
shadeslayerI thought I'd give PIM another shot, kontact now unusable for about 20 minutes00:38
shadeslayerit's syncing my email :P00:38
jussishadeslayer: I use Kontact everyday - once the initial synce is done, its not too bad actually07:41
shadeslayerit settled down07:41
shadeslayeronly took 40 minutes ^_^07:42
shadeslayerjussi: do you use email alias's?07:42
jussishadeslayer: yeah, its pretty slow to get up and running, but it is actually pretty nice to use after that07:42
jussishadeslayer: email aliases like?07:42
shadeslayerrohangarg AT kubuntu dot org / rohan AT kde dot org07:42
shadeslayeretc etc07:42
jussioh, not in contact07:43
jussijust set up a new identity for each iirc07:43
jussikontact even07:43
shadeslayeryeah, that's what works07:43
shadeslayerbut it has a alias field07:43
shadeslayerwhat's that for then :/07:43
jussishadeslayer: -> #kontact :D07:44
shadeslayerwill ask when I'm in a sane state of mind07:44
shadeslayerI've been up for 18 hours now, and have to get through another 8 hours07:45
shadeslayermore caffeine!07:45
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1131070] Wrong font for slovak numbers. @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1131070 (by Peter Adamka)07:56
ronnocalias is for a different suffix with the same domain :)08:19
ronnocso you can have blah@kde.org as a registered name but also use blue@kde.org even if you don't have that name officially. I think anyway.08:20
shadeslayerI see08:20
ronnoci just learned that because my ISP offers that as well08:21
ronnocnice for small comapines because you can have sales@xxxx.com and support@xxx.com etc etc even though you''re only one person and only actually own james@xxx.com 08:21
jussiexcept that ronnoc cant count x's :P08:42
ronnocjussi: touche08:54
smartboyhwGuys, did the -0ubuntu4 version of calligra work (finally) ?09:48
smartboyhwGreat god it works:)09:55
Riddellsmartboyhw: yay :)09:57
smartboyhwRiddell, WT?09:59
smartboyhwcalligrawords: error while loading shared libraries: libkdeinit4_calligrawords.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:59
smartboyhwThis calligra-libs is killing EVERYBODY09:59
smartboyhwAll the libkdeinit.so aren't loaded....09:59
* smartboyhw wonders isn't it in debian/not-installed for good....10:00
smartboyhwRiddell, I just simply can't launch any calligra app10:01
Riddellsmartboyhw: ug10:02
RiddellI get the same10:02
smartboyhwRiddell, hmm....10:02
* smartboyhw prepares for -0ubuntu5 ....10:02
yofel__smartboyhw: I did not testbuild calligra here, but I notice that you dropped all libkdeinit files from the packaging10:06
shadeslayermmm fun, I just reduced the download time for my ISO build but 10-15 minutes by using a mirror instead of archive.ubuntu.com10:09
kubotushadeslayer meant: "mmm fun, I just reduced the download time for my ISO build by 10-15 minutes by using a mirror instead of archive.ubuntu.com"10:09
Riddellsmartboyhw: they must have been mistakenly put in not-installed10:11
Riddellthose files get moved by dh_movelibkdeinit so maybe someone got confused along the way10:11
Riddellbut they do need to be installed10:11
yofel__more like list-missing can't handle dh_movelibkdeinit10:11
yofel__so they show up in --list-missing even if they're shipped10:12
Riddella fair excuse :)10:12
yofel__yeah, it's not obvious unless someone tells you about it10:13
yofel__murthy: FYI ^10:13
smartboyhwRiddell, damn it10:16
RiddellI should have caught that before upload, you may blame me10:16
smartboyhwRiddell, no need to blame you blame me10:16
yofel__uhm, I reviewed it too you make that a 3-person failure ^^10:17
kubotuyofel__ meant: "uhm, I reviewed it too so make that a 3-person failure ^^"10:17
smartboyhwRiddell, yofel__ teach me something ....10:20
smartboyhw<philipballew> Yes, the handshake everyone learns when you become a member10:20
smartboyhw<philipballew> me and elfy both know it10:20
smartboyhw<elfy> better luck next time then smartboyhw10:20
smartboyhwWhat's that!?10:20
Riddellgoes HELO10:21
RiddellMAIL From:<sabdfl>10:22
RiddellRCPT To:<smartboyhw>10:22
Riddellwelcome in!10:22
yofel__lol :D10:24
smartboyhwRiddell, LOL10:24
Riddellactually it's the sound a modem makes when it dials up your ISP, you're too young to remember the bing boing of modem handshakes10:25
smartboyhwRiddell, oh modems:P10:25
shadeslayerlul : http://i.imgur.com/fmKpz4u.png : that estimate is just plain wrong xD10:29
* shadeslayer remembers the bing bog of modem handshakes10:30
shadeslayerit used to be so much fun10:31
shadeslayerand now all the modems have been silenced :(10:31
smartboyhwRiddell, yofel__ https://code.launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/kubuntu-packaging/calligra-2.6.1-0ubuntu5-fix/+merge/14978910:32
shadeslayerScottK: plasma-mobile is still stuck btw10:34
shadeslayerneeds bigger hammer10:37
Riddellsmartboyhw: why the updated control file?10:44
smartboyhwRiddell, to make sure everything at least works10:44
* smartboyhw doesn't want any stupid things again10:45
Riddellsmartboyhw: dunno about "Removed the libkdeinit4_*.so files from debian/not-installed" as yofel__ says they're still listed in --not-installed so maybe just add a clearer comment to that file10:45
smartboyhwRiddell, ok10:45
Riddellsmartboyhw: no files are being moved here10:45
Riddellso no breaks/replaces needed10:45
smartboyhwRiddell, OK10:45
* Riddell publishes http://blogs.kde.org/2013/02/20/morning-windows-810:46
Riddellhmm no10:46
Riddellnewer one http://blogs.kde.org/2013/02/21/sony-pirates-kde-artwork10:47
Riddelltsk, firefox keeps freezing, we should really swap to a better default browser</irony>10:48
smartboyhwRiddell, :)10:49
Riddellshadeslayer: I'm thinking we should upload qtwebkit 2.3 to the archive10:49
