
inetproGood morning! 05:17
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos hi05:18
Maazinetpro: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode05:18
Kilosgood morning inetpro and others05:35
magespawngood morning all05:42
Kiloshi magespawn 05:42
Kiloshi Squirm 05:45
magespawngoing away for a bit server reboot required05:46
Kilosthat was fast05:49
magespawnnice hey05:51
magespawnstill have to do updates but that is already running05:52
superflymorning inetpro, Kilos, magespawn, Squirm05:55
Kiloslo fly05:55
magespawnhey superfly05:55
Kilosthings arent fair. i tried boot-repair on my kde a while back and it crashed it worse05:56
Kilosyesterday i helped ian to try it with his kde that win7 crashed and it worked like a dream from livecd05:56
Kilosoh murphy dont live by him05:57
magespawnmaybe it is not the kde or the bootrepair but the hardware that causes the problem05:57
magespawnand Kilos you seem to be able to do things that nobody else has yet05:58
Kilosyeah i cant think of anything else that could cause it05:58
Kilosthats because i just blunder along hehe05:58
magespawngotta go out for a bit later all05:59
Kilosgo well05:59
Kiloshows the family superfly ? and you?06:00
Squirmalmost weekend06:08
Kilosfound a new tool. modem-manager-gui06:25
Kiloscan see messages on the 3g modem06:25
Kilosand other stuff whew06:26
Kilosand measure traffic and set traffic and time limits06:30
Kilosai! die engelse is slim man06:30
Kilosand scan modems06:31
Kiloshiya maiatoday Vince-0 ludo06:59
maiatodayHi Kilos07:01
superflymorning maiatoday, Vince-007:01
magespawnback, hey Kilos08:29
magespawnlooks like ludo is having the same prob as timkeller08:30
magespawninetpro: ^08:30
magespawnbrb restarting this machine now08:31
Kilosyeah bad news08:34
Kilosthe goose will kick him now now08:34
tonberry352_joins and parts? haven't seen any of those in a while08:34
Kilosmust be a timeout function hey?08:35
magespawnboth of them are on mweb, so it might be something there08:35
Kilossunday and monday were bad with timkeller Tonberry 08:35
Kilospages of join/parts08:35
inetprosuperfly: should we kick Ludo out for now?08:36
magespawnseems like from the last quit he has not come back08:38
Kilosno ther mweb users here?08:38
magespawni am on mweb adsl08:39
Kilosyour side is fine08:39
magespawnso far08:39
Kilosis there mweb 3g as well?08:40
Kilosor mobile i should say08:40
Kilosbetter to complain to mweb if they would just answer before getting kicked08:41
magespawnnot sure, i know they resell vodam, cellc .etc.08:41
Kilosif i get kicked i will cry08:42
Kilosand call in the mafia hitmen08:42
magespawnif you get kicked there is not greeter here08:43
Kilosthen you guys gotta do it08:43
Kilosdid you look at modem-manager-gui magespawn it might help peeps whose ubuntu doesnt see 3g modem because it can scan for a modem too08:46
Kilosmaybe i should do a new install and look08:46
magespawnKilos too much work to greet all new peeps if you not doing it, so you will never be kicked08:48
magespawnis it in the software centre Kilos?08:48
Kilosi went through everything in synaptic yesterday and saw it by chance08:48
Kilossoftware centre sucks08:49
Kilossynaptic better and faster08:49
Kilossudo aptitude install synaptic08:49
magespawnfound this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/modem-manager-gui.html and this https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/modem-manager-gui/08:51
Kilosremember that will get on the first. gotta make 60m data go till then08:56
Kilosits a nice little gui app that shows lots08:56
Kilosinetpro, can you change the kick message to something like "Come back when you have sorted your problems out"09:08
Kilosthe join/part peeps dont see whats happening by them09:08
Kiloshi leonmarincowitz 09:08
leonmarincowitzhi kilos09:11
