
Pici!info mythtv precise00:00
ubottumythtv (source: mythtv): A personal video recorder application (client and server). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2:0.25.2+fixes.20120802.46cab93-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 4 kB, installed size 99 kB00:00
escottgenii-around, not much point in asking in one channel why you are banned from an unrelated one00:00
bswartzPici: thx00:00
juancarlospacoPapayou: xset dpms force on00:00
juancarlospacoPapayou: xset dpms force off00:01
Papayoujuancarlospaco : ?00:02
juancarlospacoself descriptive it forces off or on the screen, can help trouble shoot00:04
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
MrDyneCan someone direct me to a channel for help with apache? Or can I ask here?00:10
MrDyneApache on ubuntu.00:11
jribMrDyne: what's the question?00:11
mgolischjust ask00:11
=== qos|away is now known as qos
MrDynePermissions.. How do I give my normal account "server" read and write access to my www folder so it's easyer to edit files. (sudoing for everything gets old.)00:12
ev0lveMrDyne: chown server.server -R www/00:13
=== XenGi_ is now known as XenGi
ev0lvesudo chown if needbe.00:13
MrDyneI know apache doesn't run as my normal user but how do I lock write all files then make some folders writeable like image upload folders.00:13
jrib!permissions | MrDyne00:14
ubottuMrDyne: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions00:14
packetfrogWhere can I get steam for ubuntu without signing up for anything?00:16
InFlamesyou need a steam account to login to steam, right? so what's so bad about logging in to the site to dl it?00:17
bekkspacketfrog: Nowhere.00:17
kostkonpacketfrog, u mean not signing for an u1 account?00:17
packetfrogOn the ubuntu end of it..00:17
=== matias is now known as Guest62871
kostkonpacketfrog, then if you don;t want to download it from the usc, go and download it on the steam website00:17
escottev0lve, MrDyne should not be chowning that folder00:17
kostkonfrom* on* whatever00:18
chrisbuchholzOn ubuntu 12.10, i have installed android-tools-adb, and are trying to get adb working, but it doesnt find my galaxy s3. Any ideas?00:18
packetfrogThanks. :/00:18
escottMrDyne, you should add yourself to the www-data group. usermod -a -G www-data username00:18
MrDynehow do I reset the permissions of my www folder (/var/www) to defaults00:18
MrDynecuz I've tried a few things at it and have no clue what it is now.00:19
InFlamesMrDyne, i think the question is what are the defaults, i don't think there is a way to reset it00:19
escottMrDyne, can't answer that without knowing what you changed00:19
NoorideenMrDyne, lol i have done the same thing :D00:19
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
NoorideenMrDyne, but i removed mint and now i wanna try ubuntu :P00:19
incanus77i need a hand with installation - actually i'd prefer live cd00:19
InFlamesI broke my apache2 earlier MrDyne i feel your pain00:19
incanus77every time i try to download the iso00:19
escottMrDyne, i believe www-data:www-data 770 would be sensible00:20
jribMrDyne: did you read the link ubottu gave you?00:20
MrDyneHaven't broken it yet.. just want easyer access.00:20
MrDyneyes I've looking at it00:20
incanus77direct or torrent, it's unmountable and when burned to a dvd, filesystem is unrecognizable00:20
incanus77this is on os x00:20
escottMrDyne, rather 660 on files and 770 on dirs00:20
=== dniMretsaM_away is now known as dniMretsaM
MrDyneand can't upload files threw webpage.00:20
Jeruvyincanus77, you should download it via bitorrent you won't get a bad copy.00:20
incanus77just did, 2nd try00:20
jribMrDyne: do you want apache to be able to write to the files in /var/www (this really only makes sense for things like wikis, etc., not static content)00:20
incanus77this is 12.10 desktop iso00:20
MrDyneYes I'm going to have a wiki and a forums.00:21
jribMrDyne: ok00:21
Jeruvyincanus77, also make sure you md5sum check before you burn a disk.00:21
Noorideenwill ubuntu 12.10 work fine on my toshiba l305d satellite ?00:21
packetfrogomg why do they not have a torrent :/ so slow00:21
MalsasaHello,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12518579#post12518579   <<<   How to Write Correct copyright File?00:21
incanus77yeah, checking the sum now. had forgotten that. however this has happened before00:21
escottNoorideen, that is what the livecd is for00:22
Noorideenescott, well didnt think of that :P thank you00:22
gnuskoolescott: livecd is officially over, its now 800MB in size00:22
incanus77ok, latest version i got (via torrent) md5 checks out00:22
MrDyneya I have no clue were the permissions of /var/www are now.. it says permission denied for my normal user even when i'm on the www-data group.00:22
InFlamesso i somehow broke apache2, i can't get localhost to even connect to /var/www/ now, it's just a 404, server is running00:23
escottgnuskool, liveusb then00:23
incanus77i have a valid .iso, md5 checks out, doesn't mount in os x00:23
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
NoorideenInFlames, thats what happened to me as well00:23
jribMrDyne: what's the output of: ls -ld /var/www00:23
InFlamesNoorideen, i don't advise it :x00:24
escottincanus77, why do you want to mount it?00:24
NoorideenInFlames, but from the start how could you wrx?00:24
MrDyne"d-wx-ws--x 3 server 1001 4096 Feb 17 15:36 /var/www/"00:24
incanus77well, that was a test. i also tried burning with disk util00:24
escottMrDyne, lol nice permissions there00:24
Noorideenthere is no S00:24
MrDynetotal reck?00:24
Noorideenwhat is s for?00:25
escottNoorideen, setgid is very sensible for /var/www00:25
incanus77i have also tried putting it on a usb stick, no luck there either00:25
jribMrDyne: you should finish reading ubottu's link and figure out the permissions you want.  I'm glad to help you with any questions you have once you're done reading00:25
escottMrDyne, reminds me of those old dungeon crawlers you can open the door but you can't see what is inside because you have no light00:25
Noorideenescott, fast advice shall i go back to cinnamon mint or i can try ubuntu 12.10?00:25
InFlamesNoorideen, my problem was the access denied issue, i gave up and installed bitnami's stack, but that then had broken php, so i am trying to fix it the right way00:25
incanus77per http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/burn-a-dvd-on-mac-osx00:26
escottMrDyne, you probably want to +r that folder and perhaps the subfolders00:26
escottNoorideen, the live image is there to help you test things. boot it and select "try ubuntu"00:26
NoorideenInFlames, when you know to fix please let me know00:26
escottincanus77, i dont know why you would need to mount it to burn the image00:26
escottincanus77, almost certainly unnecessary and probably wrong00:27
incanus77well, even w/o mounting, was just saying00:27
dr_willisyou dont need to mount it to burn it.00:27
incanus77i'm saying it also does not mount00:27
incanus77in addition to not burning nor working on usb stick00:27
dr_willisyou should be able to  image it straight to a usb stick via dd or its equilivent00:27
InFlamesMrDyne, can you please post the link obottu gave you?00:27
incanus77i have dd00:27
incanus77i could try that00:27
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Noorideenescott, today is a hard day for me i had a grup rescue thingie00:27
dr_willisyou could also test it out in vbox.00:27
Noorideenkept reading about fixing it for 2 hours "{00:28
incanus77just if= and of= ?00:28
incanus77any other recommend args00:28
MrDynehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions ??00:28
dr_williswith dd a bs=4M option helps speed it up00:28
incanus77btw i'm a ~15 year user of linux, so this has me quite puzzled :-)00:28
incanus77ty dr_willis00:28
bekksthe bs parameter should be set to the smaller size of the cache sizes of the source and target device00:29
escott!away > qos|away00:29
ubottuqos|away, please see my private message00:29
bekksThat will give best performance.00:29
NoorideenMrDyne, how did you fix it in the first place?00:29
InFlamesMrDyne, oh, this doesn't help me :[00:29
InFlameswhat is the problem you're having MrDyne ?00:29
NoorideenInFlames, same thing as us :D he cant access00:30
MrDyneScrewed up I think permissions on my /var/www folder.. php can't edit or upload files00:30
InFlameschmod 64400:30
InFlamesthat's what i did00:30
MrDyneplus I have to sudo root to edit website files which gets old to do in terminal..00:30
InFlamesit worked at one point00:30
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InFlamesyea that was an issue too00:30
Ben64MrDyne: you _really_ need to fix your permissions there. you should not need sudo for that00:31
MrDyneso I'm looking on how to give my normal user read and write access.00:31
InFlamesBen, how does one add themselves to the www-data group?00:31
escottMrDyne, you have been told how to do that.00:31
InFlamesi think that's the issue we're having?00:31
Ben64probably not00:31
MrDyneYes i'm doing it right now00:31
Noorideenescott, could you tell me? :D00:31
InFlamesyou're supposed to add yourself to the group right?00:31
MrDyneyes did that00:31
wadI selected a file on my desktop, then pressed the "DEL" key, and the file is gone. Did it go to a trash can somewhere? How can I get it back?00:32
MrDyneI'm VNC and SSHing to my server so i'm a little slow..00:32
escottNoorideen, tell you what?00:32
Ben64vnc to server? : /00:32
Noorideenescott, will you promise me that you are gunna help how to add a group etc.. or i will stay on windows :P00:32
MrDyneOk.. permissions fixed for my normal user.00:33
MrDyneNow to just make those few folders and settings files writeable..00:33
NoorideenMrDyne, how?00:33
Ben64Noorideen: what is the issue you are having00:33
escottNoorideen, its that I just told MrDyne the proper command 2 pages up. usermod -a -G www-data username; sudo find /var/www -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \; ; would be a pretty standard setting00:34
thinknowIs it possible to download any predifined iptables rules for ubuntu?00:34
thinknowthats more strict than the original rules00:34
NoorideenBen64, today is such a hard day i swear, i was happy with linux and php bt i did something stupid and changed the permissions. i couldnt open dir /var/www/00:34
Noorideenescott, thank you mate gunna save that untill i install ubuntu00:35
thinknowwhere e.g everything is blocked(Just port 80, 8080, 6666, 21,) And ports for ssl, and maybe a good program to open some of the ports when you need it?00:36
Noorideenbut srsly permissions thingie is so touchy00:36
escott!gufw | thinknow00:36
ubottuthinknow: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.00:36
gnuskoolthinknow: fireshark could do that couldnt it?00:36
Noorideenok gunna install ubuntu now wish me luck :P00:37
Noorideenand thank you everyone00:37
thinknowgnuskool, havent tried fireshark00:37
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thinknowubottu, i know its an built-in firewall, but since i get hacked all the time on every computer(same network though) its not enough00:38
ubottuthinknow: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:38
InFlames(2)No such file or directory: apache2: could not open error log file /var/www/purevisionmedia/logs/error.log.00:38
InFlameswell., there is a start to my problem00:38
gnuskoolthinknow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pevSSBVuh4000:39
thinknowgnuskool, : i really dont like that interface00:41
thinknowit got compromised one time at least00:41
incanus77ok, burnt iso to usb via `dd`, also can't mount afterwards, unrecognizable filesystem00:41
gnuskoolthinknow: its a front-end to iptables, you dont have to use it once they are set00:41
thinknowgnuskool,  the rules got deleted ++00:42
MrDynewhat would be the best permission number for a wiki settings file? readable executeable but not writeable?00:42
gnuskoolthinknow: that is how you will put them back00:42
gnuskoolthinknow: otherwise, directly editing iptables manually make take a bit of effort00:43
darenthello, people00:43
thinknowbut i need to could let some hosts or/and ports trough from time to time though, i can basic iptables config00:43
thinknowjust dont really understand how it works, or i understand how in theory, but in pracsis....00:44
thinknowbut anyway, isnt it a config file or something for ufw/iptables that i could load in?00:45
MrDynenvm.. found it on the wiki's forums.. chmod 644 LocalSettings.php00:45
gnuskoolthinknow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187117700:45
* thinknow reading00:46
* evilroots is away: I'm busy00:47
=== Kevin is now known as Guest68735
slestakhow do you restart samba in 12.04.2?  sudo service smbd restart cannot find smbd00:47
kostkonLIVEFORNOW, please stop spamming00:48
incanus77escott dr_willis: any ideas? dd to usb stick also unmountable afterwards00:48
bekksRight now set another ignore. Living in the now.00:48
incanus77is the 12.10 i386 iso actually good?00:48
FloodBot1LIVEFORNOW: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:48
InFlamesdidn't think someone would troll freenode...00:49
Ben64happens here often00:49
InFlamesthat's like bursting into a developer conference to call them nerds...00:49
InFlamesseems so...pointless?00:49
escottMrDyne, the apache process controls the writes to the backing data store of the wiki pages (which is probably in SQL) so filesystem permissions are rather irrelevant00:49
Ben64incanus77: don't use 12.10 32bit unless your cpu supports PAE00:49
incanus77not sure if it does. gonna try 12.04 version now00:50
incanus77i have an early '09 core 2 duo00:50
Ben64shouldn't that support 64 bit?00:50
escottincanus77, thats a 64bit processor00:50
incanus77right, but website said 32 was recommended, so i went with that00:50
sevenhillincanus77,  why don't you try 13.10  64 bit version ?00:50
incanus77just to simplify00:50
Ben64its only recommended because 32 works on 32 and 64, and 64 only works on 6400:51
holsteinincanus77: is there a problem with the 32bit version you are running?00:51
Ben64if you have a 64bit cpu, you should get the 64bit00:51
incanus77i'm not running, i cannot install00:51
incanus77i have downloaded the iso via http as well as torrent00:51
holsteinincanus77: what errors?00:51
incanus77it never burns, not with disk utility, not with dd, not to disc nor usb stick00:51
holstein!md5 | incanus7700:51
ubottuincanus77: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:51
incanus77md5 is good00:51
slestakincanus77: after install, does it appear to loop in lightdm?00:51
jpmhBen64: if less than 4G why go to 64?00:51
MrDyneescott: Yes but php still needs to be able to access the php wiki settings file.. I copyed it into the directory when my permissions were screwed up so I had to set the file to the correct ones.00:51
incanus77i checked the md500:51
darenti switched to 64 this year and its a lot faster00:51
incanus77it is valid00:52
sevenhillincanus77, as a summary if you have more than 3 gb ram you have to use 64 bit or 32bitwithPAE support ( i suggest you try 64 bit if you have more than 3 gb ram )00:52
shwaiilQ: I've left only one user account. When booting Im not asked for a password, even though auto-login is not activated. How to fix ? Tks!00:52
holsteinincanus77: you burned to CD?00:52
Ben64jpmh: it's better00:52
holsteinincanus77: and the CD does what?00:52
incanus77cd is then unrecognizable00:52
jpmhBen64: in what way better?00:52
MrDynewas gettin 500 error.00:52
incanus77no valid fs00:52
incanus77so just now, i used dd to try again on a usb stick00:52
dr_willisi go 64bit on all my 64bit hardware.. saves hassles00:52
incanus77it also has no valid fs00:52
Ben64jpmh: google it, not really within the scope of this channel00:52
MrDynewas getting 500 error because php couldn't access the wiki's settings file..00:53
Ben64incanus77: where are you seeing the "no valid fs" stuff?00:53
MrDyneI chmod it correctly and it works now.00:53
brennanmy wvdial is acting sluggish...   any suggestions?00:53
dr_willisincanus77: it should be an iso9660 fs00:53
incanus77finder cannot mount the cd or usb stick00:53
jpmhBen64: why not in scope here?00:53
incanus77right, that's what i figured00:53
incanus77at least on cd/dvd it should be iso966000:53
holsteinincanus77: you cant boot to the live desktop?00:53
Ben64jpmh: this channel is for ubuntu, not for discussing architecture00:53
incanus77no, disk does not boot00:53
incanus77nor does usb stick00:53
dr_willisif you dd. it will be same on usb.00:53
brennanmy wvdial is acting sluggish...   any suggestions?00:53
Ben64incanus77: so it's a mac?00:54
incanus77dr_willis: ah, k00:54
incanus77yeah, mac00:54
Madhatt5rIs anyone else getting errors when using apt-get? ( New to ubuntu, so it might be a user error).00:54
Ben64well i don't know then, haven't used any apple stuff00:54
holsteinoh.. yeah, i had a hard time with my mac.. i gave up, and gave it away00:54
Ben64Madhatt5r: pastebin the error(s)00:54
incanus77right, i'm wondering if anyone here has ever had success in burning an os x iso for ubunut00:54
brennanmy wvdial is acting sluggish...   any suggestions?00:54
jpmhBen64: I agree but the question is to the 64 bit version of ubuntu - i am interested since my experience is that 64 bit loads much more slowly00:55
holsteinincanus77: i would stick wiht the CD.. i would try "nomodeset"00:55
incanus77i've been using linux for 15 years and mac for 11, this has be really puzzled00:55
dr_willisincanus77:  it should be doable00:55
incanus77holstein: try where?00:55
holsteinincanus77: i have booted 32 and 64 bit iso's on mac from cd00:55
incanus77ok lemme try 12.04 and see if that's better00:55
incanus77can't fathom what's going wrong here00:55
incanus77esp. since the md5 checks00:55
brennanmy wvdial is acting sluggish...   any suggestions?00:55
brennanmy wvdial is acting sluggish...   any suggestions?00:55
brennanmy wvdial is acting sluggish...   any suggestions?00:55
FloodBot1brennan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:55
Ben64jpmh: 64 isn't going to be slower00:55
sevenhillincanus77, try 13.0400:55
incanus77where at00:56
incanus77i'm looking at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads00:56
holsteinincanus77: the iso is good.. you can take the cd to another machine00:56
Ben6413.04 isn't released yet00:56
sevenhillBen64, still better than other versions ( for my opinion )00:56
Madhatt5rI get something like that for almost anything. Im guessing it is a network config error.00:56
R323Thello guys00:56
Ben64Madhatt5r: you have a dns problem00:57
Ben64Madhatt5r: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf00:57
Ben64Madhatt5r: that should temporarily solve the problem, but you should fix your network configuration00:58
Madhatt5rYeah I will need to figure out how all that works.00:58
Madhatt5rTHanks for the temp fix though.00:59
BrittanyAnyone know a good to do list application for ubuntu? I just need something that would pop up with an application notification for a time I specify.00:59
InFlamesok, apache2 fixed, now we'll see if i can fix the other stuff01:00
incanus77trying a 12.04 cd burn now01:00
incanus77md5 checked out01:00
ClientAliveI have 29 directories that In need to rename but part of it could involve transposing part of the current name to a different place in the name. Can anyone help me with a command to automate this?01:01
holsteinincanus77: have you reset the pram?01:01
Madhatt5rAnyone have a decent tutorial/guide for configuring network settings?01:02
lewikCtrl+A Shift+w  Shift+click   doest work. What it can be?01:02
lewikCtrl+F too01:02
dr_willisClientAlive:  you just doing this the one time?01:02
holsteinMadhatt5r: depend on the goal.. what are you trying to do?01:02
lewikShift+p  doesnt work =(01:03
flintserescott: bcbc2: i ended up with bcbc2's solution to use easybcd. i made lilo mbr, installed easybcd and then added ubuntu in there and now i can boot ubuntu and windows from the windows "boot loader" :) thanks for help!!!01:03
incanus77holstein: no. not sure how that would affect usb stick burning anyway01:03
Madhatt5rWell currently try to fix my DNS issue that I am having currently. Still cant use apt-get for anything, after the temp fix Ben64 told me about it is still just timing out.01:03
ClientAlivedr_willis: 29 directories to do - would be very time consuming to do by hand and I can store the command to reuse later and study to learn how it works.01:03
Noorideenescott, i am sad now i am on ubuntu 12.10 live, and my wireless adapter isnt working01:04
holsteinincanus77: usb sticks dont really get burned.. and i dont think that is the issue.. i think the issue is the machine is not booting the properly created bootable media.. you can confrim this by going to another machine with the media01:04
InFlamesNoorideen, fixed01:04
InFlamesyou ever solve your problem?01:04
ClientAliveAn example is:   current name -> "Artist - year - the album title"  renamed would be -> "Artist_AlbumTitle[year]"01:04
incanus77holstein: yeah, you'd think it would mount thoguh01:04
dr_willisClientAlive:  for complex renameing of several files - i tend to use the 'qmv' command.  it lets you use a text editor to correct the names. then when you save/exit. it renames them how you edited them01:04
incanus77if it were a valid burn disc01:04
NoorideenInFlames, my problem didnt face it yet, i am installing ubuntu01:05
Noorideenbut the wireless isnt working01:05
holsteinincanus77: test the CD on another machine.. AFAIK, macs dont boot usb01:05
incanus77not sure i have another machine with a bootable optical drive01:05
incanus77ok, 12.04 just finished burn01:05
ClientAlivedr_willis: no kidding! Is qmv something I would have with a default 12.04 install or I need to get it?01:05
incanus77and it is valid01:05
incanus77mounts on desktop01:05
incanus77assume it will be bootable01:05
ulkeshincanus77: forgive me if I didn't see it before, but you are holding down "Option" when booting to get the boot choices, right?01:05
dr_willisClientAlive:  its part of the renameutils package i  belive01:05
incanus77there is something up with the i386 desktop iso for 12.1001:06
dr_willis!find qmv01:06
ubottuFile qmv found in renameutils01:06
incanus7712.04 is fine01:06
Noorideenanyone is running ubuntu 12.10 on toshiba satellite?01:06
holsteinincanus77: i would assume nothing.. i would test it in another machine, then you'll know the issue is the machine not booting properly created media, or the media01:06
dr_willisClientAlive:  syntax i normally use is like    qmv -f do -e geany *01:06
ClientAlivedr_willis: thx. I'll check it out01:06
incanus77ok. well, thanks all. 12.04 will work for me for now.01:07
dr_willisClientAlive:  ive also sort of cheated and used 'bulk rename utility.exe' in wine ;)01:07
jribClientAlive: just use the "rename" command01:08
Noorideendr_willis, my wireless isnt working on ubuntu always the same thing even on 9.10 :P, do you have any clue?01:08
lewikHelp =) My keyboard doesnt work full!01:08
ClientAlivejrib: thx. I'll check that out too  :)01:08
dr_willisNoorideen:  'always has the same thing'  dosent really tell us much01:08
Ben64could use krename01:08
lewikCtrl+F do not work! Shift+w Shift+p !01:08
Noorideendr_willis, thats weird everything was running fine on cinnamon mint.01:09
flintserNoorideen: there aren't anything in proprietary drivers?01:09
Ben64lewik: get a new keyboard?01:09
Noorideenflintser, i will check now the cable :P01:09
bkc_lewik: at all, or in a specific program?01:09
lewikOnly on linux01:09
karunamayahello brothers01:10
packetfrogwhat controls the sounds in ubuntustudio? I am getting no volume right now for some reason.01:10
lewiktty work01:10
minimadhow do you change your encrypted passphrase?01:10
lewikI think its in KDE01:10
escottminimad, there should be an ecryptfs command to add a passphrase to the keyring. i dont have ecryptfs installed but see what commands it has01:11
bkc_lewik: what are you trying to do?01:11
packetfrogescott: http://www.linuxlog.org/?p=70  looks promising.01:11
minimadthank you escott01:11
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packetfrogminimad see above link01:11
lewikbkc_: Ctrl+A dont work in all apps in kde.01:12
minimadthank youpacketfrog01:12
packetfrogNo problem.01:12
bkc_lewik: "doesn't work" isn't a valid use-case... what do you expect it to do?01:12
packetfroghope it helps.01:12
lewikbkc_: I think I broke hotkeys/ In TTY they work01:12
lewikbkc_: I mean I can't use this hotkeys01:13
bkc_lewik: and what should that hotkey do?01:13
=== NeedDick is now known as NeedleDick
Noorideenflintser, dr_willis thank you its working now01:13
flintseris there a way of preventing recent files in dash, or anywhere at all. i dont really like to see my "personal files" showing up on there ^^01:14
BrittanyIs it alright in this chatroom to occasionally re-post a question if it hasn't been answered in the past, say, half an hour?01:14
escottBrittany, yes01:14
lewikbkc_: ....  Shift+w must print big w.  Ctrl+F - search. Ctrl+A - select all01:14
BrittanyThanks, escott. Will keep that in mind in future.01:14
dr_willisflintser:  in the settings theres setting fro it.. in privacy perhaps. saw them the other day01:14
karunamayahello peoples01:15
karunamayaim russian!01:15
dr_willisflintser:  i think theres an icon on the dash panel somewhere also to set them.. but im not sure on that01:15
bkc_lewik: yes, shift+w isn't a hotkey so that's obviously wrong... but ctrl+f and ctrl+a only works in a _specific_ program... in other words no controlled by KDE01:15
karunamayai\m from russia!01:16
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.01:16
jdukietI'm having trouble trying to download and install a theme. None of the instructions I have found worked. Can someone gimmie a hint  ?  I'm running 12.04.2 LTS.01:16
lewikbkc_:   ...  broken shift+w - very strange01:17
dr_willisjdukiet:  i tend to just use the various ppa's to get themes for unity/gnome-shell.   thers so manyu old theme files out at the  gnome* sites that it can get confuseing as to what theme is for what versions01:17
bkc_lewik: yes, did you try the right-hand shift?01:17
minimadDevice /dev/sda6 is not a valid LUKS device.01:17
minimadubuntu 12.10 trying  to change my encryption passphrase01:17
Zombeh22Hello everyone, I was wondering if someone could shed some light on a problem I'm having.01:18
minimadI would love some help please01:18
bkc_!question | Zombeh2201:18
ubottuZombeh22: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:18
Zombeh22I have the ubuntu 12.04 and I made a bootdrive from a 4gb flash.01:18
jdukietdr_willis: thanks01:19
holsteinminimad: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=670667 is what i would refer to first01:19
minimadthank you holstein I'll check that link out01:19
Zombeh22When I boot from the usb it loads initially then I get an error.01:19
holsteinZombeh22: what error? have you tried "nomodeset" or any other options?01:19
dr_willisjdukiet:  the webupd8 site has a nice ppa with the top themes they  have found.01:20
Zombeh22Sorry, I was just trying to state why I'd come.01:20
lewikbkc_: this "hotkey" do not work with both sides od modkeys01:20
holsteinZombeh22: sure, what error?01:20
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Zombeh22It never got far enough to offer any options.01:20
lewikbkc_: i try left and right  - no result01:20
holsteinZombeh22: what is the error you are encoutering?01:20
Zombeh22Something about "not syncing, exitcode 0x00000100"01:21
bkc_lewik: does any key work with shift? otherwise I'm guessing at a faulty keyboard...01:21
AtomicIf I install on an existing ext4 partition using a LiveUSB, will it erase existing files (in non-conflicting locations)?01:21
holsteinZombeh22: let us know the exacty error. thanks!01:21
=== NeedleDick is now known as brittnee
dr_willisAtomic:  the installer will want to format.. but i think the formating is optional..01:21
lewikbkc_: yes OTHER works01:21
Zombeh22All it gets to is that.01:21
dr_willisAtomic:  id have backups just in case.01:22
lewikbkc_: shift+w worts in tty terminal01:22
Zombeh22Boots to the Maroon screen then that.01:22
lewikbkc_: works01:22
flintserAtomic: on install there is an option to completely remove existing install, or reinstall the existing version01:22
bkc_lewik: that's odd... shift isn't a modifier in that sense :/01:22
tgunrI am setting up ubuntu for first time on a VM on my mac using parallels, all is going pretty good…. except I am constantly hitting the cmd key and it throws up a search window. Is there anyway to disable this behavior? It's driving me batty01:22
minimadok before I continue I have encrypted my drive on a previous installation 12.04 ... I'm nervous hostein on the modprobe - link you gave me01:22
lewikbkc_:  =( cant understand eng01:22
AtomicI'm trying to migrate from a different distro, so I want to just move that old distro into /old/ and then reinstall.01:22
minimadthe drive is already encrypted01:22
Zombeh229.228051, 9.22809601:23
Zombeh22Those are the last sections I remember it going through.01:23
lewikbkc_:  I install that keyboard today and do a lot of with keyboard settings. But shift+w i don't touch01:23
bkc_lewik: what language do you speak?01:23
lewikbkc_: russian =)01:23
holsteinZombeh22: just replicate the error and let us know01:24
Zombeh22ok, back in a few.01:24
Pinkamena_Dhi i have something really weird i am curious about01:24
InFlamestgunr, you mean it opens the ubuntu dashboard?01:24
Pinkamena_Dwhenever i am in the X (alt+f7) and i turn num lock on or off, the hard drive is used. the light goes on and i can hear it do a short read or write01:24
tgunrwell, its says "Search" at the top, i guess its really the dash board01:24
Pinkamena_Di can keep presssing the button and it will keep doing that01:25
Pinkamena_Dwhy the heck is this lol01:25
zizziozioI just found out something really shameful ... Ubuntu runs extremely slooow in VirtualBox, and Win7 and WinXP are fast as hell (also in rebooting). It's a hard blow for me... So sad!!! So, anyone here could help me fin out why Ubuntu is so slow?01:25
bkc_!ru | lewik01:25
ubottulewik: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.01:25
holsteinPinkamena_D: ?01:25
dr_williszizziozio:  unity wants a 3d capable video card.01:25
bkc_lewik: try asking in there :)01:25
shwaiilI'm getting "Partition(s) 5 on /dev/sdb have been written, but we have been unable to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in use.  As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use.  You should reboot now before making further changes."01:25
Pinkamena_Dwhat did you not understand? sorry01:25
flintsertgunr: !info ccsm01:26
lewikbkc_: thx01:26
zizzioziodr_willis: I set 3d in settings of the VM and guest additions are installed01:26
flintser!info ccsm01:26
ubottuPackage ccsm does not exist in quantal01:26
holsteinZombeh22: hardware support.. install the vbox packages01:26
tgunrcc/ thanks reading01:26
flintserwhere is the ccsm D:01:26
holsteinZombeh22: sorry... zizziozio ^^01:26
Pinkamena_Dwhen i turn num lock on or off, it uses the hard drive01:26
shwaiilI need to format a HDD thats going back for replacement, i'm pretty sure its not being used by the system.. I mean.. I was thinking it wasnt but now i'm confused. Is there a way to check that ?01:26
dr_williszizziozio:  but thats not really a decent 3d chipset.  i reccomend lubuntu in vbox.01:26
holsteinPinkamena_D: ok.. and whats the issue?01:26
AtomicIs there anywhere that I could get a tarball of an Ubuntu installation? Like Gentoo has stage tarballs?01:26
zizziozioholstein: isn't guest additions installed by default in 12.10?01:26
Pinkamena_Di just wanted to know why, curiosity is all (and that seems like a small waste of seek time too)01:27
holsteinzizziozio: i would test and confirm that but the graphics card issue is the main thing01:27
dr_williszizziozio:  why would they be installed by default? they are only needed  for vm guests01:27
zizzioziodr_willis: so... It' a problem related to specifically to unity and not whole Ubuntu?01:27
Nerpdoes screen have a tab limit?01:27
tgunrhmm, no such thing as info ccsm01:27
dr_williszizziozio:  unity wants decent 3d hardware.01:27
al__laCan anyone recommend a small cheap ($10-20) wireless usb network card that works well with ubuntu 12.10 out of the box without ndiswrapper or any workarounds?  I see a lot of good cheap ones on amazon, but their linux support seems questionable.01:27
holsteinzizziozio: its not a problem at all.. its a confguration that is not optimale for the way you are using it01:27
dr_willis!ccam | tgunr01:27
dr_willis!ccsm | tgunr01:27
ubottutgunr: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz01:27
zizzioziodr_willis: almost all distros now boots with LiveCD searching if runs on vbox ;)01:28
dr_williszizziozio:  i run lubuntu in vbox all the time. I really dont need the fancy unity effects on a vbox setup01:28
Ben64al__la: http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?p_id=807201:28
zizzioziodr_willis: guest additions are installed by defaults if during install the Live environment recognize it's running on vbox01:29
tgunrdoesn't ! cause a search in bash history?01:29
zizzioziodr_willis: ok, I'll go for lubuntu01:29
dr_willistgunr:  in bash yes.. on irc its a  bot trigger01:29
tgunrok, got the info but no ccsm01:29
zizzioziodr_willis: better: there's an 2d option for unity in 12.10?01:29
dr_willistgunr:  so !info foo here ISa bot trigger01:29
tgunrok, got it01:29
dr_williszizziozio:  its a work in progress.. its not optmized much yet01:30
zizzioziodr_willis: so, go for lxde or xfce...01:30
dr_willisi use lubuntu/lxde01:30
dr_willisin my vm sessions01:31
al__laBen64: perfect, thank you.01:31
zizzioziodr_willis: It's really a pity for me discover this. Also because Ubuntu is becoming so cool in these last 2 yrs01:31
zizzioziodr_willis: ok, then. I'll go for light DEs :]01:32
dr_williszizziozio:  do a full install then.. dosent matter to us. In a vbox instance i always use lubuntu. done it that way for years.01:32
tgunrccdm crashed01:32
tgunrccsm, oh well01:32
dr_willisyou want your vm session to be as light as possible. so you dont hog resources from the host01:32
zizzioziodr_willis: you got it man01:33
zizzioziodr_willis: ty for your time/advices. Bye!01:33
dr_willisif i need a linux on a windows box. i often use tinycore linux in vbox01:33
zizzioziodr_willis: I need a Canonical distro01:34
robotnuthi all01:34
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robotnutis there a webmin module for samba4?01:35
dr_willissee the webmin homepage?01:35
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.01:35
zizzioziodr_willis: possibly Ubuntu, but given how things went01:35
=== tensorpuddin is now known as tensorpudding
* zizziozio bye ubuntusers!01:35
elijahWhat is the program that will run a command over and over again?01:38
elijahAt a specified interval01:38
dr_williselijah:   like   'watch df -h'01:38
robotnuti checked webmin.com01:39
robotnuthowever - its not clear what version it supports01:39
robotnuti need it to support samba401:39
elijahyes, that's the one, thanks Random832 and dr_willis01:39
dr_willisrobotnut:  try the webmin support channels..  its not supported here.01:39
nearsthi ubuntu fan, greetings01:39
robotnuti have01:39
dr_willisinstall it then.. and see if it works..01:39
robotnutusing ubuntu and trying to get samba4 up and running but need a mobule for webmin01:39
robotnuti did but it doesnt seem to work right - so im checking here to see if anyone has experience with it01:40
Ben64thats cool, its still not supported though01:40
dr_willistheres also the samba channel01:40
robotnutahh didnt think about that01:40
robotnutlet me try that - thx01:40
maxygasi would like somebody to help me please01:43
minimadcan someone give me a command line to change my encrypted password01:44
diego_hola alguien puede ayudarme?01:44
FluxDHi, I am looking to see if there are any tools to do process loggin every minute and calculate stats like up/down b/w usage memory etc ( OTHER than sar)01:44
diego_can anyone help me? i have a quad core and my last nucle have is much more hot than the othres three01:44
minimadhow do you change your encryption via command line - please?01:45
minimadubuntu 12.1001:46
Zombeh22alright, I have returned.01:46
minimadWelcome back Zombeh01:47
escottminimad, its supposedly ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase01:47
minimadah thank YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!01:47
Zombeh22[5.825310] xor: automatically using best checksumming function01:47
Zombeh22[9.219638] kernal panic -not syncing: Attempted to kill init!01:48
Zombeh22Need more?01:48
minimadecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase [file]01:48
minimadprintf "%s\n%s" "old wrapping passphrase" "new wrapping passphrase" | ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase [file] -01:48
minimadthats new01:49
FloodBot1minimad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:49
minimad4 lines realy01:49
minimadecrypt  barked out that crap01:49
escottminimad, file should be the wrapped passphrase i believe (and back it up first)01:50
escottminimad, it expects a file argument01:51
minimadescott? help me out...01:51
escottecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase /path/to/the/wrapped/passphrase/you/want/to/rewrap01:51
michael__should i ask for help in this channel or somewhere else?01:52
dr_willishelp with  what exactly?01:53
holsteinmichael__: i would check the topic, and if the question is about ubuntu support, ask it here01:53
michael__I have no sound in ubuntu 12.1001:53
michael__I had sound01:53
holstein!audio | michael__01:53
ubottumichael__: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:53
holsteinmichael__: i would install pavucontrol01:54
tgunrubottu: is there somewhere specific in ccdm for the cmd-key -> dashboard? I have look thru most all of them and search in ccdm is not helpful01:54
michael__Ok ty01:54
dr_willis... ubottu  is the channel robot.. not a person01:54
minimadescott I'm trying to change my encryption password? for my drive01:54
tgunrjust figured that out :)01:54
tgunri told you it was driving me batty01:55
minimadUbuntu 12.10 someone help me out on how to redo my encryption for my  drive01:55
flintsertgunr: have you found out a solution yet?01:56
escottminimad, yes so rewrap the passphrase in ~/.Private01:56
tgunrnope, nothing bout dashboard in the search either01:57
escottminimad, or perhaps it is in /home/.ecryptfs/something01:57
escottminimad, i think it is supposed to be in ~/.Private these days01:57
minimadthank you escott01:57
flintseri just searched through gconf-editor, ccsm and dconf editor and none of them has the option to set dash key...01:57
flintseri think in 11.10 it was possible but that doesnt help much :)01:58
tgunroh well01:58
tgunrcoming from mac to ubuntu, have a lot to unlearn01:59
JayTI want to run a bash script, that runs an rsync command. If I just run 'mycommand' in shell, it works fine. I'm trying to make a keyboard shortcut for 'mycommand' now. I set it to control shift s, though it's not executing 'mycommand'.01:59
JayTI can see inside keyboard/custom shortcuts, I have a name="name" and command="mycommand", and the keys say control shift s02:00
JayTIt doesn't work though.02:00
flintsertgunr: found the solution!!! install ccsm and then alt+f2 and write about:config02:00
escottJayT, what did you put in for mycommand02:01
JayTescott: The name of the file 'mycommand', which is in the path. (which is why it works when I type 'mycommand' in a shell).02:01
Zombeh22^ that is what happens when I boot from pendrive.02:01
michael__ok this is very strange, alsamixer if I enable my microphone as an output i can hear it but from speaker-test -c 2 I get no output. Any ideas?02:02
dr_willisJayT: try using the full path to the command02:02
escottJayT, when someone asks you a question in channel its helpful if you actually answer it02:02
holsteinmichael__: i dont think there is an easy way to hear the mic output02:02
JayTdr_willis: ok, I'll try that now.02:02
holsteinmichael__: what are you trying to accomplish? maybe JACK audio is more what you need02:03
michael__well I can hear my own microphone right now02:03
JayTescott: What do you want to know specifically?02:03
holsteinmichael__: ok.. so what is the issue?02:03
JayTdr_willis: Good call, the absolute path worked fine. Weird... it's in my $PATH. It works from a shell. I wonder why I have to specify the absolute path.02:04
michael__problem solved itself, faulty connection02:04
dr_willisbecause  its not a bash shell jayt02:04
JayTI see. That makese sense. I guess I shouldn't assume the environment is a shell.02:05
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JayTdr_willis: Thanks for the help, I appreciate it.02:05
IIIGood night for all, bye02:05
flintserJayT: you could do "!#/bin/bash /path/to/script/" and put it in /usr/share/bin/ and set the x bit02:06
flintseri mean /usr/bin02:06
tgunrflintser: all see is http://polymicro.clarify-it.com/d/tykw7t02:06
flintseryep that is it02:07
flintserpress enter :)02:07
flintseropen the purple Unity thing02:07
flintsertgunr: ^^02:08
Noorideenthe defualt is unity right?02:08
flintserthere is a modifier "Key to show the launcher" and the def key is <Super> which is your cmd-button02:08
escottflintser, /usr/share/bin was right :)02:09
minimadI encrypted my drive when I installed ubuntu 12.04.  How do I change the encryption key?02:09
tgunrno, nothing happens when i click on Unity02:09
=== LaserShark is now known as LaserShark|dead
Noorideenunity is hard for me how to change it?02:10
minimadPlease help me.02:10
flintsertgunr:  did you run "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager" in terminal? it installs ccsm and then you can open the about:config, it is a plugin for ccsm so it is needed to open it02:10
tgunryep, thanks man, i found the unity thingy, whew02:11
minimadI'm booted in just want to change the key and write down the encryption  key02:11
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
doomlordis ubuntu-arm ontopic here?02:12
iacadminguess i got the network card working02:12
minimadI just want to change the password for my encrypted drive02:13
escottminimad, do you mean you used luks not ecryptfs?02:13
minimadnot shure escott02:13
minimadubuntu 12.04 gave me an option to encrypt the home folder02:13
escottminimad, because i just gave you an answer for ecryptfs... so what was wrong with that answer02:13
MalsasaHello, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12518579#post12518579    <<<   How to Write Correct copyright File?02:13
Zombeh22I get an error when trying to boot from pendrive http://paste.ubuntu.com/1685771/02:14
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.02:14
tgunris it called the HUD or Dashboard? I'm not seeing Dashboard02:14
flintsertgunr: maybe this helps: http://imagebin.org/24736102:14
iacadminhuman user device02:14
iacadminlols us to the gods02:15
minimadIt gave me an unknown action02:15
dr_willishud = when you tap the alt key02:15
dr_willisdash = tap the super key02:15
tgunrI presume option key on mac = alt02:15
escottminimad, then say that. don't just keep asking the question02:15
iacadminsry made lols i have been trying to get this youth outreach server online and opensimulator put on it02:15
escottminimad, what was the exact command you ran, and what was the output02:15
minimad cryptsetup -y luksAddkey /dev/sda6 <- gave me an unknown action02:16
dr_willishold super key = shows shortcuts02:16
iacadmini have learned terminal a bit and if up andifdown and su and apt-get and tasksel02:16
iacadminbeen hard02:16
escotti'm done02:16
iacadminim happy i finnally got most done at least hard link to inet02:16
minimadok escott thats a harsh way to put it.02:17
=== sergio is now known as Guest11259
iacadminim learning how to mono ""02:17
iacadminto start some apps02:17
minimadcould you at least tell me where I failed.  Dont care if you beat me upside the head02:18
escottminimad, you don't listen to what i suggest, you come back at me with commands i never suggested. if you are going to ignore what i say. i'm not going to waste my time. if you had a question about what my instructions meant you should have asked it instead of ignoring it02:18
flintsertgunr: you can use there pretty much any combination you want, i still want to make sure that it works so can you report here for results? so if someone asks later i and the rest of us can answer more quickly and surely02:18
iacadminwell i dont want to get kicked for spamming or anything, bye. Mistwood Labs~02:18
minimadfair enough02:19
Noorideenescott, installed ubuntu :) but i cant deal with unity atm, its kinda hard for now :P02:19
sanrombuenas que tal?, estoy trabado con el gestor de paquetes despues de una actualizacion, que puedo hacer para reinstalar los repositorios en 12.04?02:19
escott!notunity | Noorideen02:19
ubottuNoorideen: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic02:19
Ben64!es | sanrom02:19
ubottusanrom: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.02:19
litropyHow can I see more details about a process, such as what program is using it, what it is doing (in as humanly readable terms as possible - I'll take what I can get)?02:19
tgunrI changed the HUD key, but the "Dashboard" still pops up http://polymicro.clarify-it.com/d/tykw7t02:19
Noorideenescott, thank you :)02:20
sanromthanks ;)02:20
Ben64litropy: a process is a program, what do you want do see?02:20
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litropyBen64, Very true. I want to see, for instance, what spawned the program and what it's working on.02:22
escottminimad, this is the command you want. ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase /path/to/the/wrapped/passphrase/you/want/to/rewrap02:22
tgunrIs the key next to space bar considered the "Super" key?02:22
minimadthank you escott02:22
escotttgunr, "Super" is usually "Windows Key"02:23
minimadI'm sorry if I ticked you off02:23
flintsertgunr: you didn't change anything? change the "Key to show the launcher" to something else. press it and choose for example alt+z. if you don't want the "type your command"-screen either, you should change "Key to show the HUD" to something else too02:23
minimadjust frustrated right now02:23
minimadthank you for helping me out02:23
flintsertgunr: super = cmd02:23
escottminimad, so ask a question if you are confused02:23
flintseron mac02:23
tgunrah, the "launcher" == dashboard02:23
Noorideentgunr, they key beside left alt02:23
minimadI'm seriously thankful for your help02:24
tgunrok, found it! The confusion is calling it the "dashboard"02:24
=== DeadWeas1l is now known as deadweasel
Ben64litropy: `pstree -p` will show you all the processes and parents, "what it's working on" is very ambiguous and you probably can't get what you want from that02:24
flintserNoorideen: escott: tgunr: he uses mac so it is cmd key. maybe it is next to lalt too but it is cmd.02:24
rj1hi there...whats d difference betweem amd64 and i386 installations?02:25
tgunryeah, so on Macintosh cmd=windows=super02:25
Noorideenflintser, oh i am sorry didint know that he uses mac.02:25
escottrj1, different architectures for different kinds of processors02:25
woolalguem sabe onde compro algo do ubuntu em nova york?02:26
escottrj1, if your computer is <5years old it can probably run amd6402:26
escott!br | wool02:26
ubottuwool: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:26
flintsertgnur: but it works now?02:26
tgunryeah and launcher==dashboard i guess02:26
woolAnyone know where I buy something from ubuntu in new york?02:27
dr_willisbook stores should have some ubuntu books.. if you want just 'anything' ;)02:27
flintserlauncher is the whole side-bar, but yes, it is confusingly written in ccsm. it should be called "key to show the dashboard"02:27
Ben64yeah, i've even seen a raspberry pi book at a bookstore02:28
xanguawool: you can buy t-shirts from canonical webstore02:28
lmatI'm about to install some software from a tarball. Where should I install it?02:28
lmatThis is a server machine.02:28
Noorideenescott, i am installing LAMP from http://setupguides.blogspot.com/2012/10/install-lamp-in-ubuntu-1210.html can you please check if i am doing the right thing?02:28
dr_willislmat:  for a single user.. in their home02:28
lmatI did a practice run installing to ~ (on a personal machine) and all went well.02:28
dr_willislmat:  for all users /opt/02:28
lmatdr_willis: It's a service.02:28
Ben64lmat: you should make sure it doesn't exist in the repositories first02:28
lmatBen64: It doesn't, thanks :)02:28
Ben64or ppa02:28
lmatBen64: What's ppa?02:29
Ben64installing from source means you don02:29
Ben64't get security updates02:29
lmatBen64: It's not from source.02:29
lmatdr_willis: Where is the right way to install a service?02:29
Ben64well it still won't get you security updates02:29
bcbc2flintser: did you see bug 106125502:29
ubottubug 1061255 in grub2 (Ubuntu Quantal) "GRUB recognizes defunct LDM headers" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106125502:29