Riddellit's working better than firefox for me today10:50
shadeslayerdo eet :010:50
shadeslayerIMHO the fonts look screwed, too bold for my taste10:50
Riddellin qtwebkit?  I've not noticed any difference10:51
smartboyhwRiddell, branch updated10:51
afiestasRiddell: sony has a page full of opensrc stuff10:52
shadeslayerRiddell: btw HTML5 doesn't work :(10:52
afiestasfull of all the kernels they usem modified libraries etc, maybe they put something there10:52
Riddellafiestas: I feel a new business model for KDE e.v. here10:52
Riddellshadeslayer: in qtwebkit?  at least <audio> tag works http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/html5.html10:53
shadeslayeryoutube doesn't10:53
Riddellcanvas works http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml5_canvas_empty10:54
* Riddell watches http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyfbSqyyqM0 in glorious html510:54
mikhasRiddell, how do the recent Ubuntu announcements affect Kubuntu, if at all?10:55
Riddellshadeslayer: works here, the right click menu is unreliable though10:55
Riddellmikhas: which ones?10:55
Riddellthey're making a tablet UI, nothing new there10:55
Riddellmikhas: I'd say the main way they're helping us is in being helpful making qt 5 packages10:55
shadeslayer  hm10:55
shadeslayerI guess the 3 videos I tried to play last night were not html510:56
shadeslayer*available in HTML510:56
shadeslayerRiddell: do HTML5 videos from http://vimeo.com/ work for you?11:01
Riddellshadeslayer: works here11:03
Riddellpretty music11:04
Riddellno motion11:04
Riddelloh wait I'm looking at the wrong thing11:04
Riddellshadeslayer: yes working fine11:04
shadeslayerdid you recompile rekonq?11:04
shadeslayerit streams, but doesn't play for me11:05
Riddelldo you have all the codecs installed?11:05
Riddellsmartboyhw: uploaded!11:05
smartboyhwRiddell, thx11:06
shadeslayerhm, nope11:06
shadeslayerRiddell: maybe you have flash installed11:06
Riddellshadeslayer: I do11:07
shadeslayerah yeah11:07
Riddellright click doesn't give a flash menu11:07
shadeslayerso I was asking if it works without flash11:07
Riddellshadeslayer: yep still works11:09
shadeslayermy install is kaput :(11:10
Riddellwhile http://www.dhs.state.il.us/accessibility/tests/flash/video.html doesn't11:10
Riddelland fullscreen on vimeo doesn't work, that did use flash11:10
Riddellshadeslayer: well install kubuntu-restricted-extras and all will work?11:13
* Riddell uploads qtwebkit11:13
* smartboyhw is waiting for his blog to get synced to Planet Ubuntu11:18
Riddellshadeslayer: should be done hourly no?11:19
smartboyhwRiddell,  hourly what?11:20
Riddellwell it'll refresh for new blog posts each hour, I'd have thought the syncing config would be the same11:20
Riddellsmartboyhw: if it's a KDE themed blog you can also add it to planet.kde.org11:20
smartboyhwRiddell, dunno. It said 2 hours in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu11:20
smartboyhwRiddell, well then what do you mean by "KDE themed"?11:21
smartboyhwOf course I would like to sync to it so I can post some software releases I packaged11:21
smartboyhwAnd some warnings (such as Mr.calligra getting to -0ubuntu5, which is extraordinary_11:21
Riddellsmartboyhw: if it's KDE software that should be good11:22
Riddellsmartboyhw: or maybe set up a kde tag so you can choose which posts go to planet kde?11:22
smartboyhwRiddell, OK. I will just post the KDE software things to Planet KDE... (with a WordPress KDE category)11:22
smartboyhwRiddell, so how do I do that?11:22
shadeslayerRiddell: nope, doesn't work for me11:23
Riddellsmartboyhw: ask a planet kde admin to ask you (me for example)11:23
smartboyhwRiddell, LOL via?11:23
Riddellsmartboyhw: here is fine, needs URL, real name, irc nick, and hackergotchi11:24
smartboyhwRiddell, damn must I need one hackergotchi?11:25
shadeslayerRiddell: http://i.imgur.com/yGwSpKK.png11:25
Riddellsmartboyhw: no, but it's nice11:25
smartboyhwI don't want a hackergotchi11:25
smartboyhwRiddell, you will have to see my pimply face...11:25
smartboyhwIs that good?11:25
jussismartboyhw: put something there, we like to see who you are :D11:25
smartboyhwjussi, NO11:26
smartboyhwAh OK fine11:26
* smartboyhw gives up11:26
jussismartboyhw: I have a horribly ugly face, yet mine is there11:26
mikhasRiddell, does http://blogs.kde.org/2013/02/21/sony-pirates-kde-artwork infect all other media used on that website to be LGPL, too? ;-)11:27
mikhasI find (L)GPL to be a strange license for content11:27
smartboyhwjussi, no. Really my face doesn't look good11:28
RiddellI updated the photo on http://jriddell.org/ the other day, I think my eye looks wonky in that but then I have a wonky eye so no need to hide it11:29
shadeslayerthat looks like a old pic11:30
mikhasRiddell, and yes, I think you should sue them (or let the FSF handle it for you)11:30
Riddellit's from akademy last summer11:30
smartboyhwRiddell, OK. Blog URL: smartboyhw.tk/wordpress_smartboyhw11:30
shadeslayerah :D11:30
smartboyhwReal name: Howard Chan11:30
smartboyhwIRC nick: (as you see me here)11:30
smartboyhwHackergotchi: NO11:30
Riddellmikhas: not up to me it's up to nuno and he's too nice to sue (this sort of thing happens all the time to him)11:30
Riddellsmartboyhw: got a kde category?11:31
smartboyhwRiddell, yes11:31
Riddellsmartboyhw: RSS URL?11:32
smartboyhwRiddell, finding:P11:33
Riddellsmartboyhw: possibly it doesn't exist until you make a post using the category11:33
smartboyhwRiddell, OK11:33
smartboyhwRiddell, than first one: Delay for calligra 2.6.1:P11:34
smartboyhwRiddell, should be http://smartboyhw.tk/wordpress_smartboyhw/category/kde/feed for RSS feed11:38
shadeslayerRiddell: and this also works fine for you ? http://people.ubuntu.com/~apachelogger/html5/11:39
smartboyhwAccording to the WordPress guide;P11:39