leonmarincowitzhaving a baby saps your time, missed the monthly meet09:11
leonmarincowitzanything NB09:12
Kilosyou had a baby or your wife?09:12
leonmarincowitzshe did09:12
Kilosdid you read the minutes?09:12
leonmarincowitzthanks, not yet09:13
Kilosyou know where to find them otherwise i can get the link for you09:13
Kilosi was slack only mailed it now09:16
Kiloshi Lionthinker 09:19
Vince-0Hey Kilos 09:19
Kiloshey vinnie09:20
LionthinkerKilos,  yip, found nickname09:20
Vince-0I include an item about Ubuntu Team SA and those minutes in the discussion notes for G+ hangout tomorrow09:20
Kiloscool Vince-0 09:20
Kiloswell get your lug one by one09:20
Lionthinkeris it just me or is Quantal just plan awful?09:22
Vince-0Kilos, I included the freenode chat client in the new lUG site - for launch tomorrow09:23
Vince-0links to this channel09:23
Kiloswell done Vince-0 09:23
Kiloswhen we get to 50 peeps here i can retire09:24
LionthinkerVince-0, so you starting a new lug, where is it based?09:24
KilosLionthinker, whats the probs09:24
Kilosone gets used to unity09:24
LionthinkerKilos, continual errors, 09:24
LionthinkerI love unity since natty, but Quantal as a system just seems so unstable09:24
Kilosoh no i dont get errors09:25
Lionthinkerbut then I did update grub to burg, and some problems snuck in09:25
Kilosmine is stable. main prob was not seeing 3g modem09:25
Lionthinkerthen the whole thing went to the wall09:25
Kiloswhy you did that09:25
Lionthinkerwanted the nice boot logos09:25
Kilosdo you have boot probs?09:25
Lionthinkerwell, a few weeks after burg came around09:26
Lionthinkerbut after a new install, error's still come up09:26
Vince-0Lionthinker, Durban Linux User group revival - we reformed the old LEAD group a while back. Hopefully we can get the old domain names again09:26
LionthinkerVince-0, sounds good09:26
Lionthinkerlove the term do-ocracy, which is what gnu-linux seems to be09:27
Vince-0That's exactly how we're doing it09:27
KilosLionthinker, do you get the errors whn booting or when09:27
Lionthinkernow its on the desktop09:28
Lionthinkerfully updated, but I'm only staying of Quantal for Raring which looks great09:28
Kilosai i mixed quantal with precise. didnt fancy 12.10 too much09:30
Kilosading windows and things09:30
LionthinkerPrecise was great09:30
Lionthinkermissed it, but love web apps 09:30
Kilosyeah i sticking here for a while09:30
Kilos5 year support is lekker09:30
Kiloswill end up with no hassles at all09:31
Kilosyou can still get it man. must be cds around still09:32
LionthinkerKilos, no problem i have cd's but its rather difficult to downgrade09:59
Kilosim even running maverick 10.10 on one pc10:01
Kilosbecause i have lots of stuff on that drive and at the moment its too much hassle to get it on this one10:13
Kilosi liked maverick10:13
Kilosgnome2 worked good10:14
KilosBanlam, bakuman lewe julle nog?10:19
inetproKilos: he's stable now10:54
inetproludo: did you fix your connection?10:54
Kiloshow did he fix it?10:56
Kilosuseful info to have for tim methinks10:57
magespawnanother one of the lurkers11:28
Vince-0lurking crocodil11:56
magespawn back again12:24
magespawnis there an email expert in the house?12:25
charl_magespawn: not an expert but just state your question :)12:28
inetpromagespawn: don't ask to ask just ask12:49
inetproMaaz: kick is <reply> kick #channel NICK :frequent joins and quits are annoying, please sort out your connectivity issues and then come back12:51
Maazinetpro: If you say so12:51
inetproKilos: ^^ for next time12:52
Kilosaw inetpro you so cute12:53
Kilosty boetie12:53
Kilosshoulda added or ask here for help sorting the prob12:53
* Kilos waits for ai!12:54
Kilosbut thats right, its not as if the were spamming purposefully12:55
Kilosludo ping12:56
Kiloshow did you fix yours?12:56