dr_willisright way would be to use the repos/ppa02:29
lmatdr_willis: okay, I'll have to look that up :)02:29
Ben64strange that it's being distributed in a tar while being a binary02:29
Ben64lmat: what is it?02:29
woolxangua: 'm from Brazil I'm going to new york, I wonder if there would buy something like ubuntu?02:29
lmatBen64: Crashplan  It's a backup solution.02:30
dr_willisit would be a very weird service thats comes in binary form..02:30
dr_willisi would have to say read its docs..02:30
xanguawool: you can download ubuntu from ubuntu.com02:30
flintserbcbc2: no, but if you missed my earliel msg i said that i got it working with easybcd :) thanks02:30
lmatdr_willis: Okay.02:30
bcbc2flintser: yeah I saw that. Great! It looks like they are working on the problem.02:31
flintsergood to know that it is a bug and not my error ;D bcbc202:31
Akiva-ThinkpadHey there, I am thinking of doing a raid 10 install of ubuntu, and I have some questions as to where I should put my raid 1 in this setup. I would also like to know if I can set this up raid via a live usb. check out my config https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmXdRsCSWUwWdGhlU1VINW1nVXZocUtPNzh6U3dObHc#gid=002:31
flintseror maybe the error was using windows... but i need it for gaming02:31
InFlamesNoorideen, you still need help?02:32
woolxangua: I use ubuntu to 4 years, what I want is to be able to buy objects, like shirts, mouse, backpack, pen drivers these things, I could not buy in the canonical site, so I wonder if in new york has a store or somewhere I can find these materials?02:32
escottAkiva-Thinkpad, what do you mean "where" to put the raid 102:33
bcbc2flintser: yeah. I used easyBCD to try it out - it works okay - but I prefer grub02:33
* dr_willis imagines new york has everything.. just finding it is the hard part..02:33
Akiva-Thinkpadescott: I am doing a raid 10. I have 4 harddrive disks that are different sizes. I want to use the excess space to create the redundant array. I was thinking of having the entire array on the 1500 gb hdd, however02:34
Akiva-ThinkpadI was unsure if that will negatively impact performance by having that much redundancy on one disk02:35
Akiva-Thinkpadagain, here is what my setup looks like https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmXdRsCSWUwWdGhlU1VINW1nVXZocUtPNzh6U3dObHc#gid=002:35
escottAkiva-Thinkpad, thats a nice staircase. what does it mean02:36
flintserbcbc2: now i'm just angry that i didnt stumble on that bug report. would've saved me a lot of time02:36
tgunrflintser: thanks heaps for the help, learning new nonmenclature02:37
flintserexactly the same problem02:37
Akiva-Thinkpadescott: so every harddrive is divisible by 250gb, therefore, I am partitioning every harddrive into 250 gb blocks02:37
Akiva-Thinkpadescott: and then using those partitions to make raids02:37
Akiva-Thinkpadescott: hmmm, okay, I am a dummy02:38
escottAkiva-Thinkpad, ok now i get what you are saying. you have one MD device across the common size and don't know what to do with the rest02:38
tgunrhmm, maybe my old 80gb drive will group now02:38
Akiva-Thinkpadescott: Basically02:38
escottAkiva-Thinkpad, (a) mdadm supports a special raid10 mode. you don't have to create raid0 and layer raid1 on top of that or vice versa02:38
Akiva-Thinkpadescott: I wanted to create redundancy on the 1500 gb, but was thinking maybe this might not be a good idea02:38
Akiva-Thinkpadit would atleast protect me if 3 of the 4 drives failed02:39
escottAkiva-Thinkpad, (b) for raid10 you do need 4 disks so your maximum array size is limited by the smallest of your four disks (ie the 250)02:39
bcbc2flintser: yeah some of the techniques are a bit dicy, but it does seem like it would have been easier. Were you using dynamic disks on Windows? Wondering how the LDM data got there in the first place02:39
Akiva-Thinkpadescott: Yes, I got that part, but that doesnt mean I can't use the rest,02:39
escottAkiva-Thinkpad, it means you shouldn't02:40
escottAkiva-Thinkpad, yes you have 3 black blocks you need to fill. yes you have 3 black blocks you cannot seem to use on the big disk. no you should not use the three blocks from the big disk in the empty spaces02:40
flintserbcbc2: no, never. i know it is nothing but a call for problems :)02:41
escottAkiva-Thinkpad, you will pay for that with substantially slower access (due to all the seeks)02:41
escottAkiva-Thinkpad, and you are gaining NOTHING in redundancy. better to just run in degraded mode with an incomplete array, or use a different personality02:41
=== Guest62871 is now known as djthree
flintserAkiva-Thinkpad: is that doc interactive? cool...02:42
Akiva-Thinkpadescott: what? If I put the 1 there, then I get the protection in case any of the 3 other disks fail02:42
aaasis there any ubuntu-specific reason why a computer would reboot that anyone can think of(excluding hardware), after some apt-get upgrade or anything like that?02:42
aaasnot by some user i mean02:43
tgunrlinux has certainly matured since I last looked at it02:43
aaassomething automatic02:43
Guest82567Hi, I'm looking for some guidance on underclocking.  I want to dial the heat way down, but my threads all have a lower "hardware limit" of 1.2GHz, and cpupower can't seem to take them lower.  Is that really a hard limit, or do I just need a stronger utility?02:43
=== Guest82567 is now known as MoPac|2
Dem0nhave you guys noticed how all developers especially operating system developers or window manager developers are trying to make everything look like a tablet?..02:44
Dem0nwhy is it that gnome3 has to look like a tablet?02:44
Dem0nwhy is it that windows 8 has to look like a tablet?...02:44
xangua!ot | Dem0n02:44
ubottuDem0n: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:44
Dem0nso sensitive...02:45
aaasMoPac|2 why do you need to underclock?02:45
flintserDem0n: tablet is the future. and ot is in #ubuntu-offtopic. and i now noticed that i talk a lot of offtopic :(02:45
MoPac|2aaas: Vaio F series. Fan is highly antisocial02:46
aaasMoPac|2 this is a laptop? and it's overheating?02:46
flintserMoPac|2: wouldn't it be easier to get the fan working?02:46
aaas^^^ agreed02:47
MoPac|2aaas: It's a laptop that's obsessed with *not* overheating and runs its fans like it's a hypersonic wind turbine.  No ability to control the fan through softwae02:47
ktwohig9I run Ubuntu on a VAIO F115 and the fan runs loud but it runs02:47
MoPac|2flintser: So only option left is to actually produce less heat02:47
MoPac|2Fan isn't broken -- fan is the opposite of broken: won't shut up02:47
MoPac|2and I don't need all this power much of the time02:47
Dem0nDr_willis, and flinster, i agree02:48
aaasMoPac|2 it just seems like the wrong way to attack the problem (or you gave up to early on the fan)...but then again, I only heard about it 10 sec ago ;)02:48
flintserMoPac|2: if it is loud you must maintenance it. never met a loud mid-range laptop that is too loud02:48
Dem0nsorry for talking "off topic"02:48
=== cwind is now known as Guest65722
=== Guest65722 is now known as cmind
Bray90820how would i make ever file in a samba share 777 and every file i add in the future automatically 77702:48
MoPac|2See http://vaio-utils.org/fan/ . Even somebody who created a whole program to control Vaio fans says this fan can't be controlled02:49
MoPac|2So: underclocking?02:49
dr_willisi dont see how that will make the fan run slower.02:49
ktwohig9MoPac - have you heard of vaiofand?02:50
MoPac|2ktwohig9: that link is to vaiofand02:50
MoPac|2Apparen't doesn't work on this model02:50
ktwohig9ah, was in other screen so didnt se eyour post02:50
tgunrTrying to get a development environment set up, trying `sudo apt-get -y install x-dev libx11-dev' results in 'unable to locate package x-dev', tried apt-get update, still error02:50
MoPac|2But I believe the fan is still responding to temp and not processor percentage02:50
dr_willistgunr:  perhaps thats not the right name. ;)02:51
df00zHey, I'm on 12.10.  I did regular updates the other day.  Upon reboot, X no longer starts.  I can ctrl-alt-fwhatever to a console fine.  I can even start X manually.02:51
dr_willis!info x-dev02:51
ubottuPackage x-dev does not exist in quantal02:51
tgunrMoPac|2: on macs there are several temp sensors, i would imagine most use them02:51
tgunrhmm, ok re-reading02:51
flintserMoPac|2: have you tried cpufrequtils?02:51
df00zI guess I'm not sure where to even start troubleshooting this02:51
MoPac|2So I'd like to try to get the actual head output down.  My CPUs spend most all of their time at the lower "hardware limit" of 1.2GHz.  So I want to take it lower, but I don't know how to get around it02:51
df00zI installed xdm and started it, and I got into my desktop, but the fonts are all weird.  Everything is big.02:52
df00zBut the resolution is right02:52
MoPac|2flintser: the successor to cpufrequtils, cpupower, can't take it below what it thinks is the "hardware limit" as far as I can tell02:52
df00zI guess, what desktop launcher\manager does xubuntu use?02:52
MoPac|2I try setting the limit to 1.1GHz as a test, but it still bottoms at 1.202:52
df00zI am familiar with kdm, xdm, gdm, what is the default xubuntu one?02:52
df00zThe problem is I am not even sure how to google the problem to begin knowing where ot look02:52
dr_willisdf00z:  i think it uses lightdm02:52
Bray90820can someone help me it seems like every time i add a file to my samba share it is not 77702:53
flintserMoPac|2: if you don't want to go way deep i think that is the best you can do... not too many underclocking experts around ;D02:53
Bray90820how would i make it automatically 777 for every future file02:53
df00zso, lightdm isn't installed02:53
Ben64MoPac|2: you might be able to underclock in the bios02:53
tgunrI was following the instructions at http://software.jessies.org/salma-hayek/ubuntu-setup.html which indicated I need to ins all x-dev02:54
MoPac|2Ben64: Could the lower hardware limit that cpufrequtils/cpupower sees be just a BIOS setting that I can configure?  Or do you mean something else?02:54
df00zLike, the entire thing is freaking weird.  What is the weird graphical console thing it uses - plymonth?02:55
Ben64MoPac|2: since its a laptop it probably doesn't have the option, but on some you can change the cpu multiplier02:55
df00zlike, the start screen doesn't even work right.  i always have a black screen till i do the hotkey to switch vts02:55
aaasMoPac|2  did you have this problem in windows when you first got it?02:55
tgunroriginally triggered from trying to install emacs 24 which gave errs, "error: You seem to be running X, but no X development libraries"02:56
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »02:56
MoPac|2aaas: Yeah, always been a problem.  One of my hopes with switching to Linux is that I could get finer control02:56
df00zSo, if the grapgical boot anim all of a sudden stopped after updating, and so did automatic X starting02:56
df00zis that a problem with plymoth?02:56
MoPac|2I think Sony got sued because of overheating issues and released a patch that told all the Vaios to become arctic tundras inside02:56
dr_willistgunr:  you can have apt pull in most dev packages with the build-deps option.. ie:    sudo apt-get build-deps gedit02:57
tgunrcc, trying02:57
holsteindf00z: i dont think you can assume that.. that could be graphics driver still02:57
holsteindf00z: whats the issue?02:57
Ben64MoPac|2: you can open the computer up and fix it, but thats way beyond the scope of the channel02:57
=== megha is now known as bsd_freak
dr_willistgunr:  you can have apt pull in most dev packages with the build-deps option.. ie:    sudo apt-get build-deps gedit     it may be 'build-dep'  ;)02:57
df00zholstein: the issue is, after updating, X stopped launching, when powering on the machine all i get is a black screen until changing VTs02:57
df00zbut I can launch X manually totally fine.02:57
=== bsd_freak is now known as BSD_freak
df00zso the question is what starts X in xubuntyu02:58
df00zthat is where i'd begin troubleshooting02:58
GalaxorHi. I got a new desktop computer. I'm trying to install ubuntu 12.10 from a usb key. I need to do it uefi-style. It boots up just fine in legacy bios mode. Purple & everything. when I boot in uefi mode, I get an unadorned black-and-white grub screen and when it boots it just goes to black screen & does nothing. I tried the nomodeset thing I've seen suggested, to no effect. Also nolapic and acpi=off02:58
dr_willis!find xfdm02:58
holsteindf00z: i would try booting an earlier kernel02:58
ubottuFile xfdm found in libglib2.0-dev, libglibmm-2.4-dev02:58
MoPac|2Ben64: Yeah, I was just hoping that there might be a way to get cpupower or else some similar utility to just ignore the hardware lower limit02:58
Ben64MoPac|2: its called a hardware limit for a reason02:59
dr_willisdf00z:  #xubuntu may be able to tell you exactly also.02:59
MoPac|2I understand having upper limits for safety, but lower ones?  Sure, there could be some system instability, but could it actually hurt the machine to tell them to go at 600KHz?02:59
Ben64but it can't03:00
=== Noorideen is now known as noorideen__
MoPac|2Ben64: Well, that's sort of my question.  Is it that it *can't* go below 1.2GHz per thread, or that it's not allowed to, but that disallowance is for no good reason?  The second part is: how do I ignore it?03:02
aaasMoPac|2  how often does it come on? how much load do you have to give it before it comes on03:02
silveroneHello! i'm compiling a kernel to get gpu switching. I'm following this kernel guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild  and am on step 6. i need to apply step 5 from this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2103743   could any of you gents help me?03:02
MoPac|2aaas: On constantly, rears up with very little load03:02
Ben64MoPac|2: i'm not sure you understand the meaning of "can't"03:02
MoPac|2aaas: If you googlle "vaio f fan" you'll find a world of angry frustrated people03:02
MoPac|2Ben64: I understand "can't" -- I don't understand if "hardware limit" really means "can't"03:03
GalaxorI'll see if systemrescuecd behaves the same way.03:04
Ben64MoPac|2: you can't.03:04
MartynKeigherhey, if i ssh into a ubunut server using winscp, how can i elevate to sudo su?03:04
MartynKeigheri need ot modify some files and i cant save them.03:05
aaasMoPac|2 then underclocking it isn't going to help you much, you'll have to drive it down far anyways.... might be better to try a hardware solution (new fan, oil, cleaning etc) ... or depending how annoying it is deal with it, or get a new laptop ;)03:05
Ben64MartynKeigher: don't use sudo su03:05
dr_willisMartynKeigher:  i dont think you do.  and it would be 'sudo'03:05
flintserMartynKeigher: root through ssh whoa...03:05
flintserMartynKeigher: use sudo03:05
dr_willisyou can ssh in in as a user. then  use sudo03:05
Ben64MartynKeigher: just "sudo <command>" like "sudo nano <file>" or "sudo vim <file>"03:05
MartynKeigherbut how do i INITIATE the elevation?03:05
dr_willisbut sftp in i dont think you can03:05
holsteinMartynKeigher: sudo should do it.. i use sudo -s03:05
MartynKeigherah ok03:05
dr_willisuse putty with winscp03:06
MartynKeighersudo -s nautilus  ??03:06
holsteinMartynKeigher: ?03:06
Ben64don't use sudo -s either03:06
holsteinMartynKeigher: gksudo nautilus.. but i thought you were in a shell?03:06
Ben64MartynKeigher: start at the beginning, what are you trying to do?03:06
dr_willishe said hes using winSCP03:07
flintserMartynKeigher: gksudo for graphical apps. and you need xforwarding. and why elevated nautilus?03:07
dr_willisso use winscp to copy files over. then putty and sudo from a termional to move things around that need root rights03:07
Ben64yep thats the correct way03:08
MartynKeigheri have a ubuntu VM, (at my office [im at home now]and to save me rdp'ing to it to do what i need to dom, i just want raw access to the file structure so i can modify some "non system core" files.03:08
dr_willisMartynKeigher:  is this over the interneta/ or a local  lan?03:08
tixubuntu lol03:08
tixwhat a nub OS03:08
aaasMoPac|2 here's someone trying hardware (different model)...better way to go imho: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgrm9RfYpsQ03:08
silveroneHello! i'm compiling a kernel to get gpu switching. I'm following this kernel guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild  and am on step 6. i need to apply step 5 from this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2103743   could any of you gents help me?03:08
dr_willisMartynKeigher:  you dont directly login as root via winscp. or putty03:08
noorideenhow can i fix the permissions of /var/www ?03:08
MartynKeigheri can't copy paste between my desktop and the VM, but if i open the files via ssh, in notpad++ then i can.03:08
MartynKeigherthis is on a provate vpn link to the office03:09
MartynKeigherthe line is secure.03:09
DoYouKnowhow big can an environment variable be in ubuntu?03:09
DoYouKnowin a bash script03:09
flintsernoorideen: "sudo chmod 755 -R *"03:09
flintseror 775 if you want03:09
DoYouKnowand how do I change the maximum size temporarily?03:09
MartynKeigherthe ubuntu server is joined ot the domain so i use my domain creds to logon, and thats not elevated. but if i rdp to it (or xrdp) then i can run eleveated via the terminal03:10
noorideenflintser, its not good to do 775 right?03:10
Ben64noorideen: depends03:10
flintserdepends what you're doing03:10
noorideeni will just make php files and test them.03:10
flintsernoorideen: i can already see youre doing some kind of lamp guide03:11
MoPac|2aaas: Thanks for the link03:11
flintserwhat it says in there?03:11
noorideenflintser, what it says?03:12
flintserwhat the guide says about permissions? you can use 775 safely for testing, it is not a big difference between 775 and 755 in www but every bit of extra security is needed sometimes.03:14
flintsernoorideen: ^03:14
noorideenflintser, i suppose that i dont need that in my level i am still learning. this is my 4rth day.03:15
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:15
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:15
flintserrexwin_: you have a question?03:15
rexwin_not at this time. just testing ubottu03:16
flintser!mastersudo gimme op03:16
ubottuflintser: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:16
flintsernoorideen: yep, wordpress installation and customization is a good way to learn php and mysql basics and to create something useful at the same time03:17
jerothDoes anyone know of any good linux programs to monitor and notify of website changes?03:18
silveroneHello! i need to compile a kernel to enable gpu switching. I'm following this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild and am on step 6. I need to do step 5 from this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2103743. Could any of you help me please :)03:18
flintsernoorideen: also see phpmyadmin if you want even more, it is a webgui for mysql and makes things a lot easier ;)03:18
noorideenflintser, thank you for the advice, i will start of wordpress from tomorrow then :)03:18
noorideenflintser, thank you very much03:19
=== Dem0n is now known as Guest22157
silveroneHello! i need to compile a kernel to enable gpu switching. I'm following this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/GitKernelBuild and am on step 6. I need to do step 5 from this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2103743. Could any of you help me please :)03:25
dbromId like to know how to split a tar file up into parts03:28
flintseri am building again, i watch system monitor and it says that only 1 of my cores is 100% and the rest of them are almost idle03:28
escottflintser, make -k?03:29
escottflintser, sorry make -j03:29
dbrombecause the tar file in total is more then 100 gigs03:29
al__lacan anyone recommend a program to record video of desktop applications, or of the whole desktop?03:31
fyksenHey! I'm testing out ubuntu tv in a VM. I used the instructions from /UbuntuTV/Contributing. When I try to push the "gear button" nothing happens..03:31
flintserescott: i'll try that next time, thx. why the number of jobs affect on which processor cores can be utilized?03:31
bazhang!info kazam | al__la03:31
ubottual__la: kazam (source: kazam): Easy to use application for recording on-screen action. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 94 kB, installed size 824 kB03:31
bazhangfyksen, why not ask in #ubuntu-tv03:32
al__labazhang, ubottu: thanks03:32
fyksenbazhang, I tried, nobody answers, so went for a "wildshot" here.03:32
packetfrogdbrom http://superuser.com/questions/290986/how-to-create-tar-archive-split-into-or-spanning-multiple-files03:32
escottflintser, because compiling runs in a single thread03:32
packetfrogdbrom: # man tar03:33
dbromok, does anyone use the commans listed here...03:33
dbromill try this doc and see where it takes me03:35
sunya7ahi guys...is there an alternative to yolk for ubuntu ?  it says unable to locate package yolk when i try apt-get install yolk on ubuntu server03:36
moesUbuntu-12.04 I did a full install on a flash drive...Now I want to install from flash drive to my hard drive...I no longer have an install button...How can I do this install03:36
sunya7anot finding anything on google which is what makes me think maybe it's known under something else in ubuntu03:36
bazhangmoes, installed to flash drive how? as an installer, or as an OS, ie using what method03:37
moesbazhang..As an os03:37
bazhangmoes, then you need to re-do it.03:38
bazhangsunya7a, what does yolk do03:38
bazhangmoes, try unetbootin03:38
sunya7ai'm reading in a guide that it lists all packages installed03:38
bazhangsunya7a, sounds like some 3rd party software, as in, from a PPA03:39
moesbazhang..I have a cd just trying to save all configurations03:39
sunya7abazhang: hm...okay...i'll find something else...thanks03:39
packetfrogsunya7a  http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/y/yolk/yolk-0.4.3.tar.gz03:40
bazhangmoes, you need the iso for unetbootin03:40
packetfrogyolk is for finding python modules/packages that are installed i guess.   Does not seem to have a package built for ubuntu   just gentoo03:40
sunya7apacketfrog: cool...i'll download from python page...thanks packetfrog didn't realize it was python specific...03:41
packetfrogsunya7a there site says they want people to make packages for other distros    they just use gentoo though so thats it or source..03:42
sunya7apacketfrog : thanks..i'll try compiling from source03:44
sunya7apacketfrog: easy_install did the trick =P   thanks for your help03:46
StahlGrauanyone around to help with a dual boot problem?03:47
tgunris emacs24 not available on unbent? I don't see it in apt-cache (presuming that is where I should be looking)03:48
bazhangStahlGrau, ask the real question03:48
bazhangtgunr, version 24 is newer?03:48
thiebaudeStahlGrau, what is your question?03:49
StahlGrauI just installed ubuntu alongside windows7 and am now getting a "secure boot forbids booting.." error when trying to boot back into windows03:49
StahlGraui have 4 partitions03:49
tgunri would presume so03:49
thiebaudeStahlGrau, you installed windows 7 after ubuntu?03:49
StahlGrauno, ubuntu after windows03:49
tgunri see emacs2303:49
thiebaudeahh ok03:49
bazhang!info emacs24 | tgunr03:50
ubottutgunr: emacs24 (source: emacs24): GNU Emacs editor (with GTK+ user interface). In component main, is optional. Version 24.1+1-2ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 3460 kB, installed size 10502 kB03:50
flintserStahlGrau: disable secureboot from bios if there is a setting for that03:50
thiebaudeStahlGrau, i am not sure about your problem, wished I could of helped you :)03:50
StahlGrausda1 windows boot, sda2 windows main, sda5 ubuntu boot, sda6 ubuntu root03:50
Akiva-ThinkpadWhich setup of raid will give me the best read/write performance out of all the listed : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmXdRsCSWUwWdGhlU1VINW1nVXZocUtPNzh6U3dObHc#gid=0 ( I made some extras since last time )03:50
StahlGraui have disabled secure03:50
tgunrok, if it is optional, how do i get it if it is not in apt-get03:51
Buboubuntu just changed my language to CHINESE03:51
Akiva-ThinkpadIs the one at line 50 even possible?03:51
bazhangtgunr, it available in 12.10; are you not on 12.1003:51
flintserStahlGrau: try enabling then, maybe it is a stupid question like "do you want to enable booting if it is not safe"03:51
StahlGrauI shall try03:52
tgunri thought i had the latest as I just downloaded it yesterday, checking03:52
BuboAny idea why my ubuntu language changed to Chinese?03:52
bazhangtgunr, have you updated your system since installing?03:52
bazhangBubo, check the ibus configuration launch keys03:52
tgunrdid that earlier today from the software app03:53
Bubobazhang:  how can I check that? It's in chinese03:53
flintsertgunr: updating trough gui: update-manager. through terminal: sudo apt-get install upgrade03:53
BuboI don't mean my keyboard, I mean my whole ubuntu.. menus, folders (like pictures, downloads)03:53
StahlGrauflintser: apparently i just have a choice between windows and "other os" for scure boot03:53
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tgunrcc, checking03:53
bazhangBubo, this is ylmfOS?03:53
lunitikStahlGrau: what does Other OS do?03:54
Bubobazhang:  I don't understand?03:54
flintsertgunr: sorry it is not apt-get install upgrade, it is just apt-get upgrade03:54
StahlGraulunitik: i think it took away one error message, but now it still won't boot03:54
flintserStahlGrau: does it matter what you choose?03:54
bazhangBubo, you would have to select that. a system does not change to another language without intervention03:54
Bubobazhang:  it seems it did. I haven't changed my language to chinese. I haven't used my ubuntu 2 days. It was fine the last time I used it..03:55
StahlGrauflintser: now i get an invalid efi file path03:55
bazhangBubo, so change it back03:55
lunitikStahlGrau: "won't boot" is not clear, what is it saying? I have recently been fighting UEFI and never won, just brought a new custom built machine to get around whatever Microsoft is doing.03:55
tgunrdid you not see nightly news tonight? the chienese hackers are on a roll03:56
flintserStahlGrau: in grub boot or windows boot?03:56
StahlGraulunitik: I get "error: invalid EFI file path."03:56
StahlGrauin grub03:56
martianIs there any sort of smartphone-like autocomplete for ubuntu? Like, something that would work in browser text fields, etc?03:56
tgunryeas , on 12.0403:56
StahlGrauI've also booted into ubuntu and run "update-grub"03:56
flintserwell, then you have to change it back so you can at least get ubuntu to work.03:56
Bubobazhang:  it's in chinese. I have no idea which one is "English". BUt I picked one, let's see what happens03:56
StahlGrauto no avail03:57
lunitikStahlGrau: That is something I haven't encountered, did you create a separate /boot partition? Is this reflected in the path you've set in grub?03:57
StahlGraulunitik: it should be03:57
StahlGraulunitik: i installed without swap because I have more than enough ram and an ssd03:57
StahlGraulunitik: so i only have a windows boot and main and an ubuntu boot and main03:58
flintseri solved windows not booting by using easybcd and doing boot into windows mbr first and then from there to grub03:58
StahlGrauflintser: that would be nice, but I currently can't access my windows partition03:58
flintserso its like when choosing different windowses but it says windows 7 or ubuntu 12.10, if i choose windows it goes to win, if i choose ubuntu it goes to grub03:59
StahlGrauflintser: i would have done that if i couldnt see ubuntu03:59
Buboincreasing "sensitivity" in the mouse options doesn't increase my mouse speed04:00
Bubopointer speed*04:00
Buboit does nothing04:00
flintseri installed lilo and did "sudo lilo -M \dev\sda mbr" to get windows booting. it boots straight to windows and no grub is seen, from there i did the easybcd to get ubuntu-option back04:00
flintserStahlGrau: ^04:01
StahlGrauflintser: haha that sounds archaic04:01
flintserbut mine problem was different, relating to ldm04:02
StahlGrauflintser: I was hoping there was a way to modify grub04:02
StahlGrauflintser: thanks for the idea04:03
packetfrogI have lost my sound and cant seem to get it back.04:03
flintserStahlGrau: there is, but you'd need to know if the problem is solvable by configuring. you can also try to reinstall the grub if you want. get live-usb and boot it. then install boot-repair for easy gui thingy04:03
tgunrI did a apt-get upgrade, restart, still at 12.0404:04
packetfrogwhat could a reinstall on ubuntustudio to get it going?04:04
lunitikStahlGrau: if you have a liveCD available, you can try mounting the boot partition and editing it like that04:04
tgunrah, its update-manager -d04:04
bazhangtgunr, upgrade wont upgrade versions04:04
MalsasaHello, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=12518579#post12518579 <<< How to Write Correct copyright File?04:04
CavalierPrimeStahlGrau  burn bootrepair live cd, makes it easy04:04
StahlGraubooting into it now04:04
flintsertgunr: i think if you want 12.10 you can do dist-upgrade04:04
bazhang!dist-upgrade | flintser04:05
ubottuflintser: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.04:05
flintserbazhang: thanks for correctiong04:05
bazhangflintser, dist-upgrade wont change versions...04:05
lunitikStahlGrau: there is also a utility called boot-repair in the repos specifically for UEFI issues04:05
lunitikStahlGrau: again, can be used from livecd04:05
flintserdist-upgrde just confuses me all the time04:05
bazhangtgunr, you should read the upgrade guide04:05
bazhang!upgrade | tgunr04:05
ubottutgunr: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade04:05
flintserlike distribution-upgrade ^^04:05
StahlGrauyeah i dont have the bootrepair cd04:05
lunitikNote that UEFI doesn't do MBR, it uses GPT instead04:06
bazhangtix, why would we be04:06
tgunrusing update-manager now04:06
StahlGraubut i am booting the regular one04:06
lunitikStahlGrau: you can install it on the Live Session04:07
StahlGrauwhat is the package name?04:07
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lunitikStahlGrau: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair04:08
lunitikStahlGrau: note "second option"04:08
Malsasaall: how to fill copyright file in Ubuntu package? My package not shown the license in USC when I open it. Whereas, I fill it with same copyright as another DEB has. Another deb I got from official repo.04:10
tgunrguess i will be here for a while, 772MB download for 12.1004:10
bazhangMalsasa, creating your own package? why would you need to do that04:11
Malsasabazhang: i wanna learn Debian packaging ;)04:11
bazhangMalsasa, prehaps you could ask in #ubuntu-packaging04:12
Malsasabazhang: I need it for distributing an app to my friends in Indonesua04:12
bady_kernel 3.5 to 3.8?dirtory?04:12
Malsasabazhang: i've asked there and no answer yet, since yesterday :)04:12
Malsasabazhang: but thank you so much...04:12
bazhangbady_, dirtory? whats that04:12
bazhangbady_, try to use a complete sentence with real words04:13
lunitikbady_: Do you have a particular reason you want to update kernel?04:13
bady_3.5 to 3.8?04:13
lunitikbady_: something on your current system isn't working?04:13
bazhangbady_, what is your exact question04:14
lunitikbady_: what is your native language?04:14
lsrline_Am I doing something wrong here http://pastebin.com/vxdUxzj3 ... having trouble mounting my usb drive04:15
lsrline_hah, nvm forgot the 104:16
bady_can update directly kernel 3.5 to 3.804:18
flintserbady_ where are you from?04:18
bazhangbady_, thats not supported here. what version of ubuntu are you on04:18
bazhangbady_, 3.8 was released TOday.04:19
flintser!cn | bady_04:19
ubottubady_: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:19
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bady_!cn | body04:22
ubottubody: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:22
bazhang /join #ubuntu-cn   <------ bady_04:22
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flintserwhops, i made wrong tab complete04:23
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flintserno i didn't! maybe it is time to go to sleep.. no i cant do that either i'll have to be @ work in 2 hours ._. its 6:24 AM... no sleep x_x OT is best and silence04:25
df00zanyone use the ubuntu pptp client?  Does it work OK?  For some reason, for me, it's really slow04:27
df00zLike, I have a laptop here, physically linux installed.  I connect to a VPN, load a web page, takes a while to load.04:27
df00zIf I do it on the mac here, it's fast.  If I do it in a Ubuntu VM on the mac, with bridge network connectivity, it's slow.  If I pass through network and let the mac do the VPN handling it's fast04:27
df00zI installed a DNS caching service in ubuntu and it's faster, but still no where near as fast04:27
df00zim wondering what to look at for performance04:28
bazhangdf00z, had a look at htop or some of the other 'top' apps for that?04:28
bazhang!find iotop04:28
ubottuFound: iotop04:28
df00zi mean, firefox is just sitting there, waiting for hulu.jp04:29
df00ztop shows like no cpu usage04:29
StahlGraulunitik: flintser: now im getting a file not found error for it04:29
df00zlike, ok, i just did ping hulu.com, it took over a minute to reply, but when it did, the time only said 454ms04:33
df00zand ctrl C did not break out04:33
liam1895hey guys04:35
liam1895can anybody here help me?04:35
bazhangliam1895, whats the real question04:35
liam1895p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:37
liam1895im trying to wineprefix to 3204:37
liam1895err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.04:37
pavsubuntu installed on macbook, how do I remove the app icon from launcher?04:38
bazhangliam1895, winbind? isnt that a windows thing?04:38
pavsright click doesnt work04:38
liam1895yehh I guess its needed for WINE04:38
bazhangliam1895, what app in wine04:38
liam1895not a specific app04:38
liam1895im running 64 bit WINE04:38
bazhangliam1895, ask in #winehq04:39
liam1895but i want to run 32 bit04:39
liam1895ok cheers04:39
bazhangpavs, in unity?04:39
pavsbazhang yes the launcher on the left side, is it called unity now?04:40
bazhangpavs, gnome-shell has one as well, thus the question04:40
pavsoh ok04:40
tolpicoHi, I updated my Ubuntu 12.10 gues inside Virtualbox. Now Virtualboxs seamless mode is not working. How can I restore seamles functionality again?04:40
bazhangtolpico, update to the lastest kernel modules for it?04:41
pavsany idea how to remove the icons from the launcher on mackbook, since it doesn't have a right click option, any keyboard shortcut?04:41
chadwinhi guysssss04:41
CfhowlettReinstall guest additions04:41
bazhangpavs, it would be helpful if you told us whether this was unity, gnome-shell or something other04:42
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tolpicobazhang: No, but forgot what the package names for the kernels are. Any idea where I could get the package names to install?04:42
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demkantorhey linux experts, anyone care to help a noob04:43
bazhangdemkantor, ask the channel a real question04:44
bazhangtolpico, what about guest addtions as Cfhowlett suggested04:44
demkantor:) thanks bazhang! i have been playing with linux for a few years now as a dual booter but have never realy gotten into it04:44
killerwhat is the rhythmbox version in repositories of ubuntu 10.0404:45
demkantorim trying to now but things are way slow! like bogs down and freezes alot04:45
pavsbazhang: http://i.imgur.com/pg5p6Sc.png04:45
demkantori was wondering why and google isnt helping much04:45
demkantormy curent build is ubuntu 12.10 and its 64bit on a i3 3.20ghz x4 with 4gib ram04:46
tolpicobazhang: trying to install guest additions again, will update on the status shortly04:47
bazhang0.12.8-0ubuntu7   <---- killer04:47
bazhangpavs, thats unity, just dragging it off should do. or perhaps alt-drag04:48
m000gleIs there any way to adjust the spacing of legacy system tray icons (Skype, X-Chat and Pidgin for example) in Ubuntu/Unity 12.10? ... I would like to add a few pixels between each icon, to make it more consistent with the appindicators.04:48
Euro123howdy from Oklahoma04:49
killerthnx :bazhang04:50
demkantormaybe freenode isnt the best place for such a general question but ive been trying everything i can figure out to make this faster, win 7 runs smooth on this machine and i feel even with unity ubuntu 12.10 should run as well as w7, i would really like to just drop windows but untill i can get this os moving along i feel i have to stay a dualbooter. should i move on to some forums and ask this or does anyone have a suggestion?04:51
bazhangdemkantor, what about running it in a vm04:51
demkantorstill seems slow04:51
Euro123demkantor, is it freezing up - I saw something about that04:52
bazhangdemkantor, is this a real dual boot, or a wubi install04:52
Euro123demkantor:  if freezing up: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=199594504:52
demkantoryeah it pauses when i do almost anything, but random, this is a third instal, this time on a seperate internal hardrive just for linux04:53
Euro123I think the freezing up issue is related to built in video card on Intel Z77 chipset04:53
demkantorthanks euro123, i think i read that one already but ill check again04:53
Euro123okay, np04:53
pavsbazhang: dragging with control key worked. Thanks!04:54
tolpicobazhang: When I try to reinstall Virtualbox Guest additions, I get this error http://sprunge.us/PJWS Where can I find sources for my kernel 3.5.0-23-generic?04:54
BHXWhen /sbin/dhclient messes up with a wifi connection in a laptop....does it mean I have to pretty much do a fresh install? ...shut laptop and when I re-openned it to bring it out of hibernation the connection wouldn't connect anymore04:54
demkantorlets say i open a new tab in firefox, if i have system monitor open ill see cpu2 jump to 100% during the freeze and the other cores spike too04:54
demkantorbazhang, they have all been wubi installed, is this not cool?04:55
bazhangBHX, of course you dont need to reinstall for that04:55
bazhangdemkantor, that would certainly be a factor in speed, yes04:56
demkantorhuh, so after inital instalation i am slowed how? just not sure why this would be the case04:57
BHXdidn't know because I've not found a fix yet....shows my router in the connection list and shows full strength, but when connecting to it just tries then stops...everything else works on it as apparent by me posting this from my desktop wifi04:57
bazhangdemkantor, wubi is installed to a file inside windows04:57
Euro123demkantor, I moved off of wubi install to an install on an actual partition with ext4 file system - but honestly don't remember why I needed to do that at this point.04:57
Euro123I think I couldn't install the graphics drivers04:57
Euro123I don't want to muddy the water, but I arrived here tonight after four days of troubleshooting a 12.10 installation.  I have an i7 3770K CPU, AMD Radeon HD 7700 graphics, and installed 12.10 AMD64.04:58
demkantorreally, so linux has an issue reading off ntfs then? i believe only system is on this while i have made ext4 partions and fat32 for some other stuff as well as about 1gib of swap (i changed swappiness to 10 though)04:58
Euro123When I installed AMD Catalyst drivers, Unity disappeared.04:59
BHXnot been my week for ubuntu ....on desktop I upgraded to 12.10 just for it to freeze mid installation forcing me to shutdown the computer so now i have no ubuntu on desktop and steam messed up my laptop and now dhclient won't let me connect05:00
Euro123demkantor, when I setup a new partition during 12.10 install, it didn't want NTFS or FAT32.  It wanted EXT4 or EXT305:00
demkantormy gpu is built in and ive been digging to see if i need some other drivers but cant find anything that looks needed05:00
bazhangdemkantor, its not that, even the wubi creators say its more of a "test-drive" and not a full time solution05:00
Euro123crap BHX05:00
BHXI can go into recovery mode on desktop but doesn't appear to do me much good heh05:00
DoYouKnowEuro123: you should be able to hit a key at bootup, maybe F7, to enter a recovery mode05:01
Euro123BHX, can you re-install on top of it?05:01
demkantoroh, this make sense, so if i wipe again and then do a true dual boot (put system direct to ext4) then it be smoother in theory?05:01
Euro123demkantor, I believe so.05:01
DoYouKnowEuro123: can you post your Xorg desktop settings?05:01
demkantorbahzhang and euro123, thanks i will try. - quick side though, 4gib of ddr3 ram and a i3 should be pletny good enough for 12.10 right?05:02
gnuskoolhaha, its een a while since i loooked at an xorg config file05:02
BHXyeah I can re-install 12.04, but I hate to because how much code I would lose.....right now I'm trying to save my laptop as it is my current coding computer lately05:02
demkantor*bazhang sorry05:02
DoYouKnowEuro123: nvidia-xconfig should have a dump command05:03
Euro123thx DoYouKnow - I don't have access to it right now because I've booted into the windows side for a bit of respite and intense research :(05:03
bazhangdemkantor, way more than ample specs05:03
thiebaudedemkantor, plenty, i have 2gb on this desktop05:03
DoYouKnow"nvidia-xconfig -t"05:03
DoYouKnowoh hmm05:03
gnuskoolbhx, if your work is in the home partition, save that, then reinstall the os05:03
Euro123DoYouKnow, I have AMD Radeon graphics on this one.05:03
DoYouKnowthat doesn't seem to work05:03
DoYouKnowohhhh AMD05:03
demkantorso pretty much unanimous that i need to unistall my wubi install and start fresh05:04
DoYouKnowEuro123: I'm not familiar with AMD05:04
DoYouKnowon ubuntu05:04
thiebaudedemkantor, i would agree with that05:04
DoYouKnow*AMD graphics05:04
bazhangBHX, you certainly dont need to reinstall just for a dhclient issue; if you are set on doing so for other reasons not yet mentioned, just indicate in the installer to preserver /home05:04
Euro123heh, I'm super rusty with ubuntu, so we're even :)05:05
gnuskoolbhx, when you reinstall remount your home partition - job done, I do this every release05:05
thiebaudeEuro123, i use that on my laptop, did not need to install the drivers05:05
Euro123I just hated to install the graphics proprietary drivers and lose the whole environment - luckily I googled control-alt-t to find a terminal, felt like I was flying blind05:05
Euro123thiebaude, 12.10 installed and looked nice, without the drivers, but I wanted to install the drivers for some games05:06
demkantorthanks all, one last quick question, should i make a seperate parttion just for system, and if so how large you think? the second drive i just installed is 1tb and i want it all just for linux so i can do whatever to it05:06
thiebaudeEuro123, i had to install the nvidia drivers on the desktop though05:07
Ez0v3rR1d3having trouble with my wireless router any ideas what i should do when i have it hooked up properly and it not registering at all05:08
Euro123demkantor, I think you will want most of it for EXT4 (put / for root) and then some for swap on a separate partition - I'm not sure the recommended amount these days.  I would randomly guess 1 or 2 gigabytes, but you may want to ask these fine folks or google that.05:08
psomodiHi everyone.05:08
Euro123hi psomodi05:08
psomodiI'm having troubles to boot my 12.04 live cd.05:08
gnuskoolEz0v3rR1d3: sounds like proprietory driver issue05:09
Ez0v3rR1d3how i fix the proprierory05:09
Euro123hi baftest05:09
psomodiAnyone have an extrange problem like this? when I get into unetbootin screen, if I choose try before install, I see Ubuntu 12.04 splashscreen for a few seconds, and then my laptop's backlights get off05:09
Euro123anyone running AMD Radeon with 12.10 or even 12.04?05:10
demkantorright on, always love the real time help from freenode, you all rock! ill see you again im sure once my new ubuntu is installed (4th time yeah) godd night/day/afternoon, see ya!05:10
psomodiand I tried with nomodeset option and that doesn't fixed it05:10
thiebaudeEuro123, on my laptop i am05:10
Euro123best wishes demkantor05:10
thiebaude4250 hd graphics05:10
thiebaudebut they are not installed05:10
Euro123okay thiebaude - just my experience, you may want to hold off on installing them, however I read that it may run hot without them.05:11
thiebaudeEuro123, i decided not to install them because it looked great and no other problems05:12
DoYouKnowpsomodi: Ctrl+Alt+F1, then type "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | tail -n 7"05:12
BHXdidn't know you could perserve the /home partition...thought the installer forced you to overwrite the whole hard drive :o05:12
DoYouKnowpsomodi: see if anything of interest shows up, any errors05:12
DoYouKnowpsomodi: or Warnings05:12
DoYouKnowpsomodi: after you log in05:13
BHXI just don't know what to google for in order to fix the dhclient issue since it happened after the laptop went into hibernation mode and upon coming out of that because I was online before hibernation mode05:13
DoYouKnowforgot to mention, you should get a login prompt first, psomodi05:13
psomodiDoYouKnow: thks for your answer. My problem is very earlier... :s05:14
psomodiI can't get passed the splash screen of live CD05:14
DoYouKnowyou should be able to do this at the splash screen05:14
DoYouKnowjust hold down Ctrl+Alt+F105:15
psomodiwith splash screen I mean Ubuntu 12.04 and the four dots..05:15
DoYouKnowpsomodi: then it goes blank?05:15
psomodivery wierdM54SR05:16
DoYouKnowpsomodi: the symptoms your describing indicate your Xorg display driver failed to set the correct display mode, or your driver is incompatible05:17
psomodiyeah I believe that you are wright05:17
Euro123night guys05:17
psomodibut i don't know how to fix it when unetbootin pass parameters to kernel05:18
psomodiI tried with nomodeset, acpi_osi=... etc... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161313205:18
BHXcurious if there is a file that messed up that dhclient is reading that i can rename to fix it or what as I'm not finding a fix for my particular problem :/05:18
psomodibut with no success05:18
dr_willisunetbootin uses the sysconfig menus to configure the booting i belive. thers some config files on the usb you can edit05:19
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rudedoggI installed chrubuntu, and my keyboard/mouse isn't working.  Any idea on how to boot into a terminal so I can fix it?05:20
thepickingpairLiHello everyone! im not sure if im in the right place to ask this, but ill give it a shot. new ubuntu user migrating from win7, installing nvidia driver and the box is periodically going grey and the install has been going on for 30 minutes - somethign FUBAR'd? suggestions?05:22
zach__hey guys05:22
zach__i have a problem05:22
zach__i just installed ubuntu 12.4.2 and i have a touchscreen ultrabook. How can i enable touchscreen scrolling in firefox and chrome?05:23
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dr_willisrudedogg: do they work at the grub menu?05:27
rudedoggdr_willis, I dont think so, it just starts booting right away05:29
rj1hi...anybody here knows the problem why can't i create a makefile?05:31
rj1error is no available c compiler in $PATH05:31
dr_willisso install the c comoiler packages05:32
dr_willis!info build-essential05:32
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 5 kB, installed size 37 kB05:32
dr_willisrudedogg:  press and  hold shift as system boots -  to see the grub menu. You might  need ot check the bios and  enable legacy usb support05:32
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Alfirusanyone alive?05:33
dr_willis1000+ people here05:33
Alfiruslol... i mean not afk05:33
dante466Hey dudes05:33
dr_willisyou want 500+ people to say yes? ;)05:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:34
Alfirusi'm new in Ubuntu. I downloaded the latest version at ubuntu.com. Burned the ISO correctly, and i can see my desktop boot the Ubuntu, but at the end, it shows Sync Out of range. I already do advance option by pressing f6 and add "vga=300" without the " and yet, don't have luck05:37
dr_willistried the nomodeset option?05:38
Alfirus"1:38:05 PM - dr_willis: tried the nomodeset option?" - trying it now. do i have to do vga=300 also?05:38
dr_willisim not even sure the vga=xxx is a valid option these days05:39
dr_willistry just nomodeset05:39
BHXSpecterI figured out the connection...I simply deleted all connections, rebooted computer, then re-entered the information...thankfully it worked05:39
Alfirus"dr_willis try just nomodeset" trying rite now05:39
BHXSpecternow, as for my desktop, all my code and files I've done (on both desktop and laptop) are in /home and you said there was a way to install a fresh ubuntu without having the installer touch /home? I really wasn't aware you could do that as I thought you had to tell it where to install everything including /home for the fresh install..is there a site that explains the steps so I don't botch it up?05:41
dr_williswhen in doubt... backup your files first05:42
dr_willishaving /home on its own partion makes reinstalls a lot easier also05:43