smartboyhwRiddell, hmm that isn't a feed11:40
Riddellshadeslayer: yes, apachelogger's choice in music is better than his choice in videos11:41
shadeslayerdoesn't work for me at all :P11:42
Riddellsmartboyhw: nor is http://smartboyhw.tk/wordpress_smartboyhw/category/planetubuntu/feed/?mrss=off which explains why your blog isn't on planet ubuntu11:42
smartboyhwRiddell, this should http://smartboyhw.tk/wordpress_smartboyhw/?cat=4&feed=rss211:43
* smartboyhw updates in planet Ubuntu too11:43
shadeslayerI'm exhausted11:43
Riddellsmartboyhw: what's your name in Chinese characters?  (just for coolness)11:44
smartboyhwRiddell, wait11:44
smartboyhwRiddell, my Chinese name is 陳浩雲 11:45
Riddellsmartboyhw: committed11:45
smartboyhwRiddell, thanks11:46
mikhasRiddell, you have a disturbing favicon on your website11:46
Riddellmikhas: actually that was malitiously placed there by a hacker who cracked into the site and vandalised it.  clearly sladen does not keep good security on that server.11:48
mikhasof course, blame it on Chinese hackers …11:49
mikhas(sorry smartboyhw)11:49
apacheloggerRiddell: :O11:49
apacheloggerRiddell: qt4 dance ftw I say11:49
sladenyikes, wheesht, what did we miss?11:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: how did you find the html5 page anyway, lol11:50
sladenshould be a picture of a kilt  http://jriddell.org/favicon.ico11:50
smartboyhwmikhas, well Hong Kong is a more special place11:52
Riddellsmartboyhw: all gone down hill since the British stopped colonising it?11:52
smartboyhwRiddell, NO NO NO11:53
smartboyhwRiddell, although the conflicts between Hong Kong SAR and Mainland China are indeed increasing11:53
Riddellsmartboyhw: a land of freedom and opportunity since the English let go of their control?11:54
smartboyhwRiddell, freedom: Decreasing a bit every year. Opportunity: Increasing11:54
mikhasRiddell, hah! Dream you Scotish separatist!11:54
smartboyhwmikhas, LOL11:54
sladenmikhas: seems Riddell is winding me up.  I (made) and put the favicon of the kilt there in 200411:54
mikhas*Dream on11:54
* smartboyhw doesn't fell anything about Scottish separation11:55
* Riddell nicely deflects Scotland's part in that little escapade, heroin and stolen gold aside11:55
sladenmikhas: ...the kilt being Riddell's trademark when travelling, since he doesn't have a Brompton bicycle11:55
Riddells/separation/independence/ !11:55
kubotuRiddell: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"11:55
smartboyhwYou know what my Chinese New Year holiday is? Writing about David Cameron about homosexual marriage11:55
mikhasRiddell, the Queen would say chaos.11:55
smartboyhwRiddell, clearly the bot needs some edit:P11:55
mikhasShe does not believe you could govern yourself.11:55
Riddellmikhas: Betty, the Queen of Scots will govern how we the people choose it11:56
mikhasAn elected queen! Are you crazy?11:57
Riddellsmartboyhw: ach the English are just copying the Scots on that policy, like they do with all our good policies :)11:57
smartboyhwRiddell, LOL11:57
smartboyhwRiddell, you are actually a Scot?11:57
sladen(same as Betty, Queen of Canada, Queen of Australia, Queen of ... etc)11:57
* smartboyhw wonders if there is a photo of Riddell wearing Scottish dresses:P11:57
Riddellsmartboyhw: aye11:57
mikhasRiddell, makes me wonder why the Brits still call it whiskey then.11:57
smartboyhwRiddell, ^11:57
sladensmartboyhw: yes, but it's small   http://jriddell.org/favicon.ico11:57
smartboyhwsladen, LOL11:58
Riddellmikhas: the English and Irish just spell it wrong because we have the trademark on the correct spelling11:59
mikhasI need to google Betty the Queen. I guess it's some kind of highland animal.11:59
Riddellsmartboyhw: just come to a KDE conference http://jriddell.org/photos/2003-08-24-kde-konference-group-photo.jpg11:59
smartboyhwRiddell, then I would rather join in for UDS.... (I never went to one... Don't forget my age)12:00
Riddellsmartboyhw: I hear there's one coming up in May12:00
smartboyhwRiddell, in Oakland for god's sake12:00
mikhasAt FOSDEM, there was a 16yo from the US giving a talk.12:00
mikhasHe had to travel with his parents.12:00
* smartboyhw certainly can't go to Oakland12:00
Riddellsmartboyhw: why not?12:00
smartboyhwmikhas, I'm 14.... And my parents won't let me go12:01
smartboyhwRiddell, I want it in Asia:P12:01
mikhasOh, Betty is a nickname, got it …12:01
jussismartboyhw: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/hes-15-and-works-for-canonical-bilal-akhtar-gets-interviewed12:01
smartboyhwjussi, WTF?12:02
jussifor example12:02
jussiBilal is a nice guy12:02
Riddell16 is an adult in scotland, we had 16 year olds at the Akademy in Scotland no problem12:02
jussismartboyhw: show that to your parents :)12:02
smartboyhwjussi, I can't as I said. I don't know if my parents actually KNEW Ubuntu.12:02
smartboyhwThey don't know my contributions either12:02
Riddellooh smartboyhw is a rebelling teenager12:03
smartboyhwMy dad just simply doesn't want me to play with computers at ALL12:03
smartboyhwRiddell, no.12:03
smartboyhwI had quite good study results12:03
smartboyhwBut then my dad is a bit traditional///12:03
mikhasHe wants you to work in a Chinese sweatshop?12:03
smartboyhwAnd he just wants me to study, study, study, study12:03
smartboyhwmikhas, bah. My dad is a barrister.....12:04
* smartboyhw wonders which post of his will come up first12:05
smartboyhwOne is for Planet Ubuntu12:05
smartboyhwone is for Planet KDE12:05
Riddellit's a race!12:06
smartboyhwRiddell, yeppee12:06
sladenmikhas: http://i.teddyhilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/mx0436871.pbbig.jpg  A betty, galloping in the Highlands12:06
mikhasNo one reads Planet Ubuntu.12:06
mikhasToo crowded to be useful, too volatile quality of posts.12:06