Kilosdont forget they dont see the joins/quits13:05
Symmetriaahahahah the judge asked the cop in the pistorious case if he thought oscar would "go on the run" if granted bail13:06
Symmetriahahaha thats kinda funny13:06
nuvolario/ howdy Symmetria, oom Kilos, inetpro, magespawn, charl_, Vince-0 13:11
Kiloslo nuvolari 13:12
charl_hi nuvolari 13:13
Kiloskan miskien reen13:14
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
magespawnchar_ inetpro one of my customers here is getting her mail returned classified as spam everyone is saying it is not their fault etc 14:03
magespawnchar_ inetpro one of my customers here is getting her mail returned classified as spam everyone is saying it is not their fault etc 14:03
magespawnhere is a paste of one of the returns14:04
magespawnoops did that twice sorry14:04
magespawncharl_: ^14:05
magespawncould not spell right the first time14:05
Kilosmagespawn, from different mailaddie14:15
Kilosgmail yahoo etc14:15
Kilosor only one14:16
magespawnno all out going mail14:17
Kilosi mean to all the different mail uppliers14:17
magespawnyes it does not matter who it is addressed to, it gets returned14:18
Kiloswow whats in  the mail?14:19
Kilosnot some .ece attachment there by mistake14:19
Kilosor any file marked .exe14:20
magespawnnope and when i was there this morning i sent one to myself that went through bu the second one was returned14:20
magespawnif there is an attachement then it is hidden somehow14:21
Kilosthats what i was thinking maybe14:21
Kilostry get some from her on a stick and scan them14:21
magespawnlike a virus on the pc, suppose that is possible14:22
Kilosread something somewhere that if you read some mail that had a certain virus on it would use your pc to forward the virus14:23
Kilosask her as well when it started14:24
Kilosmaybe onna certain day after reading incoming mails14:25
Kilosand maybe after next reboot14:25
Kilosdid she get any mail that seemed useless14:25
magespawnwill need to find out14:26
Kilosget her to run deep virus scans14:26
Kilosand malwares and stuff14:26
Kilosyou guys know more about it14:27
Kiloscharl_, come on14:27
Kilosoutlook and or outlook express hey14:27
magespawnoutlook express14:29
Kilosi personnaly would scan pc for all them funny things14:29
Kilosget a good antivirus going14:30
* Squirm stretches14:30
Squirmworks over14:30
magespawnthere is a fairly good one installed14:31
Kiloscome on Squirm add some input for magespawn 14:31
Kilosand malware tool magespawn 14:31
tonberry352_plug a linux laptop into their network and try sending mail with the same smtp server14:32
Squirmmagespawn: what's the issue?14:32
KilosMaaz, google best free antivirus14:32
MaazKilos: "The Best Antivirus for 2013 | PCMag.com" http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2372364,00.asp :: "9 Best Free Antivirus Software Programs for Windows" http://freebies.about.com/od/computerfreebies/tp/best-free-antivirus.htm :: "Best Free Antivirus Software" http://www.techsupportalert.com/best-free-anti-virus-software.htm :: "Best free antivirus software -14:32
MaazTechSpot Forums" http://www.techspot.com/community/topics/best-free-antivirus-software.18…14:32
magespawncustomer keep getting mail returned 14:32
Squirmby the topic it could be something construed as spam?14:35
Kilosmagespawn, the one you sent that got returned . what was in  it?14:36
Kilosthem forwarded things are often spam14:36
magespawnmaybe, would that show in the return or not?14:37
magespawnindeed Kilos but this is all her mail not just the forwarded ones14:37
Kilosone of her incomings on monday put a bug in the pc methinks14:39
Kilosor saterday14:39
KilosMaaz, google my sent mails are being returned as spam??14:42