killerwhen i do  ./configure...it says ur intltool is too old05:44
dr_willisyou tell the installer to not format /home if its on its own partition05:45
Alfirusdr_willis, done nomodeset, and still sync out of range. any other option?05:46
BHXSpecterI think I have home in its own partition....can't remember, but that is what I was always told to do ....just can't recall if I did it on both the desktop and laptop or just desktop05:46
dr_willisAlfirus: what chipset05:46
dr_willisAlfirus: that is odd. you could try the 12.04 alternative cd installee.05:46
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD05:47
dr_willisheh. i rhink 12.04 had the alt cd.05:47
Alfirus"1:46:57 PM - dr_willis: Alfirus: that is odd. you could try the 12.04 alternative cd installee." - i'm double checking the chipset05:48
savehi, i need to create online presentation where i should share my linux desktop. are there any tools like join.me working on linux?05:49
swampyHi, my keyboard multimedia keys show up correctly with showkeys and in acpi_listen, however they never seem to reach X, xev does not show them.. no XF86Audio*, however XF86MonBrightness works, any idea how I get them to X?05:51
packetfrogAny tutorials on optimizing ubuntu with an ssd? I have an 80gb ssd just sitting idle in my laptop as I am not sure how to most effectively use it.05:53
Abhijitpacketfrog, nothing much difference. just install ubuntu regularly on ssd. instead of hdd.05:55
packetfrogWont that ruin my ssd with read/writes?05:56
dr_willisaskubuntu.com has some tips also on ssd drives05:56
dr_willisreading and writing is what a hd is for.05:56
packetfrogWell like in windows I moved over specific folders to my hdd to avoid excessive writes.05:57
Alfirusdr_willis, chipset as you mentioned, mean processor rite? If yes, then it confirmed intel and the installation iso is ubuntu-12.10-desktop-i386. do you mind upload the 12.04 by using torrent? I need to up the cpu. ubottu, where can i report the bug? please provide url.05:57
dr_willisdont put /tmp on it. put that in ram ;-)05:57
packetfrogso on ubuntustudio I just put my /boot on ssd05:57
packetfrogHow do i put /tmp in ram?05:57
dr_willisAlfirus:  the video chipser. not the man cpu05:57
dr_willismain cpu05:57
dr_willisyou make a fstab entry to put /tmp in ram05:58
Alfirusdr_willis, it is SIS05:58
arunhow to use handsfree service of bluetooth with my phone and laptop05:58
dr_willisAlfirus:  sis? egads..  sis is he worst  chipset a linux box could ever have.05:59
SuperLagdr_willis: why do you say that?05:59
dr_willisAlfirus:  you need to determins the exact sis chipset05:59
dr_willisSuperLag:  because they are rarely/barely supported or work05:59
dr_williseven under windows.. sis sort of stinks big time05:59
magn3tsCan someone help me report a bug against the linux-3.8 kernel?06:00
SuperLagI used them in the early days... and I had no issues.06:00
magn3tsI don't know how to?06:00
dr_willisearly days like back when we had Voodoo 3dfx cards? ;)06:00
deep_inHi i have been trying to install ubuntu landscape server on my own lab using this link https://help.landscape.canonical.com/LDS/QuickStart  now i am getting error in steps 6 please help me06:00
SuperLagdr_willis: SiS 6326 days.06:00
dr_willismagn3ts:  how are you using that kernel?06:01
Alfirusdr_willis, it is SIS 962L06:01
dr_willisAlfirus:  i sugget hitting the ubuntu forums and askubuntu.com to see if that card is supported at all.06:01
arunhow to use handsfree service of bluetooth with my phone and laptop06:02
Alfirusthanks dr_willis06:02
dr_willisi would not be suprised if its unsupported06:02
arunhow to use handsfree service of bluetooth with my phone and laptop06:03
arunhow to use handsfree service of bluetooth with my phone and laptop06:03
arunhow to use handsfree service of bluetooth with my phone and laptop06:03
arunhow to use handsfree service of bluetooth with my phone and laptop06:03
FloodBot1arun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:03
dr_willisand thats one way to get ignored.../kicked06:03
killerwhat should i do intl-tools is too old06:04
dr_williskiller:  look for a newer version in backports, or ppas or use source06:05
arunhow to use handsfree service of bluetooth with my phone and laptop06:05
arunhow to use handsfree service of bluetooth with my phone and laptop06:05
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:05
arunhow to use handsfree service of bluetooth with my phone and laptop06:06
cfhowlettarun, read your bluetooth device manual06:06
dr_willisits not even clear on what he means...06:07
MoPacHi again all.  I'm getting a kernel oops every time I suspend: suspend behavior appears normal until wakeup, at which point system kicks down to BIOS, re-LUKS-mount, login, etc. Execpath on the internal error is /usr/share/apport/apportcheckresume. Common?06:09
killerdr_willis: i m using 12.10 version (quatzy)06:09
deep_ini am trying to install using this link https://help.landscape.canonical.com/LDS/QuickStart  now getting error in step 606:10
flintseris there a general guide for suspending problems? or some documentation? if i suspend linux goes away but it stays at the dos style prompt with underdash flickering (you konw what i mean). then if i wake it up by pressing power button my linux fires up.06:10
arunhow to use handsfree service of bluetooth with my phone and laptop06:12
cfhowlettflintser, do you have a swap partition06:12
cfhowlettarun, we don't know.  read your manual06:12
MoPacflintser: Haha, somewhere between my "suspend means shutdown" behavior and your "suspend means go to prompt" behavior, there exists the magical land of actual cpu-sleep06:12
tutysrahi, did anyone successfully installed freenx server or nomachine server on a ubuntu12.10 64 bit?06:14
Alfirusthanks, dr_willis for your help.06:15
deep_inhi did any one sucessfully install ubuntu landscape on 12.0406:15
tj__hello, having trouble booting from usb to my toshiba satellite l655. messed with cmos setting tryed two different ubuntu's and two different usb creators. the most i got out of start up is "syslinux 4.06...... " with blinking underscore underneath any suggestions06:19
dr_willishow were you making the usbs? you did check their md5sums first? whats your video chipset?06:20
flintsercfhowlett: yes, 4gb06:21
tj__i used the universal usb creator/pendrive  then tried yummi06:21
cfhowlettflintser, OK.  My theory is wrong then ...06:22
dr_willisyoou could try some of the other tools at the pendrivelinux site. theres some that use grub2 to boot the ISO files. those may work better in a problem case06:22
SuperLagI just added an SSD to my work desktop. My machine only takes 8GB. I think that qualifies as a first world problem. :)06:22
SuperLagI'm probably going to reinstall Ubuntu on it tomorrow... and I'm trying to figure out the best use for the space on the SSD.06:23
dr_willisi just put my / on  my 128gb ssd and  /home on its own 3tb sata hd06:23
dr_willisor i could have kept /home/ on the ssd also06:24
SuperLagdr_willis: so... no slowness by leaving ~ on the HDD?06:24
dr_willisit will be a little slower yes. it depends on your needs.. space or speed06:24
arunhey i don't have a ny manual06:24
SuperLagdr_willis: the SSD is 250GB, and the HDD is a 2TB06:24
flintserSuperLag: ubuntu and essential/most needed software on ssd, rest on other disk06:24
dr_willisput /home/ on the ssd and link your users Downloads or other dirs to the sata06:24
dr_willisit all depends on what you need.06:24
flintseroh it is 250gb.. i understood it was 8gb...06:25
cfhowlettarun, download one from the company that makes your device.  WE don't have it either06:25
SuperLagflintser: no, the 8GB was RAM06:25
SuperLagsorry :)06:25
dr_willisput swap on the hdd  not sdd ;)06:25
SuperLagflintser: I wish it took at least 16GB, as that would make the VMs run smoother06:25
dr_willisyou may want to put /tmp in ram also06:25
dr_willisor on the hdd06:25
flintserSuperLag: our production servers have over 150gb of ram ;)06:26
flintser10 hosts and hundreds of vms06:26
SuperLagflintser: you suck. talk to the hand. :)06:26
SuperLagflintser: #jealous06:26
=== illezikS is now known as Skizelli
flintseryep, but some of the appservers need up to 25gb of ram because users all over the country contact to them06:27
SuperLagMy Macbook Pro has 16GB of RAM... but I may have to switch to using my Linux box full-time at work. Depends on if they finally start enforcing the no-personal-laptops policy.06:27
SuperLagflintser: and since my desktop is fully functional... I can't really say... "can I have one of the newer Lenovo machines?"06:28
=== XenGi is now known as XenGi_
flintser!ot | flintser, DOH!06:28
ubottuflintser, DOH!: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:28
SuperLagflintser: was that aimed at me?06:29
blbrown_win3for iptable firewall rules.  What is -A mean and what is -I06:29
flintserSuperLag: no, just some self-made fun for me and at the same time a reminder of the offtopic channel06:30
tcattHello, using 12.10, all flash video just shows a black box, no controls, no video or audio plays... any suggestion please to fix?06:33
flintsertcatt: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras06:34
magn3tsdr_willis: I installed it? :P06:34
magn3tsdr_willis: It was released yesterday or the day before.06:34
dr_willismagn3ts:  good? I got no idea what you are talking about...   ;P06:35
ubuntuw1204why is linux kernel updated to in ubuntu 12.0406:35
magn3tsdr_willis: I already reported it on the Linux bugzilla. You asked how I had 3.8 installed... a while ago, sorry.06:35
cfhowlettubuntuw1204, because kernels get improved and fixed.  You don't HAVE to use it ...06:35
dr_willisubuntuw1204:  what are you expecting?06:35
magn3tsHe's likes '7's in his kernel versions.06:36
leaf_____Hi, using 12.04, when booting, message displays saying screen, graphics and input device setting could not be detected... any suggestion please to fix?06:36
dr_willisso does  the Boeing Aircraft designers. ;)06:36
ubottuleaf_____,: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:36
ubuntuw1204dr_willis: no i mean why not 3.2 to 3.7?06:36
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.06:37
tcattflintser: I have already installed that06:37
magn3tsLTSs don't get the latest and greatest kernels.06:37
magn3tsstupid useful factoids.06:37
leaf_____Thanks ubottu, I'll look into it.06:37
cfhowlettmagn3ts, disagree.  I installed 12.4.2 this an hour ago ... kernel updated06:37
dr_williswhy not 3.8 it came out like.. err.. ysterday? last week? ;) i dont follow kernels06:37
magn3tscfhowlett: so you're running 3.8.0 on there? I don't think so...06:38
magn3tscfhowlett: unless you installed it manually like i did :P06:38
ubuntuw1204magn3ts, ok but whats the reason for maintaining 3.2 ?06:38
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.06:38
dr_willis12.4.2 sort of ddoes some special stuff for updateing. compared to 12.04.1 from what i saw mentioned in here yesterday06:38
cfhowlettmagn3ts, kernels don't immediately appear in the distros you konw.06:38
flintsertcatt: what browser and have you restarted browser after installing the flash-plugins included in ubuntu-restricted-extras06:38
magn3tscfhowlett: what does `uname -a` tell you?06:39
cfhowlettubuntuw1204, my practice is to always keep one old (working) kernel in case a new kernel breaks things06:39
cfhowlettmagn3ts, ubuntustudio: custom kernel 3.2.0-37-lowlatency06:39
magn3tscfhowlett: so it's multiple versions behind.06:39
tcattflintser: I have tried both firefox and reconk, and have restarted06:40
magn3tsthat's how ubuntu releases work, hence, !latest06:40
magn3tsSee #arch, etc for rolling releases and the latest and greatest06:40
flintsertcatt: you might want to try chromium-browser, i can recommend it all the way!06:40
flintsernever had a problem with it06:40
ubuntuw1204magn3ts who maintains the kernel 3.2?06:41
magn3tsIdk, probably the regular kernel devs and/or canonical06:41
SJrHow do I install Ubuntu on my Mac without Linux. I upgraded to 12.04 from 11.10 and it seemed to have nuked my ability to boot.06:41
flintsereverytime i install *buntu first thing is "sudo apt-get purge firefox && sudo apt-get install docky gnome-do chromium-browser *buntu-restricted-extras vlc"06:41
Akiva-Thinkpadout of all these setups of a redundant raid 0, which one is the fastest? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmXdRsCSWUwWdGhlU1VINW1nVXZocUtPNzh6U3dObHc#gid=006:41
Anonymous905Does anyone know how I can install Ubuntu on my Nexus 4?06:42
magn3tsubuntuw1204: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/precise-changes/2013-February/018615.html06:42
dr_willisAnonymous905:  see the #ubuntu-arm channel06:42
Kartagisokay, so I upgraded the kernel, and when I try to boot to it, I get the message "/bin/sh/: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open object file: No such file or directory". why am I getting that? I've got /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.606:42
vnc786i have cups installed on ubuntu 12.04 but when i try to browse thru browser and hit Administrator tab it gives me Forbidden error i have logged in with normal user does it need root login ..?06:42
magn3tsKartagis: how far did you upgrade your kernel?06:43
dr_willisvnc786:  what address are you using in the browser?06:43
tcattflintser: happens with chromium also06:43
ubuntuw1204magn3ts ok so ubuntu maintains 3.2 and why doesn;t linux maintain 3.2 and and does newer linux kernel have support for older hardware?06:43
vnc786<ip> :631 and localhost:63106:43
Anonymous905Does anyone know how I can install Ubuntu on my Nexus 4?06:43
Kartagismagn3ts: by "how far" do you mean to what version?06:43
dr_willisvnc786:  localhost:631 should work.  unless you are using a user other then your first made one.06:43
magn3tsKartagis: yes06:44
dr_willisAnonymous905:  see the #ubuntu-arm channel for help with arm hardware.. theres some app you  run on a pc i recall06:44
flintsertcatt: this might have relevant info for you. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107452306:44
Kartagismagn3ts: 3.5.0-24-generic #37~precise1-Ubuntu06:44
theadminubuntuw1204: kernel.org *does* mantain 3.2, and it's unlikely that a newer kernel will have support for older hardware.06:44
magn3tsubuntuw1204: "linux" isn't a person or even necessarily a group of people. It's a thing worked on by many people.06:44
vnc786dr_willis: i m trying to add printer thru cups in some other machine but it gives Forbidden error06:45
magn3tsubuntuw1204: rarely will a newer kernel drop support for hardware. Unless you have a 386 computer, I can't imagine hardware that won't work with a newer kernel.06:45
magn3tsubuntuw1204: if something like that existed, it would surely be a kernel bug.06:45
flintsertcatt: WRONG URL :$ this is the right... http://askubuntu.com/questions/117831/flash-displays-black-screen-no-video-youtube-firefox-1106:45
RcartI want to install a package from backports in precesi, I've enabled the backports in sources.list but when I do #apt-get install package/precise-backpors ... I get: "E: Release "precise-backports" for "package" was not found06:45
dr_willisvnc786:  the printer is on another machine? you did use cups on that machine and set the printer to  be shared? and the server to allow access?06:45
vnc786dr_willis: on my server it worked with localhost:631 but not with <ip>06:45
ubuntuw1204theadmin: magn3ts says new kernel will support old hardware06:46
dr_willisvnc786:  cups only listens to localhost by default i belive for securityu reasons. you need to tell it to share stuff06:46
theadminRcart: Did you run "apt-get update" after uncommenting said line?06:46
dr_willisand listen to other ips06:46
magn3tsubuntuw1204: what do you mean by "old hardware"? If 3.2 supports X, Y, Z, I would expect 3.8 to support X, Y, Z.06:46
magn3tsI mean, why wouldn't it?06:46
vnc786dr_willis: it is network printer and it is added in cups ..06:46
theadminubuntuw1204: old, yes. oldER? Probably not. I don't think any hardware older than what already's supported will be added.06:46
Rcarttheadmin: yes, I did a refresh of package06:46
dr_willisvnc786:  i go on each pc on my lan and use the http://localhost:631 thing.. i dont add the printer to pc #2 from pc #106:47
Rcarttheadmin: s/package/packages06:47
Kartagismagn3ts: well?06:47
magn3tsubuntuw1204: theadmin, that's a good point, if something is broken now in 3.2, there's a decent chance it will still be broken in 3.806:47
theadminRcart: Hm, odd. You could simply run "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and it will upgrade to the latest versions anyway06:47
magn3tsKartagis: and you did that via apt-get or ?06:47
theadminRcart: Maybe you could try "package/backports" instead. I prefer to stay away from the backports repo so I'm not messing with it myself :P06:48
Kartagismagn3ts: apt-get06:48
magn3tsKartagis: was that a normal update? What did you update from? Did you do the update because you were having problems?06:48
Rcarttheadmin: that's what I was expecting, but it does not upgrade my packages06:48
vnc786dr_willis: how do i add the network printer to machines in network using CUPS rather than other method..06:48
Kartagismagn3ts: I updated from something I don't remember what now. and yes, I did update because I was having a problem06:49
Rcarttheadmin: same with package/backports :\06:49
dr_willisvnc786:  i do use cups. only i use cups on each machine..   you are trying to configure every pc on the lan from one pc?06:49
theadminRcart: Are you sure there is a version in the backports repo that's newer than the version you already have?06:49
magn3tsKartagis: problems with libc or something else? Was it just `apt-get upgrade` ?06:49
Rcarttheadmin: I verified the archive and there's a new version for it06:50
Kartagismagn3ts: apt-get update, and yes, I was getting the same message06:50
dr_willisvnc786:  you can edit the cups configs to allow pc#1 to get to pc#2s  cups:631 web interface06:50
theadminRcart: Hm, okay... That's strange, it should of "just work".06:50
Rcarttheadmin: I want my software *out* of main section to be updated the most (;06:50
dr_willisbut that has to be enabled on each pc running cups06:50
magn3tsKartagis: hmmmm, well, I would say your problem isn't necessarily related to the kernel upgrade then :)06:50
magn3tsKartagis: not sure off the top of my head with libc though, usually that's the "Oh crap" thing to have break. You might repeat that error and see if other people have some quicker thoughts.06:51
BroUnicornThis isn't the correct channel but just a question.06:51
magn3tsThat's the IRC version of "I'm not a racist but..." :P06:52
Rcarttheadmin: btw, I've enabled apt preference for priority in /etc/apt/preferences06:52
cfhowlettmagn3ts, agreed06:52
BroUnicornIs it normal for a second level course at a University (140) in computer science to cover Hash Tables?06:52
cfhowlettBroUnicorn, you're right.  wrong channel.06:52
Kartagismagn3ts: actually, I was running !xen kernel, and still am. when I try to switch kernels, I get that. I updated the kernel in the hopes that the problem will get fixed06:52
Rcarttheadmin: but still can't get backports T__T06:52
theadminBroUnicorn: Not for here, try #defocus or #ubuntu-offtopic06:52
magn3tsKartagis: Oh. Weird, I don't know, that's strange to me...06:53
theadminRcart: It's strange really. And that means I don't know why it happens :P06:53
Rcarttheadmin: hahaha, ok. Thanks. I better go to sleep :X06:53
vnc786dr_willis: m  try this http://tinyurl.com/a8or6b506:54
Rcarttheadmin: thanks ;D06:54
Kartagismagn3ts: I had high hopes with dr_willis, but he doesn't know either :S06:54
dixoncx[Ubuntu 12.04 Server] How to add a user to sudo ? tried 'adduser username sudo', still get 'sudo: must be setuid root'06:54
magn3tsKartagis: heh, in that case I wouldn't have wasted your time. If he doesn't know, I certainly won't.06:54
theadmindixoncx: sudo adduser username sudo # Eh.06:54
theadmindixoncx: Must be root to do admin tasks after all06:54
cfhowlettdixoncx, "sudo" is banned as a username by default06:54
theadmincfhowlett: That's not a username, that's a valid groupname in Ubuntu06:55
theadmincfhowlett: By default, there's a line in sudoers saying %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL06:55
Kartagisdixoncx: or sudo gpasswd -a username sudo06:55
theadmincfhowlett: So yeah06:55
dixoncxcfhowlett: i run 'adduser username sudo' from root06:55
theadmindixoncx: That should work, but how/why are you logged in as root? That's not possible on Ubuntu by default and it's not supported06:56
dixoncxtheadmin: Am configuring a new user from root on a vps..06:57
dixoncxthrough ssh06:57
dr_willisthose fun and tricky vps's06:58
theadmindixoncx: Oh, eh... VPS providers do crazy stuff :/ Anyway, it should work, hm. Depends on the Ubuntu release though06:58
nfdso you're just su-d in.06:58
theadmindixoncx: On older releases, the group is "admin"06:58
dixoncxtheadmin: let me try..06:59
agu10^boner broke, right?06:59
nfdhuh, is there any way to get Pidgin to give alerts (to the DE) for new IRC messages on just one tab?07:00
flintseraddusers in ubuntu: "sudo useradd username" "usermod -aG adm,cdrom,lpadmin,sudo,sambashare,dip,plugdev username07:00
theadminflintser: "useradd" is a bit low-level, "adduser" works better for most purposes.07:01
theadminCause it prevents you from manually having to set the password, GECOS info, and groups07:02
theadminAll automated and even interactive07:02
dr_willisyep.. adduser billgates    for fun. ;-)07:02
flintserwell i dont want to create stuff i dont need, generally new users are for ftp and webadmin stuff for me... adduser is better for more common situations. i intended to write adduser but old habits... ;)07:03
dr_willisthe digitalocean site had some admin guides on setting up a vps with users07:03
tgunrjust finished updating from 12.04 to 12.10 and now ubuntu is frozen at the desktop pix, is it normal to have to wait a bit?07:04
theadmintgunr: A bit, maybe, but not any longer than a minute or so07:04
dixoncxtheadmin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1687971/07:04
tgunrwell, I'm borked then, been about 15 minutes so far07:04
theadmintgunr: Please note that since 12.10 the Unity interface *requires* 3D acceleration capabilities on your GPU and therefore may fail on older graphic cards07:04
nfdTL;DR use a better DE :P07:05
tgunroh, thats nice to know now07:05
theadmindixoncx: Well it worked, now you should just be able to log in with that revscrz user07:05
nfdSacrelige in this channel?07:05
tgunrdoesn't the update pricess check for such things?07:06
theadmintgunr: I don't think the package manager cares for your hardware at all :P07:06
theadmintgunr: Try using Xfce for a lighter environment... Or KDE for a heavier and prettier one.07:07
nfdI guess you could try downgrading Unity to some previous version.07:07
tgunrsigh… been trying to get ubuntu configured all afternoon and evening07:07
nfdOr Awesome for something different and stupid fast07:07
dixoncxtheadmin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1687995/07:08
theadmintgunr: Both should be possible to set up even without a GUI present, just get to the console (Ctrl-Alt-F2) and "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" (for the xfce release) and "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" for the KDE one.07:08
dr_willis12.10 has a feature to go into a 2d low mode.. but its in development07:08
magn3tsdr_willis: lolwut07:08
dr_willisand dont work well..... yet07:08
theadmindixoncx: Oh jeebus, seems they messed sudo up :/07:09
tgunrchecking if this has 3d07:09
magn3tsdr_willis: 12.10 has a feature in development? Does that mean its something that will be backported... or ... ?07:09
theadmindixoncx: You may need to check your /etc/sudoers and such and see if it's messed up, and if not, then just reinstall sudo from the repos07:09
dr_willisi forget what they called it. but unity 2d is gone because this replaced it07:09
agu10^/msg nickserv identify 3920832307:09
flintseragu10^: fail07:09
theadmin*sigh* when will people learn not to identify in channel windows07:10
nfdreinstall sudo? Ewwwwwwww.07:10
theadminagu10^: Please change your password now.07:10
MasterOfDisasteragu10^: hurry and change your password :D07:10
tzarcidentify through server password imo07:10
agu10^/msg nickserv passwd 123407:10
nfdquick question while we are here07:10
flintseragu10^: double fail x999 facepalm07:10
we6jbowhy would you use only numbers for a password?07:10
theadminagu10^: You're using some crazy client.07:10
vnc786dr_willis: right on i m on xp machine and thru that how do i add printer ??07:10
agu10^/msg nickserv identify 3920832307:11
theadminagu10^: Install something that supports commands :/07:11
dixoncxtheadmin: k, am going to reinstall sudo, regular 'apt-get install sudo' from root enough ?07:11
MasterOfDisasteragu10^: please pick 'hunter2' as your new password, please! :D07:11
we6jbowant me to change it for you agu10?07:11
theadmindixoncx: You need --reinstall to install packages that are already up-to-date07:11
nfdHow can I best disable the recovery mode (accessible from grub)?07:11
dixoncxtheadmin: k07:11
theadminnfd: What for? It's useful.07:11
nfdi want it gone, not just the references poofed07:11
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu07:11
flintseragu10^: unacceptable already07:11
nfdWait, am I mistaken in my assumption that it has root?07:12
vnc786dr_willis: yes07:12
agu10^we6jbo, please yes07:12
theadminnfd: Well, yes, so? Anyone with physical access to the machine is capable of getting access to your system anyway (livecd, etc)07:12
theadminnfd: Won't make you more secure if that's what you're trying to do.07:13
we6jbowhat do you want your password to be?07:13
flintsertgunr: if youre still running ubuntu in vm, you can maybe add gpu support07:13
nfdyeah I guess. Grub still will boot anything (wat).07:13
magn3tsWhy are you having someone else change your password? wth, just tell him the command to change it via nickserv07:13
magn3tsalso, don't do it in a channel tab.07:13
theadminnfd: GRUB has password-protection mechanisms if you want to do that.07:13
tgunrjust checked, parallels 8 does support 3d07:13
theadminnfd: That's more secure07:14
we6jbohis client wont let him do that07:14
theadminAlthough still not enough...07:14
nfdyeah, but apparently you can still breeze through them?07:14
magn3tshis client won't let him send a message07:14
nfdlemme DDG it.07:14
flintsertgunr: your vmhost is parallels 8?07:14
theadminnfd: Yeah again, get a LiveCD or such. You could set a BIOS password so that nobody can boot nothing without your permission07:14
varikonniemiwow, nice, encrypted search was just turned on for default searches. Why so long before implemented?07:14
magn3tsnfd: theadmin: GRUB password protection isn't going to do a whole lot.07:15
magn3tsFDE would be necessary.07:15
nfdmagn3ts: exactly07:15
theadminThat's a good idea too.07:15
magn3tsI'd remove the hard drive, boot it in another system, pull the data.07:15
magn3tsIf you use Full disc encryption, I freeze your RAM and extract the key.07:15
we6jboagu10 maybe you should try #help or #freenode admins can help you with your password there07:15
nfdI need to get around to reinstalling it with FDE07:15
magn3tsIf you use TRESOR and try to keep the key out of RAM, then I will use the attack on TRESOR I read about a few months ago :P07:15
theadminnfd: The Ubuntu installer only provides encryption options for /home IIRC07:16
magn3tsTRESOR is actually a really cool feature that I'd love to see merged into mainline kernels.07:16
magn3tstheadmin: I think the 13.04 offers FDE.07:16
MasterOfDisasterwatch out, we have a badass over here...07:16
varikonniemiyou do realize a ram attack is only theoretical?07:16
nfdnot if I wipe the RAM on shutdown and then not stray away more than 30 cm from my keyboard for fifteen minutes!07:16
theadminmagn3ts: Ah, that may be, but it ain't a stable release so whatever :P07:16
magn3tstheadmin: yeah, realized that as I pressed enter. :P07:16
lunitiktheadmin: Ubuntu 12.10 does full drive07:16
theadminlunitik: Oh, good :)07:16
magn3tsnfd, well you could wipe the ram with the key before halting. TRESOR keeps the key in CPU registers though so you can't do a memory attack.07:17
* lunitik just installed, remembers seeing it just a few hours ago07:17
nfdyeah, but can you do in *post-install*?07:17
theadminI'm going with the LTS branch so I'm not fully aware of the new things in 12.1007:17
jackwunew ubuntu07:17
nfdoh that's pretty cool07:17
jackwuwhen new version ubuntu is going to come out?07:17
varikonniemitheadmin, its a long wait till next LTS07:17
magn3tsFDE post-install? No. I don't know how that would be possible, and really not worth it. Keep /home on a separate partition and reinstalling is as painless as 15-20 minutes of spare time.07:17
theadminjackwu: 13.04 stands for year 13 (2013), month 04 (April).07:18
agu10^jackwu, versions are a lie.07:18
* lunitik finds LTS too boring, will probably see what he can break with raring in a few days07:18
dr_willisjackwu: version  number is the date07:18
magn3tsLTS is for noooooobs.07:18
MasterOfDisasterjackwu: April, March? guess why it's called 13.04 :D07:18
varikonniemiand i bet 12.04 will feel very old in a year07:18
tgunrhmm, i can ssh into the 12.10 VM07:18
magn3tslunitik: pulseaudio broke but is fixed already, I haven't had any significant breakage yet07:18
theadminvarikonniemi: I prefer stability over, err, newness.07:18
theadminvarikonniemi: Well, has it's limits though, I wouldn't run Debian stable for instance :P07:18
varikonniemiyeah i get that, 12.10 is horrible and i regret upgrading07:18
magn3tsalthough I keep all of my data on a BTRFS raid10 array, so I'm obviously not a shining star of stability or good choices.07:18
lunitikmagn3ts: I'm really not sure what is even new in raring, hence I didn't rush in07:19
nfdI don07:19
MasterOfDisastertheadmin: reasonable stableness. remember debian woody? :D07:19
tgunrI'm beginning to regret also07:19
lunitiktheadmin: on a server, stability is necessary, on a desktop, it just hampers fun07:19
magn3tslunitik: +107:19
magn3tsbut then again, I don't use Unity :P07:19
tgunrlast thing in log, is trying to establish ipv607:19
varikonnieminow that everything works, 12.10 is better than 12.04, but it was a PAIN to get everything working07:19
nfd't have /home on a separate partition, and i have probably over a half-dozen third-party repos installed, so sounds like a PITA.07:20
theadminMasterOfDisaster: I do not, I only use Linux since 2008 and I haven't checked Debian way until 201207:20
magn3tsnfd, I added my PPAs and other repos to a little install script I've got. Adds some repos, installs everything through apt-get, installs steam, etc.07:20
dixoncxtheadmin: Reinstalling sudo fixed issue.. Thanks :):)07:20
theadmindixoncx: Great. Geez. Might want to complain to your VPS provider that they broke sudo07:20
magn3tsI can do a reinstall and have everything back and installed in under a half hour. After that it's a bit of tweaking if I don't have /home saved or on a separate part.07:20
lunitikmagn3ts: most other projects on the desktop are much less interesting these days imo... for developers KDE is nice though07:21
nfdFunky. Now I just need to figure out what exactly I have installed.07:21
lunitikmagn3ts: due mostly to the transition to QML07:21
magn3tslunitik: I *just* switched after going from Unity -> Gnome-shell -> Cinnamon -> KDE and I'm quite happy with it, but KWin rocks after all.07:21
flintsermagn3ts: i'd like to see you setup clean ubuntu and downloading+installing over 10gb of stuff in under 30min ;D07:21
magn3tslunitik: the rest of Plasma I'm still a bit shaky about, KIO sucks, etc.07:21
magn3tsflintser: 10GB? o_007:21
varikonniemilunitik, don't you think some wayland/qml desktop would be more interesting for devs? Current technologies are well represented, there is better opportunities in new tech.07:22
nfdoh yeah07:22
flintserif you have steam i bet you have games too, magn3ts07:22
magn3tsvarikonniemi: are you volunteering? I'd love a wayland/qml desktop and am quite sure that several will pop up in the next few years07:22
magn3tsflintser: ah :) well, depends on if I'm at my parents home or my appt with fiber.07:22
nfdi've got tweaked config files in bizarre places too...07:22
theadminAnyway peoples, we went offtopic a *lot*, this is a support channel, not for plain discussion07:22
varikonniemicheck out #maui-project07:22
magn3tsvarikonniemi: My eye is keenly trained upon it :)07:23
dixoncxtheadmin: hmm, that was cheap vps promo, i dont care.. Actually whats the kernal version in 12.04 server ?07:23
magn3tsvarikonniemi: in fact I'm in that room already ;)07:23
MasterOfDisasterflintser: your ubuntu installation (sans home directory and data) has > 10GB?07:23
theadmindixoncx: Ubuntu provides 3.2.x, but the VPS may have their own kernel07:23
magn3tsMasterOfDisaster: he was referring to my steam games07:24
dixoncxtheadmin: k, got it..07:24
vaqWhen having fuse in /etc/fstab my machine doesn't seem to update /etc/mtab with the mountpoint from, randomly.. Even though the mount exists accordingly to cat /proc/mounts - Any ideas?07:24
theadmindixoncx: Check "uname -r" to see what you have07:24
lunitikvarikonniemi: I'm not sure how I feel about wayland... xorg is modular enough, it has served us well, I'm really not sure what wayland actually improves on07:24
varikonniemix is horrible07:24
varikonniemithe only outdated sw stack on modern linux07:24
* magn3ts nods07:24
lunitikvarikonniemi: if wayland sat atop dbus rather than a new IPC, maybe I'd like it more07:24
agu10^/msg nickserv identify freenodepass07:24
lunitikvarikonniemi: Why is X horrible?07:25
theadmin!ops | Somebody stop the offtopic madness please07:25
ubottuSomebody stop the offtopic madness please: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!07:25
magn3tsQuick! Someone link to the video from two weeks ago!07:25
dixoncxtheadmin: mine: 2.6.36-07:25
flintserwhy is every ubuntu channel turning into a "omg dont use gui ohh lets see him use fedora lts is for nubs lololo"07:25
flintseror gentoo07:25
theadmindixoncx: Oh, gee07:25
magn3tsflintser: maybe we're looking at different ubuntu chans but I didn't see that anywhere...07:25
varikonniemithere are so many problems with it that they just cannot fix due to design errors07:25
lunitikvarikonniemi: like what?07:26
theadminflintser: It's... a pretty sane channel here most of the time but yeah, this kinda thing happens sometimes :/07:26
bazhangvarikonniemi, lets get back on topic07:26
varikonniemilunitik, you should see the presentation of a former x dev who moved to wayland where he explains why they need a new approach07:26
lunitikvarikonniemi: you can /msg me if you want to continue, party poopers around07:26
flintserand ubuntu-tablet was trolling #iphone07:26
bazhangflintser, lets get back to ubuntu support only please07:26
magn3tsflintser: Sorry, I know it's a long video but it's worth it: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTI5NTI07:26
tgunrtrying to discover what is hanging in 12.10, top is not showing anything interesting07:27
varikonniemimagn3ts, thats the one, thanks!07:27
magn3tsflintser: sorry, that wasn't meant for you07:27
agu10^varikonniemi, what do you recommend instead?07:27
magn3tsvarikonniemi: lunitik: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTI5NTI is long, but good.07:27
melodyhi i was just wondering. how do we get into channels t require invitation?07:27
theadminmagn3ts, varikonniei, lunit, flintser: Please continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic07:27
magn3tsanyway, theadmin is right, we're way OT. sorry!07:27
bazhangmelody, ask in #freenode07:27
MasterOfDisastertgunr: checked the usual suspects yet? iotop, vmstat?07:27
agu10^varikonniemi, what do you recommend instead?07:28
* tgunr man iotop07:28
melodyrequest from there?07:28
theadminmelody: You're not registered, please /msg nickserv help register first07:28
bazhangmelody, ask them there07:28
tgunrno iotop07:28
agu10^/msg nickserv register melody07:28
MasterOfDisastertgunr: sudo apt-get install iotop07:29
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vaqWhen having fuse in /etc/fstab my machine doesn't seem to update /etc/mtab with the mountpoint randomly, some times it does other times not, even though the mount exists accordingly to cat /proc/mounts - Any ideas?07:31
tgunrok, iotop looks very quiet vmstat shows 1.5MB free07:31
theadminvaq: It's safe to symlink /etc/mtab to /proc/mounts07:32
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tgunrsyslog is very quiet also07:32
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vaqtheadmin: thanks07:33
theadminI'm not quite sure why that's not the default07:35
theadminAnyhow, I'm off07:36
magn3tsThis channel got slow after we got chased off. We were the life of the party.07:40
yajnabGuys my system configuration  Processor - AMD FX-8350(8Core ,4 GHz) Motherboard - Gigabyte 880GM-USB3 RAM- 8GB DDR3 Graphics card - MSI AMD Radeon R6450  Guys if i install any Ubuntu version higher than the 10.04 there is a graphics break in my system. Currently in Ubuntu 12.10. Green and red dots scattered everywhere in the screen over the graphics.. Now it wont boot. I can get it booted from the recovery mode. I want a solution07:40
aeon-ltdyajnab: tried both open source and proprietry drivers?07:41
yajnab@aeon-ltd : actually um new07:41
yajnabcan u find a solution07:41
aeon-ltdi just suggested one07:42
yajnabNot tried anything like the opensource or propietory. :(07:42
aeon-ltdare you using any drivers?07:42
yajnabNo driver07:43
yajnabjust made a clean ubuntu 12.10 installation..07:43
flintseryajnab: go to software sources and select tab additional drivers07:43
LinaSovereignHey !07:44
yajnab@flintser : then??07:44
flintseris there anything to select07:45
flintserinstall the graphichs related proprietary drivers07:46
flintserdont use noveau or similar07:46
tgunrdoes anyone have any suggestions as to what I might poke to kill this hang?07:47
yajnab@flinster : i have amd driver07:48
yajnabthe xorg07:48
yajnabthen the propietory flxgr07:48
yajnabthree options07:48
yajnabwen i select propeitory the hanges are not saved07:48
peeps[lappy]how do i turn off these awful popup scrollbars07:49
yajnabwhen i select the propeitory the changes are not saved07:49
yajnabwen i boot07:49
yajnaband moreover i cant boot into the ubuntu07:49
usr13yajnab: Don't use Enter key for punctuaion.07:49
yajnabexcept the recovery mode07:49
tgunrpeeps[lappy] you might try ccdm i think07:50
flintseryajnab: selct the amd driver07:50
jactaCan anyone help me, I have a problem where I cant type the same key within a short amount of time - its really slowing me down, can anyone point in a direction for this?07:50
tgunrkey delay in system preferences?07:50
flintser!ccsm | peeps[lappy]07:51
ubottupeeps[lappy]: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz07:51
usr13yajnab: Check to see that the fan is running.07:51
yajnabone thing can i disable my GPU.. i dnt really need it07:52
yajnabcoz i dnt play games07:52
yajnabthen i think the problem will be slved07:52
usr13yajnab: So there is also an onboard GPU?07:52
flintseryajnab: it is good to have a gpu in unity 3d, otherwise it can be painfully laggy/slow07:52
jactatgunr: where do you find that you say?07:52
yajnabYa i have a onboard GPU07:53
tgunrtry that ccsm thing above, it might be in there07:53
yajnabactually i am a kernel developer and Android developer07:53
jactame tgunr ?07:53
flintseryajnab: try all the drivers, one of them should work at least so that you can boot in normal mode07:53
usr13yajnab: Are you sure the fans are running?  And at top speeds?07:53
=== nikhil_ is now known as Guest33713
tgunrjacta: yes07:53
yajnab@usr13 ya the fan runing07:53
usr13yajnab: (Sounds a lot like heat related issue.)07:54
yajnab@flinster wen i change the driver from the reovery the changes are not saved07:54
tgunrjacta: this is my first day with ubuntu so take what I say with a bug grain of salt07:54
flintseryajnab: but it has to be more than a crappy integrated chip. for example hd3000 is enough, but gma is not so good...07:54
jactaI don't think ccsm is the place actually07:54
agu10^don't use ccsm in ubuntu07:55
agu10^it's broken07:55
flintseryajnab: hmm... did you try the nomodeset boot in normal mode so that you can install the drivers07:55
yajnabI have HD645007:55
flintserno quarantee that it works07:55
yajnabnomodeset - i dnt knw wat it is07:55
MadManfromMaconWhat is the easiest way to?07:56
cyberdois there a better channel than this to get help on apparmor?07:56
MadManfromMaconNo just give up07:57
jactaagu10^: do you know where I can look for it then07:57
agu10^jacta, idk07:57
wiiwhow to man this: /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs08:00
agu10^man /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs08:01
TakeItEZjacta: add "export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBARS=0" to /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99disable-overlay-scrollbars08:01
wiiwagu10^: I mean how to find the mean of this file08:01
agu10^the mean08:02
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.08:02
agu10^google-fu ???08:02
sx_usr__ anyone here have the best site to show how to upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10?08:02
agu10^sudo apt-get upgrade08:03
jactaTakeItEZ: what should that do?08:03
bazhangagu10^, thats not correct08:03
TakeItEZwiiw: http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sysctl/vm.txt08:03
sx_usr__agu10^, i did,  but didn't prompt me to upgrd to 12.1008:03
wiiwTakeItEZ: ok08:03
bazhang!upgrade | sx_usr__08:03
ubottusx_usr__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade08:03
TakeItEZjacta: sry wron nick08:03
MadManfromMaconcan you all be quiet for a few minutes? trying to listen to a song and you guys keep making noise. it's really rude.08:03
sx_usr__bazhang,  thanks!08:03
agu10^sx_usr__, then you screwed up your install really bad08:03
TakeItEZpeeps[lappy]: add "export LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBARS=0" to /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99disable-overlay-scrollbars08:04
sx_usr__agu10^, screw you08:04
bazhangsx_usr__, that is wrong. stop it08:04
bazhangagu10^, you too08:04
jactaso lost I am :p08:05
hell_hi everyone08:06
hell_Any one plz tell me how i can create a restore point like windows in linux08:07
jactaIts really anoying with the "same-key-delay" :/08:07
TakeItEZhell_: there is no such feature. use incremental backups/images08:08
bazhanghell_, you would need to image the disk.  the Disks application in 12.10 has that08:08
hell_TakeItEz: oooooooo thats sad08:08
bazhangTakeItEZ, sure there is08:08
TakeItEZbazhang: what, where?08:09
bazhangTakeItEZ, in Disks : create disk image08:09
hell_is there specific command for that?08:09
TakeItEZbazhang: a disk-image is not like "windows restore point"08:09
bazhangTakeItEZ, this is not windows. its the functional equivalent08:09
magn3tsUse BTRFS and then you can snapshot to your heart's desire08:09
jarcoWhy is my lubuntu downloading unity app menu integration for firefox when I update?08:10
flintserTakeItEZ: take essential backups in ubuntu one, there you have your restore point then08:10
jarcoI don't have unity installed08:10
TakeItEZbazhang: does it create a full image of your installation?08:10
magn3tsjarco: it's probably the firefox extension that is probably referenced by the meta package ubuntu-desktop08:10
vreimwhy can i chat here when i dont have internet??08:10
magn3tsjarco: and, did you apt-get remove unity o_0 ?08:10
TakeItEZflintser: i don't need such  thing08:10
magn3tsvreim: um, you must have internet. Or magic.08:10
jarcomagn3ts, no. I never installed it in the first place. Would that get rid of it?08:11
jarcoI am using lxde because I onlu have  256 ram08:11
magn3tsjarco: how did you not install it? It comes with Unity and that firefox extension by default?08:11
magn3tsjarco: or are you not using ubuntu?08:11
magn3tsmight be a bug in their meta package then if they pull it in08:12
magn3tseither way, just apt-get remove it if you don't want it08:12
jarcoShould i report this somewhere?08:12
jarcoThe package is called firefox globalmenu. Hope its not doing something for lxde08:14
jarcoHi Markus__08:17
aeon-ltdis ubuntu server the most barebones you can go with ubuntu?08:18
magn3tsjarco: I wouldn't sweat it. The global menu could be used by other things other than unity but it doesn't matter.08:18
magn3tsjarco: if it's not there, it just displays a regular menu08:18
Markus__ubuntu or windows 7 or the latest mac os?08:18
TakeItEZ!mini | aeon-ltd08:18
ubottuaeon-ltd: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:18
jarcook magn3ts I removed it08:18
aeon-ltdTakeItEZ: i didn't mean in iso size, post install. the least amount of packages for ubuntu is the server edition right?08:19
jarcoMarkus__, depends on what you are looking for08:19
Markus__the best08:19
jarcothe best in what?08:19
jarcoTo do what?08:20
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bazhangMarkus__, do you have an ubuntu support question?08:21
jarcoMarkus__, I intended to ask, what are you intending to use your system for?08:21
bazhangMarkus__, take chit chat to #ubuntu-offtopic , this is ubuntu support only08:21
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Vreim2kwhat can i do on ubuntu that i cant do on windows?08:23
jarcoVreim2k, You can run Linux software for example :)08:23
bazhangVreim2k, try in #ubuntu-discuss08:23
usr13jarco: You say you are doing an update?  Exactly what are you doing?  sudo apt-get upgrade ?  or?08:24
magn3tsA sense of satisfaction?08:24
FuzzlesVreim2k, not get viruses, blue screen of death and a slow machine08:24
Vreim2kjust made an dual boot for my laptop just to check it out08:24
Vreim2klooks really nice :D08:24
jarcoi just did the update the update notifier (gui) presented me with08:24
usr13jarco: I see.  Ok.08:25
jarcoVreim2k, when using unity make sure to test the "hud". (alt key and type)08:25
magn3ts<3 HUD, I wish I could use it with KWin08:25
Vreim2kjarco, what is unity?08:26
magn3tsHUD is truly, truly great. Say anything else you want about Unity, HUD is really smart.08:26
jarcoVreim2k, its a gui for Linux08:26
jarcoA desktop enviroment08:27
magn3tsUnity is a "desktop environment". It's the UI that you see when you login.08:27
Vreim2kwhat can i do with it+08:27
jarcoIts the one that comes standard with ubuntu08:27
magn3tsThe launcher bar on the left, the global menu at the top, etc.08:27
magn3tsVreim2k: think of "desktop environment" as being like the "shell" like in Windows the Start Menu. In OS X, it's Finder and the Dock and the topbar.08:27
Vreim2kohh thats the thing i like with ubuntu08:27
Vreim2ki love the bar on the top08:28
usr13Vreim2k: Unity is a Desktop Environment. One that jarco does not want or need on his system.08:28
magn3tsI'm using KWin's menu in the application-titlebar and I'm enjoying that.08:28
usr13jarco: What you installed is lubuntu.  Right?08:29
Vreim2kand what is lubuntu, i heard u guys were talking about it08:29
jarcousr13, yes. At home I run unity but at the shelter I use lxde because the system is truly ancient08:29
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.08:29
magn3tsSo, with lubuntu, Vreim2k, the "shell" or "desktop environment" is different. Instead of the left launcher bar and the top bar...08:30
dr_willisthe lxde homepage has screenshots that show what lubuntu  basically  looks like08:30
magn3tsthere is LXDE instead. It's a different set of tools that manage your environemnt and GUI. For you, the best way might be to look at screenshots of different desktop environemnts.08:30
usr13jarco: What may be happening is that you have installed an application that requires some of the unity apps and that is why it's downloading and upgrading them, (not with the intention of switching to unity).  The only way your system will revert to unity is if you install the package  ubuntu-desktop08:31
magn3tsVreim2k: I'd check out screenshots of "Unity", "gnome-shell", "kde plasma", "cinnamon", "razor-qt" and some others I'm forgetting or omitting08:31
magn3tsthat will give you an idea of allllll the variety and choice you have in linux-land08:31
dr_willisunity, xfce, and lxde have about all your  bases covered for the range of desktops. ;)08:32
magn3tsgau1991: hi08:32
Vreim2kthx guys cecking it out now :)08:32
magn3tsdr_willis: psssh08:32
jarcousr13, Yeah its not actually switching to it. I just found it odd that the firefox globalmenu was installed08:32
cfhowlettgau1991, greetings08:32
usr13jarco: And you are correct is assuming that 256M of RAM would not support Unity. (Well, it may run but not very well.)08:32
dr_willisfirefox has a global menu to add the global menu feature to firefox.08:33
dr_willisits a firefox plugin  i recall. or extension08:33
jarcousr13, It could run. But If i see the speed my lubuntu runs on I assume its not a good idea. :)08:33
usr13jarco: I'm not familiar with firefox globalmenu (I'm an xfce user.)08:33
