbean -> /data/mungbean then remounting?13:51
mungbeanln -s /data/home /home doesn't fix problems13:52
amayer_I have another question:13:53
amayer_why do I get updates for "English language pack for Firefox" "firefox-locale-en" if i dont have firefox installed13:53
jpdsamayer_: Because language-pack-en-base depends on it.13:54
shaunomungbean: a bind mount?  mount --bind /data/home /home13:54
BigRedSmungbean: what does    ls -ald /home   say?13:54
amayer_so its used for the general language pack for ubuntu. not just for firefox. right?13:54
mungbeanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 21 14:30 /home -> /data/home13:55
mungbeanshauno, looks like a plan13:55
shaunojust remember to make /home a directory instead of a symlink first, else you'll be trying to mount it to itself, which .. well I'm not sure I'd try13:56
jpdsamayer_: Yes.13:56
mungbeanshauno: create a black hole and end the worl13:57
shaunoI can never guess if it'll eat your children, or actually work.  with a strong preference to not going there in the first place13:58
popeyali1234: http://www.old-dalby.com/images/Asfordby-Token%20machine.jpg14:07
popeyreal tokens and slots14:07
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
mungbeanshauno: works :D14:25
mungbeanalthough not sure how to use it in /etc/fstab14:25
shaunobind goes as the fs type, the rest is as normal14:27
shaunowait no, none as the fs, bind as an option14:27
mungbeangot it14:29
mungbean/data/home /homebind defaults,bind0014:29
popeyczajkowski: what version of vbox you using?14:35
czajkowskipopey: 4.1.2214:35
popeyooh, ye olde14:35
czajkowskipopey: one that is currently torturing me and davmor214:35
* popey uses current one from virtualbox.org14:36
czajkowskiwas the one I just apt-get installed yesterday14:36
czajkowskiand it's currently making mine and davmor2 life a hell14:36
davmor2popey: yeah that was my next plan if this continued to play up14:36
czajkowskidavmor2: does that mean I'm going to have to make another 4 VMs14:36
czajkowskithat;s ok so14:37
popeyi have been using the one from virtualbox for months for ubuntu testing14:37
SuperMattI have an important question: when do we get this lock screen in the desktop version? http://www.ubuntu.com/static/u/img/devices/tablet-branded-and-apps.png14:38
czajkowskidavmor2: I cna log into quantal32 just no precise3214:42
davmor2ah might just be a naff iso14:42
bigcalmSuperMatt: how is that an important question? :)14:55
popeyIt's _a_ question!14:56
kvarleyDoes anybody know what the image that is being released tomorrow for the Nexus 7 requires in  terms of storage space?14:58
kvarleyCan it be run on the 16GB Nexus 7 or will it have to be a 32 GB ?14:58
popeyi have a 16GB Nexus15:00
kvarleypopey: Does it / will it run?15:00
popeyits running on mine now15:00
cr0w13yI have an 8GB nexus. I'm sure it can run on even less than that.15:00
popeyits a preview though15:00
davmor2kvarley: I have a 16gb running Ubuntu now15:00
* awilkins keeps taking the tablets15:00
davmor2Oi awilkins get back here with my tablet don't make me hurt you15:01
kvarleyIt's really hard to know whether to pick up a Nexus 7 or 10 or wait until newer hardware comes out, after the phone/tablet OS venture has become more nippy and stable15:02
awilkinsOoh, Google PLay has the Nexus 4 "ships in less than one week"15:02
awilkinsThe 16GB storage maximum and no SD slot frustrate me though15:03
popeywell what we're releasing tomorrow is a developer preview15:03
popeyi.e. not finished15:03
kvarleyawilkins: I'm in the same boat as you15:03
kvarleyNo external storage slot is just madness15:03
kvarleypopey: Ok :)15:04
awilkinskvarley, It's a nice, reasonably priced, handset15:04
kvarleyNexus 4 has dropped in price too, less than £300 :)15:04
SuperMattI worry that there's going to be a number of people "reviewing" the dev release tomorrow, as if it's the final version15:04
Myrttithe answer to that frustration is called DLNA/uPnP15:04
awilkinsI need a new phone15:04
kvarleyawilkins: I could do with one this year but I'm not in a rush15:04
awilkinsMyrtti, but DLNA is no good if you're like me and compulsively carry your whole 13GB music collection around15:04
awilkinskvarley, I'm still on an N90015:05
Myrttiawilkins: Google Music / Spotify released me from that15:05