Riddellmikhas: yeah I only scan it occationally12:07
mikhasI might visit Edinburgh (finally!) later this year.12:07
mikhasI already have the Lonely Planet about Scotland.12:07
mikhassladen, ha! Nice one.12:08
Riddellmikhas: oh really?  do drop by and say hi12:08
mikhasI wonder why that witch isn't using her broom.12:08
Riddellmikhas: ooh careful, they won't let you through the border if you say things like that :)12:08
mikhasEh, I have a pass-all-borders passport.12:09
kubotu::qt-bugs:: [1131166] package libqt4-xmlpatterns 4:4.8.3+dfsg-0ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: cannot copy ... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1131166 (by kmkale)12:09
mikhasAnd I've never been part of the commonwealth =p12:09
mikhasStill, going through customs in London is a strange feeling when you usually travel without that in rest of Europe.12:10
mikhasJust shows that UK is not part of Europe I guess ;-)12:10
Riddellmikhas: mm.  this is a painful point for me.  12:11
smartboyhwRiddell, I declare Planet KDE beat Planet Ubuntu12:11
Riddellbut in a couple of years scotland will be independent and we can join schengen12:11
mikhasRiddell, joinnnnn usssss12:11
mikhasYeah, everyone should join Schengen.12:11
mikhasIt's such an important step for immigration, too.12:11
Riddellsmartboyhw: I win!12:12
mikhasRiddell, perhaps I could sell you on that currency here, too? We have nice collector coins that will be invaluable in 20 years.12:13
Riddellmikhas: hmm?  which currency?12:13
Riddellcurrency is a pretty big issue for independence, most people want to keep £ sterling even though it continues to lose value against the euro12:14
mikhasOne would need to find out whether it only loses value because its value is currently determined partly in London or not.12:14
mikhasmeaning: by UK industry output (or lack thereof)12:15
Riddellit's the Bank of England printing money that does it I think12:15
mikhasCzechs have a pretty stable currency for instance.12:15
mikhasBut all joking aside: I would like to see this Scottish Independence experiment become true.12:16
mikhasIf only as a role model for other regions in Europe that would be off on their own.12:16
mikhasI doubt Brussels' inefficiency would help but perhaps we'd get a real European Parliament that way, too.12:17
mikhas(Countries with recently gained independence wouldn't all give up right away and fight for their rights a bit harder.)12:17
Riddellmikhas: are you a Bavarian nationalist then? :)12:17
mikhasAs a Prussian?12:17
Riddellah hah, not something I know much about12:18
mikhasBut yes, I would like to see them becoming independent, too ;-)12:18
Riddellgot to go, a conversation for another time I think12:18
* Riddell out12:18
sladenmikhas: customs?  Or the metal detectors for the Eurostar (which aren't about customs)12:23
sladenmikhas: though on trains in Europe you tend to get customs, rather than passports12:23
smartboyhwRiddell, as it turns out: I didn't push the link fix to planet-ubuntu :P12:24
mikhassladen, never used the Eurostar. Moist people I asked are advising against it.12:30
sladenEurostar has something like ~85% market share vs. the airlines to the destinations it serves, so I'm curious where the majority you speak of is coming from12:34
mikhassladen, it was about how Eurostar takes so much longer and how you have to change trains several times12:46
mikhasdepending on the train station, changing trains can be annoying with extra luggage, though it's of course nowhere near as annoying as connection flights12:46
ScottKshadeslayer: No longer stuck.  kubuntu-active Depends: plasma-active-keyboardcontainer which is no longer built was the problem (thanks to cjwatson for figuring it out)12:59
ScottKIt's forced in, but you need to fix the k-a seeds.12:59
BluesKajHey all13:00
sladenmikhas: example journey?  eg. middle of Koln to middle of London is 5 hours by {TGV/ICE, Eurostar}.  By flying you still wouldn't beat that13:14
mikhasBerlin to Manchester13:15
sladenyup, that's longer, that's about 20 hours13:15
sladenand since they re-routed the Brussels..Berlin sleeper you can't do it overnight13:15
mikhasSometimes I dream of a maglev network that connects European capitals.13:17
mikhasThose dreams often happen when I wait for 7 hours for connection flights.13:17
sladenmaglev doesn't really help13:18
sladenthe speeds of high-speed steel-wheel-on-steel-rail are much the same as for maglev, but without having to build new incompatible infrastructure everywhere13:19
mikhassteel-wheel-on-steel-reail can do 500 km/h?13:20
mikhasI thought higher speeds with regular trains are impracticable due to acceleration/deceleration increase.13:21
sladenyes, the last of messing about the French did was about 15% over that13:21
mikhasincrease in rail length needed, that is13:22
sladen...and the same issues apply to maglev.  which isn't acceleration/decleration (instead limited by human tolerable), but is wind resistance (same for maglev and steel-rail)13:22
Davieysladen: Koln, as in Cologne?13:23
sladenDaviey: yes13:24
Davieysladen: 2hrs 25mins to gatwick.13:24
Daviey*and* cheaper.13:25
* BluesKaj wonders why the English speaking world uses the the French name for Koln13:25
smartboyhwDamn the build failed in 38613:26
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "Damn the build failed in i386"13:26
smartboyhwfor calligra13:26
smartboyhwWhy did it fail?13:27
smartboyhwyofel__, apachelogger 13:27
* smartboyhw can't understand just by looking at the last few lines13:27
smartboyhwWhat's more, the amd64 succeeded I think13:27
smartboyhwAt least /https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calligra/1:2.6.1-0ubuntu5/+build/431714 says "Built successfully"13:28
smartboyhwRiddell, ^13:28