dr_willisif you disable it on a unity  system - you get the ff menus in firefox and in the top global menu  panel08:33
wildbatHi, i am using 12.10. how do i set wallpaper to a folder, so that it loop the pictures inside spanning two monitor??08:33
usr13jarco: You are correct.08:33
dr_willisor so i seem to recall08:33
usr13jarco: You need more RAM08:34
jarcousr13, dr_willis , I don't need it either. It just came with firefox appearantly08:34
jarcousr13, not possible. (i actually found 256 more today) 512 is max supported08:34
magn3tsI don't use unity on my machine with 8GB of RAM :)08:34
jarcoand this non-profit has no more coin for better systems.08:34
magn3tsalthough 13.04 gets along much better with my devices.08:34
usr13jarco: Upgrading from 256-512M will help for sure.08:34
dr_williswildbat:   theres several wallpaper changer apps/indicator applets you may want to look into. Or theres som,e tools out to generate the dynamic wallpapers that gnome supports via some .xml files08:35
usr13dr_willis: jarco is running lubuntu08:35
magn3tsoh gnome and xml, a sorrid, dirty love affair08:35
dr_willishelp as in a Turbo boost of caffine. ;)08:35
jarcoand I am in luck. It also runs at a whopping 400mhz :)08:35
magn3tsjarco: what's the nonprofit?08:35
jarcoAnimal shelter08:35
magn3tsCool, my dad works for a pet food company.08:36
damir__Hi. Is it possible to change audio volume via volume control applet while muted? I don't like to unmute at 100% just so I can lower the volume to 10%08:36
magn3tsthey do lots of work w/ animal shelters08:36
magn3tsdamir__: I highly doubt that's anything you can manage via that applet, sadly. I know what you mean.08:37
Vreim2khow do i enable the gnome shell ?08:37
dr_willishmm. thought htere was a factgoid for that..08:37
dr_willistheres a gnomeshell package you install08:37
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic08:37
dr_willistheres ppas for newer releases of gnome shell also.08:37
magn3tsOh god the gnome3 ppas. There's like 2-3 of them already for 13.04 >_<08:38
usr13dr_willis: !gnome ?08:38
nvidiaubuntuI am having issues with getting my mx 440 nvidia card to work. can anyone point me to a good tutorial?08:38
wildbatdr_willis, i try some changers but they don't support spanning somehow. and any good xml gen you are share or point me to ?08:38
Vreim2ki need to download it from the programcenter right?08:38
jarcodamir__, When you have muted type "alsamixer" in cli. You will be able to change the volume and stay muted08:38
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.08:38
dr_williswildbat:  you  need wide wallpapers for that.08:38
ubottuUnity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity08:38
damir__jarco: magn3ts alsamixer it is08:39
dr_williswildbat:  compiz wallpaper plugin may let you  set them per desktop/monitor. but then you  loose other features.  askubuntu.com had a guide on that08:39
magn3tsdamir__: 'pavucontrol' is good too and it doesn't run in the terminal if that's your cup of tea08:39
magn3tsVreim2k: if you don't mind dropping to the Terminal you can just run `sudo apt-get install gnome-shell` and be done faster :)08:39
jarcoTerminal looks cooler08:39
Vreim2k 08:40
nvidiaubuntuI am having issues with getting my mx 440 nvidia card to work. can anyone point me to a good tutorial?08:40
usr13!info gnome-shell08:40
ubottugnome-shell (source: gnome-shell): graphical shell for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.6.2-0ubuntu0.2 (quantal), package size 344 kB, installed size 933 kB08:40
magn3tsKonsole > gnome-terminal, you can blur the BG with Kwin ;)08:40
usr13nvidiaubuntu: nvidia.com08:40
dr_willisis the mx440 even supported by the current nvidia drivers? thats a very  old card isent it?08:41
usr13nvidiaubuntu: jockey-gtk08:41
Vreim2kis there any other guid's that i can install?08:41
nvidiaubuntuusr13: what?08:42
nvidiaubuntuthats not a tutorial08:42
usr13nvidiaubuntu: I know, but if you run the application jockey-gtk it will search for aditional driver sofrware, (if needed).08:42
usr13nvidiaubuntu: Is it not working at all?08:43
usr13nvidiaubuntu: What is the issue with it?08:43
nvidiaubuntui have an mx 440 what video driver do i need to install? I installed nvidia-17308:43
nvidiaubuntubut its not being used for some reason08:44
usr13nvidiaubuntu: Where did you get nvidia-173?08:44
nvidiaubuntuusr13: from ubuntu's repos08:45
nvidiaubuntuthe x-swat one08:45
usr13nvidiaubuntu: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf   #Is it there?08:45
usr13nvidiaubuntu: Have you restarted the Xserver since installing it?08:46
nvidiaubuntuusr13: yes08:46
usr13nvidiaubuntu: yes ________?08:47
chaotixhi..  i would like to install kubuntu 12.10 on my computer...  currently i have two other operating systems, windows 7(99gb)  and fedora 17(193.73 gb)...  the fedora partition is sda4, broken up into sda5 and sda6 underneath it...   i need to be able to take 40gb from the fedora partition to make this Kubuntu partition.....   i am booted into the kubuntu live disk now, and i have gparted open...  but i am unable to resize the08:47
chaotixfedora partition08:47
nvidiaubuntuusr13: i Have restarted xserver since last installing it....08:47
usr13nvidiaubuntu: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf   #Is it there?08:47
chaotixthe fedora partition is on sda4, with 500mb on sda5, and 193.24gb on sda608:47
nvidiaubuntuits not there08:47
usr13nvidiaubuntu: YOu probably need to run nvidia-xconfig08:48
usr13nvidiaubuntu: Not sure you can run it with the Xserver still running or not...08:48
chaotixcan anyone help me with this?08:48
nvidiaubuntuI did, it wrote to it08:48
nvidiaubuntuim going to restart x08:48
cfhowlettchaotix, probably better you ask #fedora how to resize that partition ...08:49
chaotixkk willdo08:49
usr13chaotix: Not sure why you cant resize the fedora partition.  What filesystem is on it?08:52
Vreim2kdoes ubuntu use more power than windows?08:52
Vreim2kit feel like my power runs out much faster08:52
usr13Vreim2k: Usually, yes, I think it does.08:52
usr13Vreim2k: There are apps you can install that will help with that issue.08:53
Vreim2kusr13: like?08:53
nvidiaubuntuhey usr13. Looks like I have an xorg.conf now which uses the 'nvidia' driver but if I launch the nvidia settings manager it says I am not using it08:54
usr13Vreim2k: http://askubuntu.com/questions/205828/how-to-run-ubuntu-12-10-on-a-laptop-with-maximum-power-saving08:54
chaotixusr13, the filesystem is lvm2 pv08:54
usr13Vreim2k: http://askubuntu.com/questions/208207/poor-battery-life-in-ubuntu-12-10-on-toshiba-p755-s5215-how-can-i-manage-backgr08:55
usr13chaotix: Ahh yea.  Probably need to boot fedora and do that.  The other persone that suggested asking on ##fedora may have the best advise but...08:56
usr13!lvm | chaotix08:57
ubottuchaotix: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:57
nvidiaubuntuusr13: it looks like i need the 93 driver instead.08:57
chaotixno one is active in #fedora right now...  maybe omorro08:57
usr13nvidiaubuntu: jockey-gtk08:57
chaotixguess ill catch some sleep08:57
nvidiaubuntuusr13: that is installed08:57
chaotixthanks foir the link08:57
nvidiaubuntuusr13: what do i do with it08:57
usr13nvidiaubuntu: uninstall the previous one and run jockey-gtk08:57
usr13nvidiaubuntu: or go to nvidia.com and download from them.08:58
ploohows 12.10?08:58
plooall issues resolved?08:58
usr13!info jockey-gtk | nvidiaubuntu08:58
ubottunvidiaubuntu: jockey-gtk (source: jockey): transitional package for driver management GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-0ubuntu11 (quantal), package size 3 kB, installed size 52 kB08:58
usr13!jockey-gtk | nvidiaubuntu08:58
bazhanghttp://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/12.10   ploo08:59
nvidiaubuntuhow do I run it on xfce?08:59
nvidiaubuntuusr13: i installed it with apt-get install jockey-gtk09:00
nvidiaubuntuthen I typed jockey-gtk and it says its not installed09:00
usr13nvidiaubuntu: Alt-F2  and type in  jockey-gtk  #Or open at terminal, type  jockey-gtk  and hit Enter.09:00
usr13nvidiaubuntu: Just go to nvidia.com09:00
usr13nvidiaubuntu: Are you 32bit or 64bit?09:01
Kartagis!find libc.so.609:01
ubottuFile libc.so.6 found in libc6, libc6-amd64, libc6-armel-cross, libc6-armhf-cross, libc6-xen09:01
usr13nvidiaubuntu: lspci |grep -i vga #Tell us what it says.09:02
^DEMOSS^anybody know specialist for repair my raid 5 on mdadm09:05
usr13magn3ts: If it the MX440, go to:   http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-96.43.23-driver.html09:05
Vreim2kany good games to ubuntu?09:05
parapanhello folks > please let me know what is the case when trying to set a linux based OS and the network card is taking the IP ???09:05
usr13magn3ts: (And if you are 32bit.)09:05
bazhang!games | Vreim2k09:06
ubottuVreim2k: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/09:06
usr13nvidiaubuntu: (And if you are 32bit.)09:06
bazhangVreim2k, check in the software center as well09:06
Vreim2kwhen u guys say "!" commands where do you want me to put that?09:06
Vreim2kis it the alt key?09:06
magn3tsVreim2k: those are just shortcuts here in IRC09:08
magn3tsWhen we type them, ubottu gives you the info09:08
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/09:08
usr13Vreim2k: Yea, it calls up the bot09:09
dr_willispeople seem to have a hard time noticeing the   cause/effect of ! commands and bot responses. ;)09:12
mrHatok, so i'm trying to assign disk quotas on the users /home directory. After installing quota and quotatool I first started to edit the etc/fstab and added the following: UUID .. .. /home  ext4 defaults,errors=remount-ro,usrquota,grpquota, 0 0. All good, saved the file and did a mount -o remount /home and then i rebooted. Now when i try to login to x i get "Could not update ICEauthority file09:17
mrHat/home/xxxx/.ICEauthority" followed by several other error messages. Then i logged in to console and saw that i now have /home/home with all the profiles there. What just happened and how to fix it as i tried everything from permissions and chown09:17
dr_willishmm. anyone else notice these big 'anouncements' like on the ubuntu tablet.. basically are anounceing  that they are going to be doing more anounceing.. and dont really say a lot? ;)09:18
cfhowlettguest-CSSOmU, greetings09:19
nvidiaubuntuhey usr13 now my nvidia x settings doesn't say its being used but I still can display any graphics things09:19
guest-CSSOmUhow r u gorden09:19
dr_willismrHat:  your  /home/ is on its own partition?09:19
nvidiaubuntuCouldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual09:19
nvidiaubuntuundert: Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual09:19
nvidiaubuntuusr13: Couldn't set video mode: Couldn't find matching GLX visual09:20
mrHatdr_willis is what i wanted to do09:20
jacklkI have a document named "Using E-mail In Buisness.doc" which I made in Windows. On Linux, when using the terminal, it can't recognise it due to the spaces. Is there a way to be able to use it in the terminal without renaming it?09:20
dr_willismrHat:  but Is it on its own partition?    i cant think of why it did  what it did.. so im just verifying09:21
mrHat no its not09:21
martin3zanyony try ubuntu with phone? any success?09:21
dr_willisjacklk:  command 'thing with spaces.doc'09:21
dr_willismrHat:  so how can you  have a seperate entry for /home/ in fstab when its not a partition.  seems like you need to apply the quota options to the / mountpoint not  /home09:22
dr_willisi dont even see how  you remounted /home/ if its not on its own partition09:22
jacklkdr_willis: so I quote it if it has spaces?09:23
danieledipisaITAbuongiorno a tutti09:23
ubottudanieledipisaITA,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:23
dr_willisjacklk:  thats what i showed. ;) yes.. or escape the spaces with a \     or was it /    if you use the TAB key it will complete the name using the proper  \ escapes09:23
danieledipisaITAok sorry09:23
dr_willisjacklk:  cp foo<tab>   will complete the name09:24
Kartagiswhat's the command to find out what <package> provides?09:25
TakeItEZKartagis: dpkg -L package09:26
TakeItEZKartagis: dpkg -S file to find the package                apt-file search for stuff being not installed09:26
KartagisTakeItEZ: what if <package> is not installed?09:26
TakeItEZKartagis: apt-file search ...09:27
dr_willis;) gotta love it when you  answer their next question befor they ask it...09:27
dr_willisapt-file is very  handy09:27
TakeItEZunfortunately not installed by default09:28
dr_willisyea. apt-file has to dowload some data files. so its a bit of a luxery09:28
KartagisTakeItEZ: apt-cache search libc* returns libc-dev as well, but apt-file libc-dev doesn't return anything09:28
TakeItEZKartagis: man apt-file09:28
dr_willisapt-file is for specific file names ibelive09:28
dr_willissimiler to ubotus !find feature.  wonder if !fine uses apt-file09:29
Kartagissearch Search in which package a file is included.09:29
Kartagisthis is not what I'm looking for09:29
rohdefif I in a libreoffice writer document have a table and want to do a new line after the table  (accidentally deleted the one there was last time I edited), how do I do that?09:29
AirCombatplease help! I just installed ubuntu-server and my nvidia card seems to be really acting up. GUI won't start. I've tried installing many new nvidia drivers but I'm getting strange errors now.09:30
KartagisI wanna know what binaries <package> provides09:30
rohdefI see no way I can select so the character is right after the table in stead of inside it09:30
TakeItEZKartagis: apt-file show package09:30
cfhowlettrohdef, ctrl-z is usually the undo command09:30
dr_willisAirCombat:  ubuntu server dosent have a gui by default.. how did you  install the desktop?09:30
angsI did " sudo add-apt-repository ppa:germia/archive3  " how can I undo the setting?09:30
rohdefcfhowlett, last time I edited = the document has been closed ><09:30
AirCombatoh... I did not know that. what's the command to install GNOME again?09:30
dr_willisrohdef:  i thought you carefully clicked at the end of the table.. and kept on typeing...09:31
Kartagismost strange09:31
AirCombatI installed from the newest image at ubuntu.com .. unetbootin, then install09:31
dr_willisAirCombat:  if you want the full unity desktop install the 'ubuntu-desktop' package09:31
=== venkannareddy is now known as HackerZedi
AirCombatokay thanks09:31
dr_willisAirCombat:  why dident you use a desktop  cd if you want a desktop?09:31
AirCombatI'll go to another terminal and try that09:32
AirCombatbecause I need the server function. just learning. dual-boot with windows at this point09:32
dr_willisAirCombat:  you can install services on the desktop....09:32
rohdefdr_willis,  works if it's the end of the document, here it's two tables that is visually merged because of the no new line09:32
dr_willisits easier then installing   the desktop on a server. ;)09:32
AirCombatyeah I know, but how else will I learn ;)09:33
kanylAnyone know if it's possible to unrar .part.rar files one by one, and pipe them to a file to join them?09:33
dr_willisrohdef:  so you  need to carefully click btween them?  there is a libreoffice channel i belive that may know of a easier way to do ig.09:33
KartagisTakeItEZ: even if it's installed, apt-file show <package> doesn't return anything :S09:33
rohdefdr_willis, but if that works, I can probably cheat it with cut, new line, then paste, but that seems overly complicated compared to what I want09:33
dr_willis!manual | AirCombat09:33
ubottuAirCombat: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:33
TakeItEZKartagis: sudo apt-file update09:33
TakeItEZKartagis: then try again09:33
AirCombatcan I pick the GNOME after this installs or is that a separate package?09:33
rohdefdr_willis, couldn't find the libreoffice channel :(09:33
AirCombatthanks dr_willis09:33
dr_willisUnity uses gnome AirCombat09:33
dr_willisUnity is a shell for gnome3 actually ;)09:34
AirCombatI know, but on my other desktop I switched to a different one, I like it a lot better. sorry I'm tired that didn't make a lot of sense09:34
AirCombatand actually, this computer should handle the full 3d unity better.09:34
angshow can  I undo " sudo add-apt-repository ppa:germia/archive3  "09:35
AirCombatonce ubuntu-desktop is installed, if I just reboot will it autoatically use unity or do I have to edit the boot config?09:35
nvidiaubuntuhey I am having issues with my graphics driver for my geforce4 mx 440 apg 8x09:35
nvidiaubuntuI installed the correct drivers and the settings panel seems to recognize them being used by I cant get any graphics programs to load such as glxgears09:36
AirCombatnvidiaubuntu: just hold on a sec, I just had similar problems09:38
AirCombatjust looking up the fix....09:38
nvidiaubuntuAirCombat: cool. my xorg looks fine I wish there was a way to confirm waht driver I was loading09:39
AirCombatare you on 12.10?09:39
binarydogi'm trying to install git-core but my apt-get/aptitude does not find any packages that I have not already installed09:40
AirCombatnvidiaubuntu: which version of ubuntu are you using?09:40
dr_willisnvidiaubuntu:  the xorg logs will tell you09:40
AirCombatnvidiaubuntu: try the command sudo lwhd | more and see if the graphcs card is using the newest driver as well09:40
dr_willisi dont even need a xorg.conf for most of my  nvidia sysems09:40
nvidiaubuntuAirCombat: 12.1009:41
AirCombatfrom what I've seen, 12.10 is not happy with nvidia cards for some reason. a lot of problems reported online09:41
angswhen I type add-apt-repository, what file does it edit? I checked /etc/apt/source.lists but could not see the changes.09:41
nvidiaubuntuAirCombat: lwhd is not a command09:41
AirCombatsorry lshd09:42
dr_willisive not had any issues with 12.10 and my nvidia systems. byt they are only like a year-2 yr old cards.. not really old ones.. or really  new ones. ;)09:42
AirCombatsorry lshw goddamit09:42
AirCombatyeah mine's almost brand new, about a month old09:42
dr_willisthe card is newer then the OS. ;)09:42
AirCombatits 4:42 AM here... lol09:42
AirCombatyeah I know09:42
AirCombatwindows had a new nvidia driver release today and it seems that linux got the new drivers as well.. 310.14 I think09:43
dr_willisi tend to always get last years model. or whatever has just gotten replaced by a newer model. ;) better value for the $$$09:43
Tm_Tdr_willis: AirCombat: hi (;09:43
jacklkAny way to change mouse cursor to black in Unity?09:43
dr_willisits hard to justify $100+ for a video card for a linux box09:43
AirCombatI only paid $65 for a 1gb DDR3 800MhZ clock09:44
marjinal1sthi, how can i open CHM files in ubuntu 12.10?09:44
cfhowlettBennit, greetings09:44
AirCombatits a nice card, even though it's low-spec09:44
dr_willisif i upgraded my card, id have to get a bigger power supply for the pc. ;)09:44
Tm_Tdr_willis: AirCombat: I would ask you to move the offtopic chat to more suitable channels (:09:44
Bennittrying to get my graphics driver to work (ati saphite 69xx)09:44
dr_willismarjinal1st:  theres chm viewers in the repos/software center09:44
dr_willis!info gnochm09:44
ubottuPackage gnochm does not exist in quantal09:44
dr_willisused to be a gnome-chm or somthing like that09:45
dr_willis!info xchm09:45
Bennitjockey reports that the fglrx driver is active and in use09:45
ubottuxchm (source: xchm): Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.20-1 (quantal), package size 164 kB, installed size 740 kB09:45
Bennitbut when I type glxinfo, it gives the following error:09:45
marjinal1stdr_willis, what do you recommend?09:45
dr_willismarjinal1st:  flip a coin.. search the software center.. install somthing..09:45
dr_willisi cant recall the last time i needed to view a chm file09:45
AirCombatdr_willis: agreed, lol.09:46
dr_willis!find chm2pdf09:46
ubottuFound: chm2pdf09:46
dr_willis!info chm2pdf09:46
ubottuchm2pdf (source: chm2pdf): A Python script that converts CHM files into PDF files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-1.1ubuntu5 (quantal), package size 20 kB, installed size 136 kB09:46
AirCombatyup. marjinal1st: sudo apt-get install chm2pdf09:46
dr_willisconverting to pdf i recall made for some big pdfs09:46
jacklkAny way to change mouse cursor to black in Unity?09:47
dr_willis!info chm2html09:47
ubottuPackage chm2html does not exist in quantal09:47
dr_willisjacklk:  ive seen some of the tweak tools/settings tools have a cursor theme setting.. but i dont recall where. check askubuntu.com perhaps09:47
captinehi all.  anyone able to help me troubleshoot apt-get error.  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1689235/09:47
AirCombatdr_willis: isnt it compiz-tweak-tool or something?09:47
AirCombatit has mouse settings09:48
captinei was trying to install ubuntu development sdk for the phone09:48
AirCombatI remember seeing black actually.09:48
ubottucaptine,: Ubuntu for phone has been announced, see http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone to find out more and to sign up for progress updates. Discussion is in #ubuntu-phone09:48
dr_willisi dont think its in ccsm. ubuntu-tweak or gnome-tweak-tool perhaps09:48
captinecfhowlett, thanks, i know.  the  dev sdk is out.  i tried installing it, and now my apt-get is broken09:48
dr_willistheres been on going issues where changeing the cursor theme dosent work well over the last few releases.. so i  never try changeing it09:49
AirCombatyeah, dr_willis is right actually, after I tried to change it, it never seemed to be quite right09:49
AirCombatso I just went back to stock.09:49
jacklkUnity should have a built in option, just like (most) over major desktop enviroment...09:49
dr_williswe need fancy animated cursors. :)09:49
captinecfhowlett, my install was "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-sdk notepad-qml " and now there is a dependency issue09:50
dr_willisits not really  been a big focus of the devs so no one has worked on it much09:50
cfhowlettcaptine, that should NOT break your apt-get09:50
AirCombatdr_willis: just for reference, is the package name compiz-tweak-tool or is it something else, I can't remember?09:50
captinecfhowlett, i cannot remove anything now etc.  something about a dependency and overwriting libqt409:50
dr_willisAirCombat:  ccsm  has a !ccsm factoid ;)09:50
johnsmithHello. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 with my ipod with OS version 4.2.1 model MCO86LL attempting to interact with rythmbox on a standard user account to pull music from my ipod and add it to my computers Music folder. Unfortunately, when I put in the ipod, it does one of three things: Refuses to mount, demounts immediately (as soon as I boot up rythmbox) or ejects itself and mounts itself over and over and over in rapid succession.09:51
johnsmithAnyone seen anything like this?09:51
AirCombatand how do I use that? just !ccsm?09:51
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:51
AirCombatthere it is!! thanks dr_willis09:51
dr_willisAirCombat:  except the mouse cursor theme is not in the ccsm tool as far as i know. ;)09:52
AirCombatare you sure? just a day or two ago I thought I saw it in there. I'll check in a minute.09:52
dr_willisccsm has that flames around the cursor effect however. ;)09:52
johnsmithThe ipod isn't rooted, and it worked at one point from my administrator account.09:52
AirCombatdr_willis: (holy smokes, ubuntu-desktop still installing! big package!)09:52
dr_willisAirCombat:  actually its quite small.. but its all dependencies it pulls in09:53
dr_willis!info ubuntu-desktop09:53
ubottuubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.287 (quantal), package size 3 kB, installed size 58 kB09:53
dr_willisa 58k package that depends on  500+Mb of other packages09:53
captinehas anyone experienced a clash of a file when installing something thru apt-get?  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1689235/09:55
AirCombatyeah, my total was like 1400M09:56
captineit is installing from a PPA09:56
Bray90820can someone help me get the batter indicator to show up again on my netbook09:56
Bray90820the deafult for ubuntu has a charging bug so i had to edit /etc/default/grub09:57
Bray90820i got the charging bug worked out but no battery indicator in the menubar anymore09:57
dr_willisdoes it show up for a newly made user?  could be it dosent think you are on battery.09:58
pawsI chown -R www-data:www-data my /home/user/public_html and i chmod -R 775 my public_html and my apache is still telling me 403 forbidden... why is it doing this?09:58
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Tm_Tpaws: try "sudo -u www-data ls /home/user/public_html"09:59
Bray90820i think your right09:59
Tm_Tpaws: you might notice that www-data doesn't have access to the full path09:59
Bray90820i dont think it doesn't think i have a battery09:59
Tm_Tcaptine: that means ppa isn't in sync with other sources09:59
Tm_Tcaptine: afterall there's only few supported ppa's out there09:59
angsapt-get source binutils outputs E: Ignore unavailable target release 'stable' of package 'binutils'.. uname -a > Linux ubuntu 3.5.0-23-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 24 13:05:29 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux09:59
Tm_Tif any09:59
Bray90820dr_willis do you wanna know exactly what i changed10:00
angshow can I get binutils?10:00
pawsTm_T: so what should my /home/user permission be? my user is added to the www-data group10:00
dr_willisBray90820:  wont do much good i  imagine. :)  i rarely mess with linux  on laptops10:00
Bray90820it's a dell mini duo10:00
dr_willisBray90820:  if it works on a new user. that would point to it being a user config  issue however.. and not a ssytem issue10:00
Bray90820the tablet netbook combo10:01
pawsTm_T: right now its at chmod 75010:01
captineTm_T, ok. Thanks.  little frustrating as i installed it from http://developer.ubuntu.com/get-started/gomobile/ instructions10:01
TakeItEZpaws: it needs 75510:01
captineTm_T, any idea how to fix it and remove the Ubuntu SDK Preview10:01
TakeItEZpaws: you are member of www-data but www-data is not member of your usergroup, so 750 fails10:02
pawsTakeItEZ: would 750 let other users on my server access my /home/user dir?10:02
TakeItEZpaws: yes10:02
pawsi dont want that..10:02
dr_willisread only10:02
TakeItEZpaws: no, sorry, 755 would10:02
TakeItEZpaws: then you might not use apache userdir10:03
Bray90820Still no battery on a new user10:06
Bray90820anyone else have an idea10:06
Bray90820im thinking it doesn't detect i have a battery10:07
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flintserpaws: you don't need to do any permission modding on /home/xxx/public_html, i implemented userdir mod like this: make public_html with index.html with 755 in /etc/skel, then always when i add new user i can see the new page at mywebpage/~user10:07
max_so, it all worked great, thanks dr_willis10:08
TakeItEZflintser: that only works if yu haven't changed $HOME to 750 (755 is default)10:08
pawswhat is the default permission for the home dir? 755 ?10:09
flintserTakeItEZ: why home is 750?10:09
TakeItEZpaws: 755 yes10:09
max_however, I'm getting an error, my usb mouse isn't working and it keeps telling me khub:22 blocked for more than 120 seconds, and also usb:928 blocked for more than 120 seconds10:09
TakeItEZflintser: because people don't like other users accessing their data10:09
mvt007geekhi people. i have a question. i need to use iozone to test btrfs file system.i formated sda6 to btrfs. i heard we should umount and then do the test. so i should go to /dev/sda6 then do the test.but i can't enter sda6.so iozone test /dev . not /dev/sda6                so i mount /dev/sda6 to /mnt and then i entered /mnt and did iozone test. did i do the right work? are the results true?10:09
TakeItEZflintser: unfortunately that also locks apache out10:10
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flintserTakeItEZ: so do people implement their webpages through ftp? or does everyone have local access10:10
dr_willismvt007geek:  i thought the iozone docs showd testing a mounted filesytem10:10
flintsermine is with ftp and they chroot to their home dir so they cant acces anywhere10:10
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zefuroshello guys i need some help here, everytime i connect to my WIFI with ubuntu 12.10 x64 the router drops down the WIFI10:11
AirCombatsorry, nnow that makes sense10:11
mvt007geekdr_willis: so doing test when the filesystem is mounted have no problem? and my results are true?10:12
dr_willismvt007geek:  id have to refer you to the iozone homepage docs and faq.10:12
dr_willisive only skimmed the docs/man pages/faq/tutorials10:13
flintserTakeItEZ: ?10:14
TakeItEZflintser: i don't know how his user work10:14
flintseroh sorry :D10:15
flintserpaws: so do people implement their webpages through ftp? or does everyone have local access10:15
flintsermine is with ftp and they chroot to their home dir so they cant acces anywhere10:15
pawsssh and ftp10:15
zefuroshello guys i need some help here, everytime i connect to my WIFI with ubuntu 12.10 x64 the router drops down the WIFI10:16
dr_willis'drops down the wifi' means what?10:16
AirCombatcan anyone tell me how to reset/install basic USB mouse drivers?10:16
flintserpaws: what was your problem then? i've done a few of apache2 userdir setups so i can maybe help10:17
AirCombatalso, how to reinitialize USB controller?10:17
dr_willisremove then reload the proper modules perhaps10:17
dr_willisrmmod then modprobe them back10:17
dr_willislsmod to show what ones are loaded10:18
AirCombatokay thanks :) I'll try that10:18
pawsi just wanted chmod 750 so other users dont browse others home dirs but i will just keep it at 75510:18
zefurosdr_willis: means it seems like ubuntu are connected to my wifi but i dont have internet , plus the other devices i got here doesnt see the wifi at all10:18
dr_williszefuros:  it would be very weird that connecting a ubuntu box over wifi would crash the router.. what brand router is it?10:19
dr_williszefuros:  if you disconnect the ubuntu box. does the router come back up?10:19
flintserpaws: you can prevent that with chroot in ftp. i don't know much about chrooting in ssh but it can be done too10:19
Lynxxhow to i change the scrollbar colors in gnome shell?10:20
Lynxxi'm using ubuntu 12.10 btw10:20
zefurosdr_willis: the router is huawei echolife hg521, and no the only way to make it work again is to power off/on10:20
pawsits okay, flintser i will just keep it at 755 no big deal :)10:20
Bennitok fixed it, manually installed catalyst driver and removed some old links to nvidia stuff in the gl_conf update alternative10:20
Lynxxi've already tried using gnome color chooser , and the scrollbar will flash for a second but does not change/10:20
flintserso that problem is gone and you can have 755, unless they need access to /var/www and other stuff... then you need some symlinks and stuff10:20
flintserpaws: ^ and ok then :)10:21
Bray90820Anyone know why ubuntu would not recognize that i am on a battery10:21
JennyBlueBirdhi guys, I need Java for one specific website, what's the recommended way to install the browser plugin ?10:21
dr_willisJennyBlueBird:  the icedtea java is in the repoa10:22
dr_willis!java | JennyBlueBird10:22
ubottuJennyBlueBird: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:22
Bray90820i use teh iced jaja browser plugin from the software center10:22
BennitI use iced-tea firefox plugin10:22
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Bennit(which also works for chrome)10:23
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jactaCan anyone help me, I have a problem where I cant type the same key within a short amount of time - its really slowing me down, can anyone point in a direction for this?10:23
JennyBlueBirddrthank you, problem with google is you get so many bad hits :/10:23
JennyBlueBirddr_willis, *10:23
JennyBlueBirdis that nick a megaman reference btw ?10:24
dr_willisJennyBlueBird:  hit up askubuntu.com first10:24
* dr_willis is acctually Willis from Differnt Strokes...10:24
jm-YOU LIE10:24
dr_willisyea.. im actually Kimberly10:25
flintserjacta: have you tried looking up ease of usage thingys like sticky keys and/or bounce keys and stuff like that10:26
dr_willisthat does sound like that repeate-keys  thing in the accessabilty settings10:27
flintserjacta: http://people.gnome.org/~shaunm/ubuntu/a11y-bouncekeys.html10:27
angsapt-get source binutils outputs E: Ignore unavailable target release 'stable' of package 'binutils'.. uname -a > Linux ubuntu 3.5.0-23-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 24 13:05:29 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux . how can I fix the problem?10:28
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dr_willisangs:  'stable' is not a valid ubuntu release.. you got a line for 'stable' in your sources.list?10:28
dr_willisangs:  you havent missed in some debian repos?10:29
Bray90820Apparently the reason there is no battery status is because acpi is off10:29
dr_willisBray90820:  that would do it.. also make your  battery life really suck i  bet10:29
zefurosdr_willis: got any ideas? or should i wait for something more expirienced? (no offence of course)10:30
Bray90820well for my netbook not to completely hang when i plug and unplug the charger acpi need to be off10:30
dr_williszefuros:  for what? ;) i frogot the issue.10:30
zefurosdr_willis: aabout my huawei router blacksout when i connect with ubuntu 12.10 x64 on the wifi10:30
dr_willisBray90820:  thats odd.. normally netbooks are very well supported they are all so similer.10:30
Bray90820it's a dell mini duo a netbook tablet combo10:31
angsdr_willis: I have quantal universe;main restricted;  multiverse. it does not have stable on the sources.list . I am trying to follow this instruction https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Toolchain/Crosscompilers/ARMEABIToolchain I got error on the step one. do you have any suggestion what I can do about it?10:31
dr_williszefuros:  test with some other distros like puppylinux and tinycore linux perhaps. to see if they do the same thing. i would almost think its a router bug. not a ubuntu issue10:31
dr_willisangs:  ive never really  messed with development stuff.10:32
zefurosdr_willis: i think so as well cause recently i changed internet provider so router as well and then the problem occured , but what can i do and where can i speak for this kind of issue?10:32
Bray90820is there any way i could get it to work with acpi on10:32
dr_williszefuros:  plug the old router back in.. see if it works10:33
Bray90820on some ubuntu based distros it works fine10:33
jactaCan no one help me with my problem with key delay? :S10:33
Bray90820one i know works is jolly os10:33
dr_williszefuros:  or plug one router into the other.. and see if connecting to the old router works. ;)10:33
dr_willisBray90820:  youmean JoliOS ?10:33
zefurosdr_willis: damn even knowing computer stuff i cant get you plus i hate the networks education xD10:34
Bray90820yes that10:34
Bray90820dr_willis yes10:34
dr_williszefuros:  see if the old router works..  if it does.. go     isp -> newrouter -> oldrouter -> linuxboxs10:34
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dr_willismy routers i can setup as a wireeless access point basically. not as a router.10:35
dr_willisso i can sort of chain them10:35
TakeItEZBray90820: what type/brand/model of laptop is that? does it need some special kernel-modules like this thinkpad (thinkpad_acpi) to work properly?10:35
zefurosdr_willis: its really time consuming this, plus i dont know how to make my old router work with my new internet provider neither i think it will do10:35
dr_williszefuros:  Huh? you  just plug the router into your cable modem.. unless you  got some weird internet..10:35
angsdr_willis, is it possible to reset /etc/apt/sources.list and PPA settings?10:36
dr_willisIve never had any issues with any routers and changeing isp or routers10:36
dr_willisangs:  theres default/sources.list generators online10:36
dr_willisas for ppas theres that ppa-purge command10:36
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html10:36
angsthank you dr_willis10:36
zefurosdr_willis: well my internet called ADSL and its basicly like this : my phone jack on the wall goes to a filter and one line to phone one line to router10:36
dr_williserr.. i think what you are calling a router is an ADSL modem....10:37
dr_willisunless its a adsl modem+router combo box.10:37
Bray90820TakeItEZ its a Dell Inspiron Duo d211-10130210:38
Bray90820TakeItEZ do you wanna know the exact edit i made to get the touch screen and charger working10:38
zefurosdr_willis: i dont know im not got with networks im usually on programming xD10:38
TakeItEZBray90820: did you try/use option "acpi_backlight=vendor"?10:41
Bray90820TakeItEZ what would taht do10:41
TakeItEZBray90820: seem to change the way the backlight is controlled on power-change ac/bat10:42
TakeItEZBray90820: idk if that really helps to fix your issues. but switching acpi off is a bad thing, and not needed in most cases10:43
Bray90820well it's not really the backlight that is the problem from what i can tell is it gives me a kernel panic10:44
TakeItEZBray90820: yes and this should (hopefully) prevent the kernel from crashing.10:45
Bray90820TakeItEZ what should i do10:46
TakeItEZBray90820: try this boot option and see what happens10:46
Bray90820try what10:47
TakeItEZscroll back 8 lines10:47
lewikI try to install Simon. It need qwt6. How I can install it? Kubuntu10:48
Bray90820how would i enter it tho10:48
MonkeyDust!find simon10:48
ubottuFile simon found in arb-common, emacspeak, ember-media, freecol, ikiwiki, libacme-eyedrops-perl, libbiojava3-java-doc, libbpp-phyl-dev, libjebl2-java-doc, lmms-common (and 9 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=simon&mode=&suite=quantal&arch=any10:48
TakeItEZBray90820: hold left shift to get grub-menu, press  "e" to edit the options. add that options after "quiet splash"10:49
lewikMonkeyDust: go link?10:49
Bray90820i actually need to go to bed so i will try it tomorrow10:49
lewikMonkeyDust: no resilts10:49
flintserjacta: i said to you earlier what you could try. did you try it?10:50
MonkeyDustlewik  do you mean Simon for speech?10:50
lewikMonkeyDust: yes10:50
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MonkeyDustlewik  is this useful http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/2012033103280939/Simon.html10:51
lewikMonkeyDust: There are 0.3.0  I downloaded 0.4.0    Shoud I dload 0.3.0 ?10:53
asher^hi, is there a way i can start a process from inside ssh but have it continue to run after i close the terminal window?10:54
asher^on a remote server10:54
TakeItEZasher^: use screen10:55
comp-userasher, capistrano10:55
MonkeyDustlewik  as it is not in the repos, you should try which version suits your needs best10:55
k1l_asher^: use screen or nohup10:55
asher^ill try that, thanks10:55
jactaflintser: i didnt see your message, hold on :)10:56
jactaflintser: !!! You found it!!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!10:58
jactait was driving me nuts, really!10:58
asher^can someone give me a tip on how to use screen to do this? im logging in to a remote server, want to start a process, then exit while keeping the process running. i have screen installed10:58
dr_willisscreen + ssh = cake and icecream..  just goooood.  ;-)10:59
ejvasher^: http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/screen.html10:59
ubottuscreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen10:59
dr_willisjust run screen10:59
TakeItEZasher^: "screen" then start your process, ctrl-a-d then to detach10:59
ejvstop reinforcing bad behavior, refer to the documentation!10:59
MonkeyDusti'm in screen too11:00
dr_willisbyobu is a bit more user friendly11:00
nashantI think everyone should be in screen11:00
Jimmy90210does anyone know how to compile lyx against qt5?11:00
dr_willisrun tmux in scteen11:00
jpdsnashant: tmux.11:00
jpdsdr_willis: screen is dead.11:00
JutasHi. In GNOME Shell Remix there is 1360x768 display resolution option but in Xubuntu there is no. Which file makes this difference?11:01
nashantjpds: looks interesting...11:01
asher^TakeItEZ, i just tried that, when i closed my terminal window it seemed to kill my process11:01
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Jimmy90210asher^: ctrl-a d disconnects the session. read the manual11:02
asher^Jimmy90210, i am trying..11:03
Jimmy90210asher^: when you ssh back in, run the command 'screen -r' to reconnect11:04
nashantI'm having hdd issues. SMART says I've got errors (uncorrectable errors in data, the count is on 1158 so far!!), but running mke2fs -cc doesn't flag up any errors at all. Might I have a power problem? Got 5 sata disks running off a 650w11:04
arunkumar413sound output device shows dummy output11:04
ejvcould be the disk, could be the controller, could be unstable power, could be anything without data.11:05
nyuszika7hI knew Ubuntu 10.04(.0) LTS is old, but I didn't know it's THAT old11:05
nashantejv, what sort of data can I provide?11:05
nyuszika7hover 500 updates from lucid-security11:05
purplerain!resolution | Jutas11:06
ubottuJutas: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:06
nyuszika7hwhy not use 'service' instead of /etc/init.d/?11:06
nyuszika7hafaik calling /etc/init.d/ directly is deprecated, because of environment clutter and stuff11:07
Jutaswhat do you mean service nyuszika11:08
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nyuszika7hJutas: sudo service ?dm restart11:09
nyuszika7hinit.d works, but last time I used it I got some notice that calling 'service' instead is recommended11:10
Ciphoenixhello. I'm having a problem with dual booting ubuntu and windows 8.11:10
nashantejv: http://pastebin.com/a765qMW111:10
CiphoenixI installed and ran boot repair still ubuntu won't boot11:11
AlocerCiphoenix, what kind of problem11:11
AlocerCiphoenix, u mean grub repair ?11:11
lolmausI would like to put a command into cron. How do i make that command write its output into a file?11:11
Jutasthe manual which ubottu said says  a) .xprofile, b) kdm/gdm, c) xorg.conf.. I'm on xfce so kdm/gdm not good. I don't have xorg.conf so there must be option a.,11:12
nashantCan anyone shed any light on my hdd woes please? http://pastebin.com/a765qMW111:12
Ciphoenixwas given this url http://paste.ubuntu.com/167940711:12
AlocerJutas, create one11:12
TakeItEZlolmaus: command >/path/foo 2>&111:12
JutasAlocer. I did. We did. 4 people from IRC channel. Didn't help11:13
CiphoenixAlocer boot repair with the ubuntu secure disc11:13
Jutassudo service ?dm restart. what is the question mark for?11:13
lolmausTakeItEZ, thank you.11:13
AlocerCiphoenix, do u know if boot repair will repair your mba or  /boot ?11:14
AlocerTakeItEZ, command will output to foo but what is the 2>&1 for ?11:15
nyuszika7hapt-get: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: cannot read file data: Invalid argument11:15
nyuszika7hAlocer: it's for redirecting errors to the standard output stream.11:15
TakeItEZAlocer: it will also redirect stderr11:15
Alocerunderstood :-)11:16
CiphoenixAlocer don't know where the problem is11:16
TakeItEZAlocer: 1 stdou, 2 stderr11:16
arunkumar413sound output device shows dummy output11:16
hpuser2323How do I mount my android phone (LG Optimus p970) in ubuntu?   I want to browse/mod the phone's filesystem.11:17
Alocerhpuser2323, this is not the correct room to ask but u can use google , there is tons of articles for that ;-)11:17
Alocerhpuser2323, join android ;-)11:18
hpuser2323well i need ubuntu specifally to mount my phone.11:18
Aloceru need ubuntu and linux to compile android source try joining android room11:19
TakeItEZhpuser2323: i guess you'll need mtp-tools and mtp-fs11:19
k1l_hpuser2323: you need adb shell for that11:19
k1l_(if you mean browsing in the shell. there is no browsing for the root folder in gui)11:20
AlocerCiphoenix, i think u should reinstall grub on ur boot partition ;-)11:20
CiphoenixAlocer . had to enable legacy support to be able to boot from live cd. installed grub2 in /boot11:21
k1l_hpuser2323: install "adb-tools-adb" if you are running 12.1011:21
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AlocerCiphoenix, is /boot the active partition ?11:21
hpuser2323k1l_  ok installing..11:21
Ciphoenixbut I keep getting this error when I select ubuntu fron the boot menu11:21
Alocerwhat error the link u gave before ? Ciphoenix11:22
arunkumar413i'm not able to hear any sound from  my notebook. the output device says dummy output11:22
AirCombatoh man, I'm having a weird problem... I'm connected to the internet but connection manager shows no active wired or wireless connections ... and I never even gave ubuntu my wireless password!!! is it auto-reading it from windows install or something?!11:22
AlocerAirCombat, WTF 0.O11:23
Ciphoenixit's a primary partition. no, the boot menu error is different.  says there's a file missing. Alocer11:23
AirCombatyeah tell me about it. before I installed the GUI I was using IRC on command line... and I was like, wait, how am I even online right now?!?!11:23
khirodi had installed oracle-xe-universal 10g using a debian package, but due to some reason I uninstalled it using "sudo apt-get remove oracle-xe-universal" but it seems that it is not removed completely and during startup I can see that some error about Oracle Net Listener....11:23
Alocerokey found it Ciphoenix u should install grub 2 on sda partition11:23
AirCombatit's very strange... and I don't even know where to begin with drivers...11:24
Aloceryour MBR11:24
khirodHow can I remove that11:24
superdoany hint how to set Gnome commander text viewer (F3) to bigger size?11:25
CiphoenixAlocer . okay. won't that cause some conflict with the windows boot manager?11:25
AlocerAirCombat, is your OS installed in VMWare or VirtualBox ?11:25
AlocerCiphoenix, that will replace the windows boot manager11:25
AirCombatdual-boot with Vista.11:25
AirCombatubuntu server 12.10...11:25
AlocerCiphoenix, u wont have any windows boot manager11:26
AlocerAirCombat, there is something missing . u are connected to wireless that mmeans your ssid without giving your password ? right ?11:26
AirCombatAlocer: my thoughts exactly.11:27
AirCombatI mean my router has WPA but usually you have to go press the button for that to work.11:27
AirCombatsorry WPS*11:27
superdook got it.11:28
Ciphoenixbut I'll still be able to boot into windows 8, right? Alocer11:28
AlocerCiphoenix, yes11:28
AlocerAirCombat, impossible how is that possible . the possibilities are : 1. your ssid dosent have password 2. your are connected to another ssid which doesnt have pass 3. wps had worked withour pressing button :-D11:29
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AirCombatI know you'll think I'm crazy, but I know for a fact none of those three are possible. I KNOW my router's password is still on, just checked with my tablet... there are no other open networks around, and WPS is actually set to off right now. even if WPS was working, it should still show up in Wireless connections11:30
AirCombatlike, I'm confrizzled here...11:30
AirCombatI can even show you screenshots to prove it, lol11:30
vedic1I have a script that I want to run at server boot time (same like other services in init.d runs). How to do that?11:31
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.11:32
CiphoenixAlocer_away  I found the error message.11:32
Ciphoenixfile: /NST/AutoNeoGrub0.mbr11:32
Alocer_awayAirCombat, lol but no your not crazy maybe drunk and your not seeing the cable that is connected to your system :D11:32
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Alocer_awayok i m doone here and i need to go just telling you of you are using laptop with default win 8 on it dont reinstall grub2 on MBR11:33
Alocer_awaybyebye all11:33
AirCombatI just checked that too, my onboard LAN is fried anyway and the PCI LAN card is in the other desktop now...11:33
AirCombatman this is weird.11:33
Alocer_awaysry AirCombat and Ciphoenix11:33
AirCombathttp://imagebin.org/247406 http://imagebin.org/247407 http://imagebin.org/24740811:34
AirCombatlook for yourself...11:34
AirCombatanyone check out my imagebin's? am I going nuts or is ubuntu managing the connections somewhere else??11:37
AirCombat... rather quiet in here suddenly, lol.11:39
AirCombatCiphoenix: did you look at my imagebins?11:39
AirCombatI can't figure out why there's no active connections11:39
MyrttiAirCombat: could you pastebin what sudo lshw -C network prints11:42
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CiphoenixAirCombat your pastebin doesn't show any wired connection11:44
heliosxtest test11:44
heliosxanyone's not a bot here?11:44
k1l_!ask | heliosx11:45
ubottuheliosx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:45
jellowIs there a reason iftop even with -p would not see other network traffic?11:45
AirCombatokay hold on11:47
AirCombatall that info is correct, or so it seems.11:48
battlefield3someone can help me?11:48
AlocerAirCombat, did u manage to find the missing mystery key ? ?11:50
AirCombatnope, just showed Myrtti this:11:51
