
=== InHisName1 is now known as saldfj
=== saldfj is now known as HowdyDoody
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, dogs, turkeys and any one/thing that doesn't fit those categories :-D13:07
HowdyDoodyI noticed that my backup machine was NOT using my /boot and /home mounts, so tried to fix  and now am greeted with grub> prompt.    How can I tell if the /dev/sda5 was mounted to /boot yet ?   What commands to give to get it to boot it ?13:10
HowdyDoodyno grubbers around today ?15:20
ChinnoDogI don't understand what you were trying to do15:26
HowdyDoodytrying to boot system, doesn't finish booting17:32
ChinnoDogWhat was it doing before you made changes?17:52
jedijf jedijf> grub2?20:56
jedijf15:53 < ArchBot> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:56
MutantTurkeydo I need to give out my ssn if I am renting an apartment?21:42
MutantTurkeylike, about to sign the lease,21:42
ChinnoDogPretty sure it is unavoidable if you are going to let them check your credit21:43
ChinnoDogI stand corrected. But, they are going to have your SSN even if they pull your credit without it. http://www.bills.com/credit-reporting-without-a-ssn/21:45
MutantTurkeyChinnoDog: what?21:47
MutantTurkeythey shouldn't have my SSN ever21:47
MutantTurkeyssn shouldn't even be an identifier21:47
MutantTurkeythats what pisses me off :p21:47
MutantTurkeyit's something that has nothing to do with anything else, and has become a national ID system21:47
ChinnoDogDon't shoot the messenger. I'm just telling you what I know.21:50
MutantTurkeyyep :p21:53
MutantTurkeyjust ranting in general21:53

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