MaazKilos: "Someone is sending from my address - Gmail Help" http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=50200 :: "phplist forums • View topic - Why are my messages being marked as spam" http://forums.phplist.com/viewtopic.php?t=21772 :: "email - Spam is being sent using my domain, what can I do? - Stack ..." http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1168358014:42
Maaz/spam-is-being-sent-using-my-domain-what-can-i-do :: "Why is my Email Being Treated as Sp…14:42
Kilosouch magespawn you got your work cut out for you14:42
Squirmbut as tonberry352_ suggested, try send mail with a different pc14:43
Squirmif it doesn't work, blame iafrica14:44
Kilosuninstall outlook then run ccleaner and install outlook again14:44
KilosMaaz, google ccleaner for win714:44
MaazKilos: "CCleaner - Download" http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download :: "CCleaner - CNET Download.com" http://download.cnet.com/CCleaner/3000-18512_4-10315544.html :: "ccleaner free download for Windows 7" http://en.softonic.com/s/ccleaner/windows-7 :: "Download CCleaner 3.27.1900 - Technical Details - FileHippo.com"14:44
Maazhttp://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/tech/ :: "CCleaner 3.27.1900 - Windows 7 Download" http://www.windows7download.com/win7-ccl…14:44
Kilosgood tool for ms pcs that14:45
Squirmdoesn't remove malware though does it?14:45
Kilosnope it cleans the registry and shortcuts with no where to go and stuff that shouldnt be on pc14:47
magespawnmalwarebytes is quite good though14:48
Kilosbut there are anti malware tools online14:48
Kilosthe fly gave tara one once that sorted her probs14:48
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
magespawnthe smtp server is smtp.vodacom.co.za14:48
magespawnand the spam flag seems to come from the vodacom servers14:52
Kilostell her get a gmail account14:52
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosor get her to fone vodacom and tell them to sort their server15:03
Kilosbut first scan for evils so your side is clear15:05
charl_hi i'm back15:05
Kiloslo sakhi 15:05
charl_it shouldn't be a virus because the message says very clearly that it is spam/bulk mail15:11
Kilosyeah but mage sentr from there to him and one was reurned too15:11
charl_otherwise it should have said something about a virus. note i use _should_ and not _must_ because sometimes these things are configured badly15:12
Kiloswas yours the same stuff magespawn 15:12
charl_the thing is this, i see the subject: Subject: Fw: Could not resist sending this one ...15:12
Kilosdoes it return clean text mails as spam too15:12
charl_this sounds like one of these irritating pass-around mails with the images15:12
Kilosyeah thats dicey15:12
charl_if it honestly happens with _all_ outgoing mail then contact vodacom and get them to give clarity15:13
charl_if it's just this mail then... big surprise15:13
charl_get a gmail/outlook account15:13
magespawnno it is all outgoing mail15:16
Kilosscan then get her to fone voda15:18
magespawnnot a bad idea Kilos15:21
charl_this is a run-of-the-mill support issue for companies like them15:30
Kilosjust make sure the pc on your side is clear of all bugs15:30
Kilosand clean the registry once youve scanned15:31
Kilosstupid thing regisrties15:31
Kiloswin remember all kindsa junk there15:32
charl_that's always a problem with windows but the registry shouldn't matter when it comes to outgoing mail though15:32
charl_not a bad idea to scan for viruses though, even if it's with the built-in security essentials15:33
Kilosif an incoming bug adds something there to affect outgoing mails it will15:33
charl_i guess with microsoft software you never really know15:33
Kiloseek internal stuff is the worst15:34
Kilosavast and zonealarm15:34
Kilosmaybe others are better now 15:34
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kilosi dont have to worry about that i use Ubuntu15:35