AirCombatno response yet, people are sleepy I guess :P11:51
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AirCombatthat was sudo lshw -C network11:51
Ciphoenixalocer: welcome back. did you say not to install grub2 in mbr for systems that came with windows 8?11:51
AlocerCiphoenix, yes sry to get u in trouble11:52
AlocerCiphoenix, becuz they have preinstalled recovery driver and u can not access that11:52
CiphoenixAlocer :so What're my options here11:53
AlocerAirCombat, a big funny mystery lol11:53
AlocerCiphoenix, use some partition managers to change your system and tell it to boot from /dev/sda1 or your boot device /boot11:54
Myrttioh, damn, I just went to put socks on11:54
Alocernooo why he left ??11:55
Ciphoenixcan you suggest one?11:55
AlocerCiphoenix, i dont now much about these things11:56
AlocerCiphoenix, let me search a bit ;)11:56
Ciphoenixsure :)11:57
battlefield3Ciphoenix, i have11:57
battlefield3i downloaded team fortress 211:57
battlefield3but the game dont show pictures, only sound11:58
Ciphoenixbattlefield3 where did you download from?11:59
battlefield3i downloaded for steam11:59
BluesKajHowdy all12:00
AlocerCiphoenix, i m not sure but gparted and make sure what u are doing12:02
Alocerdont forget of a backup12:02
battlefield3Ciphoenix, help me :)12:03
leifcrAnyone seen this SSHD rootkit affecting centos, fedora, cloudlinux ?http://www.cloudlinux.com/blog/clnews/sshd-exploit.php ?12:03
Alocernice trick :D12:03
silv3r_m00nwhat is the difference between ubuntu software center and synaptic ?12:04
AirborneCavHi, anyone be able to help me with conkys?12:08
dr_willistons of guides and sites and examples of using conky out there.12:09
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AirborneCavI have followed the guide on installing / customising but something not working right12:10
dr_willismy fave conky thang -> http://helmuthdu.deviantart.com/art/CONKY-COLORS-24479318012:11
AirborneCavas in it won't use the .conkyrc12:11
dr_willistell it to use the .conkyrc via  the command line? and look for error messages?12:11
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AirborneCavsorta new to command line, how would I tell it to use .conkyrc12:12
dr_willisconky --config=/path/to/your/.conkyrc12:12
AirborneCavahh thanks lol12:12
dr_willisits just a file in your home directory12:12
dr_willisconky --help   is worth reading. ;)12:12
dr_willisYou did make a .conkyrc?12:12
AirborneCavI did12:12
dr_willisand where is it? ;)12:12
AirborneCavits sitting in home12:12
AirborneCavnot my user home but home12:13
AirborneCavtried both12:13
dr_williserr.. what other home is there?12:13
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AirborneCavas in / home / user12:13
AirborneCavbut its in home12:13
jellowany tools that can help me track down network hogs?12:13
dr_willis the file goes in your users /home/username/ directory12:13
^DEMOSS^anybody can help me with information for specialist, whose can help me restore my raid 5 on mdadm ? http://pastebin.com/4wDZTKbq  \  http://pastebin.com/nrfnLF1L  \\  http://pastebin.com/TY0SJvzj12:13
dr_willisls -l  ~/.conkyrc     should show it12:14
AirborneCavgive me 2 secs12:14
AirborneCavyour sure its in home is in usr?12:15
dr_willisI never said home is in usr12:16
AirborneCavpretty sure username is in home12:16
dr_willisyour USERS home are in /home/YOURUSERNAME12:16
AirborneCavwell its in home12:16
AirborneCavnot username12:16
dr_willisthats not the same as usr or user12:16
AirborneCavsorta newish to linux12:16
dr_willisgive the FULL path you are talking about12:16
dr_williswhat is your users name?12:17
AirborneCavthats where I have placed it12:17
dr_willis   /home/ is NOT the same as /home/marek12:18
dr_willismarek is your users name.. his home is /home/marek12:18
dr_willisall your users files belong in /home/marek12:18
AirborneCavwhich I have tried the .conkyrc in there as well12:18
dr_willisthe /home/ directory contains all the users.12:19
dr_willisso do  conky --config=/home/marek/.conkyrc12:19
dr_willisit dosent have to be named .conkyrc you could name it anything if you tell conky what one to use12:19
AirborneCavjust follwing the installing guide on Ubuntu website12:21
AirborneCavbut it has seemed to work12:21
AirborneCavmight need to edit it a little12:21
dr_willisyou just need to tell it where .conkyrc is at and you dont hacve to use the name .conkyrc  I have a Conky directory with differnt configs.12:21
dr_willisso i do a conky --config=/home/dr_willis/Conky/setup1.conky12:22
battlefield3hello, i downloaded team fortress 2 for steam, but dont show picture12:22
dr_willisand  i do a conky --config=/home/dr_willis/Conky/setup2.conky12:22
dr_willisshow what picture?12:22
AirborneCavmight need to do that thanks, Thanks Dr12:22
battlefield3dr_willis, dont show video12:23
battlefield3is black12:24
ypahnuhi all. what's regegEdit in ubuntu? how can I reuse a trial veersion software over and over?12:24
Alocerypahnu, what software ?12:24
dr_willisyou mean the flash preview battlefield3 ?12:25
dr_willisin the store12:25
ypahnuit's a free trial stream media server12:25
dr_willisypahnu:  you mean like windows 'regedit' ?12:25
ypahnuya.. I need to remove key to get reinstall it again12:25
ypahnuhow it would be in ubuntu?12:25
battlefield3dr_willis,  i use ubuntu12:26
dr_willistheres not a regiestry in linux.. gnome has its settings thats similer.. but i doubt if the app is doing anything in there12:26
dr_willisbattlefield3:  yes.. that makes sence... most of us in here are using Ubuntu..12:26
battlefield3dr_willis, the game ope whit OpenGL12:26
dr_willisThe steam client has issues with flash. no game videos in the store for anyone. there may be some fixs.. if thats what you mean.12:26
ypahnuwhen installing apps need to know how many time left .. or if was allready intaled?12:26
dr_willisypahnu:  if its not from the repos.. the app could be doing most anything.. it could be logging to its own server..12:27
ypahnuso I beleave it's something like regeEdit12:27
dr_willisypahnu:  look for its config files or other files in your home.12:27
battlefield3dr_willis, ¿what program may use?12:27
ypahnudr_willis: so there's nothing like regeedit in ubuntu?12:28
dr_willisbattlefield3:  what?  Tf2 plays fine for me in steam12:28
savagecrocComputer A has no external internet access.  Computer B can ssh onto Computer A.  How can Computer B perform an apt-get upgrade on Computer A?12:28
eduardo__lisa_m baro in master branch ?12:28
dr_willisypahnu:  gnome has its config editor.. but theres no Universial regiestry in linux..12:28
dr_willisypahnu:  it could be just saving a simple text file in your home directory12:28
ypahnudr_willis: so it's only in home folder? after I remove?  how can trace witch files change wile installing?12:28
sdfgWhat does everyone use linux?12:29
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battlefield3dr_willis,  tell you my computer features12:29
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ui_ypahnu: install in a virtual machine. That won't work in all cases, but will leave your system clean.12:30
savagecrochey.. so anyone know how to upgrade a machine without internet access?12:31
ui_when it's done, reset the VM state and pray.12:31
savagecroci was thinking something like.. download all the packages and copy them to /var/cache/apt/archives? would that work?12:31
ui_savagecroc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository12:32
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD12:33
dr_willisypahnu: depends on how you are installing it..12:33
b_10Hi, can somebody help me? I'm using Ubuntu 12.xx and it doesnt show the side/top bar when the OS starts.. Only thing I can use is the terminal.. It gives an error at the startup "No system tray detected on this system.". I did install a theme before this happened, but now I disabled it and it didnt help..12:33
dr_willisb_10:  if a newly made user. and the guest user work.. then its a user setting issue. You could delete the various setting files in your users home (move them to a backup directory) then log out/in and see if it helps12:34
battlefield3dr_willis, "!!!!12:34
dr_willisbattlefield3:  yes?12:34
b_10dr_willis: Thanks, I'll try with a guest user :)12:35
dr_willisb_10:  the .Xauthority file is a common problem maker12:35
dr_willisb_10:  then stuff in the users .config   directory and .compiz12:35
b_10dr_willis: I tried with a guest user, and it wasnt any better, and I dont know how to make a new user via terminal..12:42
dr_willissudo adduser billgates12:42
jack__hello people..12:43
dr_willisHello person12:45
PromilleHm. Status in irssi is "3:#ubuntu(+CLcfjnt #ubuntu-unregged 5:10)" What does that mean?12:46
dr_willisthe +C stuff is channel modes. ;)  #ubuntu-unr4egged is where yoi can get bounced to...12:46
dr_willisNo idea on the rest. ;)12:46
b_10dr_willis: I tried with a new user also.. Didn't get the top/side bars, and did get the "No system tray detected" -error..12:47
jack__@<b_10> whats problem?12:48
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dr_willisThat is weird.. you sure all you did was install a theme? sounds like video driver issues12:48
Promilledr_willis: Thanks. But _can_ get bounced to?12:48
b_10dr_willis: One other thing I did was that i installed a "Additional drivers" package for nvidia and activated one of them.. But I uninstalled it after this problem came12:49
GerbenHello. I have a question. I want to back-up my encrypted homedir. Would it be enough to backup /home/.ecryptfs ? Or will that restore "inconsistent"12:49
GerbenI'll be using Bacula for backup12:49
jack__@Gerben : u can take up /home/*12:49
Gerbenthat will backup both the encrypted and, if mounted, decrypted homedir12:50
GerbenI think..12:50
b_10jack__: I'm getting "No system tray detected on this system" -error on OS starup, and I dont see the "top bar" or the "side bar"..12:50
goranekhi guys12:54
b_10jack__: I got this problem after installing quite a lot of stuff (to avoid rebooting so much).. I installed a "Additional drivers" -package from software-center, and activated one of the NVIDIA things there.. I also installed this theme http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Zukitwo?content=140562 via ubuntu-tweaks12:54
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b_10jack__: And to install the theme i had to run a lot of commands like "sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf", .. and I also installed "gnome-themes-standard", "gnome-panel" and "gnome-tweak-tool"...12:58
goranekIrssi is hard :)12:58
Promillegoranek: How so :) ? Anything you need help with?12:58
goranekIt seems that it's in conflict with DWM..12:58
goranekSwitching tabs is made with ALT + NUM right?12:58
goranekThe same as with DWM12:59
PromilleDWM = console ?12:59
goranekDWM = WN :)12:59
cadshey guys12:59
dr_willisgoranek:  i perfer weechat  over irssi13:00
cadsdoes anyone know why the 32 bit distribution is considered reccommended for download at the ubuntu site?13:00
dr_willisb_10:  you most likely want the nvidia drivers installed if you have an nvidia chipset/video card13:00
cadsI am installing on a 64 bit machine - is 32 bit ubuntu still preffered for some reason?13:00
cfhowlettcads, 32 bit bill run on 64 bit computers.  not the other way around.  if your computer can run 64 bit, install 64 bit13:01
dr_willisb_10:  you may also want to try renameing your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to some backup name.   sudo mv foo foo.backup13:01
dr_williscads:  its idiot proofing for people that dont know what 64 and 32bit mean13:01
goranekanyone know a good terminal(ncurses) download manager? i hate to use chromium for this13:01
dr_willisgoranek:  wget13:01
Promillegoranek: Ah, allright. IÃ'm not familiar with that. But you change windows with ALT + NUM, yeah. But you can probably change that in ~/.irssi/config13:01
goranekwget is too simple13:02
cadsdr_willis: I had a feeling that's what it was13:02
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goraneki'm not considering it as an download manager :)13:02
dr_willisgee can you be any less vague then. ;P13:02
dr_willis!info curl13:02
ubottucurl (source: curl): command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax. In component main, is optional. Version 7.27.0-1ubuntu1.1 (quantal), package size 143 kB, installed size 365 kB13:03
goranekwget > curl for downloading files, but that's not what i've asked for :)13:03
goraneksomething like rtorrent but for files :)13:03
goranek*files = http13:03
goranekany other recommendation? :)13:04
Naphatulwhat's the main difference between lts and the other releases? does lts only get security updates or does it get other updates only later?13:05
lunitikNaphatul: that actually depends on how you set it up, the main difference is that you get more support, it has been built to be supportable.13:06
Naphatulwhat do you mean how i set it up?13:06
lunitikNaphatul: non-LTS releases are something of a moving target.13:06
lunitikNaphatul: you can have it install backports and the like just like anything else, for instance, or just security updates... it depends on you13:06
Naphatulah i meant whats the difference on default installs13:07
dr_willisOnce a release has been made.. basically only security updates happen.  with a few exceptiopns..13:08
dr_willislts gets them longer13:08
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)13:08
cfhowlettNaphatul, if you MUST have cutting edge, then be prepared to get cut.  If you want a reliable boot and functional device with support for the long-haul, go with LTS.13:08
lunitikcfhowlett: even that is not really true, an LTS .0 release is just as bleeding edge as anything else really13:09
lunitikGranted most LTS users skip those13:09
Naphatuli don't want cutting edge but i don't want packages that are old as debian testing either13:09
dr_willisthey do tend to get a bit wilder with the non-lts releases. ;)13:09
lunitikNaphatul: Debian testing isn't old - although they are trying to release right now so things might be getting older, I haven't looked in a while13:10
dr_willisNaphatul:  stick with the every 6 mo releases then perhaps13:10
cfhowlettlunitik, my updates schedule is the first point release of LTS, thus every two years I get to experience the pain that many folk choose to endure every 6 months.  Much as I love Ubuntu, I don't have the time, patience, knowledge or inclination to subject myself to that if I don't have to.  Just weird that way ...13:10
lunitikNaphatul: The non-LTS releases are stable, just don't let anyone talk you into running Ubuntu+113:11
cfhowlettlunitik, FULLY agree on that point!13:11
goranekUbuntu ftw, and i say that as an ex crazy fanatic Archlinux user :)13:12
lunitikcfhowlett: I honestly have no problems updating ever, been around since warty was not even released, I just don't use much in the way of PPA's or the like, pretty clean13:13
goranekGuys, can i somehow link .pem file with ip, so ssh doesn't always ask me for it(i dont need to add it with -i key.pem)13:14
cfhowlettlunitik, I've a similar install protocol.  At the end of the, day what works for you.  High power users that can compile, do all the network config and what-not, I salute.  I just wants it to work!13:15
lunitikcfhowlett: I also usually make sure the metapackages are around when I update13:15
b_10Tässä vähän tarkemmin, että mitä kaikkea suurinpiirtein asensin ennen boottausta, jonka jälkeen Ubuntu ei enää käynnistynyt normaalisti: 1) software-centeristä "Additional Drivers" -> Käynnistin sen, ja valitsin alimman vaihtoehdon, en tiedä mitä siinä luki -> joku tyyliin "Apply" tai "Install".. 2) Asentin tällasen themen "http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Zukitwo?content=140562" 3) Themeä varten asentelin jotain paketteja, mm. "gtk213:15
b_10Sorry wrong language :)13:15
cfhowlettb_10, what language?  for future reference ....13:15
ReezzHey guys, when I'm trying to run make on a package it doesn't automagically find my includes (they are there, but in subfolders..) Any ideas?13:16
b_10cfhowlett: Finnish13:17
cfhowlettb_10, OK then.  thanks.13:17
cfhowlettReezz, how are you installing this package and where did it come from?13:17
NaphatulReezz, subfolder/header.h13:17
Naphatulin the include13:17
Reezzcfhowlett: it's Skeltrack, cloned it from a git.. ran its configure and now i'm trying to run make to compile it all13:19
cfhowlettReezz, ah.  PowerUser stuff.  Over my head.  Lunitik???13:19
ReezzNaphatul: yes, but it's not in the package folder. an example: cogl/cogl.h (system include) like this: #include <cogl/cogl.h>13:19
Naphatulwhat error does running make give you?13:19
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ReezzNaphatul: It complains about the file not being there.. which is correct. pkg-config should be used to solve this I believe.. But I shouldn't need to modify the package, right?13:20
lunitikReezz: you probably want #ubuntu-devel - this is more end user support and I'm not much of a packager (mostly just metapackages)13:20
Reezzlunitik: Ah, sorry :) I'll go and have a look-see there13:21
ReezzThanks guys!13:21
lunitikReezz: just be patient, it will be slower13:21
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lerschHello. I am running Wubi. In my application I open() a file using O_DIRECT option, I allocate 8GB for this file and make a mmap() of it. All the I/O to the file is made through the mmap() using memcopy(). Even specifying O_DIRECT, the behavior of the application make me believe that there is some sort of caching happening. Is it because of Wubi or am I missing something?13:22
cfhowlettlersch, wubi is for TESTING ubuntu ... not long term installation solution...suggest you virtualbox ubuntu instead or do a proper dual boot...13:23
lerschOk. But do you know anything in Wubi that might ignore the O_DIRECT in open()?13:24
cfhowlettlersch, I don't know13:24
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BluesKajwell , wubi points users in the right direction in terms of the ubuntu experience but that's about it's meant to do IMO13:25
Ben__I saw that you are making an OS for tablets13:25
cfhowlettBen__, greetings13:25
Ben__I have a Nexus 713:25
ubottuBen__,: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.13:25
Ben__Ok, sorry13:25
BluesKaj!tablet | Ben__13:26
ubottuBen__: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.13:26
cfhowlettBen__, no worries.13:26
cfhowlettBluesKaj, too slow this time ...13:26
Ben__Thanks for the help for getting me there! =)13:26
BluesKajwell , cfhowlett it's not pi**ing contest13:26
cfhowlettBen__, there is a ubuntu nexus 7 project...search it out13:26
sarger001Is this the ubuntu support channel?13:27
cfhowlettsarger001, indeed.  welcome.13:27
Ben__Ok, Thank you cfhowlett13:27
LxKermitdo the repositories keep up a recent and good version of firefox just by typing 'sudo apt-get install firefox'?13:27
cfhowlettBen__, have fun13:27
sarger001I'm running linux mint right now, after trying to install ubuntu. Ubuntu installation failed, but mint did not, though running the same installer (i think) I burnt the files the same and want to produce a disk for my friend but am afraid it won't work.13:28
BluesKajLxKermit, yes13:28
LxKermitBluesKaj - thanks13:28
ikoniasarger001: it's actually a different install routine, mint changes it13:28
ikoniasarger001: they are not comparible like that13:28
cfhowlettsarger001, you want to make an ubuntu disk and it didn't even work for you?13:28
sarger001Mint did13:28
sarger001I'm running mint right now13:28
cfhowlettsarger001, pretty sure mint has disk making tools included ...13:29
sarger001Ubuntu did not install correctly and hung on the 'install ubuntu' option13:29
sarger001I burnt both disks on windows13:29
cfhowlettsarger001, how did you download the iso?  did you verify/md5sum the iso before burning the disk?13:30
sarger001Yep, it booted but hung on the loading screen13:30
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sarger001Made another disk and failed13:31
Guest42587есть кто13:31
FloodBot1Guest42587: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
cfhowlettsarger001, actual disk not a USB?13:31
BluesKajsarger001, there's a bug with some hardware recognition with the installer, unfortunately..it might work on your friend's pc13:31
ubottuGuest42587,: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:31
sarger001I used a disk, yes13:31
Guest42587иди нахуй шлюха13:32
FloodBot1Guest42587: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:32
Guest42587иди нахуй13:32
BluesKaj!ru | Guest4258713:32
ubottuGuest42587: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:33
BluesKajwow the bot is slow today13:33
cfhowlettsarger001, may I suggest you consider the USB option next time.13:33
lewikwho use simon?13:33
cfhowlett!info simon13:34
ubottuPackage simon does not exist in quantal13:34
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BluesKajsarger001, http://askubuntu.com/questions/204771/ubuntu-12-10-installation-hangs-at-preparing-to-install-ubuntu13:35
sarger001 I can't even live boot13:36
sarger001from the disk13:36
cfhowlettsarger001, how did you get the iso?13:36
cfhowlettsarger001, skip that13:36
sarger001from the ubuntu site13:36
nkvorn_i have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on my server. how can i find out if NAPI is enebled in the kernel?13:37
Alocermaybe the file is corupted ????13:37
sarger001Nope alocer, i made 4 disks13:37
cfhowlettsarger001, I've had much better luck using the .torrent than direct download of the ISO.  torrent have more robust error check and correction than a download.  and one should ALWAYS check the iso with md5sum13:37
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:37
cfhowlettsarger001, bad iso 's happen to good people.13:38
lewikcfhowlett: its speech recognise13:38
cfhowlettlewik, ok.  Sorry. I don't know anything about it .13:38
sarger001I need to install ubuntu on my friends pc13:39
cfhowlettsarger001, best of luck13:39
BluesKajcfhowlett, I've had better experience with direct DL from the OS site then with torents13:39
cfhowlettBluesKaj, ymmv.  Last time, I got ubuntustudio 2gigs dvd in about 15 minutes on torrent13:40
BluesKajspeed isn't the determining factor , aamof speed can be a detriment to a clean sum , cfhowlett13:41
cfhowlettBluesKaj, agreed.  now that I'm in china, direct download is quite unworkable.  torrent is the only reasonable option.  not speedy but a clean ISO.13:42
BluesKajcfhowlett, ok , well we all have to use what works best for us13:43
cfhowlettBluesKaj, :)13:43
sevenforallI'm using Ubuntu 12.04, and the audio icon just disappeared from the panel13:49
svipI've accidentally removed myself from the sudoers file, is there any I can do to recover my root account?13:52
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svipI got confused, because I assumed the sudo group was called wheel.13:53
llutzsvip: start from live-cd or in rescue mode and add yourself to "sudo" group again13:55
svipAh good idea.13:55
cfhowlettDenommus, greetings13:55
DenommusI'm trying to use the Ubuntu SDK, but it gives me the error 'module "QmlProject" is not installed'13:56
Denommuswhat does this mean?13:56
cfhowlettDenommus, ask in #ubuntu-devel  for developers13:56
Denommusthank you13:56
rcmaehlAlright #ubuntu, I just did a clean 12.10 64-bit install and it's been forever since I did a clean install, so I need package recommendations. Perferably some good customization packages13:57
rcmaehlalso, does anyone know what happened to ubuntu tweak?13:58
cfhowlettrcmaehl, UT is still out there but it's not and never was in the repos ... cuz it BREAKS things.13:59
MrBlaiseHey! anyone have any suggestions about the anti-virus software which one should I download?13:59
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus13:59
svipllutz: How do I make the hd writeable?13:59
sevenforallThat's wrong, I'd say13:59
sevenforallThere are definitely Linux viruses, it's just really hard to catch them, yet13:59
rcmaehlUbuntu is back in the DOS stage of Viruses14:00
rcmaehlLike back in 1990 when there was only like 200 viruses and they spread manually14:00
rcmaehlThat's where Ubuntu is at14:00
MrBlaisecfhowlettm haha thanks, but yeah there are some viruses and I wanna make sure I don14:00
MrBlaisehave them14:00
llutzsvip: mount it, then "sudo nano /mntpoint/etc/group"14:00
jpdssevenforall: No, sorry, that's not true...14:00
rcmaehlUbuntu isn't something where viruses can easily spread14:00
MrBlaisercmaehl I understand and it is great!14:01
rcmaehlUbuntu, and linux in general, has too many infinite customization options which basically throws stability out the window for almost every virus14:01
MrBlaiseanother reason why I'm using it :) however I do pass files between my windows and my ubuntu14:01
cfhowlettMrBlaise, look for virus protection in the ubuntu Software Center14:02
MrBlaisecfhowlett, Allright thanks.14:03
cfhowlettMrBlaise, best o fluck14:03
jpdsrcmaehl: A rootkit is not a virus.14:03
rcmaehlIt's still malware14:03
lunitikMrBlaise: You probably want clamav, a rootkit is not the same thing.14:03
lunitikrcmaehl: no14:03
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:04
rcmaehloh yeah14:04
xkernelwhy unsupported updates are selected by default?14:07
cfhowlettxkernel, unsupported updates?  not selected by default.14:07
sevenforallDoes anyone happen to know how to get the audio panel icon back on Ubuntu 12.04?14:07
rcmaehlI <3 ubuntu, runs on this old dual-core acer great14:07
sevenforallrcmaehl: You'd probably be even better off with Xubuntu :o14:08
rcmaehlIt's not THAT old14:09
rcmaehlEarly 2000s maybe, Aspire 4720z series (a ton of replacement parts from different models in that series)14:09
flclhow to find my.ini in Ubuntu?14:09
cfhowlettflcl, .ini?  for what program?14:10
jackyyllis it possible to move /var and /opt to another hard drive with only one partition? or do i need to have a separate partition on that drive for each one?14:10
flclcfhowlett, musqld14:10
rcmaehlAlso, for some reason ubuntu 12.10 64-bit detects my adhoc network but it's grayed out and I can't connect to it14:11
cfhowlettflcl, so you want the user configuration file?14:11
rcmaehlIs there any way to resolve this14:11
cfhowlettflcl, locate *.ini will display all14:12
flclcfhowlett, I want to add a line there14:12
flclmmm, how can I search for a specific file in ubuntu?14:12
svipflcl: find or locate?14:13
YueFairchildMy mom has an absolutely ancient laptop, like circa 2005. Windows 7 is mind-numbingly slow. Would Ubuntu be any better?14:13
cfhowlettflcl, locate filename or wildcard.name14:13
flcllocate my.ini shows nothing14:13
cfhowlettflcl, locate *.ini14:13
flcllocate *.ini shows too many )14:13
RZAFCanyone know how to get metaspoit on a ppc with lubuntu?14:13
stianhjIs there a download for the new phone version of Ubuntu somewhere?14:14
=== sevenforall is now known as sevenforall|THIC
cfhowlettflcl, locate *.ini | grep sql*14:14
sevenforall|THICeh, whops, wrong channel :) cheers14:14
YueFairchildOr is that too intensive for something that old?14:14
=== sevenforall|THIC is now known as sevenforall
captineYueFairchild, you could run a light version of ubuntu like xubuntu and i am pretty sure it will be snappier than 714:14
tockitjdo you think that ubuntu is designed for black people ?14:15
flclcfhowlett, thanks! found it14:15
cfhowlettYueFairchild, lubuntu and xubuntu are optimized for low spec and older machines.  I suspect she'd be thrilled with either.14:15
RZAFCanyone know how to get metaspoit on a ppc with lubuntu?14:15
rcmaehl!ops tockitj14:15
DJonestockitj: Stop that, its not appropriate14:16
tockitjseriously they are consistently pushing with dark design and African motives14:16
rcmaehlObvious troll was obvious14:17
cfhowlettDJones, thanks.14:17
YueFairchildI see...14:17
YueFairchildWhich would you suggest, lubuntu or xubuntu?14:18
YueFairchildAnd these have a friendly UI, right? She's like, sixty.14:18
cfhowlettYueFairchild, download both.  they're small.  try em out.14:18
AnonTrackAlgum br?14:18
flclhow do I know which configuration file is mysql using? config.huge.ini config.medium.ini config.sqmall.ini14:18
cfhowlettYueFairchild, xubuntu is possibly more "windows" like and lubuntu possibly more "osx" like14:18
ThinkT510!br | AnonTrack14:18
ubottuAnonTrack: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.14:18
cfhowlettflcl, ask #mysql?14:19
cfhowlettflcl, or #ubuntu-server ...14:19
rcmaehlcfhowlett, Kubuntu is more "windows" like than xubuntu in my opinion'14:19
cfhowlettrcmaehl, maybe.  but kubuntu didn't come up in the conversation.14:19
RZAFCanyone know if I can install ubuntu on a ppc 64 1.5ghz14:21
ThinkT510!ppc | RZAFC14:21
ubottuRZAFC: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ14:21
zatanhey how can I add this as ppa  ? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/xapian-core/1.2.12-114:22
ThinkT510!ppa | zatan14:22
ubottuzatan: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:22
rcmaehlI need help connecting to an adhoc network in ubuntu 12.10 64-bit. Ubuntu detects the network yet the option to choose to connect to it is grayed out14:23
yourimym1hello world , is there a link to explain diffrence between nvidia drivers for ubuntu (opensource-property) currents updates etc.14:25
=== IcePee is now known as Guest26809
yourimym1ubottu ?14:27
yourimym1ubottu:  is there a link to explain diffrence between nvidia drivers for ubuntu (opensource-property) currents updates etc.14:27
ubottuyourimym1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:27
hatakemy hotot eror, Can not get token from the server.14:27
ubottuyourimym1,: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:27
hatakehow to fix14:27
cfhowletthatake, server issues?  ask in #ubuntu-server14:28
rcmaehlThe adhoc worked last install fine however wasn't detected automatically14:29
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
yourimym1cfhowlett:  how to know if am using the best driver for my vga, or getting best performance for it14:31
yourimym1ubottu:  how to know if am using the best driver for my vga, or getting best performance for it14:31
ubottuyourimym1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:31
cfhowlettyourimym1, I'm sure there are assessment/measurement tools, but I don't know.  So long as it works, I'm happy.  That said, a reasonable argument might be that you can play, say HD videos ???14:32
rcmaehlI think my adhoc issues have something to do with my wifi interface showing up as eth114:32
Thoth_CastelI have just installed ubuntu on an HP EliteBook 8470s and once restarted got a flashing screen....just light a night club14:33
RZAFCwhat can I use to burn the ubuntu lts(ppc) live cd in windows 714:33
Thoth_Castelwhy has that happened?14:33
yourimym1cfhowlett: is there a command to know this or just try HD videos :)14:33
cfhowlettThoth_Castel, get a cloud machine and strobe lights and ... no OK.14:33
rcmaehlThoth_Castel: update your graphic drivers14:34
cfhowlettyourimym1, try the video .. and ...14:34
jackyyllif i mount a different partition as /var but i have a var directory on my /, the one that's on / will be unaffected correct?14:34
cfhowletthey thread: what cli command to test video performance?  glxinfo or something???14:34
RZAFC1what can I use to burn the ubuntu lts(ppc) live cd in windows 714:35
BluesKajglxinfo | grep OpenGL14:35
BluesKajcfhowlett, , you need mesa-utils installed for that command14:36
DJonesRZAFC1: I think I used to use Infrarecorder years ago to burn any iso's on Windows, not sure if it still runs under Win 7 though, I'd be surprised if Win 7 didn't have a burn iso option in the right click menu though14:36
RZAFC1can I use imgburn to put a ubuntu ppc iso on a live cd in windows 7?14:37
tcroutoRZAFC1, go download imgburn14:37
cfhowlettyourimym1, mesa-utils and glxinfo will tell you ... something about your gpu performance14:37
yourimym1thz all14:37
=== RZAFC1 is now known as RZAFC
RZAFCtcrouto: I already have it14:37
tcroutotheres nothing special about a ubuntu iso... it burns just like any other image14:38
=== Thor^^ is now known as Thor
RZAFCI can download things like metasploit on lubuntu for some reason, is that normal?14:43
cfhowlettRZAFC, repos14:43
RZAFCcfhowlett: what is repos?14:43
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories14:44
cfhowlettRZAFC, never mind.  metasploit seems not to be in repos ... but I can DL with no problem.  Are  you attempting to this at home or work/school?  Perhaps a router setting or policy prevents it ...14:45
RZAFCcfhowlett: ya, repos is synaptics package manager right?14:46
RZAFCapt-get etc14:46
cfhowlettRZAFC, yes, but metasploit is not in there.14:47
RZAFCya, i know. Aleady tried that.14:47
rcmaehlI need help with ubuntu 12.10 64-bit. I had wireless earlier but couldn't connect to adhoc networks, then after installing updates and restarting my wireless card no longer is detected at all14:47
RZAFCI think my only option is to switch my os to ubuntu lts ppc14:47
urlwolfI use colemak. I wanted the login screen to use it too (lightdm), so I used settings to change the system languaje to 'us colemak'. Now I see in TTYs that the system is indeed colemak. But I cannot log in in loghtdm! not even typing the password in qwerty. Any idea why?14:47
bhaveshHow am I supposed to resume utorrent torrents which I started in windows 8 in transmission in ubuntu 12.04.2?14:48
urlwolfthis happened after reboot14:48
bhaveshJust set the download folder for transmission download same as utorrnet?14:48
tcroutobhavesh, thats not really a question suited for this channel, but all you need to do is point transmission to the folder14:48
bhaveshI copied my half downloaded files to my ubuntu's downloads folder14:48
AppleJuicebhavesh, Yes. And open the .torrent files again.14:48
bhaveshAppleJuice, tcrouto okay, ty14:49
theadminurlwolf: I'm not sure what colemak is, but I suppose you need to set the keyboard in /etc/X11/Xorg.conf as well14:49
AppleJuicebhavesh, utorrent will start checking the files and will continue where windows left off.14:50
bhaveshopening the utorrents .torrent file saved in windows appdata folder resumed my download :)14:50
SahanHi...I'm using ubuntu 12.04 on toshiba satellite c600. Every time I turn on my pc it automaticall set brightness to max. So I have to set it back to a comfortable level. Please tell me a way to set it permanantly to a desired leve...Sorry about my English..14:51
urlwolftheadmin: I hoped the gnome system settings would have done that for me14:51
urlwolflet me check14:51
gugus77oh nice flood bots ....14:51
theadminurlwolf: It should, but it wouldn't affect LightDM, that starts before GNOME.14:52
urlwolftheadmin: would switching to the 'new' gdm help? I'm using ubutu with gnome shell, maybe it undertstands the setting it self sets :)14:52
theadminurlwolf: Use this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1690717/ and place it either in xorg.conf itself, or in any file starting with a two-digit number and ending with .conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ (e.g. /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-colemak.conf)14:53
tcroutoSahan: take a look at this link. http://askubuntu.com/questions/145314/how-to-save-brightness-settings14:54
bhaveshI always get a black screen with my mouse pointer on it when I resume from suspend(automatically lock after 10 minutes), I know its a bug, but it says Fix Issued on Launchpad. I updated my ubuntu from Ubuntu Main servers yesterday but it still did not fix the problem. Normal desktop comes back only by pressing Alt + prnt scrn sys + k as stated on the bug page.14:55
soahcccHmm is MAILTO in /etc/crontab applied to all cronfiles? I would like to get all cron outputs despite the user running them14:55
bhaveshwhat am supposed to do?14:55
Sahantcrouto : thanx I'll see it...14:55
bhaveshUbuntu 12.04.2*14:55
theadminbhavesh: "Fix Released" simply means there's a patch, it doesn't necessarily mean it's already in the repos.14:56
ddsschey I'm looking for a ftp client with good shell api. something like ftp connect ip x.x.x.x, ftp put sourcefile targetfile etc14:56
Myrttiddssc: "ftp"14:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 966744 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu Quantal) "[i965] Resume from suspend leaves me with black screen or a screen of the desktop before it suspended. Compiz hung in intel_update_renderbuffers() from intel_prepare_render() from brw_draw_prims()" [Critical,Fix released]14:56
bhaveshtheadmin, okay.14:56
theadminddssc: Uh, the traditional "ftp" seems to do what you want14:56
jpmhI need to be able to log off from the terminal window - in previous versions of the OS I could do gnome-session-save but this has gone, despite the fact that there is still a reference to it in the man pages for gnome-session -  how do I do this?14:57
ddssctheadmin, where can I find docu?14:57
bbryanthey, I'm having a problem with getting hdmi sound to show up in sound settings when I plug in hdmi? does anyone know where to go from here?14:57
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yourimym11open source or property is better ?14:58
urlwolftheadmin: bad news, I cannot even log into a TTY14:59
ddsscbtw, my intention is to call ftp client from a script, so there can be no dialogs, enter this enter that. I need to have ftp connect x.x.x.x user pw , no dialogs14:59
urlwolfgod,. I lock myself out!14:59
theadminddssc: What do you think expect is for? :P14:59
urlwolftheadmin: this is not X15:00
urlwolfso the problem must be somewhere else...15:00
theadminurlwolf: Hm, okay, then I'm not sure15:00
urlwolffound it15:01
=== francisco is now known as Guest92682
urlwolfmy passwd has a key that I moved with xmodmap :)15:01
diegosnathi guys... I have got a problem. If I open a luks partition and I close it afterward and I try again to reopen it, I cannot do it. Is there any reason why?15:02
=== LaserShark is now known as Miffadawn
yourimym11vga open source or property is better ?15:02
tcroutoyourimym11, propriatary will give much better performance15:03
roniez_Anybody here using lottanzb?15:03
yourimym11open source slower ?15:03
quesoWhat group does a user have to be in to be able to edit network-manager settings?15:04
theadminyourimym11: Not always. Sometimes opensource ones work better.15:04
diegosnathi guys... I have got a problem. If I open a luks partition and I close it afterward and I try again to reopen it, I cannot do it. Is there any reason why?15:04
theadminqueso: None, really. If you mean systemwide, you need to be able to get root access, and that's configurable via sudo15:05
Safa_[A_boy]hi all, will ubuntu for tablets be translated?15:05
theadminSafa_[A_boy]: I don't see why not.15:05
yourimym11theadmin: how to figure this out , any tests ?15:06
quesotheadmin: How do I have my VPN connection settings available for me? They aren't showing. And I already have sudo access.15:06
theadminqueso: Hm, what do you mean? What kind of VPN?15:06
theadminyourimym11: There are a few I know of, but none are really accurate. Try running some sort of intense 3D game, I guess, see which performs better.15:07
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Safa_[A_boy]theadmin, maybe it will be a Separated project :|15:07
yourimym11theadmin: suggest a game for me for example !15:07
theadminyourimym11: Well, Urban Terror and Alien Arena are the first free ones that come to mind. Both are in the repos.15:07
theadminOh wait, Urban Terror isn't, it seems. Odd. Was almost certain it's there.15:09
theadminOh well15:09
yourimym11Urban Terror yup didnt fond it neither15:10
quesotheadmin: If I configure a VPN connection in network manager, it doesn't show up in the dropdown list. So I can't connect and I can't figure out why.15:10
YueFairchildOkay. I have xubuntu's installer on a flash drive, no blank CDs, and the thing's bios won't boot from USB.15:10
sgtkilljoyYueFairchild: already have grub installed?15:11
theadminYueFairchild: What does it have on it now?15:11
quesotheadmin: Nevermind, disabled networking and re-enabled it, and how it's showing. Thanks for your help.15:11
theadminqueso: Heh. Crazy thing.15:11
OrpheonHello, I'm having problems with installing hamachi on a 64-bit 12.04 system. "hamachi-init: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory".15:13
OrpheonApparently this thread has a fix for it, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1243005 , but the first fix doesn't work, the second one gives me a 404 error on the HTTP request and I don't really want to add a hardy repository for precise15:14
Orpheonany ideas or suggestions?15:14
m3powis there a good tutorial on install steam on 64bit 12.10 ?15:16
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YueFairchildI'm trying to rig it up with Unetbootin or whatever.15:17
theadminm3pow: Eh, it's in the Software Center15:17
x0xhk79f8086k809 /JOIN #GAZA15:18
sevenforallDoes anyone know how to get back the audio indicator applet in the panel on Ubuntu 12.04?15:18
theadminYueFairchild: That won't matter really. What OS does the computer currently have, if any?15:18
xanguasevenforall: did you uninstall pulseaudio¿15:18
sevenforallxangua: I did, but I reinstalled it15:18
m3powwas in the software center, i tried to install it from there, after that SC crashed, now i can't find it15:18
theadminsevenforall: You're missing indicator-applet, I think.15:19
diegosnathi guys... I have got a problem. If I open a luks partition and I close it afterward and I try again to reopen it, I cannot do it. Is there any reason why?15:19
theadminsevenforall: Or even just indicator-sound15:19
sevenforallI'll check that15:19
genii-aroundOrpheon: Hamachi is not an Ubuntu package, perhaps ask in their support channel of #hamachi15:19
theadminm3pow: It should work, try again -- SC isn't perfect but works most of the time15:19
m3powok, i will thanks !15:20
Orpheongenii-around, my problem isn't really hamachi and more how to install the correct (deprecated) version of libstdc++.so.515:20
theadminm3pow: There's also a .deb package on their website which you can download and double-click to install but it's not recommended (no automatic updates)15:21
m3powi see, but i still can't get it in SC15:22
m3powit was a 64bit version, tried to install it, crashed, GONE15:23
theadminm3pow: Hm, run "sudo apt-get -f install" on the terminal15:23
ddsscso im trying: lftp open -u uname,pw -p 21 servername. It hangs on [Resolving host address...], what am I doing wrong?15:24
m3powso i did15:24
olegИнтересно, а по русски тут ко-нибудь спикает?15:25
theadmin!ru | oleg15:25
ubottuoleg: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:25
=== Kitar|st_ is now known as Kitar|st
OrpheonSo actually, every solution proposed here ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1243005 ) doesn't work, including the last one. Any ideas on how to get this to work?15:25
m3pownothing on the Steam installer.15:26
Hanumaanhow to see if port 80 is open in ubuntu ?15:26
m3powshould i try a rr ?15:26
theadminm3pow: There probably won't be, but it would likely show up in software center after that15:26
theadminHanumaan: The firewall doesn't block anything by default.15:26
ddsscso im trying: lftp open -u uname,pw -p 21 servername. It hangs on [Resolving host address...], what am I doing wrong?15:26
m3powthanks, will restart now !15:27
ddsscam I missing something , some parameters/quotes whatever?15:27
Hanumaantheadmin, I am using some proxy and trying to run some java application which is not reaching http port also my java program http://pastebin.com/h9pn5Vhz so what could be the problem ?15:28
theadminHanumaan: I am not familiar with Java.15:28
Hanumaantheadmin, how to see if port 80 is open or closed in ubuntu ?15:29
mcbootinhello. i have come for tech support. i am running ubuntu 12.04.2 lts edition. while practicing programming i accidentally damaged my kernal. i decided to back up all my personal files and roll back my edition to 12.4.1 edition. so i downloaded the boot iso and i made a usb boot disc, however my system refuses to boot from the flash drive i used to turn into the boot iso15:29
theadminHanumaan: sudo ufw status numbered # No output = no firewall rules = it's open15:30
=== ThatOneGuy is now known as Guest30467
airlynxCan someone explain what this graph means: http://imgur.com/bhdt4ff   My laptop runs 24/7 on power and occasionally I catch it charging for no reason15:30
sgtkilljoyHanumaan: sudo netstat -lptu15:30
mcbootinhow do i get my system to boot from the iso i made on the flash drive15:30
Guest30467How's Ubuntu with an AMD GPU? Especially interested in Wine, how is that with an AMD GPU?15:30
theadminGuest30467: WINE only works with fglrx most of the time15:30
Guest30467Ok, would you recommend an nVidia card instead?15:31
awktion!ops | nir joinspam/possible malware link15:31
ubottunir joinspam/possible malware link: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!15:31
theadminGuest30467: (that is their propretiary driver, and it doesn't support all cards, only more-or-less recent ones)15:31
Piciawktion: I *just* kickbanned them.15:31
Myrttiawktion: already removed15:31
theadminGuest30467: Well, yeah, nVidia tends to have better support.15:31
Guest30467theadmin: I've a HD6950, guessing that's recent enough to be supported.15:31
Piciits okay :)15:31
awktionon the ball eh15:31
mcbootinanyone have any ideas?15:31
Guest30467I'll just have to grab an nVidia card some day :p15:32
Guest30467Want to give up Windows!15:32
Guest30467But not my gaming :P15:32
theadminGuest30467: Eh, Steam is around for Linux now, so gaming won't be a problem in a couple years15:32
mcbootindid anyone read the issue i have been having? or am i in the wrong channel for tech support?15:33
Guest30467theadmin: exactly :p15:33
xxiaonow when I double click *.txt my open office will open it, how to change it to other editors?15:33
echinos_I'm using a virtualbox VM with windows inside to use go to meeting, but I have a horrible echo to the other people, and they can hear stuff that my ubunto host is playing15:33
xxiaotried system-preference-preferredapplications, no help15:34
theadminxxiao: Right click, properties, open with15:34
GirlyGirl!fr | kleopatre215:35
ubottukleopatre2: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:35
m3powok, so nothing about steam in Software Center15:35
xxiaotheadmin: it's in the downloads of firefox window, i think i need reconfigure firefox for that. thanks15:35
m3powsomething is not right here15:35
mcbootinhello. i have come for tech support. i am running ubuntu 12.04.2 lts edition. while practicing with the linux terminal using the text book "the command line " i accidentally damaged my kernal. i decided to back up all my personal files and roll back my edition to 12.4.1 edition. so i downloaded the boot iso and i made a usb boot disc, however my system refuses to boot from the flash drive i used to turn into the boot iso15:35
mcbootinhow do i get my system to boot from the iso i made on the flash drive15:35
dr_willishow did you make the usb15:36
clue_hmcbootin, have you tried yumi and changed your boot order in bios?15:36
dr_willisyou could just fix the kernel also. ;-)15:36
mcbootini used the ubuntu start up disk maker that came with ubuntu15:36
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theadminmcbootin: That normally works, but just for the heck of it, use dd, tends to be safer15:37
dr_willisare you sure your bios is set to boot from usb?15:37
edheldilhi, was there a change of policy between lucid and precise regarding apt-get? Previously cowbuilder was able to install as a build-dependency other pkg version than the highest one, e.g. 1.1 if there's Build-Depends: utils (<< 1.2). But it does not do it in precise and fails15:37
GirlyGirlmcbootin: Does this bootable disk work on another computer?15:37
mcbootini think i am going to attemt to change my bios boot settings because thats what i had to do to get windows off my comp and linux onto it in the first place15:38
theadminmcbootin: sudo dd if=~/Downloads/ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb # If you have only one hard drive and your USB device is the only other mass storage media plugged in. Otherwise, it may be sdc, or such15:38
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dr_willismcbootin: how is your kernel broke? that shouldent be hard to fix15:38
mcbootintheadmin i already have the iso downloaded and turned into a bootable disk on the usb the system told me i could use the flash drive to boot from when it finished extracting the iso onto the flash drive. i have a crappy internet connection its taken me 5 days to get this iso downloaded in the first place15:39
mcbootindr willis you may better recognise me by the name sir dotalus. its been an ongoing issue for a couple weeks now15:40
mcbootini am pretty sure i need to reconfig my bios boot settings15:40
dr_willisyou did verify the md5 sum of the iso mcbootin15:40
mcbootinthanks guys, i appreciate the feed back from all of you15:40
mcbootinhow would i go about doing that?15:41
