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SergioMenesesJoseeAntonioR, around?01:26
JoseeAntonioRSergioMeneses: I am now02:12
SergioMenesesJoseeAntonioR, perfect!02:12
SergioMenesescould you show me the irc bot?02:12
dholbachgood morning06:47
bkerensaballoons: We just finished landing the fixed testdrive with the fix I made... All should be good now08:10
jussiczajkowski: Morning Laura08:42
jussiczajkowski: its funny, my daughter has a doll named laura, but in finland its said differently, so when I think of you, I always have to "translate" in my head first :F08:44
philipballewhello czajkowski08:44
czajkowskijussi: how is it said ?08:44
czajkowskiI know when italians say it ,  it sounds lovely08:44
czajkowskiphilipballew: morning08:44
philipballewczajkowski, Can I ask you a two second lp question?08:45
philipballewactually, probably three08:45
jussiczajkowski: hrm, how to write it... low-ra, with the ow sound same as you would pronounce cow (sort of similar to "our")08:46
jussiczajkowski: go here http://www.mikropuhe.com/live/ put in your name, click "nainen" then click the orange "puhu" and it will give you a bnit of an idea (not perfect, but ok)08:50
czajkowskiI also added czajkowski08:52
jussiI can imagine08:54
bkerensamorning czajkowski09:03
czajkowskihi bkerensa09:04
philipballewMaking a talk on "support mediums for Ubuntu" (askubuntu, fourms and such). Wondering if Launchpad is a considered a a place to get support for the "general user"09:19
philipballewczajkowski, thoughts ^09:19
czajkowskiit is09:20
czajkowskiwe get lots of ubuntu questions on there09:20
czajkowskiand people do answer them09:20
philipballewczajkowski, alright, thanks!09:20
czajkowskiphilipballew: some locos provide excelent support on irc09:25
czajkowski #ubuntnu-uk is a good example of that09:25
philipballewczajkowski, thats a good point. It depends on the loco size in some ways09:27
czajkowskiit does really09:28
czajkowskibut it's there if people do want to chat and become sociable and maybe ask questions that they wouldnt ask to an expect perhaps they may feell embarassed09:28
czajkowskibut would ask someone in their community09:28
czajkowskieveryone differs09:28
philipballewczajkowski, that makes sense. I should pop into the uk channel sometime09:32
popeyphilipballew: back in ~2007 I had more karma on lp than anyone else (including all the developers) simply because i spent all day answering launchpad questions. I found it a great way to get involved. Less so now, I'd point people at askubuntu09:55
philipballewpopey, thats a good point. I like askubuntu mainly because I dont have to spend days reading through a form for an answer.09:56
* philipballew should get more lp karma09:56
smartboyhwphilipballew, lp karmas doesn't mean everything09:57
philipballewsmartboyhw, they mean something to me. They make me feel warm inside.09:57
czajkowskiit's true09:57
czajkowskiI get at least 2 questions a week regarding peoples karma09:58
czajkowskitey want it09:58
czajkowskiand keep track of it09:59
popeyi think the algorithm was broken for lp karma for a while10:02
popeythe fact that I (as a non-dev) could get millions of karma for just answering support questions seems a bit wrong ☺10:02
popeyits fixed now tho10:02
bkerensapopey: you guys do quite the harlem shake there in the UK10:05
popeyi personally hate both the harlem shake and gangnam10:05
popeyand all other massively contrived "memes"10:05
popeysee also: planking10:05
bkerensapopey: :)10:06
czajkowskiphilipballew: you don't like memes you say :p10:07
czajkowskipopey: ^10:07
czajkowskiyo're the subject of a few though ;)10:07
philipballewczajkowski, I love memes!10:07
czajkowskiI do as long as tey don't fill up my RSS feed :)10:09
popeyi like some memes, but not the forced / contrived ones10:14
smartboyhwhiyas elfy10:17
smartboyhwelfy, I got Ubuntu membership yesterday:)10:17
elfyI saw10:17
smartboyhwelfy, :)10:19
philipballewsmartboyhw, did they teach you the secret handshake?10:19
smartboyhwphilipballew, the secret handshake!?10:19
elfyobviously not philipballew ;)10:19
philipballewYes, the handshake everyone learns when you become a member10:20
philipballewme and elfy both know it10:20
elfybetter luck next time then smartboyhw10:20
philipballewelfy, hows your day going?10:21
elfypretty good thanks - we've been tied up in knots with the impending forum upgrade, they are untangling :D10:22
smartboyhwelfy, :)10:22
elfyhow's you philipballew ?10:22
philipballewelfy, alright, working on my talks for scale. part of my talk is on the forums actually10:23
elfyoh right10:23
elfywhat's scale?10:24
elfysouthern california something ?10:24
philipballewSouthern California Linux Expo10:24
elfyyay :)10:24
philipballewBest Linux Conference in all of Southern California10:24
bkerensaphilipballew: So the team should be arriving tomorrow afternoon10:25
elfyI'd go10:25
philipballewWhere do you live again?10:25
bkerensaphilipballew: should they meet you anywhere specific?10:25
elfybut it's a really long walk from here :)10:25
* elfy is in UK10:25
philipballewbkerensa, so I should bring my cardbord cutout of you and put it at the ff booth?10:25
bkerensaphilipballew: ;p you have a beefy miracle cutou10:26
* philipballew admits to nothing10:26
philipballewelfy, i have never been to Europe. sounds like a cold place.10:28
elfygreece is in europe :p10:28
bkerensaphilipballew: but I can make sure you get a t-shirt if you stop by10:29
philipballewbkerensa, please do10:30
philipballewbkerensa, I need to break my record of 29 shirts last year10:30
elfythat would last me years10:31
philipballewelfy, you dont throw away a shirt after each use?10:31
elfyin fact they'd give them to charity after they emptied my home10:31
philipballewthats what we do in America10:31
elfyphilipballew: throw away?10:31
philipballewelfy, :) kidding10:31
elfywhat's throw away :p10:31
bkerensaphilipballew: You can ask for Joanna at our booth I just e-mailed her to ask her to reserve one our Firefox OS shirts for you10:32
philipballewbkerensa, perfect. I am a size medium!10:32
philipballewelfy, Something we do all the time in America10:32
jared_Ubuntu tablets in the news - http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-02-19/mark-shuttleworth-promises-one-os-to-rule-the-mobile-market#r=rss11:02
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dholbachman... #ubuntu-phone is the new #ubuntu-release-party15:52
SergioMenesesdholbach, o015:53
smartboyhwdholbach, LOL15:59
smartboyhwThe images~!!!!!!16:01
mhall119patience smartboyhw16:01
smartboyhwmhall119, LOL16:02
smartboyhwmhall119, we still don't know how to install anyway:P16:02
jonoupvotes please :-)16:09
smartboyhwjo-erlend, one vote from me16:10
vibhavjono: here, have an upvote16:52
vibhavAnyways, fantastic work :)16:53
cprofitthello all16:55
jo-erlendsmartboyhw; what a pleasant mistab. :)17:57
Tm_Tcprofitt and czajkowski thanks for your help and time (:18:41
cprofittyou are welcome18:41
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