mikhasBluesKaj, probably goes back to the Roman name of the city?13:32
sladenDaviey: plus 1 hour to the airport 2 hours check-in and waiting an another 1 hour to Victoria 13:32
mikhasOne could say that "Köln" is the wrong name.13:32
BluesKajmikhas, I don't know , that's why I asked13:33
mikhas"Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium"13:35
mikhasyou can now argue whether Cologne or Köln is closer to that ;-)13:35
BluesKajheh :)13:35
Davieysladen: You don't think you need to turn up early for the train either?13:35
Davieysladen: an hour at Victoria.. you checked that?   .. sounds like a case of make the facts fit the story.13:36
sladenDaviey: 5 minutes is generally good enough for me, as it still leaves time to get a Pretzel13:36
mikhas5 minutes is cutting it close … on some German train stations, that's not enough to get to the right platform13:37
mikhasI try to arrive ~20min before train leaves, because trains are more often than not very on time in Germany13:38
sladenget a Brompton13:38
mikhashah, we had that already13:38
sladen(disclaimer: note that cyling on platforms is generally verboten, and they get confused in airports if you do it too)13:39
sladenDaviey: next time you do it; time it door-to-door.  GatEx is 30 minutes headline plus 15 minutes granularity, plus the "getting to the right platform" 20 minutes that you could have spent in Koeln instead, plus (at Gatwick) the monorail to get /to/ the station since it ain't at the terminal.   Time it next time, door-to-door13:41
Davieysladen: I don't believe there is much in it either way... However, coming back from FOSDEM, the slowest part of the journey was the last train leg home.. which took longer than the time it took to decde to leave the venue, get to the airport and land at heathrow.  Note, i am 1hr car ride away from Heathrow.13:44
yofel__smartboyhw: fallout from the qtwebkit upload13:47
yofel__ /usr/include/qt4/QtWebKit/qwebpage.h:1:55: fatal error: ../../../../Source/WebKit/qt/Api/qwebpage.h: No such file or directory13:47
yofel__shadeslayer, Riddell 13:47
smartboyhwyofel_, oh damn13:47
smartboyhwyofel_, we need a rebuild later then for i38613:47
yofel__well yeah, should be a simply retry13:48
=== Mamarok is now known as Guest40984
sladenDaviey: yeah, most people coming back from FOSDEM don't fly .. to Heathrow, they visit the bar that was one end in Brussels and one end in St Pancras13:51
Davieyi've got the train 3 times, and flown twice.. i found flying better.13:53
sladenfair enough if you've tried both13:54
Riddellsladen: pst don't let him off, berate him for destroying the environment14:03
Riddellyofel__: oh foo, time to build qtwebkit again :(14:06
=== lordsame is now known as SergioMenesesAFK
smartboyhwqtwebkit-source build failure for powerpc in https://launchpadlibrarian.net/131966670/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-powerpc.qtwebkit-source_2.3-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz\14:24
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "qtwebkit-source build failure for powerpc in //launchpadlibrarian.net/131966670/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-powerpc.qtwebkit-source_2.3-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz\"14:24
Riddell#error "The MacroAssembler is not supported on this platform."  cool14:25
smartboyhwRiddell, anyway to rebuild i386 for calligra? It clashed with qtwebkit-source upload...14:25
Riddellsmartboyhw: well it won't work until we fix qtwebkit14:26
=== SergioMenesesAFK is now known as SergioMeneses
smartboyhwRiddell, yeah14:26
smartboyhwRiddell, grrrr 14:26
RiddellI'm compiling it here now14:27
Riddellqt and its legendary build system, mixed with webkit and its legendary build system, yay14:27
RiddellI'll be interested to see if arm builds14:27
Riddellpowerpc I don't care about14:27
smartboyhwRiddell, LOL14:28
yofel__Riddell: if they really don't intent to support powerpc should we build for "!powerpc" ? As this doesn't really sound fixable14:30
ScottKyofel__: It could just be a platform detection error.14:31
* ScottK decides to see how the new kernel works on his server.14:32
* smartboyhw agrees14:32
ScottKapparently it works.14:41
jussiright then, do we have any germans from munich/that know Munich here? 14:42
* ScottK knows one, but he's west coast US now and not online yet (not normally here either).14:43
jussiScottK: ok. I can wait, I need munich restaurant info :D14:44
ScottKjussi: How urgently?  Send me mail?14:44
Riddellsounds like a question for google14:45
jussiScottK: not urgent, I can drop a mail, looking for "local" type food, somewhere near to, or short trip away from the main station area. for next thursday.14:45
jussiRiddell: nah, nothing like local advice14:45
ScottKOK.  Please and I'll forward it.14:46
yofel__jussi: if you go into the town center you'll usually find something fast. It's not that large. Worst case go into the hofbräuhaus ^^14:49
jussiyofel__: Im hoping for something the locals would eat at, rather than just $randomrestaurantthatIhappentoruninto14:49
yofel__you should find that in the brewery restaurants. You should look up on a map where those are though.14:50
mikhasthe riverside (near Isar) has nice places to go14:50
mikhasit's not where tourist would go, usually14:51
murthyhello everyone14:51
jussimikhas: can you link me to a google map or something of the area? 14:51
jussiScottK: sent to your ubuntu@k address14:51
ScottKOK.  14:51
murthyyofel__:  dh_movelibkdeinit, this script is run only in dh < 7 ?14:56
yofel__murthy: no, it runs only --with kde, as it's kde specific14:57
yofel__it moves the libkdeinit* files to /usr/lib/kde/libkdeinit/ (IIRC)14:57
agateauRiddell: congratulations, you are ranked 1st on hackernews atm: https://news.ycombinator.com/14:58