awilkinskvarley, It's starting to show it's age in terms of software and ability15:05
awilkinsMyrtti, which country are you in?15:05
awilkinsWhat data plan?15:05
MyrttiThree something. You can set both Google Music and Spotify to keep offline versions of your favourite songs.15:06
kvarleyawilkins: Oh, I'm on a Desire S15:06
awilkinskvarley, The wifelet has a Desire Z15:06
MyrttiI see no need to carry all of the collection since I don't listen to the whole 20+GB daily15:06
awilkinsMyrtti, there is that.. I suppose I could just make it cache the top few GB by atime15:06
awilkinsMyrtti, The occasions on which I would use the phone as a media player are mostly dominated by being on trains with *really* dreadful signal coverage15:07
awilkinsLike going through the longest rail tunnel in Britain, which is flanked on either side by howling grim moorland of the kind where they shoot werewolf movies.15:08
awilkinsThese phones also use the micro-SIM format, which means I'd have to pester my network to send me a new one, which would be mildly annoying15:09
MyrttiI'm tempted to order Nokia's NFC/Bluetooth music receiver MD-310 to hook up to the AV receiver :-( but it is expensive.15:10
* awilkins wonders if there are NFC hack projects available15:12
* awilkins has resolved to stop dithering and may just go and order one15:14
awilkinsAs much as my engineers brain hates inefficiency and thus wireless charging, that is a cool looking charger https://play.google.com/store/devices/details/Nexus_4_Wireless_Charger?id=nexus_4_wireless_charger&feature=accessories15:17
awilkinsAnd WHY OH WHY are the only Nexus 7 covers in stock _always_ the pink ones.15:19
popeyI have a bot currently poking that page every minute to make sure I know when it's in stock in the UK15:19
* AlanBell ponders a nexus 10 purchase15:21
Myrttiawilkins: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Poetic-HardBack-Protective-Manufacturer-Warranty/dp/B008IEGS9W/ we've got these15:21
popeyi have one I got in pcworld15:21
popeyactually, dixons at the airport15:22
AlanBellwant a play with a nexus 1015:22
popeythey're quite nice15:23
popeyway nicer than the nexus 415:23
AlanBellall day battery on it, which is good15:25
awilkinsMust be the cube law thing15:25
awilkinsscreen size increases by squares, batteries increase by cubes15:25
awilkinsEncountered an iPad for the first time at length over Christmas15:26
AlanBellwant one as part of my next generation point of sale plan15:26
awilkinsWas very impressed with how much endurance it has15:26
awilkinsEspecially given that it was running a full 3D game for much of the day15:26
awilkinsAlanBell, Next generation POS? Do tell.... (gets out patent notebook)15:27
awilkinsI used to be impressed by PalmPilot units with an integrated wifi + barcode reader though15:28
awilkinsthought the potential for medical applications would be great15:28
AlanBellwell nothing too radical, just having floating tablets doing touchscreen POS with openERP at the back end and getting receipt printing done off something small like a raspberry pi15:28
AlanBellI am trying to put together a complete demo set of it, the software isn't quite fully baked yet for doing the esc/pos printer bit15:29
AlanBellneed to figure out chip n pin too15:29
AlanBellwant a complete Free Software retail solution15:30
AlanBellpossibly running Ubuntu on the tablet with html5 openERP POS application15:31
AlanBellbut I am not sure if it will lend itself to that, we will see15:31
awilkinsI used to do smartcard dev but never really got as far as Chip&Pin15:32
AlanBellcustomers will probably end up just using android or iOS, but I would like to demo it on Ubuntu15:32
awilkinsWas mostly the contactless things like Mifare1k15:32
awilkins*a WHOLE kilobyte of storage... apart from the overhead*15:32
ali1234AlanBell: but will it into bitcoin?15:53
* awilkins keeps quiet about his plan to use the spare brain capacity of customers to mine bitcoin while the browse the shelves15:55
AlanBellbitcoin accepting POS sure, if a customer wants it :)15:56
popey16 hours.. battery at 71%16:15
AlanBell71% *remaining* ?16:24
AlanBellon, wifi connected and pinging?16:24
AlanBellanyone know how I do a drm.debug=6 dmesg16:27
ali1234what of it? it hasn't even been rnning a day?16:27
ali1234mine will happily go 4 days in android if i don't touch it16:28