Kiloslo Trix[a]r_za 15:35
charl_clam is open source but i don't know which one is the best15:35
Kilosoh you get clam for win?15:35
charl_there's norton, mcafee, etc etc15:35
Kilosmethinks avast is the most efficient without slowing pc  the others do15:36
Kilosoh my15:36
Kilosthunk clam was for us only15:37
charl_there are web-based ones too, they use java or some activex control in IE though15:38
charl_were, i should say15:38
Kilosaw shame15:52
charl_another one of these15:53
charl_what is it with mweb15:53
Kiloslo nuvolari 15:55
Kilosdoesnt someone have his and tims email addies then ill mail them and tell them to sort it with mweb16:12
magespawnty for the help. see y'all later on my way home16:15
Kilosk magespawn 16:17
inetpromagespawn: sorry for not being able to help earlier16:17
* inetpro will try look at the case later16:18
inetproand now I will even have to find how to unban ludo again16:18
Kilosdont you use the buttons16:20
inetproKilos: that's what I used on quassel to kickban him16:21
charl_lol inetpro i don't think he did it on purpose, it's just his dsl that is terrible16:21
Kilosisnt there an unban?16:21
charl_but i did laugh when i saw the kick message16:21
Kilosyeah i thought you changed it inetpro 16:23
Kilosthat didnt work either16:23
Kilosback to irc classes for you16:24
inetprook working16:25
inetpronow he should be able to return again16:25
Kilosdo tim too16:25
Kilosthen we try contact them16:26
inetproKilos: tim was never banned16:26
charl_wow you people are harsh in here :)16:26
charl_hard core africans16:26
inetprocharl_: no, those messages are just very very annoying16:26
Kilosoh kicked then16:26
charl_that's true though16:26
inetproespecially when you know the guys is not going to be here for days on end16:26
inetproMaaz: forget kick16:27
Maazinetpro: Okay16:27
inetprothat didn't work16:27
charl_there is a bot in #nederland on ircnet that actually kicks you out if you idle for longer than 24 hours16:28
charl_there are some channels that don't take kindly to idling at all, and that's without the joins/quits16:28
inetproKilos: I found his address and emailed him16:35
inetprooh damn!16:36
inetpro"...not available at this email address anymore"16:36
inetpronuvolari: you don't perhaps have ludo's email address?16:39
Kilosoh my i hope he is ok inetpro 16:41
Kiloshe hasnt said anything for a long time now16:42
Kilosludo, ping16:44
KilosVince-0, you also starting16:45
Kilossort mweb out16:45
Symmetriamweb has serious capacity constraints at the moment16:46
SymmetriaI switched doing any serious traffic to other methods because internationally mweb was fubar16:47
Kilosis that why guys are quit/join all the time16:47
Symmetriano idea16:47
Kilosonly mweb users though16:48
Vince-0oh shizl16:48
Kilosits not as though irc uses much data16:48
KilosSymmetria, offer to fix their prob for them16:49
Kilosthey got lotsa bucks16:49
Vince-0I've also been restarting the router16:50
Kilosoh ok16:50
Kiloswarn us so we dont kick you16:50
Vince-0ag no man, it should have only happened once16:51
Kilosim teasing man16:51
Vince-02.6Mbits to Paris, 3.48 to Joburg 16:53
Vince-0there have been SEACOM outages in Egypt this past week16:53
Vince-0Nothing open on Mweb network status16:53
inetproKilos: you see he is back again17:12
Kilosi tried to ping him but no answer17:13
Kilosi wonder if him and timkeller are in the same area17:18
KilosVince-0, seems fine on mweb17:18
Kilosand mage too17:19
Vince-0I find the discussion notes rambling since its been over a month since last hangout17:19
Kiloslol who you ponging Vince-0 17:20
Kilosim innocent17:20
charl_why not just do a temporary ban *.mweb.co.za ? although i guess then people won't know why they are banned18:22
charl_not such a good idea then18:22
Vince-0hey hey hey18:23