murthyyofel__: so it wont get listed in the missing list?14:58
RiddellI'm elite!14:59
Riddellagateau: it says "99 comments" on it, how can I see comments?15:00
agateauclick on "99 comments"15:00
Riddelloh, clever15:00
agateauRiddell: :)15:00
smartboyhwRiddell, elite on what?:p15:00
smartboyhwah I got it15:00
smartboyhwRiddell, XD great job15:01
agateauRiddell: you really need to switch to a blog host which allows commenting without creating an account15:01
yofel__murthy: list-missing can't handle the movement, as the files get moved between installing in debian/tmp and putting them into debian/<pkg>. So list-missing will show the files as missing even though they're in fact not missing15:01
yofel__something you need to be careful about when you see such files15:02
yofel__as in most cases, they're in some .install file AND in not-installed15:02
mikhasfirst comment tells us that you could make money from that case15:02
murthyyofel__: does that include header files too?15:02
yofel__no, only files named libkdeinit*.so15:02
murthyyofel__: ok15:03
Riddellagateau: you can "Log in using OpenID"!15:03
agateauRiddell: it's still annoying15:04
agateauand not everybody has an openid account15:04
murthyshadeslayer: for ktp-desktop-applets ,you changed the rules file in revision 2, did you test build after that?15:05
Riddellagateau: everyone has a launchpad or google account, but it is hard to use I agree15:05
agateauRiddell: do google account work through openid?15:06
* agateau never tried that15:06
Riddellagateau: hmm google says its fiddly but possible15:08
mikhasnot worth it, some services/features might not work15:08
RiddellI use launchpad for openid things https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/OpenID15:08
mikhasfor instance, I had problems joining Google calendar/events invites with e-mail aliases that were no proper Google e-mails15:09
smartboyhwRiddell, problem: calligra-data is not being built in 1:2.6.1-0ubuntu515:37
smartboyhwWhere could it be!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!?15:38
apacheloggersmartboyhw: i386 failed to build15:40
apacheloggerarch: all packages are only built on i38615:40
apacheloggerso since i386 is failing the -data package is missing15:40
smartboyhwapachelogger, calligra-data is ONLY built on i386? OH15:40
apacheloggerone of the points of declaring a package arch all is to reduce build times for all architectures but one15:41
apacheloggersince the data is portable anyway there is no point in creating the package on more than one architecture15:42
smartboyhwAnd that architecture is i386 which failed:(15:42
ScottKAnyone tried the ff/chromium kpart mentioned on k-devel?  Seems like what we want.15:48
=== Guest40984 is now known as Mamarok
shadeslayerScottK: ahhhh makes sense16:09
shadeslayerRiddell: your blog exploded at HN16:09
Riddellshadeslayer: HN?  the thing agateau pointed to?16:10
ScottKshadeslayer: Please fix?16:10
shadeslayerHacker News16:10
shadeslayerScottK: I will, I just got up :)16:10
smartboyhwshadeslayer, oh16:10
JontheEchidnaRiddell: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=525683416:10
shadeslayermurthy:  I did? I don't see anything related to changing the rules fine16:12
murthyshadeslayer: sorry thats revision 116:14
murthyshadeslayer: dh $@ --with kde16:14
shadeslayerwhat about it?16:14
murthyshadeslayer: i test built without the option "--with kde"16:15
murthyDaviey: yofel_ brought to my attention about this which i came to know today 16:15
murthymikhas: oops16:15
murthyshadeslayer: ^16:15
murthyDaviey, mikhas wrong nicks ,nm, sorry16:16
smartboyhwRiddell, shadeslayer and apachelogger when qtwebkit-source gets done please re-build i386 for calligra16:16
murthyshadeslayer: so?16:18
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shadeslayerhm, I swear I read about this in a man page, but I can't find it anymore16:25
shadeslayermurthy: I don't get the point you're trying to make?16:27
shadeslayerare you saying that it built fine without --with kde ?16:28
shadeslayerand that it should be dropped?16:28
murthyshadeslayer: no, i built wihtout the option, so i am wondering if the introduction of that option will change something for example the situation with calligra i think that yofel_ was discussing earlier16:29
murthyshadeslayer: aren't we suppose to test built if we are changing something in the debian/rules ?16:30
shadeslayernot really, it's a KDE debhelper addon that does some magic, I forget where the addon is on the filesystem to read it16:31
shadeslayeryofel_: ^ any ideas where the kde addon is?16:31
shadeslayermurthy: yes16:31
shadeslayerand I did test build it16:31
murthyshadeslayer: in that case we can ignore about ktp-desktop-applets16:32
shadeslayerScottK: fwiw that is not at all intuitive :|16:33
ScottKshadeslayer: Which?  The seed issue?  I agree.16:34
ScottKSure.  16:34
ScottKBritney output is not for the novice.16:34
Riddellagateau: you might well have a point, my blog has no comments but there's loads on that hacker news and on reddit16:37
agateauRiddell: heh16:37
shadeslayeryeah, I was kind of surprised about that16:38
JontheEchidnanobody wants to make the account to comment on blogs.kde.org :P16:38
* shadeslayer starts the long task of updating the meta package16:40
ScottKWhere's the hacker news link?16:43
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=525683416:43
Riddellqtwebkit headers fixed but now cmake doesn't want to find qtwebkit when compiling rekonq16:52
Riddelldue to changed soname 4.8 -> 4.1016:54
murthyshadeslayer: pm?17:10
Riddellgrr, I can't work out what makes qtwebkit not get picked up by cmake17:27
Riddellanyone able to help?17:27
shadeslayerRiddell: ScottK new kubuntu-meta uploaded17:36
ScottKBTW, if that had  been done first, then plasma-mobile would have migrated on it's own.17:37