popeythats nice16:28
AlanBellcan't say I have ever tried running down the nexus 7, it spends quite a lot of time in the kitchen on power16:28
ali1234the battery lasts much longer than a typical pone16:29
AlanBellbut that sounds rather encouraging16:29
ali1234well, android phone16:29
popeywell, it has no 3g for a start16:29
ali1234yes 3g is a massive drain16:29
AlanBellah, drm.debug=6 is a boot option16:29
ali1234more than wifi16:29
ali1234AlanBell: actually that's a module option, drm.debug means "pass debug=6 to drm module"16:30
awilkinsIndeed, I just force my phone into 2G a lot of the time so it won't waste battery thrashing about finding a 3g tower over the Pennines16:30
ali1234on kernel command line16:30
ali1234you may be able to reload drm module with the option, or maybe set it through /sys/modules/16:30
directhexyou can pass kernel options via an /etc/modprobe.d entry, as long as that module isn't built into the kernel16:30
ali1234yes, or you can just pass options on modprobe command line if you load modules manually16:31
directhexlooks like it's not built in!16:32
ali1234it might be in the initrd though, and i don't think that gets automatically rebuilt if you edit modules.conf or modules.d16:35
ali1234or modprobe or whatever it's called now16:35
ali1234i had that trouble with usbhid16:36
AlanBellthis is a bug with performance anxiety16:37
BigRedSif mysqldump spits out an error message but the dumpends with 'Dump completed on' is it likely it just skipped the error and carried on?16:53
BigRedSah, I'm looking on the wrong dump. It's aborted :/16:53
popeybug 113078617:09
lubotu3bug 1130786 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox unnecessarily announces "Not Playing" when I close it." [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113078617:09
popeyannoys me does that17:09
MartijnVdSNot playing.17:16
czajkowskipopey: never noticed that before17:25
MartijnVdSczajkowski: you never close rhythmbox? :)17:25
czajkowskiI do17:25
czajkowskiusually in fits of rage17:25
czajkowskiit started to play christmas songs at me the last day17:25
czajkowskimost upsetting you know :)17:25
MartijnVdSczajkowski: I just skipped one :)17:28
bigcalmHow does one tie xchat into the unity osd so that I'm notified when I'm mentioned etc17:45
bigcalmShow tray baloons on: ?17:45
bigcalmSomebody say my name?17:49
bigcalmWay over on the right hand side of the far right screen. Better than nothing :)17:49
bigcalmMy fault for having a silly set-up17:49
AzelphurInteresting question, I want to share files with my neighbour, we have an ethernet cable between the two places, how do I do it in a way where we both keep our own internet connections and don't have DHCP wars?17:52
BigRedSdo you both have additional ethernet sockets on your PCs?17:53
BigRedSthat would be easiest - create a network of those two sockets with the crossover cable between them.17:53
BigRedSotherwise you need a router at at least one end of the cable, and to make sure your two dhcp servers have pools on different subnets17:53
BigRedSI've always been able to do the former, so I don't know how to do the latter17:54
Azelphurit doesn't have multiple nics, although I could do that17:54
AzelphurIf it's just a case of different subnets that could be easy17:54
jacobwAzelphur: vlans + routing18:00
jacobwAzelphur: depends how many ways you have to split the ethernet domain up :|18:01
Azelphurseems complicated and like the best way may be to just connect my file server to his router as a normal client18:01
Azelphur(and my router)18:01
zleapwhat is the executable file for startup applications18:38
MartijnVdSzleap: what do you mean? What do you want to do?18:38
zleapstop skype from loading up when i log in18:39
zleapi have  ubunru 12.04 with lubntu desktop18:39
MartijnVdSzleap: ~/.local/share/applications ?18:39
MartijnVdSit's still probably in ~/.local/share somewhere18:39
popeymaybe ask in #lubuntu18:39
Flexahey guys, I have a dir with lots of sub dirs that I need to go through and rm -rf *.json.gz, any ideas? cant seem to figure it out...18:39
MartijnVdSFlexa: find /path/here -name \*.json.gz18:40
zleappopey, i have but as i have bits of lubuntu installed giving i installed lubuntu-desktop there is a solution somewhere18:40
Flexathx MartijnVdS, will give it a go :)18:40