theadminmcbootin: md5sum /path/to/iso15:41
sgtkilljoymcbootin: in terminal "md5sum /".........^^15:42
mcbootinsometimes i think people think that issues are far more simple than they really are15:42
mcbootinthanks h/o i will try it15:42
theadminmcbootin: A live media not booting always is a simple issue15:43
mcbootini may be new to linux but i have worked windows for 18 years and no... its not always simple15:43
SIGKILLerHey, im trying out Irssi for the first time. Is there any way i can make join/diconnect/timeout messages less intrusive?15:46
theadminSIGKILLer: You can get rid of them altogether: /ignore * JOIN PART QUIT NICK15:47
m3powthe admin, tried using the .deb package but... "Fatal Error: Steam needs to be online to update. Please confirm you network connection and try again"15:48
dr_williswebchats smart filters are soo nice.15:48
pranjal710hi,I have installed ubuntu 12.04, but cant connect to wireless, it says "firmware missing" . Can someone please help?15:48
rix1234Hi... I am authenticating my linux box from a windows AD domain... However I am getting this particular error... ERROR:LW_ERROR_LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE [LW_ERROR_LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE]... CAn anyone please help me out... :-)15:49
SIGKILLerthank you, that seemes to work!15:49
dr_willisrun the additional  driver  tool yet pranjal710 ?15:49
rix1234Hi... I am authenticating my linux box from a windows AD domain... However I am getting this particular error... ERROR:LW_ERROR_LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE [LW_ERROR_LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE]... CAn anyone please help me out... :-)15:49
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:50
=== cristian_c_ is now known as cristian_c
evolbithi, i recently installed ubuntu 12.04 in my laptop. Yesterday i made package updates for the first time and the system crashed with a strange black screen. I shutdown the laptop using the button but now when i try to use ubuntu he says that cannot recognize graphic card and don´t let me do anything besides using the command line. Plese Help me!15:52
dr_willis!nomodeset | evolbit15:52
ubottuevolbit: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:52
theadminevolbit: Did you install normally or did you use the silly Windows installer?15:52
lewikIs anybody use simon speech recognizer?15:53
dr_williswhats your video card  evolbit ?15:53
cadshey, if you want to install ubuntu on someone else's computer, and have minimal calls to come over and help fix it, is it best to deploy 12.04?15:53
cadsie, the LTS, rather than the latest release15:53
evolbitis ati x1200 dr_willis15:53
dr_williscads:  set up ssh so you can ssh in15:53
theadmincads: Yep. LTS releases are more stable, have longer support cycles15:54
YueFairchildOkay so.15:54
YueFairchildI have a USB drive.15:54
FloodBot1YueFairchild: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:54
maaniHi everyone, I was just wondering where can I find the STARTUP objects/files on ubuntu? (mint) is there any GUI for it? or is there any specific folder?15:54
gdankoMan I cant believe Ubuntu displayed mty password on scren after X crashed!15:54
bazhangmaani, you're using MINT?15:54
maaniyes bazhang15:54
evolbiti installed normally theadmin, i have dual boot with windows 715:55
bazhangmaani, go to mintsupport then15:55
YueFairchildI have a USB drive. I'm trying to install xubuntu on a very old (circa 2005) laptop that -refuses- to recognize USB drives as boot devices. I have no blank CDs or DVDs. How can I install this stupid thing?15:55
bazhang!mintsupport | maani15:55
ubottumaani: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:55
dr_willismaani:  depends on what you want to start.15:55
theadminmaani: irc://irc.spotchat.org/linuxmint-help15:55
maaniThanks everyone :)15:55
bazhanglewik, where is this simon program from15:55
DarkSimRecommendations for a good application to format and partition drives?15:55
bazhangDarkSim, gparted15:55
dr_willisDarkSim: gparted15:55
clue_hYueFairchild: I think you can do a netboot install15:56
lewikbazhang: http://simon-listens.org/index.php?id=122&L=115:56
DerJungeHelp! I am trying to install Ubuntu 12.4.2 on my new laptop via USB and I am constantly getting this error saying casper/vmlinuz/ not found!15:56
YueFairchildIs there any chance you could walk me through that? I've never done that before and this thing is fighting me every step of the way.15:56
Noorideenhello, how can i install hexchat to ubuntu? nothing on google works :P15:56
DerJungeIts driving me insane!15:56
bazhanglewik, whats the issue; thats 3rd party software15:56
bazhangNoorideen, xchat not hexchat15:56
clue_hIt's been a while but this may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot15:57
dr_willisDerJunge:  server or desktop iso? what tool did you use to make the usb!15:57
Noorideenbazhang, but i dont want xchat i want hexchat15:57
bazhangNoorideen, thats for windows15:57
DerJungedr_willis: Desktop, and im using Linux Live15:57
Noorideenbazhang, but i had hexchat on linux mint15:57
dr_willishexchat is xchat on windows. last i looked.15:57
pranjal710hi,I have installed ubuntu 12.04, but cant connect to wireless, it says "firmware missing" . Can someone please help?15:57
bazhangNoorideen, thats not right.15:57
lewikbazhang: no issue =) I just want voice commands =) But can't tune simon, I google a lot, but no results.15:58
Noorideenbazhang, i swear lol15:58
dr_willisrun the additional  driver  tool yet pranjal710 ?15:58
YueFairchildOh god.15:58
YueFairchildI think I might just go to bed. I'm sorry.15:58
bazhangNoorideen, it makes Zero sense to use haxchat for windows in wine, when there is xchat15:58
Noorideenbazhang, so hexchat for windows?15:59
bazhangNoorideen, this is ubuntu support. install xchat15:59
dr_willishexchat is xchat on windows. last i looked.15:59
DerJungeAny one can help?15:59
theadmindr_willis, bazhang: from hexchat.org: "both Windows and Unix-like "15:59
theadminNoorideen: There's a PPA, check on their site16:00
bazhangtheadmin, one is in the repos...16:00
pranjal710dr_willis, My ethernet port does not work,is there any way I can copy the files from a USB to my laptop? Sorry, I did not see your comment before16:00
dr_willisthey got a ppa? ;)16:00
Noorideentheadmin, thank you16:00
theadminbazhang: Well, there may be some differences between the two critical for that person, who knows?16:01
Noorideendr_willis, bazhang thank you16:01
bazhangtheadmin, we dont support or recommend PPA, just so Noorideen knows that he will get zero support for hexchat PPA16:01
DerJungeHelp! I ahve been trying to install Ubuntu 12.4.2 desktop onto my new laptop via a USB I created with linux live, I keep getting this error saying casper/vmlinuz/ not found16:02
DerJungeIts so frustrating!16:02
Noorideenbazhang, so its better to install xchat instead of hexchat?16:02
bazhangDerJunge, md5 the iso16:02
theadminNoorideen: Yes, that's the better option.16:02
DerJungeI did, it checks fine16:02
theadminNoorideen: ...well, I'd suggest to go with irssi. xchat seems lacking in some ways to me16:02
Noorideentheadmin, i will go for xchat then :)16:02
theadminBut, irssi is command-line so it might confuse some16:03
bazhangDerJunge, and did you do the disk integrity check16:03
dr_willisweechat ;-)16:03
DerJungeNo, what is that bazhang?16:03
Noorideentheadmin, i am new to cli :D, will it be hard for me?16:03
bazhangDerJunge, by the way, is Linux Live something along the lines of unetbootin?16:03
lewikbazhang: ... But I have issue =)  I think it's becose me do a lot of with keyboard settings. But now, for example, Ctrl+F do not work at all. Shift+w and some others key combinations. How I can reset it?16:03
DerJungeHow do I check the disk integrity?16:04
bazhanglewik, I would recommend asking the simon forums/irc channel/developers about that16:04
theadminNoorideen: It's not uberhard or anything, but takes a while to get used to. Use Xchat if it works for you, it's the client that comes with Ubuntu after all16:04
lewikbazhang:  Can u help about keyboard?16:05
pj335hi all i wanned to install Ubuntu allong widows xp and now  got a messace saying      serial8250: too much work for irq12      can some one help me out?16:05
Noorideentheadmin, thank you very much16:05
theadminpj335: What processor do you have?16:05
bazhanglewik, I have no idea about that software16:06
pj335theadmin: an very old one16:06
DerJungebazhang: Do I need to do a disk integrity check if im installing via USB?16:06
pj335theadmin: frome lijk 9 years old16:07
theadminpj335: Um, model name/number please16:07
bazhangDerJunge, I would do a re- "burn" of the iso onto the usb stick, is this 12.04? 12.10 or what16:07
pj335theadmin:  1 minit16:07
DerJungebazhang: It is a 12.0416:07
DerJunge64 bit16:07
=== adamWork is now known as adamx
pj335whait it is doing something theadmin the ubuntu screen it up with the 5 dots16:08
lewikbazhang: ... Problem with keyboard do not linked with "simon".. I think its in KDE. But I dont know how to reset hotkeys settings16:08
theadminpj335: Ah, okay, it probably wasn't a critical error then16:08
theadminpj335: Just wait :)16:08
pj335oke thank you16:08
pj335and do i have to got a internet connection to set i up?16:09
theadminpj335: It's not required, but it's recommended16:09
pj335oke i wil try and make a connection then16:10
theadminpj335: It's needed to download and install updates or language packs not present on the CD.16:10
theadminpj335: Other than that, eh16:10
pj335i used wubi to set it up16:11
pj335but i wil try to get a cabble16:11
b2wi want help with shell programming16:11
bazhangb2w, `try #bash16:12
=== andersbr_ is now known as andersbr
b2wi want to give an input text to one command but in that text it appears"qrcode:" .i dont want this characters to be read out.i want it to read after the ":"16:13
weavejesterDoes anyone happen to know if Ubuntu stores the reason why it won't install packages?16:14
weavejesterI'm just getting: Depends: blah (>= 1.0.0) but it is not going to be installed16:14
theadminb2w: sed 's/^qrcode\://'16:15
elisa87Do you know where my package is installed if I have used this command? ./configure --with-perfctr-prefix=$HOME/local --prefix=$HOME/local16:15
jribweavejester: pastebin full command and output16:15
jribelisa87: probably the "local" folder in your HOME16:15
b2w<theadmin> can you please explain that16:16
Zhaboohi all, I am trying to find out what exactly is the problem when creating Linux Live USB startup disks, resizing the partition, making a new extended one with logical NTFS partition inside it using Gparted, but then subsequently Windows Vista Home Premium and Windows 7 Home Premium cannot access the new extra partition... (but Linux can)16:16
jribelisa87: (assuming you proceeded to complete the installation after you ran that ./configure)16:16
b2wtheadmin please explain that16:16
arges /join #ubuntu-devel16:16
=== Guest79220 is now known as tm
jribb2w: sed 's/x/y/' replaces "x" with "y"16:17
theadminb2w: sed is a tool which works with regular expressions. s/ stands for "substitute", i.e. replace. Next, comes the regular expression. ^ is for start-of-line, qrcode are just your letters, \: means : (have to escape special characters), and then after the slash we show what to replace with (nothing)16:17
weavejesterjrib: https://gist.github.com/weavejester/ba102ca0f24607a8a60616:17
marianohola me podian ayudar en xubuntu16:17
jrib!es | mariano16:17
ubottumariano: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:17
lmatWhat's the best jre to use on ubuntu server? I would like to avoid extra stuff (browser plugins, applet support, etc.), and I seek security.16:17
elisa87jrib: bash: cd: /home/local: No such file or directory (I am a newbie)16:17
jribelisa87: cd ~/local16:17
=== Viper is now known as Guest80779
jribelisa87: your HOME is likely /home/your_username, not /home16:18
theadminlmat: Install the headless one: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-headless (or 7 for version 7)16:18
lmattheadmin: wow. perfect :)16:18
elisa87jrib: bash: cd: /home/jalal/local: No such file or directory16:18
weavejesterjrib: I'm installing onto a blank EC2 instance with Ubuntu 12.10 btw16:18
elisa87jrib: jalal@dfyhs5l1:/usr/local$ cd ~/local16:18
elisa87bash: cd: /home/jalal/local: No such file or directory16:18
jribweavejester: run "sudo apt-get update" and try again.  If it persists, pastebin: apt-cache policy openjdk-6-jre openjdk-6-jre-headless16:19
jribelisa87: then you probably haven't installed it.  What did you do after you ran ./configure...?16:19
elisa87I am installing it now but shouldn't the local path already exist? jrib16:19
jribelisa87: no16:19
clue_hand it may be .local16:20
elisa87ah ok thanks will let you know when the installation is complete16:20
weavejesterjrib: Ahah. The update seems to work. Odd… I wonder why it needs that16:20
jribelisa87: what are you installing anyway?16:20
TheLoneRangerSo what is this may i ask ?16:21
jrib!topic | TheLoneRanger16:21
ubottuTheLoneRanger: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic16:21
weavejesterjrib: Thanks for the help16:21
jribTheLoneRanger: it's the official ubuntu support channel, feel free to ask any technical questions about ubuntu you have :)16:21
jribweavejester: no problem16:21
b2wmy command is zbarimg image.png.the decoded information contains "qrcode:hello world" i dont want that "qrcode :"to be included.please tell me a command for that16:21
jribb2w: dr_willis told you a command to do that16:22
jriberm, theadmin did16:22
b2wi dont know where to place it16:22
TheLoneRangerDoes anybody know if the Ubuntu Version 12.10 is making a plug in for Adobe Connect?16:22
theadminb2w: zbarimg image.png | sed 's/^qrcode\://' | ...16:22
mrtharepistHey, anyone have any idea if Ubuntu for mobile devices will be supporting C derivatives or java for development?16:23
lewikIm searching monosnap - like app for KDE.  App to take part of screen, draw lines, arrows and get short web-link for it/16:23
theadminmrtharepist: So far, the app development for mobile is mostly using Qt, which is a C++ framework.16:23
phaedral+1 jrib catalyst in action16:24
pedrintoi need heeeelp16:24
theadminmrtharepist: HTML5 is also supported.16:25
pedrintoi don't edit grub.cfg16:25
mrtharepisttheadmin: that makes sense. I was thinking about moving projects about to work on iOS and  Android. I wondered if Ubuntu will help that issue.16:25
pedrintoi can't run xubuntu16:25
b2wsed does not work.16:25
theadminb2w: Then you're doing something wrong. Show me the full command you're trying to use16:26
=== bambee is now known as rperier
llutzb2w: zbarimg -q image.png16:26
b2wzbarimg wel.png | sed 's/^QR-Code:\information//'  this is the command i am trying16:26
pedrintoplease help, i can't run xubuntu, i need edit grub.cfg with cd-live, but i no have permisions for edit! what can i do? (sorry for mi english)16:27
m3powmanaged to install steam and tested with CS 1.6, one of the old games i have, thing is it can only run at max resolution which is 1920x108016:27
m3powdriver issue?16:27
theadminb2w: That's not right, : is not escaped/16:27
theadminb2w: Instead, you escaped "i" which makes no sense16:27
b2wcorrect it and give the right command16:28
mrtharepisttheadmin: thanks for the info. I am excited about the possibilities of another less restrictive Linux mobile os.16:29
theadminb2w: zbarimg -q wel.png | sed 's/^QR\-Code\:information//' #, if I understand the output correctly.16:29
sgtkilljoymrtharepist: android?16:31
b2w"b2w@b2w-TW8-SW8-DW8:~$ zbarimg  qr.png | sed 's/^QR\-Code\:information//' #  scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 imagesQR-Code:http://ubuntubuzz.com  in 0 seconds"  .....16:32
b2wremove that QR-Code: from that16:32
b2wb2w@b2w-TW8-SW8-DW8:~$ zbarimg  qr.png | sed 's/^QR\-Code\:information//' # scanned 1 barcode symbols from 1 imagesQR-Code:http://ubuntubuzz.com  in 0 seconds -remove QR-Code from that16:33
theadminb2w: zbarimg qr.png | sed 's/^QR\-Code\://'16:33
mrtharepistsgtkilljoy: yes. right now it is awful making apps for both ios and android because iOS is C derivatives and android is java. Ubuntu mobile will support QT (C++.)16:33
mrtharepistsgtkilljoy: it seems like there will be better options for developing cross platform.16:34
k1l_mrtharepist: better ask that specific questions in #ubuntu-tablet and #ubuntu-phone16:36
stilia-johnyis anybody can help me with an asus eeepc ?16:36
k1l_!ask | stilia-johny16:36
ubottustilia-johny: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:36
theadminstilia-johny: What's the actual problem?16:37
mrtharepistk1l_: yeah. I checked the main irc channel page and there was no mention of those. but I should head over there.16:37
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:37
stilia-johnyis anybody can help me with an asus eeepc ?116:37
b2wtheadmin: thank you so much.this will be very helpful for my project.16:37
theadminb2w: If you are to work with large amounts of text, using Perl is a lot easier.16:37
theadminb2w: But yeah, for quick things, sed + awk + grep16:38
theadminstilia-johny: That is not a question.16:38
theadminstilia-johny: What is your problem?16:38
k1l_stilia-johny: nobody can help you if you are not going to ask a real question16:38
pedrinto¿how can edit the archive grub.cfg (this archive in OS xubuntu) with mode cd-live?? please i need help16:38
b2wi am working with small texts.this is more than enough to me.16:39
stilia-johnyhow can i solve this! when i am trying to resume after a that i put the netbook in standby mode my screen is funny and i have to take the battery out16:39
theadminpedrinto: ...Supposing "archive" means "file" (are you spanish? Try #ubuntu-es ), you should be able to simply mount the drive it's on and edit it. However... That file isn't meant to be edited by hand.16:39
pedrintothank theadmin16:40
b2wtheadmin: i am working with small texts only.this is more than enough for me.16:40
theadminb2w: good, then16:40
cadsif you leave a very short password for your computer logon, does that make it easier for internet based attackers to compromise your system?16:41
theadmincads: Being generic, yes.16:42
b2wtheadmin: by the by i am an computer science and engineering student and i have to present this project tomorrow morning.you helped me at right time.16:42
b2wtheadmin: by the by i am a computer science and engineering student and i have to present this project tomorrow morning.you helped me at right time.16:42
theadminb2w: Well, that's good then :)16:42
cadstheadmin: but not in direct sense?16:42
theadmincads: Well, hacking a password using brute force is generally simplier with a short password, but if it's a dictionary attack then the length doesn't really matter, long as the password is in the dict16:43
Alocerhello , anyone know what version of gnome is unity using or they are completely different ? ?16:43
cadsI'm talking about a single charachter password16:43
b2wtheadmin: i am having some other more ideas if this approves by my H O D. in case of that i want some help with this codings.will you help me?16:44
llutzcads: that is not a password, tha t is nonsense16:44
cadsbut for your user account16:44
theadminb2w: If I'm around, yes.16:44
b2wtheadmin: i am having some other more ideas if this approved by my H O D. in case of that i want some help with this codings.will you help me?16:44
theadminb2w: Check your connection, your messages arrive twice.16:44
cadsit's not as if it the password to your SSH account16:44
clue_hcads, i think your password could be longer to be safe16:44
llutzcads: users password IS ssh password16:44
b2wtheadmin: could you please give me your email id ?16:45
theadminb2w: Eh. I don't use e-mail for conversation, so just look for me here.16:45
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b2wok. your name?16:45
b2wtheadmin:ok. your name?16:46
theadminb2w: Uh, "theadmin". That's the nick I'm always going under here.16:46
b2wtheadmin: thankyou again.bye!! :}16:46
cadsllutz: does the average system expose it's user accounts to external requests like that?16:49
sergy_hello geeks16:50
llutzcads: if you have sshd running, sure16:50
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cadsllutz: I mostly want a password on my laptop that is strong enough to prevent my cat from accidentally unlocking my computer when it's sleeping16:51
f0r3stsup me16:51
d1zzYLuLzi went through the automated installer to test some stuff out and I think i'm going to keep it installed for a little..i have 8gb of ram so my swap was set to 8gb..i did get it to reduce in size, but how can i allocate that 7gb back to antoher partition (i used the full encrypted lvm)16:51
Pici!info pwgen16:51
ubottupwgen (source: pwgen): Automatic Password generation. In component main, is optional. Version 2.06-1ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 14 kB, installed size 66 kB16:51
d1zzYLuLzor would i be better off just re-installing and manually partiioning?16:51
cadsllutz: as for passwords to _any_ resources on my computer that are exposed to the actual internet, I want secure passwords16:51
llutzcads: do whatever you like, but don't ask about security when you use a 1 char "password"16:51
cadsllutz: and for my password storage program, I'd use a secure password16:52
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cadsllutz: I mean, I think it's a legitimate question because I'm really asking how tightly coupled are your account password and your internet security16:53
cadsand the answer is some, if you have shh other similar programs running16:54
cadswell, lots16:54
rcmaehlHow do I install flash on ubuntu again...16:54
theadminrcmaehl: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer16:54
theadminrcmaehl: If by "install ... again" you mean reinstall, then "sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-installer"16:55
sunya7ahas someone attempted to install ubuntu server on an xserve3,1 server? I have heard there are some difficulties but haven't found much discussion16:56
rcmaehltheadmin: I mean install as this is a clean install16:56
theadminrcmaehl: Well, then the first one16:56
asgimaosomeone need help?16:57
sunya7aasgimao: have you had any experience with install ubuntu server on a mac server machine? xserv3,1 in particular16:58
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theadminsunya7a: #ubuntu-server may be a better place for things like that.16:58
sunya7atheadmin: =) ty…i'll try them16:59
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NekHello my gui for installing graphic drivers disappeared17:04
NekHave you got a (simple) solution for me ?17:04
theadminNek: The package for that on pre-12.10 systems is "jockey-gtk", on 12.10 it's part of software-properties-gtk17:05
nomikeI think I found a bug in GTK+, X, dunno yet and I'd like to ask you if you could confirm that.17:05
nomikeI have a textbox which contains a single line of text (e.g. browser address bar, but any (at least GTK+) will do). When I start selecting text by clicking and holding with my left mouse button and dragging it to the left, starting somewhere in the middle (e.g. from the 10th char onwards), text get's selected between where I clicked and the current mouse position.17:06
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Nektheadmin, I dont have it in system settings ...17:06
clue_hnek type jockey-gtk in the terminal17:07
theadminNek: Right, that's the thing, you need to install either of those packages. Or both.17:07
theadminNek: sudo apt-get install jockey-gtk software-properties-gtk17:07
georgebushidiothello ubuntu community, im taking my laptop for a service today, how do i prevent unauthorized access to my files? i dont want them to be able to view my files.17:07
nomikeWhen I now move the mouse up, out of the text field, so it is above, all text IN FRONT of where I first click get's selected.17:07
DJonesNek: On 12.10 its under System Settings -> Software Sources -> Additional drivers, its a seperate app in system settings now17:08
Nektheadmin, clue_h, My system say that both are already here17:08
theadminNek: mmk. then just run it: gksudo jockey-gtk17:08
clue_hOr type it in the dash17:08
Nekclue_h, it doesn't exists anymore in the dash oO17:09
nomikeIs this intended behavior? Because to me this looks....weird (i just got a better word to describe it, but I've lost it for a moment)17:09
chamunkshttp://puu.sh/25DYV < I seem to be having issues clearing up my /boot using apt-get purge (old linux kernel images)17:09
Nek(thats the origin of my problem)17:09
wootisHello everybody. I have a problem, just bought myself a asus F5GL laptop, and i cant install ubuntu on it, it boots up and i choose to install but then it crashes and nothing happens, same thing when i tried to install lubuntu on it.17:09
Nekand gksudo jockey-gtk don't work17:09
theadmin!doesntwork | Nek17:10
ubottuNek: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.17:10
wootisI should point out that the cd is good installed another lap with it.17:10
georgebushidiothello ubuntu community, im taking my laptop for a service today, how do i prevent unauthorized access to my files? i dont want them to be able to view my files.17:10
theadmin!patience | georgebushidiot17:10
ubottugeorgebushidiot: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:10
theadmingeorgebushidiot: Also, please change your nickname, as it may be offensive to some.17:11
clue_hgeorge, you could copy them to another disk17:11
NekDJones, your with your tricks I can see... something who look like driver download sources, that's a trail17:11
theadmingeorgebushidiot: Actually yeah. Pull the HD out. :P17:11
cagrijostanyone here=?17:12
dusxmtcagrijost: Lots of people17:12
georgebushidiotno seriously guys, can i just set up a Guest account on this machine? but last time i try, guest account still can view 'master' account17:12
cagrijostkewl, any of u ever installed ubuntu on a win8 machine?17:13
theadmingeorgebushidiot: That doesn't prevent anyone from accessing your files. Boot from a CD and you have them wide open.17:13
NekI think the good value for drivers update is "nvidia-current-updates"17:13
dusxmtcagrijost: How do you mean it? Wubi? Virtual Machine?17:13
NekThanks for helping me :) .17:13
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cagrijostno, just proper. last time i tried wubi it broke down my ubuntu install17:13
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talexbHi folks, just upgraded to 12.04, and my xterm windows are cut off by the banner at the top of the screen -- so I can't move them around.17:14
cagrijostfrom a usb, when i go on the installing page, then it wont recognize my win 817:14
cagrijostso it looks like i got no os while om on ubuntu17:14
talexbIf I try to create a new window, it goes right on top of the old one .. not helpful.17:14
theadmintalexb: Try "unity --reset"17:15
talexbtheadmin, In an xterm window?17:15
theadmintalexb: Any X terminal.17:15
dusxmtcagrijost: It says there is no OS on the computer? (The installer)17:15
cagrijostyeah, i got  a 3tb harddisk with win 8 and all my software etc on it. but the installer sees it as empty17:15
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talexbtheadmin, Got a bunch of errors:  Warn: unhandled ConfigureNotify on 0xc0009f and Warn: this should never happen. you should probably file a bug about this.17:16
wootisHi im having trouble with my asus F5GL laptop it wont let me install ubuntu or xu or lu. system seems to crash when i choose to install (ive tried using cd and usb).17:16
theadmintalexb: Doesn't sound like much of an error to me. "Warn" means warning.17:17
theadmintalexb: Generally debug stuff only developers care about. Did it work?17:17
dusxmtcagrijost: Strange. One way to fix this would be to manually partition the disk, but that's not easy for someone not familiar to the unix VFS....17:17
talexbtheadmin, Nope -- my xterm's title bar is still hidden.17:17
cagrijostit gives me that option, but im afraid that it maybe would destroy my win8 system,17:17
theadmintalexb: Hm.. Odd. I suppose it's due to the window positioning being remembered...17:18
dusxmtcagrijost: I'll guide you through it, click the manual partition button, and tell me if you see the Windows partition17:18
talexbOK -- what can I do? This is my work machine and I need to get back to work.17:18
cagrijosti see no partitions17:18
cagrijostjust one big empty 3tb partition17:19
theadmintalexb: Why do you need xterm? There's a bunch of other terminals. Can't you use those?17:19
dusxmtcagrijost: Super strange. It's like the partition table got corrupted or something. Can you boot into W8?17:19
mdhcagrihost are you looking at the right hard disk?17:19
cagrijostyup, without problems.17:19
talexbxterm and uxterm all have the same problem. I tried xterm & and got same problem.17:20
cagrijostyeah, im pretty sure17:20
talexbThey're all popping up at the top left, so that th title bar is hidden.17:20
matriks404what is difference between xterm and uxterm?17:20
talexbI usually have 10-15 xterms around my desktop ..17:20
talexbHave to ssh into a variety of VMs to do build stuff.17:20
talexbAnd where are the [] - X buttons to resize, maximize and close windows?17:21
jempsoncagrihost: how are you looking at your hard disk?  I'm currenly booted into a wubi install of ubuntu and when I click on Nautilus I am unable to see my primary drive because ubuntu is booted from it.17:22
mdhanyone know how to do alt key combinations with connectbot on android?17:22
andreas_i have a small problem can some one help? andreas @ andreas-desktop  ~/Desktop17:22
andreas_└─ $ ▶ apt-get update17:22
andreas_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)17:22
andreas_E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/17:22
andreas_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)17:22
andreas_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?17:22
FloodBot1andreas_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:22
theadminandreas_: You need to use sudo.17:23
cagrijosti am booted into linux through a usb on the "try ubuntu" option. i tried installing but it wouldnt give me the option of installing alongside windows17:23
andreas_i know i need to use sudo17:23
noob1234hello, My ethernet port is not working so I using a usb to ethernet device, but its not working in ubuntu. Can someone please help17:23
theadminandreas_: ...well, you aren't using it.17:23
andreas_i dont know the commands17:23
theadminandreas_: sudo apt-get update17:24
k1landreas_: use sudo. or are you loged in as root?17:24
theadminandreas_: Run "sudo command" to run the command with elevated (admin) priveleges.17:24
mdhor sudo su to become root17:24
theadminmdh: Don't do that, use "sudo -i"17:24
jempsoncagrijost: do you have ntfs-3g installed on that version?  Should be just wondering.17:24
cagrijostJempson : how do i check that?17:25
Lydia87Hey guys, the proprietary nvidia drivers (all of them) give me trouble when trying to install them on ubuntu 12.10. When I reboot after installing these I only get a blank screen with my wallpaper and mouse cursor and that's it. Only uninstalling the proprietary drivers fixes that. Any hint on what I can do? :)17:26
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theadminLydia87: Do not install propretiary drivers. Your video card is probably not supported by them.17:26
jempsoncagrijost : easiest way is to open a terminal and type ntfs-3g.  you should get a response of no device is specified.  other wise apt-get install ntfs-3g and then you should be able to see your files.17:27
Lydia87theadmin: It used to be supported. It's a gfx 285 and it has been supported by these drivers for a long time. Since I want to game with this pc (steam :) I need the proprietary drivers :/17:28
theadminjempson: NTFS-3g is present on all currently supported Ubuntu LiveCDs.17:28
talexbtheadmin, OK -- I am installing Gnome .. http://complete-concrete-concise.com/ubuntu-2/ubuntu-12-04/ubuntu-12-04-how-to-install-the-gnome-desktop17:28
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cagrijostit says no device is specified17:28
jempsontheadmin: thanks I was pretty sure it was.17:28
kochroachso, anything i can do to prevent my files being accessible while i send this laptop for a service?17:29
llutzkochroach: yes, remove harddisk17:29
mdhencrypt them17:29
kochroachllutz joker17:29
lewikI try to find program for snap shots17:30
theadminkochroach: It's not a joke...17:30
llutzkochroach: hrm, i'm serious17:30
kochroachthen im not that stupid17:30
bean__removing it is completely valid17:30
theadmin...Why? What does the service need that has to do with hard drives?17:30
mdhidk if the service technician will fix a laptop you removed the hdd from17:31
jempsoncagrijost: Assuming your 3t drive is /dev/sda make a folder named /mnt/sda and try typing ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda and see if you can mount the ntfs partition.17:31
kochroachim only using ubuntu for 2 months so cmon guise. help pl0x17:31
llutzkochroach: i'd never send a harddisk with data to anyone i don't know.17:31
bean__kochroach: please use proper english.17:31
mdhput a17:31
cagrijostjempson: im a rookie, didnt get that :b i found out smth new though17:31
mdhput all your personal files into a truecrypt container17:31
cagrijosti can see my files of the hdd with that mount harddisk thing17:32
mdhdont leave the key/password on the hdd17:32
cagrijostso i can go into the fileexplorer of the items17:32
Myrttikochroach: what kind of suggestion were you expecting? how would you do it in other operating systems? encrypting harddrives is somewhat difficult if there's already data in them17:32
llutzkochroach: make an image of your disk, whipe it, send it away.17:32
jempsoncagrijost:  good to hear.  I can send  you exact commands, but it sounds like you are good now.17:32
cagrijostnot rly jempson, i think u misunderstood me then :b the problem is not that i cant find the hdd, the problem is just that the installer wont recognize that i have the other os installed. so it want to whipe it and install ubuntu17:33
mdhimage the disk and install a clean copy of windows on it if that's what they're expecting to get17:33
BluesKaj!u | cagrijost17:34
ubottucagrijost: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.17:34
cagrijostyou* -.-17:34
jempsoncagrijost: oh I think I missed that when I logged in.  12.10 install or 12.04 LTS?17:34
kochroachMyrtti: im expecting some answers like "yes, create a guest account and do blah blah blah and you're set!" but i guess its not possible, no?17:34
mdhkochroach: did you buy the computer with ubuntu on it?17:35
Myrttikochroach: if the disk isn't encrypted, adding accounts to the system has no difference17:35
Myrttikochroach: or if the home directories aren't encrypted17:36
talexbtheadmin, FYI, I fixed my problem by installing Gnome (that I'd happily been using in the previous release) and restarting.17:36
kochroachmdh: i wish bro, but unfortunately no, never saw a laptop with ubuntu pre-installed. why asking?17:39
kochroachMyrtti: kk :[17:39
cagrijostby the way, does anyone know if u can find some engineering simulation tools on ubuntu, or do i have to boot into windows while in school?17:39
bean__kochroach: because usually they will expect whatever OS was on it originally to be on it.17:39
mdhkochroach: what bean__ said17:40
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mdhkochroach: what needs to be serviced on it?17:40
matriks404cagrijost: for example Blender?17:41
kochroachbean__: ahhh, it comes with freedos or something like that.17:41
cagrijostsome electrical circuit simulator, like multisim :b17:41
bean__what kind of machine is this, kochroach17:41
mdhi've never heard of a machine that comes with freedos17:42
cagrijostjempson: are you here for a while? i think i found a solution through google17:42
cagrijostbut im not sure17:42
jempsoncagrijost: yes I am.  Just eating lunch.17:42
angsis mcasadevall here?17:42
bean__angs: you can see the user list on the right, no/17:43
cagrijostsuper. ill try the other thing then. its partitioning from win and installing that way. ill let you know. thanks for the help!17:43
kochroachbean__ mdh ideapad u410, i have problem with the very poor wlan performance. stupid lenovo!17:45
bean__I love my lenovo17:45
bean__and those come with windows 7 on them...17:45
mdhkochroach: are you sure its the laptop having the wireless problem or too many neighbors using their wireless?17:46
angsI am trying to follow the instruction here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Toolchain/Crosscompilers/ARMEABIToolchain apt-get install gcc-4.3-source it does not install. I used gcc-4.6 instead.  the instruction uses "make -f /usr/src/gcc-4.3/rules.source patch-source" but ls /usr/src/gcc-4.6/ -a outputs only debian  gcc-4.6.3.tar.xz  patches.what should I do for the second step of the 2. build base gcc?17:49
ikoniaangs: sorry, what is your question ?17:50
ikoniaangs: the instructions are quite clear on the page17:50
angsapt-get install gcc-4.3-source didn't install. I used apt-get install gcc-4.6-source17:51
ikoniaangs: ok and?17:51
angsthe instruction says "make -f /usr/src/gcc-4.3/rules.source patch-source" but there is no such directory on make -f /usr/src/gcc-4.6/17:51
angswhat would you suggest me to do17:51
przemek_hello how to change root password without root pasword beeing user? :) is it possible ?17:52
ikoniaangs: I suggest you look for the fules file and the patches file in the subdirectories17:52
ikoniaangs: and then I also ask why you are root - as ubuntu has no enabled root account17:52
mdhsome people would rather do stuff as root rather than sudo I would guess17:53
ikoniamdh: yes, but a.) the root account is locked b.) building software as root is a bad practice, hance why I'm asking HIM why HE is root, not you why HE is root17:53
kochroachmdh: 100% sure, i cant get any signal if im 20 feet far from the router. also there are even some threads on the lenovo forum about this issue, Lenovo are not doing an honest business, people should avoid buying their products.17:54
angsit is easier to do commands as root17:54
ikoniaangs: the root account is locked17:54
bean__kochroach: my lenovo works just great, don't bash on entire companies17:54
ikoniaangs: and the development commands do not need "root" - so it's not "easier"17:54
wootisHi im having trouble with my asus F5GL laptop it wont let me install ubuntu or xu or lu. system seems to crash when i choose to install or the display just freeze and nothing happens (ive tried using cd and usb).17:54
ikoniakochroach: actually - you need to stop now, we are here to help you with ubuntu, I'm on a lenovo laptop now approx 30 feet from my access point, so you need to stop generalising and complaining and please focus on the issue17:55
mdhkochroach: i would also run a wifi signal scanner or something, to see if there are a bunch of other routers around you, but there may be something wrong with the laptops wifi, could be a possibility17:55
bean__wootis: that's quit an old laptop, yeah?17:55
DevilholkGood day! Where should I put files to be shared with several users, like git repos?17:55
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ikoniaDevilholk:  up to you, many version control products, and file share products available,17:56
wootisbean__ yes, it has geforce 8200mg and a 2ghz intel dual, 4gig ram.17:56
theadminDevilholk: Well, any directory that's accessible by all the users really, there's no standard defined for this in FHS.17:56
Devilholkikonia: Yes but where in POSIX systems is it common to put files shared between users?17:56
ikoniaDevilholk: there is no standard place, it's up to you17:56
DevilholkI know there is no standard, but there are places that are more common than other places. Like it is common to put local binaries /usr/local/bin but not a standard17:57
ikoniaDevilholk: there is no common place, it's down toyou17:57
ikoniato you17:57
sudoershmm bottom/last line (i use sudo visudo command) sudoers.tmp is this user ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/user/homemadescript17:57
sudoerswhy it doesn't work. still i need to use password i have ubuntu 12.04.217:58
NastyNazare there any ways to read PDFs in terminal?17:59
sudoershmm bottom/last line (i use sudo visudo command) sudoers.tmp is this "user ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /home/user/homemadescript"17:59
RZAFCI just installed ubuntu 12.04 for ppc and the only way i can access terminal is by typing ctrl+alt+t17:59
fAz4Which part of ubuntu is responsible for automatic ARP  packets in network ?17:59
RZAFChow do i lock it to the tool bar?17:59
DevilholkI guess I should put it in /var17:59
ikoniafAz4: it will arp on dhcp requests17:59
ikoniafAz4: what's the real question, as arps are quite common17:59
RZAFCshould I reinstall the os?18:00
fAz4ikonia: i attached my laptop in a company which uses active directory18:00
ikoniafAz4: ......and ?18:00
fAz4ikonia: and ubuntu starts to send lots of ARP packets18:00
ikoniafAz4: probably a dhcp request18:00
fAz4ikonia: so i can't use my network interface18:00
ikoniafAz4: an arp will not stop you using your network interface18:01
fAz4ikonia: whose fault it is ?18:01
RZAFCI just installed ubuntu 12.04 lts for ppc and the only way i can access terminal is by typing ctrl+alt+t18:01
ikoniafAz4: it's not a "fault" an arp is not a problem18:01
RZAFChow do i lock it to the tool bar?18:01
kochroachlol sorry for making you lenovo fanboys angry.18:01
fAz4ikonia: but it gets all the bandwidth !18:01
ikoniaarps don't eat bandwidth18:01
ikoniafAz4: arp's are light18:01
fAz4it does on18:02
mdhfAz4: how much bandwidth are the arps using in total18:02
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fAz4ikonia: 36 KB/s18:02
Sazpaimon_so my ubuntu 12.10 install has two issues18:02
bean__36 KB/s is negligible18:02
ikoniafAz4: is your machine actually on the network and does it have an address ?18:02
fAz4ikonia: yes18:02
fAz4ikonia: they have set proxy for accessing to net18:03
Sazpaimon_1. My touchpad's horizontal acceleration is crazy fast when a secondary monitor is plugged in and 2. The secondary monitor has heavy flickering18:03
ikoniafAz4: are you %100 sure, as it's common for AD domains to not give out IP's to non-domain members, so you'll see dhcp doing arps to try to get an address (and fail, so keep going)18:03
Sazpaimon_both of these are pretty major issues that are stopping me from using ubuntu in general on this machine, and I hope that they can be fixed18:03
fAz4ikonia: how can i make it stop ?18:03
ikoniafAz4: depends what's causing it, check what I just said18:03
bean__fAz4: does "ifconfig" show a valid IP?18:04
fAz4bean_: i have a valid IP18:04
Sazpaimon_both displays are LCD18:04
matriks404fAz4: you have router?18:04
RZAFCI just installed ubuntu 12.04 lts for ppc and the only way i can access terminal is by typing ctrl+alt+t18:04
RZAFChow do i lock it to the tool bar?18:05
fAz4matriks404:  not sure it's big company i just see cables18:05
ikoniafAz4: this may sound stupid, but how do you know it's a valid address ?18:05
fAz4ikonia: because i talked to the Network admin18:06
ikoniafAz4: it really doesn't sound like it is on the networks, as 36kb is nothing on a 10mb lan,18:06
ikoniait's less than nothing on a 100, 1000mb lan18:06
fAz4ikonia:  they've set limitation for each user18:06
ikoniafAz4: I'm sorry, that doesn't sound realistic,18:07
fAz4ikonia: bro it's iran, everything's realistic18:07
ikoniafAz4: I suspect there is something else going on and you are not on the network properly18:07
ikoniaprobably to do with AD and authentication for dhcp requests18:07
bean__fAz4: is your issue that you cant connect to the internet?18:08
fAz4ikonia: but fedora users have no problem with the network18:08
bean__fAz4: because then maybe you havent set your proxy correctly.18:08
fAz4bean_: i can connect18:08
ikoniafAz4: that's interesting18:08
bean__then what is the problem?18:08
ikoniafAz4: can we do a stupid test ?18:09
fAz4what ?18:09
mdhfAz4: how are you connected to irc?18:10
fAz4mdh: i'm home right now18:10
rj11I have a UI-behavior question/poll and was recommended to in here. Consider a UI editor for editing menus/toolbars, would you prefer updates to be visible in the main window in realtime or deferred until OK is clicked?18:11
bean__!poll | rj1118:11
ubotturj11: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.18:11
rj11I seriously think I was pranked...18:11
RZAFCcool I just figured it out18:11
bean__rj11: ?18:12
sazpaimon_so I installed the latest nvidia drivers to see if that fixes the flickering issue, and it's still happening and now unity will not load, I just get the desktop, but no unity bar18:12
fAz4Just wanted to know if it's possible to disable ARP ?18:12
bean__fAz4: so, at work, you get no network connection?18:12
fAz4bean__: yes it's too slow18:12
bean__fAz4: okay, but 36 KB/s is not much.18:13
rj11bean__: I was specifically recommended to ask that question in here. :)18:13
bean__its not the ARM thats doing it.18:13
bean__rj11: by who18:13
fAz4bean__: i said i have only 50 kB/s18:13
bean__fAz4: ARP*18:13
bean__that seems quite silly18:13
fAz4bean__:  it's the company policy18:13
rj11bean__: thrawed in #defocus when I asked it in there (which I thought would be the most appropriate channel).18:14
fAz4ye it is18:14
bean__fAz4: there are ways to disable ARP, but if you don't understand what ARP is doing it's probably not a goodidea.18:14
fAz4bean__: just want to test it if works18:14
fAz4bean__: anyway to disable ARP ?18:15
ikoniafAz4: sorry, can we do a test18:15
bean__fAz4: ip link set dev nameofinterface arp off18:15
fAz4ikonia: i'm at home right now18:16
Tex_NickfAz4:  wikipedia has a short but informative article on APR ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Address_Resolution_Protocol18:16
sazpaimon_ugh, compiz keeps crashing hexchat18:16
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fAz4thanks i'll test that18:17
bean__personally i'd probably just tell the IT guy that their policy is really dumb18:18
bean__cuz 50 KB/s is like less than dialup speeds18:18
nichlasdialup is less than 5KB/s18:19
bean__it was hyperbole18:19
nichlasah, ok.18:19
bean__still will take like... > 2 hrs to download a 50 mb files18:20
ClientAlive Does anyone know something like belarc or magic jellybean (finds system information and license keys on Windows machines) that can be run as a boot disc?18:24
jempsonClientAlive: try hirems boot cd. I think magic jellybean is one of the apps.18:25
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ClientAlivejempson: awesome. I'll check that out - thanks18:26
martin_Hi all, newbie here.  I'm just trying to figure out a problem - if I leave my machine running, I come back to it frozen  and black screen.  "Don't suspend" is set in power management... is there any common issue I should know about?  Any behavior related to "you left your computer on" that could cause this?  Or should I just be looking at the usual places (try to ping the machine remotely...18:29
martin_...while it's "locked" etc.)18:29
bean__martin_: you could install an openssh server and see if you can SSH to it when its blacked out18:30
bean__and check logs18:30
nichlasmartin_: sometimes the black screen feature makes problems18:30
martin_tx.  Where do I look for logs?18:31
nichlas /var/logs18:31
samirelnpeut on parler en français ici?18:31
nichlasor just  /var/log18:31
sazpaimon_ok so, uninstalled the nvidia drivers and now unity is back, but I still have the shaky secondary monitor18:31
jempsonmartin_: If you are at the computer try typing crtl+alt+F1 and see if you can log in to the terminal.  I suspect this is video card related.  are you using proprietary drivers or open source?18:31
sazpaimon_it ONLY happens on displayport though, HDMI is fine18:31
sazpaimon_this doesn't happen in windows, just ubuntu. Can anyone help?18:32
martin_proprietary nVidia, I think.18:32
sazpaimon_well the laptop is using optimus graphics, so the actual display is going through the HD4000, not nvidia18:33
jempsonmartin_: did the drivers install automatically when you booted into ubuntu via the additional drivers utility?  Or did you manually go and get drivers?18:33
nichlassazpaimon_: can it be the refresh rate? What is it when you run windows?18:33
sazpaimon_probably 60hz18:34
sazpaimon_the secondary display is LCD18:34
matriks404can i turn off keyboard for 20 seconds? I need to clean my keyboard :/18:34
nichlasmatriks404: you can unplug it18:34
nichlasunless laptop :)18:34
martin_@jempson - I don't remember exactly, I installed the drivers quite some time ago.  Iirc I grabbed proprietary drivers from the software centre.18:35
SimpleBlueis there a ubuntu chat channel?18:35
martin_Is there somewhere I should check that?18:35
DJones!ot | SimpleBlue18:35
ubottuSimpleBlue: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:35
nichlasmatriks404: alternatively you can lock your screen18:35
SimpleBluethanx DJones18:35
sazpaimon_http://pastebin.com/ck3iyXmG here's the output of xrandr18:35