shadeslayeryeah, but I didn't realize that the package was seeded, and britney was being unhelpful17:38
shadeslayerI never made the connection17:38
shadeslayersomething to remember the next time I drop packages17:39
Riddellshadeslayer: what's new?17:39
shadeslayerRiddell: plasma-active-keyboardcontainer was dropped17:39
shadeslayerupstream advises to use maliit17:39
shadeslayerQuintasan_: what's the status on the plasma active maliit plugin?17:40
ScottKRiddell: You're on groklaw too.17:40
* shadeslayer rages at live build17:41
* Riddell feels elite!17:44
shadeslayerso this is a bit weird, I had a chroot and something went wrong and it got deleted except for /dev, then in order to remove /dev I bootstrapped it again, but even then I can't remove /dev17:50
shadeslayersomething is using /dev and I have no idea what17:50
Riddelllsof ?17:51
Riddellgo on, someone submit my blog to slashdot and make me happy http://slashdot.org/submission :)17:51
shadeslayertried, it says it can't read /proc/mount17:51
shadeslayersince there is none 17:51
shadeslayerRiddell: seeing how this is such a sensitive matter, I don't think any of us should submit it :P17:52
shadeslayerany magic options I can pass to rm to forcefully delete this?17:59
RiddellI mount -o loop dev in my chroots, I wouldn't want to delete those as it would delete the original18:01
Riddellbut assuming you haven't done that I think reboot would be the easiest way to ensure nothing was using it18:01
shadeslayerhaven't done that18:02
shadeslayerhm, ah well18:02
* shadeslayer reboots the server18:02
shadeslayerthis server takes too long to come up unfortunately18:03
shadeslayernot entirely sure why18:03
* shadeslayer should pack his kubuntu tee for tomorrow18:03
Riddellshadeslayer: what happens tomorrow?18:04
shadeslayerRiddell: leaving for http://www.gdgdaiict.com/kdemeetup/index.html18:05
shadeslayerRiddell: http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/18y61w/sony_pirates_kde_artwork/18:15
shadeslayerRiddell: and more specifically http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/18y61w/sony_pirates_kde_artwork/c8j38vn18:16
genii-aroundshadeslayer: "Sony was pretty good about it, promised they wouldn't use the logo any further and paid us a fair bit of money to offset the use." http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=525683418:22
shadeslayerthis could end up with the e.V. getting a fair bit of money18:22
yofel_shadeslayer, murthy: dpkg -L pkg-kde-tools | grep kde.pm tells you where that is - but IIRC ktp doesn't *need* it18:27
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Quintasan_shadeslayer: Is there one?18:28
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerQuintasan: yup18:28
QuintasanIs it a part of maliit?18:29
shadeslayerit's a plugin from what I was told18:29
QuintasanThen there is no status lol18:29
QuintasanI didn't do it18:29
QuintasanI can do it tomorrow when I come back with my laptop18:29
shadeslayerQuintasan: new laptop?18:29
Quintasanmore like first laptop ever18:29
QuintasanThinkpad T430 I believe18:30
yofelnot the most important question: what GPU? ^^18:31
QuintasanNVidia one I think18:31
Quintasannot sure which my father actually order18:31
ovidiu-florinhello world :D19:03
Quintasanyofel: that might sound dumb, does it makes sense to pull the battery when sitting connected to AC?19:24
yofelQuintasan: if you sit connected to AC for a week and don't fear power cuts, yes - otherwise no19:37
yofelthinkpads only start charging at < 95%, so the batteries hold pretty long19:38
yofelBattery 0: design capacity 7800 mAh, last full capacity 7640 mAh = 97%19:40
yofelthat one's ~3 year old with 211 charge cycles19:40
jessieHow do I get battery info? I also have a think pad that I'm curious about stats.19:41
yofelstart by installing tp-smapi-dkms, then modprobe tp_smapi, then look around in /sys/devices/platform/smapi/BAT019:42
yofelbe warned that some files there are writable, as you can for example force-discharge the battery19:42
yofeland modify the charge start points19:42
ScottKyofel and jessie: Also upower --dump19:45
ScottKNo risk of writing stuff you shouldn't.19:45
yofelright, that too19:45
yofel(which is actually more useful as it talks about Wh, not Ah)19:46
jessieThere we go. So mine is 85%.19:46
jessieNo word on how many charge cycles...19:46
yofelyeah, I got that from http://paste.kde.org/67787019:48
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
genii-aroundI have a German fellow in #kubuntu with what seems to be this bug https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=289336  ... would anyone know offhand if it still exists in 4.10 ?19:50
ubottuKDE bug 289336 in effects-various "Mouse cursor disappears when switching windows while zooming" [Normal,Reopened]19:50
apacheloggergenii-around: it's to be assumed as there is no report of it working in .1019:56
genii-aroundapachelogger: OK, thank you!19:56
ScottKjussi: Your answer is in your inbox.20:15
ovidiu-florinI'm off to sleep now. Good night.21:09
apacheloggersheytan_: any progress on lightdm?21:36
sheytan_apachelogger: not much. when is the feature freeze?21:37
apacheloggermarch 721:38
apacheloggermarch 21 is UI freeze21:38
sheytan_i will do it 10 time till that ;)21:39
sheytan_had a lot of work today21:39
sheytan_feeling completly out of power21:39
apacheloggerI didn't feel like working today ^^21:39
apacheloggerplaying catch-up with mail now :P21:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: u around?21:40
yofelhe's asleep21:40
apacheloggeryofel: oh, you got neon installed?21:40
shadeslayerI'm not :(21:40
yofelshadeslayer: . . .21:40
shadeslayerI came back online21:40
shadeslayercould not sleep21:40