MartijnVdSFlexa: find /path/here -name \*.json.gz -delete if you want to delete instead of print their names :)18:40
MartijnVdSFlexa: also, "man find" if you're feeling adventurous18:41
Flexagreat thx MartijnVdS :)18:42
Flexagreat help18:42
Flexathought there would be a way without having to use find :P18:42
MartijnVdSFlexa: there's find2perl.. you'll get a Perl script instead 8-)18:42
Flexaheh oki18:42
Flexafunny thing is I could do it in ruby18:43
Flexabut just not a one liner :(18:43
RZAFC1the webpages in firefox have some images that are blueish when I browse. i just install ubuntu 12.04 on my system any idea what's wrong?18:48
MartijnVdSRZAFC1: do you have an Nvidia graphics card?18:48
RZAFC1it's on ppc18:49
MartijnVdSlike an old mac or something?18:49
RZAFC1everything is default18:49
MartijnVdSlast time I used ppc was on a G3 imac.. long long ago18:49
RZAFC1is there a repo I can get that will fix it18:50
MartijnVdSRZAFC1: does it have ati video?18:50
AlanBellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1691787/ is supposed to be dmesg output with drm.debug=6 set, but I don't see much drm stuff in that18:50
RZAFC1let me check18:51
AlanBellI edited the boot parameters at the grub screen and added drm.debug=6 as a new line on the end, dunno if it picked it up or not18:51
MartijnVdSAlanBell: isn't drm a module? so you'd need to add it to /etc/modprobe.d/my-config-file.conf ?18:51
MartijnVdS+ regenerate initramfs18:52
RZAFC1video works, it's slow but no sound18:52
MartijnVdSRZAFC1: can you put the output of "dmesg" and the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log on pastebin?18:53
AlanBelllibkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-config.c:686 kmod_config_parse: /etc/modprobe.d/drm.conf line 1: ignoring bad line starting with 'drm.debug=6'18:54
MartijnVdSAlanBell: yeah it should be:18:54
MartijnVdSoptions drm debug=618:54
AlanBelllibkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-config.c:686 kmod_config_parse: /etc/modprobe.d/drm.conf line 1: ignoring bad line starting with 'options'18:55
MartijnVdSlots of files with "options" in that dir18:55
* MartijnVdS looks confuse18:55
AlanBellah, sorry, I missed the space18:55
AlanBellworking now18:56
AlanBelllets reboot and see what happens . . .  o/18:56
MartijnVdSAlanBell: there's also /sys/module/drm/parameters18:56
MartijnVdSAlanBell: you could echo "6" > /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug and see if that works18:56
RZAFC1MartijnVdS: I'm not using irc on that computer18:58
MartijnVdSRZAFC1: you can copy the files over.. or the pastebin links (they should be short enough to re-type)18:58
RZAFC1MartijnVdS: you think I should just reinstall ubuntu?18:59
MartijnVdSRZAFC1: that's a bit overkill I think18:59
AlanBellMartijnVdS: cool, got it working now18:59
AlanBellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1691907/ loadsa debug stuff18:59
RZAFC1MartijnVdS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/16194919:04
MartijnVdSthat's not dmesg _or_ xorg.log19:05
RZAFC1MartijnVdS: paste.ubuntu.com/1691949/19:05
RZAFC1MartijnVdS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1691949/19:06
RZAFC1there it is sorry missed a number19:06
MartijnVdSRZAFC1: Thanks that's dmesg :)19:06
MartijnVdSnothing strange in there I think19:06
RZAFC1so what do you think is the problem?19:07
MartijnVdSRZAFC1: if you could put /var/log/Xorg.0.log on there as well I might know more19:07
RZAFC1it said permission denied19:08
MartijnVdSI really don't know enough about ati-on-ppc, sorry19:08
RZAFC1thanx anyway19:09
MartijnVdSAlanBell: Rrrr!19:14
AlanBellthings have gone a bit funny19:15
AlanBellwindow manager borked19:15
MartijnVdSfunny ha-ha or funny blegh?19:15
MartijnVdSAlanBell: (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZGhhXo-Bv0)19:17
AlanBellwhen I next have a window manager I will look at that19:19
AlanBellyay, fixed19:20
MartijnVdS*\o/* */o\*19:21
AlanBellhttps://plus.google.com/109175303602657131317/posts/Qfqath4iR1C that is what my screen looked like earlier, typing was off screen, couldn't move any windows19:32
ali1234that looks like hardware error19:34
ali1234or serious driver bug19:34
ali1234is that why you were debugging drm?19:34
AlanBellwell, not exactly, it got that way after flipping between mirrored and dual screens19:35