craigbass1976How can I tell which line in ~/.ssh/known_hosts is which host?  I don't want to wipe the whole file to just get rid of how it stored my laptop's ip.18:38
lunchtimeusually at the end of the key line there is an identifier after ==18:38
WhoopsieHello there18:39
craigbass1976lunchtime, no.18:39
martin_Ah, jockey-text says I'm running Experimental nVidia binary drivers18:39
Whoopsieis there a command for adding automaticly the newest kernels to my ubuntu ?18:39
martin_I assume experimental nvidia binary drivers aren't the most stable?18:40
Whoopsierunning now ubuntu 12.04 with kernel 3.5 but there is 3.8 how to install that one ?18:40
llutzcraig901: ssh-keygen -H  -F <hostname or IP address>18:40
bean__Whoopsie: apt-get dist-upgrade should give you what is in the repos as most current, if you want something outside of that you'd have to compile it yourself18:41
RZAFCthe webpages in firefox have some images that are blueish when I browse. i just install ubuntu 12.04 on my system any idea what's wrong?18:41
Whoopsiebut i want to upgrade to 12.1018:42
lunchtimecraigbass1976 how about at the beginning of the line you should have a host description in [] or just at the beginning18:42
Whoopsiei want to stay at 12.0418:42
Whoopsiei know it is possible to install 3.8 on 12.0418:42
sazpaimon_nichlas, looks like it's making it 25Hz for some reason18:42
bean__Whoopsie: dist-upgrade won't upgrade you to 12.1018:42
sazpaimon_if I do xrandr --output DP3 --auto, it sets it back to 60Hz, but I know this won't stay18:42
sazpaimon_what is making ubuntu set it to 25Hz18:42
RZAFCthe webpages in firefox have some images that are blueish when I browse. i just install ubuntu 12.04 on my system any idea what's wrong?18:42
bean__!patience | RZAFC18:43
ubottuRZAFC: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:43
Whoopsiealready up to date bean__18:43
Whoopsiei try is with .deb files of the kernel18:43
bean__Whoopsie: "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"18:43
Whoopsiebut the won't work18:43
bean__Whoopsie: yes, you'll have to compile it yourself. Is there some feature on 3.8 that you're really wanting?18:43
Whoopsiestill no updates18:44
bean__Whoopsie: okay, then you either need to find a deb that will work, or build it yourself18:45
Whoopsiewon't work18:46
bean__why not?18:46
Whoopsieor im doing something wong18:46
Whoopsiecd to the dir18:46
Whoopsiethen sudo dpkg-i *.deb18:46
Whoopsiebut won't work18:46
bean__dpkg -i18:46
bean__and http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.8-raring/ is the correct dir18:46
bean__the RCs are not what you want18:47
Whoopsiei ?18:47
bean__Whoopsie: dpkg -i, not dpkg-i18:47
bean__Whoopsie: keep in mind that those kernels are NOT tested on 12.04, and you things may not work and people will be reluctant to help you short of telling you to use a supported kernel18:49
angs I do add-apt-repository ppa:germia/archive3, apt-get update outputs this error W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/germia/archive3/ubuntu/dists/quantal/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found. the correct link should be http://ppa.launchpad.net/germia/archive3/ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources what file do I need to edit to fix it?18:51
bean__angs: /etc/apt/sources.d/some-ppa-file18:52
angsthank you bean__18:52
bean__where some-ppa-file is the file related to that ppa18:52
nichlasangs: is precise your version?18:53
OerHeksangs no Quantal packages available18:53
angsI have 12.1018:53
angsyes it does not have quantal version18:53
OerHeksbad luck, contact the ppa owner18:53
annlhow can I add another name server to my resolv.conf -- it keeps getting flushed on boot18:53
angsI wrote on #launchpad, nobody reacts18:54
nichlasangs: launchpad is just the platform18:54
nichlasit's one of their users who hasn't created a build for quantal18:54
OerHeksangs, maybe in #ubuntu-arm they can help18:54
bean__annl: http://hardc0l2e.wordpress.com/2012/05/09/ubuntu-12-04-etcresolv-conf-127-0-0-1-implementation-with-dnsmasq/ seems to have a solution18:54
angsnichlas, overheks: thank you18:55
jempsonmartin_: no experimental drivers could be your issue.  let me know if the crtl+atl+F1 allows you to log in.  If it does then your system isn't freezing completely and thus most likely not your video card drivers.18:56
annlbean__: I will check it out --thanks18:56
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angsit may sounds too noob question: when I see such instruction http://pastebin.com/TXB9zrYF how do I suppose to install it?  does it mean choose one of the packages that is separated by \ ?19:02
ClientAlivejempson: Do you know where in Hiren's I can find a utility to recover a lost license key?19:02
Tex_Nicka few days ago i setup a second monitor on this box, no problems ... a few minutes i had to reboot dou to kernel update ... the second monitor wasn't detected ... i had to go into "system settings/display" and toggle the second monitor off then back on ... kinda hate to do that each time i reboot ... any sugestions ... google isn't helping much, still searcching though19:03
ntzrmtthihu777licence for what, ClientAlive?19:03
Tex_Nick12.10 with gnome de ^19:03
Tex_Nick*gnome classic ^19:03
bean__angs: no, the \ is just a line seperator19:03
SpecialEmilyubuntu on a mac mini; likely to work / be any good?19:04
ClientAliventzrmtthihu777: The computer I"m working on the sticker wtih the windows o/s license key is completely worn over the year. One of the thing's I'll be doning on the customer's computer will require it. They also have Word (which they paid for) but they may not be able to find the key for that.19:04
ntzrmtthihu777ok, kinda off-topic but I gotta ask somewhere #wine is invite-only, it seems, so I can't ask there. winetricks refuses to install the corefonts, stopping at arial due to sha1 mismatch19:04
angsbean__: can I also use it like this apt-get install sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-none-eabi binutils-arm-none-eabi && apt-get install newlib-arm-none-eabi && apt-get install gdb-arm-none-eabi?19:05
bean__angs: yes, or just all as one apt-get19:05
angsthank you bean__19:05
DJones!register | ntzrmtthihu777 Some channels require a registered nick before you can join/talk,19:05
ubottuntzrmtthihu777 Some channels require a registered nick before you can join/talk,: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:05
ntzrmtthihu777magical jelly bean, ClientAlive19:05
jempsonClientAlive: no not off the top of my head.19:05
Tex_Nickntzrmtthihu777:  tried #winehq ?19:05
ClientAliventzrmtthihu777: ok, I thought maybe Hiren's would have a tool for it but I can get magic jellybean too. Thx.19:06
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I know about that DJones, but this was an instant boot (and I'm not banned, never been there) not like one of those registered channels. Tex_Nick thanks for the chan, I'll have a look19:06
ntzrmtthihu777mjb does rather well, I find, and you can check the registry too I think19:07
jempsonClientAlive: according to http://www.hirensbootcd.org the cd should come with Windows Product Key update Tool.  I think this will show you the current Key.19:07
Tex_Nickntzrmtthihu777:  np hope they can help :)19:07
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ClientAlivejempson: yes, ahh, so that's the name of it. I jusssttt found a web page talking about using Hiren's for this too.  :)19:08
DJonesntzrmtthihu777: Sorry, I didn't notice you'd put #wine & not #winehq as the channel your were trying to join, #wine is probably either not used or a private wine dev channel19:08
jreivaxBoa Tarde19:09
jreivaxprimeira vez por aqui19:09
DJones!br | jreivax19:09
ubottujreivax: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:09
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, that got it Tex_Nick, thanks.19:10
Tex_Nickntzrmtthihu777:  great ;-)19:10
ClientAlivefwiw - here's what I found -> http://www.raymond.cc/blog/easiest-way-to-recover-xp-and-vista-product-key-from-dead-or-unbootable-windows/19:11
ClientAlivein case it interests anyone else19:11
=== JonnyNomad_ is now known as JonnyNomad
nichlasClientAlive: don19:13
nichlasdon't worry. we h19:13
nichlasstupid enter key19:13
nichlasi give up19:13
ClientAlivestupid enter key  :p19:13
jempsonClientAlive: thanks19:14
sazpaimon_okay, so I can't figure out why ubuntu is setting the refresh rate on my secondary monitor to 25Hz19:14
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, that would work better if the windows is scragged19:14
sazpaimon_the only way to fix it is to run xrandr --output DP3 --auto19:15
_Trullomy ubuntu desktop is bigger than the screen, how do I fix that? :/19:16
sazpaimon_how do I make it so ubuntu uses the right refresh rate when the second display is activated?19:16
chamunksI dont really know how to clear this up at all19:18
Tex_Nick_Trullo:  adjust the monitor vertical & horizontal settings19:18
AcidRain2012do we have a good xml viewer for ubuntu? i dont want to see code. i want to see a page. firefox doesnt handle it very well at all19:19
Tex_Nick_Trullo:  or ust the monitor auto adjust19:19
_Trulloit's ubuntu that's bigger, not the other way around19:20
ntzrmtthihu777are you THE Sazpaimon, Sazpaimon?19:20
rajati m using a ub12 on my laptop19:20
rajati want to add on top panel few icon im not able to so kindly help me19:21
sazpaimon_also, even more annoying, when a secondary display is plugged in, my synaptics touchpad's horizontal speed doubles19:21
chamunksI'm having trouble updating my remote servers linux-image's http://puu.sh/25DYV19:21
sazpaimon_since both monitors are 1920x1080, it makes the touchpad almost unusable19:21
chamunksthis is what returns from apt when I try to sudo apt-get -f install19:21
Techathycan anyone here explain to me why this script doesn't work on Ubuntu 12.04?  http://pastebin.ca/231606519:21
tgunrTo Whom it concerns (talking to you bot), Ubuntu 12.10 + Parallels 8 + Parallels Tools = FAIL19:22
Tex_Nick_Trullo:  you canchange the screen resolution in "System Settings/Display"19:22
tgunruninstall Parallel Tools before upgrading19:22
sazpaimon_I'd really, *really* appreciate any help with these two issues19:22
rajati musing toadd19:22
rajati m using to add19:23
tgunrcan somene add this to the bot?19:23
chamunksis there possibly a way to force an apt-get purge X without having to run apt-get -f install19:23
chamunksbecause it wont run because there  is apparently not enough space but theres not enough space because I cant apt-get purge19:23
d1mAs1qhi all, this channel for xubuntu too?19:23
Noorideencan i run ubuntu 64bit if i have 3GB of ram?19:23
ikoniad1mAs1q: sure, also #xubuntu19:23
_TrulloTex_Nick, the resolution is correct19:23
ikoniaNoorideen: yes19:23
chamunksso im kind of screwed with this paradoxical problem here.19:24
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, I started with just 4 gb, Noorideen19:24
Noorideenntzrmtthihu777, i have 3 gb not 4 gb :D19:24
chamunksI tried just simply navigating to /boot and moving the old linux-image's to another directory to see if that makes any difference but it seems thats not the case19:24
ikoniaNoorideen: 3 is fine19:24
Tex_Nick_Trullo:  what does the screen look like ?19:24
ikoniaNoorideen: 64bit is your cpu instruction set, nothing to do with ram19:24
DoYouKnowwhy is it that when I downloaded the ubuntu 12.04.2 iso, I had to change the name of vmlinuz.efi to vmlinuz?19:24
ntzrmtthihu777I know, lol, I got 12.04 32 running on a tiny dell inspiron for someone else19:25
DoYouKnowdid I download the wrong iso?19:25
Noorideenikonia, what do you recommend 32bit or 64bit, and why?19:25
ikoniaDoYouKnow: because it boots vmlinuz by default19:25
ikoniaNoorideen: I recommend based on what you need19:25
TechathyNoorideen: I'm running 12.04 on a machine with 1.5GB… painful but working19:25
DoYouKnowikonia: wait, there was supposed to be a vmlinuz on there?19:25
Noorideenhmm okay i am going for 64bit then :P19:26
Techathy2.5GB sorry19:26
DoYouKnowI just saw vmlinuz.efi19:26
ikoniaDoYouKnow: look in your grub config what it's setup to boot19:26
DoYouKnowit's working now, but I'm curious19:26
DoYouKnowI have ubuntu installed, etc19:26
Noorideenbtw thank you guys19:26
chamunksthis is my partition table i've not got eyes for this I'll skim it but im not entirely sure what im looking at http://puu.sh/25HxI19:27
chamunksi really hope someone is awake here that can look at this.19:27
ikoniachamunks: what's the actual problem you want to fix19:28
ikoniachamunks: I see lots of lines of text but not a clear definition of your problem19:28
ftruzziHi, I really don't know what happend, after regular update unity has gone, (I'm in tty1 right now), I think that nautilus is still running because I have a desktop icons, but no menus, so no launchers, anyone knows how to make unity come back?19:28
chamunksikonia, well ultimately I want to be able to apt-get update without problems and in order to do that it reccomends i apt-get -f install19:28
ikoniachamunks: ok, and what happens if you do apt-get -f install19:29
Tex_Nick_Trullo:  if your desktop is extending off the edges of the monitor ... use your monitors display settings to shrink the horizontal and/or vertical size19:29
chamunksikonia, in order to apt-get -f install I have to apt-get purge linux-image(OLD)19:29
chamunksikonia, and in order to do that I must apt-get -f install19:29
ikoniachamunks: ok, what happens if you try to purge the old kernel19:29
chamunksikonia, http://puu.sh/25DYV this is what happens when i do what apt-get -f install reccomends and one second and I'll paste the part you just asked for.19:30
ikoniachamunks: is this a vps....19:30
chamunksikonia, I believe its a baremetal19:30
ikoniawhat'a "bare metal"19:30
chamunksnon vps server sorry19:30
thinknowchamunks, : what is -f for when you apt ?19:31
ikoniachamunks: why are you root ?19:31
ikoniachamunks: ubuntu installs lock the root account19:31
chamunksikonia, its just a shared account and I dont want to type the sudo pwd all the time is all its just laziness that made me sudo -i19:31
ikoniachamunks: it looks like your sources out of sync19:32
ikoniachamunks: run apt-get update first19:32
ikoniachamunks: if you read that text you'll see you have a dependency miss-match19:32
Questhow to uninstall an app deleting all its configs and settings and files?19:32
chamunksikonia, this is what happens when I sudo apt-get purge linux-image-XXX19:32
diegosnathi people!! Im screwed!!! I just turn on my pc and I ve got a message saying that the system failed to mount it and Ive got a temporary root where I cannot edit anything because it is readonly... what can i do??19:32
ikoniaQuest: open the package manager, find the app, hit purge19:32
Questikonia,  i am on command line only19:32
ikoniaQuest: then use apt-get purge19:32
Questikonia,  apt-get purge appname?19:33
ikoniachamunks: yes, you've got a dependency problems19:33
efeshello :) I can't handle with apt-get. There's a kind of unsatisfied dependency. Don't know why and how to resolve it. -f switch does nothing. Log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1692183/  Thanks in advance :)19:33
ftruzziHi, I really don't know what happend, after regular update unity has gone, (I'm in tty1 right now), I think that nautilus is still running because I have a desktop icons, but no menus, so no launchers, anyone knows how to make unity come back?19:33
chamunksikonia, http://puu.sh/25HJ5 just to be thorough im pasting the sudo apt-get update output19:33
SpindizZzyhi all19:33
GuidoPallemans_chamunks: run startx19:33
SpindizZzyIm trying to disable the nouveau kernel driver19:33
ikoniachamunks: what is ttp://overviewer.org19:34
Questikonia,  still i see its files on system19:34
SpindizZzyto install the NVIDIA drivers on an old 32bit system19:34
rcmaehlI need help with a Broadcom B4321 802.11a/b/g/n card. It shows up as eth1 and gives an error of "nl80211 not found." with things like iw and network related things. Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit. Will pastebin addtional information as needed.19:34
ikoniachamunks: other than that, that update looks all good19:34
gartralhey all, I just got done transferring a few photos from my phone to my laptop with bluetooth, where does ubuntu 12.10 *put* those files? I can't find them anywhere19:34
diegosnathi people!! Im screwed!!! I just turn on my pc and I ve got a message saying that the system failed to mount it and Ive got a temporary root where I cannot edit anything because it is readonly... what can i do??19:35
Noorideenikonia, do you mind if i pm? need to ask you something please!19:36
ikoniaNoorideen: why do you need to pm me ?19:36
Noorideenikonia, i wanna ask you something.19:36
Questikonia,  still i see its files on system. why i sthat19:36
chamunksguidoPallemans why would i run startx?19:36
meeluanyone use aria2c?19:36
chamunksguidoPallemans this is an ssh session19:36
ikoniaNoorideen: ok19:36
ikoniaQuest: what files ?19:37
chamunksGuidoPallemans_,  this is an ssh session why would i run startx19:37
ikoniaQuest: please be specific rather than saying "I still see files"19:37
GuidoPallemans_oh sry19:37
gartraldiegosnat: did you just finish installing ubuntu?19:37
chamunksikonia, its a ppa for something we use for generating google maps style maps for this game server.19:37
Techathyoops not  terminal windows19:37
ikoniachamunks: ok, so it's unlikely to cause a conflict, that's good19:38
chamunksikonia, yeah it just downloads dependencies for a .py script basically19:38
chamunksikonia, ok well i've run an apt-get update a few times during this situation and its going to be spitting the same errors.19:38
chamunksikonia, so im not really sure what to do at this point.19:38
diegosnathi people!! Im screwed!!! I just turn on my pc and I ve got a message saying that the system failed to mount it and Ive got a temporary root where I cannot edit anything because it is readonly... what can i do??19:39
ikoniachamunks: ok - look at what you are showing me19:39
chamunksits saying its out of space but the disks shouldnt be full19:39
ikoniachamunks: where does it say it's out of space ?19:40
chamunksI inherited this server from some group of less savy people and im just mainly asking because i need to be much more careful with this thing as the support people at our host are awefully unresponsive.19:40
chamunksikonia, tbh im not sure someone else mentioned that was my issue.19:40
chamunksikonia, but it does look like you're right about it being a mismatch19:41
ikoniachamunks: ok - then please be careful what you are saying, no-where in any of those logs does it say "out of space"19:41
ikoniachamunks: look at what it's actually saying19:41
chamunksikonia, it was a problem the last time though so im quite nervous about having that happen again.19:41
ikoniachamunks: you've asked to purchae linux-image-3.2.0-33-generic19:41
ikoniapurge even19:41
chamunksikonia, i figured that was the oldest one19:42
ClientAlivewhy isn't Hiren's recognizing my usb stick so I can save stuff to it?19:42
ikoniachamunks: it's saying the package linux-image-generic (and headers_ depends on - but it's actually trying to instal, which is your miss-match19:42
=== johannesheimerot is now known as detain
rcmaehlI need help with a Broadcom B4321 802.11a/b/g/n card. It shows up as eth1, an ethernet device instead of a wireless device, and gives an error of "nl80211 not found." with things like iw and wireless network related things. It is also unable to connect to ad-hoc networks as the network list grays them out when it detects them. I am running Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit. Will pastebin addtional information as needed. I have searched google to n19:42
Jordan_UClientAlive: Hiren's is not Ubuntu, try asking in their support channel or boot from an Ubuntu LiveCD/USB instead to copy your files.19:43
chamunksikonia, im sorry this seems like it should be so obvious to me what the issue is here :S19:43
chamunksikonia, and how to fix this but its my first time running into this issue so im really confused19:43
ikoniachamunks: do you see what I'm actually saying/referencing in your pastebins19:43
chamunksyeah im looking at the console on the left here19:44
ClientAliveJordan_U: do you know if they have a support channel? Someone here talked to me about Hiren's earlier today is all.19:44
chamunksso its trying to update past the dependency?19:44
ikoniachamunks: right, so "normally" this situation is cause by your local package cache being out of date19:44
ikoniachamunks: eg: your local cache things is "current" but when it goes to the net, it's actually a later version19:44
chamunksbut since I just updated that19:44
ikoniachamunks: thats why I asked you to do an update19:44
chamunksit should know this info already?19:45
ikoniachamunks: just so you know you're on clean ground19:45
ikoniachamunks: the first thing I would do is remove your apt cache, and re-fetch it, to make sure it is up to date19:45
Jordan_UClientAlive: I have no idea.19:45
ClientAliveJordan_U: Well there ya' have it then19:45
rcmaehlThe card does however connect to the internet and wifi, however if it is turned off via the networking menu in the system tray, I am unable to turn it back on. The card worked fine as far as I can remember on 12.04 when I had it installed, however I have had nothing but problems with this card since I upgraded to 12.10. I do not wish to downgrade to 12.04 however.19:46
chamunksikonia, so i just ran apt-get clean19:46
chamunksikonia, it didnt give me any output but it seems to have accepted the command19:46
ikoniachamunks: that's one thing, however I'd also consider /var/apt/cache (may want to check that directory, I'm working from memory)19:46
gartralhey all, I just got done transferring a few photos from my phone to my laptop with bluetooth, where does ubuntu 12.10 *put* those files? I can't find them anywhere19:47
chamunksikonia, ok i will earlier i tried apt-get autoclean too before all of this19:47
chamunksbut i'll look into it sec19:47
rcmaehlgartral: should be your documents19:47
efeshello :) I can't handle with apt-get. There's a kind of unsatisfied dependency. Don't know why and how to resolve it. -f switch does nothing. Log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1692183/ Thanks in advance :)19:48
Questikonia,  for example /usr/share/tomcat7/lib/tomcat-dbcp.jar19:48
ikoniaQuest: is that provided by the tomcat package ?19:48
chamunksikonia, http://puu.sh/25Iai theres a few things in /var/cache/apt but /var/apt/cache doesnt exist so im assuming its this location instead19:48
rcmaehlI can install ssh and teamviewer access or any other access that is needed to fix the issue with the broadcom card on the system with the issue. This issue was first noticable after installing updates once 12.10 finished installing as I lacked internet access during the install of 12.10 on the system.19:49
ikoniachamunks: looks good, keep in mind I'm working from memory, so you'll need to check my workings19:49
gartralrcmaehl: they'renot19:49
ikoniachamunks: clear that cache out19:49
bean__efes: it looks like your database server is partially removed or something?19:49
chamunksikonia, thats fine I just want to keep you fully up to date sometimes I screw wierd things up.19:49
chamunksikonia, so just delete the contents inside /var/cache/apt?19:49
ikoniachamunks: yeah19:49
Questikonia,  yes19:49
Jonathan_Ri have an exopc tablet and read about ubuntu for tablets. i currently am running opensuse but cant get multitouch to work. how would this be accomplished in ubuntu19:49
chamunksikonia, rm *19:49
ikoniachamunks: you really shouldn't need to, but it's worth checking19:49
chamunksikonia, it looks like that ran a bit more cleanly than usual19:50
ikoniachamunks: it's just re-building that cache19:50
bean__!tablet | Jonathan_R19:50
ubottuJonathan_R: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.19:50
chamunksikonia, http://puu.sh/25If319:50
ikoniachamunks: ok, now do an apt-cache search linux-image19:51
ikoniachamunks: or whatever your package was19:51
chamunksikonia, http://puu.sh/25Iha I should likely specify more information?19:52
ikoniachamunks: that pastebin doesn't work19:52
chamunksikonia, doesnt work? meaning its not loading for you?19:53
talsamongartral, default is /home/username/.Public19:53
ikoniachamunks: correct19:53
chamunksits just an app i downloaded for my computer I highlight some text then press ctrl+shift+5 and it pastes19:53
Jonathan_Rbean__, i did come for support but didnt know about #ubuntu-tablet19:53
hamstermarhi  over ubuntu terminal i dont have those the same coloring mode like i use to have on linux mint so any help19:53
chamunksikonia,  it loaded fine for me it gets stuck sometimes try refreshing.19:53
efesbean__: Have no idea how. Any ideas to solve it or get some debug info to find out how to fix it ?19:53
gartraltalsamon: ahhah! thank you!19:53
bean__efes: does the database contain stuff you need to keep?19:54
chamunksikonia, if not i have no problem switching19:54
hamstermarhi  over ubuntu terminal i dont have those the same coloring mode like i use to have on linux mint so any help  ???19:54
chamunksits just slower19:54
bean__!patience | hamstermar19:54
ubottuhamstermar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:54
efesbean__: not at all.19:54
Jonathan_Rbean__, just dont want to change distros if i cant get it to work19:54
bean__efes: i'd "apt-get remove --purge postgresql*"19:54
bean__Jonathan_R: it's not likely that anyone here will be able to help19:54
r_a_fhamstermar: colors are not important19:54
Jonathan_Rfair enough bean__19:55
hamstermarr_a_f i now yeaah but it's  just....19:55
bean__Jonathan_R: most people's questions here are "how do i unbreak this dumb thing I just did"19:55
Jonathan_Raint that the truth19:55
Jonathan_Ri used to work on the plasma active project19:56
bean__hamstermar: you'd likely have to find whatever defines those on mint, and copy them over.19:56
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gartralbean__: "unbreak"?19:59
bean__gartral: see also: "fix"19:59
nightmare365hi thinking of installing catalyst fglrx  is this advisable19:59
nightmare365im running on 12.1020:00
ikonianightmare365: depends on many things20:00
Questby what package does apache httpd server exists in ubuntu?20:01
nightmare365well id say i think this would improve my power usage ..im runing on  ATI RS880M [Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series]20:02
X_xcant access my Win8 partition. it claims windows is hibernated. i have disabled quickboot in win8, tried the mount read only otion, tried mount delete hiberfile option to no avail. any one with win8 who has knowledge of this problem?20:02
bean__Quest: apache2.2?20:02
ikonianightmare365: then do it20:02
nightmare365will this break alot of things if i have fglrx?20:02
Questbean__,  yes i think. the latest ?20:02
ikonianightmare365: it depends on many things as I said earlier20:02
Questbean__,  whats the name?20:02
bean__Quest: as in that is the name20:02
bean__Quest: sudo apt-get install apache220:03
Questbean__,  isnt it apache220:03
X_xmobility radeon 4200 is legacy and doent work with latest drivers on latest ubuntu20:03
ankrHey people, I'm trying to install elasticsearch, so I created the file; /etc/init.d/elasticsearch (with some content). I also made the file executeable. But when I try to run >>$ update-rc.d elasticsearch defaults<< I get an error20:03
Questbean,  it will have php support built in?20:03
ankrinsserv: script elasticsearch is not an executable regular file, skipped!20:03
chamunksikonia, I see a whole pile of stuff here and im thinking I should just try to apt-get -f install again20:03
cjurkdoes anyone know how to prevent ubuntu from spinning down a usb hdd?20:03
bean__ankr: chmod +x /etc/init.d/elasticsearch20:03
bean__ankr: then rerun your command20:03
ikoniachamunks: ok20:03
chamunksikonia, im not really sure what the next step is.20:04
ankrbean__, I already did that twice. as root.20:04
chamunksseems that the same error came up again.20:04
nightmare365ok .. X_x: and ikonia .. is there then a way to improve power usage.. open to suggestion's20:04
chamunksikonia, it looks like theres a bunch of wierd apt repositories from secureserver20:04
bean__ankr: then what is the output of "ls -la /etc/init.d/elasticsearch"20:04
chamunksikonia, could it likely be a problem with secureserver (i'm guessing thats their own independant repo's20:04
nullby7edoes nouveau package is updated?20:04
ikoniachamunks: worth checking20:05
ikonianightmare365: it does get updated20:05
ankrbean__, -rw-r--r--20:05
bean__ankr: then you didn20:05
bean__'t +x it20:05
nightmare365ikonia: i don't get20:06
ikonianightmare365: you don't get what ?20:06
ankrbean__, http://pastebin.com/YFKnb47p20:07
heywoodfrustrated with Precise's updates -- lately, every time i reboot, the inbound ssh config gets screwed up. just rebooted, two new problems: password auth works even though i'd disabled it previously, and rsa-based key auth seems to fail. can anyone help me debug please?20:07
nightmare365<ikonia> nightmare365: it does get updated20:07
bean__ankr: +x not -x20:07
chamunksikonia, would there be a ubottu link or something that would get me a clean/fresh sources.list?20:07
ikonianightmare365: yes, it does, what's the problem20:07
ikoniachamunks: not that I'm aware of20:07
chamunksikonia, I know you can use synaptic or something along those lines in the desktop version that allows me to choose the best mirror maybe I can go that route.20:07
ankrbean__, thanks alot..20:07
bean__chamunks: http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/20:07
bean__ankr: np20:08
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ikoniachamunks: just point at mirrors.ubuntu.com I think that's load balanced out,20:08
ikoniachamunks: again, may want to check that20:08
chamunksikonia, awesome that could work also and thanks bean__ I'll look at that as well20:08
bean__ikonia: my link ^^ works decently well20:08
nightmare365i think my gpu is the main reason ..for my power issues ..since i think ubuntu drains my laptop faster nowadays20:08
packetfrogIs there a list of extra repo's somewhere i can just copy/paste ?20:08
ikoniabean__: I'm sure, it wasn't a comment against yours20:08
bean__i know20:08
chamunksnow I'm not 100% sure where exactly this host is located is there an easy way to figure that out? like a tracert or something?20:08
chamunksthen a geoip lookup20:09
nightmare365tried jupiter and its kinda aait20:09
chamunksi believe its in NZ but im not 100%20:09
bean__chamunks: yeah you could geoip lookup20:09
bean__chamunks: if you "curl ifconfig.me/ip" you'll get your IP20:09
chamunksbean__, curl: (6) couldn't resolve host 'ifconfig.met'20:10
bean__chamunks: reread what i said20:10
bean__chamunks: typo20:10
chamunksbean__, its cool I just resolved it via the domain name20:11
packetfrogI am trying to find a current list of ubuntu repo's for other software so I can download anything that catchs my eye today and be able to play with it all while offline at home. anyone know of a large list of current repos aside from what is preconfigured?20:11
chamunksbean__, beautiful :)20:11
lunitikpacketfrog: There really isn't a list somewhere, if you find something that isn't in the repos already just search <projectname> PPA on Google and chances are there is one with packages of that app20:12
packetfroglunitik Thanks. Worth a shot right? :)20:13
FishsceneGreetings. I'm trying to boot Ubuntu 12.10 off of a CD/DVD, but the image is 800MB. It's too big to fit on a CD and when I burn it to a DVD, the computer says it failed to boot from the CD drive. Any ideas?20:13
lunitikpacketfrog: It is just so rare something that runs on Linux isn't in the repos by default20:13
packetfrogfishscene: use a usb stick?20:13
Fishscenepacketfrog: I don't have one available :(20:13
chamunksbean__, that repogen.simplylinux.ch is actaully pretty nice I like that.20:13
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X_xdoes any one have experience with dual booting win8 and ubuntu?20:14
packetfroglunitik bumblebee :/ that was how I learned how to add sources :)20:14
lunitikX_x: are you seeing any particular issues?20:14
untermen1I have strange problem, when I changed my user account password, it's impossible to log in to my desktop under X.20:14
packetfrogfishscene There is a way to make a bootable partition and push the ISO onto it      Anyone able to help with that?20:14
X_xyes; and unfortunately every one is "answering" my question without actually having used win8. the answers dont work20:14
Fishscenepacketfrog: I can't modify the hard drive. My mission is to grab the data off the hard drive.20:15
packetfrogX_x Not that this is helpful  but atleast just dualboot win7/linux   win8 is horrid :/20:15
lunitikX_x: I was more trying to get you to list your current issues, what you've given isn't very helpful for assisting you yet.20:15
packetfrogfishscene why?20:15
lunitikFishscene: any Live system will work, just have to mount the drive the files are stored at once it's up.20:16
Fishscenepacketfrog: Windows 7 on one of my laptops decided to NOT respond to any keyboard or mouse input. Even external. The keyboard works fine as I can use it in the BIOS without issue. But I can't even log in to see what is going on.20:16
X_xim looking for some one who has actually figured out how to access a win8 partition. not just some forum post by some one who thought they knew the answer20:17
chamunksikonia, bean__ well poop this is frustrating even with a whole new repo list its still giving me the same issues.20:17
packetfrogX_x have you tried #windows ?20:17
X_xwindows will direct me here. its not their issue20:17
lunitikX_x: I do not think your attitude will yield positive results.20:17
Fishscenelunitik: True. It's just nicer with Ubuntu since it's well-documented and I know what I'm doing on it. It seems the only answer here is to use a USB device. =\  I'm going to have a fun time negotiating that with my manager20:18
pimathhey, is there an alternative to apt-get and the software center?20:18
packetfrogX_x reword your question, ask them how to access partitions  not dualboot linux...20:18
ikoniachamunks: go back to what I said20:18
ikoniachamunks: check what version of the package you see in the repo20:18
X_xim just trying to find some one with actual operational knowledge. i understand it could take a while20:18
ikoniachamunks: confirm that it does conflict, then we can work it forward20:18
FishsceneActually. to heck with corporate policy, I'm buying a usb stick anyway. TTYL folks!20:18
packetfrogfishscene usb stick is like 2 bucks...20:18
ericmcrayhi guys. im new here. this is just support channel or can we talk anything about ubuntu?20:18
ikoniaericmcray: support channel20:19
chamunksikonia, with apt-cache search linux-image20:19
X_xericab,  #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter20:19
ikoniachamunks: or whatever the package name is20:19
lunitikericab: #ubuntu-discuss for Ubuntu talk, #ubuntu-offtopic for random chat20:19
chamunksikonia, the one that is spitting the errors?20:19
ikoniachamunks: well yes, the one that's cauinsg the error, not erroring on20:19
chamunksikonia, http://puu.sh/25Jbg so linux-generic or linux-image-generic20:20
ikoniachamunks: come on - you need to think a bit, not just keep pastbinning for me to work out it, these are your servers20:21
ikoniachamunks: linux-image-generic is the one that's complaining20:21
ikoniachamunks: so verifying that, and then verifying what linux-image is expecting/depending on seems the way forward20:21
chamunksikonia, i am im just double checking my understanding I dont mean to come off as im not thinking about this at all.20:21
chamunksI just cant afford to break things my apologies20:22
ikoniachamunks: you're not checking, you'r asking me20:22
vyrgozunqkhey guys i installed kernel 3.7 with all headers and etc20:26
vyrgozunqkbut dkms fails to compile fglrx20:26
vyrgozunqki don't have any other 3rd party drivers so i dont know if its dkms problem or fglrx20:26
chamunksikonia, im just not sure what to do to fix this at all I feel silly about this like can i just force a downgrade or something?20:26
vyrgozunqkbut as i know fglrx 13.2beta 6 supports 3.720:26
chamunksikonia, i feel like im missing something crucial here but it could be my lack of confidance with this situation im in.20:27
ikoniachamunks: no,20:27
ikoniachamunks: basically work out the conflicting package, remove it or upgrade it out side the needs of the metapackage20:27
chamunksthat sounds easy but I dont know how to do that.20:30
chamunksso searching apt-cache  Iget a huge list of things from searching linux-image-generic20:30
X_xha! even #windows had no idea how to access a win8 partition20:30
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ikoniachamunks: you don't care about the huge list....you care about the package20:31
chamunksI need to see if it has the version that linux-generic wants yes20:31
chamunksim sorry i just dont get it20:31
chamunksi'm clearly retarded or something20:32
ikoniachamunks: no, you just shouldn't be running a server for a business20:32
chamunksikonia, im just not ready for it i suppose I generally need to be run through something first but it appears im the most capable of dealing with these issues out of the whole group20:33
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chamunksikonia, im gonna go get a coffee and just take a break from this since I'm clearly getting too frustrated to see this problem clearly.20:36
LynxxHello, is there any way to change the scrollbar color/contrast on Gnome Shell? (ubuntu 12.10) - I have already tried Gnome Color Chooser, did not work. The scrollbar is too bright.20:39
Guest76902Hello all :) Does anyone know the package name I need if I want to use chattr? It's not available on my VPS.20:39
ikoniaGuest76902: it's in the e2fsprogs20:40
QuestI have just installed apache2 , but i cannot run php files. do i need to install anything else?20:40
ikoniaQuest: yes, php20:41
Guest76902ikonia: thanks20:41
Questikonia,  by what package?20:41
ikoniaQuest: ......php20:42
Questikonia,  just to make sure. its package "php5"20:43
ikoniaQuest: you'll need php and the apache php modul20:43
ania__you have being watched20:43
ikoniaQuest: open the package manager and search20:43
ikoniaania__: what ?20:43
Questikonia,  its php5 showing20:43
Questikonia,  what module do i need in apache?20:43
^DEMOSS^anybody can help me with information for specialist, whose can help me restore my raid 5 on mdadm ? http://pastebin.com/4wDZTKbq  \  http://pastebin.com/nrfnLF1L  \\  http://pastebin.com/TY0SJvzj20:43
ikoniaQuest: I don't believe that is the apache module, but try it20:43
ikonia^DEMOSS^: what happened ?20:44
Questikonia,  i gues php5 is the package name for installing php20:44
Questikonia,  i dont know what module do i need for apache though20:44
ikoniaQuest: yes, but not the apache module20:44
ikonia(try it)20:44
Questikonia,  ok20:44
Zakkai_ a bit longer. be back shortly20:45
^DEMOSS^ikonia: NAS device die and i attached all disks in my normal server unit with ubuntu20:47
Questi just installed php5 and apache2 in ubuntu.    .html works fine. but .php says   The website encountered an error while retrieving http://alpinema.com/index.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.20:47
ikonia^DEMOSS^: is the nas device using mdadm ?20:47
^DEMOSS^Quest: use debian squeeze ^)20:47
^DEMOSS^yes use mdadm20:48
Quest^DEMOSS^,  what?20:48
ikoniaQuest: ignore him20:48
ikoniaQuest: build a simple test php file20:48
ikoniaQuest: put it in your web root20:48
Questalready have20:48
ikoniaQuest: open it in a browser.20:48
Questi put that in in the dir where index.html is.      (which works fine) but index.php dont20:49
ikoniaQuest: what happens when you try to visit the php page20:49
Quest.php says   The website encountered an error while retrieving http://alpinema.com/index.php. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.20:49
ikoniaQuest: I don't get that, I get a blank page20:49
ikoniaQuest: is it just doing a "php_info();" or more than that ?20:50
erupterhi guys. I must have uninstalled some default font. I searched on the internet but I could not find a list of fonts for precise. is anyone able to help me?20:50
Questikonia,  ok20:50
Questikonia,  just echoing20:51
Questikonia,  now i will just put <?php php_info() ?>20:51
^DEMOSS^ikonia: if you see some pate you can see, than mdadm show more info about raid20:51
ikonia^DEMOSS^: sorry - I don't want to help you20:51
ikoniaQuest: call it something other than index.php - test.php or something like that20:51
^DEMOSS^ikonia: oh, it is be just some interest what's happend with device ?20:52
Questikonia,  same resutls20:53
ikoniaQuest: ok - 1.) that maintained error is your http server, not php20:53
ikoniaQuest: your middle ware (tomcat I guess) server is down20:53
Questikonia,  tomcat is on port 808020:53
ikoniaQuest: yes, which is why your website is not displaying20:54
Questikonia,  tomcat is up on 808020:54
Questikonia,  really? let me shut it down20:54
ikoniaQuest: it's forwarding requests to 8080 for content20:54
ikoniaand 8080 is down, hence why you have the mainteance message20:54
ikoniaQuest: that's seperate to php though20:54
SonikkuAmericaHey everyone! Quick question about migrating Wubi installs... (I know it's a community thing but...) If I specify a partition to run the wubi-move.sh script on, does it fill that partition or do I need to have specified the amount of space on the Wubi install itself?20:54
cowbudI am trying to set up a2dp with a bluetooth device hooked up to my quantal installation. sdptool search --bdaddr local a2snk show an active Audio sink but pactl list short sinks does not show a bluez_source at all20:54
SonikkuAmerica*destination partition that is20:55
Questikonia,  nop. tomcat is down. problem is there20:55
Questikonia,  where are the error logs for apache?20:55
battlefield3someone could help me with a team fortreess 2 problem20:56
obertQuest: in apache20:56
ikoniaQuest: normally /var/log20:56
ntzrmtthihu777what package has the ms corefonts? precisex6420:56
ikoniaQuest: I'm concerned you're setting up web infrastructures, yet you don't seem to know the basics of your own infrastructure20:56
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Questikonia,  i am new yes.20:57
Questikonia,  this is the first time20:57
ikoniaQuest: I'd suggest reading https://help.ubuntu.com on the server documentation about running a webserver20:57
ikoniaQuest: you're running before walking20:57
battlefield3someone could help me with a team fortreess 2 problem20:57
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michael1whats up battlefield320:57
Questikonia,  i asked because they are not at the usualy place /usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log20:57
ikoniamichael1: can you please try to ask questions that make sense please.20:58
ikoniaQuest: that is not the usual place20:58
ikoniaQuest: please read the link I gave you and learn the basics of setting up a web server, before moving forward20:58
Genscher_he, there should be a nice way to configure wlan for ubuntu server, configuring WPA2 + wlan usb stick is not nice ;)20:58
battlefield3i downloaded TF220:58
battlefield3but dont show video20:58
battlefield3only sound20:58
michael1do you have an ati or nvidia card?20:59
ntzrmtthihu777SonikkuAmerica: nice nick, lol20:59
Questikonia,  Call to undefined function php_info()20:59
TuxFighterHi, I got problems get my wlan0 adapter running20:59
packetfrogW: TMPDIR is mounted noexec, will not cache run scripts.   is this messing me up or just letting me know?20:59
ikoniaQuest: .....please learn the basics of setting up a web server before continuing forward21:00
TuxFighteranyone can help me with that rtl8187(l)21:00
ikoniaQuest: it's phpinfo(); not php_info();21:00
battlefield3michael1, i have a HP21:00
battlefield3g-42-270 la21:00
Questikonia,  <ikonia> Quest: is it just doing a "php_info();" or more than that ?21:00
Questikonia,  nevermind21:01
Bray90820can someone dissect a boot flag for me21:03
Bray90820part of that flag is to turn ACPI off and the other part relates to the touch screen21:03
Bray90820i wanna know what part is the touch screen only21:04
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NexusGuyCan somoene help me21:05
NexusGuyWith Ubuntu on Nexus 7?21:05
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tgm4883!tablet | NexusGuy21:05
ubottuNexusGuy: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.21:05
NexusGuyAh ok thanks tgm.21:06
llutzBray90820: its a typo? "noapic" not noacpi21:06
Bray90820NexusGuy tomorrow conical is releasing a touch opmnized version of ubuntu for tablets21:06
heidelfuchstoo late ^^21:07
LynxxHello, is there any way to change the scrollbar color/contrast on Gnome Shell? (ubuntu 12.10) - I have already tried Gnome Color Chooser, did not work. The scrollbar is too bright.21:07
Bray90820that's the boot flag i used and it seemd to work to fix my touch screen and turn acpi off21:07
Bray90820but i want just the touch screen part21:07
llutzBray90820: "noacpi" is not a valid kernel parameter21:09
Bray90820llutz well then why did it work to fix my charging bug21:11
llutzBray90820: i guess it didn't. its just ignored21:11
elusaithHi, is here a xubuntu user? :)21:12
llutzBray90820: acpi=off did21:12
Bray90820llutz i appended it to /etc/default/grub21:12
^DEMOSS^ikonia: are you a woman ?21:12
auronandace^DEMOSS^: why is that relevant to ubuntu support?21:13
llutzBray90820:and?  "noacpi" still is not a valid kernel parameter and does nothing (in the best)21:13
cowbudgod bluetooth is a mess on Linux21:13
ikonia^DEMOSS^: what does that matter ?21:13
Bray90820llutz can you pastebin the flag with just the touch screen part in there21:13
heidelfuchsshouldnt it even through an exception? llutz?21:14
llutzBray90820: i can't but i'd guess it's "usbhid.quirks ...."21:14
d1mAs1qhi all, please help me! i have MSI FM2-A75MA-E35 motherboard and lubuntu installed, and i don't have sound, maybe who knows why?) Sorry for bad English i'm from Russia :)21:14
llutzheidelfuchs: i'm not sure, some are just ignored21:14
erupterdoes anyone know the default list of fonts for ubuntu precise? I have some apps showing badly after I removed a few packages21:15
Bray90820llutz thanks for your help anyways21:15
heidelfuchsim sure google knows by heart21:15
heidelfuchsmaybe you removed some antialiasing stuff21:16
heidelfuchsdid you remove ubuntu-desktop?21:16
^DEMOSS^anybody can help me restore info on my raid5 mdadm ( NAS server is die )  this is info how i can collect about raid http://pastebin.com/4wDZTKbq  \  http://pastebin.com/nrfnLF1L  \\  http://pastebin.com/TY0SJvzj   there is all that i have21:16
heidelfuchsbtw default font is, surprise, ubuntu/11pt erupter21:17
tobisI'm looking for some help about installing Zend-Framework on an 12.04 server21:17
^DEMOSS^all disk i attached on unit normal server with ubuntu 12.0421:17
jamiejacksonhi folks, i need to be able to send emails to myself from my applications under development. is there a simple "mail server' to handle smpt for local requests?21:17
erupterheidelfuchs,  i can't find any package by that name21:17
llutz!info ssmtp | jamiejackson21:17
ubottujamiejackson: ssmtp (source: ssmtp): extremely simple MTA to get mail off the system to a mail hub. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.64-7 (quantal), package size 43 kB, installed size 8 kB21:17
erupterheidelfuchs, besides I think there is a range of fonts coming by default, not just one21:18
erupterheidelfuchs, otherwise ALL apps would appear wrong, not just one or two21:18
jamiejacksonthx, llutz. reading.21:18
heidelfuchswhat kind of apps look crappy? qt? gtk? erupter21:18
erupterheidelfuchs, netbeans21:19
sh3llc0d3rgtk isn't nice21:19
sh3llc0d3rwhat do you think?21:20
heidelfuchserupter:  its a java problem. you'll find a solution todo here:21:20
erupterheidelfuchs, no, read it. was fine before i removed some package and then did an apt-get autoremove (shame on me)21:20
erupternetbeans 7.2.1 is fine on precise, doesn't have that problem. heidelfuchs21:21
heidelfuchssorry then :/21:21
jpmhunder earlier ubuntu I coild do gnome-session-save and end the session at the shell.  It has gone now, there is a gone-sessions-quit but it generates: "failed to call logout"  - how do I end the session from the shell?21:22
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heidelfuchswithinthe coments people had that issue with 12.10 as well though21:23
owen__Hello all :) I'm running Ubutnu 12.04 LTS on a VPS. I'm having diffuculties trying to change the dns nameservers. Apparently I am supposed to add the dns servers in the /etc/network/interfaces.tail file. Upon restart I see the changes but my prefered dns are not being used. I though with Ubuntu 12.04 that this was the correct way to do it. Changes made to /etc/network/interfaces.tail will propogate to /etc/resolv.conf.21:23