charl_oh sorry Vince-0 :)18:27
charl_not a good idea then :P18:27
Vince-0I've been stable18:27
charl_hold on i thought ludo was banned18:28
charl_oh i see, scrolling up, it's been removed18:28
charl_weird, why are only some people on mweb affected?18:29
Kilosmethinks its a certain area18:29
Kiloscape maybe18:29
Kilossuperfly, do you know where ludo is?18:30
Kilosi think tim is in capetown area18:30
charl_ah i see, yeah of course18:31
Kilosif we can just get hold of one of them they can fone mweb and get it sorted18:32
inetproso maybe I should just ban him?18:35
Kilostemp kick not ban18:35
Kilosno joy on his email addy yet inetpro ?18:36
inetproKilos: if I just kick without a ban he comes back immediately18:36
inetpronot sure what heis using18:36
Kilosoh ok then 18:36
Kiloswell we can keep trying to mail him18:36
Kilosdoes anyone know if timkeller is tim@cybersmart or is that another one18:37
Kilosah you good with sites, cant you see them in mailing list18:39
Kilosor is that the fly18:39
inetproKilos: timkeller will be back if he wants to be back18:40
inetpronothing stopping him from connecting18:40
Kilosoh doesnt the ban stop them?18:40
inetproKilos: he is not banned!18:40
inetproludo is banned18:41
Kilosoh he was kicked18:41
Kilosits only them two so they must be in the same area and mweb there is sick18:42
Vince-0I blame Telkom18:43
Kilosoh ya18:43
inetproKilos: I don't think there's a relationship18:43
Kilosbut not loud hey im on 8ta18:43
Kilosthen why dont mage and Vince-0 also quit/join18:44
inetproKilos: oh don't go ther18:44
Vince-0all on the same exchange?18:44
inetpromany things can contribute to an unstable network18:44
Kilosok i relax18:44
Kiloshi hubx 18:50
Kiloslong time no see18:50
Kilosaw our op gone18:56
Kilossulking again18:56
Kilosjou beurt is jou beurt18:56
inetproKilos: he doesn't want to be famous for being an op18:57
inetproit's a tough job that18:57
Kilosyoure a tough guy18:58
Kilosnot a tough job here , only good peeps attend18:58
Kilosok ill retire for the night18:59
Kilossleep tight all of you18:59
Vince-0#ubuntu-on-air is live right now19:00
Vince-0ok see ya Kilos 19:00
magespawnevening all19:30
smile4everbye :)19:31
nuvolariinetpro: ping19:52
inetproehlo nuvolari19:52
nuvolarithink I have it... just need to locate it first 19:52
inetprooops.. pong*19:53
inetpronuvolari: thanks, but that address is just bouncing back19:55
inetproI tweeted him and asked that he send me his email address19:56
nuvolariok cool19:57
nuvolarimebbe he doesn't want to be disturbed :P19:58
inetprohy kom en gaan die hele tyd20:05
inetprobaie quits en joins20:05
inetpromaar sê nooit 'n woord nie en antwoord nie op pings nie20:06
inetpronuvolari: ^^20:06
inetpronuvolari: ek het hom tydelik verban20:07
inetpronuvolari: people are complaining about to many joins and parts 20:08
nuvolariyeah, it is annoying :P20:08
nuvolariwhen I'm around to witness them20:08
inetproobviously we can not blame him for his bad network20:09
inetproand nobody is upset with him20:09
inetprowe're just trying to keep things clean here20:10
Vince-0I'm clean20:15
magespawnother avenues of communication, if used, would help20:27
magespawnand on that i am off to bed, good night all20:28
nuvolarinight magespawn 20:33
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos no20:36
Maazsuperfly: Sure, I'll tell Kilos on freenode20:36
inetprowb ludo20:46
nuvolarihe's alive! :D20:46
ludothanks, het ons nog die bot wat msg los?20:46
ludoek wil vir kilo's iets los20:47
nuvolariludo: jip, Maaz 20:47
nuvolariMaaz: tell ludo hi20:47
Maaznuvolari: Okay, I'll tell Ludo on freenode20:47
inetproludo: sorry for being so harsh with the ban, but as mentioned those quits and joins were really annoying20:47
inetpronot just for me20:47
ludomaaz tell Kilos Sorry I didn't respond to your pings I was AFK.20:48