ali1234only problem i ever have with nvidia is when it doesn;t work at all due to abi changes19:35
AlanBellwhen I boot up from cold it starts dual screens then flips to mirrored after about a minute, which is very annoying19:35
ali1234it ither works or it doesn't19:35
AlanBelldoes it in unity and gnome shell19:35
AlanBellonce I put it back off mirrored and on to dual screens it then works fine, just does it once from a cold boot19:36
ali1234argh bitcoin is scraping $3019:37
ali1234if it goes over in february i win 0.1 btc19:38
Azelphurali1234: xD19:40
directhexwish i had a gpu that could generate actual coinage19:40
directhexbut with the difficulty where it is these days19:41
Azelphurali1234: I've been holding ~60 BTC since £1219:41
ali1234mining alt chains is currently profitable on GPU19:41
ali1234but only just, and you have to mess around building modded miners and clients19:41
shaunoscp between two remote machines, eg, scp a:file b:file .. does the transfer fgo a->b? or a->me->b20:16
popeyrun iftop on the middle one and see?20:18
* popey tries it20:18
popeyi get a key error20:19
popeyimplying a is trying to scp to b20:19
popeybecause me has the key for a and b20:20
shaunothat sounds logical.  and matches me getting no route to b20:20
shaunoer, matches my error, rather (me has a route to b  heh)20:20
shaunotrying to move a large chunk of data from a to b.  a is ipv4-only, b is ipv6-only.  me can interact with them both fine, but doesn't have the disk space to do it in steps20:26
Azelphurdon't suppose anyone knows how to do tabs in glade? I cannot find it anywhere, driving me nuts.20:29
Azelphurand as I ask, I find it, as is the usual :P20:31
shaunothis would be much easier if I could figure out why the hetzner box has no ipv6 routes20:47
* AlanBell has boxen in hetzner20:48
shaunoit all looks good, just get destination unreachable for everything20:51
shaunoso far I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/1692967/  which matches what they provide, right up until ip neighbour starts shedding bad news21:02
AlanBellalanbell@libertushost2:~$ ip -6 neighbor21:04
AlanBellfe80::1 dev eth0 lladdr 00:26:88:75:c3:9e router REACHABLE21:04
shaunoyeah, reachable is what I want to see.  probe/delay I assume are "uh, hello?".  and failed is sadface.21:05
dwatkinsshauno: how about using port redirection so the two hosts can copy between each other via the 'middle' one?21:06
AlanBellalanbell@libertushost2:~$ ping6 -c 3 -I eth0 fe80::5246:5dff:fe51:879021:08
AlanBellPING fe80::5246:5dff:fe51:8790(fe80::5246:5dff:fe51:8790) from fe80::6e62:6dff:feb2:a8f4 eth0: 56 data bytes21:08
AlanBellFrom fe80::6e62:6dff:feb2:a8f4 icmp_seq=1 Destination unreachable: Address unreachable21:08
AlanBellI can't ping you21:08
AlanBellI think21:08
shaunoI'm not sure that should work, fe80 is link-local21:09
AlanBelloh, so is 2a01:4f8:191:321::2 your address?21:10
shaunoyeah.  that should answer21:10
shaunoI don't expect it to, but it should21:10
AlanBellhmm, looks like I only have fe80 addresses21:11
AlanBelloh I need to request them from the robot21:12
shaunothis was only provisioned 2 weeks ago, so it was all "there" out of the box21:16
* AlanBell orders an ipv6 subnet21:16
shaunobut oyu have a gateway, which is a good start.  just no address.  I have the opposite :)21:16
* AlanBell now has an ipv6 subnet21:16
* brobostigon has an ipv6 subnet already.21:17
AlanBellUseable IP addresses: 2a01:4f8:140:53c4::2 to 2a01:4f8:140:53c4:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff21:17
AlanBellshould keep me happy for a bit21:17
brobostigongive every particle in my house an IP addr. :D21:18
shaunowell, I've put a ticket in.  I just like to talk it through first, because most the time I'll find any forehead-slapping mistakes that way21:18
AlanBellnot sure of the benefit of having an ipv6 server address yet21:19
brobostigonall mine are dual.21:19
AlanBellI think all IPv4 should be taken away from dynamic ISPs and given to servers21:19
AlanBelland people who want a static address21:20
brobostigonand ipv6 given to new. maybe yes.21:20
shaunothen the servers should have ipv6 so they can answer the dynamic ISPs?21:20
AlanBellif you are on ipv6 can't you connect to ipv4?21:21
shaunowithout shims like nat64, no21:21
AlanBelloh :(21:21
brobostigonmost are dual-stack, so i doubt it,21:21