apacheloggersomeone with neon plz run dpkg -S khtmlpart.so21:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: sleep is a sign of weakness :P21:41
yofelproject-neon-kdelibs: /opt/project-neon/lib/kde4/libkhtmlpart.so21:41
shadeslayerindeedly ^21:41
apacheloggerScottK: isn't bug 1092910 what .10 does?21:42
ubottubug 1092910 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "Merge notifications of two incoming messages from the same person" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109291021:43
apacheloggeror am I misunderstanding it21:43
apachelogger.. the bug should be upstreamed anyway21:43
apacheloggerplus I don't think that will happen for kdelibs421:43
apacheloggerknotifications are really not designed for this21:43
apacheloggeri.e. you create them, you fire them, you forget about them21:43
ScottKapachelogger: But KDE (and maybe it's plasma, not kdelibs) implements the FDO notification system and merging is part of it.  21:44
ScottKIt should be upstreamed to whatever handles the U/I part of notifications.21:44
ScottKI know he's trying to forget it, but maybe agateau can at least help us triage it properly.21:45
apacheloggerdoesn't matter21:45
apacheloggerthe FDO thing is still represented by knotification api21:45
apacheloggerso the bottleneck/design divergence lies there21:45
apacheloggerah yes21:45
apacheloggerbug 109291021:49
apacheloggeris major21:49
ubottubug 1092910 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "Merge notifications of two incoming messages from the same person" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109291021:49
apacheloggerleaked some 100mb in like 25 connections21:49
shadeslayerisn't that KNotify + MI?21:49
apacheloggerno clue21:50
apacheloggerMI is not maintained tho as I understand21:50
shadeslayerWho has a nexus 10?21:50
apacheloggerkded modules are growing wild21:50
ScottKI thought agateau found a new victim <-<-<- maintainer for MI?21:51
shadeslayerthere was proposal for one more21:51
apacheloggergot some 20 services that can be controled by me21:51
shadeslayerin KDE Telepathy21:51
ScottKWhat's not supported in KDE telepathy.21:51
apacheloggeranother 10-15 on demand21:51
apacheloggerreally not surprised it leaks21:51
apacheloggerlet's pull all our crappy code in one process, surely a good idea21:52
apacheloggeroh well21:52
* apachelogger thinks it's some lowlevel networkmanager lib21:52
shadeslayerthe fun bit is when some module causes kded to crash21:52
shadeslayeralso brings down everything else with it it21:52
apacheloggerthat's why it is a good idea21:52
shadeslayeryup :D21:53
apacheloggeralas, not as good an idea as doing that with the desktop shell and then write all the components of the desktop shell in C++ as to maximize the chance of it crashing... :P21:53
shadeslayeranother occurence is when someone introduces infinite loops in a kded module causes kded to take up 100% CPI21:54
shadeslayerKDE Telepathy had one of those ^_^21:55
apacheloggereasy to do21:55
apacheloggerin fact21:55
apacheloggersince all modules share the same mainloop and thread you can even make them loop block21:55
shadeslayeryup, it was a mere matter of placing the increment statement out of the while block21:55
apacheloggerpowerdevil had something like that I think21:55
shadeslayerkded modules share the same mainloop and thread?21:56
Riddellkded is just one process21:57
Riddellit was made before kde used threads21:57
yofelI would already be happy when a cifs mount wouldn't hang plasma if the network connection dies21:57
shadeslayerwell ... yeah, but I thought the modules didn't share the eventloop 21:58
apacheloggerRiddell: mainloop splitting would nto be a big deal21:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: reasonable certain they do21:58
apacheloggerpowerdevil leaks on ssh21:58
shadeslayerKDE: Shipping fun software for the last 5 years21:59
apacheloggerhow does powerdevil leak on ssh connections21:59
apacheloggerthat aint even making no sense22:00
apacheloggerthat's like phonon leaking when you download a torrent22:00
shadeslayerI'm off to sleep ... again22:03
apacheloggerbtw, apparently I entered a 0 too many when setting up my disks, now I have 80 GiB of swap :D22:03
ScottKThat should be enough.22:11
jessieI reckon.22:11
yofelRiddell: shouldn't the checkbox get disabled if one clicks on "login automatically"? http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/pics/encrypt_without_login.png22:16
Riddellyofel: it is disabled in that screenshot22:17
Riddellit is checked but disabled22:17
yofeler, yeah, I mean unchecked22:18
Riddelldepends how easy it is to confuse the disabled and checked statuses22:19
* apachelogger thinks it would be more obvious if it was unchecked and disabled22:19
apacheloggeri.e. how it is now it looks like it is active but I cannot deactivate it22:19
yofelI'm just asking as it's now not clear whether your home folder will get encrypted or not - it shouldn't, but will it not?22:22
Riddellit won't be22:24
Riddellbut I can see how the user might be confused22:24
apacheloggernot from kdeware though22:43
apacheloggerstill getting it with QT_NO_GLIB=122:43
yofelRiddell: after installing like that ^, my homefolder *is* encrypted22:57
yofeland I had to log in22:57
* yofel goes bugfiling22:57
Riddellum, hmm22:58
yofelbug 113145923:06
ubottubug 1131459 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "[kubuntu] Home folder encrypted when checking home folder encryption and choosing auto-login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/113145923:06
ScottKyofel: How would you feel about uploading 4.9.5 to quantal-proposed?23:15
yofelnot too bad, but not before saturday23:15
ScottKSee you then.23:15
apacheloggerpolkit leaking -.-23:57

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