jpdsowen__: No.21:24
jpdsowen__: You have to add a 'dns-nameservers x.x.x.x' line to /etc/network/interfaces21:24
llutzowen__: either you add "dns-namservers" to /etc/network/interfaces or "nameserver" to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail21:24
owen__Apparently I am not allowed to make changes directly to the /etc/network/interfaces file, I am warned that changes will be overwritten.21:25
DemestorToday i read about the upcoming Ubuntu for ARM tablet devices  .. when can we expect thr release?21:26
llutzowen__: who warns you? interfaces file is the file to change21:26
owen__OK I'll give it a try.21:26
bean__!tablet | Demestor21:27
ubottuDemestor: The Ubuntu tablet can be discussed in #ubuntu-tablet or #ubuntu-discuss, please remember that #ubuntu is for support only.21:27
Demestorthx for the hint21:28
minthi :)21:29
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tobisI'm looking for some help about installing Zend-Framework on an 12.04 server, if anybody available21:29
owen__llutz: What is weir is that any changes I make are not changing the /etc/resolv.conf file. When I change it directly and lock it with chattr. After restarting, I cannot connect to the internet using my open dns ip's.21:32
llutzowen__: add "dns-namservers" (<- the opendns-IPs)  to /etc/network/interfaces  and forget that stupid chattr on resolv.conf21:33
bean__tobis: apt-get install zend-framework?21:33
llutzowen__: immunitating that file is a dirty hack and nonsense.21:34
llutzowen__: if you haven't configured your network using the /etc/network/interfaces file, you add the nameserver entries to /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail  (or head, ignore the warning)21:35
BluesKajowen__, /etc/resolv.conf is overwritten by /etc/resolvconf.d/resolv.conf , ignore the warning and add your dns/nameserver settings to the file .21:36
BluesKajowen__, /etc/resolvconf.d/resolv.conf/head is the actual text file you edit21:37
owen__ BluesKaj: That is what I thought too. I'm suspicious that my VPS provider has done some hack to prevent any changes to the /etc/resolv.conf file21:38
bean__owen__: its not a hack, its how the resolvconf package works21:38
BluesKajowen__, correction , /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head21:40
BluesKajowen__, sorry about the confusion21:41
tgm4883BluesKaj, doesn't he actually want base?21:42
llutzalways depends if you want your entries first or not21:42
BluesKajtgm4883, dunno what you mean21:42
tgm4883BluesKaj, technically head and tail would work too, but base seems the more appropriate place to put it21:43
tgm4883BluesKaj, /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base21:43
owen__llutz: Every time I add my preffered dns servers to the /etc/network/interfaces file, they get overwritten on reboot!21:43
tgm4883owen__, is this a server? Do you have network-manager installed?21:44
BluesKajtgm4883, ok , all references and fixes I've seen to resolv.conf are using the head file21:44
DelusionalLogicSince the touch preview is in two days, is there a way to get a list of (going to be) supported devices?21:44
owen__llutz: This is a VPS server, so command line only.21:44
DelusionalLogicI saw the announcement as spotted that the GNex wasn't on there21:44
tgm4883BluesKaj, yes, that is because people don't know what they are doing, so they see a file that has the same text in it as the resolv.conf file and just put it there21:44
BluesKajtgm4883, if NM ios isnstalled it will over write the resolv.conf21:45
llutzowen__: what is the resolv.conf entry after reboot?21:45
tgm4883BluesKaj, 'man resolvconf'21:45
tgm4883BluesKaj, yes, which is what he said was happening (hence why I asked if it was installed)21:45
BluesKajtgm frankly i don't care because , it works here , I'm not going to argue with success21:46
owen__llutz: There are no dns-nameservers present after reboot.21:46
tgm4883BluesKaj, or rather, he said it's overwriting /etc/network/interfaces21:46
tgm4883BluesKaj, I'm not saying it wont work, I'm  just saying its the wrong way to do it21:46
BluesKajok tgm4883 , go ahead and create confusion ...have fun21:46
tgm4883BluesKaj, WTF are you talking about?21:47
tgm4883BluesKaj, what confusion?21:47
ania_wtf ?? what the frag?21:47
BluesKajwhat's wrong iof it works , that's what I'm talking about , tgm4883 , whether agree or not is immaterial21:47
tgm4883BluesKaj, I can open a peanut butter jar with a hammer, doesn't mean it's the right way to open it21:48
Questwhat modules do i need to have a proxy for apache2 for tomcat7?21:48
llutzowen__: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces please21:48
llutz!paste | owen__21:48
ubottuowen__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:48
achandratgm4883, unless of course if you are reverse engineering to make it smooth rather than chunky21:48
tgm4883BluesKaj, further, telling people the proper way to do something (and also saying it will work the way they are doing it), shouldn't cause confusion21:48
BluesKajtgm4883, analogies like that are overdone and you know it ..21:48
tozenhi here21:49
tgm4883BluesKaj, knowing how something works is completely different than making something.21:49
tgm4883err, making something work21:49
BluesKajask owen__ if the suggestions I made work for him , tgm488321:50
tgm4883BluesKaj, IDK why you even have your panties in a bunch. I was just letting you guys know the right place to put it21:50
* BluesKaj shrugs21:50
TuxFighterCan someone help me to get my wlan working21:52
tgm4883BluesKaj, I know it works for him. Uninstalling resolvconf and just editing /etc/resolv.conf would work too. That doesn't mean it's the right way to do it. I was just letting you guys know that (while your way might work), that isn't the intended place to put that information21:52
tgm4883but I'm done with that21:52
BluesKajwho cares , you're the with the panties in a bind i think , I'm sitting in my easy chair with my feet up21:52
ErvisTushahello all21:52
* tgm4883 rolls eyes21:52
ErvisTushaanyone had experience with Ubuntu 13.04 and Nvidia ?21:52
ikonia!13.04 | ErvisTusha21:52
ubottuErvisTusha: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) will be the 18th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+121:52
llutzowen__: there is no dns-nameservers line at all, is it also reverted after reboot?21:52
owen__llutz: yes21:53
jarray52An Ubuntu One folder suddenly appeared in my home/user directory after a failed update. I was curious what happened? I also get this strange input box in the lower right hand corner.21:53
BluesKajtgm4883, then go on the net and tell all those ubuntu bloggers who recommended my suggestion and tell them they are wrong21:53
owen__llutz: I can get the dns-namservers to stick if I put them in /etc/network/interfaces.tail21:53
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llutzowen__: i never heard of that file... but if it works, use it21:54
tgm4883owen__, that is where you should put it per the file you pasted21:54
owen__llutz: But when I restart the changes are not affecting the /etc/resolv.conf file.21:54
llutzowen__: your vps-provider seem to change a lot of things...21:54
profiler1982_asus padphone is ideal for tablet & phone os21:55
owen__llutz: I think they have been messing around with some setting outside of the container. The VPS's are part of the openvz. I think that is what it is called.21:56
llutzowen__: have you tried to put the entries in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base21:56
Tatuusif resolution, after playing a game on Wine or ScummVM, does not return to what before playing, type this in terminal: xrandr -s 0 -just if someone else had the same issue ever....21:56
owen__llutz: There is no resolv.conf.d/ in the /etc/resolvconf/ directory!21:56
llutzowen__: sudo apt-get install resolvconf21:57
owen__llutz: I'll give that a try21:57
=== linuxthefish is now known as linuxthefish`
tgm4883owen__, what VPS is this?21:57
owen__tgm4883: switchlink.co.uk21:58
Questwhat do such scripts like a2ensite or a2dissite actually do in the backend? cp from avaiblable to enabled sites? or delete any. or something else?21:58
Questlike wise a2enmod  for modules21:59
llutzQuest: they create/remove links21:59
Questllutz,  links ? you mean symlinks?21:59
PiciQuest: they have man pages too ;)21:59
PiciQuest: and yes, symliks21:59
QuestPici,  I thought they cp?21:59
QuestPici,  from sites-available to sites-enabled?22:00
PiciQuest: no. they drop a symlink from /etc/apache2/sites-available/ to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/22:00
llutzowen__: expensive vps... :)22:00
QuestPici,  i just copyied them by cp command. works ok. did i do anything wrong?22:01
QuestPici,  how can i check its a symlink and not a file.   something like    ls -someParameter?22:01
tgm4883Quest, ls -l would do it22:02
PiciQuest: it'll have an l in the first column if you use ls -l22:02
Questtgm4l883,  that would tell its a symlink?22:02
owen__llutz: Think I pay £12 ish per month. Been using them for years. Do you know any cheaper?22:02
PiciQuest: And a real file there will work just fine too. A symlink will just produce less duplicate data and might be less confusing.22:02
Questlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   26 Feb 20 20:04 000-default -> ../sites-available/default22:03
tgm4883Pici, looking at one of my 12.04 servers, it actually does a symlink to ../sites-available/<site>22:03
tgm4883Pici, so not the full path22:03
llutzowen__: well, at least here in DE we have cheaper offers with less issues22:03
Questi actually edited the 000-default by nano... if thats a symlink. how can i even open it?22:03
Picitgm4883: same here.22:03
joshuafcoleI have a weird question. Does anybody know if it's possible to create new files in /sys/ ? Specifically, I'm trying to write a shim script for powertop that does a couple of calculations and dumps the results into the appropriate files under /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 rather than trying to figure out how to backport upower/powerd/whatever is in charge of keeping track of these things.22:03
GeronimoI've just downloaded the windows installer for Ubuntu.22:03
owen__llutz: DE you mean Germany22:03
QuestPici, ^ tgm4883  llutz22:03
tgm4883Quest, because.... that's how they work?22:03
Geronimowill it partition my machine?22:03
llutzowen__: yes22:03
PiciQuest: a symlink actually points to the same file at the filesystem level, its not like a .lnk file in windows.22:04
Questtgm4883,  you mean it actually opened the real file. and not the symlink itself?22:04
tgm4883Quest, yes22:04
joshuafcoleWhen trying to touch a file I'd like to make, I get a No such file or directory error, which I imagine is because /sys isn't a normal portion of the file system like I'd initially imagined.22:04
owen__llutz: My primary reason for using them is that they are based in the UK. That means I can proxy the BBC over to where I live in Sweden.22:04
Questtgm4883,  hm.22:04
=== Guest67425 is now known as VLanX
QuestPici,  tgm4883  llutz  i want to run tomcat7 and apache 2.2 with some proxy at the same time. what do i need. i have tomcate runing and so is apache22:05
VLanXHi there, does anyone know how can i disable the "ALT + left click" behavior on 12.04 and 12.10 ?22:05
anewcan i run lubuntu on raspberrypi 512 ?22:05
TuxFighterI got problems get the RTL8187L WLAN Stick running, anyone have some advice22:05
anewwill i be able to use firefox/programs with no lag? what do u think22:06
llutzanew: no22:06
anewshit really22:06
TuxFighterI am fighting since hours to get internet on this laptop22:06
anewi thought minimum was 512 for lubuntu22:06
X_xanew,  it will work but java and flash will definately cause lag22:06
llutzanew: there is no lubuntu for ARMv6 afaik22:06
tgm4883anew, no, Ubuntu cannot run on raspberrypi22:07
tgm4883anew, which includes lubuntu22:07
anewyes ur right no ubuntu on rpi damnit22:07
llutzX_x: nonsense22:07
anewwhat is a very lightweight alternative22:07
anewthat i can use ?22:07
X_xthere is a debian that will run on arm and you can install xfce22:07
tgm4883anew, debian22:07
llutzanew: on rasp? raspbian22:07
anewraspbian is lighter than xfce ?22:07
llutzuanme -a ->"Linux rpi 3.6.11+ #371 PREEMPT Thu Feb 7 16:31:35 GMT 2013 armv6l GNU/Linux"22:08
llutzxfce is just a DE, raspbian a distribution22:08
jhutchins_wkThere is a pi-specific image of debian.22:08
anewhmm yeah does raspbian have gui tho22:09
llutzanew: yes, even lxde22:09
anewah yes22:09
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anewok i guess raspbian must be the most optimized thing to use with raspberry pi then22:09
anewno sense in looking around for other distros22:10
anewoh hey looks pretty cool actually22:11
llutzanew: there are other distros, just no *buntu and so offtopic here22:11
FloodBot1anew: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:11
joshuafcolesorry about popping out. I Kernel Panicked for the first time ever. Apparently linux doesn't take kindly to me trying to write new files into /sys/22:11
anewit went into offtopic, sorry... but i love lubuntu22:11
=== wedgwood_away is now known as wedgwood
joshuafcoleDoes anybody know if it's possible to create new "files" under /sys/ ? Specifically, I'm trying to write a shim script for powertop that does a couple of calculations and dumps the results into the appropriate placesin /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 rather than trying to figure out how to backport upower/powerd/whatever is in charge of keeping track of these things.22:13
BluesKajtgm4883,  your suggestion about the /etc/resolv.conf/resolv.conf.d/base for nameservers works as well. I think your suggestion is a good one , thanks for the tip.22:16
joshuafcoleAlternatively, does anybody know whether the upkeep of those files is baked into the kernel, or if not, which daemon maintains them?22:16
tgm4883BluesKaj, yw22:16
Questcan any one help?22:16
QuestPici,  llutz  tgm4883  ^22:16
ikoniaQuest: did you read the links I suggested you read ?22:16
Questikonia,  yes22:16
ikoniaQuest: the ones that explain the basic setup of apache on ubuntu ?22:16
ikoniaQuest: ok - so now that you've read them and got apache running fine, what is your question22:17
Questikonia,  yes. i have done that22:17
ikoniaQuest: ok - so what's your question ?22:17
Questikonia,  the stack link defines my question in detail22:17
ikoniaQuest: I'm asking you to summerise your question22:17
Questikonia,  then just 1. and 2. would be fine22:17
Questwhat modules do I need?22:18
Questwhat settings (ALL) like proxy (many iam not aware of), virtual host for multiple sites do i need for both tomcat and apache.22:18
ikoniaQuest: I'm not reading a link, this is IRC, if you want your stackexchanges questions answered, use stack exchange22:18
ikoniaQuest: what are you trying to setup ?22:18
QuestI need to run both .php and .jsp files. I can run them separately on each each (tomcat and apache httpd)22:18
QuestFriends tell me I need a proxy (user first hits apache httpd and it forwards to tomcat if its a .jsp, then back to apache and then to the user. php is served by apache in the normal way)22:18
QuestI am running php5, apache 2.2 and tomcat7 on ubuntu 12.10 all installed by apt-get.22:18
ikoniaQuest: apache is a webserver, it will serve webpages, there are modules that tell it what to do with content/code, these are called handlers22:19
ikoniaQuest: for example the php module is loaded, and you tel it to use that module for .php file extensions22:19
Questwhat modules i need?22:19
ikoniaQuest: that's up to you what modules you need22:19
Questwhat modules i need for proxy22:19
ikoniaQuest: mod_proxy22:19
Questikonia,  what choices i have22:20
ikoniaQuest: it's listed in the doucumentation22:20
Questikonia,  thats the real problem. i need exact answers.   "mod_proxy" is not in avaialable-mods22:20
ikoniaQuest: that is the proxy module22:20
Questikonia,  in /etc/apache2/mods-available$22:21
ikoniaQuest: and it's detailed in the apache documentation22:21
ikoniaQuest: that doesn't mean it's not a module22:21
Questikonia,  and what setting do i have to do22:21
ikoniaQuest: modules-available is explained in the apache documentation I linked you to earlier22:21
ikoniaQuest: I suggest you actually read this documentation rather than saying you've read it22:21
ikoniaQuest: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy.html22:21
Questikonia,  my research says mod_proxy_ajp replaces mod_jk22:21
Questikonia,  can you give citations for mod_proxy?22:22
ikoniaQuest: you asked for a proxy module22:22
ikoniaQuest: you didn't say anything about mod_jk22:22
ikoniaQuest: what citations do you want ?22:22
Questany form apache22:22
ikoniaQuest: I don't understand what you are asking from me22:22
Questikonia,  http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/citation?s=t22:23
ikoniaQuest: I'm not asking for a definition of the word citation, I'm asking what you actually want22:23
Questikonia,  any article that says i need mod_proxy for apache2.222:23
ikoniaQuest: I've just linked you to one22:23
Questikonia,  + the settings/ configs for it22:23
ikoniaQuest: if you start reading the links I give you rather than keep asking what to do..you'll get moving quicker22:24
Questikonia,  it doesnt...22:24
ikoniaQuest: it really does.22:24
tgm4883ikonia, can't you just ssh into his machine and do it for him?22:24
ikoniaQuest: the title is "mod_proxy" - I'm pretty confident it explains "mod_proxy" quite well22:24
Bray90820how would i save the boot flags i added to grub during boot22:25
Questikonia,  the link again?22:25
ikoniaBray90820: edit the grub config file, and then update the grub config22:25
ikoniaQuest: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy.html22:25
Questikonia,  sure its for 2.2 because i only see  proxy_ajp and proxy_http.22:25
ikoniaQuest: please start READING the links22:25
ikoniaQuest: you're on your own22:25
ikoniaQuest: that document says nothing about proxy_ajp22:25
Questikonia,  iam very confused.22:26
Bray90820ikonia if i changed it once and the booted would it be engaged22:26
ikoniaQuest: if you are not going to bother to read the information I'm giving you,22:26
tgm4883Quest, it says 2.2 right in the link22:26
=== DeadWeas1l is now known as deadweasel
Questikonia,  why #httpd guys state contrary22:26
ikoniaBray90820: no22:26
ikoniaBray90820: you need to write it to the config file, then run update-grub22:26
Questikonia,  i read your and their links both.22:26
Questtgm4883,  ^22:26
Bray90820so there is no editing grub as just a 1 time thing to try out different codes22:26
Bray90820by pressing E at the grub meny22:26
tomahawks_hi.. can anyone help me with this problem i have ?22:27
marmulakhey buddies22:27
Guest22489every time i run firefox system crashes. something in memory. is it possible to run firefox ignoring last visited pages?22:27
tomahawks_can you help me ?22:27
ikonia21:37 < thumbs> Quest: also, if you'd mind stop asking the same questions over21:37 < thumbs> Quest: also, if you'd mind stop asking the same questions over and over here while appearing not reading our responses, that'd be awesome22:27
tomahawks_cant get access to my ubuntu22:27
ikoniaQuest: so the apache channel got tired of telling you to read the information too22:27
ikoniaQuest: I've just read what they told you and it does not conflict22:27
ikoniaQuest: you just didn't read the information you where given22:27
ikoniaand just kept asking about mod_fcgi22:28
marmulaktomahawks_: that's strange... I'm not having any trouble accessing my ubuntu22:28
Questikonia,  oh you were in #httpd  so thumbs said mod_proxy_ajp.. why?22:28
Bray90820ikonia were you talking to me22:28
Bray90820waite nevermind22:28
lvl1roguetomahawks_: can you be more specific?22:28
ikoniaQuest: you're asking different questions in #httpd and #ubuntu22:29
surbsWhy is firefox used as a default web browser instead of chrome? Additionally, what are advantages of firefox vs chrome? There seem to be logs of updates for firefox, are they necessary or would it be OK to remove firefox completely?22:29
tomahawks_marmulak:  could it be problem in router?22:30
Bray90820ikonia if i were to hit E at the grub menu enter my code then boot by hitting CTR+X would that work as a 1 time flag22:30
tomahawks_i can ping to ubuntu but ubuntu cant ping to my computer22:30
marmulaktomahawks_: I do not know... I access my ubuntu without a router22:30
ikoniaBray90820: that's a 1 time boot22:30
tomahawks_home server ?22:30
Bray90820so just to make sure the code does work once if i do it that way right?22:31
Bray90820sorry for asking again22:31
lvl1roguesurbs: Chrome isn't opensource. The Chromium browser is. Firefox is also a public license.22:32
ShadedI just logged into a new install and see a blank desktop22:32
Bray90820Is opera open as well22:32
Shadedctrl-alt-f1 entirely shuts it down22:33
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ShadedI installed a video driver, so I guess it didn't like that22:33
surbslvl1rogue: would removing firefox create any issues for the OS?22:33
ShadedReinstall time again22:33
lvl1roguesurbs: No22:33
X_xyou can get to a terminal22:33
Bray90820anyone wanna help me TRY to fix a charging but i am having with my dell insperon duo22:34
tomahawks_so hey.. i cant connect to ubuntu,., should it be ubuntu server or just normal ubuntu desktop with installed extra ?22:34
Bray90820every time i plug or unplyg the charger the system totally hangs22:34
Bray90820i get a kernel panic22:34
lvl1roguesurbs: you can remove it with no worries22:34
X_xshaded hold on a sec you dont need to reinstall22:34
surbslvl1rogue: is the browser a matter of personal preference? i.e. what would you advise one over the other?22:34
Bray90820i already tried acpi_backlight=vendor22:34
lvl1roguesurbs: the browser is (mostly) preference.22:35
tomahawks_does it matter ?22:35
lvl1roguesurbs: there are some you may want to avoid (on other OS) which have been known to have gaping security holes22:35
lvl1roguesurbs: you'd choose one over the other possibly because of some plugin/extension support you want or because you're comfortable with using Chrome over Firefox22:36
ShadedX_x: it's new, I feel like doing it22:36
chrisbuchholzHey guys. I just installed ubuntu 12.10 on my Macbook Pro 5,5 and I cant get screen brightness to work. When i press the keys, a indicator shows, but the screen brightness doesnt change. I tried what it says in the 12.04 macbook pro 5,5 guide on ubuntu wiki, but that broke nvidia so i had to revert the changes. How can i get it working?22:37
X_xso you came in here just to tell us you feel like re-installing?22:37
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surbslvl1rougue: what security concerns would be worth checking? I mainly, keep firefox in order to see a cross-platform view of a website I am in the process of developing.22:37
surbslvl1rogue* my apologies22:37
tgm4883!tab | surbs22:38
ubottusurbs: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:38
ShadedX_x: Well, I had more hope than that, but switching to the terminal server and watching the screen flicker to death killed my hopes and dreams22:38
ShadedX_x: Sidenote, I managed to get Grub2.0 working again... except that it doesn't load the GUI properly22:39
SonikkuAmericaHey everyone! Quickie: If I use the wubi-move.sh script to migrate a Wubi install to a partition on my HDD, does it automatically fill all the space on that partition, or does it only fill the space allocated when I first created the Wubi install?22:39
surbs!tab | lvl1rogue22:39
ubottulvl1rogue: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:39
topper4125thanks surbs... I didn't know about the tab thing either =)22:39
surbs!tab | lvl1rogue22:39
surbsubottu, thank you!22:41
lvl1roguesurbs: For the most part there shouldn't be any since you won't be letting firefox (or another web browser) run with superuser privileges.22:42
lvl1roguesurbs: I was refering to the old Internet Explorer on windows, but thats gotten better.22:42
SonikkuAmerica>>> If I use the wubi-move.sh script to migrate a Wubi install to a partition on my HDD, does it automatically fill all the space on that partition, or does it only fill the space allocated when I first created the Wubi install? (Sorry, small amount of !patience)22:43
surbslvl1rogue: awesome, thank you for insight!22:43
Bray90820so anytime i plug or unplug the charger from my netbook dell insperon duo i get a kernel panic22:44
tgunrWhy are the window grow edges so hard to hit? spending 2-20 seconds trying to braw a window is ridiculous22:45
tgunr Bray90820 tarts just downright rude!22:46
Bray90820tgunr what did i do22:46
tgunrwas referring to your charger behavior, not you :)22:47
Bray90820ahh ok good22:47
Bray90820altho if i close the cover and then plug/unplug the charger it works22:48
Bray90820i can fix it by disabling acpi tho22:48
Bray90820but we all know that's not really a good idea22:48
sudoersssthis is very weird. Last line of file is "user ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/script  <-- that works with this pc, but not in my laptop. i use sudo visudo on both. both computers has default settings. So weird.22:48
Bray90820tgunr would you happen to know of a fix i could try22:49
SonikkuAmericaI'll be back!22:50
tgunrsorry, I'm a Macintosh kind of guy, day 2 on unbent here22:50
jdukietis there an ubuntu newbie channel ?22:50
tgunri hope it is here, cause thats what I am!22:50
Bray90820tgunr i am on a tower MacPro as we speak22:50
sudoersssis there some log files what i could try to seek? because this is too weird for me. and i don't stop until my script works also without sudo on that laptop :)22:51
tgunrcool, I worked on firmware at Apple for 10+ years22:51
lvl1roguetgunr: for windows resizing check this http://askubuntu.com/a/4470522:51
lvl1roguetgunr: for me I have to use the right mouse button rather then middle22:51
Bray90820so anyone else have something for me to try  for my charging eror22:51
tgunruh, don't unplug it? :)22:52
Bray90820lol that's not a solution22:52
tgunrsounds like you somehow generating an unexpected interrupt when power state changes22:53
Bray90820i don't know22:53
tgunryou have a core dump?22:53
KvothI have a problem with cryptsetup, I get this error: Check that kernel supports blowfish-cbc-essiv:sha256 cipher (check syslog for more info).22:53
tgunrlvl1rogue: will try the right mouse button22:53
Bray90820tgure were you talking to me?22:53
KvothI have all the crypto modules up, less the sha256 that It's says don't found22:54
Bray90820tgunr were you talking to me22:54
jdukiettgunr: yeah, well i like to sit and read all the questions and answers, but most of them are above my knowledge level here.22:54
tgunrBray90820: yes, you should have a core dump if it crashed22:54
Bray90820tgunr where would i find that22:54
tgunrwell, on a mac it is in the root at /22:54
foooohhi, i'm running a xubuntu live cd and i'm currently downloading kubuntu using the live system. can i copy the entire live FS into ram so i can remove the live cd from the drive and burn the kubuntu iso?22:55
Bray90820i'll have a look22:55
thexyzHello, guys, any info on when (time) will be the touch developer preview available?22:55
tgunrright mouse btw does nothing for me :(22:56
Adam-85howto install RSSOwl ?23:01
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localguest account files ... deleted on logout?23:03
escottlocal, yes23:03
localesc: thanks. confirmed my hunch...23:04
methodsis there no package or setup that automatically starts to use an /etc/profile.d type setup for each user ?23:04
localguest account: asks for password - what happened?23:05
jhutchins_wkmethods: In what context?23:05
methodscontext ??23:05
methodsI'd rather have ~/.profile.d/*23:06
methodsinstead of things like puppet trying to shove values into bashrc or what not23:06
methodsI'm in the process of adding that to my puppet configs but i figured maybe there was a package or something that would update the default skel to use that23:06
jhutchins_wkI mean what are you trying to do?  I've used it to create web directories with a default web page for each new user, as well as several other kinds of things.23:06
fbdystangHi, I have ubuntu desktop running as my server. My HD randomly appears to fill up (every few days). "df" shows 100% of disk space is used at /dev/sdc1. Please advise23:06
jhutchins_wkmethods: Ah, I see what you mean.23:07
escottfbdystang, probably /var/log but use du to figure out where23:07
jhutchins_wkmethods: No, nobody's doing that yet.23:07
methodshonestly should be that way23:07
lvl1roguetgunr: try Alt+F823:08
jhutchins_wkmethods: It's a relative new technique for dealing with configurations.  On the other hand, hardly anything messes with individual bash user profiles any more, and it make sense that there's only the central one.  Users don't install personal software.23:08
methodsnot really23:08
tgunrtree that, nada23:08
tgunrtried that23:08
jhutchins_wkmethods: How many users do you administer?23:08
methodsthe .d paradigm has been around for a long time23:09
GreenNerdRunning Ubuntu on my Asus Eee PC Netbook.  The screen brightness is horrible.  How do I get the brightness to work?  The keyboard shortcuts randomly function, and I can not find system preferences on how to adjust brightness using software.  Help?23:09
lvl1roguetgunr: is your keyboard mapped the same as mine?23:09
lvl1roguelike ctrl and alt arent switched?23:09
tgunrhave no idea, standard macbook pro23:09
tgunraccording to emacs cmd=super23:09
methodsit's not about software it's about certain users on a production host could use some standard environment setups23:09
jhutchins_wkmethods: So put 'em in /etc/profile.d/23:10
jhutchins_wkmethods: Or modify the skel files.23:10
methodsi mean settings that should only apply to the specific user not to everyone at large23:10
tgunrok, going to take a break, my head is sore23:10
jhutchins_wkmethods: How many users on how many servers?23:10
methodsyes which is what I'm doing but my original questions was wondering if a package existed to do this already23:10
lvl1rogueok. you were using option for alt?23:10
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jhutchins_wkmethods: You could modify the central profile to read ~/profile.d/*23:11
methodsok thanks23:11
fbdystangescott: sudo du -sh /var/log shows 63M, so unless I am mistaken var/log is small. Any ideas?23:11
surbsis it typical for .Private in the home directory to take up the majority of space on the Ubuntu OS? It's a bunch of encrpty files and im not quite sure what the pupose of .Private is to be honest.23:11
escottsurbs, thats the ciphertext for your $HOME23:12
Bray90820well i have the location where the system dump should be but i don't think one was ever generated23:12
GreenNerdI have current release of Ubuntu just installed on my Asus Eee PC Netbook.  I want XFCE desktop environment being the Netbook desktop is garbage.  I have sudo apt-get xfce4.  When I reboot, system is still using gnome Netbook (icons on left side of screen).  I despise this environment.  How do I make XFCE default environment?23:12
surbsescott, can you direct me to a more formal interpretation or documentation / what does ciphertext mean?23:13
surbsescott, take your time. i will be brb (afk 5mins tops)23:13
GreenNerdHelp me please.23:14
SonikkuAmericaGreenNerd: [ sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ]23:14
GreenNerdOk, I will try again.23:14
Bray90820how how would i generate a core dump23:14
GreenNerdThank you, SonikkuAmerica23:15
fbdystangescott: could it be that 1 of my raid drives are going bad and making it look like 100%?23:15
escottsurbs, you have encrypted home. that means you have a ciphertext and a plaintext. your $HOME that you see is fake and doesn't exist. it is created as needed from the ciphertext23:16
escottfbdystang, no23:16
fbdystangescott: thats a relief... how do I figure out what is hogging all the space if du isn't telling me?23:17
SonikkuAmerica_And still no one answers: If I use wubi-move.sh to migrate my Wubi install to a partition, does it detect all the space on my partition, or would I have needed to specify a Wubi install exactly as big?23:18
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mgummeltHi, I'm running ubuntu 12.10.  I installed via the minimal CD.  When it asked for my network configuration, it seems to have written that data (for eth0) out to /etc/network/interfaces.  I don't want it there, so I removed it, but now ubuntu won't boot.  After grub, I just get a blank screen.  Any ideas?23:19
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pawsin my crontab -e if i put * * * * * what happens?23:22
GreenNerdmgummelt: Reinstall.23:22
GreenNerdSave yourself hours.23:22
mgummeltGreenNerd: What would I do differently in the second install?23:23
chemistrycoolhow do i update my firefox in ubunut so that it is on the developer release channel23:23
k-stzmgummelt: its a fresh install.. you updated graphics drivers last?23:23
chemistrycoolwith the most recent version23:23
mgummeltI haven't touched the graphics drivers23:23
GreenNerdInstall 3rd party drivers during the actual install.  Configure network AFTER install is done and rebooted.  mgummelt23:24
surbsescott, to free up space what might be some applications / documents to look for that could be safely deleted?23:24
mgummeltGreenNerd: the installation process configured the network for me.  it needed to in order to download packages23:24
mgummeltGreenNerd: and I didn't see any options to install graphics drivers23:25
surbsescott, i am using 12.1 and feel like it diminished my partition alot23:25
SonikkuAmerica(That was weird)23:25
GreenNerdmgummelt:  Reinstall the system.  Your install didn't work right.  Install 3rd party drivers during installation.  There is a checkbox.23:25
mgummeltThis only happens after I remove the "eth0" segment from my interfaces file, so I'm not sure what graphics drivers would have to do with it23:25
rauxça parle de la ps4 ici ou quoi ?23:25
GreenNerdI'm not talking about Graphics drivers, mgummelt23:25
SonikkuAmerica!fr | raux23:26
ubotturaux: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:26
fbdystangOk, i'll open this up to anyone else that can help. "df" shows that /dev/sdc1 is 100% full, but "du" shows /dev as 0M, so what is going on? How do I even know what sdc1 hd is anyways?23:26
beanpaws, it will run every minute23:26
pawsbean: thanx23:26
mgummeltAre you sure there's an option for 3rd party drivers in the install for the minimal CD?  I don't recall one.  And do you think it could be a network card driver problem?23:26
SonikkuAmericafbdystang: Try running [ sudo fdisk -l ]23:26
escottfbdystang, in what way is du not telling you?23:28
lalalandhello, would like to invite everyone to start learn Krav Maga Self Defense, please visit my website  if you like to get more info: 972kravmaga (dot) com23:28
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lunitikmgummelt: Debian/Ubuntu uses that file for network configuration, you can't put it somewhere else and have it work23:28
escottsurbs, tools like du dont know about the ecryptfs FUSE mount and will double count. just dont count $HOME, and only count ~/.Private23:29
mgummeltlunitik: I don't mean I removed the file, I mean I removed the "eth0" segment.  I did this so that NetworkManager would manage eth0 instead of ifupdown23:29
mgummeltGreenNerd: also, the install configured the interfaces file for me, so I can't do it "after the install"23:30
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lunitikmgummelt: as far as I'm aware, NetworkManager on Deb systems uses that file23:30
Mario4586Where can i get the old version google chrome 17 at for ubuntu?23:31
sckssssssi just ran some updates, and upon reboot, unity is no longer visible, i have nvidia graphics23:31
mgummeltlunitik: OK, but I didn't remove the file23:31
surbsescott, so what would be the best way to measure the amount of space available on the partition?23:32
GreenNerdmgummelt: REINSTALL the entire thing.23:32
GreenNerdYou just installed, so it shouldn't be hard to just do it again.  This time, try installing a more useful version.23:32
lunitikmgummelt: I'm dumb, my /etc/network/interfaces doesn't contain eth0 either... I apologize for my distraction.23:32
mgummeltGreenNerd: I've done that several times.  And I'd like to install from the minimal CD. Do you have any ideas of what to do differently?  Like I said, there is no option to install 3rd party drivers23:33
GreenNerdI don't know what to tell you - I don't use a "minimal CD" that is problematic.  I install the full Desktop edition and then downgrade to XFCE.  My life is more complete using that method.23:34
mgummeltGreenNerd: I don't understand the snark, but I guess thanks for the help23:34
GreenNerdIt wasn't a snark.  It was a fact.23:35
Wurlitzeranyone familiar with xChat-Gnome and setting it up to use onion23:35
sckssssssany ideas on how i can get unity back?23:35
fbdystangescott, the command "sudo du -sh /var" gives me 1.4G, which the hd is 260G23:35
lunitikmgummelt: until you get something like nm-applet installed, I would just stick to ifupdown - NetworkManager is a pita on the command line23:35
mgummeltGreenNerd: Saying your life is "more complete" by not doing a minimal install like I am is certainly snark23:35
GreenNerdNo - it is a fact.  By not using problematic methods, I am more satisfied with my course of action rather than death by 1000 razors.23:36
lunitikGreenNerd: your answer isn't a solution to his problem, you are telling him to do it your way because you don't know how to do what he wants.23:36
fbdystangescott, so either du or df are not working correctly, and I am not sure which one. I would like to first clear the large file wherever it is, then 2) prevent it from happening again. Please advise23:36
mgummeltluniti: well nm-applet doesn't work either for interfaces defined in /etc/network/interfaces.  It leaves those for ifupdown23:36
GreenNerdlunitik: Yes, you are correct.  I tell him how to do it the method I use (which works).  Why should I tell him how to do it in a manner in which is problematic?  Your logic is flawed.23:37
mgummeltGreenNerd: A Mac OSX user could say that for any of us in here23:37
lunitikGreenNerd: You should simply remain silent, he doesn't want to do it that way so it is not useful to dispute it.23:37
mgummeltGreenNerd: but that's not really the point of this entire forum23:37
mgummeltOK, I'll try a few other things.  Thanks lunitik23:37
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lunitikmgummelt: Sorry you didn't get a real answer, good luck23:38
GreenNerdIt is useful to tell people alternate methods of doing things.  Your logic is not sound.23:38
piorekI want to move X server from tty7 to some other tty, how do I do that?23:38
Mario4586how do i get adobe flash player to work on ubuntu 10.10? I have the flash player installed but it don't work I uninstalled and reinstalled it but not working.. how do i force it to work?23:38
escottsurbs, fbdystang df is generally correct (except for btrfs)23:39
Mario4586Please answer23:39
lunitikGreenNerd: People use the minimal ISO's because they want a more custom experience, that method is fully supported so you should not make people feel otherwise.23:39
Mario4586Answer my question quick please23:39
piorekMario4586: what browser are you using?23:39
BodsdaGreenNerd: relative to the question - your logic is the onee thats flawed23:39
escottfbdystang, and what about other partitions23:39
GreenNerdMario4586:  Have you rebooted?23:39
linux_is_my_herois there a chat room for picasa web?23:39
Mario4586but it still don't work23:40
BodsdaMario4586: how did you install flash?23:40
GreenNerdBodsda: I did not tell him he was wrong.  I told him how to use a method that works with fewer problems.  It is so funny how you want me to aid this man in rubbing his dick with sandpaper...23:40
lunitikMario4586: how did you install flash?23:40
Mario4586software center23:40
fbdystangescott, I shouldn't have any other partitions. I have a 260G and a RAID 2T so each have own partitions23:40
BodsdaGreenNerd: reboot... really? you sure your nott supposed to be idling in ##windows ?23:40
Mario4586the ubuntu version is 10.10 as our desktop computer can't handle the newer ubuntu23:40
GreenNerdYes, I have had to reboot during flash install using 10.1023:40
escottfbdystang, sorry directories not partitions23:40
lunitikMario4586: dpkg -L flash-installer  (it might be dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree or whatever too, I forget)23:41
BodsdaGreenNerd: you doing it wrong then23:41
fbdystangescott, df is telling me that /dev/sdc1 is using 100% of disk space. sdc1 is the 260G drive23:41
CairoAre there any dangers to manually installing ubuntu alongisde win7, apart from accidentally deleting the win7 partition instead of splitting it?23:42
lunitikMario4586: sorry, it is dpkg -L flashplugin-installer or flashplugin-nonfree ... but I think your version used the latter.23:42
fbdystangescott, so I naturally assume the problem is in that directory and not in other directories. As I mentioned /var/log is only 64M using du23:42
BodsdaCairo: not really, I've done it plenty of times without issue23:43
lunitikMario4586: This will tell me where it has put the files, and whether it actually successfully grabbed the flash lib23:43
CairoOk, cool23:43
escottfbdystang, why do you think it is not in some other directory23:43
bunjeewhat program burns mp3's and also plays them on an audio player?23:43
surbsescott, if i wanted to repartition (daul OS with win 8) what precautionary measures would need to be taken?23:43
fbdystangescott, df is telling me that /dev/sdc1 is using 100% of disk space. sdc1 is the 260G drive23:43
BodsdaCairo: don't do it the other way round though - install win7 first otherwise you'll have to reinstall GRUB23:43
Bodsdabunjee: brasero23:44
lunitiknuclearbob: sound-juicer23:44
CairoYeah, win7 came pre-installed, and I don't really want to get rid of it, but I also want Ubuntu23:44
lunitikBrasero replaced sound-juicer but doesn't do playback23:44
surbshow do you get rid of the marketing application that suggests books to buy on amazon, ect. on 12.1?23:44
BodsdaCairo: thats fine, the installer should do a pretty good joob of offering you a side-bby-side partitioning scheme23:44
fbdystangescott, Ohhhh, i think I am following you now.23:44
tgm4883surbs, http://askubuntu.com/questions/192269/how-can-i-remove-amazon-search-results-from-the-dash23:45
Cairook, thanks all23:45
lunitiksurbs: sudo apt-get remove unity-lens-shopping23:45
Bodsdalunitik: I thought he meant makes a cd usable in a cd player - my mistake23:45
bunjeebodsda - just the regular audio project? I want too burn Mp3's and play them on a cd player.23:46
lunitikBodsda: I wasn't correcting you, you are not mistaken23:46
fbdystangescott, but isn't that a recursive statement if the same dev/harddrive is the one hosting the OS?23:46
escottsurbs, precautionary against what23:46
Mario4586lunitik what would be a good linux distro for a Athlon-xp 2400 compaq presario sw4020wm computer23:46
Bodsdabunjee: I'm not 100% sure what your after - brasero can burn audio CD's usable in a CD player23:46
escottfbdystang, recursive i dont follow?23:47
lunitikMario4586: That is quite old, I would recommend starting with Xubuntu23:47
Mario4586lunitik the computer only has 512mb of ram23:47
surbsescott, loss of data / files... i understand its advisable to back files up, ect... but am afraid of how win8 will react to the repartition, will it render the system unusable / have there been issues?23:47
lunitikMario4586: that should be fine, Xubuntu is for low powered systems23:47
surbsescott, essentiall dont want to have to reinstall both OS because of a repartition23:48
fbdystangescott, let me post my df output to pastebin to show23:48
scksssssscan someone help me get unity working23:48
Bodsdasckssssss: depends what the problem is23:48
sckssssssi installed some updates, rebooted, and now i got nothin23:48
lunitiksurbs: The installer will prompt you to resize automatically, just don't write changes until you are sure... beyond that you should be fine.23:49
Bodsdasckssssss: define "nothing"23:49
sckssssssno unity23:49
scksssssshave desktop and icons23:49
escottsurbs, i'm not following what you are doing or why. your original question was a confusion about disk usage from the double counting due to the encrypted home. why are you proposing to repartition23:49
Bodsdasckssssss: any nity related processes shown in top?23:49
fbdystangescott, http://pastebin.com/86teYLKK23:50
lunitiksurbs: Ubuntu expects to be dual-booted, so the installer acts accordingly.23:50
Mario4586lunitik is 34GB enough?23:50
Mario4586of hard drive space?23:50
Mario4586for xubuntu23:50
lunitikMario4586: plenty, Xubuntu will take at most a gig fully installed23:51
sckssssssBodsda: i don't see any23:51
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
Frostb1teHey can someone help me out23:51
Frostb1teim trying to get my HDMI output working23:51
surbslunitik, escott : disk usage is at 98%, was originally planning to remove applications/files in order to free up space. accordingly, i have determined that it might just be a better idea to repartition. additionally this is not a fresh install.23:51
Bodsdasckssssss: what happens if you run "unity --replace" ?23:52
escottsurbs, disk usage as reported by what tool23:52
surbsescott, df23:52
escottfbdystang, what kind of filesystem do you have23:52
lunitiksurbs: You will want to backup, and in Software Center it can save  the currently installed state (what packages are installed) so you can get back to where you are quicker.23:52
fbdystangescott, ext423:52
escottsurbs, have you used baobob to identify where the usage is coming from23:53
Mario4586lunitik did you get my msg to you?23:53
lunitiksurbs: other than that, just reinstall and make more room this time  :)23:53
Frostb1tedoes linux work with hdmi23:53
sckssssssBodsda: interesting that you ask that, i get a circle in the middle of my screen23:53
surbsescott, no what is baobob23:53
sckssssssit says error: another window manager is running on the screen23:53
escottfbdystang, well df is correct in that case. you will have to run "du" on many different disks or use baobob if you have a gui to figure out where the usage is coming from23:53
lunitikFrostb1te: yes, but it shouldn't even be Ubuntu's concern.23:53
escott!info baobob | surbs fbdystang23:54
ubottusurbs fbdystang: Package baobob does not exist in quantal23:54
Frostb1teis it my video card/23:54
surbslunitik, haha, i have learned my lesson for sure. was not aware of how much i would fall in love with this OS originally23:54
sckssssssunity-panel-service: no process found23:54
sckssssssand some compiz stuff23:54
escott!find baobob | surbs fbdystang23:54
ubottusurbs fbdystang: Package/file baobob does not exist in quantal23:54
lunitikFrostb1te: I am using HDMI right now, but there was no config necessary, I just plugged it in... so it is difficult to know what might be wrong there.23:54
Frostb1tethink you can help me out?23:54
Frostb1tei plugged mine in, it reconized it but no output23:54
Bodsdasckssssss: log out, on the login screen click the ubuntu/<some other window manager icon> next to your login name - ensure it is useing something like "Ubuntu" or "Unity" rather than anything else23:54
Frostb1teNVIDIA Corporation GF10823:55
fbdystangsurbs, at least there are 2 of us getting mangled by disk usage errors :)23:55
pawshome come my home dir chmod permissions always change after i reboot? I want to keep my /home/user to 755 (for apache)23:56
escottfbdystang, i keep saying disks/partitions when i mean directories, but check du -hs /23:56
Bodsdapaws: I have no idea about the auto permission change - but why are you running apache sites from your home dir?23:56
sckssssssBodsda: i don't see that as an option anywhere23:56
surbsescott, can you explain the syntax behind " '!find' - what does this do? 'baobob' - what is it? '|' - what does this mean? "23:57
fbdystangescott, I have a suspicion if I reboot the problem will be solved, but the underlying root problem of it filling up would still be unkown23:57
Bodsdasckssssss: it's kind of hidden, somewhere on the login screen is a small icon which when you click on it allows you to select a different window manager23:57
surbsfbdystang, fo sho hahaha23:57
escott!info baobab | surbs fbdystang i was spelling it wrong23:57
ubottusurbs fbdystang i was spelling it wrong: baobab (source: baobab): GNOME disk usage analyzer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.0-0ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 145 kB, installed size 756 kB23:57
rootptCan someone tell me 1 good sh*tlist/blacklist plugin/script please? and a clone too? (for xchat)23:58
sckssssssdef not an option23:58
surbsubottu, NICE!23:58
fbdystangsurbs, ubottu is a bot, invoked by escott :)23:59
surbs#irc noob XD23:59
fbdystangescott, sudo du -hs / appears to hang23:59

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