AlanBellso servers really need to get ipv6 addresses and AAAA records in DNS21:21
shaunoI mean, if you're only on ipv6, which is what taking the ipv4 away from isps would do21:21
brobostigondefinatly alan21:21
shaunoimho I think servers should be dual-stacked for backwards compatibility.  so you can still get mail from archiac networks, etc21:22
brobostigonaswell as software side, not just dns.21:22
shaunobut if the clients are going to be ipv6, the server should be too.  else we waste all the effort of coming up with a New Idea by mangling it with ductape (toredo, nat64, etc)21:23
brobostigonas i said, shauno . software side aswell, should be capable of dealing with it.21:24
AlanBellI will endeavour to figure it out at some stage21:24
brobostigonthis is why, i am playing with my vpn, being ipv4 and ipv6, and seeing hows the possibilities lay.21:24
brobostigonor giving botth types of IP.21:25
shaunoI haven't tried it with the vpn yet.  but I have almost everything dualstacked other than that21:25
jpdsopenvpn has ipv6 support in the latest release(s).21:26
brobostigonshauno: it was curiousity more than anything, so on the movem i could use ipv6, when i not at home, with my ipv6 router.21:26
shaunomy lightbulbs have v4 but not v6, which ruins a perfectly good joke21:26
brobostigondefinatly shauno , lol.21:27
AlanBellhttp://community.plus.net/forum/index.php/topic,106125.0.html plusnet stopped their IPV6 experiments :(21:27
shaunoAA seem to be the only one consistently on the ball there21:28
shaunohere, UPC have assured me they've at least heard of it.  and nothing more21:28
jpdsAlanBell: Now, imagine the work every ISP has to do for v6.21:28
brobostigonnative ipv6, aswell as, a given internal subnet, should be, what is standard now.21:28
shaunoit already pretty much is.  everything I have (desktop, laptop, phones, tablets, appletv) already had ipv6, autoconfigured and quite happy.  the only missing link was to add a tunnel to my router so it could escape to the rest of the net21:30
brobostigonso ican atleast setup radvd, for a subnet more, than just an endpoint of a sixxs tunnel.21:30
AlanBelljpds: yeah, I did think that it was basically a replacement for NAT, and wouldn't affect servers much, but now I realise that you can't connect from ipv6 to ipv4 because the ipv4 wouldn't be able to return address it21:30
* AlanBell boots into Unity for a bit21:46
AlanBellooh, top bar shadow goes away when you zoom now21:47
popeyi just had some madness happen21:48
* popey saves it for a bug report21:48
AlanBellBug #1124008 gets a bit meta21:49
lubotu3bug 1124008 in whoopsie (Ubuntu) "whoopsie crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112400821:49
AlanBelloh, ccsm has no icons :(21:50
popeyit does here21:50
AlanBellUnity is the one in the Desktop section without a checkbox in the 4th column of the middle row21:53
* AlanBell tries the virtual machine test21:53
AlanBellnope, alt and super still get grabbed by the host :(21:54
AlanBellalt-tab works fairly predictably21:56
AlanBellhuh, closing the dash is now two keystrokes21:59
AlanBellguess that makes sense for someone not testing it22:00
AlanBellso there is an SSH connections lens - that is kinda cool. but I don't know how it gets the list of connections, and it is wrong, and it trys to connect with my local user name not the remote name22:02
AlanBelland I have no idea how to find documentation about it22:03
AlanBellhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bernd-sch/onehundredscopes/sshsearch/view/head:/README would appear to be the documentation22:04
Myrttivlc really doesn't like upnp or nautilus/samba23:12
Myrttiwhy can't I ever have nice things23:13
BodsdaAlanBell: ping23:32
* redtape-renegade counts the amount of "message in a bottle/s" there are, on his desert island !! ;)23:46
* Bodsda wonders how many there were23:47
redtape-renegadeBodsda: the next island along is Ibiza .. who have a lot of bottles .. so I'm still counting .. damn archipelago      :D redtape-renegade  requires ♫23:52
Bodsdaredtape-renegade: there was an interesting show on the other night about Ibiza and a flesh eating parasite catchable by brushing against indigenous plant life... go careful of the bush23:53
* redtape-renegade heed's Bodsda's call.23:59

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