Maazludo: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode20:48
Maazludo: By the way, nuvolari on freenode told me "tell ludo hi" 48 seconds ago20:48
Vince-0peace out!20:48
nuvolariI lost the race too20:48
nuvolarinight everyone20:48
inetprognight nuvolari20:48
ludoinetpro, no problem. Mailing me and explaining why I was a bad irc'er made sense.20:48
ludoIf it happens again just ban me and I will come beg for forgiveness, and then send mweb a harsh email about their service etc.  20:49
ludoBtw, when can I get my Ubuntu Phone and Tablet!20:50
inetprojust get yourself a nexus 720:50
inetprothen install the os20:50
ludooh and when well dell make the ubuntu developer notebook available in rsa!20:50
ludoI still have a year of my contract left, and seeing it is coming in the 4th quarter of this year I will wait.20:51
inetproone day20:51
ludoJohn Lennon - Imagine20:54
ludogah your "one day" reminded me of the song.20:54
inetproI have hope 20:55
inetprowhile at the same time I don't have a problem with installing Ubuntu on available hardware in the country20:56
inetproincluding Dell laptops20:56
inetprothose days of many hours of troubleshooting are long gone20:57
ludoinetpro, I got my fingers burned and decided not until I can walk into a shop and buy a notebook with ubuntu pre-installed I will wait. I'm to old to pay bleeding edge tax.20:58
ludoI'm also giving in my geek card by only having to "computers" a raspberry pi and my notebook.21:00
ludoand I'm waiting for my second pi :D21:00
inetprothose take for ever to arrive21:01
inetprowhat do you do with the pi?21:01
ludoyea but at least I payed bleeding edge tax and got paid for my pi as soon as I got the email.21:01
ludoI need to think before I type and read my sentence again before I press enter. emr should have been erm21:03
ludo*sigh* there my connection drops again...21:03
ludoBut this time it was not my router, must be something on mwebs side.21:04
inetproerm as in enterprise risk management?21:04
inetproI think you need to talk to those guys at mweb21:04
inetprotell them to come here so we can show them how bad it has been21:04
inetproor erm as in Environmental Resources Management ?21:05
inetproludo: erm as in enterprise risk management?21:08
inetproor erm as in Environmental Resources Management ?21:08
ludoTo err is human, to blame it on somebody else is good management potential. That is my rem. 21:09
ludoGAH! auto correct, it should be erm!21:09
ludoemail sent will now wait indefinitely for them to reply.21:10
ludoBtw what is gonna be hot in 13.04?21:11
superflyludo: hang out here more often and you'd know :-P21:13
ludoOoh and I'm also super excited about steam on ubuntu and the source engine getting ported, even the prospects that the piston console will be running on ubuntu,or ubuntu based if the speculation are correct.21:13
ludosuperfly, it might sound sad but I left other channels where personal friends hang out because I can not read the back log. So you guys are special, seeing I'm still lurking here ;)21:14
ludo:( I'm gonna find this peer guy and beat him with a stick!21:16
ludobut it seem interesting. looks like it is trying to use ipv6 to connect to free node and when it fails it uses ipv421:17
superflyludo: quassel21:24
ludoI don't have a headless box on the cloud. I only own two computers.21:25
ludoso running quassel on the same box I'm running xclient will not help.21:27
ludoBut I'm of to bed. inetpro If my connections becomes a problem again just kick me, I don't want to be a bother.21:28
inetproludo: good night21:28
inetproludo: BTW, I think if you stick around and say something every now and again people will not even realise your instabilities21:30
charl_nn all21:39

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